ziracona · 1 year
I saw the ask about Michael putting on weight because of medication and that gave me an adorable yet hilarious image of Michael being all cute and pudgy with his round glasses because I still headcanon Michael needing glasses. And I can't help but find it funny how Michael Myers went from being the freaking boogeyman to soft and sweet. Okay, now I have to know, how would the gang feel about how much Michael's changed?
Well, like I said, I doubt that would be a thing that happens to him so I’m not sure how to answer this. Doctors ideally work with you to manage symptoms, and find meds that don’t cause intense ones for you. If he gained a little, I don’t think he’d really notice at all. Or that anyone else would. [If anything a guy his height and physical strength suddenly built like a well fed linebacker is much more physically imposing potentially as well] I don’t think his personality changed that much either—I mean in ways it greatly did. He went from only ever experiencing a specific range of interactions and feelings, to a much more normal experience and healthier mental state. But he’s still kind of a shithead for fun and chooses the Cain instinct quite often, and can get very intense and hair trigger. He’s just a much healthier, calmer, happier version of what he was. Which in fairness is a good bit different, but I’m not sure I think of that as soft and sweet primarily. Kind in his own way sometimes now very much so, sure, but also intense and awkward and very him.
If any of the survivor group ended up gaining weight, they would be normal and not care about it. They aren’t bad people 😅. It wouldn’t really be a big deal either I mean. It’s a thing that happens. To people a lot, all the time, from aging to medical reasons to lifestyle change to medication to more. But it’s not an important one. As far as his changes personality wise, getting support and opening up some, I think they’re a little wary of him for a while because well, he did kill them. But they’re kind of used to that being a complex category—Sally, Anna, to a much lesser degree Philip. But he’s not the most emotionally difficult one of those: Legion is. And it’s important to Laurie, and what happened made sense. Putting a bullet in Freddy didn’t exactly lose him any favors either. Parts of figuring out healing are still complicated and hard on both sides, but Philip was very helpful breaching that gap, and so was time. They would I think mostly have felt some amount of discomfort and hesitance and distress, but more than that very relieved about him? And eventually cautious and calmer and hopeful, then familiar and welcome. It would depend a little from person to person but he was never the worst, and he’s not even the worst outside, and they had practice, so it wasn’t the longest.
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crysdrawsthings · 7 years
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replied to your
integrityandgenerosity replied to your post ...
I have to agree with you there. I actually like the Space Wolves. Any enemy of the Inquisition is a friend of mine. I just really don’t like Russ in particular. He’s a bigoted, self righteous, hypocrite of the highest order. Plus he’s a dick towards Sanguinius. How can you possibly hate Sanguinius???
Trouble with the 40k books? Those books are impossible to read! You have so many authors with their own versions of the primarchs that sometimes your wondering if their even the same person. I think the Emperor gets the worst of it though. One minute he's a compassionate but very flawed man, and the next minute he's a complete dick.
I'm so-so on the new material. I already feel like they messed up by bringing Gulliman back because I personally feel like that just proves the fans right when they call him a mary sue, and why Magnus vs Rob? I'm not calling it quits yet though.
Well. Between Inquisition and Space Wolves I would certainly choose Wolves, huh. From what I heard about 40k version of them, they became more or less nice dudes. And Inqs are just big NOPE.
And speaking about canon, I haven’t read very much into Horus Heresy, but I am reading Thousand Sons at the moment and okay, I think Russ appeared on screen like... Two times??? And my butthurt from him is just epic already. Like this:
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Actually he started giving me that wonderful feeling of a terribly strong desire to, well, I can’t really came up with proper English equivalent, let’s call it “give him a cuff on the nape” after his bitching about Remembrancers and such, that was mentioned in first books. But now, as I said, it only intensifies. 
(Although, need to admit, that this cuff on the nape, would probably be the last thing I would do in my life, but honestly, would totally worth it. Also apparently it would require a ladder. Dude is tol)
But... “Plus he’s a dick towards Sanguinius“ Okay. This is just low. What little piece of shit you need to be, to be a dick towards San???  Apparently you need to be Russ? Shame on him, shame on his pack, shame on his mjod. And fleas into his fur. Actually, I will screw up my timetable tomorrow and drew some angry shitpost.
Oh. About ever-changing interpretations. As I said I do not get this far to notice (and also reading in translations what, I guess, also can add some problems), but, well, I will need to brace myself for this. Thanks for the warning. 
Personally I am not sure what to think about new material. Mostly because I am not really get through the old one and haven’t read new one to form an opinion, but... Well, I think time will show. Rob is just returned and maybe next books will made situation better and clearer?
