#im gonna clip thru the floor
insert-neologism · 2 months
bad astrology by flower face
#yellowjackets#jackieshauna#ITS DONE OMG ITS FINISHED#what do I do now. with my life (ranking)#also ive decided i am gonna do literary analysis. on all of em#literally i have NO idea if anyone cares. well. i do bc I care and tbh that's enough to me#<- guys look im living so healthy#anyways this was a blast#hope somebody has at least discovered flower face trhu me bc its one of my fav artists#mitos incredible life#mine art tag#also im sorry the like long scenes 3 and 4 arent on beat :/ i love that song but it has so long instrumental stuff and idk what to do there#ALSO!! i had it all planned out like at least half in my docs (like always)#and then in the middle i was like 'omg what if I only show jackie-after-the-argument and shauna-after-jackies-dead'#(excluding the argument and the flashbacks (they used to hear us thru the floor))#which was. restricting. very much#also meaning was changed (originally wanted jackie to have the line 'idc if ure not made for me' but the only scene i could think of was th#ure hungry for and that was the next scene already so.)#anyways this was originally gonna be lottienat before i started with The Shark In Your Water#bc I thiught it fit them SO well. (still do) but now I like have to get away from the jackieshauna thought and then ill do the lottienat#probably#omg also I want everyone (who has read this far. whoever would do that) to know i was running on like 25 screen#recordings and 3 jackieshauna scene packs form yt#that's why. I dknt have that many clips alright im not using like 10 scenes over n over on purpose#gotta go but im gonna make a wrap post thingy once im back slay#no actually I get like average 7 notes (<- that's a lie Idk bc I didnt count) but im proud of myself this is amazing#ive wanted to do smth similiar alr#but it was some album by alec benjamin and a different thing for every song (like a poem‚ a painting or a play)#but I lost motivation this is the first thing that i actually pulled though all the way I think#jackieshauna: The Shark In Your Water
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nullcasting · 3 months
are there any other ffxiv players who are epcot fans i need to know if im normal for thinking Thaelia is like Illuminations please tell me how normal i am,
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desolationlovers · 9 months
boss apparently wants me to start closing sundays. how do i politely say no way on gods green earth without getting in trouble
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clock-heart · 7 years
something i love about art: all the beautiful and different styles
something i dfucking Hate: getting PUMPED and wanting to try everything u see in every art style that strikes a chord in u to the point it makes a giant list of Things and u struggle to pick between what to experiment with first and then ur reminded ur skills kinda suck and its testing ur GOD damnb PATIENCE
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angelthebedsheet · 3 years
Can I request head cannons for hanako kun dating a black girl
a/n: oh yeah for sure we love that ghost mf in this house. i also know a certain friend of mine who likes him (you know who you are love ya mwah mwah)
this is gonna be all over the place AND have cursing. at this point dont expect me not to cuss all the time. if you dont like my aggression pay me for my silence. 100$ per word. this is gonna be long asf. also sorry for slipping off the face of the earth author’s block AND i forgot that i was a writing blog 😭😭 im stupid i know feel free to yell at me
contains slight spoilers
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okay so mr 4’9”, hanako kun, amane, bastard number 1
he LOVES you man
lil homie just loves everything about you
your hair, your skin, your height
(yall be blowin me in these hanako x readers that mf is 4’9 and i’m a whole 5’6 i’d tower over this bitch)
yall met thru kou (if you spot my favoritism mind your neck) since he’s attached to you
he introduced you to the whole gang acrually
mitsuba, nene, and hanako
Before the relationship
this mf was speechless
no like deadass
when kou pulled you in the bathroom (against your will) hanako had to do a double take
role the clip marty
“Kou Minamoto, I’ll dead beat your ass in this hallway right now. I could care less if Teru saw. I’m not letting you drag me into a bathroom let alone that dusty ass bathroom, after school. You realize my mama will be on my ASS?” You exclaimed as you tried to pull your wrist out of Kou’s grip. “Y/N-senpai, please! It’ll be quick! I’ll just vouch for you and tell your mom that we were pulled for cleaning duty! I just want you to meet my friends!” Kou whined as he continued to drag you down the hallway, ignoring the passing looks. “You think my mama gonna fall for that bullshit? She gonna sniff it out!” You continued as you just gave up. Kou knocked on the bathroom door. “That must be Kou-kun!” A soft voice exclaimed as it opened. “Nene-senpai!” Kou chirped, making you snort. He elbowed you in the side.
Yashiro looked up at you and her cheeks flushed immediately. “Y-You’re one of the second years! What are you doing here? I mean— I’m Yashiro Nene! I’m a first-year!” She exclaimed while stuttering. She repeatedly bowed. You snickered. “I’m Y/N L/N, nice to meet you Nene.” You said as Kou dragged you inside. Yashiro closed the door and cupped her cheeks quietly squealing. “Oi! Hanako-kun, I have someone for you to meet!” Kou called out as you absentmindedly fluffed out your puff and smoothed your uniform down. “Took you long enoug—” Hanako trailed off as he looked at you. His jaw lightly dropped. ‘Hanako-kun? That sounds familiar.’ You thought. You looked up and froze. You looked between Kou and Hanako. “I know you’re fuckin lying, you did not take me to meet Hanako, Minamoto. I’m taking my ass HOME. Fuck allat bs.” You said as you twirled on your heel to book it out the bathroom. “Senpai wait— STOPPPP!” He whined out as he went to chase you.
“Hanako-kun, you’re drooling,” Nene commented. Hanako quickly closed his mouth. “G-Get back to mopping the floor, radish ankles,” Hanako said before he got a wet towel thrown in his face.
as you can see, this mf was far gone as soon as he saw you
he wants you bro
he was SLOBBERING over you
as he should tbh im youre hot asf
eventually kou managed to drag you back even if your phone was at risk of being snatched
and so what if kou damn near dog walked you tryna take you back there
and another so what if you two almost squared up in this section of the school
hanako was STUTTERING man
“i- you- wow- i” bitch spit it out
nene was amused to say the least
if she tried to ignore you drilling into kou in the background
hanako was desperately tryna talk to you but with the amount of side eyes you gave him he was sure you’d find a way to beat his ass even if he was a capable fighter
but of course over time you warmed up to them and got pulled into their friend group
this was both a good thing and bad thing
the bad thing was the amount of times you had to lie to teru and run away from him
once again roll the clip marty but on that scooby doo shit mkay?
“I’m just saying, plain ass donuts don’t be hittin' the same as glazed ones.” You said, gently shaking the bag of plain donuts. Kou shook his head, arm hooked with yours, “All donuts are good donuts, Senpai.” He hummed out as he chewed on the bubblegum you reluctantly had given him earlier. “I just know his throat be dry as hell.” You joked. Kou giggled.
“And just where are you two going?” Teru’s voice asked just as they started to make their way up the stairs. They froze. “B-Big brother!” Kou squeaked out as he looked back at him. You turned around and winced at Teru’s stance. He stood at the bottom of the staircase with his arms crossed and eyebrow cocked. It was almost reminiscent of your mama waiting for you at home with a belt in her hands. All that was missing was the bonnet, robe, and house slippers.
“Heyyy mamas, you looking great today.” You said awkwardly. Teru only gave you a deadpanned expression. “Y/N, flattery will get you nowhere. Where are you two going? Why are you going upstairs? It’s dismissal time.” He said. “Damn, not even a thank you? I see how it is- ayo Teru, babe, that looks like someone’s tryna skip after classes.” You called out. Teru quickly looked back before you pulled Kou to run upstairs. Kou stumbled along as he followed. “There was no one ther- ARE YOU SERIOUS?” He yelled out before groaning. He went back to the club room. You and Kou breathlessly laughed as you both ran to the bathroom. You opened the door before getting pulled into a hug by Hanako.
“N/N! My favorite! Did you bring my donuts?” He asked, floating up to be eye to eye with you. He looked at you expectantly, arms still draped around you. You only sighed out a slight laugh before nodding. "Yeah, don't worry, Han. I got your dry ass donuts." You giggled. Hanako smiled, grabbing them before shoving one in his mouth. He sighed out happily as he ate them. You shook your head with a smile. "Hanako, ain't nobody gonna take them from you, relax. You smacking right now." You laughed out as you watched him go to town on the donuts. Kou held back a laugh as he noticed his cheeks flush. "Oh, shaddup." He mumbled as he floated off.
he's whipped for you man
im serious bro you make his day
the longer you're apart of their group the more you're pulled into their shenanigans
you didn't want to admit it because the thought was honestly ridiculous to you
the thought?
you were starting to gain a crush on him, a whole ghost
you were completely human and he was dead
you didn't really think it'd work out
but all it took for hanako to confess to you was the last time you damn near died
cliche i know i know but i genuinely think it would take a fat fucking minute for him to actually make an effort to ask you out or proclaim his love for you
so when you took a hit for nene, it fucked him up
you were one of the first humans he liked and fell for
sure he started to feel something for nene but then he realized the love her had for her was just platonic and couldn't compare to you
it was like he went blackout angry and quickly disposed on whatever enemy that had injured you
marty bestie you know what to do
Swinging his knife, Hanako let out a yell of anger. He was fuming. How dare they even fucking touch you? How dare they spill your pure blood over the floor? His body went on autopilot as you fell to your knees, holding your stomach. The screams of Nene and Kou blurred out as he swang faster, and faster, and faster. He was determined to fuck up this damned pest. Beheading it, he ran back. Kou and Nene were crouching above you crying as they applied pressure to your abdomen. "Y/N-senpai, please! Keep your eyes open!" Nene bawled out as she pressed onto the wound. There was a bit of blood on her dress as some of it dripped down into the water domain's floor. Hanako felt sick as your blood mixed with the water. He slid on his knees. "Hey! N/N, love, c'mon! Look! I... I defeated it!" Hanako said, panicked as he cupped your cheek. You groaned as your eyes started to flutter close. You couldn't give in to the constant requests and protests of Kou and Nene begging you to stay awake. Hanako's face dropped as tears started to roll down his cheeks.
