#is it still a crackship if you keep thinking about it after a month
nothingsaa · 1 year
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I am mentally ill
No but really that sfm of tf2 vs fortnite changed me
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seeing as it’s now been one year since the last chapter of slippery slopes was posted, i decided to make a big sappy post talking about what this fic has meant to me over the last two and a half years
i started writing slippery slopes after a bolt of inspiration struck me on this post. i’d tried writing my fair share of long fics prior, most of them remaining unpublished and all of them unfinished. i’m not quite sure what made me think i could write slippery slopes other than a strong desire to write the alenoah fic i wanted to read but that didn’t exist at the time. slippery slopes was the 30th fic posted in the alenoah tag, which didn’t have any finished long fics at the time. i think if you told 2021 pj that in two years there would be over 600 alenoah fics, many of them tdwt rewrites, their head would explode.
i honestly had no idea what i was jumping into when i started writing slippery slopes. looking back, i was very insecure about my writing. i’d actually forgotten about that until i was reading some posts i’d made while i was still writing it, where i wondered if i was going to be able to pull off the miscommunication plotline and the unplanned alecourtney friendship. almost every announcement of a chapter draft being completed included me saying i felt weird about it, or thought it was bad. i felt incredibly uncomfortable writing serious angst and when that started playing an important role in the fic at around chapter seven i feared that my writing was awful and other people would dislike it the way i had. i genuinely don’t think it hit me that slippery slopes was a popular fic until a few months before it became the most kudosed fic on ao3.
back then, i was able to understand why other people liked slippery slopes, but i couldn’t read it without cringing. i’m not sure when exactly the switch flipped—probably after i finally finished it and was able to distance myself from the writing process—but it became a fic that i’m incredibly proud of. i can reread it now and enjoy it without cringing in the slightest. i was able to see my writing as good, and well-crafted. i will always appreciate slippery slopes as a fic where i grew incredibly as a writer. i understand how to plan out long fics while still allowing for spontaneity. i can comfortably write angst. i feel strong in my choices for characterization and friendship even if it may seem unconventional. i have so much more confidence in my writing now, and a lot of that is thanks to you all.
other than desperately wanting an alenoah tdwt rewrite fic, a huge part of why i wrote slippery slopes was because i felt lonely in the td fandom and was hoping that this fic could connect me with more people out there. and boy oh boy it sure has. and not just the plethora of alenoah shippers—way more than i expected—but there were also people who didn’t ship alenoah, but still stayed for the story, and people who had never considered alenoah but gave my fic a chance and ended up shipping it anyway. when i didn’t believe my writing was good, there were many, many kind commenters who showed my fic love and encouraged me to keep going with it. and even now, there are commenters whose fresh excitement make me feel like all the time i spent on this fic was so, so worth it. and they all inspire me to keep writing. 
i may be a good writer, but i don’t think i can ever fully express what everyone’s support has done for me. i still struggle to wrap my mind around the fact that there are dozens of drawings of my fic that you all have made! that’s crazy! i am so, so lucky to have such wonderful readers, and i hope you all know how incredibly grateful i am. slippery slopes would not exist without you. this was a joint effort. it’s amazing to me how a spontaneously started fic for a crackship ended up changing the total drama fandom landscape the way it did. who would’ve guessed that a simple whim to write an alenoah fic could become quite the slippery slope.
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oklotea · 2 months
Hello EAH fandom, I present to you my newest crackship,
Daring Charming x Humphrey Dumpty.
After an entire lifetime of breaking his bones and multiple chronic illnesses, most people become completely unfazed of it. But he never does. He's sick and tired and sad. This is what started his disinterest and all around disdain towards most people who have it much much better than him. They don't care about him, they just know him as the tech kid who is always experiencing pain, so why should he care about them? He only tolerates a handful of people and, likes only 2 or 3. And he isn't that popular either. Who cares. He doesn't.
Daring Charming has everything. He's kind, handsome, chivalrous, VERY POPULAR, and rich. He knows exactly why he was born, he's a prince who helps and saves people, is beloved by everyone, and will end up marrying apple white. And he is very ok with that arrangement! He's very ok with most things! Because he's ok with most things, he doesn't really think further than that until it discomforts him. Besides people don't really look at him to have opinions or original ideas and thoughts, people don't think of him THAT deeply! And he's also cool with that. It's not what he's made for.
Humphrey keeps falling off of things and slipping and all around almost hurting himself horribly and Daring is always somehow there to save him. Always catching him and shit. It embarrasses Humphrey a lot but Daring is always cool about it, as he is with most things. This song and dance happens every so often and it always gets Humphrey feeling very very stupid about it. He isn't used to this.... What, commitment? From anyone? If he could say anything about Daring Charming is that he's VERY COMMITTED to keep up this ruse that he actually cares enough about Humphrey to always save him from feeling shittier than usual. At least that's what Humphrey tells himself every time Daring Charming makes his way into his mind. It's better to hold that strict belief, than believe... Anything else. He's too busy and tired for this shit. Besides, outside of that song and dance, and the stupid silly short conversations that surround them, they're at the end of the day not a part of each other's lives.
Until one day Humphrey had a great big fall and... For the first time in months he broke a bone, and now he feels a bit more sick and tired. Great. Daring for some reason wasn't there. It broke Humphrey for like, a minute over it, but then he just shoves those feelings away and decided that it doesn't matter. Daring never made ANY PROMISES he would always be there for Humphrey. And Humphrey is stupid. He's stupid.
Humphrey decides to do some work that he's been tasked to take care of for Blondie's mirror cast in bed, and everything is quiet. When suddenly he hears some very loud footsteps running up to his door, and someone barges in. And it's Daring Charming. Errrmmmmm what the fuck
Daring's jaw is agape, in disbelief... He quickly gets down on the floor next to Humphrey's bedside and expresses how sorry he is that he could even allow this to happen, almost sobbing as he explains. Humphrey is still processing him being here, completely baffled.
Humphrey sputters over his words and tells Daring that he shouldn't be sorry, it's not his responsibility any way. And then Daring cheerfully says that he had made it his responsibility for a while now. Wait. What.
Humphrey felt his face heat up, and once again he felt even more stupid. Just how easy is he to flatter?
Daring ends up telling Humphrey that he's going to make it up to Humphrey, by hanging out with him, and doing whatever Humphrey asks him too. He's going to be the most helpful friend Humphrey has ever had. For CHIVALRY!
Humphrey stares at him and says with a straightface, don't you have shit to do?
Daring smiles and answers, nope!
They do actually end up becoming real friends, and Humphrey pretends those old feelings aren't there anymore. Conversations with Daring are really really funny and intertaining, and this guy is actually like, really nice! And for once it was nice to have a friend you don't only interact with because of work or classroom projects. Like, if Humphrey could hang out with anyone... He would want to be with Daring. And that's weird. What the fuck.
Humphrey is always tired and pissed off about something, but the air seems to turn light and easy when Daring's around, and it's hard to not be effected by it.
It makes Humphrey very, very happy whenever Daring compliments and recognizes the hard work he puts into multiple school projects that have a technical division. And Humphrey found out that Daring is very good at giving compliments.
Errmmmmmmm nerd x popular guy moon x sunshine "I want to see more out of nowhere daring ships okay goodnight"
Omg why did I write so much this was supposed to be a dumb little post about this dumb little crackship but WHOOPS! hand slipped and this half baked mess is born. I honestly reallyyyyyyy like this dumb ship. I need more of these idiots. If anyone wants to feed into my delusions and see my vision feel free to add on. ALSO WE NEED A SHIP NAME.
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bohemian-nights · 8 months
Daemon and Rhaena, are your crackship?😂 Do you have any HC regarding them?
Rhaemon headcanons coming through😈
Okay to start I don’t think that as soon as Laena Daemon thought let me go marry my youngest daughter as soon as she’s legal. Yes, he’s a Targaryen, but even they have their limits. The parent-child line has never been crossed before.
So obviously in this scenario, he never marries Rhaenyra.
Daemon was going to head back to Pentos with the girls in toe after the funeral, but to keep him in Westeros his brother forces Rhaenyra back to Kings Landing and gifts him Dragonstone.
Baela still is fostered at Driftmark(Rhaenys tries to foster them both, but he says no) so it’s just him and Rhaena occupying the insland. He still ignores her though.
Rhaena is extremely isolated on Dragonstone. Her mom just died and her sister, her best friend has gone away, and her father acts like she doesn’t exist.
She tries so hard for him to pay attention to her for I think the first couple of months, but then he snaps at her(as she asks him if he would take her out to ride on Caraxes when she was little and he tells her she isn’t a child anymore and dragons aren’t for joyrides), which causes her to become closed off to him(and to pretty much everyone else) as well.
He’s always kept his distance emotionally because it’s not just that she has his vulnerability, it’s also the fact that she reminds him of Laena which is why he can’t let her go.
He can’t let her go off to Driftmark with Baela because what if she gets hurt? What if someone hurts her? What if she hurts herself? He has to be physically there to keep the monsters away. He couldn’t save Laena, but he could save her.
So he’s there, he’s trying to be a father to her, but just not there in the way she needs him to be.
As the years go by he really starts to see how much she’s like Laena or himself. Like he’ll see her passing by him in the hall and he sees Laena standing there in her place. Or like on rare occasions, they share a meal and he sees her smiling and there is something in it that makes him see his younger self. It’s really a mind f*ck, but he tries to put it out of his mind.
It wasn’t until she was around 15 that he started to question things.
I can imagine them visiting Kings Landing or Driftmark for a feast, a tourney, or to celebrate Baela’s nameday.
There is dancing of course and some greenboy who has been making eyes at Rhaena for a while asks for her hand in the next round.
Here is where Daemon starts to lose it.
He’s been acting pretty strange since they sat down to feast. He has Rhaena sitting at his side, which he never does. He’s taken Rhaena’s hand and won’t let go of it. He’s whispering in her ear and trying to make her laugh. He’s even kissed her on the cheek. He is being extremely attentive and it's very weird.
Now to onlookers and even Rhaena herself nothing about what he’s doing screams inappropriate. It’s not abnormal to have your daughter at your side. His hand is respectably placed. It’s not weird to place a peck on her cheek. His not saying anything dirty, but it’s all a bit alarming to her.
She starts to think he’s sick and dying, because why else is he being nice to her, but then the boy approaches, and Daddy dearest tells the boy to go f*ck off.
Rhaena of course doesn’t think anything of it because he’s her father. She writes it off as him being overprotective and the reason for his weird behavior. So she places a kiss on his cheek and takes the boy’s outstretched hand.
Daemon is pissed off. He was already glaring at the boy, but now he’s shouting daggers into his back the whole time he sees him twirling her around.
Another round starts, he thought his torture would be over, but they keep going. He knows that he should be happy for her, she’s smiling and laughing, but Rhaenys comes over and makes a comment about a betrothal, and then he’s out of his seat and storming from the dias to the dance floor to take Rhaena to bed.
I think it’s a rather spur-of-the-moment decision that he chooses to marry her. It hits him with this incident that she is not his to keep forever.
Shamefully he can picture Baela, with a lord husband, the children she has with him, everything, but for some reason, he can’t picture the same for Rhaena. He can’t picture her ever being away from his side, but that’s impossible.
He goes back and forth over things. He receives a letter from Rhaenyra(it’s the usual asking him to marry her/betroth their children/the greens are out to get her), but it makes him make up his mind.
Rhaena is completely caught off guard by the whole thing.
They are back on Dragonstone's shores and Daemon has gone back to ignoring her. Until one night he invites her to join him in the library. He offers her some wine, they go over their family tree, the history of old Valyria, and their traditions.
That’s fine, but it gets weird when he has them standing in front of one of those hideous Valyrian porn tapestries and talks about how his brother had married Rhaenyra after Aemma died they could’ve avoided Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra birthing bastards. The Gods wouldn’t punish them for it. No more than they would for a man lying with his own sister.
Rhaena is disturbed but writes it off as just another manifestation of his obsession with all things Valyria. She tells him that it’s getting late, and tries to exit stage left, but then he grabs hold of her.
He begins to rub down her arm, tells her that she's become so beautiful, and then brings her hand to his lips and places a kiss on the back of it. It lingers, but he lets her go, and she wastes no time running off to her chambers.
The morning comes and she blocks out the previous night. As she's going about her day she's relieved to not come across Daemon. She retires early. Thinking that if she does so he won't bother to call her to come to the library.
She's in her night clothes when some maids arrive at her chambers. One with a set of Valyrian wedding robes. Her heart drops when she sees them, thinking back to last night.
The whole time the maids help her are helping her dress she's telling herself that this isn't happening. She's on autopilot when she arrives on the beach. Right until she sees a Septon and her father in a matching set of robes waiting for her🔥🐉
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Despoe 😏
When I started shipping it: I kind of knew about it in the background as a crack ship for awhile, but in earnest? A few months ago tbh when I sort of rediscovered secondhand the fact that the wonderful Jill Thompson Season of Mists mangas exist, with the help of people like you who also thought the pair was actually really cute so it wasn't just a "is literally ANYONE else thinking about this" situation. :) <3
My thoughts: God. Again it started as a crackship but it's become so real to me, I can't lie. They are unconventional but absolutely wonderful just as a concept. Let them be happy together. Let Despair have her human poet. It's what she deserves, goddammit.
What makes me happy about them: That they have a Gomez and Morticia Addams vibe, the fictional version of this real life poet dude writes morbid shit and Despair is the personification of sadness and yet she gets flustered when she notices him?? He genuinely sees inspiration and creativity in her and makes something where others see only darkness? Like in a weird gothic couple way they make sense. Also as I've said before there is really something genuinely deeply touching to me on a personal level about the idea that everyone has someone who loves them, including Despair. In her case of course she has multiple someone's, platonically in the case of her siblings but also with Despoe she gets romance. And isn't that what many people want, the hope that even at our lowest we'll still be lovable to someone?
What makes me sad about them: That they aren't technically canon anywhere else...but they're canon in my heart.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: So, yeah, there is SO LITTLE FIC of these two or Despair in general, I don't really gave an answer to this. I haven't yet been successful in even finding this pair of A03 yet. So...
Things I look for in fanfic: More. Of. It. This is a canoe of rarepairs.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Okay SO yes I know I've said I'm over how a certain ship and character (cough Dr*mling ahem ahem) have taken over the Sandman fandom to the detriment or reduction of so many other characters to the point where it feels totally inescapable without tag filtering out 3/4ths of the entire fandom BUT. But. @softest-punk and their Hobsbandverse au is just. It's so good and everybody is given great dynamics and characterization in it, I will die on this hill. And Despair gets like, the most genuine love and appreciation as a character that I've ever seen outside of this tiny dedicated corner of you me and a very few others. But I haven't really seen any other ships for her period, let alone any that really compel me.
My happily ever after for them: Where Death grants him a similar exemption because she likes to see her sister happy (or as close as she'll ever get to happiness) so Despair gets to keep her boyfriend.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: They trade off because Poe likes to be held and surrounded by his muse. But also, honestly, Despair doesn't get a lot of people who want to hold her. Basically the only people we ever see get close and physically affectionate with her in any way are her twin and Destruction. So she deserves to be the little spoon and I think she thus tends to get cuddled a little more often.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Poe writing as Despair inspires him and admires his work.
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🌈 Charlie has a puppy named Cerberus (yes, that Cerberus). He was a gift from Lilith because she knew her daughter loves dogs, but... All dogs go to Heaven, and Cerberus was the only one she could find. Even so, Charlie loves him dearly.
🌈 Sometimes Charlie will bring Cerberus to the hotel, but Alastor is never to be found during those times.
🌈 Charlie is in an arranged marriage with Seviathan, but is currently dating Vaggie. It will be several hundred years before they get married.
🌈 Charlie hates Seviathan and Helsa.
