#ineffable puffins
phoen1xr0se · 3 months
Hello! This is not an ask - I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful lighthouse human au fic. My kudos on ao3 are anonymous so I wanted to thank you with my name and face (or quarter of it) here on tumblr. I'm really enjoying the whole setting of the fic (I'm a bird watcher), and your writing is so good. Thank you! 😍
Thank you so much for this! Every kudos and comment go straight to my heart ❤️
I have also been bird watching since I was a kid, so it's been a little bit of self indulgence to find a way to put it into my writing. I have, however, regrettably never seen puffins irl, BUT I have just been granted a bucket list wish to go and see them with someone who works for the RSPB at Bempton Cliffs in May, so I am beside myself with excitement over that. I will be thinking of Aziraphale and Crowley whilst I am there I am sure!
Thanks again for your lovely comments about There Is A Light, it means so much to me that it's become so beloved so quickly in the fandom.
For anybody not following it yet, There Is A Light & It Never Goes Out is a Good Omens Human AU, soft and sweet, with Crowley as a lighthouse keeper who has spent twenty years isolating himself from the rest of the world, and Aziraphale, a Professor running away from his life in London who finds himself on Crowley's remote Scottish island whilst studying the puffins that live there.
Chapter Eight has just been added 🙏💙
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Bit late for Valentine’s Day) Both of the pictures are a gift to my beloved Demon @ngk-668, as they are very fond of puffins) And adore the fic by @phoen1xr0se
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
It's my birthday so I'm gonna get a little sappy.
8 months ago I felt like I was boring and weird. I felt it was a wonder that anyone wanted to put up with me. I was getting back into reading a bit, I had tried and failed to get into law school, and overall I felt like a disappointment and a failure.
Getting obsessed with Good Omens and being involved in the Fandom has changed my life. I write for fun now, I read all the time, I will very soon be ready to start streaming on Twitch again. I have friends who join me in my enthusiasm for the show, and strangers online who like the things I have to say, and it inspires me to try new things and post like I have 1000 followers even though I have like 30?? I feel like I matter, I feel like I have Things To Say, and that people want to hear them.
Hard to feel like a disappointment when I'm so busy being happy and confident and planning my future. I didn't get into law school but I did get accepted to a masters program for library science, so you won't find me moping about being a failure because I'm too busy screaming about my successes (big and small) to anyone who will listen.
And a LOT of this is because of this Fandom and the people in it. I know that there are unfriendly corners of it where people don't feel welcome, but here in this corner where I have found myself, I feel like I'm home.
So thank you Ineffable Fandom. I love you. And thank you also to the Golden Trio of @neil-gaiman , David Tennant, and Michael Sheen.
With Ineffable Love,
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Ineffable puffins! (I’m stuck on puffins because of a commission I’m working on right now...)
My Patreon / My Ko-fi / My Redbubble / Commissions
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mindthump · 6 years
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How running a fake 'Last Jedi' porg fan account taught me to let go of my anger http://ift.tt/2AZMFiD
I remember the first time I saw a porg, I thought, "I have a bad feeling about this." 
Porgs, a small aquatic alien species native to the planet Ahch-To, debuted earlier this year in a behind-the-scenes video for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. They have been hanging out with Luke Skywalker during his self-imposed exile and who could ask for better companions? 
With their plush, pear-shaped bodies, huge puppy-dog eyes, and cute upturned mouths, it's almost like they were designed to be as cute as possible. Well, that's exactly what they are. They're designed to sell toys, clothing, books, backpacks, mugs, etc. 
Some people absolutely loved them. I worried they were too cute, too calculated, too... Disney. Were they the new Jar Jar? The porgs set off my self-entitled nerd radar and planted a seed of doubt in my mind about the upcoming eighth Star Wars installment.
Then, one morning, the seed of doubt sprouted, though I don't know what set me off. It's a weird time for Star Wars fans; after years of being starved for content, we've been promised a new film every year and a virtually unending cycle of hype. Something had to give. On the morning of Nov. 2, I changed my Twitter display name to "Porg Lover," my profile pic to a porg, and my cover photo to the same. 
I was no longer Bob Al-Greene, illustrator at Mashable. I was "the porg lover." I had converted my little-followed (but nonetheless verified) Twitter into a tongue-in-cheek parody of a porg fan account.
I'd had this idea for a few weeks at that point. I probably spend too much time on Twitter, and my timeline has become an endless feed of disturbing political news and breathless nerd culture hype. 
One of my coworkers had done something similar with his Twitter account not long before, dubbing himself the "Rick & Morty creator" in an extended bit about the shameful McDonald's Szechuan Sauce controversy. 
I remember scrolling through my TL, bouncing between stories about the hijacking of our last election and deals on limited edition Funko Pop figures, then something inside me snapped.
Soon I was posting links to porg products with captions like "hell yea," or just typing "porg" into Google Image Search and reposting the first thing that came up. 
I found Twitter's GIPHY integration gave me access to a surprisingly rich vein of animated porg content. And like a spice miner on Kessel, I dug in. 
I discovered that several hashtags like #PorgNation and #PorgLife already existed, and I started loading my tweets with an obnoxious amount of hashtags to get as many eyes on my content as possible. 
