#im/iv injection service
Glory Home Nurse Injection and medical aids services
Glory Home Nurse Injection and medical aids services
097390 75425
We are into nursing service offering medical aid for the needy at home. This is a support needed for the Diabetic, elderly patients, bedridden,disabled, medical restricted and to some of ongoing IVF treatment case etc. We provide services like injection, IV Fluid drips, catheterization, Medical dressing, and many more.
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medicalspainchesternj · 11 months
Unlock Your Beauty Potential: Discover the Benefits of Medical Spa Services
In our pursuit of beauty, we often rely on cosmetics and skincare products to enhance our appearance. However, there's a hidden gem in the world of beauty that goes beyond surface-level treatments – medical spa services. Medical spas offer a unique combination of medical expertise and spa-like relaxation, providing a range of specialized treatments that can unlock your beauty potential. In this article, we will explore the benefits of medical spa services and how they can help you enhance your natural beauty.
Expert Guidance and Cutting-Edge Treatments:
One of the key advantages of medical spa services is the access to highly trained medical professionals who specialize in aesthetic treatments. From doctors to nurses and aestheticians, these experts possess the knowledge and skills to guide you towards the most effective treatments for your unique beauty goals. Medical spas offer a comprehensive range of clinically proven treatments, such as laser skin rejuvenation, chemical peels, dermal fillers, and more. These cutting-edge procedures can address specific concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and sagging skin, helping you achieve your desired aesthetic outcomes.
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Personalized Treatment Plans:
Medical spas prioritize individualized care, tailoring treatment plans to suit each client's unique needs. During a consultation, a medical professional will assess your skin type, facial structure, and desired outcomes to create a customized treatment plan. This personalized approach ensures that you receive treatments that are most effective for your body and aesthetic goals. By addressing your specific concerns, medical spas can unlock your beauty potential, revealing a more radiant and confident version of yourself.
Non-Invasive and Minimal Downtime Procedures:
Gone are the days when enhancing your beauty required invasive surgical procedures with lengthy recovery times. Medical spas offer a range of non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments that deliver remarkable results with minimal downtime. These procedures, such as injectables (Botox, dermal fillers), laser treatments, and body contouring techniques, can address a variety of concerns without the need for surgery. You can achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin, enhanced facial contours, and even body sculpting—all without the risks and recovery associated with invasive procedures.
Holistic Wellness Approach:
Medical spa services go beyond beauty treatments by promoting a holistic approach to wellness. The serene ambiance, soothing spa therapies, and relaxation techniques offered by medical spas contribute to overall well-being. These additional services can reduce stress, anxiety, and promote mental rejuvenation, creating a harmonious balance between inner and outer beauty. By addressing your beauty needs in a holistic manner, medical spa services can unlock your true potential, both inside and out.
Boost in Confidence and Self-Esteem:
When you feel beautiful, it has a profound impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Medical spa services can help you enhance your natural beauty, resulting in a newfound sense of self-assurance. Whether it's achieving a smoother complexion, more youthful skin, or refined facial features, these treatments can enhance your appearance and empower you to embrace your unique beauty. When you feel confident in your own skin, you radiate positivity and charisma, elevating your overall quality of life.
Medical spa services offer a transformative path to unlocking your beauty potential. With the guidance of skilled medical professionals, access to cutting-edge treatments, and a personalized approach to care, medical spas can enhance your natural beauty in remarkable ways. From non-invasive procedures to holistic wellness experiences, these services go beyond surface-level treatments, empowering you to embrace your unique beauty and radiate confidence. Discover the benefits of medical spa services today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enhanced beauty.
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angiethewitch · 8 months
So, I'm also mentally ill, and I really don't understand why you think it violates your personal rights for you to be held accountable for taking the medication that keeps you stable, safe, and functional.
Do you think you should be allowed to act inappropriately because of your illness? Do you think you should be allowed to possibly hurt yourself and others? Do you have delusions about the healthcare system or medication? Do you dislike being stable or lucid? Like, why do you think that it's okay to neglect your mental health conditions and make people around you feel concerned or scared for your safety? Do you think that people shouldn't take meds in general, or just you?
