#idk if i like it actually. i miss the red eyes already... they were more intense n intimidating...
hedghost · 7 hours
Hedge’s Unofficial Ratings of 2024 Adidas Kits That A Few People Asked For This Time
Let’s start strong with Germany! Did someone say kuntenserven?
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Everyone’s seen this home kit and rightfully, everyone loves it. It’s just so sexy, how could you not? The crisp clean white paired with the classic adidas stripes, but with that sexy germany flag gradient? oh lord i’m weak at the knees. Naturally it’s helped by the fact that the germans have a pretty sexy colour pallete to work with, but still.Even the diamond detailing like oml. It just looks fire, literally. i love it. -9/10
The away kit meanwhile is kind of spinning my head a bit. I genuinely don’t know if i love it or hate it. in theory i love hot pink kits, but i also fucking hate the purple gradient. if the whole thing was pink i’d say absolutely yes because i genuinely love garish eyesores, but this is just not hitting the spot for me. also what’s with the pattern? this is what i imagine you would see if a hedgehog went down on you. undecided - 5.5/10
Wales’s sense of style reflects their Euros qualifications… in that i’m yet to see either
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don’t get me wrong the home isn’t bad, it’s just nothing special, and nothing we haven’t seen before. i like the green and yellow stripes up the side, that’s a nice touch, but other than that i’m left feeling uninspired, which is probably how the welsh feel when they watch their men’s team play. still, i’m sure hayley ladd serves in it so - 6/10
the away kit though? yep that’s fucking ugly. whoever decided that wales should include yellow in their red and green colour scheme needs jail time, and also probably an eye test. what the fuck is that shade? yellow is very hard to make look good so props for trying, but just no. plus they missed the chance for green kits, objectively the best kit colour possible, yet also the most underused. (and don’t say it’s because it blends into the grass because that’s blatantly not true). i like the fun zigzags down the side, but it’s giving reggae, which is absolutely not the vibe that wales gives. should’ve put a big dragon on the front and called it a day - 3/10
Spain, what did I just say about ugly yellow kits?
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The home kit is lovely. They didn’t feel the need to push the boat out, but why disrupt a classic? These shades go so well together, and there’s also a very faint but very nice pattern on the shirt if you look closely. its bright, it’s energetic. it’s giving fire, flames and lightning mcqueen. kachow! - 8/10
Away kit is absolutely fucking disgusting. Are adidas capable of making two nice kits for one team? If you asked me to describe the absolute worst shade of yellow i’d picture exactly that. the word that comes to mind is putrid. and as if that wasn’t enough, they decided to pair it with an absolutely clashing shade of turquoise. no thank you. no me gusta - 3/10
No Scotland No Party? Well with this kit, I’m inclined to agree.
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Who would’ve thought a tartan football kit could be a good idea? Not me, and yet here comes Scotland, with an actual fucking masterpiece. This home kit is just, wow. I love it. It’s so clever, such a good nod to the country, and it just looks absolutely incredible. I fucking adore it. I don’t have much else to say other than whoever made this knew what they were doing. Good job - 10/10
The away kit meanwhile, is again, astonishingly mid. It’s fine I guess. Very plain, kind of giving the colour scheme of a cartoon character but i can’t put my finger on which one, but it’s still decent. The colours do go well together, and i like how the side panelling, includes that tartan pattern again, which as i already mentioned, is fucking sexy. just maybe stick to the home - 6/10
Hungary for more? Not really.
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This is the wales kit. it is pretty much almost exactly just the wales kit. like it’s fine, but it’s just?? idk i’m bored. also why have they got two badges? greedy much? just a bit busy. idk it’s fine i have literally no other thoughts on this. boring! - 6/10
The away kit is boring as fuck too, but i actually like this one a lot. i think white kits have more license to bore. it’s a nice colour scheme too. does look a bit italian though. idk it looks good but i can’t say why. it’s just classic. the centre adidas logo looks good here. it’s the green im telling you. more green please! - 7.5/10
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oh my god this home kit. i’m in love and i suddenly wish i was belgian. wow. holy shit. who did belgium pay to get a kit this nice? i’m in genuine awe. the sexy sexy maroon colour, paired with black and gold? fuck me sideways. i’m not joking when i say this kit oozes sex. that pattern?? oh my lord. it’s giving luxury velvet chaise longue. its giving old timey men in those smoking jackets, with a glass of whiskey and a cigar. i feel like i’m in the palace of versailles just looking at it. wow belgium, wow. - 11/10
not only that, they did it! they actually gave us two good kits! this one is based off tintin, and who doesn’t fucking love tintin? i adore it. lovely shade of blue, with this gorgeous pattern again, and the collar? collars should only be used if they add something to the kit, and boy does this add a whole fucking lot. thank you tintin you beautiful boy. what a kit. - 10/10
And now we’re back to normal programming with Italy
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The common theme with adidas is boredom. At least when i was rating nike i actually had stuff to talk about. these are just okay. like yep okay it’s fine. there’s nothing wrong with it. i like the flag shoulder stripes. but yeah, it’s just there. i’ve forgotten what it looks like already i’m that bored - 6/10
the away kit is exactly the same. to be fair, i do like the asymmetric colour scheme, that’s quite nice. it’s simple, it’s clean, it’s just the italian flag really isn’t it? the collar is nice in fairness. it’s decent. - 7/10
Wow. Mexico. Holy fucking shit. Wow.
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i literally am so in love with this kit that i’m lost for words. just everything about this is so stunning that i’m struggling to believe it’s a real adidas kit and not a fan made one from tiktok. this pattern has so much going on yet without being garish or busy, it just works. the colours go together so well, i’m just sat here staring at it with tears in my eyes. it’s art. i love it so much thank you mexico thank you - 11/10
and it just gets better with the away kit? this is so fucking sexy, so clean. it complements the home kit perfectly. it’s such a fun pattern but it’s also so classy, so beautiful. both of these kits invoke mexico without being either stereotypical or same-old same-old. i just love it. i love when kits are different!! more please, everyone else take notes!! - 10/10
Colombia took me a while but I’m actually a fan
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i hated this at first because i thought it was just a plain boring yellow kit but then i saw those sexy ombre side panels. i just love red orange yellow colour schemes, like yes they hurt my eyes but it’s just such a sexy combination. fire for real. the yellow prevents it from getting top marks bc yellow is just fugly let’s be real, but overall it’s not bad - 7/10
now, you guys now i feel about black kits. more please!!! black is always sleek, it’s always classy, it’s always cool as fuck! big fan. this also seems abnormally shiny, which like okay serve i guess? the only thing i will say is it’s giving training kits with the orange highlights, but we can’t all be mexico, can we? - 8/10
Peru couldn’t be fucked and resorted to clip art
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this home kit is like the definition of couldn’t be arsed. i could’ve done this on microsoft paint. i actually hate sash kits they’re just so fucking boring, and like, they just don’t look that good do they. boring. - 4/10
the away on the other hand? wow wow. this is what colombia wishes it was. this is a sexy fucking black kit, and pairing it with dark red and gold? oh lord yes please. sexy as fuck, plus a cheeky bit of animal print? okayyyy get it. even those little bits at the side that adidas seem obsessed with this year are sexy. it’s reminding me of a cheeky little leg slit in a cheeky little dress, and then you get a cheeky little glimpse of some cheeky little red zebra print thongs. okay word. peru you cheeky little minx, stop teasing me. - 9/10
Chile stayed solid, and you can’t go wrong with that.
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these are both just nice kits. the home is classy, it’s just a simple white kit but it looks fresh as hell, and the red swoops look so good. also love that the patterning they’ve used on the red matches the away kit. it’s very simple but it’s clearly thought out and i respect that. they saw the others going ham with crazy patterns and stuck to their guns. it just looks nice. - 7/10
the away is a similar story - nothing flashy, but effortlessly nice. i rate the little pixel pattern, it’s simple but it’s nice. it’s a decent kit. could’ve pushed the boat out a tiny bit more but overall it’s fine. it’s giving national league a tiny bit. respect chile - 7/10
Finally, you can always count on Argentina to serve.
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The home kit is just pure argentina innit? like there’s no way you see this kit and see anything other than argentina, and i respect that. it’s just a classic! it’s clean it’s crisp, we’ve seen it all before, but listen, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. can’t go wrong. also i’m a huge believer that gold should only be permitted on a kit if you’ve won something, and so mad respect for these sexy gold highlights.- 8/10
and the away kit? i’m a huge fan. it’s a nice simple kit, they’ve gone for a new shade of blue and it’s pretty sexy. the collar looks so fit here, i love it. what i love the most though, is how they’ve incorporated the usual kit into the swoopy bits? (that’s their official name now i’ve decided). anyway those blue and white stripes just look so yummy, very nautical, i’m a big fan. yay argentina! - 9/10
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hiddenbeks · 7 months
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updated khaless look hehe
0 notes
demieyesore · 2 months
Tear You Apart - Anakin Skywalker
Summary - Anakin's obsession with you is slowly taking over; He keeps hoping it'll just go away but quickly realizes that it won't.
Song inspo - "Tear you apart" by She wants revenge
Warnings / Mentions - GN!Reader, No use of Y/n, AFAB!Reader,  ... Cannibal!Anakin ... CANNIBALISM AS A METAPHOR FOR LOVE OKAY ... He doesn't literally eat the reader tho, only sexually LMFAO. Anakin is a serial killer tho. Modern AU, College AU, Stalker!Anakin, Yandere!Anakin, Smoking (I don't smoke or do drugs so idk if I wrote it correctly but whatever) Some 18+ but it's really not full on smut lmfao, more like it's just known that they're doing it
A/N - Okay finally actually deciding to write because I keep thinking about Anakin and this song...
Requested - No
Word Count - 1.5k
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Anakin Skywalker, a serial killer that hides behind the name "Darth Vader". He didn't choose this name for himself, it was given to him by the media after his first 3 murders. Well known for killing and eating his victims, people began to avoid leaving the house. The FBI were investigating the deaths, trying to find any trace of him. 
They wouldn't ever find him. He knew that. He had been so careful to make sure that nothing lead the cops to him.
Or to you.
You are his everything. His world. All the murders are a symbol of his love for you. Everything he ate from his victims were something you had touched. If he didn't eat it, you didn't touch it. But that doesn't mean he didn't still take anything.
The first victim, a boy in your college class. He simply asked to barrow a pencil but when you gave him the writing utensil, Anakin immediately took notice of how your hand brushed against his.
His eyes narrowed at the frat guy's hand, his tongue poking at his inner cheek in annoyance and frustration. 
Why would you touch him? He was dirty. All men are and you should be aware of that. You should be more careful about who you touch. Anakin would think in his mind, scolding you as he makes a note of who the douchebag was.
Two weeks later, he was found dead. His left hand missing and instead resting in Anakin's stomach. Of course from just the first victim, they couldn't assume he was actually eating the victims, they couldn't even be sure that this was a serial killer when there were no other deaths.
The second victim came about a month after that. In honor of the frat boy's passing, you and your friends went to a college party. This party was only about a week after the frat boy passed. You got a little too drunk, you could barely stand upright. What was Anakin supposed to do? Especially after he saw how handsy some guy was being with you? After he saw how he tried to lead you upstairs. 
