#in a place where you can't murder. Chaos ensues. I want to see it so badly atcjitcbkbcstbcfjvddy
kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Intensively thinking about sskk The Good Place au. That scene at the end of season 2 where someone is publicly shaming Eleanor, on a podium, in front of everyone, except it's Dazai and Akutagawa:
Dazai: Akutagawa and I have a lot in common. Here's how to tell us apart. One of us is a ruthless demon who's an expert at making other people suffer, and then the other one is me! [...]
Akutagawa: Not super funny for a roast, there, bud.
Dazai: Oh, sorry, you want a joke? Okay, you love Atsushi and Atsushi doesn't love you back. Boom! Now, that's funny, because it's very cruel and humiliating.
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The Quartet That Started It All
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As followers of this blog will note, this is not actually the quartet that started it all for me, but it DID launch author Tamora Pierce's career in the 1980s, and Alanna remains absolutely beloved among Pierce's heroines. Let's talk the Song of the Lioness Quartet.
In a classic case of "if I can't do this as a girl, then I'll do this as a boy and I have a handy twin brother to go full Twelfth Night with," Alanna of Trebond begins The First Adventure by dressing as a boy to train as a page in Tortall's royal court. This book introduces all our main characters and establishes Alan the page amongst his peers and Alanna as she finds herself and her place in chivalry.
One of the other amazing things about Alanna's story overall is that she begins it absolutely terrified of her own magical gift. Her arc includes learning to work with her magic rather than to fear it, and that's a twist on magic users that I really appreciated. We often get overly confident magic users--indeed, we'll get TWO of them later in the series--but it's rare that we get magic users who are fully aware of their powers and are still absolutely terrified of them. So of course, the story and the world and Pierce herself keep throwing Alanna into situations where she has no choice but to develop and use her gift. It's so, so good. This first book covers Alanna's page years, and we move into her squire years in book two.
In the Hand of the Goddess really expands on Alanna's key relationship with Prince Jon on Conte, Duke Roger of Conte, and Geroge Cooper. Alanna moves into a wider world of adult politics and stakes in this book. From being able to defeat an older, stronger, and more experienced opponent in a duel to developing her healing skills when a wound puts her out of commission during a war, Alanna cements her skills, connections, and position in society. This culminates with unmasking Roger as an attempting regicide and the accidental reveal of her gender.
This book is really, really good, and extends Alanna's childhood fear of magic to her fear of Roger specifically in a really natural, logical way. I could say more about the details, but these two books have an episodic vibe to them, so I won't spend too much time exploring every single key plot event.
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man sees Alanna spending her first year as a knight in the desert, with a Bazhir tribe. She becomes their shaman by way of self-defense; she murders their first shaman when he tries to murder her for "being unnatural." Then it falls to Alanna to train three magic users for the tribe, and this is where we see more nuance into how different magic users relate to their powers, from sheer hubris to fear to "this is just part of me, let's do this." It's a phenomenal experience for Alanna, and she learns as much from her students as they do
Book three also sees Jonathan bitching to hell and back about having to be king, which is not a great look, and it's one Alanna calls him on. He spends most of the book alternating between pitching a hissy fit, begging Alanna to marry him, and training to take over as Voice of the Tribes. The interesting thing here is that Alanna refuses to marry Jon. He is trying to fit Alanna into his own fairy tale, and she very much goes "That isn't our relationship, I can't do that. We aren't meant to be like that, and that's ok." If I could inject that lesson into humanity's collective head, I would. It's well done and it's great.
Lioness Rampant picks up on Alanna's travels after she leaves the Bazhir, and eventually sees her return to Corus with a magical artifact to help secure Jonathan's position as king.
There's also the teeny tiny complication that Alanna's twin brother, Thom, has resurrected Duke Roger. Absolute chaos ensues, and Roger almost manages to take out the entire court during Jonathan's coronation. Nobody should have to kill an evil sorceror twice, but Alanna did.
If you want to dive into Tamora Pierce's Tortall Universe, starting with Alanna is absolutely a good choice. These books hold a very soft spot in my heart, and they're never not engaging.
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whereonceiwasfire · 5 months
Look. Look. I am as invested as the next person in a nuanced, well-developed exploration of the fractured relationship between the college trio, but I contain multitudes, and also just really need more AUs in my life where Maddie actually knows Vlad is now a ghost loser simp intent on getting Jack out of the picture and plans on ctrl-v-ing himself in his ex-best-friend's place like a badly photoshopped family picture, because I think this has the potential to be absolutely HILARIOUS.
Neither of them tells Jack because Maddie can't bear to break her husband's heart by revealing the truth about their long-lost friend, and Vlad won't tell him because, on top of the obvious reasons, Jack also keeps inviting Vlad to stuff. Family dinner? Danny's school events? Camping trips? It's remarkably convenient as it puts him in a great position to play Uncle Vlad until he can successfully enact his bonkers plan.
Except now, in addition to Danny knowing Vlad is up to no good and being very much not on board with the Fruitloop's whole shtick, Maddie's in the same boat too. But Maddie and Danny are keeping this info from each other because she still doesn't/can't know her son is Phantom and if Danny outs Vlad, Vlad will turn around and spill his little secret too. And for Maddie's part, she probably just doesn't want her son knowing that Vlad is a ghost. It's a bad look to admit you've welcomed a specter from the afterlife into your house (on multiple occasions) when you've spouted off how dangerous these creatures are since your kiddos could walk.
This sets up a scenario where you've got Jack: oblivious, Danny: trying not to reveal his secret while also keeping Vlad from murdering his dad, Maddie: being a badass ghost hunter protecting her family and blasting Vlad into next Tuesday every chance she gets, and Vlad: just, being very...Vlad about everything. Chaos and hilarity ensues.
Can you see my vision?
Jack's humming to himself while making dinner, back turned, unaware anything is amiss as Maddie saves his life, firing a blaster at Plasmius and sending him through a wall before he can attack her husband. She immediatley hides the ecto-weapon behind her back, giving a too-enthusastic "how was your day sweetie!" when Danny walks in the door, brows raised. Jack turns around at the interruption, giving a bright, oblivious, "Where'd Vladdy go?!" which prompts a groan and a "that guy's here again?" from Danny.
Maddie and Danny can bond over their shared aversion to Vlad's general existance, though neither of them admit there's a little more to it than just "he's an arrogant asshole." Or, better yet, they're both putting on the facade, keeping up pretenses, pretending they don't despise the dude, because how are they supposed to explain why they despise the dude? Vlad is impossibly amused by the whole song and dance they're doing, because of course, he's the only one who realizes that Maddie and Danny both know he's a half ghost and are keeping that from each other. And like, as if he's going to let them in on that little tidbit unless it directly benefits him.
