#im on epi 6
theoryofarson · 4 months
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happy birthday ana @solana-ceae!!!! today I offer you: a premium selection of charns <3 i hope your birthday has been amazing and that you have an incredible year!!
[ID: 6 gifs of Charn from Laws of Attraction. Each gif is a shoulders-up shot capturing a particular facial expression, including several sinister smiles, a teasing pout, a besotted smile, and a teasing glare. He's talking in most of them.]
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glitradora · 2 months
Seo-Jun is better this, Su-ho is first lead that
my girl Kang Soo-jin has yet to let her down she's the true love interest in my heart
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this-doesnt-endd · 10 months
Still thinking about how my ent said im his most allergic patient he's ever had
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freehounyaoi · 3 months
HALF LIFE VRAI (+gorgeous & og gordon) HEADCANONS IF YOU EVEN CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
during. the end, he had 2 extra eyes, one above his left eye one below his right eye, now he has scars where they laid, they’re faint but he. is autistic im sorry he’s too me to not be he had a tail during the end too faint freckles ^_^ he REALLY likes red meat he likes blue flavor, not blueberries, not blue raspberry, blue stubble YAYY specifically in end, benreys feet to knees and hands to elbows fade into rlly dark blue/black looks like he’s dying of illness but like. has never been sick disassociates very often very touch very very touchy polyamorous, exes with forzen & is now crushing on both Tommy & gordon orphaned, kinda lived on his own since he isn’t human, picked his own name doesn’t actually have brothers, he’s a loser breaths through his mouth esp when he’s comfortable weird but like imagine he’s cuddled up to someone and he just yeah
fat, idc i’m right
gender-fluid, transmasc & gay ^_^ old man yaoi with bubby YAYYY
cool little funky punching enhancement thingies
big ol’ doe brown eyes
brunette hair before he started graying
after the resonance cascade he retired, they deserve it
has nightmares over clones. a lot, a big lot
autistic, everyone knows the science team kinda is autistic,
going off the autistic thing, one of his vocal stims is hello gordon
loves talking, loves it so much, he loves just talking to people she likes
has a high score on punch out & that one punching game where you punch the punching bag to get evaluated on
the reason is divorced because he realized he was gay
hawaiian shirts FTW!!
(most of these are somewhat canon, holly (his va) headcanons him as transmasc, short and stocky, and 5’4!)
Intersex & bisexual (idc if gir hcs him as straight it’s my world now/pf)
if he didn’t live with Coomer after the resonance cascade, he’d probably just be a basement dweller and just sit in the corner and cry
Bionic legs :3
canonically test tube baby, he’s probably really freaked the fuck out over it & has had genuine panic attacks over being artificially made, only in front of coomer
literally always has epi-pens for coomer
naturally(?) ginger idk what you wanna consider it, he’s canonically like 6 but in my head he’s like 67, he’s been locked in black mesa for 67 years
blue eyes
has a leather jacket with a tiger on it he will wear just to do so
has made the science team watch scrubs.. twice
picks at skin as a stress tick
has tourettes
near blind
when he got his bionic heart he died so he will sometimes just be like “hey guys i’ve died before”
being put back in the tube after betraying gordon was one of the worst things he’s been through, it was terrifying
also fat
joshua exists but he was an accidental pregnancy (gordon seahorse father yayy)
ftm based off last hc, that’s just canon cuz i said so
joshua is like, 9 in my head so gordon had him at like 18
has a crush on benrey (canon but yk)
mexican and african
curly ass hair, takes really good care of it, always smells nice
blind in left eye, 25% prescription in right eye
feels guilty as fuck even when everyone would joke about him being the cause of the RC
also autistic
wayne did not dk him justice when he lost his hand, he was screaming so gutturally loud it was painful, he strained his voice so bad, the pain was so excruciatingly terrible
tommy genuinely was the only one he could trust after benrey & bubby turned their backs on him, and that sucked because his feelings for benrey before that point were getting to him
