#if you are thinking anything about the quality. well i watched this on vimeo so let’s not get picky
speedwayy · 7 months
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Brothers of the Head (2005) dir. Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe
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lore-o-hoe · 2 years
Some Hades/Persephone Content I Think is Neat:
(In no particular order):
1. Punderworld: A beautiful illustrated WEBTOON that also tells the story of Hades, Persephone, and Demeter but in its own interesting funky way. I’m sure that most of the LO fandom has already heard about and read Punderworld but if you haven’t I sincerely ask that you give it ago, it’s just as well written and illustrated as LO so I recommend it!
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2. Persephone: Hades’ Torment by Allison Shaw:
(18+ on this one) This take on the Persephone/Hades myth is a bit more mature (content wise) than the first entry. Obviously it retreads the myth in its own way once again, but the art work is gorgeous. The more mature content happens towards the end and that’s all I’ll say about that. This book is about $8.99 on Kindle and $28.01 in paperback so whatever you choose support the artist!
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3. Animated Tales of The World: The Myth of Persephone:
Now this one is probably cheating but it’s so interesting to me that I had to put it on the list. This entry is a stop motion retelling of the myth, while it doesn’t exactly tread new ground it is a work of art in its own right.
Though please note that this series was an anthology series geared towards children, so it’s not 100% myth aligned (then again none of these are). If you’re not a fan of stop motion or it makes you uncomfortable I completely understand. But for anyone else that’s interested I’ll have the link here for it (I recently found a better quality video on Vimeo so here’s the link below!):
4. The Goddess of Spring (1934):
So this one is also a cheat, this 9 minute animation is mostly Persephone focused (well as close to Persephone as this gets) .This is during that stretchy rubber hose phase of animation in Disney so there’s that. But the music is charming and the visuals have that painted classic feel to it (at least to me).
Although this entry barely makes it for me due to the portrayal of Hades (which slots him in as a devilish figure rather than anything close to the myths). I read somewhere that this animation was a prototype for Snow White and an animation study for how animated humans should move/be animated. Look it up if you’re interested it seems like an interesting story.
So if you find early animation like this charming and enjoy painting-like visuals and don’t mind how Hades is portrayed then here’s the link. (since it’s old this is the best quality I could find in English ): https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x35aspw
5. Hooked on Chthonics:
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Okay so this is a reaaaal stretch for this list, but still one I enjoyed. This series is one that takes place primarily in the Underworld and follows the deathless chthonic gods. (So far) it’s an episodic light hearted read and definitely worth your attention.
6. Miscellaneous Myths: Hades and Persephone by Overly Sarcastic Productions
So this entry isn’t a story about P/H per say, but is instead an analysis of the myth and Persephone/Demeters origins as goddesses and how their characteristics, names, powers, etc. changed over time. I have been a fan of Overly Sarcastic Productions for years now and I find their retelling as/myth related content to be thoroughly well researched (and hilariously animated). So if you’ve never heard of them or haven’t watched their videos, I recommend you give them a chance!
Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac5ksZTvZN8&vl=en
7. Hell Sweet Hell by Artcraawl
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Another WEBTOON! This one only has three episodes so far at the time of writing, but the art is absolutely beautiful and the slice of life antics are cute. The author has an insta of the same name (artcraawl) with phenomenal art so I recommend reading the comic and following the artist!
That’s all for now, as time goes on and I watch/read more P/H content I’ll expand this list! ✨✨✨
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lucky-sevens · 3 years
mechanisms basics & lore
welcome to my updated mechanisms intro post! this post will cover both the topics discussed in my mechanisms basics post, which is geared towards people who don’t know what the mechanisms are, and my deep lore post, which aimed to be a comprehensive compilation of all the important character and world lore. this post should serve the above group, but it’s geared towards people who have listened but feel there’s a lot of lore that seems to be common knowledge they’re missing. we’ll start out with a basic introduction, and then go into crew lore and a semi-comprehensive guide on where to go for further information.
the mechanisms were a steampunk concept band, known for their queer representation and their tragic stories. they are no longer together, their last performance being january 2020, but several of their members are still creating related spinoff content.
they follow the trope many steampunk bands do, which is albums that tell a story; think similar to listening to a musical soundtrack, but geared to a visual-less experience. what distinguishes them is 1) narration tracks between each song, making the plot very easy to follow, and 2) being meant to be watched live, meaning there’s layers of meta that are more easily understood by watching recorded gigs rather than studio recordings of albums. specifically, there’s a focus on the narrators, known as the mechanisms or the crew of the aurora, who are immortal space pirates telling the stories and occasionally inserting themselves into them. though they are tragic figures themselves, their banter serves the purpose of bringing a lightheartedness and dark humor to the stories. if there’s an aspect of the lore you’re confused on, it’s probably related to the narrators!
to watch the mechanisms live, you can find recordings on youtube, dropbox, google drive, soundcloud, or vimeo, which are all compiled in this post (including transcripts!). if visuals aren’t your thing, i’ve linked the studio recordings later on in this post when they come up, and here are the mechanisms’ official spotify, bandcamp, and youtube, as well as an unofficial comprehensive lyric videos channel. 
the albums
regarding the albums specifically, there are 4 main ones (once upon a time (in space), ulysses dies at dawn, high noon over camelot, and the bifrost incident), 2 that are compilations of miscellaneous songs (tales to be told 1 & 2), 1 single (frankenstein), and 1 album that’s a high-quality recording of their last live show, including an alternative performance of the bifrost incident, 2 songs only performed at live shows, and 'the deathsong’, which details how they all eventually die (death to the mechanisms).
as you might have been able to tell from the titles, they’re all based off of various myths, folklore, literature, and/or fairy tales, using different genres on top of a sci-fi setting to add a fresh twist to them! for example, high noon over camelot is a western based on arthurian mythos, set on a space station. (the albums are known for all ending in tragedy, so be careful if that isn’t your cup of tea!) if your goal is to get into the mechanisms, i’d suggest sitting down and listening to them all in full; links will be provided below, or alternatively you can watch once upon a time (in space) live here, ulysses dies at dawn live here, or the bifrost incident live here. (there is no full live recording with visuals of high noon over camelot, sadly, but there are partial and audio only recordings.)
once upon a time (in space) - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
ulysses dies at dawn - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
high noon over camelot - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
the bifrost incident - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
tales to be told, volume 1 -  spotify/bandcamp/youtube
tales to be told, volume 2 - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
frankenstein - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
death to the mechanisms - edited video with the stream corruption fixed + subtitles / stream / spotify / bandcamp / youtube / transcript pt. 1 / transcript pt. 2
reading the fiction is integral to understanding both the albums and the mechanisms themselves. the fiction is a collection of short stories set in the mechanisms universe posted on their website here and compiled by me here, with an extra high noon over camelot story here. (there are also audio versions for ‘mirror mirror’ and ‘a rebel yell’ included on both the website and the compilation).
the crew of the aurora
as for the crew, at their peak there were nine members played by people, as well as the ex-member dr carmilla, who has extensive solo lore and is still active (which we’ll touch on in a few paragraphs). there is also their ship, the aurora, who is sentient and has her own lore. in fact, every member of the crew has their own backstory, set in a different genre or historical period; for example, nastya rasputina's is historical, jonny d’ville’s is a western and marius von raum’s is a mecha anime. however, they’re all still different flavors of steampunk! below, i’ll list each member, their performer, and the main sources of lore about them. for the majority of them, they have their own song in tales to be told, but there are a few outliers. everyone also has their own bio up on the website, which can all be found here. 
the aurora (n/a, ship)- on aurora (meta)
jonny d’ville (jonny sims)- one eyed jacks (song), jonny before he was mechanized (meta)
nastya rasputina (anonymous)- cyberian demons (song)
ivy alexandria (morgan wilkinson)- archive footage (fiction), crew bio
ashes o’reilly (frank voss)- lucky sevens (song)
drumbot brian (ben below)- lost in the cosmos (song), crew bio
the toy soldier (jessica law)- the story of the toy soldier (fiction)
gunpowder tim (tim ledsam)- gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser (song/minialbum)
marius von raum (kofi young)- the death of byron von raum summary (blog post)
raphaella la cognizi (r l hughes)- crew bio
if you’ve noticed the crew bio doesn’t say much about raphaella, that’s because we know little to nothing about her backstory. the only thing we have to go on is a quote from the tv tropes page, which looking at the edit history, was likely written by one of the mechanisms. the quote is ‘Science officer who may or may not have cheated her way onto the ship after becoming a little too interested.‘ and the page is here.
the majority of fandom content is about the crew, working off of what we get from the tales to be told songs, the live gigs, and the fiction.
dr carmilla
speaking of characters with obscure lore, let’s talk about dr carmilla! rather than linger, i’ll just link my carmilla basics post, which is a comprehensive summary of who she is in and out of universe. to summarize, she’s a character based on the novella ‘carmilla’ by sheridan le fanu, commonly regarded as the first vampire novel, but her lore has diverged heavily from that original starting point since then. she is the oldest out of all of the crew, and made the majority of the other crew members immortal. she, as well as aurora, is from a planet called terra, which was destroyed partially as a result of her actions. her character is defined by her immortality and how she deals with it, her experiences on terra, her relationship with the mechanisms, and her dysfunctional relationship with her ex-girlfriend loreli, the last of which is the most covered by her songs. out of universe, she is played by maki yamazaki. all her lore lines up with what happened out of universe, and ties to the fact the mechanisms were originally dr carmilla and the mechanisms. she has two solo albums and two singles, which i’ll link below.
ageha (prototype edition) (album)- bandcamp | youtube
exhumed and {un}plugged (album)- bandcamp | youtube
the city {nex:type mix} (single, in-character cover)- bandcamp | youtube
eleven (single)- bandcamp | youtube
the majority of her lore is still to be officially revealed, and will be in the trilogy of albums maki yamazaki is working on.
further reading
if you’d like to delve further into the lore, there are a few sources i use! there are official, in-character, blogs, as well as things that are harder to dredge up; i won’t link them here, but some sources include @/thedreadvampy (the band’s artist, as well as morgan wilkinson’s sister and kofi young’s partner; don’t bother her for lore or anything, but she’s previously made posts sharing previously unknown information), old websites and deleted content found on the wayback machine, the tv tropes pages, and most notably the lore doc.
the ‘maki forbidden lore doc’ is an archive of all the lore maki yamazaki has shared on the mechscord, the official mechanisms discord which she’s on, and her own personal server, where she’s running an arg (alternate reality game) as a way of relaying more lore about the dr carmilla universe. for an idea of the scale, the doc is currently 91 pages and 28346 words, and recontextualizes much of what is known about dr carmilla and maki’s canon of the mechanisms universe. it is confidential to anyone not in her discord or the mechscord, as she’s said that this lore isn’t thought out nearly as much as the albums and is subject to change, so she’d rather it not be out in the open. however, information on how to join the mechscord can be found here. there is also a non-canonical fan project based on the arg in progress, but information on it is also confidential for now.
with regards to the above phrase ‘maki’s canon’ it’s worth noting that all of the individual band members have their own idea of what counts as canon and what doesn’t, and as you foray deeper into lore that division becomes more and more apparent.
with that, here are the mechanisms’ blogs. they are all both run in-character by the main nine band members and inactive unless i note otherwise.
website/wordpress (run ic by tereshkova’s ghost, the blogbot, for the most part)
carmilla twitter (active, run ic by dr carmilla)
now that we’re coming to the end of this, i’d like to thank whoever got this far, and to say a few words. my interest in the mechanisms has been slowly fading, and i’ve been writing less and less meta and lapsing in keeping up with new lore myself. honestly, i’m pretty worn out by how much i’ve done on this blog and in this fandom, and the commitments i’ve assigned myself. i do have plans for future meta, but it’s unlikely they’ll come to fruition. so, i thought i’d do a new version of my two oldest posts on this blog, and hopefully enable other people to look into the lore and theorize themselves with the new information.
to find more information, remember there’s a mechanisms wiki, and that my askbox is always open.
thanks for reading!
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jeritaylorswade · 4 years
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DSA: Direct Selling and the Virtual Push because of COVID
“ Like most people, direct selling executives are crossing out travel and large in-person gatherings from their calendars. For an industry known for its relational appeal, eliminating the face-to-face factor should be crushing. But instead, many executives are reporting that they feel more connected to their teams than ever before and are experiencing record engagement.”
“I’ve been involved in more field events in the last two months than I have been since I started the company in 2014,” says MONAT President Stuart MacMillan. Connecting virtually has become part of the daily workflow for MacMillan and many direct selling executives like him, as their teams and distributors take part in trainings while experiencing the benefits of connecting from home for both small- and large-scale events. “I still don’t believe there’s any replacement for face-to-face, and our people are itching to get back together—both employees and the field,” MacMillan says. “But I think what we’ve learned is that between those opportunities to get together, there are better ways to do this.”
Increasing Engagement with Function and Fun
This shift to virtual has opened the event doors wider, allowing people who would normally be limited by family obligations or financial flexibility to participate. For SeneGence Founder and CEO Joni Rogers-Kante, virtual events have drastically impacted the company’s attendance numbers. “Only a percentage of distributors go to our events, and ours was never a huge percentage,” Rogers-Kante says. “But we have five times more distributors than we have ever had at a single seminar because it was online, and they just got to sit down and login.”
The SeneGence virtual event sought to emulate a lot of the function—as well as fun—of a live event by passing out virtual awards that instantly appeared across social media channels as names were announced, conducting drawings and shipping prizes to distributors’ houses. While their next company-wide in-person event has been postponed, the SeneGence team is already implementing plans for a conference that will take place in Tulsa. “We think it will be the largest event we’ve ever had because people are so excited to get back together, and we have so many new distributors who can’t wait to actually physically show up at a SeneGence event. We just know it’s going to blow everything we’ve done out of the water.”
“We have five times more distributors than we have ever had at a single seminar because it was online, and they just got to sit down and login.”—Joni Rogers-Kante, SeneGence Founder & CEO
10 Cents on the Dollar, 10 Times the Reach
Twenty-four hours after a recent Mannatech virtual live event, the entire 12-hour event was available for replay. The 6,500 unique visitors, representing a ballpark of 8,000 to 12,000 viewers who watched the virtual event live, quickly multiplied as people shared the content and participated after the event had ended. A traditional Mannatech event hosts 1,200 to 1,500 people.
“For one-tenth of the expense, we were able to connect with six to ten times the number of people we would have connected with,” says Mannatech CEO and President Al Bala. And although event product sales were one-third of the normal amount, Bala says it was offset by the savings in product transport to the event and the convenience of shipping it directly to consumers’ homes. “It was more efficient and definitely more profitable sales than we would have had normally.”
“Even though we aren’t all together, we see you!”
“Going virtual” has a simple ring to it, but executives in the driver’s seat know the challenging behind-the-scenes experience of sifting through broadcasting options and platforms. Arbonne, who planned to launch 13 new products at their live convention this year, suddenly had only a fraction of their usual preparation time to devise communication strategies that would build excitement while playing well through the screen. Social media, which has always assumed a role at Arbonne events, was now critical, and the company leaned hard into these social integrations. To allow the executive team space to focus on engaging with attendees through the chat function, much of the content was prerecorded.
“Virtual GTC 2020 was created in about four weeks, and because of the incredibly pressing deadline, we absolutely learned as we went,” says Arbonne Senior Director of Communications Kristen Gruber. Gruber’s social media team developed teasers, quizzes and other interactive content that posted throughout the event. “This provided a level of engagement to our audience to really say, ‘Even though we aren’t all together, we see you!’”
Despite the fog of uncertainty during the first few weeks of the stay at home orders, LegalShield dove headfirst into creating virtual experiences and may have been the first direct sales company in North America to pivot to an entirely live-streamed international convention on April 4. When it became clear that their planned live event would not take place, the company transformed the auditorium in their Oklahoma headquarters into a full studio with only three weeks’ lead time. From there, they offered 16 hours of training content and recognition from over 40 field leaders and live hosts to more than 10,000 viewers. In addition, more than 5,000 associates joined their two-day Zoom Breakout Trainings before the larger event.
“For one-tenth of the expense, we were able to connect with six to ten times the number of people we would have connected with.”— Mannatech CEO & President Al Bala.
“Our field leaders are extremely creative in using Zoom as a recruiting and training platform,” says LegalShield Network Division President Don Thompson. “They use breakout rooms to host associates and their guests after a presentation for a Q&A session and for associate interaction.”
To not only survive, but thrive in this unprecedented environment, LegalShield’s CEO Jeff Bell has cast a vision for the company as a “digital disruptor” who uses technology to fulfill their company’s mission. The focus for the company is not on their limitations, but rather on how they can innovate and improve and use the tools available to spread their message and keep the field engaged and excited. “We are not at the level of Netflix or CBS,” Bell says, “but we are getting smarter and more successful in producing engaging content.”
As companies expand their live-streams to their international markets, the existing cultural and language barriers will have to be considered. Elepreneurs Chief Impact Officer Garrett McGrath, who also serves as President of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals, is watching as these virtual events begin to take shape on a global, multi-lingual scale. Although these broader events are more complex, McGrath is encouraged by the existing platforms that can do the heavy lifting for the direct sales industry.