Sometimes Maddie and Danny run into awkward situations where they're both trying to protect Jack, but they don't realize it, and they can't be overt about it without the other person realizing what's going on. "Don't you have homework? You go do that, I'll check on your father and...uncle Vlad." "Oh, no, no, don't you worry about it, you're so busy, Mom. I can go check on them!" "That's really not necessary. I don't mind at all." Meanwhile, Vlad is in the kitchen like "why don't you check that cooking oil with your face, Jack? Oh, I know it sounds unorthodox, but I swear that's how they do it in France."
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝟏.
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 5,9K
Summary: Elvis doesn't save lives; he takes them. But when it comes to you, he can't help but wanting to save you every time danger lurks around the corner. The reason for it might just change both your lives forever.
Warnings: vampire!Elvis, kind of modern!Elvis ig, strong language, mentions of blood consumption/murder- ya know, vampire shenanigans, Elvis faking his death in '77, reader is suicidal, reader not being completely... human. the cliff hanger kinda sucks, but we'll get there ;) ;)
A/N: soooo, this was supposed to be a simple one shot, requested by my lovely @breadsquash BUT naturally, i got carried away and have decided to turn it into a mini series! so there ya gooo- enjoy, babes. ♡
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August 16, 1977.
The day time stood still.
Well, except for Elvis and his inner circle that was. The Memphis Mafia had been running around all day- talking to reporters, keeping Elvis out of the public’s eye, all so they could succeed at their little plan in motion. For them, it was little, but for the thousands of mourning fans all over the world it was anything but.
Elvis felt guilty. When he decided to cut a record two decades ago just for the heck of it, he never expected it to throw him on a rollercoaster of stardom. As a vampire, it wasn’t the most convenient profession but he soon found himself getting addicted to the attention of girls that threw themselves at him at any given chance. At the beginning he considered them to be an easy snack- he never even dared to think that he was going to actually care about these people.
Now in 1977, he figured it was time to pack up and move away. Usually it was much easier, seeing the people he surrounded himself with who weren’t vampires would simply die of old age or a gnarly disease that tore down the human body. The goodbyes were never easy, but for obvious reasons, this one was the hardest.
It was unevitable, though. He wasn’t getting any older and even though he could stay put for a few more years, he was getting bored. He loved making music and he loved getting to know his fans, but he wanted something else. A new environment, new people, a new life.
His soul craved it.
“Are we staying for the funeral, EP?” Joe asked softly from the door opening of Elvis’ bedroom, looking at the frame of the older vampire standing in front of the window to peek at the chaos that had ensued outside.
Elvis knew it was all an act on their behalf, but the screams and cries from his fans outside of the gate once they got the news were real.
“You can, I’m not,”
Joe nodded, scratching the back of his head- he knew it’d probably be best if he and the rest of the Mafia stayed around for a little while, as to not raise any suspicion.
“Where to next?” the smaller male broke the silence that lingered in the room, stepping toward the window as well.
Elvis sighed softly, dropping the curtain from his grip to let it fall back in its place before he turned around and grabbed his coat that he put next to his suitcase, shrugging it on. “Japan,” he told his friend, a small smile on his face. “Good thing I survive on blood and not fish, though.”
Joe laughed softly, taking Elvis’ suitcase from the bed before slapping Elvis’ arm and walking out of the room, moving his former boss' luggage to the car that waited for the singer near the small part of woods behind Graceland.
Elvis released another sigh, a deeper one this time, as he looked around his bedroom for the last time. This place held so many memories- both good and bad, and he sure was going to miss this place. But that was all it was.. a place. A shell that portrayed a home. Having to move away every few decades, Elvis learned to not get too attached to material things- or at least, he tried to. Because vampires didn’t have steady homes, no matter how much they’d like to.
He stepped out of his room, holding onto the door knob. He saluted the Maria statue next to his bed, chuckling to himself before shaking his head at his own antics and closing the door behind him. This time, for the last time.
Japan was a dream. People who said New York didn’t sleep obviously never went to Tokyo- it was a vampire’s playground. With the city being so crowded, too crowded, it was easy for people to go missing. Everyone was so busy focusing on their own lives that nobody batted an eye, nobody looked out for each other in the big Metropolitan.
While Elvis’ name was known worldwide, nobody seemed to recognize him. With his immortality and hunger for blood came also the ability to shapeshift, so he looked nothing like he did back in ’77- a form he took on to make the public think he wasn’t doing well, which had been all part of his plan. Instead he opted for how he looked back in 1957-ish, an era of his Japan wasn’t too familiar with and if they did, nobody ever mentioned anything to him.
The excitement of Tokyo quickly wore off for him. The biggest reason for it was because he felt utterly lonesome. Vampires didn’t run in packs like werewolves did and as an outsider, it was extremely difficult to work your way into an existing clan. Plus, he wasn’t fluent in Japanese and there was only so much karate to do during the day and host clubs to waste time at during the night.
It didn’t take him long to get bored and once more, pack up and leave.
It wasn’t until 2023 that Elvis found his way back to America. After spending most of his time going from city to city and country to country, he figured no place was ever going to feel as close to home as his own country would. It’s been decades and with his fashion choices forced to change to blend in with the crowds, he had hoped nobody would recognize him anymore.
Naturally, he lived in another big city because it meant less people that would pay attention to him and more necks to tear into without anyone giving a damn. He wasn’t particurlarly fond of New York, but with the large vampire population living there and Joe living in the city as well, Elvis decided to stay and settle- for as long as time would allow him to.
With Joe owning a bar that made it possible for vampires and humans to mingle away from prying eyes, Elvis became a full blown bartender- something he had never pictured himself doing ever, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it. Joe had always been there for him when the spotlight was on him and this way, he could return the favor and the job also prevented him from rotting away out of boredom in the penthouse he compelled himself. He loved making small talk with customers and explaining the very sophisticated feeding system Joe came up with to the humans, but he needed more.
He needed someone by his side who he could share his thoughts and worries with. Someone who he could show his literal soul to, someone to take care of rather than the human girls that never left his home alive or the young vampire girls that were running around the city thinking they were above everyone else.
It was all so superficial, so fake- he needed something real. Joe managed to find it, why wasn’t the universe giving him the same?
The universe was working hard to push you and Elvis into each others’ direction, but it proved to be a near impossible task.
With him being an immortal being that had cheated his way through life and you being a young adult that was trying to survive by working a shitty job, you didn’t run in the same circles.
To be frank, you didn’t run in any circles. Aside from being courteous to your co-workers at coffee shop you worked at, you didn’t have any friends. You always told yourself you didn’t mind being alone, that you preferred it, but you couldn’t fool yourself any longer.
You were lonely and miserable.
You were at that damned coffee shop most hours of the day and when you weren’t, the shoe box sized apartment you rented wasn’t very exciting to come home to either. You had lost your parents a long time ago at the age of 13 and the more time dragged by, the more you simply did not want to be here anymore.
You didn’t have anyone to miss nor anyone to miss you, so your mind was set- sometimes there just wasn’t another way out and while death sounded scary to most people, it was a peaceful thought to you.
