#idk man some of writing choices in thanks to them irked me for sure
went picking thru the toh leaks tag and i can’t lie, nothing in there was very encouraging
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svucarisiaddict · 2 years
Hello, how are you? I hope you have been well.
So I saw these prompts that kind of stood out to me and I was thinking about them in reference to one night stand series;
“I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and honestly it scares me.”
"I never stood a chance, did I?” “That’s the sad part – you did once.”
"You were more then a one night stand". 
but idk, I just liked them for some reason. Not sure if they work but I thought I'd send them over and get your thoughts?!?!
I don't just see her listening to Sonny and going okay then happy ever after but I also don't know if she is really willing to stop with him either. I'm probably reading to much into this but what do you think?!? When your write a series such as this one was there a thought on how it will go or is it something when you start writing?
I know it sounds silly, I just like the reader. She's flawed with her putting up the walls, arguably self destructive and going back to Stone who seems to be that safe, familiar relationship even if it's not the best (ex for a reason). I love that despite her feelings for Sonny she isn't hanging around to wait to get hurt or even be anyone's second choice.
But Sonny here, I guess the choice has gone because she has, but honestly he's pined, had feelings for, had this close relationship with Rollins for ever that we know. But he had this chance right with someone else. And look what happens!
I'm so invested and like alot of your fics I have been going back and re reading..... Im sorry I'm rambling with no real questions at 4 in the morning my time.
Ps. Okay John Carter, yasss. Such a mood and I love him. I was quite young when ER was on but my mum got me into the re-runs much later and he was def my fav! So excited to hear your writing for him.
First, let me say thank you for sending me your ask. I love when people ask me questions about my series! You really seem to get my writing and the characters :)
The prompts are perfect for the series. So, thank you! In fact I used one in the most recent chapter of the series!
She is definitely not over Sonny nor will she just accept his explanation of his feelings for Amanda. We all know Sonny has liked Amanda for years. Deep down he probably does. You are not reading into it at all! That’s exactly how I want the story to come across. 
As far as my writing I usually have a rough idea of how the story is going to play out but sometimes change on a whim. It may depend on how I’m feeling that day emotionally, not liking what I wrote and rewriting, getting a better idea, etc. And sometimes I just get stuck on where to take the story.  I’m releasing the next chapter later today and I am working on the next. And I’m stuck. I have a couple different ways to go.
You’re not silly. I like the character too. I try to write real characters. Everyone has flaws and I try to reflect that in my writings. I feel people can relate to a story or character if they see themselves in a similar situation to having the same feelings and reactions. 
Peter Stone is complicated. He is a broken man but he has the capability to love deeply. He truly cares for and loves our leading lady. I have a feeling he is going to fight for her and prove his love to her. Whether he’ll be successful is to be seen.
Don’t count Sonny out though! He cares for the reader as well. She’s made him realize that there is someone out there other than Amanda he can love. I do think he’s torn on what to do because now he thinks that the reader is over him and he lost his chance with her. 
I’m still uncertain who the reader will end up with, if anyone! We’ll see where the story takes us!
I’m so happy to hear how much you enjoy and are invested in my fics. I appreciate it so much! Please message me with any questions on my fics, my process, etc. 
I love Carter too. I was so naive and sweet when the show began. There were times when he irked me and I didn’t care for how he behaved. I have a middle story for him and the reader but need to work back to thow they meet. I have a couple of different scenarios but not sure if I like them. Stay tuned for Carter fics!
Thank you again so much!!
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snickiebear · 3 years
hello hello, nadia, let's get salty shall we :))) starting with no 1 ofc, 3, 4, 5, 13 (choose any character u want), 19, 20, 22, 23, 25 (again whatever ships/characters u want - tho i'm curious ab the "canon" ships o.o), 27 (feel free to choose any fandom u want too) I am DYING to know ur answers omg <33
Unpopular opinion about XXX character?HI ELE!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
SasuSaku and NaruHina. SasuSaku is just.... i dont like it. I don’t like Sasuke in canon and it feels so fucking forced. Same with NaruHina. I don’t read NaruHina unless its like a background relationship. like i could do a whole post about how both relationships are basically the damn fucking thing; badass man and girl who’s crushed/obsessed over the man their entire lives. it is... i dont like it.  
