#if I made the body a super high quality circle texture I can just
voiddemon · 2 years
I’m mentally ill im laying in bed and thinking about making a kine rig
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dramallamadingdang · 4 years
My mind is blown.
I’m totally serious. And this is a seriously long post, for which I apologize, but you might think it worth it in the end.
I did some fiddling with my Simming computer while solving the mystery of the super-lag/abysmal FPS rate in my TS3 game. While I was reading up on things to do that might improve that situation, I ran across this MTS forum post. It's about NVIDIA graphics settings (meaning, settings outside of the game, controlled by the video card itself) that improve the appearance of TS3 in-game. Now, maybe among the more gamer-types out there, doing this kind of stuff is common knowledge. But I didn't know, and my gamer husband never saw fit to inform me of these things, for which he’s gonna get a whuppin’ :), and my mind is blown, so I thought I'd share info for other non-gamer-types like me who don't know about this stuff. :)
After I fixed my TS3 game and tried out the NVIDIA settings and they made my TS3 game look awesome, I wondered what would happen if I applied the same settings to TS2. I had to test the game anyway because part of my problem-solving in TS3 was to update my GPU's driver to the version that was released about two weeks ago instead of a 5-year-old one. *laugh* I feared this would screw up TS2, but Mustang Valley and my creating set-up, at least, are fine with it. (Might be a totally different story when I play a regular, active, populated neighborhood, of course!) But I figured, what the hell, let's make a profile for TS2 with these settings, too. The worst that could happen is the game freaks out and I have to revert back to the default settings.
Well, the game didn't freak out and, in some ways, it looks a lot better. I'll go into more detail about that, via many pics, behind the cut. In front of the cut I'll say this:
You need an NVIDIA graphics card. I mean, I'm sure there's ways to do the same things with AMD cards. I just don't know how. You can't do this stuff with Intel integrated graphics. 
Moreover, you need a decent NVIDIA video card. In the linked MTS post, the OP has a 700-series card and the guy who posted the settings was dubious about whether or not the OP should mess with this stuff because it might cause lower FPS rates and lag in TS3. But I'm gonna venture a guess that you could do this with a lesser card for TS2, since it's a much less demanding game even when it's all tricked out. And either way, there’s no harm in trying. (For the record, my card is a GTX 1050Ti. It's decent, the best card I can put in my Simming machine without needing a stronger power supply, and it’s more than adequate for both TS2 and TS3, but it’s certainly not high end.)
You need the Nvidia Profile Inspector, if you don't already have it. It's freeware, and you can download it here. Note that it's a program for Windows; I have no idea how you’d go about doing this stuff on a Mac.
Once you've downloaded/installed the Profile inspector, open it up. It looks like this when you open it:
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Under the drop-down at the very top (circled in red in the pic), there's a huge long alphabetical list of games and programs, old and new, that you can create an individual graphics profile for using this program. This means that the settings you choose will affect only that program and no others. So, if you play other games, Sims or otherwise, or use other programs (my CAD program's on the list, yay!), you might want to fiddle with those, too. But anyway, for TS2, find Sims 2 (with no "The". And it lists all the EPs, too, but just pick the base game) on the list and choose it. Then, plug in the settings in the post I linked to above. They’re all in the drop-downs for each setting, so all you have to do is click and choose the right setting. When you're done, click "Apply Changes" in the upper right corner of the program window. Done. Easy-peasy. It'll take you two minutes to do, if that.
Then load up your game, and in your graphics settings you can (and probably should) turn off the game's native edge smoothing. It's being overwritten with much stronger anti-aliasing, so there’s no point in having it turned on. In the pics below the cut, all of my graphics settings are at max except that edge-smoothing is turned off, I have no lighting or shader mods installed, and the game is in windowed mode. (It tends to look better that way.)
Now as to what it looks like... There’re a bunch of pics behind the cut. I'll say up front that the changes are subtle. Don't expect miracles in a 15-year-old game! :) But for me -- since I'm pretty damn picky about how my game environment looks, what with wanting high-res and stuff - they make enough difference that I'm definitely keeping these settings in place. 
I don't see much difference in neighborhood view -- including skyboxes/horizons -- aside from meshed stuff having smoother edges and a bit (not a lot, just a bit) better texture quality/clarity. Rather, the main difference that I see is in the on-lot textures. There is better clarity and more depth, even in things like basegame carpets. It affects objects, walls/floors/terrain paints, hair textures, everything. (Well, OK, I didn't notice much difference with clothing and other non-hair CAS stuff, but all I had available to look at was my defaults and Maxis clothing, and...yeah.) 
Overall, you get a higher level of detail and more depth, even close-up, without having higher-res textures. (But if you do have high-res stuff, it looks even better than it did before, with no further increased resolution.) Which means that you get better-looking textures WITHOUT contributing to pink flashing at all.
So! On to the pictures, none of which are edited in any way except for cropping/resizing and adding text. No sharpening, no fiddling with brightness/contrast. Nothing. I wish I could give you “before and after” pics, but...nope. You’ll just have to take my word that there is a difference. Which you can verify by fiddling with your own settings. (Don’t worry about breaking your game or anything. Since these are settings that exist entirely outside the game, there’s no way you can hurt the game with them. :) ) So, pictures...
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And now for some hair...
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Unfortunately, all I have to show you are my own hair textures, which are neither Maxis-match nor Pooklet-y. However, this graphics profile does tend to bring out extra depth in all textures, including hairs, and with hairs specifically it does nice things to hair ends so that they aren’t so stringy-looking. I’m assuming other textures would also gain extra definition/depth.
One (and only, so far) bad thing about using this profile: It gives you better transparency. Unfortunately, this means that if you use hairs with transparency issues, the issues will be more noticeable, not less. I’m slowly weeding out such hairs in my collection, but I noticed that on the female hair in the first hair pic, there’s a transparency that wasn’t noticeable before, right next to her neck, about half-way down it, on the viewer’s right side. It’s hard to see on the sized-down pic, but it’s the bit that appears to be a blue-ish dot. So, if you do use a lot of hairs with transparency issues, you might want to use a not so high transparency sampling setting. That might help.
As for other stuff that goes on a Sim’s body, I didn’t notice any huge difference in the stuff I looked at, but what I had to look at was limited since I didn’t fire up my full game with all the CAS CC. :) I think my default skintones and the body meshes themselves might be a bit smoother/less pixellated...but that also might be my imagination. :) I do think accessories like glasses and jewelry would probably see some improvement.
So, um, yeah! If you made it through this post, I hope you found the info relevant to your interests. :) I wish that I had learned that you can do this a looooooong time ago!
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itszephoria · 4 years
Saw this pop up and your followers ask you which ones they’re interested in. But people don’t really ask much when I post or they don’t ask the ones that might make you feel uncomfortable. And well, honestly I’m so bored that I’ve decided to break all the damn rules and just answer all the questions because I can. *shock horror*
So information dump on the ‘Be nosy’ that popped up in my feed today. If you’re interested.
Be nosy
1. What’s your sexual orientation? 
Straight. But maybe for the right woman I could sway but wouldn’t go so far as to call myself bi or bi-curious though.
2. What are you obsessed with right now? 
Obsessively obsessing about my health and how to get well and failing it all. Oh and anime movies on Netflix.
3. Ever done any drugs?
I do drugs everyday. But I assume this is referring to illegal. No and was strictly no up until recently. I now take marijuana oil on a regular basis for pain management. Also being stoned/high is not pleasant and I don’t understand why people would enjoy that as a leisurely pastime.
4. What piercings do you want?
I want to get my ears pierced again. Holes have closed up, but currently due to my health that’s not possible. I can’t even enjoy clipons :(
5. How many people have you kissed?
The massive number of 5.
6. Describe your dream home.
It’s tiny in the sense it has all the space I need. A cosy tiny-like home. But not one on wheels, fixed to the ground. And it would be made of all natural materials, stone and wood. It would be unique and resemble something out of a fairy tale. It would sit a beautiful clearing with only nature to view in the distance and all the animals and wildlife would stay well away because I’m pretty much terrified of all it, 
7. Who are you jealous of?
Healthy, painfree people. I am jealous of past me who didn’t realise how lucky she was and miss her.
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
I don’t binge any show on repeat. I’d rather look for a new show to watch or enjoy, there are so many. The last shows I binged in two days was Queen’s Gambit and Emily in Paris.
9. Do you watch porn?
Yep. But struggle with it because it’s overdramatic, unrealistic and would kill or someone to make porn with a decent storyline with people that can act. 
I prefer to read it if I’m honest or maybe just write it for myself.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
Sort of? More like my other one I used I was known for all my slash writings in F1. But now I just hang out here.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
No where. The world is riddled with co-vid and well, I’m probably in one of the safest countries and I’m at risk of death should I catch it. So I’ll stay here in my safe bubble.
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
I wake up tomorrow and I’m not me. I wake up and I can take a deep breath without gasping for air, I wake up in no pain, I wake up and my body isn’t terribly scared, I wake up and can have a ‘normal’ life.
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
Nope and no desire too. Won’t that just hurt?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I’d by that dream house I described, set everything up to be self sufficient. Pay and travel to try every cure available for my diseases. And then bank the rest and live off interest. Or maybe donate it. I don’t want money and I don’t really want a lot of things.
15. Are you in a relationship?
Yep and it’s a struggle and am constantly fighting to prove it’s worth continuing. Oh and that’s a relationship with myself.
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
No, I suppose it’s more disappointed and let down by people more than angry. I’m working everyday on letting it go but it’s not easy.
18. What tattoos do you want?
I have always wanted one, but have never found something that I really loved and haven’t been imaginative enough to create something unique. The older I get though, I’m not sure I want one. I did for the longest time though think about getting a Ferrari tattooed on my inner wrist, but pleased I never did that. I don’t love the sport or Ferrari enough anymore to want a permanent reminder of that.
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I am changing name actually. Hoping to action that in the next two weeks. I would have done it earlier but they closed the borders. I have a dutch sir name that has two words. It confuses every one, systems don’t get it, it has caused issues with plane tickets. And well I’ve decided no more and am dumping a portion of it.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
This is a duplicate. Skipping.
21. Describe your best friend.
When you meet her for the first time she can be a little crazy and wild, and she kind of scared at me first because she’s so unlike me. But as you got to know her, the *real* her she doesn’t let people see, you realise how kind and soft she is, and she’s the most empathic person I have known. She gives so much of herself to everyone, thinks so little of herself and her needs because she’s one of the most selfless people I know. I love her more than most of my family and would do anything for her.
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
Is this followers? Uh most I don’t know what they look like? I assume they’re all hot!
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
Don’t have any really. My music is varied and is based on my mood and really changes around. And with most bands, I generally lean towards one or two songs. This is one of those questions I really struggle with whenever I see it. Will say however, have been enjoying The Beatles recently and a bit of old school stuff.
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Japan. Norway. Canada.
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Generally hanging out with people I like. Enjoying a good wine, some cheese, either playing some board game or dungeons and dragons, or watching a really good movie. Good company makes any night a good night.
26. What’s your favorite season?
Autumn. One because I think it’s neglected as a choice and every season should be loved, and two because I love the colours of autumn and the colours associated with autumn. 
27. What’s your pet peeve?
I’m sure I have a heap of them, but currently it’s people that have an issue with you and instead of being an adult and talking to you about them choose to silence and blank you. I’m so tired of it, I’ve quit being peacemaker in those situations, those people are no longer worthy in my book.
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
Uh... I don’t think anyone I know is super funny. Friends and family all have a good sense of humor. But out of my circle of life people I’m always told I’m the funny one, which I find the biggest joke ever. 
