#idk if i ever mentioned his name was jacques before... if i did. no it isnt. that was a lie. blasphemy. rumors. misinformation
papersnatch · 7 months
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i was going to come up with some really poetic and witty line to go with this (this drawing's based off a dream i had actually) but EVERYONE keeps mentioning 'THE GAY BEAM' and i CANT GET OVER IT
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femininetea · 3 years
"Always expecting betrayal... But never from you"
The general who became a father to his soldier (spoilers for rwby v8 ch13)
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Personal impressions:
I was so mad last week, thinking IW would have been defeated already/too soon but they tricked us. And I'm so glad it's a Winter vs. Ironwood fight. And the emotions.... I can't.
He was her father figure and I'm sure it was viewed like that from both sides. We were clearly shown what IW would do if anyone was in his way. Even when she disobeyed he didn't shoot her. He trusted her until the last moment.... We saw him get mad, break down and hopeless. But never cry. It's not just any soldier he's fighting. He's fighting his right hand. Winter Schnee, someone who was like a daughter to him.
But let's get to their actual relationship.
An essay on Winter in RWBY is planned btw.
Winter seems to have the highest rank in the military next to Ironwood, which is impressive for her age and shows her determination but also how IW believes in her
In V4 Jacques claimed that IW "stole his daughter" and IW hinted at that they often had this conversation
In V7 Jacques asked IW if Winter knew that Weiss returned to Atlas
From the point of V2 and V3 it seems that Winter still had contact to Jacques but not as much anymore in V7, something happened and I think because of the dust embargo IW and Jacques had their confrontation and Winter obviously chose IW's side and detached from her father completely
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(It was always hinted (and I think even stated in the remnant guide book) that Winter protected her siblings and had to take the most abuse. And you can clearly see that by her type of fight or flight trauma and how she's literally supposed to represent the ice queen with her hidden emotions and stuff
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You see her in that state of shock, fear, panic, trauma etc. when she realizes that she failed Ironwood. He was proud of her for catching Yang, Ren and Jaune and put his hand on her since they would be useful. Harriet then told him and I think this represents how someone like IW would be able to hurt her that much emotionally since he is in the position of an authority and a father figure to her)
Also he was ready to shoot his people at any time like the council man or Marrow but he didn't shoot her and allowed her to stay by her side
That and how she defends IW most of the time show how she trusts her judgment, IW trusts her judgement as well as seen in V4 when he told Jacques that Winter told him that there was a threat in Mistral
In World of Remnant we see IW walking past soldiers and Winter standing out. It was about the technical grooming of atlas students to join the military but you can tell from what we know of Ironwood, that he has a good heart (eruption fang made a vid on that recently)
When Winter told Weiss that "the general would have a place for you" She said it with such happiness, atlas and the military was winter's new home and IW gave her the chance to repurpose her life
She even defended IW in front of Jacques, her biological father and she takes great personal offense when his judgement is mistreated. Even when Weiss talked about trust Winter said that he would never hide anything from her
The offer with the Winter Maiden... You could say that he did this to control her and I'd accept your opinion... But there's one thing that makes me think that he still obviously also cared for her. Over the years he knew how much the military meant to her. She even told Penny that her life doesnt matter and only her job does. It means everything to her and like Winter said herself, she saw the Maiden powers as a privilege and it makes me feel like Ironwood saw them as something that would make her unique and give her once again a purpose that is unique to her and not just her being one of many soldiers
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He even apologized, knowing it wouldn't be easy for her (since he expected Winter and not Ozcar) and when he had his talk with RWBY he called Winter her/Weiss' sister instead of just her name and idk but that just made this even more special
In Volume 8 it is once again shown how Winter is basically the one who also trusted Ironwood until the end. And in ch 12 she didnt judge him... She expressed her worries for his behavior. She couldn't believe the man who made her feel like she was everything would ever become so cruel
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They way their worry for each other looks so similar
And while I know that they have a theme for the Atlas military , I think it's obvious how Winter looked even more like IW in all her outfits compared to the rest of the military
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Many people think Ironwood is dumb for over trusting Winter but I think it shows his flaw as a general. He let's his emotions get in the way since he cares about her and continues to trust her even though she disobeyed orders
His last words were "As my last order: step aside", he could've just shot her again as she layed defenseless on the ground but he didn't
Remember how in the first episode he said "Thank you Winter, I don't know what I would do without you"
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Right before, she said that she'll be fine without him asking anything. It sounds a little more personal in my opinion. Why would you tell your boss that you'll be fine without him asking about your status? the conversation was literally about Qrow and Robyn before but he looked worried and wanted the room for themselves and she immediately said that.
Some people also talk about how they emphasized with Ironwood in volume 7 since wasn't shown to have family or a partner yet would do anything for Atlas. But again, he did care about Winter a lot and wanted her to be save.