only was adamant about not being friends with benrey at the end because of the betrayal, he wanted to hate benrey
tommy is like his. comfort friend, he doesn’t have to worry about him.. he does but he always feels comfy around him
Tommy cool man
Autistic, ADHD, PTSD and OCD
G man species, half human
strawberry enthusiasts:3 (me too)
every flavor tic tac enthusiast, always give the science team tic tacs like all the time
not very good at games enjoys playing them though
very touchy for multiple reasons
Sunkist service dog for multiple things as well, helps with panic attacks, PTSD symptoms, anxiety attacks etc
Tommy doesn’t know how Sunkist was trained to do all this, he made her sk he just kinda accepts it for how she is, and loves her
compression hugs, likes being laid on top of, it’s comforting
looks scrawny but can like. genuinely pick up all the science team & benrey with ease
started collecting propeller hats after the RC
the reason he can read sweet voice is cuz g-man species
thinking about getting a cat, maine coon or norwegian forest cat, he likes big ass animals
Sunkist is LARGE like large as fuck for a golden Tommy made sure she was huge
milk enjoyer :3 drinks it with most of his meals
wears readers
ANGEL KISSES!! (moles or beauty marks whatever you wanna call them)
tooth gap :3
walks on tiptoes
cuts his hair into a fringe, lets it grow out to shoulder length, then cuts it fringe, never ending cycle
beauty marks man
freckles too
nobody fucking knows his trauma
doesn’t understand why he can understand cicero?? he just.. can??
learned ASL as a kid
clearly has some form of mommy issues he will not touch on
wears solid colors, he doesn’t wear shirts with decals, or anything, a. he doesn’t like them. b. for ASL purpose, it’s recommended to wear light/dark clothes (light in his case) depending on your skin tone to MAKE it easier to read sign, usually in light pink
prefers skirts cuz.. they’re comfy, usually knee & ankle length.. sometimes he will wear mini skirts……. cuz he’s gross
actually hates head crabs.
would be a nudist if it was sociably acceptable
actually really enjoys video games! he doesn’t talk about it, he’s good at them too
he’s a dog person, he wants a saint bernard
freeman YAYY
beauty marks
patchy beard
dark hazel eyes
starting to grey, short pony tail
has scars from his HEV suit
actually lost his hearing DUE to the RC, his mother was deaf so that’s why he knows ASL, it completely shot out his hearing
has always dressed nice
cat person
Alyx is like his daughter to him
i can’t decide if he’s trans or not
same situation with gorgeous, he wears solid colors for ASL purpose
him and cicero have yet to find a way to communicate
when he found out alyx learned ASL for her boyfriend (this is canon, was planned for episode 3) he was over the moon
enjoys IASIP (it’s always sunny in philadelphia)
scary when he’s pissed off
G-Manual samual
major RBF
moles kuz hes kawaii
wears readers
hes autistic
going on with him being autistic, the fabric his suits are a comfort fabric to him
enjoys sitcoms
drinks his coffee straight black
he is trans masc to me
praises his employers like god tbh
if he were to drink, which he doesnt, his go to drink would be rum on ice
some form of alien, not from xen though, no one knows where hes from
some type of holy creature??? he cant die?? hes weird
you'll never see it but he doesnt bleed red, his blood is black
enjoys fishing
goes to bed at 11pm, wakes up at 4am hes weird
hes also the best father ever???
songs that remind me of science team members + benrey the 6th
Benrey the 6th
I Will - Mitski
Kiss Me, Son Of God - They Might Be Giants
I’m Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
Mad World - Tears for Fears
We Will Commit Wolf Murder - Of Montreal
Gallery Piece - Of Montreal
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
The Party's Crashing Us - Of Montreal
Tommy Coolman
Living Island - POGO
Fireflies - Owlcity
Teenage Dirtbag - Weetus
rises the moon - liana flores
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
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pixiecaps · 15 hours
reminder filter #doplivevodding for ordem paranormal desconjuração posts if u wanna completely avoid spoilers. im on epi 6 now so 👍
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tmbgaresuck · 5 months
Hey im @beboakapane. My cousin Marula showed me your page on Tanbi because the scammers who claim to be giants are pretty well known everywhere and you’re a lucky person who knows the truth about these scammers. Luckily where I live they did something about it!!!