The cold air nipped at your cheeks harshly, your hands having lost its feeling a while ago as they were gripping onto the steel railing of the bridge. It was the end of February, so New York was absolutely freezing, but the weather hardly bothered you anymore.
You lost track of time so if anyone would ask you how long you had been standing on the side of the Brooklyn Bridge, staring down at the dark East River below you, you couldn’t give them an answer. The river that would swallow you whole and take you to a better place looked inviting, but also very.. very cold. Still, you had your mind made up- you weren’t going to change it. You were doing this… as soon as you managed to move a muscle and let go of the railing that was.
Because even though your brain was telling you this was the right decision, your heart was racing as snakes coiled in the pit of your stomach. You were nervous, you were scared… what if this wasn’t the right decision? What if there was more to life? You were only twenty three years old, you still had enough time to explore the world. Get out of this city and make something of your life, be someone- but how? You barely had enough money to pay your rent on time and have a decent meal every day.
You were so distracted by your inner turmoil that you didn’t hear footsteps coming closer. It was three in the morning and while New York was a lively city, people didn’t exactly hang out on the Brooklyn Bridge in the middle of the night, especially not in this weather.
As soon as a voice spoke up and broke your train of thoughts, you snapped your head to your right as your hands gripped onto the railing a little harder, making sure you were still standing steady.
“My, that’s a mighty long fall,” the dark haired guy that appeared next to you said with a nonchalant sigh, his arms leaning on the railing as he looked down at the river.
Your first thought was to ask him if he was some kind of nut job- while the rest of the city was clothed in thick puffer jackets to hide from the cold, he was only wearing a thin button up shirt and a brown jacket. The jacket as well as some of the buttons of his shirt were left open, collar popped up. Then your eyes traveled down to his pants and shoes- well fitted fabric and a pair of black Chelsea boots. It wasn’t like he looked completely out of place with his fashion choices, but it had been a while since you’d seen a guy his age who was dressed this well.
“Kinda cold for a swim, don’t ya think?”
The soft Southern accent that he spoke with didn’t go unmissed by your ears but you barely had time to think about where this stranger must be from when a gush of wind brought you back to reality.
Clearing your throat a little, you looked back at the water again. “I’m not going for a swim,”
Elvis was aware that wasn’t your intention- besides the fact that he wasn’t an idiot, he could also hear your heart racing and your subconscious crying out for help. You were in a vulnerable position, but as he tried to dig into your mind a little deeper, he found himself being blocked out. Strange- you weren’t letting him in. Not a lot of humans knew how to shut out a vampire, nor their abilities.
He didn’t think too much of it for now.
Elvis usually stayed as far away from situations like this as possible- humans were his main source of food. He was usually the one taking their lives, not saving it.
“It’s a hit or miss- you might die, you might not,” he shrugged, folding his hands together as he was still leaning his forearms on the railing, turning his head to look at you. “You’re lucky if the fall takes you out. Drowning is a.. terrible way to go, honey, believe me- you might think it’s a quick death, but nuh-uh. You’ll be down there and seconds feel like hours, not to mention that you can literally feel your throat closing up and filling with water, if you don’t swim up. Basic human reaction, you know? And then it’ll all be for nothing and all you’re left with is wet clothes and having to ride the subway home with a horrible stench around you,”
You turned your head to look back at him again while he was in the middle of talking but now that he was done, you couldn’t do anything but gawk at him. Yup, total nut job and not only because of his thin jacket.
“I know how it works, thanks,” you snapped at him, flashing him a sarcastic smile before looking back down and inhaling a sharp breath of air. “Weirdo,” you whispered to yourself, unaware that he could hear you perfectly fine. As well as the sound of your heart beating frantically against your ribcage, even more so than before.
You were trying to look distant, casual, as if his words didn’t bother you at all but the truth was that he had only made you doubt your decision more. Drowning sounded scary and painful as hell and you had no idea what would happen to you when you’d hit the water, until he told you just now.
He could feel you gradually growing more nervous- it practically radiated off of you in waves.
“What made you choose a bridge? There’s more peaceful ways to go,”
“If you’re trying to.. to.. s-save me or whatever, you’re doing a shit job,” you gritted through your teeth, hoping your voice came out steady and confident which to your own ears it did but to his, definitely not.
He let out a soft laugh- it sounded rich and deep, it was a pleasant sound. “I’m not- jus' making conversation. Curious what drove you to this point,”
Suddenly, you felt silly. You didn’t know if it was because the stranger next to you was acting so casually while you were nearly hanging off a bridge or because you were slowly starting to have second thoughts. Maybe your life wouldn’t turn out so bad after all if you’d just give it a chance and actually live it.
“Life just.. sucks, okay?” you told him, heaving a deep sigh out of frustration. As you looked at him and he looked at you, for whatever reason you couldn’t stop the word vomit from coming out. “I wish I could say my life was one big shit show but that would mean things would actually happen in it- my life is useless. I am useless. I’m alone in a city that I hate, wasting my days away at a job that definitely doesn’t pay me enough and I’m just done. I’m done with it all,”
You tore your gaze away from him, your fingers clenching around the railing firmer while tears stung in your ears. If he’d comment on it, you could always blame the wind.
“Everyone is lonely sometimes, honey- that’s life. You shouldn’t throw yours away. Why don’t you try finding a better job first?”
Apparently, he really wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t trying to save your ass. You felt yourself getting angry at his words- who the hell was this guy? You didn’t need some stuck up asshole telling you what you already knew.
“What do you even know about it? You don’t know me. You’re the kind of guy who’s friends with probably half of the city, you don’t know shit about loneliness,” you spat at him, trying to turn around to get your point across and look him straight in the eye. Instead, your foot slipped and almost like your body had a mind of its own, your hands let go off the railing.
The panicked scream that left you rang in Elvis’ ears. Your body never hit the water and as you opened your eyes, the stranger was the cause of that- he held onto your arm as he leaned further over the railing himself, reaching his other arm out to you as well.
You looked behind you, the dark river suddenly looking like nothing but a black hole that was waiting to swallow you down. You didn’t want your end to be like that- didn’t want to become a crying ghost of a helpless girl on the Brooklyn Bridge because nobody ever found her body.
God, you needed to stop watching those ghost hunting shows.
Looking back up at the dark haired man, you grabbed his other hand too, holding onto him tightly. Elvis didn’t come onto the bridge tonight with the plan to save a suicidal girl’s life- he merely needed some time alone and have a cigarette on top of the bridge while enjoying the view. But as he saw the pleading look in your eyes, he realised you didn’t want this at all. You wanted to live.
And for whatever reason, he wanted you to as well.
Before you knew it, he had lifted you up and back over the railing. Because of your panicked state, you hadn’t even noticed he put no effort into it or whatsoever, as if you were as light as a feather. He kneeled down in front of you as you sat on the asphalt, leaning against the railing of the bridge.