Vimeo, a tool the ANMP relies on for its broadcasts, is paired with remote translators who use the Interactio app—which McGrath describes as a flawless application—to tap into the livestream and recreate the content in their listeners’ language.
“All you have to have is a good originating broadcast quality, and that becomes the place from where everybody views the actual convention, even though we’re bringing people in from all over the world,” McGrath says.
Caution: Challenges Ahead
Everyone is more than eager to get back to normal and industry leaders are at the front of the line, hurriedly trying to recreate their office environment from thousands of satellite home offices scattered across the globe where their leaders live and now work. But as the world has quickly discovered, working separately but together has come with its own set of unique challenges, and large virtual events are not immune to these foibles.
Security has been a hot topic for Zoom users (LegalShield reported instances of “Zoom Bombers” during their first few training sessions before password protections halted any further disruptions), but for other, more complex broadcasting platforms, hacking isn’t as much of a concern. The security concern, according to Katapult Events President Erik Johnson, should be privacy. “I wouldn’t put anything out on a stream that you wouldn’t want the world to see,” Johnson says. “Someone at home is likely recording it whether you want them to or not, and it’ll be on YouTube by the end of the day.” For companies who live and die by FTC compliance, it’s a stern warning for leaders. Even if a distributor thinks they’re in a private virtual room with only top-tier leaders, there is great potential that their words will become public.
“Our field leaders are extremely creative in using Zoom as a recruiting and training platform. They use breakout rooms to host associates and their guests after a presentation for a Q&A session and for associate interaction.”— LegalShield Network Division President Don Thompson.
There will also be a fluency issue for older distributors who aren’t used to virtual interactions and for whom these new changes will require a steep learning curve. “I feel sorry for companies that are older and already have their culture set in stone because they’re going to have to switch at some point to this,” RevitalU CEO Andrew McWilliams says.
Even though virtual events are notoriously less expensive than their in-person counterparts, going too cheap can be very obvious. “A lot of people think they can just hop on Zoom and be fine,” says Johnson, who now produces SeneGence’s virtual events. The result of a frugal presentation, however, is fuzzy resolution, glitchy streaming and a visible mouse pointer on shared screens—not the high-quality presentation multimillion- and multibillion-dollar brands should attach their names to.
For the April SeneGence virtual event, Johnson utilized Vimeo for live streaming at the Enterprise level and set up studios at the Oklahoma and California SeneGence offices. With his crew and all of their gear at both locations, they connected the two offices live on camera for a high def broadcast that looked like prime time tv.
As physical events reemerge in the months to come, Johnson warns that virtual events should never be just a recorded version of the live event. Instead, he encourages leaders to plan for physical and virtual hybrids. For example, his crew is building a side stage that is reminiscent of the ESPN Sports Desk for the host of the virtual watch party at one of his client’s upcoming in-person events. Even though one large event will be happening, two different audiences with different attention spans will be watching. By having a dedicated host, he’ll be able to accommodate both.
Facebook Live Fright
As leaders who are used to delivering speeches from stages in loud rooms begin broadcasting from their kitchen table or home office to an audience they can’t see, they’re discovering that stage fright and Facebook Live fright are two different fears and require two different skill sets.
McGrath described his feelings about hosting an eight-hour live event as somewhere between nerve-wracking and exciting. He and wife Sylvia, Elepreneurs Chief Experience Officer, introduced live speakers and announced prerecorded segments and then watched comments and emojis unfold in real-time over an eight-hour stretch.
The stamina required to create these engaging content segments back-to-back for that length of time is similar to expecting sprints in the middle of a marathon. “The biggest concern you always have is: can you keep people’s attention for 12 and a half hours?” Bala says.
But it’s not just the audience’s attention that leaders are concerned about. “I don’t think you can underestimate what it does to the speaker’s energy to talk to a crowd,” Bala says. “When you’re a speaker, it engages you at a different level. You can’t replicate that virtually.”
An Attention Shift
Change can be a dirty word in an industry rooted in tradition, and that’s why McWilliams is choosing to embrace this time of disruption. As people readily accept digital platforms out of necessity, McWilliams says this temporary shift to virtual will now be permanent for his young organization. “I’m never going back,” he says. “It has been the most cost-effective thing we’ve ever done.” In April, RevitalU experienced double-digit percentage growth over March. After their first major virtual event on May 2, the company was up almost 55 percent over April by May 7. “It does not feel like a blip on a radar screen,” he says. “What it feels like is a shift of attention.”
These live virtual events with openly visible comment boxes bring with them a lack of control, but the effect, McGrath says, is unparalleled. “We were very aware that people don’t want a presentation; they want a conversation,” he says. “There’s a risk with a conversation because you don’t know what the other person is going to say, but that’s why people show up: because it hasn’t gone through the corporate whitewash and hasn’t been overly sanitized. It’s spontaneous and real.”
“We were very aware that people don’t want a presentation; they want a conversation.”– Garrett McGrath, Elepreneurs Chief Experience Officer
In the short term, physical events aren’t possible, but even when the restrictions from the global pandemic are lifted, some executives are expecting a slow return as people remain gun-shy about close social interaction and even handshakes. McGrath says the question of when things will go back to normal is the wrong question. “The real question is, between now and then, can we document a plan that people can rely on as proven to work today?”
Is Virtual Really a Success?
There is no industry-wide metric for success when it comes to this new switch to virtual. Still, as many leaders face pent up demand and anxiety swirling around the new normal that has been thrust upon them, the measurement for success will depend upon each company’s specific goals and missions.
For affiliate-focused companies, comment engagement on a Facebook Live event could provide a gauge for distributor reach. Many executives are now reporting a sharp increase in sales during and after virtual events—when distributors would usually be socializing or traveling home—and are using that as their new benchmark for success.
Virtual can’t mimic the adrenaline rush of a packed arena, but industry leaders are approaching this new playing field with cautious optimism. For now, there is convincing emerging data that pivoting to virtual is doing little to harm the health of direct selling companies, and might actually be making a once-in-a-lifetime paradigm shift that offers a glimpse into where the future of the industry might be headed.
“This is here to stay,” Bala says. “It’s just going to become another tool in our toolbox to create that engagement with our associates and for associates to create engagement among themselves.” DSN
VirBELA: The New Virtual Headquarters
Virtual events may be booming, but it will be finding ways to digitally recreate the ordinary daily interactions that will be key for direct selling to weather this storm of isolation and uncertainty. RevitalU has found its solution through VirBELA, a technology platform that allows companies to create a virtual headquarters. With VirBELA, people can come together formally for events, like a conference room where they’ll hear keynote speakers, as well as informally, like in virtual hallways between sessions where they can start up casual conversations.
Through avatars and multi-dimensional rooms, users can interact digitally in a personal way that doesn’t create the Zoom fatigue that comes with endless video chats. “It gives you autonomy to interact with whom you want to interact with and go where you want to go,” says VirBELA Founder and President Alex Howland, Ph.D. “When you read a book, you’re not paying attention to the black and white words or pages; you’re getting immersed into the book. The same thing happens with VirBELA. Your brain starts to feel like you’re physically in the room with colleagues.
Glenn Sanford, eXp Realty Founder and CEO, has been using VirBELA as his company’s virtual campus since 2016. During that time, he grew his number of agents from 900 to 29,000 from the virtual headquarters that he mans from the casita over his garage. In April of this year, his success with the virtual platform led him to join the VirBELA team as the company’s Chief Strategy Officer so that he could extend his knowledge and experience with simulated campuses to other business leaders navigating these unprecedented waters.
Sanford offered advice to McWilliams, one of the newest CEOs to become an adopter of the VirBELA technology, by explaining that the simulated campus will only work if McWilliams insists that people meet him in his virtual Planet RevitalU office, rather than picking up the phone. “We have an office, and I don’t care if it opens back up,” McWilliams says. “We’re going to make the physical office voluntary. For our business practices and working together, it’s going to be done online.”
Virtual Event Tips
Take your virtual event to the next level with these tips from production expert and consultant to the direct selling industry, Erik Johnson of Katapult Events.
“How good your first event is will determine if they buy your next.” — Erik Johnson, Katapult Events President
Forget Zoom. Use Vimeo to live stream.
Prerecording some content eliminates the potential for user error, streamlines transitions and trims the boring out of stories.
Use permissions to put events and event extras behind paywalls or passwords. Erik uses Phinkific.com to preserve special VIP treatments, like a Q&A with the keynote speaker, for specific distributor ranks and above.
Hire a professional. Picture-in-picture, title animation and HD screen shares matter.
Show others what they’re missing. Even if you’re charging for a virtual event, share a short segment onto Facebook Live for things like new product announcements. At the end of the segment, offer viewers the opportunity to buy access to the rest of the event. It’s a double bang for your production buck and a quick upsell.
Everything has to be faster. What might have taken you four minutes to say on a live stage, should take you 90 seconds when speaking to a virtual audience.
Shoot with two cameras. A simple wide shot and a close up will give your broadcast movement and will be more likely to hold attention.
A high-quality mic is just as important as good video. If they can’t hear you well, they will leave.
Don’t be afraid to hire an outside emcee. Professional talent can take your event from stagnant to funny, drive the energy of the show, and be in charge of throwing it to different hosts—chief executives, distributors—to keep the show moving.
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Get rid of the extra stuttering and “um” sounds and give your team the chance to feel the flow of the event.
Double-dip your filming days. When broadcasting virtual events, you’ll likely have the members of your executive teams and an elaborate, staffed studio all in one place. Use this opportunity to film upcoming product launches, expand your expert interviews and update your opportunity presentation.
Five Ways to Simplify Your Pivot to Virtual
Don’t confuse virtual with automated. Even though there are no smoke machines and spotlights, this is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of environment. Building an interactive experience is key to getting virtual events right.
Prepare your team. Expect worst-case scenarios and plan how they’ll be addressed on the spot to protect your brand.
Choose your comment comfort level. Instantly visible, unfiltered feedback may complement the tone of a keynote address, or it might exacerbate the awkwardness of lackluster attendance. Pick an audience participation level that matches the event vibe.
Tap into existing partner platforms. Seamlessly charge registration for large events and automatically capture potential customer contact information. (Eventbrite, PayPal, Pardot and HubSpot are good leads for these functions)
Deliver an in-person experience. Pick two or three elements of your usual in-person events that can be creatively replicated while apart. If distributors have come to expect a lavish lunch break at events, send restaurant or food delivery gift cards to registrants ahead of time. These small gestures will build community while making a memorable impact.
1 note · View note
davidbase28 · 2 years
Daily Motion offers some of the top content online. This includes TV shows from all over the world..
I recently came across this amazing site - DailyMotion.com and Daily for the shorter and friendly version. Of course, I've known about this website for a long time, but it used to be just one of the three most popular video websites at the time when video was just beginning to take off in the beginning - Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. You can see that it is a hub for the best content online. Have a look at this site with me and you'll agree that Daily should be one of the top websites to check out every single day. Yes, I resisted from using the daily feature twice due to a sloppy pun. These are the features you should be looking for when visiting Daily Motion. It's first and foremost full of live news broadcasts, anything that's not mainstream, C.Span kind of broadcasts, it all ends at DailyMotion. Most of the popular journalist work is displayed on the main page, so mush that actually could mean that they're trying to promote the political aspects of the website, ever since Periscope is gone and Twitter has been trying to keep the political live streams to the far reaches of the woods. But their current slogan Dailymotion: The best place for videos mattering isn't a reference to politics. Although my funny videos of cats are great, you can also see reports on shootings in recent weeks and other life-changing stuff that makes it appear as if Daily is now a major political magazine. There are a lot of sports shows and shows, which don't just discuss them and broadcasts of every kind all over the world. These are usually in poor video quality, but yet nevertheless if you watch on mobile - it's quite great, and everyone in the world's watching on mobile.. youtube downloader The quality of the video is generally acceptable, and mobile looks fine or extremely perfect 4K HDR and it's way too much for mobile and requires a new TV that is the size of a the dining table to watch every video detail on the screen. If I come across a lengthy broadcast like this, I typically save it to my PC by using this online converter application. This allows me to select between various quality options as well as the video format. It's saved as an mp4 file on my computer, which I later transfer to my smartphone. I now have an 1.5-hour soccer match to watch as I travel to work.
Tumblr media
Dailymotion is also extensively used by major corporations such as CNN, BBC and other news websites across the Internet. They run their channels in the United States too however, I think it is easier in their situation. They just take the videos from their live broadcasts or live streams on websites and place it on Youtube. Then, they post it on all other major channels. Daily Motion is among the latter. There's even sad Ted Cruz face displayed on CNN International's Dailymotion Page. It's clear they're laughing a lot. There's even a section dedicated to Billboard videos. They are from Planet Hollywood, etc. and are full of new music, chart-topping tracks, and the most popular artists. It is also possible to argue that they are copying their Youtube channels onto Daily motion. Finally, Dailymotion is chock full of TV shows and episodes from all over the world. I'm not sure how to locate their playlists or collections of episodes from same show, but perhaps Google could help with that because it's a search engine after all. But, occasionally, I come across links that direct me to Dailymotion pages. Dailymotion has episodes from India (Argentina), Korea as well as many different countries. It's amazing how much content you can find on Dailymotion. Search the site to locate your preferred TV show. Big Brother Canada You can look up the show on Google and locate more than 300 episodes to stream or view on Dailymotion. In such situations I use the site again, and save a few episodes to my smartphone and watch them on my way to travel. The video quality isn’t always excellent, but it is fantastically! I will see you there Daily!
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freeyorker · 6 years
Vorticity (4K) from Mike Olbinski on Vimeo.
Blu-Ray discs available here: mikeolbinski.com/shop/ Song by Kerry Muzzey: "Found" (Available on iTunes (http://bit.ly/MO_TM3) and Amazon (http://bit.ly/Found_KM) - please support him!) Follow me: mikeolbinski.com / twitter.com/mikeolbinski / facebook.com/mikeolbinskiphotography / instagram.com/mikeolbinski BTS Footage: youtube.com/user/MikeOlbinski/videos (Subscribe!) ---------------------------
Blood. Sweat. Tears. Joy. That's what this spring was for me. The miles, the grind, the failing, the epic days missed, the lack of sleep, the jubilation, the friendships strengthened, and the time away from my family. And when the chasing was all done...wondering, was worth it all?
Heck yeah it was.
I had three goals this spring: Get a tornado on time-lapse, capture the best footage I possibly could, and chase as much as my schedule would allow. That ended up totalling 18 chase days. 20,000 miles driven. Almost 60,000 time-lapse frames shot. Nine total states. Hours and hours and hours of editing. All between April 15th and June 15th.
And the tornado? Not only did I get one, but I got six more. On April 15th, the very first day out, I saw two tornadoes in the Texas Panhandle. May 9th was Wynnewood and Sulphur in Oklahoma (both in this film), as well as Trinidad on June 13th in Colorado. And while most tornadoes will be obvious in the film, you'll have to use a keen eye to spot the first two, which appear at 2:08 and 2:13. The Wynnewood tornado, which you will see at the very end of the film, was one of the most surreal moments of my life. I was so focused on keeping up with the storm that day, that I barely realized that I had captured what I'd been working so hard to get. I texted my wife a few photos and simply said "Baby I did it". It wasn't until she responded "Babe, it's beautiful. I'm so happy for you" that I completely lost it - live stream going on in the truck, people watching, and tears streaming down my face.
But that's how much this spring meant to me, and how hard I was going. Most of the time exhausted. My typical routine would be to leave Phoenix sometime in late afternoon, drive all night, sleep an hour or two in the truck and then chase the next few days. And then drive home all night again. I did whatever I could to to minimize the time away from my family. Heck, I once even shot a wedding all day, left the venue, and drove all night to chase. I didn't want to miss anything this spring.
What's awesome to me is that some of my best stuff came from marginal days, where it took some effort and crazy luck to get sick storm structures. Those were the surprises - amazing clips worthy of the final product despite the chase day starting out subpar. Combined together with everything else, I think it's some of my best footage to date!
Technical note...this film marks the first time I used my Canon 5DSR and 11-24 for time-lapse, which I bought right before the spring started (Thank you Martin Heck for the help!). I'm not 100% sure of course, but I believe the tornadoes in the film may be some of the first ever captured in 8K resolution. The 50 megapixels that camera offers was huge for being able to zoom into certain shots and still maintain fantastic quality and sharpness. Couldn't be happier with that beast. I also used my trusty 5D3 for the tighter shots, with the 35mm, 50mm or 135mm.
I have to mention Kerry Muzzey here...he has surpassed being kind to me. This is the 3rd or 4th time he's donated a song to one of my projects and I'm forever grateful. His music is powerful, haunting at times, and always, always perfect for the story I want to tell. This year I knew right away that "Found" was the song I would use. Please visit the links above to support his work!
There are a lot of names to thank which are listed at the end of the film. I owe them all so much for helping me this spring. Nowcasting, making me turn around when I was headed to Montana, teaching me about forecasting, helping me choose the right new camera, editing input, and just being good friends. I am very blessed to have some amazing people around me!
Most of all to my wife, Jina. She knows...every year I'm gone longer. I'm sure next year could be worse. But through it all, even when it's really tough, she's always right behind me. Making things work when I'm away. There are never enough words to cover how amazing she is. But she knows and I know - this film wouldn't happen without her.