Something I also noticed when writing this is that in volume 3 Ironwood called her Schnee yet in V7 he calls the Ace Ops and her via first name basis. Clover said that he trusts Ironwood with this life and I think that's how Winter and the Ace ops felt about him, the person who gave them hope. Especially Winter.
And now we're here. Seeing the man cry a tear. We know now, if Winter wins, she has to kill him. Imprisoning him wasn't enough. And I think that will be her final moment of her being a "Ice Queen", when she has to kill him, she will probably turn to her emotional side and grieve.
As mentioned, the military, her position, her rank and Ironwood meant everything to her. She talked so enthusiastically when she had her conversation with Weiss about moving in together without their father and how IW has a place for her younger sister. And now along with Ironwood, both are in a situation they never thought they'd be in.
That was it from me. In short form , I just wanted to share some ideas and things I've noticed about their relationship and dynamic. None of this is meant as a romantic way and you can of course disagree but please stay respectful. Thank you and we'll see each other next chapter<3
P. S. Winter please don't die
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Ironwood tucked tail and ran, he didn't actually consider his options he reacted with paranoia and literally did the thing the villains (Watts) told him to his face was the thing they wanted him to do. Ironwood neglected Mantle for ages, like seriously he was going to tell everyone while Mantle had a huge hole in its wall. And no he wasn't doing everything possible the whole season was all about how he was sacrificing Mantle's safety for his own end.
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There are a lot of different points here so I’m going to break things up: 
“[Ironwood] didn’t actually consider his options” except he did. We had an entire, if heated, conversation about it. Is Amity ready? No. So can we use it? No. Are we in any state to keep fighting? No. Has the perimeter been taken out? Potentially. Is Salem approaching? Likely. They ran through a number of different factors and came out with two options: leave now or hold their ground. Based on what they know, Option Two is a death sentence and when no one was able to come up with an Option Three that combined saving Mantle with keeping the rest of the populace alive + keeping relics/a Maiden out of Salem’s hands, Ironwood went with Option One. People also have to remember that from their perspective she could be here any second. This is the opposite of Volume 6 where the group actually had time to come up with various options and chose not to. Here, they can’t afford to spends hours or days trying to come up with additional solutions when Salem may be on their doorstep in a matter of minutes. 
“literally did the thing the villains... wanted him to do” yeah, he did, but again... what’s Option Three? What’s the solution where Ironwood keeps people safe without creating a single bit of division among them? Right now it doesn’t exist. Just because the hero ends up doing what the villain wanted doesn’t mean that decision wasn’t logical or justified. It doesn’t mean they had another way out. It just means that the villain did their job and crafted a scenario where the hero is screwed no matter what they choose.That’s what makes Salem so hard to beat. It’s akin to a trick. She crafts plans wherein even the best solutions have horrific consequences attached, but that’s not Ironwood’s fault. This is gonna sound weird, but I’ve had that Matrix scene stuck in my head the last few days. Neo is offered a red pill and a blue pill and told to choose, now. The fandom’s response to Ironwood’s dilemma is akin to going, “I can’t believe Neo didn’t take the time he wasn’t offered to choose the green pill instead.” That green pill... doesn’t exist... Not yet anyway. 
“Ironwood neglected Mantle for ages” again, building Amity necessitated that neglect. We can argue that Ironwood never should have built Amity in the first place then---letting Mantle have their resources is more important than building a communications tower/thinking you can defeat Salem---but the fandom and the RWBYJNR team don’t get to have both. We can’t demand that Ironwood finish this project and then drag him for doing what’s necessary to achieve that. Amity was not “for his own end.” Nor were things like the military presence. We can argue the ethics of whether it’s ever appropriate to keep soldiers around town, but the intent has always been to keep the people safe. And given how many times grimm broke through the walls this volume? Those soldiers probably saved a lot of lives. If we’re truly going to criticize Ironwood for his treatment of Mantle than we likewise need to criticize the group for staying on his back about Amity. It’s because they allowed him to think that this was a way to defeat Salem for so long and pushed him to get it done that the mistreatment of Mantle continued. How do you keep Ironwood from taking resources from the people? Idk, maybe tell him that the thing he wants the resources for won’t actually save the world like he thinks it will... 
“like seriously he was going to tell everyone while Mantle had a huge hole in its wall” 100% agree there. I think it was stupid af to tell the people about Salem at all, let alone during a grimm attack. But remember that our heroes were very pleased with that development. That’s the one thing Ironwood has been praised for. Again, if we’re going to criticize him for that then Ruby likewise deserves criticism for pushing him towards telling others about Salem and then giving her  little, “He’s doing it.” As I’ve mentioned the last two volumes, my primary issue with the writing is not that the characters make mistakes, but rather the hypocrisy that occurs when that happens. Team RWBY is continually let off the hook by both the writing and the fandom despite the fact that their actions contributed immensely to all of Ironwood’s mistakes. Their mistakes are just as much at the center of all this, but no one wants to acknowledge how keeping that secret forced Ironwood to work under hugely false information. Even though we just got a whole volumes articulating how horrific that sort of manipulation was for Team RWBY under Ozpin. Their choice to repeat Ozpin’s actions had far more devastating circumstances, namely hurting Mantle in the name of a plan they knew was doomed from that start. RWBYJNR could have spared Mantle at any time. 
