#imogen x chetney x Laudna
critterpages · 10 months
Pop quiz!
What’s happening in these photos?
A. Laura Bailey is looking at Travis
B. Imogen is looking at Laudna
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Answer: it’s both! Laura Bailey is looking at Laudna interact with Chet and is melting 🥰
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simplysparrow14 · 17 days
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Never have I ever wanted to beat the shit out of a woman who's already fucking dead!
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marvelousbelladonna · 10 days
Dorian finds out about Laudna and Imogen
Also about Fearne and Chetney’s threeseom
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zhellers · 2 months
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you're the only warm thing for miles and the only thing that can't shine
print here
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leafspiritz · 4 months
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some belated bells hells valentines! 💌
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annemarieyeretzian · 6 days
dorian asking “are we sure that imogen is alright with [laudna]?” and chetney answering “I think so, they love each other. I don’t think anyone’s looking out for imogen more than anyone in the world, but–” and dorian interrupting “sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you, chetney. they what?” and ashton saying “oh, it’s been a while.” and dorian asking “they love each other?” and chetney saying “oh! shit! they’re now–” and dorian interjecting “imogen and laudna? I know I shouldn’t be happy right now, but that just seems like a good thing.” (bonus: fearne adding “it’s the best.”) “now I understand why they went together to talk it out. it’s a lovers moment!” 🥹
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One more win for callowmoore fans and one more f*** you to all the Ashton haters!
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purpleambrosia · 2 months
Hi. Today I also present one of my favorite, one of the most gayest things Laura Bailey has said this entire campaign. Also if you couldn’t already tell I love Imodna. More importantly I love Marisha and Laura.
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fearnesbells · 2 months
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c3e91 translated into a single imodna frame. Uh Oh.
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hailiiz · 3 months
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Happy Critical Role anniversary 🔴🌙
It’s Thursday folks! This took me so long, (24 hours to be exact) I hope you like it!
Since 2020, Critical Role has been my number one inspiration to keep dreaming, even when it seems ridiculous. Thank you to the cast and fellow critters for keeping my dream alive. 💜
Next big goal: work for critical role?? (Can Canadians even do that?? Lol)
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Sam is a pure chaos being. I love how Travis is just purely guiding his wife through this. Like no Chetney in sight rn. Just pure Travis in the zone of guiding Laura through a mission. So focused and in the zone. It's pure amazing.
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simplysparrow14 · 3 months
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Anyway, Shipper-in-chief Laura Bailey strikes again.
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marvelousbelladonna · 10 months
Laudna tells Chetney that Imogen is her girlfriend
She’s so proud 🥰
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isagrimorie · 11 months
I honestly love how angry Laudna was in the first half of the show, out the gate. The moment Orym called attention to FCG's new clothes, Laudna's face was this:
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But even through that Laudna can't help but comment and compliment Imogen on her new look:
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Imogen smiles at Laudna: "I love the new look."
She just lit up at Laudna's compliment.
And then Sam just goes straight into it, probably sensing the Drama potential and immediately Laudna's mood shifts from sad-soft to sharp.
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Also, of course, Imogen's face when Ashton said: "You were the last person to have a complete breakdown."
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Fearne also looked concerned.
And then Imogen's face when Laudna pointed to her and said: "You have a new best friend, apparently."
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Completely bewildered by this classification of her friendship with FRIDA. I also love Travis's husband reaction of: 'Uh-oh.'
Imogen is completely startled because out of everyone on Team Wildemount she was the one who didn't want to rest and just want to be on task.
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I live for Imogen's 'Excuse me?'
It's so funny because apparently, Laudna didn't get any of Imogen's messages that she WASN'T having any fun sexual or otherwise last episode. Like, Imogen really did need to spell it out for her, and another reason why Imogen decided to just make her feelings plain.
Imogen tries to explain and Fearne is also quick to buck up and defend Imogen. Meanwhile, Chetney offers his sexual healing services.
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Laudna looked like whatever Chetney's saying isn't computing with her and later looks like she was half a second away from getting angry at him.
And then much later Ashton and Orym are gently trying to convince Laudna to try and unwind, feel what it's like to be Human again. Taking care of Laudna the way they failed to do, bringing her back from the brink of the abyss.
Imogen doesn't even know yet that Ashton and Orym just let her fall.
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Orym and Ashton coaxing her back from the edge, directing her back to life, to Imogen.
And it starts to work especially when Imogen brings up visiting Zhuduanna and their old home in Jrsusar. Signs of the old Laudna seem to be softening her edges and her stare isn't as blank or blankly furious anymore.
But it's true they all need to unwind from the harrowing trip they've all been through.
Still, I feel there's hell to pay if or when Imogen ever found out that Orym and Ashton just let Laudna fall down the abyss and possibly let Delilah back into Laudna.
Fearne is just trying to navigate this seachange of emotions too, she was also deeply affected by the split of the team but she's just much better at hiding it.
(Also, Marisha Ray deserves all the accolades because she's so good!)
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pocketgalaxies · 23 days
chet: *starts slowly getting dressed*
chet: oh ok
laudna: well. put your boxers on at least
chet: no i don't think i will :)
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annemarieyeretzian · 6 days
laudna saying “what about the rest of you? I understand if you don’t feel comfortable with me around… I don’t want it to seem like I'm lying. I don’t want to lie. so the only way that I know to not do that is to just make sure that you all are aware that sometimes I don’t know what’s real or not. that’s the truth.” (bonus: orym saying gently “you know what’s real?” and pointing at imogen and saying “her.” and pointing at chetney and saying “that guy. we’re real.”)
may or may not be in tears because ‘sometimes I don’t know what’s real or not’ is exactly what living with ocd is like and it’s so defeating and exhausting and often I need people to assure me ‘this is real, we are real’
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