Personally I enjoy being stable and healthy and I don't understand why you want to put yourself and others through distress. It seems like internalized ableism mixed with self harm tbh. I hope you get better someday and learn to love yourself when you're stable instead of hiding in your psychosis and hurting yourself and others.
it's actually ableist to come and assume that I'm violent and unsafe simply because im schizophrenic. ive been off my antipsychotics for nearly 2 years now, under the supervision of my doctor and psychologist, I have no such delusions about the healthcare system - once again, it is ableist for you to say a schizophrenic MUST be delusional for not wanting to go on medication. it is ableist for you to assume I MUST be a danger to myself or others because I am schizophrenic. it is ableist of you to come in here and be so fucking condescending, explaining things to the obviously insane schizophrenic. it is ableist of you to say I MUST not be stable or lucid. it is ableist of you to say I MUST be acting inappropriately. bro im just in fucking work. it is ableist of you to say i MUST be neglecting my mental health when I'm not on medication when I thought it was widely understood that medication is not the only answer.
I am not in distress and I do not cause distress. you've completely misunderstood my stance, just because medication works for you does not mean it works for everyone. my stance is that it violates bodily autonomy to force medication down my throat or strap me down and inject me with medication I did not consent to taking. either you did not understand that or you don't care, and you think people with mental illnesses should be stripped of their autonomy.
absolutely nobody is scared for my safety. I was discharged from the psychosis intervention services with my psychologist saying he feels incredibly positive about my recovery. I am a supervisor in charge of a team of people in my work and im on my way to a management position. for the record, I may still have periods of instability, but therapy and learning healthy coping mechanisms has been far more helpful than 5 years of a medication that gave me amnesia. and the medication didn't even stop the symptoms, they just put me in a chemical straitjacket.
how dare you come in to my inbox and spew ableism and assume things about me. get off my blog.
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cedar-glade · 2 years
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What I am up to rn. I am currently doing studying for applicator exam. and treating ash trees for both anthracnose fungus and borer.
Right now im currently doing a bit more fundamental training on application.
Here Is an example of what I am doing at work right now as I actively work on my applicator license. A calculator, a sounding mallet with two different rubber heads of various density,  and dbh tape as well as a drill can be seen. Many different systemics are used for ash tree treatments but treeage as an EC emulsifiable concentrate pressure injectable. EC just means that they are not water soluble liquids, instead they are oil soluble compounds after an emulcifiable agent is added. Instead of beading they became liquid ‘solution’. EC are usually better environmentally, because if a spill does occur they do not readily move with water or penetrate with water and begin breaking down more easily. treeage, by label, is recommended for 2 year usage. so It is 100% active for 2 years. the dye is UV black light notable, meaning even after washing hands and ppe you can see residuals under black light if they are still present.
the label goes by dbh, 4 feet from grade diameter at breast height,  the label also has notes to not mix with water as they do not mix. .5 ml per inch DBH is the measure for usage. Injection wound are to be made deep to get as much transduction as possible through functioning protoplasm not just active xylem and phloem. but require the wound to be made through active phloem and xylem; this is why a sounding mallet is necessary for making the hole. dense acoustic resonance allows us to select and decent relatively intact section of the tree minimally undamaged by the borer over each year; dense solid sounds are critical. Hammering the inlet iv insert till it doesn’t move means you have a good seal for pressure to work. Veritassium has a good youtube video on atm pressures in trees that can help shed light on why pressurized systems are critical for ensuring uptake. Once canisters are pressurized we can use the system. Trees in areas where beneficial insects are present and outside of general sterile landscapes that show signs of resistance shouldn’t be injected unless ethically the tree is critical for spring formation or its a state or nat champ.
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Understanding that environment, stress, and host and pathogen activity are critical for pathogens to need treatment is the only ethical reason to pursue treatments. With out all three being present we don’t have an issue necessarily unless the invasive species works under time constraints and alters other corners in their favor(most do) . Evolution is a counter but rarely happens faster than the problem can work to do damage. Larval movement occurs fast! the timing to treat to prevent the most damage starts with leafing out but also pathogen movement. Degree days is usually how most people know when to treat. However climate change can be very problematic in many cases. Ag extensions are there to help ! For Ash trees in my region we start at the beginning of the black locust blooms which shares phonological overlap and try to provide services until after june. so usually mid may- june.
This year saw a wet spring too. which means early anthracnose appearance which forced us to do more propizol injections before ash borer treatments unfortunately.
