#is every kristen awesome
swamp-enjoyer · 2 months
getting into podcasts brings such a level of insanity to infodumping to your friends. like how am i supposed to explain that one of my favorite characters is made of static and teeth and he's gay and in love with ritual extraordinaire nicholas waters when neither of them actually have a physical form and we can only hear their voices
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girlcrushart · 3 months
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It's not like I ever need a reason to post Kristen Stewart. Like the reason today could easily be that she chose to wear those knee-high stockings with this outfit. I can't really say why exactly but those just make an already sexy as fuck outfit even sexier? The main reason I'm posting her tho is to prove a point. Some people have the audacity to claim they're a bigger fan than I am just because they have a ticket to go see her movie, but then post Sydney Sweeney instead. Such a woke move. Or maybe an anti-woke move? Honestly I don't really know anymore. But, seriously the real reason I'm posting Kristen today is because last night I saw her on Colbert and she was fucking awesome as usual. I love Kristen on talk shows bc she's generally somewhat awkward and I find her so sexy when she's awkward. She's also just really honest and real and refreshing. You can tell that people like Colbert like interviewing her bc it's an authentic experience. They also had this exchange, which was simply excellent in every way. I've also just found out that not only will she be on Seth Meyers soon, she's going to be doing his incredible daydrinking segment, which might be my most favourite thing on TV, and I think that is going to be spectacular. So you can expect another Kristen post soon. Thank goodness she keeps showing up places wearing sexy as fuck outfits (like even the one she wore on Colbert omfg) so I can continue to make posters of her (this one is #22 btw. How many posters of Kristen Stewart have other supposed fans made, I wonder?) Today's girlcrushart guardian is Kristen Stewart.
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aloekat · 3 months
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Bad Kids / Fantasy High!
pt 1/?
part 1 || part 2
hello chat and welcome to aloe shoves their hyperfixation onto everything they enjoy! making pokemon teams for fictional characters has always been a fun past time for me that i enjoy greatly so i wanted to apply that to dimension 20! i plan on doing every season once i’ve watched it, starting with all the intrepid hero seasons before moving on to side quest seasons
(also i finally decided to post these after @jadelion made posts sharing their team picks, so go check those posts out as there are some great choices! i also wouldnt be inspired to finally post these without him doing so first! i made my list completely independent of hers so if there's the same pokemon its purely coincidental lol)
first i want to talk about some guidelines i’ve given myself for this, which will apply to future posts as well:
only 4 pokemon per team - this keeps things more easy and makes them feel closer to mid-game trainers rather than fully stacked end-game ones. or feel like gym leaders maybe? it also helps with rule 2…
try to have no repeat pokemon - this just keeps things unique between seasons but sometimes a pokemon is a perfect fit for more than one person but for the most part everyone gets unqiue pokemon and there are almost no doubles
low to no legendaries on teams unless for a good reason - same goes for shinies but im more lenient on the shiny rule lol
i made a lot of these these like 3 months ago as of posting this - some choices may be outdated or the character has changed enough that a choice may not fit as well but i didnt want to change it lol (this is solely for the fantasy high kids tbh)
thats all for the rules! finally it’s time to get into the teams!
Lycanroc - representing Tracker, again i made these before junior year so trackerbees was still a thing but i imagine it can count for cassandra also since it’s a night themed pokemon. don't know which form of lycanroc she would have though Solrock - she was given solrock during her time with Helio, and while i know sunflora exists i think solrock makes a little more sense, since she was a chosen of Helio she would be at an elevated status and therefor have a better pokemon if that makes sense? it also pairs with... Lunatone - representing her change to Cassandra, a goddess of night. there's like cool symbolism with her pokemon now wow isn't that so cool and awesome!! Unown ("?") - a question mark unown to represent Yes? (and the other Yes forms) along with her cool question mark staff! can also ALSO symbolize doubt with cassandra
Toxitricity (Low Key) - low key form gives the vibes of a bass and Fig plays the bass! toxitricity would help fig practice her instrument and come up with music. also literally called “the punk pokemon”
Obstagoon - similar reasoning, obstagoon has The Vibes that fit along with also being a sort of rock n roll pokemon
Moltres - representing Ayda, i imagine Ayda gifted it to her once they became girlfriends :)
Mimikyu - a pokemon known for its imitation of another pokemon, very much fits into Fig’s actor feat and her high deception and her not wanting to be her real self sometimes
Dhelmise - big connection to his father and being a pirate, his father probably gifted it to him as his first pokemon
Marowak (Alolan) - fun idea i had for this is he originally just had a cubone with him during freshman year, but once he went to Fallinel and learned about the power of dance it evolved into an alolan marowak! it's a fire dance pokemon of course he would have it lol
Sirfetch'd - representing his mother and also his general fencing/fighter style that he works with
Tentacruel - just a cool ass water pokemon i feel he would have, also vaguely pirate-y with big kraken vibes
Pikachu - detective pikachu go brrrrr i imagine he would have gotten a pichu when very young, and it's evolved over time! it would wear a tiny detective hat as well because um i said so
Inteleon - super spy/gun pokemon also go brrrr, very much a reference to his father and just the general super spy-ness of Riz and Pok in junior year especially
Togekiss - ok this one feels very out of place and i forgot why it was here originally BUT i think it's to represent like a guardian angel sort of? again another reference to Pok because i love Pok and think he's very cool
Voltorb - he's the ball. this is a pokeball pokemon. are we starting to connect the dots
Politoad - representing Boggy of course, nothing much else to say
Espeon - a very psychic pokemon representing her oracle powers, it would be fun to think that she had an eevee that simply evolved into an espeon once Adaine realized that she in fact was the elven oracle!
Delphox - another powerful psychic pokemon, again this is just vibes and it's a cool pokemon and adaine is a very cool character lol
Audino - these pokemon are known for being able to hear super well and know how their trainers are feeling from listening to their heartbeat. a gift given by Jawbone to help with Adaine's anxiety but still a good member of her team regardless
Archen - "i'm Cloaca, i suck!"
Gogoat - a grassy pokemon which can sorta represent the tree he lives in but also intended to represent Zelda in some ways (again i wrote these before junior year came out). it would help him carry around a lot of scraps for tinkering
Rotom - found in the village near the Nightmare King's forest, this rotom had gotten lost in the forest and, with no tech from solace nearby, couldn't find a way home. gorgug rescued it and lets it inhabit the Hangvan a lot
Rillaboom - another grassy pokemon but this one is also a drummer! can we take a wild guess as to why i picked this one. for it's drumming ability. because. because gorgug is a drummer.
whew ok that's the first season done! i'll probably do unsleeping city next, which will be linked to this post once it's done!
have a better option that would fit a PC better? please tell me i would love to hear everyone's takes on this!
ok that's it that's the post everyone go home now (once again go look at @jadelion for their pokemon team picks!)