“...Ironwood’s plan sucks” yeah, it has a million holes in it, but again, does anyone have a better plan? If Salem’s flying grimm army is such a threat to a hypothetically sky-high Atlas, why aren’t people acknowledging what a threat those + grounded grimm are to an Atlas that sticks around beside Mantle? To be blunt, there are way bigger priorities here. No one should be asking, “But what will we do about food days/weeks from now?” when Salem is theoretically coming to kill them in the next hour. How about we survive the immediate threat first. If we’re all alive to worry about food later that will be a miracle. 
“take apart a military vehicle or two and used the material to fix Mantle’s wall” maybe he could have. We as the audience have no idea what exactly these “resources” are and how they might be replaced, but if we’re really going to nit-pick like that... why didn’t anyone else? Why didn’t Team RWBY suggest that instead of just yelling at Ironwood to fix everything himself? Why didn’t Robyn do that instead of stealing the materials on their way to Amity? Everyone keeps insisting that Ironwood isn’t united with the others, but it’s everyone else who insists that he fix everything himself while simultaneously betraying, lying, criticizing, and undermining him along the way. I likewise don’t buy the “Ironwood is the adult and he’s responsible for Team RWBY” argument I’ve seen floating around because that’s by the same group who was going, “Team RWBY are adults now Ozpin and Qrow need to trust them more” last volume. They have their licenses. They’re working with a military inner circle. They, as I’ve said before, don’t get to flip-flop between vulnerable children and responsible adults as they please. If the group is mature enough to fight this war at Ironwood’s side then they’re mature enough to go, “Hey, how about the eight of us try to think up ways to help instead of just yelling that we don’t like what Ironwood, as just one very stressed person, has managed to come up with?” 
“maybe he could have updated Mantle’s security” again, we don’t know what Ironwood might or might not have done after the Fall of Beacon in terms of updates. All we do know is that he didn’t have the one crucial piece of information that made Mantle’s security seem vulnerable: Watts is alive. Ironwood only found that out after Watts had already taken over. 
“Maybe he could have told the council and worked with his own government” sorry but this argument always makes my brain go “????” The only thing we know about this council is that they were fully backing Jacques at the meeting, which is not a good indicator of how trustworthy they were pre-his arrest. If we’re praising Team RWBY for not trusting Ironwood---someone who has been fighting Salem for years and who immediately shared his own secrets---why in the world would we expect Ironwood to trust two lackeys of Jacques Schnee? One of these options seemed a whole lot less trustworthy than the other. And I guarantee you that if we had gotten a story where Ironwood brought in the council and then we learned they had been working closely with Jacques? People would criticize him for that too. “Maybe he could have kept things quiet like Team RWBY did and not give information to a corrupt government.” It’s a lose-lose, apparently. 
“did what the kids wanted and it WORKED” literally only because the plot went wonky to accommodate them. No one freaking out, no one angry anymore, everyone coming together to sing the Remnant equivalent of Kumbaya... I’m by no means against hopeful results superseding “realistic” ones, but this was a seriously extreme example of the plot accommodating the group’s preferences. In the same way it accommodated them in Argus. It’s a deliberate choice not to have there be any repercussions to starting huge grimm battles ,or telling an angry mob about the sorceress sociopath out to kill them all, and RT grabbed hold of that choice by both hands. It’s hard to argue who is really “right” or “wrong” when the narrative itself makes sure that only one party’s actions ever have bad outcomes whereas the others always come out rosy. It has been a rigged system the last two volumes. Team RWBY’s choices are always “right” not because they’re justified, but because the writing ensures that nothing bad ever happens as a result. Even when logic dictates that it should. 
“idk maybe tell them to fight on their own they can” this would be a good option if the group were actually interested in just defending Mantle. But they’re not, their goal is to stop Ironwood from leaving Mantle behind. We get that moment where the whole team stands in front of him in a semi-circle, making it clear that if he wants to enact his plan, he’ll have to go through them first. It’s not a, “You do your thing and we’ll do ours” situation, it’s a “We’re not going to allow you to do your own thing.” So Ironwood responds to that with, “Fine. You’re forcing me to move you? You’re under arrest.” 
