#im dude-ing my partners
timegears-moved · 1 year
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sick and twisted
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the sothis divine dragon tinfoil hat conspiracy theory i made back in like 2019
so a good chunk of the fire emblem games take place on the same planet and on this planet are a dragon race that can also take human form. these dragons are divided up into different tribes ex: ice dragon tribe or earth dragon tribe. the divine dragon tribe is super effective against other dragons. in ancient times their members were super powerful and many were worshiped as deities. the physical characteristics of divine dragons in human form are: pointed ears, green hair, and green eyes. not all of them have those characteristics but most have most of them. now a long time ago the dragon race as a whole faced something called dragon degeneration. im not clear on the details but the condition would eventually cause them all to lose their minds and turn into rampaging beasts. faced with the inevitable extinction of their kind the dragons were faced with a choice. they could keep their power and dragon forms and lose their minds and humanity, or they could give up their dragon forms and powers and live as a humanoid race. those that chose the later became known as the manakete. manaketes can only take dragon form when in possession of a dragonstone which are passed from parent to child within families. are you starting to see the similarities? not only that but the fabric of reality on this world is super flimsy. people keep isekai-ing in and out from that world to other worlds. in multiple games you meet characters traveling from other worlds.
now my tin foil hat conspiracy theory is that sothis is of the divine dragon tribe and was originally from the main fire emblem planet but crossed over to the three houses planet some time in the distant past.
the Goddess is said to have originated from outside of fodlan. and the blue sea star is her home aka she's from another world.
fire emblem dragons might not need sex to reproduce (this is a weird one based on some implications which would be spoilers). but just like no partner is ever mentioned for sothis for the nabateans and its left unclear if sothis is literally their mother or symbolically their mother.
rhea undergoes something similar to dragon degeneration in the final battle of SS
the green hair and green eyes and pointy ears.
sothis and the children of the goddess all seem to have an element. dragon of time, dragon of sky, etc and so do the fire emblem dragons ex: dragon of life, war, etc.
CREST STONES ARE SUSPICIOUSLY SIMILAR TO DRAGONSTONES IN THAT BOTH OF THEM CONTAIN THE ESSENCE AND POWER OF THE DRAGON now there are visual differences but i attribute that to the different visuals between different games.
in the fire emblem world humans who are gifted with a dragon's power receive their symbol. and this power and symbol are passed down in bloodlines, usually the royal bloodline of the country that worshiped the dragon. it is almost exactly the same as how humans in fodlan are granted crests. the main difference is that the symbols manifest as physical marks on the body called brands instead of glowly sylmbols in the air which i again attribute to artistic visual differences between games for example if you look at any image of chrom the blue lord dude in awakening you'll see a symbol on his bicep. that's naga's brand and proof that he is of the royal line.
FIRE EMBLEM WORLD DRAGON PARTS MAKE REALLY GOOD WEAPONS. THERE ARE SEVERAL RECORDED DRAGONS WHO GAVE UP LIKE A TOOTH OR A CLAW WHICH WERE MADE TO FORGE LEGENDARY WEAPONS. in fe3h we also see dragon parts made into incredibly powerful weapons although this time without their consent)
(more me rambling about fe3h lore: https://www.tumblr.com/semi-imaginary-place/726772387975135232/the-ancient-history-of-fodlan-who-are-the)
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wherelanguage-ends · 3 months
im having silly fandom feels so i want to put them somewhere but not on the main 4m tag so putting it under read more so yaknow ignore if you don't want to see
im not exactly happy but im not-not sad about the new casting choice?
idk man kp was my first ever bl experience i kind of wish i hadn't imprinted so hard on the cast cause i do miss bbb? which frankly feels really fucking silly but idk even when i never thought of them as a ship i loved their chemistry and just wanted a little more of that?
either way im just happy to see bible back on screen and with jes as the new partner im fine with it? dude plays the drums and has done covers of linkin park and mcr songs (!!!!) he seems like a chill guy and apparently a really experienced lakorn actor so like it might be interesting to watch how this plays out?
idk i do think i would have felt differently if they had cast any of the actors from the company cause then that would have felt like everyone was just waiting for build to make his announcement and move on and just kind of eyeing the prize like vultures, which see what an insane thought to have right?
anyway if there's one thing i've realized in this past year its that i do NOT care for fan service i don't care if the actors are intentionally doing it or saying they are not and leaving it open for us to draw our interpretations as we please, im just beyond that.
i've watched other japanese and korean bls in the mean time and im getting back to watching thai bls but honestly like woooh boy i don't want to know anything about any of the actors ever again, like what i know so far about this new guy is more than enough
im just happy engaging with the plot and the stories ive watched so far and that's how i think i want it for 4m as well
i know build's got a movie?series? that he's going to be the lead for so yay going to watch that too
anyway what a weird experience it has been fangirl-ing as an adult
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sentofight · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
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NAME! ♡ -  Faty
PRONOUNS! ♡ -  she / her
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡ -   Pspspspisces
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡ -  A single moogle
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡  -   I find watches fascinating. I still have my four old watches which i wore when i was a kid..like twenty years ish ago haha. i like collecting them when i can. i legit can’t go out of my house without wearing a watch or my left wrist will feel so weird;; like there is something supposed to be there and it’s not there.
2! ♡ -   Still playing O.ctopath and R.une Factory 4 welp. i’m sorry i am slow. i still can’t get around to finish w/ild arms 5 ... depresso noises.
3! ♡ -   uh... i suck at promo-ing my own ocs;; like i love them i want ppl to write with them but i chicken out every time i chose a canon character for interaction and i just...weep in a corner. i wish i had a little bit more confidence in my own ocs; im sorry guys you deserve better than this;;...and i kind of give up on some ocs because of that same problem;
PLATFORMS USED! ♡ -   f/acebook for a tiny bit. old s/kype man. d/iscord and now mainly on dumblr.
FEMALE, MALE OR NONBINARY! ♡ - male & female. I have zero confidence in writing nonbinary to not write inaccurate/ stereotype things. 
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡ -     Multi muses blog / and i have a chrom blog, single muse blog. though if this is about shipping, then depend on the muse. some of my muses are locked to single because i either can’t see them being with someone else, or a new partner didn’t present themselves to them. 
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ -     My cursed hands always go for angst...sadly. I love fluff when it comes in the right time. soft and gentle to ease things after making my muse& my partner muse sad lmao. Smut...not too much. only, and only with partners i am so close to. nowadays i dont want to write it at all unless i know you, know you. for the peace of my mind. i really like action oriented threads! i wish i can do more but i know these take a lot of time and energy from me and from my writing partner so i dont ask for them a lot;;; but when i have one i will do my best to learn and write something nice.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ -     both my dude. i love plotting and memes. with plotting we can see the beginning and somewhat the end of a potential thread then we can wing the heck out of it in the middle lol. i love memes. send me memes. memes are a great way to break the ice. just send some and let me do some magic pew pew kupo. magic i mean think of a good way to answer so if you want to move it to a thread you can have a chance to reply sklfjsd 
TAGGED BY! ♡ -  @rhyra (tysm!!)
TAGGING! ♡ - uuh i am late... but you guys if you have not done this by now @pieman1112​ , @abyssal-tide​ , @psychcdelica​ , @cadcnce​ , @riftdancer​ , @katsubou​ , @azotas​ , @specialgels​ , and u snag it
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗/𝙲𝚑 𝟷𝟹
Chapter 13: Don’t Remind Me 
A/N: I am so sorry for the late update. I haven’t been feeling particularly motivated the past week or so, but hopefully, I am back and will be writing more:) thank you guys so much for reading my stuff, it means the world really. As always my asks/requests/messages are open:) 
Description: John B’s Sister comes home from staying with their mom, only to find out that her brother is missing and her dad was murdered. JJ may have just lost his best friend. Her and JJ have to figure out what to do and how to pick up the pieces.
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JJ insisted that we both text Kie and Pope about the previous encounter with Barry. He wanted to make sure that they were aware of the situation, and were looking out for Rafe. If anything, after the way Rafe looked when I saw him, Pope should be scared. JJ was getting frustrated, repeating what we had to do to me. He kept pacing through the kitchen, clearly still on edge from the encounter with Barry. 
“Deny, Deny, Deny,” I spoke cutting JJ off. “I know,” I spoke standing up and walking to the opposite side of the bar that JJ was leaning against. “We don’t know anything, the hot tub was a gift from uncle T, felt bad for leaving JB here alone so much right?” I questioned him. 
He shrugged his shoulders before nodding. “I need to get 50k quick, Y/N.” He said again. “How the hell am I gonna do that? I mean Pope said he’d help me pay back the restitution, but I can’t ask him to do that.” He shook his head. 
I hated how JJ was so stubborn, especially now. “Hey, you didn’t pull the plug on Topper’s boat yourself right?” I looked at him raising an eyebrow, the stern tone of my voice was evident. 
“I talked him into it though. You and I both know Pope would not have done that if I wouldn’t have been there.” He fired back. 
“Well, he still did it JJ, which is why I think that you should let him help you pay back the restitution. You put this on your record, this isn’t just a fight on the point or shoplifting JJ, you took the fall for a felony.” I said emphasizing what he did. 
“Thanks, Y/N. I really needed a reminder of that” He spat out, pushing himself off the counter turning and pulling his hands through his hair. I could tell that I was getting under his skin, but he needed to hear it. At least that’s what I was telling myself. “You gonna remind me that I also stole money from a drug dealer, or that the cops could come banging on the door because Rafe was found innocent and I am an accomplice to murder, or that just lost my best friend searching for a damn ship?” He said turning around, his voice rising with each point. 