Humans were so fragile. Easy to break. Easy to manipulate. Easy to lose.
Hanako went silent as he gestured at Kou and Nene to back up. They looked up at Hanako as he swiftly scooped you up in his arms. "Let's go. Now." He gritted out as he started to run off towards the dawning stairs. Kou pulled Nene up and ran after him. For someone so short, he was definitely speedy as he bolted up the stairs holding your body. Normally, the sight of someone his size holding someone as tall as you would make them laugh, but right now, they could care less. All they wanted was for you to survive. They ignored as the domain started to crumble behind them, stairs falling just a couple seconds after they ascend them. It was a matter of life or death.
as soon as the gang busted up in tsuchigomori's office hanako was not having SHIT
tsuchigomori kicked them all out despite their protests to stay
hanako paced back and forth waiting for something
anything or a hint of if you were okay
soon hot spider teacher came out and only let hanako in
hanako rushed in and sat on a chair next to your bed, grabbing your hand
homeboy was worried
literally scared for you
but with how peaceful you looked he felt reassured
that moment really gave him time to realize that he was head over heels in love with you
though he would never really say that he would tell you in some way
so when you woke up, he told you right there
During the relationship
once yall are dating its lwk annoying
he switches between following you and nene around the school
swear he will float next to you and tell you so many stupid things while in class
“if i use a donut to purpose would the donut count as an actual ring or would i still need to find one”
“im doing fucking algebra, han. get the fuck out.”
“how rude!”
he will play with your curls
with consent of course
but if you let him and you have your afro out its game over
you are gonna go through that how class period with different hairstyles
some of them are lwk fire
like he really gave you two puffs and they looked decent
other times he’ll make your hair stand up in some stupid ass way
he just really loves your hair
its so curly and pretty, much different from some of the girls in school
its like giving a baby a fidget toy he’s literally amazed by how your curls bounce
you are NOT allowed to go to the cafeteria during lunch.
he will drag your ass up to the rooftop and curl up next to you like a cat while you eat
sometimes he’ll trace shapes on your skin absentmindedly
you become his comfort person dude like whenever something goes wrong with him you are his go to
its not like a toxic you arent allowed to go anywhere without me but more of a please lmk where you’re going
tsukasa??? yeah no hanako aint letting him meet you but tsukasa do what tsukasa does
eventually you meet the little shit and boy he’s all over you
as he’s latched onto you like a monkey
hanako’s y/n meter goes off like hmmm something dont feel right
and literally pries tsukasa off of you and holds you like a mother holding her child
now you got two of them trying to get your attention
but that also means you and nene are his new targets
good luck charlie 🤞🏽😋
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
I think the lesson we all learned here today is why do we still watch top ten channels? Or just... list channels? In general? Like sure, i watch them sometimes when i know the info is real and legit like top 10 Philippine urban legends you've never heard of (lol thats a lie, everyone knows that literally every Philippine university is fucking haunted and i grew up on that shit bitch) but when the listing is so BLATANTLY FAKE with the most clickbait thumbnail, why do people still fuckin fall for that shit, ugh. Didn't we already learn from last year's youtube rewind? Jesus...
Anyways, let's get on to twosets... CRITIQUE on their top 10 hardest instruments.
10. Drums. Oh. My. Fuckin. God. So the conductors are literally just hired to fucking stand there and look pretty? And that all that practice of trying to play that song or piece oN TIME WITH AND WITHOUT PERCUSSION was for nOTHING? Oh my gosh, i never kNEW. And like, dude. Driving needs all four limbs at once, is it considered doing four separate things at once??? Fucking nO, BECAUSE ALL THE LIMBS ARE DOING AND ACCOMPLISHING ONE GOAL. AKA DRIVING. And like, AJSKBSOSDJ watch twoset's explanation. I don't think i can properly explain without going into a rant... its also midnight and my brain is fucking deteriorating. (Even more so with this top 10 video)
9. Pipe organ. Dude, i was immediately lost after they showed the bumblebee clip. There are!!! So many!!! More good!!! And more amazing!!! Classical pieces!!! Than fucking bUMBLEBEE!!! Dude, you could've just asked her to play Bach toccata and fugue in d minor. oH, AND SPEAKING OF TOCCATA AND FUGUE IN D MINOR, WHY DID YOU- AJSNSJDKANDK YOU PUT THE ORGAN IN THERE WHY DID- ASOFBEIFJEK OKAY okay. Im calm. It's just different recordings, its fine. And the sentence the guy said while that clip was playing? Bro, i watched that part multiple times, and i sTILL don't get what you're trying to sayyyyyyy. And the divine intervention thing? Bro, i wish this top 10 vid had a divine intervention.
8. Acordion. Dude. Let me just... let me just pull a direct quote. Ahem... bASS NOTES ANE KEYBOARD DOESNT MEAN YOURE OLAYING TWO INSTRUMENTS. I just... the levels of frustration ive ascended to. My god, for once im glad that i didn't get to post this at midnight. Gave me some time to gather my head so i can watch this without fucking bursting.
7. Oboe. Oh boy. Dude. I've learned a bit of recorder and im pretty fUCKING sure that you make a sound by moving your fingers and lightly blowing into it, not by fucking folding paper origami with your mouth. And like, the moistness doesn't even matter that much. Your mouth will naturally moist the mouthpiece, you don't need to fucking spit on it. God.
6. Guitar. Okay, first time i saw guitar on this list i actually laughed out loud. (No offense guitarists i still think yalls music is great) Also, what the fuck. What the fuck. What the FUCK are they saying. First, yall say that it's all played the same way. THEN, you follow it up play saying it has tons of styles?! Oh my god, its like the video inforgraphics made for the scp foundation all over again... fam i haven't even watched that vid but i already know its shit.
5. Piano. Like twoset's point, if you're making a top 10 HARDEST, gET SOME HARDER PIECES AND RECORDINGS. DUDE, THERES FUCKING LISZT, RACHMANINOFF, THE LIST GOES ON. God, yall could've found a recording of La campanella and i would be fine. Fur elise even. But okay, sure. Do whatever. At least twoset gets more content this way. And wOW ALL THOSE HOURS OF PRACTICE WAS USELESS AND FOR NOTHING?!?!?!? aMaZiNG!!!! Can you tell i want to die.
4. Harp. Like I said earlier, if you're gonna play a recording of a piece, might as well make it match to the instrument but okay sure this is fine. Put a fucking recording of an ORGAN piece to the harp but okayyyyyy sureeeeee. I mean i get that musicians can play whatever they want but like, dude. This is a list. Do some fucking research. I don't even think i need to say anymore on the subject. The boys already said it all. And im tired. I just woke up and immediately, i am tired. Tsvtwt, please bless me with pics and fancams pLEASE.
3. Bagpipes. Do i need to reiterate my point from harp.and piano? Also, wha- how- why- dude. Ugh, all the shit this guy said in this entire video can just be slapped onto literally any instrument, as twoset said.
2. French horn. I have never met any brass players but, im pretty fucking sure you don't need an ego the size of texas to play that. I just- man, i wanna go back to sleep. It's morning already and fUCK analyzing how fucking wrong watchmojo is, is killing me.
Fuck dude, i had to scroll thru tsvtwt for energy. This is how wrecked my bad is. I never take tsvtwt breaks in the middle of making these posts. God...
And dude. Theremin is so much better than that. Agt... yall couldve hotten a better recording...
Anyways, back to the listing.
1. Violin. (Heavy flashbacks to instrument ranking vid) Dude. Wh-why you showing a fiddle recording. I- just look at my points for piano and harp. And dude, holding the instrument is probably the easiest part. Watch me sink into the floor and turn into a puddle of frustration guys.
Sigh. I think the lesson we all learned here today (other than the lesson up top) is that all instruments are hard.
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tillmays · 4 years
Girls night out.
