#ilu arden
evoblue · 4 months
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man I sure would hate to be @timebranded right now... 😂
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unovasrose · 1 year
L U C K Y R O S E for the Valentine's Day alphabet meme. :3c
 valentine’s day alphabet / accepting!
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LOVE. who does your muse love?
    Hmm... I wonder who that could be? :3c
UNREQUITED. has your muse had their heart broken?
    She sure has ; you can blame Hale Foster for her first heartbreak. Nothing like finding out everything about your relationship with your first boyfriend was all a lie AND that he was using you to complete his INTERPOL work... She will probably never forgive him for that, not that Hale cares. Something about her disdain fuels him.
CHOCOLATE. does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
    Like most people, Rosa enjoys chocolate. Her favorites tend to be ones with fruit pieces or spicy ingredients like ginger or cayenne pepper in them. She also really likes Sweet Hearts.
KISS. is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
    Rosa is a pretty decent kisser but that’s just something that has come with experience. She’s very receptive to her partner’s body language and overall mood ( it helps that she’s very empathetic ) and tends to ease into things. She’s also pretty responsive, so her partner can more easily key into whether she enjoys something or not. Finally, it also helps that her lips are soft~
YOURS. does your muse get protective easily?
    Very. From the moment she begins to care about someone, she becomes fiercely protective of them. One of her main drives for becoming a powerful trainer is to be able to protect those she cares about and make up for those she couldn’t protect in the past. It’s a bit funny because you’d never expect someone so small and delicate-looking to be so fierce but it also teaches others not to judge this book by its cover.
ROMANCE. is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
    Hmm... she’s a romantic that got turned into a cynic. After her experiences with Hale and another less-talked-about ex-boyfriend, she became a bit disillusioned. That’s part of why she refuses to believe someone cares about her in a romantic sense at first, even if she can still see actual signs in front of her. She’s not OBLIVIOUS like someone else we all know and love, just hurt... 
ODE. does your muse have a way with words?
    One would think that she would, considering that she’s a talented actress. However, she struggles a bit when it comes to verbally expressing her affection in real life, partly because of fear of rejection. That’s why she prefers to show her affections with actions... 
SWEETHEART. did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
    She did not! Most of her childhood was spent around very busy, very serious adults. The first people around her age that she got to actually meet were Hugh and Nate when she was a teenager.
EMBRACE. does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
    Rosa adores hugs ; it’s the ultimate comfort. She’s small so she doesn’t have much reach but she enjoys wrapping her arms around the other person ( chest or waist, depending on what her height is with respect to them ) and holding onto them tightly. Depending on how close she is to the other person, she might rest her head on their chest, shoulder, or crook of their neck.
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blushiro · 2 years
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village-skeptic · 4 years
30-Day Song Challenge, Day 12: A song from your preteen years. 
Oh you probably won’t remember me It’s probably ancient history I’m one of the chosen few who went ahead and fell for you I’m out of vogue, I’m out of touch I fell too fast, I feel too much (Jann Arden, “Insensitive”)
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messmertheimpaler · 5 years
give me uuuuh 1 to 6 for eris and teagye AND 13 to 17 for arden and vergil
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thank you maria!!
eris & teague, the two clowns of dh
1.do they have a lot of arguments? if so, over what?
Not so much in the beginning, as the progression of their relationship grows, Teague starts to show jealousy towards Eris’ clients and they argue over her seeing them, which ends up with her saying it’s her job because she has no other means to look after her sister. Teague always promises that he’ll find a way to get her out of the GC, but LMAO
2.who apologizes first? in what way? is it hard for either of them to apologize?
Teague, because he’s an idiot and he knows that he’s been foolish. He won’t say the words “I’m sorry” or “I apologize.” His usual way of apologizing is sending Eris a gift. Teague never likes to admit he’s wrong, plus it’ll cause another argument if Eris forces him to apologize, so she’ll accept the gift without saying anything.
3.which one has more insecurities? over what?
Eris, only because of her profession and gets told by Prudence that beauty won’t last forever and will end up losing her clients, Teague. Eris is a vain heaux :/
4.who gets more riled up? do they show their anger?