I’ve never been to the Screw Those Possible Giants classes but in the PTC archive I do have video cartridges (that fit special projectors ONLY) of Screw Those Possible Giants. (I am a lead archivist for PTC, a tv station here in Chikakimu)
I did watch them once in their entirety. The series was cheesy animation wise with some frame drops (example: the “giants” dancing in one scene and talking about hating children in part 2) because the production company poured their budget of 0 dollars into the intense hatred for TMBG, and that the series was animated and rendered on a real world laptop from 6 yrs ago with the highest amount of jank. (The person who runs the production company HAS interacted with your page before!!)
If you want I can rip parts one and two off these projector cartridges. The quality isn’t as great as the more popular Epi-cart format used here in Chikakimu. Epi-carts have very high resolution unlike the projector carts which were invented by the same person who invented Epi-carts. So the projector cartridges aren’t really archival grade.
(The parts 3 and 4 are not in production yet because the company is ALWAYS on a hiatus. It’s a shame because they make great shows.)
Great, now the theme song is stuck in my head.
…screw those possible giants, they really are a scam…
And unlike Marula there isn’t a quote from the series that lives rent free inside me.
- Bebo
i would love to see any sort of media about tmbg being complete and udder doofuses and them being showcased for being weird and dancing weird.
heres a picture I drew of the johns berating a small child
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transford-pines · 10 months
funky oranbge morally gray grey (daily canadian crisis girl help) ourple cookie ( kettle kettle whats your favorite cookie) greenscreen swiss cheese (youre literally pastalovingfordpines76 on everything how could i not…..) void black (just in case…… 8 hours eepy is important btw just sahying) lilac (sorry im rabies
I THINK IM TOO EPY TO FULLY COMPREHEND THIS MESSGAE ALLT HE WAY FHWJSHSS BUT THANK YOU chomcolate chip cookie :) coughs . looks at 6 hours if sleep attained last night . my eep scheudles fiiiine-
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floofyfluff · 1 year
4:18 am summary of me taking a holiday/snow day shift for extra pay. since i have officially finished with my day job as of 1 pm. is that:
cw death and just like. literally every day i desire to kill the concept of god more
i am a moron. how did i forget where i came from in 6 months. it's so cold and its december which means that everyone is dying. 🎶 its the most wonderful time of the year 🎶 the hap-happiest season of all!!!🎶
god does not exist and he does not love you and i wish you would stop giving him credit for work the rest of us are doing. while blaming us for everything else. i GET that you're devastated i DO but hm i guess actually its my fault i didn't see your grandma's atherosclerosis 3 years ago. thanks. yeah its my fault shes dead. i would really love for a medic to show up but unfortunately they're all busy with the people who might be salvageable right now. a doctor??? LMA fucking O that's not going to help. no amount of epi would help here. i'm breaking ribs as a performance rn. my partner has been here for 2 weeks i've never met her before she's visibly developing a panic disorder. she could be more helpful but also it doesn't matter so whatever. i'm just sitting here until med control can call official tod. which they should have called an appropriate crew here to do before we got here. no shockable rhythm here this is exclusively to make you feel better. which i cannot stress enough i would be very willing to do bc i have done worse things for 2 min cycles but you're telling me that it's my fault this happened while im sobbing so honestly. lay off. or die i guess. whichever comes first.
god does not exist he does not love you and if he does exist he in fact thinks its funny that you die while trying to stay warm under your bed when its -8F. he thinks its hilarious. man's got a long record of opening up the earth and swallowing well-meaning families to teach you a lesson about how much life sucks and how you should fear him just in case he can make it suck even more. it's not my fault of your fault that energy costs as much as it does and your mom thought she'd be fine with some extra blankets!!!! she wasn't fine and its not our fault but it sure feels like it doesnt it!!!
god does not exist and does not love you and you are now the third fucking family who has told me that it's my fault your grandpa is dead in 6 hours and i don't care anymore. a medic is gonna show up here in 10 min and give him an i/o and he's still gonna be dead. I am once again hoping that your prayers get him where he wants to go but don't fucking blame me if you think that they don't. take that shit up with god.
god does not exist and he doesn't love you but drunk ass extended family trying to get gma up the stairs and causing So many more problems than they are solving DOES exist. and they are doing 10x more for everyone than thoughts and prayers. i do not want this soda that i now have but thank you. this soda i do not want is also the reason im still alive
wrote this at 4:20 hahah blaze it and its now 5:03 and i have soft cats in my bed so i guess i'll live. also if god existed which for the sake of the world and all that is decent i hope he does not. i'm going to physically fight god
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keratoconusgroup · 8 months
Had my 1 month follow up appointment today!
