#idk if ive talked about my should-have-been-dead experience yet but. <3 now you know
autism-corner · 3 months
it sucks that i couldve been crushed to death once (hydraulic press style) bc now i cannot think about being flattened in a normal way (for autistic reasons)
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asotin · 3 years
what're your thoughts on castlevania (the netflix show, not the game, ive never played the game) what do you like, what don't you like? make it as long as you want. i don't care if i have to scroll for 5 minutes. go feral (personally trevor is extremely hot and i would like to date sypha. i'm not really into alucard's whole sickly victorian child aesthetic, yknow?)
oh god this is way too long, but you did say to make it as long as i want, and i have a lot of thoughts that i need to inflict on the world
i played two castlevania games, both from the nintendo gameboy era, so please don’t get mad at me, gamers
details below the cut, but since i’ll be talking about season three, i need to preface this with content warnings for mentions of: graphic violence, rape and sexual violence, racism, and the holocaust
before i get into it, i usually don’t go for alucard-type characters either, but knowing that he was redesigned to be bishounen sexy specifically because the boring, middle aged man look he originally had in the games wasn’t appealing makes me enjoy him. and he’s fun with trevor and sypha
do like:
the voice acting
it’s all good. i can’t think of any characters whose voices were awkward or fit poorly. they don't make sypha’s va use the standard flat affect or false high voice women tend to be assigned, trevor sounds suitably worn out but not monotone, and alucard sounds exhausted but in a sexy way
and the spanish dub is killer, arguably superior
the animation & design
it isn’t full-on artsy, but it’s definitely got a distinctive style that’s easy to look at. the color use and effects are gorgeous. it’s a story set in the medieval era, and the mixture of desaturated and oversaturated elements works so well with that
dracula’s castle and the belmont bunker aren't revolutionary in design, but they didn't need to be. they're suitably creepy and empty, and i enjoyed them
the monsters were unique enough to have obvious different types, and the scene where a monster commits blasphemy in a church by accusing a priest of committing blasphemy was good writing
she shows up to a stranger’s spooky home and scolds him for being rude. she really looked an ancient vampire in the face, told him he had no manners, then had a kid with him. what a phenomenal woman. 11/10, no notes
“start with me, and i’ll start with you.” you know what? i’d fall in love, too
this ancient, unfriendly vampire let a human woman walk into his home and tell him he’s got no manners. and that made him fall in love with her. just like that. lisa walked in and handed him his ass, and dracula thought “oh i love her”. and when she was killed (more on this in the bad section), he raised literal hell to destroy the world for doing it
speaking of lisa being killed, it fucks me up that it happened because she convinced him to leave the castle and experience the world. he left her alone to see what she loved so much, only to come back and find that the people he’d come to like- the people lisa had loved so much it drove her to help in a way that got her killed- had burned her at the stake. i love a good tragedy, and that’s good tragedy
the way he weeps when he has to fight alucard?? during a showdown in their home?? the “i must already be dead” moment in alucard’s childhood bedroom??? when he speaks to lisa about killing their boy, her greatest gift to him??? poetic cinema.
the trio’s dynamic
three bisexuals with two total brain cells and only alucard bothers using them. incredible
i went so hard for this ot3. it's right there and so good
she initially seems to be assigned the role of the adult™️ ie she's the only woman and gets stuck being responsible, but surprise! she’s just as annoying and dumb as alucard and trevor. she dropped a castle she didn’t understand on the ground and didn’t think too hard about it. then she argued about breaking it. i love her
if we don’t get an ot3, then she needs to have a dumb gf
he's got a stupidly low neckline and lower pants. they really leaned into ayami kojima’s redesign, as they should have. his little curl annoys me, though. why the fuck does he have a random section of hair that’s like three inches long when the rest is shoulder length or longer? love that he really looks like lisa
if you say he's canonically bisexual and polyamorous, no he isn't. yes he is. no he isn't :)
disgusting. a nasty man whose appearance mirrors his state of mind. he's 50 mental illnesses in a dirty jacket and his coping mechanism is… alcohol? maybe? he’s a mess, and i dig it
him trying his trick of kneeing alucard in the balls during their fight? and finding out it doesn't work? (which…… why doesn't it……?) juvenile but suitable
his love of animals makes him my favorite. normally, i won’t touch anything with this much animal death, but i’m willing to set that aside because hector loves them so much. he’s so sweet and kind, and he loves his monster pets
yes he sided with dracula and has some really fucked up ideas about what constitutes humane treatment of people, and yet i love him. 11/10, but i have a lot of notes
i support him, including his murdering and his decision to support dracula. dracula throwing him out of the castle to save him was so cruel in that it was an attempt at kindness from a man who hated the whole world, but it was against isaac’s wishes
his time with the captain was great
idk enough about islam to know if he's portrayed correctly and haven’t seen any complaints, but given the show’s track record……… i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not great
the forging
very cool. fresh and interesting! hector creating pet friends is cute and heartbreaking. love isaac for his dedication to reducing, reusing, and recycling
season 2’s big battle with all those vampires
the new version of “bloody tears” is phenomenal
this goes back to the animation, but listen……. it's so good. i loved the smoke vampire, and alucard’s fluid wolf transformations. his flying sword looked really good, and incorporating them together? super good to watch. and trevor’s whip?
the type and level of violence are suitable for what it is. it would be weird for a gritty show like this to be bloodless, but i don't think it would work if it were bloody to the extent of a slasher. it's also more clean violence, if that makes sense. you don’t linger just to look at gore; you see it because stabbing someone spills blood. the games weren't about extended, gritty scenes of realistic murder, so the show sticking with quick, slice and dice type fights fit with what i remembered of them
please watch this fight if you don’t remember it or haven’t seen it (part 1, part 2)
trevor’s whips
trevor’s weapons don’t follow the physics of normal whips, and they shouldn't. they’re heavily stylized and clearly a fantasy weapon, but they still have rules that they (mostly) have to obey. his morning star-whip hybrid in particular is so good 
it’s easy to follow, too. a lot of times, speedy weapons disappear, which is an understandable effect but one i find boring because there’s nothing for me to do. i’m just sitting on my ass with nothing to do
trevor’s whips don’t disappear. they’re fast, but you can always see them. and they have weight! you can see them slow down and gain speed. i don’t need physics to be real; i want movement to be pleasing, and that’s exactly what i get with the whips
don’t like:
fridging lisa
she could have been kidnapped (possibly make dracula think she was dead bc people want to lure out her scary demon husband, idk), then s2 could have ended with her and dracula reuniting as he died. she and alucard go on a trip together to attempt to make amends for the pain dracula wrought in lisa’s name. orrrr she dies a tragic death with him and we’re left to hope that they find each other in the afterlife. do vampires get to go to the afterlife? can alucard reintegrate? can he be happy with his new friends? or will he go back to his crypt and sleep again? will he ever be rediscovered? if so, what will he do? deep questions. i would prefer to cogitate on these instead of experiencing the shitshow that is s3
season 3
they should have ended it with dracula’s death. the quality of storytelling goes down immediately. just plummets. i’m sure there were problems in the first two seasons, but this one is so bad, i genuinely can’t remember
but i may as well get specific, so here we go:
abandoning alucard
trevor and sypha leave their friend alone in his childhood home where he just killed his father. where they helped him kill his father who, as i’ve said too many times, raised literal hell to get revenge for people burning alucard’s mother to death
yt they don’t talk about alucard. they don’t make any plans to touch base ever again. trevor’s entire family got killed. sypha’s culture, from which she’s now estranged, is family-centric. if ever two people should give a shit about alucard and know why alucard shouldn’t be left on his own, it's them
so what the hell is going on?
trevor and sypha’s relationship
look. it could be good. it would be better with alucard but they could be together and it could work fine
but this……….
trevor hates what they're doing. he hates traveling around and fighting. he's clearly tired and deeply depressed
sypha not only doesn't care enough to address it (did they forget the first two seasons?? sypha is annoying partly because she doesn't stop poking people) she might not even notice? yes, she's having fun, but trevor is basically dead on his feet in front of her
hector, sumi, and taka all got done dirty 
sumi and taka
i hate the way they died. i hate that i’m certain that the plot won’t bring japan back into the narrative (or if it does, i don’t trust it not to be shitty). i hate the fact that by killing them off, i’m not going to get any more of them. they were interesting!!
speaking of the japanese vampire: the biphobia, arguably, given what happens with alucard
the addition of sexual violence
i don’t need or want lenore. if all she’d done was manipulate hector, i could have lived with that. she’s a villain, so she does bad things. that’s the point. but what she did was a massive escalation. we hadn’t had any sexual violence, and then the last few episodes gave us 
tumblr feminists who love her for how she treated hector need to be quarantined until their brain worms have been cured
everything that happens to hector
what was this shit? why did i open my netflix app and tap castlevania and find them making this man walk around naked in the cold to torture him? and starving him? he got manipulated, degraded, chained up, collared like an animal, and raped. and why? to show us how bad lenore is? that the other vampires are bad because they let her do it? i didn’t sign up for this
the holocaust reference
the imagery at the end of s3 when it’s revealed that the judge has been killing people he’s decided are undeserving to live and collecting their shoes in that barn was chillingly close to images of shoes taken from victims of the holocaust. there's no reason to invoke the holocaust here. it’s unnecessary and in bad taste
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14. A Shot in the Dark Part 2
Upfront: It has been a long time since I’ve known somebody who got shot (well enough) to have the exact parameters of how the hospital etiquette is, so I’m basically going to tap into the last time, and since that was about a decade ago and also in my hometown, Idk how far off the way that they handle it is. I’ll try to fill in the spaces with how not as close associates have portrayed their experiences with similar crises and maybe pepper in a little imagination for flow of story. But, the main takeaway is that the chapter has a heavy police presence and I know that can be extremely difficult to digest for people.
He had been crying for most of the night. He wasn’t that adverse to crying. Physically, it was a good release for emotions that the brain was trying to process. He did wish that he could stop for longer than fifteen minutes here and there, but there was too much happening in his heart and mind. It had been two hours. The police had talked to him, then he had to wait for detectives, and they were a “good cop, bad cop” team that he would have expected only in a fictional work, and that was fitting, since none of this felt real. 
The way that Grace’s body shivered in his arms, then just… stopped moving. The way that she wasn’t breathing and he was too scared to let go of her wound to try to administer CPR… The way that he was convinced that he was watching the love of his life die in his arms and the fact that she had been in surgery for two hours and nobody but police and detectives would speak to him about anything, yet, nobody would try to contact her family, despite him repeating to them that she was Ambassador Monroe’s daughter…
3:48 am - At least they had contacted Sunetra. Apparently, she was Grace St. Catherine’s listed emergency contact. She and Xander showed up about an hour after Simon had been sitting there, with the police. Whenever they came in, both of them noticed him and he could see that Xander looked equal amounts of confused, angry, and scared. Sunny was less readable, only seeming to be curious, but rushed over to him, while the police tried to intercept her. “What happened?” she asked, over their shoulders. 
Simon stared at her, glanced at Xander, and even though everything in him wanted to say, “You left her to fucking die is what happened!” Instead, he said very softly, “Grace and I were on a date and she got shot…” Sunny had an emotional response. She began to let tears fall from her eyes, though the rest of her was unresponsive as the police gently guided her away, asking that she and Simon don’t talk.