You unfortunately went with him, too drunk to fight back but that's okay! Anakin will take care of you like always. 
Anakin saw how the sober party goer kissed you, he had to figure out how to protect you without drawing attention to himself.
He picked up a half empty red solo cup, standing by the staircase as he chucked the cup at your best friend. He swiftly walked away from the stairway, leaning against a doorframe as your best friend turned around.
She was clearly pissed, already a good sign for Anakin. She was scoping out the scenery, looking for who could have thrown the cup at her when she saw you making out against a wall with a dude that definitely was not your type. She stomped up the stairs, grabbing your wrist as she pulled you back downstairs and out of the party.
Anakin smiled to himself, holding a new cup with some kind of alcohol. His eyes drifted to the moron you were kissing. God how he wanted to kiss you too. Jealously spiked in his heart, his eyes darkening already trying to form a plan. 
So three weeks later, same thing happened. Another guy found dead. He wasn't missing his hand this time, no it was something more personal. 
His tongue.
The tongue that was practically shoved down your throat. He enjoyed cutting out his tongue while he was still alive, wanting him to know that this is what happens when you try to take advantage of someone who's drunk.
This pattern continued, making sure that the murders were far away enough from when you last interacted with the fucking losers.
I mean who would suspect you? Oh yeah, you gave a guy a pencil and he never gave it back? Such good motivation to kill someone. 
Now of course, the second one could be motivation but you were so drunk that you didn't even remember it in the morning. And your best friend didn't say anything about it. Anakin would have known if she did, he has spyware installed on all your devices, recording devices in your dorm room and with how often he's watching you, he would of course know.
The other murders he committed were similar, anyone who came into contact with you that he disliked... a couple weeks or even months later, they'd end up dead.
No one put together that it was involved with you. I mean even you didn't. It wasn't like you were dating anyone, he didn't have to kill a boyfriend. Only small... inconveniences.
That old geezer at your job that kept harassing you? Dead, his eyes gouged out.
The girl at the movie theater that was an absolute bitch? She was on a fucking phone call during the whole movie. She was interrupting the date you and Anakin were on! It didn't matter to him that you didn't know you were on a date. It was a movie you were really looking forward to but the cunt couldn't keep her mouth shut. Yeah well, it's fine because she also ended up dead, her ears missing.
Nothing would come between you and Anakin. You may have only talked to him a couple of times, mainly to work on a project but it didn't matter. He knew you thought he was cute. He was watching you even before that. 
Anakin didn't even want to like you as much as he does. When he first saw you, he felt a connection. Convinced himself that he was crazy. He would tell himself that he didn't need you. That he wouldn't give into his urges. 
It became useless after a while. He was already hooked before you ever spoke to him.
But it solidified when you were stressing yourself out over an exam. You went outside, needing a smoke break. Anakin had been working on a scheme to be able to talk to you. Wanting to make sure how he felt about you before he took it too far.
He watched as you groaned, pulling out your pack of cigarettes and realizing none were left. You swore you had one more left, you rummaged through your bag looking for the last one when he tapped your shoulder.
You turned around, confused with a dazed look on your face when you saw him.
Anakin held out a pack to you. It was your favorite brand and you thanked him as you took one of the cigarettes.
You leaned towards him when he flicked his lighter on. He lit his first, pressing it between his lips as he towered over you slightly, his left hand holding the lighter on while his right hand protected the flame from any wind. Your cigarette ignited as you happily took an inhale of it.
Anakin knew for a fact that he would obsess over this for the next two days even when he told himself that it's only just a crush. It'll go away.
When you smiled up at him he had to repeat his little affirmations to himself, not wanting to be attached. 
"It's just like all the others, it'll go away." He thought to himself.
He prayed for it to go away but his obsession just continued to grow.
I guess that's how you got here, underneath him. His obsession, his "crush" just never went away.
Anakin slowly invaded your life, not wanting to frighten you away. He may have eaten parts of people but it was just a metaphor for his love. Something he took a little too seriously.
He'd never hurt you, ever. Not unless he absolutely had to. But even then he wouldn't. He'd only just make threats.
You're too pure for him to hurt.
The only way he'd hurt you, was sexually. 
He craved to hold you close, your skin pressed against him tight.
"Lie still, close your eyes..." Anakin would mumble against your lips, pulling himself away as he lined himself up with your entrance. He didn't want this to hurt you too badly.
He'd groan as he pushes himself into you. Thrusting into you slowly at first, letting you adjust to his size. 
Anakin wanted this for so long, he couldn't help but to moan your name into the crevice of your neck as he sped up. 
"So-" A whimper escaped his mouth before he finished his sentence.
"So lovely, you feel so right..." His soft breath against your collar bone, you could feel his beating heart in his chest. 
He fucked into you deeper, a whisper fleeing his esophagus and into your eardrum.
"I want to fucking tear you apart."
Your hand brushed up against his, leaving it there. You told him how you felt, how much you loved him as you were both locked in a stare. 
Anakin's movements slowed at your confession, taking a moment to process what you just said before his lips met your again.
You weren't sure of how he felt, whether this was just an evening or a thing that would last.
Either way, Anakin wanted you and this was bad. He wanted, wants, to do things to you. It was making him crazy.
A little crush turned into a like.
Anakin grabbed you by your hair, gripping it roughly and told you.
"I want to hold you close, skin pressed against me tight."
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Fox!Creator in inazuma at the temple, it could start with just meeting yae, she's being her usual sassy fox self, and then we could meet Raiden who's visiting yae? Or maybe we go with yae to mess with gorou, and in the process meet kokomi? Ooh or we go with her to a meeting and meet the kamisato siblings! Or perhaps kujou Sara went with Raiden? Kirara delivers a package to narukami shrine? Maybe we go with her to yae publishing house and run into itto and shinobu and the arataki gang, in the street beetle fighting? Or they're going with itto to buy the lastest miss hina advice book! Idk just some ideas that sprang to mind as soon as I saw that creator could be fox lol, hope you like at least one of them :D
Welcome to the crew Fox!Creator! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
Today there was supposed to be another ‘execution’. (Vision taking)
Instead, there was a small fox sleeping on the Raiden Shogun’s platform, blocking her path.
That fox, was you.
Honestly? People thought she’d kick poor you, but instead she gently pushed you with her foot. (‘Still technically a kick.’ Some people in the crowd thought)
But the small fox with a strikingly large tail didn’t budge. In fact, you swatted at her shoe, turning over and… lying. On her shoe.
She glanced at her guards - who shrugged- before nudging you again. This time, however, you made a noise of disagreement, and swatted at her leg.
With your claws.
Effectively ripping the fabric.
…Uh oh.
Her eyes narrowed, and forced you off with a little more force, forcing you to awake. Naturally, you were just a little pissy that you nap was rudely interrupted by some prissy bitch with ass shorts, so you did the only logical thing a god in fox form would do.
Summon ancient yōkai, no duh.
Large oni with red and blue skin emerged from the bushes, their bodies imbedded with the power of geo, causing rampant chaos. Kitsune appeared from the shadows, luring men and women alike away for… let’s just say mischief. Kappa stole children away into the water, forcing them to swim home, laughing at their misery.
What? You didn’t actually want to kill people! Killing causes death, man! That shit kills you!
Glancing back up at the Shogun, you shook your body and licked at your fur, looking for someone.
“HEY!!! LITTLE FOX!!! OVER HERE!!!!” There he was.
Sticking your tail up at the Shogun, you jumped off the platform, and moved onto the Main Street, weaving through the crowd running from oni, and finally making it to your friend.
Arataki Itto. Your numero uno.
Holding a palm out, you quickly scale his body, laying down around his shoulders, resting your head on his. Felling your tail getting scratched, you noted that Shinobu was also here. Neat.
Normally you would’ve taken offense… if you weren’t already asleep again.
And with that, the Itto gang ran off, leaving a now extremely pissed off Shogun. Though a chuckle sounded behind her.
“Well then, a new fox.~ Whatever shall we do?~”
“Not now, Yae.”
All that matters to you was that your little group was safe, and that you could sleep in peace.
Itto Gang normally: 🎉🥳🎈🎁🎁🪅🪩👯‍♂️👯‍♀️👯🍾🎊🎈🎁🎈🍾🥳🍾👯🎊🎊🍾🎁🎁👯‍♂️🍾👯‍♀️🍾🎁🪅🪅🪩🪩🎁🎊🥳
Fox!Creator: 😴
Itto Gang after seeing them asleep: 🎉🥳🎈🎁🎁🪅🪩👯‍♂️👯‍♀️👯🍾🎊🎈🎁🎈🍾🥳🍾👯🎊🎊🍾🎁🎁👯‍♂️🍾👯‍♀️🍾🎁🪅🪅🪩🪩🎁🎊🥳
Hehe. Chaos Boar, pampered Otter, parental Tiger, eepy Fox! All that’s left is Liyue! Let’s see who gets here first!~ ໒꒰ྀི ܸ. .ܸ ꒱ྀི১ !!
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Ominis Gaunt x reader
Summary - Request for “Idk if this has been done already but I have this prompt where MC is changing and doesn't mind Ominis in the room (cause you know....blind). He hears the shuffling of clothes and asks "Ermmm MC ... What are you doing?". They reply " Changing, duh." MC is oblivious, doesn't see what's wrong with it and poor Ominis is there fumbling with his words, face red and lecturing MC even though he's blind they shouldn't do that.”
Word Count - 671
Warnings - none
A/N - short and too the point fluff
Ominis had just shown up to your room as planned since you were going out to Hogsmeade together today. You had been sitting on your bed with a book, distracted from the time and realized you forgot to get ready for the outing.
"Hey Ominis!" You greet him as if you had totally remembered he was showing up, hopping up you lead him over to have a seat on your bed.
"Y/N, are you excited to try out the new sweets today? I've heard they were imported." He flashed a bright smile at the thought.
You loved seeing him so animated, but that gave you all the more reason to hurry and get changed so you could head out.
"I am, I hope they have some of those cinnamon crumblies I've heard Natsai mention before," your voice was muffled as you struggled to tug your shirt over your head, the buttons only half undone.
Ominis cleared his throat in confusion. He could hear what sounded like clothes hitting in the floor and you stomping around the room in a rush.
"Y/N? What on earth are you doing?"
You froze on the spot, your shirt lay in the floor as you had been searching for your another in your drawers. You looked back at him and his gaze was fixed on you even though he wasn't actually witnessing you being half dressed.
"Um. I'm changing?"
You had time to take in his expression of shock before you continued your rummaging, not the least bit concerned about his presence.
"What?!" He closed his eyes for your sake, his face as red as beets.
"You — if you weren't ready you didn't have to let me in."
You shrugged pulling on your sweater and tugging off the bottom of your uniform as well. You laughed when you looked back at him, the color extending all the way to the tips of his ears.
"I can't really be indecent if you can't see it, can I?"
He tripped over his words, trying to come up with a reasonable reply, swiping his hand over his face.
"I still know what you're doing. I don't ever see anything, but I — that doesn't mean I can control my thoughts now that I know."
His thoughts were definitely going wild in his head, imaging what you had taken on or off at a given time. Had you been missing clothes when you led him through the door?
