#ignore the seal
k3inmo · 1 year
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They are also kissign 👍👍
Update from the future stop liking this ITS OLD AND BAD - 11/23
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lorsted · 2 months
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a duo of Half Orca/Orcs having a day at the beach
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yokyoaaa · 1 year
Here’s some old-school metadede for the metadede enjoyers
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cordycepsbian · 9 months
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oh the wonder of that wild wet world
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pebblespillowfort · 5 months
i made another onee | seal pup
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 4 months
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FINALLYYYY~~ Seal-Shark Jerky (2/2) [I think it can be read on it's own, tho].
Look, I loved doing this comic, but I can't deny it was a lot of work. At least for someone who's used to making one fan work=one post.
This proyect ended up becoming five different posts. That's quite a lot. I don't know if I should make a masterpost. Let me know if I should, pls
Also, I downloaded and *cof, cof* pirated *cof, cof* (don't worry, I stole only from AI xD) a lot of new brushes, textures and onomatopeias.
If it's annoying, or you guys think it just doesn't work with this particular comic/my art style, also let me know. Taking the onomatopeias out of this wouldn't be all that difficult, I think.
Clothing Design (Skipable).
Zuko's Arrival (Skipable, but I'll be sad :c).
Seal-Shark Jerky Comic (Part 1/2).
Interlude (Skipable).
Seal-Shark Jerky (Zukka) The One-Shot I based this on~
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shatinn · 21 days
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Fallout 4 - Danse
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canyourlawnmowerdothis · 10 months
uhmm navyseal mayhaps :-3 or if not jrwi just any silly transfem hc u have bc its always based
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laying about in bed ranked number one best activity in th e world
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Being honest, of all people and Persona users in the series, I think Nyarlathotep would hate Makoto and Kotone the most. To such ungodly level that, by jungian "pyshics" (enantiodromia), turns back to respect. That's because they reached the answer to life's greatest question; they are "living, breathing" affirmations of life's potential to become whole and individuated, incarnations of the archetype of the Self, the meaning of life that Nyarlathotep always tries to deny (he is chaos in the absurdist sense, after all).
Though I agree he would lost interest on them after a while, despite the Great Seal showing him wrong into a fundamental level. I also agree with his interest for the PT. Just like Yaldabaoth, Maruki, Enlil, Salmael... and, really, a long list of deities show, good intentions can easily turn into catatstrophes for humanity.
You raise some good points. Maybe if Nyarly bothered to see what they were about beyond "fighting to stop Nyx", Minato/Kotone would become his new hyperfixation. I like to believe Nyarly (if he's still around by P3) began to gain an interest in SEES beyond seeing them as another ones' puppets after Ikutsuki's betrayal. This interest would grow as Minato/Kotone began to formulate their own beliefs and stand out more as the true leaders even outside the field, and peaked in the fight against the Avatar.
If Minato/Kotone had survived the fight (Nyarly probably realized they would die by Seal anyway) then they would have reached Tatsuya-levels of interest. A Great Seal doesn't provide much for philosophical conversation and they're impossible to try to corrupt. Its a Seal. This is probably a good thing, since Nyarly would have gone for the "let's traumatize them until I break them" route. Nyarly, in all his stupid glory, probably went "it doesn't count because they died in the end. So there. I win and everyone is doomed no matter what", completely missing (or ignoring) the point.
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narutoblogiguess · 1 year
Neji has to live with the caged bird seal, the knowledge of what happened to his father and pain and suffering he and the rest of the branch members deal with everyday of his life
And the one time he confronted hinata about it she just said it was only him that was upset about it.
I would have tried to kill her too.
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sourrattree · 1 year
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god of despair? more like god of rizz-pair
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devicecontact · 1 year
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went scrounging for things I could post of some guy idk who he is. all from like august or something.
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red-life-series · 1 month
redacted tumblr, im semi new to the fandom and was wondering what ‘inversion’ is? ive seen a lot of posts about it, and theres a seperate playlist for it and everything. but theres only 6 episodes and theyre not even that long so… what’s the big deal?