“I know more about loneliness than you think, little girl,” he gave you a gentle smile, caressing some strands of hair behind your ear. “You’re still young, you’re going to get what you want out of life- a nice job, a better apartment, friends to spend your time with. Tonight never happened. You were out for a late night walk on your own and then you went home.”
You had no idea if you were tripping because of the shock that was still coursing through your entire body and you had no idea if this guy was on any type of drug, but you could’ve sworn you saw the size of his pupils widening a little before they returned to their usual state. It looked.. abnormal.
Elvis didn’t give you the chance to respond- before you could, he was already gone and you were left with confusion and a weird feeling in your stomach.
You did went home that night, but you hadn’t forgotten about him. You hadn’t forgotten the words he spoke- in fact, you had been thinking about them every second of the day, every day. The first logical thought that came to mind was that he was some kind of weirdo, some old money kid that had too many zeros on his bank account and didn’t know what else to do with it other than experiencing with drugs.
There was no other explanation for the things he told you and the way his eyes seemed to shift so unnaturally.
It’s been two weeks since that night on the bridge and while your mental state hadn’t improved, you weren’t thinking of taking your own life so much anymore. Rather, your mind was filled with him.
He was a weirdo, that was for sure, but he had also peaked your interest. He was on your mind 24/7, which was definitely not normal, but you couldn’t help yourself- you wanted to see him again, talk to him again. Maybe, just maybe, a friendship was in the cards for you two. God knows you could use a friend in this damned city.
Unfortunately for you, this damned city was big. Finding a person you’ve only seen once in the middle of the night on the Brooklyn Bridge was like looking for a needle in a haystack. You felt like a fool walking around places in New York you usually didn’t go to- but what other options did you have?
Give up and go on with your life, maybe- your brain told you, but you weren’t planning to listen to the little nagging voices in your head.
He didn’t seem like the type of person to come into a coffee shop to type the hours away on a laptop, which you realised soon enough when you kept getting distracted at work, daydreaming that he would walk in. And you had no idea where he hung around- maybe he didn’t even live in the city.
Disappointed but not surprised, you made your way onto the platform to wait for the subway that would take you back to your side of town. It was late- you’d been wandering around sketchy neighborhoods after work and lost track of time, and the platform was eerily quiet. Too quiet for your liking, making you a little nervous.
You should’ve listened to your gut when it told you to get back on the street and surround yourself with people, but it was already too late when you noticed a few guys stumbling onto the platform. They made their presence known by being loud and they especially made it known that they had seen you- they didn’t hold back on the wolf whistles and were even as bold as to approach you, asking where you were going and tugging at your purse that you had clamped under your armpit. You kept quiet, trying to create distance without them noticing but when they did, it seemed to anger them.
They got more persistent and more aggressive and as one of them suddenly got hold of your purse’s strap and yanked you toward him, he was yanked backwards with even more force.
Before you knew it, your three assaulters were laying on the floor, scrambling backwards to the stairs as another figure stood in front of them. You only saw the back of his head, but your heart leaped in your chest- as he spoke, you heard the soft Southern accent that you hadn’t been able to forget about. Your adrenaline was too high to hear what he was saying, but it made the guys quickly get back to their feet and run up the stairs.
“Go home, Brooklyn. Your train’s here,” the stranger you had been hopelessly looking for for weeks looked at you. He seemed more serious than he was that night on the bridge, his facial expression oddly pained. You opened your mouth but no words came out- it didn’t matter because as the train came thundering into the station and your hair flew in your face, he was already gone.
Now, the rational part of your brain figured you were never going to see him again. It was unrealistic to fantasize about a stranger you knew nothing about- for all you knew, he could be a total creep, a murderer even. But there was a part in your brain, a part in your soul, that couldn’t shake him. Even more than before, he took up your every waking thought and you just weren’t willing to give up.
Not yet.
The next time you saw him was even more unexpected than the last. You wouldn’t say you were a clumsy person, but luck never seemed to be on your side either- when you almost got run over by a taxi while making your way home from work, you saw him again. Standing across the street, his facial expression seemed once more pained- perhaps, even a little angry. While people around him rushed to cross the street and the cab driver had rolled his window down to scream at you, you could only stare at your favorite stranger.
Now that startled you. It wasn’t the little voice in your head talking to you, it wasn’t your own inner dialogue- it was his voice. There was an urgency in his voice and although you were freaking out on the inside, your feet dragged you forward. Closer and closer to where you wanted to go, who you wanted to go to. But just before you could reach him, someone ran in front of you to try and make the green light and once more, the raven haired mystery man had vanished into thin air.
You looked around and then behind you, your eye catching those of the cab driver that almost knocked you off your socks. He flipped you off for good measure before driving off and you didn’t even think to give him a response, which was unusual for you.
Cussing out terrible drivers, especially cabs, was one of your favorite things to do- but right now, your mind was too busy with cooking up a little plan. Maybe not a very good one, but it was worth a try.
Elvis knew what you were up to before you even set your little plan in motion. For the past few days, you had been getting yourself in trouble, making him show up and prevent you from seriously getting hurt. He didn’t know what it was about you, but he knew there was something.
His compulsion hadn’t worked on you because you still seem to recognize him. On that night on the bridge, you were like a closed book- your brain was like the freaking Davinci code. He couldn’t crack it for the life of him. Humans usually did a shit job at closing off their thoughts to other species, because most of them were simply not aware of their existence, but with you it was just impossible.
Until that night you were in the subway station. It was like he could hear you screaming for him- granted, he knew about your whereabouts all the time because he had been following you and keeping an eye on you, but he didn’t think you’d find yourself in actual danger. He was planning on eventually talking to you, maybe try to compel you to forget about him once more to see if it’d take this time- he didn’t plan to follow some little human girl around and be her own personal savior.
But he couldn’t stop himself. He found himself wanting to save you.
When he stopped the taxi just mere inches before it’d hit you and succeeded in communicating with you with his mind, he knew you weren’t like any other human.
There was no other explanation for it; part of you wasn’t human, but he wasn’t so sure you were aware. And he had no idea if it was his place to tell you about it.
“If you tell her, boss, her life will change forever. This isn’t something to take lightly. You know how most vampires feel about halflings, hybrids- whatever the heck they’re called these days,”
Elvis sighed softly as he held up his hand, sitting down across from Joe who was sitting at his desk in his little office at the bar. “We’ve talked about this, I work for you now,” Joe laughed softly at Elvis’ words, nodding as his face turned serious again, waiting for him to continue. “That’s what I’m worried about. Not all vampires are as accepting as we are- if they find her, they’ll dissect her like a damn science project. If I bring her here, into our circle, there’ll be trouble knockin’ on the door in no time,”
Joe folded his hands on the desk and sighed deeply, thinking it over. He knew just as well as Elvis that the supernatural society in New York would get word of what you were if Elvis brought you into this world and if so, vampires from other cities and even states would most likely not be able to stay away.