Xander had a look of… realization and resignation. Simon was gonna cover for them again. He and Sunny could stick with the alibi that they would have used if Grace had been found dead in the alley… “Is she dead?” Xander asked, shaking and crying/
“Surgery…” Simon said, feeling… equal parts bad for him but still extremely pissed off. He knew that he cared, he did know that… but they just LEFT her. They left her to die, not knowing that Simon was there for her, to avenge her nor to save her. They had left her to die in an alley and would have just… moved on without her, like they’d done with Heath. He felt his own tears forming again, angry ones this time around and he wiped at them with his sleeve.  She deserved better. 
At least now, he was ready to make his phone call. He just… didn’t want to potentially be arrested if Grace was gonna be alone. Hopefully, somebody would call her parents. She wasn’t close to them, but she loved them a lot, and they deserved to know where she was. She deserved to have them there for her. “Mom…”
“Simon? Baby, it’s 3 am, what in the world is going on?”
He sobbed and said, “Grace was shot..”
He heard the wind leave his mother like she’d just been hit. “Oh my God, Simon. Baby, I am so sorry. Where are you, I’ll come right down!”
“I’m at the hospital. The police want to talk to me. I’m scared that… That they’ll make me leave her here… that they might arrest me.” There was a pause, and he knew that she was trying to process something… “I was just trying to protect her. I killed somebody… He shot her and I…” He couldn’t finish the sentence. It wasn’t even the fact that he had done it, but telling his mother was… harder than he imagined when he mustered up the courage to call her.
“I’m gonna call the lawyer and come down there. What hospital?”
 Simon wrote something on her hand. 
It's not the first thing that she noticed. That was the room. A hospital room.  What happened? For a moment, she didn’t even know who she was, much less where exactly she was and why, but her brain read her surroundings as a hospital room, and whatever happened, she felt very fuzzy headed and resolved not to say anything aloud until she could figure out more about what happened and why.
The second thing that she noticed was the badge.
It had a visceral and sobering affect on her. She thought about the ACAB button on her favorite canvas bag and her body felt actual elevated pain at even seeing the symbol - a symbol she hated and did not trust. The badge holder spoke, seeing that she was now awake, she mentally noted, not caring that she couldn’t POSSIBLY look like she was capable of holding a conversation, because she still was trying to figure out what happened. “Miss St. Catherine?”
“Monroe,” she groaned.  Bitch, was that YOUR voice? She wondered, hearing something that sounded gross and pained come out of her and feeling a tremendous strain as the word flowed from her lips, even as her mind told her not to say THAT. Monroe. She hadn’t used that name in years, but… her brain still automatically spat it out when addressed. “Ugh…” she finally remembered more. Monroe. That’s correct. She had parents and her last name, from them had been Monroe. It took her a while to push out her explanation - both energy and concentration that the badge holder allowed her to power through. “I’m the daughter of Gethsemane Monroe… and Ambrose! Ambrose Monroe. Call him… My father… I’m… hurting…”
The third thing that she noticed was her pain. You’d think it would be instant, but her brain spent so much energy trying to formulate words and connect them to thoughts of questions that she hadn’t. But, by God, now she did.
“You’ve gotten medical attention, but we will contact your parents.”
“Cool. They’ll call the family lawyer.”
“You think that you need a lawyer?”
“I  don’t  think that you should talk to me in my condition. Can hardly think, and I’m in pain. I’ve…”  I’ve been shot! THAT’S what happened. She remembered. Her blood pressure spiked at this realization. “Simon!” Her voice was stronger, in her panic and she moved quite violently, only to realize that she was handcuffed to the hospital bed. Both her wrist and her gsw hurt in that moment and she laid down, breathing hard and holding herself with her free hand.
“Simon Laurent?” The badge holder had been unmoved by her sudden jolt, and unphased by her obvious pain. 
“I hope that whatever is in this IV doesn’t make me forget that you’re trying to talk to me in my condition, after the fact that I asked for my lawyer. I hope that they have a lot to say about me being chained to this bed after getting shot.”
The doctor had arrived to check on her and the detective ducked out, with Grace glaring at him. They brought her blood pressure down, gave her more pain medicine and spoke to her about her injuries and procedures. “Am I going to make it?”
“I think so. Good thing that your friend was there.”
“Simon! Is  he okay?” her pulse shot up. 
“Please try to remain calm, Miss St. Catherine. He wasn’t harmed.” She sighed and rested against the pillow.  That wasn’t what I asked…  But,  that was when she noticed it:
“Remember our last date night! XOXO Simon”  The doctor left the room as she stared at the sloppily written message, knowing that even though it looked shaky and/or rushed that it was Simon’s handwriting and he MUST have written it while she was injured… she knew this was an important message.  Our last date night? Like… last date-date, date night or last “date night” date night? No… not our last date. There’s nothing special about that.  He had recently asked her about their “last date night,” so she knew that must have been what he meant.  Remember our last date night! XOXO Simon… 
She knew what she needed to do. She waited, trying to breathe and meditate, silently hoping and wishing that she knew Simon as well as she knew that he knew her. She looked at the clock in the room. 4:14 am.
4:58 am, a VERY handsome couple stormed into the hospital and Simon recognized them immediately. Even if he had never seen the photos, Grace was the spitting image of her mother - the woman didn’t even look old enough to have a daughter her age. They could easily pass for sisters, and with a slight variation of her skin tone and hair texture, they had the exact same face, build, and body language. (Though, Grace's body language most likely mimicked her mom's to pass for normalcy) Her father was… clearly rich, because that woman was definitely out of his league and his style was more of a conservative fashion than the clearly purposely fashionable wife, but that was an earlier thought Simon had… not necessarily one he had on this night. 
The man was slamming his finger onto the counter and speaking very sternly to the poor lady at the desk. Whatever was happening wasn’t her fault, but Simon figured the police had been just as shitty with them as they’d been with him the past couple of hours. The woman turned and noticed him. She came over and his mother took his hand and intertwined their fingers, seemingly to give him strength. They weren’t sure WHAT Grace’s mother was going to say.
“You’re Grace’s boyfriend,” she said. Simon… knew that Grace said her mom was English, but hearing that voice come out of “Grace’s face” was a bit shocking at first. He nodded his head. If Grace hadn’t announced that they had broken up, this wasn’t the time to. Maybe she also hadn’t mentioned that she’d rushed off because he was stalking her. “Do you know what happened?” She wondered.
The police were a lot more accommodating with allowing her to talk to him than they had been with Sunny and Xander, who were also in the waiting room, with officers beside them, and had been presumably questioned when they’d been guided to the detectives earlier. Simon glanced at them and he saw that the police were staring at him, waiting for him to finally say something. If he wasn’t going to answer them, he would maybe answer this woman. He squeezed his mother’s hand and let himself tell her. “Somebody attacked Grace. She was shot,” he pointed to where. “She’s been in surgery. They won’t say more. The man that shot her… He was somebody… that she  knew…  from her past, I think,” he said, tilting his head, hoping that Mrs. Monroe would catch what he meant. She stumbled, ever so slightly, letting him know that she indeed did get it. “I killed him,” Simon said. It was more of a proud declaration than anything else. The woman looked… relieved. Simon didn’t know if he was imagining that for his own ego, or if he was simply too disoriented to note things properly. But soon, the doctor approached Grace’s parents and they rushed down the hallway with him.  She’s alive. She’s okay… Simon felt himself take the first relieved breath that he’d had in hours.
5:17 am. Outside of her room, she could hear her parents fussing with someone. The other voice wasn’t very familiar, but she ultimately gathered that it was that badge that had been in earlier. He had a hard voice, which, although he was speaking in a low voice, it cut through the wall and sounded very sinister as he told her parents that she couldn’t receive visitors until they figured out what happened in that alley. An accent of “the Queen’s people,” Grace considered it. She wasn’t that great at telling a lot of those accents apart, and found out that people snobbishly point out that their accents are special. Their accents are different. If they had the Queen listed whenever she looked them up online, she just threw it in a bucket. It was an effort on her part NOT to think about linguistics. In fact, she furrowed her brows that she was thinking about it so naturally just from hearing an Australian accent through a door.  Damn it. 
Her father spoke about the constitution, warned the dick that he  knew the law, and her mother insisted that he was incompetent, subhuman, and corrupt. The door opened and the man returned, leaving her parents outside. 
“Miss Monroe, or Miss St. Catherine, or whoever you wish to be called these days. Your parents have been alerted and they want to see you. Your boyfriend is out there, speaking to my partner. If you want to get your side out, I would suggest that you do so now.”
She frowned.  Her side?  Simon wasn’t telling on her. He wouldn’t. She looked at the note on her hand.  This cop is trying to get under your skin, Grace. 
“People sure do seem to die around you a lot. Hopefully, he'll realize that sooner, rather than later." He adjusted her blanket and smirked, his icy blue eyes seemingly having nothing human behind them as he covered up her still cuffed arm. "But, maybe I'm misunderstanding the facts. Maybe it's  not  what it looks like. Maybe you  weren't trying to attack someone when they shot you in self defense, only to be murdered moments later by some poor fool under your spell."
Now, Grace smirked, but she was in enough pain that it could be mistaken for a wince, if Mace wasn't so receptive. "Yes. You ARE wrong."
"Explain it to me. Simon's certainly explaining it to my partner."
Sieve: Just explain to me what happened
Simon: Is Grace okay?
Sieve: Whatever you know, it could only help her.
Simon: (Sighs) I've already told the police and I also told you and your partner. That guy shot her and I shot him. He attacked, I reacted.
Sieve: What led up to it?
Simon: It happened really fast.
Sieve: Start from when you first saw him. We’ve got time. 
Simon: Ummm… he seemed to come out of nowhere to me I don't know. 
 Grace: I spotted him throwing the trash out back there and I recognized him. I thought he might not recognize me, but if he did... I... Didn't want Simon to know. (Lowers her eyes to the note on her palm. Clenches her fist.) He doesn't know about my past. I didn't want him to know that I was... Product... And I certainly never expected to run into the man who had turned me into product…
 Sieve: Did she say who this man was?
Simon: No... She... (Taps into Grace's personality. ‘If I were brainstorming the actions of a character like Grace, how would I outline her response to this line of questioning?’) She seemed paranoid. Secretive. I didn't know him, but I had a feeling that she didn't want me to, so I tried to give her space. I gave them too much of it…
 Grace: I tried to get some distance between Simon and I to get a closer look at the guy. It was dark and I didn't know if my past was playing tricks on my mind. It's been almost 15 years now… I didn't really believe myself to be seeing him again, especially in such a random place as this alley.
Mace: But it was him?
Grace:  (nods head)  It was dark. I was walking up on him and I asked him a question about that day. Are you the nice man with the pinky ring in the white limousine? I asked it out loud before I could stop myself or formulate a more tactful way to handle it.
Mace: And then what?
Grace:  (Looks into his eyes) And then he shot me.
 Simon: I don't KNOW what she said. I don't know what happened. It was dark and they were a little ways away from me. From what I COULD figure, he seemed to be trying to kill her. I simply reacted.