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
yes. yes i have. i dont even remember what fandom or what they said but if i dont like something, i unfollow. i dont want that stuff in my life and i have the choice to get it out so yeahhh (i think it either had to do with sakura/lucy heartfillia or maybe even a percy jackson thing,,,,)
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
SasuSaku. I hate it, really. unless its a total rewrite where Sasuke isn’t an asshole and Sakura isn’t obsessed with him and focuses on her development and then they get together later on and have been friends. i really don’t like it. i also don’t like canon NaruHina, it feels forced in my opinion, so same deal with SasuSaku, unless its an AU and the romance is actually developed, i dont like it. 
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
i dont think so.... the only fandoms ive ever really been in are fairy tail, naruto, soul eater, and pjo and all of my fav pairings were usually fandom popular or widely accepted so not yet!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
-i dont like canon sakura. oops! i watched the OG naruto and i would hold those small moments that i did like her so close to my chest and i was so so disappointed on how kishi handled her character. it just makes me upset but not surprised tbh so now ive made it my mission to write her with all the potential she had 
-sasuke deserves to be angry and go out and do his thing. but also, he should be held accountable for his actions. Yes. the uchiha were treated like shit and murdered for basically no fucking reason but still. he’s OP and just like your basic “lone wolf bitchass”. 
-same with naruto. i love sunshine boys. I DO. but he... doesn’t mature?? he stays naive and ignorant (from what i remember) and he’s so god damn OP. this fic summarizes the way i feel about Sasuke and Naruto. They’re great characters, sure, but im so thankful for critical thinking fic authors who give them depth and realistic lives/characteristics.  
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
-the toxicity towards woman. its pretty prominent in like all animes tbh. it makes my blood boil and like so angry that i try to steer clear from it 
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
LEESAKU. i love that ship with all my heart. i feel like they’d just be so good together. like if sakura got some actual character development and lee too, they’d be so kickass and soft together. 
22. Popular character you hate?
i don’t really HATE a character, but sasuke. he irks me. i would punch him in the face and shove him into a locked room with 10 therapists. 
23. Unpopular character you love?
kishimoto sucks. sure, he wrote one of the greatest anime/mangas around. but i feel like he bit off way more than he could chew. the character development could have been so much better, world building was great tho, and tho some of the arcs were creative as hell,, the writing could have been so much better. if given the chance, i would rewrite it. 
i do like Karin, or at least fanon's intpretation of her character. Tbh, i don't like most Canon naruto characteraztions, they bother me and i wanna go in and fix all of them
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
naruto: i would need to rewrite the whole series; but in short, not have sakura want to go with sasuke. let her be happy by herself. let her want to grow in the village and help with the hospital. 
27. Least shippable character?
sasuke,,, maybe neji. but sasuke. i see him as such a flat character. like, he’s angry and stupid but ambitious. thats,,, thats it. oh! and he likes snakes and has no use for loyal friends??? idk if you can tell but i dont liek him LMAO
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samaraclegane · 5 years
some more gendrya prompts that work well together:
‘I have a prompt for Gendrya, a love confession and a passionate kiss in the middle of the battle please?? Thanks xoxo’
‘Prompt!!! First love your work. Can we have a stark sibling discovery of gendrya and the wonderful fallout?’