So today i had the appointment 1 month after having epi-on cxl and the doc said its healed perfectly and that it looks very good! Having my next appointment in 6 months Im very happy and satisfied thus far but i do know it takes about a year to know it worked, however its nice to get some good news sometimes :) submitted by /u/Fricolor123321 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/16vmkj4/had_my_1_month_follow_up_appointment_today/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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fl-er-stuff · 1 year
People from memorial day (the ones I remember)
Older woman maybe 70s states she's been more clumsy the last couple of days and now her left leg doesn't want to work right and has tingles in her left hand. She was a stroke alert and ended up having a HUGE brain mass but no stroke.
Another older lady who was in fact having a stroke with last known normal time of like 2hrs before she came in.
Frequenty flier. I'll call her groaning lady. She was admitted last week with DKA and a blood glucose of 1149 or something. Comes back to the er probably 2 hours after discharge still in gown with her band still on complaining of high blood sugar but she didnt give a number.
Middle aged guy says his wife got great care from us before and trusted us to take care of him. States he has dull generalized abdominal pain for like 3-4 days now and today it's sharp and just above his right hip. Oh and he has nausea/vomiting. After scans, my suspicions were confirmed. It was appendicitis.
Younger woman with muffled hearing. She used ear drops from previous infection and it kinda helped but they're so swollen she can't get drops in anymore. Double ear infection 😫
The allergic reaction to wasp stings. Had 3 or 4 stings in one spot and it was too much for the epi pen to manage. She stayed for like 2 hours after treatment to make sure her throat didn't close and then left. The charge nurse kept trying to get her a bed even though she felt fine.
The sheer amount of people that think they need to come to the er cause they or their child puked ONCE in like 24 hours. But hey, EMTALA says we can't send them away. We also can't say no to the people that have a sore throat or sinus pressure.
The lady that screamed at us in the lobby while threatening to sue because she saw a doctor before she saw a nurse and we can't discharge unless they get vitals charted by a nurse. She had congestion and clearly didn't need to stay as she was able to yell and scream at a coworker and me for 30 mins.
The lady who thought she was having a heart attack cause she couldn't breathe. Ekg revealed it was a panic attack.
This is understandable. Kid fell in pool, wasn't in for very long and he's walking acting normal but he's nonverbal autistic. Parents brought him in to make sure he was OK since he can't respond.
The lady who broke up a fight between her dogs and I put it in as a finger wound so they wouldn't go after her dogs. Her middle finger had a chunk missing.
EMS brought us a younger male OD and they gave him 6 doses IV/IM narcan. How much is enough? Apparently 6 doses.
The sad babies that now have RSV because their siblings have it and it's just sad 😔
The mom that brought her kid in for constipation and checked herself in for like the same thing. She had a muscle strain. Got discharged, went to the car, and came back complaining of chest tightness/shoulder pain but wouldn't pull her dress up for an EKG.
At one point we walked a group of like 4 patients back to pediatrics cause they won't open our pedi er entrance. And as soon as I got them back there, i had 3 more to go back.
The lady with 4 children in the lobby that hasn't had her period for 2 months. Thinks our tests are better than the drugstore?
Nausea while 32 weeks pregnant? Not an ER issue. That's an L&D issue cause that baby could pop.
I may think of more and add it to a new post but jeez we saw lots of people and our normal capacity is only like 30 something even though we have lots more beds. Pedi is like 15-20 beds and adult er has 2 triage rooms, 4 trauma rooms, 6 bed vertical ED, 5 bed BHU, and then I think it's 48 or 50 single bed rooms. We just don't have the staffing or the need to keep it all open all the time. We shoulda opened intake though. It hides some patients from the lobby view.