I currently use a psi by hard wood fjet series arbor jet system. A bucket is also great for containment of spills if a treeage container leaks I have a bucket.
Though the label may not say it, I use nitrile gloves as ppe because fuck insecticides.
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wulvert · 1 year
CARL!!!! sometimes when i go 2 feed my beardie superworms my stinky cat jumps up and snatches the worm out of my hand and sprints away. i have lost countless superworms 2 her. ive been told she takes after me and i have no idea wht people mean by this (I ATE A SUPERWORM BC I WAS CURIOUS ONE TIME!! ONE TIME!!!! heres an ancient photo of the stinky tht i think rly encapsulates her energy. thts not her actual name (its jiji like from kikis delivery service) but she deserves 2 be called stinky)
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ALSO YEA!! I DID LIKE TRIPTRACK!! which is. saying a lot bc usually my brain. cannot focus on sci-fi at all no matter how good. i thnk its the silliness and autism personally injected directly into tex's robot veins and also every page that enabled me 2 read all 131 pages :]] i love mouse n mits!! (n the possum im the possums biggest fan),,,i hope tex's dad EXPLODES 🔥🔥☀️
thnk u for the character last names,,,i will put them 2 good use!! also,,,RED HOYT,,,WHDWJDWKDALD HE'S PERFECT
LIKE ALIVE??? what did it taste like... I don't have a cat yet.. but i'll keep their ability to do that in mind 4 when i do get one.
i def prefer not so high scifi, i dont rly like space- but i think since its such a broad genre theres usually at least something 4 everyone :) im glad u liked it !! i like mouse and mits, i want to have them show up again at some point. doing other stuff living their best lives.
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vmedoapp-blog · 28 days
If you are looking for an Injection at home in Bengaluru, the VMEDO mobile clinic is just around the corner. Our expert medical team will reach your doorstep within 60 minutes and administer an injection in the comfort of your home. All types of injection services including IV, IM, and subcutaneous injections can be done at home.
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sumukhabangalore · 5 months
As a team of Sumukha we are committed to extend much needed love and happiness to the elders despite their age. We conduct psychological programs and workshops for the sick and unhealthy people to understand them life is always beautiful.We motivates and inspires for further increase their happiness and satisfaction.
Home Nurse Visits
Medical’s highly trained nurses excel in providing services such as:
• Post surgical care
• Urine catheterization care
• Wound care
• Oxygen administration
• Post Tracheostomy Care
• Suture removal
• Injections (IV, IM, SC)
• IV infusion & more
We also provide 12 & 24 hours home nursing and trained attendant service.
• All our nurses are professionally trained and certified
• Most of our nurses have ICU experience
  Thanks & Regards
 (Admin Executive)
Sumukha Facilitators Pvt Ltd
Corp.Off. No.477,1st Floor,45th Cross,
Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore-560082
Land Mark : Near Sangam Circle
Email: [email protected] ,            [email protected]: www.homenursingservices.in
Help Line +91 9880024265  /  080-22441963
Branches : Sarjapura Road-080-25747437 
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wesumukha · 6 months
As a team of Sumukha we are committed to extend much needed love and happiness to the elders despite their age. We conduct psychological programs and workshops for the sick and unhealthy people to understand them life is always beautiful.We motivates and inspires for further increase their happiness and satisfaction.
Home Nurse Visits
Medical’s highly trained nurses excel in providing services such as:
• Post surgical care
• Urine catheterization care
• Wound care
• Oxygen administration
• Post Tracheostomy Care
• Suture removal
• Injections (IV, IM, SC)
• IV infusion & more
We also provide 12 & 24 hours home nursing and trained attendant service.
• All our nurses are professionally trained and certified
• Most of our nurses have ICU experience
  Thanks & Regards
vijitha (Admin Executive)
Sumukha Facilitators Pvt Ltd
Corp.Off. No.477,1st Floor,45th Cross,
Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore-560082
Land Mark : Near Sangam Circle
Email: [email protected] ,            [email protected]: www.homenursingservices.in
Help Line +91 9880024265  /  080-22441963
Branches : Sarjapura Road-080-25747437 
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IMS Therapy Edmonton | Dry needling Edmonton | Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton
In the realm of innovative physiotherapy techniques, Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) therapy and dry needling stand out as effective interventions for managing pain and promoting healing. At Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton, we take pride in offering these specialized services to our community. This article will delve into the significance of IMS therapy and dry needling, the distinct benefits they offer, and how Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton integrates these techniques into comprehensive and personalized treatment plans.