“Oh don’t even go there JJ,” I said warning him about his last statement, standing up from my seat. He scoffed and shook his head.
 “I lost my best friend, and you lost your brother dude. The guy who’s guilty just beat you in front of the other fucking kooks. How are you not pissed?” He asked as he moved closer to me. I could feel the anger radiating off his body. I was almost always the one to stay calm when the boys would get hot-headed. I was always the level headed one, especially last summer when Kie wasn’t around. “We’re alone Y/N. How are we gonna do this?” He said. While he fronted the statement with rage and anger I heard the pain behind it. We didn’t have parents to run home to at night, or a rich family to bail him out, we had us and the small hope that John B and Sarah were alive. Alive in Nassau. 
“JJ, take a deep breath alright,” I said trying to calm him down. I didn’t want him to break. I felt it coming, with all the pressure that he was feeling right now, I could sense that a breaking point was close. “Please,” I whispered to him, putting my hand on his bicep trying to get him to look at me. 
“No, Y/N, I won’t calm down.” He said shaking my hand from his arm. “I’m fucking livid and you should be too.” He said before storming out of the house. 
“JJ please wait.” I yelled as I stepped out onto the porch, but it was too late. I heard the familiar sound of his bike as it revved and the cloud of sandy dust was kicked up behind him. 
I sighed, leaning my head against the door frame leading outside. I had been through this before, but it was different this time, this time it was JJ instead of John B. After the disappearance of our father John B and I would stay on the phone for hours recounting memories and talking about what he could have been doing. Neither of us was ready to think of the alternative, so we would say that he fled into Canada, or that he was on some island he bought with the gold. We made up crazy theories and laughed but the conversations almost always took a turn to JB recounting the last few moments he had spent with his father. I could hear the guilt that he felt for what he had said to him. Even after months, during our last phone call, he was angry, talking about how DCS wanted to move him because Uncle T was off somewhere and JB couldn’t get to him. 
When I offered to get to reach out he said he didn’t want her help. While mine and my mother's relationship was definitely not something I bragged about, her relationship with John B was worse, almost nonexistent, but with a heavy seasoning of hate. John B blamed her for the divorce, saying she could have stayed on the Island, saying that she ran away from her mistakes. Both John B and I were too young at the time to understand what had happened between our parents. All we had been able to piece together from the two of them was that our mother had an affair with someone from Figure 8, causing their divorce. 
I looked out over the yard, seeing the hot tub as the sun reflected off the still water, my thoughts made their way back to JJ. I understood why he was mad. He had 30k in restitution, while Rafe and Ward Cameron walked, untouched by the law, for killing the sheriff. I wanted Rafe to rot in a prison cell, but knew that mine and the pogues' statements held nothing against Ward's “eyewitness testimony.” 
I was shaken from my thoughts as a loud knock echoed through the house. I was startled, about to make a run for it when I heard it again followed by a loud male voice. “Kildare County Sheriff’s Department.” I froze walking into the house looking for anything incriminating that they might try to take from us. Another knock echoed and seemed to shake the house with it.
 I made my way to the door, taking a deep breath before turning the handle and pulling the door open, just enough for them to see me and my face. “How can I help you?” I stated, putting on the friendliest smile that I could muster up. 
I recognized the officer as Shoupe, but the other was a female, had a few old cuts, and bruises littering her face. Shoope looked at me and then back to the officer to his right. I could see him putting the pieces together. Why did I open the door? I knew this was gonna happen eventually. “I knew you looked familiar when I saw you at the point the other day,” Shoope said as he finally put it all together. His partner had a look of confusion covering her face as she looked between the two of you. “Y/N Routledge” He spoke, the officer’s eyes widening as she looked over me. I nodded sarcastically in her direction, letting her know that I was not satisfied with her facial expression. I looked over at Shoope the same expression towards him, letting him know I was not happy with him. “You here by yourself?” He questioned, trying to look past me in the doorway. 
“No, My mom went to get some stuff from the mainland. We’re cleaning out, going back and forth.” I said quickly. It was a vague enough lie that I hoped he believed. The last thing I need is DCS here, starting the cycle over like it was with John B. 
Shoupe nodded his head but scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. “Is there something I can help you with or where you just coming to check up on me?” I said leaning against the door frame. 
“We’re looking for JJ, got a few questions for him. He here?” Shoup cut straight to the point. 
I shook my head. “JJ isn’t here,” I said plainly. Technically it wasn’t a lie. Shoupe gave me a questioning look. I shrugged my shoulders, last time I saw him was yesterday morning, he was making deliveries to someone over on Figure 8.” I lied again. This one seemed to please Shoupe as he nodded before stepping back from the door. 
“Thanks, Y/N.” He nodded before moving down the stairs, followed reluctantly by the other officer. He turned one last time and spoke, “We’ll be back to talk to you, your mom, and the rest of your friends.” He smiled, but it just caused my stomach to turn at his words. I watched as they looked back over to me while backing out of the driveway. I smiled before waving to them. I closed the door behind me, sliding my back down until my butt hit the ground. I let my head fall in my hands. JJ was gone, god knows where and the police were looking for him? I slipped my phone out of my pocket, sending a quick text to the other’s saying that the police were sniffing around the area, to lay low. 
I hit my head back against the door and let out a long deep breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. I was starting to stress out as the day's events seemed to just keep piling up. It was barely 7:30 but I was exhausted, from my encounter with Rafe to the Wreck to Barry to JJ to the cops. I needed a break. 
I made my way over to the bed in the living room, slowly sinking down into it. I rolled over, close to JJ’s side. I wrapped myself in the blanket that somehow managed to smell like him. I laid there, happy for the calm and quiet. One thought kept circulating my mind though. JJ was right, What the fuck are we gonna do?
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sexy-monster-fucker · 5 years
Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader ANGST
requested by anon:  imagine a scenario where Eddie and reader (they’re dating) get into a fight or argument but VENOM doesn’t give a shit about the fight and misses his morsel and is bothering Eddie to talk to him/her to makeup... maybe some angsty sexy longing in there, maybe Venom takes the drivers seat to be with his morsel because the fighting is trivial human shit he could care less for... 💕
requested by anon:  Do you do angsty stuff? Like maybe Eddie and reader get into a bad fight and break up and neither one of them stop to think how Venom feels.
requested by anon:  Howdy, just wanted to say I love your blog! Also I appreciate a good angsty fic, you're definitely not alone. Hope you had a good Halloween!
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“Don’t pretend like this is okay,” Eddie slammed the door behind him...
You had just got back from your monthly office party.  Your boss thought it was good bonding for everyone to get together once a month.  You found it repetitive and ridiculous.  Tonight had been different though.  Eddie came for the first time ever, but things at the party were different.  One of your coworkers had shown up wasted, “An embarrassment to the company,” you had thought.  He was stumbling around, grabbing every girl in sight.  He just happened to come up to you and attempt to grope you.  He grabbed a handful of you from behind, causing you to jump.  “N-Nice ass,” he burped out.  “What the fuck,” Eddie raised his voice.  “Wh-What’s your pro-problem, dude?  She’s just some chick, don’t take it so personal,” he pointed in Eddie’s face.  Eddie gritted his teeth, “She’s my girlfriend.  And I suggest you step away from her.”  You grabbed Eddie’s hand, “C’mon, Eds.  He isn’t worth it.”  Your co-worker pushed Eddie back, “Oh yeah?  What are you gonna do-do about it, b-bub?”  Eddie’s eyes went white; Venom was trying to take over.  You grabbed Eddie and pulled him back, “Ed!  No!”  He turned to see you scared.  He knew he needn’t handle things the way he wanted.  He gave his attention back to your co-worker, “You got lucky this time, but it you ever try something like that with my lady again, you’ll pay.”  You and Eddie began walking away when your co-worker began laughing, “What a pussy.  His girlfriend convinced him he shouldn’t fight?  Nah, he’s just scared-scared he’d loose.”  Eddie stiffened up.  You placed a hand on his bicep, “Eddie, he’s drunk.  Don’t.”  Eddie pulled away from your grasp and walked over to him.  Eddie lifted him off he ground by his collar with one hand.  Venom’s growl escaped Eddie mouth, “I won’t warn you again, insect.”  You pulled Eddie away and your co-worker hit the ground.  “Wh-what the hell has that guy been eating,” he muttered under his breath.  Everyone in the room stared at you and Eddie.  Eddie looked angry.  You were embarrassed.  You ran out, Eddie chased behind you.
...You held yourself tightly.  Eddie had embarrassed you in front of your co-workers.  You knew he was just protecting you, but he did not have to take it so far.  “You’re really going to act like that guy didn’t make a pass at you,” Eddie yelled in anger.  “Please stop yelling,” you whispered.  Eddie blew his breath out.  “Oh?  Is that how it is?  Just normal?  You’re not even upset,” Eddie’s voice cracked.  You placed your hand over your mouth.  “Whatever,” Eddie scoffed, “Just pretend like it didn’t happen.  I wouldn’t expect you to be upset anyway.  You never are unless I am the one who messed up.”  You turned and felt warm tears falling from your eyes.  You had a lump in your throat, “OF COURSE I AM UPSET, EDDIE!”  Eddie’s expression changed quickly when you raised your voice.  “I can’t keep doing this, Ed.  You know it upset me!  But you didn’t have top flip out so immaturely!  No woman wants to be groped by some drunk guy!  I could loose my job over how you acted!  You embarrassed me!”  Eddie was silent.  He stared at you while you cried.  He did not know what do to.  He was still so angry, but he knew he had hurt you.  “I-I’m sorry, Y/N,” Eddie whispered.  You were frustrated, “YOU ALWAYS ARE!  Maybe if you’d think for five seconds before acting you wouldn’t have to be sorry all the time!”  You could feel your heartbeat in your ears.  You were beyond angry.  Eddie stood in front of you, a frown painted on his face.  “I’m leaving, Eddie.  We need some time apart,” you stated walking past him.  Eddie went to grab you and you pulled away, “No, Eddie.  We can’t keep fighting all the time.  I need a break.”  You walked out.  
