#im going to buy one for myself dw
shyhandart · 29 days
omg ur art came on my dash and the way u draw horsies makes me feel so warm and fuzzy on the in 😭😭 absolutely adore ur work ^^
AAAAA thank youuuu <333
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Hiiii besties I um. Rly want money. Would anyone want a tweened icon like these for like $20? I'm usually pretty fast with them so it shouldn't take longer than like a few days max
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unripe-lemon · 1 month
Since i know no one will see this:
1 note and i will email my therapist
ok so for this one,, like since then i have emailed my therapist?? that counts right????? tbh i dont even know what to talk abt anymore, but i do have a session with her so dw
2 notes and ill put my laundry away
ugh….. stupid. internet.. making me do things that will make my life easier…. gugh yeah i put my laundry away!!!!! everyone clap now
5 notes and ill try to brush my teeth more often
ok so like for this one i found this video https://youtu.be/pvutTiPY7q8?si=PASnBmUXZ0xiHzWM imma sing this song to myself every tike i dont feel like brushing my teeth
6 notes and ill try to put on cream for my dermatitis (anxiety hives!!! yayyy!!!!) more often
just did it hehe :) tho it is getting a little worse and my kitten scratched me on top of it 😭
10 notes and ill attempt to learn my timestables
11 notes and ill study for my exams
my exams are over!!!! so idk what to do for this one? maybe ill go do my homework instead
20 notes and ill try to go one day without using my pc/phone
30 notes and ill vaccum (more bc we just adopted kittens) my room entirely
40 notes and ill try to explain my depression to my mom again
50 notes and ill clean my locker out at school
imma do this tmr!!!
i forgot 😭 someone remind me
80 notes and ill fix the posters that are falling off of my wall and are probably going to rip soon
doing this rn! taking dinner break
100 notes and ill REALLY unpack everything with my therapist
maybe tmr?
we talked about medication and kittens, also exams so like success??
200 notes and ill ask my mom if we can go to my go and get! me! medicated!
ill discuss w therapist tmr
discussed with therapist, we are now getting the conversation started with my mom and are going to see what my gp says after that!! :) ty to everyone in the notes rooting for meds
300 notes and ill re organise my bookshelf
400 notes and ill clean all of the mold off of my wall
damn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ion wannaaaaaaaa
this is a weekend activity tbh, and idk if its even going to BE this weekend :P
500 notes and ill clean the mold off of my roof
600 notes and ill try sewing some new clothes
i crocheted a scarf!!! does that count?
700 notes and ill buy some new shoes
800 notes and ill check out dnd club at school (im scared)
900 notes and ill come up with more goals
edit: bro……. 😭
so im gonna take my time w these bc there is a lot to go thru!! i will try my best to remember to update!!! ty for notes :)
- random internet stranger
ok so like i have to come up with more goals now???
1500 and ill start taking study notes with a study method (rb with study method that is your fav eg cornell method)
1700 and ill attempt to hype myself up enough to eat at school (long story, germs)
2000 notes and ill start whatever book wins this poll:
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Hello guys , writing hasn’t been fun lately :/ and I think it’s because it’s been months since I wrote something good I just don’t feel like it :( the environment in which I’m living is TOXIC.
It’s going to take me a while to sort all of this out for the time being I’m sry :( like really though I’ve been finding happiness in small things related to our tannies💜
I got myself my first official album GOLDEN though I have only one rn the shine one i hope I’d be able to buy more im saving enough so I can buy proof ….
I’m gonna cherish bts for my whole life they are the reason im still here😊
Failing 2 exams is making me worse I was supposed to enjoy my holidays get a little tattoo which would represent BTS but everything is now ruined and it will take a while before everything gets better.
I’ve logged Tumblr rn from my friends phone….cause in frustration and anger I broke my laptop today so yeah 😞
I hope you all are good and healthy 💜stay fit and support our maknae with his new song “never let go” AND ALSO support joons new album “RPWP” , my favourite song from the album is heaven. Lmk yours in comments💜
I hope you still care about me and if not dw but please remember I love you all and I’ll come back stronger soon.
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LITERALLY me while unboxing😭🥴
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your-world-with-nct · 2 years
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— omg a new post? shocker 😹 LMAO dw im still writing polaroid love but i wanted to put out smth in the meantime to celebrate taro’s birthday (even if it’s late) 🫶🏼
💌 • 7:43pm
you loved the snow. you loved how pretty it looked, the white crystals beautifying everything they touched, you loved the cosy atmosphere it came with, and, most importantly, you loved how the cold temperature gave you an excuse to be extra affectionate with boyfriend!shotaro.
you shivered, tightening your grip on his arm as you two walked down the busy streets together, “taro, baby, i’m so cold.”
he furrowed his eyebrows, you couldn’t tell if he was simply confused at why you were stating something so obvious or suspicious of your little act. the concerned look on his face as he stopped to take his scarf off and wrap it around your neck told you that it was the former.
“what did i say about layering up in the cold, y/n! you know i don’t want you to get sick.” even when shotaro was scolding you, you couldn’t help but find him adorable, but, he still wasn’t giving you what you wanted.
“i know, i know, i just thought…” you trailed off, realising how silly and needy you would sound.
“thought what?” he asked as he adjusted the scarf. as soon as he was satisfied with it, he took your hand in his, putting your intertwined hands into his pocket.