I sought out obscure articles and facts about the puffin-like creatures and tweeted eagerly, pretending that I cared passionately about them.
I'm not proud of what I did. The porg lover was an inherently mean-spirited gesture. I was fueled by an ineffable frustration, and I was mocking anyone who loved the porgs unconditionally. My friends and coworkers suspected something was up. And most wouldn't believe that I had come around to the porgs at last. Others got the joke, even if they didn't approve. 
Either way, I saw engagement start to grow and I got positive feedback from people I had never met, who clearly didn't get my real intention. Why would they? Unlike me, they're normal, decent people.
this account is cool but how are you verified lol
— Grant🌐 (@grantdhart) November 2, 2017
My porg stardom peaked early. By the end of my first day as "the porg lover," I tweeted a picture of the actor Mark Hamill, and tagged him in it. Hamill, who of course portrayed one of the great heroes of my youth and remains a social media hero to this day, quote RT'd me. I was stunned. My mentions exploded, and his RT earned 13,000 likes:
I could've stopped there. By all rights, I should have. I tweeted about porgs for a day, pretended to love them, and caught the eye – however briefly – of Luke Skywalker himself.
But I didn't stop. I kept tweeting about porgs. Every day. For weeks. 
I kept the bit going, and beat it into the ground. All the while, my follower count rose and I became a permanent citizen of #PorgNation.
I can't say for sure why I continued. I think I was trying to build up a tolerance to porgs, exposing myself to them constantly until they wouldn't bother me anymore. But maybe I just wanted to make everyone else as sick of porgs as I already was. Maybe it was just spiritually freeing to disguise myself as the porg lover, to be free to tweet whatever nonsense I wanted, and to let off some steam in what has been, overall, a pretty stressful year.
Either way, the ongoing porg charade began to wear on me. It strained interpersonal relationships and confounded those around me. It was a good conversation starter at parties ("So, how are the porgs doing?") but when my girlfriend asked why I was doing it and what was the endgame, I didn't have solid answers. Would you have the patience to date "the porg lover?" Especially, when so much of it seemed to originate from such a mean-spirited place. 
My darkest moment came when I posted images of a porg costume I had found on Google. Within hours, a follower reached out to let me know I should have credited the photos to the costume's creator. I was accused of using the porg content for my own benefit without attribution, like the Fat Jew of Star Wars.
I initially scoffed at the message – Didn't they know it was all a joke? – until I realized something. Someone had spent hours creating a porg costume. This person had been inspired enough to plan and execute their design from scratch, and brave enough to post it online for others to see. As a creative, I felt a kinship with – and an admiration of – this true porg lover. 
I'm not proud of what I did.
In that moment, I realized Star Wars means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Few creative properties in the history of the world have touched so many people the way Star Wars has. With legions of fans, every facet of the universe George Lucas helped create has been explored and celebrated, at one point, by someone. Even Jar Jar. Even porgs. 
My transformation into "the porg lover" had been fueled by frustration, by a feeling that porgs were not Star Wars. Or, more specifically, that they were not my Star Wars.
But, newsflash: I don't own Star Wars. It belongs to everyone, and always has. OK, technically it belongs to Disney, but this property, this galaxy, can be for everyone. And that's beautiful.
From that point, I started looking for a way out of the porg identity. But after maintaining a bad bit for a month and a half, how could I transition back to Bob?
It wasn't easy. Feeling guilty over the 300+ new followers I'd accrued as a porg lover, I set out to  alienate my fans as much as possible. Ultimately, over the course of several days last week, I wrenched myself back to normality. 
On Dec. 12, I became "the porg skeptic," loudly voicing concerns that the porgs would not be good. Soon after, I was "a porg in crisis," whose mental state was clearly deteriorating.
This was my "porg-nostic" phase.
On Dec. 14, in the ultimate attempt to squander the goodwill I'd accumulated – and in the midst of the FCC's abominable net neutrality decision – I became "#MAGA porg," a vocal Trump administration supporter/porg fan. 
Again, Twitter's GIF archive was there to help.
Finally, last Friday, before I saw The Last Jedi in theaters, I changed my Twitter account back to regular old Bob Al-Greene. Once again, I can feel secure knowing no one really cares what I have to say on social media. Balance has returned to The Force.
By the way, if you're wondering what I thought about the porgs in the film itself: they're fine. The Last Jedi has a lot of flaws, but the porgs are not among them. The alien fauna at the periphery of the Star Wars saga has always given the films texture and life, and porgs have a proud spot among classic creatures like taun tauns and the rancor beast.
As for me? I'll always be the proudest member.... of #PorgNation. If they'll continue to have me.
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phoen1xr0se · 23 days
It's actually happening
In just a few weeks I will be on a remote island with researchers surrounded by puffins coming home to roost!! AFGSSJDHDKDKSK I am so excited I am almost at risk of going full Crowley!!
For those wondering what the hell this has to do with Good Omens:
Next chapter of DFAFM will be up on Wednesday, and the final chapter has already been written, so I'll finally be done and can return to TIAL&INGO (I have left them curled up in that lighthouse for far longer than I intended to).
Thank you to all my readers for their patience and understanding during the last few weeks, and an extra special thanks to Neil for replying to my ask at just the right time, he is ever a lighthouse in the darkness to me.
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