“maybe see about getting their system back up” Watts had complete control over the system. The conversation at the dinner made it clear that everyone was locked out: Ironwood, the council, even Jacques himself. And I doubt Watts, wherever he is now, is just going to hand that control back because Ironwood asked. Which again, comes back to time. Do they have time to interrogate Watts? No. Do they have time to sit other tech experts down and try to get them to reclaim the system? No. People keep insisting that these are all options that Ironwood willfully ignores, but every one of them results in the same thing: Atlas twiddling its thumbs as Salem slams in with her grimm army. This would be a very different situation if she were days out and they had some time to try these things, but the setup is very much, “If she’s coming she’s going to be here in no time at all. Whatever we’re doing, we have to do it right now.” Long-term “options” of these sort simply aren’t on the table. Telling someone to take the hour-long “option” when you literally have five minutes is just illogical. Rejecting that doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you the one person thinking the situation through. As I’ve said before, Ironwood and the Ace Ops are the only ones weighing these issues in a “Is this actually possible? manner. Team RWBY is riding purely on confidence and hope. 
“there’s no proof Salem is coming” you’re right, there isn’t. We only have her promise and the silent perimeter, so no, that’s not proof. ... but are you really willing to risk that? I sure as hell wouldn’t be. There’s no way I would trust that many lives to “Well, she might be pulling our leg.” Calling her bluff is a BEYOND risky choice and the only reason the fandom thinks it’s such a good option is because we’re looking at this from a storytelling perspective. We know it’s unlikely that the group will face off against Salem before the final volume. We know it’s unlikely that Salem would start attacking the world in earnest because she’s so damn powerful that this would wipe everyone out in a mater of weeks and then, you know, there’s no story anymore. As characters in this world they have no reason to believe that Salem would lie about coming, especially after Watts, Tyrian, the chess piece, the perimeter... Salem has clearly been setting up something, but Ironwood should just ignore all that to call a hypothetical bluff, risking every single person in the process? That goes so beyond endangerment I’m not even sure what to call it. That would be the action of someone I wouldn’t trust as my leader. Risking the Maiden, two relics, and the lives of an entire kingdom on an entirely unfounded hunch. That’s straight up insanity and if Ironwood had done that I would have hoped the Ace Ops would revolt. You’re clearly unfit to serve, sir, if you’re going to risk all our lives---the entire world even---on a theory that has 4 points against it and 0 in favor. 
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badlydrawndrawnings · 4 years
ATWQ Book Three Thoughts
I finally got time this week to finished reading the third ATWQ book, and I got to say, I am honestly very, very scared how this series is going to end. I am feeling a sense of dread I don’t think I got when reading ASOUE as a child. Something about this series is making me go (O.O) with a dash of 8U I had no expectations on what the hell would this third book even hold. This is honestly all over the place like seriously...
This book just got me shook.
Okay, so first all...BERTRAND WAS THEODORA’S LAST APPRENTICE? Holy **** this was one of the many things that shook me to the core.  “He’d end up married to a wonderful woman and have very charming children, while I languished alone and lonely.” Lemony Snicket you have no idea what you just foretold for your future. 
Prosper Lost really decided to tell Lemony about his family (daughter Ornette  + brothers in law?) and shows he isn’t just a nosy, sneaky and lurking in the background type of guy. He has great concerns that aren’t related to his business it goes to the whole freaking town! I get the feeling something bad happened in his past and with a fire like shoot why else is he working the Official Fire Department. I guess it has something to do with his wife (I assume since he has a daughter).
In regards to Ornette, I don’t have a true clear thought or opinion of her yet. Cleo while showing up late got talked a lot for about 2/3 of the books and an illustration that gives me some idea of her character. Ornette got mention a few times, and then shows up at Wade Academy and she’s very gung-ho; willing to work with the others and Lemony who she just met. I like she’s open minded working with a stranger like Ornette is gonna fit in well. However, I guess I have to say her first impression was weaker than Cleo’s build up so I’m just *thinking* over her still. I hope we get to see more of her in the last book though. 
Theodora really just hit me with a tone of bricks. I admit this book really made me like her more because damn it, I think I did what Theodora did once or twice in my life and it sucks. So first off: Theodora all this time knew she was rank last? God, that must mean in the previous books those fancy talks of her reputation partly must have been done to make herself feel better and have confidence and skills that isn’t really there. Since she’s rank last it means there’s a chance she’s not well respected -and maybe not well like (I assume rank is a combinations of reviews from past apprentices and peer reviews). That means Theodora puts on an act for Lemony (and Bertrand who was a lot easier for Theodora to chaperone; Bertrand what review did you gave Theodora?) and everyone else to make herself seem better and more competent. Because if others of different standings take her serious, then VFD will start taking her more serious, and ergo, others (work) associates will be all ‘yeah we can be friends 8D!’. Clearly it’s not working as plan.
Theodora latching on to Sharon and their short lived friendship (the nail polish...Theodora may not have gotten friendship bracelets but she went all out anyway, this just sad to think about). Here we have Theodora thinking she not only has a friend in who know how long -and a friend from she thought was part of VFD- but has a chance to prove herself for once from all her past mistakes and screw up. And Sharon reveal herself as a fraud and Theodora is all like ‘well ****’ and despite not liking Lemony, she still made sure Lemony sure as hell wasn’t going to be taken by Hangfire and the Inhumane Society (such is a duty of a chaperone).
