#if you play pt you might run into me ive been chilling on there more often lately
black-and-yellow · 10 months
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Glee 305 scrap, pt IV
Follows pt I, pt II and pt III.
And I’m beginning to think I might need a title for this.
The rest of the week passes in lightning speed, almost all his free time spent in rehearsals and learning his role. What remains is for homework and eating and sleeping. Kurt doesn't even have the energy to think about his campaign for class president. The posters are up – that will just have to do until after West Side Story. They're running three shows, Friday through Sunday, and Kurt wants, no, needs to do well. He's talked Lauren Zizes into recording the Saturday performance for him (talked, bribed, same thing, right?) and there's a possibility that the Lima Post will send a reporter.
It's going to be his first big performance – and it will either be his break, or his breaking.
At least rehearsals are going well. Rachel's still upset about Blaine leaving, and not exactly subtle about thinking it has to be Kurt's fault, but she leaves it offstage. It should be a relief, and yet... For some reason Kurt finds it annoying.
It's Thursday before he figures it out. By leaving her grievances behind her when she walks on stage Rachel's showing true professionalism – the kind Kurt was counting on when asking her to help him re-audition. She wasn't able to pull it out when he needed it to win the part, but now that he's got it she can. And that just...urgh, it burns. Because the next thought is that maybe she could, but chose not to. Maybe Rachel always wanted Blaine to be her Tony.
Kurt pushes that thought away ruthlessly, because he can't afford not to. He has three shows to get through. Three shows, hopefully without drama, and then he can examine his feelings about this whole mess.
No drama I said. Was that really too much to ask for? Kurt grouches as he spots an unfortunately familiar face in the audience. Apparently it was as Sebastian Smythe, in all his smarmy glory, is sitting front and center. Why is beyond Kurt, but he's sure there's nothing good to come off it. Still, the show's not over yet, so the meerkat's presence along with his possible scheming ends up pushed deep down, joining Rachel and Blaine in their box.
Of course he won't stay there. When Kurt walks out, still debating whether to join the others for their cast party or just go home to sleep, Smythe's waiting for him, leaning against the Nav. Kurt sighs, and steels himself. The only reason he can think of for the other boy to confront him is Blaine, and Kurt's really not got the energy for a round of “I won”.
That said, he's not going to let Smythe gloat either, and so he goes on the offense.
“Smythe. Please remove your probably decease-ridden behind from my car. And while you're at it, why don't you keep going and remove it from my presence completely.”
“That's how you treat someone who came all this way to see you perform? And here I thought there was a code of courtesy between Warblers.
“Then again, when I accepted the ticket it was to see Blaine.”
Kurt's eyes narrows, and his spine straightens even more. That's it. Damn being even the least bit polite.
“Then why did you come? Was it to gloat? What, you thought coming here and suffer through some public school kids perform West Side Story was worth it to needle me?  Couldn't wait until my next visit to the Lima Bean? Or did you think you'd get more material this way? I–”
“Woah! Hey, calm down, okay? Look, I'm sure whatever you're saying makes some kind of sense to you, but I'm not following. Why should I be here to gloat? And why should I not have come? And where is short and handsome?”
That last question makes Kurt hit the breaks, metaphorically speaking. He wants nothing more than to take out all his anger, all his frustration, everything he's felt over the past days – hell, weeks – on the meerkat. He's a convenient target, and some of what Kurt's feeling is even about him. But.
Something's off about all of this, and Kurt wants to know the truth more than he wants to unload. (Which he can always do later, if he still feels like it.)
“When's the last time you talked to Blaine? Yes, it matters. When?”
“Saturday, at Scandals. Haven't seen or heard from him since you dragged him out the door. Which is unusual, but if he's sick that should explain it.”
And that leaves Kurt with a chill running down his spine. It's not just him.
“We need to talk. Just, not here. We could, wait, no, they close soon.”
Half past ten on a Friday evening, and there's not a single place in Lima they can go to talk. Everything is either closed, closing or not safe. Staying where they are definitely isn't.
“Did you drive here? Great. Get your car, and follow me.”
Smythe doesn't complain, which is a boon. Maybe he's figured out that something's not right too.
