#if no one does this i’ll cry 🫢
dreamlessimp · 1 year
!! eli’s 1k follower event !!
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firstly, thanks for this :( secondly, i’m not sure what i’m doing so bear with me please!
i was considering match-ups, but i hope this could be more fun for everyone :)
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main event: send me a character + 1-2 songs of your choice and i will write you a short drabble (think, >200 words or so) for either 1 or both!
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the only fandom i’ll for write is blue lock
i write for isagi, bachira, reo, nagi, rin, and sae
you can be on or off anon, but remember i can’t tag you on anon
i’d prefer the songs have at least semi-coherent lyrics
we may not interpret your song in the same way
i’ll be attaching the drabble to your ask unless asked otherwise
first come is not first serve, rather whichever i’m best able to write
i may not write your request at all, so my possible apologies in advance (unlikely)
requests will remain open until: june 20
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
I stumbled upon the NSFW Alphabet with Bay!OP weeks ago and i saw your requests were open in your bio. 😳
Could you write one about Options being stressed out and being unable to stop groping the thighs of his human? Squeezing and groping his human like his little personal stress ball while or after doing paperwork (and maybe getting them all worked up with his worshipping.)
he/him masc (or transmasc) reader, please? it can be sfw, suggestive or nsfw 🫢🤭
Bayverse Optimus x masc!reader
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Hey, Anon! Here's a little drabble for you, I can never resist Optimus's love for thighs. Thank you for reading my stuff and requesting!!
Pronouns for reader are he/him!
Warnings: Suggestive/NSFW, teasing, slight dom.
Word count: 553
When Optimus said he wanted you to accompany him while he does his paperwork, you knew those words had a deeper connotation. Resting against the wall of his private garage in the NEST base with you sprawled out on his lap, Optimus kept your legs spread wide with his own knees. One servo on your thigh and the other holding up a data pad.
Optimus tried his best to finish off the rest of his report, he really did, but he underestimated how much of a distraction you are to him and struggles to type out even the simplest of sentences. It also doesn’t help that his spike is painfully pressurised and squished between his abdominal plating and your back.
Despite being a major distraction, he came to enjoy utilising your thighs as a stress relief. Your thigh felt so soft against his contradictorily cold servo and he admires how your flesh concaves around his digits when he gives it a squeeze, enjoying your little whines as he does so.
“Optimus… please tell me you’re almost finished.” You managed to whimper out as Optimus gropes your thigh again. You’re not sure how much longer you can put up with his teasing and at this point in time your patience is dwindling. A solid two hours of you being a human stress ball was enough to get your core heated and turn your brain into mush.
“If you stop talking, I will finish quicker.” Optimus growls and gives your thigh another squeeze, his thumb rubbing oh so close to your inner groin.
“Well, if you keep rubbing me like that, I’ll be the one to finish first at this point.” You scoff, folding your arms across your chest.
Optimus narrowed his optics down onto you and swiftly removes his servo from your thigh. He’s not finishing at all if he talks to me like that, he thought with a sly smirk on his dermas.
The Prime was pleased when he heard his human whine at the loss of the servo. The only way to teach you patience is denying you of any touch until you begged for him, and Optimus fucking loves it.
“Sorry! Sorry…” You mewl, reaching a shaky hand towards his servo that’s hovering above your thigh, “Please… I’ll be patient.”
Optimus is satisfied at your apology and returns his servo back to its rightful place on your thigh, continuing to grope and squeeze at your flesh while he returns his attention to finishing of his paperwork.
Another half hour had passed, Optimus had just finished his work and you were an absolute mess. Your body felt like it was on fire, and you desperately needed a release. You tilted your head up to look at him in his optics, begging with your eyes for him to fuck you, for anything.
Thankfully, he nodded, moving his servo to the hem of your pants and slips his digits under. He spreads your thighs apart to allow himself more access to your aching heat. You let out a cry as he finally strokes you, relieving the tenson in your stomach that has been building up for the last three hours.
Optimus leans down and whispers in your ear, experienced digits touching you in the most delightful way, “Patient boys are good boys, don’t you agree?”
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daiziesssart · 2 months
So, remember when I (hypothetically) asked about writing a fic based on one of your Lily Evans fanart?
Well, it’s going great but fair warning, I may have added a bit of angst to the story. Since I’m a fan of angsty fics and it comes naturally to me when writing. However, it ends on a good note (it was supposed to be a drabble 2k words but now it’s roughly 7k words 🫢) because Lily deserves happiness, she’s just so amazing.