Teague lmao, due to the whole coup thing, he grows increasingly paranoid and irritable with any little thing. He tries not to show it, but his stance is more stiff, he doesn’t laugh at jokes like before. 
5.how do they hide their pain when they’re upset? do they try to hide their pain?
Eris changes the subject, by a) making fun of a previous client, or making fun of Prudence. She’s not very good at it though lmao. Teague goes quiet and doesn’t like to speak about what’s bothering him, which is where Eris comes into to talk about a random story from her time as a Howler, or talks about her mom.
6.who tries to make up first? does it work?
Teague is the one who begins and ends arguments, so he’s always the first one to make it up to Eris. If Eris really tried, she’d keep the argument going, but she’s got big abandonment issues, so she never goes further than the simple silent treatment. Her room is littered with gifts from Teague, so it deffo works lmao
arden & vergil:
13.is it hard for them to talk about their feelings openly with each other? if so, is there any way that can be resolved, even in the slightest?
It’s incredibly hard for Vergil LMAO he can’t express his feelings for shit, other than when he’s angry/upset. Arden always encourages him to, but he needs up being annoyed and storms off. Meanwhile, Arden talks about her feelings freely with him, which he finds weird, but also endearing. He’ll never admit it.
14.who grieves more when the other is away?
Arden, 100%. When she found out he stayed in the demon world in 3, she was inconsolable.
15.who misses the other more, or really thinks about them more?
Again, Arden. There isn’t a moment when she’s not thinking about him after he’s gone/“dead”.
16.do either of them have a special item (an article of clothing, a necklace, a book) that they use when they miss the other? if so, what is it? what do they do with it (read, wear, look at, smell)?
Vergil kept one of Arden’s hairpins before he left her, which she never realizes to this day (I’ll probs talk about it in dmc5 depending on how the story goes)
17.who cries more? who gets more emotional in general?
Arden. When he leaves her, when he stays in the demon world, when he “dies” in 1. Big water works, let her be happy for once ffs vergil
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lovcsick · 4 years
&     .     @foolsongs​     !     ♡     (     based     )  
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 the  brunette  is  not  entirely  new  to  the  party  scene  ,  just  ...  reluctant  ,  and  always  more  comfortable  within  the  confinements  of  her  own  bedroom  walls  ,  eyes  buried  deep  in  some  jane  austen  novel  for  the  tenth  time  .  boring  ,  some  would  even  call  her  .  she’s  not  known  for  being  able  to  let  loose  ,  but  despite  previous  worries  ,  she  finds  herself  surprisingly  chatty  after  continuously  sipping  on  the  beer  she  was  handed  upon  arrival  .  and  therefor  able  to  lower  her  shoulders  enough  to  engage  in  conversation  with  unfamiliar  faces  ,  including  a  guy  she’d  bumped  into  by  the  refreshments  .  but  the  friendly  interaction  quickly  decided  to  take  a  darker  turn  ,  carefree  ,  almost  tipsy  attitude  changing  into  more  serious  at  the  sudden  ,  physical  approach  and  caress  of  her  waist  in  an  attempt  to  pull  her  body  closer  .  hot  breath  reeking  of  cheap  liquor  against  her  cheek  intensifies  the  anxious  ball  of  distress  at  the  pit  of  her  stomach  ,  visible  in  the  slight  shade  of  pink  tinting   her  cheeks  .  i  have  a  boyfriend  .  the  previous  warning  ,  aimed  to  be  firm  ,  doesn’t  seem  to  register  ,  much  less  get  him  to  back  off  .  caught  between  not  wanting  to  make  a  further  public  fuss  and  the  wish  to  escape  him  ,  she  chooses  the  latter  ,  eyes  flickering  across  the  room  in  search  of  someone  to  lock  eyes  with  despite  having  already  lost  sight  of  her  one  and  only  friend  at  the  party  .  