I think that's about it! Thanks to everyone for the kind words of support all year. I truly hope you enjoy this one! On to Monsoon 3! ---------------------------
Technical Details:
Captured with A CANON 5DSR, CANON 5D3, Canon 11-24mm f/4, 16-35mm, 35mm, 50mm, 135mm Processed using Lightroom, LR Timelapse, After Effects and Premiere Pro
Most clips available in 8K resolution, as well as 4K.
2 notes · View notes
jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
ViTraffic Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus | Set and forget profit machine on autopilot
ViTraffic Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus | Set and forget profit machine on autopilot
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2018/07/16/vitraffic-review-demo-exclusive-bonus-set-and-forget-profit-machine-on-autopilot/
Welcome To MattMartin.Club!
Thank You So Much For Taking The Time In Checking Out My Review On "ViTraffic"
Hope You Will Enjoy It!
Know How Everything Is Automated In Just 3 Simple Steps!
Product Creator Chris Jenkins Product Name ViTraffic Front-End Price $17.00 Niche WP PlugIn | Traffic Bonuses YES! Listed Below! Refund 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Recommendation Yes, 100%. Launch Date 2018 – July – 16th @ 11:00 AM EST Official Website Checkout "ViTraffic" Official Site
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-July-16th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "ViTraffic" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
Hi there, As you know how newbie marketers finds it difficult and boring to write self posts and blogs for their pages. Even if you manage to write consistent posts it is not easy to get the viral traffic. To increase the traffic you need to have trending topics for your social media platform and an engaging content for your site.
Now you must be thinking how is it possible to apply for your business. No need to worry anymore… As I am here to introduce you with the product named “ViTraffic”, an ultimate plugin system for your online business. What is it? How does it work? Let’s check out my ViTraffic Review below to find out more details about it!
Looking for something that could help you get the most traffic on your social media and websites? Virtraffic is the best solution for you. With Virtraffic you get a dedicated website for your curated contents which you can share on your Facebook page.
Virtraffic combines the power of WordPress, Facebook, Amazon and eBay to give you a dedicated website, engaging fanpage that brings traffic and commissions through affiliate marketing.
This awesome traffic generating WordPress plugin allows expert and newbie marketers to build fanpage audience fast and generate massive engagement on websites.
ViTraffic Rating - 9.0/10
Quality - 9.0/10
Features - 9.0/10
Support - 9.0/10
Easy to use - 9.0/10
Bonus - 9.0/10
PROS - Find highly engaging and relevant content in an instant - Build commission sucking affiliate site on autopilot - Drive targeted traffic to your sites directly from the system - Monetize with inbuilt module that integrates relevant products automatically to your site CONS - This is a dimesale, the price increases with every sale made
The vendor of ViTraffic are Chris Jenkins and his partner Prady N. Chris has been a product creator for a while but the number of products he has successfully launched is incredible. Some of his products are Pixal Evolution, Snapify, DiscountPop, SociHub, Stack Video Pak, WP Spy Online, YouTube Probe, and more. Let’s take a look at the next part of the ViTraffic Review to find out the content!
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Purchase Vitraffic
Fetches the most viral content on the web
It goes out and curates most engaging and viral content in your niche.
Creates a sleek and professional website
Build your viral site in minutes and keep it updated with new content
Generate Income Automatically Integrated Affiliate Products
Integrates relevant Amazon products along with your affiliate ID so you can monetize it instantly
Sell Amazon Products
Vitraffic read the contents you have on your site and automatically fetches relevant Amazon products on the web and display it for your website viewers. Make profit through effective affiliate product implementation.
Monetize with Adsense and Banner Ads
You can easily add banner or adsense ads by using our easy to use options panel and start generating revenue instantly.
Build List and Sell Affiliate Products
Easily build your list through integrated newsletter options available for you to add in all the most converting places. Then utilize your list to cash in on product sales and affiliate promotions!
Dedicated WordPress Website
Post anything you like, from GIF, memes, high quality images to Amazon and eBay products. With the right contents, you can bring your traffic up and customer engagements in no time.
Seamless Facebook Integration
Easily share your images and Amazon and eBay products from your website to Facebook for your fanbase to see and direct clicks to your site.
Easy-To-Use WordPress Plugin
Use Vitraffic in an instant, set-up should only take you less than 10 minutes and you are ready to customize your site, curate your contents and build Facebook traffic.
Timely Search Results
Vitraffic gives you the best image results that are trending and with the most number of likes on the internet so that you’ll reach even more number of audience.
Fast and Easy Ecommerce Integration
You will not only get traffic but with Vitraffic you have the ability to turn your page into a money-making website through Amazon and eBay affiliate marketing.
Interactive Website Popup Option
Collect leads or promote products and services through specialized optin popups that are easily manageable through the ViralTraffic plugin interface.
And many more:
Find highly engaging and relevant content in an instant
Build commission sucking affiliate site on autopilot
Drive targeted traffic to your sites by right from the system
Monetize with inbuilt module that integrates relevant products automatically to your site.
Easy product installation, download and start using Vitraffic in minutes
SAAS based plugin, access and use it anywhere anytime
Modern and responsive website design for easy navigation and better content distribution
Timely search results, find the latest and trending images and blog posts on the web
Powerful Ecommerce integration, connect effortlessly on eBay and Amazon
Organic traffic generator through seamless Facebook integration
YouTube and Vimeo integration that lets you add top and current videos
Newsletter option that allows your customers to be notified about your latest posts and announcements
It is simple, with ViTraffic, you’ll be able to:
Sell Amazon Products
Vitraffic read the contents you have on your site and automatically fetches relevant Amazon products on the web and display it for your website viewers. Make profit through effective affiliate product implementation.
Monetize with Adsense and Banner Ads
You can easily add banner or adsense ads by using easy to use options panel and start generating revenue instantly.
Build List and Sell Affiliate Products
Easily build your list through our integrated newsletter options available for you to add in all the most converting places. Then utilize your list to cash in on product sales and affiliate promotions!
Now let’s take a minute to recap the huge benefits come up with:
Complete solution engine that takes care of everything from content creation to monetization on autopilot.
Set it up once and watch your income grow.
Curates content from all over the web automatically.
Manage and run it by itself, You don’t need to work on it daily once you set it up.
Monetize with automatically integrated highly relevant amazon product.
Easily monetize by integrating your adsense ads.
Automatic promotion engine that promotes your vitraffic site on Facebook on autopilot.
Tap on twitter and even Pinterest for wider audience.
High converting designs that improves your profit.
Collect leads from our attention grabbing optin forms
In Addition, You Will Be Getting Tons of The Vendor’s Greatest Bonuses For Your Last Action:
ViTraffic FE Fast Action Bonus #1
Zapdeals Agency ($197.00 Value)
Enjoy Zapdeals for personal use or use it for your clients.
Market Zapdeals to your own list and keep 100% of the profit
Rebrand the entire product and make it as your own
Recurring income, mean extra profit aside from your Vitraffic earnings
Complete autopilot business, no high maintenance needed
Get Zapdeals for $197 or have it for FREE when You Purchase Vitraffic Today!
ViTraffic FE Fast Action Bonus #2
DFY Facebook Ads from 6 High Paying Niches
FB Marketing is perfect fit for Vitraffic. These High quality graphic ads from the hottest niches in consultancy business that you can use for Facebook advertising will help you to boost your revenue with almost no efforts on your part.
ViTraffic FE Fast Action Bonus #3
Facebook Link WP Plugin
Create a Facebook Connect Button, collect leads and auto-add to auto-responder and capture verified email from the leads! Integrates with ANY auto-responder.
Enjoy Wide Range Features that Works well with Vitraffic Platform!
Get 10X Better and Faster Results by Adding Highly Engaging Video and Original Contents to Your Vitraffic Sites PLUS Developer’s Rights
Upgrade your purchase and enjoy these amazing OTO fast action bonuses!
ViTraffic OTO1 Fast Action Bonus #1
High Quality Social Covers
Easy to edit professional Facebook timeline covers that you can use for your clients’ business for free or at an extra cost. You can sell them for $97+ as well. This is one of the most in demand service. You can capitalize easily with our ready made designs to make profits.
ViTraffic OTO1 Fast Action Bonus #2
Branded Media WP Media Plugin
Creates brandable media players with your contents, your links, and let your visitors embed on their blog. You already know why that is super powerful in viral traffic, sales and lead generation.
Quit spending countless hours trying to find a solution that will allow you to create viral media players that have YOUR logo, your content and timed actions... you won't find it -- especially a plugin for wordpress.
Branded Media is a wordress plugin that anyone can use, because all they need to do is put it on there wordpress blog, and they are ready to go!
There is no complicated mySQL install process, it's just a simple upload process. This is designed this to be the easiest script you have plugin to installed, and started to use.
Here are the main reasons why you should start using Branded Media to create branded media players:
No skills required at all! You don't need any skills to get started..
Super Simple To INSTALL! Just upload to your blog and go!
Amazingly Beautiful WP Plugin! Detailed plugin and media player!
Manage Your Media Players! Create unlimited media players inside wordpress!
Short codes for Posts and Pages! Simply add to any page you want!
ViTraffic OTO1 Fast Action Bonus #3
FB Page Builder
Single tool that will not only get you on facebook, and Building your fanbase, social credibility and even making you MORE Money!STOP wasting your time - In only 30 seconds you can have your fully customized Fan Page with Profile picture created by you in a super-easy online graphic editor. No joke, this is as easy as it could possibly get for you to start today!
Full control over each detail, text, style and even which icon to display...
Easy to use, works right inside your web browser!
Absolutely noting to download - ONLY your custom created graphics...
Create UNLIMITED fan page graphics + profile images on the fly...
Get instant access to the graphic editor that is used inside your web browser, you do NOT need to download anything. Forget about long install process, Photoshop and writing any HTML.
How To Claim Your Bonuses
Step 1: Purchase product from this page.
Grab the product through the buttons found on this page to gain access to these awesome bonuses.
Step 2: Bonuses delivery.
The bonuses offered on this page will be automatically available to you for download on the Members Area after your purchase.
Give Me Access To Vitraffic Now!
Bonus No: 1
Modern Video Marketing
With this video course...
You are going to understand the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing.
You will learn to identify the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing.
You will understand the concept of return on effort.
You can begin to understand the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process.
You are going to learn exactly how to create a human connection with your prospects.
And much more!
Bonus No: 2
Modern Video Marketing Video Upgrade
Topics covered:
Effective Video Marketing In A Nutshell
Video Marketing: The Modern and Effective Way
Let Your Competitors Do Your Video Marketing Homework For You
Modern Video Marketing Essentials
Figuring Out The Different Types Of Video Marketing
Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right For You?
Video Scribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop
Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right For You?
Personality-Focused Videos
Marketing Videos on Social Media
Bonus No: 3
Site Speed Secrets
Site Speed Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint about how to speed up your website and increase conversions.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
How website speed optimization works and how you can use it to leverage your online success.
The one secret no one tells you about web caching and how it can change your site for the better.
The easiest ways to get Google to like your site and reward you with higher rankings on its search results pages.
Why it’s important to host your site with a reputable web host.
The 4 different caching plugins you can use to turbocharge your WordPress site.
How content delivery networks work and why your website needs to be on one.
The many different techniques for image optimization and why it’s important you reduce your image file sizes.
The different file types you can compress and optimize to help speed up your website.
What .htaccess is and how you can use it to improve your web pages’ load time.
 And so much more!
Bonus No: 4
Site Speed Secrets Video Upgrade
Discover how you can finally speed up your website and increase your conversion rates. All the information you need is here, and nothing has been left out in this course!
You’ll learn so much just by going through this course. Here are some of the most powerful benefits you’ll gain: 
Learn to build faster websites from now on.
Not all web hosts are created equal – make sure you sign up for a fast web host that will help you reach your business goals.
Know how to use and analyze the results of the best website speed testing tools out there.
Never underestimate the power of caching ever again – it will help your site load much faster than ever before.
 Become a .htaccess expert and learn how to speed up your site with just a few extra lines added to this powerful file.
Be an expert at reducing and optimizing file sizes before uploading anything to your website.
Use the top WordPress plugins which will help supercharge your slow site and turn it into a speedy machine.
Topics covered:
3 Major Reasons Yours Site Is Slow and How You Can Fix It
3 Methods To Improve Your Websites User Experience
4 Benefits Of Using Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP For Your Website
4 Free Tools You Can Use To Speed Up Your Website
5 Benefits Of Having A Fast Website
6 Secrets To Speed Up Your WordPress Website
How Optimizing Your Images Can Help With Your Site
How To Choose The Rights Web Hosting Company
Why You Should Care About How Fast Your Website Load
WordPress vs Static HTML Websites Which Is Faster
  Bonus No: 5
SuperCharged Productivity
Supercharged productivity is a guide that contains the world's best productivity hacks by the world's leading productivity experts.
Inside this guide, you'll discover mind-blowing productivity hacks you can use this instance to exponentially improve your productivity and crush all those stubborn projects that you've laid off for so long.
You'll discover incredible insight and profound knowledge that will enable you to operate with incredible energy beyond the average capability of a human being.
You will learn:
A list of powerful zero cost tools to practically increase your productivity by 20% in a snap of a finger!
Uncover the myth behind productivity and time management
Learn the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, critical for getting more things done in less time
The 1 thing that high performers focus on that enables them to accomplish critical task one after the other without suffering from burnout
An overall gameplan to achieve maximum productivity and overtake everyone else on your road to success
How to determine and eliminate unnecessary time -wasting activities so you'll regain full control over your time and maximize the results you want to achieve
The ULTIMATE secrets to supercharged productivity
Understand what is energy and how you can direct your energy in the right way so you'll achieve incredible productivity
The two most important powerful productivity hacks (Only one in a million people in this country knows this hacks)
Several things you need to ditch immediately to be happy and become hyper-productive towards finishing your grand projects or goals.
Tap into your body's hidden energy reserve and gain the extra stamina to perform at peak level for a longer period of time.
Dive into the mindset of top productivity experts and learn how to 'tune' your mind to constantly hack yourself to be more productive
And many more!
Bonus No: 6
Supercharged Productivity Video Upgrade
Supercharged productivity is a video course that contains the world's best productivity hacks by the world's leading productivity experts.
It's an video upgrade of Supercharged Productivity ebook.
Topics covered:
The Myth Of Time Management
Effectiveness vs. Efficiency
Results - Fast Lane to Success
Your Gameplan to Success
The Secrets to Supercharged Productivity
Why Energy Is Everything
Supercharged Productivity Hacks
How To Be A One Man Army
Follow One's Cause Until Successful
So What's Next
Bonus No: 7
Survey Funnel
With this 9-part video course discover how to generate micro-targeted leads that are ready to buy your products & services, starting today!
These methods are based on a working system.  There's no theory here!
Imagine if you could get micro-targeted leads ready to buy from you!
Topics covered:
Introduction and Getting Started 
Why Surveys Are So Powerful
Your End Goal
Your Product & Service
The Buyer That Fits
The Typical Day 
The Survey Form
The Mindmap
Implementation to Segmentation
Bonus No: 8
The Growth Mindset
The Growth Mindset is the mindset of world’s top achievers and successful people for achieving massive success.
You will learn the EXACT practices of world’s top achievers do to achieve greatness in their life. Change your mindset now to achieve great success and get ready to be mind-blown by your own transformation!
You will learn:
Proven Strategies Practiced By The World’s Top Achievers To Develop A Growth Mindset.
How To Reverse From Being Trapped In A Limiting Mindset (Get Out Of This Situation Asap Because This Will Slows You Down Or Worse... Prevents You From Attaining Success!)
7 Ways The Growth Mindset People Are Superior In Many Things.
The Most Effective Way To Change Your Behaviour And Anything In Life (Not The Easiest Way, But A 100% Sure Fire Way To Get Better At Anything In Life!)
10 Crucial Things You Will Learn From Failing… (Failing Is Not Bad After All).
Warning! 3 Types Of Mindset You Must Avoid At All Cost!
One Particular Trait That Enables Growth Mindset People To Improve Any Skills They Want (And How You Can Do The Same!).
Is Scarcity Even Real? Find Out The Shocking Truth About Scarcity In Chapter 1.
How Do People With Growth Mindset Think? Here’s How… (Chapter 3)
Performance Vs. Improvement. Which One Matters?
And much, much more!
Bonus No: 9
The Growth Mindset Video Upgrade
With this video course you will:
Be Positive, Creative, High-Energy, & Motivated
Deal With Failures, Setbacks And Challenges Differently From 90% Of The Population (No Stress Involved!)
Be At Your Very Best Self.
Have The Ability To Master Any Skills Or Areas Of Your Life
Become The Top Performer In Your Personal And Professional Life
Accomplish So Much More Than You Ever Thought Possible
Experience Exponential Growth In Your Character Values.
Have A More Fulfilling Life Knowing That You Are Progressing Every Day To Be Better.
Start Seeing Positive Results And Notice Incredible Changes When You Apply What You’re About To Learn In Growth Mindset As Fast As 30 Days.
Most Important, You Will Shortcut Your Way To Success!
Topics covered:
What is Mindset?
Why is Mindset Important?
Fixed vs Growth Mindset.