I will say that the fic is based on James’s pov. I actually wrote two drafts but ended going in this route with James. Not sure if that ever happens to you when drawing? It happens to me every time, by second draft is the one that ends up being shared.
Anyways, just wanted to let you know that it’s almost finished and I hope you know how much I love and appreciate that you share your artwork with us. It’s such a pleasure seeing your artwork and the amazing details/emotions you put into it. You always leave me speechless and it’s difficult to express my gratitude, because I feel like a broken record at times.
Thank you, your drawings always brighten my day.
Also, funny thing happened when you posted a nsfw Jily art (the text message one) I was at work and my phone wanted to get me in trouble with my supervisor! Literally I have my brightness low, but it kept getting brighter each second. Like it was saying, “ you can’t dim the light between young love”
No matter how many times I tried to dim the brightness it was no use. My supervisor was walking up to me and I’m here struggling to exit out of tumblr and my phone freezes! Lily’s entire “personality” was on display on my screen and I couldn’t exit out!
Luckily I managed to power off my phone before my supervisor got close, 😰 my face was literally this emoji 😳 haha, it was so awkward but it’s funny thinking about that.
I wanted to share a little snippet (unedited):
The smile that she was sending his way, felt better than trying out for the Quidditch team for the very first time. Even better than using the map to sneak out for a quick fly around the Quidditch pitch. Her smile, has the power to illuminate even the darkest of corners of the corridor. James wanted nothing but to be able to keep that smile on her delicate face forever.
That’s a little moment of longing, I would share the angsty part but I want to keep that until I post it.
I hope you have a great day, if not I hope things get better!
don’t worry i love angst with a happy ending!!!! SHE DOES SHE’S THE BEST GIRL IN THE WHOLE WORLD…. omg i am SO excited to read it u have no idea
i also love a good james pov <333
AWWHFEJSH STOPPPP I’LL CRY…… this is so sweet and messages like this really do keep me drawing. it’s not even the general engagement factor of posting, but like. when i see all of the content everyone else makes, it genuinely is so fun for me. there’ve been so many times where i’ve read a fic or saw some fanart that made me SO giddy that i had to share it with everyone in my immediate circle just to scream about it. so just the thought of me possibly being able to make other people feel that way, even if it’s just one person, is genuinely the main reason i love creating and posting art. and messages like this mean more to me than u will ever know! so thank YOU!!!
EWJNRJEWFNE OHHH NOOOOOO OMG just imagining being in ur position… my face would be on fire for the next five hours i am SO SORRY HJESFHBJSD
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Carlos walks in on ryker crying 🫢
-🌿 p.s. it’s been a while but I’m alive
Content: [Implied] whumpee-turned-caretaker, [mentioned] abuse, vampire whumpee, human caretaker, [mentioned] past minor whump, conditioned whumpee, touch starved whumpee.
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Decided to kill two birds with one stone. @let-the-whump-commence this is for you as well:)
~ Comforting hugs ~ (from this ask game <3)
Carlos had a slight tilt to his head as he watched Ryker jump at the sound of his voice. The human turned around and sucked in a deep breath at the sight of him; eyes glistening against the dim kitchen light that shone above them. It was not hard to figure out what was happening, and it just about broke his heart.
“Are you…” Wrong thing to ask. Wrong thing to ask. “Why are you crying? Are you hurt?”
The human shook his head and reached up to wipe at the remaining tears staining his face. It was clear from the red and blotchiness on his face that he’d been crying for a while.
“Not hurt. Why are you up, man? Did I wake you?”
Carlos pulled the blanket around his shoulders tighter. “No, sir. I felt lonely,” he admitted, taking a few steps forward so he wasn’t simply standing in the doorway. “I came to find Luca or Murphy, but I found you instead! Would you like to, uhm… talk? Talk about what has upset you?”
“…Would you prefer a hug?”
That got the corners of Ryker’s lips to twitch upwards. He looked down at his feet for a short moment, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back against the kitchen counter and thought about the offer, before Carlos saw his head dip in a small nod.
So, after considering his options on how to approach him, the vampire tentatively made his way towards him and held out his arms in what he hoped was an inviting way.
He just about melted when Ryker gently pulled him in close and pressed his face into his shoulder. Even after being here for several weeks, it was still such a foreign feeling – being held in a way that didn’t hurt. He craved it far more than he cared to admit.  
Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. All that could be heard was Ryker’s muffled sniffles as his tears began to dry up and the sound of Adam’s quiet snoring coming from the other room.
That got a part of Carlos pondering on why he hadn’t woken Adam up for help. Was he scared of getting into trouble as well, like him? Did Adam get angry when he was woken up before he was ready? A lot of his previous owners felt the same way. He distinctly remembered getting beatings for accidentally waking them up before they were ready, though he guessed it was normal, perhaps for humans at least.
He hadn’t met enough vampires to know if they were the same.  
Ryker’s breath felt oddly warm on his exposed skin when he finally spoke up again. “Sometimes I forget that I’m not there anymore. With my parents, I mean. Does that ever happen to you?”
“Yeah.” Carlos nodded. “All the time. Sometimes I wanna go lie in the pet bed in the lounge room because it feels safer, or I’ll really wanna crawl instead of walk. It’s still very natural to me.” Then he paused to think about the question a little deeper. “Is that… what happened? Is that why you’re crying? You feel like you’re still there?”
The human sighed, and Carlos could feel him reaching up behind him to wipe at his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt again. “A little, yeah. I think I’m feeling better, but I just- I had a moment of complete panic, you know? Doesn’t happen as much anymore but It’s still there. I don’t think it’s ever gonna go away completely.”
“Perhaps it will become easier to cope with now that you have friends to help you?” Carlos attempted to suggest. His words were laced with uncertainty, and yet he felt Ryker smile against his shoulder. “I know you did not have many friends when you lived with Ma…Maria and, uhm- and David.”
Carlos briefly wondered if that was ever gonna get easier to say.  
“I didn’t. In fact, right up until I met Adam, I’d even go so far as to say that you were all I had.”
“…Was I good company, at least?”
Pulling back a bit, Ryker snorted and cupped the vampire’s bony face in his hands; gently forcing his eyes up to him. “You were wonderful company. My best friend. Still are, did you know?”
“Me? Your best friend?”
“Yeah! You and Adam,” the human grinned. That just about made Carlos’ heart swell with excitement. If Ryker was saying it, it had to be true, which meant… he really meant something to someone?
“Well…” Carlos cleared his throat. He wasn’t used of showing affection, physical or verbal. “You- you are my friend, too.”
Then he smiled. “My best friend, I mean. Like I am to you.”
Taglist: @whumpsday @whump-blog @emcscared-whumps @pigeonwhumps @sacredwrath @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpshaped @inkkswhumpandstuff @pumpkin-spice-whump @whumpycries @espresso-depresso-system @trans-writes @alexkolax @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question
(Ask to be added or taken off. The taglist is for the main story, along with any AUs, drabbles, etc.)
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Man Who Can Do Both: Harrison Osterfield x GF!Reader SMAU
Summary: Haz’s modeling can cause some haters who are insecure in their own masculinity to feel the need to make comments but his gf jumps in to stop it
Warnings: sexist comments, bullying, a few curse words
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liked by philosterfield, hazosterfield, tuwaine, and 89, 251 others
yourusername: Screaming, crying, throwing up. 💗 Baby boy you look so incredible 😍 the hair, the nails, the glasses, the outfit, the rings, the hands, etc. ♾
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hazosterfield: Darling, I love you 😘 I’m so glad you liked the shoot
yourusername: liked? No handsome, I love them; I mean, the NAILS?! I’m deceased 😭🥰
hazosterfield: I don’t want you to be dead 💔 no more nail polish then 😜
yourusername: you best be kidding 😧💅
philosterfield: this is a great photo 😊
yourusername: any photo with him is 😘
harryholland64: mama p, we just going to ignore the caption where y/n was straight up simping and thirsty? 😂
hazosterfield: piss off Baz, leave YN alone
tuwaine: you and guys with painted nails 🙄🤣
yourusername: what can I say? 🤷‍♀️ A man being comfortable in himself and his masculinity is hot 😍
tuwaine: so if I paint my nails does that mean you’ll find me hot too?
hazosterfield: mate, painted nails or not I’ll still kick your arse if you don’t stop ✋
nycityluvin72: guys shouldn’t wear nail polish, I don’t like it
yourusername: yes they should and no one asked. Besides, ignorant people shouldn’t comment on my posts, yet here we are 💅
hazosterfield: @/nycityluvin72 , I didn’t wear it for you anyways 💁🏼‍♂️
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liked by zendaya, hazosterfield, tuwaine, and 87, 835 others
yourusername: My heart turned pink today 💕 so proud of you bby🥰
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hazosterfield: thanks darling 😘 so glad you could make it tonight, looking breathtaking as always 😍
yourusername: I’ll always make time for you💕
tuwaine: looking great mate! Y/n better watch out😉
yourusername: 👀 🤺
hazosterfield: haha appreciate it mate but I’m all her’s ❤️
zendaya: oooh love this
jacksonq27: he’s wearing pink?!