🌈 She thinks lowly of imps, hellhounds, and other low-class demons because she was brought up that way.
🌈 Charlie is the second most powerful demon in Hell, following her father- and only getting stronger.
🌈 She hates getting violent, especially with magic, and will only do so as a last resort. She prefers to talk things out to get a better understanding of the situation.
🌈 She's nice to everyone, even if they are rude to her. But if they've hurt someone she cares about or does something truly awful, then she will be cross towards them. This is a very rare case.
🌈 Charlie doesn't like using her demon form and tries her best to conceal it. She hides it because she's afraid it'll scare people, and that's not the type of image that she wants. Even so, it might slip out if she's excited or upset. The most she'll ever willingly show is her wings, tail, and horns.
🌈 One of her duties was to keep track of every sinner-class demon in Hell, but after the population spiked, she lost count.
🌈 She is responsible for signaling the end of each Cleanse by sending a flare into the sky.
🌈 One of her duties requires her to contact every prince/princess of Hell every 6 months to check in on them.
🌈 Charlie doesn't like children.
🌈 She loves Disney movies, especially the princess ones.
🌈 Call her Charlie! She doesn't like all that formal stuff.
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🌈 Demon Transformation
🌈 Pyrokinesis
🌈 Super Strength
🌈 Flight
🌈 Spell-Casting
🌈 Immunity
🌈 Power Negation
🌈 Shape-shifting
🌈 Super Stanima
🌈 Anger-Induced Empowerment
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🌈 This blog takes place when the hotel receives new patients daily, despite many demons still thinking it's a joke. She has yet to successfully redeem a demon, but things are going pretty well so far.
🌈 The blog is somewhat selective.
🌈 This blog is canon-divergent, and may develop an entirely new story than the show. Think of it as an AU of sorts.
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🌈 Goes by Mun, Admin, Mod, Blightcon, or Blight.
🌈 Transmasc
🌈 Pronouns are He/They
🌈 When Mun speaks, his text will be in bold.
🌈 19 years old
🌈 Main blog is @blightcon
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🌈 Be respectful to me, my muse, and each other unless you are in-character.
🌈 You may @ the blog.
🌈 I am not required to answer your asks. If I don't, do not assume I'm ignoring you.
🌈 Minors, do not interact. If I suspect/find out you are under 18, I will block you.
🌈 If I get something wrong, feel free to correct me.
🌈 Crackships are welcome, but not if they are forced or illegal.
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: Shoutout to all of those beautiful, incredible supportive and awesome people who encouraged me to write this Emeriel (Azriel x Emerie) one shot. I really like this crackship, and I’m hoping we see more of Emerie in the next acotar books.
With this, I’m officially in ghost mode till acosf and for some time after its release (probably a month). My askbox and dm are open for prompts tho! So feel free to send me any writing requests!!
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Falling in Shadows
Azriel was lost.
Not lost as in ‘I don’t know the Cauldron where I am’. Not in the physical way lost.
No, Azriel was lost in the emotional way. Lost as in ‘What the Cauldron I am feeling?’
If he was to be honest with himself, he had been feeling like that for quite some time now. Ever since Cassian had asked him to go to that wooden building and spied a certain female through the clothier’s window.
Azriel was usually uncomfortable around other Illyrians. He sometimes forgot he too was one, his hatred for his people in some occasions being so unbearable he found himself a youngling once again, locked in that dark cell, denied the skies.
How could he be an Illyrian, feel like one, when his own people had cast him aside? Had tried to strip him of his heritage?
That was one of the motives he avoided going to Windhaven. But after that day he visited Cassian and Nesta — he was surprised to see how their relationship was going, despite the circumstances that had made Nesta go to Illyria — Azriel found himself looking for reasons to be in Windhaven.
All because of her.
Because of Emerie, the fierce owner of that clothier.
Once he had gotten inside the shop, Azriel had willed his shadows to fade — few were the Illyrians and Fae not afraid of them, afraid of him and his job in the Night Court — and tucked his wings tight. He knew how the Illyrian females were treated. How they were supposed to look down and not talk back when in the presence of a male. He didn’t want any other reason to scary the shop owner.
To his surprise, however, he was met with a different scenario. An Illyrian female who didn’t look down, was not afraid to speak her mind and didn’t cower in his presence.
Emerie didn’t even bat an eyelash at him or his shadows, not even glancing at his scarred hands when he handed her the money — an act he was already used to.
Azriel was in and out of the shop in less then five minutes.
He met her again some time later, having tea with Nesta when came back to Windhaven. They exchanged a few words and he got even more curious about her.
And then, before he had even noticed how, they had become friends.
Azriel would pass by her shop whenever he went to visit Cassian and would chat with Emerie, sometimes joining her and Nesta for tea — Azriel dragged Cassian with him when that happened, a little scared to be beneath the sharpe of gaze of both females by himself.
Not that he told Cassian, or anyone else for that matter, the truth. He’d rather swim naked in one of Windhaven’s deathly cold lakes.
Azriel had female friends, so it was not like he was embarrassed around Emerie because of that. Feyre was his friend, as was Elain — although Feyre seemed to think there was something between him and her sister, they were only on friendly terms. Elain was still processing what had happened to her, being Made and losing everything she had, not to mention Graysen. The man was one of the finest pricks he’d ever met, but love was not rational.
Azriel and Elain understand each other in some level, her being a seer and him a shadowsinger. But nothing more.
And then there was Morrigan. He’d been in love with her. Once. And he knew she didn’t see him like that.
His feelings had faded over time, leaving only respect and brotherly affection towards her. Azriel knew he sometimes overreacted when it came to Eris, but it was not due to a lover’s anger. No, he felt guilty of what Mor had been through, years ago. He was her friend and couldn’t help her when she needed the most.
His love towards Mor may have changed, but it still hurt to see that she was keeping something from him and flirted so shameless in front of him as to keep him away. Whatever it was that she had to say, he’d understand. So he’d wait, until she was ready to talk to him.
When it came to Emerie, however, he felt something. Something different. Something he could not quite place.
Azriel also felt fear.
Fear of what that feeling may represent. Of what Emerie thought of him. He had to keep himself in check around her, least he loose control of his shadows, who always seemed to get agitated whenever they were together.
Sighing, he shook his head to try and rid himself of these thoughts. He could feel an headache coming, and he had to wake up early to met Cassian and the Camp Lords for a meeting regarding the Blood Rite. He needed sleep.
His feet, on the other hand, had other ideais. Before he knew what he was doing, they had taken him on the way to the small craftsman center of the camp, where Emerie’ shop was.
Maybe he could say he had thought of saying a quick hello, see how the things were going with her sells.
“It’s not that late yet. And I didn’t come today to see her. So a late night tea won’t hurt, right?” Azriel thought, trying to calm himself down.
He sent one of his shadows ahead to see if there was any light on the clothier, just in case. If it was off, he’d take it was a sign to leave it alone and go rest.
But when it returned, Azriel felt his blood run cold, and he quickly moved through the shadows to get there faster. And the scene in front of him made his heart stop.
The shop windows were broken, as was the door, and he could see some of the clothes thrown on the floor by the door.
Azriel heard screams.
Heard Emerie screaming.
He entered the shop to find her being restrained by a male, while two others ransacked the place.
Azriel did not fail to notice how the male holding her looked pissed. Maybe due to his bloody nose and black eye.
Azriel smiled internally. His girl would not go down without a fight it seemed.
“And just what do you think you’re doing” he said, announcing his presence.
Four pairs of eyes looked in his direction, and he got smug satisfaction at the clear fear that shined in the males’ eyes.
Specially when they saw Azriel unsheathing Truth Teller and gave free rein to his shadows.
However, in Emerie’s dark brown eyes he only saw relief.
“Close your eyes Em” he said.
And then Azriel exploded.
He had the two males pinned down by his shadows in no time, bounding their wings and squeezing their throats strong enough to leave them breathless.
And a little purple.
But the one that held Emerie... that one he would take his sweet time.
Appearing behind the male — which quickly released Emerie in hope to attempt an escape — Azriel slammed him down in the polished counter.
“What should I do with you” he snarled, bringing Truth Teller dangerously close to the male’s throat, making a thin cut in his skin.
“P-please,” the male whimpered “have mercy”
“Did you show mercy to her? Did you?!” Azriel shouted, pressing the knife harder “I should Clip you. I should Clip all of you and take my sweet time doing it”
He heard the other two males struggling against his shadows, trying to get away again. Azriel only whiled them to tighten their grip, and he swore he heard one start to cry.
“You will never appear here again. You will not bother Emerie any longer” he leaned down to whisper in the male’s ear “You will tell that to your other friends. To anyone who has ever messed with her. And if I hear that you came back — and trust me, I will — I will hunt you down myself”
“Are we clear?” he added, letting his threat sink.
“Y—yes sir” the trembling male managed to gasp through Azriel’s hold on his neck.
“Go” he said, freeing all three, who quickly left the place, running for their lives.
Azriel then turned to find Emerie with her eyes open, staring at him.
He froze. She had seen him. Had seen him act as the High Lord’s spy master. Had seen him being territorial and scary and—
“I think I’ll have to redecorate” was all Emerie said, her voice trembling a little.
Azriel couldn’t believe it. She had been attacked, her shop destroyed and she had time to make a joke.
He shook his head in disbelief and stopped in front of her, holding himself back to not touch her to see if she was hurt anywhere.
“Are you—”
Her knees gave out before he could say anything else, and he quickly caught her in his arms.
“You put your arms around me and I literally felt my kneels buckle, this is so pathetic” she scoffed, looking at the floor.
“I usually can handle it on my own” she shook her head “Nesta taught me some self defense moves. I can’t leave the shop to go for the training ring and I have no desire to be a warrior”
“This...this was the first time that more than one came” she added in a soft whisper.
Azriel felt a calm rage settle in his bones.
“This is not the first time something like this has happened,” he wanted to shake her until she got some sense in that stubborn head of hers “and you didn’t tell anyone about it”
“As I said, I usually can handle it” she snapped back, finally meeting his eyes “I was closing the shop when they appeared. I tried to fight back, but I only managed to punch one before he restrained me. If you hadn’t appeared I—”
She didn’t finish that sentence, bitting her trembling lip to keep herself from crying.
“You are one headstrong and fearless female, you know that?” he said, daring to hold her closer.
“I was scared”
And to Azriel’s surprise she buried her head on his chest, gripping his leathers for her dear life, her body shaking with silent sobs.
“I know Em” he murmured, one hand caressing her hair in comfort.
His shadows closed the door and gathered the clothes on the floor, putting them on the counter.
“I’m going to take you upstairs, okay?” he asked softly, and Emerie just nodded her head.
Gathering her in his arms, Azriel climbed the stairs to the upper part of the shop, where Emerie lived.
He decided to place her on the sofa. He didn’t want to invade her personal space and walk into her bedroom.
He carefully sat on the sofa, adjusting Emerie in his arms so she’d be comfortable. By the looks of it, she wasn’t letting go of him soon.
Not that he was bothered by that.
“Em...it’s okay. You’re safe now” he tenderly raised her head, both hands cupping her cheeks and brushing away her tears.
“Thank you. For arriving when you did” she sniffed, but then reality seemed to fall on her “Why where you around here at this hour?”
Azriel felt the tip of his ears getting hot, and he almost faded back in the shadows.
“I wanted to see you” he mumbled, so low he hoped she had not heard him.
“What was that?” she asked, and by the way she was trying to suppress a grin Azriel could tell she had heard him loud and clear.
“I’m not repeating it” he said, feeling his whole face getting hot
Emerie laughed, and the sound of her laugh was enough to put Azriel at ease.
“I wanted to see you too” she confessed, looking deep into his eyes.
Azriel could swear his heart skipped a beat at her words.
“You did?” he softly asked, afraid this was all a dream and he’d soon wake up.
“Yes” she said, and tenderly took one of his hands on hers, not flinching at the scars on them “I wanted to hear your voice”
She kissed his fingers.
“I wanted to see you trying to come up with topics to talk with me”
She kissed palm.
“I wanted to see your shadows acting all agitated and you trying so hard to control them thinking I’ll be bothered but,” Azriel took a sharp breath when she kissed his wrist “they’re not a bother. I’m not afraid of them. I like them”
Azriel was falling. He was spiralling down into himself, all the way to his shadowed heart.
“You like them?” he asked so quietly, fear lacing his every word.
“I do. They’re part of you Azriel” she interlaced their hands “What is there not to like?”
Azriel felt like crying. He felt like crying because for the first time someone outside of his family had looked at him and actually seen him.
Not a monster who killed and spied and tortured for his High Lord.
Not an Illyrian who was a traitor to his own race.
Not the quiet friend who was satisfied to be in the shadows.
Not a protector doing his duty.
Emerie saw him.
She saw all the good, the bad and the awkward Azriel so desperately tried to conceal.
And she was not afraid.
“Can I hope then?” he dared himself to ask, resting his forehead against hers “Can I hope you feel this? This feeling that I can’t quite place?”
“You can” she answered “Because I hoped you felt the same thing”
Azriel still did not know how to name this feeling between them yet. But he was sure of one thing.
He was dying to know what it was.
And Emerie would help him in every path of this discovery.
Emeriel Tags: @julemmaes @angrypotatofairy @illyrianwitchling @moe8 @thewayshedreamed @ko0mbayamylord @rosegoldannie @fourshizzle149 @arin1030 @elide-lochan-salvaterre @the-bookish-deer
Fixed Tags: @sayosdreams @thewayshedreamed @sjm-things @perseusannabeth @arin1030 @caotica-e-quieta @vidalinav @swankii-art-teacher @ireallyshouldsleeprn @duskandstarlight @greerlunna @thegoddessaltenia @dayanna-hatter @verypaleninja @awesomelena555 @courtofjurdan @allilal @sensitiveillyrian @moe8 @illyrianwitchling13 @silvernesta @bri-loves-sunflowers @queenestarcheron @imwritingthesewords @vasudharaghavan
{I ended up creating an Emeriel tag list, so please let me know if you want to be added in either the Emeriel or my Fixed Tag list}
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Summer Lovin’ (Lucien x Tarquin)
Hello all!
This fic is something new, and will be in multiple parts, updated as and when I finish the next part. It is a Lucien x Tarquin fic. I know what you’re think but I had this thought about them because everyone writes crackships, but then I told @tswaney17 and the two of us fell in love with the idea. She is to thank for this spiral.
I’m using my general ACOTAR tag list for this, but you do not have to read it. Also do let me know if you would like to be kept out of the tags for this in the future. (The title is just something for now because I honestly haven’t decided something yet😂)
Lucien’s life had been chaotic lately, but still, he hadn't quite expected this to happen, of all things.
Elain had finally said she didn't want this bond between them. He knew it was going to happen and he couldn't exactly blame her. Having it related to a traumatic experience wasn't going to be something positive, and no matter what the Cauldron thought of them matching each other, accepting the bond wouldn't have made them happy. She had the Spymaster for that, and Lucien was grateful to see how much she’d healed since seeing her as skin and bones in the library of the House of Wind. Azriel helped her and loved her; it wasn’t something predestined or whatever other shit people liked to talk about. They had chosen it for themselves, and Lucien couldn’t fault them for being happy.
Then came one of the biggest bombshells of his life.
Beron was not his father.
Though he had found out several months ago, it was still fresh in his mind, as though it were yesterday that he had been told.
Lucien still didn’t understand what he was doing in the River House. Rhysand had turned up in the human lands this morning to get him. When he’d asked why, the bastard just smiled at him. Lucien had honestly thought that the male might have been taking him to his death. But then he winnowed them into an office, Feyre sitting in the window, little Nyx in her arms and a content smile on her face. Now it was a few hours later, Nesta had been and gone, collecting her nephew for his nap, and still, he didn’t know why they had brought him here.