I. Understanding IMS Therapy and Dry Needling:
a. IMS Therapy Overview:
Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) therapy is a form of needling that targets myofascial trigger points to alleviate pain and improve muscle function. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific areas of muscle tissue, stimulating the release of tension and promoting natural healing.
b. Dry Needling Explained:
Dry needling is a technique that focuses on releasing trigger points and muscle knots without the use of medications or injection of substances. It shares similarities with acupuncture but follows different principles and targets specific muscle-related issues.
II. Benefits of IMS Therapy and Dry Needling:
a. Pain Relief:
Both IMS therapy and dry needling are renowned for their effectiveness in alleviating various types of pain, including chronic and acute musculoskeletal pain.
b. Improved Range of Motion:
By targeting tight and tense muscles, these techniques contribute to improved flexibility and range of motion, enhancing overall mobility.
c. Muscle Function Enhancement:
IMS therapy and dry needling help optimize muscle function by releasing tension and promoting better muscle activation and coordination.
d. Accelerated Healing:
The stimulation of trigger points encourages increased blood flow and the release of natural healing factors, contributing to accelerated recovery.
III. The Integration of IMS Therapy and Dry Needling at Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton:
a. Specialized Physiotherapists:
Our experienced physiotherapists at Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton are trained in IMS therapy and dry needling, ensuring that these techniques are applied with precision and expertise.
b. Individualized Treatment Plans:
We recognize that each individual's needs are unique. Our physiotherapists develop personalized treatment plans, incorporating IMS therapy and dry needling where appropriate to address specific concerns and conditions.
c. Comprehensive Assessment:
Before recommending IMS therapy or dry needling, our physiotherapists conduct thorough assessments to understand the root cause of pain or dysfunction, ensuring targeted and effective interventions.
IV. Seeking IMS Therapy and Dry Needling in Edmonton:
If you are seeking innovative and effective solutions for pain relief and improved muscle function, consider IMS therapy and dry needling at Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton. Our skilled team is dedicated to providing exceptional care that aligns with your wellness goals.
Momentum Physiotherapy Edmonton is your trusted partner in unlocking the healing potential of IMS therapy and dry needling. With a focus on personalized care and effective interventions, our clinic stands at the forefront of physiotherapy innovation in Edmonton. Schedule your appointment today and experience the transformative benefits of IMS therapy and dry needling at Momentum Physiotherapy.
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Welcome to “Hands of Glory” a Bangalore based home nursing agency, Bangalore. We are into on call home visit injection services in Bangalore. Find our services in home visit for injection, IV Fluid drips, cauterization, Medical dressing, and many more. We are a team of professionals from Bangalore got together to see this vision “Hands of Glory " translating into a very human and professional service. We support in providing ,IVF treatments related injections, progesterone injections, VitaminD3 injections, B12 injections, Diclofanac injections, Clexane injection, EPO 10000 U injections etc.
Contact 9739075425 / 9739075427
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Liquivida® is a full-service medical spa in Pembroke Pines, Florida, that’s helping people across America to replenish, rehydrate, and revitalize through vitamin IV therapy, medical aesthetics, and innovative weight loss solutions.
Optimal health and wellness is what keeps you living life to the fullest - so we want to keep you healthy and strong for as long as humanly possible. IV Lounge in Pembroke Pines Absorb 100 percent of nutrients at the cellular level and manage the aging process like a rockstar!
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You could be low on essential nutrients, such as B complex or B12. 
Consider extra hydration to pump more oxygen into your bloodstream. 
There's a chance your liver needs to detox. 
Antioxidants, such as Glutathione can help.
You may be exposed to airborne illnesses or allergies
Consider a high-dose of vitamin C 
Or even a vitamin D intramuscular injection
Your hair, skin, and nails say a lot about your age. Consider Liquivida's Fountain of Youth 
Pick from our Signature IV Vitamin Drips
From athletes looking to focus on muscle recovery to flight attendants who want to boost their immune systems. We have an IM or IV solution fit for everyone’s individual needs.