Sieve: By emptying your gun into him?
Simon: That's… that's how I practice at the range. I've been practicing a lot. I'm a pretty good shot. I just... Went into my practice mode. He was running, but I imagined the firing range targets when they move forward.
Sieve: He was running towards you?
Simon:  (Pauses)  No.. the other direction.
Sieve: So, you admit that he was running away when you killed him.
Simon: I… never denied that he was running away… AFTER he tried to kill Grace. (Hands shaking in anger and frustration)
Sieve: But, instead of self defense, as you claimed, this sounds like revenge for shooting your girlfriend.
Simon: If you could only be self-aware enough to realize how absurd that is coming from the police. You all shoot people all the time out of fear. Unarmed people who aren't even being violent. This monster shot at us!
Sieve: At her. After she rushed up to him in the dark, in presumably a confrontational manner.
Simon: Why do you presume that?
Sieve: It sounds like your girlfriend rushed upon this man, if it happened so quickly that you can’t form how exactly it did happen. How far away would you say you were from him?
Simon:  (Flares nostrils)  I didn't measure.
Sieve:  (More pensievely than accusatory)  But, in the dark, with him moving in the opposite direction, you were a very precise shot. It was not well lit, he was an unknown distance away. Your girlfriend was probably on the ground by then. All on short notice, and in a random alley behind this man’s job. You hit him with every bullet in your gun. You didn't miss at all, and still had time to apply pressure to the wound and call 911. 
Simon: I’m a quick thinker and I've been practicing.
 Mace: So, the victim…
Grace: Me?
Mace: The murder  victim.
Grace: The attempted murderer.
Mace: Had ties to someone you knew. Someone we spoke about before. Heath Farmer.
Grace:  (Pulse accelerates. Face becomes firm)  I don't believe that.
Mace:  The night that Farmer died, he had been a part of a b&e, two of the culprits escaped. The homeowner didn't get a good look at them, but noted that they were all dressed alike and wearing masks. Some time later, a man was taken from his home, not to be seen again. His wife, who hadn't been on the scene when Farmer died, described the kidnappers in a similar fashion as Farmer had been dressed that night. Same exact clothing that was removed from your person for surgery.
Grace: (Unbothered) Sounds like they were stylish.
Mace: 148. That's what you told the police whenever you were initially arrested for beating a girl almost to death. 
Grace: A gang member who murdered a small child that police failed to protect.
Mace: Heath Farmer once had a number too, and I'm sure that if I were to go through all of your friends, I would find more numbers. More members of your gang. More murderers…
Grace:  I'm  sure that you’ll find that there is no type of evidence to indicate that  I  have murdered anybody, anywhere. The only thing that you have is the word of someone who described an outfit of some people who maybe tapped into a description that her husband gave her when he spoke about work.
Mace: I never mentioned anything about his work.
Grace: You mentioned that the wife’s description matched Heath's death at his murder scene. Either somebody let a civilian on the premises during an investigation, or the woman's husband was on the scene for work, since she was not, as you were happy to inform me. (Bats her eyes)
Mace:  (Glares) You were able to pin numerous murders on so-called stewards, who wore all black clothes masks to cover their identities, and yet, in several disappearances over the past couple of years, we find the symbol associated with your old gang. The one that you got away with acts of violence by being rich and pretending to be crazy. Several of those same kids who were on the streets were there for a year while you were allowed to sit in a room, dance and draw pictures with crayons. Maybe the ringleader felt bad for abandoning them. Maybe these people who are disappearing are doing so because the princess has decided.
Grace: This is inappropriate. The detective.
Mace: Why would you and Farmer have matching outfits and be near people associated with the old Apex in the middle of the night? More than one occasion, and it be exactly the same as what the witness saw when her husband was taken?
Grace: My date with Simon was after practice last night, and Heath must have stopped by that man’s house on his way to  practice that night.
Mace: Practice?
Grace:  (Deadpan)  We have a dance crew.  (Stare at each other)  You can verify it with the Infinity Train Foundation Center. Sometimes we practice there and most of our performances have been there. For the kids.
Mace: You never said that you had practice on the night of his death.  (Smirks)
Grace: I said that we cancelled some plans to hang out with Simon. Those plans were practice that night. My other friends wanted to size him up and Heath didn't make it to the little meet and greet. Maybe he was as unfortunate as me. Maybe he saw somebody that he just couldn’t stand not to address. Maybe that’s why he was killed, as opposed to wounded or apprehended for questioning. Sure would have made your job easier than this plot of yours to give me details of the investigation. You might think that you’re programming me to know stuff that I’m not supposed to know so that later that knowledge can be used against me, but I promise, I’m not as stupid as you think.
Mace:  (Fumes in frustration as Grace stares at him, emotionless)
Grace: Are you on the take? Is that why you’re so passionately trying to pin cold blooded murder on an internationally recognized children’s book series author?
Mace: Maybe it’s him who’s in your pocket. Unfortunate young man who brings joy to children is a good, strong alibi for a murderous former gang member and child prostitute…
Grace: (Spits in his face) 
“Book me for assault for that if you want to, but you don’t have SHIT else on me,” she hissed. “I can’t wait to tell my lawyer what you just said to an injured SURVIVOR of child trafficking, homelessness and the subsequent street violence brought on by aforementioned abuse. I’m a recovery success story, philanthropist, child welfare advocate, and payer of so many taxes… The way that my dad and the DA might as well be fucking each other, they’re so close, and you take my physically and mentally traumatized body, cuff it to a bed while I’m striuggling for my life, and question and accuse me while I’m under medication... I feel like… You should take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, ``Do you want to fight me?” He wiped his face with her blanket, uncuffed her and left the room.
Her parents were speaking with her lawyer whenever he came out. “Going to take Mr. Laurent to the station for more questioning,” he said.
“What?” Mrs. Laurent wondered, walking up with coffee for Mrs. Monroe that she had gone to fetch while waiting for Simon to finish speaking with the other detective. “Simon already told us all that he did what he did in self defense!” 
“Other things have come to light, namely that the murder victim…”
“The assailant who tried to kill my daughter,” Mrs. Monroe corrected, infuriating him as well as her daughter had.
“WAS affiliated with the organisation that disbanded and became known as the street gang that your daughter was part of…”
Mrs. Laurent gasped. “Street gang? What are you talking about?”
“What he’s talking about is something that he has no legal RIGHT to talk about and now you’ve just slandered my daughter to a woman who only knows her after her terribly haunting childhood of being forced into a life of crime.” Mrs. Laurent’s eyes were already red from crying, and now they were simply confused, as well. “Mrs. Laurent… Our legal team already has representatives here on behalf of Grace. I’m more than happy to extend their services to Simon, as well.”
“I don’t know that we can afford something like that…” the woman said. 
Mrs. Monroe doubted that Simon would have a problem with good legal representation, as she definitely already researched his net worth, but it was true that he didn’t have a team like the one that they did. “Don’t be silly. Our children come first, and it's clear that they are under attack right now. Why else would we be even be entertaining the notion that two beloved pillars of the community are somehow orchestrating a conspiracy theory to…” she gave Mace a look, “What were the claims? Killing a child trafficking gang member?” She finally took her coffee from Mrs. Laurent’s shaking hand, blew on it and took a sip, staring at Detective Mace, for dramatic effect.
It burned her tongue, but she didn’t flinch. 
Sieve came from the room that he had been allowed to use in order to speak with Simon and he and Mace touched base, going over the discussions. Simon hugged his mother and Mrs. Monroe stared at the detectives. Her husband approached with the DA on his cell phone to speak with Mace. They watched as he stammered and tried to explain things, then he handed the phone back and punctuated with conversation (pointed at Simon), with, “We’ll be in touch if further questioning comes about. At this moment, no charges will be filed.”
Simon’s eyes smiled and he politely said, “Thank you so much, for everything that you do to keep citizens safe.” Mace knew he was being sarcastic, though there was nothing to prove it and the Monroes had just made it clear that this entire lot would be a unified effort. In fact, the woman was rubbing Simon’s back and talking kindly to him while his mother offered him her coffee cup. Mace left angrily. Sieve seemed less upset, but he always was. 
The police were going to stay around for a while, and Grace was only allowed 3 visitors at a time. First, she saw her parents and the lawyer. Then, she saw Sunny, Xander, and Jalicia had come in too, by then. Then, her mom brought Mrs. Laurent in and the woman was trying to be very strong about having had it sprung on her this morning about Grace’s past and the entire situation with the police and things. Grace was extremely tired by the time that Simon finally got around to coming in. So tired, that she only saw his face, smiled, held his hand and fell to sleep, with him and the clock watching over her. 8:41 am.
15. I Trust Him With My Life
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sorikkung · 6 years
You did an intro to got7 a while ago could you maybe do one for A.C.E.??? They seem like a good group but I'm clueless atm so it would be v helpful!!!
lololol i did an intro to mark from got7 but not got7 as a whole, but yes ofc i will i love my talented bois and i love rambling about them heRE WE G O
an introduction to a.c.e, for dummies (jk ily choice is a great fandom pls join us)
also this is gonna get rlly long so im gonna put it under a cut
A.C.E is a 5-member boygroup under beat interactive!! which is a p small company atm so my boys dont exactly have the high quality living and practice areas and food that they deserve :(( THEYLL GET THERE THO IM SURE OF IT THEYRE LEGENDS
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here’s their youtube channel with aaaaall sorts of goodies
i started stanning a.c.e predebut, bc they had a lot of content for a group that hadn’t debuted yet, and it was enough to snatch my attention real quick so you should check that shit out, they did a shitton of AMAZING covers and to get their name out there more, street buskings its a lot but i swear its worth your time theyre so talented!!
also they have matching tracksuits what more could you ask for tbh (as you can see from that vid, they’re literally so fucking extra)
a few of my favs are
this rlly long busking video w girl group songs and just a bit of everything tbh,
THIS amazing remix/cover of kard’s don’t recall by the rap line + this one cute girl,
their flashlight cover that is enough to make a grown man cry omfuckigngOD it makes me feel things hjskskkh
that ONE TAKE dance cover they did of 3 of taeyangs songs, all focusing on a different member of the dance line
im gonna stop here before i link every damn cover they made
okay so now that thats covered (bad-um-tss) time for…DEBUT
THIs beauty right here is their debut song cactus, which has this really deep meaning to it. bc they came from a small company so they have to work extra hard to even be able to debut let alone be successful and they’re like a cactus bc cacti grow in the desert where there’s very little water but they still manage to stand strong even through the hardest of weather an environment conditions and eventually sprout beautiful flowers,, buuuuuut its also a meme for obvious reasons.