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honeysidesarchived · 3 years
🔥 + power for Isolde
🔥 + dark for Elliot
🔥 + glass for Arden
raven ilu but why are u out here exposing my girls
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🎕 it's not a far reach to assume that there is nothing sexier to isolde than power. like, can u think of something more attractive than a man begging you? she can't. she 1.) likes to be on top and 2.) likes to be in control, and if she can get a please soli i'll be good soli out of it, then all the better. fair enough that she likes to be submissive to the right person but MOST of the time she just wants to get THIS close to making a man cry.
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🎕 for the longest time, elliot only wanted to have sex in the dark. easier to check out, easier to to pretend like she's away from her body; however, now, she finds that there's something very sexy about being intimate in absolute and complete pitch darkness. not being able to see even the shape of the person you're with (thank you, black-out curtains) is placing inherent trust in them as it is, but then all of your senses are heightened; especially for a girl who puts so much value into touch, can you imagine how it would feel to have that sensation multiplied?? good lordy
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🎕 i mean. come on. we know arden is a little exhibitionist. could she really resist a bit of the horizontal tango pressed up against the glass of a window in a hotel room, her office, her house? maybe the car? it's about wanting to fuck someone SO BAD you can't even WAIT to find a flat surface, you gotta do it against a WINDOW. i said what i said
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not-poignant · 3 years
Hi Pia! I'm a huge fan of your work and deeply enjoying FFS rn, it really shows the love and care you've put into this world and characters and it's an amazing read 🥰🧡
Idk if you've actually answered this question before or if it's a bit too much? So feel free to skip it. Do you have any advice on how to write a therapist and sessions with them? And to go along with that, a therapist&patient relationship that doesn't feel inauthentic but that's a healthy one?
I've had to visit both psychiatrists and psychologists a couple of times along my life, which has almost always been a positive experience to me, but when I get down to business and want to write a character going to therapy, I fall into a bunch of the psychoanalytic clichés US films have hammered us down with, even if I'm not from an Anglophile country!
Thanks a bunch in advance!! Ilu, have a nice start of the year🧡✨
Hiya anon!
I have a few thoughts about writing therapy sessions so I’m just going to put them down in no particular order.
Firstly, I don’t actually think it’s always a good idea to write therapy in stories, and a lot of the time I avoid writing it even when a character is actively seeing a therapist. This is particularly true in The Wind that Cuts the Night where all we see of Alex and his therapist are snippets, and nothing more than that, because therapy sessions would slow down the pacing, focus and value of the story.
Where possible, characters don’t see therapists, but talk to people in a way that is therapeutic, usually with love interests or members of the ensemble cast (Augus and Fenwrel in The Court of Five Thrones, Jack and Eva in The Golden Age that Never Was, Jack and North in From the Darkness We Rise/Into Shadows We Fall, Cullen and Cassandra, Cullen and Bull in Stuck on the Puzzle). All of those characters need therapy, but writing therapy sessions tends to slow down the pace of a fic pretty dramatically, and even I had misgivings about writing Efnisien’s sessions with Dr Gary at first because I’m acutely aware of the fact that:
1. Therapy sessions can be draggy and boring 2. They often take away important emotional realisations from other characters, ruining potential hurt/comfort and character relationship development moments with your actual cast / love interests 3. Fiction is meant to be fiction, not reality. 4. A lot of therapy sessions are actually not that interesting to sit in or write or observe, which is why writers do often find themselves falling into certain cliches while writing them to make them more interesting. Even I cut out huge chunks of sessions to get to the more interesting parts, lol. 5. You can write a character going to therapy without writing the therapy. You can just choose to have the character remember bits and pieces of the session later as it’s relevant to their life. 6. Therapy is different for everyone, and some readers (myself included) don’t enjoy reading it when the therapy is a kind that doesn’t resonate or feel right.
So you really need to ask yourself why you want to write therapy specifically, because a lot of the time it gets boring or - as you point out - falls into cliched territory. Writing a character going to a doctor a lot in detail for regular injections is boring. Writing them thinking about how they have to do this in brief while their love interest is sympathetic to them getting those injections is more interesting. Writing a character suffering from an illness that they need regular injections for, with their love interest comforting them? Interesting.