“Are you going to tell me what is going on now, or do I have to wait several more hours?” Rhys was just smiling from where he sat on his chair, wings hidden and humming, making Lucien roll his eyes. Feyre came to sit next to her mate, giving him a reprimanding look. She gave Lucien a soft smile.
“Just a little longer, I promise.” Feyre had barely even finished the sentence when there was a knock on the door. “There we go.” She stood, smoothing the skirts of her dress before walking towards the door, trailing light fingers over Rhys’ shoulder as she went. When she pulled the door open, Lucien could honestly say he was shocked to see that it was Helion on the other side, led by Cassian.
“Your guest, dearest sister. Please, take him.” Helion let out a low chuckle behind the general. He placed a hand over his heart, faking pain when Cassian turned to look at him.
“You wound me. Why so hasty to get rid of me?”
“If you keep looking at time the way you are, I will not be held responsible for what Nesta does to you in a jealous rage.” Helion’s retort was cut off when the female in question shouted from somewhere else in the house.
“You can take him! He’s been a pesky annoyance as of late.” Cassian disappeared then, grumbling about how she didn’t mean that, he was never annoying and Nesta was madly in love with him. Which was true,-the madly in love part, not Cassian not being annoying- anyone could see it. Lucien would never tell her about the doe eyed look she got though. He valued actually being alive.
Helion laughed again, bending down to kiss Feyre on one cheek and then the other.
“Feyre, you look as lovely as you always do. Motherhood suits you.”
“That I agree with entirely.” Rhys said as his mate welcomed the newcomer into the room, closing the door gently behind them.
“I’ve told you Rhysand, no more babes until Nyx is older.” The male nodded in agreement, though Lucien thought they were going to be having this discussion a lot in the near future. She smacked him over the back of the head when he smirked, before sitting once more. He had a feeling they were talking to each other in secret again. “Have you made it so no one can hear us?” She asked when they were all settled. Helion now sat in the chair next to him, giving him a nod, Feyre sitting on the arm of Rhysand’s seat. The High Lord of the Night Court gave a dip of his head. “Warded the moment you closed the door, my love.”
“Good. Now, onto what we brought the both of you here for.”
Helion crossed an ankle over the other knee, hands linked where they rested in his lap. The High Lord of Day was dressed in a mix of gold and black. Gold fabric covered his body. One side of his chest left bare, clothing pinned at the other, flowing down his body, belted at the skirt. It was embroidered around the hem with reds and greens, and it seemed to shimmer like glitter under moonlight. Sandals wrapped around the dark skin of his calves. “Forgive me for asking, but why such secrecy? Can you not trust your own family?”
Lucien didn’t understand why they were being so careful all of a sudden, either. Any time he’d been in here, discussing all the problems they were still trying to overcome from the war with Hybern, they’d never stopped the others inside the house from being able to hear too. Rhys tilted his head slightly to the side. “The information will leave this room when you do, and you will do with it as you see fit.”
Lucien spoke then, frustrated. “You brought me here hours ago, told me absolutely nothing on why I had to come. Just tell us what’s going on.” Rhys raised a dark brow at him, but said nothing, so he turned to Feyre. She sighed, wringing her hands together before stopping herself. It was one of her nervous traits, and nervous traits accompanied by serious conversations never boded well.
“Back when we were trying to get the High Lords to work together, to help us against Hybern, you told us a story about Lucien’s mother, Helion.”
“Yes, I did.” Lucien hadn’t known that. But he supposed looking for Myriam and Drakon meant he wasn’t privy to a lot of information. There were things from the time he was gone that he was still learning about.
“Including the affair that you had.” Lucien sucked in a sharp breath, slowly looking at the male seated beside him. Beron was not nice to his mother, he knew that. But the man had spies everywhere, always had. He would have had to have known about his mother being with Helion. And if he knew, he would have had her killed for it.
“But my mother lives. My father wouldn’t have allowed her to live after he’d found out. And trust me he knows, he always knows when his family isn’t doing exactly what he wants them to.” Beron would have wanted to set an example, a vicious one at that. He showed that with what happened to Jessminda. Thinking of her only made Lucien think fondly of their good memories together now. He was no longer attacked by grief and self hatred, though waves of sadness would come and go. On the bad days, the storm in his head made them rough and dangerous, but those were few and far between.
Feyre started to look uncomfortable, causing Rhys to continue. “To have killed her, would have caused a scandal. He was younger then, and it wouldn’t have done him any good.”
Lucien still didn’t understand and it was starting to piss him off. His fire tempted its boundaries, flames growing hotter and higher in his frustration. It felt as if it were boiling his blood, heating his skin. He pushed it down into the depths where it belonged. “The only scandal is that she wasn’t faithful. The gods know he fucking hasn’t been. But then again it was always ‘do as I say and not as I do’ with him anyway.” Feyre simply shook her head at him. He opened his mouth to say something, to say how pointless this meeting was if they weren’t going to get to the point, when Helion suddenly sucked in a sharp breath from beside him. Lucien startled slightly.
“Mother above.” He breathed. “He can’t be. No, you’re lying, I don’t believe you.” Helion just stared at Lucien when he turned to him, amber eyes wide, mouth partly open.
“I’m not lying, Helion. I figured it out that day, and I’ve also had his mother confirm, but do not ask me how. You can see why Beron hated him the most now.” Lucien was severely done with them taking but still not explaining anything to him.
“Confirm what! What are you fucking talking about?” Rhysand looked at him, not even phased by his outburst.
“Beron is not your father, Lucien.” No. No. They were lying. When he looked at Feyre, when he looked at his friend, she gave him a small nod. He looked back at the male beside him, the male who seemed to be shocked into silence by the situation.
As if Lucien’s life couldn’t get anymore fucked.
It had been months since that day. Feyre told them again that she wouldn’t say how she’d been in contact with his mother, and Lucien didn’t want her to tell him anything anyway, no matter how much he wished to find out so he could see how she was. To talk to her himself. It would put her at risk, and Lucien wouldn’t allow that. And he knew now that Helion wouldn’t either. His father. The High Lord of Day was his father. Lucien was the sole heir to the Day Court. Helion had been nothing but welcoming in the time sincerely but he never pushed. Said that it didn’t have to mean anything, if it wasn’t what he wanted. Lucien had been a little confused with his wants at first, but had decided that he wanted them to acknowledge it. Wanted them to get to know each other.
Helion asked him a few weeks ago to stay with him. They didn’t have to be in the same building, that Lucien could stay wherever he liked in the Day Court, but he did want him to stay. Lucien had found he couldn’t refuse. Jurian and Vassa had been angry with him, saying that he was just abandoning them, that clearly he’d only used them. He had tried to explain that he’d just found the one who had actually fathered him. That he wanted them to have some kind of relationship, something that was robbed from the both of them. The two wouldn’t hear it, and told him to leave. So he went. They had each been closer to each other than they ever had with Lucien anyway.
That was how he was here now, standing in the garden of the small townhouse his father had found for him, the male in question standing across from him. Helion was standing in the early morning rays, arms at his sides, golden crown absent and spouting words Lucien never thought he’d hear in his life. “You want to do what?” Lucien said, still wondering if this was something that was actually happening. Helion sighed, rubbing both hands over his face for a moment, before pulling them away.
“I know that it’s not even been that long since we’ve found out the truth. And I know I don’t have the right to ask anything of you, but I think this could be the biggest step towards allying the courts together.” Lucien could see the frustration on his face, knowing that he struggled to ask this.
“You want me to marry the High Lord of Summer?”
“Does he know that you want to do this?” Helion moved closer to him a little.
“I proposed a marriage alliance to Tarquin, but I didn’t say who. He agreed after a lengthy discussion, but only if who I chose wanted it. You know I haven’t formally announced that you are my son yet, and this would mean I’d have to.” Lucien folded his arms across his chest, suddenly self conscious.
“And you don’t want to announce it?”
“No.” Lucien stopped, hands tightening where they rested on his biceps. Helion, suddenly realising what he’d said, scrambled to backtrack. “Gods, I meant yes. Yes I want to tell them all I have a son. I just weren’t sure if you were ready for that.” His father let out an unsteady breath, meeting Lucien’s eyes for a second before looking away, only two repeat that over and over. “You don’t have to do this, but having my son marrying into another court makes the alliance stronger than if I were to pick out anyone else.” Lucien understood. And he understood wanting all of the courts to get along. It would mean they could truly live in peace, something they had all hoped for.
“I’ll do it.” Helion’s head shot up, disbelief written across his face.
“I really thought you were going to say no, probably yell at me or something.” Lucien’s brows furrowed, a red lock of hair falling in front of his face.
“Why would I do that?” Helion sighed, almost exasperated. Though Lucien noticed he didn’t hold tension in his shoulders anymore, seemed more relaxed and at ease now that Lucien had answered him.
“Because I didn’t want you to think I was using you. Also, I didn’t even ask. Do you like males? That should have been a question right? I mean, I just assumed, I shouldn’t have.” His father was rambling, and Lucien chuckled.
“Yes, I like males. And Tarquin is a good male, a good High Lord. It might not end in love but, I might get a friendship out of it.” Lucien smiled, a full grin, teeth showing. It was something he realised he hadn’t done in a long, long time. Suddenly the breath was sucked out of him, and strong arms wrapped around his body. It took a moment, but Lucien returned the gesture, hugging him back. Helion was taller than him, and nearly pulled him off of his feet.
“I’m sorry. Sorry for asking. I should have found another way.”
“It’s alright. I think this might be good for me. I had Tamlin and we both know how that ended. I didn’t fit, at the Night Court, not like they do. And Jurian and Vassa...well, I told you what happened. Maybe I’ll find a home with Tarquin.” Helion pulled back, holding his shoulders, a soft smile on his face.
“You may not think it, but you fit here. I never got to be there before, and part of me is glad because the not knowing kept you and your mother safe, but I’m here now. I want to be your father.”
“Thank you.” They decided to continue walking through the garden then. Mostly in companionable silence, occasionally asking the odd question here and there. Lucien was getting lost in his own thoughts. He wondered whether Tarquin would be okay that it was Lucien he was marrying. If they’d be able to make some kind of happy life together. The few times he’d seen him before, Lucien could admit he was attracted to him. It was easy to make conversation with Tarquin, to find common interests. There was the chance it would never turn romantic and Lucien would be okay with that, but at least he’d have a companion to live his life with.
Maybe this was his chance to get his own happy ending.
Well there it is. The beginning. You’ll see Tarquin next time I promise but I just wanted to give you something to see if you were going to like the story or not. Please be respectful, I’m tired of the ship wars. I want this to be a safe place for me to post the ideas that I have.
Tags: @myfriendscallmeraba  @thesirenwashere @elrielllll  @stars-falling @silver-flames @1islessthan3books @bamchickawowow @empress-ofbloodshed @sleeping-and-books @tswaney17 @awkward-avocado-s @courtofjurdan @junkiejosten10 @mu-si-ca-l @agem10 @harmonyindark245 @tanaquilpriscilla @starrynightsbooks @maastrash  @elriel4life @illyriangarbage @b00kworm @thewayshedreamed @rhyswhitethorn @22emmmmmm @mimianyy @stop-breathing-its-annoying
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alj4890 · 3 years
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(Ethan Ramsey x Olivia Nevarkis) (Olivia Nevarkis x Drake Walker) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Open Heart Crackship Series
A/N Picking up directly after Drake's visit and fallout. This will lead into the Christmas season, with Ethan inviting Olivia to spend the holidays with him and his father.
@jooous ​ ​ @krsnlove ​ @nomadics-stuff ​   @twinkleallnight ​ @motorcitymademadame ​
Part 5
Ethan knew something was wrong. Even without his highly attuned ability to detect the slightest tics and movements people made when dealing with pain, he still would have known that Olivia was upset.
What bothered him was that she felt the need to keep it hidden.
He thought they were well past the stage of not being completely honest. It had been one of the most difficult yet rewarding part of their ever developing relationship. It was terrifying and freeing to be able to tell her anything.
Ethan knew he needed her. He had made it a point to never allow himself to need anyone. He once believed that it was a weakness, something that any sane person should be able to do without. One should be able to stand and face whatever life threw at them without having someone there to help you through it.
Or so he thought until Naveen nearly died.
Then seeing Bryce's reaction when Casey was poisoned.
Those two situations had opened his eyes and made him come to some uncomfortable conclusions about himself.
He was human. And what did all humans share? The ability and need to love...to have someone all their own to be there during life's brightest and darkest moments.
As he finished prepping the turkey breast for tomorrow's dinner, his eyes drifted over to the one he believed was his someone.
He hoped that he had become Olivia's.
"How was your day?"
Olivia shrugged. "Fine for the most part."
Ethan washed his hands then reached for a bottle of wine. Setting two glasses out, he filled them while studying her.
Olivia muttered her thanks when he handed hers to her. She absentmindedly swirled her wine while a slight frown formed.
Ethan reached out and caressed her cheek. When her eyes met his, he allowed her to see his concern.
"Drake came to my apartment earlier." She blurted out.
"He did?" Ethan gestured for them to move into his living room. After settling comfortably on his sofa, he patiently waited for her to continue.
"Yes." She bit out. "He supposedly came on his way to his family's ranch to show me pictures of the progress on the hospital. Her frown eased at that memory. "I can't wait until you see it. It is turning out just like we hoped."
A hint of a smile formed on his lips over this shared dream of theirs coming about. "I can't wait either."
Hearing Ethan say that caused the gnawing worry to grow even more. Was it the beginning of the end for them? Drake's parting words kept repeating over and over her mind. Somehow they seemed more prophetic than insulting the longer she dwelled on them.
"You really think this Ramsey is what you need?" Drake taunted. "One day you'll leave here and he will see the real you in Cordonia. This Boston bubble you're living under is going to pop. What will he do when he sees you as a duchess, mingling amongst the court?"
"You think he'll adore you then? Just wait until he hears all the tales of your years of temper tantrums and cruelty."
"Liv?" Ethan pulled her into his arms. "What happened?"
She didn't want to tell him. She hated this fear Drake had caused in the one area she had come to love. The simple happiness she had found in Boston was now tainted with doubt. He had made her once again hate herself.
Was her act of redemption going to never end? Was she to pay for every word and action she had done for the rest of her life?
Does nothing I do matter?
She closed her eyes tight when Ethan brushed a tender kiss to her furrowed forehead.
I don't deserve someone like him.
His hand rubbed her back in soothing circles while he waited.
Olivia felt tears prick her eyes. He was the only person she had ever known to give her physical comfort. The way he held her as if she was precious to him without trying to turn it into something sexual made her want cry.
She couldn't lose this. Lose him.
But she also couldn't deceive him.
"Ethan," her voice trembled making her hate herself even more for needing him, "You know about my past with Drake."
She felt him tense yet he continued to try and soothe her.
"I do."
She looked up at him and saw his own face etched in worry.
"He...we got into an argument about that and..." It was too hard. She couldn't stand the thought of destroying the way Ethan looked at her. The way he cared for her...
"Olivia," he tried not to let his fear take over of losing her to her former lover, "are you trying to tell me that you..." He couldn't get the words out. He couldn't stand the thought of going back to how his life was before she became a central part of it.
His mind stuttered at that. Medicine had once been his central part. Everything in his adult life had revolved around it. And while it still was a big part of who he was, Olivia had somehow created a niche all her own in that center. Somewhat entwined in it, yet on a personal level, he found that every decision he had made from the moment they met were made about her. From choosing a restaurant she might like to moving to her country to work at her proposed hospital, she had become his life.
Had Drake unknowingly destroyed his life in one brief visit?
"That I what?" She asked.
His blue eyes held her green. "That you want to get back together with Drake?"
Her eyes widened. "Good Lord, no." Her nose wrinkled. "That is the last thing I want."