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tbh debut era choice culture was just listening to cactus on repeat for days bc it was their only song at the time skjslaas not much has changed tbh LMAO but yes theyre a very edm loving group so their DANCE SKILLS ARE ON POINT SERIOUSLY IVE SEEN FEW GROUPS AS AMAZING AT DANCING AS ACE WOWOW
oh yeah did i mention that their fandom name is choice and that choice are literally the softest fandom my multifandom ass has e v e r been in?? theres literally no cringy or toxic side of the fandom its just so soft and welcoming and pure and everyone is so nice and sweet and friendly and just??? wow i love choice a lot hjkskjsshkhk choice are also SUPER talented too stan talent stan choice
speaking of cringe ace is that group that just like skipped the entire “rlly cringy boygroup debut phase” completely like no weird debut haircuts or outfits or weird lyrics about girls, well actually thats all kinda objective but like they made those outfits work ok and im a cactus isnt that weird of a lyric if you know the deep meaning behind it
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aS yOu CaN sEe, cactus era was the era of the tHIGHS and the hot pants. it was literally so iconic it blew up and with great reason too, have you seen those thighs?? AND THEY KNOW IT TOO they even mentioned they chose the hot pants as their style concept and took better care of their legs than their faces. true kings. heres a video of a.c.e talking about the whole hot pants thing and just their legs in general its some quality shit. and heres a video where they decide to show off just how great their thighs are bc they like to kill choices like that, this video is important and iconic bc its where the wowson ship began and also when they declared who the king of thighs were amongst the kings of thighs. definitely a necessary watch for new choice imo. donghun lowkey grinds on the floor at 4:04, you’ve been warned. honestly that video just gets progressively gayer lmao i love it
also for us international choice they made an ENGLISH cover of cactus CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I LOVE THEM SM they didnt have to but they did and oml stan a group who stans you back this hard their english aint that great but theyre trying and i appreciate it so much theyre so amazing look
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five months later they dropped their second single, callin’, and b o y was this a stressful comeback, beat had us FOOLEd,, i genuinely thought it was gonna be a flowerboy soft concept yknow with like some sweet lowkey ballad or soft pop song, but nOOooOOOooo, MORE HARDSTYLE EDM not that im complaining callin is a bop but i was TRICKED
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LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITS ALL AESTHETIC AND THE CLIP OF THE SONG WAS ALL SOFT I WAS REALLY EXPECTING SMTH SOFT im sorry im still salty that beat tricked me but ITS FINE bc callin is a HELLA BOP like i honestly didnt expect them to top cactus so quickly bc like cactus was hella but they DID and its amazing and heres the link be blessed (warning, these gifs above make it look like a soft vid but there are LOTS of flashing colours and lights and its really intense on the eyes if youre not comfortable with that dont watch, just listen)
they also supplied multiple dance pracs you can find on their channel for callin bc ace feeds us well, although callin had a reaaaally short promotion period bc right after they got thrown onto survival shows for more publicity, but hey, its working!! choice is growing bigger every day and im so proud
donghun, wow and jason all went on yg’s show mixnine, and jun and chan went on the idol rebooting show, the unit. both teams are doing EXTREMELY well on their respective shows!! but ill talk more about that in their individual member profiles bc they havent been put on the same team for anything yet rip
edit: mixnine finished and donghun and jason made the cut for the final group, sehyoon didn’t :(( so dongson will be promoting with the mixnine group for a lil bit!! also chan made it to the unit debut group but jun didnt. im hoping for a sehyjun subunit pls
that was long af but now im gonna dive into the members individually!! so its probs gonna get twice as long sorrynotsorry i warned you
Jun (Park Junhee)
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jun is the so-called fiery leader of ace (also lead dancer and lead vocal) but is honestly just a giant dork and a sweetheart. hes the type of guy who you scream at for being dumb and call him an idiot but thats your weird way of expressing your undying love for him?? ask literally any jun stan, they’ll say they hate him. hate him for being so PERFECT like a fucking DISNEY PRINCE he’s the designated prince of the group you know theres always that one member and hes just so LOVEABLE and stupid and skjdakhkjs he fuckign dropped his cake on his birthday when do your faves ever. dad of the group, probably lost the maknaes in the shopping mall about 3 times already. talks a lot, hates aegyo, his members might be planning on sacrificing him to satan? he does on idol class with chan every…i think its wednesday and fans vote who gets punishments n stuff and jun loses every damn time i think hes losing his faith in choice lmao. #saveleaderjun
he’s kinda married to donghun, they’re the parents of ace but donghun might try murder him in his sleep idk man, but now hes on the unit with chan and theyre all cute and you can literally ship everyone with everyone in this group
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he has HELLA charisma on stage tho oh my gOd also he has one of the most unique singing voices ive ever heard so its really easy to single out, his face also is the first i learned to tell apart?? he has rlly high cheekbones and a wide but thin smile.
this is actually an ot5 video not just jun but jun’s reaction was by far the most iconic so i have to put it in his section, get you a fave who can FLY lmaooo
it would be CRIMINAL if i didnt solo out jun’s ringa linga cover, thE MOST ICONIC JUN COVER EVER HJFKDSJKFDSJK if i ever stop talking about this assume im dead bc IVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT jun in a leather jacket looking all rude and staring at the camera like that im WEAK, SO WEAK, AAAAAAAAHHHH
[ahem] MOVING ON
Donghun (Lee Donghun)
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donghun, sometimes romanised as donghoon and often referred to by choice as hun or hoon, is the oldest member of the group and another total sweetheart, honestly ace is just a group of sweethearts, he cares for his members so damn much and is super soft?? but ALSO A s Av Age he’s on mixnine with sehyoon and jason and he SHOT DOWN YG, once again I C O N I C, yg was at a loss for words, heres more receipts of him being savage, i love my sassy boyfriend. BUT HES ALSO A SWEET NOODLE HJKSHJKS oH and did you know that before he joined a.c.e he had no experience in dancing whatsoever and in a year and a half, he caught up with the other four members that have been dancing since they were kids?? I STAN TALENT YALL you’d literally never be able to guess that bc all of them are like on an equal dance level its insane
also he used to have braces during cactus era and it was the softest shit
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[cOUGHS] so like did someone say disrespect,,, bc he can do that too,,,,, aAAAAAAAH the duality of this man istg
he’s the main vocalist and has vO C AL S OF AN A N GEL, he has so much soul and emotion in his voice, and has adlibs for days oh my god, he also has the MOST BEAUTIFUL FALSETTO i’ve ever heard, fight me, actually come at me. his voice works REALLY well with chan so they pair him up with him for quite a handful of covers like the all of me one i linked (one of my favs omfg it makes me emo) cause like, his soulful voice plus chan’s higher, sweet voice just sounds so great together i love our main vocals wow.
Wow (Kim Sehyoon)
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his stage name is wow, but its hard to take seriously so the fandom just calls him sehyoon lmfao. it used to be seyoon but when he went on mixnine, he revealed sehyoon was the official romanization so here we are lmao. even if your bias isn’t sehyoon…it’s sehyoon. he’s just that guy ya feel me?? anyways sehyoon is a relatively quiet and reserved guy, but his members really pull out the dork in him, i love it so much?? he doesn’t talk much but when he does all of a.c.e directs their full attention to him to listen, its really sweet, hes pretty awkward with people but you can tell he just feels so safe and comfortable with ace it honestly warms my heart. he’s the main rapper and main dancer, but!! our multitalented man is also a vocalist. yes, you heard, me, the main rapper can sing, and really well at that. (if you scroll up back to the flashlight and dont recall covers, you can see more of his voice.)
gets the least lines, but not by much. although hearing his singing voice in their actual songs has happened like with 2 lines?? so idk man im just waiting for their ballad song that theyre apparently doing for their third song, god im so ready. i love his voice a lot, damn.
he’s also like reeeeeeeeeally gay for jason…the entire fandom ships it and they even ship it themselves. wowson, the otp of ace, they honestly just cant keep their hands off eachother??? i know a friend who struggled to tell apart jun and jason so she just looked at who sehyoon was standing next to and instantly knew it was jason. THEYRE SO CLINGY. i love my squishy boyfriends. 
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OHHH BOY…i really could’ve used an even more disrespectful gif than this but that would ruin the surprise of watching it in the actual video!! as you can see, sehyoon is the K I N G of disrespect on stage, that shy lil fluffle bean you see offstage?? GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED. this is why his stage name is wow, sehyoon disappears and you just go wow. choice has dubbed him king of bodyrolls with great reason, he makes every concept into a sexy concept, he just has that intimidatingly sexy aura to him, its incredible. 
now…are you ready….i bet youre not…who am i kidding NOBODY was ready for this shit. on mixnine, sehyoon was picked as leader for one of their stages (i think he was leader for ringa linga too??) and got to choreograph the routine. if you think its already rude 10 seconds in, its all over for you bitches when the lighting goes yellow. i feel the need to repeat, our boy CHOREOGRAPHED THIS. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. this is the same kid who everyone on the show knew as the shy, quiet, handsome boy. but then. 
but then he did this.
Jason (Kim Byeongkwan)
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jason is his stage name that he chose for himself but his real name is byeongkwan, its another case of an idol having a stage name and nobody calling them by it?? i mean most new choice call him jason and i personally switch between the two but most choice seem to call him byeongkwan or bk if theyre extra lazy lmao. memers call him byonk sometimes.
jason is the weird child of the group and we all love him…he’s the second lil ball of sunshine and part ½ of the maknae line. he’s often found clinging to sehyoon or literally any of the members bc he’s an affectionate son who loves cuddles okay?? p r o t e c t   h i m.
he’s also the lead everything. yeah thats really not fair but jason is op ok?? singing, rapping, dancing, visual, like sehyoon he’s the full package, i can hardly call them the rap line they’re just the op line t b h. triple threats.
on their official twt jason likes to confirm wowson a lot, its p great lololol he’s the biggest wowson shipper of all time. want more wowson? i gotchu, here’s one of my absolute fav moments. (ft. junchan/chun)
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he has some HELLA CHARISMA on stage like boy can u pls chill. they also love doing his eye makeup with that red makeup and it looks rlly good bc bk has such pretty eagle eyes and its his Look™ and that along with his onstage persona is a DEADLY COMBINATION HDSJKSKSLKJS 
i’m just gonna keep this short; even if your bias isnt byeongkwan, your bias is byeongkwan. he has that affect on everybody. number one bias wrecker out of the fandom t b h apart from sehyoon (he cant be my bias wrecker if he is my bias so im safe :^J)
Chan (Kang Yuchan)
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INTRODUCING OUR CHANSHINE, MAIN VOCAL OF ACE, CUTIE MAKNAE CHAN!!!! he always introduces himself as a.c.e’s main vocal cutie maknae chan, its his iconic line and it suits him so well like LOOK AT HIM ISNT HE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE WHAT A PURE CHILD I MUST PROTECC he’s literally the happy virus y’all AND ACE KNOWS IT TOO heres this one time where donghun even said that looking at chan cheers him up. certified sunshines only, everyone. also watch that whole video its long but its worth your time.
anyways our boy is a main vocal and as mentioned in donghun’s part they harmonize!!! so!! well!! i mean tbh all of ace can harmonize with eachother its the most beautfiul thing but these two are main vocal for a reason okay. if you didn’t already watch it in donghun’s part listen to THIS and have your ears be blessed i cry everytime oh my god skdfhd ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT ITS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET i want to cry i lvoe chans voice so much i love chan i love kang yuchan og hmylhdg sodf i was gonna say i swear im sehyoon biased but im not istg ace is bias wrecking me 24/7 its been the hardest group to pick a bias in ever im not kidding i cant even
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also known as kang RUDE, chan was all innocent sunshine and daisies until out of the blue he decided to give the disrespect king sehyoon a run for his fucking money. NOBODY FUCKING SAW IT COMING WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS SO PURE AND THEN HE SUDDENLY STARTED FLASHING HIS ABS EVERYWHERE AND GRINDING ON THE FLOOR AND DOING THAT AND WE JUST CANT HANDLE IT i dont know a kang yuchan please save me oh my lord
okay this already has an ungodly amount of links and honestly i could go on, but this should be a good enough kickstart for you!!
stan talent stan a.c.e everyone. welcome to the choice family. its literally the softest and sweetest fandom out there. we welcome you with open arms and lots of cacti!!!