Kurt drives as if on autopilot through town, and parks in a familiar spot. When he gets out Smythe rolls down the window and gives him an unimpressed stare.
“Here? You say you want to talk, and this is where you bring me? A garage.”
“Yes. Besides this the safest place we could find to sit down and talk is probably Scandals. Which, no thanks. Since I'm not exactly keen on bringing you home, even if I wasn't being sexiled,” and hadn't that been a fun text to get?, “we're down to two options. Here, or parking along the road. And since I'd rather not take the risk of either getting arrested or gaybashed, here it is. Come on.”
One advantage of taking this to the garage is that no one he knows has reason to come here and wonder why the Nav's parked outside. Another is the fact that the office has got a coffeemaker and decent coffee, something Kurt suspects he'll need to get through this. Alcohol might be better, but he doesn't drink.
Once they've both got a mug in front of them Kurt asks the question that's been burning since they left the parking lot.
“Have you heard anything about Blaine transferring back to Dalton?”
Smythe chokes on his coffee. A part of Kurt finds that satisfying, but mostly he just thinks it's delaying what he wants to know.
“Blaine, back to Dalton? Are you serious? No, I haven't heard anything about it, and I think I would have known if any of the others had. Why, is he thinking about it? Is that why you were onstage tonight and not him?”
Well. That explains a few things. Unfortunately it leaves even more questions behind.
“I don't know. I showed up in school Tuesday only to find out that Tony was mine because Blaine had transferred schools. I thought he'd gone back to Dalton – we all thought so – but if you don't know anything...” Then what the hell happened?
“What the hell happened?”
Kurt has to take a second to check that it wasn't him thinking out loud, but no, it's Smythe.
“I don't know. We...argued after Scandals, he stormed away and fell off the planet. He's not answering calls, or texts, or facebook messages. It's not just me either, Rachel – the girl playing Maria – hasn't heard from him either.
“At first I thought he was still angry. Then I thought maybe he was sick. And then when we found out about him transferring, I figured maybe his parents were angry about him being drunk and decided that he needed to go back to Dalton. But if he's not there, and he's not talking to you either...”
He looks Smythe in the eyes and sees an echo of his own worry there. They sit still with their half-forgotten coffee for a few minutes, trying to understand this shift in reality. Well, Kurt does. And he kind of thinks Smythe does too.
“So Blaine's gone missing. That's...well, I don't want to say 'ominous', but it kind of is. Like I said, I haven't heard a thing. It's possible he's pissed at me, especially if he got in trouble for drinking, but I still think I would have heard if any of the Warblers had heard something. There's no way they'd be able to keep quiet, not with how they wanted him visiting to be him returning.
“But I'll snoop around. Because if he's transferring, but not to Dalton, and stonewalling both of us... That doesn't sound good.”
No, it really doesn't.
They talk a little longer, sketching a plan for finding out what's going on, before a yawning Kurt decides he's allowed himself to be sexiled long enough. If Rachel and Finn are still at it, tough luck. He's got heavy-duty earplugs.
After trading phone numbers, Kurt tells Smythe how to get back on the way to Westerville before unlocking the Nav. He's almost closed the door when the other boy calls out his name.
“Kurt!” Once Kurt's attention is on him the meerkat smirks and throws a curveball.
“From now on, call me Sebastian.”
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evellyynn7 · 6 years
That Night pt.2 of Meeting Mr. Wrong
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            “It all started on a dark and cold night, November 7th to be exact.” I said very quietly almost regretting doing this. Dean was such a good listener, his eyes looked at me with such compassion as i told the whole story.
          “Lets do something crazy tonight guys!... unless some of you are gonna be little wusses” Steve was looking at us 3 girls, Nancy Wheeler, Barbra Holland... and me. He was of course mostly referring to Barb since she looked the most nerdy out of our bunch, he thought we would be at least a little bit easier to loosen up and i mean that in a dirty way too.
            Billy Hardgrove was there along with Tommy H and Carol. They of course were there to get lucky and wasted while my 3 friends and i were just trying to up our popularity status. “Hey here’s a clever idea, why don’t we play a little game to help these newbies ‘loosen up’ Billy said with a wink to me and his famous smirk. “That may be the only smart thing you’ve said all day Steve” joked. The others laughed and agreed while the rest of were nervous at first but warmed up to the idea while Barb was always against this ‘loosening up’ game.