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
Can not think of anything off the top of my head. I will say if I think a movie is getting too much hype I refuse to watch it, whether all the reviews are raving or not. It’s why I didn’t watch Harry Potter for like ten years or any of the new Star Wars movies. I just refuse to be apart of all the hype and jump on bandwagons.
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
I’d love to talk to everyone. I’m shy to start any conversations to be honest and I think all the people I talk to regularly were the first to message me, and I love them for it.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
100% love an old fashioned paper book. The texture of the paper. The smell of a book. That being said, I don’t think I’ve picked up a proper book to read in years. I live in fan fiction more than anything or am busy writing myself.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
Any of the disney worlds, anything from the past, or verging on fantasy like. I want a simpler time not full of technology which I grow to hate more each day. The older I get the more I’m pretty sure I’ve been born in the wrong decade.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
I’d build the perfect wardrobe capsule. Everything would be of high quality, not necessarily brand name and all the clothes would be sourced from ethical businesses or be handmade.
I like classic pieces, love the fashion of the 50′s and 60s and while stylish it would be comfortable to wear and everything could be worn in public (sorry comfy tracky pants).
34. What’s your coffee order?
There ain’t no coffee order. I don’t drink it. Sorry @leoni-speedyf1 I know how addicted you are to it, happy to buy you anything you like though :P
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
In real life? No one.
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
Not romantic. I have feelings in that I hope they’re doing well, achieving what they want and they’re all happy. I didn’t have any ‘bad’ breakups and all my relationships ended very amicably.
37. Have any tattoos?
No. See above for more on this.
38. Do you drink?
Rarely. Can’t with medication and condition. But on occasion I do enjoy a good glass of red. Pinot Noir is my preference. 
39. Are you a virgin?
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
Not in a romantic way? The ones I talk to regularly I love immensely though.
41. How many followers do you have?
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
Uh all the men I know I am not attracted to. Probably a good thing as they’re either family or partnered with a friend or family member.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Can’t think of anything. I try not to feel guilt for anything I enjoy to be honest, whether it’s food or an activity. Life is too short for that.
44. Do you read erotica?
Yep. Even write it.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
It was a few years back. I met this guy online and we went to the city and spent most of that time just strolling next to the river for our first meet up. Why was it the worst date ever? Well it wasn’t the location that’s for sure.
The guy had two kids, and I’m a firm believer all parents have favourites, though I have yet to meet a parent that will voice that aloud. This guy, had no qualms with telling me about this favourite kid, and that wouldn’t be a problem if didn’t spend just as much putting down his younger son. It kind of left me reeling and wondering how his son felt if his dad didn’t hide just how much he didn’t like him as a person. The kid was four and the reason his dad didn’t like him was because he didn’t like bikes.
And so the guy was a bmx rider so he spent the rest of the time on our walk just pointing out all the tricks he could do. He didn’t ask about me, only talked about himself. It was also lunch time and assumed we would get something to eat together, but nope, no food was offered. And when I suggested to get something to drink because it was so hot and we’d been out in the sun for like an hour, he just took me to a subway and told me to get a drink and waved me to the line. No offer to join me, no offer to pay (which doesn’t bother me btw, but this was capping off a terrible day), no offer to get food.
I was so happy to get out of there. Didn’t speak to him again once I had left.
46. How many people do you follow?
I currently follow 59 people. I don’t follow anyone that creates drama, and try and follow only people that post about F1 as that’s all I use tumblr for now.
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Either Sebastian Vettel or Ryan Reynolds. Both are married though, so I don’t think that’s going to turn into a reality anytime soon.
48. Describe your ideal partner.
I want someone that shares the same core values as me. Doesn’t want kids, isn’t super religious (grew up in a cult like religion so I avoid it now), is on the minimalist side and isn’t someone that needs new things things all the time or is desperate to replace something the moment they deem it out of date. Someone that doesn’t live their life on social media. Someone that prefers simple things, someone who is kind and giving, and someone that truly loves me - and it’s the last part that I struggle with finding more than anything with all the guys I have dated. 
I am currently not looking for a partner, I am not in a place for a relationship and am fully focused on myself. And I am very content with that decision.
49. Who do you text the most?
Currently my bestie.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
Clear blue skies and a warm day to enjoy the sun. But there are times when I simply love the rain, hearing it on the room, watching it fall endlessly and knowing that everything will be green from it.
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dawnasiler · 4 years
From Peace Out to Sobel Skin Rx: 22 of the Best New Skincare Products In Stores This Month
We're only in January, but 2020 is already turning out to be a good year for skincare lovers. A whole bunch of new products arrive in stores this month, and I've got the lowdown on the most exciting and worthy investments.
Some of the highlights:
Microneedling-inspired wrinkle patches that deliver anti-aging ingredients deep into your skin
A strong but non-irritating next-generation retinoid in a lightweight lotion
A multitasking toner that exfoliates with gentle acids and brightens with niacinamide
Keep scrolling to discover the latest skincare launches you need to know about!
New Skincare for January 2020
Peace Out Wrinkles Anti-Wrinkle Microneedling Patches
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Peace Out Wrinkles Anti-Wrinkle Microneedling Patches
Peace Out Wrinkles Anti-Wrinkle Microneedling Patches are innovative patches that work like an overnight spot treatment anywhere you want to target wrinkles (such as the forehead, crow's feet or smile lines). Each one contains 450 self-dissolving hyaluronic acid microneedles that create pathways for the active ingredients to penetrate. Think: retinol, vitamin C and an array of peptides. To get results, they need to be worn for at least six hours, twice a week. So genius!
Sobel Skin Rx 4.5% Retinol Night Treatment
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Sobel Skin Rx 4.5% Retinol Night Treatment
Sobel Skin Rx 4.5% Retinol Night Treatment is an anti-aging retinoid serum formulated from gentle, non-toxic ingredients. It was developed by Dr. Howard Sobel, a NYC-based dermatologist whose new active clean skincare line JUST launched at Sephora. Despite the name, it contains not retinol but hydroxypinacolone retinoate (HPR), a next-gen retinoic acid ester that causes little to no irritation. So I believe it should be comparable in strength to The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 5% in Squalane, but the texture is a lotion, not an oil.
(Note for Canadians: Any retinoids in concentrations equivalent to more than one percent retinol are restricted by Health Canada... so we can't buy this, unfortunately!)
The Inkey List PHA Toner
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The Inkey List PHA Toner
The Inkey List PHA Toner is an ultra-mild exfoliating and brightening toner for all skin types, especially sensitive. It's named for its three percent concentration of polyhydroxy acids (PHAs), which are like AHAs but more gentle. Bonus: It also has three percent niacinamide for controlling redness, oil and blemishes.
Tatcha The Serum Stick
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Tatcha The Serum Stick
Tatcha The Serum Stick is a moisturizer in solid balm form that you can swipe on over or under makeup to hydrate dry skin. It's made up of 80 percent squalane; there's also beeswax, hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. This would be ideal for airplane travel, or to carry in your handbag for moisture on the go!
Drunk Elephant F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial Mask
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Drunk Elephant F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial Mask
Drunk Elephant F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial Mask is an overnight moisturizing mask with cooling properties. It's meant to plump skin, calm redness and repair the skin barrier, using ingredients such as squalane, propanediol, niacinamide and olive oil esters. The "F" stands for "vitamin F," a.k.a. linolenic and linoleic acids, which are encapsulated to preserve freshness.
Biossance Squalane + Lactic Acid Resurfacing Night Serum
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Biossance Squalane + Lactic Acid Resurfacing Night Serum
Biossance Squalane + Lactic Acid Resurfacing Night Serum is a gentle exfoliating serum that can be worn underneath your moisturizer every night. It targets dead skin with a 10 percent concentration of lactic acid, while squalane (the brand's signature ingredient) and glycerin deliver weightless hydration.
Sobel Skin Rx 15% Niacinamide Gel Serum
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Sobel Skin Rx 15% Niacinamide Gel Serum
Sobel Skin Rx 15% Niacinamide Gel Serum is a hydrating, brightening, pore-tightening and anti-wrinkle treatment for all skin types. That's the power of niacinamide—and this gel-like serum boasts the highest concentration I've seen, 15 percent. The other ingredients include glycerin, allantoin, chamomile and cucumber extract.
Dr. Barbara Sturm Lifting Serum
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Dr. Barbara Sturm Lifting Serum
Dr. Barbara Sturm Lifting Serum is a firming and tightening serum that promises a smoother, more lifted look within an hour of application, with the results lasting several hours. So it's definitely something you'd use before an important event, but also has long-term benefits thanks to the purslane, hyaluronic acid and algae extracts.
Farmacy Cheer Up Brightening Vitamin C Eye Cream
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Farmacy Cheer Up Brightening Vitamin C Eye Cream
Farmacy Cheer Up Brightening Vitamin C Eye Cream is a hydrating and brightening eye cream that may help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark circles. It targets the latter with four percent vitamin C (the derivatives ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate and glyceryl ascorbate as well as cherry extract). It also contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid.
Herbivore Prism 20% AHA + 5% BHA Exfoliating Glow Facial
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Herbivore Prism 20% AHA + 5% BHA Exfoliating Glow Facial
Herbivore Prism 20% AHA + 5% BHA Exfoliating Glow Facial is a jelly-textured mask to exfoliate and brighten dull skin, inspired by the Serum of the same name. Since it's all-natural, the acids are derived from sources such as bilberry, sugarcane and willow bark (which makes them gentler than straight glycolic or salicylic acid). You're meant to use this once or twice per week.
Tarte Knockout Daily Exfoliating Cleanser
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Tarte Knockout Daily Exfoliating Cleanser
Tarte Knockout Daily Exfoliating Cleanser is an exfoliating gel cleanser for normal to oily skin. It's sulfate-free, produces a silky lather, and helps to remove dead skin using lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids. (It obviously won't be as strong an exfoliation as the matching Knockout Tingling Treatment toner, which you leave on.)
Glow Recipe Banana Soufflé Moisture Cream
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Glow Recipe Banana Soufflé Moisture Cream
Glow Recipe Banana Soufflé Moisture Cream is a lightweight and silicone-free moisturizer made from clean ingredients and less than one percent synthetic fragrance. Glycerin, coconut alkanes and squalane do most of the hydrating, and it also has banana water, magnesium and Centella Asiatica extract to calm irritation. 
Dr. Dennis Gross Stress Rescue Super Serum
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Dr. Dennis Gross Stress Rescue Super Serum
Dr. Dennis Gross Stress Rescue Super Serum is an anti-aging serum designed to strengthen the skin's microbiome and combat signs of stress such as worry lines, redness and breakouts. The star ingredient is niacinamide (although we don't know the concentration), combined with a superfood complex of mushroom, maca root, cacao and goji berry. 
January Labs Triple Active Reclaiming Serum
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January Labs Triple Active Reclaiming Serum
January Labs Triple Active Reclaiming Serum is a clean anti-aging serum that's mild enough for sensitive skin. Its active ingredients include niacinamide, retinol, sodium ascorbyl phosphate (a vitamin C derivative) and lactic acid, combined with aloe vera and glycerin for moisture. Niacinamide is probably doing most of the work here (since there's two percent); the retinol concentration is only 0.025 percent (from the 0.5 percent RetiStar, the same complex as The Inkey List Retinol).
First Aid Beauty FAB Pharma Arnica Relief & Rescue Mask
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First Aid Beauty FAB Pharma Arnica Relief & Rescue Mask
First Aid Beauty FAB Pharma Arnica Relief & Rescue Mask is a soothing and moisturizing mask for dry skin that's in need of some TLC. Shea butter, cocoa butter and fatty alcohols give it a creamy, nourishing texture, while arnica, calendula and Centella Asiatica help to calm sensitivity.