Falling Falling Stars is a unique fic in that Efnisien has no one before he meets Arden, except for Dr Gary and Gwyn. If you’re writing an FFS style fic, writing therapy sessions might be appropriate. It might be worth really thinking about the kind of fics you want to write, why you want to write therapy, how that will affect your pacing, etc.
If you’re still dead set on writing therapy sessions, then I have some suggestions re: writing more realistic/healthy therapy and how to find that knowledge yourself, and I don’t really know how to shorthand some of it:
1. Get books on therapy that are designed for the therapist. These are often expensive, but sometimes libraries stock them - and university libraries in particular will often have photocopy abilities (or you can just photograph the pages you need) because these books look at how sessions should be structured. Books with case studies are ideal, since they often show dialogue chains between the client and therapist. Books that obviously deal with the mental illnesses you’re planning on writing about are the most ideal.
2. With a view to this, learn about different therapeutic modalities (for example are you trying to write psychology or psychoanalysis or both? Are you writing social work? Are you writing cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, expressive therapies, narrative therapy, transcendental therapy?) Be aware that different modalities have different session structures and learn what they are. Wikipedia is your friend, but your closest friend will be actually acquiring textbooks on the subject. This is a pretty significant financial barrier at times, I’ve been collecting books like this on psychology since like 1997.
3. Learn about your character’s mental instabilities that require them to go to a therapist and then look up the most recommended forms of therapy for your character’s specific issues. Will they suit your character? Why/why not? Will they have a therapist who realises and switches modality if it doesn’t suit? Or will they be lucky and find someone who helps them straight away?
4. All therapy sessions have a structure to them. And therapy often has a narrative arc through the course of therapy over many sessions. They should generally have the attempt at a beginning (greeting / setting up the problem to be discussed), middle (highlighting the source of conflict or inner conflict) and end (helping the client to focus on less stressful things, possible homework assigned, and potentially talking about future work/sessions). Learn this structure. Even if you’re not writing the whole session, you need to know where in the session you’re writing, beginning/middle/end will be different tonally. Structures will be different per therapeutic modality, and a therapist that knows many different modalities (like Dr Gary) will often be using slightly different structures each time depending on the character’s mood/issue.
5. In a healthy therapist/client relationship there will be the ability to discuss boundaries, grievances and the therapist won’t be revealing much about their personal life at all (unless anecdotally it’s super relevant and even then it will be deliberately vague). This is one of those things that will - in many cases - make for more boring sessions on the page, depending on the ‘client.’ For example, if you’re writing someone seeing a therapist for the first time, it might realistically take months or years before they start showing progress or trust. That’s not interesting (there’s a reason ‘therapy fiction’ isn’t a genre), so of course it’s tempting to shortcut into more dramatic moments.
I would say if you’re finding yourself leaning towards more cliched or dramatic forms of writing re: therapy, your writing brain may sense that the entire scene/s may not be suited to the story, and is trying to find a way to make them more interesting to yourself and the reader. If that’s not the case, then a lot more research is needed! It’s time to sink many hours into actually understanding what you’re trying to write. This doesn’t matter as much if you’re writing unrealistic or unhealthy therapy, but it’s 100% necessary when you’re trying to write healthier therapy depictions.***
Also a couple of sessions of experience is a start, but you might want to watch or find a way to watch more therapy sessions, because you’ve missed out on experiencing longer arcs, different modalities etc. (This is where my hands on experience with 19 therapists since 1995 is actually really helpful, lmao - I’ve had close to like 800~ sessions by now, with good and bad therapists; I cannot pretend that hasn’t given me a knowledge base that most people don’t share). You can still learn that stuff via research, MedCircle on Youtube is a good place to start, since it offers 30 minute snapshots on what CBT and DBT sessions will look like etc. and has some great playlists.
Most fics I’ve read don’t do a great job of depicting therapy, but the Babes!verse series by @rynfinity has probably some of the most realistic and still really interesting sessions I’ve read as an ongoing arc. The series is long, because it needs to be re: what it’s dealing with, but it’s great, and I definitely recommend looking at another example of how an author tackles these sorts of scenes. Out of the Mouths of Babes / The March of the Damned are the two intertwined series.
