#im so normal about trans headcanons (lying)
chonylolu · 9 months
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Walani drawing I drew after pullin an all nighter the other day
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cloudsandwichsoup · 1 year
general mp100 char headcanons,,(this’ll probably change in the future maybe,, i’ll update as i think of new ones)
shigeo “mob” kageyama
bi 100%
he’s quiet in most spaces and likes to listen but he rambles a lot when given the opportunity
he’s more talkative in general post canon but usually needs someone to start the conversation
he feels a little uncomfortable in fem clothes (because of the school break in incident) but would wear a skirt if asked (depends on who’s asking, will say no to reigen)
will wear anything teru buys for him
always the first player when playing video games
goes to s&s at least once a week to visit
teases his brother sometimes (but is the one mostly being teased)
the most normal little guy you’ve ever seen /j
arataka reigen
(disaster) gay
single father of 3 (tome, teru, shou)
married to serizawa
has a decent fashion taste when recommending things to others (but not himself all his clothes are ugly)
unofficially adopted teru and let him live in his apartment; serizawa (didn’t live with him at the time) convinced him into getting a bigger one because teru and reigen were super cramped
very proud of mob (cries when he graduates middle school)
slowly and painfully tries to be more honest (and causes more problems in the process)
can cook is just too lazy to do so
sings pretty well
doesn’t pay his rent on time
salt everywhere
ritsu kageyama
achillean (men liker syndrome)
“romance ew” but is also a hopeless romantic (shouromantic /hj)
homophobic but only towards reigen (and teru for liking his brother)
emo and listens to mcr and p!atd /hj
he talks about his fixations with mob
it’s hard for him to open up even post canon,, he still has the tendency to bottle up his feelings
he gets to 100% much easier then mob does since he has less patience
it isn’t as bad though
had a fursona (his drawing of it is crumpled up in his closet)
shou drew it for him once when he found a drawing of it lying around (ritsu wanted to die)
katsuya serizawa
he/him trans (im not projecting you are)
goes to therapy (and forces reigen to go eventually)
tries to give helpful advice… to varying degrees of success
he’s shou’s better dad
sensitive to louder noises (like houses burning)
aware he’s severely underpaid but stays at s&s because of reigen (and the fact that he genuinely likes the job) they end up sharing finances so they should be fine… hopefully
he works multiple jobs (online and otherwise) to keep himself afloat before he gets married cause he really REALLY wants to stay at s&s
he gets a degree in psychology and expands s&s with counseling services
can be sarcastic when he wants to be
still anxious though he’s gotten a lot better (he’s learned how to look more put together and instead panics more internally)
the nerd ever
he rambles about his favorite games and shows to anyone that will listen
teruki hanazawa
he/they (hetheycore)
gay i don’t make the rules
his hair is naturally blond and his blue eyes are not contacts (i’m specifying this cause some people say otherwise) his parents are some european + japanese
he’s fem but in a masc way if that makes sense
hopelessly in love with kageyama shigeo,, he isn’t subtle about it at all (mob has his suspicions but doesn’t want to get carried away)
literally realized he didn’t like women after he met mob (more like after he realized liking boys was a thing after looking it up)💀
has one sided beef with tsubomi over mob’s affection, they became friends later I just think it’s funny if teru is jealous
has a hobby in fashion
reigen is his dad and they move in together post canon cause i said so
shou suzuki
animal lover; hampter
art kid 💀
has ocs probably
he gets scared easily and is also sensitive to louder noises
serizawa straightened his hair as a kid (still does his hair just gives him his curly hair products now that shou wants to go natural)
got a buzz cut cause he absolutely ruined his hair after ironing it every day
honorary child of the arataka family
he visits people by breaking in through their windows
wants to kiss ritsu on the lips but he burned his house down so (he might burn it again if they kiss)
aroace king
“i am a male. i am a man. i’m a ‘he’. I don’t get into that… mentally ill shiz.” /hj
besties with reigen (but won’t admit it)
strange uncle to shigeo and ritsu
wants to attack teru for all of the atrocious outfit recs he gives mob
he tries to pick a fight with mob about his outfit when it looks horrendous (mob always wins)
babies ritsu a lot
follows tome to make sure she doesn’t get hurt and ends up enjoying traveling to weird places in search of spirits
tome kurata
never stops loving aliens
becomes interested in figuring out how espers work
hates momo /hj
runs a spirit blog + a cringe yt channel with dimple
calls dimple “dimps”
crashes at reigen’s place cause she can
she pretty much lives there so she’s technically wawa and taka’s kid
her grandparents raised her… her parents exist lol
her grandpa was a conspiracy theorist and that’s why she got into aliens idk
probably takes over s&s when she’s an adult (kicks reigen out)
momozou takenaka
he/him swag
says he's straight only cause it's funny 💀💀
he had a crush on tsubomi but now likes tome against his will,, he thinks her passion is admirable and she didn’t treat him differently because of his abilities so… crush?