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Episode 4: “Just gotta try to wiggle myself in some where”- Austin
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I kinda wish our tribe would lose just so I could see where the lines are tbh. Also I have a bad feeling that at a swap/merge our tribe is gonna be picked off because we’re going in with the most numbers and on a base level that’s dangerous; however, I do think it could be deeper than that because of the preconceived relationships and I’m looking forward to seeing who goes home tonight and where we go from here.
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This round was a little wild for me. Austin has been my fave since the beginning and we finally created an alliance. We both liked eve so that was easy but we wanted one more person. This is where things got a little complicated. Him and eve both liked isaac but honestly i wasnt feeling isaac and love pat. But i didnt want to push too hard so we just went ahead with isaac. 
BUT we also talked to pat and will have ANOTHER alliance with him (so austin, pat and me). SO basically im working with everyone right now except keaton. Im glad our tribe has been killing it because that means no TC wooo 
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We tribe swapped so that is fun. It's always interesting to have a switch up. I have still yet to be screwed by a tribe swap in my entire history of playing ORGs which is something I am happy with. This is one of the best iterations of a tribe I can think of actually. I can forge a closer bond with Xander and Dylan, because now if we lose I won't need to vote one of them out, they become my core 3. So, right after the swap I made an OG Malakoff chat with myself, Xander, and Dylan. I just wanted the immediacy to show that I was serious in wanting to stick to that, which I am. I have communicated several times that I want to work with Isaac, so ideally Austin will go in the event that we lose. I feel bad because he is a sweetheart, but he doesn't fit into my strategy, and if anyone understands game being game, he does.
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I love my new tribe??? Not only is nick still here so that gives me a safety net, the sammy I like is here. Pat is here. No idea who eve is but that’s okay too. I’m loving this. Inb4 I get voted out next Bc they actually really fucking hate me :^). Byebye payton it was nice kinda knowing you? Hello ~hopefully~ friends <3
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I forgot Austin has a date with Mary Jane daily so Im gonna have to cut him some slack.
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Tribe swap....just what I didn't want to happen . I dont ha e my #1 ashley with me but at least I got issac here. Jared is on my tribe now too so that could go either way for me because he knows how I play the game. Gonna have to pull something out if my ass here .
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This is for Alyssa you dumb ugly fat white bitch why you keep asking me for a confessional with trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch x Anyways. Made an alliance with Pat and Sammy! V excited to work with them but we’re snapping in immunity so, I don’t see why we would need to vote off Vi.... I mean someone at tribal! Hehe
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Well....we got our last handed to us. I'm not happy going to tribal bc I feel I'll be the one going. I talk with jared and issac the most but I feel jared will stick with xander and dylan. Just gotta try to wiggle myself in some where.
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I have been busy the past couple of days so this challenge being a endurance/speed comp was a struggle. And it looks like my team didn't do much. To help... It's fine we can get out one of these other two dead weights. Speaking of them. Im glad the swap merged me with two allies but the other two just suck to talk to... And that's coming from me .. Jess knows what I'm talking about. Anyways I don't want them here and want them gone. As for my allies. I like Jared a lot we are getting along and enjoying ourselves. He's definitely the one I trust most in this game and hopefully it gets me to merge where I can start phase 2 and hopefully get far. Dylan is fine .. he's offline a lot but he's from old tribe so like it helps. 
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Just finished the challenge, OH MY GOD i suck at trivia but thankfully sammy snapped and we won, thank u sammy love u so much!!! Still dont believe he is straight tho x IM JOKING PLS DONT KILL MEDFHNSJFDH
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I hate confessions. That’s my confession for the round... jkjk. Eh there isn’t much to talk about now that it’s tribal time. I hope whoever from our og tribe stays safe but I forgot who is there so oops. Sammy killed it. I still call bs on the centipede question but oh well. It wouldn’t have changed the result. It would have just made the gap close by 1. 
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LOVE MY NEW TRIBE. So happy we swapped. I’m with actual love of my life ASHLEY!!! And Chloe is amazing too. Aidan popped off in the challenge. Keaton is Keaton. This is a good group and I’m glad they did rlly well in the challenge. I love this kind of thing but I wasn’t able to constantly be on my phone all weekend bc that’s rude :( so I’m glad it worked out. Hoping the tribe swap works out in our favor and Xander jared and Dylan stay together for the vote. Idk if Isaac and jared are friends??? I hope Isaac leaves because he knows I’m a ‘threat’ in games and because I think Ashley yelled at him once. Idk who Austin is but Ashley likes him. But idk how likely that is if Isaac and jared have a connection. As long as jared stays safe ifgaf who leaves.
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Yowza. We got absolutely wrecked in the challlenge. I don't WANT to lose any challenges, but I believe in the long run I should be happy to take this L. As another way to show my loyalty, I decided to give my idol progress in the chat with Xander and Dylan. I noticed Dylan never reciprocated so that gives me 1 reason to be wary. Then, Dylan posted a very inappropriate joke in the tribe chat in reference to Survivor Thailand, and the word "rape" was used, so that was the 2nd thing to make me uneasy. At first, Dylan and Xander had no opinion on who to vote, so I voiced that I would like to vote Austin- then Dylan remembered who Isaac is and said "he can go." I eventually got things back on track to target Austin, but Dylan better be careful- it's 3 strikes and you're out with me. I have a good relationship with Isaac so I wouldn't be surprised to see Dylan go if we lose again.
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Day 9 on the survivor tribe. My thoughts are about toes and only toes. They are consuming my entire day. I exist merely to think of toes. 
Also Chloe...
Okay so I’m just gonna throw down some of my thoughts right now since I’ve been very quiet in confessionals. I fucking hate these small ass fucking tribes. It makes the thought of going to tribal terrifying because your odds of going home are increased. Since the swap ive actually really been enjoying my time, I really like my new tribe and I feel I can actually connect with these people better than on my first tribe. I am glad to actually have Aidan with me because he’s like THE person I want to work with from my og tribe, along with Vi. I still have my reservations on Nick even though I think he’s nice I can’t trust him as far as I could throw him. I really feel that the trivia challenge brought us closer together as a tribe since what’s a better bonding experience than yelling at Jess that she’s wrong 50 times in one day. I think we’re all collectively quite strong and I really hope that means we can slide past for a while without going to tribal. 
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Honestly i always forget what i confess from last time but i still think I’m in a good position in the game. However I really do not want to go to tribal because I don’t want to show my cards. Eve and Pat both want me to work with them so we have an alliance and then Vi and Nick approached me and want to work with me as well. This was completely surprising to me bc I felt as if I would just be an easy vote out if we were to go to tribal since I’m a lone wolf. However I’m in the middle and I feel somewhat powerful knowing that people want to keep me and want to work with me. Me and nick have had a rocky relationship in past games but i think he’s a great person. He’s just a wildcard. I love vi and i think she’s the sweetest person to have ever existed but my gut is telling me to work with pat and Eve atleast for the first vote. Hopefully I don’t have to make the decision but who knows. That’s all I have for now other than I think the idol system isn’t anything I keep getting zapped. I feel like a fly in a southern home...ZAP.
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I couldn’t remember the day so I put 69. I hate this tribe with my whole heart and my whole bussy. Jared is the only one giving me any sort of shot at making it passed this round. Austin is a slime ball who will do anything to save his own skin, Xander is dead apparently, and Dylan has been tracking down places where famous people died. I feel like this is my own personal hell and while I’ve been assured that Austin is going home (which I wouldn’t be surprised was a lie) I still have to make a swap or a merge and with the clowns on this tribe being inactive and never talking about anything but Star Wars or not talking at all I don’t know how possible it is to win a goddamn challenge. 
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*insert Da'vonne pretends to be shoocked gif at a swap* Since it didn't happen at 16 I wasn't surprised too see it at 15 but I'm glad because three tribes provides for much more buffer. My initial reaction to my tribe was positive as I saw that I had Chloe and three new people in the mix. I'm not gonna lie that I was getting bored on my old tribe but I do hope that Nick is doing alright. He's one ally that I'd love to connect with again... Vi is alright too but I don't know how strong of a connection we fostered. First impressions of my new tribemates: Keaton - I heard he was fucking with my friend in another game so my guard was up but I tried and he seems aloof and random with his contributions but it makes sense since he's playing 4 games at once. Will probably work off of the others who contribute in challenges? We'll see. Ashley - Sweet and seems like a hard worker. Not too much of a read on her yet Owen - He seems nice and genuine but not much of a read from a game perspective yet. It seems the split is 2-2-1 on my tribe from previous tribes but I don't know how strict to tribal lines people are going to play but I can feel some aloofness with Keaton and Ashley is traveling so... that's that on that. If we were going to tribal I have no idea what the fuck would happen but I want to strengthen connections. Honestly I think we can make it to the merge without hitting an elimination but who knows. THANKFULLLLLLLY my ass had a lucky night on the railroads and jumped to spot number fifty and apparently found a STEAL A VOTE. This is what I DESERVE. Thank you Old West Gods for blessing me, the star, with this iconic power. I'm glad I have it in my back pocket and I'm not telling a fucking soul. If it needs to be used, it will be flaunted and I will pop shit. Hopefully I can save it for after merge but if I need to control a pre-merge vote just to get my way, I'm going to do it. 
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girlsandlove · 7 years
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Reasons to ship Camren...
They have matching onesies; Lauren's one is gray whilst Camila's is pink.
They're both Cuban.
They're both from Miami, Florida.
Both are Latinas.
Lauren and Camila got the most solos in The X Factor performances.
They are both big fans of One Direction.
They both auditioned in Greensboro, North Carolina.
They both have a younger sister.
They hung out with each other on December 31st, 2012 to January 1st, 2013. They then tweeted a photo of Camila making a funny face and Lauren looking awkward.
Spanish was both their first language.
They live 15 minutes away from each other.
They often switch places with the other girls so they can sit next to each other.
They both love to do accents with each other.
They often think the same things at the same time.
They both have a weakness: Lauren for beanies and Camila for bows.
Lauren is the only one who calls Camila Camz.
Camila said if Lauren got arrested for something, she would get arrested for being so sweet.
They sat right next to each other at a The 1975 concert.
They have the same music taste.
Lauren said Camila is her “Pink Princess”.
Lauren is the “mom”...and Camila is the “father”.
Camila thinks Lauren is a “boss of an intelligent opinion”.
Camila thinks Lauren “is real”.
Camila would switch her mind with Lauren.
Lauren would switch her mind with Camila.
Camila wanted Lauren to kiss her under the mistletoe.
They wear the same "merch” clothes.