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➥ Emergency services ➥ All types of iv/im injection ➥ Get a free consultation
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wickedpact · 3 years
Crim pls do a J/N fic rec post at some point in the future I trust you more than I trust myself looking rouge through AO3
im kinda eh abt the concept of fic recs myself just bc the whole 'Different Strokes For Different Folks' thing (idk how many times someone i liked in a fandom made a fic rec list and i ended up not liking anything they posted). plus i have weirdly specific tastes and i.. .. honestly havent read a ton of joenicky fic! (i have a FAT to-read list) but ive been asked this a couple times now so i will slap together a couple joenicky fics i like (not comprehensive, i only spent like 15 minutes making this. also not in any particular order.)
Kiss Each Other Clean by moodlighting
i like this whole fic, but the last 6 or so paragraphs in particular SEND ME TO SPACE, i love cuddling. also [joe voice] nickel neekee
what you seek is seeking you by bankrobbery
i actually recced this one once before. idk its cute i just Like It. (also nicky pretending not to know english bc a customer is pissing him off is Very Funny and i love it)
with every inch of my heart by smilebackwards
i like this one a lot, i think nickys pov should Always be this tender. i dont like miscommunication trope much, (esp with joenicky) but i do like this fic-- the miscommunication in question is far-fetched but its joenicky so of course it is. just enjoy the Angst™
i love michelangelo seeing nicky all dirty and bloody after a fight and being like 'DAMN this bitch is fine' (same). (AND the fact that nicky only agrees to travel with him in the name of wasting the pope's money lmao). the fact that joe and nicky broke up But They Still Snuggle. nile knowing like 2 things about joe and nicky's breakup & pretty much immediately taking nicky's side. joe looking at the creation of adam and bein like 'EH'.
nicky carrying around his little joe drawing? nicky carrying around a spare toothbrush for booker? nicky telling little children stories about a princess locked in a coffin under the sea? ('perhaps someday, if an iron coffin is caught in a net or washed up onto the shore, they’ll remember the princess, a victim and not a monster' EXCUSE ME)
(also 'I have drawn you a thousand times since we parted. I sculpted your likeness, just so that I could pretend to cup your cheek. You are so much warmer than marble, hayati.' R O M A N C E)
Pas Un Ange by inlovewithnight
there are a lot of fics i love in a way thats like 'this fic is fun but it doesnt feel like something that would happen in the Actual Canon' (which is fine!) but this one Does feel like it could happen in The Actual Canon which is cool
this fic also has probably my favorite depiction of nicky's relationship with god/religion in any fic ive read ('[nicky's] peace had come only after walking away from faith as a competition of intensity in favor of faith as a steady compass that he followed like the beat of his heart in his chest.'). i love the whole Drama played out by the background characters and how they all have their own ideas and motivations & nicky is just kind of resigned to being caught in the middle of it.
(also love how near the beginning joe's like 'the Right thing to do in the situation would be stay at this river and help these people.... ... ....... ... .... ... anyways see ya guys later gotta go find nicky'.)
also joe chatting up a pig and the five minutes later chatting up some goats was so cute. & nicky trying to tell the baby's mother how to save it!!!! </3 AND THEY ARGUE ABOUT CHARITY on the way home (not before joe injects a comment abt nickys ass into regular conversation bc Romance™) its a bit of a sad fic tho, that poor baby 🥺
Intercession by PrincessDesire
can i interest you in some Swamp Man Nicky in this trying time?
someone recced this fic to me and i dont remember who. but note that the major character death tag is not, in fact, for a major character but for a background one. neither joe or nicky perma!die in this. also normally i dont like fics where joe or nicky are bi bc Thats Not Canon Babey but i do like this one, i love joe's relationship with Grace and how nicky's perception of that relationship gets flipped on its head halfway thru the fic. i also love joe's Weariness Of Immortality, like when joe talks about how 'youthful' nicky makes him feel. his pov just kind of Feels like an old man and i like it
theres a smut scene in this fic which im personally not big on smut scenes but theres this bit where joe tries to figure out condoms and its very cute. also 'You have many kinds of magic, Nicky. All your spells have worked.' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
also i just like how WHIPPED joe is from like the first 3 seconds he sees nicky. theres one bit where nicky's like 'ill come visit you!' and joe's like 'when🥺' and nicky's like 'as soon as you like!' and joes like 'now?????🥺🥺🥺 literally come home with me???' incredible.