“n-nothing,” you smiled to yourself as you felt him rub his thumb against your hand.
shotaro glanced over at your flushed face, “eh? are you still cold, love? or… aww, are you flustered?”
he faked a gasp, before giggling at how adorable you looked trying to deny the effect he had on you.
“wh— huh? what? n-no! it’s just cold, okay!” you used your other hand to bring the scarf up to cover your face, but that wasn’t enough to stop shotaro’s endearing teasing.
“mhm, sure you are,” he pinched your cheek with his free hand, chuckling at the way you scrunched your nose in feigned annoyance. “ooh, look, a café! let’s go in and warm up, and while we’re there, how about i get you a hot chocolate? y’know… since you’re so cold.”
“shut up,” you rolled your eyes, lightly smacking shotaro’s arm as he laughed to himself. “sounds good though,” you added quietly, snuggling into his side.
you reached the café in no time, your steps had quickened with the thought of having a warm and sweet drink. as your boyfriend opened the door for you, a pleasant ding resonated from the bell above the door and a wave of warmth washed over you both. you let out a sigh of relief, loosening the scarf around your neck and taking your hood off.
“it’s quite busy, can you get a table for us while i order, sweetheart?” shotaro asked, letting go of your hand as he joined the long queue.
you nodded, heading towards a small table in the corner and taking a seat. you put your (well, shotaro’s) long puffer coat on the chair opposite from you to save it, savouring the warmth of the indoors before you had to leave again. although the café heating was doing its job, you had to admit you missed the warmth of your boyfriend’s touch.
as if he had read your mind, you felt shotaro’s hand on your shoulders—you didn’t have to turn around to know it was him when you heard the cheeky giggle escape his lips as he slid into the chair you’d saved.
“one large hot cocoa to share, and a sweet treat for my sweetheart,” he grinned, his eyes crinkling into crescents as he placed the cup and an adorable, little snowman cupcake in front of you.
“aww, baby, thank you! oh my god, it’s so cute,” you brought the cupcake closer to you to admire it, picking off a small snowflake sprinkle with a little bit of icing and tasting it. shotaro’s smile widened as he saw your eyes light up at the sweet flavours.
“i knew you’d love it! eat up, we’ve got a lot of members to buy christmas presents for.” he took a quick swig of the hot chocolate once he noticed you were too preoccupied with the cupcake to have even touched the drink.
“ah, that’s right, but i don’t think i can bring myself to eat him now that i’ve named him,” you pouted, patting the snowman’s strawberry jam scarf.
“you— what’s his name?”
“snowtaro,” you covered your mouth with your hand, embarrassed at how funny you found something so silly. lucky for you, shotaro had the same nonsensical sense of humour that you did, and once his laughter started, you couldn’t hold yours back.
“ahh, y/n, you cutie, how about you take a picture to remember… snowtaro by, and then you can eat it and enjoy it!” he suggested, still giggling at the name and how amusing you found it.
“hmph, okay, okay,” you nodded, following what shotaro had said and finally taking a bite of little snowtaro. “oh wow, i didn’t think it was possible but it tastes better than it looks!”
the smile on shotaro’s face didn’t seem like it was leaving any time soon as he watched you alternate between bites of the cupcake and sips of the hot chocolate, letting out quiet ‘mmm’s and ‘ooh’s that he couldn’t help but find endearing.
“i love you.”
“hm?” you looked up, your mouth full as your boyfriend caught you mid-chew.
“ah,” shotaro’s gaze wandered anywhere but your face, the blood rushing to his cheeks at how flustered he was—he couldn’t even blame the cold for it.
“i-i didn’t even realise i said anything, it must’ve just slipped out,” he added. it wasn’t like he hadn’t said it before, but it wasn’t something he said so often or so easily.
“i meant it though.”
shotaro finally looked up, your eyes locking as he did. he traced your beautiful features, finding beauty in the perfect—your sparkling eyes, your bright smile—and the imperfect—the cupcake crumbs beside your mouth, the brown hot chocolate stain on your white turtleneck. he might have found it hard to tell you he loved you, but he never, ever found it hard to love you.
“i love you too, taro,” you replied, reaching across the table to connect your hand with shotaro’s. the sincerity in your voice and your touch set his heart ablaze, a warmth that nothing and nobody else could ignite but you.
he brought your hand up to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss to it, leaving you both as smiley and giggly as you were before you had eaten snowtaro.
it was in that moment that shotaro finally understood why you loved the snow so much. not just because it was pretty or because it was cosy, but because of the warmth you felt when you were together. the warm, loving moments he spent with you made the chilling winters worth it. you made it worth it.
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vivalabunbun · 7 months
For that one alhaitham android fic, I'm going to kiss you on the forehead everynight platonicly because your work is that good. Like- I'm bad at complimenting people, but from the one i've read and shy to tell you how gut wrenching it is.
The way you wrote makes me feeling lots of stuff in the same time (Good way in any possible way), I'm jealous on how you be able to convey feeling and story, I cry, I laughed, I enjoy every fic. The fic you written always have me on my edge of my seat. Its clear that you made it with so much attention and like- i apologize for saying it lots of time but the way you convey your story from writing have me shooked. You are one of a talented writer, if you made a novel. I will run and buy it instantly cause the way you wrote, the way you convey your story, and the way to make you readers ( i know im not the only one feeling like this) fall inlove with your works is so incredible and so inspiring.