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Matty called the team to a special mission. Matty- so girls are you ready for a girls night? Riley and Desi glanced at each other. Bozer- eyy somebody's gonna have fun can we join? Matty- no. Riley- Boys aren't allowed. Desi- I think I'm starting to like this. Matty- this mission it's specifically to help Leanna, yes she is going to be there. They asked for some help so here we are. Tonight Desi, Riley you two are going to a club, Nick Murphy (picture and information pops up in the screen) he is THE GUY, he moves the place and.. Other things. When you get in there I need you to record his conversations, both of you have to make him invite you to his table, introduce you to his friends, etc we need the information, do what you gotta do to get it. Riley- yes boss. Mac- so what about us? Bozer- yeah we aren't going to the club? Matty- no, you go to the van. Mac- well this going to be fun. *he said while playing with some clips* Bozer- this is your idea of fun? Man what's wrong with you. Matty- your job is to help them, you are going to be the eyes and ears where they can't reach. Bozer- oh hell no, my girl it's going to be there and I'm not gonna be with her in the mission?!? Matty- I'm sorry but this is work, not high school. But technically you are going to watch her through the cameras. You're going as backup, if you don't protect my girls you're fired. Mac and Bozer- yes mam. They leave the room and the boys were headed to the lab and Desi was following them. Riley- uh. Desi where are you going? Desi- to go get the clothes. *she said in a sweet calm voice* Riley- they don't have clothes for that, besides I read the info of this Nick, he has a type, let's go to my place, there's got to be something there that fits you. Bozer and Mac saw them go to the other way. Bozer- do you think those two can do it, without making the other one mad. Mac- we have to wait and see. They are in the club. Girls are in and the boys are in the van waiting if something goes wrong. Bozer- man this is some bullshit, we are missing all the fun. Mac- well i really like this, is nice to do something different, and I think I like the idea of not being on the edge of dead and at gunpoint, you know. Bozer- yeah you're right. Inside the club.
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Riley was wearing a see through bodysuit with a styled jean patch with a black jacket, black high waist jeans, and a Saint Laurent Lou ankle boots and her hairstyle was her iconic bun with the two little bangs in the side. Desi looked out of her comfort zone, but she was feeling fantastic, this was very different to her, but she liked the outfit that Riley picked up for her, but at the same time she was really nervous. She was wearing a black bralette, a necklace and a jean jacket with black high waisted jeans, just like Riley, and a pair of Saint Laurent 76 Jodhpur ankle boots. Riley straightened Desis hair and did their makeup, but Desi knew that not matter how good she was feeling been out there like that, make her feel something new. The girls were on their way to the bar. Riley saw that Desi was feeling uncomfortable, so she grabbed her hand and pulled her. Riley- come on Desi, be a hoe, I mean can you do that? *Riley raised her eyebrows saying sarcastically to make her feel calmer. Desi smiled at her and walked to the bar holding hands. Riley got the drinks, and they were at this table in front of the dance floor. Nick arrived to the club, they saw him in the entrance, they needed to him to notice them. Riley- So Chiara I need you to relax, today is our day! We needed this. * She was acting because there were a lot of people standing to close to them, and they couldn't be sitting there just looking around, it would have looked weird, and they couldn't use their real names.- come on let's go dance. *Desi stood still* Riley- what's up? You don't want to go? Desi: yeah yeah.. But shouldn't we wait for..Jaz? *she was trying to remember the undercover name of Leanna* Riley- she said she will call, so? Are you coming? Desi: yes .. I need a drink first, that's all. Desi wasn't sure what they were doing there, and nick was already on the dance floor if they didn't hurry up, he could go after other girls. Riley was getting tired of the attitude of Desi, but she understood why she was feeling like that but this was not the perfect time to talk, so Riley had to get tough to make Desi react. Riley got closer to her and said: hey! We are just going to dance, I'm not asking you to be my friend ok, I know how you feel, but I need you to get in character. We need to get that man. Desi just looked at her up and down and with a straight face said: fine, let's go. *Desi took a deep breath as they entered the dance floor, they make their way in front of Nick, so they started to dance, but Nick wasn't paying attention. Riley grabed Desi by the shoulders and said: come on girl loose it up, I will guide you, I don't want to put more pressure on you but this is OUR mission to help Leanna, we need to do our best. Riley looked her surroundings while thinking of something to help her, Riley walked to the DJ she made him to take her request, he accepted. At the van. Mac- nothing yet? Bozer- well Riley went to talk to the DJ, and Nick just got here, but Leanna isn't there, that's weird. But I see some people entering to this room in the back. I will tell the girls. Back inside. Before the song that Riley asked the dj started playing, Bozer told them about the backroom, Riley was walking back where Desi was, and for her surprise Leanna was there too. *savage (remix) starts playing·, the people at the club kicked off the dance floor and started shouting every word of the song. Riley was singing every word of the song too while walking towards them feeling herself, Desi and Leanna follow her, and started dancing and hyped her up, making goofy moves they laughed, that night they were feeling good. Riley- dang girl you look hot and thank god you're here, what took you so long? *when she asked some guys approached to them, but she didn't know that they came with Leanna, and they recognized them from the archive, that they were Nicks friends* Leanna- omg the traffic here in LA is crazy. Desi- well we are glad you could make it. Leanna- thank you,*Leanna sent the guys to get some drinks, so she could talk to them* hey i gotta bounce, the friends of Nick cannot be waiting for to long, I assume you already know of what going on back there. *she made a move with her eyes indicating the room with a red curtain. Desi- well not much, we only know that whatever is happening in there we need to get in. Leanna- well I have someone in, but I haven't been able to get access. And I'm not that close to Nick so that's where you are here, you go for him, and if something happens we met outside. Ok Riley- be careful. Riley and Desi needed to make Nick pay attention to them like they already looked hot but that man was really really distracted on his business, but they were smart. They started to move into his direction, for their luck the dj changed the song. Riley- you're ready. Desi- I think so. they danced to addiction. Nick saw them, and he liked what he was seeing, he danced his way to them. Riley was dancing to Desi she put her hands on the hips of Desi as Riley leans down as she lowers slowly and closely in front of her making it look hot for him to get his attention, Desi made eye contact with Nick. Riley kept dancing around and then Desi set herself free from the nerves and anxiety, she begins to dance, Riley was surprised, this is a new Desi, - yees come on now do it. Riley said to hype her up. Nick grabbed Desi by the waist and started dancing with him Riley was back-to-back wit Desi while she was dancing with a friend of Nick, Riley said under her breath to Desi to turn around she could hear her from the communicator. They turned around at the same time while dancing with the guys Riley was feeling the music too, so she started whinin with the guy. They were burnt out of dancing until finally they got Nick to take them to his table.they were walking to his table. Desi- Riley what was that move you did back there? Riley- oh I was just whinin, it's similar to the grindin move but I wasn't going to do too much you know. *she said mischievously* Desi- well you are going to teach me both of those moves! They are the VIP section they got the drinks and as soon as they got there someone made a sign at him to move and go back, the girls moved fast and convinced him to take them with him, he hesitated. Nick- ahh fuck it, come with me. Riley- yes just let me grab my purse. She turned around and told the boys that they were entering the room Leanna saw what was going on from the other table, so she was ready. the room was nothing they were expecting. Nick- so what you think?. Riley- this... some big ass room. Nick- hahaha I know. And.. What do you think.·he was talking to Desi.* Desi- well it's really impressive. *Desi looked at Riley like what hell is going on in here* Back with the boys. Bozer- Mac we need to be alert there're no cameras in there, they are in. Mac- we have to wait... I don't like this. And Leanna is in there too? Bozer- no she not. At that moment Leanna communicated with them. Leanna- I'm going to try to get in. I will keep you guys updated. Bozer- be careful, and Leanna? Leanna- yes? Bozer- you look stunning tonight. Leanna eyes started glowing and she had a big smile. while bozer saw her thru the cameras. She was wearing a red latex dress and black high heels.