But despite her low rank, Theodora just more than that. She not just a wild hair driver, and yeah, this was clearly shown since the first book if she saved Lemony from getting kidnapped. Theodora knew the whole time Lemony was going to plan something with Kit (IDK if she knew of the coup, but she knew something big was going to happen. Did she took him to SBTS so their plan would fail?). She also knows enough the plan got so off the rails Kit is in jail and Theodora was willing to help Lemony break her out. I’m not saying she’s a favorite character, but she’s in a general tier of ‘I like very much!’
The Haines family (two out three at least): I feel for Sharon, wanting her daughter Lizzie back at any cost. I can understand why she felt like she had no choice to work with Hangfire. If Hangfire got Sally Murphy to work for him (she was trying to help save Lizzie this whole time oh my god), then it’s not much of a stretch Hangfire could get the Haines as well if they’re desperate. But she dragged Kellar into it and was considering striking Kellar across the face. She was willing to go that far to get her son to continue working with Hangfire to get Lizzie back. I hope with Lizzie getting found, the family can be together again and work their issues out.
Won’t say too much on Kellar himself, in part because apparently, ‘dynamite hair’  translated into the famous Tintin quiff. Don’t get me wrong, I like Kellar. His situation sucks to the tenth level and he stood up for what he know is right, even if it means he and his mom have to temporary part ways (again, I hope the Haines family can be together again and work their issues out). I totally think he and Moxie will become very good friends (he needs friends in general). Typist buddies are a go-go! But whenever I think of him and his illustration I can’t get Tintin out of my head. Thanks, Seth.
I got a better feel of Cleo from this book, and yeah, she is totally Team Chemistry Dad, and Jake is totally Team Food Mom. They’re the team parents for all these kids and they’re doing a very good job. Cleo honestly rocks the mask with her color scheme. As to the rest of Lemony’s SBTS associates + Qwerty, nothing much change on thoughts and opinions (Lemony is still upset over Moxie’s arm 8U). I hope Qwerty in the last book gets free. I thought something bad was gonna happen to him like Dewey. I feel a bit happy Qwerty is just arrested and not dead from a harpoon gun.
Ellington, meanwhile, is getting more desperate to find her father (she has a picture of him in her music box my goodness that hurts! However, thanks to a re-watch of Netflix ASOUE, and thinking about [RETRACTED] and looking at something I wrote in a different ATWQ post, I have a very bad feeling, and I hope I’m wrong about it.) if she was more or less ‘working’ with Hangfire. Those film noir vibes are getting to real warning levels that are in the red zone and close to 100% Got to admit thought, her and Lemony’s ‘first and last date’ really ended on a damp note 8U.
I’m too scared on guessing WTF is the creature/noise Lemony and Ellington heard. And do I want to know about the honeydew melons (I like cantaloupe more TBH)?
My opinion of the Mitchum parents are the same but my goodness! Someone let them know how terrible their son is and let them know they’re failure as parents! Stew upgraded from bully to ‘part time villain’, knows it, and just got worse. I gotta bring up Carmelita again because Stew is making me think over Carmelita’s character more than I ever thought before.
I interpret Carmelita as a spoil rich brat and bully who got away with her rotten behavior due to her parents not being parents, just giving her too many gifts and not teaching her important manners. She a bit of an ill-fusion of Veruca Salt and Dudley Dursley in my opinion. Anyway, Carmelita has no idea what she got herself into in the TSS, but by TGG-TPP she is ‘okay! 8D’ because Esme while teaching her to be a ‘villain’ and other dangerous things, it’s mitigated by Esme still spoiling Carmelita rotten and keeping Carmelita’s old lifestyle she’s used too. It also help in the TAA and TSS she just used words as weapons, so this ‘jump’ was just a real shocker and showing how Carmelita while knowing of VFD, is still blind to their hidden nature if she didn’t dwell to much over it.
Stew on the other hand, is a bully who has been using force since the first book, but it’s on the low-down side. Now, Stew is willingly working with Hangfire, and he just decided to go all out and take it up a notch. And Stew unlike Carmelita, isn’t blind to what is going on. I think. It’s also possible Stew doesn’t know the major end goal of Hangfire and Stew is happy he gets to continue bullying people through any means, and his target just has to be Lemony. I honestly don’t know what’s up with him and his actions.
