#is this post about rose quartz
candyskiez · 7 months
you ever see a character and go "wow, this character is so nuanced and morally gray! their actions and morals don't always align! they're complicated and make bad decisions and behave painfully realistically! I hate them and love them at the same time and that's on purpose! they're so cool! .... fan content is going to misinterpret them completely, isn't it."
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quikyu · 7 months
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My favorite steven universe character is that one rose quartz from future who looks like steven's mom but isn't
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animaniacs16 · 11 months
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Wow I love the story of an individual from a “perfect” society that has a distant (or disdainful) view of humans, until they find themselves in a situation involving humans and the human world. Said situation leads to a realization, possibly an extidtential crisis, about their role in their society and the enticing thought of choosing their own destiny.
They start falling in love with the idiosyncrasies of humanity and championing the innate, yet complicated, goodness within humankind. They love the little things that humans do subconsciously or without noticing, and the small annoyances that humans bemoan, such as burning oneself on TV dinners or making doctors appointments.
Eventually, they find themselves with the opportunity to experience (or bring a new being to experience) humankind for themselves, and take it after reflecting on the human condition and what it means to be human. While funny, the story is an unexpectedly poignant reflection on humankind.
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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I probably drew this while being in a dark place.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
thinking about how since kusuo stays away from popular things since he hears spoilers about them all the time, he would be like the perfect person to info dump to
that is, if he would let you
which he probably would, he'd just be quietly annoyed about it
but picture people like akechi, yumehara, kuboyasu, kaido, aiura, etc who def have special interests or hyperfixations and can just tell saiki all about them because youll hardly ever catch him being like "i wanna watch that show, dont spoil it"
just was thinking about how aiura and yumehara would definitely watch silly shows together like steven universe or gravity falls and they go to saiki to talk all about the plot twists when they come up in their binges cuz anyone else who hasnt seen the shows would just be like "dont tell me the plot twists, what if i wanna watch it.." but he doesnt care cuz hes heard it all
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hooved · 7 months
quark would definitely get an abortion but odo wouldn't. just because i think odo personally would really want to be a mother if he was ever physically capable of getting pregnant
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thatone-highlighter · 6 months
I just got through the Earthlings arc during my SU rewatch and im absolutely facinated by Jaspers character
She’s such an effective antagonist for so long because she clashes with every other character so fundamentally. She’s got this completely foreign to the show worldview that is shown to be contrary to what the rest of the show is trying to say but she still feels like a real person and when you think about her she’s just as much a product of her circumstances as anyone else. She doesn’t want to talk it out with Steven because why would she? She was literally born to fight as has been doing so since the second she was born, it’s all she’s ever known and has been drilled into her head that that’s what’s expected of her, she’s rewarded for fighting well and watches as others are punished for doing badly, either by losing or by facing consequences for failing.
And then there’s the whole “perfect solider” part of her character. She was literally born more capable and with a higher status than everyone else. But because of the way home world is structured to reward her and punish people like the off-colours, she’s been indoctrinated into thinking that the reason she came out on top had nothing to do with how she was made and everything to do with her behaviour and attitude. Peak “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” type person but because it’s a fictional story you can see what happened to make her this way. Her and amethyst are fundamentally different, they’re different quartzes, they were born in different places, they were just created differently, from the start jasper was always going to be better at some things than amethyst and amethyst would be better at others than jasper. But because of the way jasper has been “raised” for lack of a better word she doesn’t see that, she doesn’t understand that her and amethyst are simply different gems who were made different, she’s better at fighting and is picture image of what a quartz “should” be so that means it’s possible and anyone who can’t live up to that standard simply isn’t trying hard enough. And she even manages to get that into amethysts head, if jasper is capable of this then that means that amethyst must be too, even tho that’s simply not true. Through no fault of her own amethyst would have to try infinitely harder to achieve even close to where jasper is, jasper started out with a huge head start and trying to play catch up does nothing but hurt amethyst. It’s such a good analogy for so many things I think
Her main role in the story is serving as a character who simply refuses to talk it out with Steven, but again, why would she? From her perspective the entire reason her life is like this, she reason shes spent her life fighting endlessly, all the suffering shes lives through, its his fault. Rose Quartz started the war she was quite literally born to fight in. Rose Quartz also ended that same war by killing the only person jasper ever had to look up to, forced her out of the only reason she had for existing (both as in to fight the war and to serve Pink Diamond). And then heres Rose Quartz once again, saying she wants to help her? Where was she offering help when jasper when she was living to fight as much as she was fighting to live? Where was this „help“ when she shattered Pink Diamond and Jaspers entire world with her? „Help“? Help my ass shes the reason everything thats gone wrong in jaspers life went wrong in the first place
And then she gets poofed at her lowest point, gets removed from the story entirely until Future, and Future does nothing to make anything better for her! Last jasper knew the person shes been seeking revenge on her entire existence cant even be bothered to remember what she did, and then she loses herself to the Earth and corruption, the very things she prided herself on being better than.