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Bozer- Mac, you should get in there something feels off. Mac- yeah I feel the same. Are you sure you will be fine in here? Bozer- bruh im Wilt Bozer I can do it all, don't worry I will be fine, go protect those girls. Mac nodded at him and left. Mac left the van that was a street from the club, while she was about to get in the security stopped him. Security guard- alright Indiana jones where you think you're going? Mac smiled down because of his joke. - uh inside. Security guard- nah man you can get in, you don't got the swag man, this ain't jurassic park. The security guard kept making fun of him. He looks like bout to go in a convention of dinosaurs! SG- ahhh haaha Mac left acting with indignation, but he got an idea, so he kept walking and went to the parking lot for his luck no one was there, so he went on a quick shopping spree, he opened a car with his pocket knife, did I mention that Macgyver was with the best luck that night? , so he found a pair of black pant a blue jacket, he was wearing a white t-shirt underneath his flannel shirt, he went back with Bozer, he changed there, he went back to try it one more time. Mac- so, I cleaned up good? SG- mm I think you can now... *he left him pass* Mac- Bozer, im in. Bozer- good, now you need to make your way to that room, and Mac I know your game and please be smart these girls are different. Mac- what do you mean about “my game”? And yes I notice it, girls here are different. In the Room. Nick- come on set yourselves comfortable.they seated in a sofa. They were nervous not of him, they were nervous of the things that were happening around them. Riley mumbuled - shit.. How the hell did we got into this? Desi- I don't know, but we get the info and leave. Nick- im sorry i totally forgot to ask what are your names. Desi- uh yeah ah ah I'm Chiara she's Cindy. Nick- Chiara... nice name. I like it. *she smiled at him·. At that room they were moving drugs there were guns around there were strippers in the back and people doing whatever you can imagine. Nick took Desi with him, but she asked to use the bathroom she took her phone and there was this big mirror that you could look from outside, so she made it look like she was taking a selfie and took a photo of what was happening in the back she sent it to Bozer. Bozer- Desi.. I don't know what you wanna show me but those are your boobs. Take the pic more to the left. Desi- all right there you go. Bozer got the pictures and there was enough to get that man. Leanna and Mac found each other while crossing the dance floor. *Mi gente was playing* they went to the bar and talked to the bartender. Mac- hey do you know where we can find some fun? Leanna- let me do this one honey, you know we are looking for some action... they were talking about if he knew where they get some companie they told him they were swingers, and she asked him if he could get them something stronger that the drinks they were having, Leanna used her tricks that she learned when she was in training, the bartender understood and took them to the room. They got inside, and they saw Riley with the friends of Nick. The friends of Nick called at Leanna. - hey Jaz you finally got in! Come on sit with us! Leanna looked at Mac, he put his arm in position to her to grab it - ok Mac lets do this. They got in the table there were girls dancing in front of them, Riley got some information of the guys and Bozer was sending it to Matty, Riley was surprised when he saw Mac walk thru that curtain, not only because he looked good, but she was kinda piised off that he intervened in her work. Riley- hi I'm Cindy *they shook hands, and she gave him a mean look* Jaz, what took you so long? Leanna- uh I was waiting for him, he's always late. ahah * Leanna put her hand in his arm* Mac- uh what can I say, I like to look good. The friends- come on Man, grab your poison. * they got the drugs in the table* Mac- uh well... Leanna- uh uh no, your not doing that, you promised that you were going to stay clean. The friends- uh well you better listen to her. Mac looked at Riley wondering if they made her took something, but she looked normal and very calm. Nick and Chiara Nick was all over Desi, they were in a little private room, just the two of them, they started talking, he was really drunk and high, that was the perfect time to Desi to make him speak, she managed to do it, Bozer recorder the whole conversation, but we know that it's never that easy, Bozer send the information to Matty she was in a call with the CIA, and they got what they needed, the guys of Nick found the van and took Bozer. He was angry she took Desi with him and started screaming, and he found the phone of Desi, and saw the pics. Desi remained calm the bodyguard of Nick tied her to a pole in the stage, there were money on the floor. The friends of Nick left the room. Riley- what are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Bozer! Mac- well I couldn't leave you in here. Riley- well we had it under control until you showed up! Leanna- hey calm down, I think they have Bozer... Riley- shit.. See this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left him alone. Mac- ok what do you want me to do?! Riley- nothing, I can do this on my own. Leanna- guys! Nick- hey!! What the fuck are you doing! Bring them to me. *the guards took them put them in front of Nick. - oh Jaz... I knew that was something wrong with you.. But this.. Betraying me.. Leanna- I don't know what you're talking about. *he put the gun to her head. Riley- leave her alone!. Nick- or what? ohh you, you're beautiful woman and it's a shame I have to kill you too. And you...*he looked at Mac* who the fuck are you. Mac didn’t speak, Nick kept talking- you know before I go I want to enjoy some time.. I mean i only could enjoy your friend, it's your turn now.. *he slid the gun down Rileys face. Mac- hey! Nick- oh you don't want to do that, don't be a hero, nobody likes that.. But you know what before you come with me, I want to watch first I want you to dance for him I don't know what going on in here* he pointed at Mac and Riley* but I'm interested. Riley- you're really sick you know that. Nick told Mac to sit in a chair that looked like if it was in little sofa that was up in the stage were the lights were off, only some purple and blue lights were on like it was time for a show. Nick- I hope you're ready, and use the stage, don't make me regret wasting my time with you, Jaz you come with me. *he made her sit on his lap. While holding the gun in one hand and smoking a Habano in the other one, you could see the smoke thru the reflect of the lights. Nick- music!... lights!... it's show time! The lights went down, Riley walked in front of Desi before getting ready. Riley- wait for my signal, ok. *Desi looked at her with affirmation that she was ready.* Riley took of her jacket, and stood in front of Mac, the music started playing, *partition started playing* the lights were pointed towards her the lights made her skin glow making her look with a fluorescent glow, she started walking like she was in the catwalk, very sexy, she started dancing, she stood in front of him and slowly going down moving her hips until she was on her knees, she started slipping on the floor of the stage, giving a twirl to return to him, she stood up throwing her hair in his face making her bun disappear in the air while she was turning her head in circles, she turned around and seated on his lap and started grindin on him, Mac was blushing. Riley- next time let me do it, by my own. *she said as she reclined on his chest, *she felt his heart was racing, It made her heart race too*, and grabbed his head and whispered in his hear, Mac tried to put his hands on her very slowly, and she slapped them while removing them making it look part of the dance, Mac placed his arms on the back of the chair *Mac smiled* Mac - fine but its wrong that I was scared for the three of you, we didn't have communication and the statistics says... Riley- oh don't talk to me about statistics Angus.. Forget that, I'm gonna make you bust a nut boy. she was teasing him, Riley was laughing inside. She got up and stood behind, and slid her hands down both of his arms as she lifts her leg in the air, letting it fall delicately over her shoulder and started to make a little twerk move as she bends down, sliding her arms across Mac's chest, she removed his jacket with a little of aggressiveness, the lights were moving with the beat of the music, Riley walked to the front of the stage, there were some dancing poles that were covered in some fancy fabric, she began to sway side to side in the middle of the tubes. Nick was amazed of Riley, and Leanna and Desi were too.. And don't start with Mac. Inside Macs Head. Mac sited in that chair not knowing what to expect. He was nervous, he had never been in this kind of situation before, well he had been in danger before with the ones he loved, but he has never been in a situation were one of his best friends was about to dance for him. He had a plan, but he decided that it was better if the girls take control of the situation, he understood that the girls had gotten angry about it, so he let them do their job. The music started playing, his heart raced, when he saw Riley walking toward him like that... he knew he was about to see a part of Riley he didn't know, and how he would know that part of her, she is just your friend not your girlfriend Mac thinked. He had one hand holding his jaw, and the other on the back of the chair, he had this sexual energy that Riley could feel, and she liked the energy that was coming from him, and so did he. When Riley got closer to him and got on her knees in front of him and started to dance in front of him, when she went back to him, she spread his legs, he felt his body speed up, he tried to calm down, but when she sat on him and started grindin on him and seeing her thick ass all over him, he slid his fingers for a little moment along the edge of her legs pinking her black jeans, when Riley lay on his chest Riley said - next time let me do it on my own. *with that Mac confirmed that that was the reason why he had been angry previously*. He literally could see her sexy back with that see through bodysuit, and with her ass all over him, Mac only knew one think that this was an act and that he needed to control himself* Riley- forget that im gonna make you bust a nut boy. Mac was surprised to hear those words come out of her mouth, he couldn't believe what she just said, he didn't expect that to come from her, not from her, not from his Riles, this was another Riley, and he was excited to meet her. The mind of Mac for the first time in history stopped thinking, he just let himself enjoy this moment between the two of them, he forgot that there were others watching. Watching her dance like that was a total vision to him, when she went to dance by the poles from the point of view of Mac, the lights made her look like she was topless, it seemed like she was about to break her back, she looked like a contortionist in the way she was controlling her body thru between the poles. In the ending pole of the stage was Desi and behind her was a guard, Riley went her way and started to Dance with Desi, Leanna saw what they were doing, so she made Nick to drop the gun, Riley kept dancing with Desi and Riley gave her the signal, Desi grabbed by the pole kicked the guard and grabbed him by her legs and put her foot on his neck Riley released Desi and Leanna pointed with the gun at Nick, he screamed: - kill the boy!! Leanna got distracted and nervous for Bozer, he took the gun from her and escaped from her. Riley- Leanna!! Mac and Desi went after him. Leanna- Riley I can't run in this dress! Riley- I got an idea, come with me. *they went to the bathroom and changed their clothes. Now Riley was on the red latex dress and Leanna in the bodysuit, but leannas breast are way biggers than the boobs of Riley. Leanna- look. Riley- well damn thats too much, hahaha that's revealing revealing, here put the jacket on and zippit. That's why I preferred to put on some jeans I knew we were going to run, haha. Leanna- girl how is that you look hotter now, how it's that possible? Riley- oh shut up. Leanna- what are you doing this for me? Riley- uh because your my bestie, and this IS YOUR mission, you are the one that it's gonna put behind bars that bastard. Leanna had a big smile in her face, and they hugged each other. Leanna- oh my god! What are we doing?! Bozer!! Riley- don't worry if I didn't know Mac he went first for him, now hurry go for Nick I will locate him with his phone. Leanna- ok, wait speaking of Mac... you really went in with that dance... Riley- hey don't star now, go, you can annoy me later. They were outside with the backup Matty had sent, Leanna caught Nick with the help of Riley, he was now on custody of the CIA, Mac and Desi went for Bozer who was intact, they got in time for him. Mac, Desi and Bozer went with Leanna and Riley. Bozwer went running towards her, he hugged and kissed her. Riley came out from the other way, Mac saw her coming, he couldn't hide his expression when he saw her in that red dress. He was already impressed when he saw Leanna in it but when he saw Riley .. That's another story. Mac- hey.. Desi- here is she.. Bozer- hey Riley, wait did you changed clothes? Riley- yes, Leanna couldn't prosecute Nick in this, so we have to change, so she could do it, because IT WAS HER MISSION she said to Mac and Bozer. Desi- men ruin everything. Leanna- agreed. Mac- alright we get it. Bozer- yeah, but understand that we were worried about y'all. Leanna- you have to trust more then. We are smart as you guys. Desi- and stronger. Riley- faster, independent. Leanna- perceptive, brave, cultured Desi- committed, creative, funny Riley- i mean we could do this all night. Bozer- ok ok we get it that's how you do it. Riley- I'm a bad bitch, she's a savage, and she's the queen. They are at phoenix, Matty congratulated them, and let them go. everyone left the room except Desi and Riley was about to leave when Desi called her. Desi- Riley, can I talk to you for a minute. Riley- yeah sure was up? Desi- i just wanted to thank you for what you did, you helped with my nerves and anxiety something that I don't always feel and when we were in there I didn't know how to control my feelings... thank you. *she smiled at Riley* Riley- hey don't worry, I got you, I know how it is. Of not having control, and that is why we are a team, don't be afraid for ask for help next time. Desi- thank you, Riley. Hey do you want to come with me at Mac's place to grab some beers. The last thing Riley wanted to do was to be in the same room with mac, at least for now. Riley- uhh I don't know, we can't go somewhere else if you want. Desi- yeah I will love that. Riley- ok let's go then.