I apologise if this sounds discouraging overall, or daunting, but I just want to stress there’s a reason that I’m often not writing therapy in my writing, as anything more than the occasional scene with a non-therapist, or snapshots that are reflected on and that’s it. Falling Falling Stars is the exception to the rule, and unless you’re writing an exception to the rule as well, it’s really worth reflecting on the first six points I wrote - it’ll save you a fuckton of time and research. And if you go ahead with it, I wish you well! :D
*** Also disclaimer: But I still am writing very indulgent therapy that is not beholden to being either a 100% healthy or 100% realistic depiction. The fact is, real therapy sessions are pretty boring for observers except for maybe ten or twenty minutes in the middle at times.
(ETA: It’s just occurred to me that therapy fiction does exist, esp. in the mass media, but that it is - afaik - all unrealistic, dramatised or unhealthy. But if you want to watch a great show - I highly recommend In Treatment with Gabriel Byrne, just by aware that it is depicting, for the most part, unhealthy dynamics which are more character studies than anything).
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All 5s for Miss Arden who is she queen give us the deets xoxo
dove!!! hello!!! thank u for the ask about my girl!! ilu ;-; partially under the cut for mentions infertility, and also for length, because i don’t know how to shut up ♡
detailed oc questions!
5. do they have any siblings? what’s their names? what is their relationship with them? has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
arden has multiple siblings, but she has no idea who they are, where they are, what they’re like as people, or even how many she has. she was adopted at two years old by a wealthy couple in new york, and the adoption was such that the parents did not want to be located or found later, so their names and information are unknown to her. not that she’s ever had any desire to find them!
10. do they like children? do children like them? do they have or want any children? what would they be like as a parent? or as a godparent/babysitter/etc?
she loves children. kids are the fucking coolest, man. they ask a lot of questions, and arden is so full of facts and knowledge that she almost always has an answer, but most importantly she really loves how free of the inhibitions of adulthood children are!! they’ll put pretty much anything in their mouths!! they almost all love animals unconditionally!!! that shit rocks!!
she definitely wants to have her own children. in her pre/no cult au i have for her with jacob, they’re together for quite a while before they decide they want to try for kids, which ends up being an incredibly long and arduous process where arden has to go through several instances of ivf--and even then the doctors are still concerned that it would possibly come down to choosing between arden and baby. they do have!! a baby though!! safely and without any further complications, and arden is probably exactly the kind of mother people would expect: loving, patient, doting. she’s much less strict than jacob is but puts a heavy emphasis on being fully and thoroughly educated.
15. are they good at cooking? do they enjoy it? what do others think of their cooking?
arden’s a great cook! or, at least in the sense that her food always tastes good. her brain tends to vibrate at a different frequency most all the time from the people she spends time with, and so it often looks like she’s a hurricane just busting through the kitchen when she’s cooking, always focused on the task at hand rather than keeping things clean and tidy as she cooks. it’s absolute chaos. but the food does end up tasting good, and arden enjoys it--she loves the catharsis of cooking, lol.
20. do they like musicals? music in general? what do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
while she has no particular love for musicals, arden does have a very funny love for music. it’s like, not what most people who like music feel (when you play music, it reinforces the part of your brain that does math, which arden thinks is very cool) and when her favorite song comes on she stops literally everything she’s doing to listen and enjoy it.
(and her favorite song is black hole sun by soundgarden)
25.  what do they find funny? do they have a good sense of humour? are they funny themselves?
people. arden finds people funny. she thinks humans are an incredibly funny collection of creatures, diverse and complex and funny, and i think sometimes that makes her humour translate as like...a little more dark? she’s usually pretty matter of fact and almost never says something she doesn’t mean, which means that her humour tends to focus on things that are real and tangible and accurate and then using it to make a point. you know, like “find the thing that you don’t like about you and then make a joke out of it” kind of humour, but without the malicious intent--she’s real big on acknowledging and accepting our personal faults and doesn’t see anything wrong with noticing them in other people too.