yourusername: mhm, he truly can rock any color huh? 😍
jacksonq27: if he’s a he, he shouldn’t be wearing pink wtf
yourusername: ugh not another one of you insecure trolls, get off my page and leave my man alone ✌️
hazosterfield: it’s just a color mate, breathe 😂
yourusername: a color you look hot in 💕😉
hazosterfield: 🫢thank you love ❤️❤️
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liked by joshuakanebespoke, hazosterfield, tuwaine, and 88, 983 others
youurusername: whew @/joshuakanebespoke ‘s Dandy Rebels line + my man = 🤯😍
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hazosterfield: ❤️ thankful for my number 1 fan
yourusername: for life 😘
philosterfield: wonderful photo, sorry I couldn’t make it
hazosterfield: it’s okay mum! ❤️
nickliftsdaily: I don’t blame you for not supporting, I wouldn’t want to see my son in makeup either
yourusername: alright, that’s enough. Your ignorant comments show your own insecure masculinity as is. However, do not drag his mum into this and say she’s not supporting him. She had to work and she supports him constantly so unkindly stfu and leave Haz and Phil alone and keep your insufferability to yourself
nikkihollandphotography: amazing job Harrison
joshuakanebespoke: ❤️
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liked by hazosterfield, tuwaine, tomholland2013, and 95, 983 others
Yourusername: Haaazzzz 😍 how can I still see the incredible blue in your eyes despite it being B&W?🥹 (p.s. God I love those arms 😳)
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tuwaine: crushing the haters with those biceps 💪
yourusername: damn right👏👏👏
hazosterfield: These arms love you too 😘
yourusername: 🫠😍
jacksonq27: finally he gets the message on how to he a man
yourusername: 🙄 he’s always been a man. Your and other insecure boys’ opinions are irrelevant. If your masculinity is so fragile that wearing pink, nail polish, or makeup, is so harmful that must be a difficult life. You have fun living your miserable life like that and I’ll continuums enjoying a man who is secure in himself and his masculinity😌
tomholland2013: mate, no need to increase my competition 😬
yourusername: he’s got you beat imo holland ☺️
hazosterfield: and that’s the only opinion I need angel 😘❤️
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liked by charlottesparrowxx, hazosterfield, philosterfield, and 79, 825 others
yourusername: I’ll never get tired of attending events with these two gorgeous people💞
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hazosterfield: not posting the one of us love?❤️
yourusername: this post is about you and char 💁‍♀️ but that photo is my wallpaper now 😘
charlottesparrowxx: love ya girl 💜
yourusername: ily2 char 💕
philosterfield: ❤️
nickliftsdaily: back to pink? Go get yourself a man who can actually be a man and protect you not someone who is comfortable wearing girl stuff
yourusername: I don’t need a man to protect me first of all. But most importantly, I’ve already got one as with Harrison, I’ve got a man who can do both 😍🙌
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liked by yourusername, tuwaine, philosterfield, and 88, 967 others
hazosterfield: in honor of being a man who can do both, enjoy an exclusive from last year’s collection from @/joshuakanebespoke
thank you @/yourusername for always supporting me 💗
view all 85, 236 comments
yourusername: 🔥😍🤩 Ilysm Harrison 💕 I’ll easily fight off anyone who tries to insult you
hazosterfield: I love you forever my girl😘
tuwaine: caption 👏 you and y/n are the true otp. Mutually protective and supportive of each other plus a power couple ❤️ ily both
hazosterfield: we love you too mate
joshuakanebespoke: 😍😍
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Taglist for Haz: @galaxyholland @mcushvft @raajali3
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nattinatalia · 1 year
It kinda hurt when jack told the reader all you do is stay home and do nothing because is that how he really sees it being a mom is difficult and trying to have the house not fall apart and have it clean make sure your little ones are okay and run errands then have dinner ready for the husband or when the kids make a mess or when they cry or they just don’t listen .- I kinda wanna request a story on this 🫢 jack and y/n get into and he says that all you do is stay home and do nothing and she crys because it hurts her and then they switch rolls as parents and he becomes a stay at home dad and see the reality of a stay at home mom with two babies and a big house and have him regret his words .