Ole Henriksen Truth Juice Daily Cleanser
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Ole Henriksen Truth Juice Daily Cleanser
Ole Henriksen Truth Juice Daily Cleanser is a gel-cream cleanser that promises to remove dirt, oil and even waterproof makeup in one step. The sulfate-free formula features mild cleansing agents, PHAs to gently exfoliate, and orange extracts to give it a citrusy scent.
Kypris Puff of Love Nurturing Anytime Moisturizer
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Kypris Puff of Love Nurturing Anytime Moisturizer
Kypris Puff of Love Nurturing Anytime Moisturizer is a non-greasy, plant-based, silicone-free moisturizer. It's crafted from high-quality botanicals such as jasmine flower and shea butter, plus proven hydrators like glycerin, coconut alkanes, squalane and hyaluronic acid. And the packaging is beyond gorgeous! 
Tatcha The Kissu Lip Mask
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Tatcha The Kissu Lip Mask
Tatcha The Kissu Lip Mask initially launched as a limited-edition product, and now it looks like it's here to stay. This is a jelly-textured lip mask loaded with squalane, camellia oil and peach extract to repair and nourish dry, flaky lips. It comes with a tiny gold spatula to make the experience even more luxurious.
Moon Juice Milk Cleanse Gentle Foaming Wash
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Moon Juice Milk Cleanse Gentle Foaming Wash
Moon Juice Milk Cleanse Gentle Foaming Wash is a sulfate-free cleansing milk that produces a creamy lather to clean without stripping. The ingredients include coconut extract, aloe vera, fatty alcohol and mushroom extracts, and the brand recommends using it twice for a double cleanse. The first round will remove dirt and makeup, and the second will clean your skin.
Ole Henriksen C-Rush Brightening Double Crème
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Ole Henriksen C-Rush Brightening Double Crème
Ole Henriksen C-Rush Brightening Double Crème is a rich, intensive moisturizer for dry skin. Besides hydrating with glycerin, propanediol, fatty alcohols and shea butter, it also brightens with three forms of vitamin C (ethyl ascorbic acid, tetrahexydecyl ascorbate and ascorbic acid). Although it's not silicone-free or fragrance-free, both are far down on the ingredients list.
Indie Lee De-Stress Body Wash
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Indie Lee De-Stress Body Wash
Indie Lee De-Stress Body Wash is a clean, sulfate-free body wash with aromatherapeutic benefits. The blend of patchouli, lavender, rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils help you to unwind and release stress after a long day (although you could certainly use this in the mornings, too!).
Ursa Major Sublime Sage Spray Deodorant
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Ursa Major Sublime Sage Spray Deodorant
Ursa Major Sublime Sage Spray Deodorant is an odour-neutralizing deodorant spray made with clean, non-toxic ingredients. Not only is it free of aluminum and petrochemicals, it also doesn't include baking soda, making it a good option for sensitive skin.
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mymelonerboner · 5 years
It’s Pink Season! - Chapter 2 - A JoJo OC Fanfic
(i should preface this by giving this fic some context – this fic took four OCs of four different people (one of them is me!) from a JoJo discord server that i hold especially dear to my heart. i set myself the challenge of taking these characters from wildly different imaginations and trying to piece together a cohesive story where they all interact with each other. to the owners of these OCs, i hope i’ll do them justice. this fic is estimated to last 4/5 chapters, and depending on my free time, maybe i’ll do something like this again with more OCs from other people, who knows :) anyways hope you guys enjoy what i’ve got so far!)
Rémi - belongs to Quality Queen @qualitiddy
Kyra - belongs to Kyrare @kyrare
Claudia - belongs to Sweet Kurage @sweetkurage
Francis Miller - belongs to meee! @mymelonerboner
Chapter 2 Word Count: 2,194
*     *     *     CHAPTER 2     *     *     *
Rémi swung the wheel hard to the right, but screeches and smoke gave away the fact that it wasn't going to be quite enough. Kyra had to act fast. She gritted her teeth in frustration as she braced herself for an undoubtedly painful experience.
From her torso, the upper body of a feline figure emerged. Dark metallic silver glinted with ferocious animosity against a panther-like physique as the figure stretched its metal wings out, letting out a guttural hiss. Kyra's stand pressed one paw against the dashboard of the sedan, before phasing another paw through the floor of the car, contacting the speeding asphalt of the road below it. Kyra hissed in pain as she felt the sensation of the asphalt scraping against her stand's palm.
In a split second, the sedan burst with a light blueish glow surrounding the whole vehicle, before the pulsating light flowed straight into the point of the ground that the phantom panther was pressing its paw against. With a deafening crack, the asphalt below the sedan broke into pieces, nudging the sedan ever so slightly more to the right, and the sedan seemed to slow down tremendously, as though most of the energy of the hurtling car just vanished, like water spilled from a cup. It was enough to make the sedan brush past the mysterious figure on the motorcycle.
Right after, the sedan slammed head first into something solid behind the motorcycle, denting the bonnet of the car.
"I'M TRY- FUCK! OW!" Rémi shrieked as his head jolted into the SPW-branded Super-Deluxe-High-Comfort™ airbags of the sedan. Kyra sighed in relief. Whatever it was they hit, she managed to divert enough energy in time to make the crash relatively mild.
But what was it that they hit?
Kyra peered through the slightly cracked windshield. There was nothing in front of the car. It was as though the bonnet was dented by some invisible pole.
The trio crawled out of the damaged sedan, each eyeing the mysterious biker with caution. The gleam of the biker's helmet visor masked their face and gave them an aura of anonymous danger. The helmet, from afar, somewhat resembled the look of a brown aviator hat with goggles. Kyra shot a glance at the others. A slight swarm of mist was already forming and circling around Rémi's feet in defensive anticipation. Claudia wore a look of terrified concern.
"What quick wits ya have, Kyra Furyia." An unfamiliar, male voice rasped from the biker. With a quick gesture from the biker, the seemingly empty space in front of the damaged sedan bonnet suddenly appeared to melt and morph into a slightly dented lamppost. "If you were just a split second slower, you fellas would've been totalled by that crash."
"Why thank you, kind gentleman." Kyra shot back in pompous sarcasm. "You know my name. That means you've done your research. I think it's safe to assume you know about our stand powers too."
The biker chuckled. "Not bad, cat lady. You're right, I know all about your stand, Steel Panther, and its energy redirection powers." He lifted a gloved finger towards Rémi. "I also know about you, Rémi Martin, and your copying ability. However…" The biker slowly cocked his head towards Claudia. "This girl… don't think I've seen her before. She a stand user?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." Rémi spat. "I'll tell you this much, helmet - you're not very good at hiding your powers. I've already figured out how your stand works."
Kyra lifted a brow. Already?
"Kyra, look." Rémi pointed at a green-themed restaurant just a few meters away. "The invisibility, the unfamiliar surroundings… there must be only one explanation." Kyra peered at the restaurant and read the large, white block letters right above its entrance.
Five Guys!
"You're right, Rémi!" Kyra gasped. "I've never seen a green Five Guys in my life. Wow, this was way easier than I thought." Kyra smirked as she lifted a metal-clawed finger towards the biker. "Good sir, your stand ability… is to change the colour of objects, isn't it?"
The biker snorted. "Congratu-fucking-lations, you guys have eyes." With a grandiose wave of the hand, he gestured to the all the wrongly-coloured walls, windows and pavements surrounding the trio. 
"Isn't it funny how much we people depend on colour? When you see a car drive past you, your first thought is never gonna be 'Oh, that was a flat-topped car', or 'Oh, that was a Volkswagen'. More likely, you're gonna go 'Oh, that was a blue car'. Same thing applies for many things. Animals, buildings, walls… it's the first way you recognise something. Mess with colour a little and suddenly everything looks foreign. It's evolution, y'see. Colour has been the warning system for predators and prey since the dawn of eyeballs. It tells you what's food, what's poison, what's danger, what's safety. Colour is everywhere."
In a seamless motion, a figure emerged from behind the biker. Humanoid in appearance, but coloured head to toe in a brilliant pink hue, skin as smooth as rubber with vastly contrasting, bizarre patterns strewn across its body in random spots like lazy patchwork, all made with different hues of pink, purple and magenta. It donned what looked like the apron of a painter, and where there should be forearms, instead there were what looked like two paintball guns attached directly at the elbows.
"My name is Francis Miller, and my stand, Pink Season, can control the colour of any object it shoots!" 
Kyra couldn't hold back an impudent snort. "Colour. Colour. Well gee fuckin' golly, I'm *dye*ing to know how dangerous that's gonna be." She cackled at her joke. "Whatcha' gonna do, paint me to death? Mulberry sunburst my ass into- OW FUCK!"
With lightning speed reaction time, Kyra used a metal claw to slice through a paintball that was hurtling right into her abdomen at mach speed. The capsule split into two, splattering a dark blue hue against her torso, leftover shell debris scraping her green sweater and leaving minor tears. 
"...Well, that was huemiliating." Kyra smirked through her panting.
"This is bad! That stand has long-range capabilities." Rémi gritted his teeth. "Claudia, stick close. Those paintballs look dangerous at that speed."
"Hey prick, you better turn this shit on my sweater back to green right now!" Kyra hissed as she picked up a discarded beer can on the ground with one hand and pressed her other hand, shielded with her armour-like paw-glove, against a nearby lamppost. The lamppost flickered on and off momentarily, emitting a yellowish glow from its steel base which flowed into the beer can. Blue sparks began to fly out of its aluminium skin. With the proficiency of a pitcher, she flung the charged beer can straight towards the biker. The biker didn't move a muscle, simply silently watching as the beer can sped closer towards him.
Only for the can to narrowly missed the biker's visor by an inch. It tumbled against the ground behind him, letting out a loud electrical discharge as it contacted a manhole cover.
Wha… That was impossible. Kyra never missed a target. Countless years of intensive training assured her of that. She took everything into account, wind velocity, wrist posture, amount of centrifugal spin…
Francis burst into an obnoxiously raspy, wheezing laugh. "What magic some simple contouring and shading can do! I coloured the walls and road in between us to look like I was just a bit further from you than I actually was. I know your modus operandi, Kyra! I knew you would try that move!"
Optical illusions!? Shit! This is bad. 
Francis was still wheezing and hacking from his half-laugh-half-choking. "You had the fucking balls to underestimate me. But now I know somethin', Kyra. You may have the sharp senses of a cat, but your eyes are still human. You're weak to my power! PINK SEASON!" And with a wild gesture, both the biker and his stand slowly began to melt into thin air, splotches of nothingness spreading like an oil spill across their whole bodies. In a matter of seconds, they both completely vanished. In alarm, Kyra backed up to where Rémi and Claudia were huddled, eyes peeled on the surroundings for the invisible biker.
"Rémi! Look out!" Claudia exclaimed. Rémi's eyes widened, bracing himself for an attack. He drew a breath, preparing his spiritual energy.
And with that cry, light greyish wisps of mist gushed out from Rémi's feet, swirling around in front of him and taking on a vaguely humanoid shape. At where its "head" should be, two large, beady, solid red eyes flitted open, glowing with a brilliant ruby hue. This misty form lightly planted a "palm" against the asphalt road with a feather's touch, and immediately, the coarse, hardened, blackened texture of the asphalt spread up the misty shape's "arm" and across its "chest", eventually encapsulating its entire "body". Upon completion of this transformation, the now hardened figure disassembled itself into a cloud of rocky particles, swarming around the body of Rémi, before settling against his skin and body to form an asphalt suit of armour, complete with a dark-grey-tinged translucent facemask that still displayed his face well enough.