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thanks for the tag, @heymacareyna!
rules: list 8 shows for your followers to get to know you better
1. Charmed
2. Supernatural
3. Roswell
4. Being Human US
5. Kyle XY
6. Once Upon a Time (season 1 mostly. and the epis with Jefferson of 2)
7. Gilmore Girls
8. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (i know...but im rewatchign it now and im so fucking happy. i love all those dummies) im also gonna do honorable mentions to Buffy, Shannara Chronicles, first season of Outlander and the spanish shows El ministerio del tiempo and El internado. cause yes
tagging @everydayisonfire @theloveshow and @sweetfayetanner for funsies (no pressure)
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mine-23 · 1 year
奇速英语 单词速记 | 328个前缀、后缀,一天狂背单词1000个!
前 缀
1 a- 加在单词或词根前面, 表示 不,无,非
2 a- 加在单词前, 表示 在..., ...的
3 ab-, abs- 加在词根前,表示 相反,变坏,离去 等
4 ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- 等加在同辅音字母词根前,表示 一再 等加强意
5 ad- 加在单词或词根前, 表示 做....., 加强......
6 amphi- 表示 两个、两种
7 an- 在词根前, 表示 不,无
8 ana- 表示 错误,在旁边,分开
9 ante- 表示 前面,先
10 anti- 表示 反对,相反
11 apo- 表示 离开,远离
12 auto- 表示 自动、自已
13 be- 构成动词,表示 使......成为
14 be- 构成一些介词
15 bene- 表示 善, 好
16 bi- 表示 二个, 两
17 by- 表示 在旁边,副的
18 cata- 表示 向下,相反,离开
19 circum- 表示 环绕,周围
20 co- 表示 共同 ,通常放元音词根前
21 col-, cor- 在同辅音词根前, 表示 共同
22 com-, con- 表示 共同
23 contra - 表示 反对,相反
24 counter - 表示 反对,相反
25 de- 表示 去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下 等
26 de- 表示 使....成为, 加强 等
27 deca- 表示 十
28 deci- 表示 十分之一
29 demi- 表示 半
30 di- 表示 二个,双
31 di- 表示 使...变成,分开,离开
32 dia- 表示 穿过,二者之间
33 dif- 和辅音重复表示 不,否定,分开
34 dis- 表示 不,消失掉
35 dis- 表示 分开,分离
36 dys- 表示 坏,不良
37 e-, ef- 表示 出,出来,
38 em-, en-, 表示 进入... 之中,包围
39 em-,en-, 表示 使..... 进入状态
40 endo- 表示 内部
41 epi- 表示 在...上,在...周围,在...后面
42 eu- 表示 好,优秀
43 ex- 表示 出,出去
44 ex- 表示 前面的,前任的
45 exo- 表示 外部的,外面
46 extra- 表示 以外的,超过的
47 fore- 表示 前面,预先
48 hecto- 表示 百,许多
49 hemi- 表示 半
50 hepta- 表示 七
51 hetero- 表示 异类,异种
52 hexa- 表示 六
53 holo- 表示 全部'
54 homo- 表示 同类的
55 hyper- 表示 超过,太多
56 hypo- 表示 下面,次等
57 il-, ir- 辅音重复表示 不,无
58 il-,ir- 表示 使.....成为,进入
59 im-, in- 表示 不,无,非
60 im-,in- 表示 向内,进入
61 inter- 表示 在..... 之间,相互
62 intra- 表示 在内,内部
63 intro- 表示 向内,入内
64 iso- 表示 等, 同
65 kilo- 表示 一千
66 macro- 表示 宏传, 大
67 mal-; male 表示 坏,恶
68 meta- 表示 超过, 改变
69 micro- 表示 微,小
70 milli- 表示 千,千分之一
71 mini- 表示 小
72 mis- 表示 错误,坏
73 mono- 表示 单个,一个
74 multi- 表示 多,很多
75 neo- 表示 新的
76 non- 表示 不,非
77 ob- 表示 逆,倒,加强意义
78 octa- 表示 八 ; 亦作octo
79 omni- 表示 全部,到处
80 out- 示 超过,过度
81 out- 表示 出去,过时
82 over- 表示 过度,过份
83 over- 表示 翻转
84 over- 表示 在... 之上
85 paleo- 表示 古,旧
86 pan- 表示 广泛的
87 para- 表示 半,类似,辅助
88 para- 表示 旁边
89 para- 表示 降落伞
90 pen- 表示 近似,差不多
91 penta- 表示 五
92 per- 表示 贯穿,自始至终
93 per- 表示 假,坏
94 peri- 表示 周围,靠近
95 poly- 表示 多
96 post- 表示 在后面
97 post- 表示 邮件,邮政
98 pre- 表示 ...前的,预先
99 pro- 表示 赞同,亲...