30. do they exercise? regularly? or only when forced? what do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
she does exercise, and regularly! arden is exceptionally fit. she’s pretty much all wiry muscle and leg. she spent a long time in high school and college not taking very good care of her body and then pushing it to its limits to see how far she could go, and that inevitably ended up impacting her ability to have children. now, she takes meticulous care of her body, and that includes regularly working out in healthy ways. pre and post work out arden are pretty much exactly the same as regular arden, except that she might seem a bit more relaxed post-work out.
35. what’s their guilty pleasure? what is their totally unguilty pleasure?
guilty pleasure would be buying notebooks. arden has a vast and unending collection of notebooks (which are empty), and which she insists she’s going to fill one day with all of her thoughts (which are many), and they fill up a solid two shelves on her bookshelf. somewhere deep down i think she knows that she will never have the time nor the ability to sit still long enough to actually write something down in them, beyond using them for scrap paper, and there are plenty of times where jacob has tried to get her to let go of some of them, but you know. 
unguilty pleasure would definitely be doing shit at the vet clinic for free. the staff like to refer to her as “doctor write-off” because she just can’t stand to see an animal come in needing help and their people can’t pay for it.
40. do they like energy drinks? coffee? sugary food? or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
arden is that really annoying person who drinks one (1) cup of coffee and then she’s fine. she’s meticulous about her circadian rhythm and sleep cycles, which means she’s almost always rested. because her brain runs at 100 mph, energy drinks/too much coffee/sugary foods can make her feel unbearably jittery--though she does enjoy a good slice of cheesecake now and then.
45. how do other people see them? is it similar to how they see themselves?
arden has almost no filter, and i think that makes it so that people’s impression of her is usually pretty accurate to exactly how she is--and i think most of the time, people think she’s a little odd. she’s quite smart and will often try to pace herself and her thoughts for other people, so that she’s not running ahead of them five or six tangents down the road, but this is a habit that later jacob tries to break her of--because she’s smart, she shouldn’t have to dumb herself down for people--and this usually translates in conversation that she isn’t actually paying attention, which just isn’t true. she is paying attention, she’s just also thinking, and that means her brain is somewhere way past where the conversation is, currently.
but she’s also an exceptionally warm person, in the kind of straightforward, matter-of-fact way. she has almost no tolerance for people making mistakes on her watch, but she’s never vicious about it--not until someone’s really pushed her.
50.  if they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? what do they consider their essentials?
books books books! arden will read through books over and over and not get tired of them. endless entertainment. but also, books about subjects she doesn’t know very much about--like architecture, she loves learning about architecture and design. she can’t fit them in the bag but she’d take castor and pollux, the dogs, of course; wherever she goes they go!
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sparklehoard · 3 years
209, 211, annnnd 215!!!!!!!!! so so many asks for my fav bea!!!! again no pressure ik I sent u like a dozen dbensnndd ilu
LAST ONE!!!!! for the numbers post anyways.
209. Item of clothing or jewelry you’ll never see me without?
My cheap little stud earrings from ardenes. or the glitter in my hair.
211. How do I handle anger 
either wait for it to boil down, sleep on it or I take out the ol’ rusty hedge clippers and attack the trees and bushes. 
215. what is the weirdest talent I have?
.....I can do a really good yoshi impression....
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rockcfellers · 4 years
# hello ilu
𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒   /   accepting .
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone  :
ophelia 😈
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone  :
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- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone  :
ophelia - the lumineers
- my muse’s last text to your muse  :
arden  :   check ur snap. i can’t tell if i look like a hooker or an idiot.