I'm writing this while I'm supposed to study but damn i do not regret using my time to see this beautifully well crafted writing, and that Frankestein mention at the end. Oh my heart is shattered, i havent got the time to read, but my bestfriend read it and shooked their heart. I want to have what you have on how you be able to write such an amazing way.
You are so talented, so detailed, so so loved and I as someone from another place on this earth, who is reading your work in bed (there was one time, 2am crying while reading your work) love you so much and my heart cant keep quiet of it, I want to tell you how good, how gut wrenching your work is and I love love you so much, just know that you are very loved by the people you know and the readers that you gave permission to read such a well crafted story.
I know i say a lot but damn thats something, I apologize for my english since it wasnt my first languange, Thank you for  giving your time reading this. I hope you have a good day and thank you for making so well crafted story. (Man, i'm suprosed i be able to make a 5 paragraph of compliments BUT IS REALLY THAT GOOD. YOU DESERVE IT.)
Humble anon who reads too much yet have so little time <3333
Thank you 🥹🥹
I wish you the best on your studies and thank you for sharing your experience. (Your English is perfect dw!)
Ahh I’m not very good at accepting compliments to my works because I just view myself as someone who’s suffering from fictional men brainrot. I don’t view myself as talented or amazing, I’m just like to create and share 💕💕
Hearing that people really connect with the stories and characters I explore makes my heart flutter and smile ☺️💗
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
Salut venom 🤙
Technically you weren't within the last 10 people who reblogged my posts but I'm a badass who likes to break rules and I want to stalk learn more about you 🫶 P.S I hope you're doing better and feeling alright.
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers :)
okay so there's like 6 person who sent me this but i'll only answer to yours since you were the first one to send it to me 👅 you even broke the rules for me 🫶🏼
first, thanks for checking up on me ily <3 i'm doing fine dw!
second, to all the ppl who sent me the same message, thanks for thinking abt me, i also love u 🫶🏼
third, i'm a creature made of hate and acerbity so nothing makes me happy /hj
no but fr. 5 things that make me happy :
1. the beach 🫶🏼 it's like my number one safe place. i was born in a city by the sea so i used to go there a lot when i was a kid. it makes me forget abt all my worries
2. sport in general. trying not to kill myself? i'll do sports 🙏🏼 it could be anything but most of the time i go to the gym or to run when i need to clear my head, and i feel great whenever i go to one of my dance classes or karate 👍🏼
3. my friends and family. i mean yeah that's a basic ass answer but i never claimed to be original nor special ✋🏼 im a basic bitch ✋🏼 it could be friends irl or ivl (love you bbygirls bbyboys and bbythem)
4. i love creating. it could be anything, i do music, i sew, i paint, i write (actual serious writings, not fanfictions), i cook,,,, i just love doing things with my own hands. if i see a pretty dress then i'd rather sew it myself than to buy it. that's how i ended up doing all my friends' dresses for prom last year 😭 i just feel happy about the process, the idea of creating something, but i feel even more happy once the creation is done
5. talking to ppl there <3 even the weird ask are making me happy cuz what are you mad for? i love the idea of someone's day being so bad they rely on hating on me to feel better /j 🫶🏼 but honestly i mostly receive love here, everyone is so nice and funny and i love talking to yall <3
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
im watching an analysis of hell bent, since i am curious about some of the parts that didn't work for me (mainly the gallifreyan politics bits), and i am not sure i agree with everything the person is saying, but there are some fun points, and it also highlighted parts that i did like, which were the doctor and clara getting to have some emotional catharsis that i felt was very denied throughout pretty much the entirety of their run until that point
and the stuff i don't agree with still goes into it quite well, like the fact that gallifrey isn't portrayed as anything but A Place. a relatively cool place, but still just a planet, same as any other (I think it could have done this better and i disagree it actually depicted gallifreyan culture and society particularly well, but i take that point). and especially the fact that the doctor "goes too far" as something telegraphed, is yeah. s9 does telegraph the doctor and clara constantly being pulled apart and how the doctor reacts to that. and beyond that the doctor going too far is a recurring nu!who theme
my limit with that is that i don't buy that all these themes were done well throughout twelve's run, starting in s8 and ending with the hybrid, because s8 doctor is so dreadfully unlikeable that i'm not convinced that m*ffat had figured out how to write him yet and so just went for his standard fallback of "I'm a genius who's a dick, but that's allowed because I'm a genius" character
and moreso that the doctor and clara specifically were sufficiently built up to having an actual connection that runs that deep for all these seasons, beyond the pieces that are kind of outside of character-writing and more plot contrivances (clara in the doctor's timestream and in day of the doctor, which are both things that I know -- and also feel myself -- shut a lot of people off to clara before she'd even properly arrived in the story)
it's also the source of something that i both do and don't like, which is that this arc mirrors both rose and donna arcs (rose as the bad wolf created as paradox + rose and the doctor ignoring that reality is seeping into their bubble of pretend-fun-adventures, and the doctordonna culminating in the memory wipe), and while i like a good mirror, i just don't think clara was as strong a character in the writing of her as either of them. that is, i still don't understand clara enough outside of her inherent fucked-uppedness, why the doctor travelled with her, or what compelled them to stay together for so long, or heck, why we ever got to see clara's family and danny only for them to not matter to her arc in the end. clara constantly felt like a mirror of different doctor relationships to me -- mirror to rose, mirror to donna, mirror to river, mirror to the master -- rather than her own character
except for a few episodes, notably... this last one. in which she's given so much that i wanted earlier in the story. it's a very "happening so late but at least i got it" type thing
so this video is very good at going into the doctor and clara and also kind about things in a way a lot of dw youtubers tend not to be I've noticed
but yeah, while the way the doctor goes to gallifrey and all the politics of it did not work for me at all and from the sounds of it that's not what usually loses people about it so this youtuber didn't go into it much, I think this is by far the strongest series finale that m*ffat did (haven't rewatched the s10 one yet, but i do remember liking it too), and it's because it's about the two of them as characters together and all that gallifrey nonsense is actually just backdrop for that, rather than clara being simply there to watch the doctor do cool stuff and "be brilliant and haunted and complicated" which sums up all the other season finales, and the analysis goes into the things that actually mattered about them that was harder for me to see as i watched that era of the story
clara's ending is also great for me, although "Me" never entirely worked as a character in my opinion, and symbolised that m*ffat tendency to throw in a sudden extra element without exploring it properly and just expecting people to run with it. but yeah. the themes are solid and that's the main thing i want
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slytherinsarcasam · 11 months
Tw! Mentions of suicide, depression and anxiety and mentions of abuse.
