#is it rose or rosemary for the purposes of tagging???? who knows
starishsky · 8 months
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love grows where my rosemary goes
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limeinaltime · 3 years
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Giving my canon chara OTPs some lovin’
Davekat- Good luck playing it cool after that, Dave.
Rosemary- Rose gets to live out the goth dream of kissing a badass vampire. Good for her.
Jade/Davepetasprite^2- Because Jade being happy makes the serotonin go brrr.
Gamtav- And they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates) Also Tavros why are you so hard to drawwww-
Roxygen- I gues you could say that John got his breath taken away hahaaa
Dirkjake- I headcanon that Jake liked watching Dirk work on his projects, and following their reconnection, he starts to fall back into the habit. Dirk is oblivious (for now), but likes Jake’s company.
Jasperosesprite^2/Jane- She probably just thinks Jasperose is trying to snatch a cookie. Poor Jane was very confused about Nanasprite’s teasing later.
Arafef- They probably just finished excavating some underwater ruins and Aradia’s thanking Feferi for her help in her usual enthusiastic manner. These two bonded over this project, and when it’s finished, the two girls still find ways to hang out and Feferi continues to help Aradia explore Earth C, and eventually, love just kinda blooms between them.
I imagine this would be a healthy bond for both of them, with Feferi being able to move on from Sollux and overcome her repressed jealousy towards Lilith, and Aradia finding someone who is able to match her spirited attitude while keeping her grounded. They come to enjoy the life they have together, chilling on the porch of Feferi’s beach cottage, watching the sun set below the waves.
Vrisrezi- I like the pale approach with these two, but I also like the idea of them being a total quadrant clusterfuck. No one knows if they’re flushed, pale or pitch, and neither of them intend on clarifying any time soon. This is after Vriska finally gives up on pitch flirting with Lilith and gets used to a life of simplicity. Even though she’s occasionally bitter over being ursurped narratively, Vriska’s still pretty happy with where she is in life, and that she can still be her chaotic self with her equally chaotic gf.
Erisolsprite/Lyelithsprite aka the weirdest ship I’ve ever come up with- These two don’t even show up in the canon fic, but because all the sprites (minus Fefetasprite, who’s vibing in the Dream Bubbles as two tight af individual ghosts) make it to the end, I thought it would be fun to ship these green bastards.
Lyelithsprite is not made up of a dead Lyerre and Lilith (Null and Liminal Players don’t have dead selves) but instead a culmination of their lost lives. Lyelithsprite is much more naive and sweet, like Lilith and Lyerre were pre-game, and is the “Harbringer” aka they were created with the sole purpose of gathering the scattered sprites and helping them reach the platform. They’re created shortly after Lilith and Lyerre jump back and redo Lilith’s timeline, and run into Erisolsprite first. He bitches at them for a bit, but eventually tags along while Lyelithsprite travels to a specific spot in the Medium where they can summon all the sprites. As the two continue along, Erisolsprite winds up bonding with them and grows emotionally attached. Following an event in the fic, Lyelithsprite manages to complete their task, but dies, leaving Erisolsprite bitter, alone and heartbroken over the loss of his friend.
In the [HOME] ending, Lilith finds Lyelithsprite and brings them to Liminal Space, where the two are happily reunited. Erisolsprite stubbornly insists that his feelings are thanks to Sollux and Eridan’s growing flush crushes on Lyelithsprite’s living pieces, but everyone knows that’s bullshit.
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bluebloodstained · 4 years
;|; Mobile Rules ;|;
Mun Info
name: Moe Loogham
age: 21
birthday: September 25th
pronouns: She/Her
faceclaim: Deadpool, Rose Quartz, or Loki
rp experience: 8+ Years
discord: Available to Mutuals on Request!
I'm Moe! It's great to meet you. After taking a very long break from the tumblr rpc, I've decided to dive back in, because why the hell not.
I'm from New York, I have two beautiful guinea pigs named Sage and Rosemary and I'm a witch, that's just about everything you gotta know. I recently graduated from college, and still trying to figure out where I wanna be in the world, so this is my little corner of the internet where I come to unwind and scream about my favorite roboy.
My Rules have been broken up into sections. I will try to keep each section as brief as possible while still informing you of everything you need to know about how I like to run things.
Blog Etiquette + Following
This blog is
I do not follow for a follow, and I do not follow back unless I am interested in threadding with you. If I follow your blog, it means I have read your rules and bio at the very least! I do not send in passwords, but if you have a post that you would like to direct followers to when they've read your rules, I will like it.
If we are not mutuals, you are still free to interact through asks and ask memes. i reserve the right to delete/ignore asks from mutuals and non-mutuals alike! this is mostly out of precaution, and would only be done in cases that violate privacy or cause discomfort.
I will only thread with other Roleplay/Ask blogs. Sideblogs are fine, but if your main blog is a personal, please let me know and tell me your sideblog url! If you RP off of your personal, I will not follow/thread with you. This is mainly to keep my dash organized. That being said, I will not unfollow someone just because they post OOC a lot. I know I have a tendency to do the same sometimes.
I am not okay with nonmutuals reblogging my content. Feel free to like them, but reblogging anything will result in a soft block. Repeated offenses will result in your blog being blocked. I'm not here to be your aesthetic/graphic archive.
The same applies to ask memes. Do not use me as your meme resource. ALWAYS reblog from the source.
Just as a general note, sometimes I will have periods of low activity. I try to be active at the VERY LEAST once a week, and sometimes I'll be able to crank out like 10 replies in one day. But real life always comes first, for me AND any of my rp partners. RPing is a hobby for me, and I don't let it stress me out. Of course, if it's been a week or two since I've replied, there's a very good chance that I've just forgotten to respond. If that happens, do not be afraid to poke me about it.