100 pro- 表示 向前,在前
101 pro- 表示 很多...
102 proto- 表示 原始...
103 pseudo- 表示 假,伪
104 quadri-,quadru- 表示 四
105 quasi- 表示 类似,准
106 re- 表示 向后,相反
107 re- 表示 一再,重新
108 retro- 表示 向后,倒退
109 se- 表示 分开,离开,区别开
110 semi- 表示 半
111 sept-,septi- 表示 七
112 sex-, sexi- 表示 六
113 step- 表示 后,继或前夫(妻)所生
114 stereo- 表示 立体
115 sub- 表示 在下面,次一等,副手
116 sub- 表示 接近,靠近
117 suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等辅音重复表示 在...下面
118 super- 表示 在...上面
119 super- 表示 超级,超过,过度
120 supra- 表示 超...
121 sur- 辅音不重复表示 超过,在上面
122 sus- 表示 在... 下面
123 sym-, syn- 表示 共同,相同
124 tetra- 表示 四
125 trans- 表示 横过,越过
126 trans- 表示 变换,改变';转移
127 tri- 表示 三
128 twi- 表示 二、两
129 ultra- 表示 极端
130 ultra- 表示 超出,超过
131 un- 表示 不,无,非,没有
132 un- 表示 打开,解开,弄出
133 under- 表示 在...下,在...之内
134 under- 表示 不足,不够
135 under- 表示 副手 3
136 uni- 表示 一个、单一
137 vice- 表示 副
138 with- 表示 向后,相反
后 缀
139 -ability 表名词, 能...;性质
140 -able 表形容词, 可...的,能...
141 -ably 表副词, 能...地
142 -aceous 表形容词, 具有...特征的
143 -acious 表形容词, 有特征的,多...的
144 -acity 表名词, 有...倾向
145 -acle 表名词, ... 物品,状态
146 -acy 表名词, ...性质,状态
147 -ad 表名词, ...东西,状态
148 -ade 表名词, 表示 状态,物品
149 -ade 表示 个人或集体
150 -age 表示:费用
151 -age 表示 场所,物品
152 -age 名词后缀,表示 状态,总称
153 -ain 表名词, ...人
154 -air 表名词, 人、物
155 -aire 表名词, ...人
156 -al 表形容词, ...的
157 -al 表名词, 人,物,状态
158 -ality 表名词, 状态,性质
159 -ally 表副词,由al+ly 构成, ...地
160 -an 表名词和形容词, ...地方,...人
161 -ance 表名词, 性质,状况
162 -aneity 表名词,表示 性质,状态
163 -aneous 表形容词, ...有; ...特征的
164 -ant 表形容词, ...的
165 -ant 表名词, ...人
166 -ant 表名词, ...剂
167 -ar 表形容词, ...的
168 -ard 表名词, 不好的人
169 -arian, 表形容词或名词, ...的(人)
170 -arium 表名词, 地点,场所
171 -ary 表名词, 人,场所,物
172 -ary 表形容词, ...的
173 -ast 表名词, ...人,物
174 -aster 表名词, 不怎么样的人
175 -ate 表动词, 做,造成
176 -ate 表形容词, 具有...的
177 -ate 表名词, 人或地位
178 -atic 表形容词, 有...性质的
179 -ation 表名词, 行为,过程,结果
180 -ative 表形容词, 有...倾向(性质)的
181 -ator 表名词,通常由ate结尾的动词而来, 做事的人或物
182 -atory 表名词 场所,地点
183 -atory 表形容词, 有...性质的
184 -cy 表名词,也作-acy, 性质,状态
185 -dom 表名词, 状态或领域
186 -ee 表名词, 被动或主动的人
187 -eer 表名词, ... 人员
188 -el 表名词, 人或物
189 -en 表动词, 变成
190 -en 表形容词, 由...制成的 ,通常加在名词后面
191 -en 表名词, 人或物