‘Could you write a passionate kiss and love confession between Gendry and Arya during the battle? Kind of like Elizabeth and Will in Pirates of the Caribbean! Thank you so much darling :)’
‘Gendry and Arya survive the battle and he kisses her in front of the family and Sansa approves but Jon needs to sit down’
‘Tormund and the Hound find out and tease them about it’
author’s note: sorry to bulk so many together but I like to sort through my inbox etc. and put together a post based on as many interlinked ones as I can! helps me write I guess, idk. anyways, thank you for the kind messages and sending in prompts & I hope you all like this post! :)
-it’s life or death. literally.
-now, in these trying times, Arya knows that any moment could be her last and, while that’s never worried her before, it makes her realise that she could lose Gendry at any time, too. 
-she supposes, in hindsight, that’s why she did it. the rush of adrenaline, the fear of loss, the overwhelming humanity that’s been consuming her lately - they all combine to form one great big catalyst that spirals into her, during the battle, kissing Gendry, for the whole world to see.
-at the time, she had quickly thought and figured out that, since the battle was still (strictly speaking) going on, nobody would have seen her. she had reached up, hastily grasping his face and tugging him down to let her kiss him firmly on the mouth.
-the more she’s forced to remember it, it wasn’t even romantic. not like it is in the songs, anyhow, where all the fair maidens are gently caressed and brought to rest with a knight’s delicate lips on hers, a whispering promise seeping in through her mouth to her soul, calling out a profession of love.
-she’s more desperate than that. it’s a ‘we might not make it through this, but while we’re both here right here right now I’m going to take whatever time we have to show you how much I want you - how much I’ve always wanted you’. she supposes this in itself is rather romantic, but the clash of teeth that occurs is less than amiable for both parties involved. even so, Gendry had gripped her tightly by the waist and pulled her into him, reciprocating the kiss, then let her go in order to continue fighting.
-in her foolish mind, she had thought nobody had seen them. now, though, sat between Jon, Sansa, Tormund and the Hound, she knows she had wildly miscalculated.
-”like animals,” Tormund remarks, and she wants to sink into herself with how the wildling’s crazy eyes look up her and Gendry. “I’ve never seen passion like it.”
-she wants to call him out. she wants to focus the attention on how immature he’s being, especially that now, with the war officially over, there’s so many bodies and wounded people to think about, and yet here the six of them are, mocking Gendry and Arya for kissing.
-it seems, however, that she can’t get a word in edgeways, because then suddenly the Hound is speaking up, a smug grin painted onto his face which she wants nothing more than to slice off of him.
-”fucking hell,” he curses loudly, making Sansa turn her head and look at him sharply, though she makes no move to stop him, “the girl becomes a woman.”
-she knows she flushes a little at this. she carefully turns her gaze to Gendry, who is somehow not looking like he wants to disappear. in fact, part of him even looks a little proud. she’s not fond of the idea of killing him too, though at this rate she’ll have no other choice.
-”well, I think it’s a good thing,” her sister chirps in, obviously trying to help her unstick herself from the situation. “I think love’s the defining factor of times like these. don’t you agree, Jon?”
-the man in question looks like he’s not even there. his eyes are glassed over and he hasn’t touched his food since the conversation began. apparently, of the people sat round the table, he’s the only one who didn’t witness the event with his own eye, an Arya’s glad; she thinks he might just combust if he had.
-”oh yes,” Tormund buts in, still giving the pair of them that look, with his stupid cocked eyebrow implying things Arya doesn’t want to think about when surrounded by her family and a man she wanted dead, “love, and sex: the two most defining things life has to offer us all. that, and murder.”
-now that’s a topic Arya’s comfortable talking about. strange, thinking of how many other ladies would feel so much more at ease discussing love, whereas Arya wishes to talk about anything but. she knows it’s because death is a topic she understands. perhaps not what comes after, but certainly how to cause it. bloodshed and bleeding out just makes sense to her, whereas this peculiar feeling that’s constantly tightening in her gut whenever she looks at Gendry (like now, as a key example) is the most right wrong thing she’s ever come across.