Split seconds after this asphalt armour settled, Rémi was immediately hit across the left check with a speeding paintball, splattering a vibrant green colour against his asphalt exterior, starkly contrasting its dull blackish look. The force of the paintball was enough to make Rémi's head jerk to the side in a dizzying way.
"Woah! You alright kid?" Kyra exclaimed.
"I'm fine! I activated my stand in time." Rémi cracked his neck to soothe the pain of the concussion. "More importantly, that shot revealed his location! I know where to attack now!" With a roar, Rémi darted into the direction the paintball came from.
"Wait, no! Slow down!" Claudia called out to him.
Suddenly, Rémi dropped down through the seemingly solid ground with a surprised shriek. In instinctive panic, he managed to catch a grip on the edge of the "hole" with his asphalt fingers.
"Rémi!" Both Kyra and Claudia screamed after him.
A raspy voice from the thin air broke into an ugly chortle. "I removed that manhole's cover in advance and coloured its interior to match the road. I knew you two had close-range type stands. One of you guys were gonna try to bumrush me, so I just positioned myself in front of that hole. You think I'd be some kinda dumbass to just give away my position like that?"
With some effort, Rémi pulled himself out of the manhole and hurried back to the group, eyes darting about wildly as he tried to figure out where Francis was going to strike next. Kyra narrowed her eyes at him, then at Claudia. It was Claudia she was worried about the most. Her defensive capabilities were practically null. There was only one reason Francis still hadn’t targeted her yet, and it was because he still didn’t know what she could do. 
Kyra shifted her focus to Francis, or wherever she was wildy guessing he was going to be. He was cunning. He was prepared. He even had traces of tar on his clothes to mask his scent against the road. Kyra bit her lip in frustration, admitting in a pit of her heart that Francis was right, and she had underestimated him. It wasn’t just a matter of controlling colours, it was a matter of controlling perception. To not even know whether you can trust your own eyes… Is there any way to defeat such a stand user? Any way to even land a blow on this bastard, if you can’t even tell where he’s-
“Rémi! Two meters to your left, eight o’ clock!” Claudia suddenly yelled, pointing to an empty space next to Rémi. Kyra widened her eyes. Dia, how the fuck!?
Rémi wasted no time. Without missing a heartbeat, he leaped to where Claudia had directed and with a cry, slammed an asphalt fist straight into the empty space. A loud, satisfying thud resonated as Francis flew backwards from the rocky impact straight into his visor, shards of fortified glass, plastic and multicoloured dye mixed with blood spurting into the air as his camouflage wore off. Kyra let out a yelp of triumph mixed with confusion as she watched the biker and his stand tumble backwards against the road.
But it was far from over. The biker shuddered, and slowly but surely propped himself up. Through one cracked lens of the helmet visor, he eyed the young Spanish girl with a look of murderous intent.
“Y...you saw through it. You, girl… Claudia, was it? You saw through my optical illusions…” Francis hacked out a blob of spit and blood against the road. “I was wondering how you kept warning your friends of my moves. You… you are a stand user after all.” His cold gaze trailed from Claudia to her surroundings, the buildings, the road, the sky.
And in his visible eye, there was a gleam of realisation, and then triumphant satisfaction.
*     *     *     END OF CHAPTER 2     *     *     *
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sylleboi · 5 years
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𝕻𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕸𝖎𝖝 ︱ 09/09/19
During our second day of the course, we were introduced to making collages, inspired by the way that the surrealistic artist Hannah Höch creates the majority of her artwork. Collages are a practice in which you collect pictures, shapes, etc. in a variety of different kind of mediums, and then putting them together to create something new. You can use different aspects of other peoples artwork/things that somebody else have created or produced, to make your own piece of art with a different meaning to what the initial meaning might have been.
To try this out ourselves, we cut out three random and automatically made shapes out of printed and patterned paper. Each one of us then laid out our three shapes onto a table at the end of the classroom. Now we could select three new shapes that you hadn’t made yourself from the selection laid out on the table. Once we had chosen our three new shapes cut out by other students in the room, we started looking through magazines to find objects, faces, body parts, letters, etc. to cut out and put together in a new but preferably odd way, to fit the theme of surrealism. A second theme that you could adapt was anthropomorphism, which could be done by cutting out different bodyparts from animals. For each shape, we made one character, leaving us in the end with three different and incredibly abnormal-looking creatures that we then sketched in a different style and then named. During the last bit of the lesson, we went over and evaluated what we had come up with and wrote down a few words that we thought described our sketches the most accurately.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖋 + 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
We continued elaborating a bit on the Exquisite Corpse game, now going over what we had done previously and evaluating what we did and why we did it. Through this, I was taught the importance of taking notes for you. Not only did I learn how it’s important to write down everything you feel is important information to keep in mind for the future, but also how helpful it can be to actually illustrate it in steps. It doesn’t only help with remembering it, it also makes it easier to figure out what is what once all my notes start building up throughout the course.
The picture above is a digitalized version of what I chose to illustrate in my notes on the Exquisite Corpse game, which just shows the way to fold the paper and how to draw each bit before giving it to the next person to continue.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖋
We then went over the Brief. This mainly included learning about visual language. This included both understanding what visual language involves as well as learning about how you can apply visual language to context.
Here is a visual mind map sort of thing of what visual language includes:
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Now, what do the individual words actually mean? Welp! I was smart enough to take notes, so here goes! 
Tone: Tone, also known as shading, is an important aspect of drawing. It is used to guide and direct the viewer's eye. With shading, you can create different moods for your audience to pick up on. Light values often feel open, lighthearted, fun, calm, relaxing, welcoming, inviting, warm, gentle, etc.
On the other side, dark values can often feel uneasy or create an atmosphere of mystery, sadness or something ominous.
Connected to tone is the concept of contrast. Shortly put, it is the difference in light and dark values. Low contrast means that there isn’t much difference between the light and dark values. This can create a calm or subdued mood. High contrast results in very light and very dark values to be next to each other. That can create the mood and feel of excitement, conflict, agitation, drama or distress. Using contrast is incredibly useful for directing the viewer’s eye because naturally, out eyes move to where the highest level of contrast is.
Colour: An example of what colour could mean in the context of art and visual language, could be how stereotypically the colour red symbolizes something evil or bad, but let's break it down a bit more;
Colour is a very important factor in visual storytelling. Like tone, colour is most often used to create mood and emotion, as well as directing the eye and emphasizing different parts of the image or frame. There are fundamental tools that artists use to apply colour efficiently in their art. One of the first things that might come to mind is the colour wheel:
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So why is the colour wheel so useful, and why do art teachers in secondary school never shut up about them?
Well, they allow us to clearly identify visually similar colours (which are also known as analogous). These colours are what you’d describe as fitting together. They complement one another really well, and the colour wheel makes it easy for us to see which ones do exactly that. They are close to each other on the wheel. An example of this could be red, orange and yellow. 
Contrasting colours are further apart, and an example of this being blue and green. 
Finally, there are also complementary colours which are opposite each other on the colour wheel, so an example of that could be red and green.
With the use of contrasting and complementary colours, it can really aid to direct the eye and our attention. Notice how super vibrant this combination appears to the eye? It’s almost as if they clash.
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Like mentioned before, analogous colors do the opposite; notice how natural and cohesive they feel? Like they belong and/or fit together.
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Like mentioned earlier about the red colour often signaling danger or something bad, each color on the wheel has its own individual influence psychologically. Here are some examples of this;
This colour comes across as being calm and relaxed:
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Now, comparing this to this vibrant red colour, it appears much more alarming and alert!:
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Shape: Similar to lines, shapes can be connected to feelings and what you read when you look at the different shapes. To give some examples to explain this, triangles can convey speed, action, and tension:
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Circles normally appear more friendly:
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Squares appear strong, reliable, and stable:
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Shapes can also be seen when looking at or studying composition, as you can with for example lines. Shapes can be organic (curved edges and continuous) and geometric (sharp edges and angles)
Line: With line, you can do more than you’d think. You can essentially, when breaking it down, tell a story from a single line. Lines can have many different qualities. Some examples of this could be that you can change the direction in which the line is going and which way it points. You can also change the weight of a line to be either thin or thick. You can also vary the shape of the line as well as adjusting the pressure at which you are drawing. With these different quantities kept in mind, you can apply them to convey meaning. 
To give some examples, you could make a line with the feeling of being nervous or distressed like this:
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You could make a line with the feeling of being angry:
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Or a line which expressed a feeling of being calm:
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All of the principals shown above are all used to convey scenes, feelings, characters, and environments in films, drawings, animations, etc. 
Form: This could be connected with things that are 3D, (threedimensional) meaning there is an aspect of extra depth that you can’t normally archive with 2D. This is emphasized by light and dark values. (low and high contrast) 
Texture: There are two types of textures;
- Implied texture is basically texture that appears to be there, but it’s an illusion.
- Actual texture is texture that exists and can be felt by touch.
During the evaluation of the class, we talked a bit about why this might be a useful thing to do the Exquisite Corpse in the future. I personally thought that it was very freeing to do. It allows you to let loose with ideas without having that inner voice nagging you saying “This isn’t good enough, that could be better.” The collaborative snapshot of the game definitely gives you inspiration for future ideas and art since you can compare what you did with what everyone else did. Of course, that could result in some toxic thoughts rather than anything that could be useful for oneself, but that is an inner battle every artist in every field has to fight over time.
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cnexportbusiness · 4 years
UNice: Is UNice Hair Good,UNice Peruvian Straight Hair Review
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Peruvian hair weave is very lightweight, free flowing and luxurious. This hair blends perfectly with African American, relaxed and natural as well as medium, coarse caucasian hair textures. It’s also coarser than Brazilian and Indian hair. Again due to its coarseness, Peruvian hair works very well with thicker hair. Hair is shiny and can be styled in many different ways. It’s easy to color, and holds curls extremely well. This is very important for those who prefer a curly look. Virgin Peruvian hair is durable and combines the strength and body of Brazilian hair, and the smoothness of European hair. Peruvian hair provides incredible volume, yet still lightweight and soft enough to retain its beautiful, silky texture.Peruvian hair easy maintenance . Can still look presentable even during those busy times when we tend to not care for our hair the way we should. As long as you follow the care instructions, virgin Peruvian hair does not stress you by shedding and tangling.
Peruvian hair becomes the best selling hair weave these years.
If you want bouncy hair that works well for most hairstyles and blends well, Peruvian hair may be your best option.Well-groomed curly hair seems simply stunning, maybe that is why UNice hair becomes the best-selling human hair this year. Before purchasing your favorite bundle deals in an online website, you might want to see what others think about the hair website. Well, now I will show you how you can see the exact and real customer reviews of UNice peruvian hair extensions.
Unice Peruvian Straight Hair Review By Heyyy Its Q
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Heyyy Its Q ordered UNice Peruvian Straight Hair weave 24″ 26″ 28 ” bundles and a 20 lace closure. She made a wig by the Peruvian hair extensions and here is her hair review about UNice hair.
Looking at her video of UNice Peruvian review.
Direct hair link: Peruvian Straight Hair Weft 3 Bundles She loves Peruvian hair because it straightened so much better, in her opinion than the other textures like Brazilian, is more better than wavy body wave, if you want bone straight hair, you can get the other textures bone straight obviously but She just I like Peruvian and this is so great to me. She order a 20 inch closure 28 inch, 26 inch and 24 inch but I really think that’s 28 inches like a 30 inches, soshe was gonna show you guys how long this is.Besides, the shipping was really fast.As far as the quality of the hair, She freaking love this hair.