"It's not appropriate to not at least warn me," he concluded with a huff, crossing his arms.
You tried to take him seriously, but the anger he was trying to portray didn't lend itself to the embarrassment he already had written all over him. You finished putting on the rest of your clothes before you walked over to him, standing in front of where he perched on your bed.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and sighed, "I'm sorry, Ominis. I didn't mean to be rude."
He opened his mouth to reply, but you cut him off before he had the chance to speak, "Next time, I'll tell you every time I'm taking something off."
He let his mouth fall open at your words, pushing you back from him to stand up.
"Next time?! There shouldn't be a next time. I mean, not that I — I —" You had officially rendered him speechless, he felt he was talking himself into the ground and nothing he could say to redeem the situation and get the lecture through your head.
"You're a bad influence, Y/N." He leaned his head up against a post of your bed in defeat, "Are you at least finished now?"
"Yes, Ominis." You grabbed for your robes off of the wall, "I am completely decent and ready to go treat your sweet tooth."
He turned around, attempting to recover the situation and return his focus to the candy, he smiled once more. You pinched his cheek before he swatted your hand away and hurried you out the door.
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loveluvrs · 2 months
third time's the charm l oscar piastri x reader
request/summary – Hellooo!! Would you be able to write an oscar piastri blurb with little examples of the reader showing him off and him getting all flustered? For example, drunk in a club with her friends / to make him feel more confident / ect..? 🫶
author's notes – idk if this was what anon was thinking of but this is what i imagined 😭
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I walked into the paddock, hand in hand with Oscar. I was talking about the newest episode of the series I had been binge watching. Oscar, as usual, had settled into listening to me attentively, as I yapped on relentlessly without an end in sight. 
I stopped when I bump into Max’s mum and sister. His family was like a second family to me, and I hadn’t gotten a chance to see them yet since Oscar and I started dating. 
“Oh, hi! I’ve missed you guys so much. This is Oscar, you guys already know he’s my boyfriend,” I say excitedly as he reaches his hand out to greet them. “He loves the curry I make just like you guys do. Sometimes I think he may like it even more. I mean, he always begs me to make it whenever he’s visiting home,” I ramble on excitedly. 
“Ooookay, we should get going now. Nice to meet you,” Oscar says before dragging me along with him to Mclaren garage. “What happened? I was talking,” I ask with a pout. 
He laughs as he rolls his eyes playfully. “Yeah, I know, babe. You never stop talking, do you?” he says playfully, “you should remember to breathe every once in a while.”
“Ha ha. Very funny. I wasn’t even talking that much! I was just introducing them to you and telling them how much I love you!” I say defensively with a confused look in my eyes. 
“Love, you were telling them I beg for your cooking, that’s embarrassing!” Oscar says with a slight laugh. It’s only now I stop and notice that he’s turned slightly red, making me giggle. Oscar gives me an unamused look before saying, “don’t laugh at me like that, you do this every time!” 
“I’m sorry,” I say with a giggle, “you know I only do it because I love you. I just want people to know how great you are, promise!” Oscar opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted when some of his team members approach him to talk to him about the upcoming race weekend. “We’re going to talk about this later,” Oscar says softly as he points a finger at me playfully. 
I screamed as Oscar won the sprint race in Qatar, and I immediately rushed over to him after the race, peppering him with kisses all over his face. “I’m so so proud of you, oh my god!” I say excitedly. Oscar’s face was already red from the heat, and it somehow turned even redder when he saw the cameras approach us. He whined slightly as he burrowed his face into my neck. “Baby, don’t embarrass me,” he mumbles quietly in a shy voice. 
“My boyfriend just won a sprint race in his rookie season in F1, of course I’m gonna show you off and embarrass you. Don’t expect anything less from me,” I tease as I give him one last kiss before sending him off. 
When Oscar returns to our hotel room that night, I’m already half asleep. He spends a bit of time on his phone while in my arms, trying to keep up with everyone’s messages. He stops when he sees an Instagram post from me, his embarrassed and red face that was caught on the cameras now plastered all over this post. “Did you really have to post that?” He asks me playfully.
“I absolutely did. You’re amazing, and you’re mine. Two things every person should know,” I say playfully, earning a playful eye roll from him. “But I look awful, babe!” He protests, zooming in on himself in the photo. I stifle a laugh. “Thousands of people would disagree, actually. Plus, you don’t look awful, you look happy!” I say softly. 
He gives me an unamused look. “What if I don’t want to look happy?”
I giggle. “Then you are one sick weirdo, Oscar Piastri,” I tease with a soft kiss to his lips. 
It’s Oscar’s birthday today, and I have been meticulously planning out every single detail for the past few weeks, including a party with some of his closest friends after qualifying session that day. Despite my protests, Zak also insisted inviting some sponsors to the event and key investors of Mclaren, to act as an opportunity for networking. I reluctantly agreed, although I knew Oscar wouldn’t like it. 
As I thought, Oscar seemed a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people there. He was whisked away to a new person every two minutes, and it was all too much for him to handle. He eventually sat down next to me outside with a loud sigh, leaning his head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to invite this many people, but Zak said this and that. And you know how he is, he wouldn’t have stopped until I said yes,” I say with a frown as I clearly notice how he isn’t having the best of times at this party. Instead, he just smiles, leaning in to give me a soft kiss. He stands up again, holding his hand out towards me. “I don’t care. Just be by my side while I’m being interrogated?” He asks playfully. I giggle, and with a nod I take his hand, our fingers intertwining. 
We soon see one of my old friends that I knew from RedBull, and I introduce Oscar formally to her. As always, I begin to praise Oscar as a driver and as a person. And as always, he gets incredibly red. This time, however, I catch myself before it gets too bad, cutting myself off. When my friend walks away, Oscar has a frown on his face. 
“Why’d you stop? You usually go on for longer,” he asks softly. I shrug. “You always get embarrassed by it, so I just realized and quit while I was ahead,” I say quietly in a kind of embarrassed tone that he even noticed I cut myself off. 
Oscar shakes his head. “Oh come on, babe. Yes, I do get extremely embarrassed by it. But rambling on about me is so you, and I never want you to stop, you hear me? If I can’t praise myself then I need someone who will,” he says with a playful smile. 
“Promise? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything,” I say softly.
“No no no, absolutely not. You could never make me uncomfortable, ever. And you rambling on and showing me off is embarrassing, yes, but I love you for it. I promise,” he says softly. 
“Well, if you insist… then I guess I could squeeze in a few rambles here and there..” I say playfully with a giggle. 
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Santa Klaus
pairing: niklaus mikaelson x female reader
warnings: fluff, some gore/blood, nikki being your lapdog, possesive, kissing, cursing, humor that was needed in tvd
summary: just some scenes of you and nik being a dream couple
a/n: idk with this one but these scenes popped into my head and i thought they were cute
song: paper rings - taylor swift
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"Niklaus!" you snap at him, as he stands at the doorway covered in blood. You two were at a store and a guy accidentally backed into you. He decided that the man didn't deserve to see another day after bumping into your precious self.
"Sorry, love- actually no, he deserved it," Klaus shrugs holding his hands up.
"Well in that case... come a little closer," you giggle. He narrows his eyes at you, but of course listens. He takes a slow step into the room and freezes when he feels himself soaked in cold water.
You burst out laughing as he stares at the wall. He slowly turns to you, as you continue to laugh.
"Figured you needed a shower, you know, for all that blood," you get out in between you giggles.
"That's it, if I am cold, you're going to be cold too," he grins as he speeds towards you, bringing you into a cold hug.
"Nik! Let me go!"
"Now why would I do that?"
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You were in the kitchen baking some cookies. You had the trays of them sitting on the stove as they cooled. You put some on a plate and turn around to get a paper towel. As you look back at the dish, you notice one missing.
"Hm, that's weird," you frowned. This then happened two more times, you realized it had to be Klaus. Either that or the cookies just happen to disappear.
"Nikki darling, stop being a baby and hiding," you pout. "Come out and face me like a real man," you try to say in a funny deep voice.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he suppresses a smirk.
"Do you take me for a fool Niklaus?"
"... no?" you bring your hand up and smack the back of his head.
"Hey, what was th-" you cut him off by pressing your lips on his. You swipe your tongue on his bottom lip so he opens his mouth. He does, and you allow your tongue to roam his mouth. You pull back a few moments later.
"Funny, you taste like chocolate chip cookies," you laugh and start to run away.
"You sneak!" Klaus yells as he speeds up to you, throwing you over his shoulder and smiling at your adorable giggles.
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"AH!" Nik's high pitch scream reaches your ears while he jumps and covers his eyes.
You two were currently in the dark, watching a horror movie. You have seen it a few times already, so the jumpscares didn't bother you. The movie didn't interest you anymore either, but you watched it for the mere amusement you get from seeing Nik get scared.
"Nik don't be a wuss," you playfully roll your eyes.
"Did you see how that man looked?! He was- bloody hell!" Nik shouts as the guy popped up out of nowhere.
"Niklaus, you're as scary as that man to most-"
"Tosser! If I were still human, I would have died from a heart attack by now- fuck! Okay, love, that's it, we are watching something else"
He reaches over you and snatches the remote, putting on toy story.
"See, watching the story of toys that come to life is much more interesting. Don't you agree, love?"
"Sure... baby," you mutter with a grin. Laughter spills out of you when he attacks you with tickles.
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It was Christmas, you were dressed in a lovely deep red gown and your hair and makeup was done. While you looked like royalty, across from you was a Nik in a Santa costume.
You had been trying to get him to do this for years, but he never agreed. He refused to have something as stupid as a Santa costume ruin his reputation.
He even said, "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this bloody thing"
To which you replied, "oh well, then I suppose it's a good thing you are already technically dead," you shrug with a cheeky smile.
Now that he finally gave in, your bucket list has been completed. He said he wouldn't leave the house with it, but he didn't say you couldn't take pictures.
"I don't see what's wrong with it, you look great in my opinion," you gave his fake beard a little tug.
"Y/n this was a horrible idea," he shakes his head.
"I think it was a great one, Santa Klaus," you give him a bright smile.
"This was very unnecessary, love"
"Your siblings disagree," your pretty lips turn into a small smirk.
"I beg your pardon?!"
A few moments ago, you sent some pictures of him to a secret group chat you're in with his siblings. Nik - of course - isn't in this one. The one with all of you is full of threats he sends to his family who mess around with him.
The photos got you replys such as, "I can't believe you got Niklaus to finally agree to that, LOL," from Elijah. "You underestimate Nik's love for you," and "I'm going to print these out and tape them everywhere in the house," from Rebekah. As well as, "I bloody love you, darling," and "my brother is going to kill me for what I'm about to do with these," from Kol. Finn gave you a simple, "well done," which you almost rolled your eyes at his unenthusiastic message.
"Oops," you shrug with a fake innocence.
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You were currently hunched over, laughing your arse off. You got Nik to wear an Easter Bunny costume. To your surprise, he let you paint whiskers on his face, along with a pink nose.
You finally are able to stop laughing, and look over his shoulder at the line of little children in a line, waiting to take picture with him.
"Go on, bunny. The kids are waiting," you peck his lips and pat his head.
"If you were anyone else you would be dead by now," he grumbles.