-speaking of, the bullheaded boy is just sat there, drinking in the words as they come out. he’s got this look on his face like he’s mortified, but he’d never dream of doing anything about it. she, on the other hand, is undoubtedly bright red, betraying her years of training to be a cold-hearted assassin.
-”oh, stop it, you two,” her sister sounds like their mother when she shuns the two men, and Arya’s transported back in time to when she and Sansa were scolded for fighting. “I, for one, think it’s lovely.”
-there’s this little hint of a smile Sansa offers her that puts her more at ease. granted, she’s still got a sick feeling in her stomach that’s like she’s on a boat in particularly rough seas, but it’s something at least. she tries to smile back, but it feels forced.
-”and?” Tormund offers no explanation.
-Arya’s eyes shoot over to him, and she forces herself to sound irked as she repeats, “’and?’”
-”and, do you love him?” 
-she gulps. she can’t control herself as her eyes shoot over to Gendry, who’s looking at her with much the same expression. he too appears to have a dry mouth as he swallows so hard she sees his throat bob. there’s a glint in his iced eyes that suggest something she can’t quite comprehend.
-she looks around the table, and everybody’s watching her. even Jon, who just a second ago was looking dead to the world, is now looking at her, awaiting her response. she chuckles nervously and fumbles about with her spoon in her soup. 
-”I-” she tries, but the words won’t form properly.
-”you...” the Hound says, mocking her, shaking his head as though he has no idea what she’s on about, “what, you don’t love him?”
-”no!” she’s quick to chirp up at this, because she can only imagine how this must be seeming to Gendry, if he’s feeling what she is. she doesn’t have a second to pause before she’s childishly uttering, “I mean, yes, I do. love him.”
-eight eyes soften simultaneously as they watch her. she can’t quite see Gendry’s, as he’s taken to burying his face into his hands undoubtedly with embarrassment at the situation. her face burns again.
-even the Hound, she now sees, is looking soft. he mustn’t have expected her to be to earnest, granted how they had spent their time together. after all, surely the girl who had so often lulled herself to sleep by reciting names of her future victims and then finally left him for dead couldn’t have been in love, right? he must have believed it all to be part of some elaborate game, until she said the words herself (though, admittedly, in a jumbled-up order).
-she sees Jon’s chest rise and fall as he sighs heavily, seeming relieved at the sincerity in her tone, and it has a sense of well at least it’s somebody I know, not some street scoundrel. Sansa’s smile widens but remains gentle all at once, and when Gendry finally removes his hands from his face the world seems to jolt back into real life again, and everybody begins moving at once.
-they all seem to decide that they’re finished eating, and they all begin moving. Arya’s a little late to follow the others, but she eventually makes to stand and clean up her bowl. she’s stopped, however by a hand that grips her wrist. it’s not so strong that it’ll leave any sort of mark, but it clearly carries a message of please wait with me.
-she looks at Gendry, eyebrows furrowed. he’s already looking at her, looking like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t have, and he suddenly looks like he regrets the impulsive decision.
-”Gendry-” she begins, trying to keep her voice low so as to not alarm him, nor the ever-eavesdropping others. he shakes his head at her, though, signalling that he doesn’t want her to say anything more. she decides to heed this notice.
-he watches her for a second longer, then drops his gaze and stands suddenly, picking up his bowl. she thinks he’s just going to leave and not say anything he had seemingly wanted to, but then he’s closer to her - right beside her now - and he’s speaking to her, so quiet she almost misses it at first.
-”arya, I-” 
-she turns her head to look at him, still looking confused, concerned, and overall interested in just why he looks so afraid of her. then, the next time he speaks, she understands that it’s not quite that.
-”I... love you too.” he finally says, heaving out a sigh of relief as he does, then picks up his bowl and takes it to join the others.
-she’s left, then, to her own devices, and she’s physically unable to stop her beaming smile from breaking through her previously pensive expression. 
-alright, maybe Tormund and the Hound aren’t so bad after all.
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pinkletterday · 6 years
The Flash 5x4!!!