She felt his arms relax as they cuddled her closer. His forehead dropped against hers as he dealt with the heady relief that her admittance brought.
Realizing he had been scared she was ending things caused a need to reassure him. Her lips met his in a tender kiss. She could feel the deep longing he had for her in his response. He still held her gently as their kiss came to an end.
"What did he say?" Ethan asked.
"He was angry that I don't see the need to keep discussing why our barely a relationship had to end." She bit her lip. "Then he brought up you."
Ethan arched an eyebrow. He had not been around the man enough to form an unbiased opinion. He knew the flare of jealousy was from what he assumed was going to be an attack on his own character in the hopes of stealing Olivia from him.
"What about me?" He didn't bother to hide the annoyance tempering his tone.
"How you'll be when you see me in Cordonia." Olivia averted her eyes. "And how what we have here will be completely destroyed."
His eyes narrowed at such a choice of words. "Why would it be destroyed?"
"Ethan, you," she lowered her head into her hands for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she forced the words out. "You know some of my past already. You've witnessed my temper. But I...I used to be cruel. I've changed these last few years, and it has helped heal relationships I have with some members of the court." She looked up at him to see how he was reacting. "But Drake believes once you hear their stories and see me as the prideful duchess that you will not want to be with me."
"First off," Ethan snapped, "he doesn't know a damn thing about me or how I feel about you. From what I know of you, you deserve to walk into every ballroom with your head held high." He snorted in irritation. "They should be begging for your attention."
Olivia briefly smiled at that. Only he could turn one of her faults into a compliment.
"Secondly, I haven't been known to be the kindest doctor to work with."
"Your patients would disagree."
He huffed. "That's because I work to help them." He pulled her closer within his arms. "Jerk might be the nicest word interns and other medical staff have referred to me." Ethan pressed another kiss to the top of her head. "And my quick temper might give yours a run for its money ." He grinned when he heard her muffled laugh. "And I've never been known for being a forgiving man."
She wrapped her arms around him as she settled her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. "If anyone tells you about me, then--"
"I know who you are, Olivia." Ethan stressed. "I will never hold your past up as a standard to measure your actions by."
Silent tears slipped down her cheeks.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"Don't thank me." He grumbled. "And don't believe what Drake said." He grimaced as a thought struck. "Though I can imagine why he acted like he did."
She swiped at her stray tears. "You can?"
He nodded before resting his cheek against her head. "Who knows how I would react if this was reversed? I might have lashed out at you in frustration if you refused to give me a second chance."
She lifted her head to see his face.
He met her gaze and softly smiled again. "Especially since I am in love with you."
"You--" her lips parted in surprise, "You are in love with me?
"I am."
Olivia knew in that moment what was truly in her heart. All the questions she had asked herself that morning finally had an answer. And all because Ethan had done the one thing that no man had ever done before.
He did not judge her for her past, her name, anything. He accepted her, faults and all, and loved her for every single part.
"I love you too." She smiled against his lips. "I have never loved anyone like I do you."
Their kiss held a new edge to the usual passion. Having expressed their feelings, the need to show just how much they loved one another took over.
While clothes were beginning to be hastily tossed around the living room, Olivia's phone vibrated softly in her purse.
Hearing the beep, Drake cleared his throat. "I know I am probably the last person you want to talk to but I need to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of what I said. I wish..."
He took a deep breath. "I wish you would give me a second chance to show you that I do care the way you wanted me to. I know you're with Ramsey now, but I want to try what you asked me all those months ago. I want to be with you, out in the open."
He lifted his eyes to the ceiling of his hotel room in Kentucky. "I won't keep bothering you. I'll give you time to think it over and wait until the New Year's Eve Ball to hear your answer." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Hana said you told her you'd be back by then. I hope I didn't...didn't ruin what chance I could have."
Pausing once more, he dropped his head in his hand.
"Take care, Libby." He said softly before ending the call.
That night, Oliva felt once more at peace. In the darkness of Ethan's bedroom, she smiled at how he was spooned around her. His slow deep breaths of sleep lulled her even more into the addictive security his presence gave her.
She kept replaying his words of love in her mind. In many ways it surprised her, and yet deep down she thought she must have already known. Every action, every kind word, every kiss had revealed that he had given her his heart. And she in turn had given him hers without even realizing it.
As hard as it was to find some type of silver lining to Drake's hurtful words, she supposed she should be grateful for them. Her sharing it had possibly prompted Ethan to tell her how he felt about her.
She yawned while snuggling back against her doctor. His arms pulled her even closer as he slept.
She felt both exhausted and wired. The day had been filled with one extreme emotion after another. And yet, the words both men had said kept her awake.
Olivia didn't know if she had it in her to forgive Drake. To have someone that you actually trust bring up the worst pieces of yourself as a threat to ruin the one good thing you have...how could he do that to her? She had been hurt when he didn't return her feelings, but this fight today had damaged them to the point that she wasn't sure if she even wanted him as a friend.
I would never say something like that to him if he managed to find happiness with someone else, she thought to herself.
Ethan had been much more understanding of Drake's actions than she could ever be.
She knew it wasn't necessarily a good thing that she never gave people second chances. Why would she after all the betrayals she had suffered in life? She barely needed both hands to count the number of people she had over the years that had never betrayed her.
Had Drake entered into the category she kept for her parents, Lucretia, Constantine, and numerous nobles at court?"
I don't know, she thought. I don't know how I feel over what he did.
She thought about his voicemail. It didn't matter how sincere Drake sounded or that he now wanted to try. His apology seemed hollow. Perhaps it was because he truly didn't know her now. These months in Boston had changed her, possibly even more than she realized.
She wasn't the same proud duchess that had once sworn vengeance to anyone who opposed her. She had learned the difficult art of give and take. She made herself listen and think through everything before losing her temper or forming a hard decision. It had been an ongoing battle, but she felt that she had a somewhat better control than she once had. Today's fight with Drake had proved that she wasn't the same quick tempered, plan to skewer a person on the edge of her dagger she had once been. She had stepped out of her comfort zone and lived for the most part as a normal person, proving to herself that she truly could survive on her own in any situation.
This venture had shown her that she was more than what her ancestors had stressed a Nevarkis should be. The people in Cordonia would most likely still see her as her old self, but she knew and it seemed that Ethan did also who she truly was. Her strength, her refusal to back down from a fight, her very heart had been used for good.
Drake didn't see it. He never saw the potential she had to do something meaningful and right. Maybe it was because she hadn't allowed him to do so. Maybe they really never had a chance to see the best in one another.
Could we have found a way to happiness if we had not spent years torturing each other with our spiteful words?
Deciding that that was a thought that would probably never be answered, she closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Weeks went by too quickly for some and not nearly fast enough for others. Edenbrook had closed its doors leaving many with bittersweet emotions. Ethan, Naveen, and Olivia had spent what free time they had packing and shipping their personal belongings to Cordonia. Decisions were made for the two doctors to stay with her in Lythikos while they searched for homes of their own.
While rushing about, Amanda and Thomas came to help a week before Christmas.
On their second night together, the ladies sent Ethan and Thomas to get dinner, giving them a moment to talk alone.
"Did you come for me or for the snow?" Olivia teased when Amanda insisted the two of them take a break from packing and go for a walk.
"Since you have always had the best snow," Amanda replied with a twinkle of mischief, "I always come for you."
She laughed when Olivia snorted.
"Are you excited?" She prodded as their boots crunched in the snow.
"About finally seeing the new hospital?" Olivia linked her arm through Amanda's when they entered a nearby park. "Of course."
"I am too." Amanda took a deep breath and cut her eyes toward her friend. "And I am very excited to see you and a certain doctor together at the New Year Eve's ball."
Olivia didn't bother to mask how happy she was. "I have something to tell you."
"Ethan, he...on Thanksgiving, he admitted he is in love with me."
"About time." Amanda grumbled playfully. "Each time I visit, I see just how much he does love you."
Olivia stopped their progress through a path of lighted trees. "You knew all this time? Why didn't you tell me?"
Amanda's laughter at the death glint in Olivia's eyes echoed across the park. "Because you would have dismissed it like you always have whenever I brought up heartfelt emotions."
She placed a hand on her hip and somehow did a convincing impression of Olivia. "Please. No man can truly capture a Nevarkis heart, much less make me willing to be his," Amanda managed to twist her lips in disgust like Olivia's as she flicked her hand in a very recognizable gesture, "love slave."
Olivia rolled her eyes while struggling with her laughter. "I don't sound like that."
"Not now that you're in looovvve." Amanda responded playfully.
"Why do I share things with you?" Olivia muttered.
"Because you love me." Amanda wrapped her arm around her. "Not as much as you love Ethan, but I can live with that."
Olivia snorted again as she tried to brush it off. As hard as she tried, a soft smile formed on her lips. "You're right."
"I am happy you both know how you feel about one another." Amanda's teasing turned serious. "It would have driven you crazy with trying to guess."
"I suppose it would have irritated me." Olivia admitted. 
“I know it would have driven me insane watching you both tiptoe around the issue.” Amanda grumbled.
“It surprised me.” Olivia admitted. 
“It did? Why?”
“I--I suppose I didn’t expect it to happen.” She felt embarrassed just saying it. “I don’t think I ever thought I would meet someone to feel like that... I never thought of any of it happening to me.”
Amanda's heart ached at realizing just how damaged Olivia still was over her parents. Nothing hurt her more than seeing her friend still believe that she was unworthy of love. To be this surprised over a man falling in love with her proved how much she doubted herself. Perhaps it was why Olivia continuously pushed herself to serve Cordonia in any way possible. It might be why she never backed away from danger.
Compliments and recognition had been the closest she had to receiving love in her life
Amanda felt herself adoring Ethan even more for showing Olivia that she herself was loveable. She wasn't the prickly cactus that she had given Liam at his coronation. She had a tender heart, one that any person would be lucky to earn.
"I love him." Olivia broke into Amanda's musings. "It's different from what I once felt for Liam."
Amanda squeezed her in a side hug. "One sided love usually is different. Having someone give their heart to you and work in the hopes of you giving them theirs, I can't think of a greater gift than that."
Olivia nodded. "Ethan does that. I thought that maybe after we admitted our feelings that he would slack off trying to," her brow furrowed at trying to find the words.
"Sweep you off your feet?"
"Yes." Olivia's nose wrinkled out of habit over something so sappy. "He now seems to work even harder to not only keep my love but to make me love him even more."
"Good." Amanda linked her arm through hers again. "He better or he will have me to deal with."
Olivia burst into laughter. "And what will you do if he doesn't?"
Amanda's smile grew. "Don't worry. I've been trained by the best on how to torture a man." She winked at her friend. "You always did give the most interesting lessons."
Christmas was approaching and with it, Ethan invited Olivia to drive to Providence to spend Christmas with him and his father.
She was both excited and extremely nervous to meet his one family member he had a relationship with.
She was completely out of her depth in this situation. She had never had a man invite her to, "meet the parents,". She knew though how big this was for Ethan to include her in his family's Christmas tradition.
He seemed so happy, so proud, to introduce her to his father.
The drive over had been filled with his sharing some of his childhood memories. Her hand had remained in his as she watched the play of emotions on his face. He was opening up to her again, showing how much he trusted her with these bits of himself.
The modest, in need of a new coat of paint home had surprised her. She didn't know why she expected Ethan to have had a childhood a tad more luxurious than this. He seemed so cultured at times, that it impressed her even more that he had learned all of it on his own.
Ethan's father, Alan, had come outside to welcome her while helping with their luggage.
The genuine delight in the elder's face at meeting the woman his son had brought home made her feel slightly giddy. He teased Ethan with saying he had not done nearly enough in describing how pretty she was.
"I did." Ethan teased back. "You just didn't pay attention."
The three shared a meal with Olivia watching in fascination at their closeness. So many of her friends either had parents dead or were not close to them at all. This was something entirely new.
Alan had charmed her into sharing a little about herself. His understanding smile and deep laugh had made her relax. After dinner he pulled her away from the table while ordering Ethan to do the dishes.
"You're taking her to the mantle aren't you?" Ethan grumbled while fighting a smile.
"Don't worry what we're doing." Alan reciprocated. "Just make sure to soak that pan before putting it in the dishwasher."
Olivia allowed herself to be ushered into the small den. A Christmas tree stood with slightly old ornaments next to a warm crackling fire. Her gaze lifted to the different sized picture frames on the mantle.
Picking up one that seemed to be the oldest, Alan handed it to her. "This was a few weeks after Ethan was born."
Olivia's lips curved at seeing what looked like any other baby. She studied each picture he handed her, giving her glimpses into Ethan's life. Her smile grew at a photo of a ten year old Ethan smiling while puppies crawled all over him.
She then noticed the woman in the background.
"That's his mom." Alan's joy seemed to dim some. "She had been the one to decide we go to a nearby farm to let Ethan choose a puppy for his birthday."
Olivia studied the image of the woman who had so easily left her husband and son.
How could she do that to him?
The sound of Ethan returning caused Alan to quickly switch the picture for another one.
"Here he is with his first car."
"Dad." Ethan grumbled good naturedly. "I'm sure Olivia doesn't want to go down through every mundane event in my life."
"I do." Olivia blurted out. Heat flooded her cheeks. "I like seeing your childhood."
Alan beamed at her. "Here's one of my favorites. He was around five years old and had opened a clinic for stuffed animals."
"Did he?" Olivia cocked an eyebrow at Ethan.
"I'll have you know that I save many from losing their limbs." Ethan smiled at her laughter. "I had to since most of the injuries my toys suffered were from my rigorous playing."
The three sat down and began to talk about Ethan moving to Cordonia.
"You will have to visit." Olivia insisted. "You will always be welcome in Lythikos."
"I plan to." Alan stood and stretched. "I think I'll leave you two to get some sleep." He patted Ethan's shoulder then squeezed Olivia's hand. "I'm so happy you're both here."
Ethan settled his arm again around Olivia once they were left alone in companionship silence.
"Your father is very kind."
He chuckled. "Yes, I know. Nothing like me."
She smirked at him. "Don't sell yourself short. You have your moments."
"I do, huh?"
"I think so." She snuggled closer within his arms.
Smiling to himself, Ethan reached into his pocket.
He held a box out to her.
She sat up with a start when her eyes fell upon the little velvet box.
"I think you know what I'm about to ask." Ethan said softly as he opened it for her.
Carefully lifting the diamond ring that sparkled in the firelight, he paused right at the tip of her finger.
"You know how much I love you." His vulnerability was once more on display. "You make my life better than I thought possible. I need you, your passion, your heart." He glanced down at her hand trembling in his grasp. “I can’t imagine a life without you by my side.”
His bright blue eyes lifted once more to her green ones shimmering with unshed tears.
"Olivia, will you marry me?"
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Empires on the Horizon XIV
Jason is a CEO: Part XIV
masterlist for other parts, more jercy, bad headcanons, and an abundance of crackships
SURPRISE!!! i finally got my laptop back and thankfully they didn’t have to wipe anything so i still had all my work! Between you and me i was more worried about all my fanfics than my uni work...... But I’ve learned my lesson. Do everything on google docs now!! Anyway this is a Percy POV and i hope you enjoy because i’ve missed this little universe more than you could possibly know and we’re finally (only fourteen chapters later) getting to the jercy part of this fic?! LOL it’s been wild.
i know i’m releasing a ton of fanfics at the moment so i hope you guys don’t feel overwhelmed. You know i adore your comments and thoughts but please don’t feel pressured to read all the fics i’m posting. I’ve just had a lot of time in the last weeks so it’s been easier to create. Please take care  of yourself, i love you very much and i hope you have a magical holiday season!