He was taking the pictures, when it was a new kids turn. You saw the fear in his eyes, you understood. You were also scared of the Easter Bunnies and Santa Clause's that you would see in stores and malls.
When he got to Nik, he sat on his right lap and started to cry. As you were about to go over, you hear Niklaus yelp as he quickly grabs the kid and lifts him off his lap and on to the floor.
You were confused when he rushed over to where you were standing, but burst out laughing with tears in your eyes as you saw a wet stain on his leg.
"Oh- m-my goodness! Th- this is gold!" you laugh out, grabbing your phone taking more pictures that you'll send to the groupchat later.
"Stupid children, I quit"
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You and Nik were in some random fancy restaurant in Paris. You both knew nothing in french, so you though you would have some fun.
You planned out a fake scenario to get a reaction out of the people in there with you both.
You fake gasp loudly, grabbing peoples attention around you.
"You sick fool!" you place your hand on your chest as you dramatically stand up. "You cheated on me?! With my sister!"
The room fills with synchronized gasps from the people around you.
"Love! No, I would never!"
"I just saw a picture! I also got sent a photo of you with what looks like my best friend!" More gasps come around you as people look between you both in shock.
Nik stands up hiding his amusement.
"They are fake! I was going to propose to you tonight! He says pulling out a fake ring he found," holding it in front of you, people start whispering with interest at what was unfolding before their eyes.
"My friend had the same ring the last time I saw her! How could you," you slap him in the face, knowing he was going to whine about how that was not a part of the act, later. Gasps of shock chorus around while some people have their eyes wide, and some are laughing into their hands.
You turn and speed walk out as Nik follows. Once you get outside, you both burst out laughing after holding it in for so long. You hold out your hand for a first bump as he connects his fist with yours.
"Oh that was brillitant!" you smile, wiping fake tears from under your eyes.
"Did you see their faces, love? They were bloody hilarious," Nik grins.
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"NIKLAUS! Y/N!" are the shouts from Kol and Elijah as they get covered with eggs and flour. You, Bex, and Nik set up a series of pranks to go off on them.
"Alright!" Bekah highfives you with a bright smile.
"Nikki we should do more pranks with Bex," you hug the girls waist.
"But pranks are our thing," he pouts.
"Now they are ours and Bex's," you give him a thumbs up.
"Yeah, Nikki- please don't dagger me again," Bekah says looking away from her brothers death glare.
"FUCK!" more shouts come from the kitchen.
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You and Bekah were shopping with a grumpy Nik trailing behind you. You had been at this for at least three hours now and he wanted to go back and cuddle with you in bed.
You just tried on a tight club dress and stepped into the couch area were the other two were waiting.
While NIk was drooling over you, suddenly happy about shopping, Bex stood up and walked over to you.
"Perfect! You look so hot!" Nik nods as Rebekah's statement while still staring at you in awe. "Those boys through the window seem to agree with me," Bekah nods her head in the direction of the window where a small group of boys around your age were drinking in your figure.
Niks head snaps over to them and his face hardens. He stands up and walks over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"You look bloody stunning as always, my love," he kisses your head. "We are buying this dress. You know, I don't know what I did to deserve you,"
"You didn't have to do anything," your lips tip upwards.
"Ugh, you two," Rebekah rolls her eyes. "Nik is not coming with us next time, you guys are too sappy, makes me sick," she sighs.
"Don't be jealous, Rebekah"
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You were finishing up some final touches on a tray of pastries you baked for Nik. You made all his favorites and decorated them to look cute. You hear a knock on the door and look out the window. You see Nik at the door with flowers in his hands.
You open the door and smile at him, "Nikki, hello!"
"Hi, love," he smiles and pecks your lips. He hands you the flowers as he strolls in the house.
"Oh, Nik! Come in the kitchen"
You pick up the pastry tray after putting the flowers in a vase. "Tadaaa!"
"My favorites! Thank you, sweetheart," he kisses you.
"You are very welcome, thank you for the flowers"
"You are very welcome. I love you so much, you know"
"Of course I know, I also know that I love you so much too"
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hobvitr · 1 year
Gwen x fem reader but where the reader is also a spiderhero? Pretty please
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gwen stacy x spider!reader
genre/warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, i wrote this sleepy i hope it's decent and I don't remember other warnings idk and i wrote it listening to wicked game by chris isaak (so good
note: thank you for your request! I'm sorry i didn't explored the fact of reader being a spiderhero :( if you want one like this specifically please tell me!! hope you like it <3
sinopses: you like your best friend, could it be mutual? actually you're too afraid to find out and instead of confessing you surprise gwen with a gift
for a unknown reason, the patrolling on your city was chill, boring even. you swing between the buildings, analysing every alley you pass by, and nothing was going on, making you stop and sit at a rooftop to look at the horizon. you were feeling lonely lately. gwen was busy with some mission miguel gave her, and you were just taking care of your people.
you missed her, more than you should as the last time you've seen each other was like, 4 days ago, but time was passing agonizingly slow, making you anguished for not being able to talk to your best friend who you liked more than one.. but no one has to know it, right? as long as it stay a secret, your friendship with gwen is safe. but it's not a secret, at least not for hobie, and pavitr, not even for miles. but hobie was the first one to notice your lovesick stares and smiles. you couldn't help to not develop feelings after knowing gwen for almost two years.
just as the thought of her intoxicated your mind, a blip from your watch make you jump a little, taken by surprise, and it's her calling. you quickly adjust your hair looking more presentable. "hey!" you say as you answer the call.
"hey pretty" she replies, with a soft smile on her lips. "what's up? are you busy?" she asks, making your heartbeat increase with just her voice and the thought of being with her again.
"no! no... i'm agonizingly bored, actually" you chuckle, a little embarrassed she was so busy these days and you basically did nothing but chill and punch some purse snatchers. "i miss you, y'know.." you say out of the blue, you couldn't help yourself.
she smiled and you could almost see a tint blush on her cheeks, before the call ended. you were left with just the wind, strands of hair flying with it. you low your head, chuckling humorless at your stupid statement, starting to regret it.
"no need to say more" you heard from behind, making you turn around to see gwen standing, taking off her mask as she smiles adoringly at you. "i missed you too..." she stated, voice a little lower, like she was shy to admit it.
you are quick to stand up and hug her, burying your face on her neck. you feel her tense up at your touch, but seconds after she relaxes and hug you even thighter. you could be like that for days, inhaling her scent and feeling the warmth of her embrace.
before what felt like a amount of time, you shyly back up from the hug, taking a good look at her face tinted with redness. "sorry, i got a bit carried away" you say, breaking eye contact. she mentally thanked you didn't get to see her face got even redder. "why would you be sorry?" she said with a giggle, bumping your shoulder with hers.
you two got a minute staring at the view of the city lighting up with the street lights, as the sun was already set. it was a beautiful view you got to see everyday, but today it looked even prettier, maybe because you have gwen with you.
"actually, i want to take you somewhere" you are quick to take her hand on yours, guiding her to your left side, letting go when you jumped between more buildings. "follow me!" you shouted, voice filled with joy. she obliged and jumped right behind you, shortly joining your side. "what do you got for me, hm?" she asked, her silhouette being hugged by the city lights, making her looks even more heavenly.
"can't tell, or it'll ruin the surprise" you giggled after stating, getting faster to where you were taking gwen. it didn't took long until you two got at what looked like an abandoned place. you quickly got to the ground, gwen following you shortly after.
"excuse me lady, are you trying to kidnap me?" gwen asked playfully, looking at the façade of the building. "I don't know... am i?" you furrow your eyebrows with a grin on your lips. "come on, you can run if you don't like it"
leading the way, you go inside the building, it really was abandoned, but gwen didn't doubt your choice of place, continuing to follow you inside one of the rooms. you opened the door, waiting for her to pass beside you. "i was exploring around here and i found out it was an instruments store... they didn't take eeeeverything.. so i kinda made you a drum"
okay, it wasn't the best instrument ever because first, you didn't know shit about drums and second, it was all different parts of different drums, but with a little help from internet you were able to make a playable one. gwen was silent for a moment, making you look at her and she was completely mesmerized.
"no way, y/n. no way-" she looked at you, her eyes were shining, and your heart started racing so fucking fast- next thing you felt was a crashing encounter of lips. your eyes widened as you realized what was happening. gwen just kissed you. gwen was kissing you right now. your mind started to work again as you kissed her back, your hands going to rest on her waist.
it was a quick kiss, as she leaned back, afraid of making eye contact, looking at the drums. you continued to look at her, hands still resting on her waist. "gwen" you called. still silence and no eye contact. you were burning inside, so scared it might end everything right here, right now. "gwe-"
"i think i've fallen so hard for you" she was now looking directly at you, her voice so soothing and sincere you almost passed out right on. "i'm sorry for kissing you so suddenly and i- i get it.. if you don't feel the same but i- it is the sweetest thing anyone have ever did for me-"
now it was you who kissed her. both hands going to hold her face, the kiss so filled with passion and softness. she instantly reciprocate, letting her arms hold around you in a warm hug. this one kiss was more comfortable and confident, and as it finished you hugged her almost instantly.
"thank you, really" she said, voice muffled in the hug. you nodded while giggling, proud of your creation. "will you teach me how to play it?" you asked playfully, but not entirely, as you were really interested on how gwen played such a complex instrument.
"what if i don't?" she teases, chuckling. "then I'm not giving it to you!" you state while laughing.
"too late!" she finally got off your hold to sit on the stool and get the old drumsticks laying on the floor. "that next song is for my girl" she playfully said as if she was in some concert, poiting at you, then she started playing and humming head over heels. oh she's going to kill you, but first you joined her to sing the lyrics.
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
Hiii, discovered your fics on AO3 and they’re very my jam! If you’re still taking requests, could I suggest something where Jason rescues you, an angsty hurt/comfort? Maybe they’re pining for each-other and maybe confront/confess their feelings, or are already together, up to you.
No worries if not 😊😊 Thanks for the good words ❤️🖤
Hey I know you! Thanks for leaving nice comments over yonder 🥰 Idk if I really delivered on this prompt but I hope you like it anyway lol 😅 I combined this prompt with another I received about Jason and the reader fighting before the reader is hurt/kidnapped.
jason todd x fem!reader. tw: creepy men, crime alley, injured reader, jason shoots people (🎶whatta mighty good man🎶)
"If you don't know who this is, you shouldn't be fucking calling. Leave a message after the beep or whatever."
"Jay, it's me. Can we please talk? You can't ignore me forever. I want us to fix this. I—" You swallow hard. "I miss you."
You sigh, rubbing your forehead as you think of what to say. You've already left three unanswered messages. There's no more for you to say. You just want things to be fixed.
You want your best friend back.
"Okay. Call me when you can."
You hang up and pocket your phone.
The fight was stupid. Jason doesn't respond well to being pushed, but you pushed him anyway. You wanted to know where he disappeared to at night. You were sick of the secrets, of always feeling like you were three steps behind, left in the dark.
If you really cared about me, you would tell me where you go.
Jason had stilled, expression cold.
I don't owe you anything.
Your voice had turned wobbly then.
Jay, don't I mean anything to you? I want you to trust me, I want this to be a normal friendship!