sooo i really hope you like this one. I'm sorry I didn't upload it earlier but i really haven't had much time these days, this one was a request, to the person who asked for it I hope I reached what you expected I hope it wasn't that bad lol, this one goes to all my girls who miss going outside and go party with their friends and get ready, because I miss it. And.. I was thinking of giving Desi something different when the person told me to get Desi some character development because I quote “the show hasn't given her one, and she sucks” ahha well I hope I did good, I wanted to write something to her that was really different, since in the show they put her as “ tough women with no emotion”, and I wanted to gift her some emotions make her look agreeable and kind and make it look that she has insecurity and anxiety too. That I think all lot of girls, and women in their 20s feel a lot. And tell me if you will like me to post the song I put in here if you don't know them or will like to hear them.
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xyloophones · 5 years
Hi, kathe (mandolinearts) here. Just wanted to apologize for spamming you with comments for the last few days, but,,, i just love all your work so much. You have such a sense for the characters and everything around them, as well as so many ideas and the capability to picture an aesthetic so well, it just takes my breath away. When i read your stories, i feel like i can see a picture being painted, it's magical. Thank you.
oh my god hi !! hello !! you have no idea how happy your comments have made me ahhhh snsjs i’ve been busy moving and touring a uni and its just been generally so stressful but i’ve been reading your comments and i was gonna reply to them jsjsjs im so happy you like my writing !!
since you had the dedication to go thru all my works, heres a preview of another space au i started writing a while ago & just recently picked back up:
(warnings for violence & space fights !)
A series of disastrous things happen in quick succession.
First, in a twisted, petty attempt to claim as many lives as possible, The enemy ship sends one last volley of laser blasts at the tumbling History Maker, trying to knock it off its course so it crashes into a nearby city.
Yuuri is thrown across the bridge with the impact, but he manages to drag himself to the controls just before they hit the city, only clipping the side of a shining, chrome building. He overcorrects and the ship skids into hot desert sand, gouging a long, deep streak into the planet’s surface.
The viewport explodes inwards, showering Yuuri with glass. He only avoids the shards because he’s collapsed on the floor. Something inside him crunched upon impact and he’s trying his very hardest not to blackout.
Not here. He is not going to die here.
He was meant for greater things.
Seconds after crashing, the ship is hit with another laser blast, this time coming from the defense tower of the nearby city. Yuuri rolls to the side and just barely avoids getting cut in half. He counts his blessings.
Yuuri pulls himself out of the wreckage, hotter than the center of a star, just as the hull gives up. It collapses into a pile of burning metal, liquefying everything inside.
Overhead, the ship has disappeared. Made the jump to lightspeed, probably to try to chase down the remaining History Maker crew. Yuuri can only pray that he bought them enough time.
In the distance, the city glitters.
Closer, a group of bandits approach. They kick up clouds of dirt and sand, great fluffy masses of yellow. Yuuri reaches up and removes what’s left of his metal Captain’s insignias.
He watches danger approach, and reaches for his phaser.
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legion1993 · 5 years
thunder like a gun shot
Tumblr media
title:  Thunder like a gun shot
kink square filled: lingerie
fluff square filled: free space (thunderstorm)
prompt: Chrysalism-the amnotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm, listening to waves pattering against the roof like an argument upstairs, whose muffled words were unintelligable but whose crackling release a built up tension you understand perfectly.
A/n: hope this fits with everything if it doesnt just let me know and ill make the changes if necessary. but if it is close please also let me know. it was hard to come up with something when i was struggling with a really bad case of writers block. i kinda just did word vomit in here. please give me feedback. if possible. thanks.
ship: Dean x reader
rating: 14+
tags: firearms, lingerie, sexy clothing, thunderstorm, cuddling in the hallway, reader wearing barely nothing.
summery (if applicable): its a surprise….
word count (if applicable):
created for @spnkinkbingo and for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing for her Spn beautiful words challenge (ps. i hope this works...) & @spnfluffbingo
spn kink bingo masterlist    spn fluff bingo masterlist
staying at bobby’s while Bobby, Dean and Sam were out hunting. thats fine bobby said you could organize and put away the books and things. 
while doing so it was very warm inside. rumsfeld had always stayed near by, for he could tell you missed Dean. Dean and you had been together for several years. this was how you spent time when you thought it best you stayed back. 
after all spending every day hunting was not without perks, for instance getting to chop heads, shoot things, etc. but sometimes you wanted to let Dean have fun with the guys. 
amidst putting away the books and boxes you found one of the cursed boxes was open. you picked it up and placed it on the desk. immediately you dialed bobby.
Bobby: “Y/N..”
Y/N: “bobby did you or the guys go into a cursed box?”
Bobby yells at the boys who swear up and down that neither of them did. so he comes back to you.
Bobby: “none of us did, why do ya ask kiddo?”
Y/N: “cause there was one open unsealed on the ground.”
Bobby: “whats the box number?”
Y/N: “5386.”
you could hear bobby on the other end yell Son of a Bitch...
Bobby: “Y/N kiddo listen to me, a while back John and i had trapped something real bad in that very box, it is a demon, but this one is powerful, like it comes with its own meatsuit. you need to get it down long enough for you to exorcise it back into the pit or use that cursed box.”
Y/N: “can it be harmed by bullets?”
Bobby: “it can but you would have to unload half a clip into it in order for it to stay down for a longer period of time than that of 1 minute."
there was nothing you hadnt considered. but the thought of hunting in lingerie had you hot and bothered.
you pulled out your hand gun and cocked it but not before checking to make sure you had a full cartridge of bullets.
Y/N: “don’t you guys worry ill take care of whatever the hell this is.”
you hung up the call and threw on your overlay grabbing your gun and flashlight you started searching the house. slowly around every corner you went. but outside you heard a noise, one which brought out your most painful memories.
 you knew you only had a short amount of time before you had a melt down. 
elsewhere, Dean, Bobby and sam were just arriving back at the motel after completing the hunt. that of course is when Dean noticed it, the dark clouds, the looming sounds of thunder. 
Dean: “shit guys we gotta head back towards Y/N she will have a breakdown if im not there during the storm.”
Sam: “goo on ahead Dean, ill ride with bobby and catch up as soon as we can.”
Bobby: “go be with your girl.”