also the Magic System was cool. i also love how nicky just Accidentally made himself immortal. what a man. also i like this line 'it would never occur to [nicky] to attend any service that wasn’t going to have a direct outcome. Grace takes comfort from it, so maybe that’s the only outcome needed.' idk its so sweet
edit: also i cant believe i forgot the iconic line 'Yusuf is a man of two minds, one large and underutilized, the other small and underutilized.' absolutely iconic & relatable
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secretsniper2 · 3 years
Waking up on the cold stone floor of my cell im already shivering, they had taken me from the markets and planted food on me to frame me and take me away, my bag only had a few coins in it, no food at all! and yet when they checked they pulled out 3 apples.. this is a bad place to be sent to for a trial, mens punishments were a piece of cake, public services like cleaning the streets mostly, but for women, and especially attractive women the punishments for any crime is usually cruel and in almost every case, sexual..
Hearing the hallway door open and some footsteps i knew my trial was mere minutes away. Standing in my cell in what rags they forced me to wear i did my best to cover my exposed body. The “clothes” they put me in were little more than tattered rags that barely reached over my nipples, they claimed it was because of my large D-size breasts but i know they have actual shirts.. at least for the men. My skirt had holes and stains all over it, more of a belt than a skirt as it barely covers my ass and pussy! 1 hand over my breasts and the other over my pussy as the Guard opens my cell door.
“Get over here Prisoner” is all he says, i can see cuffs in his hand, im not going to enjoy this..
Walking from the cell my hands are locked behind my back, pushing my breasts out and forcing my nipples to push against the shirt more than it already did, at least its still covered for now, but 1 bad step and my tits will pop right out! A hand pressing on my back signals i need to move, the men in the other cells all whistling as i walk past, i can feel their eyes all over my body, their desire to use me in horrible ways, if they could reach me im sure my rags would be torn off in seconds. Passing through the double doors at the end of the long hall im led to a podium and i see 2 dildos on the floor surrounded by chains, resisting the pushes at first im forced to kneel as my legs are locked down. A metal belt is locked on me and chains linking me to the floor are pulled, slowly im forced to sink onto the 2 toys.
Feeling the dildos sink inside my pussy and ass the chain keeps pulling me down, further and further until my ass hits the cold floor. they are long, too long.. my ass is already sore and my pussy throbbing as the guards attach more chains making any effort to get off the toys impossible, 1 of the guards even reaches around and gives my clit a hard pinch making me shudder as he laughs. Eventually they return to their positions and the corrupt judge walks in and takes his seat. Reading out the charges the old man looks down on me with a smile.
“how does the girl plead?” he said, almost laughing!
“I have done nothing wrong!” i scream out, “im innocent! i didn't steal anything!
A tingling feeling in my pussy made me notice the dildo is moving around slightly, when i noticed that the anal toy was moving around too i heard the guard behind me chuckle lightly. Looking back i see him, he looks like a cross between a pig and a man! and hes holding a control box with a dial on the top, he turns the dial and the dildos speed up, making thinking very difficult! Raising the speed more and more your more mad that the chains are very effective at keeping your body down on the tormenting stimulations, the sound from the vibrators is filling the room but noone cares!
“We have eyewitnesses that saw you stealing young lady!” the judge yells over the loud buzzing coming from your ass and pussy!
“The.. Their WROOONNGGGGG!!!” i scream as the first orgasm hits!
“you accuse these 5 men of lying?” he says with a laugh! “impossible! iv known these men for years, they never lie!”
“NNNNGGGG FUUUUUUHH” your voice breaks as another harder orgasm rips out of your pussy! the stimulation is already too much but the guard behind you is still raising the speed!
“I will not have my friends mocked in my courtroom! i sentence you to life in Podlock!” the judge yells!
The few women in the room gasp at the words, my own eyes open in fear at the sound of my sentence!! the only punishment that men never get is the Podlock, noone really knows what goes on in the pods but noone ever leaves them. Tears swell up in my eyes as the guards gag me and detach the dildos from the ground and lock them inside my body with a chastity belt. A collar is locked around my neck with a leash following suit, im forced from the courtroom still screaming into my gag about my innocence, the few women i pass are covering their mouths knowing ill never be coming back, a few tears in their eyes but nothing like the tears from mine.