He'd put on his jacket and collected the few things he left in your apartment.
You're right. You deserve normal.
You haven't spoken since. At first, you thought Jason left for a few hours to cool down. So you gave him space.
But then hours turned to days, and now it's been a full week and a half since you'd fought. Last night, you broke down and cried. This is it. You've lost him for good.
Part of you fears the reality is darker than him just leaving. You've long suspected that whatever Jason goes out to do is probably illegal since he's always out at night.
What if you're called down to the police station to identify a body?
All those things left unsaid. Jason will never know you love him.
Screw this. You're going to his apartment.
It's late. It's really late, and this is actually not the best idea to carry out at eight o'clock at night in Crime Alley. There's a reason Jason always insists on hanging out at your apartment or at a cafe.
A man whistles at you down the street. "Goin' somewhere, girlie?"
This was a bad idea. Jason might be the one who has to ID a body tonight.
You can't remember which of these apartments is his. But you can't call him. He can't know you're here, not yet.
"You shouldn't be here, lady!" a kid shouts at you from a fire escape. "He don't like new people on his turf!"
You don't take the time to figure out who the kid means. Crime Alley is known for, well, crime. The sooner you can locate Jason's apartment, the better.
A group of men light cigarettes down the road. You pause and turn around. In the process, you stumble over a garbage can.
That instantly draws their attention.
"Well, what have we here?" one jeers. "You lost, sweetie?"
You run.
You don't care if it makes you look afraid—you are afraid, and you're beyond caring. You shouldn't have come here.
You turn abruptly. You have no idea where you're going, but maybe if you act like you do, you'll throw them off. You take another turn, then another, and you look behind you to check if—
You crash into a body. A muscled body, one that forces you backwards.
White, glowing eyes that smolder inside a red helmet meet your own.
Jason's never warned you about the Red Hood. He just tells you to stay away from the area altogether. You don't really need to be warned about Hood anyway. You know what he's about. You know you've probably just sealed your fate tonight.
"What the fuck?" he asks, modulated voice rough.
"I'm sorry," you babble. "Please don't hurt m—"
Gunshots ring out, and you realize you've just stumbled into an active gunfight. With Red Hood.
Fuck your luck.
The gunmen have spotted you, and they take great pleasure in using you as a distraction; they fire at you instead of Hood.
He shields you with his body, blocking the bullets. It works until a flash grenade is thrown, and you're separated from Hood, ears ringing. You hit the ground hard from the impact, scraping your hands and arms.
Someone's arm wraps around your neck, and you're suddenly dragged backward. You scream, scratching at the arm, and a fist thumps your head. You blink at the pain, too dazed to keep fighting.
"We had a deal, Hood!" your captor shouts, arm tightening around your neck. "Let us go or she dies!"
"Negation's over," Red Hood snarls, and shoots all four men.
You cry as the shot echoes too close to your face and for a moment, you fear you've been shot too. The now dead man slips off of you, collapsing in a heap on the ground.
Your ankle protests when you step on it. In the chaos of the fight, you hadn't realized you sprained it. You trip and fall on your butt, scrambling away from the pooling blood.
"What are you doing here?" Hood growls at you, stalking closer.
You start to cry, edging backward.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your fight, please d-don't kill me—"
You press down hard on your wrist and that hurts more than your ankle. You cry harder at the pain, grabbing your wrist.
Red Hood gets closer, and you try to scramble away with one arm and one leg. He kneels down and holds your good arm in place so you can't move.
"I'm sorry!" you say again, tears thick on your lashes.
"Fuck," Hood says roughly, and unlocks his helmet.
Your eyes widen as he pulls it off.
"I told you to never come to this area, and you come alone, in the fucking dark, without a weapon? What the hell is wrong with you?" Jason snarls.
"Please don't yell at me," you whisper, covering your face with your hands.
You're shaking, adrenaline turning your stomach. A moment later, you throw up.
"Shit," Jason says and puts a hand on your stomach to help you sit back up. "Shit, I'm an asshole. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."
"I thought you died," you say, daring to look at him. "You weren't answering my calls, and you only go out at night. I thought..."
Jason immediately looks avalanched by guilt. He cradles you to his chest.
"Fuck. I'm sorry. I should've—I thought it would be better, leaving."
"I didn't want you to leave," you cry, arms curling around his neck. "I love you so much, Jay. I was so scared. Don't leave me again."
Jason's breath hitches. You freeze, suddenly sure you've screwed it all up.
"Y'love me?" he asks, cupping your cheek.
You nod emphatically.
"Even though I'm..." He gestures to the helmet.
"I'm just happy you're alive," you say. "I missed you so much, Jason."
His arms tighten around you. "God, I missed you too, baby. I was going crazy not talking to you. I'm sorry I ignored you. Wasn't right of me. But don't ever do this again, okay? If I hadn't been here—"
He takes a shuddering breath and kisses your neck. You nod against his shoulder.
"I promise. Just don't shut me out again, please."
Jason's quiet for a moment. You can feel him thinking.
"This isn't gonna be normal," he says. "If-if we do this. This is part of me. Who I am."
"I don't care," you say. "I love you, Jay. Every part. Whatever that entails."
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saltymongoose · 11 months
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ohh my goodness. i've been waiting to send these until requests were open bc i wanted to hear ur thoughts.
might be a little silly, but consider: matching outfits. player gathers clothing materials!! and coordinates outfits one day on missions!!!! even makes props!!! hijinks ensue. idk if this had already been disscussed before, but thank you for your time and consideration, ily. you are so cool <<3333!!!!!!! everything you make is so scrumptious!!!!! <33
Omg, thank you, this is so nice of you!!! :D ❤❤❤❤ I love this art so much, you have no idea - the way you portray the boys here fits so well (as always lol). And the memes too omg!! I can't even put it into words to be honest with you, these are just excellent. I do feel slightly bad for that random grunt though, something tells me they'll be sleeping with one eye open after seeing that lmao.
(Also, thank you so much for the compliments too of course, you're far too kind. (˶⸃ ⴰ⸃˶)♡ I could say the same to you btw; your art is always just *chef's kiss* perfection.)
Anyhow, I've actually thought a bit about this scenario before, but this just inspired me, so I wrote some short hcs for you. Hope you like them! <3:
The Player Matches Outfits with Them ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior)
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned knew that you had been working on a little project - one that you tried to keep as secret as possible. He was curious, but not enough to encroach on whatever boundary you set regarding it. All he knew from your rather lackadaisical explanation was that he'd be very surprised when he saw. And, well, he was.
The first conscious thought in 2BDamned's head is the question of how you've managed to make a mask that looks so similar to his without borrowing the original. It's really spot on; the seams are in the exact same place, and even if yours has to have been configured differently to fit your more human facial features, the silhouette is exactly the same.
(In the end, he concludes that you simply must've studied his appearance for a while to truly replicate his mask, which makes him feel almost giddy in a way he might've deemed embarrassing before meeting you. But now he's just overcome with happiness that you were obviously interested enough in him to do this.)
He openly praises your skill in sewing, knowing that grunt clothing is ordinarily much too large for you. And you'd notice how the fondness he holds for you seeps into the words, his gaze lingering on you in a way that left you feeling warm.
If you could see underneath his own mask, you'd be able to see the smile he was unable to bite back as well, and the flush that he'd try to will away otherwise. And while he is incredibly impressed (and happy) at what you've managed to put together, he will mention that you could also borrow his actual things once in a while, if you feel so inclined. He just happens to think one of his own jackets might suit you too.
(Of course, he doesn't miss the chance to lean real close to adjust your mask as he says this either, just to fluster you even more. You really have no idea how cute you are, especially looking like this.)
- [DEIMOS] -
A full minute of unintelligible sputtering leaves Deimos' lips the moment he sees your new outfit, and you laugh at the way his face goes bright red. When you said you had a surprise, this was one of the last things he expected.
Luckily for him, he's able to quickly gather his composure, and his excited ramblings turn into smooth flirts that'll leave you blushing instead of him. Expect all sorts of comments about how cute you looked dressed up like him, and praises about how you look even better in his fit than he does.
He insists on taking a ton of pictures together, and you can bet he keeps his favorite in his wallet. (It's one of your faces smushed together as you both grin at the camera, making a heart with your hands.)
He considers this a total power-couple thing; matching shirts are so low-effort compared to this, if anything it shows you perfect you are together. Although there is one thing he'd help you change from your original DIY version of his outfit - those sheet-metal dog tags you made can't compare to the real thing in his opinion, so why don't you just use one of his instead?
Also, don't think he won't take advantage of the fact that you both are the only ones with headsets. Even if yours isn't functioning (because let's be honest, finding one in working condition would be difficult), he'll fix it up quickly just so he can talk more directly to you during missions. And whenever else he wants to, to the irritation of the other three.
Sanford would consider his outfit to be fairly standard, but he recognized that you were emulating him the moment you slid the sunglasses on. And he couldn't stop the goofy smile from splitting his face when he realized it either, not even attempting to hide his amusement at what you've done.
(He only gets visibly happier when you 'threateningly' brandish your wire hook in his direction. You really put a lot of thought into this, didn't you?)
While Sanford has the amount of restraint in him to not openly brag about you doing this, he can't deny the rush of satisfaction he gets from seeing you in what is an unmistakable homage to him. If you look closely, you'll see him straighten up in pride whenever you come into view. (It's almost like preening, really. If he weren't so flushed, perhaps you'd think it to be more of an ego thing, but no.)
Although, he does show a little bit more concern about some aspects of your outfit. Like your boots, for example; he can't count the number of times he's gotten blisters while breaking in his own, so you should expect him to ask you if you need any plasters (or help bandaging yourself as well).
(If you decide to accept his offer, you'll find yourself questioning whether he ever officially trained as a medic before. He surely has the gentleness befitting of one, shown in how he carefully cleans your wounds and softly applies the ointment, his calloused fingers gently smoothing over the plasters on your Achilles heels afterward. Although you have the slightest suspicion that this tenderness from him is known only to you.)
Sanford will also make it part of his routine to pluck your glasses from your nose and clean them after he does his own. Afterward, he'll slowly lean in when he places them back on you to make sure he doesn't poke you in the eye. Neither of you mention that you could do it yourself, or that his decision to slide them back onto the bridge of your nose himself was highly unnecessary. Maybe he just does it to get a better look at the way you blink up at him and blush, or perhaps it's for some other reason, who's to say? Either way, you have no complaints.
Your laughs are muffled under Hank's hands as he cups your face, tilting it up to look closely at you. His excitement at your new look is almost palpable; you can easily tell from how he's shaking and hurriedly looking over, his gaze never stopping on one spot for longer than a second. He just wants to take in everything about your new look, is all.
He'll almost insist on doing a mission with you wearing it, not only because the idea sounds fun to him (with his love of carnage and all), but also because it provides an excellent opportunity to rub in everyone else's faces that you chose to copy his outfit. Not theirs.
In a way, he also becomes just a tad more doting than usual. He busies himself with dusting you off, and adjusting your goggles and the lapels of your coat whenever another skirmish is finished. It's his way of checking you over and making sure your hard work wasn't damaged either.
(Plus, he'd hate it if this instance of you copying him was cut short because of some worthless grunts' attempts at harming you.)