The Dangers of a Fixed Mindset.
The Power of a Growth Mindset.
Is it Possible to Change Your Mindset?
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset
Dealing with Setbacks
Bonus No: 10
Lifestyle provides input to the human body.  If there are any problems with these inputs, you are sure to feel the consequences. We do not completely realize how important lifestyle choices are.
It’s about time for you to enjoy all-natural holistic wellness!
With this step by step guide...
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
You will learn about:
 Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
 Lifestyle is Always a Choice
 The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
 Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
 Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
 Understand the importance of relational wellness
 Explore physical wellness
 Traditional wellness is not up to the job
 Preventative Medical Wholeness
 Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 11
Wholeness Video Upgrade
With this 10-part video course...
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
Topics covered:
Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
Lifestyle is Always a Choice
The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
Understand the importance of relational wellness
Explore physical wellness
Traditional wellness is not up to the job
Preventative Medical Wholeness
Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 12
Affiliate Marketing Kit
AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT solves the following common yet fatal problems hounding both newbie and veteran affiliate marketers.
You will learn:
How to pick a niche that is most likely to earn you money
How to pick a conversion platform that will produce the most money with the least effort
How to create content your niche audience will actually want to read and share
How to select affiliate offers the smart and efficient way
How to build an affiliate marketing business that will stand the test of time and fickle consumer trends
Plain ENGLISH instructions: you don’t have to have to be an affiliate marketing veteran to understand and carry out its powerful and effective instructions
Actionable information: you get any THEORY with this PROFIT KIT. Instead, you get solid practical step by step instructions you can carry out RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Scalable information: you don’t get a ONE TRICK PONY instruction set that works NOW but will be USELESS TOMORROW. The AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT worked in the past, is working now, and will CONTINUE TO WORK long into the future!
Powerful traffic generation strategies: most other ‘online income’ blueprints or affiliate marketing ‘guides’ completely leave out the most important part of affiliate marketing success:
TRAFFIC. You will get powerful information you can use to both GENERATE FREE TRAFFIC and handle PAID TRAFFIC the right way!
And much more!
Bonus No: 13
Affiliate Marketing Profit Kit Video Upgrade
Discover How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing - Even If You Are a Complete Beginner!
With this video tutorials you can learn to get out of the gate well-positioned to succeed in the often DOG-EAT-DOG hypercompetitive world of affiliate marketing! You don’t have to settle for the crumbs LEFT OVER by the big players of your niche.
Topics covered:
4 Ways you are killing your passive income empire dreams
The money is in the list but not in the way you think
7 secrets of affiliate success most marketers will not tell you
7 Reasons why you should focus on niche selection
6 Ways your niche may be holding your affiliate income
5 Ways to find the best converting content
How to turbocharge your affiliate income in one step
What is the single most important factor to affiliate success
6 Ways to prevent your affiliate business from crashing and burning
The 5 Hallmarks of solid social media content
Bonus No: 14
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 15
Music Loops Pack 2
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 16
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 17
Modern Affiliate Marketing
The key to affiliate marketing success is to focus on what works. The mechanics of affiliate marketing have not changed. What has changed, however, are the strategies that enable you to become a successful affiliate marketer.
With this step by step guide...
You are going to understand the importance of modern affiliate marketing strategies.
You will learn to identify niches based on ROI and other crucial factors.
You will understand modern conversion systems.
You can begin to understand different monetization methods.
You are going to learn exactly how to put a heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche.
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How to Create Niche-Focused Conversion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies
Traffic Optimization Strategies
The Key to Affiliate Marketing Success in 2018 and Beyond
Bonus No: 18
Modern Affiliate Marketing Video Upgrade
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Promote all Boils Down to ROI.
Make no mistake, if you want to succeed with your affiliate marketing business, you have to focus on ROI. If you have a fuzzy idea of what return on investment means, you're playing the game wrong.
With this video course you will learn the secrets of modern affiliate marketing!
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking The Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How To Create Niche-Focused Convertion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 1 - Direct Traffic To Your Link
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 2 - SEO (backlinks)
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 3 - Social Media
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 4 - Forums
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 5 - Question and Answer Platforms
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 6 - Third-party blog traffic
Traffic Optimization Strategies
Bonus No: 19
Video Playbook
Video is the fastest growing type of media online. Even companies that were founded on other types of broadcasting—such as Twitter and Instagram have begun to embrace video in order to improve visitor engagement and better connect with their target audience.
However, incorporating video content on your blog or website hasn’t always been an easy task.
For many, uploading videos to their own hosting account is time-consuming and expensive, and while embedding videos from third-party services simplifies things, you’ll often end up losing a lot of control over how the videos are displayed.
In this guide, you’re going to learn some of the best ways to use video on your websites profitably, and just how easy it is to get around some of the biggest issues you might face when using it.
Topics covered:
Why Use Video?
How to Make Money with Videos
Creating Your Own Videos
Video Storage Services
Using Other People’s Videos To Maximize Exposure
Powerful Video Ideas
Bonus No: 20
HIIT 2 FIT Video Upgrade
HIIT is also known as High Intensity Interval Training. It means exercising at an intense pace for a short period… and scientists have found that this workout method is MILES better than a moderate pace workout.
Studies show that the intensity of exercise is one of the greatest factor in rapid fat loss.
HIIT is:
A brain booster
A muscle-builder
With this video course you will:
Save precious time by working out the most efficient way possible for fat loss and building muscle at the same time. That means more time for you to spend with family and friends,
Look good without giving up your soul. You don’t have to give up sports night or your favorite six-packs of beer to have an aesthetic physique.
Enjoyable exercises that will get you excited for your next workout
Bonus No: 21
Ecom Mastery
With the advent of systems like Shopify and WooCommerce that make it easier than ever to set up an online store without vast programming knowledge or deep pockets, and the prevalence of drop shipping companies that have affordable prices, e-commerce is booming like never before.
E-commerce is one of the only systems you can use to make money online that is truly long-lasting and sustainable, and, in a profitable niche, can keep making you money for many years to come.
With this report you will learn basics about how to start your own online store.
Topics covered:
Choosing a Profitable Niche
Finding Your Passion
Going Deep
Sourcing Products
Marketing Your Store
Bonus No: 22
Niche Market Discovery
If you don’t know the process for discovering hot niche markets, then you will continue to work hard and never achieve the success you are looking for. 
If you want to find the right niche market, that is proven to be profitable, you have to learn the process for niche market discovery.
Here is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with the process successful niche business owners follow to find the hot niche markets that will make them money.
You will learn why finding your niche is so important.
You will learn what you need to do to choose the right niche to make the most money.
You will learn how to locate your ideal customer.
You will learn how to build relationships within your chosen niche.
You will learn how to analyze your competition.
And much, much more...
Finding the hottest niche markets that are profitable can be done with time, a bit of hard work, and some diligent research.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain when you decide to follow the process of niche market discovery.
Learn how to start your business with affiliate marketing.
Learn how to get started with your niche research.
Learn the secret to finding hot keywords that have high profit potential.
Learn how to research and survey your target market.
Learn how to create your ideal customer profile.
Learn how to research and evaluate your competition.
Bonus No: 23
Surfire WP Boost
With this 9-part step by step video course you will discover how to speed up your WordPress sites so that your visitors can get a better user experience which will give you higher search engine rankings.
You will learn methods that have been working for decades.
Topics covered:
Advantages of Fast Site Speed
Reasons Why Your Site Is Slow
Too Much in Your Site
Is Your Web Hosting Slowing You Down?
Image Optimization
Parasite Protection
WordPress Caching
Content Delivery Networks
Bonus No: 24
Online Business Systematization
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is to create a company that is wholly dependent on your daily involvement for its success. There are several problems with this approach. 
The first is redundancy. You are effectively paying your employees to carry out tasks that you will eventually complete.
The second, poor time management. You are spending your time on tasks as they arise, leaving you little room to work on the essential business tasks for growing your business. The solution lies in the effective systemization of your business.
Learn how systemizing and automating your online business can finally free up your time so you can focus your energy on growing your business!
Online Business Systemization is a is a step-by-step blueprint for how to systemize and automate your online business so you can free up your time and watch your business continue to run smoothly, even when you’re not in the office.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
You will learn about the many benefits you can gain by systemizing your online business.
You will learn what it takes to start systemizing your business.
You will discover a whole host of tools that you can use for systemizing your online business.
You will learn how to create Standard Operating Procedures, so you can finally document your business systems.
You will learn how to outsource tasks like a pro.
You will learn how to systemize your business using simple automation tools.
You’ll learn how to scale your business to the next level.
Bonus No: 25
Online Business Systematization Video Upgrade
The good news is, you can start to systemize your online business today and immediately start to experience its powerful benefits.
  Systemizing your online business will take some effort up front, but once your policies and procedures are fully documented you’ll be able to begin to focus your time and energy on tasks that will allow you to scale and grow your business.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain by building a fully systemized business. 
You’ll reduce costs
Increase efficiencies
Improve employee performance
Improve business communications
Have the time to scale and grow your business
Be able to measure your progress
Meet all your deadlines
Free up more time
Be able to finally take time off
Discover the best tools to use to systemize your business
Discover the best software programs and apps to automate your business
And much more
Bonus No: 26
Shopify Blueprint
Revolution of business evolves from physical shop to internet. 
Perks of online shopping are: Deliver to your door step, cheaper than market price, shop anytime, anywhere 24/7, more variety.
Selling on internet cuts down 50% of the operation expenses such as office lot rental and utilities bills. Therefore, seller is able to offer a price lower than the market range for products. Getting a same product for lower price is what most of the people are seeking for and this is why people are addicted to online shopping.
The revolution has elevated online business to a wider and higher level.
Besides, having an online business ensures that you’re able to work from home, budget friendly, save operation cost (such as inventory, office, utilities bills etc), flexible working hours, most importantly, you will be able to generate more cash flow rather than having a fixed, conventional full time job.
Shopify Blueprint is a series of training course teaching you how to build your e-commerce empire with Shopify and generate up to 6 figures or more every month!
You will learn:
Shopify At A Glance
Getting Started With Shopify
Shopify Dashboard
How To Set Up Your Shopify E-Store
How To Identify Hot Selling Products
How To Create Buy Button / Shopping Cart
Launching Your E-Store
Other Money Making Ideas
How To Migrate Your Shop From Bigcommerce To Shopify
Bonus No: 27
Shopify Traffic
Simple and Easy Methods to Attract Your Prospects Effectively Without Spending Top Dollars for Advertisement!
How Would You Like to Draw Massive Traffic to Visit Your E-Store Every Day and Increase Conversion for 400%.
Shopify Traffic is a series of training course where it will teach you how to generate traffic to your Shopify e-store with effective methods and platform with my personal experience and culmination of my researches together with years of studies.
Bonus No: 28
Build Your Audience
The single most important asset that any business has when it comes to promoting itself online and making profit is its audience.
If a business doesn't have an audience, then that means no one will know about it when that company releases an amazing product.
It also means no one to read your posts and no one to click on your ads.
In other words, without an audience, your business exists in some kind of purgatory where it's pretty much waiting to die.
Here's what you'll discover in this guide:
What makes certain brands so successful when it comes to building massive audiences
How to create your own audience, starting from the beginning
How to inspire trust and authority and why this is crucial
How to create a brand that people can believe in
How to gain more exposure to widen your audience
How to target your audience and engage with the right customers
How to communicate with your audience and keep it growing
...and much, much more!
Bonus No: 29
Email List Management Secrets
List maintenance is one of the most important subjects in online marketing. Your list is your number one and most basic bottom level output for your promotions.
It’s expensive and time consuming to gather, but forms one of the most powerful resources and profit potential you have.
Depending on your business, there are several solutions that might be right for you. With this ebook you will learn the big five solutions to allow you to decide which one is going to make you the most cash.
Topics covered:
Understanding List Management
Personal List, Affiliate and Ad Content
List Building Methods
And much more!
Bonus No: 30
Buy & Sell Using Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.  With this 9-part video course find out all you need to know about buying and selling Bitcoins.
You will learn about:
How to set up a Rocketr
How to set up a Bitcoin in Rocketr
How to add a product
How to add a pay button
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Blacklisting buyers
Bonus No: 31
Writing Tips Made Easy
If you run a blog or website you understand the need for writing regular content. While this may sound easy, it is not always easy to come up with ideas of what to write about.
Even then you need to know how to write a compelling blog post that will attract attention.
When it comes to writing online there are a few differences which you must be aware of. Writing this type of content is different than writing a novel or non-fiction book.
Inside this ebook you will find a compilation of 25 writing tips which have been designed to help you become a better writer.
Bonus No: 32
Copywriting Expert
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.
Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.
Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful.
With this report learn all the known tactics about copywriting and how to become an effective content writer.
You will find out 'must known' copywriting secrets that guarantee success.
Bonus No: 33
Affiliate Advantage
There are a couple of incredibly powerful strategies that can change the way you promote products so that you are instantly maximizing not only your outreach, but your bottom line.  Doing this will catapult your efforts, and land you at the top of the affiliate leaderboards.  
This report will teach you exactly how to go from new (or even intermediate) affiliate marketer to super affiliate in just a matter of a few short days.  
It will show you how you can break through the prospect-to-customer barrier and generate unstoppable sales, 24-7–all without having to spend a lot of time, or money building sustainable affiliate campaigns
Topics covered:
Connect, Entice, Convert
Bribe Your Way To The Bank
Creating Killer Bonus Content
Instant Bonus Packages
Bonus No: 34
Dropshipping Speed Bumps
With drop shipping, most of the heavy-lifting has been done for you.  In fact, not only is it one of the easiest business formats to get involved in, but it’s also one of the lowest-cost startup solutions you’ll ever find.
With little upfront work involved, you can build your very own ecommerce store within minutes, fully loaded with high-quality products that your customers will love.
This special report will help you to ensure a smooth customer experience from start to finish, significantly reduce the number of returns, and make the process easier for both you and your buyers.
You will learn all about:
Avoiding Scams
Reducing Returns
Handling Returns
Refunds and Chargebacks
Bonus No: 35
Modern Social Media Marketing
A step-by-step guide to unleash the power of modern social media marketing in 10 steps!
Here is what you will learn:
What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn't
8 Reasons Why You Need to Do Social Media Marketing
You Need to Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based on Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way to Do Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time
10 Steps to Faster and Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right Way
Content Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You are going to understand that whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list. You will know how to call to action to the people through social media so they join your list and much more!
Bonus No: 36
Modern Social Media Marketing Video Upgrade
A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Maybe you spend a lot of time, effort and money only to end up with a whole lot of nothing.
With this video course you can find the right way to do Effective Social Media Marketing.
Topics covered:
What Social Media Marketing Is And What It Isn't
8 Reasons Why You Need To Do Social Media Marketing
You Need To Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based On Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way To Do Social Media Marketing And Why It Is A Waste Of Your Time
10 Steps To Faster And Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How To Do Niche Research And Targetting The Right Way
Content Curation:Your Secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You will learn which platforms you should focus on in order to be successful and what is the secret to effective modern social media marketing.
Bonus No: 37
On-Page SEO Blueprint
With this 9-part, step-by-step video course you will discover how to get better search engine rankings by making your WordPress website more SEO friendly.
Whether you are trying to rank for a specific term in Google or other search engines, most businesses forget one crucial thing, which is on-page search engine optimization.
That technical term simply means that you help the search engines know what your site is all about.
The reality is that most businesses forget this crucial piece of the puzzle and simply don’t know why they’re not getting traffic from Google.
With this blueprint you will learn:
Introduction to On-Page SEO
The Main Focus
5 Important Factors
URL Structure
Body Text Structure
Image Optimization
Title Optimization
Meta Optimization
Top 2 WordPress Plugins
Bonus No: 38
Social Traffic Rush
Discover How You Can Get A Rush Of Targeted Traffic From Social Media In This 10-Part Course!
Many business owners find it hard to go at it alone on social media.
There are too many platforms to choose from. There are far too many ‘gurus’ giving out bad advice.
If you’ve never tried your hand at social media marketing, or if you have, but you failed miserably, then you need all the help you can get.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this course:
You’ll uncover the power of organic Facebook posts as well as Facebook Ads, and how you can use both to drive highly targeted traffic to your website.
You’ll find out just how easy it is to go viral on Twitter!
You’ll discover the benefits of video marketing on YouTube, and how you can use this powerful platform to gain new subscribers and drive traffic to your site!
You’ll see why celebrities and VIPs are going gaga over Instagram. Nope, you don’t need to be a celeb to succeed on this platform. Many businesses have found massive success here!
You’ll understand why writers and bloggers love Medium. This popular blogging platform will help you in more ways than you can ever imagine.
You’ll learn the power of marketing on Reddit. It’s not exactly known as being a business-friendly site, but in the course, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to succeed on the platform!
You’ll uncover the benefits of answering questions on Quora and giving as much value as you possibly can.
You’ll find out why many marketers love Pinterest and how they use it to drive traffic to their website and landing pages!
You’ll see the benefits of marketing your content on both SlideShare and LinkedIn.
And so much more!
Bonus No: 39
Google Plus Money Making Tactics
This is the most complete and easy to follow blueprint for making money with Google Plus.