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nopointic · 1 month
y'all really gonna do this again with FKA Twigs and hating her new project because she's the love interest of a favorite white man in a new movie????
i mean because every "hot" take about the crow 2024 is saying e boy this and that and how it's disrespectful to brandon lee (may he rest in everlasting awesome peace btw) because it's not EXACTLY like the original and i'm like?????????
the movie has not come out yet.
you're mad about a reboot and then mad about a reboot daring to be different?
pick a struggle.
but the hidden rancid piss stench beneath all of this is the fact that FKA Twigs is a lead character and she is a biracial black woman who has endured YEARS of abuse in her art and career due to daring to be the love interest of some famous white guy that is the It Guy of the moment.
and y'all do this and write essays and then say oh, well, sorry about her, but THIS IS THE WORST AND SHE SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
if the crow 2024 was two gay white men y'all would eat it up. two androgynous white women? y'all would stan the fuck outta it.
a black woman? and a white man? in a reboot in 2024?
oh it's disrespectful, and it has NOTHING to do with her color or race or the plot, it's the ART that is DISRESPECTFUL blah blah blah
you're all fucking annoying and if kristen stewart was in this movie y'all would have had not shit to say.
oh wait, when she was in the charlie's angels reboot it was let it go and have fun and let people watch MOVIES but FKA Twigs? she should KNOW better right?
say what you mean.
the reboot of the crow 2024 has a black woman. you are upset. say that with your chest. thanks!
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sol-rambles · 3 months
lifesteal in solace. I'll come up with details later. (fantasy high dimension 20.)
someone please validate this.
Send me asks about this please....
actually I have some details now.
one they're 100% in Augefort Adventuring Academy.
Mapic is in on the bloodrush team, Ro also is not sure who else would be.
I think that Zam goes to Fabian's lofi study nights in Seacaster Manor. So do Pangi, Planet, Ro, Parrot, Red and so do a few others, these guys go almost every night its on though.
Team Awesome are a adventuring party cause I'm still insane about them.
Noone likes Kettlefucker Cumshit, cause god. Her.
Everyone saw the Shrimpjump, preformed by Fig dressed as Kirsten Applebees as her campaign promotion during Fabian's super awesome and cool house party.
I feel like Kristen managed to get Zam on board with Cassandra as he kinda fits her vibe. Like, Zam could totally get on board with the god of mystery, doubt and night.
Everyone goes to Basrar's atleast once a week to meet up and chat. He's so cool, literally. I love Basrar, who doesn't.. He's so cool. Also they chat Adine whenever she's working cause she's very awesome. Everyone tips her well, they know about the 10 barrels of diamonds.
I will be adding more to this thing cause I'm insane.
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
(This is the separate ask I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts on how other stream sub groups operate differently it's just so fascinating to me)
YEAH!!! Also it's so very cute to me how supportive and patient he was with Kristen when she was first considering streaming <333
At first she just kinda popped into chat and on stream rarely and he never forced her to stay if she didn't. Over time she just got used to and wanted to interact with chat more! Until she started streaming herself and he's been 100% supportive the entire time. Literal A+ husband material you can tell how much he loves her and its so sweet,,,,
YEAH ok so about the kristin thing at first so recently i've been watching all of phil's s4 videos and i'm getting to the end of 2019 aka they're preparing for their wedding and phil's in the process of getting a visa and it's so :))
i currently have two kristin stream vods in my watch later (bc i've been busy) and im so excited to get to themm it's been awesome to see kristin get more confident in streaming bc she is so funny!! i really love tuning into her streams they are such nice spaces :) also i miss parents sdv i hope they play again
ANYWAYS ok so my ramblings about phil's community is just. hold on i need to put this under cut because the more i write out the more it feels like inane bullshit but whatever we're here now
i feel like out of all of the streamers who have grown their communities in the boom of 2020/dsmp era phil's has been the most interesting to me. obviously biased here bc this is my community but ok. I'm not going to say that phil's fanbase is "the best" because that's obviously a subjective take but i think part of what makes it stand out to me is that it skews significantly older than any of the other streamers fanbases. routinely, we've heard from donos that there are teachers or people with full jobs who are donating to phil's streams. now, obviously we've heard plenty from high school age and younger, but for the most part those people tend to be sbi fans, or crimeboys fans who also enjoy phil - totally valid, etc, but they're not who i'm talking about.
the people who main phil tend to be older, which shapes a pretty different community that has a much less active presence on places like twitter. Those who are on twitter tend to not have nearly as much of a drive for clout as other subtwts - obviously there are exceptions, there always are, im trying not to speak as a total generalization - but i can't think of too many c!phil mains with thousands upon thousands of followers compared to other subtwts. And i think that again mostly comes down to like . it's just an older fanbase so they don't care abt that stuff as much.
oh and also! early gang as a central hub for most people who main phil i think helps a lot because, similar to tumblr, no character limit directly correlates to like. more critical thinking being used and less automatic aggression towards other people in the way twitter pushes to the forefront of every interaction. so as a whole the community comes across as far more chill than other subtwts/etc bc they aren't using twitter as their primary hub of communication
but i also think phil has had a direct impact on how his fans act on twitter regardless of age. the example that immediately comes to mind is when uh. ok. so idk if u were on twitter at all circa late 2020-early 2021, but subtwt selfie days were Alllll the rage back then, there was basically one or multiple every single day of the month for various ccs and duos/groups/etc. and i remember when it started popping off, phil got asked about it on stream and he very seriously talked about how he wasn't comfortable having a selfie day tagged after him, because he didn't like the fact that so many people, many who were high school age/teenagers, were putting their face on the internet for literally anyone to look at. i think he was the only cc who really spoke out about the ramifications of having your face online like that, and i know for me it was the first time i took a step back and went "yeah wait this is kind of fucking weird". it obviously didn't stop the selfie days for any other ccs, or the sbi selfie day, but his fans listened, and there was no phil selfie day ever again, and i think it's that kind of communication between phil and his audience that sort of helped develop his community in that direction, being mindful of internet bullshit and all that jazz. it's that kind of way he looks out for fans and the like that makes me really appreciate him and his community all the more. i just really like telling that bit of his history bc it was important to me in that time
again i don't know if this makes . too much sense. i sort of just started rambling and didn't stop to think if i was making any real points. this is all just to say that i love early gang, love philza, loveposting hours are so real i love this old man
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bigboxcar · 1 month
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Mugshot Monday - “Dragon Mug” by Kristin Hill of Tin Hill Sculptured Pottery with Traditional Roast Arabica Coffee by Gëvalia
Since I can remember, my Uncle Jim has had an affinity for dragons.