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           “Alright, fuck it, how do you play the damn game” i couldn’t believe i said that, i guess that was just all that naughty that’s been shunned away from my good girl act. “Oooo this pretty little girl has a naughty side?” Billy said this in a shocked but intrigued way. “C’mon Billy just tell us how to play the damn game” Nancy saw how i was learning to just go with it so she followed along. “ Okay book worm don’t get aggressive” Billy said this with less interest and more annoyance of Nancy. “Okay so newbies have to prove themselves to us by doing some dares that are given to you by yours truly” he winked and let out a puff while gesturing to his friends. Steve interrupted fast “So i’ll start with miss wheeler, i da...” Billy cut him off with anger in his eyes. “But my good friend forgot to mention the best part!, if you guys cant complete the dare then you have to strip one item each time” he seemed proud of his lustful command.
         After several halfly and fully covered dares, there laid 4 girls in either just a bra and panty or maybe they still had a sweater or jeans on. I was one of the girls in just a bra and panty but i never felt so alive and bad but i loved it not to mention i was far past drunk. I knew that barb felt uncomfortable the whole time and so did the whole group so they went easy on her and she just had to take off her coat. “Ok so this one is for Liv over there.” Billy said grabbing my hand while I lounged on the chair carelessly with my drunken and half covered gorgeous bod. His eyes lingered and he couldn’t hide his blushing and lustful eyes. This drove me crazy cause he was so handsome and sexy but i didn’t want to get to far, i just wasn’t ready for anything that big. I stood up very unsteady and barb saw that, she came over and told me that we should all go and that she would drive. “I think we all had enough fun why don’t we start heading home, you don’t look to well Liv.” “I’m fine i don’t need you to be a mom right now, why don’t you go you never fit in anyways, and don’t say that i don’t ‘look good’ for all i know your probably just jealous.” I knew right after i said it that i screwed up but it was too late. “ You know what, im done trying to be a good friend, i will go home and good luck trying to get home like that, maybe one of your new ‘friends’ can sober up before driving.” she left in tears running towards the woods. “Whoa whats up her ass!” Billy laughed and began kissing my neck but i just stood there in shock and a dazed confusion.
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          Later that night Billy and i had made our way to Steve’s couch while tommy and carol took a spare bedroom and Steve led Nancy to his room. I had a feeling of what was going to happen but i was not in my right mind to fully stop it. He leaned in and starting kissing me slow then it suddenly turned harsh and passionate, i could feel his hands making there way up my thigh and i let out a small gasp. “Hey im not sure i wanna take this that far“ i mumbled against his lips but he ignored me and just kept going further up. I heard a faint scream and broke the kiss. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what doll, the only thing i wanna be hearing is you moaning my name.” he smirked then slowly went in again and then bit my bottom lip slowly. Little did i know that it was barb coming back to drive us home since she was actually a good friend who cared for us regardless and not just someone who was only trying to get in my pants. “ Billy i dont know about this” “Oh cmon your just shy but ill be gentle and then all youll feel will be pure bliss” he then lowered me on my back and made his way down by kissing me in every spot that sent chills to my body so i let go and just went with it.
          The next day Barb wasnt at school and nanc and i just thought that she was just mad at us but as a week went by we were beyond worried untill 2 days ago when we heard about her on the news, thats when our worried hearts turned into broken grieving hearts. The only good thing was that news report landed on a saturday and i could be a wreck the whole weekend and process things before heading back to school. Thats when things got crazy and people started suspecting her best friends and the sad truth was that i knew something others didnt, this slight piece of evidence could make everybody i care about turn on me.
                “And thats how it all went down Dean, I know i sound absolutely terrible but i want justice for barb.” He was looking at me with wide eyes and a dreamy gaze but i couldnt quite make out what he was thinking. “Wow olivia im shocked but so happy you told me, everything will get better from here on out” he gave me a reassuring smile and leaded me back to class and he happened to casually lay his hand on my waist and guide me, then whispered i think you sounded like a strong and beautiful girl for what you had to go through but im also gonna sound like a douche when i say this but im glad you didnt go after your friend cause it might have gotten you too and i wouldnt be able to meet the strong and beautiful girl standing right in front of me.” i blushed like crazy before walking into the class, once again all eyes were on me and Dean noticed so decided to do something about that. He walked in and said, “Every body should know that your classmate Olivia has helped this case tremendously and you all should give her a smile the next time you see her” “ i should be seeing you around miss hopper” he smiled and winked at you in a professional manner but you could tell it was far from that.