Through the doors im pulled, each step moves the toys locked inside me more and more, pulling another orgasm from me just from the movement alone! Moving through the crowd of people men grab and tear the rags off my body exposing my bare breasts as more hands began grabbing my nipples as i walk, the guards doing nothing to stop the mens assaults on my body. As more men grab my ass and breasts tears continue to run down my cheeks, im at least glad my pussy is covered so they cant grab my clit, even though the toys are still rocking around inside me.
Walking through a rather large and dense crowd of men the leash is pulled from the guard and im forced into the large crowd by a mystery man, if the men grabbing me before were rude, these men wernt even men, they were animals! hands from every angle squeeze my breasts, my nipples being fought over by several hands as my nipples pass from hand to hand. My ass has hands on every piece of skin available and i can feel a few hands trying to push under the belt to touch my drooling pussy, at least they cant get far.
A surge of guards storm the area, men being arrested for their sentence of community service likely cleaning the slave pens your leash is taken by another guard and your lead back on the route to the Podlock processing site. Its a large metal building that only officials are allowed inside, through the doors your leash is taken by a woman, shes dressed a black latex bodysuit, with ballet boots padlocked on and latex hood around her head, only her eyes are exposed. with my leash in the latex hands of this woman im led through another door and what i see made me cum on the toys lodged inside me.
10 women with their limbs in special holes in the wall so escape is impossible, they are completely nude and have large toys deep in their ass and pussies, the bulge is visible even from my point of view, 10 feet below the women, the bulge is moving in each woman, clearly vibrating their fluid runs in a constant stream down their thighs and covering the wall in their slick cum. This is a lighter punishment that women can get, i prefer to join them over what im destined for..
“this her?” a man said, the latex woman nodded and the man took the leash and continued leading me while the woman followed.
“Podlock huh? im sure youll learn to love it eventually, its a life sentence so youll be living with it for a long time!” the man said with a laugh at the end.
Continuing the walk to my new life the woman in latex behind me began grabbing my ass! her latex covered hands moving up my body caressing me everywhere she went, matching my pace exactly she would massage my breasts with skilled ease, playing effortlessly with my nipples making them stand out hard against her latex touch, the man looks back and smiles as he sees my reactions to the latex assault on my breasts. Pushing and pulling my tits i moan uncontrollably into my gag making her grab harder and pull faster, if i wasnt already filled with 2 large toys rocking side to side as i walk it would be tolerable, but because of the constant stimulation inside me and now my tits i cum hard and stumble a little.
Walking past a series of gold capsules i can kind of make out figures inside, but through the orgasm i just had my eyes are a little hazy, but i eventually stop in front of a open pod.. my pod.. A table next to it with a bench under it with fabrics on it, pulled to the table im told to lay down and i do as im told, cant get away now. A quick injection into my neck is all it takes and my arms are unlocked, i try to move, to get away now im unbound but i cant.. im completely immobile, my belt is removed and the woman begins fucking me with my dildo as the man pulls my arms to my side and begins wrapping me in a latex fabric. Wrapping all the way up my arms he looks into my eyes .
“Your paralysis will only last 5 minutes, more than enough to get you ready” he says with a smile
Continuing to wrap up my arms he stops to place some pads on my nipples, and then wraps across my shoulder and down my other arm, sealing my arms off. Starting again at my neck he begins to wrap down my body, neck, shoulders and breasts are wrapped up tight, Wires poking through 1 of the seams of the latex as he wraps further down my body trapping my covered arms against my body in a tight layer of latex. The woman finally stops fucking my cunt with the dildo and removes both from my holes and replaces them with even harder toys, my pussy and ass are filled once again with large dildos and another thin tube is pushed up my urethra, a cup is placed over my clit and the man wraps further down my body. Tubes are attached to the dildos inside me and are wrapped up tight, latex swallowing me up with its tight embrace, seemingly flowing down my legs as the man continues his work. Pulling the tubes between a layer he ensures they are accessible as my feet are coated in the tight latex sheets.