The way Lauren looks at Camila after she says “Fall, by Ed Sheeran”.
Lauren is Camila’s celebrity crush. (Oh ... and Camila wants to marry with her celebrity crush ..even if her family doesn’t support the relationship.)
Camila would be "Baby Spice" because she is Lauren's baby.
Lauren is the only person who laughs at Camila's jokes.
Camila loves Lern Jerg.
Because Lauren helps her when her banana is dead on the floor.
Because Lauren helps her when her microphone breaks.
Because Lauren ties her shoes.
Camila is the sun and Lauren the moon.
Because Lauren doesn't know what else to say but she thinks Camila is pretty fucking Dope!
Because Camila has Lauren “written on her”.
Because Camila read Lauren's favorite book.
Because Lauren knows that Camila cried reading “Fault in Our Stars”.
Because one day Camila and Lauren went to the bathroom together and ... that's the end of the conversation!
Because Camila thinks Lauren can sing and is pretty too.
Because they have an audience that calls them crazy! (and they call us delusional!)
Because both like “so many hot boys”.
Because Camila said: “keep the boat floating”.
Because Lauren said “It’s Camren, YOOO!.
Because Lauren wants someone to love her insecurities...and Camila do!
Because Lauren has “the most beautiful emerald eyes in the world”.
Because Camila thinks Lauren is “perfect”.
Camila tried salmon because Lauren loves sushi.
Because Lauren thinks Camila is goofy, not the bad kind goofy, the cute kind goofy.
Because Camila loves people from “planet green eyes”.
"I love you. You're one of my best friends and I feel like I've know you forever. You're one of the smartest people I know and you're stuning. I've learned a lot from you, just know I'll always be here for you no matter what!" - Camila on Lauren
"Happy 16th Birthday little one(: thank you for always being you and being one of the raddest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. You're an incredible person and I'm extremely lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being there to vent with and even though we haven't known each other for even a year yet, I feel like you're the sister God forgot to give me. I love you Camzi(: have a good one babe! 💙😘🎉🎈🎁💙#camren" - Lauren on Camila
"Happy 17th Birthday to this little nugget right here. I thought this picture was cute so I decided it would suffice. Just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing beautiful person and I'm glad that you've been alive for 17 years and that 2 of them have been spent with the girls and I because idk you're pretty rad and an amazing friend and fun to have around. I hope you have an amazing day and feel as special today as you deserve to feel everyday. Thanks for always being there for me when I need you and for being your wonderful self(: I LOVE YOU CAMZ" - Lauren on Camila
"AWHHHHH YAAAY I LOVE YOU UR CUTE 🐏🐟💗🎷" - Camila on Lauren
"The word I’d use to describe Camila is hmm I’m gonna say cutesy, like also goofy. It’s like both, like the good kind of goofy not the weird kind. Like the cutesy kinda goofy" - Lauren on Camila
"LERN JERGI. ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY. YOU ARE 18. THIS IS THE MOMENT YOUVE BEEN WAITING FOR. IF YOU STUCK YOUR TONGUE OUT IN THE AIR RIGHT NOW YOU COULD PROBABLY TASTE THE SWEET AND PUNGENT FREEDOM OF DRAGONFLY TATTOOS, NOSE PIERCINGS, AND VOTING RIGHTS. we've been through thick and thin in our friendship, and through those thick and thins I've gotten blessed enough to experience you as a person. ive gotten to experience your bomb music taste which I am SO HAPPY YOU INTRODUCED ME TO because we have the best time at concerts bonding over bands and there are so many more to come PRAISE JESUS. i can come to you about anything and expect the pure, honest, rare truth and I'll always be there tell you it'll be okay when you cry on my shoulder when you feel lonely or hurt. I've gotten to see firsthand your incredible sense of justice, when you see that something unfair or wrong has happened, you'll raise your voice and fight for that person with a bravery that I, and many other people (although they might not admit it) wish they had. i love how passionately you fight for what you think is right and everyone should remind you today and everyday that it's a strength and not a weakness. i can't tell you what a comfort it is to know someone like you will stick up for me and have my back, i hope you know i will too. i love you always" - Camila on Lauren
"Super cute candids taken by a random stranger always make good birthday post pics. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY CAMILA CABELLO. YOU'RE LEGAL NOW YAYYY!!!!!! You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I'm so thankful that I get to call you my friend. Thanks for all the laughs, for being my shoulder to cry on whenever I've needed a friend, for giving amazing sound advice (even though you're just now considered an adult by the government you've been there mentally for a while which I greatly appreciate) I wish you many more years of amazingness and I hope you had the best day with your family. You deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer and I wish it all upon you for many many years to come. I LOVE YOU CAMZZZZ❤️❤️❤️" - Lauren on Camila
"HAPPY 19TH LAUREN!! i remember the day you auditioned for X factor seeing a beautiful green eyed girl belt out an Alicia keys song so perfectly i feared for my life. i remember telling my mom "that girl can sing!! and she's gorgeous too!!" and then you walked out and i told you i loved your shirt remember? HAHAHA. it's funny how before we even knew how important we were going to be to each other, something in us knew and something in us will always know. i love how fiercely you defend your opinion, i love your strength, your bold independence, and your desire to live life fully. i love that we crack up at each other's jokes even when nobody else gets them- and i love those moments where we get caught up in talking about a band or a book and we get lost in the conversation like two normal girls in high school that aren't about to go do something ridiculous like go to an awards show. i will always be there for you when you need someone to vent to, when you want to talk about the overwhelming underwhelmingness of boys that break our hearts or the overwhelming overwhelmingness of when a kiss leaves your head reeling, when i back you up and you need someone to stick up for you, or when you just need someone to understand- we've done that for each other in the last 3 years and we will do that for each other forevermore. i love you so much !!!! happy 19th lern jergi!!!!! camila" - Camila on Lauren
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crazykendal · 7 years
Im Not Allowed To Use My Computer But Here I am
Get ready for a ton of grammar errors im sorry
1.) What’s better, having high expectations or having low expectations?
low expectations, if you don't ever want to be hurt
2.) Would you rather go without junk food for a year or go without TV for a year?
i’d go without tv for a year since I never watch tv besides netflix
3.) Describe your perfect man/woman.
not in the mood
4.) Thoughts on school dress codes?
eh doesnt bother me
5.)Any strange phobias?
deep water (still), seeing people during summer because im a mess, abandonment 6.) At what job do you see Donald Trump best fit?
president?? oh but people are gonna hate me if I say that haha fucking hate me more 7.) Who was your first crush?
this one boy I dont think I ever even talked to before, honestly what the actual fuck 8.) Who was your first best friend?
she knows who she is. I dont consider her a best friend but she is my closest friend ever. No its not my cat. Ive known her for 10 years 9.)What is one weird thing about you?
I hate myself but that isnt weird, idk 10.) Top 5 TV shows you like to watch? The walking dead and The 100.. thats just it haha
11.) What are your favorite boys names? oh like friends or actual names. Im going to do just names because im going to stop exposing myself and stop being so honest. actually I have no favorite boy names haha
12.) What are your favorite girls names? Brooklyn haha I haven't finished that stupid wattpad story yet
13.) Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they? no
14.) Do you plan on getting (more) tattoos? If so, what do you want to get as of the moment? i would want to get tattoos if they didnt hurt when applied.
15.) Do you have any piercings? Do you plan on getting more? no
16.) Do you like hugging people? depends on who. but now, no
17.) Think of ANY person on earth right now.  Who did you think of? a friend who im going to see on wednesday
18.) Do you have an iPhone? yeah I dont use it anymore
19.) What is the worst thing that could happen in your life right now? hmm maybe if some guy didnt go to my school next year but that isn't happening
20.) Do you watch anime? no ive watched like 2 animes years ago.
21.) What brings true happiness? getting a grip and letting everything go. Im free of a lot of pain ive been going through for a few months and its the first time ive been truly happy with myself even though I want to fucking- nevermind hahahaha
22.) What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever paid for? I feel like I should know this, but i have no idea
23.) If you could have any job in the world and get paid millions of dollars a year for it, what would you be and why? idk
24.) Do you want children? If so, how many? no
25.) Name and describe someone who you feel most comfortable around. honestly no one, including myself, my trust isnt something everyone has anymore
26.)If you could invent a holiday, what would it be? lexadeservedbetter
27.)Would you rather have summer weather or winter weather all year round? winter weather, gotta be cold like my heart
28.) If you could make an alien race, describe what they would look like. they’d look like all the people I hate so I can murder them
29.)  What was the first thing you learned to cook? i cant cook, I kinda can but it ends up with my mom yelling at me
30.) Describe your sense of humor. Im a joke. people laugh at me because of how fucking stupid I am. I get used to it.
31.) What is the key to happiness? don't worry about anyone else until you've worked yourself out.
32.) How many phone numbers do you have committed to memory? Whose numbers are they? my mom’s and emergency services :)
33.) Name three songs that make you want to dance. Come Over- Clean Bandit, Wasted Youth- Fletcher, and Caught Up- Sarah Close
34.) What job did you want to have as a child? i wanted to be a mom, dont ask me how I thought that was a fucking job besides what the fuck was I even thinking a mom? what. the. fuckkkkk
35.) Do you have any talents or skills? I can get really angry :)
36.) What was the worst punishment you’ve ever had? I was grounded for like 2 months you can ask me how if you want btw
37.) Did you ever do anything weird as a child? yes there were many things
38.) What is your dream car? ooohh I never thought about that probably a pegassi zentorno (doesn't exist in real life look it up)
39.)  Describe something that made you laugh this week. Ive over come stuff that I can finnally look back and realize how stupid I was.
40.) Did you have a dream last night? If so, describe it. i dreamt a lot last week and its so irrelevant to me nowwww
41.)  Do you ever have repetitive dreams? Describe it/them. repetitive like always that one person in them, yeah
42.) Describe the worst/ scariest dream you’ve ever had. I had a really nice dream and I woke up and I was sad hahaha story of my life
43.) Describe the best dream you’ve ever had. ^^
44.) If God himself gave you a choice of either having unlimited money for the rest of your life or finding your one true love starting tomorrow, which one would you choose (keep in mind, you are still able to make a ton of money if you choose love, and you are still able to meet your soul mate if you choose money)? trick question god doesn't exist :) but probably unlimited money because love is fucking useless and retarded
45.) If you could do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) right now without consequences, what would you do and why? run away and see a friend I haven't seen all summer
46.) Do you have any recipes that you know off the top of your head? What is it/ what are they? no
47.) Do you have your license? If so, do you have a car? no
48.) Have you ever had a near death experience? yes im not going to describe it
49.) Do you personally know anyone that has been to prison? yep
50.) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
51.) When you get out of the shower, do you towel dry, blow dry, or air dry your hair? air dry unless I have to go somewhere i will usually blow dry.