                  A week has past and your uncle hopper went away for a couple of days to solve this case with the winchester brothers, leaving you to watch El. Today she went to go hangout with her bunch while you stayed home and catched up on some vampire diaries. *knock knock* i was shocked to hear a knock on my door, maybe my uncle came back early i thought. I get up from my comfy spot and open the door to a pleasant surprise. “Dean!! how are you? we haven’t spoken in a while and i thought you were supposed to be with my uncle” i was confused yet happy since all my memories had been good with dean and i trusted him on something that meant so much to me. “ Well your uncle asked either me or my brother to check up on you and i happily agreed” he flashed his dazling smile and walked in. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me, for the past few hours we caught up and got to know each other on a whole other level, it was like weve always knew each other and time seemed to fly. I showed him my room and my personal things including some secrets. “ Ive always wanted to tell you this but i think your absolutely gorgeous.” he kept his beautiful blue eyes latched on me and leaned in for a kiss.I went in and soon enough we were naked on my bed over heated and satisfied. “You can spend the night” i said smiling at him with my fingers tracing his bare abs. “Im sure theyve got this covered for tonight” he smiled down at me and kissed my forhead, then we fell asleep in an instant.
              The next morning was amazing, waking up to a shirtless sexy Dean was priceless and epecially getting to watch his cute face sleep. He woke up with a smile and said “ Mornin gorgeous, how did you sleep, i know i slept well with you by my side” he pecked my lips “I could say the same” I got up to kiss him more passionalty and put some clothes on in the bathroom but as i was leaving i felt his eyes heavy on my naked body. I shut the door and got dressed but i stayed in the bathroom because i heard my uncle enter my room screaming his head off! Dean was shook and got up fast trying to defend himself while my uncle was saying “I cant belive you!! i practically told you to babysit her for a few hours and i come home to you naked in her bed doing who knows what! time to leave Mr.Wrong, youve helped enough. As i finished getting ready i walked out with shame all over my face and my uncle telling me to go for somebody my own age.
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
You Should Know Better Pt.6
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23 Parts:  I  -  II  -  III  -  IV  -  V  -  VI  -  VII  - VIII  -  IX  -  X  -  XI  -  XII  -  XIII -  XIV  -  XV  -  XVI  -  XVII  -   XVIII  -  XIX  -  XX  -   XXI  -  XXII  -  XXIII
Summary: After a night out with Landon, Natalie is on the way home when Officer Merriweather pulls them over. Things begin to get heated in all sorts of ways.
POV: Natalie and Joe
Characters: Natalie Jankoski, Joe Merriweather (Italics), Natalie Jankoski (Italics), Landon (Bold -Indented italics)
Word Count: 3800ish
Author’s Note: The first few paragraphs are flashbacks that transition right into the story. The bold comments are Landon speaking throughout the flashback scenes. 
Warnings: It’s the beginning of smut.
Quote: “I told you the drill before, you move, you fall.” 