If I ever want to drop a thread, I'll let you know, and I'll very much appreciate if you do the same, but it's absolutely not required. I don't mind at all, if anything I'll usually ASK if you want to drop it and if you do, that's completely fine. The other option I have for threading is ARCHIVING, for when we have a thread that we want to put down for now, but maybe pick up again later. If you'd rather Archive a thread instead of drop it, just tell me. :)
All Icons on this blog are made/screenshotted by me or RK800ISALIVE, and my post banners were made by DENICDLIFE Please do not take them or use them!!
Shipping + Exclusivity
this entire section is very important. please read it carefully, and feel free to ask me if you don't understand something.
This isn't my first rodeo. I love shipping. I am perfectly open to shipping. HOWEVER, that is not the sole purpose of this blog. Regardless of canon, fanon, personal preference or otherwise, unless we have spoken previously about it, Connor will not be automatically shipped with your muse. This blog is OCxCanon friendly, and canon ships are fine too. But for ANY case, I ship chemistry If your muse doesn't click with mine, that's totally fine. But please don't try to force a ship on me, and do not follow me if shipping is the only thing you're looking for out of our threads.
On that note: Original Characters. They're great, I love hearing about them and seeing their depth and complexity. But if your OC has little to no history, or if their sole purpose is to flirt with Connor, please do not ask to interact.
I've had so many experiences in the past with OCs whose existence is based around wanting to bang my muse and it really grates on me. It's nothing personal, I know writing only gets better with practice, but if you come to me asking to be a detective who works with Connor and that's all the information you have, I really ask that you go find another Connor to interact with.
I will only ship with your muse after discussing it out of character. IC flirting is the only exception to this, but do not get angry if Connor does not respond the way you want him to.
I don't want to have to put that there, but it's happened to me too many times before and it's an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. Please don't do it.
This blog is NOT Exclusive, but I do practice Maining with other muses. What that means is if we have previously discussed it, and have had enough interaction, my muse will refer to yours in conversation or in terms of relationship depending on circumstance.
Once I have created mains, they will be posted in the Navigation tab. Occasionally I may post a mains call, which invites anyone interested to discuss becoming a main with Connor.
Mains have top priority for threads.
I am 21+ years old, and NSFW can and will happen on this blog, however I will always keep anything that contains NSFW under a "read more" cut for the sake of any followers who are not comfortable with seeing NSFW content.
I am comfortable with most NSFW topics. I absolutely WILL NOT write about pedophelia or incest, and definitely WILL NOT rp sexual situations with minors or people who I have not shared consent with. This is for my safety as well as those who I interact with. I'm trying to get into grad school, not jail.
I will try to tag triggers accordingly as they appear. Triggering content that MAY appear on this blog include:
Child/Character Death
Drugs/Drug Use
Suicide/Mental Health Issues
Verbal/Physical Violence
Important: mun and muse are mutually exclusive. I am not Connor. Connor is not me. Actions performed in threads do not reflect me or my personal beliefs, unless otherwise explicitly stated by me.
If you've made it this far, I would really appreciate if you could like this post, just to let me know you've read and understand all my rules. If you are not comfortable doing so, that's fine! It's really just to help me know people cared enough to go through the whole list. :) It's not at all an obligation, but it would be really awesome.
Despite the fact I am comfortable with NSFW, I prefer to be comfortable with the other mun as a person before agreeing to write these topics with you. I am not obligated to write NSFW with anyone.
Last Updated: 8/19/2020
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caledfwlchthat · 4 years
happy new fic year, homestucks!
Oh man, it’s been stupid forever since I actually posted anything about the content I am, despite appearances, continuing to create on this here very internet.  I might consider getting better at promoting myself, though I suspect that if I raise that aspiration to the status of an actual resolution, it will probably fizzle and go limp.  But, who knows.  Maybe 2020 will be the year it happens anyway, and, dare I say, keeps happening.
So what the hell, might as well start here.
Looking back on it, 2019 was a good year for writing fic! 
I added over 60,000 words to my long-running meteorfic serial, Rose: Remember (Rashomon Roshambo) -- usually tagged and abbreviated as “R^4″.  In the process it has transformed from a fairly pedestrian dream-bubble sadstuck about GAME OVER into an epic tale of one dead Rose’s quest to forge an alternate path to victory.  There are also, naturally, endearing Rosemary and awkward Davekat moments along the way.  Come for the meta, but stay for the shipping.
I also threw my hat in for Polyswap Derse 2019, yielding a new 20,000-word JohnDaveKat fic, cozy as fuck in there, which is also set in the dream bubbles.  It’s rapidly catching up to R^4 in kudos and bookmarks despite having been complete for months, so I guess I did something right with it! 
2020 is off to a good start!  Besides continuing R^4, I’ve also started two new relatively short fics which will be done soon, so keep an eye out for them:
Close Encounters Of The Slurred Kind is a sequel/tribute to @laurasauras‘s charming Rosemary short fic Observation.  It’s basically a farce in which Drunk Rose commandeers Kanaya’s Sburb-like reality cursor technology for the noble purpose of fucking with all her friends, in an otherwise no-game AU environment.  Hilarity ensues.  I’ve got this one mostly done and am posting a chapter every AEST morning, so it’ll be done soon.  Don’t miss it!
Doors, a fill for the Polyswap Dusk Winter Promptfest, is a JadeRoseMary hurt/comfort/fluff fic about found family and the trials of raising wiggler Vriska Maryam-Lalonde in a loving (non-Epilogue-compliant) Earth C home.  This prompt has taken me hostage and I am now Stockholm over Syndrome for grub!Vrissy, so you’ve been warned.  I got five chapters into it before going down all kinds of Vrissy-flavored rabbit holes.  I’m still looking to complete this in the relatively short term once Slurred Kind is finished.