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Percy Jackson stretched his legs out in front of him and draped a blanket over them. There were few things he indulged in, but a good plane seat was one of them. He was spoilt for it but having the space to lay his unreasonably tall body down for eight hours seemed like a worthy investment. The announcements that continuously filtered through the crackly speakers were background noise as the bustle of people getting to their seats flowed throughout the cabins. He stared out his little window at the neon-jacketed guides and airport officials directing people to wherever they needed to be. He loved watching people just do things. There was something calming about knowing others weren’t interested in him in any way. That people got on with their lives despite the turmoil nobody knew about.
A flight attendant stopped next to him with a polite smile, “Champagne sir?”
“No thank you, a water please. Too early for alcohol.” He grimaced.
Mirth danced in her eyes as she glanced up at the rest of the passengers, some dangling flutes between their fingers. “Absolutely sir, anything else?”
He shook his head, before leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. His pre-flight ritual, which consisted of him snuggling as comfortably as possible it his seat and trying to fall asleep, was already behind. The presence of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed CEO taking up the scattered pieces of his mind. It was crazy to think they had met almost a year ago, crazier still to think that about how much they had changed in that time. Percy at least felt like a completely different person to the one who had stepped off a plane from Hawaii all those months ago and attended his alma mater’s dinner. Although the university had surprised them with plaques honouring their contributions, it was seeing Jason Grace, learning about him that felt like the real reward. Hell, he was only half joking when he said he’d marry the guy the next Tuesday.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off shortly. In the meantime please turn your attention to the screens in front of you for a video detailing the safety measures you will need to know while aboard this flight.”
He blinked back into the world and turned half his attention to the screen and the other half to locating the blonde he couldn’t seem to keep away from. He knew the safety briefings by heart, but he always felt bad for not paying attention. Someone worked hard to make those. He didn’t spot Jason in the two minutes the video played and then it was too late because the plane gave a low rumble and suddenly, they were lurching into motion. His heart climbed to his throat and he gripped his fingers underneath the blanket.
“Okay Percy,” He mouthed to himself, “You can do this. It’s at most fifteen minutes of instability and then you’ll be up in the air and you won’t even feel it.”
“Just fifteen minutes.” He kept repeating, taking deep shaky breaths. “Fifteen minutes.”
The plane jaggered down the runway, slow enough that he could still read the road signs indicating altitudes and compass directions and all sorts of fun information he didn’t care about. He felt the huge machine turn into the long stretch of tar that led them to the sky and his stomach clenched painfully. This was always the worst part. Take off. It felt like his entire body flew off with the plane while he stuck to the ground, superglue cementing him to the floor with no escape. He didn’t feel free. He felt torn.
The plane gave a horrible lurch and then it was screaming down the runway, grass and yellow lines blurring past them. They were going so fast he’s sure they’d break the sound barrier. He squeezed his eyes shut. Knuckles white as he twisted his hands together. The plan flew down the road and into the sky. His whole body felt suspended in space. He wanted to come down. He didn’t want to be here. Even with his eyes closed he could feel how high they were. He hated it.
Slowly, the plane started to level out until he felt his body realign: feet under him, hands beside him, head above him. He opened his eyes, spots dancing in his vision as they got used to the light once more. The seatbelt sign dinged above him, and a series of clicks followed. People got up to use the bathroom and grab things from the overhead compartments. He wasn’t going to get up until he was out of this plane. So he shoved his headphones over his ears and pressed play.
I will always love you how I do
Let go of a prayer for you
Just a sweet word
He gazed out the window, clouds close enough to whisper to, and his lips pulled up in a soft smile. The sky was beautiful. It just sucked that they had to get into a death trap to get to it. With his ocean eyes pinned to the balls of cotton hanging in the blue expanse his mind drifted. Reyna. He blinked. It was almost shameful how little he had thought of her since their breakup considering their year together. She had taught him tai quan do and baked him blueberry tarts. They had escaped to a little bubble in the forest and watched the leaves turn brown as they tumbled in bed. He knew she tapped her right foot when she was annoyed but her left fingers danced when she was excited. He knew she liked her eggs fried hard because she didn’t have time for sloppy yolk, but she liked them scrambled soft because it meant a richer croissant. But despite this she did not light his soul on fire. And he did not light hers either. They were merely striking matches without wood to burn. He heaved a sigh as he watched the threads of his relationship flutter before his eyes and fell asleep to them disappearing in gold strands leaking into the clouds. He succumbed to the bright sun and the soft warmth of memories and he didn’t wake until a loud announcement gave the signal that they were landing.
It was over so fast he didn’t have time to panic and he was grateful. Finally he was collecting his bags and walking out. A driver with his surname scribbled on a plaque stood front and center and with a quick flash of his ID and a hello they were piling into the car. He didn’t get a chance to see the blonde beauty, but the island was small and time was a plenty. They would find each other again.
“To the hotel sir?”
“Yes Luca, and then please stick around for half an hour. It’s just a quick freshen before I go to work. We have a lab meeting.”
The man nodded and then focused on the busy Italian streets they were navigating. He took in the colours and sounds as they whizzed by. It felt like a different universe. People were loud and excited and full of life and the little markets seemed to pull energy from the sun and direct it into joy. He wanted to tell Luca, to pull over, screw work, and take in the beauty of this little section of the world. But his phone buzzed in his pocket and he knew with a disappointed sinking in his chest that adventure would have to wait.
“Hello Percy,” Rachel Elizabeth Dare bubbled, ‘I assume you’ve arrived?”
“Yes Rach,” He sighed but amusement caught between his lips, “Have you got news for me?”
“No,” She sounded suspicious, “Why would I have news for you?”
“Because you only track my exact times when you want something but you’re too scared to ask me so you wait till I’m halfway across the country before asking.” He wanted to laugh as she made an indignant sound.
“Okay fine,’ She grumbled, “I wanted to know if I could close up the scuba for the weekend. I met a girl and i wanted to go out on Friday night with her.”
He couldn’t hold in his laugh any longer, “Of course you can Rachel. But I’m curious to know…” He trailed off.
“Ugh you are impossible.” He could imagine her eye roll so vividly. “It’s Clarisse. The principal from your old school.”
“Well, well, well,” He grinned, “I better be getting premium seats to the wedding.”
“Why does everything always end in weddings for you?” She groaned.
“Scuse me for wanting a happily ever after.” He scrunched his face, “Oh and guess who’s here?”
“Is this a good guess or a bad one?”
“Good.” He smiled, “Very good.”
She gasped, speaker crackling at his ear, “Tell me!”
“Jason Grace.”
“What?” She squealed, “Are you guys going to have hot rebound sex and then realise you like each other more than just casual fuck-buddies and end up getting married and adopting like six children?”
He burst with amusement, “Slow down there Rach. I know I throw around the marriage idea, but kids seem like a big commitment.”
“You right,” She said decidedly, “Kids are a lot of effort. Just get married then. But no eloping!” He pictured the crease in her freckled brows. “I want to be a bridesmaid.”
“Can’t promise anything,” He giggled.
“Perseus Jackson!” She scolded.
“Oof the full name.”
“I will tell your mother and she will kick your ass.”
“Okay, okay,” He laughed, “No eloping. I have to go. But remember to take the keys for the scuba with you. We do not need the fire department breaking the door again.”
She grumbled about hating him and then blew him a kiss and ended the call. With a smile still playing on his lips he thanked Luca and rushed into the hotel. Thankfully the check in was painless and fast and he was stumbling into his room in no time. He barely had time to appreciate the gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows and the ocean view it laid out before him. He promised himself he would take the time when he got back.
Quickly he hopped into the shower cursing when he realised he’d forgotten to take his socks off. With a horrified shudder he peeled them off and chucked them into the laundry basket, thankful it gets emptied every day. The water beat against his back, fogging up the glass and calming the racing in his veins. He gave himself the luxury of one extra minute to just take a deep breath and screw his head back onto his shoulders and then he jumped out and shoved on a pair of black slacks and a white button down. He didn’t bother to do the top few buttons, figuring he’d have time in the car. Instead he fastened a watch to his wrists, rolled up the sleeves till they sat at his forearms– any attempt to bear the Italian heat– and then he slid his feet into a pair of sleek ankle boots and mussed his damp curls. With half a moments glance at the mirror to make sure his face didn’t have patches of sun-cream and his collar was straight he grabbed his briefcase and walked out.
Glancing at his watch distractedly he rounded the corner, only to bump right into a hard chest.
“Oh,” He frowned, stepping back into a door. “Jason.”
“Hey,” The blonde smiled, “What a coincidence?” He laughed.
“You’re staying here?” It was really starting to feel like the universe was trying to tell him something.
‘Yep,” He gave a shy smile, blue gaze bright. “Guess you’re going to see a lot more of me then you expected huh?”
“I think you may be at more of a disadvantage than me.”
Jason looked at him, eyes dragging from his face down his body and eventually dropping to his shoes. Percy gave an involuntary shiver as the blonde tracked the same slow pace back up. “I think this could be very advantageous.”
“If you don’t stop staring at me like that I’m going to be very late for my meeting.”
He laughed, the previous sultriness giving away to a sparkle and flashing white teeth, “See you around Jackson.” He started walking away.
“Wait!” Percy called, “Date? Tonight? We can explore the city together?”
Jason smiled as bright as diamonds, “Sounds fun. Meet you in the bar at?”
He realised their time depended on when his meeting finished and suddenly, he wanted to cancel the whole thing and start now. ‘Seven thirty?”
“See you there. And have a good meeting.”
The blonde walked away, and Percy felt this time like he was floating away while his body remained superglued to the floor. He wanted to live in this feeling. Because this did not feel like being torn apart. This felt like coming home.
The elevator dinged down the passage and he crashed back to reality. With a string of curse words he raced for it and jumped in just as the doors began to close.
The meeting and subsequent lab tour felt endless and he concentrated on little less than half of what was being said, his mind more interested on the things waiting for him at the hotel, the person. But eventually it was over and him and Luca were cruising towards the Casa de Vita.
“Anything else you need sir?” His driver looked at him from the rear-view mirror as they turned into the hotel road.
“Recommend any good places for a first date?”
“Already met a lady sir?” Luca’s dark eyebrows almost touched his hairline in surprise.
“A man actually.”
The Italian chuckled, nodding his head as if in on some invisible joke, “The Tesora. It is just down the path and near the ocean.”
“Thank you Luca, have a goodnight.”
“And you sir.” Luca winked before peeling out of the entrance and fading into the setting sun.
Percy strolled to his room with a smile on his face, lost in a world full of possibilities. It was unsurprising then that he didn’t see the extra bag against the wall, or the shoes neatly placed by the door that weren’t his.
He took off his watch and undid the few buttons on his shirt, head lost to the glimmer of the ocean. He let his shirt fall open as he slipped off his shoes and walked towards the windows. The view really was spectacular. No matter how much he travelled it always blew his mind the places that existed, that he had yet to learn of. It was irresistible. It was perfect. It didn’t fail to cross his mind that the ocean was the exact same colour as a certain pair of gorgeous blue eyes. He blinked the image away, turning around, and his gaze landed on that exact aquamarine gaze.
“Jason?” He gasped, clutching his chest in surprise. “What are you doing in my room?”
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williamaltman · 4 years
Luke/Alex Rant
Negativity Alert.
So, ugh, the whole Luke/Alex being exes thing actually brings me so much pain, and it’s like no one understands me :(
I’m actually gonna start with the part that’s gonna make people hate me, which is probably not the best idea when looking for sympathy/empathy/understanding, but oh well, it just makes the most sense to me to write it like that... Thanks for those who bear with me.
First of all... It’s not really canon. I mean, maybe it could be. Maybe they could make it in s2. But I’m tired of people saying it’s straight up confirmed, putting it on wikis and everything. Owen and Charlie were just chatting, joking around and having fun with the fans on live, they weren’t being completely serious.
They clearly like to support fan theories, headcanons, ships. Yet on actual serious interviews they have never mentioned that. They have even talked about how Flynn/Reggie was supposed to be a thing, but not that. Not once did it come up when talking about LGBT representation on the show either(why would they not say Luke isn’t straight?).
I understand having a headcanon and feeling validated when the actors support it but it seems like most people legit can’t tell the difference between that and actual officially canon things? It seems like people either think this is actually written in the show(which we don’t have any evidence of) or that the actors have the authority to decide what’s canon just like the writers/showrunners/directors, which... It’s just not true?
Now, why it actually upsets me.
Well, just for starters... IT’S SO SAD??? I really don’t get what joy people get into characters being broken up??? And I mean, the fact that they stayed friends and are still fine with each other is nice I guess, and I see why that could be appreciated... But at the same time the one thing that made people get this idea was when they held hands in episode 2 when they got scared... With the idea being that Luke instinctively went to Alex to cope, and then Alex said “Let’s not” as in “Let’s not make it weird, we’re not together anymore”.
Which is so freaking sad??? The idea that they used to be each other’s emotional support and now even though they’re friends they can never really be that close anymore? Which, means that things are NOT just completely fine like ~UwU happy exes~??? Same for the also popular "evidence" that Luke supposedly looked sad when he realized Alex liked Willie.
And so, we go to the fact that... They’re clearly not happening “again". Willex and Juke/Palina are the ships. I see most people who are into this saying they’re into the current ships anyway and want for them to thrive and for Luke/Alex to stay only in the past. Which, I mean... I KINDA get, liking ships in the past but wanting them to move on. But that makes more sense to me when it’s something that it’s actually in the thing, not something that’s not shown and you’re pushing to happen only to add heartbreak that didn’t need to be there.
EVEN THEN, pushing that aside and understanding liking this idea of them in the past... Why need for that to be canon then??? If it’s all about the fanfics and fanarts and aesthetics and somewhat suggestive moments to relate to that but nothing actually substantial on the show... Then why push for more than that and open the door for people to get invested and want for them to get back together, when for you nothing’s gonna change either way? It’s so counter-productive.
And if you actually want for them to get back together... Well the idea that the creators of a show targeted at teenage girls would take away the main het ship for a gay one even though there’s already a canon gay ship that doesn’t interfere with anything is ridiculous. So again, keeping it as a headcanon and maybe reading fics where they get a happy ending instead of pushing it as canon it’s the best idea possible too.
Ok, I didn’t mean for this post to be so argumentative and combatitive. I meant for it to be more about my feelings really. But now that I feel like I’ve actually brought good arguments to my stance, there’s that feeling that actually exposing my real emotional reason to think like that is gonna “ruin it” and just invalidate everything... But well, I guess that’s too bad, and if anyone’s taking this seriously at all, which most likely isn’t the case, I again ask you to cut me some slack and not just think everything I said is dumb as hell because of what comes later? Like let’s be real here, we’re all coming from some kind of emotional place here, right? Even getting so attached to fictional characters at all.
So, the thing is, I WOULD LOVE LUKEALEX SO MUCH. The possible dynamic and/or tropes/archetypes that they could have would be literally my weakness. It’s already my weakness. In fact what I might consider my very first serious ship already has it. And god, did I suffer for that, and in the end I don’t even know if the results were worthy and if I’m even sure of what they were. 
And that ship was actually a wlw one. A mlm one(I’m a gay guy) makes it 10x worse(the fact that Luke is like totally the kind of character I’m attracted to and Charlie is also like, perfect, doesn’t help either). It would make me invested in a way that would probably already be too much if they were together, but them being exes just absoutely DESTROYS ME. Like on a visceral level.
And the fact that the idea is most of the time that Luke was the one who was there for Alex when he came out. And that maybe Luke was his first love. And now that's gone. It absolutely kills me. It’s so so so tragic.
Like, I actually read a fic like this. Before this whole thing became so popular and Owen/Charlie said anything about it. And it destroyed me. I bawled my eyes out for like an hour. As well-written and touching as it was, it wasn’t worthy, it was definetely not worth suffering so much like a month after reading it.