So its a bit over a month since i tried atempted to take my own life, and this was after i was a visit to mental hospital for 5 days.
This wont make a lot of sense but i will try. It was the first attempt i tried, but suicide thoughts is something ive had since i was about 14. I dont know how long ive been struggling with depression and anxiety but its a long long time.
I honestly felt like nobody cared, or loved me. I was so deep in these thoughts daily, i even had nightmares about my abusive parents actually caring about me. I cried myself to sleep and slept so little and honestly could not tell you what day it was.
And i was so so angry, for not trusting my siblings, and i somehow still dont. For not telling more people, but also for those i cared about and spoke to and for a few of them how i broke their hearts, how i made them cry. Mabye it made me more depressed i honestly cant answer that.
So i actually tried to kill myself, i still do, just not as strongly. But my sister saved me buy calling the ambulanse for me (dw it dont cost a fortune as i live in Norway)
And while i dont regret trying it was the aftermath that truly broke me. Not only did i see family and friends cry, people i love with all my heart. But what broke me was my oldest sister, my younger brother and my best friend. Seeing my older sister and best friend cry hurt me alot. But my baby brother, a person i have basicly raised since i was 8 hearing him cry over almost not having me around, was the one thing that made me into a sobbing mess. And i made a promise that day, for him. I will never try again, for him.
Sometimes i wish i tried to ask for help more, that i fought a little harder, and yet i could not and would not. I did not want to be saved in a sense. I am so used to the pain and not getting the help i need that the only thing i could think about, was ending it all.
I wish i was a better person, so that i regret my actions, so that they can feel safe it wont happen again.
But i think deep down we all know i am still a danger to myself and the only thing keeping me here is a promise to a brother only so i know he wont kill himself in response. Bc even if i now live a safe place and have a job, i dont want to be here. I cant see myself becoming old.
I hope i can read this back once, that ive healed enough from that abuse to not go back at where i am today. I hope i can keep that one promise, and become a better person only if it is for my brother that ive raised.
I hope i find joy in those little things, that at the moment looks like giant hills to klimb, bc i will never be able to do this for myself, only for others. And it might be wrong for me to only doing things for others. But until i find away to do it myself its the only reliable way for me to stay on this earth.
I hope i heal enough not to hurt others, bc i know it will be my downfall eventually.
And somehow i find hope in that, that i can eventually heal, i hope i do bc i have not been living since i was 14, i was surviving in a world i wanted to get away from, and i hope one day i can say im actually living. That ive apologise to those i hurt and also left behind this who hurt me...
Thats it for my little rant, if you read so far thank you!
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heya hi!! hope it's cool if I request a platonic TOH matchup :D
I go by any pronouns but I'm AFAB if that helps, I'm also Pansexual, 14 and Muscogee.
I have short loose curly black hair with bangs, melasma patches, dark brown eyes and 5'0. my style is a mix of general Japanese street fashion and straight up Mabel from Gravity falls.
my main hobbies include telling ghost stories, playing combat games, cooking, roller skating, oil painting, shopping, making earrings and sewing <3
my personality is fairly bittersweet, im very protective about people i know and love but I do get pretty restless just by myself. general wine aunt friend if I'm being honest. I do get pretty exited when bringing up simple things i like (doesn't help I'm a literal talking machine)
After taking everything into consideration and consulting with the council also known as my two friends that I’ve told about my blog
Amity and Willow are your 4lifers im not joki n.
yes you can have two bestfriends, deal with my indecisiveness. Anyways, you guys all balance each other out nicely, Willow with her chilled out vibes with passion for her interests makes for interesting conversations and fun times where you guys just chill listening to music while doing your own things.