Throughout all of this I’ve been lucky to enjoy the stalwart encouragement of my lovely fic friends @katreal-fic​, @laurasauras​, @hussianphilosopher​ and @gavelenvy​, each of them worth their weight in unobtainium.  I salute all four, and look forward to a great 2020 making awesome stuff with them!
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
Mobile Rules;;
Mun Info
name: Moe Loogham
age: 21
birthday: September 25th
pronouns: She/Her
faceclaim: Deadpool, Death from AMOLAD, Rose Quartz from Steven Universe, Loki from MCU
rp experience: 8+ Years
discord: Available to Mutuals on Request!
I'm Moe! It's great to meet you. After taking a very long break from the tumblr rpc, I've decided to dive back in, because why the hell not. I'm a freshly graduated college kid who's trying to find her place in this world lmao.
I'm from New York, I have two beautiful guinea pigs named Sage and Rosemary and I'm a witch, that's just about everything you gotta know. In terms of RPing, I've had several muses over the years, from a few different fandoms, and Connor's brand new but I've had a lot of fun experimenting with him among friends and I wanna let him run free out here in the dumpster fire that is tumblr dot com. College has been a big part of why I drifted away from tumblr RPC, just because of time constraint, but I'm excited to be back!
My Rules have been broken up into sections. I will try to keep each section as brief as possible while still informing you of everything you need to know about how I like to run things.
Blog Etiquette + Following
This blog is PRIVATE, SELECTIVE, and MUTUAL'S ONLY and 18+.
I do not follow for a follow, and I do not follow back unless I am interested in threadding with you. If I follow your blog, it means I have read your rules and bio at the very least! I do not send in passwords, but if you have a post that you would like to direct followers to when they've read your rules, I will like it.
If we are not mutuals, you are still free to interact through asks and ask memes. i reserve the right to delete/ignore asks from mutuals and non-mutuals alike! this is mostly out of precaution, and would only be done in cases that violate privacy or cause discomfort.
I will only thread with other Roleplay/Ask blogs. Sideblogs are fine, but if your main blog is a personal, please let me know and tell me your sideblog url! If you RP off of your personal, I will not follow/thread with you. This is mainly to keep my dash organized. That being said, I will not unfollow someone just because they post OOC a lot. I know I have a tendency to do the same sometimes.
But I am not okay with personals reblogging my threads. Feel free to like them, but reblogging anything that isn't a drabble or anything with my "do not reblog" tag, it will result in a soft block. Repeated offenses will result in your blog being blocked. Reblogs make it difficult to keep track of post history.
Once again, in case it wasn't clear: I do not rp with muses via personal blogs. Things can get hectic very quickly with keeping track of threads. If you have a muse, please create a side-blog for them at the very least.
Just as a general note, I am a relatively busy person and so sometimes I will have periods of low activity. I try to be active at the VERY LEAST once a week, and sometimes I'll be able to crank out like 10 replies in one day. But real life always comes first, for me AND any of my rp partners. RPing is a hobby for me, and I don't let it stress me out. Of course, if it's been a week or two since I've replied, there's a very good chance that I've just forgotten to respond. If that happens, do not be afraid to poke me about it.
If I ever want to drop a thread, I'll let you know, and I'll very much appreciate if you do the same, but it's absolutely not required. I don't mind at all, if anything I'll usually ASK if you want to drop it and if you do, that's completely fine. The other option I have for threading is ARCHIVING, for when we have a thread that we want to put down for now, but maybe pick up again later. If you'd rather Archive a thread instead of drop it, just tell me. :)
All Icons on this blog are made/screenshotted by me or RK800ISALIVE, and my post banners were made by DENICDLIFE Please do not take them or use them!!
Shipping + Exclusivity
this entire section is very important. please read it carefully, and feel free to ask me if you don't understand something.
This isn't my first rodeo. I love shipping. I am perfectly open to shipping. HOWEVER, that is not the sole purpose of this blog. Regardless of canon, fanon, personal preference or otherwise, unless we have spoken previously about it, Connor will not be automatically shipped with your muse. This blog is OCxCanon friendly, and canon ships are fine too. But for ANY case, I ship chemistry If your muse doesn't click with mine, that's totally fine. But please don't try to force a ship on me, and do not follow me if shipping is the only thing you're looking for out of our threads.
On that note: Original Characters. They're great, I love hearing about them and seeing their depth and complexity. But if your OC has little to no history, or if their sole purpose is to flirt with Connor, please do not ask to interact. I've had too many experiences in the past with OCs whose existence is based around wanting to bang my muse and it really grates on me. It's nothing personal, I know writing only gets better with practice, but if you come to me asking to be a detective who works with Connor and that's all the information you have, I really ask that you go find another Connor to interact with.
I will only ship with your muse after discussing it out of character. IC flirting is the only exception to this, but do not get angry if Connor does not respond the way you want him to.
I don't want to have to put that there, but it's happened to me too many times before and it's an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. Please don't do it.
This blog is NOT Exclusive, but I do practice Maining with other muses. What that means is if we have previously discussed it, and have had enough interaction, my muse will refer to yours in conversation or in terms of relationship depending on circumstance. Once I have created mains, they will be posted in the Navigation tab. Occasionally I may post a mains call, which invites anyone interested to discuss becoming a main with Connor.
I am 20+ years old, and NSFW can and will happen on this blog, however I will always keep anything that contains NSFW under a "read more" cut for the sake of any followers who are not comfortable with seeing NSFW content.
I am comfortable with most NSFW topics. I absolutely WILL NOT write about pedophilia or incest, and definitely WILL NOT rp sexual situations with minors or people who I have not shared consent with. This is for my safety as well as those who I interact with. I'm trying to get into grad school, not jail.