You were a rare specie- so rare that it was still strange, maybe even scary, to other vampires. There were only so much people like you wandering around and most of them weren’t actually aware of what they were or what they could and could not do. Vampires weren’t aware either, hence the need to use people like you as lab rats. The most common thought about the specie was that their blood could cure vampirism, which wasn’t very far-fetched. It was a possibility, but Elvis couldn’t imagine the procedure of taking your blood was a pretty picture.
He didn’t want you to go through that.
Compared to a few weeks ago, he wanted to be your savior. He was starting to care.
“Bring her here,” Joe said, making Elvis look up from gazing at his daylight ring around his finger. Joe smiled, his brown eyes soft as they smiled along- it was a genuine one, which took some worries off Elvis’ shoulders. “We’ll take care of her like she is one of our own. You and I both know how cruel the world is, especially the one we live in- she doesn’t sound like she deserves to find that out by herself. Bring her here, EP,”
Elvis hated how it felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. He barely knew you, he wasn’t supposed to care… not this much. But for the first time in a long time, it felt like he had lost just a little bit of control over his feelings. Love was a tricky thing when you were human and even more so when you were not; maybe this time he didn’t need to lock up his heart to not get it broken anymore.
Thanking Joe, he made his way out of the bar and back onto the streets with a lame little excuse that he needed to take care of something. Which was the truth, he just didn’t want Joe to know what it was exactly.
He had heard you calling out to him, channeling him, the entire time he was in the office. Ever since the taxi accident, you had been getting yourself in trouble on purpose. He knew you were doing it on purpose and he knew why- it was when you found yourself in danger, that he’d show himself to you. You had no idea how he always managed to find you, but he did and your need to see him was so big that you got yourself in situations you’d never think to find yourself in.
Elvis found himself pushing through the crowd of New York’s largest vampire nightclub in midtown Manhattan. Masquerade was owned by a couple of big name vampires in the supernatural world and let’s just say, the Southern vampire wasn’t very fond of them and neither were they of him. He did not want to be here and he definitely did not want you to be here- it was dangerous for humans, even more so dangerous for you if anyone found out what you were. Which they would if they’d sink their teeth into you.
Seeing you standing in the middle of the dancefloor, sandwiched between two bloodsuckers, he groaned to himself and didn’t hesitate to make his way over to you. One could simply think you were having fun and although you didn’t think you were in actual danger, he knew better.
When he grabbed your arm and pulled you out from between the two other men and into his chest, he could smell the sweet scent of cocktails on your breath and see the intoxicated haze in your eyes.
“You’re here!” you grinned goofily at him, shamelessly wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him. Elvis ignored how his undead heart felt like it skipped a beat and placed his hand on the back of your head, pushing it into his chest to prevent you from seeing his vampiric face when he gave the other two vampires a warning glare.
You were probably too drunk to notice, anyways.
You didn’t stop him when he took you out of the club and just smiled at him with your eyes closed, swaying back and forth on the heel of your pumps as he draped his jacket around your shoulders. It was the same brown one he wore on the bridge.
Elvis made sure your cleavage wasn’t visible to him, because now was not the time to get distracted. He tried to get you to walk further away from the club with him but you gently pushed him off and leaned against the brick wall of the building.
“You’ve gotten.. b-better at it, you know?” you hiccuped, rolling your head against the wall as a giggle escaped you. You slowly opened your heavy eyes, looking at him.
He raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh at the way you were slurring your words. Seemed like the human part of you couldn’t handle her liquor so well.
“Better at what?”
“Saving me,” you sighed deeply, almost dreamily; you grabbed hold of the collar of his jacket, snuggling into the fabric while inhaling his scent.
It was a very… manly scent. Fresh, but strong. Manly. You liked it.
“I remember the night on the bridge.. like it was yesterdaaaay!” you sang, laughing loudly which made some people look and chuckle at you. Elvis took a step closer to you, putting his hand on the wall next to your head to create at least a bit of privacy. You looked up at him and grinned, poking his chest with your finger softly. “You said you weren’t trying to save me back then, but you were. You like saving me,”
He could stand here for another hour and entertain you with jokes and smart remarks, but he wasn’t going to. You were drunk and vulnerable and you were surrounded by curious vampires who suddenly weren’t so eager to get in the club anymore but rather see what was happening between you and him. Knowing what you were, or rather assuming what you were, his paranoid brain was warning him that everyone else knew as well.
He needed to get you out of here.
“You’re drunk- let’s go. I’m not done saving you,”
You chuckled at his words and followed his gaze toward some people waiting in line to get inside. Suddenly, it seemed like all their eyes were on you and even in your drunken state, it made your skin crawl. You allowed him to wrap his arm around you and take you away from the crowd, stumbling on your heels a little.
“Okay, Elvis, let’s go,” you smiled at him and he frowned as he looked down at you, letting out a small laugh. It sounded awkward, nervous. “You look like him- Elvis Presley. But he was hotter, sorry,” you said, giving him an innocent little shrug of your shoulders.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before,” he laughed softly, shaking his head as he held you into his side a little more firm before your wobbly legs would give out underneath you and you’d fall face first on the pavement. “Let’s get you sobered up, little giraffe,”
You gasped, trying to sound offended but you couldn’t hold back the laugh that tickled at the back of your throat.
You didn’t tell him your name and neither did he ask for it- it could wait until tomorrow.
taglist: @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @woundmetender @returntoelvis @prayerstopresley @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @wonka-gifs @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @septembersghost
If you even still knew who you were tomorrow.
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superiorgoobus · 1 year
Ideas for books I might not write but someone should:
Enemies to lovers where someone doesn't a trust a detective to solve a murder, and attempt to solve it themselves. The detective gets annoyed, it gets heated, they end up in a sticky situation together and see each other in a new light.
A super hero sorry where their sidekicks end up getting married, and they discover each others identities at the reception. They are determined to not ruin their respective best friends big days, and attempt to keep it as civil as possible. They end up hooking up in a broom closet.
Two princes from enemy lands meet at a neutral party's ball, become good friends, and eventually lovers.
A 'second chance' love but it's a grudge held so long they can't remember why they were mad in the first place. Eventually they figure out it's because of a stolen crayon in the second grade.
Two people join a team at the same time, looking to start over. Person A feels overshadowed by Person B, who seems to be an insanely talented hero. They hold a grudge, thinking their chance at a new leaf has been ruined. Then they see Person B break, and are conflicted: help Person B, or ruin their life and get revenge.
Two fools in the same discord channel. They're best friends when playing games together, they pass each other by in day to day life.
Two people destined to be together by the stars: one of them is determined to rewrite the stars.
A pair of best friends fake a relationship to get work benefits, realize they like their living arrangements just fine and don't need a sexual relationship to live forever together. QPR.
A girl suddenly realizes she's been trapped in a cult on her supposed wedding day, does her best to escape, and hijacks her would-be husbands car. It has another runaway bride from the same "mass wedding" event, trying to do the same thing already in it and trying to Hotwire it. They run away together, and fall in love.