52.) When you go to the movies, what snacks and drinks do you take with you? just a ton of candy hahahaha
53.) Do you like going to the beach? If so, do you like to stay dry or go in the water? If not, why? no
54.) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
55.) If you could have a superpower ASIDE from being invisible or being able to fly, what would you have? oh my fucking god that's what I was going to write. how bout shape shifting or something
56.) If you were able to live for however long you wanted to (i’m talking thousands of years without aging), when would you choose to die? when I got bored, I cant say lonely because I already am
57.) What do you think happens after you die? youre body stops working and people put you in a hole in the ground
58.) Do you believe in aliens? sure
59.) Do you believe in ghosts? 50/50
60.) Do you believe in spiritual things like ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystals? Do you believe they are portals for evil entities to enter the mortal world? haha no but ouija boards are fun to trick people with haha *Meghan*
61.) If you could make one mythical being real, who/what would you make?
my will to live
62.) Do you get tan, or do you burn? burn
63.) Describe your shower routine. too long
64.) Do you enjoy school? Why or why not? no because the people there suck and its much to stressful
65.) In your opinion, what is the worst way to die? probably falling.
666.) Do you get carsick, sea sick, or airplane sickness? none, ive never been on an airplane so idk
67.) What’s one memory that you wish you could live again and again? ..
68.) What were some of your stuffed animal’s names from when you were a kid? hattie my stuffed chicken haha
69.)Do you have any pets? 69 cats :)
70.) Describe your daily wardrobe. dark
71.)  Describe what your daily wardrobe would be if you were rich. probably the same
72.)  Create a character right now.  Give them a name, age, and character description. are you fucking with me im writing out a new character for some private stuff as I work on this survey.
73.)What was the last thing you bought? a couple books
74.) Have you ever bought a CD? What band was it for? the last cd I bought was hfk :)
75.) Describe your perfect ice cream sundae. cookie dough and im gooood
76.) If you could make ANYTHING happen right now with no cost, trouble, or obstacles, what would you do? cant say but anything could happen by ellie goulding is annoying and I love it
77.) What are some of your favorite physical activities to do? running but I havent run in a long time and im out of shape
78.) What were some of your favorite shows as a child? dont remember
79.) Describe how you would survive the zombie apocalypse. id make a group and Id lead it, id also make sure chandler riggs and alycia debnam-carey would be there because I love them and theyve both been in zombie shows. yesssss
80.)What are some things you shouldn’t say at work? when does the boss retire
81.) If you were told that if you killed someone, you would save 100 people, would you do it? if one the 100 people were clarke griffin, yes.
82.) How’s the weather right now? its dark
83.) What is the background on your cell phone right now? its lexa with a ton of thug life stuff added onto her haha
84.)Is it better to work at a job that you love or a job that pays well? job that pays well
85.) What do you have within arms reach of your bed? my alarm clock
86.) Have you ever been fired from a job? If so, why? no
87.) Have you ever won a trophy, prize, or medal? If so, for what? two stupid school medals and thats it
88.) Do you have any posters, pictures, or art hanging on your walls in your room? If so, what are they? video game map posters, shitty drawing i havent taken down and comic and movie posters
89.) Are you afraid of the dark? If so, why? I used to be haha I think I still am.
90.)What is something that you’ve never done but would like to try? been a good friend to anyone
91.) If you could choose three famous people or characters to be friends with, who would you choose and why? just friends? thats hard. probably Stevie Boebi, Alexis G. Zall and Ally Hills. I would say Shannon Beveridge but I have like this huge crush on her alright
92.) Do you smile at strangers when you pass by them on the street? no because I hate people
93.) Do you have a favorite TV commercial? If so, what is it? life alert
94.) Do you like your handwriting? no it looks like a little kids handwriting
95.) Cable TV or Netflix? netflix
96.) What are your favorite smells? everything at bath and bodyworks please
97.) Do you consider yourself physically strong? I wish dood
98.) Describe a time where you said something really rude or mean, whether intentional or not.
I told some people thing that weren't true about them just because I was really mad. #dickhead
99.) Do you ask strangers to pet their dogs? no
100.)What is your most embarrassing moment?
my lifespan
101.) Has anyone really close to you ever died? If so, who was it and how did you handle it?
 my cat maverick, my grandma and lexa
102.)  Describe your plan of action if you were home alone and you heard someone break into your house.
I gotta knife drawer and i’d love to use it
103.) If you were to be born again, would you want to be born male or female?
male, im not saying i want to be a guy but id like to experience things differently
104.)  What shampoo do you use?
105.) Guess the meaning of this word: ulotrichous.
something horrible, or myself
106.) Do you let messages (phone, email, text, social media, etc…) build up, or do you have to look at them right away?
no one ever texts me im always the one to start a convo and that sucks
107.)  Where is the nearest McDonalds to your house?
probably like 5 miles away
108.)  If you had $1 billion and you had to spend it in exactly one week, what would you spend it on?
id buy a house and a ton of cars even tho I cant drive yet
109.) What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten?
110.) If you could go on a trip around the world with up to three people, who would you bring (they can be people you know personally or famous people).
ellie goulding, chandler riggs and alycia debnam-carey
111.) What expletive/ explicit phrase do you say most often?
frick frack fuck
112.) What is your personal definition of success?
finishing something the correct way
113.) How was your day today?
ive been doing yardwork and I volenteered at fieldhaven
114.) What is the closest Big City you live by?
115.) Have you ever been in a car accident?
yes but they were never serious
116.) Do you hide anything from your parents?
all the time like hmm idk my sexuality
117.) If you could possess one talent, what would you be able to do?
make myself invisible :)
118.) Ugly and smart or beautiful and stupid?
depends on the person
119.) What is the worst thing you’ve ever seen in real life?
120.) Use only 3 words to describe how you want your future to go.
i hate myself
121.) QUICK! give me a few things a brick could be useful for
you can throw them at people
122.) If you could make a dream society, describe it in great detail where it would be, who would be in it, and what rules there would be?
 the lost youth is a band of teens who pull children off the streets and always get into fights with the other gang, the redemption. there will be blood.
123.) If you could make any animal miniature, what would you make and why?
124.) What are your favorite candle scents?
I dont really have and candles so idk
125.) If you HAD to have one plastic surgery, what would you get and why?
my nose
126.) Do you prefer to hang out with the same sex or the opposite sex?
depends on who but right now no one
127.) If you could make a charity, what would the profits go towards? How would you raise money for it?
myself because I am poor
128.) Describe the body you wish you had.
I wish I was taller
129.) If you were a famous director, what would your next movie be about? Describe the plot, characters, and possible title.
the lost youth
130.) If only women were to rule the world, how different would the world be by 2050?
im not being sexist but it wouldn't be all that great but maybe politics could get better I have no idea
131.) What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
chocolate milk :) yes
132.) Do you have a problematic friend?
im the problematic friend
133.) Are you more spontaneous or more of a planner?
depends on the situation
134.) If you could change your full name, what would your name be?
not saying
135.) What is one song that describes your life?
hard times- paramore
136.) What is one show you’ve been meaning to watch but can never find the time for?
the rest of the 100 why the fuck are so many people dying I needed a break after lexa died and now all the nightbloods and lincoln are dead. duh fuck
137.) Do you find it easy to drop toxic people from your life that you’ve known for a long time?
Id have to ask people because people talk behind my back telling them im toxic. if you were me its understandable and im totally alright with it now
138.) Do you like children? Why or why not?
no children fucking suck
139.) What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces rising, Sagittarius sun, and and Capricorn moon
140.) Do you like to dance? Do you dance often? In front of other people?
yes but i cant haha
141.) Name some of your favorite colors.
blue and black and sometimes orange and purple
142.) Have you ever shoplifted? If so, what was it?
143.) If you could speak three additional languages, what would they be?
danish, french, and japanese
144.) Have you ever been in legal trouble?
145.) Have you ever had surgery?
146.) If you could change 2 things about yourself, what would you change and why?
my sexuality and my face haha
147.) What do you want done with your body after you die?
i dont care
148.) What three physical features do people compliment you most on? What do they say about them?
usually my hair because im ugly
149.) If you could have your own business, what would you do?
own a large company, I dont know
150.) What current friend do you have that you’ve known the longest?
im going on vacation with her for a week in Oregon that’ll be funnn
ok so I could totally tag you olivia but I just made you do that other really long one so if you're reading this you can if you want haha
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Episode 1-He’s Going To Be So Mad To Learn I’m Jordan Pines-Meredith
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rob is talking to me trying to woo me with my newbie ways hes going to be so mad to learn I’m jordan pines cause rob hates me also I’m excited to see how brandon plays when I’m not telling him how to do
meredith has a great social game i am litterally talking about the weather with rob
 jordan pines is dead long live Meredith Strogonofsky
meredith is real fucking naiv naive oh this is really fun everyone is so nice blah blah blah
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Sidenote: i wish i was on the olaf tribe ALL MY FRIENDS ARE THERE Im elsa locked alone in my fucking room while they run around the palace
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Wheeew so I'm super excited to play my third Storybook season and this time I hope it turns into a win and nobody calls me a maggot (@Steffen). For my first confessional I'm just gonna the standard run of the mill tribe analysis. 
 Adrian - Adrian seems cool. He told me hasn't played a game in a while so I think I could possibly work with him. He won't try and play too hard but he isn't completely new so he must want to get into a power alliance with somebody and  make it far for his first 
 Ashley - I love Ashley! I've known her for a little while but we've never actually played a game together before so I think it'll be interesting to see how we work together after knowing each other for a while. 
 Ashton - He's new to the whole Skype thing...I haven't really talked to him. Brandon - who? 
 Connor - bye? 
 Meredith - queen. 
 Rob - I like Rob!!! We've talked quite a bit and he's easy to talk to so I hope this develops into a game alliance and we can work together. We also got cast in Comoros together so I think that will bring us even closer together. I think he's one of the only ones I "trust" rn.   
Zach - hasn't talked to me? idk
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wow i got the best score out of everyone in the game? Literally steffen knows i suck at comps so much soooo either im just really good at that game or these people suck at comps more than i do Also i messaged Kait becuase i thought she was in my tribe so now i want to kill myself fuck was i sent to exile
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CONFESSIONAL TIME Okay so I've talked to a few people here on my tribe and I like them. I talked to Luke, Veronica, Mer, and Ashton. Ashton proposed an alliance to me basically and from our conversations, we both want to include Luke and Mer eventually.
I'm good with that, I think Ashton will be viewed as a figurehead in this game so he could work as a shield for me. He also seems to be gaming hard. Luke is cool and we're playing in two games, maybe three. I want to read up on confessionals to know how he truly is. He seems like a threat honestly. Mer is such a cinnamon roll so far. I hope that she makes the merge just so she doesn't feel bitter about the experience. I did. Veronica is similar to Luke with me but I think she'll be more of an utr player, which to me is threatening in a way.
I'm happy to win reward even though I don't think there's much benefit for it but whatever it boosts tribe morale. END CONFESSIONAL TIME
CONFESSIONAL TIME I skimmed over Westeros' confessionals because what is Arrakis? Just the overall thoughts I have about Luke coming from reading them is that he's pretty loyal, but he can be abrasive to the people he's not with. He can also be sneaky too. I don't know. Maybe I should ask STEFFEN about it? END CONFESSIONAL TIME I GUESS
CONFESSIONAL TIME One more for the hosts, I was looking for stuff for my flag and when I searched Falo on google images I got pictures of weird ass dicks... it was traumatizing. END CONFESSIONAL TIME
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Phew well, double tribal council already and no me gusta, not at all. While I try to make a flag, please enjoy my song of the day :)
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Confessional #1- The games have begun and it's time to play some survivor. My goal is to just try and stay under the radar and be nice with everyone. Hopefully I can stick around for awhile.