Over the years, I’ve admired his incredible dragon mug and I finally get to post it for my Mugshot Monday.
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We were in Milwaukee this weekend helping our 19YO move out of his Marquette University dorm and stayed a few nights at my Aunt Flo and Uncle Jim’s house.
Before heading back to Minneapolis on Monday, we got to hang out in their back yard this sunny morning eating pastries and sipping coffee. I used Uncle Jim’s dragon mug.
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The maker is Kristin Hill, although I couldn’t find much info about her on the interwebs or social media. I did find a Google Map listing for her Tin Hill Sculptured Pottery business in Davenport, Iowa.
The mug is signed “K. Hill 2007”, which may be the year my uncle bought it. He thinks he found it at the Lakefront Festival of Art in Milwaukee back around that time.
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This dragon on this mug is so awesome—I love how she’s casually laying across the lip of the mug and then her slender body and wings form the handle.
The more I look at this cup the more I love it.
Let me know if you have any current information on Kristen Hill and if she’s still making dragon mugs. I’d love to add one to my collection.
Cheers! 🐉☕️
See also my 730+ photos from the Mugshot Monday project here: www.MugshotMonday.com– Every Mug Has A Story
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angeloncewas · 4 months
HEY so i just finished episode 5!! they’re about to go into combat at the pit!! this is SO awesome i’m literally so engaged and excited about this story in a way that i haven’t been about a piece of media for a long time, it’s great. i think part of it is definitely that brennan is such an amazinggg dm and the players are so good at roleplay too, it all ends up being very engaging and compelling - and the randomness of the rolls keeps me on my toes because i can’t really figure out where the stories gonna go!!! it’s just so awesome :333
i think right now my favorites are riz (from a character standpoint he’s just sooo fascinating, i made a post about it), fig for her absolute hilarity in every moment, and gorgug in a like more lowkey way because he’s just so freaking sweet. i like fabian and kristin a lot too because i think they’re both gonna get REALLY interesting in a bit with the way their characters are. adaine is also dear to me with how honest she is - even with her nervousness and sadness she’s such a good friend and she’s so brave when it comes to standing up for them. i’m really excited to keep watching them :)
and yes the combat is just sooo fun and cool and the more roleplay heavy episodes are also GREAT and equally engaging and it’s just!! they made this so well!!! i’m so glad i get to enjoy it!!! deffo my favorite parts have been the high speed chase with johnny spells and his teifling gang and getting ice cream after, that was such a fun episode…
but yeah i LOVE this show and i love d&d now and i’ve been making my own character (aasimar warlock :3) and falling more in love with the game and everything and just!!!! it’s so nice to find something like this, where i didn’t expect to love it this much and i do :) i see why you like it and i’m rlly excited for sophomore year too bc you mentioned that one was really impactful for you!!
ps if you have any fic reccs… especially character/relationship studies….. :3<3
Sorry I took so long to respond !!! I read this and was like :O and then immediately fell into a weird hole. But I'm here now
I'm so so so glad you like it. I remember when I first discovered fantasy high I was watching it between every break like I really could not put it down in a way i'd rarely experienced
I need to go looking for your Riz post because i LOVE Riz so much he is so me vibes (also not at all, but really kind of) --- but really altogether they make such a well-rounded group to me and you really highlighted what makes each of them special. Jonny Spells is so funny and that chase is sooo good --- really opened my eyes to what D&D could be way back when.
Very interested in your character too ! You're always so creative in that way I never make ocs Fic recs (that you may have already seen but that I stand by dearly):
take my heart, pull it apart; Fig character study; "It's a great day. Until her horns grow in."
Strongtower Luxury Apartments, Units 304 & 306; Kristen living with Fig and Gilear (sulfuric is such a good writer)
arm yourself for adventure; very AU start; "The adventure began in a tavern, which, as far as Riz knew, was pretty standard."
six hours to breathe again; very different sci-fi AU but super fascinating; "This is all for Adaine, they're going to get her back, finally, once and for fucking all, and then Riz is going to put a bullet in Biz Glitterdew's greasy fucking forehead." (knightserrand also has a great back catalog)
interchange; role swap role swap role swap !!!; "a pirate cleric, a goblin bard, a Helioic fighter, an elven barbarian, a tiefling rogue, and a half-orc wizard."
I have more that are sophomore year related too :)
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mrmossmichael · 6 months
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It's been 10 years passed since Disney's Frozen came out on November-27-2013 and let me tell ya: that movie is frozen-tastic and one of my favorite Disney movies! Get it? Frozen-tastic? Oh, man. Anyways, it's the story about their kingdom called Arendelle becomes trapped in perpetual winter, fearless Princess Anna (Kristen Bell) joins forces with mountaineer and iceman Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) and his reindeer sidekick named Sven to find Anna's sister, Snow Queen Elsa (Idina Menzel), and break her icy spell. Well, Queen Elsa does possess magical ice powers, so don't disrespect her, though. Although their epic journey leads them to encounters with mystical trolls, a comedic and optimistic snowman named Olaf (Josh Gad), harsh conditions and magic at every turn, Anna and Kristoff bravely push onward in a race to save their kingdom from winter's cold grip. You should know that Queen Elsa is NOT the main villain in the movie, Prince Hans from the Southern Isles (Santino Fontana) is the true villain in the movie and he's also the wolf in sheep's clothing, so my advice to Princess Anna: you have to be careful who you trust. I'm just saying. The song called "Let It Go" performed by Idina Menzel is truly AWESOME and one of my favorite songs of all time.
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digital-vic · 1 year
-> Shikhee D'iordna AKA Android Lust
Born in Bangladesh, moved to NYC in 99'. An AMAZING vocalist with tons of range, haunting and surreal music video performances, and not to mention a more than welcome addition to the Industrial Scene of the 90's. Love her.
-> Maria Brink of In This Moment
Maria, a true showgirl. Knows she's good and flaunts it. The Queen of Fryscreams. Was crowned Rock Goddess of The Year by Loudwire in 2013 and 2015. And dubbed the "Hottest chick in metal!" in 2010 by Yell! magazine. Extremely talented musician. Frequently performs with Chris Motionless of popular metalcore band Motionless in White. She's awesome.