Person A loses Person B in a tragic accident at a fairly young age. They go on a cross-country road trip to find the meaning of life and bring Person C along for safety. They fall in love and realize B would have wanted it this way and would approve.
Person A is a superhero, Person B is a villain. B wakes up in A's lab, and thinks they're best friends because why else would you try so hard to save my life? Along the way they realize A is not who B thought they were, and now has to struggle with the fact they actually really like A now.
A country kid is forced to move in with his aunt in a city when his parents can't afford school, and he gets "adopted" by a rich inner city kid who thinks he's just the funniest thing.
Someone with Autism thinks they're incapable of feeling love, and try their best to avoid breaking hearts. Eventually they find the one person they feel understands them and their needs. Follow Person A's inner monologue as they re-evaluate all of life as they know it, and their place in society as a "mentally handicapped" person, and discover themselves as someone more than just a person with limited emotional capacity.
Hotheaded jock realizes he's not so good at school, gets saved by the nerdy quiet girl. They actually become friends without him losing his status as the cool kid, and she's just the one cute dork at the hockey parties.
Person A loses a leg in a wreck, one of their looser friends has them move into their mansion to recover. Chaos ensues.
Person A is suddenly thrust into the parenting lifestyle when their sibling dies, and they don't really know what they're doing. A work friend helps them out. Colleagues to lovers.
Grumpy step sibling meets sunshiny new sibling, decides they would fight the Sun for their new sibling. Sibling B gets picked on at school, Sibling A gets a three day suspension.
Potential sequel: they spend a summer at a place up north, follow the chaos they cause together when someone breaks AB's heart and they spend the whole summer getting nonstop revenge.
Person A writes emails to their celebrity Person B like it's a diary. B makes a meme account to talk to A. They become good friends. B doesn't want to ruin their dynamic, but wonders what could happen if A found out who they were.
Person A makes friends with B, who happens to be on a reality tv show. They have to find a way to meet up in secret, because A is in witness protection.
Former bully, but from their POV. "I used to hurt you, and there's nothing I can do to make up for it but I will try anyway".
Person A (bisexual woman) joins a dating game for the shits and giggles, having zero intention of dating anyone. She ends up good friends with Person B (gay male), and they fake falling in love to get off the show. Not after, of course, wreaking total havoc.
Person A wakes up in the middle of an abandoned building and no idea how they got there. They find Person B in a different part of the same building, same problem. Watch them as they team up to find their respective ways home.
A hero, Person A, went on a grand journey of self discovery, only to disappear for three years and came back so traumatized they can't speak. Until something happens, and they find themselves able to breath around that one person, Person B.
Every summer a girl comes to town on a train. One day, a local kid decides to run away, and joins her when she leaves. She realizes the train is not exactly a normal one.
0 notes
goji-pilled · 3 years
so how does the MG AU come about? I've been digging for a lore dump post but I can't find one? like how does ham come back and sae meet her and yadda yadda
Oh god now I really have to make a proper basics post about this AU shangdkshs
Okay so I actually have no explanation as for why Hamuko is alive again shamgdkss Maybe Elizabeth was successful in her mission? Maybe humanity's desire for death just got replaced by the control stuff with Mementos? Maybe some other magic bs? I really dont know lmao
As for the other stuff...I could offer you a rough "timeline" of things
-Almost 5 years after she died Hamuko wakes up on a train to Tokyo, shes got Thanatos as well as the yen she had still left from the SEES days (dont ask how thats not important shsbhsnweh) and gets a hotelroom
- Next day she visits Leblanc for the first time and meets Sojiro, Wakaba and Futaba
- Later on the same day she explores the streets and finds a libary thats run by Saori (who is in a happy relationship with Rio :)) because girl cant catch a break
-Reuinions and explanations ensue
-The following two weeks are full of commiting crimes to get housing bc she IS legally dead afterall
-Hamuko becomes a regular at Leblanc during that time and hears about some corrupt politician through the news
-The same day she runs into people protesting aginst said politician, Hamuko starts cursing the politician and oh dear!
-Welcome to the metaverse and your first palace!
-Thanatos at least knows somewhat whats happening
-Life threatening situation happens and tada, Persona re-awakening! And murder time!
- Two weeks later comes her run in with 13yo Goro
- A week after that (thank god for crimes!) happens the little post I where I said "Its my AU and I get to choose the dynamics" aka this:
Goro: "You are the most incompetent adult I have ever met"
Also Goro: "I barely had you for six hours but youre my mom now and please dont leave me-"
-She loves her feral bird son and is very much aware that he already killed a guy (thats her boy!)
- Futaba and Goro meet and its a disaster (the good kind)
- Goro "I'm 13years old and bitter but suddenly theres so many genuinely nice people around me that show me kindness simply because they want to" Akechi doesnt know how bonds work but wants to learn anyway
-Because sure he still has his plan against Shido but he also got the change for a life with people that actually care about him so why not both?
(Spoiler he should not have chosen both)
-Hamuko running into Sae comes a month later feat. Stressed Hamuko bc it rains and shes in a cafe with dozens of people waiting the rain out, Sae who's like "This place is free ;)" and gay people being gay people
- Hamuko inviting Sae leads to her bring Makoto along
- Cut to Goro being a little shit and Makoto suplexing him into Oblivion
- "Good to know theyre getting along"
- And welcome Goro "I had Makoto for six hours but I'm her brother now"
- Hamuko even gets to meet Mr. Niijima before he dies (haha fun times :'))
- Lots and lots of shenanigans ensue
- But also lots of pain (see Wakaba and Officer Niijima)
- More family bonding
- And even more chaos!
The rest may be better for another time bc this is probably long enough as is sbksgsjasg
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lunarsaga · 3 years
Y'all, I am SO CLOSE TO catching up to myself with these chapters! I can't wait for y'all to see the next chapter, it's gonna be all kinds of heartbreak~ >:3c
REMINDER: [Dialogue like this is English!]
The farther northeast they traveled, the more Luna missed the absolute shit out of her clunky old gas guzzler of a pickup truck.
Now she wasn’t ever one to complain—she knew better than that—but holy fuck did her feet hurt. She’d had these shoes for god only knows how long, and it was a good thing they were practically made of mithril, because if they hadn’t been mythically indestructible, they definitely would’ve been worn out by now. She had to bear it—they all did. Sore feet were mostly likely only gonna be a minor pain compared to what they were gonna face once they caught up to this Naraku guy (or so she’d heard). So complaining would only make things more irritating.
And she was already irritated enough, thanks to Inuyasha.
“We would’ve caught Naraku by now if all of you weren't demanding we stop and rest every five minutes!”
“Inuyasha, you have to understand that we don’t have your superhuman strength.” Miroku, always the diplomat.