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cozydnp-archive · 5 years
Congrats on 1k Arden!!!!!!! You deserve all the followers and a whole lot more!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Quinn... the sweetest... thank you so much💕 you make me feel so happy and welcome here ilu a lot
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macbcth · 7 years
✿ :')
aaah arden!! ilu, the tyler to my swet
url: troll / poor / dreadful / acceptable / exceeds expectations / outstanding
icon: troll / poor / dreadful / acceptable / exceeds expectations / outstanding
mobile theme: troll / poor / dreadful / acceptable / exceeds expectations / outstanding
desktop theme: troll / poor / dreadful / acceptable / exceeds expectations / outstanding
content: troll / poor / dreadful / acceptable / exceeds expectations / outstanding
following: no, sorry / i am now / yes!! / forever and always
compliments: i’m still shook by your url, also your mobile theme is gorgeous?? i love that colour scheme!! also your icon gives me life, i love my skating gays :’))
birthday blogrates
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messmertheimpaler · 4 years
💀📓⚖️💧 💗🗺️ for my mijas Arden and Autumn!!!
thank u gabby… my true heaux………..ilu…
💀 Has your OC ever lost anyone to death? Multiple people? People close to them? How does the loss make them feel?
I would say her parents, but they’re technically not dead, but she has no idea about any of that. With that in mind, she does feel a certain kind of loss for them, she misses the domesticity when she was younger. Having her grandmother, no matter if it was tumultuous at times, it heals that wound in her heart. 
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?)
“March 19th,
Another boring day in Redgrave, but it’s better than being in grandmother’s house. Even when she’s around, the house feels too quiet and it makes me feel small. I hate it there sometimes. Which reminds me, I need to buy more plants for my apartment. I know, I know, ‘You already have a garden on your windowsill, you weirdo.’ But whatever, that’s why I got my own place so I can do whatever I want with it. I feel you judging me. Anyway, it’s been a month since I’ve seen her, I think she’s given up on finding me. Thank god.
⚖️ What is the biggest crime your OC has committed? Are they a theif, a cheat, a liar? What is the smallest, most petty crime they’ve committed? Or do they not do crime at all?
Idk if it counts as her being a demon hunter as like, a crime, but she does cast little spells to get info out of people if they’re being stubborn. Other than that, she’s pretty a by-the-book type of person, a goody two shoes, which she gets teased for a lot lmao
💧 What makes your OC lose hope, what makes them give up and feel helpless? Have they ever given up on something really important or let go of a dream? What are some of their biggest regrets? Would they ever try again (if they’re able to)?
The day she gave up Nero was the lowest point of her life. Everyone understood why she did it and no one hated or blamed her for it and they let her grieve for a time. Ever since then she has a weak spot seeing a mother doting on her child and if any child is in danger, she’ll jump at the chance to protect them any way she can. But if she had to do it all over again, she would since the whole point was to protect Nero from her grandmother. 
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them? 
Her best friends are Dante, Lady, and Trish, but she’s particularly close to Dante. She’s got is her grandmother, but it’s severely strained due to her grandmother keeping her locked in a room for weeks/months at a time for ~experiments~ which is why she ran away from her. And then she has her son Nero, who she would kill and die for. They’ve worked past through the whole her giving him to an orphanage and she lives to embarrass him at any given point. Vergil is her mans, babey!! They didn’t like each other and part of her telling Vergil about Arkham was so he can GTFO but then he found himself visiting her anyway and then she fell for him. Now they’re like Morticia and Gomez Addams and everyone is sick of it. The thing she didn’t like about Vergil’s personality in the beginning was how cold he was and only ever said two words to her which annoyed her a lot. He still has the habit of doing it but Arden has since let it slide. Arden has a lot of love for her friends, so it’d take like, them working with her grandmother for her to hate them forever, but she’s never had to worry about that.
🗺️ Does your OC like going on adventures? Have they ever discovered something really interesting and significant or are they just too busy getting lost? Where is their favourite place they’ve been? Least favourite?
Arden wasn’t big on adventures due to being sheltered when she was a child, but as she got older she imagined going out exploring abandoned castles or traveling on a ship. Then when she became a demon hunter, she traveled from city to city and loved every single minute of it. Arden has found a lot of old landmarks while getting lost so it’s always unintentional when she finds something cool and it takes Dante a whole hour to find her lmfao. She didn’t get a chance to go to Fortuna, but she definitely considers that to be her least favorite place and refuses to go even though Nero lives there with Kyrie. Her favorite places have been Ireland and Greece.
💀 Has your OC ever lost anyone to death? Multiple people? People close to them? How does the loss make them feel?