Eddie began crying.  “Oh my God, what have I done,” he held his face in his hands.  Venom appeared next to Eddie.  He was confused.  Not completely understanding where you had went and why you had left.  “Ed, what happened?  Where did our princess go,” Venom questioned.  Eddie leaned against the door, slowly sliding down it until he sat on the floor.  “She broke up with me,” Eddie whispered.  Venom did not understand, “What does that even mean?”  Eddie blew his breath out, “She decided she did not want to be my partner anymore, V.  She is no longer a part of our life.  And it’s all my fault.”  Venom snarled.  He was angry that Eddie had made such a foolish mistake.  “What’s wrong with you?  Why would you do that,” Venom hissed at Eddie.  “Listen, Venom.  These kinds of things happen.  People break up.  Trust me, this hurts me a hell of a lot more than it hurts you,” Eddie was cold in his words.  Venom growled at Eddie, “You are going to get her back!”  Eddie rolled his eyes, “Don’t be an idiot.”  Venom pulled Eddie up to his feet.  He made Eddie’s hand grip the doorknob.  “NO,” Eddie argued.  “YOU!  ARE!  GOING,” Venom demanded, causing Eddie to open the door.  Eddie was angry, yet relieved.
You stood outside in the cold.  You were waiting on a cab.  You heard someone approaching you from behind.  You knew it was Eddie, “Listen, Ed, I’m not-”  It wasn’t him.  It was simply another attendee at the apartment.  The man gave you an odd look because you had spoken to him.  He continued on across the road.   You were disappointed it hadn’t been Eddie.  You would not admit it, but you wanted Eddie to come chasing after you.  It was childish and immature.  You should have just worked things out like adults.  
“I can’t, Venom,” Eddie argued with the beast.  Venom was getting desperate and threw Eddie out into the hallway.  Eddie slammed into the wall, falling.  Eddie groaned in pain while he tried to force himself back up.  “She is going to be gone soon,” Venom panted.  Eddie rose, “I don’t see why it matters so much to you.”  Venom’s tone changed, “I love her, Eds.  She means the world to me.  I feel so attached to her.  She can’t just leave us.  I want her back, Eddie.  And you did not even put up a fight when she tried to leave.  I can’t go get her on my own.  Eddie, please.”  He was sincere.  For once, the monster had human emotions.  Eddie could feel how real his feelings were and he began to feel them too.  Eddie had been fighting his feelings for months.  He continued to push them and you away out of fear of him not being good enough.  He knew he loved you.  Loved you more than he had ever loved anyone.  He had no idea how to tell you.  He was scared it would scare you.  Scared it would seem too soon in your eyes.  “I’m sorry, V.  I didn’t even think about how this would affect you,” Eddie apologized.  “Edster,” Venom began, “You can make it up to me by getting that girl.”  Eddie smiled at Venom.  Eddie began to rush down the stairs.  
You began to shiver.  It was getting colder and there was no cab in sight.  You heard another set of steps begin behind you.  You turned to see Eddie rushing towards you.  You could not help but smile, “Eddie!”  He smiled when he saw you, “I came down here to tell you how sorry I am.  You have no idea how much you mean to me.  Seeing that guy all over you just set me off.  I am so so sorry.  You mean the entire world to me.”  You shook your head, “It’s okay, Eddie.  I was being dramatic leaving like that.”  Eddie pulled you into his embrace, “I love you, Y/N.”  You froze.  “Did you just say you loved me,” you whispered.  Eddie nodded.  You felt your cheeks turn pink, “I love you too.”  Eddie giggled and picked you up.  He spun you around and placed a kiss on your lips.  
“Let’s go back to my place, you have to be freezing,” Eddie took your hand in his.  You smiled and walked back to Eddie’s apartment with him.
@odetteacanto ~ @chasecharmer ~ @gliderbudgie ~ @ihaveaseriousclownproblem ~ @melancholy-applesauce ~ @katnisswa ~ @true-king-of-monsters ~ @tastemybuns ~ @ashycole ~ @raposinhachan ~ @weebiemo ~ @syiamorea ~ @danielsbransonx ~ @haurashaave ~ @kurochan3 ~ @skrilltia ~ @cutebutpsycho83 ~ @mai-sun-and-stars ~ @lucacangettathisass ~ @mababees ~ @bossyboyd03 ~ @more-than-a-little-sinister ~ @its-sexy-beastington-to-you ~ @emi-leigh16 ~ @sir-skelly ~ @kittywillcutyou ~ @centerhabit ~ @that-mom-friend ~ @lil-brown-furred-boi ~ @thirsty-venom-posts ~ @itaddict ~ @peculiar-monstar ~ @grotesquegabby ~ @sylinica ~ @mccrps ~ @hopelessdisasterr ~ @sarasxe ~ @deaths-maiden ~ @magicaldoremimimi ~ @venomsprincess ~ @sebastianmichaelisthedevilwith ~ @gae-artss ~ @piinkitydrinkity ~ @wintar1234534 ~ @kiratsuyoshi ~ @forgets-me-nots-blue ~ @legoticatrevosa ~ @grand-fanfic-ing-central ~ @therealautobotgirl ~ @raginghealer ~ @avaeda ~ @xcasiferx ~ @goth-pigeon~ @pale-butterfly ~ @abigfanofyours ~ @red-writer13 ~ @meganthemug~ @winterwendig0 ~ @nicimixerxoxo ~ @fandomtrashgoddess~ @cinnabearice ~ @moose-squirrel-asstiel~ @caughtyoulackin ~ @ellar21 ~ @snow-massacre ~ @iliketurtles1022 ~ @crazyfreckledginger ~ @impossiblepickleherringsoul ~ @roman-reigns-princess ~ @sincerelysinister ~ @hey-its-caroline ~ @torntaltos ~ @izzyd ~ @siliethkaijuy ~ @killercatastrophe ~ @tattoedgipsybunny ~ @orphan-kilig ~ @sassysergeant ~ @kellendriaaa ~ @mrshiddlescumberbatchlove ~ @undertaleandotherfandomlover ~ @bijou-pomme ~ @allkundsofwrong ~ @bloody-jinxx ~ @skywolf-kink-boy ~ @rueinn ~ @skatedate67791 ~ @the-sea-hawk ~ @pendent123 ~ @emmamikaelson95 ~ @markusstraya ~ @tifablog ~ @im-marie-poppins-yall ~ @lets-venom-and-chocolate ~ @homeiswheremykittyis ~ @taliarozlyn ~ @douchecrypt ~ @sierra884-blog-blog ~ @abundant-chaos ~ @chanderefk ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @symbiote-queen ~ @thirstyforvenom ~ @starguardian319 ~ @shadeyenora ~ @brokenpizzapiez ~ @marvelfangirllll ~ @waltz707 ~ @cherubclover ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @midnightwritingrussiancoffee ~ @vengealis ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @izzy-the-ginger ~ @cryalluwant2idc ~ @weirdfuckingtrainwreck~ @cart-disguised-as-a-buggy ~ @jaxcliffaconda ~ @ceylon-morphe286 ~ @war-and-chaos ~ @captaindrholmes ~ @xsmallplum ~ @sinningsummers ~ @nmagawida ~ @baoxiii ~ @strawberrysuperhero ~ @queen-of-eggyolks ~ @that-one-smart-american ~ @seachelle-the-tideborn ~ @pennysgirl ~ @richietoaster ~ @whitestar-16  ~ @omg-the-nutella-queen  ~ @that-one-smart-american  ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @shaderwaii ~ @yangfire08 ~ @raceylacy ~ @emo-kitty-love ~ @sadboysclub11 ~ @mawkishmondays  ~ @sthorkronstrangy ~ @bokchoishota ~ @voyagestothestars ~ @the-lululemon~ @bear-rose123 ~ @mynahx3 ~ @alli-cat99 ~ @onebymanynames ~ @hebambi555 ~ @cassiopeia-barrow ~ @alledeglyfunny ~ @roryshitposts~ @x6-15 ~ @alex–awesome–22 ~ @deepdarkvoidchild ~ @nickyl316h ~ @nomajdetective ~ @randomshizzles101 ~ @fillechatoyante ~ @venoms-cave~ @shadymegan ~ @ultrasparkledeath ~ @infinitytheproxy3 ~ @whitestar-16 ~ @coralineexz ~ @i-like-dark-stuff ~ @missotaku34 ~ @momostuffsblog ~ @crazyminnesotagirl ~ @the-cake-isnt-a-lie ~ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow ~ @fosterthe-peter ~
\ If you no longer want to be tagged in my Venom x Reader Fics, please do let me know. Or if you would like to be tagged in future posts, let me know! //
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yonch · 5 years
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wow he actually doesnt have orange hair :) oops first and foremost!! the design for unity is by @legendoflovely​ who has!! very good art!!! very cool!! i tried to imitate their style!!! but please check them out
ok and im gonna do more headcanons because :( yurei said my last ones were bad under the cut
link in general.. selective mutism and insomnia. dont like being locked up . Also they are all autistic because fuck you i’m autistic fuck whoever made that callout three years ago for a 15 year old. all the links are autistic because i said so and im allowed to say whatever the fuck i want and theyre all trans some of them are also poc because i said so. maybe all of them are evne the white passing ones theyre mixed becuaseu i said so
he chunky
he’s just a funny little dude i think. i think he has a great sense of humor
he has LIGHTNING SCARS from FIGHTING DEMISE.. and also lanayru because i was bad at fighting teknolbolings
he has asthma and narcolepsy
he likes how zelda smells (she smells like mist and clean linen)
he doesn’t like small, dark places (it reminds him of something he doesn’t know)
small(est) and angri(est)
probably has rabies because he is A Loony.. He is Insane... He is Mad!!! 