She likes listening to you talk while she does your nails or something, she also likes braiding your hair
Would love to learn how to roller skate, she also likes watching Amity struggling with it because she finds it a little funny that she’s so talented but gets terrified of falling over in the rink (dw same)
you and amity make for a fiery friendship, I can see you guys being snarky with each other but in a loving way, kind of like sisters. Amity wants you to paint her, won’t bug you about it b it will gladly pay for a portrait, she justs wants to see what you think she looks like and how you’ll capture her essence of self (her words not mine.). I feel like Amity likes making jewelry so she’ll join in on the earring creation
you kinda help bridge the gap between them due to the whole bullying thing that used to go on with them, and hangouts typically are initiated by you since they still feel a little awkward around each other.
shopping 👏friend👏Dates👏 amity’s parents wallets are suffering because she can and will buy you guys whatever to make you happy AND piss her parents (namely Odalia) off, both work. Y’all are the bad bitches of the school, no one messes with you guys
you and Willow talk about how cute Lumity is, chances are you guys help set up dates whenever Amity runs low on ideas
gossip sessions happen often, Amity still hears things from the popular girls because I said so and now that Willow is basically part of the ‘in’ crowd now, she hears things often
Y’all are all chatterboxes around each other it’s very cute.
if anyone ever DARES mess with you, makes you upset etc etc
they will have two very angry boss bitch besties pulling up to their crib boutta go ham
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delcakoo · 2 years
lovey emss,💙 i'm back I'm sorry I haven't updated you in a while. I forgot the last time I updated you, did I ask how you are feeling now?😭 (like if ur cold is gone I hope it is) anyway I'm not updated cause I'm so busy with school its draining. but on the bright side, on the end of this week we might go to an amusement park on thurs. idk whether to get my hopes up cause it doesn't happen or it doesn't really go as according to plan and it ends up disappointing me
but uh anyway um i have an update abt my hair getting cut I just couldn't tell you because I've been so busy these past few weeks😭 I got my haircut like at the start of nov and yeah I like it the bangs are a bit too thicc tho😔😍 so it's always tied up cause it gets annoying cause it gets on my eyes. but other than that I like it
oh and guess what. i've been getting motivation a lot because of a special someone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) so yeah I feel much more alive studying cause they're there. we had A LOT of interactions as well. holding hands (🤭), hugging, were matching bracelets, and guess what they're Sunoo biased DJWBDJWKJDBKS. so we have matching pcs on the back of our id if that make sense. we went to go buy ice cream as well today hsdshd. I plan to borrow their hoodie tmrw 😙 I feel real guilty tho cause my unloyal ass said I'll only like Jungwon and nobody else and bs like "no one can fit my standards, unless you are Jungwon" like I'm so untruthful to myself. I feel guilty cause I've been loyal to Jungwon for a while (except that one time I told you abt my other crush if u still remember.. the one I moved on from) but I'm happy really happy with her. we don't really do anything besides (the skinship) and I'm contented with that. I want it to stay that way. I'm sorry Jungwon😔 (watch me go back to Jungwon after I get my heartbroken for the 239239229th time)
how are you? how's school? I hope you are well mentally and physically. i'm not updated so idk if your cold is gone now😭😭 what subjects do u find hard? for me its math, i need more focus on it. i'm bad at it😭 can you recommend a song you like for me to listen to? I'm wondering what type of songs you are into :DDD
(sorry for the long paragraph😭 forgive me this is the only time i've been appreciated that way)
MOONIE DEAR HII! ive been busy w school too so dwdw i understand <3
YEP THATS THE LIFE WIRH BANGS SHJDHDN IT GETS SUPER ANNOYINF 😭 im glad u like it tho :000 it’s fun to style right?? (when it cooperates 🧍🧍)
OH MY GODDDD SHE SOUNDS AMAZING AISHJSNS AND SHES SUNOO BIASED ????? absolutely immediate yes THATS SO CUTE SHE LOVES ENHA TOO WTFFFF 😭 U GUYS NEEDS GET ALBUMS TOGETHER EJHDDKNEJEM IM JESLOUS RN OMG???? and its ojay if jungwon found out theyre sunoo biased he would definitely approve as well LMAO <33
ive been good ! YES I AM BETTER FROM MY COLD NOW MSHSJSN lifes been pretty bland for now but IM SO DAMN EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS N DECEMBER SJHDJDBAH I HOPE IT SNOWS SOON <333 and omg same, math AND SCIENCE BRUH UGH ITS SO HARD 😭😭 i reccomend watching vids on whatever u find hard, it can be rkly helpful sometimes :0
and aw :( dw ab it! im glad i can make u feel appreciated love 🥹🥹🥹 MWAH MWAHHH
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fiymywings · 2 years
hahaha dw! i also did that with him too when i first got him (hollow liker solidarity) and if its not too much to ask, would you be able to recommend team comps for clearing the normal and hard revenge bosses? im having a hard time clearing them 😭😭
i havent been doing this revenge boss this time around (at least not right now since it was the first half and i was preoccupied on yumeishi management) so the most i can offer is a few baselines:
figure out what type the boss is, because its gonna be really difficult running a phys team on a phys boss that ends up buffing itself into oblivion. THAT SAID if you believe in your debuffers/buffing ability, you can still try
if its AoE, run two healers + guard/dps/utility. in AoE cases, usually the enemies in the back that will buff themselves while targetting at random will be the biggest threat. make sure you have a unit that can grant def for the bosses type (if its a magic boss, a unit that provides magic defense or a barrier if you have initial cyrus/initial victor good to g)
if its a single target, one or two guards with evade (initial kent and asahi) is the most important part, because if the boss breaks through your line of defense itll likely oneshot your units at that point def buffed or otherwise
buffing > debuffing usually, which unfortunately makes chars like hollow a little less viable BUT theyre not completely unusable and chars that grant stun/confusion can still buy time for a dps to snipe an enemy in the back.