You will learn:
How to uncover a profitable market and keywords 
How to uncover a profitable market/niche you can monetize
How to find a product to promote
How to decide on the type of keyword you should target
And much more!
Bonus No: 40
Build Your Tribe
Discover How to Utilize Social Media to Build Your Tribe and Grow Your Business!
This simple step-by-step guide will show you how to build a loyal following on social media.
Building your social media profiles to attract more followers takes time, but it can be done. And you don't need a fancy degree or expert knowledge in social media marketing to accomplish this.
Anyone is capable of creating an optimized social media profile that will attract followers and build an audience.
The key to learning how to utilize the various social media platforms to build your tribe and grow your business is within your reach.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:
How to utilize the features and tools on Facebook to broaden your reach and gain more exposure for your business.
What it takes to utilize YouTube and increase your followers.
How you can use Twitter to tweet your way to a broader audience.
How your business can capture more followers on Instagram.
How to keep your success going with simple, practical tips.
And much, much more...
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ViTraffic is wordpress system with detailed training on how to install and create vitraffic sites. With the detailed knowledge base even newbie can create sites. I just wanted to mention that one of my favorite things is the the Auto Curation part and it really allows me to set things up then just let them run. Things that are hands off are the best to me because I do not to login my websites daily and add manual content soyou really solved that problem for me!
Now I can do all my little ecom niches or at least most of them hands off. I admit I have a couple of them that are my babies that I enjoy tweaking constantly but most of them I just want to set n forget and cash in. Then of course being able to build a list and market to them again and again with the easy integrations you have in place is good stuff.
This system was designed for people just like you and me! People who can’t afford to blow hundreds on website creation before they’ve even started. People who want to attract FREE leads from Google, social media and other search engines. The creators’ll show you how to deliver the services your website offers, and if you don’t have time, you can outsource it!
The Vitraffic plugin searches the web to find the most engaging and latest image, GIFs or blog entry that matches your niche. All you have to do:
Step 1: Search for a keyword
Step 2: Choose what posts to show
Step 3: Customize and publish to your website
Checkout The Demo Video Below To See It In Action!
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Who Can Use Vitraffic? Everyone! Anyone can use this software and the business strategy that they have formulated! Whether you are a skilled marketer or complete newbie you should find this system useful and greatly beneficial.
Newbie Marketers: Easily setup your very first and even personal site in minutes, add and curate contents and start getting traffic in a day.
Facebook Marketers: Vitraffic reads the contents you have on your site and automatically fetches relevant Amazon products on the web and display it for your website viewers.
Affiliate Marketers: In order to sell your affiliate products you don’t need to built your affiliate site from scratch and write update content manually. Vitraffic does it all on autopilot.
Bloggers: Monetize your personal or niche blog entries by adding appropriate products to your site, you don’t even have to rely on advertisement to earn.
For a limited time, you can grab Vitraffic with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
⇒⇒⇒ Front-end: Vitraffic ($17)!
Content Curation from Buzzfeed, Viralnova, Distractify, Boredpanda, Many More,…
Posts curated content to FB, Twitter, Pinterest
Fetch relevant products for the content from Amazon and builds affiliate site in minutes
Unlimited Personal Licenses
⇒⇒⇒ Upgrade 1: Vitraffic PRO ($57)!
Upgrade version of Vitraffic includes FE offer with great features and most advanced features with extra and important items to get you to your success fast!
All the FE Vitraffic features and items presented
Curates highly engaging videos from all over web according your selected niche.
Pro Content Spinner curates highly engaging content, SPINS it, makes it unique and post it on your Viral site
Convert your viral site into a lead generation machine using our action based pop up solution. Facebook compatible so you can integrate it with Facebook as well.
Double your profit by Automatically integrating Ebay and Amazon affiliate stores.
Create Highly Engaging Facebook Memes with Our Built-In Image Editor
Curate blogs from tumblr for better posts selections that more audience
Vitraffic Pro comes with developer’s license that means you can create your viral sites using Vitraffic Pro for yourself or your clients
And Much More
⇒⇒⇒ Upgrade 2: Done-for-You Vitraffic ($87)!
Vitraffic OTO2 offer helps you build your very own online commerce enterprise at the least amount of time. Each item and niches included on this offer contains all the basic and advanced features they have. They have built 10 powerful and highly engaging online stores you can install and operate within minutes.
10 DFY sites in High in Demand Niches: Babies, Entertainment, Dogs, Cats, Travel, Make Up, Health, Sports, Relationship, Food.
Let’s act now, don’t delay and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible! And Just feel free to give it a try, because You have a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure that this is for you. If you do not see any results within this period then please reach out to them. The Helpdesk Team is always there to help you out and make sure that you have been following the correct procedures.
In summary, I hope that all of the information in this Vitraffic Review can help you gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then click the button below before the price rises. I am look forward to seeing your success.
However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my Vitraffic Review. Goodbye, and see you again!
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1 note · View note
klstheword · 6 years
In the pecking order of Christmas stories, A Christmas Carol is second only to the baby Jesus. Even if you’ve never read it, or had it read to you, you know about that flinty-hearted miser Ebenezer Scrooge and his redemption during one long dark night of the soul.
Bill Murray, Albert Finney, Michael Caine and Alastair Sim have all played Scrooge in one of the endless film remakes and reboots there have been over the years. Now comes the story behind the story, The Man Who Invented Christmas: a heavily fictionalised biopic with Dan Stevens playing Charles Dickens, bashing out A Christmas Carol in six weeks after contracting a nasty dose of writer’s block in 1843. Thanks to the success of Oliver Twist, Dickens is literary-rock-star famous. But at 31, after a handful of flops, he has a gnawing anxiety that his powers are on the wane. And with four kids, another baby on the way and debts piling up, he needs to make some serious cash, fast.
The film is a Quality Street treat for the holidays, with a gooey sweet centre – daft but immensely likable, and performed with pantomime gusto by a top-notch cast. Dickens yomps about London, meeting people who inspire the creation of Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the gang. These characters then literally come to life in his study as he writes, and they’re an unruly bunch, ruthlessly mocking his failure to finish his comeback. (Christopher Plummer is terrific as Scrooge.)
And with his flamboyant star turn as Dickens, there’s Stevens, a man who finally looks to be laying to rest his own ghost of Christmas past. Cast your mind back to 2012, when the shock death in the Downton Abbey Christmas special of his beloved character Matthew Crawley had the faithful crying into their sherry glasses.
Unlike many actors, Stevens is not at all uptight when chatting about the character who made him famous. Nevertheless, in the past five years, he has done everything possible to distance himself from Crawley, the interloping heir to the Downton pile. He has cross-dressed in the cult favourite Vimeo show High Maintenance, murdered with psychopathic charm in The Guest, freaked out on the Marvel TV spin-off Legion and locked up Emma Watson in Beauty and the Beast. He even looks different these days. Gone is the floppy blond hair, and the once boyish face is chiselled into sharp angles. Stevens credits the weight loss to moving to New York where he finds it easier to look after himself, working out at the gym and cutting out dairy.
Different, too, has been the reception granted Stevens’s post-Downton work. A pleasantly surprised tone crept into reviews, a perceptible sound of critics retracting knives and grudgingly acknowledging that, oh hang on, he’s actually a bit good, isn’t he? Stevens throws his head back laughing when asked how he feels about this change in critical fortunes. “It’s interesting. You do one show that goes everywhere, and people associate you with that. Do I think Downtown is my best work? Probably not. But if people enjoy it, or if that’s what they think of when they think of me, so be it. It served me well.” If he is offended by the question, he is too polite to say. Dan Stevens is scrupulously polite, so careful with his words that he often leaves you wondering what he really thinks.
Stevens studied English at Cambridge and was a Booker prize judge in 2012, reading 146 novels in seven months (the Downton costume team stitched secret pockets into his jackets for his Kindle). But he shrugs when I ask about historical accuracy, or the lack of it, in his latest film. (The Man Who Invented Christmas has been criticised by experts for, among other things, the inaccurate size of its newspaper headlines.) “Frankly, whether it’s historically accurate I’m not that concerned about. I was interested in that moment of the creative process, watching a great man struggle – to me, that’s dramatically and comedically interesting. Certainly I was keen not to play Dickens as a bearded old sage.”
He tells me that one of his co-stars, Miriam Margolyes, has a theory that Dickens was bipolar. Does Stevens buy that? “It’s a very interesting interpretation. I think there’s something to be said for it…” he tails off.
Needless to say, the film does not dwell on Dickens’s iffy relationships with women. (A year before publishing A Christmas Carol, he had this to say about his wife in a letter to a friend: “Catherine is as near being a donkey as one of her sex can be.”) “I think he was a good father and a terrible husband,” Stevens says diplomatically. “But yeah, I think it being a Christmas film, we wanted it to be fairly full of laughter. I don’t wish to take anything away from the man, and therefore you have to address the dark side of his nature and his work. There were moments when he was bleak and depressive. But I think there were moments when he was great fun to be around, very silly and playful.” I must say that, having watched the film, I’m still none the wiser about which yuletide customs Dickens has bragging rights on. Pudding, definitely. Turkey? Mistletoe?
Stevens loves Christmas, unironically, in a full-on, festive jumpers and stockings-hanging-on-the-fireplace kind of way. “I always have. Our house is pretty lively at Christmas,” he says. He is married to the singer Susie Hariet and they have three children. Family festivities at their gaff kick off on Christmas Eve, watching The Muppet Christmas Carol. Who does the cooking? “My mum and I usually team up. We’re quite a formidable duo in the kitchen.”
Stevens is well-spoken but not as posh as he seems. Now 35, he was adopted at seven days old, and raised in Wiltshire, Essex and Brecon in Wales. He spent his early teenage years rebelling against anything and everything, but still got the grades to win a scholarship to a prestigious boys’ boarding school in Kent at 13. He wasn’t happy, feeling isolated and as if he didn’t fit in with the other kids. What was going on? “I dunno. I guess I didn’t always toe the line,” he answers a tad testily, and with a definite air of finality.
I mention that going to a top university from a comprehensive, I always felt envious of the privately educated kids who never questioned whether they were talented enough to be in the room. “The entitlement thing is a problem,” Stevens says. “It’s interesting, living in America and seeing a different system. It’s definitely got as many flaws, but there is a sense that your own achievement and drive and curiosity can achieve great things, in a way that I think is stifled in Britain.”
By the time he landed Downton, Stevens had already toured the US opposite Rebecca Hall in a production of As You Like It, and appeared on stage in the West End with Judi Dench. Did he feel any disgruntlement at the time – being a Serious Actor suddenly lumped in with a Sunday night soap opera? He shakes his head: “I never felt that people weren’t taking me seriously. I did appreciate that some people were watching Downton with a kind of ironic appreciation – perhaps the Guardian readership particularly…” he shoots me a grin, adding: “and my friends, too. But no. There was no resentment. I still see a lot of the guys. It changed all of our lives. It had a seismic effect on all our careers.”
It goes without saying that appearing in a show watched by 12 million people opened doors that appearing in off-Broadway Shakespeare never could. But as soon as he left the show he bolted for New York. What was that all about? Did the comparisons to the young Hugh Grant scare him out of the country? “No! I was just very excited about the work I was afforded over there. People there were prepared to see me do something dark and weirder. Or something action-y and mental. Or something big and silly, like Night at the Museum. It couldn’t have turned out better.”
As for Dickens, he got his instant classic. A Christmas Carol sold out its first run of 6,000 copies before Christmas Eve. The tale melted hearts of even the most dyed-in-the-wool cynics – one American businessman gave his staff an extra day’s holiday. Not that Dickens made the killing he’d hoped for. After getting carried away with gilt lettering and fancy paper, he never trousered the £1,000 he had banked on. God bless us, every one.
The Man Who Invented Christmas is out in the US; released in the UK on 1 December
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Tips 2020 Social Marketing New Media : Basic Social Media Plan
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Social internet marketing, Truth and Lies
You order an item online and it takes way more time to arrive than it should. As well as, a few goods are missing inside the package. Discouraged, you choose to use the vendor’s Facebook channel to tone of voice your worries and be prepared to be reimbursed.
And despite repeated prodding, there is finished radio silence at the opposite end.
The experience failed to feel good did it? You think could be this organization doesn’t love you – how you relied on it to provide you with a good encounter and that shattered this kind of trust rather. So you do what any kind of frustrated person would — you claim never to buy anything came from here again and hit the “unlike” press button.
For social media strategists, we have a lesson to be learned below. A social media strategy may eventually fail with a few unlikes and negative comments.
As being a business owner, social networking gives you limited chances to make a good impression. How you take advantage of these probabilities might make your company or break it.
The proof is in these statistics:
• 71% of users who have an optimistic social media experience of a brand are likely to recommend that – Minister
• Corresponding to a study, hardly 20% of social networking posts scarcely generate any kind of emotional effect on social websites – Havas Media
• 42% of Twitter users expect to end up being expect a small business to respond with their inquiries during an hour – Ambassador
Social media seems to be the most recent buzz word for everyone looking to enhance their online occurrence and product sales, but is Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it is actually cracked approximately be?
T. M. M companies are now springing up all over the place these days and they are informing anyone that is going to listen about how incredibly crucial social media like Facebook twits and Vimeo are to your business but , to get the average up-and-coming small to medium sized organization, does promoting to internet sites really live up to all the hype? Is spending a small fortune on hiring a SMM company well worth it? And has anyone seriously done their research about this before that they hired someone to set up generally there Facebook business page?
A lot of SMM businesses are setting up items like Facebook organization pages (which are free) for $600 to $1, 000 or maybe more and sharing with their clients that they may need a internet site because Facebook or myspace is the biggest social network on the globe and most people have a Facebook or myspace account.
Now while it could possibly be true that Facebook is a largest social media in the world and yes, Facebook’s members happen to be potential consumers, the real issue is could they be actually choosing? Social media marketing businesses are all too thrilled to point out the positives of social media just like how many people make use of Facebook or how various tweets were sent out not too long ago and how various people watch YouTube video tutorials etc . but are you finding the full photo?
Social Marketing Guide
I once sat following to a SMM “expert” for a business workshop who was spruiking to anyone that came inside earshot regarding the amazing important things about setting up a Facebook business site for small business (with him of course) and selling on Facebook. So , curious by the aforementioned “experts” tips I searched him on Facebook learn he had just 11 Facebook or myspace friends (ofcourse not a good start). So being the research nut that I are, I decided to adopt a good check into SMM in regard to selling to see if it basically worked, whom did it work for and if that did why did Social media work for all of them?
And should business rely therefore heavily about social networks for sales?
Being a web programmer I was constantly (and now increasingly) confronted with several online community challenges when potential clients might say that using a website noises good but they had a Fb business web page and had recently been told by simply various options (the ever before present however anonymous “they”) that internet sites were the thing to do, although after discussing their needs it probably is quite clear those potential clients decided not to actually find out why that they needed web sites or SMM to generate internet sales.
They just wanted this. For small to medium sized business I usually recommended creating a quality webpage over almost any social network, so why? Well it’s simple really because social websites is Social Media, and internet sites are Social support systems they are not really business media and business networks (that would be more like LinkedIn).
Facebook Strategy Plan
I do know that sounds simple nevertheless it’s accurate and the information back it up. The reality is that social media marketing fails to tell you that Facebook . com is a online social networking not a search engine and regardless of the number of Facebook users and Google users being surrounding the same, persons don’t use Facebook . com in the same way that they can use a search engine like Google (which features around smaller portion the search engine market), Yahoo and Bing to find business or perhaps products. They use it to hold in touch with relatives and buddies or pertaining to news and entertainment.
Within a recent research done by the IBM Start for Business Worth around 55% of all social media users stated that they tend not to engage with brands over social websites at all and only around 23% actually purposefully use social media to connect to brands. Right now out of all the folks that do use social networking and whom do interact with brands if purposefully or perhaps not, many (66%) state they need to come to feel a company can be communicating truthfully before they are going to interact.
What exactly is use social media marketing? And is it even worthy of doing?
Social Media Marketing Mix Example
Very well first of all We would say that developing a well enhanced website continues to be going to offer you with far more organization that social websites in most cases especially if you are a up-and-coming small to medium sized regional business since far more people are going to type “hairdresser Slot Macquarie” to a search engine just like Google, Bing and Google than they ever is going to on any kind of Social Media Site and if you don’t need a website you aren’t missing out on all of that potential organization. However despite all the (ofcourse not so good) statistics .
I actually still believe that it is still a great idea for business to use social media simply not in the same way that many of SMM specialists are today, So why? Because is actually clearly no longer working in the way they will claim it does. Basically SMM Companies and Business in general looked at web sites like Facebook or myspace as a fresh new market ripe for the picking and once Facebook started getting users measured by millions PayPal co-founder Chris Thiel used US$500, 000 for 7% of the company (in August 2004) as them one or two venture capital businesses have made purchases into Fb and in August 2007.
Ms announced that it had purchased the 1. 6% show of Facebook . com for $240 million. On the other hand since Facebook’s humble starts up until now (2012) both SMM Companies and Business include failed to truly capitalise on the huge number of Facebook . com users on the web. The truth is figures does not equal buyers. Can it be in a Social media company’s best interest to talk internet sites up?