good friends with tsubomi, they complain about life together
actually really likes tennis
expresses his affection through subtle ways and tries everything he can to divert attention from said affection
hates tome /j
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misspickman · 3 months
moss might i please have some trans tim headcanons. or trans kon if you’re feeling it.
Hii blink thank you blink i always have those<3
Kon is nonbinary and transfem to me and i do have a more specific way this happens in mind which is he starts questioning his gender after already figuring out hes not straight, and this is a few years down the line post sb 2011, so hes getting comfortable living on the farm and having a group of friends there, being a part of the kent family (hes never had a family before!!) and its because of that new personal comfort and safety that he can think more about himself as a person and not just. An icon with a role.
I read his tt03 era as his big Repression Period (along with cassie) where he figures he has to be a Normal Real Boy so he ditches the 90s superboy charm for a more traditionally masculine look, which maybe works for his secret identity but isnt what he actually enjoys. So later he starts growing out his hair and tiptoes around more flashy costumes which are daunting now, because kon has a lot of hate for his younger self for being foolish and a try hard, and this all reminds him of himself back then.
Its a slow process but he will get there eventually and i think living with ma helps a lot. Being away from the public eye and with someone who wouldn't judge him for not wanting to look as masculine would do kon wonders. Also he hangs out a lot with the yj girls, and i imagine cissie would eventually she starts putting makeup on him for funsies (and bc cassie doesnt let her) which kon has many feelings about. No worries! Anita braids his hair like she did cissies so many times and kon goes haha does this mean im one of the girls now as a joke and then has many feelings about that too bc what if he Wants to be one of the girls? Uh oh
I have less of a specific timeline for tim so some scattered ones are:
It would take her a long time to make peace with being trans and to come out, bc imo tim would not be a fan of the Coming Out Process. Would hate to do it. Would only do it once its the last feasible option bc shes sick of lying (again) and being seen so wrongly by everyone. I think she just writes cassie a note or something like it would be funny.
Jack having been so obsessed with tim being his perfect masculine son would make all of this especially hard but also make certain stuff make more sense in retrospect. Its impossible to think about tim being queer in any way without thinking back on jacks behavior.
Theres a v sweet image in my head of helena braiding tims hair bc once she lets it grow out tim does not know what to do with it and helena has to do something about that (set in a future where helena knows tims identity. The cowl doesn't really show hair. But boy it must be sweaty gross in there).
While i think kon would be big into makeup and all sorts of fun clothes and shoes i dont imagine tim being That much into it, is not as much of a makeup girlie, loves a nice dress but mostly for occasions and such.
One of the reasons why itd take her so long to figure herself out is she mostly didnt get body dysphoria until she thought of the possibility of Not Being A Man and then started noticing little things that bothered her, bc tim would be very aware of which traditional standards for being a woman she is not fulfilling. Very aware of and held back by the Issue Of Bodies And How They Are Perceived, as you do.
The initial realization would probably be something sudden that she refuses to think about for a while bc tim v much lives by that post thats like i may be trans but i have a job so idc about that rn. Its in the back of her mind and she is Not examining it when there are bad guys to punch out there.