Speaking of Lemony...someone help this poor child mentally and physically. This is all too much for a thirteen year old (or anyone). He has to worry about Kit and save a dying town, and IDK if Theodora is even going to help in the final book if she wanted to high tail it out of there. He’s feeling more lonely than ever and Imaginary!Kit shows up again. Lemony Snicket you just jinx yourself about being lonely shouldn’t stop at age thirteen ;_; you have no idea what is in store, especially when it comes to your siblings. Lemony is closer to Kit than to Jacques, but the ‘flashback’ to playing Beethoven was sweet because the two were able to spend time together and this was like, the first time Lemony actually thought of Jacques in who know how long. Now I’m thinking about Netflix!Lemony wishing he spend more time with Jacques.
So uh...Olaf got a name drop (is guess who referring to the game? band? IDK who Q is but, this is gonna be weird with my headcanon of Mr. Quagmire), I covered Bertrand’s name drop...and Josephine cameos.
If I have to put her on a tier list, Josephine would be the middle between ‘like’ and ‘neutral’. She isn’t my favorite character and guardian, but I like her enough to not put her in neutral (and I have thoughts on her that I won’t 100% share here). With many fears (rational, irrational, surprisingly rational but on first glance irrational), due to VFD messing with her to where she has no choice to become a hermit and hide away from the danger of the world and become very safety conscious. Her years of being frighten grew to where she is cowardly and cares for herself more at times (she does ‘scream’ coward near the end of the TWW, especially in the books and Movie).
Once Quite Adventurous (Movie Only), and Fierce and Formidable (Netflix Only), if it’s not a headcanon, it’s almost canon Ike’s death was the turning point for Josephine deciding to hide away from the world. With Ike’s death, Josephine must have thought she has no choice to retreat to her hazard of a home and live alone for who know how long to keep herself safe. In both adaptations, they show hints (and Netflix only; also shown it via flashback) of Josephine’s old life through photographs. Also in both adaptations, it seems Josephine really went from ‘dangerous lifestyle’ to ‘gonna hide in my room please go away’ very fast after Ike’s demise. 
So, I’m happy and a bit upset Josephine cameos in this ATWQ book. Josephine is not 100% Quite Adventurous, or 100% Fierce and Formidable. I mean, she is those thing, but Josephine is also rather...Cautious. The fact Lemony even calls her ‘careful girl’ and Josephine is taking a risk to visit SBTS seems both adaptations was exaggerating her personality before Ike’s death/possible retirement from VFD. While certainly less afraid of the world, and much braver than TWW, there’s a implication Josephine is on her tip-toes, as well as making sure where she steps (or flies to in her helicopter). I have to say showing a teen Josephine being cautious is a good way to show how her extremism phobias and hermit habits have their roots since her younger years.
And that’s why I’m happy and a bit upset. I’m happy Josephine’s character is explore and it’s fueling to my pile of headcanons that are half bake for her. But I’m upset because...the adaptations. I’ll give Movie!Josephine a minor break though. Since it came out before ATWQ, I doubt Daniel Handler had even thought of this series and character cameos planned out. Movie!Josephine was a shot in the dark and one of the few things that somehow came out unscratched. I think the film played up her fears and cowardliness, but her photo album doesn’t mess up anything regarding ATWQ’s cameo.
Netflix however, has ATWQ. And from my past re-watch, I can now see there’s some references to ATWQ that went over my head (I am seriously hopping I didn’t got accidentally spoilers *stares at [RETRACTED]*). Anyway, Netflix!Josephine’s portrayed and the changes are fitting to her character. Her last act of courage after realizing Olaf killed Ike is rather nice. Yeah, I know it seems Josephine snapped due to his grammar mistake, but on the re-watch Josephine was all \OMO/ when Olaf slips up on the tamales, so I think Josephine confront Olaf for Ike’s murder and his bad grammar. I don’t want to say they ignore Josephine being described as a careful girl in her youth to making her freaking Sporty(TM), but if I do think of rewatching the show again sometime soon after finishing ATWQ (I started reading the first chapter before lunch and I think I’ll have more time the rest of the week to read),  ATWQ’s cameo will be haunting the back of my mind.
Josephine totally needed to called out Lemony for ditching Kit, just like Hector. Though I guess Josephine has more reason to since Kit is really close to getting lock up, all because of two ‘new’ characters: Gifford and Ghede, who also tried to kidnapped Lemony back in the first book. Damn, for ‘noble’ VFD members, they sure suck at their job if Kit is still arrested and they tried to kidnapped Lemony...for some reason.
Are they are on the fire starting side?