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She does’t know if you guys know the quality, usually companies send smaller bundles and the bundle is very little, when you have a bundle it’s like this at the top and all the tracks are you know circled in that usually are good hair bundles. The hair was super full, She just needs three bundles and I didn’t need a fourth one and the other company She would probably need a fourth one just because the hair is thinner.She really really appreciate them.
What is Peruvian hair,
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Peruvian hair is one of the best selling hair types, it is one of the softest, lighweight, natural looking types of hair extensions. Peruvian hair is extremely manageable even in times when the hair isn’t maintained properly. The soft texture of Peruvian hair makes it looks fuller than other hair type, if you are into full hair, this will definetely do the job, you will need less hair bundles and closure to creat a full, thick hair wig.
Peruvian, Is it the Best Hair,
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Peruvian Hair has the same texture as hair typically from Peru in South America. Peruvian Hair is thick, durable and can be straightened and curled repeatedly. Because of this, Peruvian Hair is usually considered the ultimate multi-purpose hair. This hair is coarser in texture than Indian or Brazilian Hair, and also has a low to medium shine. Peruvian Hair provides instant volume and usually becomes wavy when washed. Peruvian is fairly recent compared to indian, Brazilian, or Malaysian but it the one of the best quality, because of its look and texture. It can be styled in many different and also colored; which makes it the choice of hair for many people today. To learn more about peruvian hair extensions, visit this page.
UNice Peruvian hair weave-your best choice!!!
Peruvian hair bundles
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UNice Peruvian hair bundles use 100% virgin human hair, can be bleached, permed, and chemically processed. 3bundles and 4bundle deals of Brazilian hair are available with favorable price for fashion womens. If you are looking for best price with top quality virgin human hair products, customer orientated return policy and services, free shipping, UNice is the right place for you! Buy best quality Brazilian straight hair with UNice coupon code, big suprise for you.
Peruvian hair closure
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Straight Peruvian 4”x4” hair closure and 13”x4”ear to ear lace frontal Sew In with baby hair. Which helps customers to creates natural looking hairline. Free part closure, Middle part closure, Three part closure for you to choose. UNice lace closures use high quality Peruvian human hair . Handpicking best quality human hair and handmade human hair bundles and hair closure makes Beauty Forever Hair the best choice for customers.
How many bundles should I purchase,
If you want to full fill one head, 3pcswill be okay. If the hair is over 18″, 4pcs should be better.Also, if you do not have leave out, you could try to3 bundles with closure, or3 Bundles with frontal closure, it will save your more money.
What length should I purchase,
All bundles must be measured to the stretch. With that said, please keep in mind that you will need to accommodate for its curl pattern when selecting your desired length.
How long do the hair bundles last,
Our bundles typically last for 6-8 months, if cared for properly.
If you need more styles, unice can also be your best choice.
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I braved the Arctic to test the warmest winter coats: Here are my key takeaways
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The Arctic really put winter coats to the test. (Photo: Getty Images)
Every winter, the game is on to find the perfect winter coat — a tall order, considering it’s a challenge to find outerwear that’s not only warm and functional, but stylish, too. But where to begin?
How about in the most serious of wintry conditions… like just below the Arctic Circle?
That’s where I went recently — to Luleå, Sweden, to be exact. And it was seriously freezing. Luckily, I brought five top-rated warmest winter coats with me — from The Arrivals, Eddie Bauer, Uniqlo, Triple F.A.T. Goose and Columbia — to test in the city’s sub-zero temperatures. Keep scrolling to find out how each one fared.
Top pick: The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka
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Yahoo Lifestyle Fashion Editor wears The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka (Photo: Julie Tong)
If you’re not familiar with The Arrivals, you might want to be: It’s a direct-to-consumer outerwear label started by Jeff Johnson, a former architect, and Kal Vepuri, a former tech investor (past investments include Warby Parker and Reformation). They set out to design an outerwear line that is structurally functional, but aesthetically beautiful — similar to how an architect approaches the construction of a building.
Vepuri said in 2015, “We decided that we wanted to create something unique in the apparel category that blended the merits of an architectural design approach with an online, direct-to-consumer retail model.” I’ve heard about The Arrivals for a long time and had seen their outerwear popping up on stylish women all over New York City. However, I was curious to see if their coats truly hold up in extreme conditions.
So, are they as warm as they are beautiful? Hint: Resoundingly, yes.
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The 3-in-design in The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka. (Photo: The Arrivals)
The design 
The coat’s sleek and minimalistic three-in-one design immediately caught my eye. The outer shell is made of a waterproof nylon and the interior is lined with a detachable down jacket. I found it super easy to snap off the buttons and remove the liner or snap it back in when I needed more warmth. The hood is detachable, as well.
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The waterproof shell of The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka. (Photo: The Arrivals)
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The hood is detachable on The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka. (Photo: The Arrivals)
You can choose to wear the coat exactly how you want to, and that’s what I loved the most —the personalization factor. While in Luleå, I wanted maximum warmth and coverage, so I wore the full jacket as it is. However, while I was indoors, I removed the shell and wore the down liner only, which was the perfect mixture of warmth and cloud-like comfort.
As a New Yorker, living where rain is a given during the winter, I’m excited to try out the waterproof shell. It looks super sleek on and is a fashionable alternative to wearing a plastic raincoat.
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The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka (Photo: The Arrivals)
Comfort level
It’s like putting on a warm and toasty marshmallow that’s super chic, too. The outer shell is lightweight, elegant and slimming too. However, the down jacket liner is probably the best part of the coat because of how plush and warm it is.
I will caution you that the coat is on the heavier side when assembled as a whole. However, I personally don’t mind it because that means more warmth overall. Then, there’s the option to disassemble it when you want to wear a lighter winter jacket.
Warmth level
According to The Arrivals website, the winter coat is “designed and tested to endure extreme weather conditions,” in temperatures less than 30°F. Luleå’s temperatures ranged from -2°F to 7°F  and for me, it 100 percent lived up to my expectations. It’s the warmest coat I’ve ever tried and coming from a fashion editor, the most stylish I’ve ever had. If you live in an area where the winters are extreme and harsh, this coat is a must.
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The 3-in-1 design allows you to wear your coat just how you like it. (Gif: The Arrivals)
Size and fit 
I suggest choosing your regular size. Even without sizing up, there’s still enough wiggle room to layer underneath (even though you don’t really need to). In Luleå, I was worried about not wearing enough layers, but all I had on was a thin zip-up from Eddie Bauer and Columbia’s Omni-Heat top and Omni-Heat tights. 
Overall takeaway
If you want to invest in a fashionable winter coat that checks all of your boxes (warm, stylish, functional) this is the best of the best. The $595 price tag may seem steep at first, but compared to Canada Goose and Moncler, this winter coat is the best bang for your buck. If you do the math, you’re essentially getting three coats for the price of one. Trust me, this is the long term investment coat you’ve been waiting for.
Shop it: The Arrivals Halstrøm IV Woman Down Filled Modular Snow Parka, $595, thearrivals.com
Second pick: Eddie Bauer Women’s Lodge Down Duffle Coat
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Eddie Bauer Women’s Lodge Down Duffle Coat (Photo: Eddie Bauer)
Eddie Bauer is one of those brands deeply rooted in American heritage, with a history tracing back to 1920. Since then, it has continued to maintain a loyal community of mountain climbers, snowboarders and skiers who trust the brand for its quality performance gear. As someone who does not ski, mountain climb, or snowboard, I wondered: Can this seemingly ordinary coat be just as extraordinary?
The design 
At first glance, this Eddie Bauer seems like any other coat. Upon closer look, the technical design is where it shines. The coat is made of a polyester shell with StormRepel® durable water-repellent (DWR). It’s filled with 650 fill premium down insulation. Translation? It has a sleek quilted design that allowed me to swiftly move throughout Luleå’s wintry conditions without feeling like a Michelin man — and it kept me super warm along every step. Compared to most puffer coats I’ve tried over the years, this one was much more flattering and less puffy overall.
Comfort level
As one shopper put it, “My body feels like it is snuggling in bed under my down comforter.” This coat is super soft, ultra comfortable and surprisingly lightweight. My favorite part is the fleece lining along the collar, inside pockets, cuffs and upper body lining. There is even a double-zip design so you can adjust to comfortably sit. The hood has a faux-fur ruff and is detachable too. There is a two-way zip design so you can adjust when you’re standing or sitting and you can snap the front buttons close for a more seamless look. 
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The interior upper body features a soft and warm fleece lining. (Photo: Eddie Bauer)
Warmth level
This coat is listed has a -60°F moderate activity temperature rating. I’d say this is accurate. Even while I was trekking through the snow in sub-zero temperature, I loved how long it extended down helping to circulate heat throughout most of my body. The faux-fur hood  and snap closure especially came in handy when Luleås windchill was unbearable.
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(Photo: Julie Tong)
Size and fit 
I recommend choosing your regular size. For me, this coat was not too bulky or too thin. It has a slim fit throughout compared to most winter coats, but relaxed overall. To ensure you find your own best fit, you can choose between petite, regular, tall and plus in addition to your normal size. If you prefer your coat to be a little tighter around the waist, there is an adjustable drawcord waist you can use to tighten or loosen the coat. Because I’m short,  the coat came down to my ankles. (Note: I had the regular fit, not petite).
Overall takeaway
If you’ve been searching for a long down winter coat that is simple and understated, this is the one for you. It’s not flashy or or too “high-fashion,” but just right. Because of its simple design, the coat’s appeal spans all ages. You can be in your 20s or 60s and it is still a seamless addition to your winter wardrobe. There’s a reason this coat has amassed over 1,000 ratings with an average of 4.4 stars.
To sweeten the deal, it’s currently on sale for less than $200! Try it yourself today. I promise you won’t regret it.
Shop it: Eddie Bauer Women’s Lodge Down Duffle Coat, $196 (was $279), eddiebauer.com 
Honorable mention: Columbia Women’s Heatzone 1000 Turbodown II Jacket
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Columbia Women’s Heatzone 1000 Turbodown II Jacket (Photo: Columbia)
I was very skeptical as to whether or not this lightweight, short-length jacket would keep me warm in the Arctic. But I brought it with me anyway, because I was intrigued about testing its Omni-Heat technology in the city’s sub-zero temperatures.
The design 
It’s in between a parka and a puffer coat with its two-tone shell design. I personally love it because it looks more modern and edgy compared to a traditional puffer jacket. The most interesting part is its Omni-Heat thermal-reflective lining, which not only feels innovative, but it’s unlike any other jacket I own.
(Video: Columbia)
The jacket is extremely lightweight and very comfortable to wear all day long. In the past, one of my grievances with certain winter coats were that they may keep me warm outside, but as soon as I step indoors, I start sweating immediately. This one is actually breathable! Note, the Omni-Heat thermal reflective lining has a waffle texture which is surprisingly soft to the skin, but you might not be used to it at first.
Warmth level
The jacket’s heat technology is the jacket’s key selling point. It uses 60g Omni-Heat™ Thermal Insulation which is a thermal-reflective lining that helps retain heat. I wore it while snowmobiling through Luleå’s snow-covered forest and was shocked to see how warm it kept me.
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Luleå, Sweden forest. (Photo: Julie Tong)
Size and fit
It runs true to size. There’s enough room for light layers. I’m 5’2″ and it hit just below my waist.
Overall takeaway
If you’re looking for a jacket to wear on an everyday basis, but not in extreme weather, this is the jacket for you. It’s something lightweight you can throw when you’re grocery shopping, walking your dog, or heading to the gym and will still keep you ultra warm. You can easily pack it for a quick winter getaway and it won’t take up too much space in your luggage or weight.
If you act fast, you can snag this lovely jacket for 30 percent off the retail price. At $315, it might seem like a splurge, but when you look at the cost per wear, it’s a no brainer. You’re not just pulling this jacket out once or twice a year, but wearing it throughout winter, from start to finish.