Dean stayed in the impala while Sam went in the motel room to grab Dean’s bag bringing it out to his brother he smiled backing up as Dean reversed and sped off down the road.
meanwhile you were not aware that you were the one being stalked not you stalking the demon. it was a few moments before you heard a hiss coming from right behind you, it made you stop, you cocked your gun & dropped your flashlight. but just as the first loud house shaking thunder clap sounded you shot off 2 rounds into his arms. 
that was what set him off on the war path, you ducked out of the way you had run away from him but trying to go up the stairs you felt estranged. almost like something else was also in the house. 
however it was your wit and courage that made you stop in your slow ascend of the staircase, you stuck your gun thru the railing and shot off 2 more rounds into its spine. 
it was then that bright bright headlights shone through the not covered windows. it was the impala, you knew those headlights anywhere but if there was ever a moment whre you were not sure of yourself and your hunting abilities it was right then. 
you could then hear the door jiggling but that soon all just faded noise as you honed into your senses. they were all in overload, your hearing could only pick up the sound of what you thought to be the ever growing thunder claps that were sounding from outside.
but instead you were firing off every single bullet in both clips you had on you. that demon was down. thats when you got into a real rage, it was something that you never thought you would ever feel again.
this is something you had only experienced once before, your parents had been murdered right in front of your eyes it was a thunderstorm but you happened to be in the room at the time. 
it hadnt been long before Sam and Dean had busted through your door but by that point they witnessed you killing the demon with your mind. it was not 3 minutes after that you knelt on the floor and had this blank expression on your face. 
thats how your journey with the winchesters had started. but tonight was the second time you were experiencing something like this. Dean came into the view, you were now kneeling on the ground, in only your sexy lingerie with a blank expression on your face & your silence turning into soft sobs. 
thunder kept roaring but the demon wasnt gone yet. your eyes went white again the cursed box was near the demon as your voice spoke the incantation to lock that asshole demon back up.
Y/N: “i invoke the cursed box, this demon shall ever more be inside. ne’er to escape nor see the light of day. christo, jesu, domni dieos audinos.”
with that your eyes went back to normal, the demon was locked back up. Dean now felt it safe to approach you. it was gonna be a rough next few hours. Dean pulling you into his grasp now held you close. 
Dean: “shh its alright... shh...”
your sobs now turning into full blown streaming tears, the thunder kept cracking and all you could do was cry. 
Dean didnt bother to move you from the hallway, instead he got comfy on the floor. in the middle of the hallway laying you on his chest, covering your shivering form in his embrace cause to be honest wearing that lingerie he wanted to do more than keep you warm and safe.
Dean kissed your hair and smiled.
Dean: “you look beautiful babe, relax im here.”
 you guys stayed like that for quite a while till you felt strong enough to move. 
~for as it turned out everytime you shot that gun at that demon, you did it to the thunder claps. after all thunderstorms have a really weird effect on people.~
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
stray kids first impressions!
tagged by: @hyyunjinn @lovelyyhyunjin (hyunjin stan squad comin in hot 😩)
tagging: @hyunjinh @christopher-bang​ @seungchanie @felixeslee @felixsfreckles @bangchant @chuuyo @hyunsungg @scene-stealers @straykids1 (im tryna tag new ppl rn pls lmk if u dont want me to LMAO also idk whos done it so far)
the mv drops in like 4 hours im wheezing 
the date you found stray kids: oct. 6
how: i saw articles of jyp’s upcoming boy group/survival show and me, a hoe for survival shows had to know what was going on,,,,,,,and then the hellevator mv showed up in my youtube notifications and i was curious abt it so i clicked it and all hell broke loose from there
first overall impression: pls,,,no hate in my inbox i beg im gonna b real honest n genuine when i say this LFMAO: i didnt like hellevator when i was first listening to it, i kinda liked the beginning part of seungmins voice but once it did like a 180 and went to changbins rap i was immediately turned off by it and i honestly thought “ugh so its another bad boy group why do so many groups try so hard to be edgy nowadays” and i wasnt exactly a fan of the vocals or hardcore rap but i kept listening to it hoping it would get better and it did and once i got to the chorus i started warming up to it AND THEN hyunjins rap is when i hit the fkcing FLOOR and then i ended up falling in love with the song soon after lMFAOSO :’’’’)))) 
tldr; i thought they were trying too hard to b edgy but then realized they r a bunch of cute dumplings that i wanna boop on the daily :///
individual impressions ––
chan: "his hair looks fried” - LISTEN OKAY in the mv his hair looked like a pile of hay NO OFFENSE AHDKAS LMFAO but when i heard that he was a trainee of 7 years i was like holy shit?? my respect for u?? is thru the roof??? to be really honest when i found out he was one of the aussie members and he was the leader of the group i felt kinda iffy because i didnt think he would be fit for that role but i was COMPLETELY wrong after i watched the first few clips of him and honestly i could just feel that he was leader material and w0w i have so much respect for him and also funny story when i first got into them i thought chan and chris were two different poeple i hate myself
woojin: "omfg his neck is thicc af” - LMFASODASDA god i hate myself for that being the first thing i thought of when i saw him AJSDKA OKAY BUT LIKE i forgot which video it was but i just saw him at an angle that made his neck look SUPER THICC and i was like this guy probably has gr9 vocals nd i was RIGHT LMAO i thought he was super cute when he was playing the guitar and singing n oml i love him
minho: “rapper?? singer?? which one is he” - i felt like i was super behind on getting to know him bc i didnt see him too too much in the hellevator mv?? BUT i srsly went heart eyes when i saw him in those cute af circle glasses when he was packing his bundles n not to mention id heard a lot of people rave about his bundles which i thought was SO FKING CUTE and idk when i looked at him he kinda had this like shy smile/look and i thought it was just so precious watching him ;;;
changbin: "why is he so angry in his rapping” - changbin stans pls dont come @ me,,,,,when i first listened to hellevator i started to not really like the song or him after hearing his part because i thought it sounded overly angry and aggressive but after listening to 3racha i honestly started to fall in love with his style more nd more and even know hes probably my fave in 3racha and my luv 4 him grew even more when i saw how cute he was when he smiled and tried to b dark
hyunjin: “IM SORRY BUT WHO ARE U I NEED TO KNOW” - this bih COPPED me of my sanity when i heard his voice in hellevator like it just snapped me awake and made me suddenly 10000% more interested bc i felt like his voice just sounded so idk how to put it but it was like super determined and strong willed sounding kinda like an “watch me prove you wrong” kind of tone WHICH ISNT A BAD THING IDEFK HOW TO EXPLAIN OMG like it just went SUPER well with the flow of the song and i just absolutely fell in love with his voice n then i saw his face and i was like how do u rap like that u have such a cute baby face wtf and then i fking scoured all the possible info on sk to find out who he was and that was when i became a fool™ for him :///
jisung: “wait hes rapping now i thought he was the vocal what” - SIMILAR TO CHANGBIN i wasnt like overly fond of him during the first few parts of hellevator because i thought his vocals were just eh and unnatural sounding until later i realized it was autotunes fault and again like changbin i thought his rap was overly aggressive but it wasnt until 3racha that i started to really really appreciate him and fall in love with his voice not to mention i was SNATCHED by his high note in the hellevator practice perf in front of jyp
felix: “he looks like he has tangerine hair– WHAT THE FK IS THAT VOICE” - o boi even before i started getting into them i’d heard a lot of people rave about how there was an aussie kid w freckles in this group and when i first heard him in hellevator i was definitely impressed with his flow/voice in the song ASKDA and then after that all the moments of him memeing on everything and also his stage charisma just mde me go HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HIM AKSDH he was the first threat to my bias list bc he jus felt like so RELATABLE LMAO and also for the longest time i thought he was the maknae LOOLL
seungmin: “this voice is already a 10″ - goodness where do i start w kim fking seungmin,,,the moment i saw his face i just went heart eyes because he looked like a living marshmallow and his voice?? im dead. seungmins voice has just this warm sounding tone that makes him so easy and pleasing to listen to like IDK WHAT IT IS but i thought the way he sang was just so cute and genuine that i couldnt help but swoon over him ;;;;;; he was and currently still is threatening hyunjins spot on my bias list ASJKDKJAK i actually had a bias crisis around the time that sk went on the busking mission because i would watch hyunjin fancams,,,,,,,,but only pay attention to seungmin,,,,,,,,,,,,,i literally replayed seungmins part in school life like 600 times,,,aHEM anyways 
jeongin: “his eyes are so pointy” - the first thing that attracted me to him were his eyes bc they were just super unique looking?? idk im whack lmao but after watching the episode clips i was just WHIPPED for him bc he looked so soft n smol ;;; AND the part that Snatched me the hardest was when he was singing trot in the practice room and i startedTEARING UP because he was so cute and oh my god i love him
we dead binches after the mv drops good luck my dudes 😔✊
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foulserpent · 7 years
no seriously im sticking to that. if i die and become a ghost i am gonna refuse to do any human bullshit like using doors. i am going travel solely by clipping thru walls, floor, ceiling, etc. if you see a shadow person on your ceiling vibrating heavily with its legs going thru the surface thats probably me
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prokage · 7 years
the only sex you should be having is with bethesda's havok physics. im gonna clip my hand thru my partner and start vibrating wildly until i fall through the floor into the void and respawn
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gulescamisade · 6 years
Betty Crocker Headquarters:  Prison Break
[It's been quiet here in the prison area... Maybe the prisoners have accepted their fate at this point, or maybe the stillness is something like the calm before the storm. The atmosphere seems to foretell a happening -- but there's little more evidence of that than a fading blood stain on the floor.]