I will try to tag triggers accordingly as they appear. Triggering content that MAY appear on this blog include:
Child/Character Death
Drugs/Drug Use
Suicide/Mental Health Issues
Verbal/Physical Violence
Important: mun and muse are mutually exclusive. I am not Connor. Connor is not me. Actions performed in threads do not reflect me or my personal beliefs, unless otherwise explicitly stated by me.
If you've made it this far, I would really appreciate if you could like this post to let me know you've read and understand all my rules. If you are not comfortable doing so, that's fine! It's really just to help me know people cared enough to go through the whole list. :) It's not at all an obligation, but it would be really awesome.
Despite the fact I am comfortable with NSFW, I prefer to be comfortable with the other mun as a person before agreeing to write these topics with you. I am not obligated to write NSFW with anyone.
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amxrp · 5 years
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hello again! before we jump into our first preview (!!) we'd like to thank each and every person who's posted in our tag so far! it's been a blast reading your introduction posts and getting to know you better! we're all looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for us throughout the buzz period! that being said: our first preview is going to be more on the traditional side and completely handy for those who beginning to map out their characters. under the cut you will find look at our eight member groups. as to stick with the salem spirit, each member group is representative of a different herb or plant that witches frequently use. we decided to go with an aesthetic approach with the descriptions. we hope in doing so you'll not only be able to have more wiggle room with the group that you choose, but that the descriptions may be of some use of you if you are having a difficult time choosing one! without further ado, here are our member groups! 🎃
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fireflies. hot chocolate with marshmallows. a canopy bed. 11:11. cottage in the woods. recognizing faces but forgetting names. freshly baked pies. the soft touch of velveteen. chiming grandfather clocks. first snowfall of the year. laughing with your eyes squeezed shut. loose glitter. falling asleep with a book in hand. rosy cheeks. piano music. butterflies in your stomach. old carnival rides. napping in a patch of sunlight. chunky sweaters. casual displays of affection.
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crickets in the evening. falling asleep on someone's shoulder. handwritten letters. breezy afternoons. acoustic song covers. early morning commute. the comfort of your favorite childhood movie. vanilla extract. a palette stained by oil paints. wire frame glasses. practical presents. self-deprecating jokes. catching snowflakes on your eyelashes. post-it note reminders. the breakfast rush at a coffee shop. bullet journal ideas on pinterest. the taste of plain chapstick. water rushing in stone fountains. shopping for office supplies. reading online advice columns.
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racing pulse. the burn of sour candy. clicking a zippo lighter. classic arcade games. playing mad scientist. lightning storms. grainy polaroid photos on instagram. gold medals. road rage. industrial architecture. losing your temper mid-argument. glasses of absinthe. stainless steel. flickering fluorescent lights. the tick of a metronome. tacky holiday decorations. mistakes made in permanent marker. purposely torn clothing. misplaced house keys. staying up to read horror stories on reddit.
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the taste of cold medicine. ghost stories. intricate stained glass patterns. moonlit fog. dogs barking in the distance. night vision camera footage. tired eyes. biting your tongue. songs heard from another room. sleep paralysis. washed out instagram filters. driving late at night. silent movies. stifling your own anger. black on black clothing. long walks through wooded paths. waking up alone. minimalist tattoos. poetry in a language you don't understand.
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windswept hair. mismatched craigslist furniture. getting in trouble for talking in class. music festivals. more cream than coffee. cinnamon sugar. rose gold. modern art galleries. freshly cut pomegranate. catching fireflies beneath the autumn moon. socks with cartoon animals. mistaking satellites for stars. putting laundry off until the last possible second. doodles on notebooks and napkins. making a blanket fort on a tuesday night. nostalgic visits to an old playground. trying to pet stray cats. three hour phone calls.
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sunshowers. long days at the beach. always remembering anniversaries. breakfast for dinner. self-care spa days. instagram fashion. daydreams of a vacation. new text message alerts. sand between your toes. crinkling candy wrappers. overusing emojis. orange juice with pulp. marathoning the latest netflix original. window sill full of succulents. lying to spare someone's feelings. aquarium tunnels. garden fresh produce. listening to lofi music. water gun fights. feeling sunbrunt and windswept.
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full sketchbooks. deja vu. wind chimes. the feeling of being followed. peacock feathers. liminal spaces. befriending stray animals. thrift store accessories. the itch of curiosity. vivid dreams. paint on your clothes. sitting by the window in a café. roadside attractions. picking up a new hobby every week. bohemian interior design. reading newspaper articles from years past. craft store coupons. pressing flowers into an old book. progressive instrumental music. wearing patterns that clash.
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late summer nights. discovering a new bruise. scalding hot showers. brutal honesty. old ripped denim. arguments with your parents. half-healed piercings. old books with yellowed pages. roller coaster drops. the smell of gasoline. crossword puzzles done in pen. truth or dare. standing around a bonfire. staying up late but waking up early. letting your hair grow out. "cursed image" humor. full-body ache after a cardio workout. wearing black even in the heat. ratty graphic t-shirts. procrastinating and still getting an a.
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libertasforte · 5 years
#CandyFirst Epilogue Impressions: Part Candy
fuck, John, girls can squeal and it doesn't have to be sexist. oh my god, they're rescuing Gamzee. I've wondered how they're going to rescue that particular ghost from the architecture. Omg Callie is so excited to save her daddy.
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hmm...I really don’t like the way Callie is talking about this though.
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...where the heck did you learn all this language, Gamzee? From Aranea?