You'll catch him sticking closer to you than usual too, and he does so for multiple reasons. First is that he just prefers to be near you whenever he can anyway (the warmth of your presence is one of his favorite things, and it gives ample opportunity to show off around you), but now there's also the fact that your outfit will freak out your enemies. As you can imagine, he enjoys that immensely, and what better way to improve this experience than to have his Player join him?
In a way, Hank also sees this as a sort of 'claim' you've put on yourself too. Wearing your significant other's clothing is kind of a thing with some grunts, and while he knows they aren't really his clothes, there's still some of that same sentiment there that makes him purr just a bit louder whenever he sees you in that new outfit of yours. It tells the world you're his in some way, even if not officially. So why wouldn't he be happy about that?
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meltinghun · 4 months
Complicated ; Jean-Pierre Magnan.
summary; since the start of the school year, Jean-Pierre and reader have competed with each other for the first place on everything, that is until reader starts to neglect herself.
warnings: fem!reader, ANGST!!!, fluff, swearing, academic enemies-to-lovers, feelings of failure, reader has a shitty family AND doesn't take care of her health (dead dove do not eat? idk?), canon typical misogyny, they're so mean but they like each other (i promise!!).
w/c: 2.8k
author note: i want to thank everyone who encouraged me to keep writting, your comments made me blush and giggle so hard, omg!!!! <3
I got stuck in this o.s for more than a month because I really liked the idea but I wasn't convinced on how it was turning out, but anyways, I had to upload something after being inactive for so long lmao.
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The latin teacher handed each student their graded exams, occasionally throwing back handed comments when he saw necessary, visibly enjoying the defeated faces of the students that didn't receive a satisfactory grade.
With an audible sigh, he extended the paper towards Y/N, shaking his head to emphatise his dissaprovement.
"You were the only reason as to why I was starting to believe that it was a good idea to integrate girls to the school." He raised his eyebrows. "But I'm starting to regret it."
The loud comment reverberated on the walls and hurt her ears, making her shrink in her seat with embarrassment when the big red 7/20 was placed in front of her. When the professor continued walking around, she heard a subtle chuckle coming from the left, turning her head in that direction. Founding a pair of big green eyes already staring at her in amusement.
"And I'm starting to believe that, after all, you are not a threat at all." A small smirk painted his face before continuing. "Maybe you fooled all of us into believing that you were actually smart, but I guess you aren't at all."
Her throat closed at the same time that she felt the need to throw up, she didn't knew what was wrong with her, she stayed up late studying for the tests, wrote her own resumes and even recited them out loud to try and memorize it, but no matter what she tried, the formulas didn't seem to stick to her brain, the numbers and symbols seemed like the exact same thing and confused them with each other and even the words of her history homework seemed to be written on a foreign language. She felt like a failure ever since her parents started to demand even better grades than she already had, spending her days and nights studying and having little to almost no sleep at all, investing all her time into trying to regain her star student position.
She was exhausted, sometimes even getting to the point of hallucinating things from the lack of rest, but convincing herself that she didn't deserve it until her parents were more than proud of her. And that seemed so far away.
Blinking away the tears, she tried to keep up with her facade, "Maybe you should start to mind your own business, Magnan." She managed to spat through gritted teeth.
"And that's where you're wrong, again." She groaned in annoyance. "See, when something makes you feel miserable, it is completly of my business because it makes me feel amazing."
She took a sharp inhale, and before she could say something, the sound of the bell indicating the start of reccess pierced the air. Rapidly, she gathered her belongings and almost sprinted out of the classroom, earning a severe reprimend from the teacher that she didn't care enough to hear.
"Miss L/N!" He made an offended sound. "Women, they are so sensitive... That's why they don't belong here."
She made a straight path towards the teachers restrooms, and only after locking the door did she allowed herself to let out a choked sob. The tears falling down and making a mess everywere, a hand coming up her face to try to muffle her desperate cries.
She really didn't know what was wrong with her.
Maybe she was the problem.
Everything came down like a ton of bricks falling on her, from the pressure of trying to be a role model for her family, to the hurtful words of Jean-Pierre that striked a nerve. Usually it wouldn't bother her that much and instead she would have a comeback ready to throw at him, but lately that wasn't the case, the highlights of her day used to be the moments were they started bickering at each other, sharing defying looks and victorius smirks in the way. She awaited those moments so eagerly.
But now she was lacking the strength to think on a smart jab to get right back at him, and even when she did manage to come up with something, it didn't bring her any satisfaction at all like it used to. Instead, she just felt drained.
Once again, the bell rang indicating to everyone that the classes resumed once again, but rather of getting out of her little hiding spot, she just stayed there, not feeling ready to face yet another deception.
Nor face again those mesmerizing green eyes.
A sharp headache made her wince slighty, she's been having them since a few days ago, sometimes were more powerful than others and today it seemed like one of the days were she felt like digging out her brain out of her head. She splashed some water on her face and looked at the mirror, looking away almost immediately when she took note of how sick she looked.
Opening the door, she carefully made her way to the infirmary, thinking to herself that some minutes with the school's nurse could excuse her absence in the class. A sudden feeling of dizziness caused by the sudden movement almost made her trip over, but before it happened, a strong hand took hold of her arm, keeping her from falling.
"What is wrong with you? Where the hell were you?" Jean-Pierre gave her a severe look that harbored his concern.
"I already told you to mind your own business." With all the strength she could muster, she pushed herself free out of his hold, the anger bubbling on her veins. "I don't owe you nothing, so get out of my sight and leave me the fuck alone. You would do me a great fucking favor."
Her harsh words left him completly dumbfounded, never before had she talked to him like that, even on the days when he annoyed her out of her mind. He saw how she moved towards the stairs, holding tightly onto the rails; moving closer to her hunched form, he felt the sudden and desperate need to ask her what was the problem, if he could help her in any way.
"I'm here against my will, Miss Couret sent me to look out for you." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "She was worried because she didn't saw you at recess, even more when you weren't at the classroom."
The lie slipped off naturally from him. Miss Couret didn't sent him to look out for her, he scaped class by coming up with some excuse about needing to ask something important about his latin competence, the truth was that he was the one who worried about her absence. But she didn't need to know that tiny detail.
Jean-Pierre would never admit it out loud, but he saw the drastic change on his rival's attitude, and it got him concerned. He would secretly listen to conversations of her friends that involved Y/N herself as a main topic, that's how he got to know how strict her parents were with her and it made his stomach churn with worry.
The weird thing was, he really didn't know why he cared so much, neither why he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was the first thing on his mind when he waked up, thinking about new ways to annoy her and have her total attention on him, he thought about her on the afternoon while doing homework, wondering if she managed to do the excersices better that him, and she was also his last thought before dozing up to sleep, anxiously waiting for the morning to come to do that rutine all over again.
He really didn't knew why.
A grip on his sleeve made him stop on his tracks and turn his torso towards her, his free hand instinctively coming up to rest it on her forearm.
"I think I will pass up." She mumbled with a lost look on her eyes. "If you let me fall, I will kill you, Magnan."
And not even a second later, everything turned black to her.
- - - - - - - - - -
The fist thing she noticed was the slight smell of pine blending up with the strong one coming out of the medicines, a small sigh leaving her lips before opening her eyes, stumbling almost immediately with the image of Jean-Pierre sitting beside the bed she was lying, and from what she could see, he was engrossed with a latin book.
Her heart raced and a hundred thoughts per second invaded her head. He could've left her with the nurse to come back to class, why was her still there? Was he waiting for her to wake up? But also, what if he was only there to be the first one to laugh at her? The questions overwhelmed her inmensely, so she decided to ask first the important ones.
"How long have I've been unconsious?" The sudden sound of her voice making him shot his head up, she could swore he almost looked relieved.
"I, uhm... Here, I bet you are thirsty." He cleared his voice before handing her a cup of water. "It wasn't for that long, just a couple hours. The school's over in less than forty minutes, so we can go home anytime."
She emitted a groan. "No wonder why I feel like I slept for years, I missed the whole day!" Leaving the cup on the bedside table, she glanced quickly around the nursery. "Where's Mrs. Bellanger?"
"Some kid was playing too hard and broke his arm in the process, she told me to keep an eye on you while she took him to the hospital." He paused, momentarily doubting if he should keep going. "She also told me that you passed out due to a huge lack of sleep and a possible unbalanced diet. Tell me, did you thought that it was smart? To harm yourself in order to have the acceptance of some idiots who can't see your real value? It's not worth it if you end up like this."
As if it were an habit, her eyes got teary, losing the count on how many times she cried on the day. It bothered her so much, even more that it was happening in his presence. For a moment, he almost sounded so consternated... But either way, she wouldn't tolerate being scolded like a kid.
"Excuse you?" She exclaimed, an evident frown on her face.
"Don't try to play dumb. You know what I mean."
"Oh, so you want to know why? I'm the first granddaughter, the first niece, the first child, the older sister... It's obvious that I have to make some sacrifices, even if it's at my own expense. After all, everyone expects so much more from me." The words came out slower than before and full of venom. "Yes, it may not be really healthy, but I push myself because it's the only way to make them proud of me, and it's something that I believed you would understand, Magnan."
"And you are not wrong, I do understand you." He took a few seconds before saying his next words. "That's why I don't want you to pressure yourself to be someone that you aren't, I know what it's like to be pressured by your parents -..."
"No, you don't. You don't know how my parents are!" She interrupted him. "You don't know how it is to be belittled when you don't achieve something worthy of their interest, you don't know how its like to feel proud of yourself because you thought that you finally did something right just to find out that you failed again, or to spend every second of the day studying, priving yourself of having a social life just to feel miserable at the end of the day. And you definitely don't know how it's like to live your whole life without knowing if your family even likes you."
She didn't know when she started to cry, much less in what moment Jean-Pierre got close enough to wrap her in a tight embrace. But suddenly, she felt like the constant emptiness in her chest was being filled with something much greater than a temporary stability brought by false acceptance, it was an unknown warm and fuzzy feeling that made her anguish vanish away. It felt like that was all she needed throughout her life.
They pulled apart slowly, his hands immediately went to her face to wipe away any traces left of tears on her cheeks, and they stood there, looking at each others eyes, feeling as if they were frozen in time. 
"I may not understand entirely, but I can learn how to." He murmured. "I really want to understand you."
"But why would you bother?" She asked, confused and desperate to know. "Since the moment we met, the only thing we do is argue, we hate each other!... I tried to hurt you so many times and you have done the same to me, so please, make me understand, why would you want to help me? Why do you care?"
"Because I care about you, deeply." The words came out breathless, his eyes trying to desperately find her gaze. "I really don't know how to describe what I feel, but I do know that every time I see you, my heart goes crazy, and sometimes I wonder if it will come the day where it's going to jump out of my chest to go chasing after you. I know that every time you laugh with another person, I wish with all my soul to, someday, be worthy enough to be the cause of your smile. But I do know that if I hated you, really did, I would be happy for your downfall, but I'm not, because I can't force me to act as if I don't care about you, not anymore."
Jean-Pierre wasn't a man or words. All his life he struggled to express his feelings, but this time, it was different.