he’s a blacksmith and takes over for his grandpappy after his adventure
doesnt like heights very much
doesnt shower very often and his hair feels like coarse ass dog hair
is scared of cats because he almost got Killed by one when he was Tiny
really doesnt like the goddesses?? he’s got a shit load of trauma dude
the scar on his nose is from tripping on a rock and slamming his face into another one
got his eye mangled in a fight with some bandits :/
doesn’t like the sound of clocks ticking
but that doesn’t stop him from having a Spot On internal clock
can’t stop seeing red eyes and blue lights
very good with kids and animals!!!
he’s socially anxious and his favorite way to stim is by petting his goats 
color blind! specifically red green color blind
likes being scritched behind his ear and will thump his leg really hard on the ground (he starts doing this after he Transforms into Dog)
has a nice singing voice
he has sharp teeth!!!
designed!! by !! @legendoflovely​
he’s never lonely!! always has friends
happier After his adventure than before
spirit of the hero said its my turn on the brain cell (he has one)
likes flowers a lot and has nice memories of picking them with zelda
likes warm drinks
is so adhd you wont Even believe
yawns and sneezes.. like kitty
H U G E big brother energy
he likes watching birds with his family 
pirate life is the life for me (but no stealing bc thats bad :( )
he’s hydrophobic and can’t swim for long before having a panic attack
he grew up with trains!! so he knows a lot about them and he likes to info dump about them a lot
not having like. Specific Instructions makes him panic a little (catch me projecting)
he lives with grandma aryll and grandpa niko!! (they arent married!!!!!)
his eyes are hazel...
one of his ears... is crooked
he chipped his tooth by running away from bees and slamming into a train (this is based off something i did in game)
has the most scars
apple farmer!! smells like appel all the time
the pink hair is from his mom!! 
ptsd and depression 
still wishes that koholint was real
nonbinary  and masc aligned :)
has a lot of weird scars? look like paint splatters but you can’t rub them off
goes undercover in hytopia with the pseudonym of Finch! (his partners are jay and robin)
stops his apprenticeship to the blacksmith, considers beekeeping, eventually becomes a fashion icon
can’t stop trying to walk into walls
easily guilt tripped
heterochromia!! iridium!!
eats raw meat (doesn’t get a stomachache)
he has.. big bro vibe
his hat was a gift from his sister 
completely mute!
self taught in swordplay
doesn’t like bright flashing lights
what if fuck ing what if he what if he just what if he just ate rocks what if he jus tstraight up ate rocks
still has spotty memory (he never gains back any other memories)
doesn’t remember things unless he touches them
has chronic pain 
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
Candy 15-17
Alright I know this is supposed to be sad but this feel so ridiculous it’s funny
“He ventures a glance at Dave, who is at the front of the line carrying a smaller casket containing Dirk’s decapitated head. “
why is there a seperate casket for the head, that’s not what funeral homes do xD
“It would be absurd were it not so tragic, and possibly also predictable.” 
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“He looks at Dirk’s casket, sitting diagonally in a hole in the floor and popped about 13% of the way open.”
That’s a strangley specific number
Am I to take the imagery of something being diagonal as imagery for a “4″ and then complete it with the 13 to make 413?
Cuz is so, that’s heavy handed and ridiculous probably just as Dirk intended
“ROXY: and give it over to someone whos way more eloquent than me
Dave gets to his feet”
right because Dave is always so eloquent when it comes to delicate emotional matters lol
I don’t know why I’m finding this all so hilarious instead of tragic, maybe because it’s so melodramatic and in a way that feels scripted specifically by Dirk himself
ah, 3 quarters 
3 1/4′s
413 backwards now
“or even worse that he was somehow cosmically fated to become that person no matter what he wanted or did to prevent it “
I’m noticing more and more every time the phrase Cosmically fated is used in some form of Homestuck media its always bringing to mind ideas of Doc Scratch, like he’s the one who said it actually or it’s said in reference to him
so, +1 point to DS = DS again
“Gamzee:  I may not be all up and learned about his life, but I’ve got deep spirital connections to his death.”
yeah you sure do, and we’re not even talking about his decapitation right now aren’t we Gamzee?
This is actually a really solid point that the day “Dirk” died was the day his ultimate self got poisoned through the unholy merger that is Lord English/Caliborn/Gamzee/AR/Equius
So he’s probably been a bastard ever since Lord English started existing, which I mean “I am already here” blahblah means Dirk was very likely like this from the start potentially, but he was probbaly only really a bastard ever since Arquis got sucked into Caliborn/Gamzee
“GAMZEE: ThIs WaS nO cOiNcIdEnCe. It WaS a HiGhEr PoWeR gUiDiNg My PaTh.
GAMZEE: tHeSe PoWeRs MaDe SuRe ThAt I wOuLd Be ThErE, tO rEcEiVe A gReAt WaRrIoR’s FiNaL mEsSaGe, AnD rElAy It To YoU oN tHiS dArK aNd DrEaRy DaY oF dEaTh.
The clown thrusts his hand somewhere beneath the waistband of his pants and starts obscenely rooting around. He retrieves a piece of paper, crumpled and soaked from the rain outside, and attempts to smooth it out over the lectern. The wet paper breaks apart immediately beneath his oafish clown paws.
GAMZEE: AwWw, ShIzZ. i GuEsS i’Ve GoT tO uP aNd WiNg It!”
yeah that note was probably the last shredded remnants of good dirk since there’s literally no reason to leave a sentimental note like that for his friends, makes sense Gamzee was guided by “a higher power” to grab it and make sure it gets relayed more like ruined to his friends
What? How does “I’d say he’s doing fine” translate into “a three letter statement”?
Are they just hamfisting in the threes now or what?
“DAVE: i dunno dude thats
DAVE: a little fucked up actually
JOHN: you think so?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: dirk was a complicated guy
DAVE: dude obviously had reasons for doing what he did
DAVE: if you go back and just rewrite his decision
DAVE: thats like denying him his personal autonomy
JOHN: huh. i... didn’t think about it that way.“
Yeah if only they’d realize that what Dirk needs is a huge heaping helping of someone pushing back against his dumb decisions for once
Gotta give it to John though, he’s struggling against this drugged up haze so hard, he knows getting married to Roxy isn’t right and tries to think about that
but then he gets caught up in the drugged up candy haze and starts giggling, yeah you guys are gonna be happy alright, happy in a nice little drugged up stupor
lampshaded by John still reaching out to terezi despite being at his human wedding
Aww, trolls don’t have a concept of weddings? well, that makes sense but still
oh man it just keeps happening, this is supposed to be the story where John and Roxy get their love story, but all were actually getting is the faded echoes of what should have been which is apparently John and Terezi
oh god, Jane, jane why did Gamzee have to be your third partner, what the fuck even
I don’t wanna think about Gamzee about in relationships nope this is where I start getting uncomfortable
confirmed jade attempting Blackrom with Karkat, that’s interesting, and she’s bad at it too meaning she must not really have an interest in it
oh wow, she’s really just doing it because she thinks its what Karkat would want isnt she? Girl really is just desperate for love
“Three months later, John is still thinking about his last conversation with Terezi.”
See, this is how you know the JohnRoxy relationship is doomed/not meant to be
John Egbert, lover of Con Air and Nic Cage, has a loving wife and (probably) daughter and NOT ONCE has this narrative shown them OR made the joke, we just absolutely passed over the whole wedding and birth event in one fell swoop of unrequited feelings jam with another woman
Why is Roxy praying? That’s such a weird thing to drop as a small detail, who would she even be praying too?
“What’s bugging him about it is that Roxy didn’t seem to have any suggestions of her own.”
Yeah relationships built on social chameleon-ing aren’t happy for the chameleon either
Yeah John, little bit late to be having this sudden realization that you didn’t actually solve the problem (LE) by running away from it, even if everyone else has accepted that version of events
“ JOHN: you gave me a list of instructions and told me that i had to use my retcon powers to go back to a very specific point in time to defeat lord english when he was still just a kid. “
Wait, is that what Rose said at the beginning? No it isn’t, I remember the bit about John has to go back inside canon and defeat Lord English, I don’t think the method was ever fully explained though, nor the idea that he had to defeat him as a kid, it was never said he had to go back in time, just go back to canon
and that’s not what happened in the Meat timeline either! Nobody went back in time to defeat Caliborn when he was a kid, they just had the big showdown with LE exactly the way Rose is describing that went horribly wrong
this is practically screaming NEITHER Meat or Candy is the true version of events 
Actually yeah, defeating Caliborn really IS the way this should be settled, because it’s also the way that Dirk get saved as well, can’t get his ultimate self tainted if the taint is destroyed before it ever comes into contact with him
also im rereading the prologue now, it’s is NEVER explicitly said that John has to go and defeat lord english’s child form!