these arent Solid of course, some AoE bosses wont have enemies in the back that are of worry (though some will have healers in the back, in which case those Do still count as itll give the boss time to whittle away at your units)
for this event i believe both bosses are physical types which is great because in comparison to magic def theres a LOT of really good physical guard options, however if you dont have any magic offense 4*s i really do suggest trying to bruteforce it with a physical team since in my own experience initial shion and gui have been......struggling :,) and est just barely manages to hit my "respectable damage" quota even with shiranuis buffing
kent and asahi are really good defense units since they have evasion (moon on both of them), and in the case of needing to pick off enemies in the back DATEN mikage brings them to the front in his moon, railway hollow damages + debuffs the enemy 3rd from the front in his initial + sun, i believe the recent camus attacks enemy 3rd from the front in his moon, and going off that baseline if you can recognize the "mae kara 3" skim reading chars skills you can find more chars similar
im not sure how AoE dps manages? i personally prefer big single target damage over medium AoE damage since slow and steady Doesnt win the race in revenge bosses (slow and steady = the boss starts revving up its skill more and wipes your team) but it might work! who knows
i do have a friend whos in a ymkr discord so i asked if anyone in theres found a nice team comp but since im not in it myself since i dont like being Perceived:tm: i cant really offer advice as of rn, but at the very least this mightve been a bit helpful? unfortunately at some point revenge bosses become impossible for f2p/people who save exclusively for one char, so if youve made a comp that just barely gets close to doing so even when youre actively playing (i.e. no auto and trying to strategize skill timing) it may just be an issue of "my current units just Cant do this one" which kinda sucks if i can be honest since a lot of the meta so far have been solely limited gachas i.e. sweetfes kuchen and its Very disheartening trying to find strats and seeing them insist you have to have him
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fudokaze · 2 years
thoughts on titans 4x02 (spoilers ahead)
the little girl is so cute, don’t hurt her pls
poor conner :(
tim is always so so so cute
so glad dick and kory already believe him, or seem to do so at the very least. i am not in the mood for big misunderstandings within the titans and stuff, thank u very much
dickkory best parents
“we need to question it” ah. /neg
angry dick is kinda fine I’M SORRY
“sneaking pics of me, grayson?” I WOULD KORY, I WOULD
gar is so fucking cute
“i would appreciate if you didn’t tell dick i almost pissed myself” tim my baby fr
i am so confused but ok
the way kory walks is so mother
kory, CHOKE ME
yes, the man is dying, but is it rlly about him when gorgeous woman?
rachel has such cool powers fr
dick bb ilu but don’t interrupt my girl’s visions
give my boy gar a hug now
seb is so cute when he isn’t carving fox’s eyes out of their heads
damn, they found the place pretty quick
music choices this season so far are so cool ngl
this house is pretty, can i move here
nooo dick turned off the music boo tomato tomato /j
oh, dead momma rip
hug tim rn thnx
gar is so sweet to my boy, yes thanks
the visuals in the nightmare/dream sequence are very cool. the grainy effect is such a cool add.
“my name is raven” omg
she is so pretty, and she is so gentle with the little girl, it’s so sweet :(
she is kind of doing what dick did for her back in season one and it’s the cutest thing to see
unrelated to the plot, but if they casted teagan croft as something like a younger sister to victoria pedretti etc, i would eat it up
seb, i’d buy ur tetris on a larger scale dw
but go to a therapist pls cuz wtf
did they just… kill the villain immediately
i’m not mad at the writers, but like. what now
unrelated again to the point, but teagan’s voice has matured so much which is awesome
oh :( seb’s mom :(
poor seb had such a bad day
oh, the lady. evil lady.
but she kind of fine
dick with children !!!!!!!!!
bruce sucks but anyway i appreciate the scene of dick comforting the little girl
adopting this lil girl fr
idk what everyone’s thoughts on this season is so far, i haven’t checked, but i think dick has definitely become more and more of a good titan. he is not doing everything by himself anymore, and he is trusting the others, while also being a great lead. it feels like a natural change after the last season’s happenings, like he managed to learn, and idk. i’m happy abt it
the titans playing uno <3
“why is it never easy to leave this city?” lmao
female villains r always so fine
oml go kory?_!#(€!€!!
damn ok explosion
“what happened?” “you saved our ass”
omg white hair rachel is kind of a serve (ik that is not the takeaway from this but)
tell me this means we WILL get the iconic scene of rachel saying her iconic line pls
4x01 reaction here
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blind-eyes-see · 1 month
tw weight talk and other stuff
I get gay at the end, dw about it
we've lost a few pounds lately and I've been thinking about it a lot, I wanna loose weight, just because, and I'm glad that whatever I'm doing is working but I'm also so afraid of slipping back into old habits again
last I weighed myself I hated the number I saw, because the time before that I was in middle school and I was a lot lighter, but that's also because I was 1. in middle school, and 2. unhealthy without really knowing, and 3. under a shit ton of stress because of big life changes
in high school I gained a couple pounds and I honestly should have been happy about it but god my unhealthy teen brain was not having it so of course it gave me issues
my mom was always so strict with food so I ask before eating anything that I didn't buy and guard, she's starting to let up a little on it but I'm so used to having to ask that I just end up forgetting I can eat whenever I need to
as I grow up, I'm realizing my mom is being less of a mom and more of a "friend" which is fine and all, but when I ask what's for dinner and you go "well, my kids are having [insert whatever it was that night] but you're my roommate so you can have whatever you make for dinner"
I get it, I moved out for a little bit, but I was just across the street, and I still rely on you for my ride to work. I basically lived with my family still, it was just like I lived on the same property in a different building. I never stopped being your child, and I never stopped relying on you when I was in need, paying bills on your own while working as a barista isn't fucking easy, I starved many nights living on my own, but when I really needed you I asked for food, and that was fine
but now that I live here and I'm hungry I can't have the food you make in bulk and have 5-8 servings left of
I think im eating enough, but really I only eat at work, which doesn't serve anything healthy, and I have snacks at home, things I got with my own money
I'm stressed for no damn reason all the time, but I have goals and things to look forward to so can I really complain?
