#imagine he is talking to eber or raine who are with a emperors coven guard
thousand-winters · 3 months
It might be terrible, but i like to imagine a scenario where some time after the epilogue, just when Hunter has somewhat healed and got used to his new life, something bad happens that threatens his new life and his family, and Hunter either goes a little feral or just shuts down.
in particular i imagine it as Darius getting injured, maybe because of a plot from remaining Belos supporters or even a freak accident, and for double angst Hunter either shuts down, not knowing what to do, or immediately goes after whoever caused the injury, so later he blames himself for doing that instead of actually helping (as he sees it).
Honestly, while the main threat (Belos and the Emperor's Coven in general) is gone, it is likely things will be a bit of a struggle for a while. On one hand, there's the rogue Coven Heads that still seemed to want to keep the Empire going except with them at the helm, aka, Terra, Adrian and Vitimir, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's not only them, but other scouts who don't love the dissolution of Belos' reign and would like back the power they used to have.
There were some really weird scouts out there, like that one that wanted to straight up kill Hunter for kicking them.
So yeah, I can totally picture some kind of accident occurring and it would make sense if it's, say, the rogue ex-Coven Heads, going after Darius, Eber and Raine since they were the rebels who they could easily blame for "ruining everything", even if they were proven right when it came to Belos' intentions. How they could get the jump on Darius is hard to say since he's, well, Darius, and I love him a lot but my man is a little bit overpowered with that skillset of his. Their best chance would probably do the same thing they did during the Day of Unity and weaponize someone he cares about against him, because Darius particularly tends to panic when his loved ones are on the line.
I could see them potentially targeting them during some kind of family outing because then they have Darius and Eber right there, which means they can also use Hunter and Eber to keep Darius from tearing them to pieces right there if they're fast enough.
What I'm picturing here is they try to take them by surprise and perhaps they DO grab Hunter, Eber and Darius freeze a bit because that's their kid and they might risk many things but they wouldn't risk him, and even if it's a moment of distraction only, it's just enough for someone to attack Darius and injure him.
That would probably only work if Hunter's teleportation magic is a bit flickery and doesn't always work, but I imagine he would absolutely lose his head as soon as he sees Darius bleeding, and while perhaps the smart choice would be to grab him and try to get him away or stay behind to guard him while Eber fights (like Eber would probably tell him to do), considering how protective Hunter is, I think he would definitely have a little moment of shock and then get absolutely vicious with whoever it was that managed to hurt Darius... probably Terra considering those three skillsets, hers is the better suited for that.
Between him and Eber, they can probably at least fend them off and get Darius somewhere safer, but then the guilt is so gonna hit Hunter because while he didn't want to leave Eber alone either, he just sees Darius looking a bit pale and thinks that not only was it his fault, but his first instinct was to attack instead of staying by his side like Darius would probably have done and now he feels like the worst person on the Realms.
They're going to need a long talk about how protecting Darius and Eber is not Hunter's responsibility and it's also not his fault that everyone knows they're protective enough of him that he makes good bait if they can get their hands on him.
(By the way, this comes at a really good time because this lovely fic has a very similar premise to what you described, and if you haven't already, you should totally go check it out)
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raisedbydirew0lves · 1 year
One thing that upsets me with the show cut short was the lack of information about the coven heads we got, especially regarding Darius and Eber because they both seem to have played a vital role. I am not just talking about the whole rebel thing, or the fact that they are both part of the new govern system, other factors play into that as well.
When we were first introduced to the coven heads, Darius is the first one to walk in, followed by Eber. In general, everyone else seem to walk behind him, as if he is the one leading them. When they all look at Belos, the frame shows us Eber and Darius standing next to each other, the two of them are the biggest shot here.
When we get a full view of all the coven heads, Darius is in the middle of it. They make sure that his frame is once again the largest here, the same goes for Eber a second later.
When Raine becomes head witch of the bard coven, both Eber and Darius walk in while Darius is the one who gives the bard badge to Raine. He’s the one who wants Raine to say something and also says to cut the feed, once again appearing to take charge of the situation.
Darius and Eber are the ones who hunt down Raine, trying to get more information. The two of them were already suspicious of Belos, but they saw Raine causing trouble and were like “okay this is bad, we need them to be more subtle” while Darius takes the lead during that.
In one of the ending credits, Terra has her vines around Raine, with Eber and Darius looking over in the background. Implying, that they were probably trying to figure out how to get Raine away from Terra.
Reschedule the meeting? Everyone else walks out, but Darius and Eber are the ones who are still in there while Darius is looking at the scroll, implying this was Darius’ doing, once again taking care of the situation.
Darius wrote a book about abomination magic, Darius had the old golden guard as his mentor and he was the one who knew about the draining spell. How? Was he spying with Eber, or did his mentor drop some hints regarding that?
And then there is Eber. We don't know as much about them as with Darius, but a coven head, constantly on Darius' side and then being part of the new system implies that their role was supposed to be vital as well. A lot of their behavior puts them at odds with Belos’ idea of order. Eber is wild and unpredictable, they are not ashamed to embrace their feralness. Judging by their username, they are openly proud of their upbringing as a literal wild witch.
How did someone like them end up working for Belos? It is easy to put two and two together why they chose to rebel if we look at their behavior, but why they ended up as a coven head is another thing. Did Belos trick then like everyone else? Was he trying to use their upbringing for his own goal, trying to convince them that they have the power for a proper co-existence between witches and beasts? Eber probably sensed....a lot of things wrong with Belos.
We know the selkidomus was hunted. And given that they are one of the main ingredients to make a grimwalker, for a long time too. I can’t imagine them as a poacher (though working for the emperor also means doing things you don’t want to do, I wanna know where that title huntsman comes from in the first place) and I cannot imagine that poaching the selkidomus would have settled well with the beastkeepers. This wasn’t exclusive to the emperors coven like the whole basilisk thing, hunting down the selkidomus was public. How they and Darius became friends is another thing. They are close, that much is obvious. It just would have been nice to know about both of their pasts and why they ended up close, especially since the two of them are total opposites.
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
**At Hexside**
Darius: *impatiently, on the scroll, distorting one of his hand into a scythe* Smash his kneecaps and he’ll talk okay, I’m at a parent teacher-conference!
Darius: *cheerily, back to normal, pats Hunter's head* Anyways, you said Hunter is enjoying flyer derby matches, that’s great!
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