192 -ence 表名词, 性质,状态
193 -ency 表名词,ence 的变体
194 -enne 表名词, 女性
195 -ent 表形容词, ...的
196 -ent 表名词, ...药剂
197 -ent 表名词, ...人
198 -eous 表形容词, 有...的
199 -er 表动词, 反复做
200 -er 表名词, 物品,机器
201 -er 表名词, ...人
202 -ern 表形容词, ...方向的
203 -ern 表名词, ...场所
204 -ery 表名词, 场所,地点
205 -ery 表名词, 行为,情况
206 -esque 表形容词, 如...的
207 -ess 表名词, 女性,雌性
208 -et 表名词, 小东西
209 -etic 表形容词, 属于...的
210 -ette 表名词, 小的东西或状态
211 -ety 表名词, 状态
212 -eur 表名词, ...人
213 -faction 表名词, 达到的状态 ,由-fy转化而来
214 -fic 表形容词, 产生...的
215 -fication 表名词,由fic变化而来
216 -fier 表名词, 人或物 ,由-ify转化而来
217 -fold 表形容词或副词, 倍,双重
218 -form 表形容词, 有...形状的
219 -ful 表形容词, 有...的
220 -ful 表名词, 满,量
221 -fy 表动词, ...化,成为... ,更多时候作 -ify
222 -hood 表名词, 时期,性质等
223 -ia 表名词, 某种病
224 -ia 表名词, 总称,状态
225 -ial 表形容词, 有...的
226 -ian 表名词, 某种人
227 -ian 表形容词, ...国家的
228 -ibility 表名词, 具备...性质的
229 -ible 形容词 能...的
230 -ic 表形容词, ....的 ,有时作-tic
231 -ic 表名词, 某种药
232 -ic 表名词, 人或学科
233 -ical 表形容词, ...的
234 -ice 表名词, 行为,状态
235 -ics 表名词, 学科,学术
236 -id 表形容词, 如...的
237 -ie 表名词, 小东西或人
238 -ier 表名词, 人或物
239 -ile 表形容词, ...的
240 -ile 表名词, 物体
241 -ine 表形容词, ...的
242 -ine 表名词, 人或女人
243 -ine 表名词, 状态, 药物等
244 -ing 表形容词, 正...的 , 令人...的
245 -ing 表名词, 行业
246 -ing 表名词, 物品
247 -ing 表名词, 状态
248 -ion 表名词, 动作或状态 分为 --sion和--tion两种
249 -ion 表示 某种物,用品
250 -ior 表形容词, 较...的
251 -ious 表形容词, ....的
252 -ise 表动词后缀,和 -ize 相同,是 -ize 的变体, ...化
253 -ise 表名词, 物品,状态
254 -ish 表形容词, 象...一样,有的... ,通常放在一具体名词后
255 -ish 表动词, 造成...
256 -ish 表示国家的或语言
257 -ism 表示 学术或学术流派
258 -ism 表示 行为, 现象,状态
259 -ism 表示 疾病
260 -ism 表示 具备某种性质
261 -ism 名词,表示 各种主义,宗教
262 -ist 表名词, 表示信仰者,专家或从事人
263 -ist 以-ist 结尾的单词,不少同时可做名词和形容词用。
264 -istic 表形容词,由-ist + ic 构成,表示 ...的
265 -it 表名词,通常是抽象名词
266 -it 表名词, ...人
267 -ite 表形容词, 有...的
268 -ite 表名词, 人或物
269 -ite 表动词, 促成
270 -ition 表名词, 行为过程,状态
271 -itious 表形容词,-ition变化而来,表示 ...的
272 -itive 表形容词, ...的
273 -itor 表名词, 人
274 -itude 表名词, 性质,状态等
275 -ity 表名词,指具备某种性质6
276 -ive 表形容词,根据不同的单词结尾可分-sive, -ative, ive, itive
277 -ivity 表名词,由-ive+ity 组成, 有...能力或特性
278 -ization 表名词,来自-ize+ation, ...化 或 发展过程
279 -ize 构成一些动词
280 -kin 表名词, 小...