one day things will get better but for now it sucks ass, luckily my lovely partner keeps me going just by existing
I'm excited for all the days ill get to spend with her, all the nights we fall asleep on the couch because we got too comfy to move, the trips and date nights we can have together, learning and growing and helping each other through everything
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, if you see this <3
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Random life shit below the cut?? Yujhhhh a vent, ig?? Idk. Im just heated and on my period. I don't think anyones gonna see this 🧍‍♂️
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Okay. So. Uhm. Hi.
Izzy here. I'm always here. I'm the only one running this account 🧍‍♂️.
So. School. Friendship drama. Health issues?? Damn. The holy grail.
Anyways. I have this one friend named Jackson (fake name). Jackson is basically kind of the definition of an only child except his mom is like,,,kinda crazy. And in February he had a birthday party at the mall. He invited EIGHT-TEEN PEOPLE?!#,@?#, and only ten of us (including him) show up. I had to give him a ride because he lives across the street from me and his mom "didn't feel like driving". I hate that woman.
I didn't want to go to the damn thing in the first place. I had UIL literally 2 days before the birthday thing and I had to stay home that friday. And I only had $7 left for money.
He wanted to see a movie, buy stuff at the mall, buy food at the mall, ect.ect. i have no problem with that, but my ass did not want to be there, and having no money didn't help either.
We were all sitting in the loud foodcourt of the mall. It was loud. People were chattering loudly without a care in the damn world. The sun was in my eyes. It was hot in the food court. I was already irritated that day, and being at the mall did not help. And having to be there because my parents and I took Jackson didn't help either.
So everyone gets their food and whatnot. Blah blah blah. Everyone has stuff but me. That's normal. Im used to that. Idc.
And then after they eat, people pair off. Without letting me know?? Just assuming I'm going to watch their stuff?? At least one of the others there asked, and I was like yeah sure wtv. Jackson doesn't ask, just assumes, and leaves his gifts n shit with me?? Like dude...ask first.
Jackson and two other people go off for a while, and then he comes back and he was going to leave again before I told him to take his gift bags. And then other people leave.
And then the last 3 people leave me alone at the table and I have a minor panic attack. Wasn't too bad. I was mostly just crying. (I have issues about being forgotten dw) yeah.
Literally no one. So I was just sitting in the middle of a food court by myself crying and then I get a call from my dad asking if I wanna sit with them (my parents) and I sit with them and apparently they saw the whole thing.
And then a few minutes later, Jackson asks if we can put his stuff in the car, but my mom (one of few based moments) tells him that I'm (me, Izzy) wasn't feeling well and that I needed to go home. Which was true. I wasn't feeling well at all. I was literally still recovering from doing Set Crew for one-act play that thursday. Uil is intensive.
So then he's like yea i understand i hope you feel better blah blah blah.
So then we start to leave and my mom was like do you wanna see any shops (bc i wasn't able to go into any shops or buy anything) so we look for hot topic but we couldn't find it so we leave. End of story, right? Nope.
Apparently, after that, Jackson was MIA for a while?? And he wanted to see a movie that was later, and he wanted our other friends to wait for him for TWO HOURS in a shop. And according to him everyone had been calling the wrong number for him?? But like,,,they'd also been calling him on Instagram and it was a whole ass trainwreck.
He did get home, by the way!! One of his other friends took him home.
I go to school that next monday and our friend Tyler (close, but fake name) wasn't talking to jackson anymore. And neither were most of the rest of the group. Jackson and Tyler basically bring ME into this whole thing, even though Drama literally stresses me out so badly, and I had UIL that next Wednesday 🧍‍♂️. So im like yall are fucking up my energy (because they were. They were fucking my peaceful, chill energy) and Jackson is like sorey if im bringing you into this 🥺.
AND THEN THE NEXT DAY HE TELLS ME TO REMIND HIM TO EITHER NOT HAVE A BIRTHDAY PARRY OR NOT INVITE PEOPLE WHO HOLD GRUDGES??? like??? Dude??? Thats what you're doing right now?? And bringing me into this before competiton?? When we literally have so much to do???
Might I add, that I was staying after school until almost 7pm during this?? I would get to school at 6:40am, school gets out at 2:30, and rehearsals were supposed to be until 6. I was consistently spending more time at school than Jackson, not complaining about it, not complaining about my personal life, being sleep deprived and absolutely dead, just for his ass to bring me into petty drama that has almost nothing to do with me.