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justusjonas · 1 year
Ich muss natürlich sofort nach Justus fragen 😌
omg omg dankeeee <3
1: sexuality headcanon
ich glaube wenn man justus nach seinem label fragt erklärt er erstmal wie unsinning er persönlich schubladendenken findet und dass er sich da persönlich nicht sieht und dann redet er mit dir 2 std über queere theorie & gender studies und gesellschaftliche sozialstrukturen. das ist so n bisschen ne ausrede dafür dass ich ganz schecht darin bin fiktive figuren und auch mich selbst zu labeln aber auch akkurat für justus finde ich 🫶 ich weiß nur dass er nicht hetero ist‼️ token cishet justus? not on my watch ❌ der junge ist trans
2: otp
schwer! finde ihn mit jeffrey richtig süß, von dem was man im canon gesehen hat würden die voll gut zusammenpassen finde ich <3 ich fand auch ihn und lys ziemlich toll als ich ein kind war, vorallem sie szene in „das leere grab“ 😭❤️ er und olivia aus „netz der lügen“ sind auch voll süß - er findet ihr lächeln charmant und träumt dass er mit ihr über mathe redet 🥹 und sie fand ihn auch so toll… ihn und jelena find ich auch ganz niedlich so enemies to lovers mäßig <3 idk warum ich justus‘ beziehungen mit mädchen immer interessanter finde als das was bob am laufen hat hahaha oh und auch in „das leere grab“ , JJ mit dem justus sich ein auto mietet - im buch fand ich die richtig toll zusammen:
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3: brotp
peter bob und justus 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ und ansonsten mag ich auch alles was ich oben erwähnt habe platonisch total 🥺🫶 und nich wirklich brotp aber fand die dynamik süß; in biss der bestie wo sie babysitten ist justus so lustig mit den kindern <3 im krankenhaus denkt eine pflegerin dass justus alleinerziehender vater ist hahaha aww
4: notp
mag es nicht ihn mit iwelchen erwachsenen zu shippen.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
hat sich selber die grundschritte für den walzer beigebracht. wegen seiner eltern und so 🥲 bin immer noch irgendwie geschockt das sie klassische tänzer waren…
6: favorite line from this character
schwer. ich finde er gibt so viel lustiges von sich hahahaha. ich liebe "ich werde sie nur….EIN WENIG FESSELN" aus „der rote rächer“, da muss ich immer lachen. die gesamtheit von „das leere grab“ ist toll. justus wie er sich für monique carrera einsetzt ist auch richtig gut. straße des grauens wo er sich bereit macht verbrechen zu begehen. immer wenn er ganz unbefangen irgendwo einsteigt und dass so normal von sich gibt.. das hier:
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ach er ist einfach toll hahahah
7: one way in which I relate to this character
ahahahaha wenn ich das alles aufliste wird der post zu lang. iwie peinlich aber er war schon immer der, der von den dreien für mich am relatablesten war…belassen wirs beim simpelsten: ist zwar nur semi-canon aber das ist ja eigentlich alles hier - ich trage auch immer bunte hemden! alles in bunt <3
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
übermäßige erklärungen wenns nicht gebraucht wird aber das mach ich auch immer…🫣
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
beides iwie. an sich problematisch weil immer einbruch aber naja. außerdem natürlich fave! cinnamon roll weil ich meine er ist halt der beste. aber er ist eig schon zu krass für dieses label <\3
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Todoroki Family Values
Todoroki Family Values by If its canon it can still suck
“What, you think you and this shitty nerd can break into the private office of the number two hero without me?” Bakugou leant into Todoroki's personal space. “You think you're better than me Icy-Hot?”
Enji's been lying to his family for years but after an overheard private phonecall about a missing persons case, all those lies are gonna start unravelling.
Shota's normally given the cases no one wants to solve, as an underground hero he has a wider range of resources and they tend to come in handy when looking for runaway kids. It's nothing new. So why is a person declared missing but he's not allowed to talk to the family. Someone high up is keeping a grip on the strings around the case, so Shota has to find a loose one in the mass of tangles.