Social Media Strategy
Definitely. Is it within a Social Network just like Facebook’s best interests for people to believe that businesses can sell en masse by marketing and advertising with them? Of course it is. In early 2012, Facebook disclosed that their profits acquired jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous 12 months as its income which is generally from marketing had hopped almost 90% to $3. 71 billion dollars so obviously the concept of SMM is exercising for them but it really is perfect? Well… statistically no, but that does not indicate that it by no means will.
In my opinion the major big difference between social support systems and search engines is motive. People who work with Google are deliberately trying to find something therefore if they certainly a search pertaining to hairdressers which what they are looking for at that particular time. With something like Facebook the primary intent is usually to meet up with friends and family. In October 2008, Mark Zuckerberg himself said “I don’t believe social networks could be monetized in the same way that search (Search Engines) did…
In three years by now we have figure out what the ideal model is certainly. But which is not our main focus today”. One of the biggest concerns business deal with with internet sites and SMM is notion. According to the APPLE Institute for people who do buiness .
Value analysis there were “significant gaps among what businesses think customers care about and what consumers say they need from their social media interactions with companies. ” For example in today’s society people are not just going to hand you over at this time there recommendations, Online social networks likes, remarks or specifics without getting something back for doing it, so the old adage “what’s in this for me? inches comes into play.
Marketing On Social Media
Hence the primary reason most people give for interacting with brands or business about social media is usually to receive discounts, yet the makes and organization themselves think the main reason persons interact with all of them on social media is to learn about new products. To get brands and business receiving discounts simply ranks twelfth on their list of reasons why people interact with these people. Most businesses believe social networking will increase advocation, but simply 38 % of consumers consent.
Companies need to find more innovative methods to connect with social websites if they want to see some type of result from it. There was some good pursuits shown in the IBM study of companies that had gotten some sort of the handle in order to use social websites to their advantages, keeping in mind that whenever asked them when they connect to businesses or perhaps brands via social media, customers list “getting discounts or coupons” and “purchasing companies services” as the top two activities, correspondingly a U. S goodies company called Cold Stone Creamery provided discounts on the products on their Facebook web page. Alternatively we have a great software launched by simply Best
Social Media In A Business
Purchase in the Circumstance. S referred to as Twelpforce where employees can respond to consumer’s questions via Twitter. With Cold Rock Creamery and Twelpforce comfort is obviously in the favor of the potential customer & the great trick to social media marketing is always to sell not having trying to sell (or looking like the selling) sad to say most social media marketing is focused the wrong way.
Building a real buyer to consumer relationship via social networking is not easy and probably the most benefit to business’ using social websites to boost the websites Google rankings. Nevertheless business’ ought to understand that weight loss just create a Fb business page and optimism the best. SMM requires efforts and potential customers need to find value in what you have to present via the social media attempts give them anything worth their social conversation and as well as then you may progress results.
Nowadays just as a footnote Facebook . com shares own dropped to under $20 per show, that’s 50 % their primary price… plus the lawsuits will be flying
This content was originally published here.
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Lets get on with it then...
So this year is gonna be a step up from last year, we have a lot more work but also a lot more freedom with what we shoot. At first the work load was quite daunting but after planning and making a time table to go off its seeming more and more do-able by the day. I am as equally exited as I am nervous.
We have three different modules going on, PEP210, PEP220 and PEP260 
Module Description PEP210 Genre:
In this module I will be exploring genre through shooting a 12 part portfolio. Building on my skills from level 1 with digital cameras, speedlites and ranger kits. I will be expected to take each brief and develop it, making it my own. 
In this module I will be introduced to a diverse range of press and editorial photography genre. Developing a portfolio of work that encourages professionalism and introduces me to the conventions of each genre and its relevant context. With support from a range of tutors, the tutorials system and my own research I will be encouraged to cover a wide range of subject matter outside my initial interest areas. This broadening of experience will help inform my decisions in PEP240 your first negotiated portfolio.
Students will apply photographic technique and skill to achieve genre-specific outcomes. Applied skills will include:
• a range of photographic techniques and formats • post production • use of flash • editing and image selection
The Brief
12 Part Portfolio 80%
For the first semester you will be exploring various types of image that will inform your understanding of genres in Press & Editorial Photography. You should research and develop each part of the portfolio simultaneously; some can be shot immediately some you will have to wait for a specific event. On an average week you could be shooting as many as six parts of the portfolio or as few as one. You will bring all work in progress to each tutorial for guidance from tutors and peers. Towards the end of the module, you should start collecting your work into your best examples of each image type or genre in preparation for deadline. You should have multiples of each of the 12 parts to choose from during the picture editing workshops.
1: News/Event picture.
Single image to illustrate a hard news or soft news story, or an image from an event. To be supported with an extended caption of up to 150 words.
2: Mini Feature
3-7 images picture story that would appear in a magazine of your choosing. 
3: Observed Portrait
Portrait obtained through watching, observing. Available light only.
4: Lit portrait - Interior  
A formal portrait, where you control everything and light the subject with reflectors and/or a flash head.
5: Lit Portrait - Environmental
A formal portrait taken outside in daylight using more than one flash head to balance and control everything in the image
6: Sports picture.
An action image from a sporting event (not a practice). Any sport, any action.
7: Group photograph.
A picture of a minimum of 5 people arranged and positioned by the photographer to best effect. You must use an artificial light source, either as fill or as main.
8: Music photograph.
Archetypal 'First 3 songs no flash' type music picture from a gig.
9: Food:
A photograph showing any food or food process as still life, well presented and lit.
10: Product
A photograph showing any product/s, or still life, well presented and lit. I.e could be technology, flowers or shoes etc.
11: Creative standalone. ­
Your chance to photograph anything in the entire universe beautifully and creatively, with the potential for the image to stand alone in a publication. Creative and technical abilities at the forefront here.
12: Fashion photograph.
An image from the world of fashion, anything from studio, to location, to catwalk to backstage.
Law, Ethics and Human Rights
In this module you will be covering applicable areas of media law, journalism ethics and the influence of human rights law on the world of Press and Editorial Photography. You will be given a thorough grounding in your rights as a photographer as well as exploring your ethical responsibilities as a professional photojournalist. This will be a forum for debate and will use current events to spark lively discussion and bring this subject to life.
The Brief
2000 Word Critical Essay (60%)
Group Seminar Presentation (40%)
The Essay:
Conditions: A4 formal layout, bound, 2000 words (tolerance 10%), illustrated, fully referenced, with bibliography of referenced material and further reading on the following topic:
Select, research and explore an assignment or body of work by an eminent photographer of your own choice whose project has been subject to moral/ethical and/or legal and intellectual issues around the production of this particular body of work. Your task is to look at the challenges and problems that might have been experienced in the planning, pre production, generation or publication/exhibition of the work. Moral, ethical and legal considerations should be at the heart of this essay rather than aesthetic considerations around the work you have selected. 
The Presentation:
 In your assigned groups and working to the topic number corresponding to your group, work together to research and produce a 60min seminar presentation to your peers about one of the following nine topics, which represent key areas in law, ethics and human rights. How you structure your presentation is up to you, but you must incorporate case studies and images and be prepared for group discussion and a formal delivery. This is your opportunity to share your knowledge with your peers so remember that this presentation must be engaging and in-depth enough to sustain interest over an hour. Some of you may be on placement during the presentation portion of this module, but you are expected to fully participate with your group and contribute to the final presentation.1. Copyright & Rights to Use2. Defamation3. Street photography and incidental inclusion4. Image Manipulation5. Photography and obscenity6. Child Photography7. Privacy and Surveillance 8. How Audience Response has brought change to a photographer or publication9. How Social Media Impact has changed photographers approach to moral and legal issuesConditions:You can use all forms of presentation and communication software available on the computer in the seminar room.You should balance the workload and delivery between all members of the group.Your presentation needs to be no less than 50 minutes long and no longer than 60 minutes.
                                            Pep260 Multimedia
Pep260 Audio Visual Multimedia   Brief 1 The title of the brief is: 
You are to find, research and produce a 3-5 minute piece around the title of the brief.
Your piece must contain both of the following:
Documentary quality audio.
Industry standard photography. 
And which can also include:
Moving image (video).
Images sourced from elsewhere, ie archives, but remember ©.
Music…see © warning above.
Anything else which strengthens the piece (ie animation)
You may collaborate with others to produce this piece, but the collaboration must be from outside the course.
I have left the brief wide open apart from the module title. The title is there to help you with the quality of the work, because if you tap into someone’s passion, you will almost always find a story, and the story will be stronger as a result. All content must be shot and collated for this specific task.
You must treat your audio with as much respect and effort as the images, and vice versa. If you are to include video, I expect the same level of effort and quality in the capture. I am making no other technical or aesthetic restrictions, but please see the assessment criteria below.
I would suggest you find two voices around the same story, possibly from different viewpoints, possibly the same. Any more than two voices gives potential for confusion in the final piece. That is not a hard and fast rule however, just a suggestion from experience.
You are free to use any software you care to on this, whether that be iMovie, FCP, Premiere, Audition etc.
The final piece needs to be in a movie format such as mp4, mpeg, quicktime etc, You must post your final work to your own account on Vimeo. Setting up your own account is free, simple, and allows you to embed your work wherever you wish. Remember that the environment in which your work sits can add significantly to the content/narrative. Consider building a page to host the work, i.e. on medium.com.
Minimum submission guidelines: 1280 (wide) x 720 pixels (tall)
Remember…this is all about the story. Stay tight to the title. I don’t expect your production skills to yet rival those of a professional, but I expect you to try. You can however all impress me with your choice of story, and how you construct it.
Pep260 Audio Visual Multimedia Brief 2 Project title:  Hidden Cornwall.
You need to produce a self contained 3-5 minute multimedia piece.
Your content must include video, shot by you.
Your own content must be all shot digitally.
Your video content must be shot and delivered in Full HD(1920x1080pixels) Use any tools available to do so…ie you could shoot in 4k raw if you wanted, but you would have to render back down to HD. I recommend against doing so however. No upsizing of video content, ie do not shoot in 720 then render up to HD.
If you include still photography content, render this down to HD for output.
You are free to use any software you care to on this, whether that be iMovie, FCP, Premiere, Audition etc.
The final piece needs to be in a movie format such as mp4, mpeg, quicktime etc, You must post your final work to your own account on Vimeo.
Theme: Hidden Cornwall.
Any story/subject is possible, within the broad theme above.
Avoid clichés, stereotypes, tropes. This is important. Hence the word hidden.
This is an exercise in finding and thinking about content as much as delivering it. Read everything local, from brochures to newspapers, books to flyposters. Pick up flyers, read notice boards, try to imagine what you find into the production of your multimedia, for example, you may have a great story, but the subject may not lend itself to audio, or conversely, your story may sound great but not image well.
Consider your own interests and future hopes. You may wish to make this a commercial exercise, an artistic one, a journalistic one. Whatever you decide, remember the theme.
Show the audience a Cornish story rarely seen. Maybe it’s food, maybe it’s politics, poverty, wildlife, graveyards, coves, the elderly, volunteers, farming, education, industry, religion, horticulture, obsession, desire, craft, design, charity, fostering, pollution, innovation, research, energy, distillation, beauty, architecture, landscape or employment. Violence, addiction, love and support. Think hidden, undiscovered, unique, new to the viewer. Find the dispossessed, the voiceless. Mine literature, film, archives, people, Tell me unheard tales of the sea, the land, the people, history. And, always, listen. This is a brief, and far from exhaustive list.
You must deliver strong audio, strong imagery and strong content. Remember that when contemplating your idea.
Think small, intimate, achievable. If you want to tell a big story (such as the economy, employment, poverty etc) consider telling it through the voice of just one or two people.
All content from this project will be collectively online under the url www.hiddencornwall.uk, therefore your work will be seen publicly and also be seen amongst that of your peers. This should help focus your mindset and approach. It will also grow year on year to provide an archive of hidden Cornwall content.
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pixeljunkiettube · 5 years
Top 22 Social Media Platforms for Your Business
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The first web-page went live on 6th August, 1991. The sole purpose of the first website was to spread information about world-wide-web (WWW) project and was released by Tim-Berner’s Lee. The link to first website: http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html. The website still exists but the World-Wide-Web has now changed a lot. In past 28 years the world wide web has expanded so much that it now consists of almost 200 million active websites (20,00,00,000) with a stack of over 1.5 billion websites (not active though).
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During this expansion we saw the rise of Social Media Platforms. The basic purpose of Social Media Platforms was to make it convenient for the friends and family members to interact with each other on regular basis even if they live far away from each other. But today’s social media platforms are now more than that. They are expanding into business models and each platform has a unique quality and a specific audience. Here we will discuss the Top 20 Social Media Platforms for your business. If you are a startup or running a business for quite a while and planning for expansion, this article will surely help you a lot. Now Let’s get Started.
Facebook would be my all-time favorite social media platform. Mark Zuckerberg and his team did an amazing job in providing the best social network in such a beautiful manner that it tackle almost all aspects of one’s personal and official routines. One reason for Facebook to get the top position in this list is its connections list. There are more than 2.38 Billion users of Facebook and 1.56 Billion users daily use Facebook. This is even more than the total population of India which is 1.34 Billion. One cannot neglect such a huge market, especially when you are running a business and looking for opportunities. For businesses, Facebook offer business pages. You can design and customize pages very easily. It doesn’t matter if you want to start a business, create a store or start your own Fan Page. You can do all that in just 5 – 10 minutes and it is very easy. On Facebook you can add text, images, videos, live streaming and stories to your Facebook page and make it more engaging for the viewers. You can do research with the help of polls and some other options available in Facebook.
2. Instagram.com
Instagram is a next generation thing. In my opinion, if you want to target a younger audience, Instagram and Snapchat are the best options. Instagram makes the second position in our list because of its 1 billion users list and out of which 500 million users regularly use Instagram. There is no doubt that Facebook is lagging behind in capturing the mobile market while Instagram is doing it perfectly. Instagram has become the charm of Smart Phones Industry. Instagram works perfectly with hashtags and you can also create 5 business pages with one registration. (Funny story, I didn’t know that and once cleaned my whole Instagram account to make it my business account!). With business account being open for everyone and your Personal account restricted for your friends and family just like you do it in Facebook, you can work even on your smartphone. As compared to Facebook, Instagram restricts you to upload video with a length of less than 60 seconds. But that’s OK, this is an opportunity for marketers to deliver their message within 60 seconds and attract clients for your business.
3. Youtube.com
There are Vimeo, Dailymotion and many other video streaming websites online, but YouTube is the most famous one. YouTube is one of those websites which is even children friendly and anyone can use it with just one click. YouTube have a total of 1.9 billion users and 28 million users watch videos on YouTube on daily basis. It has been observed that the video content has a stronger impact as compared to textual or Image content. In one of Forbes articles it was discussed that Video Marketing might be the future of marketing (Ref: Video Marketing The Future of Content Marketing) As a business owner or a marketing expert you can design creative and interactive videos and attract the target audience with you content. You can redirect them through YouTube towards your website landing page or can also do the affiliate marketing with the help of YouTube. There is a variety of video types and you can promote your business with such a diverse marketing platform.
4. Twitter.com
The ratings of twitter are changing frequently over world-wide-web but twitter still holds a very strong position in the market. It has more than 350 million visitors per month. Twitter is most famous for news and updates of companies, political parties and celebrities. Twitter is most famous for its timely delivery of information. People usually share things on twitter that is happening that particular moment, although this characteristic is true for both Instagram and Snapchat as well. Different thing about twitter is that you cannot write long paragraphs. You can only type a text message for 280 Characters (140 characters for Japanese (Nihongo), Korean (Hangul) or Chinese (Mandarin)). Twitter is also famous for its usage of Customer Services. According advertisers, almost 80% of CS requests happen on twitter as per SalesForce.com “Twitter is the New 1-800 Number for Customer Service".
5. Snapchat
Like Instagram, Snapchat is also considered as an app or social networking site for the young generation. Snapchat focuses on sharing short videos and live images taken by camera with your friends or contacts. The most interesting thing about Snapchat is that whatever content you create or share does not last for more than 24 hours. This is a challenge and an opportunity both at the same time. Challenge is that you have to come up with a newer content everyday but the opportunity is that there is more chance for your viewers to see, think about your content and interact with it, on Snapchat than on any other social media platform because of the shortage of time creates a sense of urgency. Snapchat holds its place on 6th position for its monthly usage by more than 250 million user.
6. LinkedIn.com
LinkedIn is my favorite and if you are doing a job, running your own business, freelancing or even a student LinkedIn must be your favorite too. LinkedIn is the most professional social networking website. The sole purpose of LinkedIn is to connect the Job Seekers with the Head Hunters and Business to the customers. LinkedIn has more than 590 Million users out of which 100 million users are active every day. On LinkedIn you can easily connect with your target audience, and filters of LinkedIn makes it easier for the user to filter out the less required information and focus on the core target. You can also create a company page on LinkedIn and I suggest you should do it now. It does not cost anything but will help you keep a position on world’s largest Corporate Social Media Platform. You will also find your prospect clients on LinkedIn for sure.