And Jackson complains so fucking much. Like dudeee shut the fuuuuck uppp.
I'm sorry if i sound so rude rn, but im done with people. I would be homeschooled again if I didn't love theater so much.
Hes just so irritating. And he doesn't respect peoples boundaries and for me thats a big ass problem. I can't be around people who won't respect boundaries.
When we were doing our winter show, I was painting some props and Jackson not only fucks with me while im painting with wet paint on something that needs to look at least a little nice, but he does FOUR MORE TIMES.
It took me brandishing a wet paintbrush at him to get him to stop. And he's constantly touching me!!! And he was doing that there too!!!
And if there is one thing ANYONE knows about me, it is that I do not like being touched AT ALL unless your name is Jamie/willowhirl. Not even my mom randomly touches me because she knows how much it bothers it. And I've barely known Jackson. I've only known him since the very last day of our freshman year. Which was last year.
And I was already irritated with him because the boy could not do anything neatly to save his life. Our tech director told us to paint up and down and his dumbass was painting left to right, so I had to go back and fix his mistakes while he just goofs off playing cookie run or genshin or whatever.
Im sorry, but my 7 year old cousin even understands boundaries and rules. And Jackson just doesnt. And it drives me insane.
I know he's okay with touch, so on his birthday at school I told him happy birthday and shook his shoulders a little. I wasn't rough with him.
He did that to me on my birthday and I could feel my brain rattle a little. I think he gave me a shaken syndrome or something. Idfk. But I feel like I shoulf also mention that jackson is 6'8. Im 5'10. He's almost a whole foot taller than me. And he was shaking me like a damn bag of popcorn. When he knows I dont like being touched. When he knows I especially don't like being shaken. And when he knows my boundaries.
I respect his boundaries, but he doesn't respect mine, and that irritates me so much.
I even blocked him on here because he was complaining about seeing all of my Ghost reblogs. (It's almost as if im in a fandom. Crazy concept, ik) but he wasn't following anyone else but me and like...one other person. And he wasn't following tags either??
Like...don't complain about me using my tumblr the way I like to use it if you aren't using it how its supposed to be used at all.
Idk im just upset and im not in therapy anymore but oversharing to strangers on the internet is the best therapy, right???
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rrxnjun · 1 year
AHH I HOPE U FOUND SOME ARTISTS SINCE THEN!!! AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR TAKING TIME OUT OF UR DAY AND TRANSLATING FOR ME!! IM SURE U ARE VERY BUSY AS WELL SO THANK U SO MUCH I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!🥹🥹💝💓 and my god the lyrics are so☹️☹️☹️ it's just such a great song and now it even got so much better with understanding it!!!🥲
WELL IF IT DOES HAPPEN I WILL BE HERE XD parents smh /j (but like actually i understand them cuz traveling alone can be risky☹️) thank u i hope we will figure something out if it does happen🥹🥹
I LOVE UR POSTS THERE LMAO SO DONT BE SORRY and ofc i agree!!! zach was my fav from the why dont we boys🤭 OH MY I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT THE VAMPS IN AGES damn now i'm gonna go and listen to them😵‍💫(also saw that u turned into a treasure stan🫣 and ur take on jikjin!! it's such a great song glad u listened to it!!!)
(liebestraum anon💕 and sorry if i disappear again and for writing a lot i swear i will try and keep it short for once☹️)
AHH ITS TOTALLY OKAY!!!! cant say i didnt miss you but i ofc understand that u have your own life and responsibilities and such,, so dont worry about it🤍🤍 AND THANK U SM AGAIN!!!
DJDJSJ MY CHENLE FIC IS FUN BUT THEN IT GETS DEPRESSING REAL QUICK SO UHHH HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME ANGST ;-; (also i started rewriting liebestraum. just thought i'd let you know<3)
im super glad u enjoyed my translation!! the lyrics are really screamable in my opinion,,, and i also hope i did them justice however i bet i did a better job than all of the ones i saw online :p its not the best artistic lyricism but i like it nonetheless DJSK sometimes u need simple songs to jam to.
travelling alone COULD be risky </3 me and my uni friends randomly travelled to vienna last week because it was warm out and we thought our seasonal depression was finally over and i love me some spontaneous decisions but also it was so anxiety inducing bc it was my first time going abroad with no supervision 😭😭 we had SO much fun but also the stress we were put through to find the bus platform back home ??? never again. was so bad that i broke my 5 month streak of not smoking bc i had to calm myself down somehow and then i was put through the stress of buying cigarettes in german when i caNT SPEAK GOOD GERMAN but 10/10 i would do it again and it made me more confident abt travelling with friends so i WILL drag my equally spontaneous uni friends to budapest as soon as i can. (please tell me they speak at least a little english there)
wait do u rlly bc i think im so annoying on there sometimes like girl chill😭😭 but ZACH WAS ALWAYS MY FAV TOO altho i did have a daniel phase. I havent listened to the vamps in ages either i should catch up or sum ;-;
omg dont mention the teumefication of bar i wont admit it to myself yet DHSKSK however jikjin is now my fav song and i fear seeing my 2023 spotify wrapped bc of it now. ive also been watching a concerning amount of treasure map and finding myself in love with jihoon but thats...not important rn.
ill be waiting for u liebestraum anon!!! dw abt sending long asks i always look forward to them🤍 hope your days are filled with joy mwah
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