-> Amy Lee lead vocalist of the 2000's Band Evanescence
This might be one of my favorite music videos yet. The album cover for the band's "Fallen (2003)" has a place on my bedroom wall. Creator of the Iconic "Bring Me To Life (Wake Me Up)" (Yes, *that one*.) Her voice is ethereal. This song portrays her double life as a star. I absolutely LOVED her performance.
-> Otep Shamaya! From self-titled band Otep!
"Apex Predator - Otep"
(The video above is age-restricted for its violent and sexual imagery/topic.)
It's the first song I heard of hers and also my favorite. Otep is an openly lesbian musician. This song is about a captor falling in love with her victim. The 2013 album "HYDRA" is actually a concept album based on a novel she was working on.
"None Shall Sleep (2013)"
"It's a concept album about a girl corrupted by the world, corrugated by evil, ripped away from the golden, molten elixir of creativity, and abandoned on the placid, jagged rocks of a cruel and barbaric island where the rats poison themselves. This is a story of her personal alchemy of theophagy, revenge and righteousness. Her rise from the smoldering ash as a bruise that never heals transmuting, therianthropic, to the infinite, still-born messiah, a vigilante serial assassin, codename: Hydra." -Otep Shamaya
-> The girls from Conquer Divide
This ones special. The ENTIRE band is made up of talented female musicians.
In this 2015 hit it's
Kiarely Castillo - Clean Voals
Janel Duarte - Unclean Vocals (with some additional clean vocals)
Kristen Sturgis - Rhythm Guitar
Isabel "Izzy" Johnson - Lead Guitar
Sarah Stonebraker - Bass
Tamara Tadic - Drums
This song opened my eyes (wide shut.. get it?) to a whole new world of female vocalists in the metalcore scene when I first heard it come out and I don't regret it. Up until then I was still sticking with the classics : BMTH, MIW, BVB, PTV, AA, and... notice a pattern here? All boy bands. They revolutionized my playlist.
-> Lindsey Vogt from Eyes Set To Kill
Lindsey has extraordinary musical chemistry with her bandmate Justin Denson. With her clean vocals and his chilling screams they make nothing short of art. I love their contrasting voices in every song. And "Darling" is no exception. Total banger, super addictive.
-> Alexia Roditis
Although not usually my style Destroy Boys' lead vocalist really surprised me with this one! Same shock value that Buddy Nielsen from Senses Fail gifted us in 2013 with "Mi Amor". She's Spanish and she sung this beautifully. I once translated this for a friend. I love how her voice draws out and lingers in her songs.
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alexawynters · 1 year
Long post, but I'm going to take a moment to brag somewhat on myself, but also to thank those who helped make it all possible.
2022 has been a hell of a year. I lost Catticus to a blood clot early in the year, lost Sunny to MVD in 2021, and was recovering from a breakup in 2021. I felt like every time I made any progress in my life, I would get kicked back down. I wasnt allowed to have good things going for me, and really struggled to find purpose and meaning in my life. I felt like I lived to work, and was never going to get anywhere in life better than where I was right then.
In March of 2022, some friends and I made the leap of faith to move from Mississippi to Denver Colorado, in the hopes of improving our lives. We had no idea what we would face, how we were going to do this, or if we would make it. It was probably the most terrifying thing any of us have ever done. There were certainly a lot of ups and downs, lots of learning, and loads of adjustments made by all parties. I need to take this moment to thank Aubrey, Candi, Kristen, Toshi, and Tyler for making this incredible journey with me. We may not have all ended up staying together, but I certainly couldn't have done it without y'all, and I wish all of you the best on your personal journeys.
It turns out that 2022, with all it's wild ups, downs, and twists, has been one of the best years of my life. I'm really proud and happy to have made this leap of faith with you guys, and I hope you are too. Again, I couldn't have done it without y'all. I don't know if you realize it but you literally, literally saved my life. I was not in a good place at the beginning of this year and was contemplating giving up, because I didn't see the point in trying anymore.
Its amazing how things have changed. I just had my year end review, and phrases like "exceeded expectations", "great initiative" "doing a great job" were wonderful to hear, and definitely a balm for my ever anxious soul. I have earned a bonus on my last check of the year, and I have received a raise.
I've always struggled with imposter syndrome, but never more so than with this job. Honestly probably because the salary was enough that I could actually afford not just to survive but live, and I honestly never thought I would attain that. Genuinely believed I was always going to be living to work. I was initially afraid to take this job knowing the salary range - despite my skills and experience being up to par, because it seemed too good to be true. A literal dream. I may have worked my ass off to get here, but I could not have done it alone. Ahhh this is so awesome, it doesn't feel real! I'm gonna cry. But it's fine these are happy tears.
Now I just need good news from the vet regarding Aria's surgery and 2022 will be the best year I've ever had.
Again this is all thanks to the people who made this possible, Aubrey, Candi, Kristen, Toshi, and Tyler. And of course to my mom Jeri for supporting my decision to leave (and encouraging me when I had doubts - which was often 😅) and helping out not just myself but the house whenever possible.
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girlcrushart · 3 months
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I'd sorta promised not to post Kristen today because variety is nice, but the problem is that last night I went and saw Love Lies Bleeding because my friend @whoiwanttoday made it clear it was very important that I did so, and in matters like this he's rarely wrong. And woah, ya, that was a good movie. Really good. The night before we'd actually watched Oppenheimer because that has the reputation of being a good movie, and honestly it was... long? Informative? Sorta? Predominantly about men making bad decisions? Anyways, Alice and I fully agreed that Love Lies Bleeding was a much better movie. We certainly enjoyed it a whole lot more. It was stressful tho. It's a tense movie, but it's supposed to be. It was beautifully filmed, had a very compelling story, and all the performances were fantastic. With, of course Kristen holding down the fort and being spectacular and hot and sexy and awesome. And gay. Woah it sure was gay. Katy O'Brian was amazing in every way (so great that they actually had a bodybuilder play the role of a bodybuilder). and woah so hot. Incredible performance from her as well. Really really good. Oh, and the sex scenes. Holy fuck. It's so great to see Kristen being able to fully embrace her gayness in a role and the chemistry was off-the-charts bc obviously both those girls were turned on by each other, and so ya, that translates into a whole lot of girls being turned on. If you like hot gay girls then this is a movie for you. But also, if you like movies then this is a movie for you because it is a very good movie. It happens to have hot gay girls in it, and also the movie has nothing to do with them being gay, nor does any of the tension or conflict have anything to do with gayness or coming out or being gay or anything like that, which is really refreshing. Today's girlcrushart guardian is Kristen Stewart.