"One of the things I admire you for is the way that you don't never give up, it doesn't matter how many times I get a slighty better mark, you study harder until beating me up the next time we have an exam. You are resilient, and so damn smart that it makes me feel jealous sometimes, because I wish I could have a little bit of the determination that you possess, and I can't comprehend why you focus on your non existing flaws and ignore all your strenghts."
"I never thought..." She began with a whisper, attempting to make a joke in order to not break down completely. "I never thought that someone could ever think that highly of me, not even you."
"How could I not? You are the most incredible person I ever met, Y/N."
A violent sob reverberated on the nursery walls, and before she could even feel shame for shattering that easily due to the sweetest words she ever heard, she found herself on Jean-Pierre's hold once again.
It felt like they spend a lifetime in that embrace, hearing nothing more than the rapid beats of their hearts and sharing everything they didn't had the courage to say out loud, not yet. Squeezing the hug one last time before breaking away, she dried her face with the sleeves of her blouse, his adoring eyes never leaving her.
"Now, what? What's next from this point?" Fearfully, she asked.
"Now... I will walk you home." Seeing her confused frown, he added rapidly. "If you want to be the number one, you have to be better than me, and the first step to achieve that is to sleep well and eat some real food. You have to take care of yourself, then we will work on the rest."
"We? You will help me beating you up?"
"I want to help you to become a better version of yourself. If that costs me becoming the second of the class, then so be it."
He extended his arm in her direction, encouraging her to hold it. Slowly, she got up from the bed and hooked their arms together.
"I must admit that my home is far away and I came walking today, so you can still back down if you want."  
"Only a fool could reject such offering."
She exhaled a shaky breath, never expecting that answer. As they made their way towards the door, a sudden question hitted her.
"How did you know about my problem with my family?"
"I accidentally overheard a conversation, I didn't realise it was about you until they named you." An overwhelming warmth creeping up his face.
"Of course, 'accidentally'."
"Shut up." His reddening cheeks and the obvious attempt of a lie didn't went unnoticed, earning a light giggle from the girl.
That fluttery sensation came back to her. She never thought that it would be possible to feel this smitten over someone, even if she still struggled to admit it. While the boy couldn't stop thinking of how fortunate he felt in those moments, with the person he couldn't stop dreaming about holding onto him and walking her home for the first time, and hopefully not last. The warm breeze of the spring surrounding them as they made their way out of the school between laughs and jokes, secretly wishing to have more moments like this one in the future.
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byhuenii · 6 months
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prompt— couples truth or drink with bf gojo satoru. (WC: idk) pairing— gojo satoru x fem!reader warnings— MINORS DNI! not proofread, fluff, maybe ooc gojo, typos, suggestive, maybe more im missing. a/n— these videos get me through boring days lol, i love these and yeah MINORS DNI. gojo’s questions are in blue and yours are in purple
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“ are we already recording orr… ” satoru’s blue eyes squint at the camera crew who put up their thumbs as a yes now start the video.
YN : “ hi. my name is yn ln! ”
GOJO : “ and im satoru gojo, and this is truth or drink couples edition! ”
“ how long have you two been together and how did you meet up? ”
a sly smirk rolled onto satoru’s lips causing you to groan outloud. “ well if you insist~ she actually spilled coffee on my white shirt that i gifted myself for my own birthday! and 2 1/2 years ”
“ it didnt even look expensive ”, she mumbled under her breath, a few staff giggled
GOJO : “ what? ”
YN : “ nothing anyways.ill go first! ”
a small chuckle escaped her lips, “ oh wow starting off stong. okay what is your favorite part of my body ” her eyes deadpanned to the camera “ i already know what he is gonna say, and its gonna be my ass and boobs .”
GOJO : “ wrong its your heart, i love the way it beats and brings me comfort ”
the silence was evident, gojo tried not to laugh causing little hee hee tee hee slip out. you stared at the camera blank expression.
GOJO : “ it is your boobs and ass though. ” a wide smile plastered on his face
“ have you liked any of my friends? ” satoru happily placed the card down staring beams against you, you hesitated at bit your hand rested against the cup, “ see! she only had eyes on me—“
you took a shot eyes squinting at the bitter and hot aftertaste lingering on your tongue
GOJO : “ WHAT ?? ” “ WHO?? WHAT ??? ”
YN : “ nope i took a shot im not saying shit! ”
GOJO : “ …do any of them know..? ”
YN : “ well i wanna say both of them. ”
you cleared your throat “ anyways, what were your first impressions of me ”
GOJO : “ i thought you were really cute especially when you apologized after spilling the coffee on my shirt.. ”
YN : “ is that it? ” you smiled at how sweet he thought of you
GOJO : “ …and that i wanted to fuc— “
YN : “ OKAY OKAY FUCK. NEVERMIND I ASKED. JUST GO. ” your face turned red flipping off satoru who blew you a kiss
“ what is the one thing you wouldnt change about me? ” satoru rested his head in his hand kicking his feet from under the chair
YN : “ your beautiful big blue eyes. ”
GOJO : “ i was expecting you to say like my big dick or something but awww ”
you kicked his foot under the table “ yeah i guess i love that too. ”
GOJO : “ no no you do love it, you tell me all the time ”
“ okay shut up satoru. how many people did you have sex with while we were talking? ”
GOJO : “ zero, after you spilled that coffee on my shirt i only wanted you. ”
“ whats the meanest thing you said about me to your friends? ” gojo smiled, “ it cant be that bad ”
you sighed taking a shot, debating if you should pour yourself another shot.
GOJO : “ okay im hurt ” he exclaimed dramatically,
YN : “ you may of not had sex with other girls when we were talking but you flirted with them toru. ”
GOJO : “ ..hey i said i was sorry! ” his pout was evident
“ if you could change one thing about me what would it be? ”
GOJO : “ nothing. ”
YN : “ all quick.. ”
“ me or peeta mellark? ”
YN : “ both? ”
GOJO : “ no pick thats not fair! “
YN : “ okay well you obviously! i love my boyfriend more than some fictional man.. ” you looked over at the camera ans whispered peeta mellark,
“ have you ever faked an orgasm? ”
YN : “ no. ”
GOJO : “ im just that good ladies never settle for anything lower! ” he winked at the camera
“ have you ever thought of breaking up with me or taking a break? ”
GOJO : “ honestly once i did, but that was just because my job is so demanding i didnt want you to constantly be alone waiting for me ”
“ would you of dated me STILL if i had a child with another women? ”
YN : “ oh hell yeah i would, kid no kid it dont matter to me ”
“ what is my biggest flaw? ”
YN : “ you are very cocky and some times act like nobody can touch you or you think youre alone basically. ”
GOJO : “ well..damn ”
YN : “ its okay i still love you ”
“ have you every considered having an open relationship? ”
GOJO : “ i have thought about it BUT i don’t like the idea of open relationships. whats the point of being im a relationship if you are going to date another person? it doesn’t make me feel right either.. ”
YN : “ okay good cause i would’ve killed you if you said yes. ”
“ whats the nicest thing you’ve said about me to your friends? ”
GOJO : ww had meanest so obviously we need the nicest now spill.
YN : okay well, this was when we were in our talking stage. i already knew he liked me but i was trying to figure out my feelings and he waited for me and was so supportive. i think i cried and ranted to my friends about him the next day—
GOJO : i mean nobody should pressure nobody into a relationship
GOJO : in the wise words of taylor swift “in a world of boys hes a gentleman!”,
YN : since when did you know tswift…
GOJO : …
“ if i was a leech would you still love me? ”
GOJO : “ aww yes, id put a cute little bow on you! ”
YN : “ really? id love a glitter bow— “
GOJO : “ i would keep you on my arm ans let you suck the shit out of me— “
YN : “ okay bye this video is over. MAKE SURE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE— ”
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A/N: :3 gojo :3
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seneon · 1 year
Orter Mádl guy x reader
“have to get this off my chest, so i’m telling you today.” kinda shit but it’s him instead of reader :P
reader is a two liner but idk ya
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featuring. orter mádl x fem! reader — imagines.
genre. romance and a little argument cuz it's orter.
etc. something like enemies to lovers trope...
notes. he just like me fr, can't see without glasses. both are blind asses except i'm not gaara.
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— orter mádl has always hated your living being from the very start ever since he laid eyes on you during the entrance exam. he simply thinks of you as a nuisance. nothing else but a bug that he would defeat. so why the change of heart when you lived as a normal mage student and he kept on annoying you?
— orter mádl couldn't exactly understand what he was doing either. he does not want anything to do with you. yet he kept going to you just to see your face which would twist into disgust the moment you saw orter. it was almost hilarious how it would always play out.
— orter mádl became a divine visionary only because you let him win. shame on orter, you managed to compress your second line right in your skin to hide the immense power that you have. but he knew you were doing this because you mentioned that you didn't want to be a divine visionary even if you were forced.
— orter mádl graduated high school and set his first step as an official divine visionary of the bureau of magic. but he saw that you are going the other path than he is. what a waste, he wouldn't be able to tease and annoy you anymore. he'll be sure to miss every moment.
— but wait . . . orter mádl keeps going to the library your family owns. he has no reason to go to a place full of magic books. he already knew every single magic there was. so why exactly did he found himself starting conversations with you all the time?
— orter mádl was confronted by ryoh grantz when he noticed the younger male facing a distress. ryoh told orter that he saw him going to the magic library quite the number of times and he always came out with a smile, which orter denied, and kept his fluster to himself. still, orter continued facing distress about you.
— orter mádl has made a decision. today, he will pay the library another visit just like any other day and push you into a corner.
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"i'm telling you this today because i have to get it off my chest," orter said which made you raised a brow. you were just checking some book's pages with the divine visionary seated in front of you. he held a cup of coffee in his hands and fiddled with his wand in his other hand.
"tell me what?"
"you are annoying. you have been itching at the back of my mind every single day. it doesn't get any better the more i think about it. it's annoying. all i could think of was you. it's like you're haunting me and shit. would you stop making my heart beat abnormally fast?"
a scoff escaped from your lips as he raised a brow through his glasses. "what's so funny?" he adjusted his glasses.
"what's funny is, you just confessed your love to me. indirectly." you replied, going back to checking the pages before stamping the details. "it's cute."
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— orter mádl flushed red at your words. confessed? his love? indirectly? there is just no way in heavens that orter have fallen in love with an old rival that he used to bully. but then again, that would actually make so much sense now.
— "it's fine, orter. i feel the same way. that's why i let you became a divine visionary," you slid a book to him. "a guide to romance. you might need it."
— why would orter mádl need a guide about romance? oh yeah, because he experienced his first romance with you.
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How to position facial features for the Our Life sprites
Idk how many people need this tutorial (especially since I kinda sat on it for like a month...whoops) but I noticed people were starting to make more sprite edits and videos using the in-game sprites and I thought having this tutorial might help for those of you who don't know exactly how to place the expression layers for the sprite.
Part 1: What am I talking about?