Luna, not so much. She gave her sister a look that all but read she was about to snap, and spoke to her in English: “[If he says one more thing about us having to stop and rest, I’m throwing my shoe at him.]”
Kagome sighed. “[Luna, please don’t do that.]” Their friends looked, confused, between the both of them.
“What’re you guys saying?” Shippo asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Luna chuckled, starting to dig through her backpack. “Damn, I need to be careful about how much I fire my gun, I don’t have as much ammo as I thought…”
Kagome furrowed her eyebrows. “I thought you brought everything?”
Luna glanced up, still rifling through her pack. “I brought everything I could, but I had to leave some ammo and one of my weapons at Kaede’s place, along with my guitar. Traveling this much, especially walking? I had to pack more food and survival shit than ammo, so I gotta conserve what I have if this is gonna take much longer—especially if we’re getting this far away from the Well.”
Inuyasha snorted, and Luna felt her blood pressure spike. “Wouldn’t be taking so long if you all weren’t so damn weak…”
Luna looked at her sister again, and completely disregarded the warning look she got back. In less than a second, she had one of her boots off and chucked it full force at the half-demon’s head. The ensuing chaos was definitely worth the satisfaction.
“For being an absolute prick about us needing to rest!”
“Luna, can you please not?!”
“He’s the one being a little bitch about it!”
“Stop it, you two!”
“I called you a little bitch! Clean out those fuzzy ears!”
The imminent fight (which Sango, Shippo, and Miroku were watching like a Tennis match) stopped before it actually got started. Kagome grabbed her sister by the ear and pulled back, causing the older girl to yell out in pain, before pointing at Inuyasha and shouting:
The aforementioned half-demon slammed face-first into the ground, and the situation diffused.
“I am sick of you two fighting!” Kagome said, ignoring her sister’s little mutters of “ow, ow, ow” until she finally let go of her ear. “Can’t you guys just try to get along?! We’re supposed to be a team here; how are we supposed to fight Naraku if you two won’t stop fighting each other?!”
Ego bruised (and her ear too, just as likely), Luna tried not to pout as she got up to retrieve her boot. “Can’t promise it won’t happen again.”
“Yeah, me either…” Inuyasha’s voice cracked as he was finally able to lift his head and glare at the elder Higurashi.
“What we’re doing is a little more serious than petty conflicts,” Miroku said, “It might take an adjustment period for all of us, as Luna is new to our group, but we still need to focus on our actual goal.” And of course, as he gave this incredibly insightful bit of wisdom, his hand was drifting.
Sango flinched, then turned to slap his cheek, pinching the skin on his hand to keep it away from her butt. “And what part of that goal is this?” She growled.
The monk chuckled nervously, “N-nothing?”
Luna rolled her eyes, a small smile on her lips as she sat back down to re-tie her shoe. “Never a dull moment, huh?” She sighed as she knotted it, finally glancing over at Inuyasha. “Alright. I’m sorry, okay? But you gotta not complain like that. Gets on my nerves.”
“I’ll complain if I wanna complain…” Inuyasha mumbled. He quickly corrected himself, as the harrowingly angry look Kagome gave him struck fear into his heart. “F-fine. Whatever. Sorry.”
Luna chuckled. “There then, that’s put to rest. And, speaking of!” Instead of a second half of that sentence, she stretched her arms out and fell back to relax back on the grassy hill they’d chosen as their rest stop. She sighed, enjoying the quiet and the sun for a few minutes. She could swear she was about to drift off to sleep, when she heard the softest little “mew!” just beside her. She opened one eye to find Kilala blinking big red eyes at her.
“Adjustment or not, Kilala seems to like you,” Sango said with a light smile.
“She sure is cute,” Luna mumbled happily, sitting up and giving the kitty little scratches on the head.
Sango chuckled. “Thank you. Kilala is my very best friend—she has taken care of my family and my clan for generations.”
“Yeah?” Luna tilted her head, quizzical. “Does she always stay in cat form?
“What do you mean?”
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Kilala paid the conversation no mind, she just decided that this person petting her was the lap she wanted to lay on for the moment. Luna chuckled as the nekomata curled up with her head on her thigh. “Well… funny enough, my best friend is a cat demon too? She’s even done the same—watching over our family for generations.”
“Really?” Surprised, Sango looked to Kagome, who nodded.
“I thought you said there weren’t any demons in your time, Kagome?” Shippo piped up.
“It’s not that there aren’t any,” Kagome said. “They’re just… not all over anymore, like they are here.”
“Japan is one of the only places I know of that have actually kept their supernatural m—” Luna cleared her throat, “uh—inhabitants?—in check. The country where I live? Not so much.”
“But you mentioned the cat demon you know has a human form?” Sango asked. “I’ve never seen Kilala take on any form than this one or her full demon form.”
“Maybe… it’s because Alice is a Bakeneko? Rather than a Nekomata?” Kagome mused.
Luna nodded. “Could be, yeah. She’s got a cat form like this—and like Kilala’s full demon form too—but a lot of the time she stays in her, ah….” Luna started snapping her fingers at Kagome, trying to think of the word in Japanese. “[Humanoid form?]”
Kagome shrugged, “Most of the time, Alice just looks like a human.”
“600 years old and looks 25,” Luna rolled her eyes. “ ‘I choose to look this cute~!’, that’s what she always says.”
“She’s also watched over the Higurashi Family for generations. Heck of a coincidence, huh?”
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~ ~ ~
Everything hurt.
From the tip of her nose to the end of her tail, every inch of Airisu’s tiny, feline body hurt. Her black fur was matted with blood and dirt, one of her eyes wouldn’t open all the way, and she struggled to draw in breath. Not only all that, but she was running low on her own demonic power as well—if she tried to use any to heal herself, she might not make it through the night. As it was… she feared she might not make it through the night anyway, but she had to keep going. Her family would have wanted her to.
It had been an incredibly rough night for the little cat demon. Her family was the last of the Bakeneko clan this far south; all the others of their kind had moved to the northern mountains a hundred years ago. And it wasn’t until now that Airisu saw why: down here, they were plagued by other demons. Their family over the years was slowly picked off, until it was only her, her parents, and her brother and sister. Until now, she’d done her best to try and protect them… but tonight… she’d failed.
Mama… Papa… everyone… I’m sorry… If she could shed tears in this form, she might have been. But all she could do right now was limp forward. At least I’ve lost the pig…
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Or so she thought.
A rustling in the bushes caught her off-guard. Hackles raised (despite the sting), she hissed as the figure of the same ugly boar demon that murdered her family lumbered out of the woods. The boar’s crude scythe weapon was still coated in her family’s blood—and she could see a stain or two on its tusks, as well.
The thing’s laugh was a little more than a snort. “Thought you could get away, eh?! I’ll eat you, just like the rest of your little family!”