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targentis · 1 year
my good friend tief what authors do you recommend :3c
here are some of my absolute all time favorite authors for your reading pleasure:
V.E. Schwab - absolutely adore her unique and lyrical prose and richly developed characters. i also love that she writes a Lot of different types of stories and never really sticks to just one expectation of her “brand”. for you i recommend Vicious and its sequel, Vengeful (superhero duology from the perspective of the “villain”; protag is canonically aspec with the most wonderful found family of misfits)
Caitlin Starling - she writes mostly historical fantasy/horror and she Also creates some of the most captivating characters and plots i’ve ever read. of course i recommend The Death of Jane Lawrence (autistic protag marries a surgeon for Practical Reasons and finds out his spooky mansion outside of town may be haunted. it’s one of my favorite books Ever. but it is in fact pretty heavy on the horror elements esp wrt body horror if im remembering right so Beware)
Gillian McAllister - to me, she is the master of pacing. she writes books that are the epitome of “unputdownable” because every sentence—especially the final sentence of each chapter—is another hook. it’s awe-inspiring to witness. she mostly writes pretty standard thrillers but i recommend Wrong Place Wrong Time (high concept thriller where a woman witnesses her son commit a murder and the next day she starts waking up in the past)
Samantha Downing - oh boy! she is the queen of “unlikable” protagonists. i absolutely ADORE her, because she writes these bad people doing bad things for fun and revenge with such depth and delight and i wish more authors would do this. also, her plots are twisty and fun. i recommend For Your Own Good (grumpy teacher at a snooty private school poisons people and it all gets So out of hand. i read this in one sitting. it was that good.)
some honorable mentions are Chuck Wendig (horror writer and author of Damn Fine Story; if you want to read a book on writing craft that is both full of incredible advice and is really fun to read, read that book first. then read his other work to see him put it into practice. it’s awesome), Lisa Jewell (prolific thriller writer; her work isn’t really anything special, but she’s reliable in that every single book she makes is about the same quality so i use her as palate cleansers in between books sometimes AHFJSJ), and Kristen Lepionka (she made the private investigator genre fun again)
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katrotica · 2 years
The Start of Something New
This is a true story that happened pre-pandemic with a co-worker. Part 2 of this story (yes, it was continued)) is Canoe Camping. We still see each other occasionally for fun :)
About two months ago, a new girl started at work. She’s easily one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. For the first few weeks, I admired her from afar, seeing her around the office (and maybe taking the occasional detour to a meeting room past her desk) I didn’t even know her name, which is why when I got the meeting invite from Jessica, I didn’t think anything of it. My company is growing so fast that there are always new people. It was a kick-off meeting for a new project, and I wasn’t the only invitee either. Thank god. 
The next day I set off to the meeting room, taking my now already habitual detour by her desk, and was disappointed when she wasn’t there. My disappointment changed to joy and excitement and a hint of terror when I walked into the meeting room and there she was. I swear I almost fainted. She has a physical impact on me usually reserved for, well, truthfully, Kristen Stewart. She doesn’t look like Kristen at all, but my reaction to her is very similar: slightly dizzy, speechless, awestruck, really. But while ogling Kristen on screen is perfectly acceptable, that’s totally not ok behavior in the workplace! Luckily her beauty was so paralyzing that it basically prevented me from doing anything completely idiotic and inappropriate. Instead apparently I managed to sit down at the table and totally ignore the fact that she was talking to me. 
“Her name’s Kat.” Said my buddy Andy, who I’d sat down next to, as he subtly elbowed me in the ribs. 
“Jessica was asking about your team and role, Kat.” Andy helped. 
Andy had already worked out where my poor head was at (totally unclear how a straight guy was coping better than I was… that was a question for later) and seemed to know I needed back-up. I managed to tell Jessica who I was and what I did at the company. I can’t say I remember much about the rest of the meeting. I was in a bit of a daze. In the weeks that followed, I got to see much more of her, as we were working on a project together. Eventually I was able to not have heart palpitations around her, but it certainly took a while. 
Words will not do her justice, but I’ll try my best. Jessica is Asian—probably Chinese, or maybe Filipino. She’s essentially exquisite on all levels, but I’ll try to break it down. First off, her skin is an absolute miracle. It’s just the most gorgeous shade of brown, and so smooth and clear—like a luscious fabric. The desire to touch her—and not even in a sexual way, just because her skin just looks so…. touchable —is intense. Her face, framed with amazing shoulder-length black hair, is remarkably beautiful. Bright and alive, her dark brown eyes sparkle in a way that dark eyes usually don’t. Her smile is ever so slightly crooked, giving it a playful mischievousness that makes you think she’s flirting with you every time she smiles (she’s not. It’s all wishful thinking). And, if that wasn’t enough, she pretty much has a perfect body. Petite but curvy in all the right parts, athletic and toned in all the other parts. Normally I’m not as attracted to so-called girly-girls. Nothing is hotter than a girl in jeans, sneakers and a hoodie for my tastes. Jessica is a lot more formal & fancy. She clearly loves to dress up, and she’s really good at it. She’s an incredible dresser—the clothes she wears, combined with her other-worldly beauty really make her seem like an actual supermodel. She’s a fan of black, often wearing tight-fitting dresses, sometimes with stockings, sometimes without (her legs look amazing either way). And she has a collection of shoes that are beautiful and fashionable and hot and awesome. I’m confident that whatever lingerie she has on under all those glamourous clothes is probably really really sexy. 
After a few weeks of working with her and getting to know her, I got to a point where I wasn’t a useless idiot in her presence. My attraction to her, however, increased, as I discovered what a lovely and intelligent and funny person she is. I quickly arranged for Alice to join a Friday night post-work party so she could meet Jessica and see who I’d been carrying on about over the last few weeks. Alice was equally smitten and immediately suggested that it would be fun to try to get Jess as a new fwb. Which I agreed to right away (of course I’d been thinking that already for weeks). But it wasn’t going to be easy. I’d learned that Jess was single at the moment (that was good) but she talked about ex boyfriends quite a bit, and I wasn’t getting any vibes off her at all. I’m actually pretty bad at reading if a girl is flirting with me (I always assume she’s just being nice) but I was fairly certain that Jessica was in fact just being nice. 
She knew now that I was gay—obviously having met Alice and seeing us together, and I wasn’t sure how exactly to let her know about the fun arrangement Alice and I have, without basically saying something awkward like “Alice and I love to have threesomes with other girls. Wink wink.” So I recruited by friend and genius storyteller, Andy. He’s basically my best friend at work, and knows all about my assorted sexual escapades. I told him that if the opportunity ever came up, I’d love it if he casually mentioned to Jess that Alice and I had had some threesomes with girls. I don’t know how exactly he did it, but he did—so at the very least, if Jess was in any way interested, she wouldn’t be hindered by thoughts that she was screwing up mine and Alice’s relationship. 