“I guess it’s time to serve,” Joe muttered after latching a hand onto Natalie’s neck yet again, his body following behind, closing the space between their two warm bodies. As his lips reclaimed hers, the pressure of his erection pressed against Natalie’s hip, forcing a small moan to escape her lips which was then met with a stern bite on her lower lip: a warning from Joe to stay quiet.  His free hand began to move all over Natalie; warm, rough, and expert all at the same time. Gliding down the length of her back, it making her arch slightly to his touch – wanting deeply to escape into him. Practically high off the dangerous situation, his hand continued to snake across her skin as if he can’t decide which part he craved most. With a curious smirk, Natalie teasingly ran her hand down the length of his button-up until it reached his black dress pants where she gripped at the tent in his pants – oh, how the slightest of touch made Joe tense. As a result of her playful nature, Joe pulled away for a moment, his hand that was once on her neck glided onto her back as the other hooked beneath her, forcing her off the ground and against his chest. It took no more than a few seconds before the warmth of his hand was replaced with the coldness of the desk as he gently placed her down, tossing aside any papers or pencils from the area. Standing tall, Joe quickly fiddled with the buckle of his belt – his eyes never leaving hers as she ran her tongue across her bottom lip, soaking in the taste of him, not only was she soaking in the taste of him, but the smell of his cologne and coffee, the rasp of his beard, and the sound of his heavy breaths added to the sensations of the situation.  Finally graced with success, Joe quickly took a knee, his hands running up her sides, dragging her shirt up with them as he pulled her closer to his face. A grin curled at the ends of his lips as he stood up slightly, leaned forward, and left a trail of kisses from her neck to her collarbone to the center of her chest where her shirt rested. In response, the body who laid beneath him arched forward and a string of sexual sighs escaped her lips. Joe quickly returned to her lips, sternly biting down on her bottom lip once more – a silent warning yet again. Pulling away slowly, his hand snaked its way to the waistband of her jeans and attempted to wiggle into them, but with the clothing being too tight, his hand was too big to slip all the way in. A groan escaped his lips as he ripped his hand out from her clothing and began to fiddle with her own belt and the buttons of her jeans. Throughout the undressing, Natalie rested her eyes on Joe as a hand ran through her hair, a smile on her lips. As for Joe, his fingers worked quickly to remove the annoying clothing, his eyes glancing between her jeans and up to lock eyes with her.
Perking up like a hungry dog – his body still over Natalie’s - Joe quickly turned around, facing the door. Listening closely, the sound of muffled voices cut through the heavy breathing of the room.
        “Are you in there?”
Pulling away, Joe quickly buckled his belt, Natalie following in his footsteps and pulling her shirt back down and fixing her jeans. Putting a finger to his lips, he silently told his partner to keep quiet before a knock echoed throughout the room.
        “Is anyone in there?”  Was spoken followed by the sound of snapping fingers.
With a familiar voice forcing Natalie to pull away from her daydreams and succumb to reality once more, she shook her head slightly, focusing her sights on the passing traffic lights that illuminated the darkening sky.  It took a moment, but she finally responded. “Yeah, I’m listening.” She shifted in the passage seat, resting her forearm on the center console, her eyes settling onto Landon who was looking back at her, a look of annoyance claiming his features.
        Nodding, Landon turned to face the road once more, one hand gripping the steering wheel, the other reaching for the can that sat in the cup holder. “Fucker kicked me out of his classes. Told me not to attend any further ones or sign up for them, but like I said, that’s mainly what the whole conversation was about.” Bringing the Budweiser to his lips, he took a swig from it. “He’s just a prick with a badge.” Landon shrugged, placing the drink between his legs – the truck pulling forward and down the road. “Oh, well. At least, I have an upper hand when it comes to you.” He chuckled, the smell of alcohol spreading across the cab of the truck. Cocking an eyebrow, Landon chuckled again. “I’ve fucked his favorite student and would you look at that, he hasn’t.”
With wide eyes and an open mouth, Natalie sat there, a single scoff escaping her lips as she shook her head in disbelief. “Landon!” She called out, playfully slapping his chest as he drove. Staring into the side-view mirror, she continued. “Looks like you two are on the same playing field because you won’t be fucking me anymore.” She added, a smile forming on her face at the joke and the thought of what happened within the confines of Joe’s office just a day before.
        “Oh, come on. I take you out to eat and you’re telling me that I can’t at least eat you out?” He asked, stepping on the gas, forcing the truck to exceed the speed limit despite approaching a stop sign.
Focusing on the truck behind them, Natalie squinted her eyes, attempting to figure out of that truck was a regular truck with a light beam on top or if it was a sheriff’s truck.
“You might want to sl–.” Interrupted by the sound of a single siren and the constant blinding motion of the red and blue flashing lights, Natalie turned to face Landon. “Slow down.” She finished, turning around in her seat, she waited to see if the truck would pass on by or continue following them, but considering that these two trucks were practically the only ones on the road, the chance of the sheriff’s truck pulling away was slim to none.