Whatever it is Im going to deeply empathize with and love both of them.
Idk who this stupid af bitch is running straight into a blazing hail of fireballs and trying to take selfies but I hate her.
Iris. Iris. Baby. Hahahahaha Nora knows what a disaster her Mom is in the kitchen. I love you sfm Iris.
Hey Nora this version of your Mom just met you so hold back on the teenage sass, okay?
Ok this isnt funny anymore my heart is aching for Iris.
Young lady sit back down and eat that breakfast your Mom made for you.
"Make you a banana" lmaoooo this is why Barry does all the cooking. Gawd I love the domesticity.
I love that Iris can't cook. It just adds to her perfection. I guess I really am a fool in love, huh?
Oh God this guy. Shut up shut up shut up. Did this buffoon just call Cisco Ramon not brave???
I wish Ralph would take the lead here. That's right, I like Ralph now. This season is magic.
I would find this softball thing adorkable and hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that Barry is literally the Flash. It doesn't make a lick of sense. Would have been much more interesting if Barry had turned into a star athlete overnight and everyone just boggled.
Otoh it provides an interesting (read: hilarious) look at their dynamic growing up. Their different dorknesses cancel each other out.
I am irked. Why is the Flash a hopeless athlete? HE CATCHES KNIVES OUT OF THE AIR. How does he just switch off his co-ordination?
Kinda nice seeing all the ladies together like that though. Cecile is a gift.
NORA IS A GAY THIS IS NOT A DRILL WE HAVE A BABY QUEER IN THE HOUSE aaaaaand you are seriously trying my patience here. Be rude to your mother one more time. See how that goes.
Oooh Momma Bear is on the case! *hearteyes*
See, Baby Giraffe is already better at this than The Fraudulent Frenchie.
I hate to say it but based on that lumberjane chic I think we have another queer in the house. But this one we don't want.
Loool "like her size extra small". I hate to say it but thats a way better reason for her codename than "excess" ugh.
No it was different because she never knowingly put the people she was writing about in danger you asshat. God I wish you weren't so pretty.
Another black man wrongly accused. What up, America.
...Joe what. You guys. Jesse Martin looks bad. IS HE OKAY I AM SERIOUSLY CONCERNED.
Momma coaching Baby through speedster things! Because Barry taught her that one time she was a speedster. I can't handle this. My heart.
She FINALLY thanked her! Iris's smile.
My girls. I can't.
Also. Iris West, ace reporter, always better than fake hoes. Watch and learn, padawan.
Am sad we're not getting any Cisco Ramon. I hope Carlos is enjoying his mini-vacay. Otoh, I really like that Caitlin is included in the West-Allen circle this ep.
I wonder why Nora doesnt call Cait and Cisco Aunt and Uncle. They must be the godparents.
It's okay Ralph. Some leads don't pan out. If Shitloque was an actual detective he'd know that.
But I love that the heroes of Central City can walk around in public and interact freely. Oliver's team would need to break in and scare the bejesus out of some poor unsuspecting sod.
NORA IS A DISASTER LESBIAN CONFIRMED. Or probably a disaster bi like her Dad. I AM LOVIN' THIS.
Fuck I love that Iris never even blinked when Nora said Spencer was cute. She probably sussed it way before. I love you Momma West-Allen.
Oh no oh no I was right. Iris pulled a Joe West. Goddamn it. I mean I get why, I get how traumatized and scared she must have been but IRIS NO YOU DON'T LIE TO YOUR CHILDREN TO PROTECT THEM. Remember how you felt when your Dad did that to you?
I am legit heartbroken, you guys. I really wanted to be wrong. I blame Joe West's goddamn patriarchal shitty parenting for perpetuating this cycle of lies.
I swear to God if this show tries to justify lying and manipulating your kid again I'm going to give up on it. It's triggering as all fuck (I still havent recovered from S1 and 2) and I need Iris to be held accountable when she fucks up, not let her turn into another Fefe who can do no wrong.