In the weeks that followed, I got to know her even more, and we hung out more and more after work (with my group of work friends) We went out for drinks and food, we went dancing a couple times. Of course she’s an incredible dancer. So sensual and effected by the music. She’s one of those people who dances completely for herself, as though nobody is looking, even though literally everyone is looking! I tried to make something happen every time we went out (even bought Alice a bunch of times—she’s my secret weapon on these quests) but had come to the conclusion that Jess was pretty damn straight, and while she was more and more comfortable with me, she wasn’t interested in more than friendship. 
There were a few dance nights when I thought maybe something was happening because she was closer and more touchy-feely than usual (which was amazing) but then Alice pointed out that she was probably just herding a little pack of girls to send some visual signals to onlooking boys who she wasn’t interested in. Which made sense. She got hit on even more than Alice! One particularly disappointing dancing night she accepted the advances of one of those guys and after dancing with him for most of the night, ended up leaving with him. (Alice says she would have left with him too!) 
I’d managed to ask her about him the following day… curious if she’d landed a new boyfriend, and she responded saying that his looks were his greatest asset and she wasn’t likely to see him again, but that it had been a while since she’d been laid, so he’d fulfilled that quota. I was excited that she was sharing those kind of details with me, and had to bite my tongue not to shout out “any time you want to get laid you can count on me!”
Then on Friday night, things changed. 
The occasion was a karaoke night with a bunch of friends from work, including Jess. I invited Alice along too (we make a great karaoke team). The place we like to go to is great because you can rent your own private rooms, that have nice seating and tables and hold around 12 people, so your group gets to choose the songs and you’re not singing in front of a bunch of strangers. I really love karaoke, but it’s way better when you know everyone there and don’t feel self-conscious or judged. It was a mixed group of guys and girls, some couples, some singles. Everyone was really comfortable and happy and having a great time. The drinks were flowing pretty freely, which didn’t hurt. 
“What’s your favourite Taylor Swift song?” asked Jessica. I’d been unable to shut up about Taylor since seeing her in concert recently so my status as a die-hard Swifty was known by anyone who’d had a conversation with me lately. 
“Well, that’s impossible,” I started while my mind immediately started thinking about what song I’d like to hear and watch Jess sing. Sadly, unlike many of her contemporaries, Taylor has no maybe-I’m-a-little-bi-curious songs (yet ;) and while I’m not entirely certain what the “bad” thing she did that “felt so good” actually is, I’ve come up with all kinds of scenarios of bad things she’d over and over and over again if she could, so I blurted that out 
“I did something bad” I answered her with a smile. 
“Oh, did you?” She winked back as someone queued up the song and she got up to sing. 
And of course she was amazing at that too. The girl can sing! She got so into it! Dancing so sexily as she did. She’d do this little move when she’d sing the “over and over and over again…” part where she’d basically drop down with a little twist into a squat— as the notes went lower, so would she. Choreography that really needs to be shared with Taylor tbh. In fact, watching Jess’s performance would no doubt inspire Taylor’s first bi-curious song! Gorgeous, sexy woman singing a Taylor Swift song for me def creates a situation where a lot of buttons are being pushed, so my ability to assess whether I was being flirted with was even more unreliable than usual. 
“Is she flirting with me?” I asked Alice.
“I think so.” She responded. “I hope she’s flirting with US.” 
As Jess finished her song, Andy accurately read the sexual energy in the room and made a perfect suggestion. “Do your song!” He said to me and Alice. Our song, ever since we’d done it on our first ever karaoke night, was Selena Gomez’s “Hands to Myself”. We’d caused quite a stir the first time we’d done it, singing it together, while… not keeping our hands to ourselves ;) Ever since that first time, it had kinda been mandatory to do it every karaoke night, and right now was the perfect time to bust it out. We performed right in front of Jess, and while our show had always been a little steamy, we definitely turned it up a little more for this one. Our hands were all over each other. Caressing, holding, squeezing, cupping, fondling. And we didn’t limit ourselves to hands. There was quite a bit of other body part touching as well. 
I was wearing my usual jean shorts and chucks with a tank top (it was a particularly warm night). But I’d put on an especially pretty bra, because I knew Jess liked pretty clothes, and I loved the little glimpses of lace you could see thru certain openings in my tank. Alice was wearing one of her little sundresses, that tightly accentuated all her delicious curves. The swooping neckline revealed her amazing cleavage. Her dress also allowed me the ability to teasingly pull the hem up ever so slightly whenever I was dancing behind her with my hands on her hips or waist. Which is what makes Alice so much fun. Personally, while the idea of public nudity is a major turn on to me in a fantasty scenario, irl the thought is mildly horrifying. Alice, on the other hand, is pretty comfy with it, so I get to live vicariously through her. This was a far cry from public nudity, but I did make sure that I pulled her dress up high enough to give Jess a little peek at Alice’s panties a couple of times. Once from the front, and once from the back. They were lacy and gorgeous and tiny, only covering what’s absolutely necessary. The flash from the back was more of her ass than her panties, if you know what I mean ;) 
By the time the song ended, I was super turned on. Doing that with Alice always turns me on, but tonight was even hotter because it was clear that Jessica had quite enjoyed our performance. She clapped and woo-hooed and then stood up and gave us both a hug. She definitely held the hug a little longer than a friend hung. Definitely. Then the three of us sat down kinda in the corner. The seating in our room was basically like a giant booth that wrapped around three walls of the room. Like one of those really cozy padded restaurant booths. Jess sat right in the corner and essentially pulled Alice and I over and put us on either side of her. A few more songs were performed by other friends. Some Guns and Roses maybe? And Andy did an amazing rap song. I can’t remember what it was bc I was pretty distracted. Jessica was definitely snuggling with us. There was lots of giggling. Her fingers were absent-mindedly drawing little circles on both of our bare legs, which was sending little shivers right up my spine, and honestly making my pussy tingle quite a bit. We were chatting about pretty casual and easy things like music, and occasionally she’d ask a specific question about me and Alice — but nothing too risqué or sexy. I was starting to thing that this was likely as far as things were gonna go tonight, and I was super ok with that, when Jessica suddenly stood up and announced that she wanted to sing another song. 
I knew that whatever this song was would be a big indicator of where things were headed, so when the first few notes of Ariana Grande’s “Dangerous Woman” started up, I nearly creamed my panties. She sang the song to me and Alice, and fuck. I mean, that’s a sexy song. And really not a song you choose to sing to a couple of girls whose thighs you’ve been finger-doodling on unless it means something, right? Do you have any idea how arousing it is to have a major babe sing “you make me feel like a dangerous woman” right at you? 