The number two hero isn't as infallible as people think and it's about time he lies in the bed he's made for himself.
Words: 10392, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: in order of appearence, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Original Characters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Natsuo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Okuta Kagerou | Giran, idk his full name its the information broker guy, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Natsuo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: okay im trying to not go overboard on the tags so bear with me pls, this has nothing to do with the addams family, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, no spoilers but this fic will have the following, Todoroki Family Drama, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Retribution, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, i havent decided the role the hpsc will play yet but theyre here too, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Everyone Is Gay, this puppy can fit so many headcanons, Kaminari Denki Angst, i havent written him in yet but hes there, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Hard of Hearing Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, the fandom crossover is untagged because i want you to guess what it is, Todoroki Shouto Angst, Trans Bakugou Katsuki, Genderfluid Sero Hanta, trans original character, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Childhood Friends, and good ones too, i made up most of the lore for quirkless people, canon can exist but i make the rules here bucko and im switching up the order of the arcs, Post-Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc, Post-Sports Festival Arc, Post-Hero Killer Stain Arc, remixed sports festival arc, everything else is the same up to that point, from this point out this is a lawless place, Identity Reveal, Secret Identities, well theyre not secret people are just unaware that some people are the same person, also, i have plans for midoriya hisashi's character, but they dont come in to play until the training camp arc, which will also be different than in canon, irish midoriya izuku, scottish bakugou katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Kaminari Denki Swears, No beta we die like the manly men Kirishima wants us to be
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41157384
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summerof336bc · 2 years
Im not even really a dc guy but I wholeheartedly agree w you ab Bruce being transfemme that's such a good hc
Tell me ab your other hcs you mentioned :0) ?
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[id: a tumblr ask from t4tbruharvey that reads "dc trans headcanons...... i wanna hear them so badly"/end id]
FIRSTLY yes transfem bruce believers :-) it IS a good hc
speaking of. transfem 'trans but the other way' hcs !! bruce & jason are both transfem & in denial but jason moreso. instead of coming out the rare time b did an interview it used she/her pronouns & everyone was like 'alright then'. i think they would both change their names but im still working on that. damian is a trans girl & instead of changing her name by herself like a normal person she sits bruce & talia down & goes 'okay you two. i'm not doing this you are picking my name for me. no objections'. they settle on maryam. garfield lynns is very transfem to me too. they dont change their name she thinks its funny. jenna invites her to the c-listers 'evil womens club'. joey & kon are also both transfem i dont have anything to expand on there. they just Are. garth is transfem he just doesnt know it yet
okay now its transmasc 'trans but the other way'! stephanie is a trans guy & he just shortens his name to steph. they already get called steph all the time anyways so they thought it fit. selina is genderfluid & transmasc and when asked about xyr gender selina says hes 'like vaguely a dude'. he/she/xe selina for the win. kate is a woman but also transmasc <3. shes a lesbian with a cool gender okay. cassie is a trans guy & honestly probably doesnt change his name. when asked if his name if his name is a girl names cassie goes 'no actually its a guys name. everyones been lying to you'. raven is definetely partily a guy. after joey comes out kole is like 'Wait. im a dude'. kole is a she/her kind of guy
okay some more like. general trans hcs! dick is genderqueer. ae keep aer name because ae think its hilarious. also i think after dick comes out it leads to a whole domino effect of 'bats realizing theyre trans'. when asked about their gender, tim simply states 'im too tired for that'. wallys definetely got something going on with his gender. not sure what but hes not cis. hal has some tboy swag for sure. i once described oswald as 'a man who is also a girl' & im right about that. none of the aliens are cis they don't have a concept of human gender. clark is used to being referred to as a guy but won't correct anyone if they refer to him as something else. clark thinks it sort of relieving. no pronouns kori. its like that meme ... 'but my name is koriand'r'. & then i think mostly everyone else is trans i just have already typed a lot. theres probably only a handful of people i think are cis
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Todoroki Family Values
Todoroki Family Values by If its canon it can still suck
“What, you think you and this shitty nerd can break into the private office of the number two hero without me?” Bakugou leant into Todoroki's personal space. “You think you're better than me Icy-Hot?”