More and more latex sheets are added to my already tight bondage as my gag is removed only to be replaced by a latex hood over my head, covering my ears and face with another dildo pushing into my mouth as the latex now around my head gets tighter again, being wrapped with more sheets as its clearly not tight enough, i plead with my eyes as best i can given my circumstances but they dont care. Lifting me off the table im placed in my pod carefully and restrained further with straps a tube is attached to the mouth piece of my hood and the other tubes and wires are placed in the pod at my sides, locking into place as a blindfold is put over my hood locking me in darkness.
a dull sound of locks clicking is all i can hear aside from my own heartbeat and my breathing as tubes are pushed in my nose to allow air in, soon ill be all alone till i die someday.. no idea when that will even be now. Feeling a tingle between my legs my eyes shoot open in the darkness of my bondage as the new inserts make my body their home as the begin vibrating at a fast pace, worse still my urethra insert is following suit and buzzing away bringing new sensations to my mind! im going to cum! oh god please no..!
Electricity begins flowing in my nipples and my clit. teasing my body as a orgasm slams into my mind, pushing me further into my binding if that is even possible! it only takes a few seconds before a second orgasm is pulled out of me, its clearly going to keep me cumming for a very long time as minutes turn to hours as my mind blurs as orgasm after orgasm is pulled out, a injection of fluid in my mouth brings me back to reality, it must be feeding time or something as the cock in my mouth begins pumping large amounts of a mixture which its key ingredient must be cum, it tastes like it at least! You hear a tap in your ears and a man speaks.
“enjoy the slop slut, youll be living on that cum filled creation, itll keep you full and alive, youll be with us for a very long time so enjoy the orgasms while you can, your waste will be cleared 2 times a day so you dont have to worry about that, other than that, welcome to your new life.”
And with that click your world shrinks to a latex prison full of orgasms and nothing else.. you now know exactly what happens to all the other women who got sentenced to Podlock, and your the newest prisoner.. New life? more like new hell..
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hooshizzoria · 2 years
i just wanna play splatoon...i fucked up and updated our switch which a friend of my brothers helped hack and idk ill probably be able to fix the hacked side but im worried online services will be permanently disabled ;_;
period, suicide
i think this lupron injection has been messing with my mood too its been harder for me to keep my composure. im an idiot and didnt do proper research when initially getting the shot (i got a surgery for radiation that moved my uterus out of the way of the beam so my periods needed to be stopped otherwise. like. itd probably be a mess considering my uterus and vagina are now severed) and didnt realize or at least remember the side effect of bone density. ive been having mild issues with my left knee for years and i do kind of want to get back into team swimming so im worried how that might affect that sigh
garlic bread...i could put it on a bagel
my dads been recommending me all this nutrition stuff and im doing my best to try to read it and apply it but its all kind of depressing...like i need to make sure im staying healthy enough such that i dont need the colostomy surgery come spring...
once winter started setting in i started getting more strongly suicidal again which has been more frustrating than normal because the trouble id cause for my family, given all the hassle weve went through with treatment this year, by killing myself makes me feel much more guilty than usual x_x ofc it could also be the lupron again considering my first shot was in early nov.
haha writing this out helped a bit im calmer now. regardless of what happens its still very likely i will get to live on campus come fall, even if we end up moving and i have to change schools. and thatll be a good breath of fresh air from my family. ok i will go and try to fix my switch now
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sumukhabangalore · 5 months
As a team of Sumukha we are committed to extend much needed love and happiness to the elders despite their age. We conduct psychological programs and workshops for the sick and unhealthy people to understand them life is always beautiful.We motivates and inspires for further increase their happiness and satisfaction.
Home Nurse Visits
Medical’s highly trained nurses excel in providing services such as:
• Post surgical care
• Urine catheterization care
• Wound care
• Oxygen administration
• Post Tracheostomy Care
• Suture removal
• Injections (IV, IM, SC)
• IV infusion & more
We also provide 12 & 24 hours home nursing and trained attendant service.
• All our nurses are professionally trained and certified
• Most of our nurses have ICU experience
  Thanks & Regards
 (Admin Executive)
Sumukha Facilitators Pvt Ltd
Corp.Off. No.477,1st Floor,45th Cross,
Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore-560082
Land Mark : Near Sangam Circle
Email: [email protected] ,            [email protected]: www.homenursingservices.in
Help Line +91 9880024265  /  080-22441963
Branches : Sarjapura Road-080-25747437 
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