She said “you have to go back to canon to defeat LE” NOT go back in time to defeat caliborn
and “you can’t recklessly attack his hulking adult form without the house juju”
not “you can’t attack him as an adult at all” but “you can do that WITHOUT the juju” and describes it being used in the same way that Vriska ended up doing in Meat
yeah, she never mentions any plan to defeat him as a child in the prologue, which probably means Rose only saw a vision of his defeat as an adult as well
It’s gonna be JOHN who gets the idea to go back and kill him as a kid, because that’s how he understood Rose’s instructions!
But this is great, everything is vaguely worded enough that it COULD be applied to a fight against a young caliborn too! but just hasn’t yet!
What if you take the empty cursor and fill it with a young caliborn? instead of unleashing a full one against an adult LE? which proves to be pretty useless in the long run despite Rose’s apparent clouded vision?
Rose even says herself its only purpose is as an empty vessel meant to be filled by something, talk about totally understanding yet missing the point, this is probably what she meant by being unable to see any path beyond the meat or candy routes, she couldnt see the possibility of using the juju on caliborn before everything goes down just like how it was used on John and friends to trap them in there in Meat!
It’s Caliborn’s destined time out spot! Removing him from Canon and from being able to influence it without needing to kill someone who technically hasnt done bad things yet but absolutely will in the future solving the baby adolf problem with Caliborn
Oh man, what if they even trick Caliborn on using it against himself? talk about an earthbound reference, defeat Gigyas (LE) by tricking Pokey (Caliborn)  to trap himself in the "Absolutely Safe Capsule” (House JuJu)
Oh man back on the Candy train though John’s having an absolute breakdown, being infused with that canon retcon power seems to be the only thing preserving his ability to care about stuff beyond this happy drugged up paradise
Earth C has become Homestuck’s Ba Sing Se
“ He braces himself, as if splashing an imaginary glass of cold water in his own face, and reminds himself once again that he has a wonderful life. A perfect life. He’s HAPPY, god damn it.”
You really aren’t John, this is very clear, dousing yourself with some more Void to try and drown that out ain’t helping
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beetlejuicebigbang · 5 years
everything you could possibly need to know
there’s a lot to a big bang, and plenty of things that warrant explanation! get your popcorn, this is a decently long post. beetlebabes shippers, you are Absolutely not permitted to participate, so you can skip this post and the popcorn. or have popcorn anyway, i don’t care.
what is a big bang?
a big bang is an event over the course of a certain period of time (for this particular event, about four months) where writers write fics of at least ten thousand words (10k) and artists make some form of art to go along with it. 
ten thousand words? that’s an awful lot.
as someone who has written fifteen thousand words in one day, it’s absolutely doable. im a 3 time nanowrimo participant, and i know the ropes of oa-ing (overachieving). 
to make this absolutely clear - i know someone who can write 5k in an hour. i know people who have written 50k in three days. i know people who do 10k days consistently (im one of them!) and a lot of these people have work, school, families, some, all three. so you can absolutely do 10k in four months. 
if at any point you need to hear that yes, you can do this - im your dude. i pushed my bff, who had never written more than 2k in one day in their life, to do a 10k day. if they can do it in one day, you can do it in four months. (or all in one day! i did my heathers big bang fic that way.)
i will say this multiple times in this post, but let me make this clear: you can start writing the second you submit the signup form. the only real regulation of how fast you write is that you need to have 1k for the artist pairings by february 23rd, and that you need 10k by april 24th. 
im not trying to make you do a 10k day, the point of this is that plenty of people have done it, so you can too. if you want to do it all in one day, by all means, do it, or go slow and steady and casually finish on the 23rd of april. 
how does the event work, exactly?
*cracks knuckles* okay, this’ll take a bit, get your popcorn refill now, if you ate it all during writer encouragement hour.
all signups open on december 1st. all signups run until february 3rd 
you can sign up for more than one thing! i myself will sign up to be just a writer and will end up doing art no matter what, you can sign up as a writer and a beta, an artist and a beta, a writer and an artist, or all three. go nuts! (within reason)
everyone will get both an email and tumblr message after they sign up, so you’ll know if it went through or if your internet sucks.
once writers submit their signup form, go right ahead and start writing!... or don’t! but you’re going to need 1k worth of whatever fic you’re doing done by february 23rd. on the 16th, writer check-in 1 will occur, making sure you’re at least ready-ish for the 1k submission and the next thing - pairings!
writers will fill out a form giving a working title for their fic, a summary, pairings, warnings, ships (again, no beetlebabes), tags, etc. this form is due by the 26th! im known to be relaxed-ish with dates/deadlines, and the next part doesn’t happen until the 28th in the event someone needs a bit more time. but do your best to have it done by the 26th!
on the 28th, a post will magically appear for artists to claim fics! this will have all the information the writers just submitted, with a magical number attached to it.
artists will then fill out a form where they will select their top 3 choices for fics to art for, which is due by the march 2nd. 
on the 6th, everyone will get a fancy message (an email and a tumblr message, to make sure you don’t loose the information!) telling them who they’re paired with! once that happens, writers, please send your artists a hello and a google doc/some sort of magical link leading to the 1k (or more) that you have done so far, so they’ve got something to work with!
while all of this is going on, the one and only beta check-in will occur february 23rd, and will be due by midnight on the 24th. this is to make sure anyone who signed up awhile ago is still there there will be a handy dandy post with the usernames of beta readers going up feburary 27th, and writers can refer to that if they’d like a beta, simple as that!
once that’s done, y’all are free range chickens, other than check-ins. artist check-in 1 is march 13th (this is mostly to make sure you’ve all gotten in touch with your writers). writer check-in 2 is march 20th, and you’ll need to show that you have about 50% of your fic done at that point.
the penultimate writer and artist check-in is on april 5th. this is when shit gets serious, because posting week is in two weeks and some change. this is also when i will begin freaking out and having to take over for people who have dropped out. 
on april 10th, there will be the handy dandy posting day form! basically a super quick form where you can select the date between april 24th-may 1st that will work best for you and your partner. if after you submit your form you find out you need an extension, don’t worry, just contact me!
the !!!!!final check-in!!!! is april 19th. if you are not done yet, **this is crunch time!** you will have at least 7 days before you post, maybe a little more, but this is when it gets extra serious if you’re not ready. now’s a good time to check in with your partner that you ghosted a month ago and make sure they’re all good. if not... good luck. (jk jk, just contact me to get an extension.)
POSTING WEEK is april 24th-may 1st. you’ll be assigned a posting date by april 12th, so you’ll have plenty of time to request an extension, or ghost me and force me to send you messages like a clingy ex-boyfriend, begging you to come back to me. this is also the time where i will *really* freak out.
and then you’re done! woo!! much accomplishment!!! now i will go take a stress nap for seventeen hours and get drunk off sweet tea. 
ill be sending messages & emails about every single check-in and deadline every step of the day, and there will also be reminders in the discord server.
TL;DR for people who skipped that giant block of text: just read the
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onelastfool · 5 years
XYZ for the meme!
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
absoLUTELY ! he uses them occasionally - mostly babe, baby, and sweetheart ( though if you consider ‘dude’ a petname he uses that one almost TOO much ) and if his partner calls him by a pet name he gets really flustered. there’s a sense of ... being wanted that lies behind pet names that he really likes 
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
VERY !!! stan has the heart of a knight ! if he sees anything he doesn’t like going on, he’ll quickly step in to protect the people he cares about - whether it be a romantic partner, friend, or family member ! that does lead to him being the jealous type as well though !!!
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
in my default canon verse where he’s a senior in high school - only one person, which was wendy. stan is HARDCORE a “take it slow” kind of guy. a lot of girls - and probably a few guys - were jumping all over him in high school, and while he probably dated a few of them for a short amounts of time, the only one he trusted enough to have sex with was wendy. 
( @lonecosmos asked the same ones, so i’m just at-ing them here so they can see ! )
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RWBY Volume 5 Chapter 11 Reaction
This time on RWBY!
Me: *screaming bloody murder internally whilst sobbing like a baby*
*insert cliche flashback sequence*
*starts watching*
Oh okay they’re going to meet Leo already, grrrrreaaat that’s fine this is gonna go just fine
Okay good Yang noticed something was wrong great that’s great 
Oh god she’s not even hiding ehh i’m scared ;A;
Oh cool, so Ruby’s mom was a lot like her- RAVEN WHAT THE F-
oh crap they’re all there son of a-
Yeah you tell ‘em Qro- OH GOD JAUNE STOP IT
oh okay they’re splittin’ up I see I see this could be cool but this could also be emotionally draining, RT please behave-
Aww poor Hazel he doesn’t want to hurt nobody ;-;
YEAH YOU BETTER BE SCARED LION LION- ...Oh my god he’s actually a Lion. Hoooooly crap that’s actually really cool. And that weapon looks pretty cool too- WAIT LION LION LEAVE THE BABY BOI ALONE
*has been playing Overwatch lately* ...Ohh my god Weiss just pulled a Mei. WEISS JUST PULLED A MEI OMG- Oh, boo Vernal! The original spring maiden would be so disappointed in you, feel ashamed!
Emerald stop being a useless lesbian and steal back your redemption arc from Ilia already!
Woooah, that whole propelling your partner’s bullet gives me serious Roman and Neo vibes! Nice lil’ nod there RT- OH GOD YOU *censored* YOU LEAVE THAT LITTLE SNOWFLAKE ALONE OR SO HELP ME-
Oh thank god yes Ruby please wreck Cinder- OH FOR THE LOVE OF- GOD-*censored*-IT EMERALD!
Good speech there Jaun- 
*screaming bloody murder internally whilst sobbing like a baby*
*Irl had run into my room because I actually am crying and crying hard*
*after some cooldown*
....Why didn’t I see this coming.... Weiss can’t grow anymore as a character... She’s grown so much, she’s had the best development in the series... Where else could they possibly go from there...?