Shop it: Columbia Women’s Heatzone 1000 Turbodown II Jacket, $315 (was $450), columbia.com
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
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Returning to the Earth for Answers ⏤ In Interview With Alana Wilson and Romy Northover
During the Chinese tea ceremony, the tea master is known for the controlled precision in which she prepares and serves the tea to her guests. And yet, the taste of the tea leaves is yielded to her by the uncontrollable forces of nature’s hand. It is the same with clay. A ceramicist manipulates and moulds her piece of earth, but sometimes during firing or throwing an alternate form will persist, sometimes for the better. Try as we might, the earth knows that in order to control something, sometimes, it is best not to.
In November, the “beautiful teachers” of clay and tea could be experienced together at T, an exhibition of teabowls by Brooklyn based ceramicist Romy Northover and the Sydney based Alana Wilson. The pair were drawn to the tea bowl, an ancient form still used in present day, due to its duality of the primitive and the contemporary, a duality present in each of their practices. The tea bowls made from clay and glass can be held, drunk from and purchased, at New York’s Floating Mountain, a modern tea bar that pays homage to the ancient ritual and meditative act of the tea ceremony.
After T’s opening night at Floating Mountain, where traditional tea ceremonies were performed using Northover and Wilson’s vessels, we sat down with them to hear about how their T was concocted.  
Photography by Doan Ly
 How did you two come up with the idea of T at Floating Mountain and the idea to collaborate?
We met a couple of years ago out of a mutual respect for each other’s work and we talked about doing a show together because we come from a similar place conceptually. We wanted a fairly simple starting point, and thought the teabowl with all of its cultural variations and connections to past and present society would be a great starting point. When Floating Mountain got in contact about their new tea room gallery it seemed like kismet!
 The focal point of T is the referencing of the teabowl and the Chinese Dao Cho tea ceremony, but you both transmute this ancient form into something new. Tell us how you translated the tea bowl into a more current landscape?
AW: I think we both work with a sense of duality between the ancient or primitive and the contemporary. Essentially, everything is derived from something and we both feel it's important to remind viewers of the past by referencing history and the way humans once were. However, it's also necessary to present new ideas and connect to current culture and societal values in order for us to connect with our audience and the people around us. By pushing societal perceptions of ceramics as a medium and the utilitarian form as art, we hope to educate our viewer of material boundaries and encourage an acceptance of change and altered perceptual habits. Ultimately, we always honour the history of the vessels and medium but are always looking forward.
RN: There’s a respect for history for what the bowl represents. I could really go on for ages about what the bowl represents to me but I can never find the correct words. There is a reason for the movements, the practice. I learn through doing, and the process of making ceramics, so sitting for tea and learning about the tea bowl through the ceremony has only increased my interest and has opened up many other facets for me personally. But I also think there couldn’t be a more important time to return to the earth for answers.
 I love the fact that in the notes describing the exhibition, you talk about the tea bowl as a contemplative object. It is, even in a western sense where it aids us in our own contemplation as we sit, warm our hands around it, sip and reflect, going within. It seems this function is also reflected in how it’s made – the centripetal force that brings things inwards, towards the center. Can you speak to me of your own reflections on this?
AW: Absolutely. I think ceramics as a medium demands an introspective approach. The majority of artists exist as observers and essentially document their observations the best they know how.
The aspect of the circle, cycles, repetition and solitude are all evident in the process and creation of ceramics, as well as conceptually in relation to the vessel and human life.
RN: Clay and tea are the most beautiful teachers. They show you yourself which is magical on a super high level, but they also demonstrate the most basic form of working with the earth and leaves. What I love most about clay and tea it that they are without borders - It doesn’t matter what race, sex or religion you come from, anyone can sit and connect with each other and with nature through simply sharing a bowl.
 In what ways would you say each of your works for T differ and intersect each other, and how is this reflective of each of your own processes or aesthetics?
AW: The works for T explore the possibility and essential connection to utilising the vessel in daily life. I think we are definitely both influenced by our own conditioning and personal history. However, we still have a similar perceptual viewpoint of ceramics, and possibly art and the world. I feel we connect on a similar wavelength in terms of visual language, what we are drawn to in current art & culture, and what and how we want to communicate our observations and ideas to the world.
Technically, my work is all hand-built and is generally non-functional although the association to utilitarianism is an important concept in my work. For the T works, I had to pull back on some pieces to make sure they were essentially functional.
RN: I think we come from a similar place in our interest in ceramics, the beauty of the vessel and a simple true love for the material. But our execution technically is quite different. Our cultural backgrounds are also very different which is great as our perspectives translate through the work in a universal language.
 Throughout the process of creating the vessels for this project, did you liaise with each other much while you were making them? Or was it very much going into your own corners and carrying out the processes in a silent meditation by yourself?
AW: We did some research on traditional Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese forms, so we were both looking at references of silhouette and traditional details in the same way. From there, the treatments and abstractions were an individual approach. In the later stages, we shared images of work and discussed connecting threads to tie out two bodies of work together to form a concise and balanced selection.
We also both made glass works. We both feel a responsibility to communicate the history of the medium and honour the vessel. We discussed this quite a bit recently in New York, that currently ceramics is really a free-for-all medium and the quality of what is out here is so varied, that the general public’s perception is quite misconstrued as to what is valuable and unadulterated. A lot of people seem to believe ceramics was just invented, and easy to do anywhere by anyone - which it is, as are most things - but the lack of awareness of what is valuable and technically masterful is extremely evident. The representation of ceramics as a medium is diluted by the weekender or flashy artists. By exploring glass, I think we both wanted to highlight the importance of craft, the vessel, the educated artisan/artist and really explore the material boundaries of the teabowl and its history.
RN: We spoke about it and agreed on a starting point of the tea bowl, I think we might have shared a mood board very early on in the process. We are both independent in our process and like to work alone - But we surprised ourselves at the visual references and the cohesiveness of the works!
What was working with glass for the first time like for you both?
AW: A mutual contact put me in touch with Sydney-based glass artist Brian Hirst. I met with Brian and we discussed ideas. I was very much a designer and observer of the process as the glass blowing process requires great knowledge and skill to execute. We spent three days in the glass studio and another few days hand-working and finishing the pieces. There are so many parallels with the ceramics process but also so many differences in the sense that you're almost working backwards into the works. They really come to life in the hand-working process, sanding, finishing, engraving, whereas in ceramics, once the glaze firing is complete, the work is generally finished.
RN: Glass is a beautiful medium that translates to ceramics in many ways. There are similarities between glass and ceramics, but side by side it can also highlight the contrasts. You can sometimes get a better understanding of your known medium through exploring another. The process itself is different, it’s not hands on in the same way but is made from a distance with tools because you don’t want to get too close at high heat. Yet both process share the circles, and spinning. It’s musical, glass making, there are sounds as the glass cools and it even looks as if you’re playing an instrument. It requires finesse and technique so those pieces were made by a Glass expert, with my instruction during the process, not by me personally. I can’t trust myself to keep my hands off the molten glass!
 After you drank tea out of your own teabowls during the tea ceremony, was there anything you noticed about the bowls during the ritual that you hadn’t noticed in its creation?
AW: The difference in the materiality of glass and ceramic. The hand-blown glass felt so smooth to drink warm tea from, the scale of the teabowls were probably larger than what I would generally drink from.
In the making process, we physically connect with the clay and form through our hands and body, in relation to the silhouette and final form. Whereas whilst consuming tea, I related to the vessel via my hands holding it, feeling the textured glaze on the exterior of the form, in relation to the lips and face in drinking the tea and seeing the works so close whilst sipping. Body, hands, lips as the contents are consumed.
Also, contemplating the work before, during and after using the piece. Seeing the tea leaves left in the bottom of it, observing and experiencing the forms in a ceremonial setting.
We all have individual daily rituals within our lives, so experiencing my own vessels in a traditional ritual sense was amazing and reminds us of other rituals within our lives which we could enjoy more.
RN: It’s almost impossible to separate it out as it’s such an inclusive, all-encompassing experience for me. I think the tactile area by the foot mine from trimming on the wheel, Alana’s from the glaze. I love that it’s a full sensory experience, touch, taste and sound then there’s the five elements water, Earth, air, fire present in the ceremony. It’s engaging in a very visceral way - a way of elevating consciousness and awareness through the physical body. I find every time I sit for tea I notice something new.
Describe to us each of your favourite vessel created for this exhibition and why it is.
AW: My favourite are the set of six bowls created for the ceremony. They harmonised functionality whilst still having textural glazed areas, they worked as a set of six but each had their own individual nuances, they were marked and numbered in the foot, with a dot of shino for one, two dots for two, all the way up to 6. It pushed me beyond my normal non-functional tendencies to create a repeated form but still nuanced.
RN: I was throwing a piece and couldn’t center the clay because I was rushing so I threw the piece of clay on the floor in a tantrum. When I looked at it on the floor I realised it had made a great shape, so I picked it up and trimmed a foot on it. It sits like an irregular platform, a mini floating continent. Impossible to duplicate.
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Revitalift Eye Cream Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Revitalift Eye Cream is an eye cream that claims to offer “360-degree protection” to the area, delivering anti-wrinkle action, firming loose skin and repairing damage. This product is also designed to prevent damage from UV exposure and pollutants.
Revitalift Eye Cream is made from a blend of ingredients including retinol and criste marine extract—both of which are present to erase the more visible lines and damage associated with aging. Additionally, this product works to hydrate skin and de-puff the under eye area.
Kremovage is the best tool on the market for fighting under eye wrinkles, firming up loose skin and providing moisture where needed. This product is made from a blend of ingredients including ocean-based retinol, aloe, hyaluronic acid, peptides and green tea extract. Click here to read more about how to add Kremovage to your skin care routine.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Revitalift Eye Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
The Revitalift formula contains more than the ingredients listed below. Most of the elements that make up this particular blend are filler ingredients such as glycerin, parabens and alcohol. Here’s a look at where the bulk of the benefits lie:
Criste Marine Extract Caffeine Hydrolyzed Elastin Retinyl Palmitate Sunflower Seed Oil
Criste Marine Extract: A sea algae with antioxidant properties, this ingredient is rich in minerals and may help repair and prevent skin damage.
Caffeine: When used topically, caffeine works to constrict blood vessels just below the skin and improves blood flow. For this reason, caffeine is thought to reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffy eyes.
Sunflower Seed Oil: Sunflower seed oil is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids. It works to moisturize skin, as well as repair damaged cells due to its antioxidant content.
Hydrolyzed Elastin: Elastin is a protein essentially for maintaining the structure and elasticity of the skin and organs. In its hydrolyzed form, this ingredient is used to heal damaged skin and attract and retain moisture.
Retinyl Palmitate: A form of vitamin A, this ingredient is used to promote cell turnover, fight acne and improve the texture and tone of the skin.
Read up on the latest information about under eye care — more information on selecting the right products here on our website.
Revitalift Eye Cream Quality of Ingredients
Revitalift Eye Cream isn’t particularly dense in restorative active ingredients, but this product does contain a handful of items that can do the skin some good. Because this is a lower-end eye cream, we weren’t expecting this product to be rich in antioxidants, fruit and herb extracts or potent antiaging elements—but we still found ourselves a little disappointed.
Soy and retinol provide some good benefits—improving elastin and collagen production with use. Shea butter and sunflower seed oil promise hydration with a few extra perks. The type of retinol used, however, retinol palmitate, has been linked to benefits and risks in equal measure.
For example, this ingredient may reduce wrinkles and fine lines, but it may also encourage the growth of malignant, cancer-causing cells with use.
