#ida elise broch
rhanylssitagpa · 3 months
Watch List: Home for Christmas
Home for Christmas is a 2019 Norwegian Christmas romantic comedy series. It stars Ida Elise Broch as Johanne, a nurse who is trying to get a boyfriend in time for Christmas Eve. The series premiered on Netflix in December 2019 and was the network’s first Norwegian original series. Plot When the constant comments on her single status and society’s expectations of the perfect family Christmas…
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makotoscoffee · 3 years
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manonsblackbeak · 2 years
i cannot believe i haven’t found any posts discussing the age difference and the problems of it in hjem til jul/home for christmas season 2. how do even her FAMILY encourages her to go after a barely legal kid??? i’m the same age as johanne, and i would rather die alone and single than start dating a 19yo kid.. i’m sorry but it’s a no, how is everybody so okay with it??????
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lies · 3 years
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Hjem til jul, s2e6
for @felixsandman 🙂
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Home for Christmas (Season 2: 2020)
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2:1 Love You, Love You Not
After a quick recap of season 1 (I reviewed each episode in 2019), we launch into season 2 with a very romantic looking scene and Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) freaking out and leaving. Then it cuts to the scene at the end of season 1, and we find out who was at the door. Then Johanne goes back to her apartment alone. Shortly after, Henrik (Oddgeir Thune) shows up to tell her that one of the patients they were treating didn’t make it.
As the episode goes on, we see Johanne and Henrik’s relationship. When it becomes less than perfect, they start fighting. Johanne wants a break, but she doesn’t seem that worried about it until her roommate Jørgunn (Gabrielle Leithaug) gets engaged to her boyfriend. Great first episode- 4 stars.
2:2 Sweet Revenge
I don’t think there’s a better way to show a hot mess express of a person going through a break up. Henrik is trying to get in touch with Johanne, but she doesn’t want to speak to him. They work on the same floor of a hospital, but Johanne asks for different shifts. She and her brother Morten (Christian Ruud Kallum) are trying to take care of their dad, Tor (Dennis Storhøi). Finally, a coworker takes Johanne out clubbing, and she becomes the epitome of the drunk girl looking for validation after a break up. It was difficult to watch because we’ve all been to that level of crazy, but it’s never pretty. 4 stars for this episode.
2:3 Stuck in the Past
Johanne is trying to understand what went wrong with Henrik when Jørgunn points out that Johanne still hangs on to her ex of 4 years Christian (Stian Blipp). Johanne decides that she needs to move past it, so she goes to talk to Christian about why he left her after being with her for 8 years. Once that is settled, Johanne goes out to celebrate putting the past behind her and runs into Stein (Mads Sjøgård Pettersen), a guy she dated briefly last year. The next day, Johanne decides to get a new tattoo to empower herself to move forward, so love that for her. Tor shows up at her apartment to check on her and tags along, which begs the question why are dads so weird about tattoos? I felt that this episode put Johanne in the most relatable light so far, so 4.5 stars.
2:4 Christmas Speed Dating
Johanne accompanied her neighbor Nick (Edward Schultheiss) to a bar while he does some speed dating. Nick strikes out pretty hilariously, but Johanne meets a man at the bar who invites her to a Christmas concert with him the next morning. Come to find out, it’s Nick’s choir! So of course Johanne has to go. Nick has a pretty epic rendition of “O Holy Night” (Disclaimer- Nick is currently my favorite character in this series). Johanne goes out to eat, where she gets a blast from the past in Jonas (Felix Sandman), who is back from Bali and out with his family. I think this is my favorite episode so far, so 5 stars.
2:5 The Perfect Date
Johanne runs into Jonas again while he’s visiting a friend who is in the hospital. Johanne then tries to seal the deal with the guy from the previous episode, Knut (Hermann Sabado), but he isn’t picking up what she’s putting down. Then Johanne takes him a sleigh ride which triggers an allergic for Knut reaction to the reindeer pelt. Jørgunn is moving out, so things are emotional. Johanne invites Jonas to the Christmas “workshop” she’s having with Nick and his daughter to make Christmas decorations since Johanne doesn’t have many. I’m worried Jonas is going to break our hearts again, so a tentative 4 stars for this emotional roller coaster.
2:6 Christmas Chaos
Johanne is trying to get everything ready for Christmas Eve at her apartment even though she’s not sure who will show up besides Morten and his family. She sees Knut again, but it’s a little awkward. He honestly feels like he’s trying to convince himself that he’s into her but he’s not, and our girl Johanne is too nice to say no, but she’s not feeling it either. Once Christmas Eve arrives, she is struggling in the kitchen. She burns the rib roast and the rice pudding, but Nick comes in clutch with a new rib roast that he makes and they order some rice pudding for delivery. The whole family shows up, which surprises Johanne, but there’s so much love. Then Jørgunn calls and asks if she has found who actually sent the roses last Christmas. Once the whole family gets involved, Johanne has to be honest about her feelings. It’s very sweet and warms my cold, dead heart. 5 stars.
This season was less chaotic then the first because most of the characters were in the first season. Johanne grew so much this season, which we love to see. Let’s hope this happily ever after sticks. For the season, it gets 4.5 stars.