I’m sort of fifty-fifty on whether or not Weiss lives... I have the feeling that next episode we will end up seeing Ruby going all out on Cinder. Because while she wasn’t extremely close with Pyhhra, Weiss is her partner. And how much rage or sadness that would cause in Ruby... That is something I look forward too.
Actually that would be just what the doctor ordered because it would mean reinforcements...
But still, I would bet you money that they aren’t picking up on this immediately. They never do....
Anyways, in other words, this is me after Cinder pulled that crap.
Oh! Ps, Imma tallie all the freakout stuff here.
Freakout Counter
Oh: 25
God: 14
Why: 6
Okay: 7
Oh god: 7
Crap:  4
Censored words: 6
Lines in all caps: 25
Freakout Counter: 108 *distressed sobbing noises*
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adelaideattractions · 5 years
11 days that destroyed Miley and Liam
Less than two weeks after a carefully-worded statement hit the press declaring that Hollywood sweethearts Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus were separating, their attempt at keeping things amicable has been hit with a wrecking ball. It all started so respectfully. Our hearts were breaking from news that our favourite couple was on the rocks, but their press release offered plenty of hope that theyd one day reunite (again). Liam and Miley have agreed to separate at this time, a spokesman for Cyrus told People magazine on August 10. RELATED: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworths pets post breakup RELATED: Miley Cyrus fired for buying Liam Hemsworth a penis cake RELATED: Miley Cyrus blasts cheating claims in a series of tweets Ever-evolving, changing as partners and individuals, they have decided this is whats best while they both focus on themselves and careers. They still remain dedicated parents to all of their animals they share while lovingly taking this time apart. Sometime between then and now, something snapped between the two, and Hemsworth suddenly filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. So whats the real story behind this increasingly messy split?
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media_cameraPlenty of people hoped the pair would work things out. Picture: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney REUNION HOPES The original statement was a shock, but it didnt take a relationship expert to work out that theyd intentionally used soft language like separate at this time and lovingly taking this time apart. These are not the words of two people certain that they want to be apart forever and history told us they were prone to a bit of on/off action. Cyrus and Hemsworth met as young lovebirds on the set of The Last Song in 2009 and got engaged in 2012 before breaking up two years later.
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media_cameraThey met as teenagers on the set of The Last Song. Then in 2016, they reunited with another engagement and secretly wed in December at Cyrus house in Franklin, Tennessee.
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media_cameraThe couple tied the knot in an intimate ceremony at home. Picture: Instagram According to most reports, things quickly soured and Hemsworth and Cyrus separated in June, but had decided to keep their time apart low-key and respectful until it hit the press. Once it did everything changed. THOSE ITALIAN PHOTOS First, there were the photos of Cyrus, 26, kissing reality TV star Kaitlynn Carter, 30, during a PDA-heavy Italian jaunt.
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media_cameraPhotos were released of Carter (left) and Cyrus kissing.
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media_cameraHemsworth was said to be blindsided by news of the fling. The photos were released just hours after news broke of the separation, providing a jarring double-blow of a shock to fans and by many accounts, to Hemsworth himself, who was holed up with his brothers family in Byron Bay at the time. As the days rolled on and amid growing feverish speculation and whispers of infidelity, Hemsworth took the bold step of releasing a statement via Instagram. But from there, things took a nasty turn. THE BLAME GAME Suddenly, after weeks of staying quiet, sources from both camps were weaponised, hurtling barbs and thinly-veiled accusations at each other. Far from keeping us in the dark with their amicable and loving time apart, Cyrus and Hemsworth were via their sources increasingly trying to one-up each other in the blame game.
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media_cameraCyrus posted a series of Instagram shots from Italy as news broke of the split. Given Cyrus occasionally wild past and the telling interview she gave with Elle in July, plenty of people assumed that a major factor in the split was her desire to revert back to her partying ways. I mean, do people really think that Im at home in a f***ing apron cooking dinner? I definitely dont fit into a stereotypical wife role. I dont even like that word, she told the magazine. PARTYING LIFESTYLE But as that narrative quickly began to form, TMZ published quotes attributed to a source on Cyrus side, insisting that it was actually the opposite. According to the outlet, the Malibu singer battled valiantly to save her and Hemsworths seven-month marriage but struggled to accept his heavy drinking and use of certain drugs a claim which he has since denied. People magazine also published a scathing story claiming that Cyrus had tried to kerb his partying and that he would lash out at her. Everyone always thinks Miley is problematic and immature and a hardcore partyer while hes this chill surfer dude, but thats actually (not accurate), People quoted a source as saying. That particular accusation may have eventually been drowned out amid all the other noise had it not been for the fact that just days later, Cyrus released a jaw-droppingly blunt song clearly aimed at Hemsworth.
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media_cameraCyrus was back in the studio within days. Heres a snippet of Slide Away: I want my house in the hills Dont want the whiskey and pills I dont give up easily But I dont think Im down So wont you slide away Back to the ocean, Ill go back to the city lights Move on, were not 17 Im not who I used to be You say that everything changed Youre right, were grown now The message was clear: Cyrus wanted people to know it was Hemsworth, not she, who needed to grow up. [embedded content] IMMATURE STUNT But Team Hemsworth wasnt taking any of that lying down. It wasnt long before a friend of the Hunger Games star told Page Six that hed been blindsided and left heartbroken by the photos of his estranged wife and Carter. They are still married and they really did love each other. Shes really immature and always has been, a source said. One of Carters The Hills castmates, Brandon Thomas Lee, even weighed in on the drama, accusing the women of trying to mess with their exes (Carter also recently split from The Hills alum Brody Jenner). This whole is just so I dont know, I didnt want to even get involved with it, but it just seems so fake to me, Lee told E! News of Cyrus and Carters romance. Its just like, why? Theyre just obviously messing with their two ex-husbands. And theyre all friends! It just seems so ridiculous to me.
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media_cameraJust a stunt? Picture: Instagram Page Six also claimed that people close to Hemsworth had revealed that Cyrus sources had been working overtime to paint (him) as the problem and that he was hurt by the coverage. Liam is one of the kindest, gentlest people out there. Him being wild or drunk or deadbeat is absolutely ridiculous, the source said, adding that the booze claims are 100 per cent a distraction from Cyrus alleged infidelity. MAKING IT PERMANENT Exactly eleven days after announcing their tentative separation, Hemsworth hired famed lawyer Laura Wasser and abruptly filed for divorce from Cyrus. Liam is just done with it. There is no turning back and he knows he wants to move on, E! News quoted an insider as saying. They have not had a lot of communication. There is nothing to say. So what made him break things off for good? Slide Away cant have helped, nor would reports of Cyrus basically having sex with Carter at an LA club last week. Either way, the events of the past couple of weeks flipped the relationship from separated at this time- to dead in the water. MILEY HITS OUT Perhaps it was the shock at his sudden filing that made Cyrus finally flip or maybe she was just desperate to finally defend herself publicly but after that, the words came tumbling out via a lengthy Twitter thread. I can accept that the life Ive chosen means I must live completely open and transparent with my fans who I love, and the public, 100% of the time, she began. What I cannot accept is being told Im lying to cover up a crime I havent committed. I have nothing to hide.
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media_cameraThe singer denied the cheating claims. Picture: Instagram I f**ked up and cheated in relationships when I was young, she wrote. But the truth is, once Liam & I reconciled, I meant it, & I was committed. There are NO secrets to uncover here. Ive learned from every experience in my life. Im not perfect, I dont want to be, its boring. Ive grown up in front of you, but the bottom line is, I HAVE GROWN UP. I can admit to a lot of things but I refuse to admit that my marriage ended because of cheating. Liam and I have been together for a decade. Ive said it before & it remains true, I love Liam and always will. WHAT NOW? The only good news out of the situation is that the couple had a prenup, and with no requests for spousal support, the divorce should be finalised quickly a rarity in Hollywood. The agreement reportedly outlines a clear separation of their profits during the marriage, with both Cyrus and Hemsworth retaining the homes they individually purchased. Unfortunately for all the hopeless romantics following the Hemsworth/Cyrus love story over the past decade unlike other times, this breakup is likely to stick. Think about it: Cyrus and Hemsworth called off their engagement and split up back in 2013, but managed to maintain mutual respect and affection publicly in the years that followed prior to their eventual reunion. This time? Not so much and divorce has a finality to it that rarely offers a point of return. Originally published as 11 days that destroyed Miley and Liam https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/how-miley-cyrus-and-liam-hemsworths-amicable-split-turned-so-ugly/news-story/e0d2c9eefb3e60afa4deb532609a2bea?from=htc_rss
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adelaidecity · 5 years
11 days that destroyed Miley and Liam
Less than two weeks after a carefully-worded statement hit the press declaring that Hollywood sweethearts Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus were separating, their attempt at keeping things amicable has been hit with a wrecking ball. It all started so respectfully. Our hearts were breaking from news that our favourite couple was on the rocks, but their press release offered plenty of hope that theyd one day reunite (again). Liam and Miley have agreed to separate at this time, a spokesman for Cyrus told People magazine on August 10. RELATED: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworths pets post breakup RELATED: Miley Cyrus fired for buying Liam Hemsworth a penis cake RELATED: Miley Cyrus blasts cheating claims in a series of tweets Ever-evolving, changing as partners and individuals, they have decided this is whats best while they both focus on themselves and careers. They still remain dedicated parents to all of their animals they share while lovingly taking this time apart. Sometime between then and now, something snapped between the two, and Hemsworth suddenly filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. So whats the real story behind this increasingly messy split?