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Gods why is Terezi always right about everything. Hmm...I worried when I saw Rape and stuff in the tags but I forgot that at least within Homestuck personality wise the girls are a lot more likely to get that kind of thing on than the guys. Dirk? Dirk?? No. Dirk nooooooo, what the fuck no, Dirk fuck no, YOU FOOL. VRISKA ALREADY KILLED HERSELF FOR A LARGELY NONSENSICAL REASON, THAT WAS HER STUPID DECISION TO MAKE NOT YOU TOO. Oh Dirk. I suppose he actualized what his role was all along, as destroyer of self...maybe he was never that different from Vriska all along, in the sense that he can’t go on if his life has no greater purpose in cosmic events? ... Ok Gamz you successfully turned redemption into a meme, not that it wasn’t a meme already. And then everyone has babies and it is awful. Aradia and Sollux!
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Yeah they totally spend their time just jumping to different timelines and attending all the funerals don’t they? They’re probably making a name for themselves across timelines as the twin gods of death. Oh hey god tier Calliope is here to protect us it’s cool that she isn’t stuck in that black hole forever I guess?
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This is obviously Eridan, who’s managed to fuck everything up like the villain he is hahahaha no it’s obviously Kurloz who has a connection to Lord English pffffffft yeah right like that guy’s going to be relevant after all this time (he’s not even tagged) yeah she’s talking about Dirk isn’t she. Wait...but if they are fortunate to live in a reality that is beyond his influence...does that mean that Dirk’s suicide was in fact some sort of a heroic sacrifice for his friends? ...Ghosts start pouring in from the sky. Meenah is here, god tier Calliope is here, Aradia and Sollux are here...this universe...is somehow inside the black hole????
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New information about the mysterious prince! It is a he! We can rule out all the weird timeline versions of Dirk, Eridan and Kurloz where they went transgender for some reason. (Because transgender is supposed to be a thing that happens in this story.) Also, Vriska is here and starts starts clownfucking. First Jane and now this. Gamzee is sex god. You may not like it, but he is what peak Male Heterosexual performance looks like. Anyway Vriska fuck-kills Gamzee and I’m just happy that he’s dead. According to Rose we’re in Eden. And Jake left Jane.
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Holy crap, um, wow. I actually LIKE this version of Jake??? Like, actual self-awareness? And actually changing his life for the better out of his own volition and stuff. Anyway, (Vriska) jams with her ancestor while using dead Gamzee as a pillow, which I am really happy about. Um, the Gamzee being dead thing, is what I’m happy about.
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Fuck Gamzee. Fuck redemption.
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I like Vriska. I don’t care.
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And the cycle of Vriska continues, and it is gr8.
I really jive with how Roxy talks about her gender. I guess personally this is nice for me because it makes me feel validated about choosing the aspect of Void for myself, and there’s a lot I want to say but that’s a separate post. Then Dave talks to wise sage internet priestess Obama and all he asks for is relationship advice???
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And Dirk’s suicide was not a heroic sacrifice at all??
Initial thoughts. Holy hell Heterosexual Singularity? Roxygen, Davejade, Meenkat, Janejake. Rosemary is in but that’s like getting grandfathered in. This is patently due to a lack of Dirk. It’s interesting in light of -
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And with all these hets and babies I keep thinking of the biological necessity - the idea that new people are born from heterosexual couples. Even Rosemary has Kanaya who’s literally a virgin mother in the troll reproduction sense, she herself individually associated with reproduction, not as a pair.
I don’t know. Davekat fell apart in this universe and - is it hard to be gay? Unless you’re someone who has a lot of control over yourself like Dirk, Rose, and Kanaya?
What the heck happened to Dirk in meatverse anyway? Given how Jake reflects Lord English... Did Hussie manage to make Dirkjake into a more tragic clusterfuck than Vrisrezi?
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bondsfated-m-blog · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @goldengleams​ TAGGING: anyone interested !
laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, thrives on attention, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves, revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, your girlfriend thinks they’re attractive, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger.
glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies, smile mingled wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes, probably has a Tinder account
armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots, boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest, ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell will make you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses, curses under their breath
keen sense of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes, disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting a target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling
discerning gaze, unreadable face, the patience of a lifelong teacher, quiet museums, owl dove perched on their finger, armor that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid, big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, go-getter, balls of wool displayed on shelves, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes  
soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom-friend, can lift you and your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants (elementals), leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat, picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers, theater masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause
the calloused hands of someone who knows labor, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted in blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles
resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, files that under ‘fuck it’, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold
devil-may-care smile, ink-stained hands, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes redbull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers
storm with skin, color coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, the sea casting its spell, stroking the soft fur of a cat, their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns for more, leather jackets, fondness for DIY projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow
thunder in their heart, running on coffee, flash of lightning, natural charisma, eloquence, badass in a nice suit, aficionado of history, force of nature, lenny face, pretends they don’t have feelings but they do, nightmare-filled nights, proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease, most likely to be voted class president out of their peers, expensive watch
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synodicatalyst · 7 years
hey!! you dont have to if you dont want but you qanna share those femslash recs? :p sorry if this is bothersome
omg i love reccing my fave fics i’ve made a list before but i cant find it. anyway. please keep in mind i haven’t gone f/f fic hunting in a while, so if anyone has any more to add just tell me and i can put them on this list (after i read them)
I try to only include more recent ones (as in, not from like 2011) but some are just. Classic
first of all: @roxilalonde aka @tactfulgnostalgic writes my fave femslash ever so this list will be like 50% her fics. in fact, here is a link to her ao3 homestuck profile. but my FAVOURITES to start off with are:
Love Letters In Digital Ink - a true classic. well, depends on how old a fic has to be to become a classic but it’s definitely way up there. Rosemary, the best characterisation ever, hilarious dialogue between all the characters. Rose runs a blog and Kanaya is a fan who moves next door, unbeknownst to Ever A Lesbian Rose Lalonde, who happens to like telling her followers how fucking gay she is for The Cute Girl Who Is Also Her Neighbour.