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blackandwhite-story · 3 years
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annatorv · 4 years
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i like to pour myself a large glass of wine, make myself a nice home-cooked meal and... put some love into it.
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algunasnotasqueleer · 3 years
Home for Christmas (Noruega, 2020)
(Serie de TV) (C47) Reseña escrita por: Aldo M. Tena.
Director:  Per-Olav Sørensen Temporadas: 2 Transmitido por: Netflix
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Johannne (Sí, con triple ene) espera sentada en la cena de vísperas de Navidad al final de la mesa, junto con sus sobrinos gemelos los más pequeños, y muy lejos del adulto más cercano. Su madre le insiste en que tendrá que conseguirse pareja para Navidad si realmente quiere que la tomen “en serio”, recalcando que ya es bastante grande y que nunca les ha presentado un prospecto serio y decidido. Johannne opta rápidamente por engañarlos y conseguir un novio falso. Pero esta tarea no será tan sencilla como parece. Así comienza Home for Christmas una de las nuevas producciones de Netflix para esta temporada.
Basada en un Noruega de ensueños, o como realmente suele ser, Oslo para ser precisos es el escenario en donde transcurre toda la trama de la serie que de principio a fin en sus doce capítulos (seis por temporada) se disfruta increíblemente. La trama para nada es convencional, es de esperarse que una serie de esta originalidad provenga de aquellas mentes primermundistas, ya que sobrepasa cualquier cliché, y tramas predeterminadas que podemos ver en otras producciones año con año. 
Aquí tenemos varias historias en una sola, además de gran dinamismo y variedad de personajes. Los temas también son lo bastante profundos, y muy bien ejecutados, como la sexualidad, la adultez, la libertad, la equidad de género y su diversidad, y la forma en que distintas personas deciden llevar sus vidas a pesar de los duros estándares impuestos hoy en día por la sociedad.
La primera temporada se queda corta para los seis primeros episodios. Se van rápido, y vuelan entre el humor, nostalgia, incertidumbre y toneladas de nieve y luces navideñas. Todos los personajes tienen algo que extrañar, y la partida de uno difícilmente se reemplaza con el que viene. Un buen arranque para atrapar al espectador que se arriesga por una producción noruega nada convencional. Para la segunda temporada, se espera mucho y el primer episodio lo vuelve a hacer de maravilla, pero conforme avanza decae un poco, se torna algo repetitivo, y recicla las viejas “mañas” de la primera temporada, pero al finalizar logra volver a despegar, esta vez dejando tal vez (spoiler) un final cerrado. ¿O no?
El reparto es exquisito. Todos encajan a la perfección en sus papeles y se refleja en la pantalla la excelente dirección de Per-Olav Sørensen. Mención especial para la protagonista Ida Elise Broch, un alma totalmente rebelde y que se atrapa en cada escena. También Gabrielle Leithaug quien interpreta a la amiga de Johannne, y es ella a la que debemos muchos de los mejores momentos de humor, inspiración, y también alguna que otra lágrima.
La estrella también se la llevan los decoradores, y encargados de todo el arte, vestuarios y escenarios. Nos hacen querer pasearnos tan libremente en un trineo, o esquiar montaña abajo antes de ir a trabajar (como sucede comúnmente en la serie). Las casas son hogareñas y acogedoras, y cada espacio tiene una ambientación y decoración muy a detalle.
Es muy temprano para saber si Home for Christmas tendrá una tercera entrega. Pero sin duda, esta serie se ha ganado rápidamente a su público. Es una serie hecha cien por ciento para estas fechas navideñas y llenas de nostalgia, cercanía y reflexión. 
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palmeraie · 4 years
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Hjem til Jul | Home for Christmas
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lisentrailer · 4 years
Home for Christmas Season 2 Official Trailer (2020), Ida Elise Broch, Romance Movies Series
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higherentity · 4 years
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Has anyone else watch Home for Christmas? Norwegian show? That is also on nextflix?
Super good?
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lgspears · 4 years
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I nominated  Gaby Espino, Ana Beatriz Barros or Teresa Ruiz as Beatriz da Costa/Fire and Amrita Acharia, Ida Elise Broch or Josefine Frida Pettersen as Tora Olafsdotter/Ice for Fire and Ice Movie or TV show.
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Home for Christmas 1:3 "Sugar Baby? Sugar Daddy?" (2019)
So Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) is super into Jonas (Feliz Sandman) but everyone is telling her that it can't last because he's too young. And like... I get it... But they are very cute together. At work, Johanne keeps getting in trouble with her boss. I want her to say something like, "fire me and see who will volunteer to work Christmas Eve." But she doesn't because she's a responsible adult. Johanne scolds one of her patients because he is a politician who tried to downsize healthcare costs but also made healthcare less effective. She also meets Sebastian (Arthur Hakalahti), a junkie who tries to flee the hospital. After her shift, Johanne's car won't start, and who should turn up to help but the politician. He then comes on to her even though he's the same age as her parents. She goes with him to a spa, where she runs into her parents in the sauna. She then ditches the three of them to fuck juvenile Jonas some more.
Overall, I give this one 3 stars. Way to take what you want.
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darkdaze76 · 7 years
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Dark Souls (2010)
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hjackets · 4 years
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Home for Christmas Johanne Coat 
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