TEREZI: =In a soft glow of light, a body returns to it's area of expiration, plopping gently feet first onto the floor in a garb of green. For the second time in a short time, Terezi is returned to the land of the living. She clenched and unclenched her hands - was this real? It wasn't quite as jarring as the last time, but unlike last time, she wouldn't hesitate. Whether it was real or not, she didn't have time to doubt it; she had to believe it was.=
TEREZI: =Noticing that she stuck out quite literally, being smack in the middle of a hallway along with her attire a colorful beacon, Terezi ducked down against the wall. Hoping no cameras caught that, she continued moving. Even though she didn't know where she was going or where she could remain out of sight, the very least she could do was make herself a little harder to track.=
TEREZI: =slipping down another hall, she stuck close to the left side, keeping her ears open.=
[If the cameras did pick it up, no one has immediately swept in to deal with her... Definitely not little red riding hood and her pointy jam. The only signs of life are those inside the cells, if Terezi takes a peek...]
TEREZI: =she does. A very slow, careful peek. Guh, gotta get this hood out of the way first.=
[Let's say luck is on her side and she happens upon JAMES very quickly, catching a glimpse of him through the tiny slot in the door.]
JAMES: -is seated at his cot and meditating. He has been conserving his energy for this moment. TZ only needs to get his attention.-
TEREZI: =She taps a finger against the slot.= ((h3y m1st3r 3gb3rt s1r, psssssst!)) =tiny wave=
JAMES: -That'll do it. He recognizes the voice and rises to stand. Subtly cracking his neck as he does so.- MISS PYROPE.
TEREZI: ((1m go1ng to gu3ss so, y3s))
TEREZI: ((1 dont r34lly know wh4t th3 h3ll 1s go1ng on, but 4ct1on 1s 4 gr34t pl4c3 to st4rt)) >:]
JAMES: SAY NO MORE. -coming over to brace his hands by the door.- I DON'T SUPPOSE YOU CARRY A KEY WITH YOU?
TEREZI: ((no, 1 just got h3r3)) =Literally=
TEREZI: ((y34h, sur3 th1ng)) =She disappears from view as she stepped aside.=
JAMES: -Wastes no time, pulling his fist back and swinging it againt the door in a single mangrit-charged punch. One punch, if you will. Please expect the cell door to explode off its hinges. Crashing into the hallway.-
JAMES: ...
JAMES: -steps through the forced hole he just created.- HELLO.
TEREZI: =....= ....
TEREZI: W3LL 1 GU3SS TH3R3S NO PO1NT 1N B31NG QU13T NOW, 1S TH3R3? =but she's smiling!! ITS WONDERFUL TO BE ALIVE. She was stock still for a moment before continuing=
JAMES: -Does take a moment to take in the state of her... but decides not to dwell on it.- THEY ARE CLOSE.
TEREZI: =Most of her is hidden under these green jammies, but there are conical horns poking through slits that seemed to be made just for them.=
TEREZI: GOOD! L3TS G3T GO1NG! =she motioned with a hand, to lead them further down this hallway. She paused only to peek through the slots thoroughly for more of the crew and friends.=
JAMES: -as Terezi peeks for friends, James is going to take the initiative and scout further down the hallway. Checking the doors don't lead to cells.-
[There is one door, that at first glance just appears to lead to another cell, but behind the window slot is instead something like a locker room. The door is locked, of course, but a panel opens on it to reveal a keypad.]
TEREZI: =with no one else in the cells she checked, she joined James, glancing down at the keypad.= TEREZI: KNOW 4NY SW33T H4CKS? =she does take a glance down towards each end of the hallway to make sure they weren't being followed.=
JAMES: I PERHAPS KNOW ONE SWEET HACK. -reaches far into the steel trap of his memory and tries a code.-
JAMES: ...
JAMES: - 01100011 01100001 01101011 01100101 -
JAMES: -Golly... it worked. Of course, it did. Cake is the answer to all the world's problems. He's pretty sure CrockerCorp had a slogan of that nature some years ago... Anyway, James is taking a cautionary look into the lab.-
TEREZI: W41T 1...
TEREZI: =she returned to one of the cells she had previously checked. The room was full of fucking green.... How??=
ROXY: =Heckin magic is how=
[It's mostly just lockers and storage bins stacked on shelves. James might notice that one of the bins has a HANDSOME WALLET in it.]
JAMES: -Strong fatherly exclamation point! Swiftly moving to pluck this wallet out and looking to ransack the rest of the storage bins for STUFF. Clips his whole sylladex back onto himself. He is ready.-
TEREZI: =Still peeping through the slot. Is there anyone in there?=
[Roxy, Jake and the Cherubs sylladexes are definitely in the bins too, if he can recognize them. They maye or may not be obvious.]
JAMES: -Retrieve sylladexes.-
ROXY: =Some of the cubes shift about, two of them move to the side and there's pink eyes staring back=
ROXY: !!
ROXY: =Suddenly the disappear and after a few seconds Roxy (and about 50 green cubes) decend on Terezi= rexrezzie!
ROXY: =Get buried=
TEREZI: !!!!!!!!!!! >8O
TEREZI: =That was perhaps the most startling thing she experienced in her new life so far=
ROXY: =HER EYES, holds her face also her body, looks around and sees James= wut.... wait
ROXY: explain on the way this is a bust out right? i have snausages 4 the guard dawg
TEREZI: =gives roxy a quick, tight hug though=
ROXY: =SQUEEZES even tho she stank= that's suspicerous
ROXY: =Squints a bit and looks around=
JAMES: -returns back to their place of convening.- ROXY.
JAMES: ...
JAMES: -scoops both these girls in a brief strong fatherly embrace.- I HAVE RETRIEVED YOUR SYLLADEX.
JAMES: -hands roxy back her sylladex.-
ROXY: =takes her dex back and immediate puts on her strife spec= let's take advantage of that for now n find jake n callie
TEREZI: =that's okay! she's happy to see her alive and well! Terezi on the other and smells fresh and new like laundered linen.=
[Roxy likely remembers the way to where they're being held from before she was chased away by the guard dog. It is basically a straight shot through this exit, the next hall, and through a spooky and suspicious door labeled "we do horrible experiments here" OR SOMETHING. It was implied.]
ROXY: =stretches her legs a little then nods down the hall=
ROXY: this way itll b a good place to start at least also maybe theyve made progress since i last been there =starts to guide them down the hall=
JAMES: -carrying up the rear. Will leap to defend the ladies if he needs to. He is armed with his photon watch shield and 100 count of cakes kept fresh in his sylladex. Hope everyone is hydrated. James is going to make sure they are.-
JAMES: -distantly fussing at them children.-
ROXY: =A sweet hot dad :') =
TEREZI: =she's got nothing on her except the literal clothes on her back=
[They exit the prison area and into the next hall with the tech labs. The staff NEVER seems to be around here... That probably isn't a good sign, but oh well. It makes their trek to their destination all the easier. The super secret lab they're looking for is still locked, but nothing void magic, gadgets and gizmos, or fists thru the wall can't fix.]
TEREZI: =Is there another keypad for this door?=
[INDEED. Or it requires a keycard... I can't remember. Either way.]
ROXY: =Is someone gonna fist that wall? 👀 she missed wall fisting=
ROXY: =she can totally handle this but like.... 👀=
JAMES: -What about cake override codes... Aw, darn.-
JAMES: -There was a door punched off its hinges back in the hallway. She def can appreciate that now.-
ROXY: =She does but also she'll just give some SWEET HACKS to this door for now to save her energy. All this absence she feels like she'll need it=
ROXY: =turns to them= im in
JAMES: WELL DONE, ROXY. -He's proud of you... but also focused on this serious business.-
[Inside, as she remembers, there are some panels on the wall where video feeds used to be, but everything is shut off right now. She would ALSO rememebr another door being locked in here, but it's WIDE OPEN NOW. This will lead to, you guessed it, even MORE rooms. But they are less like prison cells and more like dingy examination rooms. One of them has pumpkin vines peeking out from under the door...]
JAMES: ...
ROXY: =Squints at that open door and peeps all at the one with vines growing from under the door- WAIT! Is there a panel to this door too?= hang on....
ROXY: cuz i remember jake was like.... o =she remembers... the greenery... the tiny shorts. Yes, it's all coming back to her=
JAMES: THEN IT ONLY STANDS TO SAY JAKE IS BEHIND THIS DOOR. -Should he pry it open? Or maybe he doesn't need to. If Roxy would like to do the honors?-
[Flashback cut to photos of Jake in tiny red Crocker Corp booty shorts and suspenders.]
TEREZI: W41T 4 S3C GUYS, 1---
TEREZI: MMMNG... =a hand hovers to squeeze at her temples before she moved to the door, her hand lowering to the keypad. Reaching into the past, she searched for someone who had used the keypad last.=
ROXY: =Ah.... yes... she remembers......=
[Whoever used this keypad last LOOKS LIKE A NERD. Probably a scientist. So definitely a nerd. She can see them typing in the code.]
TEREZI: =After a pause of her looking COMPLETELY out of it, Terezi's fingers moved, punching in the code.=
TEREZI: =a little surprised that worked actually!=
JAMES: -He is... so concerned. And also surprised. Before James can think to comment on it, however a pumpkin is being FLUNG from behind the door. Thrown with such a force that it explodes violently against the wall opposite his cell.- !!!!!!!!