Additionally, this product contains parabens—preservatives that may be absorbed into the blood stream, as well as paraffin—a petroleum product.
While L’Oreal is a reputable company and this product likely won’t do much harm, we don’t know the full extent of the risks of the items outlined above.
Click here to learn more about the potent plants that’ll give you a youthful glow.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
The Price and Quality of Revitalift Eye Cream
Revitalift Eye Cream is relatively easy to find. You can pick this up at just about any CVS, RiteAid, and the like, or at Ulta or Target. Online retailers like Amazon, Jet and Walmart.com all offer this item themselves.
And, L’Oreal has their own e-commerce channel, too. This product retails for $17.99 on the official site, though prices may vary across platforms. Target, for example, currently has Revitalift for sale at $10.49 per unit.
In general, we’ve found that the manufacturer of so-called drug store brand products often sells their products at a higher rate than their retailers.
But, even at the $17.99 end of the spectrum, users aren’t spending a ton of money on this product no matter where they end up shopping. Reviews are mixed—different platforms have reached differing consensuses—but this is an inexpensive eye cream that contains retinol.
While active ingredients may be diluted, this could potentially be a good starter product for someone looking to begin the prevention process—younger people or those who have been lucky enough to stave off wrinkles thus far.
That said, we don’t love the formula as a whole. Users may be better off spending a few more dollars that adding Revitalift Eye Cream with all its parabens, paraffin and alcohols to the absorbent skin beneath their eyes.
Get the latest thinking on which products best erase wrinkles and firm loose and sagging skin.
Business of Revitalift Eye Cream
Revitalift Eye Cream is made by the major cosmetics and skin care corporation, L’Oreal.
Phone: 800-826-7187
L’Oreal is a popular brand seen everywhere from the local drug store and super markets to Target, Walmart and more.  While this company is affordable and massive, they also are known for their early adopter status as a company focused on corporate sustainability efforts. Additionally, all L’Oreal products are cruelty-free.
The L’Oreal Paris website functions as an e-commerce platform, source of information and an overview of what the company is doing, as far as social issues and company values are concerned.
We like that consumers are offered an unmoderated review platform—while this acknowledges that some consumers are not 100% pleased with the results they got from using this product, it’s worth pointing out they let the consumers be the judge without silencing them.
While we’re not sure Revitalift Eye Cream can compete with the top performing high-end eye creams out there, we do believe that L’Oreal is a good company focused on doing some good with all their power. At the very least, this product may provide some key benefits to consumers—plus, it’s unlikely to cause any major problems, due to the level of quality assurance conducted at a major corporation.
Customer Opinions of Revitalift Eye Cream
Revitalift Eye Cream has okay reviews. No one seemed blown away by the results, but there were few reports of irritation or active dislike of this product. Most people felt this was a decent moisturizer, but lacking in other areas.
Here are some of the comments we came across during our research:
“Purchased this hoping it would produce some meaningful results. There’s no difference in dark circles or the amount of wrinkles present. It’s a good moisturizer, but I don’t think anything else is happening.”
“For this price, this is definitely a decent product. Qualifier, aside, I don’t think it’s the best option. You’ll get some moisture and a slightly more awake look, but it’s no miracle worker.”
“Didn’t help with the creasing under my eyes. I found this to be okay for hydrating skin, but it didn’t do anything else for me. I probably won’t buy this one again.”
“I’ve been using this product for years and don’t have many lines around my eyes. Not sure if it can be attributed to genetics or if this cream is doing its job. I will say that it’s very hydrating.”
The comments we found fall in line with what we were expecting from this formula. It seems like its rather weak, as far as active to inactive ingredient ratios are concerned—it’s only strength seems to be that it is a good moisturizer. In many cases, that’s all people are looking for, but in the case of Revitalift Eye Cream, it feels a bit like the product is misbranded.
Click here to learn more about the best ingredients for your eyes, and the ones that are all hype.
Conclusion – Does Revitalift Eye Cream Work?
Revitalift Eye Cream is a little disappointing, in terms of what it can do, but for the price, some people may like this item — if only for its hydrating power.
Revitalift Eye Cream is made by L’Oreal, a prominent company in the personal care space, and one that does a good job promoting environmental and animal issues within mainstream corporate culture. That said, we don’t love the formula. There’s no reason to use ingredients like parabens and petroleum, yet this formula relies heavily on these components to extend shelf life and deliver moisture.
These ingredients are currently okay in the eyes of the FDA, but need to be studied further in order to understand the long term effects of using them on the body.
Aside from the issues with the formula, many consumers felt this product simply wasn’t all that effective. For example, many users reported that their skin was hydrated well enough, but the formula did not lift and firm the under eye area as advertised.
Kremovage is an eye cream designed to work with all skin types—sensitive, mature, dry, you name it. This product is made with a collection of hydrating plant oils, antioxidant-rich fruit extracts and retinol—firming loose skin, erasing wrinkles and more.
Kremovage was created to give consumers a safe and effective product that works easily with the other products in their skin care routine. Read more about Kremovage by clicking this link.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2xFPcjw via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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Revived youth facial cream
Revived youth Cream
Revived Youth Cream – DO NOT BUY UNTIL YOU READ
Revived Youth Cream – DO NOT BUY UNTIL YOU READ !!!
Revived Youth Cream:- Age of above 30 brings alarming situations in our body in result of so many physical and psychological changes. In physical change we start to expose wrinkles, dryness and less energy and psychological factor higher our conscious level regarding the appearance and lacking energy level. So, in both critical situations we have to bother for some external agent like supplements, creams or serums to stay and look young ever. Revived youth cream is a premier formula rich of all the anti aging ingredients which our skin needs to regain the lost beauty.
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There a lots of anti aging cream which make difficult to differentiate between the best quality cream, although the quality assurance eagerly pushups to avail the revived youth cream an excellent anti aging formula to reconstruct the damage skin by hormonal changes and other aging factors.
When we talk about revived anti aging cream the first consideration which comes to our mind is its ingredients which have a premium power to heal the aging wounds and collagen lack.
Aging problems:
Dark spots
Darken complexion
Dull and rough skin
Dark circles around eyes
Fine lines
What helps to nourish aging skin?
B3- Complex
Heavy moisturizing
Working properties of revived youth cream:
Hyaluronic Acid is not an acidic property substance according to its name, but it’s a powerful hydrating agent which retrieves the water drops from the air and let it absorb in the skin to maintain a proper hydration level for preventing dryness. Because dryness affects a lot on the skin and increase skin rashes, wrinkles and fine lines which stimulatingly mark up the skin by aging. Hormonal changes or many medications also cause skin problems but the typical factor is aging for wrinkles and dryness due to lack of lots of substances production in the skin. SO, revived youth cream is enriched with hyaluronic acid which retrieves the moisture from air and lower dermis of the skin to remain the skin well hydrated. Well moisturizing back up the collagen production for renewal of the skin.
B3-Complex lightens the pigmentation and a dark spot which may be due to sun exposure due to some medication just as birth control pills also effects the hormone level and cause pigmentation. Niacinamade is enriched with B3 complex which reveals the dark spots and darker complexion; it lighters the skin tone and prevents the aging marks from the skin. It also helps to skin for collagen prevention and reproducing the new collagen cells to retexture the destructed skin.
Zero level AHAs:
The revived youth cream contains zero level of AHAs which is no doubt helpful agent for preventing dark spots but it makes the skin so sensitive and results into red skin when exposing to sun. So this youth cream doesn’t contain it at all to make your skin secure.
Antioxidants are tissue reconstruction agents to build up the scattered skin and enhance the beauty and help you to regain the youthful skin. It prevents the skin tissue from damage and helps to encourage cell growth for super composition of a well settled skin without any aging marks. The most useful antioxidants are vitamins C and E which are available in natural form and as well as in the revived youth cream. Vitamin A is considered a super wrinkle fighter for the skin, its high profile of activity helps to prevent the skin from wrinkles and improve the skin texture without any side effects.
What are the benefits of revived youth cream?
Revived youth cream is a very affordable cream in case that it can replace all your lots of lotions and skin care serums. It is very useful and helps as a night cream, a day and as an anti aging and moisturizing cream as well. It nourishes the skin and prevents the open pores and makes the sun exposure safe for your skin to prevent it from external damage.
It contains superior ingredients which help to make the skin smooth and silky as you feel reversed in your 20s with a youth full and healthy skin. The skin pores actually allow the oxygen to reach your skin hence the ingredients of this cream open up the blocked pores and so allow oxygen to reach easily into your skin.
The oxygen is necessary for keeping the skin fresh. Oxygen retrieving ingredients make it possible to hydrate the skin continuously without applying any other mask on the skin.
It makes your skin healthy and glowing in term of texture and better complexion.
It whiter the tones by eliminating brown spots which makes over all complexion dark.
It enhances the natural glow on your skin and blushes your cheeks with its natural looks without any harming effects. It
It doesn’t effects the skin layer nor makes it thinner like other creams available in the market.
How to buy?
You can purchase the product directly from the website. This product is available online only. You also can avail free trial offer so roll to the website early for achieving best offers.
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User views:
User1____ “I started suffering wrinkles from few months ago and got the most awful situation when my friends starting to ask oh! You are being old in the gatherings, it make the moments more irritation , as being a women I also don’t want to look old or dull so early so I searched on the internet which made me confuse to make a good choice among hundreds of options but then I decided to try revived youth cream due to its positive back up and economical price. I got a lot of confident after the use of this super cream which make my skin young again by the short time use now I am not going to replace it life time.”
User2____ “Julie here, I was sick of looking wrinkles which were increase dafter taking some medication for gyny problem. I was so worried about because i started looking more than my age. My sister suggested me revived youth cream and asked me to stop using all other serums and creams, I followed her and got heart touching results even I want to look in the mirror again and again now. Thanks to revived youth cream to let me enjoy the vibrant fashions and colors of life being the part of youngsters, now I love the comment when I am said Oh Gorgeous! Oh Beautiful ……….. Thanks to the manufacturers! “
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April 17, 2017
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate is an all-in-one solution to the visible signs of aging on the skin. This product addresses puffiness, dark circles, crow’s feet and damaged skin.
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate is made from organic harungana extract, along with peptides, caffeine and and more—offering a diverse line of attack against environmental damage, . Made for normal skin at all ages in life—this product can be worn day or night, with or without makeup.
Kremovage is our experts’ top pick when it comes to eye creams that can do it all. A unique plant-based formula brings a range of benefits to the table, from skin firming to wrinkle erasing, brightening and beyond. To try Kremovage, or to learn more about this product, click the link provided here.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate Ingredients and Side Effects
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate is made primarily from plant extracts. We’ve listed some of the more active items below. Here is a closer look at what these ingredients can do for your skin:
Harungana Extract: This ingredient is sourced from an African tree long known for its many therapeutic benefits.
Harungana extract is thought to have an antiseptic effect both inside and outside the body and may work to soothe chronic skin conditions. Additionally, this ingredient may boost collagen production when applied topically.
Tetrapetide: Peptides are short chains of amino acids that make up proteins—tetrapeptides are a type of peptide present in this blend for their ability to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, as well as provide some lift to skin lacking in collagen and elastin—the proteins responsible for maintaining the skin’s structure.
Cassie Flower Wax: Cassie flower, also known as mimosa, is used to smooth the appearance of the skin beneath the eye. This flower may help lighten skin with hyperpigmentation, as well as moisturize dried out cells.
Albizia: A healing herb with many health benefits, albizia is used to treat acne, rashes, and inflammatory conditions like psoriasis.