And speaking about why is there Magnus vs Rob... Well, makes little sense for me to, so I shitposted myself a reason. As I usually do, when decide, that canon is stupid. Have seen people saying, that said Lorgar would be more logical opponent and all that. And honestly can agree with them, I think.
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hugs-and-stabbies · 2 years
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thank you @integrityandgenerosity for talking with me about michael and his pretty face and empty stare 😂♥ i really missed drawing him without this mask on aksjh
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mythicandco · 3 years
Philip had never been very close with his mother. 
(As far as anyone was concerned, Emperor Belos had no mother.)
She was always praising Edward for his good behavior, always giving her youngest son sideways glances when he brought home a cicada’s molted exoskeleton or showed her his artwork of monsters and eyes and wings. 
(Belos had a magically-sealed box filled with these such drawings, but he’d long since forgotten where it was. Out of sight, out of mind. And anything not on the mind of the emperor didn’t exist at all.)
But Philip remembered the tales she used to tell when he was young - really young - she would tell him stories like King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, and her descriptions of Avalon were stunning. No one told stories the way Philip’s mother did. 
And young Philip was inspired. He came up with his own worlds and stories of emperors who wielded power to do good and unite their people with a set of common goals. Every night he dreamed of faraway lands and magic and that maybe, in some version of the world, people like him were heroes instead of freaks and outcasts. 
(Belos didn’t dream. He hadn’t in a long, long, long time.)
Edward was never as interested in their mother’s stories as Philip. He hid Philip’s art, once even partially burned a sketch Philip had been working on just a few weeks before the... incident. 
Because then they fell into a lake and into another world where all of Philip’s dreams were real, and horrifying, and fantastic. And he wanted to go home and tell his mother and father that he had discovered something amazing, and look, Edward wasn’t better than him after all! 
Please be proud of me! 
But then Things happened and Mistakes were made and a long time later a voice, an ancient being older than the oldest demon on the isles, promised him closure if he could only complete a simple task - a task that he’d wanted to do for centuries now. And so the deal was struck. 
And Belos, ever the sentimental old sap that Philip used to be, made some more Mistakes and found himself caring for a clone of his brother, because hey, why not?! 
And he was a terrible parent, possibly even worse than his own father (who, may I remind you, never existed according to even the most unregulated of sources) but he tried, sometimes. And Philip remembered the stories his mother used to tell, and decided to tell them to Hunter. 
He didn’t tell them with the same level of detail - three centuries is more than enough to forget most of them anyways, and no one matched the skill of Elizabeth Wittebane when it came to weaving tales - but he did his best, and the way Hunter’s eyes lit up meant he had to be doing something right. 
Some nights, Philip felt bad about the lies and the manipulation and the pain, which was why he clung to the small windows of goodness as tightly as he could. But most nights, the Day of Unity was a priority. And then, finally, it could be over. 
And really, who cared about an outdated, unimportant fantasy anyways? 
Story idea by @integrityandgenerosity! Thank you for the prompt, this was fun! Might do something like a part two, we’ll see. 
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ziracona · 2 years
Hi there, me and my sister were having a hilarious conversation about how Michael is constantly staring at his kills at such a close angle because he has terrible eyesight and needs to get up close to see.
But then it had me thinking how adorable it would be if Laurie realized Michael needs glasses. Laurie realizes Michael hovering over her shoulder or staring at things is because he's trying to see better and without the mask she realizes he's squinting all the time.
Laurie and the gang have to make up a zany scheme to get Michael to the optometrist because Michael doesn't want to be anywhere near a doctor.
Then Michael ends up having to wear those adorably round oversized glasses.
Awwww that would be adorable! It would be so hard to get the man to wear contacts too, so I guess it would be glasses. He’s sensitive though and his reaction to being insulted is anger so it would be a dangerous game. Random lady one table over at a restaurant makes a joke about his glasses and it’s a game of Laurie stopping him from absolutely demolishing her table with his foot or something.
It’d be so cute though. He’s already fascinated by everything because he spent 15 years and his adult life in a white room. Him being able to see things better I think he’d be thrilled and just signing “Do you see that?? You can see that???” excitedly at like, a squirrel digging to hide nuts. My mom had really bad eyesight most of her life, like not even correctable all the way with glasses, and when I was a kid, she got laser surgery for the first time and I’ll never forget her texting us (she’d had to go pretty far for the surgery), excited because she’d just seen a bird ruffling it’s feathers, and hadn’t ever been able to see that before. I think there’d be a lot of that.