ROXY: =👀= girl wu-!! =YIPE=
[If Terezi seer'd just a little bit longer, she might have seen the nerd get pelted with a pumpkin.]
ROXY: =but also= JAKE!
JAKE: -a mustached face peers from behind his cot/pumpkin fort. But not another second is spared before he is EMERGING. Hello booty shorts. It's also apparent that he is armed with pumpkins attatched to a vine sash on his back.- ROXAROO!!!! TEREZI? JAMES?
JAKE: Good golly is it time??????????
TEREZI: =everyone ELSE had exited calmly!=
JAKE: -don't blame him... he's got bandages plenty on his arms from many needle pokes... He's BEEN rowdy.-
TEREZI: =peeks around the door at Jake= GOOD GOLLY 1S 1T S4F3?
JAKE: -He doesn't care and is blubbering a little bit. Q_Q- You came...
ROXY: =Baby no.... she frowns at him then goes to give him a gently FIRM squeeze= baby ...... :C
ROXY: ofc we woulda come
JAMES: -There, there Jake... James is ruffling his hair in support.-
JAKE: -obviously takes a minute to be scooped in Roxy's muscle embrace and cry a little bit. Terezi too. Come here quad in law.-
JAKE: -he hug...-
JAKE: I knew you would! -It's all he could tell himself all alone in his kennel.-
JAKE: -He wants pizza!!!!!!!!!! Swipes his face clean of tears and puts his angry eyebrows on.- Now what the hoo heck hash are we diddydaddling around for? Weve some cherubs to track!
JAMES: WE WERE SEARCHING FOR YOU, SON. -hands him his sylladex- JAKE: !!!!! -EQUIPS. HOLA double pistols.-
TEREZI: =quad in law....= >:']
ROXY: yeah! but i dunno where they are :c
ROXY: least with u i had an idea..... =starts to get back out of this cell=
JAKE: -suddenly guns. 🔫- Well find them no problemo. -he BELIEVES IT.-
JAMES: -Son... do you maybe want to change into a different garb? He has extra clothes.-
JAKE: -No........................................... Leave it............................................... He burns to see this through to the end.-
JAMES: -I'm proud of you.-
ROXY: =jake she can make you more booty shorts and suspenders its ok=
JAKE: -they cling to his every curve. He breathes out with a low hiss.-
JAKE: All the sweeter the victory when we blow this laboratory to SMITHEREENS.
JAMES: -fixing at his tie self consciously... Does he look ridiculous? Oh dear.-
TEREZI: =Youve been in jail a month, sorry mister=
JAMES: - :( He'll have to put on his hat to hide his shame.-
ROXY: im hot always
ROXY: also we got a sweet precious baby girl 2 find! =Trnansformers.... ROLLOUT=
[Its true, they will find the Cherubs no problemo. For all the cells are empty, but further investigation will take them to an open lab... But it isn't a pretty sight here. Large tubes with floating... body parts? Inside of them. Vials and beakers of rainbow blood standing against the red of a human's... Stained slabs and tables.... Just to name a few of the unpleasant sights. There are large drawers, too, which give the whole lab the look of a morgue.]
TEREZI: .......
JAMES: -Entire vats drained of blood. There are no words.-
JAKE: -the sight and feel of this place is freezing the breath in his lungs a little bit. Big old, cold sweat gulps.-
TEREZI: =but even as she asked the question, something in her reached out for her to reach back, and her mind delved into the decisions made in this place. =
JAKE: Id...
JAKE: Rather not know. -hiding behind roxy just 8C -
[But Terezi will know, decisions were made here to follow out their Empress' fucked up, and frankly ridiculous, endeavors to make humans more like trolls. Going so far as to even try to fill their veins with caste colored blood. It isn't limited to that, and what all was decided and executed here would likely be overwhelmed. Particularly when it involves familiar faces like Jake's and Calliope and Caliborn's.]
TEREZI: =she tried to pull herself away from the memory - the visions? - and when she finally had control over her limbs again, she used them to propel her to the nearest trash can=
TEREZI: =blaaaaaar=
ROXY: .......oh
ROXY: =Rushes over and rubs her back= ... what happened are you okay???
JAKE: -gHGHGHHGHHG. Now he feels terrible...-
JAMES: -swiftly fetching a bottle of water for Terezi.-
TEREZI: =shes dry heaving; food isn't real in dreams=
TEREZI: TO M4K3 TH3M MOR3 L1K3 US =she felt like she really NEEDED to have something in her stomach because nothing felt so much worse=
TEREZI: TH3 CH3RUBS...W3 H4V3 TO F1ND TH3M-- W3-- =but a part of her knew that search would be fruitless=
TEREZI: =finally noticing the waterbottle, she took it tentatively=J4K3 =she turned to spitting stomach acid into the wastebasket= 1M SO SORRY...
ROXY: mmmnnng :c
ROXY: =She looks to the drawers now.... a little scared to open them=
ROXY: fuckin.... maniac bitch fish =goes over to them to like, peek in a few=
JAKE: I-- hmm hn... -he can't exactly be left to try and think about EXACTLY what they did with all those pokes and prods from before. He feels more conscious of the bandages on his arms than ever before.-
JAKE: Im whole and here. What more can i ask for?? -gathering himself up, still cold and sweaty. Roxy, don't... Jake can't handle this.-
ROXY: =But she really can't not...=
TEREZI: =no need, she's seen everything all at once. it was horrible=
JAMES: -stern and steady hands on his back. Look away, son...-
[Unfortunately for Roxy, most of these are full... Mostly of ashen skinned humans, but there is one body that is very distinctly green.]
ROXY: ..... =like... with ganggreen?=
ROXY: =She'll take tthat=
ROXY: =But also her expression falls and something in her tightens up.... wtf=
TEREZI: =she would have told Roxy not to look, but she's busy coughing into the trashcan again=
[At the very least, it made her quite sad...]
[She can BELIEVE the skin tone is unnatural, but of course she knows the truth. They found the cherubs.]
ROXY: =but no she's crying and holding the handle of the drawer tight=
ROXY: (fuckin.....)
JAKE: Theyre dead arent they? -he doesnt have to see. He knows in his hopes of heart.-
ROXY: =Can she just... sylladex this body= ROXY: .. yeah
ROXY: =They deserved so much better.... better than all this. All these people did=
JAKE: - ;__; - Oh callies...
[Caliborn is flipping you off in the afterlife, Jake. It's okay...]
[She can steal the body if she wishes, however.]
ROXY: =Steals it she does and strides out of the lab with rage renewed= lets get the fuck out of here and find these dicks >:''(
TEREZI: =wiping her mouth with the back of her hand=
JAKE: -cocks his pistols. The world's grimmest, most grumpiest look on his face.- They wont even know what hit them.
TEREZI: =Is there anything lying around that she can use as a weapon?=
ROXY: o the fuck that yes they will =time for her ROXY LNDE brass knuckles=
JAKE: -Why not hopevoid her a weapon?-
[Good plan, because there isn't much else around besides scalpels and needles.]
TEREZI: =Imagine, flying into combat: NEEDLE JAB! Now you have some horrible troll disease! Congrats!=
JAKE: -eyeballs Terezi.- Say...
JAKE: How...
JAKE: I mean.
JAKE: How did you manage to get here?
TEREZI: ....
[For all intents and purposes, they should be able to escape easily between Roxy and James' sweet hacking skills, whenever they are ready to vamoose.]
[AKA their work here is done. MISSION COMPLETE. You found your dead friend.]
JAKE: Oh okay... Would you like one of my pistols? -He literally has a whole pile of them in his sylladex. Ushers after the HAXXORS, letting them do their thing.-
TEREZI: =perks a bit= Y34H!
TEREZI: =She hasn't quite used such a precision weapon in a while, but it's a weapon and she'll take it.= TH4NKS
JAKE: -potentially giving a blind troll a gun??? This is normal. He has yet to be updated on things.- THATS THE SPIRIT!
JAKE: -Assuming Terezi is wearing the seer hoodie that covers her eyes. Not weird in the slightest to him.-
TEREZI: =She is indeed wearing the hood. You'll see, Jake. You'll see.=
ROXY: =Touches Terezi's bitchin jammies, so soft=
TEREZI: =softer than a baby's booty=
JAMES: -assisting in leading the way through the building and all the confusing layout business. They are well on their way OUT OF HERE.-
TEREZI: =takes the gun and checks to see how much ammo is left in the chamber. She remembered how to do that at least.=
TEREZI: TH3 SHORT OF 1T 1S 1 D13D =puts the clip back in and turns off the safety= TW1C3
JAKE: -Wall eyed...- Erm....
JAKE: Now that sounds like some tale. Too bad its so short!
JAKE: Terezi!
ROXY: ...wtf??
ROXY: ughh :c
ROXY: thats... bullshit!
[Outside they will probably see a GIANT ASS DRAGONFLY.]
JAKE: -spongebob caveman memes in his booty shorts.- What the piss???
TEREZI: =there's dragon in the word. it's close enough=
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