Ok so some of you may be reading the post title and thinking "what the hell does that mean?". For those who are unaware, if you decompile OL1 and OL2, you can find the sprites used for the characters in the game. These files are generally in character folders that contain all the bits for each sprite as well as several versions of the sprite itself in different outfits. All these base sprites files look a little like this
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You may have noticed the glaringly obvious detail that Qiu here is missing most of their face. That's because there are several seperate images used for their eyebrows, eyes and mouth. The reason they're all seperated like this is to give more creative freedom over expressions than what would be allowed if there were just already a set number of sprites with set expressions
However, if you want to make a spite edit video, that means you have to piece all the expression layers over the sprite and, since the expression layers don't have the same canvas size as the sprite, you have to actually place them on the face yourself. This can lead to stuff like this.
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If you're looking at this and thinking it doesn't look quite right, you're correct. This is the issue you're noticing
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This is generally what happens when you try placing expression layers by eye, you end up sort of assuming you've got the right spot when you're actually slightly wrong. And this is gif just shows the facial features in the wrong spot vertically
So, I've explained the problem, now how do you fix it? It's simple actually.
Part 2: The actual tutorial part
What you'll need:
The sprites and expression layers you need (this tutorial assumes you already have the game decompiled. If you don't and have no idea how to do so, here's a tutorial for just that)
An editing software that has a tranform tool such as Photopea, Photoshop, GIMP, etc.
Step 1: Open up the sprite you want to use in your image editing software of choice and import in all the expression layers you want to use
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Step 2: Open up the transform tool on your editing software. Where this is may vary, on Photopea and Photoshop you can open up either through the shortcut alt+control+t or clicking on edit in the top bar and selecting Free Transform from the menu. If you don't know where the transform tool is in your software, I'd suggest looking it up
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(A showcase of where the tranform tool is in Photopea and Photoshop)
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(What the transform box should look like
Step 2.5 (This might be photopea specific, idk if other software does this): If your transformation tool box looks like this, cancel out of the tool (using the little x button on the top bar) and then open the transformation tool back up again. Make sure you're not selecting multiple layers and also make sure you didn't open the tool with the transformation controls tick box from the top bar. If none of that works, just delete the layer and grab it from your folder again and try again
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Step 3: With the transform tool still open on your desired layer, move the layer so that it snaps against the corner of your canvas. Your image editing software should automatically have layer snapping enabled but, if not, I suggest looking up how to turn it on. If it doesn't have this, the best suggestion I have would just be to make sure the corner of the transform tool's box and the corner of the canvas allign. Zoom in if need be. You then repeat this process for the other expression layers (and any other layers that aren't automatically allighned like the blush layers or the tear layers)
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(Notice the red lines that show up when it snaps against the corner)
Step 4: Export your sprite file because that's it, you did it! Now you have a sprite with the layers placed in the right spots! Isn't that great!
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...(maybe I should've chosed a happier expression for this...)
Anyways, I hope this helps!
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
〈 loosen up 〉
Sanemi x Reader x Giyu
Note: I can’t stop thinking about this really specific idea.
Additional note: it’s literally been 2 months since I touched this draft & idk where past me was taking it… but the show must go on so here it is.
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In an effort to smooth things over between the two men, Tengen suggested that everyone goes out clubbing. You thought it was kind of ridiculous considering neither Sanemi nor Giyu would ever step foot in such a place. That was… until Shinobu presented it as a challenge, leaving no room for the two men to deny unless they wanted to be known as cowards.
That’s how you ended up here, in the middle of a crowded dance floor, stuck between both men.
The night had started off innocently enough, everyone was dressed accordingly and ready to forget the week’s tension. By the third round of drinks, you’d already lost Mitsuri and Obanai somewhere in the club. Tengen and his wives were off on the dance floor and Shinobu was having some sort of conversation with Kyojuro and Gyomei.
This left you alone with the two feuding men, sending glares to each other over the tops of their liquor. ”you know… it must be fucking exhausting putting this much effort into hating each other.” neither man spoke, instead they everted their gaze to anywhere that wasn’t each other. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was sexual tension.” You forced a sip of your drink in order not to laugh.
Both men turned to look at you again with break neck speeds, as if you had just uttered the most asinine statement they had ever heard. Honestly, you may have. “Why the fuck would you say something like that?” Sanemi’s voice was a harsh whisper, yet you were still able to hear him perfectly over the pounding music. “Because you two have so much tension it’s almost unbearable to be around the both of you. I think fucking each other would be more effective than fighting.”
You couldn’t lie, the drinks were making you feel some type of way. But of course you couldn’t let either of them know that. You had caught their attention in the worst way possible, Giyu’s mouth hung open slightly as his eyes shifted between you and Sanemi. “What makes you think i’d ever even kiss him.” You freeze, eyes locking with Sanemi before flicking over to Giyu who’s mouth now hung wide open.
“That’s fucking rude.” Giyu barked back, brows furrowing in genuine offense. Maybe you weren’t the only one feeling a certain way because of the drinks. “I’m un-kissable?” He added after Sanemi didn’t budge. You were waiting for some sort of smart ass remark to follow, instead it was a genuine question. Sanemi’s head tilted, smirking a bit as he spoke. “Well… i imagine you have no skills in that area whatsoever.”
“Are you implying he’s a virgin?” Of course, the drink returned to your lips in effort not to laugh. This time, Sanemi burst out laughing, completely missing the way Giyu’s face was turning red. “I’m not a fucking virgin.” Giyu’s words didn’t really help Sanemi’s laughing, the scar covered man nearly doubled over in his seat.
"When is the last time you fucked someone? huh, Shinazugawa? Tell me how long it's been." You couldn't lie, you'd never seen Giyu that mad. Your eyes shot over to Sanemi, watching the man stop laughing as he slowly straightened. "Last month actually." There was an air of confidence in his posture as Sanemi leaned back, reaching for his drink and bringing it to his lips.
"Last month." you echoed, trying to figure out who the person could have been. It must have been a one night stand because Shinazugawa wasn't actively pursuing anyone as far as you remembered... unless. "Don't tell me it was Kocho's sister!" You had already forgotten about why this conversation had started in the first place. Giyu on the other hand only seemed to be getting more worked up with each passing second he was ignored.
“No it wasn’t Kanae! I’d never!” He was turning red anyways. A scoff caught your attention again, head turning to see Giyu getting up from the table. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?!” You we’re starting to get up as well, not willing to let Giyu leave just as things were getting interesting. “I’m leaving.” Deadpanned, as always. “No the fuck you aren’t, we aren’t done here.” Sanemi was throwing the rest of his drink back as he stood.
Once again, both men were locked in a staring competition. "We aren’t done here? What are you? My fucking dad?” You held in a laugh, eagerly anticipating Sanemi’s response. “What the fuck does that even mean? I’m calling you a fucking pussy for running away from this conversation.” Your eyebrow raised, eyes darting between the two men as you feared the conversation would turn into a brawl rather than the threesome you were secretly hoping for.
“I’m a pussy? What are you, twelve? What kind of insult is that?” You watched a scowl quirk at the corners of Sanemi’s lips. “What is with your stupid ass questions about who I am? Figure yourself the fuck out cause you’re pissing me off.” They were getting closer, so close their chests were nearly touching. “I think the offer to fuck still stands.” You seemed to pull them from their daze. “Better yet! How about we dance, Hmm?”
“Dance?” Sanemi was looking at you as if you sprouted mushrooms from your head. “We’re in a club, we’ll get kicked out if you two start fighting so why don’t we just get… all this pent up energy out on the dance floor instead?” To your shock, Giyu was grabbing your arm and leading you away from Sanemi. That’s where you were now… your back pressed to Sanemi while your front was pressed to Giyu.
“Still angry?” You nearly purred, one hand pressed firmly to Giyu’s chest while your hips swayed with Sanemi’s. “Shush.” Giyu was struggling to maintain eye contact, even in the dark dance floor with only colorful LEDs and lasers to see his face. You couldn’t deny that you liked the feeling of Sanemi’s hands on your waist, his hips swaying with yours as he held you tightly to him. If you weren’t mistaken, you were beginning to feel something a bit…
“Are you really getting off to this, Shinazugawa?” Giyu taunted over the top of your head, smirking as he pulled you just a bit closer to him. “Sure fucking am? Why wouldn’t I?” The man behind you held no shame, even as your face began burning up he continued to gloat. “You’d probably have come by now if our roles were reversed. Y/n needs a man who can last more than thirty seconds… Tomioka.” You groaned, it seems their bickering would never end.
“Is that a fucking challenge?” Giyu’s hands were lowering to where Sanemi held your waist, eyebrow cocking upwards in defiance. “What? To see who can last longer? By all fucking means… so long as you’re okay with it?” Sanemi’s voice was in your ear now, earning a desperate shiver in response. “Oh… why not… just not here… I’d rather it be in someone’s bed.”
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sunananaa · 1 year
hii !! i love your posts !! could you make one with Chigiri / Sae when they more clingy than usually? thank youuu
this ask got me thinking a lot….
I’ve only posted smaus before so I was going to immediately assume this was supposed to be an smau too…
So it’s probably a headcanon right?? ACTUALLY DONT KNOW I’ll just do the headcanon lol my first one.
no fr i hate this, i only make smaus for a reason
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characters: chigiri hyoma + itoshi sae
prompt: gn reader!, established relationship
word count: idk will figure out later…
warnings: it’s not proofread - i hate proofreading
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“what the hell are you doing…” chigiri muttered putting his phone down on the sofa and turning around to face you.
you had been playing with his hair for at least the past 10 minutes by now and you showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“mmm nothing, just a bit bored” you replied combing through his red locks with your fingers.
“right…” your boyfriend said slowly narrowing his eyes at you before getting up with his phone and moving away from your touchy hands.
annoyed, you furrowed your eyebrows and came round the sofa to sit yourself next to him. he payed you no attention and carried on watching whatever was on his phone.
you shuffled closer to him so that your shoulders were touching causing him to tense up and side-eye you weirdly.
smiling back at him, you rested your head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. it had been a while since you and chigiri could hang out together, he was always busy with football while you were busy with your studies.
in all honesty, all you wanted to do was to spend more time with him.
“are you okay?” he asked genuinely to which you closed your eyes and responded with a small hum.
despite the lack of words, chigiri understood what you wanted as he rested his head on top of yours. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile gracing upon his face.
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sae’s eyes scanned around the airport, luggage in hand, looking out for a certain someone. luckily in your case he could usually hear you before seeing you.
“saee!!” you exclaimed quite loudly running up to your boyfriend engulfing him in a massive hug, the amount of force causing him to stumble back a bit.
he had just returned from spain and after being separated for about a month, all you wanted was to be in his presence. that alone was a privilege itself to you.
“how are you?” you asked looking up at him, a cheeky sheepish smile on your face. sae looked back at you, his gaze softening for a second. he opened his mouth to speak-
but of course, flashing cameras and paparazzi ruined the moment for the two of you.
sae was clearly annoyed, he broke the hug for a second, ready to give them a piece of his mind. the audacity of these people fr. but not even a second after, you had already pulled him back in again. hugging much much tighter than before.
“can we stay like this? just a for a little bit longer…” your voice was muffled being pressed against his chest and your arms around his torso tightly, your clinginess painfully obvious.
you heard your boyfriend let out a sigh before bringing his arms to wrap around your waist. though he would never admit it, he had missed you just as much as you had - heck maybe even more. who was he to say no to you?
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all right reserved © please do not copy any of my works!
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