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soonhoonsol · 6 years
tagged by @my-woozi-happiness​ (thank youuu <3)
Answer the following questions honestly (skip if you don’t want to answer truthfully) and tag as many people as you want! Enjoy~
Why is your favourite colour your favourite colour? Ooh my favourite colour is black, mainly because it matches with everything :3 I do also like galazy-ish colours; they go together with black really well :3
An anecdote about the first time you did something: Something is a little vague... I don’t think I’ve done anything spectacular O.o
What country or city name do you find funny? Cheyenne. It’s a place in America, I think. I just find it funny that I have the same name as a place HAHA
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to attract your crush’s attention? OH BOY CLICK ON THE KEEP READING THINGY IF YOU WANNA KNOW THIS ONE IT’S SO....EESH
okay so uh not really the craziest thing that I did on purpose, but more of an accident? my friends and I went on an outing to the beach and we were gonna have a BBQ but while I was in the middle of flipping the food on the grill, it downpoured massively. I was holding an umbrella (lol the sun is scorching in SG) and standing by the food so everyone else kinda just grabbed their stuff and ran to shelter but i’m standing there like...do I leave the food or...? Then there was a really strong wind so I ended up getting drenched. My crush kinda like ran in the rain to get me back to the shelter and he was like super doting. Like he gave me his towel and his jacket so I wouldn’t be cold and all that stuff AJKDGJADFASD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH end of story ^^
How many people can someone sleep with before you start judging them? I try not to judge. You do you.
Is there any “childish” habit you still have? Is sleeping with stuffed animals considered “childish”?
At what moment does the sky look the best? That shade of red in the evening. That way you know it’s gonna rain and it’s so beautiful :’)
The most you’ve ever paid for a concert? Was it worth it? $350. It was for DE in SG and I wanted a VIP ticket so I asked someone to help me buy it. Combined cost ended up around $350 but I did get to meet mah bois SVT (IT WAS SURREAL) so heck yeah it was worth it :’)
Would you rather be a superhero or be saved by a superhero? Any hero in mind? I don’t think I could actually be one so....I wanna be saved by Spiderman tyvm 
Something you wish you could do/do better: I wish I could love myself and be more positive. Negativity tends to...push people away.
Are your parents in any fandom? How did they get into it? I know my mum likes Bon Jovi and my dad kinda fluctuates between genres but....nah they’re not “fangirl” enough to go to concerts or get albums...that’s why they always yell at me if I ever buy anything fandom-related. I haven’t even mentioned how much punishment I got for buying a Carat Bong ^^’
Do you have any posters hanging around your room? How many? Of who/what? Used to have loads of posters (mainly R5, The Vamps and 5SOS, aka bopful bands hur hur) but now...none :/
Were you a space kid or a dinosaur kid? Oh hands down dinosaur. I had a whole tub of plastic dinosaurs. Idk where they are now but yeah. Still a dinosaur kid HAHHAHA DAMN I LOVE JURASSIC PARK
How many pictures and video’s do you have on your phone? uhhh i’m lazy to check :(
How many songs do you have on your phone? 400+ now? They’re all kpop, with a sprinkle of English ones...but that was because I deleted a lot of English songs. There used to be like 2000+
What was your first fandom? Austin & Ally (bring back the show pls)
Have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? If so, who? Never cosplayed :( Don’t have the money for that lol
A song you’d recommend to someone you love (or a close friend if you’re aro): @ my crush - “Paper Heart” by The Vamps since he likes that band too hur hur
Do you have a bookshelf? How many books are in it? Is there anything else than books? no bookshelf :( wait...yeah I don’t have one in my room....
Do you have scars? How many? Can you tell their story? I got a small scar on my arm from when my brother stabbed me with a mechanical pencil :’) it’s mostly faded now
Would you rather have had a different name? If so, which one? I wanted Jacquelyn, because I love the name Jack and the female version would be Jacque
Do you collect anything? If so, what? If not, would you like to start some collection? I wanna collect kpop stuff...pls...why is everything so expensive
Carte blanche: Tell something you’d like to share, can be anything ^^: I spent a good 20 minutes filling this up hur hur rip my gpa
tagging @seokyomie @sherazzie @liablackpandora (love youuuuuuu) @sleepyljihoon @skyyzi @ana707 @mo0n1e @hearttoshu (hi hi) and anyone else who wants to do~
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beatricebidelaire · 6 years
(some not-that-organized thoughts on s2. i sincerely hope this isn’t too long.)
despite i grasp onto little moments like the interaction between georgina and jacquelyn at the masked ball, or fernald’s obvious crush on olaf, and other small things, and i love it i talk about it, i’m still endlessly dissatisfied with the fact i could only get these kind of moments (don’t get me, i enjoyed them, but ...) while every time there’s some m/f interaction on screen they felt they needs to push it into a romance. i want to say i’m surprised with the jacques/olivia addition in the show but after thinking about it .... i hate that i’m not really that surprised. (speaking of jacques, where is the jacques/jerome interaction i deserve i was hoping we’d get a letter or something.)  and the children’s parts are ... worse for me idk if it’s just i’ve never been into the children pairings in this series much but it feels even more forced for me (compared to jacques/olivia) and they barely interacted with the other sibling which is??? baffling??? and at first i thought what duncan carved was “DQ” and “IQ” and when i realized it wasn’t i was like wait what?? then i realized what it was later and i’m just ... annoyed.  all in all i guess i just don’t get why they have to put literally every het pairing they could find like what next?? jacquelyn and larry?? (no that’s not an invitation)
moving on, i love all the foreshadowing about fiona.  i didn’t expect to get it so i’m very pleased with that part. fernald’s expression when olivia said that, how struck he was by the mention of his sister, and when he went out to get the alcohols he’s muttering about if he should call her. worrying if his stepfather would be the one to pick up.  and even the line wondering if his stepfather was still mad.  all of these went straight to my heart. (the siblings relationship in this book are going to be the death of me, especially the snickets and fernald & fiona. those are my favorite moments in this season, honestly.)