        “Fucking shit.” Landon muttered, glancing into the rearview mirror, tossing the can of beer into the back of the cab. “Just what I need.” He muttered, pulling off onto the side of the road, the accompanying truck following along.
“For God’s sake, Landon, I fucking told you not to have that shit open when you drive and to add to that, your dumbass just had to speed,” Natalie complained, quickly turning to see a familiar man stepping down from the other truck. “No fucking way.” She muttered, watching as the man readied himself before quickly turning and shrinking back into her seat. Despite not even being drunk, Natalie was still nervous about the situation.  That nervousness quickly switched into a higher gear when she realized that it was, in fact, Joe who was the officer who pulled them over.  
Sitting in the cab of his vehicle, Joe stared out the open window for a moment, watching as the sun slowly disappeared beneath the horizon. After rolling up his window, Joe stepped out of the truck, his black boots connecting with the road while his hands gripped his equipment belt, adjusting the heavy weight as he slammed the door shut. With a cool breeze lingering in the air, a black windbreaker jacket emblazoned with the words ‘sheriff’ accompanied by a badge on the front kept the chills at bay as Joe approached the other truck. With the headlights of his truck paired with the lights of the ‘freedom’, Joe looked through the rear windows of the vehicle as he walked beside the truck, noticing only two occupants within.
        “I can’t fucking believe the luck we’re having tonight! Look who it is, my best friend!” Landon called out, laughing as he rolled the window down and dug into his pocket, grabbing his license, then retrieving his proof of insurance and registration.
Joe’s eyes trailed along the side of the white truck until they rested on the window that was being rolled down. Joe removed his black aviators and tucked them into the front pocket of his jacket before quickly placing his sights on the driver. To his amazement, he had managed to pull over Landon – upon that realization, a single chuckle came from Joe’s lips as he glanced into the cab, the smell of alcohol one of the first things he noticed.
A displeased groan came from Natalie as she shrunk even further into the seat – wanting desperately to disappear from the situation. The tension shared between Joe and Landon was already unrepairable, so, this situation would do nothing but increase that tension. There was no way of knowing how the outcome of the situation would be, but the assumption of a bad ending was more than apparent.
“You know the procedure. License and registration, bud.” Joe stated, knowing well enough that calling Landon ‘bud’ or ‘buddy’ would irk him tremendously. Sidestepping, and looking into the dark cab of the truck, Joe rested his eyes on the silhouette. “You know, you were speeding back there and that’s why I initially pulled you over, but the smell of beer is pretty present in here. Tell me, have you been drinking, buddy?” Joe asked, his eyes coming back to focus on Landon. “Better be honest – things will play out far easier if you do,” Joe warned, casting a glance over the objects he grabbed from Landon.
        With a close-lipped smile, Landon hung his head low, nodding slightly in defeat. “Yeah, a couple beers, but I’m not drunk.” He admitted.
Nodding, Joe turned his attention to the passenger for a closer look, his stomach dropping when he realized it was Natalie. Clenching his jaw, Joe took a step back, shaking his head slightly as he looked into the rear end of the truck – attempting to keep his emotions in check. “What were you reaching in the back for?” Joe questioned, taking his flashlight out and beaming in into the truck. “I saw you reaching. You have an open container back there?” Receiving no answer, Joe sighed before stepping back towards his truck. “You two stay here. Especially you, young lady.” Joe pointed his flashlight into the truck, the beam resting on Natalie. “Think about what I told you about drunk driving.”
With her heart pounding out of her chest and with the blinding beam of the flashlight in her face, Natalie turned her head away, shielding herself from the light and attempting to shield herself from a disappointed Joe. 
It didn’t take long, but Joe returned to the truck, the flashlight, and Landon’s papers still in his hand. “Okay, listen here, I’m going to need for you to step out of the vehicle. We’re going to do a sobriety exercise on you.”
        Resting a hand on the steering wheel, Landon cocked his head back and groaned. “Oh, come on. Are you serious right now?”  He pleaded, looking at Joe who was nothing but stone-cold at the moment. “Come on, Merriweather, I’m just dropping her off, just let us go. Let’s just talk about it.”