So it’s just so painful that for most people this is just a cute little thing that doesn’t affect them at all while it truly hurts me so much :/
So yeah, this is my rant. It should probably have been two separate posts, one talking about how I don’t think it’s really canon and one why i don’t want to... Cause as I said, I feel like no one is gonna take me seriously while if I ended it on the arguing part it would lend more credence to it. And I do think people desparately need to take a step back in regards to how they’re considering this 100% confirmed canon(or even anything besides a little teasing).
But I had to vent I guess. Please be kind enough not to come here fight me. Edit: I didn’t mention this at first cause it’s kind of not the main reason and not relevant to LukeAlex specifically, but: I value canon MLM ships A LOT, and watching the show I loved Willex so much and saw nothing between Luke and Alex, so I do 100% want to focus on the canon ship instead of going down this route of hyping up a crackship(that wouldn’t be a crackship if the exes thing was made canon, and might not even classify a crackship even now, but still). I’m not trying to make a point about how people who ship LukeAlex are evil (because, in a way, I do too!), and I definetly don’t want to throw the racism card, but yeah. Just a little extra point to make.
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miru667 · 4 years
A few notes on Audrey (and the Once-ler)
I’ve gotten a lot of new followers lately and also a lot of words of support and kindness from so many ppl, so I first wanna say thank you, you know who you are and it all means more than i can say ♥
I’ve been asked to explain more on what I think about Audrey and the Once-ler as a ship, so I’ll use this space to talk.
And I think I’ll first talk about Audrey. When I draw Audrey nowadays I’m really only drawing my own Audrey OC or my friends’ Audrey OCs, and we’ve all made them different ages from the canon Audrey in the 2012 movie. Everyone’s Onceler ocs are different ages, so why not Audrey ocs? I’ve seen Audreys as young as 5 and as old as 60. This isn’t unusual at all for the onceler fandom; it’s this level of imagination and creativity that has kept the fandom going for over 8 years. I haven’t drawn canon Audrey in a rly long time (but maybe I could again someday, who knows).
I headcanoned my own Audrey as 15-16 during the movie, and I made a mainverse askblog for her back in 2012 which took place right after the movie’s plot had finished. In 2018 I then revisited her to rp her in a zombie apocalypse AU, BUT I wanted to start her story with her already being a seasoned zombie slayer, so I pretended some years have passed since her mainverse days and made her 18. That is the only reason I aged her up.
And true to the OG onceler fandom, my friends and I then made more AUs, so I kept my Audrey at 18 or older since I got used to it. She actually should be 24 right now if I used her mainverse askblog as a starting point and let her age in real-time (which is what a lot of onceler fandom mods have done with their characters), but I have a couple college AUs with my friends for example so I kept her younger than 24 for those.
Being passionate about your own versions of the movie’s characters, changing them a little (or a lot), putting them in AUs, letting them grow up, this is all natural onceler fandom-brand progression for any person who invests themselves in a lorax-related oc for longer than a few months.
You are free to agree or disagree with changing a character’s age. Please curate your own fandom experience by ignoring, blacklisting or blocking content you don’t want to see.
As for shipping, if you got to know me at all then you'd know that i actually very rarely ship or think about ships in any fandom, relative to everything else i engage in/share/talk about. I know you guys have seen me talk about 7212 but that was only cuz I was prompted, even tho it’s my fandom otp. Shipping just isn’t a big part of my life at all in the grand scheme. I’ll say like 2 things about a ship i think is neat and then just move on usually.
That said, I DO ship my non-canon Audrey with my friends’ characters for fun once in a blue moon, and a few of those characters ARE Once-lers, also non-canon. But we have always agreed beforehand that they are the same or similar ages, and that they’re both consenting adults. I’ll do my best to mention this detail in the tags or description of any audrey ship art i draw and post, and please let me know in private if I forget to. I’m extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a teen with an adult, and I do not condone it.
Some other odds and ends...I’ve portrayed my Audrey having a celebrity crush on the Once-ler before in mainverse, but it was obviously one-sided and never to be reciprocated. I think that’s pretty normal for a teenage girl. I also have my Audrey’s Ted crushing on her, but that won’t be reciprocated romantically either.
When I have reblogged non-oc audler before, I have always assumed that they were both consenting adults as well. Audler is a crackship, which means it can’t ever exist in canon, which means we are free to imagine space and time shenanigans for Audrey and Onceler to have met while they were similar ages. People age down Norma to ship her with a young Once-ler when they don’t even know either character’s canon ages (like who knows, what if old onceler and grammy norma are actually 10 yrs apart?), but in young normaler art we think of them as similar ages. So the same can be applied to audler art as well. We should just think they’re mostly the same age for our own mental peace.
I have tagged a few posts/reblogs with #audler even if it looked like they were just friends in the picture - this is to keep people who have blacklisted audler as safe as possible while still getting to make my blog my own personal organized space. I reblog art mostly because I like the execution/style; the content is actually of lower importance to me. If you read the tags I write in my non-onceler-fandom reblog blog, you can see i am 90% of the time gushing about how beautiful the lighting is etc and only 10% of the time saying i love the character or ship. or at least that’s how it feels like in my head. im here to look at art, not ships.
I understand if there are still people who are uncomfortable with all this and you’re of course allowed to not interact with any of it. I am not interested in engaging in drama or discourse but I think a lot of new people in the fandom must not be familiar with how the fandom has been working since the beginning and the things we had collectively agreed upon in the fandom since the beginning, so I hope this post helps clear up some confusions.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far and thank you to all my followers for supporting me and sticking with me and being interested in my stuff, it really means the world to me. Please stay safe and let’s hope the new year is better.
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The Crackship Sails to Molly’s - Hailey Upton x Kim Burgess - Strain
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
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Instead of her alarm clock, it was the sound of retching in the bathroom that woke Kim up. She sighed, pinching her brows together. She didn’t need to ask why Hailey didn’t wake her up when she wasn’t feeling well, she’d been dating her long enough to know the answer. She grabbed a glass of water, a ginger ale from the fridge and a hair tie from their dresser. After tying back Hailey’s knotted and sweaty hair she sat on the bathtub next to her, rubbing her back. “Do you think you’re well enough to try some water? A ginger ale? We should get some fluids into you.”
“And don’t you dare say that you’re ‘fine’.”
“... Let me wash out the taste of vomit in my mouth and then I’ll try the ginger ale.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course, Hailey, you know that-”
“No, I really just... Thank you. For taking care of me, for loving me, for everything. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The ginger ale did not help, nor did the medicine she’d been able to keep down. Her fever spiked, she was so flushed her skin was an irritated pink, she’d gotten dizzy, and she started to hallucinate a talking dog wearing a lion costume. Kim had managed to corral her into the car but nothing, not even Dr. Choi when they got to MED, could calm her down. Her fiance was getting sicker and sicker and nothing was going to be able to quell the panic and fear inside of her. So she sat at Hailey’s beside, curled up in an awful chair, letting her tears flow freely as she cradled the hand of her unconscious soulmate. “Hey, Kim. I got your text. And pizza for you.”
“Pizza, Jay? Really?”
“Hailey would maim me if she found out I didn’t take care of you when she couldn’t. Seriously, we actually made a pact. So eat your food, drink this bottle of water and get ready to be fussed over. She’s gonna make it.”
“How do you know?”
“She’s my best friend, we’ve been through so much together that there’s no other option for me. She’s going to make it, she has to.”
“She has to.”
Hailey had woken up the next day, but only momentarily. She’d mumbled something about dancing tulips and promptly passed out again. Kim and Jay laughed lightly at her expense, but they were mostly just relieved that she was getting better. Her fever was down and according to Dr. Choi that was really good news. They wouldn’t be able to tell if the dizziness or nausea had dissipated until she woke up, but the fact that she was waking up was amazing. She’d caught a nasty strain of the flu, it was so bad and unusual that the CDC had to get involved. Study her treatment, interview close friends, get samples from Hailey. The works. They were actually starting to get pretty concerned about all the blood tests and tissue samples they needed when Will showed up with an explanation, the strain of flu that Hailey has isn’t from the U.S. so it was slightly different than the strains they’re used to treating, at that point they were just trying to determine where it was from and if they needed to be concerned about an outbreak. 
So Kim and Jay calmed down a bit. They were still worried, but having Will there to decipher all of the doctor speak, it was a little easier. When her fever broke they were approached by one of the CDC doctors who had been observing Hailey’s case. They could both tell from the look on her face that this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. “Detectives Burgess and Halstead, I’m afraid I have bad news. We have determined the origin of the strain that has infected Detective Upton. It’s from England, and it’s a unique strain because it appears to have been formed overtime from a few different strains from different countries, not uncommon in people who travel frequently without adequate vaccinations. We have determined a course of action, but unfortunately might be too late. The antibiotics that she needs need to start being taken within 72 hours. It’s been 61. And the closest antibiotics we could get are in London, England. It’s an eight hour flight and they have to go through customs and the FDA and they just might not get here in time. I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. She can’t- Why- No-” Tears were streaming down Kim’s face and she fell back into her chair. “This can’t be happening, we’re supposed to be together, have more time together. More time. Just a little more time, please.” Jay was standing beyond Kim’s chair, watching with a fractured soul as she stroked his best friend’s face and begged her to wake up. When suddenly, it dawned on him. “Dr. Tamara, do the antibiotics have to arrive on a commercial plane?”
“Well, no, but a private plane wouldn’t be faster and would cost a lot more money.”
“What about a military plane?” Hope was starting to creep into his desperate features, and instead of meeting sorrowful silence, he was met with mirroring spirits. “I don’t have those kinds of connections to make that happen, but if you do that would absolutely work.”
Jay managed to get the antibiotics on a military passenger/cargo flight from London to Chicago, almost halving the time everything would’ve taken. Kim hadn’t stopped hugging and thanking him since he got off the phone with an air force buddy he’d done a couple of operations with while he was in the rangers. The meds had been given with four hours to spare, so now both detectives were just a pile of nerves, antsy to see Hailey open her eyes. “For the last time Kim, you don’t need to thank me. Hailey’s important to me too, okay? I haven’t been holding onto that ring for her for the past four months for nothi- Shit.”
“... Ring?”
“An engagement ring?”
“Yeah.” Kim turned back to the love of her life, happiness shining through for the first time in days, “you better wake up, Hailey Ann Upton. How am I gonna say ‘yes’ if you don’t even ask me?”
Hailey woke up, and was lucid. Kim and Jay were trying so hard not to overwhelm her. So when Intelligence and firehouse 51 had stopped by they just smiled gratefully and accepted all of the get-well-soon gifts that were offered and sending everyone on their way. When Jay re-entered the hospital room after accepting a batch of cookies and containers of lasagna from the ever angelic Cindy Hermann, he found Kim and Hailey curled up in bed together. Smiling, whispering and just enjoying being in each other’s arms again. Kim blushed at his chuckles and Hailey grinned sheepishly. “I needed a cuddle from my favourite girl, Jay, what can I say?”
“She gave me her puppy-dog eyes. I had no choice.”
“Yeah,” he looked at Kim meaningfully, implying her to remember their conversation about Hailey’s not-so-secret intentions, “you didn’t really stand a chance.”
Jay dropped the two women off at their apartment a week later after Hailey had finally been discharged. “Thanks for dropping us off Jay, I appreciate it. And Hailey, you still have to take it easy, I’ll go put your hospital bag away and order some food and after Jay heads out we’ll have a Mamma Mia! Marathon, okay?”
“Alright, well my work here is almost done then.” He was met with two sets of raised eyebrows, so he turned his teasing smirk to his partner. “Someone has to make sure you don’t get up unsupervised while Kim’s in the other room.”
“Smart thinking, Halstead.”
“Hey! I’m capable of taking care of myself.” Kim jogged to the bedroom in a fit of laughter, leaving Hailey and Jay alone for a few moments. Jay leaned his body out to look down the hallway and make sure that Kim was out of earshot before he turned back to Hailey. She looked better than she did before, her pallor was back to normal, her eyes were vibrant, and she was glowing in happiness and relief, though her movements were still lapsed and slow. Jay reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the navy velvet ring box and placed it into her confused but waiting hand. “I accidentally let it slip when you were in the hospital. You should’ve seen her face when she caught on, she loves you. So much, and if these past couple of weeks have taught us anything, it’s that you don’t have the time you think you do. Ask her, she’ll say yes. I guarantee it.” After a one-armed hug with a shocked Hailey, Jay shouted a goodbye to Kim before taking his leave.
They’d finished the first movie and were about to put in the second, but Hailey hadn’t even noticed, she’d spent most of that time staring at Kim.
“Hails? Are you okay? Do I need to call Dr. Tamara?”
“I... I’ve tried writing speeches and planning exactly what to say, but I can’t because you’re too amazing to capture with words. Nothing ever seems good enough. And I have to be honest, I love that, because it means that I love you so much I can’t even fully comprehend it. And I know that you feel the same way, too. Kim, will you marry me?”
Hailey revealed the box from behind her and opened it up to show her the ring. Her heart was hammering in chest so hard and she just couldn’t force her eyes away from Kim’s face and the wistful tears accumulating in her eyes that mixed with the beaming smile she just loved to see.
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hellas-himself · 4 years
More Than Enough
Remember that self indulgent crack ship holiday fic I was writing about Cassian and Feyre? And how I couldn’t seem to mix the past with the present? 
It’s a fic now. Still in the same AU just like... the year before. Leading up to the cheesy ass nonsense it is now. Originally it was going to be angsty at first but I think we have enough of that in our real life. If you haven’t read the crackship holidays featuring these two dumbasses, start here or on AO3.
Also. I promise all my other fics are not being abandoned. 
I’ve had a playlist to listen to when writing them but it is so incredibly inappropriate if you understand spanish. and i haven’t made it onto spotify yet. But this song reminded me of them and that’s where the title comes from. Which is funny because Alina is who i put beside Toni Mafud as Rhys and Feyre whenever fan casts come up. ANYWAY. 
Let’s follow Feyre as she thirsts after her best friend. 
I blame it on the music.
Cassian lost his shirt about half an hour ago and is doing pull ups. The garage door is open, letting in the cold winter air. My fingers are cold but I don’t like wearing gloves when sketching. I had been working on hands and eyes but once he tossed his shirt… It’s not like I’ve never seen Cassian without a shirt on before. Between him and his brothers, they seem to always find an excuse to not wear one. But the difference is I don’t find myself daydreaming about what it would be like to run my fingers down their backs.
It’s definitely the music.
Even if I didn’t understand the words, the beat itself is way too sensual to not be about anything else but sex. But the lyrics and Cassian’s sweaty, half naked body mixed with the fact that I haven’t had sex in months is probably the worst mix. I am not supposed to be imagining sleeping with my best friend.
I clear my throat, startling Valo who was falling asleep at my feet.
“Sorry, baby, I need a drink.”
I set my sketch book and pencil down on the crate beside my chair.
“Would you get me a drink, bunny?” Cas breathes out and my face flushes all the more. I didn’t need another detail to this stupid daydream.
“Yeah,” I squeak and head into the house. I already know his post workout drink recipe by heart. I drink ice cold water while the blender is going.
Cassian is suspended in the air, holding his entire body parallel to the floor with his hands. Goddamn him. He drops his head back so that he’s looking at me upside down and he smiles.
“I love you,” he says and I roll my eyes.
“I’ll love you more if you don’t bust your ass.”
He chuckles and just to drive the nail in the coffin that is my desire to be the reason he’s making noises like that, he slowly lowers his body and resumes his pull ups. I set his cup on the table where he has his tools and go back to sit down.
Cassian drops down and walks over to his mat to do his cool down stretches. A new song comes on and the words are so filthy that I find myself staring at him. His tattoos. My ex-boyfriend had always believed I was into Cassian- and I wasn’t. But I wasn’t blind and I’ve been at his house almost every single day since Thanksgiving- he is always without a shirt.