and yeah, speaking of the snickets. jacques’ death in TVV didn’t hit me as hard as I imagined but that scene in the cab, oh i still cry over it (i say, as if it’s not been just one day.) “i’d give anything to sit and talk with him again.” .... murder me why don’t you ... i’d give anything to sit and talk with him again ...  i’d give anything to sit and talk with him again ...
right, speaking of lemony and jacques interaction, it’s surreal to see in that masked ball scene lemony interacting with others rather than as a narrator. super surreal.  i love it.  and they look so much like brothers idk why they just do and it,,, gives me feelings.
as for kit ... wait let’s talk about the red gloves first. i know they all use the same disguises but seeing the same pair of red gloves stealing sugar bowl at the end of THH and on the hands of previous madame lulu AND at the masked ball writing that note unsettles me. reason why i think she’s kit includes: the taxi thing, someone lemony knows very well, and my personal refusal to believe that’s beatrice. reasons why i don’t think she is kit includes: she’s ... so young, so much younger than patrick warburton and nathan fillion, it’s too obvious that it must be a red herring, and that .. it’s too early.  by early i mean i honestly thought we wouldn’t get anything concrete about kit until season 3 for Reasons.  so far, we’ve got two mysterious VFD women, and several unfilled book characters (Kit, Duchess, Sally Sebald. Moxie Mallahan) (Speaking of women from the books, though she’s not VFD, i’m still deeply disappointed we didn’t get geraldine julienne.)
olaf and jacques scenes give me very complicated feelings (i love them but there is a lot to process lol). first of all, “you’ve never approved of my love life ever” the kit/olaf hint is strong with this one and i yelled but hours after watching that episode it hit me that there are more than one ways to interpret this, particular with the strong ex-bf vibes between them he’d likely never approve of who olaf dated after him as well. anyway, i never expected to see jacques reaching out to olaf (my mind keep saying: lemony sure as hell won’t) and saying he’s sorry about the night of the opera (oh yeah, that’s another foreshadowing there, i like that one too) and calling him old friend i was so emotional, and i kept wondering if this is just who jacques snicket is, trying to reach out to everyone, or if he’s doing this because kit once dated olaf, or because he himself once dated olaf. (my mind, repeatedly: lemony would NOT have done this.) and after all that olaf still killed/let esme kill him and i’m just ... so mad at the moment. (which is to say, well done. you managed to make me emotional.)
more about fernald: he almost said his name i almost yelled but not surprising that it got cut off before he could.  But seriously, Fernald loves Olaf so much and Olaf .... doesn’t .... even know his name ..... i s2g ...  on a brighter note, i love every sunny and fernald interaction he understands her so much he worries about her when olaf kicked her he’s so proud that she’s a toddler now.  just, wow.  also, does he ever think about fiona when he talks to sunny i need to know.  and and and, that part when he makes sure the henchperson of indeterminate gender gets on the car.  he’s like the mom-friend of the group or something trying to take care of everyone and i love him so much. (yeah, you can probably tell by now i’m partial to fernald.)
esme and olaf having very different goals and opinions early on is an intriguing dynamic to see. like even before lulu, before carmelita, they’d had different goals in the sugar bowl and the fortunes.  speaking of the sugar bowl, i wasn’t actually ... expecting to ... literally see how it looks like lol.
esme singled-handedly dragged jerome from the bottom of the building to the penthouse. i was super amazed and would also totally let her drag me like that, just saying.  also, 667 is so luxurious .... how can i live there ... how much did they spent on the set ...
esme’s car plate: IN. me: flashback olaf’s  IH8ORPHANS plate.  when will your OTP ever.
the small things: random ATWQ references, the fourth wall breaks, the underlying implication that everyone is jewish unless stated otherwise ... all great.
nero and carmelita are great.  not their personalities, but the actor/actress play the part REALLY well. i’m v impressed.  also, that carmelita & jacques scene had a lot to unpack up and including jacques’ vfd worldview but i do have to say i love the way he responds to her “cake-sniffer” name calling.
true love: Mr Poe x bureaucracy x paperwork.
sunny’s walk ... hmmmm ....okay ....
last but not least: i really thought we’d get another DH cameo lol i guess i was wrong. this, along with geraldine julienne and jacques/jerome interaction, was probably what i miss the most.
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