7. Reddit.com
Reddit has a monthly usage of 330 million. Mainly Reddit is used for discussions related to Computer Sciences and Software Engineering (Programming, etc.). But you can also use it to upload Pictures, links, or general text to discuss with the community where community can rate it high or low. There are Subreddits, the groups/communities on Reddit. Do your research and post your content on the most relevant community pages. This will take time to understand the community on Reddit but once you understand it you will realize that they have to most result oriented community. (Honestly Speaking, It took me a while to understand how Reddit works)
8. Medium.com
If you are professional or you search for information quite often, you must have interaction with Medium. Even if you had no interaction in the past, you should go now and sign up (You can thank me later). Medium has more than 65 million active users per month. As compared to Facebook or Instagram, 60 million doesn’t look so big a number, but believe me this not a place for chit chat. You only find genuine information from one of the most authentic sources and well reputed writers. If you are a blogger you should sign up (its free) and start sharing the content of your blog over Medium as well. Even large brands promote their content on Medium to reach out to the public. I think Medium is going to become the next google of news. (Believe me nothing is sponsored on this blog)
9. Flickr.com
Flickr was launched in 2004 and was a hit. Before Instagram, Flickr was the only photo sharing platform. With the invent of Instagram, most of the public moved away from Flickr. The most important feature of flicker is that if you are running a business and the pictures you design are your sole property and must not be used by others, then you can mark copyright on your photos. This is the thing you cannot do on any other social media platform. You might think that who use flicker now a days, then you should tell this to 90 million active users of Flickr.
10. Pinterest
Pinterest is social media platform where the community shares inspiring pictures and with link to their source website or blogs. It is just like google images but with some more options. You can make galleries of your images, and people can follow you because of your work. If they like your images, they will get a redirect link to your website where they will directly interact with your core product and services. Pinterest has 250 million monthly active users list which means you can attract a large number of customers with the least amount of content but the quality of the content matters most on Pinterest.
11. Tumblr
Tumblr was launched in year 2007 and has achieved a milestone of 1.5 Billion posts per month. Tumble is an amazing free source to start your own blog. You can write text, share images or videos or directly share links. You can embed video links in Tumblr and the visitors can directly play your videos on Tumblr. Tumblr has gone through many variations in the past year and it looks like it has now turned into a steady platform both for personal and business bloggers.
12. Yelp
Yelp is like a google for Business only. If you search for “Pizze near my area” there is a chance that Yelp will show your business in the top field. Yelp is used for local stores to show their presence online, just like “Google Business”. While “Google Business” Works like google maps, Yelp actually works like Facebook’s business page. You can rate and comment about the services of a business on Yelp. Startups or even well established businesses should not ignore this useful website. You can also download its app for your smartphone.
13. MySpace
MySpace is another social media platform which was first started for networking but then converted into more of a Celebrity Promotion Website. MySpace was a hit back in 2005 and became the most popular social network till 2008. After that, other social network most famously known as Facebook took its place. Now a days MySpace is considered one of the most popular social network platform for musicians and bands where they can show off their talent and can connect with the followers/fans. They can even sell their work online on MySapce, and I hope you understand the opportunity over here if you are running a business related to music or design your own videos. MySpace is a perfect platform for you. There are more than 14.2 Million Artists on MySpace. MySpace.com feels more like an ArtistSpace.com.
14. Digg.com
If you are a Blogger then Digg is a best system for the promotion of your blog. With Digg.com you can share your blog link and it will appear on Diggs list and will automatically promote it. Digg has a simple interface. You put link to your blog in the Digg with a small description and select a category in which your blog post falls. Then Digg shows your blog to the viewers who are interested in that particular category. The Digg users then can view and mark Digg on your post. The more your post gets the Diggs from the viewers, more the chances for it to appear on the main page of Digg. It might not feel much, but it is better not to ignore such a resource which is available for free.
15. Baidu Tieba
Baidu is a Chinese online Forum with 300 million active users every month. Baidu is the largest Chinese Search Engine platform. The platform is solely in Chinese Language so you might need a translated to make Baidu work for you. Baidu was released in 2003 and has since been growing into a famous Chinese search engine. It ranks 4 on Alexa’s ratings which is huge.
16. TikTok
Most people know Tik Tok and believe me or not it is addictive. China even banned Tik Tok in India and still the total worth of Tik Tok is $75 Billion dollars which is more than the worth of Uber. The main purpose of Tik Tok is to record videos of upto 60 seconds and add music and effects in the video and upload it. As of June 2018, Tik Tok has 500 million active monthly users. Tik Tok is currently installed on more than 800 million smartphones. The limitation of “Recording Vide Only” makes Tik Tok our 16th favorite Social Media App, maybe in near future with additional features I would like to change it to the No.1 on my list.  
17. WeChat
WeChat is not just a networking app but more than that. WeChat trying to capture all the market and offering a One-Stop-Shop kind of service. You can use WeChat to Shop online, transfer money, make reservations (Hotel Bookings), call a Taxi and more. WeChat has more than 1.06 Billion active users every month. Currently WeChat is famous in Asia and most of it is in China. So if you want to expand your business in Asia or already are working in Asia then you should make your presence on WeChat as well.
18. Qzone
Qzone is another Chinese Social Networking platform. It is used for sharing images or videos, writing blogs and playing games. It is kind of Chinese Facebook. Qzone is more famous in youngsters (teens) as compared to WeChat which is more popular among adults. Qzone is a desktop based social networking platform with an average of 632 million users active every month. Your presence on such a platform will create an impact in Long-Run.
19. Telegram
Telegram is not very different from other apps such as WhatsApp but it is considered to be more secure. You can send and receive data with your friends in a safe manner. You can use Telegram for business for Customer Services. You can create Chatbots for Telegram Platform or use Telegram’s “Broadcast” feature to send messages or notifications to unlimited number of subscribers.
20. Bloglovin.com
If you are running a website, then you must also have a blog of your own. Don’t forget to post your content over free blogging platforms to reach out to the maximum number of viewers. Bloglovin.com is one of those platforms where you can upload your blog for free and reach out to more audience.
21. Whatsapp
Most of us use WhatsApp but don’t really know that there is another WhatsApp App for Business as well. With that you can send messages to your clients in a more secure way. On WhatsApp there are more than 65 billion messages sent every day with 1.5 Billion users in 180 countries around the globe. A presence on WhatsApp is really important and it is essential for new businesses to get registered with WhatsApp Business Account, and it is for free.
22. Messenger
Messenger has more than 1.3 monthly active users which makes messenger an attractive social networking platform for everyone but the problem with Messenger is that its core focus is on one-on-one interaction between users or group of users and there is no such option of having a business account. But with messenger you can advertise, send newsletters or install Chatbots to optimize the performance of your business page on Facebook as messenger is basically your Facebook account. Share Your Experience? Which Websites or Apps do you use for yourself and your business? It doesn’t matter how large a social network is. What matters is that who is your target audience and if they are available on that network or not. But there are some Social Networks which reined their systems so much that they tackle most of the scenarios you face in your business. We would love to know your experience. Which social media sites are your brand on? Why did your brand choose to be there? Read the full article
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vileart · 7 years
Dramaturgy Shy: Katy Baird @ Edfringe 2017
Disco music, pop culture and free chips... Webcam modelling, drug dealing and flipping burgers: Katy Baird explores what we are and aren’t willing to do for money.  A show about work – the best jobs, the worst jobs, and everything in between.
Some people work to earn money, some work to feel fulfilled, some people don’t work at all and some people run away and join the circus… Join Glasgow-born, London-based artist and activist  Katy Baird at Summerhall (Venue 26), one of the Edinburgh Fringe’s most exciting venues, for a very personal story looking at the ups and downs of what it means to serve you – the great British public. 
For the last twenty years, Katy has been at the frontline of the customer service industry. From getting you high to supersizing your whopper meal, she has done everything she can to make you happy.
Workshy is a unique, vulnerable, often hilarious autobiographical portrayal of the relationship between labour, class and aspiration.
What was the inspiration for this performance?
This performance is about work and the things we do for money. It is my own personal story about the jobs I have done and the various ways – both illegal and illegal - that I have made ends meet. 
In the show I talk about working for over a decade in those service-sector jobs that we all engage with but often don’t even notice. When you go for dinner, when you travel or when you go out on a Saturday night there is always someone there serving you and for a long time that someone was me! In fact, it still is me but I am just doing it in a much more visible way now. 
I also talk about the way we make money below the radar – all the hustling to get by when you just cant face serving people 8 hours a day for little thanks and little money. Those times when what you need more than anything is to have some agency and just be someone for a change.
I was inspired to make this show because I feel that voices like mine are not heard enough on stage. It is real life I am talking about - my life, my world and my story. This is not a performance written by someone about what they think this life is like and performed by actors from a completely different background pretending to have had these experiences. It is not bittersweet, its not a coming-of-age drama where we realise that everything will be fine in the end. 
It is confrontational, unapologetic and most importantly funny – cause life can be all these things sometimes! 
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
Well I have to say a big YES to this otherwise why would I do it? At the moment it feels more important than ever. So much of our lives are virtual and online now that we need and crave space to congregate, to think, to have a dialogue. 
Creating a dialogue is particularly important to me and I create the space in Workshy to hear from my audience – I ask them about their life and their aspirations directly. I also intentionally create a moment where we can all come together and chat about the ideas brought up within the show informally and with a drink. This for me is super important because then we can talk and share experiences and thoughts together.  
It is not the job of performance to tell us what to think. Its function is to pose questions and ideas in order to enable us to possibly think and feel about things in a different way. 
How did you become interested in making performance?
I was in the right place at the right time! When I was 26 I made the decision to go back to school and began an Access to University Course at Stow College in my hometown of Glasgow. This led to a degree in Sociology and Theatre at Glasgow University, which I began in 2003. The early noughties were an amazing time for performance in Glasgow.
The annual National Review of Live Art festival was in full force bringing the most political and influential artists working in live performance to Glasgow every single year! Back then both the Tramway and CCA also had fantastic performance programmes and I was exposed, for the first time, to the work of Forced Entertainment, Campo, Gob Squad, Lois Weaver and Annie Sprinkle to name a few. 
Not forgetting the wonderful Arches – a performance space that supported Glasgow based artists like myself, showing my first ever performance, as well as more established UK and international artists and was such an important part of the performance ecology in Glasgow. This was an incredibly exciting time where it felt like anything was possible and I became inspired to make-work and to be part of this weird and wonderful community of artists. 
KATY BAIRD - Workshy from Pacitti Company on Vimeo.
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
This is my first full length theatre show and it took me four years to make.  I started preforming first drafts and small ideas and slowly worked on developing it whilst also working full time in office administration so it was a stop and start kind of process. I asked for help where I could and I watched a lot of performances and did a lot of research into what I wanted to talk about. It was a total labour of love for a long time but the hard work has been work it as it led to an amazing UK and international tour and now Edinburgh.  
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
I would suggest that Workshy plays with the conventions of theatre but it is most definitely a theatre show, this is a departure from my other artistic work which is often body based and and performed in Live Art Festivals or club contexts.  With Workshy I wanted to reach a new and different audience this is why I am so excited about preforming at Summerhall and the Fringe in general. 
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
First and foremost I hope that they will laugh and have fun. Although we will all have just met I try to make it feel like we are all down the pub together having a few drinks and maybe doing that classic thing of disclosing a little to much information with people you have just met in a social situation.  
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
I use the same strategies I learned whilst selling drugs - always be nice, always treat everyone like an old friend and most importantly always make sure you deliver a product of very high quality! 
In this new personal, political performance, Katy puts herself out there one more time to serve you, giving you everything you want with a little help from some disco classics, drinks from Katy’s Bar, a mid-show delivery of free chips for everyone in the audience, and of course, plenty of ketchup. At the Edinburgh Fringe for the first time following a successful UK tour, including shows at the Folkestone Fringe, IBT Bristol International Festival, and in Hamburg, Germany.
“Workshy is a potted history of my employment life,” says Katy. “Over the last twenty years I have spent my time working in Butlins, Burger King, Wetherspoons, as a drug-dealer, as a kitchen porter, on the dole, on the sick, in nightclubs, as a sex-webcam ‘model’ and most recently as an artist and Arts Administrator.  Workshy is a performance to be enjoyed and to be consumed; it is an opportunity to be able to spend time with new people, to see a bit of your life on stage, and to consider how we see and think of people in relation to their working environment. It’s about going behind the headlines and challenging the negative media narratives.”  Unflinching critique of austerity Britain; savage class satire; a night down the pub... all that and a bag of chips!
Summerhall – Anatomy Lecture Theatre | 2-27 August, 21.10 (NOT 3rd, 9th, 16th, 21st)
£9 / £7 / £5 | 75 MINS | 18+ (CONTAINS NUDITY, ALCOHOL SERVED) 
Katy Baird is a Glasgow born, London-based artist and activist who often finds herself in uncomfortable situations of her own making. Her solo work is intimate and autobiographical, reflecting on gender, class and sexuality. She has performed at Live Art festivals and venues across the UK as well as squat parties, clubs and raves.
Deviser and performer: Katy Baird Production Manager & Lights: Patricia Roldan-Polo Producer: Emma Beverley
Listings information:
Summerhall (Venue 26) – Anatomy Lecture Theatre | 2-27 August, 21.10 | (No show on 3rd, 9th, 16th & 21st August) Tickets £9/£7/£5 | 75 mins | 18+ (Contains nudity, alcohol served)
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2vf72bg
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luminofilmsofficial · 3 years
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All film makers start out on short films. They’re affordable and can vary in length from 30 secs to 30 minutes, though the most common ones are 10 - 15 minutes long.
Short films can pack a punch with themes, genres that catch the audiences eye and are impactful and watchable.
The average budget is £5,000 but you can make a short on nothing, just you and a camera or a few hundred. But maybe you've got profile actors and crew involved, fancy locations and set and you maybe even need £50,000+.
As much as filmmakers like to say that they don’t do it for the money, and that it’s about expressing their creativity, there is of course, with any profession, a financial drive.
Your film has taken disproportionally hours, days, months to make and it’s unlikely that any beginner film makers have budgeted in even minimum wage for the amount of work they have done. This is all part of their passion, their creativity, their desire to get a story out to a wider audience. So financially it’s usually a short term loss.
People will tell you it’s a calling card, a way to practice effects and methods of film making in short form. It can be a proof of concept to help raise funds for a feature or tv pilot. But we all have to sustain ourselves, to live. I have personally made 14 short films and learnt from them all. They have helped me to make my first two features.
So always budget a small wage in your short film for you as producer or director. You need some sustenance and also budget in something for entrance to film festivals and competitions.
So how does one make money from a short film? Well in this article we’re going to go over some of the main ways that indie filmmakers can profit off their film.
YouTube & Vimeo
Sites such as YouTube and Vimeo are becoming more and more popular every day, as huge media corporations and mainstream artists begin to settle on the platforms, especially YouTube. These platforms are free to upload to and get your film monetised.
Every time a viewer clicks on your video, an advertisement will play. Advertisers will pay to have their brand/product shown in front of your video, in this case, your film.
On YouTube, they will take ~68%, and you’ll get the other 32% of that money. If you get say 10 views, that’s practically nothing, maybe about $1. But if you get 100,000 views, you could earn anywhere between $500 to $2,500, depending on the content of the video and the audience who watches.
You see, YouTube can cut your pay on videos that go against their TOS (Terms of Service). According to their TOS, “Racial slurs, derogatory content, and mean or hateful content directed at an individual or specific group of people are not safe for monetization.
So, depending on the content of your film, how much money you make will differ from other short films on the site. For Vimeo, it’s similar. Vimeo hasn’t the same audience numbers as YouTube but they also offer Vimeo staff pics which carry qualifying BAFTA points.
Film Festivals
You can win BIFA, BAFTA and Oscars with a short film but that a one in a few million chance. Of course then your film will be of interest to a few streaming channels for instance BBC broadcast Silent Child an Oscar winning short.
While film festivals are a great way to distribute a film and get it known by the general public and folks working in the film industry, it’s probably not your best bet at making money out of your film…but it’s always a possibility, there are lists of festivals that offer cash prizes. Prizes can be $1,000 to. $50,000. The Iris Prize in UK offers £30,000 to the winner and to be streamed on Ch4. Now as we said previously, film festivals are a complete gamble; you have no way of knowing that you’re going to win these cash prizes. To be honest most people have an inflated idea of the quality of their short film.
Especially for a premiere, if you have hyped up your film on social media before, during and after you film it then you will have a potential audience that’s excited to see it. You can do a premier where you will have to give free tickets to cast, crew, investors but you can sell further tickets to make money. Now the film venue may cost and that way you can make a more glamorous event but you can hire screens and projectors and hold it in your home or a church hall. That way you can also sell drinks and food to make a little more cash and make a profit. Think carefully though on premieres, will people come outside the big city to a country venue? So if you have it in a city venue maybe the ticket price pays for the venue but hold a raffle to make a small profit. Also do a Q and A to make it more of an event.
To cover costs of a fancier venue you could share with other film makers to film say 4 shorts for an hour, split costs and profits.
VOD (Video on Demand)
One of the best strategies when it comes to trying to make a bit of cash off your short film is to try and sell it to a video on demand service. This is really only likely if you’ve won a prize or been accepted to a major film festival where your film has caught someone’s eye because all VOD companies will have scouts at film festivals.