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Well my first impression of my tribe was that there were some familiar faces which is good. I want to work with Luke becuase iv known him for a while even though we arent close and ideally he will be my number one on this tribe with me. Then theres Veronica, I know Veronica and Zach will 100% be working together so i NEED to be on her good side so that I have both of them with me and not against. I know Zach is more of a lapdog who follows people in games so as long as I have Veronica liking me then Zach will follow her.
Everyone else isnt that talkative at least not while I was in the tribe chat. I was bummed out at first being in exile but now I have an idol so that will be super useful later on down the road. I think the person we will be voting out at tribal will probably be that one guy who didnt do the reward challenge. Honestly I dont remember his name and Im to lazy to learn it.
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yo whats up this is day 3, i've been on exile island for the last 20 hours, and i still havent even said hi to heather, nehemiah, regan, or brian and the only person i actually had a conversation with that lasted more than 2 minutes was shea... oh and because i'm on exile i can't compete in immunity... oh and this week its individual immunity because both tribes are going to tribal :) all of that points to the fact that there is no doubt that i will be going home week 1 but i don't know about thaaaaaat because one of the perks of being sent to exile island is having the chance to try and find a hidden immunity idol and..... https://68.media.tumblr.com/4f46e716c928535edcbfb2f03c869826/tumblr_omd9cz01C31w56gxho1_400.gif WHEW y'all made that a production 12 hour wait, then i had to set an alarm for 9am on a sunday morning, then i had to choose a corridor, i got the most vague clue, then yall picked the most random url, THEN it was like oh no not yet bitch you still got work to do and 2 more urls later i finally got it and that's all that matters :) :) :) :) :) :) :) when i get back from exile i'll try and step my social game up so that i can hopefully maybe stay safe on my own and get to keep the idol for later on in the game but i guess we'll see 
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yall meredith is playing the goat game hard so far already been asked into an alliance which is so clearly exploit the new player look at this shit
[2017-03-05, 8:22:55 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: what do you think about Luke and Ashton? [2017-03-05, 8:23:12 PM] Meredith Stro: they seem nice [2017-03-05, 8:23:18 PM] Meredith Stro: everyone seems really nice [2017-03-05, 8:23:58 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: what would you think about a lol group of me, you, Ashton, rob, and Luke? [2017-03-05, 8:24:17 PM] Meredith Stro: that sounds really nice [2017-03-05, 8:24:39 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: Okay awesome! [2017-03-05, 8:24:49 PM] Meredith Stro: is that like an alliance? I’m still not used to how this works lol [2017-03-05, 8:25:05 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: Yeah it would be :P [2017-03-05, 8:25:15 PM] Meredith Stro: that sounds great :D [2017-03-05, 8:25:23 PM] Meredith Stro: my first alliance this is so exciting [2017-03-05, 8:25:49 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: Hahaha
meredith is a lil bitch
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Ok so WHEW.  Arendelle. ��I'm here! Looking at the initial cast, I see some people I definitely like and want to work with.  Amanda, Ashley, Carson, Luke... love those 4 especially.  I know I can probably work with Amanda and Ashley in this game simply because I have never fucked them over, while I have been a messy binch with both Carson and Luke.  It'll be a miracle if they work with me. Like lol [3/3/17, 9:36:45 PM] carson k. (comoros host): HI [3/3/17, 9:38:51 PM] carson k. (comoros host): BRian [3/3/17, 9:39:15 PM] daddy brain ravioli: HI CARSON DJDJSJS [3/3/17, 9:39:23 PM] carson k. (comoros host): I'm having flashbacks [3/3/17, 9:39:31 PM] daddy brain ravioli: ME TOO [3/3/17, 9:39:41 PM] carson k. (comoros host): get away from me brain [3/3/17, 9:39:50 PM] daddy brain ravioli: ILY DONT LEAVE ME So now I just have to work my magic on people, and I can hopefully make em love meeeee. -3- Also, THANK GOD I won first immunity.  I don't think I necessarily needed it??? but not being the first boot is goals asf.  I think Heather might be voted out???  Not that I want to, but I just don't really see any other options.  And I could technically throw out a name, but I don't feel safe enough going into the future with a name coming out of my mouth and then that person DOESN'T go.
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so ya boi has got an alliance!!! it's me, luke, ashton, meredith, and rob. rob? bb. love rob. hosted rob in congo. love rob, no worries there ashton and meredith? both of their first games ever, if they're telling the truth, which i hope they are. it was SO easy to bring them together for an alliance. i think this is the first time ive played with total total newbies to games in general so i think it'll be easy to tag them along and use them however i want. i just need to know when to cut them when its time luke im a little nervous about, we played a game called mindoro and uhhh idk i voted him out and im worried there may be some hard feelings. idk. as it stands right now, the five of us are voting brandon because he just isnt active so RIP! but so far this is going pretty well, knock on wood
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tbh a majority of these people be silent af idk who is bout to be the one voted out better not be me cause as of now I suck at orgs so I just want to float and hope all is good Atm Heather seems easy to push for so I'm not gonna say it but I'm gonna agree to it
One by one everyone just coming in saying hi i'm dropping heathers name like a fast as I can Heather legit hasn't even added me like good riddance tbqh plus it was fucking stressful to find who the fuck her avi was for that flag tonight should be what I like to call a wake up call. If you're not going to even pretend you're active then bye bye
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Confessional #2- So an alliance has been made with myself, Rob, Luke, Connor and Meredith. I trust this group quite a bit especially since it doesn't seem like the rest of them have any options. Our plan is to get rid of Brandon because he's just not helping the tribe win any challenges.
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 Did heather literally just apply to infiltrate and promote her game She literally just pm'd me the link Without ever speaking to me
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emptybtw · 7 years
I'm kinda crushing on Katie McGrath aesthetically??? BC like I don't rlly feel much and like I srsly ace rn af but I love looking at her and I still can't believe that someone can look so good? Perfect jawline, perfect brows, just perfect and like she also has a cute Irish accent? I'm watching Merlin just to look at her, the show is kinda good I'd give it 7/8 out of 10, I love Morgana, she's so perf. I once drawn Lena Luthor, I had to capture this perfect jawline somehow, I know I can draw and if I practice it, I'll be really good at it, like holy shit and idk one day I might be able to capture Katie's perfection in a way that will fully satisfy me. I guess I just want sth to keep me from being bored all the time. Because I do experience pleasure in a way like I enjoy some things but still feels bland, like it's not enough. The only things that satisfy me yet are fanfics, sometimes TV shows. And food. I feel pretty bored by everything else. And I can't connect emotionally to anything. It's stable but it's boring like I'm just in some state of inertia. I wish I could enjoy things more. I wish I could connect with ppl as easily as I used to. And that I'd text them and want to text them more and that I'd want to meet ppl again. It's like there's a barrier between me and the world, I managed to cross it maybe 3 times since the last time I've felt content which is almost 2 years actually. I haven't felt content, satisfied and happy in 2 years. It's like I wasted it by not living fully and making myself happy. I feel like a living zombie in a way. I feel like I wanna cut out from the world. I know if I left, I'd only miss my family and my dog. And it hurts me and feels me with guilt that I don't care about others. Bc there are who truly care about me and love me but I can't feel anything. I wish I connected with someone and cared for them. I wish I cared for my friends. I have no one to tell it to. If I say it to my friends, I'll hurt them. I don't want to hurt them, they're good ppl, they don't deserve it. I even feel that I act cold with my parents and my sister. I only don't act fully cold with my dog bc she's like my own baby. I guess I could talk to a psychologist about it but I don't have energy and money for it. Maybe money aren't the problem but I don't rlly want to be a burden. To my parents and to my friends. I don't feel like I have a purpose. Sometimes I feel like my feelings want to come out to the surface and other times I feel like I have none. Sometimes I think "is it how depressed ppl feel like? What is going on with me? I never was asexual so why don't I have a drive now?". I'm doing things so that I won't get in trouble. So that I'll have peace and no problems. I study to pass not to learn. This is one of my most depressing thoughts probably. I seem happy but I'm not truly happy. I'm just empty. Maybe a little sad. But I don't know if I truly am or if I'm forcing these feelings outside. I'm just numb and indifferent about everything. Idk why. I want to know why. In a way I hate feelings, they're so messy. Annoying. They hurt. In another way they give your life purpose and push you to do act. They keep you satisfied and happy. Living without feelings is as if being a living dead. My friend has depression. She's sad when she's alone. When I'm alone, I'm just calm. Indifferent and numb. Bored. Unsatisfied. I crave recognition. I daydream. A lot. But idk what I want. Idk what I want to do. Idk what I am. Or who I am. At least I'm not sad but I'm not happy either. Psychological health is not state of an absence of an illness. It's also a state of well-being and satisfaction with occasional crisis. It's normal. But I'm not normal. I curious - is it what growing up is for? For losing touch with your feelings? Should I feel this way? Do others feel this way too? Idk meh now I'm just hungry. I don't belong anywhere. I don't belong here. I guess I have an existential crisis. Erikson said that you need to overcome them positively in order to grow and to have satisfying life. My growth should be towards love while I drift towards isolation. Interesting - how many adults similar to me is out there? Maybe I could talk with them? Is there someone who has overcome it? Would love some advice I guess. Where should I turn to for purpose. I was seeking love and relationships. However after my heart srsly broke I could never find myself truly fascinated by others. I was in one relationship, I grew bored of it, bc I didn't love the person I kinda was with, I cared about the attention she's been giving me. That's sth Ive always yearned for. I want attention, recognition. I want to be appreciated. I wanted to be liked, to impress others. My whole life I secretly cared what others thought of me. I still do. It drives everything I do. But what do i truly care about? Idk. I wish I knew. I wish I stopped looking for the attention. That what I had with myself would be enough. I want to connect with others, I want to stop feeling the need for attention. I want to find my purpose whereever it shall lay. I want to be myself, fully. I want have success that will please me. And only me. Not caring about what others think. Is acting the answer? Idk. It's just another way to get attention. The only thing I ever liked was creating. Why did I like writing? I loved the feedback, I lived for it. I also liked to get my thoughts on paper, I liked to express myself. I loved drawing. It was so fun. I loved writing poems, it helped me to cope with suffering by creating sth beautiful. Now I live by escaping. I'm escaping real world. Scared of obligations and taking responsibility for my life. I'm scared of adulting. It's a change, it's new. It feels like too much. It feels like I can't get a hold with it. I won't manage doing it. I'm scared of the consequences. I'm scared of wasting my life. I'm scared of becoming my dad. He doesn't seem fully happy or satisfied. He's unappreciated. By me. By my sister. He's annoying. We see him as such. What if I become annoying? What if I'll be the person who makes others relieved by not being with them in the same room? I have this problem deeply rooted. There's actually a lot of problems. I want a therapy but how do I find competent therapist? What if I'll only waste my money? I don't like wasting money and time. But I do it. I do it a lot. And I'm hungry, gonna eat sth.
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