Enji's been lying to his family for years but after an overheard private phonecall about a missing persons case, all those lies are gonna start unravelling.
Shota's normally given the cases no one wants to solve, as an underground hero he has a wider range of resources and they tend to come in handy when looking for runaway kids. It's nothing new. So why is a person declared missing but he's not allowed to talk to the family. Someone high up is keeping a grip on the strings around the case, so Shota has to find a loose one in the mass of tangles.
The number two hero isn't as infallible as people think and it's about time he lies in the bed he's made for himself.
Words: 5424, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: in order of appearence, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Original Characters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Natsuo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Okuta Kagerou | Giran, idk his full name its the information broker guy, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Natsuo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: okay im trying to not go overboard on the tags so bear with me pls, this has nothing to do with the addams family, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, no spoilers but this fic will have the following, Todoroki Family Drama, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Retribution, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, i havent decided the role the hpsc will play yet but theyre here too, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Everyone Is Gay, this puppy can fit so many headcanons, Kaminari Denki Angst, i havent written him in yet but hes there, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Hard of Hearing Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, the fandom crossover is untagged because i want you to guess what it is, Todoroki Shouto Angst, Trans Bakugou Katsuki, Genderfluid Sero Hanta, trans original character, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Childhood Friends, and good ones too, i made up most of the lore for quirkless people, canon can exist but i make the rules here bucko and im switching up the order of the arcs, Post-Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc, Post-Sports Festival Arc, Post-Hero Killer Stain Arc, remixed sports festival arc, everything else is the same up to that point, from this point out this is a lawless place, Identity Reveal, Secret Identities, well theyre not secret people are just unaware that some people are the same person, also, i have plans for midoriya hisashi's character, but they dont come in to play until the training camp arc, which will also be different than in canon, irish midoriya izuku, scottish bakugou katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Kaminari Denki Swears, No beta we die like the manly men Kirishima wants us to be
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41157384
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years
Todoroki Family Values
Todoroki Family Values by If its canon it can still suck
“What, you think you and this shitty nerd can break into the private office of the number two hero without me?” Bakugou leant into Todoroki's personal space. “You think you're better than me Icy-Hot?”
Enji's been lying to his family for years but after an overheard private phonecall about a missing persons case, all those lies are gonna start unravelling.
Shota's normally given the cases no one wants to solve, as an underground hero he has a wider range of resources and they tend to come in handy when looking for runaway kids. It's nothing new. So why is a person declared missing but he's not allowed to talk to the family. Someone high up is keeping a grip on the strings around the case, so Shota has to find a loose one in the mass of tangles.
The number two hero isn't as infallible as people think and it's about time he lies in the bed he's made for himself.
Words: 10392, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: in order of appearence, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Original Characters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Natsuo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Okuta Kagerou | Giran, idk his full name its the information broker guy, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Natsuo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: okay im trying to not go overboard on the tags so bear with me pls, this has nothing to do with the addams family, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, no spoilers but this fic will have the following, Todoroki Family Drama, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Retribution, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, i havent decided the role the hpsc will play yet but theyre here too, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Everyone Is Gay, this puppy can fit so many headcanons, Kaminari Denki Angst, i havent written him in yet but hes there, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Hard of Hearing Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, the fandom crossover is untagged because i want you to guess what it is, Todoroki Shouto Angst, Trans Bakugou Katsuki, Genderfluid Sero Hanta, trans original character, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Childhood Friends, and good ones too, i made up most of the lore for quirkless people, canon can exist but i make the rules here bucko and im switching up the order of the arcs, Post-Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc, Post-Sports Festival Arc, Post-Hero Killer Stain Arc, remixed sports festival arc, everything else is the same up to that point, from this point out this is a lawless place, Identity Reveal, Secret Identities, well theyre not secret people are just unaware that some people are the same person, also, i have plans for midoriya hisashi's character, but they dont come in to play until the training camp arc, which will also be different than in canon, irish midoriya izuku, scottish bakugou katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Kaminari Denki Swears, No beta we die like the manly men Kirishima wants us to be
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41157384
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this is a weird question but what's it like being aroace? I'm writing a story and i'm hoping to include more diversity but as I've had no experience w these kinda things I'm trying to ask around to get more knowledge (I've been doing the same thing w my trans/nb friends! Sorry!)