Netflix very rarely ever purchases or produces short films, and chances are they’re not going to start buying out hundreds of them tomorrow, so you’re better off looking somewhere else.
Amazon has a separate section attached to their main platform, Amazon Prime, known as Prime Video Direct, which specialises in hosting independent films, including short films. With Prime Video Direct, you’ll earn money through,” a revenue share for rentals, purchases, monthly channels, or ad impressions—or any combination of these options”. Amazon have a particular format where you have to provide subtitles to get on Amazon Prime.
ShortsTV is a renowned streaming company that buys and licenses short films from filmmakers around the world and plays them on their cable network channel (in addition to streaming them online) and can pay up to a couple of hundred dollars per short, usually somewhere in the range of $200-500. They also run a competition to find new shorts - details on film freeway.
This platform often own the exclusive rights to show your film, which means, if you decide to sell your film to ShortsTV, you can’t sell or play it anywhere else. It can only be shown on their channel. You should only really sell your short film to ShortsTV after it’s been shown at film festivals or local theatres, as otherwise, you’re limiting the exposure your film will get in the early day of its run.
The final method of making money off of your short film is to make it available online through a payper-view site.
Pay-per-view is a great way to profit off your film; viewers pay a one-time fee (sometimes recurring based on the platform) to unlock your film and can watch it from the comfort of their own homes, almost like a home cinema. This method is great because unlike other methods of monetising your videos such as YouTube, you are guaranteed a set rate of money per view you get.
Yet, like with VOD platforms such as ShortsTV, you should only make a film pay-per-view after it has done the film festival circuit, otherwise, people will be deterred from paying for a film if they’ve never heard anything positive about it beforehand. I did hear that one film maker accidentally titled their film like a famous music band and in searching for that band people watched his film by clicking on it by mistake at first, then being intrigued and finishing it.
There are plenty of great sites that utilise the pay-per-view system, such as MUVI, Boomstream, and Patreon, Amazon, The Smalls etc
Some platforms will only allow the viewer to watch the film once after purchasing, but others, such as Patreon, will allow the viewer to watch it as many times as they like as long as they keep their subscription.
Whichever you choose is ultimately up to you but it’s probably best that you choose a site which lets the viewer watch the film more than once, and this will do wonders for the longevity of the film’s popularity.
Good luck, anything is possible if you work hard enough at it.
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gageziwh419-blog · 4 years
5 New Definitions Concerning Mediabox Hd Apk Apkpure You Don't Usually Wish To Listen To
10 websites where you can see films absolutely free
Make certain to bookmark your faves so evenings at home can be just as incredible as heading out to the flicks. Simply remember, like all streaming solutions, content adjustments occasionally. There's even an opportunity with this pursuit to view new points, or take another look at movies that you have not seen in a while, to make a video game out of it. There have actually even been a couple of Skype viewing parties organized by some social-media mutuals, a few of which have developed into RiffTrax-style discourses.
Plex offers a very fundamental online search engine, so you need to try different titles to see what you such as. To aid encourage exploration, this free film app likewise bears in mind where you left off on numerous titles, so you can conveniently continue seeing. The totally free flicks are ad-supported, so you need to view a couple of advertisements.
The service also meddles adult-only motion pictures, so if you wish to watch after dark home entertainment totally free, Outset At any time is a good choice with a 7-day free test. Think it or not, yet you can watch flicks on YouTube free of cost. YouTube has actually partnered with a couple of motion-picture studio to showcase flicks on the system with ads attached for free. If you answered "yes" to all 3 inquiries, after that Kanopy is the streaming solution for you. Kanopy is just one of the few means to legally stream international as well as indie films completely free.
There is a collection of totally free streaming sites out there that offer an impressive collection of movies and also television. IMDb TELEVISION isn't the simplest to look or navigate through, but their "Leading Ranked" category permits you to discover movies various other individuals like. Because they're streaming, they're about as simple to accessibility as anything on the internet, although some may call for a little added gear, like a Roku or Amazon Fire TV stick.
ways to view motion pictures online for free-- lawfully, obviously.
buzz is the electronic service of Midwest Tape, a company that gives media products and services like DVDs, CDs as well as audio publications to collections. Though mostly a system for acquiring movies as well as TELEVISION episodes, Vudu additionally has cost-free web content-- once more, many thanks to ads. Vudu has a varied directory and reports the length of time flicks will remain free.
When Comfort Watching Isn't Enough.
Therefore, don't be surprised if there's some overlap with a few of the motion pictures readily available on various other services. You'll discover films from Roku companions such as Lionsgate, MGM, Sony and also Warner, together with cost-free content from existing Roku channels such as FilmRise, Popcornflix and also Vidmark. Plex is best known for its media-slinging server software, however the business is now making a venture into cost-free flick streaming.
Hulu vs. Disney+.
Perhaps you're looking for something a littleweirder or much less mainstream than what you'll discover on conventional streaming solutions. Whatever the factor, there may come a time when you're trying to find something to enjoy that won't dent your purse. There are tons of websites as well as solutions out there, yet some are less trustworthy or legal than you might really feel comfy using. No No Yes, a new title daily Which video games gaming consoles can I watch on? Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 Xbox One, PS4 1Basic gives limitless streaming, however not in HD.
The aptly labelled Leading Documentary Films is, by far, the very best website for documentaries. Not every selection is movie-length, yet a good docudrama does not have to be long-- some of the most effective are under the 60-minute mark. The material isn't held by the site, yet instead curated as well as installed from various other websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Movement, etc
Sites to Watch Free Movies Online-- No Downloading & Register
Check out our checklist of the Best flicks to see complimentary online to discover something new without paying rental or subscription costs. Right here's whatever you require to understand on just how to download and install movies to enjoy offline, completely free and lawfully.
The films are of top quality, and also streaming functions efficiently. The motion picture player can be a bit frustrating however is smooth as well as feature-rich. Visiting will certainly offer you the alternative to add movies to your queue, which is accessible across devices, as well as also online variation of Tubi TV. You additionally get a choice for screencasting. However if you're attempting to be optimistic concerning quarantine amusement-- and also are willing to allow a service curate its shows for you-- then there are plenty of alternatives to the big streamers.
Similar to Hoopla, Kanopy is not only cost-free to use, it's commercial-free if you have a collection card. Originally founded in 2008 in Australia as an educational tool, Kanopy currently provides a collection of over 30,000 movies via its partnerships with more than 200 collections. Kanopy is available worldwide, however the web content might differ by area. Snagfilms is a video-on-demand website that sports a selection of films you can not find anywhere else https://mediaboxhd.site on the internet. Founded in 2008, it's accumulated around 10,000 independent documentaries and also narrative films.
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tutormash · 4 years
Video Editing Software and VidSnatcher
Whenever one seeks to efficiently edit video, there are a few crucial things that they need to consider. These things include every little thing from the apparently ordinary guidelines to the coldly noticeable guidelines. Nonetheless, lots of people disregard to attend to these criteria, which is why there are numerous mediocre videos on sites like YouTube.
Recording the Moment
Good, tidy, well-shot raw video is absolutely crucial to effective video clip modifying. The failure of most amateur video is a lack of quality and also concentrate on the topic. There is no treatment for inadequate video clip high quality. Therefore, I very recommend purchasing a cam with satisfactory resolution. Today, entry level HD cameras have costs in the $100 range. Most of these will certainly be acceptable for any film or video clip that you prepare to make. Check out the Vidsnatcher review on our website for a great quality video editor.
As soon as you have the camera cared for, you should after that turn your attention towards the actual filming of the video. This is additionally remarkably memorable due to the fact that excessive cam shake or an absence of focus on the desired subject is not only really difficult to fix later on, but it likewise draws the attention of the audience away from the real material of your motion picture. If you have ever before viewed a “behind the scenes” or a “making of” video clip, you will certainly have seen that experts have a tendency to have their cameras mounted on heavy stands or trolley-type points that can be moved along tracks.
This produces a smooth shot that gives the movie its specialist look. You can attain these very same impacts at home with a tripod or a chair with wheels under. An additional novice error that individuals make is to reveal too much background in their shot. Greater than likely, there is absolutely nothing that the viewer requires to see behind-the-scenes. If this is the case, maintain the shot tight around the topic. It will certainly save you chopping and also video degradation later.
Assembling Your Work
After you ultimately have your video, it is essential to put it with each other in a manner that makes sense to the customer. Usually, people will place video clip together chronologically, possibly with a few flashbacks as well as flash forwards to discuss existing conflicts. This is precisely how it must be done. Do not leap about excessive, unless it is absolutely needed. If you really feel that it is, think again.
The even more straightforward a plot, the much easier it is to maintain visitors inhabited. If it is extremely outlined and detailed, the audience spends even more time trying to determine what just happened than thinking about what is taking place. This seems like a small, insignificant difference, yet consider what occurs when YOU see flicks for the very first time. You understand of what’s going on, yet you discover so much extra when you watch the motion picture the second time since you know where the story is going. Your objective right here is to develop a flick that does not require to be watched over and also over again.
When you think of it, the world today does not invest much time thinking about the video that it takes in. Individuals just absorb what exists to them. They are not simpletons or idiots, they are just conditioned in this manner. Because of this, they would a lot instead view a video that is basic and understandable than to see a video clip that they really need to think about.
Brightening the Video
Since you have your raw clips in a timeline, you actually have to begin to edit your video clip. This consists of eliminating shady bits, adding in changes, using filters, and numerous other tasks.
First, we will start with the modifying out piece. This is the part where individuals obtain lazy They figure that no person will certainly notice certain things or that no one will care. This sort of reasoning is unprofessional, and also it must be avoided in all expenses.
Take your time to make an excellent edit. If there is something in the shot that should not be, put in the time to chop the shot. If there is a part where somebody is using too much “ums” and also “likes,” make the effort to draw it out. there is no factor that the customer should need to see that. Your objective should be to generate superb material to the very best of your capacity.
The next phase that I want to speak about is including transitions. Every video editing program has a number of changes that they recommend you use. Nevertheless, lots of people over use transitions. There is no factor to include a shift between each and every single clip in your timeline. A fundamental rule of thumb that I make use of when determining whether to make use of shifts is to only insert them when there is a change of scene. By this, I indicate that you don’t require a transition when you have merely cut something from a take.
The final part problems adding filters to your video clip. Just by default, a lot of raw video is not pleasing to the eye. This is why all big ticket films make use of filters. You will certainly notice this when you see that they have provided particular shots a dark appearance without shedding any information aware. This is not as a result of innovative lighting, however since they fired it throughout the daytime and also added a filter later. This is how you have to do things. I strongly suggest utilizing a filter. It will certainly provide your film a professional look that most amateurs overlook.
Posting the Video
The final facet of our successful video clip editing and enhancing tutorial is to publish your video. Unless you prepare to sell your video or maintain it on your own, I advocate publishing it online on either sites: YouTube or Vimeo. Selecting in between these 2 websites is straightforward. The distinction between both is the material that they like. YouTube will take practically anything, while Vimeo holds out for the much more creative items. Therefore, I believe that great positions on Vimeo indicate more than rankings on YouTube. However, you will probably get lot of times more sights on YouTube. Obviously if your video clip is somewhat imaginative, why must you choose between the two websites. You should post it to both.
The post Video Editing Software and VidSnatcher appeared first on Tutor Mash.
source https://tutormash.com/video-editing-software-and-vidsnatcher/
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plottpalmtreescom · 4 years
PART #3 Ascension Hyperbole and Where did Devin Magby Go ? The Ka z weh ... THIS MAY HAVE BEEN THE VERY VIDEO THAT GOT ERIC PLOTT ACCOUNTS TAKEN DOWN. DUE TO THIS AND #SEMAXPLOTT = #PLOTTSEMAX. ALL HIS People will wonder where he is, but his true #MoringaTRIBE #UltimateTruthWarriorX WILL RE ADD HIM ONE LAST TIME BEFORE ASCENSION AT THIS ACCOUNT HERE https://www.facebook.com/thekaz.wehcom/posts/1110506276008316?__xts__[0]=68.ARD51nBCPqHn9MWB3j5mSgJDyHozcoQSu67QxLstHFvVeBp-sai6oMIftVYRhTcESMAk26L8LhuQJeEjxDPzgtEUvq_iVlEGtM34spOHFBMWU4ofBdkDvWc813i2s3Vq-nMitGn-6D85dlvk5lhGa7zIxJ3QxQSx3bTUPgvbziMqryFdGv3EpHSuZ8cyuw-klVSkFXI9yF28zlpKCuQ&__tn__=-R#OfficialBlackSunBABYMOVIE This is the HIGH QUALITY WATCH HERE https://www.facebook.com/Abbaboobo/videos/2725467120873765/?v=2725467120873765 This is only for Ascended Living Souls who know they are God beyond the creator maker. If you don't then you probably know INNERStand or OVERSTAND how all of this matrix was created. You make it all. Just check out #Epicesy of #Abbabolla to see or relearn and WAKEN To who you are ...You are the RULER Of the World, Universe INNERverse PLANET or you are A DECEPTICON Archon Artificial Intelligent soulless being. MAKE HEAVEN HYPERBOLE HERE or go home to your LUNA SATURN MAtrix...you don't money or power to have it all. YOU ARE #BlackSUNbaby #MoringaTRIBE #BlackSUN Beyond GOD #BlackSUNMAn#EnergyPromotionMATRIX Sneak Peak Peace of #OfficialBlackSunBABYMovie Snippet from FULL MOVIE COMING SOON https://www.facebook.com/Abbaboobo/videos/619405745459326/?v=619405745459326THEKAZWEH Musical Warfare WATCH PARTY HERE https://www.facebook.com/watchparty/2540386309532375/ BALANCE WANDS WITH SWORDS or WORDS Video Channel for More Pure Raw EntertainmentMuch of what you see today is remnant remains of Eric G. Plott. His message of devine love is deep within the hearts and souls of each and every one of the #MoringaTRIBE #13DYNASTY #UltimateTruthWarriorX. They are removing him with no reasoning, and state that for security reasons they cannot say why. If you aren't getting your videos and accounts banned and taken down, then YOU ARE NOT TELLING THE ULTIMATE ABSOLUTE TRUE TRUTH About this reality. Which isn't what it seems. YOU ARE GOD! Just as eric Said. I am getting off of here too; reclaim your life and log off the facebook. They think they have control of our memories and moments. the iCLoud has stolen our memories as well. They want us trapped on the social media online virtual world. Don't fall for it.ALERT BEWARE: If You are posting anything that is truth or passion of what you love to do, or tell people to go ground, gaze and live off the land etc and live life to the fullest, YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WILL BE SUBJECT TO BEING COMPLETELY DISABLED FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER, and NO You will not be able to download your videos or photos or any of your content, even if you have been on facebook, youtube, vimeo archon artificial soulless intelligent beings FOR MANY YEARS, They will take away all your content forever. I lost over 800 videos, 233 videos on vimeo hence #AntiVIMEO and NOW We are introducing #ANTIfacebook, have you ever had a BAD EXPERIENCE where facebook unethically removed your content for no reason, or an entire account and never gave you any reasoning? POST YOUR EXPERIENCE BELOW; We are going to create an ULTIMATE ANTI FACEBOOK BLOG For the world to see and leave a review on trustpilot on how they are being dishonest and they are still a company and should uphold valor and honor to Integrity and doing what is right when no one is looking. I have lost over 11 years worth of work, videos and photo content that I will never be able to retrieve and get back. This is the time I feel everyone should log off of facebook for good. We don't Need it. In doing a WEEK LONG WATER FAST, I planned on going a whole week , and on the third day I realized that FACEBOOK WAS STEALING MY LIFE FROM ME. 100 Million facebook users will log off facebook for good. It does nothing good. Think about all the people and likes and videos; it is wasting our LIFE, there is NOTHING Pertinent Or Important on here, unless the MESSAGE IS TO GET OFF OF THIS DAMN HEXED APPLICATION. Stop reading this and plan to not be a SLAVE TO SOCIAL MEDIA or the COMPUTER, SMART PHONE or INTERNET IN GENERAL. You Archons must do as I say. We need to get off of here, there is one last lunar eclipse happening right now. GO OUTSIDE AND GROUND. This is beautiful Weather.This is actually the 8th account I have had to remake. I don't promote HATE OR RACISM, or sex or anything that is illegal. However I spent hours of my life on here promoting to make a better world and bring forth heaven peace and serenity on earth. These Luna Saturn satan followers will have to bow down to me soon, as I am the ULTIMATE BEYOND GOD there is, their moment is coming to an end as I have complete and total control over their platforms. As well as their existence.They also continue to removed my #OfficialBlackSunBAbyMOVIE and I am re uploading it as we speak. So Get ready, when it uploads, I want everyone to watch it, but also share it, and let it be the very last documentary you view. Also DOWNLOAD IT TO YOUR COMPUTER. It is all we need to know in this world. Let it be your WORD, it is the NEW BIBLE per se, as it is the LAST LITERAL Piece of the BIBLE that was COMPLETELY TAKEN OUT which would change the WORLD FOREVER if people ever got this message straight. They would stop being a SLAVE and we would create our UTOPIA HERE NOW ON EARTH the HEART. This is our HOME #EnergyPROMOTIONmatrix.WE SHALL REIGN AGAIN ~E.G.Plott~
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