I feel like he didn’t mean it in that way. He just blurted out whatever he wanted mainly because he felt like she was picking fights.
He knows how hard it is for his wife to be at home raising kids, along with her singing career as well. (If you know then you know I make both my girls famous singers)
But yeah, he totally understands the hard work it is to be at home with kids and keeping the house in order.
He doesn’t take it for granted nor does he mis credit her.
I’ll probably do a little something when he stays home with the kids when she’s away for work.
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still-with-koo · 1 year
i got so excited i didn't even sign off properly multiple times, the last few times i messaged you 🫢 but ♡ anon here and i was the one that screamed you were reading circe! i absolutely adored it; it was such an interesting take of making a rather "minor" character into her own main persona... and to see how everyone else bent at her will (positively or not) was captivating. which part are you at? arguably, i don't recall too many details since i read it a while ago...
i haven't gotten the chance to read tsoa because all the people that read it that i knew sobbed their eyes out... and i have very visceral reactions reading stories, so i know i will do the same 😭 i am not in the mental state to go through that yet, so hopefully by the end of 2023!
i also wanted to circle back on the prev asks too about ideas and daydreams of stories not written;; i know you are good friends with the aspect of music, so i thought i could tickle your brain with thinking enemies to lovers trope, especially in a fantasy world, with the song "we go down together" by dove cameron and khalid! i am still obsessed with this song... the whole 'would sacrifice the other to save the world' x 'would sacrifice the world to save the other' concept is running wild in my head when this plays. ft yoongi? i think so! 😤
aw, that’s so cute 🥺💕 okie i’ll go back and retag them 🫶
ahh agreed, it’s absolutely lovely so far. i’m still really early into the book, just finished ch.2 where she talks about the birth of zeus & the tension between the titans & olympians. i’m taking my time with it bc honestly, i just love the way madeline miller writes 🥺🤍 (plus i’ve been super busy lately!)
i get you, i did cry a few times (i cry at everything so i’m not a great gauge lol) but the ending had me full on sobbing. BUT i expected the ending so idk why it hit me so hard 😭😭 and i feel you on the ‘visceral reaction’, i can’t read sad stories (or watch sad movies/shows) bc i’m not in a great place myself but even i was able to fully enjoy tsoa wholeheartedly despite the sad parts. she just writes so beautifully. but take your time and read it when you feel ready!
ooh i’ve never heard this song, one sec 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
wait this song is SO good! i love the vibe and their voices just melt together 😮‍💨 and hold on, you’re onto something 🫣 i closed my eyes while listening and did see an enemies to lovers scene 👀 i might write it down and share it later? that concept is so intriguing, idk why that kind of tension just does it like no other 😩😵‍💫 thank you for sharing 👉👈
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yuyu-bi · 2 years
the boys always does such a great job showing just how fucked up someone is w the simplest of words and not showing much like…..it’s so good and makes you wonder lmao
like mirror homelander talking about how he helped homelander through those times when he was in the ‘bad room’ like 🧐
or like even black noir’s like happy tree friends or whatever saying how they helped him through like accidentally paralyzing someone as a child and the hard rock cafe massacre like….🤨 noirs was so specific for no reason and this like what the third time the hard rock cafe thing has been mentioned like i hope they show that
i actually felt bad for noir bc the reason he ran was bc he was behind the whole thing w soldier boy and the russians 😭 and he’s like scared of soldier boy and his like happy tree friends were trying to help him cope w it and like deal w it instead of hiding and it reminded me of deadpool’s thought process and i wanted to cry 🥲 god pls let him not get killed by this man once he’s made you his target it’s over my guy also him being the one to give noir brain damage in nicaragua was kind of a forgone conclusion but it was so graphic jeez
also god i hate homelander and maeve being alone together he always says some creepy shit to her and it’s so gross 🤢 was literally like ‘i’m not letting you live im keeping you alive’ and then all of a sudden being like ‘i’ll harvest your eggs when you die (either accidentally or by choice 😊) so your genetics can live alongside mine bc i have more respect for you than you do yourself’ ?????? 💀💀💀 god pls no but i love that maeve was like ‘this is a top three day for me bc i actually saw you scared of soldier boy’ 🫢 getting the slaps in before the end i see
that whole scene was giving pll and that pisses me off more than anything 🤬
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