The Love We Deserve - this is the vrisrezi fic that made me cry. i am not a serial crier, guys. it’s actually half of a two part series called A Study In Heroes, the other part being Terezi’s POV. Essentially a study of Vriska’s character throughout the events of canon Homestuck, and it’s gorgeous.
Lilith And The Morningstar - some sweet, wonderful JANEROXY. Roxy is a daemon and Jane is an angel and as it goes, sometimes you just gotta fall in love with your best friend. Some parts towards the end will make you heavy-hearted, i swear to god Roxi is So Good. Also has some of my favourite Dirk moments, because everyone knows dirk is the best cameo character ever. He’s such a fuckin’ weirdo.
i wont link the rest here but all of roxi’s fics are good and dangerous and good is my favourite thing ever.
And The Handmaid Shall Take The Hindmost - Basically, the outlaw pirate trolls alternia-somehow-still-exists adventure vrisrezi fic you always wanted. Terezi abandons her life as a lawful legislacerator and joins forces with notorious pirate Vriska Serket to help smuggle Karkat….somewhere. Probably the best, most gripping, hilarious and well written fic of its kind out there. Still ongoing, but it’s already quite long. Some fantastic worldbuilding and excellent characterisation for all.
Your Fits And Your Shades Of Blue - a short oneshot about moderately drunk vrisrezi. Honestly, I love them.
HOME SUCK: THE TWILIGHT AU YOU’VE BEEN DREAMING OF - exactly as the title states, jade/rose/kanaya. it’s hilarious and definitely better than the source material and i did a live reading of it once and had Way More Fun Than Was Strictly Warranted.
Catching Colds On A Flying Rock In The Middle Of Space - a meteorstuck sickfic! rosemary and dave//kat split evenly! boy am i gay.
An Earth-Shattering Confession - I’m pretty sure everyone’s already read this, or at least, it’s the top ACTUAL ROSEMARY fic in the rosemary tag as far as i know (the rest of the first page in the tag is pretty much all clogged up, john//dave or dave//kat or dirk//jake centric, and i’m not salty? i’m not? bitter? what are you talking about)
The Average Summoner’s Guide to Demons and Serkets - ever wanted to summon a demon? ever devoted your soul to vrisrezi? yeah, i have exactly what you want right here.
Losing Count (link is to a tumblr page) - a cute jaderose oneshot that encompasses all my ‘First Gay Crush’ feelings about jaderose as a ship. it’s super cute. i love them.
Diverse Concerns - OKAY, I GET IT. THIS ISN’T EXACTLY FEMSLASH, PER SE. but. basically rose and vriska have a drunk heart-to-heart with each other one the meteor and it is Very Good. please be aware that yes, the fic does not go into the issue of rose’s alcoholism (much) and it is treated mildly flippantly for the purposes of the story.
in what distant deeps or skies - i haven’t read much of this one yet but it’s vrisrezi, again. because i love vrisrezi.
And, trying to unfold for you, was brittle - another old one! Rosemary AU where rose is a Vampire Slayer and kanaya is a Vampire. Yeah.
hope this helps you out, anon! i’ll have to get reading again so i can add more!! also see this list by sapphonics of rosemary recs that i haven’t read all of yet :]
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sophygurl · 7 years
Woot! Tagged by my new we-finished-a-series-at-the-same-time-and-desperately-need-to-talk-about-it book buddy @blackandwhitemotley​! (I seem to collect these - hi @wingedsaboteur​)
1) Name/Nickname: Rosemary is my name. Soph or sophy tends to be a nickname to anyone who met me on the internets first for obvious reasons. I will accept the shortening of my name - Rose - only if I can tell by the way you said it that you know the full name is Rosemary (I can tell okay). I only accept Rosie if my inner child is out because that’s HER name though I accept Rosy , from one friend who asked permission a long time ago (hey @ladynorbert​). I let any and all kids call me me Aunt Rose, not just my nieces and nephew (who is too young yet to call me anything), and my oldest niece still loves to call me by her baby name for me - AuRoo. This was probably a longer thesis on names than the question is meant to be, but that’s me!
2) Gender: Cis genderqueer woman is the best descriptor for my gender and sex. 
3) Star sign: Leo - rawr.
4) Height: 5′3′‘ - just short enough to have short people problems but not quite short enough to be seen as short.
5) Hogwarts House: I’ve had long conversations about this with one of my closest friends @c-l-ford, and we really can’t come up with a true consensus. I think I’m a combo of all four, but I realize that’s a cop-out. 
6) Favourite animal: Felines of any sort, though I’m an all around animal lover (bugs don’t count).
7) Hours of sleep: 8-12, though closer to 8 these days since the Lyrica is helping me to sleep more normally.
8) Dogs or Cats: Cats obvi, but I do love dogs. 
9) Number of blankets: Like, I know this is asking the number of blankets you sleep with on your bed, but the phrasing makes me wanna go around and count all the blankets I own. But okay - I sleep with a light blanket during warmer months, and throw a big comforter over the top during the colder ones. 
10) Dream trip: I’d love to take a cruise through the Mediterranean, taking stops in Sicily, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, etc. 
11) Dream job: At this point, I’d really just love to be working again in any capacity. I miss it so much. I miss feeling like I had a purpose, and knowing I was doing a good job, and working harder the next day, and thinking about getting promoted, and just generally - yea - being my workaholic self. Which makes being too disabled to work for over 15 years now kind of a bummer. 
12) Time: 1:12 pm
13) Birthday: July 29
14) Favourite Bands: I’m never up on new music, so I’m gonna go with some of my classic faves here - Areosmith, Cheap Trick, The Doors, The Indigo Girls, Journey, The Monkees, R.E.M., Queen
15) Favourite Solo Artists: Ani DiFranco, Blondie, Dar Williams, Janis Joplin, Joan Jett, k.d. lang, P!nk, Tori Amos (and yes I added an s to make this one plural too, no fair asking for multiple bands but only one solo artist)
16) Song Stuck In My Head: Lady, by Styx
17) Last Movie I watched: Hidden Figures, though my stupid body fell asleep at the last third or so of the movie, so I’m gonna have to re-watch. (When I woke up, I turned to my friend and said “I missed the ending, did they ever make it to the moon?”)