“Define dangerous!” I wanted to chant back. 
About halfway thru the song she sat back between us and took turns singing softly right into our ears, turning back and and forth between us. I was losing my mind. I wanted to kiss her so desperately. That was just what was at the top of my list of things I wanted to do to her. She finished the song and melted into the seat between us, exhaling softly and saying “god, I feel good. That was fun.” She was sandwiched between me and Alice, and we simultaneously each rested our head on her shoulder. It just felt like the thing to do, apparently. She was already back to drawing patterns on our legs with her fingers, so the more-than-friendly contact wall had already been broken by her. We we just following her lead, really. I lifted my head up, putting my lips right at her ear and whispered into it. 
“The skin on your neck is still singing to me. Please can I kiss it?” 
“Finally!” She exclaimed “I was starting to wonder if you’d ever make a move.”
So Alice and I both kissed her neck, our lips exploring her delicious soft smooth amazing skin, up and down her glorious neck on each side, as she dropped her head back and exhaled satisfyingly. I let my mouth wander up to her ear again, planted a small kiss it and then took the top of her ear into my mouth and just sucked on it a little bit. Just like the rest of her, her ears are beautiful. She seemed to like that, as I felt her body shudder a little when a very sexy moan escaped her parted lips. Before long Alice and I were each tongue-fucking one of her ears and she was sensuously wiggling around, her hands exploring our legs much more liberally than before, coming teasingly close to our pussies, but with a degree of hesitation. 
She turned her face towards me and without missing a beat, replaced her ear with her mouth and locked into a very hot and sensual kiss that sadly ended as quickly as it began when she pulled away, briefly hanging on to my lower lip before disengaging completely. She did a quick 180 and repeated the kiss with Alice. The back and forth kissing went on for a while, each session lasting a little longer as Alice and I competed for her lips. She’s a fantastic kisser. Alice and I both resisted going in for a three-way kiss, because frankly, three-way kisses can be pretty awkward and difficult to orchestrate in a way where everyone is getting something good out of the experience. They look super hot in porn, but in reality they’re kind of a let-down for everyone involved. Taking turns is a lot more fun. Of course, usually in a scenario like this, the non-kisser can entertain herself by helping remove clothing, or kissing other body parts. But we were clothed. In a room with a bunch of other people. Already I was feeling a little uncomfortable that we were all necking with a bit of an audience. People were still singing, and clearly giving us some space, but of course glances were being stolen. I knew that if it were up to Alice, we’d probably be well on our way to being completely naked and sitting on each other’s faces by now but that was def not gonna happen. 
I was pretty desperate to get my hand into Jessica’s panties, but again, circumstances and wardrobe were not on my side. She was wearing one of her amazing tight dresses, with a zipper that ran all the way down the back. The only non-awkward way to access her pussy would be to take it completely off, which I could do in a second, but that would have left her in her bra and panties in a room full of people, and not everyone wants that! (Well, everyone in the room probably did, and Jess was acting like maybe she would too… but I was not prepared to go there myself). 
“Please, baby, I want mooorreee!” Moaned Jessica, and sadly at that very moment I became very aware of how much she was slurring her words. Everyone was pretty drunk—it was late, and we’d been drinking the whole time. I was certainly pretty drunk, but Jessica was drunker. And, I’d decided what I wanted to do with Jess long before I was drunk. Months before, truthfully. Who knows what Jessica had decided about how she wanted the evening to go before it had started, but I suddenly realized it was important to be careful right now. I have zero-tolerance for guys who don’t understand the basic principles of consent, and have heard enough horror stories of girls being taken advantage of while too intoxicated to make good decisions. Being a girl should in no way give me a pass on that behaviour, so I made a VERY difficult decision at that moment. If Jessica really wanted to try having sex with me and Alice—and it wasn’t just the alcohol talking—then she’d still want to do it later, when she was sober. While I love using both drugs and alcohol to enhance sexual activity, I never make big decisions about sex while intoxicated in any way, and this was a big decision for Jessica. I took a quick look over at Alice and very subtly shook my head. And she knew exactly what I was thinking. That’s part of what makes it work so well when Alice and I do stuff like this. We’re pretty much always on the same page, and on rare occasions where we’re not, we’re quick to support each other with big decisions like this one. 
Alice was already back at Jessica’s ear saying “Jess, we both want more too. A lot more. All of it. But we think we should call it a night tonight and then plan a really special evening for just the three of us.” 
“Or maybe a whole weekend?” I cooed into her other ear after kissing my way up to it. We weren’t gonna go any further, but I was going to kiss that skin for as long as I could! 
“Oh.” she pouted. She looked so crestfallen. So disappointed. Frankly, sad. I sure don’t like seeing people sad. Especially when I hold the key to their happiness! I almost lost my resolve. But I was strong. I knew that we’d made enough progress tonight with Jess to set up a truly magical experience with her. But I also knew that wasn’t going to happen tonight. Besides, I do love anticipation, and while I’d been dreaming of this moment for months, the possibility of it actually happening hadn’t become a reality until tonight. A longer wait and tease would be good for me. 
We got a cab for all three of us—Alice and I deciding that we needed to make sure Jess got home ok. We sat in the back together, with Jess between us, just like at the karaoke bar. We snuggled some more and it was very nice. Jess actually fell asleep between us about halfway thru the ride—another indicator that I’d made the right decision. When we got to her place, walking on her own was clearly not going to be a success for her, so we guided her right to her bedroom and onto her bed, which she fell into, face down. As Alice got to work on taking off her spectacular strappy shoes, she said to me “sleeping in that dress would suck. And you’ve been wanting to unzip it all night. These aren’t exactly the circumstances you were envisioning, I know, but you should probably do it anyways.” 
So I slowly unzipped her beautiful dress, exited at least to get a sneak peek at the lingerie she was wearing under it—something I’d been imagining since day one. Of course she was wearing a gorgeous matching set of lacy & silky deep blue bra and panties. Alice helped me roll her on to her side while I pulled the dress out from under her, and we somehow managed to get her under the covers and tuck her in. Her face was angelically beautiful in her peaceful slumber, and we both kissed her on the forehead before going.
“Well, I’m not too drunk to consent to sex...” teased Alice as the cab dropped us off at our place. 
To be continued… (hopefully!) 
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authorangelita · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @impossiblepluto!  Your traditions are awesome, and your parents' house sounds beautiful!
Favorite music to bring Christmas spirit to your home?
We don't have any specific Christmas music in my family, but my sister starts playing Christmas music as soon as Sirius XM puts the stations out, ha!  