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media_cameraPlenty of people hoped the pair would work things out. Picture: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney REUNION HOPES The original statement was a shock, but it didnt take a relationship expert to work out that theyd intentionally used soft language like separate at this time and lovingly taking this time apart. These are not the words of two people certain that they want to be apart forever and history told us they were prone to a bit of on/off action. Cyrus and Hemsworth met as young lovebirds on the set of The Last Song in 2009 and got engaged in 2012 before breaking up two years later.
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media_cameraThey met as teenagers on the set of The Last Song. Then in 2016, they reunited with another engagement and secretly wed in December at Cyrus house in Franklin, Tennessee.
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media_cameraThe couple tied the knot in an intimate ceremony at home. Picture: Instagram According to most reports, things quickly soured and Hemsworth and Cyrus separated in June, but had decided to keep their time apart low-key and respectful until it hit the press. Once it did everything changed. THOSE ITALIAN PHOTOS First, there were the photos of Cyrus, 26, kissing reality TV star Kaitlynn Carter, 30, during a PDA-heavy Italian jaunt.
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media_cameraPhotos were released of Carter (left) and Cyrus kissing.
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media_cameraHemsworth was said to be blindsided by news of the fling. The photos were released just hours after news broke of the separation, providing a jarring double-blow of a shock to fans and by many accounts, to Hemsworth himself, who was holed up with his brothers family in Byron Bay at the time. As the days rolled on and amid growing feverish speculation and whispers of infidelity, Hemsworth took the bold step of releasing a statement via Instagram. But from there, things took a nasty turn. THE BLAME GAME Suddenly, after weeks of staying quiet, sources from both camps were weaponised, hurtling barbs and thinly-veiled accusations at each other. Far from keeping us in the dark with their amicable and loving time apart, Cyrus and Hemsworth were via their sources increasingly trying to one-up each other in the blame game.
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media_cameraCyrus posted a series of Instagram shots from Italy as news broke of the split. Given Cyrus occasionally wild past and the telling interview she gave with Elle in July, plenty of people assumed that a major factor in the split was her desire to revert back to her partying ways. I mean, do people really think that Im at home in a f***ing apron cooking dinner? I definitely dont fit into a stereotypical wife role. I dont even like that word, she told the magazine. PARTYING LIFESTYLE But as that narrative quickly began to form, TMZ published quotes attributed to a source on Cyrus side, insisting that it was actually the opposite. According to the outlet, the Malibu singer battled valiantly to save her and Hemsworths seven-month marriage but struggled to accept his heavy drinking and use of certain drugs a claim which he has since denied. People magazine also published a scathing story claiming that Cyrus had tried to kerb his partying and that he would lash out at her. Everyone always thinks Miley is problematic and immature and a hardcore partyer while hes this chill surfer dude, but thats actually (not accurate), People quoted a source as saying. That particular accusation may have eventually been drowned out amid all the other noise had it not been for the fact that just days later, Cyrus released a jaw-droppingly blunt song clearly aimed at Hemsworth.
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media_cameraCyrus was back in the studio within days. Heres a snippet of Slide Away: I want my house in the hills Dont want the whiskey and pills I dont give up easily But I dont think Im down So wont you slide away Back to the ocean, Ill go back to the city lights Move on, were not 17 Im not who I used to be You say that everything changed Youre right, were grown now The message was clear: Cyrus wanted people to know it was Hemsworth, not she, who needed to grow up. [embedded content] IMMATURE STUNT But Team Hemsworth wasnt taking any of that lying down. It wasnt long before a friend of the Hunger Games star told Page Six that hed been blindsided and left heartbroken by the photos of his estranged wife and Carter. They are still married and they really did love each other. Shes really immature and always has been, a source said. One of Carters The Hills castmates, Brandon Thomas Lee, even weighed in on the drama, accusing the women of trying to mess with their exes (Carter also recently split from The Hills alum Brody Jenner). This whole is just so I dont know, I didnt want to even get involved with it, but it just seems so fake to me, Lee told E! News of Cyrus and Carters romance. Its just like, why? Theyre just obviously messing with their two ex-husbands. And theyre all friends! It just seems so ridiculous to me.
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media_cameraJust a stunt? Picture: Instagram Page Six also claimed that people close to Hemsworth had revealed that Cyrus sources had been working overtime to paint (him) as the problem and that he was hurt by the coverage. Liam is one of the kindest, gentlest people out there. Him being wild or drunk or deadbeat is absolutely ridiculous, the source said, adding that the booze claims are 100 per cent a distraction from Cyrus alleged infidelity. MAKING IT PERMANENT Exactly eleven days after announcing their tentative separation, Hemsworth hired famed lawyer Laura Wasser and abruptly filed for divorce from Cyrus. Liam is just done with it. There is no turning back and he knows he wants to move on, E! News quoted an insider as saying. They have not had a lot of communication. There is nothing to say. So what made him break things off for good? Slide Away cant have helped, nor would reports of Cyrus basically having sex with Carter at an LA club last week. Either way, the events of the past couple of weeks flipped the relationship from separated at this time- to dead in the water. MILEY HITS OUT Perhaps it was the shock at his sudden filing that made Cyrus finally flip or maybe she was just desperate to finally defend herself publicly but after that, the words came tumbling out via a lengthy Twitter thread. I can accept that the life Ive chosen means I must live completely open and transparent with my fans who I love, and the public, 100% of the time, she began. What I cannot accept is being told Im lying to cover up a crime I havent committed. I have nothing to hide.
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media_cameraThe singer denied the cheating claims. Picture: Instagram I f**ked up and cheated in relationships when I was young, she wrote. But the truth is, once Liam & I reconciled, I meant it, & I was committed. There are NO secrets to uncover here. Ive learned from every experience in my life. Im not perfect, I dont want to be, its boring. Ive grown up in front of you, but the bottom line is, I HAVE GROWN UP. I can admit to a lot of things but I refuse to admit that my marriage ended because of cheating. Liam and I have been together for a decade. Ive said it before & it remains true, I love Liam and always will. WHAT NOW? The only good news out of the situation is that the couple had a prenup, and with no requests for spousal support, the divorce should be finalised quickly a rarity in Hollywood. The agreement reportedly outlines a clear separation of their profits during the marriage, with both Cyrus and Hemsworth retaining the homes they individually purchased. Unfortunately for all the hopeless romantics following the Hemsworth/Cyrus love story over the past decade unlike other times, this breakup is likely to stick. Think about it: Cyrus and Hemsworth called off their engagement and split up back in 2013, but managed to maintain mutual respect and affection publicly in the years that followed prior to their eventual reunion. This time? Not so much and divorce has a finality to it that rarely offers a point of return. Originally published as 11 days that destroyed Miley and Liam https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/how-miley-cyrus-and-liam-hemsworths-amicable-split-turned-so-ugly/news-story/e0d2c9eefb3e60afa4deb532609a2bea?from=htc_rss
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halysborn · 7 years
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♪  ♫  ♪  H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y !!   ♪  ♫  ♪ 
SHOUT OUT to my MAIN BRO, my better half, my partner in ALL the ways that matter - @emitsdeath !!. 
This is just a little post to expound upon all the reasons that I adore you and what we have built together, even though I am about 92% sure that you already know all of them because I’ve CAPSLOCKED them at you in an attempt to convey my excitement. 
Dev, you are, without of a doubt, one of the chillest, most down to earth, straight shootin’st peeps on here. I’ve met a LOT of people on this site, and boy howdy, none of them are even a little like you. You are utterly unique and such a breath of fresh air for your strong will and your loud voice; there is LITERALLY nothing that you have said that I do not find myself agreeing with on a cellular level. 
You stand and represent a character that has gone un - or scarcely - represented in this fandom, and yet is such an integral part of the universe as a whole. Deathstroke is HELLA rad, dude, but in your hands, he shines all the brighter for both your interpretation, your canonical knowledge and your unshaking determination to play it like it is. Slade Wilson will FOREVER be Slade Wilson and you will FOREVER be a premier writer of his in my eyes, simply for the respect and recognition you give to him. 
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you, or how I grin every time I see a notification from you, or how I snicker whenever I get a message - be it through Discord or tumblr IM. It doesn’t matter if we are threading in the IMS on CAPSLOCK, chatting OOC about the things I need to do in New York when I get there or spinning out supposition about a new verse or a twist in the comics, because ALL of it is good. ALL of it is amazing. And I am privileged beyond words to be able to request even a sliver of your time. 
You are my BOI, my BRO, my BRETHERN. There will never not be a time that you are ALL of these things on some level. You are HELLA beyond HELLA, my friend, and don’t you let ANYONE tell you other wise. 
Happiest of birthdays to you, Broseidon, Lord of the Brocean. Best wishes and happy Slade-ing! 
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213hiphopworldnews · 6 years
Eminem’s ‘Killshot’ Diss To MGK Has The Internet Picking Sides And Their Favorite Lines
Shady Records
The rap internet has come alive with buzzing activity after Eminem snapped on Machine Gun Kelly with his “Killshot” diss record. Since the track dropped, fans on social media have begun to divide themselves along the battle lines drawn in hip-hop’s landscape, weighing on which of the two Midwestern MCs came out on top.
While Em is naturally the frontrunner due to his longevity and sizable fan base, many users declared the salty “Killshot” to be almost too bitter in its response to MGK’s “Rap Devil,” which poked fun at Em for being out-of-touch. Those commenters believe that “Killshot” just proves MGK’s point; as one user put it, “Eminem diss records used to actually be funny and truthful. He sounds like an old hater, which is exactly what MGK called him.”