Joe shook his head, a chain of laughter coming from his lips. “Look, I’m trying to be as nice to you as I can, but I can’t just let you go. You’re intoxicated to some level! You’ve already confessed to drinking and there’s no way I can just let that slide. If I do that, I would’nt be acting very professional, so, my hands are tied here.” Flashing his beam into the car once more, he took a quick moment to look around. “No more negotiating. If I have to drag you out of here, you best believe that I will, but let’s not make a scene in front of the lady and let’s not tack on anymore charges.”
Another minute of pleading and negotiations happened before Joe gripped the handle of the truck, pulling open the driver’s door. “Listen, if I have to get hand’s on with you, it’s going to get worse for you and then I’m going to arrest you for resisting an officer, obstruction, and a bundle of other things.” Turning away, Joe spoke into his radio, requesting for a car that had a cage in the back. “And guess what, if you don’t get out now, I will tase you.” Joe stepped away from the truck slightly, allowing for space so Landon could jump down, that is if he decided to follow his orders.
        Raising his hands defensively, Landon shifted in his seat, pretending as if he was going to exit the truck. “Come on, Joe, let’s make a deal, okay?” Landon pleaded yet again, the scent of alcohol pouring out from his mouth with every word spoke. “I’ll just…I’ll just let her drive.” Landon offered, turning in his seat, looking at Natalie who was staring out the window, disregarding the whole situation as if she wasn’t there. “Problem solved if she does that, right?” Resting his hands on his lap, Landon turned to face Joe once more.
“No. It’s too late for it to be solved. Should have been smart and let her drive from the start, but since you are extremely stubborn and disobey laws and my orders.” Joe paused for a moment, a stern and angry expression claiming his features – his response carrying more than one meaning. “Things are about to get very, very bad for you.” Joe shook his head, beaming the light into the car once more. “You might want to tell your friend here to listen to me or I’m dragging him out in about two seconds and if it comes to it, you’re going to watch your friend here get tased and probably piss his pants.” Beaming the light back to Landon, Joe addressed him. “Step out of the car now.” He ordered, motioning with his hand for him to step out.
Pulling her gaze from the flashing lights that she was watching in the side-view mirror, Natalie turned in her seat, resting her eyes on Joe at first.  Looking him over in his black on black on black uniform, her mind traveled back to just two days prior, resulting in a smile pulling at the edges of her lips. Forcing herself out of that trance yet again, she turned to Landon, who’s back was to her.
“He’s got a point, he has been overly nice to you and I suggest you just listen to him. Landon, you’re already in a hole and you’re only digging yourself a deeper one. Just man up and take the punishment and things will be over. Spend a night in jail and you’ll be out by tomorrow.” Natalie explained, trying to convince Landon to cooperate with Joe’s answers.
Joe smirked. “Yeah, listen to her. Be a man.” He said with a nod of his head as Landon finally gave up and stepped out, his posture of a defeated and embarrassed man. “See, bud, that wasn’t that hard, now was it?” Joe asked, lingering beside the door, and motioning for Landon to walk to the back of the truck – which he did or at least attempted to since his balance was completely offset. “As for you, young lady,” Joe muttered, turning back to Natalie, a steely and disappointed look grabbing hold of his features and voice. “You can get out too.” Joe barked, slamming the door shut and walking away.
Returning to Landon’s side, Joe waited for Natalie to appear within his view. With the truck door slamming, Joe pointed to the curb. “Sit.” He ordered to the girl before turning back to Landon and roughly pushing him up against the back of the white truck. “Got anything that will hurt my person?”
        Stretching his hands out to steady himself, Landon nodded in a ‘no’ motion as he rested his eyes on the road below him, stretching his legs out while he was at it. “Is this really necessary?” Landon questioned, turning around slightly, his hands dropping from the bed of the truck.
Gripping the back of his shirt, Joe pushed Landon forward a bit. “What did I say in class that one day?” Joe questioned, positioning his face just a few inches from the incorporative man. “Resist an officer and you will get friendly with the floor.” Backing away, Joe resumed the procedure, taking a step back when he was finished. “Now, tell me, are you going to submit to a field sobriety test or are you going to be bullheaded some more?” The only response Joe received was a wad of snot landing on the floor next to him. Glancing down, Joe stood there silently, cocking his head back and forth before stepping away a bit more. “I take that as a no.” He assumed, turning to look at Natalie and motioning for her to come stand next to him. “You can go have a seat on that curb, but I’m not playing with you, Landon. You move, you get tased and trust me, you’ll get very friendly with the pavement.” Joe watched as Landon wobbled his way to where Natalie was sat.