18) Last Show I Watched: Madam Secretary (I’m a few eps behind though)
19) When Did I Create My Blog: I wanna say about four years ago??
20) What Do I Post/Reblog: So many. I’m a huge TV nerd, so lots of reblogs of gifsets and meta (and sometimes my own meta or short opinion bit) about lots of shows both past and present. I also dig me a lot of books and some movies, so those show up. Intersectional feminism is a big deal to me, so I signal boost a lot of stuff along those lines. I love memes, puns, cute animal pics, gender queering, and pretty shiny things. I might occasionally post personal stuff. I’m chronically ill and that affects my life to a large degree, so I’m likely to reblog stuff about that if it shows up on my dash. Around May - June, I’m likely to be posting about WisCon, my local feminist SFF con that happens Memorial Weekend each year. And in a couple of days here it’ll be November 1st which is when I let my Christmas nerd out to play, so there’ll be a lot of that then too. 
21) Last Thing I Googled: haha, it was actually the song Lady by Styx because I couldn’t remember who sang it, and because once I realized it was in my head, I wanted to listen to it.
22) Other Blogs: No other tumblrs, though I do (very) occasionally post on my Dreamwidth account - same name as this tumblr. 
23) Do I Get Asks: Not very often, though I love it when I do! I adore interacting with folks, so come at me.
24) Why I Chose My URL: sophy from sophia, the feminine divine aspect of god, and also just wisdom/knowledge in general (I was studying philosophy and religious studies when I came up with the sophygurl handle the first time). Then I added -gurl at the end because it was less likely to conflict with other ppl who wanted to combine sophy and girl together to make a name. lol
25) Following: 267 (this is why I can never catch up even on a good day)
26) Followers: 582 - can that be right? Do I have those reversed? I guess a lot of those are spam accounts. 
27) Lucky Number: 5
28) Favourite instrument: Drums of all kinds.
29) What Am I Wearing: lol a silky nightgown paired with an old comfy sweatshirt over the top and comfy pj pants underneath, and warm socks.
30) Favourite Food: Dark chocolate, broccoli, potatoes, and my family’s recipe spaghetti sauce - which I’m gonna make in a few days for the first time in ages woo!
31) Nationality: USian. 
32) Favourite Song: Imagine, by John Lennon. 
33) Last Book Read: The Root by Na’amen Gobert Tilahun 
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Oh geeze, most of my fave universes to read about/watch are not ones I’d want to personally be involved in, so let me think. Maybe the world in Practical Magic, Starhawk’s The Fifth Sacred Thing but only if I could be part of the Bay Area world and not the LA one, Realm of the Elderlings - preferably in the Rain Wilds over other areas.
Tagging: other than the one who tagged me - if you got tagged in the body of this post for other reasons, consider yourselves tagged to do this! Otherwise - tagging anyone who wants to. Make sure you tag me so I’ll see it when you do it tho! :)
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peri-tales · 7 years
I wasn’t directly tagged, but @quris-sparky​ left it open so I decided to do it...! I haven’t done anything like this for witchcraft before so I’m excited ahaha ;v;
1. Are you a religious witch? Which religion? Nope! I just kinda slid away from Catholicism, which is when I found an opening to finally start practicing witchcraft, which I have wanted to do for... most of my life. But right now I’m kind of in a weird limbo where I’m quite spiritual but don’t really feel tied to any particular religion. That might change someday.
2. What is your preferred herb? If I���m honest, cinnamon sticks, basil, and rosemary seem to be my main herbs at the moment. Pretty basic, but I suppose that’s not unusual, especially for a beginner.
3. What is your preferred gem? I love peridot, because it’s my birthstone and very special to me! I also quite like just about any variation of quartz. I’d love to get my hands on some fire opal someday, and other stones that are aligned with the sun.
4. Do you do divination? Which kind? I have a lovely tarot deck that I’m acclimating myself to. I really want to learn fire divination and pendulum divination as well. Maybe also runes!
5. Favorite Tarot card? I... am not sure if I have one yet? Apparently the cards associated with my birthday are the Lovers and the Devil, so I suppose I’ll call those my favourites until I find real favourites.
6. To Curse or not to Curse? I personally don’t like cursing within my own craft, because I don’t really want to deal with that kind of energy, and I’d rather do other things than directly cause anyone harm. But I take no issue with others cursing! It’s a matter of preference.
7. Do you have a familiar? I don’t think so? It might be nice to have one someday. I do have 2 cats, but I don’t get the sense they’re familiars.
8. Favorite candle color? Ooh, white and red, I think. 
9. Favorite rune? I haven’t gotten a chance to read too much on runes yet, so I haven’t found a favourite as of yet.
10. Do you celebrate the solstices, full moons, etc? I just celebrated my first Spring Equinox! I’d like to continue celebrating Solstices and Equinoxes from here on out. I’ve always wanted to do that. I don’t really celebrate full moons, unless there’s something particularly special about it, in which case I’ll do some small special things for it. I don’t really celebrate sabbats, I don’t really feel comfortable doing that personally, and I couldn’t tell you why, I just prefer celebrating the important times of year without giving it a special name.
11. Do you wear a pentacle? No, partially because I live with my family and they wouldn’t be cool with that. When I’m living on my own, I’ll let myself start getting a little friendlier with pentacles.