Meanwhile, Eminem’s own enthusiastic fans have already declared him the winner, meme-ing MGK into Avengers: Infinity War-inspired oblivion with obvious references to that film’s final scene. This is the man who first coined the term “Stan,” after all. It’s likely they’d give him the crown even if he refused to respond in the first place. They’ve certainly already resorted to “certain level of intelligence” tweets, which are sure to follow any lyrically-wordy rapper around in the modern era.
Even elusive rap titan Jay Electronica surfaced to issue a warning against Eminem for joking about Diddy having Tupac killed at the end of the track. The often esoteric rapper tweeted that Em was in the wrong for noting how Diddy profited in the wake of ‘Pac’s death without also mentioning how Em’s own business partners were enriched by the gap in the rap game, writing, “How dare you accuse Diddy of killing Tupac while you completely look pass Jimmy Iovine and those who profited from his death the MOST. You best tread carefully Son, before I come tear your ivory tower down like Sulaiman done the Templar Knights.” He then deleted the tweet, replacing it with one linked to an Instagram video of Minister Louis Farrakhan during the infamous 50 Cent beef with Ja Rule.
https://t.co/u0Ep8MbDDB remember this was the very video i had to check you on before for blaspheming the Minister in the midst of him trying to bring Jarule and 50 to peace. Tread carefully @eminem
— سيف الله ℒℴѵℯ (@JayElectronica) September 14, 2018
Finally, Joe Budden, former Shady Records associate through the rap group Slaughterhouse and outspoken critic of the last few Eminem albums, chimed in after being asked why Eminem chose to verbally attack MGK but not Joe, who has taunted his former boss endlessly since the release of the widely-derided Revival. Joe’s response, simply, was to question whether Eminem might be scared of challenging a rapper who could compete with him lyrically.
I told y’all that 2 weeks ago & got called crazy…. https://t.co/ZEx8rgN1n2
— Joe Budden (@JoeBudden) September 14, 2018
The reactions are abundant, proving once again that while Jay-Z may be hip-hop’s cash king, and the genre-bending Travis Scott is the leader of the new school, no one gets the people talking like Eminem. Check out more reactions below.
So, listened a couple times to Eminem diss track:
MGK: much more listenable, addressed issues with Eminem that Eminem did NOT clarify in response (which means they must have truth behind them). Gave respect as he should’ve. Also threw better shots..
EM: addressed popularity
— M3T (3:ee) (@ThisIsMetris) September 14, 2018
Eminem diss to MGK was fucking trash. He had a few lines but the way y’all gas the so called “Rap God” I was expecting a Hit Em Up or No Vaseline type of classic.. instead I heard something weaker than Charged Up. His stans will disagree but idgaf suck my dick.
— MAKAVELI (@YungBricks187) September 14, 2018
you need a really deep understanding in hip-hop to feel the Eminem diss to machine gun Kelly. If you don't, please continue listening to Lil pump and stay in your lane. You are stupid. Don't @ me
— SOULED OUT (@sean_gowe) September 14, 2018
That Eminem diss track was pretty weak for Em. But of course everyone is spazzing like its the greatest diss of all time.
— Cristian (@cristianh907) September 14, 2018
eminem diss in a nutshell: – i’m richer than you -i sold more than you – in case you didn’t know i have more than 1 flow
— mtrnica (@MTRNICA) September 14, 2018
listening to this eminem diss and his voice is so annoying man lol. how do people hype shit like this up its comical
mgk sucks but at least he didnt rap like this
— mumbo tsuruta (@ebgteddy) September 14, 2018
How Iggy catch a stray in this Eminem MGK diss lol
— Craig Bro Dude (@CraigSJ) September 14, 2018
Diss songs shouldn’t be filled with celebrity name drops to pad out lazy bars.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) September 14, 2018
“How you gonna name yourself after a damn gun and have a man bun?”
“My biggest flops are your greatest hits Had to give you a career to destroy it”
“Got more fans than you in your own city lil kiddie/Go play, I feel like Im babysitting Lil Tay”
Eminem on MGK diss pic.twitter.com/3zFX1LGyFC
— Current Waves (@current__waves) September 14, 2018
Eminem's KILLSHOT (MGK DISS) is Wack though
And i think he feel threatened by MGK for him to be yelling like that on the beat, 5years Ago on TimWestWood MGK gave props to Em. calling him his mentor and Legend, Now they are exchanging diss tracks, MGK takes the WIN for that
— Enekem (@EnekemGreg) September 14, 2018
Marshall – 1.5 Machine Gun – 1
— The Old Man (@oldmanebro) September 14, 2018
MGK diss > Eminem diss
Hurts me to tweet that. But I gotta keep it a stack.
— Instagram asktrillac (@AskTrillAC) September 14, 2018
Em: “This is it as big as your gonna get so enjoy it … had to give you a career so that I could destroy it”
MGK: my mumble rap don't feel good!!#KILLSHOT pic.twitter.com/VXQ5iIbEa3
— Young O.G (@nganga_jeff) September 14, 2018
MGK fans after listening to Eminem's Killshot pic.twitter.com/CcFrA53D4w
— Josiah Johnson (@KingJosiah54) September 14, 2018
MGK: Your beard is weird Eminem: yOuR BEarD iS wEiRd #KILLSHOT pic.twitter.com/I2YYNuUIOY
— forrest sai (@SaiForrest) September 14, 2018
MGK complimented Eminem a lot because THATS how to take out a legend. You mention their once upon a time greatness, you show respect & admit they inspired you, & you do those things to then show how far they've fallen from grace. #RapDevil was facts on top of facts
These bars? pic.twitter.com/Uj04ap6n19
— JayTheFakeWriter (@KimKSidePiece) September 14, 2018
Em called MGK a mumble rapper…which confirm that people use that term when they simply just don’t like someone’s music
— 1090 (@TripleKrossK1NG) September 14, 2018
MGK reflecting on his 2010 tweet about Eminem like… pic.twitter.com/7JFk3hOro1
— Mister Morris (@mistermorris55) September 14, 2018
Gotta give this round to MGK. If I’m being honest. It’s hard to punch down.
— Rob Markman (@RobMarkman) September 14, 2018
Eminem and MGK rap beef just sound like 2 Mountain Dew ridden teenagers yellin over Xbox live headsets and y’all are lookin for a ‘winner’
— Daniel Barefoot (@DanielBarefoot) September 14, 2018
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/eminem-killshot-mgk-diss-reactions/
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It’s 11:25 so lets see how long this takes
I skipped class because I didn't want to do the research for the debate, lol oops. 
So instead I'm sitting in the library attempting to read this article but in reality all I can think about is you/him. 
Let’s just dive in shall we? I’ve dreamt about Jose for the past 2 nights and it’s really taking a toll on me. I live in this constant state of “wow i wish he still had feelings for me” or “because he sent me that text does that mean he still wants this?” or my personal favorite “ maybe because he drunks text/facetimes me he still thinks about me”.  I absolutely hate that he still has such a hold over me.  So I texted him last night and told him about my dream. Let me tell y’all about my dream. Holy crap. I can't really remember that many details but what I do remember is that I was pregnant. 99.99% sure it was Jose’s because he was in my dream a lot. It was actually really sweet he was a good partner to have throughout it apparently. So I texted him this really funny text that was like “you know that saying that goes you dream about someone if they fall asleep thinking about you. I just had another dream about you so Im gunna need you to stop thinking about me” His response? 
“Dude I'm on a date.” 
I didn't see the text until this morning because I fell asleep. And holy crap my heart sank right then and there. I mean don't get me wrong I knew he as hoe-ing around again but I didn't think it was that serious. My fucking heart hurts. It can't be too serious though he isn’t tagging her in memes and he did that to me all the time. I guess it isn’t that big of a deal then. But holy crap that really got me this morning. He took someone else out. He has feelings for someone else. There is someone else in his life that makes his heart flutter. There is someone else that holds his hand. There is someone else that gets his good morning texts and stupid cheesy jokes. I just was not ready for that at all. I know he doesn't want me anymore. He doesn't. He fell out of love with me so why should I still be all caught up on him? How does one “get over someone”? It took me YEARS to officially get over Ryshard and that only came from help from Jose. I’m telling y’all this guy is just everything I want. 
I wish Jose didn't do this to me. I wish Jose loved me still.  I wish Jose was mine again. 
Now on to you. I know you're reading this. You have to be. You don't stop reading my blog. I’m not complaining or anything it just sucks that I don't know the inner workings of your head. I’ve been wanting to text you for so long. I just don't know what to say. The things went down was wrong and I want to fix it but I just don't know how. Ugh. Maybe this is just one of those things where it doesn't get fixed and life just goes on and you’ll always be my first boyfriend and that's it. I don't want it to be it but who knows.        **I hope you're doing okay and Kori is treating you well. If you do read this please text me or message me or something. 
It’s my last year of college and in my old life plan I was going to be engaged or least have a serious boyfriend by this point. I currently have neither of those and I’ve never been more stressed. I saw my life going one way with you and then my vision changed and it was with him and now it’s with no one. I’m starting to think that something is wrong with me. Why can't I keep a boyfriend? What’s wrong with me that no one wants to stay with me? I ask myself these questions on the daily and it sucks because I don’t have the answers to them. Jose always says that there was nothing wrong with me that he just fell out of love but I don't think that that really just happens. I had to do something that he didn't like but I just can't figure it out. I wish I could figure it out. This is just so hard. 
I had this plan for the way I wanted my life to go. I want to be married, happy, with 2 dogs, my kids and a job that I love. Is that really just too hard to ask for? I’m a good person. I do good things. I have a good heart. I deserve this but why isn’t it happening for me then? 
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