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ziracona · 2 years
I'm curious though, what would Laurie and the gang's reaction to seeing Michael wearing glasses for the first time be?
Mainly the gang's reaction to seeing The Shape, the guy who brutally murdered them and terrified them having to wear a pair of glasses that makes him look endearingly dorky.
Also would Michael have any quirks regarding his glasses?
Meg would lose her mind. I think mostly they’d be like ‘thank god, slightly less intimidating’ because even friendly he’s very imposing. Laurie would be that Lucy Van Pelt Peanuts comic about Linus first getting glasses. And the glasses wearers would be like “We’ve gained another brother in arms; hail solidarity” and welcome him.
Michael would have quirks like getting infuriated by smudges (Laurie ends up spending so much time trying to help with that), and forgetting he’s wearing them so he leans too far forward at the wrong angle and watches in surprise as they fall off. Overall, I think he’d be happy just at improved vision, if he needed glasses to see and finally got some.
(This is the comic)
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[[ the comic is of Lucy talking to Charlie Brown. She looks sad and preoccupied. She says: “When I first saw Linus with his new glasses, I could have cried… I really felt sorry for him. …When he came into the house he looked like a little owl! It just about broke my heart…” She sighs in distress, then with sudden anger turns to Charlie and shouts: “BUT IF YOU EVER TELL HIM I SAID SO, I’LL KNOCK YOUR BLOCK OFF!” ]]
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crysdrawsthings · 7 years
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So, some time ago I did a thing about Magnus, cutting his hair short, here it is. And then @integrityandgenerosity​ asked about Magnus with Rapunzel hair. And heh, I am delivering. Text goes as “-So, what happened with your hair now? -The same thing, that with my whole life. Chthonic. Mollusk. Fetishist”
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crysdrawsthings · 7 years
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About Magnus-with-extra-long-hair picture. Heh. Yeah, I guess when cleaning and “caring” them traditionally it would be something terrifyingly hard. Certainly requiring a whole ton of things and probably some assistance. So I kinda tend to think, that he is cheating by using his magic. 
About Sanguinius and Fulgrim. Oh my, thanks for these kind words <3 And yes, I fully support this headcanon! Personally I would probably make analogy with light-bulbs. There are ones with warm, sorta yellowish light and ones with colder, bluish light.  And sorta so with these bois, but how you put it is far better said I must say :)
Tau and penguins... I like both, I guess x)
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crysdrawsthings · 7 years
First impression
Well. Memes. Russian dork memes.Memes about the dude who is very passionate about certain library but has some form of topographical issues and can’t find it\don’t have an authority to go in.
Impression now
Well. I do not get to the Rubric thing by now, only know the very basics about it and feel like there is some bitter irony about all story.And heh, by know (I started reading “The Thousand Sons” before the Final started, now plan to continue, in the main chronology I am on fourth book, started that out of order because of reasons) I feel sorta warm about the dude. Nothing really specific or passionate, but hey, I would invite him for tea. And a lot of other dudes from the TS, honestly. Has his flaws, but seems like a generally enjoyable dude to be around. Maybe I will change my mind after I will educate myself about the Rubric and other things, but for now that is it.
Favorite moment
Read far too little to decide. But well, that moment once was mentioned to me by @integrityandgenerosity and it’s pretty rad.“When Magnus reconciled Ahriman so that they could destroy Fenris and everything Russ holds dear together”
Idea for a story
Well.Aside from the thing above and Ahriman fixing Rubric or at least getting into Library…Just give me boi being happy neeeeerd. I know that TS and happy and things that hardly can be seen together, but!Gimme.
Unpopular opinion
I still have no idea about popular opinions.
Favorite relationship
I need more reading to decide, honestly.
Favorite headcanon
I am not even sorry
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crysdrawsthings · 7 years
Oh my... @integrityandgenerosity I swear I somehow, but completely unintentionally missed your awesome comment on my Magnus’ portrait and I am sooo sorry for it :_( 
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I am not sure it is needed anymore, after all that time, but here is my answer. Sorry one more time.
Thanks for you kind words! They truly warmed my hearth, watered my crops and friendly patted my back.  And yes, yes, yiisss, I am glad if that thing with changing him for panels worked that way I wanted it. Like slight, but visible difference between youthful, a bit naivete, younger and happier, I guess, Magnus from the pre-Heresy times and how he is tired and 1000% done with everything being deamon-prince after Heresy and especially after Prospero. 
And about resembling Emprah. Can’t really say yes or no, because I honestly don’t have any headcanons for his appearance, if that’s what you meant. Aside from fabulous hair, because how can I miss an opportunity? 
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