Shifting on his feet, Joe rested a forearm on his belt before speaking to Natalie. “You know the drill, young lady.” Joe whispered, the once cold and steely expression now a welcoming and somewhat lust filled one. “Against the truck and spread ‘em.” Switching his sights from Natalie to Landon back to Natalie, Joe made sure to keep Landon in his sights, wanting – for some reason – for him to see what was about to happen.
Positioning himself behind her, Joe slid his hands onto her hips as he leaned forward, his face next to hers. “Why are you with him?” He whispered, pulling away, his scruff sliding across her skin as he ran slowly and sensually pulled his hands up her sides, running them along her arms and then back down.
Dropping her head only for it to be cocked back slightly as the warmth of his hands ran across her cold body, Natalie bit down on her lower lip and she dropped her head once more. “He offered me food.” She muttered, tilting her head slightly, feeling the warmth of his body come into the crook of her neck once more. “Who says no to free food?” She asked, getting a scoff in response.
“Food, eh?” Joe asked, resisting the temptation to latch onto her neck with his lips. Turning slightly, Joe eyed Landon who was eyeing him back. Winking at him and smiling, Joe turned to the left, realizing that another cruiser was just up the road. Shifting on his feet behind her again, Joe pressed up slightly against Natalie before running his hand across her waistband, feeling her tense beneath his touch as she did before in class. “Relax. You weren’t this tense just a few days ago.” Joe whispered, losing his restraint, and dipping a hand beneath her fabric of her jeans. “So, you’re telling me if I take you out to get food…” His hand reached her slit, before dipping into it just slightly. “I can get lucky?” He asked as he barely moved his finger across her clit, forcing her to lean forward slightly, resulting in his body moving with hers, and a deep chuckle to escape his lips. 
In the blink of an eye, Joe ripped his hand out of her pants, turned around, and pulled his taser from its holster – the cartridge pointing right at the drunk who was staggering towards them. Honestly, this was the result Joe was hoping for, hence why he dismissed cuffing Landon when he denied the FST.
“Don’t step a foot closer or I will tase you, Landon.” Joe yelled, stretching a hand out and guiding Natalie behind him. “I told you before, you move, you fall.” Joe added, taking a cautious step back, blocking Natalie from Landon if necessary. “You’re already going to jail, don’t make it worse on yourself, pal.” Joe falsely pleaded as the assisting cruiser pulled behind his truck. Watching as Landon stepped forward yet again, Joe warned one last time. “Sit back down or I will tase you.” He said sternly, his trigger finger getting the best of him and firing off the taser prematurely.
Looking out from behind Joe, Natalie watched – almost in slow motion – as the cartridge popped out, the sound of electricity zapping and popping throughout the air filled her ears as the body of her ex-boyfriend hit the ground, an agonizing muffled cry coming from him.
Placing a hand on the back of Joe, she stepped beside him. “Joe, what the fuck?” She asked, looking up at him, his stance still in a shooting position, his eyes focused on the man sprawled out before him. It took only a second before he pulled away from her and rushed to Landon, placing a knee in the center of the man’s back as he retrieved his cuffs, slapping them onto the man and tightening them as the assisting officer came to his aid.
Standing there in awe, any previous sexual desire was thrown out the window as she watched Joe and the other officer drag Landon to his feet, the probes still latched into his chest.
After a few minutes, Landon was successfully tucked away into the back of the caged cruiser, Joe was off to the side discussing the details of the altercation, and Natalie was pacing in front of Joe ’s truck, the side of her thumb in her mouth as she nervously peeled away a piece of skin.
Slapping the back of his colleague’s shoulder, Joe placed a firm grip on his friend before nodding and bidding his farewell to her. Returning to the distraught Natalie, Joe placed a hand out, attempting to calm her in some way. “Come on.” He whispered, crouching slightly to look her in the eyes. “Get in the truck, I’ll take you home.” He said with a warm smile, guiding her to the passenger side of his truck.
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