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greyhavensking · 4 days
how far do people go with the odyssey symbolism when it comes to black sails? flint sees himself as Odysseus, obvious enough, but where does everyone else fit into it? is Miranda Penelope, steadfast in her belief that Flint will return home? (never mind where that physical home is, what island or nation plays the role for their reunion is inconsequential in the long run) or is that Thomas, a beacon in the darkness that flint longs for, that guides his hand even when all seems lost? that place where Odysseus lays down his oar, having it mistaken for a shovel — that’s savannah? where none of it is a choice and fate has decreed his own story isn’t one he’s suited to tell anymore? that he’s Nobody — cursed for his sins, reviled for his ruthlessness, but never remembered for his own name, his own self? the memories of his deeds fading, replaced with silver’s stories, his motivations and his suffering buried beneath the weight of newly-woven expectations.
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Okay imagine Solomon being upset and jealous that MC doesn’t have a mark of his own on their body, MC notices this fact and gets the mark of Solomon tattooed onto their body. I’ve been so obsessed with this idea ever sense Solomon became my no.1 favorite character ever.
Ooh, yes, I've seen this floating around as well!
Solomon would be pleased on the outside, absolutely thrilled on the inside. I think having his own mark would satiate that jealousy, because now having his own mark on your body shows the world that you have a strong bond of trust and care. Just as you do with the brothers, if not more so.
I know many people have different headcanons about where each of the brothers' marks are on their MC's body, which usually have some sort of meaning. I suppose it's up to preference where you'd want to be permanently tattooed, but what if you got it in an area that was special to both of you?
Trying to be as inclusive as I can to everybody's headcanons of the brothers' marks, so take these with a grain of salt or come up with your own! :)
Perhaps Solomon has disclosed with you a certain part of your body that he just adores, an area he often touches in moments when it's just the two of you. Rubbing your knuckles or kissing the back of your hand when watching movies together, caressing the small of your back while you read over a passage from one of his spell books, right behind your ear where he rubs soft circles as you drift off to sleep in his bed, or brushing his lips against your shoulder as he holds you from behind while you make dinner.
Getting his mark in an area he dotes over, one that he never fails to touch or lavish with kisses in those near ritualistic moments, would be the ultimate gesture. Because for him, it would be an indication that the small things he does in the time he is granted with you mean something to you. They're special to you too.
That's the fluffy, sentimental version. Now I kinda want to explore the logistical or rational placing of his mark.
I was looking at the seal of Solomon, and noticed two things: the symbol for Saturn (the one that looks like an awkwardly drawn n) and the symbol for Mars (which interestingly enough, the Mars symbol seems to have the Sun's symbol in it as well. Mars is the "male" symbol, while the Sun is a circle with a dot in the center).
For quick reference, Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius in traditional astrology - representing structure and discipline. Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio in traditional - representing drive and passion. And I'll go ahead and do the Sun's as well, it rules Leo - representing the ego.
Now, I mention this for one reason: medical astrology. Each part of the body (and its systems within) are ruled by a sign (quick fire examples: Capricorn - knees, Aquarius - calves, Aries - head, Scorpio - lower regions, Leo - spine). So, how impressed would he be if he realized you'd tattooed his mark in one of those areas? Just what he'd expect of his clever apprentice! (Even better if you got it on the left side of your body, as the left represents wisdom! Right is power, in case you wanted to know :)).
Perhaps by doing so, you invoke the qualities one of those aforementioned planet rulings, like you find yourself being more responsible with the mark on your ankle or the back of your knee, maybe you're more authentic with it at the top of your spine, or more aggressive in your pursuits with it on your naval or behind your ear.
I think he'd be fascinated, and oddly flattered, that his mark influences you in a such way. Like he's indirectly influencing you. It'd be similar to how the brothers' sins on your body might make you act certain ways, like more greedy or more gluttonous.
Yeah, he'd be smitten with you and that mark wherever you end up putting it. Whatever makes you happy, as long as he has a little claim of you as well. Perhaps he'd create a mark for you to tattoo on his body... If there's room, ha!
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partyswirl · 1 month
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whos this guy
rbs > likes !!!
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