Autumn lost her mother as a young child which affected her deeply and caused her to lash out a lot towards her dad. She had an older brother who died before she was even born so she doesn’t really know how to feel about that one.
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?)
The journal she keeps is more for her dad, to write down her treasure hunting adventures to show to her dad since he’s the one who got her started on becoming a treasure hunter. She has about twelve journals starting from when she went with her dad at age fifteen and continues to write her the adventures she’s had with Nathan and the others.
⚖️ What is the biggest crime your OC has committed? Are they a theif, a cheat, a liar? What is the smallest, most petty crime they’ve committed? Or do they not do crime at all?
Her side profession is definitely a crime lmao but she tries to keep it at a minimum and can proudly say she hasn’t killed anyone.
 💧 What makes your OC lose hope, what makes them give up and feel helpless? Have they ever given up on something really important or let go of a dream? What are some of their biggest regrets? Would they ever try again (if they’re able to)?
Nothing, because she’s too stubborn to ever give up on herself or anyone. LMAO but for real, like, it’s one of her better qualities that she and others have come to rely on. Whenever things seem hopeless, Autumn has the strength to keep going and to see the silver linings in everything. Her only regret would be on how she treated her father in the beginning, but their relationship has grown stronger and she wouldn’t change a thing.
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
Her close friends are Elena and Chloe which was real awkward in the beginning for her lmfao but they grew past that and Autumn was so grateful for it. Victor considers her like his niece and calls him ‘Uncle Vic’ most of the time anyway. Nathan’s become her annoying brother-in-law but she loves him a whole lot. She had a very brief thing with Rafe which caused a lot of drama between him and Sam. It was a dark time for her. But then she eventually got Sam to wake the fuck up and realize that he loves Autumn and that he never wants to lose her and marries her after everything. She gets along with most people but hates people who try to act Fake Intellectual and school her on things like she’s a first grader.
🗺️ Does your OC like going on adventures? Have they ever discovered something really interesting and significant or are they just too busy getting lost? Where is their favourite place they’ve been? Least favourite?
Oh of course lmao she’s been on adventures she was fifteen and centered her life around it and even became a history teacher just to say things like “I’ve been there,” to impress her students. Autumn’s discovered a lot of treasures even some that she didn’t bring back with her but she takes photos of everything she sees. Her favorite place so far has been going to Yemen and her least favorite for sure was the Istanbul Palace.
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renissance · 7 years
*insert star* ahsjfkf omg nia ur a star ilu congrats on 12k !! :')
sodifg arden ily ♥♥♥♥♥♥
url: 10 / 10icon: 10 / 10blog: 10 / 10extra: you’re literally one of my fave blogs on here ok bye ily 
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (blacklist: adbr)
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vemarkciraptor · 7 years
abc tag– rules: answer the questions and tag 10 people
tagged by @recurringpattern ilu bird
a - age: 24 b - biggest fear: owls, moths, scarecrows  c - current time: 12:21 am d - drink you last had: water f - favorite song: i’ve been in monsta x hell for like a week sooooo g - ghosts, are they real: uhhhhh my potato cutter didn’t shove itself off the shelf w/o help h- hometown: wv, usa i - in love with: jae, taraji p henson, arden cho... there’s lots :)  j - jealous of: people who get to be with their bff’s all the damn time  k - killed someone: who would i be if i hadn’t??? l - last time you cried: yesterday..hahaha  m - middle name: kristina n - number of siblings: zero o - one wish: *cue ray j singing* to get to where i wanna be   p - person you last called/texted: the #goldentrio gc q - question(s) you’re always asked: how old are you?  r - reasons to smile: coffee is a thing s - song last played: ‘Oi’ by monsta x  t - time you woke up: 8am u - underwear color: pink v - vacation destination: disney world  w - worst habit: not sleeping like a normal x - x-rays you’ve had: i can only recall about 4 times in my whole life?? y - your favorite food: pizza or chicken tbh.. also tiramisu  z - zodiac sign: virgo
anyone can do this but im so late that i don’t see the point in tagging now ^^;
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