281 -less 表形容词, 无...的,不...的
282 -let = -et 表示 小
283 -like 表形容词, 像...一样
284 -ling 表名词, 小东西或某种人
285 -ly 表形容词,通常加在名词后。9
286 -ly 表副词,通常放在形容词后
287 -ment 表名词, 行为或结果
288 -ment 表示具体物
289 -most 表形容词, 最...的
290 -ness 表名词, 性质, 状态, 通常加在形容词后面
291 -o 表名词, 人,物或状态
292 -o 表名词,用于音乐术语
293 -on 表名词,指人、物和一些物理学上的名词
294 -oon 表名词, 人或物
295 -or 表名词, 人或物器 ,在一些词根前写成 -ator
296 -orium = arium 表名词, 地点,场所
297 -ory 表名词,指场所等
298 -ory 表形容词, ...的 6
299 -ose 表形容词, 多...的
300 -osity 表名词,-ose+ity组成,表示 多...的状态
301 -ot 表名词, ...人
302 -ous 表形容词,通常放在一个完整的单词后,表示 ...的
303 -proof 表形容词, 防...的
304 -ress 表名词,指 物品 9
305 -ress 表名词,指 女性 5
306 -ry 表示集合名词
307 -ry 表示 场地
308 -ry 表示 行业,学科
309 -ry 表名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后面表示状态,性质
310 -ship 表示某种技能
311 -ship 表名词,表示某种关系或状态
312 -some 表形容词, 充满...的,具有...倾向的
313 -ster 表名词, ...人
314 -th 表名词,通常指抽象名词
315 -tic 表形容词,通常放在一个名词前, 与...相关的,...的
316 -ture -ture在s结尾的词根后变成-sure
317 -ture 表名词,通常在单词或词根以t结尾时使用,表示 一般状态, 行为 并作 -ature iture
318 -ty 表名词,用在形容词后,把形容词变成名词
319 -ular 表形容词, 有...形状或性质的
320 -ule 表名词, 小...
321 -uous 表形容词, 多...的
322 -ward 表形容词+副词, 向...
323 -wise 有些单词,wise可以换成ways,意义不变
324 -wise 表副词, 方向,状态
325 -y 表名词,加在形容词或以r结尾的单词后。
326 -y 表名词, 人或小东西 常带有嬉谑性和爱称。
327 -y 表形容词,加在名词后变成形容词
328 ancy = ance 表示 性质,状况
0 notes
closetchild · 3 years
c was the first diru song i ever heard and it was so bad i didnt listen to them again until my friend convinced me to Try Obscure 😔
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capinejghafa · 3 years
The first 20 mins of epi 5 is mostly flashbacks... will say diego losing his shit in the car will always get to me 😭😭😭
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zoetjessweets · 5 years
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WHAT. Way to improvise in this tense situation but that is the wrong answer to give.
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Perfect. I’m just going to leave these here.
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Honestly I can’t blame Raj for thinking this. Zen barges into his room protecting her. And the way he protects her, honestly I would be happy if my boyfriend would protect me with words like that. Ofcourse Raj would think they’re lovers. Zen’s face does let on that he wishes they were more than what they are now. Shirayuki wishes they were more too.
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first up we have @rosekasa who is my daughter and just the most amazing and talented person you’ll ever meet. she accomplished SO much this year and i am so proud of her. here tova helped me with the sweater design :))))
second is @amethystcria my beautiful grandma who was,,, honestly wildly specific with what she wanted LMAO. ik u said “surprise me” but i thought it would be a surprise to do this so? reindeer mika <3
thirdly is @darkness-of-the-wolves who adores turtleneck/sweater mika so there he is in the flesh. wow a lot of my friends really like mika huh
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