12. Do you have a broom? Not a special one, unfortunately, not yet ;^; I’d like to make one after I move out.
13. Do you have a pendulum? I ordered a clear quartz one online, so now I’m just waiting for it to come in!
14. Do you have an athame? The closest thing I have is this rustic looking knife I have on my shelf, but I haven’t used it yet for any athame purposes. I keep thinking I might like to eventually though. I would want to spruce it up a bit if I did though.
15. How often do you meditate? Very, very infrequently at the moment, unfortunately. I really should start doing it more often.
16. Do you do yoga? Nope, although it might be nice to start doing now and then.
17. Whats your favorite herbal tea? Tea in general is my lifeblood if I’m very honest. In terms of herbal teas, I’d say chamomile is up there, maybe with ginger, lemon, and honey in it. Jasmine is also very nice. Apple tea with cinnamon and cloves is absolutely delightful.
18. Do you support manipulation magic? One of my personal rules is not magically messing with people without their consent, so manipulating people directly to do what I want is kind of a no for me within my own craft. I’m not opposed to indirect action in some cases, like charms to keep creepy people away. I’m not sure what else this might be referring to? I don’t try to manipulate spirits or anything more powerful than me either. That’s not really what I’m about. Once again though, to each their own!
19. How many altars do you have? I don’t have any real ones yet, once again because I live with my parents ;^; I have a sort-of-altar to the Sun on pinterest. I’d love to have a few different real altars someday.
20. Do you do magic outside often? I haven’t gotten a chance, because it’s been cold out and I’m very much a summer person. I’d also have to find a place my parents wouldn’t see me. I might try doing outdoor magic when summer finally rolls around.
21. Can you read palms, or tea leaves? Not yet! Those are two more kinds of divination I’d love to learn.
22. Would you ever open your own metaphysics shop? Oh that’s a lovely idea... maybe in a few years when I actually know what I’m doing. I could make it cafe themed and kind of live out two dreams simultaneously...
23. Is your third eye open? If I’m honest, I don’t really mess around with concepts like the Third Eye or Chakras because I don’t feel like they’re mine to be messing with, so I wouldn’t know?
24. Do you like Astrology? Whats your sign? I have mixed feelings about astrology. It is nice though, one way or another. I’m a Leo, which is quite nice because that’s the sign that belongs to the Sun.
25. Favorite flower? Or Tree? I have a particular affection for pear trees, because my grandparents have had a pear tree in their backyard all my life (and now it’s my backyard). Also cedar trees. My favourite flowers are roses, lilacs, carnations, lavender, and tulips. And probably lots more, I love flowers.
26. Do you have an animal guide? No, not that I know of. I think I might have a guardian angel though?
27. Whats your favorite kind of magic? I really like making charms, I find! And charging them with different kinds of sunlight. I also really like magic having to do with fire. And bath magic. And tea magic. And working with crystals. I like a lot of things ahaha ;^;
28. What time do you feel most like a witch? I think... early in the morning, just as the Sun is rising. That time has always been very special to me, it has its own kind of energy. And also around sunset, I think.
29. Are you out of the broom closet? Ah, I don’t really love that term, but ignoring that... I’m selectively out about my practices. Most people who I’m out to about my sexuality, I’m also out to about my witchcraft. So, my datefriend and my other close friends. My family doesn’t know, and besides my brother, I’m not likely to tell them.
30. Are you a hereditary witch? Or self discovered? Self discovered! I think it was something that was inevitable for me though.
31. Are you in a coven? Or solitary? I am solitary, and I’m not at all interested in joining a coven. It would be nice to meet other witches irl to be able to talk to them, though.
32. Do you want to be in a coven? How big? Oh, I suppose I already answered this. If I changed my mind, however, and decided to join one, I think I’d definitely lean towards a small one.
33. When did you become a witch? Just about 6 months ago, I think? I did a small ritual to initiate myself. Didn’t feel right just jumping straight into it without doing a special little something.
34. Do you make your own spells? Um, kind of? I use a mix of others’ spells and trying to formulate my own. Although when I make my own, it’s usually just for charms, and it’s just listing the herbs, oils, stones, and objects I want to include. It’s pretty amateurish, I think.
35. Do you make your own sigils? Yupyup, so far that’s all I’ve done. I don’t make sigils as often as I’d like to, though.
36. Why did you choose this path? Because... it’s something I’ve always wanted. It’s been calling me, I think. When I was a kid I played make believe, making potions and using sticks as a wand or staff. As I got older I started reading about magic, but keeping it at arm’s length because I was still Catholic. I’ve just recently been able to finally get into it, and feel close to the world like I’ve dreamed of, and it feels so nice. And that’s what really seals the deal for me, I think, that close feeling to the world, and the universe.
37. Whats your favorite element? Definitely fire! Water would be my second fave, maybe with earth as a close third...?
38. Do you do any misc. magic? What would... that count as? Like stirring your tea clockwise? Or using perfumes that make you feel a certain way? Doing little, very personalized things like that, yeah, and I’d like to do more of it.
39. Magic or things you will never do? Direct love spells, without consent. Not that I need love spells, because I’m in the most wonderful relationship right now, but even little love spells for my datefriend, I wouldn’t do without asking them. Curses aren’t my thing, but under dire circumstances I might make an exception? I’m not sure. Generally calling upon dark forces is something I can’t see myself doing. Also any appropriative magic, I won’t disrespect people. There are probably other things, but that’s what I can think of off the top of my head.
40. Strangest way a spell backfired? Absolutely the wildest thing, especially since it was one of my earliest spells, but I made a good luck charm for my datefriend, specifically to help them get into a college program we both applied for. It definitely helped them, but at the cost of me very nearly not getting in myself, even after already having been accepted into it =P
I’m tagging: umm, anyone who wants to do this, I suppose. I don’t talk to or am mutuals with many (or any?) other witches on here yet, so I don’t think there’s anyone I could tag. But if I inspire you to do this, please do tag me!
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