Jesus Christ Iris, trying to force a conversation with Nora by invading her privacy and ignoring her need for space is not okay. BOUNDARIES, girl.
Oh okay but she's holding herself accountable thank fuck. I mean, Barry's right she can't be blamed for what she might do in the future but IT'S STILL WRONG.
I was actually shaking. Friendly reminder that survivors of parental abuse and manipulation are also watching this show, some of us with CPTSD.
"What if my Dad did something like that to you"?? Er. Iris? Remember when he lied to you for twenty years about your mother being dead and you didn't talk to him for six months?
Oh here we go. You've stood there like a gormless beanpole for three episodes without so much as trying to intervene Barry and this is how you choose to comfort your wife. Not "yes, it's a bad thing and we can't know what led you to the choices future you made but in the here and now you know not to. We can learn from the future and make different choices, Iris."
...I just meant for frightening Caitlin, but he actually wants to be punched?
Ooooh that was satisfying! Pretty sure her form was all wrong but can't argue with the results.
I love how fucking competent Iris is??? She knows how to use the entire STAR Labs tech arsenal. Although that Vibe device kinda defeats the whole purpose of breechers. It's like if they had a device lying around that could give just anyone super speed.
Not sure how Spencer thinks XS can kill Flash. One's a n00b and the other is veteran.
Wait, Baby Flash can do what now?
I don't like that they had to dumb Barry down so much to give Iris a chance to shine. A couple can both be competent at the same time! It's called being a power couple! Not one-half Idiot Ball couple!
So her phone got powers? Huh??
Ah yes. Dark Matter. More multi-purpose than Quantum.
Okay cool Ralph is getting his due. "Less right" LOL
"That puts meta-human powers in the hands of anyone" kinda like having a Breeching device, no?
We have meta-humans, meta-phones, meta-daggers (a tech dagger??) HOLY SHIT WHAT IF THE DARK MATTER HIT A HOME DEPOT?? How many people now have meta-vacuum cleaners? Meta-dishwashers?? Meta-can openers??
Oh God. No. Not this.
No. You do not lie and manipulate your kids to protect them. You do not do that. Love is no justification.
Don't Barry don't. Stop stop.
I can't watch this. FUCK YOU.
No, cry all you want. I have no sympathy for either one of you callous asshats. You fucking destroyed that girl. Fuck Joe West for having raised you to think this way.
Yeah no Joe West is not who you want to go to in these matters, Nora.
I don't even care about Cicada anymore.
I should have known this show would never get any less gross.
Look, I was fully prepared to be sympathetic to Iris, traumatized, alone and single mother to a meta-child in a dangerous world to have made some bad decisions. And I do empathize. But I wasn't prepared for present-day Barry and Iris to justify and rationalize that shit. I thought they were going to say "That was a bad thing your Mom did. I'm sure she thought she was protecting you but she may have lost sight of how much it hurts to have your choices taken away from you. But I'm not that woman, Nora. I know I could never bear to see you hurting like this. I can still make better choices. Please give me a chance?"
Not "No I am your Mom and everything I do is right and good because I love you, I'm sorry if you feel hurt about it but them's the facts."
They did this when Barry and Joe lied to Iris all through S1, when Joe lied to Iris about her mother. This show is still all about apologia for lying and manipulation because LOVE AND GOOD INTENTIONS AND TO PROTECT YOU BY DISRESPECTING THE FUCK OUT OF YOU AND TAKING AWAY YOUR AGENCY.
Parental love is not a justification. Most abuse takes place at the hands of parents who really believe they're doing it for their children's protection. Please never say "your parents have every right to hurt you to protect you because they love you". Do you even care at all.
I'm not okay. Gonna take a break from fandom for a while. Can't deal with people taking Iris's side to protect their Westallen feels. Fuck both of them.
I'm posting this but please don't engage me to argue about it. Massively triggered.
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