Caffeine: Caffeine is used to reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffy under eye skin. This ingredient creates a more awake look by improving blood flow—eliminating hyper-concentrated blood pigments that contribute to dark circles.
Olive Fruit Extract: Olives have a high antioxidant content and work to prevent skin damage by neutralizing incoming free radicals.
Click the link to read more about the use of Kremovage in consumers’ day-to-day routines.
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate Quality of Ingredients
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate is designed to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes. The primary ingredients offer a blend of antioxidant repair, as well as dark circle reduction.
Aside from the active ingredients listed above, we weren’t too excited about the formula. It appears to be more saturated with filler ingredients and petroleum products.
The product contains hydrogenated vegetable oil as one of the key moisturizing agents, parabens, paraffin and petrolatum. Parabens may have a carcinogenic effect (they’ve been linked to breast cancer), while petroleum products like paraffin and petrolatum may also pose a threat to human health.
While these ingredients are widely used in many skincare products, it’s worth pointing out that the under eye area is highly absorbent—meaning unsavory ingredients applied to this region may get into the blood stream.
This product may have some potential, but the fact that contains more inactive ingredients than active ones cheapens the product to some extent.
Want to firm up sagging skin and get rid of those dark circles? Click here for a closer look at the best eye creams money can buy.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
The Price and Quality of Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate direct from the manufacturer for $85—for this price, users receive a 0.5-ounce container.
Sephora, Macy’s, Ulta and others offer this product for the same price as the official Clarins site, but users may be able to get a discount if they shop online. Walmart is currently offering the solution for just over $60 a pop, as is Jet.
Amazon has the concentrate for about $70, but claims they are running low on stock.
While $85 is certainly no small price to pay for such a product, Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate does have consistently good reviews and is made from a plant-based formulation. In all, this looks pretty good to us, but we understand that this may be a bit too much for a lot of shoppers to part with.
Our advice—make sure this product addresses your specific aging concerns. This product is an all-in-one solution, but it’s designed to repair skin, no necessarily provide heavy hydration/moisture.
Get the latest insights on how to properly care for your skin type.
Business of Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate is made by made by skin care company, Clarins.
Clarins is a high-end skin care and makeup company that has been in business since the 1980s. This company primarily relies on plant-based ingredients and a top-of-the-line research and development department focused on protecting and improving skin with use.
Clarins has a very nice website—it’s decked out with their signature red coloring and features information about their business practices and environmental values, as well as the ingredients used to make each product.
While we’re not sure whether or not Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate is the most effective, it does contain some good ingredients. That’s more than we can say about many of the other products we’ve reviewed.
Customer Opinions of Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate had several reviews in regards to their deceptive marketing tactics and poor customer service practices, but none that mentioned whether or not this product actually works.
“This is a product I use twice a day—and have been using for 10+ years. Works great with makeup, in the evening and consistently performs to my expectations.”
“I would not call this product “super restorative.” I’m convinced the sales rep that gave me his personal recommendation just has good genes. Alas, my eyes look more tired than ever and fine lines remain.”
“After trying all kinds of eye creams, I was ready to give up on this step in the regimen. Upon a friend’s recommendation, I gave this one a try and my eyes look less puffy. Skin doesn’t look any tighter, though.”
“I really like most Clarins products and thought I’d give this a try. Been using for about ten days and it does do a pretty good job. The texture of my skin looks smoother and it’s not greasy.”
Reviews were pretty good, yet there’s still a lot of variation at play. Many people felt the product was not especially effective in helping users reverse some signs of aging—specifically filling in fine lines and reducing chronic puffiness.
Several users mentioned that they liked the fact that this product is lightweight and works well under makeup or a heavier night cream.
But, we also heard complaints regarding the higher price tag, as well as some voices stating that the solution didn’t lift sagging skin quite as much as they had hoped.
The eyes say it all — find the right eye cream for you by clicking through to our website.
Conclusion – Does Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate Work?
Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate has many pros associated with its use. Consumers across age groups appreciated the non-greasy, versatile formula, as well as the relatively clean ingredient profile.
Clarins is a high-end cosmetics company with a positive reputation—across the board, consumers seem to trust this brand for their consistently good products and commitment to improving existing formulas.
Overall, this product may well be a good choice for people who aren’t afraid to spend a few bucks on an eye cream, but it isn’t the perfect catch-all solution for everyone. Many of the commenters mentioned that while this Clarins Super Restorative Eye Concentrate was great for fine lines and dark circles, it wasn’t ideal for firming up loose skin.
It’s also worth pointing out that this product is really more of a corrective solution and those with dry skin may need to buy an additional moisturizer for best results.
Clarins does offer free samples with all purchases, so it may be worth giving a try before you buy. Additionally, many of the department store retailers have pretty good return policies—but users may need to use most of the supply before determining whether or not they are seeing the results they were expecting.
Kremovage is our top pick when it comes to finding the eye cream that delivers the most benefits with just one product. Impressive ingredients like ocean-based retinol, hyaluronic acid, fruit extracts and more bring antioxidants, moisture and repair to the eye area.
Kremovage was made for consumers with all skin types looking for a safe, proven solution to the visible signs of aging. Click here to learn why Kremovage is our experts’ number one-recommended eye cream.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2yfqp6z via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is an all-in-one solution to the visible signs of aging on the skin. This product addresses puffiness, dark circles, crow’s feet and damaged skin.
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is made from organic harungana extract, along with peptides, caffeine and and more—offering a diverse line of attack against environmental damage, . Made for normal skin at all ages in life—this product can be worn day or night, with or without makeup.
Kremovage is the best option for those users looking for a refreshed, under eye appearance. This product works to firm and lift skin, smoothing wrinkles with the power of plants, peptides and soothing oils. Click the link for a deeper look at the benefits of using Kremovage.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
According to the website, this product relies heavily on algae, amino acids and peptides to deliver the results advertised. Here is a look at the more active components in this blend, and what you can expect from using Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream:
Life Plankton Flavinoids Peptides and Amino Acids Blue Retinol
Life Plankton: Blue Therapy uses this ingredient in a number of their products. This particular life plankton hails from the French Pyrenees and is rich in amino acids, micronutrients, lipids and trace minerals.
Flavinoids: Flavinoids are plant nutrients with potent immune system benefits. When used topically, flavonoids work to reduce inflammation, strengthen blood vessels and stimulate
Peptides and Amino Acids: Peptides are chains of amino acids that function as building blocks for proteins. Peptides, as well as standalone aminos work to smooth wrinkles and firm skin.
Blue Retinol: Blue retinol, or ocean-based retinol is derived from a plant called sea fennel, which is rich in vitamins A, C and E. This ingredient works much like traditional retinol, boosting collagen and elastin with use, as well as improving texture with use.
Check out this list of the best antiaging ingredients — experts weigh in with their thoughts.
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream Quality of Ingredients
No matter how good the sea-sourced key ingredients are, Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream may contain a long list on inactive ingredients we don’t know about.
Even the key ingredients listed may or may not be present—it’s not clear whether the retinol, algae and plankton listed above are present in all or some of the Biotherm Blue Therapy line.
The manufacturer fails to list the full content of the product on the site, or anywhere else this item is sold. For that reason, it’s hard to give this a fair evaluation. We don’t know if there are any irritants present—a few consumers mentioned this caused red or dry skin, while others claimed the formula was soothing.
Based on our look at the product, we believe that this may well be a relatively affordable solution for antiaging, but we simply don’t have enough information to fully endorse this product.
Consumers have the right to know what they’re putting on their bodies. Food retailers are required to list out allergens, ingredients on their packaging, it seems fair that skin care producers embrace that standard as well.
Click here for a closer look at the eye creams best suited for mature skin.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
The Price and Quality of Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is sold on the Biotherm website for $51 for a container with 0.5 ounces’ worth of product.
Users shopping on Amazon can find this product for sale at just $38.99, making this a relatively affordable option. Overstock sells the product for even less–$31.99 a piece.
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is considerably cheaper than many of the established higher end brands on the market, especially considering the somewhat gimmicky selling point that the cream is made from this form of miracle algae.
That said, Biotherm only lists the active components in the blend on their website, so we don’t know what else is present in the formula—it could be made mostly from filler ingredients—or it could be made with animal products or petroleum—things that some might be fine with, but others may find objectionable.
Click here to read our guide to the top eye creams and serums on the market.
Business of Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is made by the company, Biotherm. They provide only a short form for customer correspondence, no email, address or phone number.
The Biotherm brand has been around since 1952, and was born out of inspiration from the thermal hot springs in the French Pyrenees. Legend has it, ancient Roman warriors healed their wounds in the algae laden hot springs. Women bathed in the springs for centuries, claiming the water had rejuvenating properties—a real life fountain of youth, so to speak.
The Biotherm USA website reads in sort of an odd manner. For example, it says things like, “the eye region is the most attention winning part of the face,” but it could be a bad translation.
Blue therapy refers to the blue color of the thermal plankton at the center of this product, as well as a face cream, night cream and more.
The site offers plenty of background information for users interesting in learning more about the blue plankton extract at the heart of the product line, as well as an in-depth timeline of Biotherm company milestones.
It’s nice that this company is so established and has stuck to a relatively narrow field of expertise—it’s clear that Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is made from top-notch ingredients, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best eye cream on the market. Biotherm shoppers have given this product an average thee star review, and there are few mentions of the cream elsewhere.
In the end, we’re evaluating a product based more on the bullet points posted on the website than anything else. There’s little talk on the consumer end and we don’t have an official formula to look over on our own.
Customer Opinions of Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream doesn’t have many reviews. The brand has been removed from Sephora’s extensive backlog of products, so there’s the chance it may not have performed all that well. Still, Amazon has a few reviews here and there, as does the official Biotherm website.
Regardless, here’s a quick look at what we were able to find:
“Used this product for just over two weeks and found my eyelids became dry, creased and red. The Blue Therapy Day Cream is awesome, but the eye cream leaves a lot to be desired.”
“A little goes a long way here. I put this on my lids and the area surrounding the eyes. It goes on super smoothly and has this faint, yet fresh scent. This product works well with makeup, too.”
“I’ve been using Biotherm products for a long time. This eye cream just doesn’t live up to the standards of the other products. I’m really disappointed.”
“Great part of my daily routine. It’s very smooth, non-irritating and doesn’t have an overpowering scent.”
Unfortunately, there just weren’t many reviews. Of the comments we found on Amazon, no one really detailed how this product either worked or didn’t and many felt compelled to use the comment sections as a place to discuss the shipping speed or thrown in a vague comment.
Because there were so few comments, we still don’t have a good sense of how well this product actually works—whether it’s good for some issues like fine lines or maybe not so much for dark circles.
Give that face some extra “oomph.” Here’s a look at the top eye creams, perfect for firming, lifting and more.
Conclusion – Does Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream Work?
After looking over reviews from past users, the formula and the company background, it’s still hard to say whether or not we’d recommend this product.
On the one hand, the Biotherm brand has a long track record of delivering high quality skin care to people looking for a plant-based anti-aging solution. But, this particular product doesn’t seem to have the same following as say the, day cream.
Biotherm Blue Therapy Eye Cream is advertised as though its loaded with all these ocean-based nutrients—but we don’t know the ratio of filler ingredients to the good stuff—Biotherm never posts an official label anywhere, meaning consumers don’t have the ability to learn more about the formula before buying.
Even after all these reviews, Kremovage remains our top choice when it comes to eye creams. This product delivers critical benefits from firming skin with peptides and retinol, to diving into deeper layers with potent antioxidant-rich plant extracts.
Kremovage is made from a cruelty-free, paraben-free formula, and features organic ingredients. This eye cream has been subject to testing and routine third-party. Get started with Kremovage today — click here to learn how.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2yfqlDR via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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