It’s just the music.
“Plan on drawing me?” Cassian asks and I blink. I look away from his tattooed chest and to his face. He is smirking. Shit.
“Uh. Yeah. What better way to do anatomy studies than with a living reference?”
“Anatomy, huh?”
He flashes me a grin before he walks over to the table for his drink.
“Hey, what do you want for dinner?”
His question distracts me from looking at his ass.
“Uh, whatever you want… I’m not really craving anything.” Except you. I sigh and cover my face with my hands and lean over. I need a cold shower.
“Hey… You alright?” he asks softly.
I nod and slowly sit upright.
“I’m just… I’m fine. I promise.”
He doesn’t believe me but he walks over to grab his speaker.
“I love this song,” he says and starts to sing along to it as he gratefully goes back into the house.  
Cassian meets me in the living room now dressed in a white tee and grey sweatpants. He lifts both my legs up so that he can sit down. This is normal. I always use his lap to rest my legs.
“I ordered Greek, I hope you don’t mind.”
“I told you, I’m not craving anything except-”
Fuck my entire life. Cassian raises a brow and I toss him the remote.
“Why don’t we finish your show so then we can watch my movie?”
This pacifies him and thankfully, his stupid show is so violent and bloody that all thoughts of fucking my best friend fade from my mind.
Our annual Christmas party is tonight and I’ve found an outfit. It is the kind of outfit Tamlin would have told me not to wear. It’s blood red and insanely inappropriate for winter with its spaghetti straps and super low neckline. Mor says it’s the perfect thing to wear after a break up and just the thought of all the pictures we’ll take with me and Cassian together makes me believe it.
I hang the dress up in the closet of Cassian’s bedroom. The heels are set beside his dress shoes and I can’t help but think about his reaction. Of dancing with him all night and coming back here and-
“I’m in the closet!”
I hear him chuckle. 
“Shut up,” I call out and walk into the bedroom to find him pulling off his shirt. I feel my face go hot.
“I’m going to shower… do you want me to use the other bathroom?” 
“What? No, this is your house,” I say far more casually than I feel. “Besides, we’ve got time, we can share.” 
I want to punch myself in the face. Cassian starts to grin. 
“The shower might be a little too small for the both of us but I’m sure we could find a way to-”
Cassian laughs when I smack his arm. 
“Not exactly where I like being spanked but I’ll take it.”
“Oh my god, Cassian.”
He laughs and disappears into the bathroom. I force myself to leave the room when I hear the water.  
Cassian walks into the kitchen in nothing but a towel, his hair wet, water dripping down his chest. He walks over and takes the sandwich from my hands.
“Fuck, we’re out of beer,” he mutters as he opens the fridge. I grab the second sandwich I made, expecting him to steal from my plate and force my gaze up. On his stupidly gorgeous face.
“I can go get some,” I say but he shakes his head and walks over to take my cup of iced tea.
“Are you cool with us taking a cab tonight?”
“Uh, yeah. I guess.” 
Cassian drinks from my cup and sets it down before pinching my cheek. 
“It’ll just be you and me,” he says softly. “So don’t worry about it.”
I blush at this and Cassian kisses my forehead. 
“I’m gonna go get dressed. Thanks for the snack,” he says with a wink and walks away.
I keep my makeup rather muted; lip gloss and the usual winged liner. Nude eyeshadow. Cassian picked out the highlight and I have to admit, he chose well. My hair isn’t going to get any better, so I leave it in loose waves rather than the curls I’d wanted. I’ll leave that to Mor. I feel nervous, this is the first time since the breakup that I’m going out with all of our friends but Cassian will be there, and that’s enough to ease my nerves. Almost.  
“Our ride is here,” Cas says as he walks into his bedroom. He stops and just stares. I approach him and hold out my ID card and debit card, needing to ignore the way his attention has me feeling.
“I don’t have pockets.”
“What?” He blinks and looks down at my hand. He laughs and pulls his wallet out. “You only need your ID.”
“Maybe so,” I say and reach out to smooth down the collar of his shirt while he puts my cards away. I remember my lip gloss and put it in his back pocket, giving him a wink.
Cassian holds my hand when we go outside, helping me down the steps and the driveway. It’s a regular occurrence, but I blush when he opens the door for me. And when he slides an arm around my shoulders when he sits down beside me. We take a bunch of pictures and call Cassian’s parents to check on Val- as if we hadn’t seen him an hour ago. 
When we get to the club, Cassian holds my hand as we walk inside. Cassian and the boys are all friends with the owner, so we get to skip the line.
“Where are we going?” I ask as Cassian leads us up to the VIP lounge.
“Meeting up with Rhys.”
“What’s he doing up here?”
Cassian chuckles. “You know Rhys never passes a chance to be extra as fuck.”
I can’t argue with that.
Upstairs, Cassian helps me out of my coat. His fingers brush my skin and my mind takes a swan dive into the gutter.
“What do you say to a few drinks before we go downstairs?” he asks as he takes my hand. The bouncer outside the lounge acknowledges us with a nod.
“Yeah, I could use it.”
Cassian flashes me a grin and then opens the door.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone shouts and I find all of our friends standing under a Happy Birthday banner.
I am at a loss for words and Cassian laughs, bringing me further into the room. I’d completely forgotten about my birthday, I hadn’t cared enough to even think that anyone else would. But Elain is here with Az. So is Rhys and Lucien, Amren, Varian. Viv and Kallias, too. I’m separated from Cassian as I’m hugged and kissed by everyone. I realize Tarquin and Cresseida are here as well. Rhys is the one who breaks open the first bottle and we all stand around the little table to take shots.
“There is a cake,” Elain says as she hands me another shot. “But that’s later.”
She winks at me and shouts for Azriel.
“That’s my favorite song!” she exclaims and her husband happily ditches his brothers to go out and dance with his wife.
Lucien and Rhys pull me in for another hug as the others begin to trail down to the dance floor.
“You look good enough to eat,” Lucien mumbles and I laugh.
“Don’t tell me you’re already drunk, Luce.”
“We may have pregamed at the house,” Rhys admits. “But we took an uber! It’s okay.”
I roll my eyes.
“You both suck. I’m going to go find me two other cute boys to dance with. Boys who would have invited me to pregame with them and no amount of flirting is going to fix that.”
They begin to whine and I laugh, holding onto Rhysand’s forearms as they keep me caged between them.
“Alright! You win!” I say with a laugh and look over to find Cassian looking my way. He smiles.
I want to ask him to dance but Mor pulls him away before I can open my mouth.
We drink and dance and drink and dance and drink some more. I feel light headed and everything makes me laugh. But I haven’t danced with Cassian yet and that’s enough to dampen the mood. I push my way through the crowd until I find Cassian at the bar. I take the empty barstool beside him and sit down. I order myself a margarita before turning to face him.
“And where have you been all night?” I ask and Cassian smirks.
“Enjoying the night,” he says and takes a sip of his drink.
“Without me?”
I don’t understand the look in his eyes as he takes a sip of his drink. He sets the glass down and leans forward. I didn’t really understand just how short this dress was until he lays his hand on my thigh. If I turn my chair completely, if he moves his hand just an inch more…
“Yes,” he says and kisses me cheek. “But I think I’m about to enjoy it more now.”
“Why?” I manage to say. Cassian’s hand brushes my thigh as he sits upright.
“I’m about to go dance with my best friend.”
“Are you now?”
My drink is set before me and I grab it, chugging it down as Cassian slides off his chair. He turns mine so that I’m facing him completely and puts his hands on my hips.
“If she says yes, of course.”
I finish the last of my drink and set down the glass.
“When have I ever said no to you?”
Cassian grins.
I have danced with Cassian many times. At parties, at the beach, at clubs and bars and festivals. At his parents’ house. I should be used to the feeling of his body against mine, of his hands on me while we dance but not like this. I want nothing more than to take him back up to the lounge and push him down on the sofa or go find an empty bathroom stall.
But I don’t.
Birthday cake and alcohol isn’t the best mix, but I haven’t felt this alive in months. My face hurts from laughing, from smiling. My vision is spotty from all the pictures we’ve taken but I don’t care. Everything is right in the world.
“My feet hurt,” I complain and sit on Cassian’s lap.
“Want me to rub your feet?”
I shake my head and lean into him.
“No. Not until I’m showered.”
He laughs. “Okay.”
I sigh when he wraps his arms around me. He is so warm and smells so good, I want to stay this way forever.
“I think the birthday girl is done for the night,” Rhys says teasingly and I realize I was dozing off. I look up to see Rhys standing there with a stupid smirk on his face.
“Fuck you,” I say and curl up in Cassian’s arms. I feel his hand holding my dress down from showing everyone else my ass.
“Tempting,” Rhys says and then shoves his hands in his pockets. “But I think I’ll pass.”
I don’t think much of the look Rhys gives Cassian in favor of playing with his hair. I take way too much satisfaction in the knowledge that not everyone gets to do this, and that he enjoys it. Cassian seems to win whatever silent staring contest he and Rhys were having and Rhys rolls his eyes and goes after his boyfriend.
“You’re making me sleepy, bunny.”
“Good thing we’re going home together then,” I say before my mind catches up. But Cassian only chuckles and hugs me a little closer.
Cassian and I are a laughing mess as we stumble into the house. I lean on him to step out of my heels and he laughs as I shrug off my coat and toss it at him. We’re both trying to catch our breath, and I swat his hand away when he tries to tickle me again.
“I’m taking a shower,” I breathe out and walk off but he stops me.
“Wait,” he says and I turn to find him smiling.
“Happy birthday,” he says softly and pulls me in for a hug. “I promise I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”
“Hm… you really know the way to a girl’s heart, Cas.”
He pinches my side and I yelp.
“Go shower,” he says and kisses the top of my head.
“I won’t be long.”
My shower is clumsy and not at all relaxing. My feet hurt. So I put lotion on my body and grab the bottle of perfume that is on the dresser, except it’s not perfume but cologne. I shrug and put on Cassian’s Nirvana tee shirt and double check I actually have underwear on before I go looking for him.
“Cas?” The house is dark save for the light coming from his room. “My feet fucking hurt.”
He says something but I don’t understand it. His room is open and I step inside, finding him lying on his bed. He’s got basketball shorts on and his hair is loose.
“Bunny!” he says as if he hadn’t seen me all day. “I almost busted my ass in the shower.”
“Me, too.” I say with a laugh. “Maybe we should’ve showered together. It would’ve been safer that way.”
“I like the way you think, Archeron.”
He holds his hand out to me and when I’m close enough, he pulls me into bed with him. “You smell good.”
I snort. “I smell like you.”
I swat his arm but he ignores it, putting his arms around me.
“My feet hurt,” I complain, hoping he’ll make good on his promise.
“Just stay here,” he says simply.
My heart stops and starts too fast.
“Like… sleep here?” I ask too quietly.
“Mhm.” He goes quiet for a moment and then groans. “I forgot to turn the light off.”
“I can do it,” I say.
“No… Stay here.”
He goes quiet once more, and I let myself relax. We haven’t shared a bed since we were kids, playing video games until Adela would force us to go to bed. I smile at the thought and rest my head against his chest.
“Goodnight, Cas,” I say quietly, my eyes getting heavy.
“Goodnight, bunny,” he says and lets me go to stretch. Then he wraps his arms around me again and moves us so that we’re on our sides. He presses a kiss to my forehead and I close my eyes, letting the warmth of him lull me to sleep.
@mythicaitt @bookloveaffair @nalgenewhore @candid-confetti 
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be-dazzled · 4 years
FT Rare Pairs Day 2: Distance
Rare Pair Week Day 2: Distance Title: Talking to the Moon Pairing: Mirajane Strauss x Erza Scarlet Dedicated to: @aconstellationofmemories
Mirajane pulled on the lever at the farthest back of the house. The access hatch opened and a wooden stairs fell out of its mouth. She climbed them up without caution, accustomed to stepping on the old wooden planks out of habit. It was dark up in the attic and Mira used the light through the small window and the cracks between the walls to navigate her way through the ghastly, damp-smelling, cramped room. She was headed somewhere else, at the other end of the room where she dragged a folding ladder under what seemed to be just an unsuspicious part of the ceiling. She climbed onto the fourth step and pushed the false door into the rooftop of her rundown house. Mira stepped onto the surface, balanced herself on the squeaky roof-floor and looked for her usual spot, the special spot that afforded her the unobstructed view of the heavenly lantern. She sat herself on her spot, pulling her legs against her chest and stared up at the beautiful moon. In a few minutes, Lisanna would have noticed her absence. She would worry herself and search the house for the oldest Strauss. She'd often find her in her spot at the roof and Mirajane was sure, it was going to be the first place she'd look for her. Before she ran out of time, Mira wanted to savor every bit of seconds she could be alone with her thoughts, in the darkness of the night, under the ethereal shine of the moon above her.
Mirajane often found herself doing the same thing, every night, whether the moon was high up in the darkened sky or hiding behind the cruel clouds. Every night she would seek her spot on the rooftop to think about her. Where was she? How was she doing? Was she alright? When would she be coming back home? To her. When was Erza coming back home to her? Mira asked herself these questions every time Erza was away for a mission; sometimes, for far too long. She pulled her knees tightly against her chest. The cold breeze was being a little too cruel tonight. Unforgiving. Tonight that she was feeling the most vulnerable.
Mira stared up at the moon once more, wondering if Erza was thinking of her too the way she was thinking about her, wherever her latest mission took her.
"Hey, Erza." She talked into the night. "Come back soon, alright?" The skin on her arms lent her warmth as she buried her trembling lips against her own flesh. "I really miss you." came her muffled confession.
Mira wasn't sure when it started or how it even happened. But she swore she could hear Erza's voice calling to her, blending with the low howl of the breeze that slapped on her skin. It was stupid, she knew. Erza was on the other side of Fiore. But Mira found comfort in knowing that maybe she was looking up into the same sky, staring at the same moon as she was, on Erza's own side of the world. That maybe, just like the take-over mage, Erza descended into madness and talked to the moon as if she was talking to Mirajane herself.
"I really miss you." This time, she buried her face between her arms and cried silently with the moon as her only witness.
The false door creaked open and spit out a shock of hair with same color as Mira's, only shorter.
"There you are, Mira-nee."
Mira shifted in her spot, hiding entirely from the youngest Strauss. She didn't want her to worry so she wiped her tears with her hands and composed herself before Mira faced Lisanna. She turned to her with a bright smile, albeit forced, and somehow convinced the youngest Strauss that she wasn't bawling her eyes just now.
"You shouldn't be out here! It's… so… cowd." Lisanna's teeth involuntarily chattering while she hid the rest of her body under the roof-floor, leaving only her head popping above it.
Mira pulled herself up and walked back up to the pushed-open hatch, looking down at her younger sister quivering in the cold. Taking pity on the youngest Strauss, Mira told her she was just behind her. Lisanna disappeared below the roof giving Mira the room to climb inside after her. Her time alone had diminished each passing day and she was growing dismayed. One day she couldn't any more escape. Mira threw one wistful look at the orb of the night that seemed to have taken pity on her.
"Tomorrow again, old friend." She said before disappearing underneath the roof after Lisanna.
Unlike Mirajane, her old friend didn't sleep. It remained steadfast in the dead of the night, lending light to the redhead guarding post as her comrades found their own places on the clearing in the forest. Erza crossed her arms against her chest, fighting the sleepiness that was inviting her for what her brain said was a short rest. She knew better. The moment she'd close her eyes, Erza would be awake in the following morning, regretting the decision of obeying her brain. She lectured on the importance of discipline and she wasn't about to let neither Natsu nor Gray have something over her to bite her back in the ass. So, Erza was just thankful she had that silver moon up above to keep her company.
Her old friend.
