#inspired by lyn
mixx-exists · 2 years
I'm back
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clevenhq · 23 days
anotha one w @pinksiames !?!?!?
ceo!john & assistant!gale cliche…
gale is a 26 year old law student who interned as a summer associate for 3 months at egan law, established in 1972!! he burnt out of college due to stress and his increasing student debt
28 year old john egan inherited his father’s law firm months after he finished his degree in law and passed the bar (of course he would’ve attended cases and hearings, worked as a privileged associate with lawyers)
despite dropping out, gale still applies for a job at egan law out of desperation. maybe becoming a receptionist or an assistant. he’s hired as john egan’s personal assistant a week after he sent in his resume and starts two days later
his schedule is suddenly so full that he has to quit his part time jobs just to follow around mr egan. at first he doesn’t like him, how he’ll flirt with anything that has two legs and a willing grin.
mr egan had seen gale around during the summer he interned, he was always focused and was efficient in doing his tasks. with that in mind, he puts gale’s dedication to his job to a test. he sends gale off to do odd things and run errands for him, he can see gale’s patience running thin but is surprised that he never quits.
slowly, john has gale to things for him around his own home, like organizing files or helping john with simple casework. eventually mr egan is never seen without his assistant and they become a pair. gale finds the more vulnerable, real side to the ceo and his grudge fades away.
john can see how happy gale is while he helps with cases, and they talk about how gale burnt out of law school because of debts. working as john’s assistant has rekindled his passion for law, and john offers to pay for his tuition.
then everything else…
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olive-riggzey · 4 months
You guys seem to like my last extremely specific writer meme so here's another one:
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steel-nageyari · 6 months
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pre-orders are open, please consider lending us your support! 💖🧡💛🤍🌸💜
fesapphiczine.bigcartel.com @fesapphiczine
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lynbaccha · 8 months
Before I actually work on new stuff, I want to play a game called "inspiration vs. OC". In which, I put a picture of a main inspiration of my OC and the said OC in question.
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Teenage me was a huge Hellsing fan and Arvak actually was a character in my first original story. Sad boy obviously has had a huge revamp, I made his first version when I was 13, but anyway.
I have at least one more... But tag list is getting long.
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blazingpeter · 20 days
Our Lady Love, The Fugus Duchess
After weeks of trying to get this done between assignments
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Cutie Patootie in the garden
What kind of tea do you like?
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babygirlgerard · 2 years
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so do the way siblings just have a thing for short kings or.
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koumeowkami · 7 months
the way i'd make a kurode theme if i didn't love 2wink too much to take them off after a month
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autumnslance · 23 days
I saw you replied to my fear post, thank you for that. I’ve been trying to make an OC that is both a main and a character for writing like Aeryn is for you. My next question is can I take a canon character like Aerith, Rinoa, or Yuna for example as a base and then work to make them my own OC? I’ve been really into FF7 and the Atelier series, Aerith is the perfect candidate to be an Alchemist! Are any of your OCs inspired by your favorite characters in other series?
You're welcome! And I think that taking an existing character as inspiration is a good way to start with making an OC. I've done it a few times in some tabletop games, but also often don't consciously, only realizing there are similarities to characters I've loved after the fact.
In a tabletop game, I made a character initially inspired by a dancer character from one of the Lunar games, but the game didn't go anywhere (as often happens). I held onto that base concept, and then years later found a Pathfinder game the concept worked in perfectly, also letting me revise the character greatly.
My WoW paladin, Alynore, was inspired by characters like Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5, Paksenarrion from Elizabeth Moon's Deed of Paksenarrion novel series, and a little of Sleepy from The Black Company novel series. They're all dedicated military women, leaders, queer (1 bisexual, 2 asexual), no-nonsense, and value dedication, justice, and even kindness in their own ways.
I also took the idea of some favorite twin characters from a show who were taken in by their noble father, but ran away a few years later. I did a "what if a trusted member of the household was discovered to have let them run away, and now was charged with finding them?" and turned that into an OC in another game.
Aeryn maybe has some other Final Fantasy heroines in her makeup, but as I'd played through XIV twice before, I noted how the game treats what I call "Assumed Default WoL." They can't account for every permutation of the player character; even games like Dragon Age, or Mass Effect, or Baldur's Gate can't account for every version of their player heroes. But there are baseline assumptions, and so I baked that into the concept when I came up with Aeryn. An adventurous altruist, a determinator, a little bit of a gremlin--especially as time goes on and "this is my life now" really sets in (and WoL's dialogue options include a few more unhinged possibilities in some places). I looked at the influences and inspirations, said "OK, I know why they adventure, why does this girl?" In Aeryn's case, I started simple: I knew her brother was 1.0 WoL and never returned, so she was looking.
That was it. A lot of the rest of the details came later.
It's OK--and I often recommend--leaving a lot of backstory details loose and vague to start. I did the same with Dark Autumn, with C'oretta, Iyna, and various past characters in WoW and others. It let me add, change, shuffle, and write things in later. Sometimes even retcon and rework things.
Don't be afraid of that, especially when using other characters as starting points. Use the broad strokes summaries of their story and adjust it to fit in the new setting you're importing them to; goodness knows FF itself does this all the time (look at the Ivalice raid and Bozja story and related characters from Tactics and XII!). And then change things as needed, especially as you get ideas and interactions that feel "right" for the character and yourself, the stories you want to tell.
And maybe later you want to change them again (you come up with something new, lore drops make you want to play around with a different thing, etc), or make up AUs, or other characters to tell other stories. Play around, experiment, and remember nothing is set in stone.
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cecezvault · 11 months
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cherrywoodaxe · 2 years
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springtime of youth!!
season/sparring for @rock--lee-week , he’s all leafy 
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gold-from-straw · 7 months
Shout out to the lady who watched our panel about diversity in sapphic fiction yesterday - we were talking about how the publishing industry makes it seem like diversity is unmarketable, and she said “while I’m not a writer, I’m a musician, I’m begging you to create what you see value in. If you want to write something, it doesn’t matter whether it’s marketable. Please create it.”
I love you, lady in the Star Wars Christmas jumper. You’ve inspired me and reminded me why I write.
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smol violence
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falls asleep in every session, has a fanclub due to his good looks
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medical violence
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Anxiety (TM)
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Did not want. Do not want. At all.
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gargoylegirlcock · 1 year
Who you
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oh you dont know who i am? dear, im the finest coffeeshop owner in selenia and one beautiful bat. y'all can call me lyn, it's not short for anything but my patience. don't start trouble in my store and we won't have any issues. may i interest you in something off the menu?
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sukimas · 1 year
fire emblem engage is so fucked up. imagine if your mom's old earrings had a guy in them
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juneberrie · 1 year
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