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Grief twisted in her gut like a cold steel blade. This was it. She had just a little power left, and if this was going to be her last stand, then she was gonna use it to avenge her family. This boar was going to pay for the lives he’d taken. She summoned up her last nerve, and grew to her full size; flame erupted from her paws to ignite the transformation, her front fangs elongated past her chin, and her body grew to the size of a panther. She wouldn’t have long in this form, so she would have to strike quickly.
She leapt at the boar, one last war cry roaring from her maw. She aimed for its throat, but the boar wasn’t as exhausted as she was. He swung his weapon faster, catching her in the chest. She landed, chest heaving, and attempted to swipe at him with her claws, but she was too off-balance. As she fell, she shrank again, the last of her demonic power used up.
At least I went out fighting, everyone… she thought as she crumpled into the dirt, prepared for death.
It didn’t come. Instead, there was another voice; a human one. Airisu could only keep one eye open, straining to see what was happening:
It was a human woman, strangely dressed but boldly blocking the boar from finishing off the half-dead feline. She held an odd weapon—a rifle? But it looked so different from the ones Airisu had seen before… When the woman fired it, it looked like it spat fire, and the boar demon reeled back, squealing. No rifle Airisu had ever seen had that kind of effect on a demon: his flesh seemed to be sizzling as he tried to get away into the forest.
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“Ugly-ass PIG,” The human girl shouted as she cocked the rifle again, “You leave that poor kitty alone!” She fired it again, and the boar demon fizzled into nothing.
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Does this woman think I am a mere cat…? Airisu wanted to laugh, but she didn’t have the energy. She was fading fast. Either way… she saved me… even if it was in vain...
“Thought you said you had to save your ‘am-hoe’, and you got and blow some of it on some weak-ass boar demon?”
“Inuyasha, please don’t say it like that—”
“No, let him, it’s hilarious.”
“He does have a bit of a point,” Sango cut in, before either Inuyasha or Luna could spark another fight. “You did say you had to save your ‘shells’, right? It seems a little wasteful if you used some on that boar demon—why did you?”
Luna nodded down at the little bundle in her arms—it was the little cat that the boar demon had been after the night before. She was asleep; Luna had bandaged her injuries and kept her warm and safe all night. As the little cat slept, her breathing had evened out, and Luna figured (what with the demon markings and all) that she would be alright soon.
“This little cat was trying to fight him,” She said softly. “I saved her.”
“Well ya ain’t keeping it—”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome chastised.
“Quit yelling at me!” Inuaysha snapped back, “It ain’t like it’s a house pet! She’s a demon cat like Kilala. She’s alive, so we should leave her be and keep going. She’ll heal by herself.”
“Who died and made you King of the Rock?” Luna grumbled at him.
“Guys, look!” Shippo, sat beside Luna, stretched up to peek at the little bundle. “She’s waking up!”
Quickly but gently, so as not to alarm her, Luna set the cat down and backed away a little. The demon cat’s eyes blinked open, blurred and confused. Luna smiled at her.
“Hey there, kitty,” she said softly. “You’re gonna be okay now…”
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She sat up a little, pulling out something wrapped in paper and tied with a string—a handful of little fish from the river. She let the cat sniff it before setting it down in front of her. Cautious, the cat stared at her for a long time before she began to munch on the offering.
“[‘Atta girl,]” Luna chuckled, “You feeling better now?”
The cat paused in eating, blinked, and then disappeared into a cloud of smoke. A little startled, a couple of the group jumped back, but Luna stood where she was.
In the place of the little cat now sat a girl. Short waves of black hair fell around a pair of sleek feline ears and kissed her cheeks. The pupils of her eyes were catlike as well, sitting among irises that resembled a sunset. She wore a short, tattered pink kimono, and had a bit of black fur tucked around her collar. She had the same magenta markings that the cat had; on her cheeks and forehead, as well as the same bushy black tail.
The girl plucked the little cloth she’d been wrapped in as a cat off of her head, smiling brightly as she held it out to Luna.
“Much better!”
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There was a beat of confused silence, before the others began to clamor in confusion.
“She had a human form this whole time?!” Inuyasha shouted.
“She was probably weak from fighting, Inuyasha, that could be why she stayed in her smaller form—” Miroku tried to reason with him.
“She did look a little like Kilala does—but she has only one tail.” Sango uttered.
“Then she’s a Bakeneko!” Shippo proclaimed, “They’re not common around here, my dad used to tell me they all went up North!”
Kagome looked suspiciously at her sister, who wasn’t shocked at all by the new information. Luna just stood there, watching her friends start to freak out with a sly little smile on her face. When she caught Kagome’s eye, she quirked an eyebrow, but said nothing as she turned back to the Bakeneko sitting before her. Like she knows something… Kagome mused to herself.
“My name is Airisu,” the Bakeneko said, bowing her head in greeting, “I want to thank you, Miss. That boar demon took the lives of the rest of my family last night, and would have taken mine as well if you hadn’t intervened.”
Luna shrugged. “I was only doing what I thought was right.”
“Well, for that, I owe you my life,” Airisu bowed her head once again, placing her hand over her heart. “I doubt I could ever fully repay you, but to show my gratitude, I will do the same for you. I will follow where you go, and protect you as you have protected me.”
Luna opened her mouth to respond, but her friends were once again surprised:
“That seems rather extreme…” Miroku said.
“You’d think so!” Shippo commented, “but some Bakeneko are really loyal like that! Especially since she saved her life!”
“Really?” Sango wondered.
“Still though…” Kagome chuckled awkwardly.
“Luna doesn’t need her protection,” Inuyasha scoffed, “she’s got that crazy weapon—and if she did need someone else to protect her, she has us!”
“Guys,” Luna waved her hand at her friends, laughing, “Don’t worry about it. I got this.” She extended her hand to the Bakeneko. “Alice, I accept.”
The cat demon pouted. “It’s Airisu!”
“Right, right. Sorry—Airisu,” Luna corrected herself. “Welcome to the team.”
“Hold on, Luna,” Kagome grabbed her sister’s arm, pulling her aside. “Shouldn’t we all talk about this first? I mean… you only just met her?”
“No I didn’t,” Luna said, with that knowing little smile on her face again. “You kidding? I’ve known her all my life. And so have you, Kags.”
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It took a second for Kagome to put the pieces together. She glanced back over at the Bakeneko, who had started formally introducing herself to the rest of their friends. The bubbly smile, the black hair, the vibrant orange eyes—it finally clicked. “Wait… you don’t mean that’s—”
“The very same,” Luna smiled fondly as she watched the realization cross her sister’s face. “She’d be pretty young for a demon by now—only 40 or 50 years old—but that’s Alice alright. And I’d trust that cat with my life.”
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“I can’t believe I didn’t recognize her at first,” Kagome said softly.
“Well, it’s also been a few years since you’ve seen her, too,” Luna nudged her sister. “But look, we can’t tell her that we know her in the future. Gotta Marty McFly this, okay?”
“You can’t go two seconds without some pop culture reference, can you?”
“Absolutely not.” Luna laughed.
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