And then suddenly shes brought back and „hey guess what! That war we created you to fight in? The one you created your entire person around? The one you lost Everything in? Yeah so it was pointless. Actually the person you idolised for the past 6000 years is the same person who you thought killed her and have been seeking vengeance on for the same amount of time. Crazy how that happens. Anyways so do you wanna come hang out with us now that we sorted that out and were chill about it?“
Can you even IMAGINE what that feels like? No wonder she runs off into the woods and becomes a hermit what else is she supposed to do! Shes got nowhere to go! Her entire life has been turned on its head and she’s expected to just move on! That’s ridiculous!
And thats just the backdrop for her appearance in Future. When she finally does appear they kill her and thats the first and only time we ever see her happy. Someone Finally speaks to her in a way she can understand and she actually dies, and uses that to find herself a purpose. If steven is powerful enough to shatter her, a feat never before seen by a gem, then sure she can serve him, anything to give her life purpose again. and then they just forget about her! Steven literally ditched her in his house! They pull the rug out from under her Once Again. but now she can be „normal“ now she can do what other people want her to do so they all assume shes „better“ now.
I think future did her so dirty the original show handles her character So Well and im not really sure how else they could have gone further with her character because people like Jasper in real life dont really change. And if she were to change and agree with steven it would feel like the show saying steven was right and jasper was wrong and she should have listened to him from the start. Shes such an interesting character to delve into because shes the antagonist yes but shes a very specific type or antagonist that doesnt appear very often and when it does its not with as much backstory, even if just implied, or delving into the thoughts behind the actions. Its so interesting to me
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gracebethartacc · 4 months
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twirls hair. Guess who figured out how they wanted Wishing Star aging system to function in their au
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mbat · 1 year
characters who haunt the narrative despite being long gone my beloveds
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
emilie agreste and rose quartz.. the same
#the. what's that one post about characters who aren't in the story but are in every part of the story#the way emilie and rose are both so revered in their narratives#and leave such a gaping hole#i find stories about the absence of someone so interesting#ive spent so long trying to decide how i would characterize emilie if I were ever to write her#and eventually I made a list of things that adrien is that he got from his dad and things that adrien is that he definitely did NOT#get from his dad#and then i decided to attribute THOSE things to my perception of emilie#and I love the idea of borrowing from rose quartz's complex of becoming whatever the people around her wanted her to be#so that they all elevated her but had different ideas about who she actually was#& how she was actually so deeply insecure and doubtful about who she really was#that she decided to leave#very emilie to me.#think a lot about how adrien impulsively reflects what people want from him#(he's a mirrorball girl if you get what I mean)#and how he's just so universally adored#how he doesn't have a strong sense of self because he is always performing just as much as he is experiencing.#his expression of self is always at least somewhat impacted by who's around him and what they want or expect from him#and he didn't get that from gabe. gabe doesn't model that at all.#so I think it would be interesting if he got it from emilie#because she WAS universally adored. the same way adrien is.#look at what she did to adrien. to nathalie. to gabe. everyone who knew her loved her so completely#but she's also someone who would leave them all behind#I think that emilie taught adrien the idea of self-sacrifice as an expression of love. I think she taught him how to hate yourself#and be loved by everyone else#I think emilie messed him up too.#anyway YES tumblr user mari-monsta. yes I do think about that#ml#anna rambles#thirteen
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weedle-testaburger · 5 months
please stop haunting the narrative babe, you're scaring everyone
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alex-just-vibing · 1 day
shput out to me accidentally staying up till like 2 am writing last night
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rosecolordvisionz · 8 days
Lolz Rose edit !!!
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ancientgreekyuri · 3 months
girls when they learn that despite the pain and suffering they've experienced it's still possible to find genuine joy and happiness in the future
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ectoplasmer · 10 months
two years. Where do I even start with this
I'm not going to try to act like these characters have been with me through some super hard part of my life within the past two years, because they haven't. I've had a normal life with nothing too big happening that completely disrupts me from my day-to-day experiences in the last few years. But I'm not going to let that fact invalidate all the smaller and tinier stresses and spirals they've helped me through. And believe me, I have a lot of those.