I create a Christmas playlist every year with a bunch of pop Christmas songs.  Some of the songs currently are: "Text Me Merry Christmas" by Straight No Chaser featuring Kristen Bell, "Sleigh Ride" by TLC, "December" by Us the Duo, "Take Me Home for Christmas" by Dan + Shay, "Christmas Dance" by Darren Criss, "Christmas Saves the Year" by Twenty One Pilots, and "12 Days of Christmas" by Relient K (this one is funny – I just heard it during a Christmas lights drive-thru display, and it was awesome).
Movie you have to watch during the Christmas season?
"The Family Stone" is my go-to every year.  I love it so much that we rented out a theatre in my hometown last year just to watch it on the big screen. 
"Home Alone" is a staple, of course.  "Four Christmases" has been getting a lot of airplay in my family over the last few years.  Oh, and we watch a lot of the Harry Potter movies even though they aren't specifically Christmas-related.
Also, I have a list of TV episodes that I watch.  Firstly, I watch the Chrismukkah episodes of The OC while I wrap presents.  "A Very Echolls Family Christmas" (Veronica Mars) is also a must-watch.  A couple of other faves are "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" (X-Files) and The One with the Holiday Armadillo (Friends). 
Favorite way to decorate for Christmas?
I put up a Christmas tree and set out a few family heirloom and homemade decorations.  My roommate loves a real tree, so we get a 3 ft tree and set it on a small table with my giant tree skirt under it (my mom made it for a big tree but I use it for the little one, lol).  Also, I've recently gotten obsessed with gnomes, so there are some gnomes around.  I bought one last year that I put on the newel of my dad's staircase, and I named him Norm the Newel Gnome.  
My sister goes all out and decorates at least 5 trees.  Christmas is her favorite holiday, and she does a lot of decorating at her house.  She also works part-time at a Christmas store.  It's a lot of fun to go to her house for the holidays.
Do you have special Christmas-y clothes?
Not really.  I bought a 'Gnome for the Holiday' sleepshirt last year, so I wear that.  I love flannel pj pants this time of year – does that count?
Favorite smell of Christmas?
The apple-cinnamon scent that's often around at this time of year is one of my faves.  I love the smell of cookies baking, too.  Mom always made a ton of baked goodies, so the house smelled amazing.
Tagging: @rosieblogstuff @nativestarwrites @fesweetpea @bold-and-nosy @appalachianapologies and anyone who wants to play.  If you don't celebrate Christmas, please tell me about a holiday of your choice!
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do you have any children book recommendations?
i was that kids who would get a whole stack of books from the library and finnish them in three days, but i stopped reading a few years ago, it wasn’t by choice, i still bought books and wanted to read, but couldn’t. (long story)
but now that i’m trying to read again most of the books that i own are YA and Adult WW2 historical fiction (i was a agnsty 16 year old history buff what can i say)…but i want to read something more wholesome and less realistic, if you know what i mean.
i’m really picky when it comes to YA books, but with childrens books as long as it’s found family, or mystery, or has a narrator with a sassy personality, i will read it.
i’ve always liked kid’s books better and it’s not like they won’t rip your heart out, on that note can you give me a heads up if someone dies (i was traumatized by Fig Pudding when i was 11, and read the last pages of every book because of it)
both the Lunar chronicles and Percy jackson are on my to read list, but the size of the books scare me a bit and i need to ease back into reading a little slower than that
Alright, a great and easy book series, super romantic, super sweet, aimed at like, 12-15 year olds, is Wide Awake Princess by E. D. Baker, or the Frog Princess series by her, or honestly anything by her. Fairy-Tale Matchmaker, Fairy Wings, A Question of Magic. All of it. 10/10. It's all so wholesome and cute but with good world building and magic, fun time periods cross overs between series, and all with a touch of angst, and The Frog Princess inspired Disney's The Princess and The Frog. So like.
The False Prince, by Jennifer A. Nelson. Not entirely a Kids book, leaning more towards YA in my opinion, but it's a fairytale written by a woman with the intended audience being middle grade boys.... so it's jam packed with adventure, intrigue, mystery, a bit of death and danger, politics, and a nice side of romance to swirl around in a whisky glass on a dark night. It's really hecking good, and even though I never read the sequels, I did realize exactly how much I want to be able to roll a coin over my fingers.
Anything by Shannon Hale. Yes, you want to read it. 10/10. Even her Ever After High books are good. I love this woman with my whole heart.
Roald Dahl's children's books. These books were my entire sense of humor as a kid, and you will enjoy them if you like laughing. All the nasty characters get what's coming to them, and all the magic is amazing. I recommend starting with something like The Twits(there's a very deserved death at the end, but it's hilarious and exactly the ending the Twits deserve.), or George's Marvelous Medecine(also has some death, but once again, you don't care about someone nasty dying from totally deserved consequences). My top three books of his are Matilda, The Twits, and Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator(the sequel to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, which you should read first, even if you've seen all the movie versions).
Frindle, by Andrew Clements. Prepare to laugh. That's all i can say about this one. Comedic gold, satisfying ending.
Pretty Much Anything by Gail Carson Levine, but especially her Princess Tales, which are amazing retellings of classic fairy tales that you will enjoy every minute of.
The Princess Curse, by Merrie Haskell. I wrote angst fanfiction for the post-canon of this book. It'll never be posted. It's an odd retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses.
You Don't Know My Name, by Kristen Orlando. Fast paced, action packed, slightly terrifying book about being a teenage spy. More on the YA side, but I remember reading this book in a sort of awe. It was really good. There was quite a bit of death, probably of the violent kind, but it wasn't the main character, and it's a spy novel. Like, of course everyone she loves is gonna die. That's how the world works! I think there's another book out now. Absolutely awesome angsty pick.
Loki's Wolves, Odin's Ravens, and Thor's Serpent, by Kelley Armstrong. Basically a Percy Jackson but Norse Mythology and this time with the gods sort of manifesting themselves in children who now have to fight and battle the Ragnarök thing going down. They're all totally going to be stable by the end of this. At least one minor character death, and a girl turns into a fish a couple times. But there's a sweetheart of an angst werewolf!!! So!!!
Harriet The Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh. Remember your spy phase? So does Harriet. She documented it, and might be needing to learn a lesson about personal privacy and being respectful of others.
Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink. You will cry. That's all I'm saying. I don't think there's any major character death, but if there is I apologize. It's the older sister vibes for me, not even gonna lie to you. Caddie is a whole entire creature and I love her.
Socks, by Beverely Cleary. If you like cats, read this book, it will make you cry in a happy-sad way.
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