Hey no worries, feel free to ask away, it’s really awesome that you want to include more diversity in your writing! If you ever want to IM me here or on discord or wherever if that makes it easier then go ahead.
Uhh as for what it’s like, obviously it’s going to be different for every person so be sure to ask around, but in my experience it sometimes feels like people are being very arbitrary with their actions? Things like flirting or actively trying to pursue someone romantically, to me it feels a bit like “...okay but why though??” I don’t even dislike romance, it’s just that sometimes it seems kinda... random I guess.
It does make listening to most pop songs unrelatable, though, and even though I sometimes like romance in fiction I seem to have a lower tolerance for it than most people I know. (And I can’t even tolerate smut at all. There’s the ace part for ya!) And as you get older you’re reminded how different things are for you, with people constantly talking about their SO’s and asking you when you’ll get one. I’ve seen other people mention an analogy - a world where everyone keeps going on and on about a certain perfume but you just can’t smell anything unusual at all and wonder what they’re on about or what’s wrong with you - yeah, I’d say it’s kinda like that.
OH, and ever since I was little, I always kept latching onto characters and deciding that they’re uninterested in romance and sex (well before I even knew what being aromantic and asexual was). You know Treasure Planet? At first I was heartbroken that they cancelled the sequel, until I found out they’d been planning to give Jim a love interest in the sequel, and suddenly I was quite jarringly relieved, because why?? would he need or want a love interest?? he’s Jim Hawkins!! Why would you ruin his personality with a love interest??? that’s so unnecessary??? (See? Aroace headcanon right there, lol)
And I thought I had crushes in school, but I picked them. Like, if someone asked me then I would just pick the most good-looking person I knew. Or if a friend said they had a crush on someone, and I didn’t think the person looked totally awful, then I would say I had a crush on them too. Honestly, I thought it was normal to do that, I thought having a crush was thinking someone was cute-looking, and that people were making up the romantic/sexual attraction bits to sound more grown-up ;_;
Also, I think non-aroaces don’t really see this side of things, but people get really aggressive with the amatonormativity, it’s that ingrained. I mean, my parents literally outright told me they’d rather I was gay than aroace when I explained things to them. And “friends” have harassed me when I came out as ace, I’ve been told basically everything on those “what NOT to say to aro/ace people” lists right to my face, been pressured into lying about things because people won’t take no for an answer, my family don’t believe me at all and constantly try to convince me I’m wrong. (Except my brother, you rock dude!) It’s not something that non-aroaces are aware of because it doesn’t directly affect them, so it’s easy to understate the amount of overall abuse, gaslighting and erasure that’s faced by aros/aces. Unfortunate but true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And on top of all that, you know that when people say “of course I consider friendship just as highly as romance!” deep down, they probably don’t actually mean it, lol. Subconsciously most people do indeed place a higher value on romance than friendship. It’s much easier to notice when you’re aro.
One last thing... I hate soulmate AUs. There, I said it! They rub me the wrong way, even when you’re including the whole “but soulmates can be platonic too!” thing. It just feels... iffy.
Okay that was all probably an incoherent wall of text, sorry about that! If you’ve got other questions or more specific questions I’m happy to answer those to the best of my ability! I hope things go well! (And I hate to shamelessly plug my own fic, but I was writing No Romo for Aro/Ace August and it’s not done yet but it’s the most aroace thing I’ve written, hehe, it’s probably a better glimpse into The Life Of An AroAce than this will ever be)
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