They have been there for the mornings when I'd wake up too early and be unable to fall back asleep, the afternoons I spent poring over essays I could've started days ago, the nights I spent stubbornly staying up much too late. They've been there for each silly overthinking session I had, for each nervous ache I got, each stumbled and rushed phrase I spoke. They've been there for when I would be nervous to walk into some crowded aisle in the store, when I would pace around the room because something had gotten me worked up, when I would get so many emotions over something and tear up over it. Every new habit, every new interest, every little victory and small loss... they've been there with me through it for the past two years. And I really don't know how to voice how new and different this is for me.
I don't usually hold onto interests for this long. I'll get into something and it'll occupy my mind for maybe eight months until something else grabs my attention and I move on to the next thing. Any past f/os I had wouldn't stick around this long. Sure, I'd still love the character, I'd still see them as my favorite character from their series, but they wouldn't move on with me to the next interest. And while I will admit that I have loved all of my f/os, current and past, very deeply, none of them seem to really compare to the love I have for my boys now. I remember being so nervous to get into something new because I was worried that I'd lose interest, that the feelings I have for them would be replaced with something that feels lesser and less fulfilling. It sounds silly when I type it out, but it was genuinely something I was afraid of. I didn't think I could ever love anyone the way I love them, and to an extent, I still feel this way.
But, geez, if they were to follow that usual formula, they are a whole 16 months late. And guess what? I have gotten into other things, picked up other shows, other books, and they are still here. I still love them, they still occupy my mind all too much, I still think about them. This silly series still has me in a choke hold after two years and I genuinely don't think it's going away for a while yet. I was literally smiling like an idiot over some cards that reminded me of them earlier, got happy over seeing a picture of one of them unprompted the other day... I'm still so in love with them and I truly hope that doesn't end any time soon <3
It feels so nice to be able to get into things with all of them. It's nice having someone to watch and read things with and getting to imagine how they'd react over things, what things we could discuss and joke over, what specific things would interest them more than others... A lot of our time when we first got together was spent watching movies because I was overly aware of the fact most of them probably didn't get to experience the life I did. They didn't get the chance to have the childhood I had, be it because of the fact they're not even from this century, or because of the circumstances of how they were brought up. I make an effort to try and include them in everything I do, consciously or not, because I want them to be able to have the chance to experience as many things as possible. I even think about them being there with me during classes, as silly as that sounds, so it's been extra fun being able to genuinely get into things with them beside me without worrying about losing them or whatever.
I'm sure I've been over this before, but I've never been this involved with my f/os before. Like I said, I genuinely did love all of my past ones, but that love feels so much more indirect than the love I have for my current f/os. I don't think I've ever referred to a character as my "boyfriend" or my "partner" as casually as I do for my boys. I don't remember using the term "love of my life" for anyone else as often as I do for my boys. I don't even remember being caught up thinking about how much I want to marry a character as much as I have for my boys. This all feels so much more serious for me because of that. So much newer and unknown and just... baffling? In a way? It feels like so much more than anything else from before. As cliche and silly as it might be, I genuinely think they are the loves of my life. I don't know where I'd even be without them. I don't know who or what else could possibly take up this much space in my life, in my brain, in my heart. I just... I love them so much. And I've gotten to do that for two full years. And that's so insane to me.
I've loved getting to go to sleep at the end of my day and getting to imagine them holding me and sharing my bed with me, I've loved getting to go through whatever routines I have and imagining them going through their own beside me, I've loved getting to sit while doing my own thing and imagining them there with me. I've loved getting to have them in my life, I've loved getting to be all giddy and happy over them, and I've loved getting to love them. One year was insane enough for me, but two years is just so much more. I think with every year it'll just be as baffling as the last for me. And I'm not saying this with the usual sense of "if we make it another year", because by this point I'm not putting anything past them. I think I probably will be here again next year writing a post at an ungodly time of night just like I am now. That won't stop me from being so blown away each time.
so here’s to two years of me and these dorks. I’m already excited to see where the next one will take us <3
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steloiv · 8 months
i think we all need to have a talk about the correlation between good omens and steven universe...
and yes i'm looking at the "we're non-binary supernatural beings but have been living on earth for a few thousand years, have lived through war etc., and have learned to love humans and everything in earth and will do everything in our power to protect everything on it, even if it goes against everything we fundamentally believed in" kinda plot .
and also the "we'll willingfully go to war against our home planets/head offices just to protect humanity and earth and the lives we've carved for ourselves here on earth all these years" kinda plot
ALSO from what we've seen in gomens s2, ain't just crowley and rose quartz the HUGEST earth/humanity/life loving-beings ever ??
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