Erza stare up the sky, brown eyes struggling to keep themselves open. But the moon, her old friend, was rather beautiful tonight – full but somehow its light dimmed into dull silver. Beautiful, nevertheless. The silver glow reminded her of long, lush silver hair, strands of bangs clipped on top of her forehead. Her mind drifted to the barmaid behind the counter back at the guild. She must be asleep now, soundly and comfortably. Erza caught herself smiling, brown eyes still adoring the old friend watching over her and her comrades who were snoring in their deep slumber behind her. Erza, however, wasn't really looking at the moon. But in her slow descend to madness, or perhaps if she could have only been honest to herself, her gradual submission to loneliness, she was seeing in her mind the take-over mage, staring up at the same moon at her own side of the world.
"Do you ever think if me too? The way I think of you," She asked aloud, directing the question to that old, silent friend who only glowed in response, "Mira?"
The sound of her name alone made her heart skipped a beat. But along that elating feeling was a painful blow that shattered her heart into pieces – hundreds, millions of pieces – knowing that she could never have her. That reality stung the back of Erza's brown eyes and constricted her throat. Why she had to torture herself thinking about her, of both the good and the pain that her love for the take-over mage caused her, Erza would and could never understand. She never tried to fight it. She basked in that love and she faced it head on but Mirajane wasn't willing to. That she understood – tried to, forced herself to understand.
Mirajane wanted to please people, to be on their good side, to only talk well of her. Erza didn't care about those things but she cared so much for what Mira wanted – too much that she'd own up her pain alone if that would make her, at least, be at peace. Because she knew Mira wasn't happy. They both were miserable. Mira, however, clearly told her that the love that they have for each other wasn't right. That it wasn't normal. That it wasn't easy to understand for some. Erza was angry back then when the take over mage posited her reasons – excuses – on why they couldn't answer to that love. But she wasn't angry now. She was just missing her, the demon her heart stubbornly longed for.
Not to be any more of an inconvenience for Mira, the Requip mage resolved to understand her and chose to love Mirajane in silence. Even if it hurts. She'd endure so long as she could still yearn for her in distance.
She let one tear to escape but that's it all she was going to allow. At least, she had to appear strong not to pass the burden to the woman she loved. Erza would hold her head high, if that's what it takes, so Mira wouldn't blame herself for being that one thing that was standing in their way.
"I love you." Erza told the moon, in the hopes that maybe it could carry her message to that person at the other side – wishing that Mira might be at the other side. "I love you so much, demon."
It took a month or so for Erza and her team to come home. Mira bounced at the news, ecstatic to see the face she had been badly missing. Erza approached her first before she could even pass around the counter to meet her but only to give the head waitress the accomplishment report about the job Team Natsu did. Without so much of a smile, without so much of a glance, the Requip lumbered to the table where her group gathered. She was smiling, about what Natsu said and what Lucy complained about. She didn't want Mira to catch her staring but Erza would steal a few longing glances at the take-over mage who busied herself wiping the bar counter. There was no use, anyway. Even if they were in the same building, in the same room, even if they were standing right in front of each other, there wasn't any much difference as if they were at either ends of the world.
Because that's how it fucking felt.
Writer’s Corner: For someone who claims she doesn’t write angst... oh well, apparently I do for crackships. All hail to my two Queens. Let me know what you think, alright? 
Tag: @ftguildevents @fairytail-rarepairs
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
‘Tout oublier’
Title: ‘Tout oublier’ Square Filled: Crackship Ship: Jens Stoffels/Robbe Ijzermans  Trigger Warnings (if applicable): none applied. Mostly longing and softness, no kissing or smut  - only hinted at. Created for @skamevents 
Notes: As a huge VDS and Sobbe supporter, I challenged myself to write something outside my own comfort zone. A crackship that I don’t entirely support, but hey, I tried my best! :) (Btw, who can spot the cameo?)
The title comes from an ‘Angèle’ song, a Belgian singer Luca referenced (and sang along with) in S2. I thought it fit this work like a glove.
“Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour. It’s about time that you showed up!”
A seemingly casual statement, answered by a mischievous smile. Long brown locks radiating a ‘I just got laid’ look, covered by a two sizes too big sweatshirt. Clearly not his own. Dark eyes anxiously darted towards his. 
Oh yes, my dear, you are in so much trouble now.
“Robbe, what were you thinking?! You just went with the guy, like that, without saying anything to us. We couldn’t find you anywhere! You didn’t answer any texts or calls, we had no clue where you were! He could’ve been a rapist for all we know! How could you be so irresponsible?!”
Wow, back up there, turbo. You need to relax. 
He slowly lifted up his hand to pinch his nose, in a desperate attempt to relax. Breath in, breath out. Damn, it wasn’t his intention going off like that, especially since he looked like a parent now. Robbe didn’t deserve this. Not only because they were best friends, but also roommates. Broerrrs, but there was still a line. 
Don’t go there, Jens. You’re not responsible for everything he does. 
He just wished the boy would listen. It’s a harsh world out there, especially for LGBT youngsters. And they didn’t know the neighborhood that well. They’ve only just moved in, like, a month ago. The boysquad knew a thing or two about Antwerp, but Ghent? A whole other ballpark. Even though, you know, the fishing pond was bigger here than it ever was in Antwerp, he had to admit. 
Soooo not the point, Stoffels. 
Robbe pulled out a smile, watery smile. He knew exactly what he was doing, with the innocent Bambi look. A hand on his shoulder, a reassuring nod, yet with a hint of irritation. 
“Yeah, okay, Jens, I’m sorry I didn’t leave a message. But if I wanted to have sex with some random dude, then that’s my choice. Something I decided. What I wanted to to! Alright? I don’t want people parenting me. I already have a father, well, only my father, but-”
The smaller boy paused for a while. A glimpse of hurt clouded his face, for just a second. Just enough to weaken Jens’ anger. He knew how hard it all had been, coming out in the midst of his father’s mental health. Oliver had worked too hard for his family. To keep it all together. Completely burned out, the specialist had said. He kept trying to provide a good home for his son, despite every financial struggle they faced in the past. 
Jens knew Robbe blamed himself for this. Even though it was never his fault, the scars were there nevertheless. He sighed and pulled him in for a tight hug.
“I’m sorry.”
Ever since high school, he had felt responsible for the boy. Trying to compensate for everything people did that made it all harder. So when Robbe asked him to be his roommate, he said ‘yes’ on the spot. Now he only needed to learn about their boundaries, where they lie and what they were. 
Since Robbe walked into the room, he had felt something stir in his stomach. Relief? What else could it have been? That the other was safe, at home. Or what you could call their home. A four-by-four dorm room, entirely filled with boys’ sweatshirts, leftover pizza boxes and mismatched furniture. 
Yet, something still gnawed in the inside. To be honest, he never knew Robbe was the type of guy for random hook-up with a random stranger. Jens always thought that was more his forté. Robbe was the romantic, doe-eyed boy with the heart on his sleeve. So maybe Jens didn’t want to be left behind? Especially now that they’re both out and proud, with way more game than their small town high school. 
Was it that what’s bothering him?  
“Hmmm, whatever, bro. Next time, chill out. I’d rather not tell you every time I go with a guy. It’s bad enough that we share a space with barely any breathing room. I’ll be hearing too much of you anyways. And vice versa”, Robbe huffed. He pushed his roommate out of the way and started to undress for bed, before flopping down. Almost passing out immediately. 
Jens’ features started to soften a little. Gosh, it was sometimes unnerving how easily Robbe could get away with things, by pulling his infamous puppy eyes and awkward jokes. It turned everyone’s insides into mush. 
Nobody could stay mad at him, ever. His roommate was wired like that. So it also didn’t come as a shock when Robbe mumbled the following:
“I still have his number, by the way, if you would like to ‘have a go’ at it”
What did came as a shock, however, was how fast a pillow could hit a face that didn’t expect retaliation. 
The topic of hook ups came up again a few weeks after that.
“So, Jens, if you had to choose: would you rather kiss a boy or a girl? I mean, you do have a preference, right?”, Moyo coughed out with great effort. This question was instantly answered by a bitch slap to the head, followed by a collective fit of laughter. 
The boys were lying on the common room floor, in the midst of their building, passing around the joint. They had been binging on chocolate bars before. Empty wrappers still scattered around their heads, close enough to ball one up and hit Moyo. He deserved it. The boy wasn’t exactly known for his friendly behavior. On the contrary.
“What kind of question is that? I don’t care. So why would you?”, Jens  answered hazily. He’d already grown tired of these questions in the first months of his coming out, when everyone walked up to him to ask really personal stuff. ‘Did you have sex with boys before?’ ‘Are you sure that you are bisexual and not just homosexual?’ ‘You’re now attracted to everyone, right?’
“I don’t, bro. I’m just asking, because I have some options for you. As in, hot girls’ numbers in my phone and friends who know hot single gays. So, if you’re want, just say so. I can hook you up with anyone. Male or female. I mean, it’s been ages, right? When was the last time you got laid?!” 
Another laugh accompanied Moyo’s loud howl. “It’s true, you know, I’ve gotten more D than you in these last few months.” Gosh, Robbe was such a traitor. Jens sighed and pulled himself up by the elbows, looking around the group of misfits. Aaron was already dosing off next to him. No surprise there, he never could handle his weed. 
Especially Dutch marihuana. 
Out of nowhere, Moyo started humming a popular rap song, instantly forgetting what he asked minutes before. Robbe joined in by tapping his fingers on his bleached jeans. A burgundy beanie covered his eyes as well as the messy mop of hair. Jens found himself more and more fascinated by his best friend’s locks lately, ever since he started growing it past his shoulders again. He never noticed how nicely they framed his face. 
“I can fix my own hook ups, broerrrs. I don’t need any help.”, Jens huffed out eventually after being distracted by the sudden change. 
“Don’t bullshit me, Jens, you don’t even hang out with anyone but us lately!”, the brunette retaliated. He immediately snatched the joint out of Jens’ hands, blowing some smoke clouds into the air. Jens caught himself looking at it. 
The smoke... 
The eyes...
The lips...
Euhm, what? What the hell was this? Since when I stare at my roommate’s lips? Okay, maybe, maybe I do need some relief after all. That could be the only reason I want to stare at Robbe. 
His mind was still frazzled, but he was eventually able to huff out an agreement towards Moyo. The latter one pulled out his phone immediately to check out the options. A tall leggy blonde? A beautiful chocolate colored man? A petite pixie-cut brunette? Wow, Moyo didn’t overreact when he said that he knew people. 
They finally settled on a guy Jens had spotted in the local skatepark before. A somewhat rugged, beach blonde with beautiful eyes. Leather jacket, artsy vibe? He seemed cool. Moyo’s friend Noor had been to school with this dude. It wasn’t necessarily his type, but hey, it was just for one night. Nothing more. 
So it was a date. 
Then why was his brain still picturing smoke on a certain someone's lips?
The thought still occupied his mind a couple of days later. Jens never knew how this situation came to be. How he suddenly felt something towards Robbe. Attraction. Because that’s exactly what it was. There was no way of denying it. He had felt it for weeks, maybe even months, without acknowledging it. He couldn’t be feeling this. It was wrong, so completely wrong!
Robbe was Robbe, he was like a brother, he was his best friend and roommate. 
Okay, there was only one way to get over someone, Moyo always said: 
“Get under someone!”
So why didn’t he? 
The cute guy in front of him was the perfect distraction. He was a smooth talker, a sight for sore eyes and surely knew his way around guys as well as girls. He was pansexual, he explained, gender didn’t matter to him. When he liked someone, he liked someone. Didn’t think twice about it. And he seemed to like Jens. Enough to kiss him. Enough to go back to his dorm room.
Something in Jens closed down the moment they arrived at the door. His date seemed to have felt his hesitation, immediately stopping the trail of kisses from his ear to his shoulder. The air between them seemed to cool down in mere seconds, filled with insecurity and unanswered questions. A leather jacket was the only sound heard in the heavy silence. 
“You don’t want to do this, do you?”
Jens’ eyes said it all. He knew that he didn’t need to tell the stranger what he felt. People always claimed the dark haired boy was an open book, which was a blessing as well as a burden. God, why couldn’t he just do this? Just be with a guy, any guy, especially one as attractive as this one and get it all over with? Stop being such a frikking dumbo and take him inside!
But he didn’t move. He wasn’t truthful to himself, to the other boy, to Robbe. He needed to end this before it even started. It wasn’t right. So he slowly backed away from the beach blonde and said his fast goodbyes along with a string of sorrys. The other seemed to accept this sudden change of behavior, with a knowing glint in his eyes. As if he knew how much of a mess his head felt. As if he’d experienced something like this before. 
Once inside, he’d only wished he had stayed with his date. Robbe was lying on the floor, seemingly upset, clinging to an old stuffed animal. Red rimmed eyes. His hair a total mess. Sobbing like a baby. His own heart shattered on the spot.
A chernobyl explosion. 
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”, he whispered silently. 
He tried to look inside those brown eyes he liked so much. The ones who moved his world, made him feel all things at once. He needed to see what caused this distress. Because Robbe didn’t cry. Ever. He didn’t cry when his mom left at age 10, he didn’t cry when he father got diagnosed at age 15 and he didn’t even cry when his grandparents called him hurtful names when he came out to them at age 17.
Jens slowly crawled towards the smaller boy, hauling his body off the floor and cradling his head into his arms. The soft touch confused his heart. He knew Robbe was able to hear the thrumming beat, but he could care less at the moment. His boy was crying. His boy needed reassurance. So he held him tight and listened. Listened to the hiccups and the slurring speech, the wails and the cries. Half an hour later, Robbe was finally able to answer the question.
“Dad... he couldn’t deal with me leaving. Broke down completely. He’s inside the hospital, psychiatric ward, Jens. They don’t know if he’ll ever heal from this. He’s empty. He’s clinically depressed. He doesn’t even know how to feel love anymore. I’ve got nobody to love me anymore. And it’s all my fault, I left him...”
The sobbing continued at a louder volume. The beautiful brown eyes filled with such pain, it made Jens sick to his stomach. He couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled the boy out of his arms, his hands firmly gripping Robbe’s upper arms. It’ll bruise, but he didn’t want to let go. Robbe needed to know. 
“Robbe, listen to me! Clinically depressed doesn’t mean your dad doesn’t love you anymore, okay?! Your dad is going through a hard time in his life. He probably struggling with this for a while and it only now faced the world. It’s not your fault! He held on as long as he did, because of you, Robbe. Because you were the light in his life. You still are! You always are, for everyone I know. For your family, for your friends, for me. Especially for me... Gosh, I love you so much, you don’t even know.”
Oh my god.
What did he say?! 
Fock, fock, fock.
Oh no. Robbe suddenly looked at him with a puzzled expression. He saw the mechanics whirring inside his head, linking every accidental touch with his upped heartbeat, every soft sentence with his longing stares. Jens knew he went too far. It’ll only take a couple of seconds to realize how much the raven haired boy had concealed. From the world, from Robbe and from himself. He loved him? Really? Since when?
Robbe had pulled away quickly, like a deer caught in headlights. Making his heart ache for a do-over, another chance to explain everything. To come clean and tell him it was a mistake saying this. But before he could say a word, he felt a slight pressure on his chin. Lifting it up. It was the smaller boy again, sitting up this time. 
Brown eyes stared into his, like he wanted to communicate something without forming a sound. They didn’t need any words. They would never. The sorrow was forgotten, the love was touched. The heart was healed again. Their sweet touches, their soft sighs, their teasing glances. Between them and their feelings.
Everything was said that night.
It was always them.
Against the rest of the world.
Only the two of them.
And the next morning?
Well, the next morning,
they never spoke of it again. 
Everything was forgotten.
Tout oublier.
Pour y croire, il faudrait tout oublier.
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