#i've tried to reduce my rants around people irl (people i know well ofc i don't even talk to the others lol) since then lol
chloeseyeliner · 9 months
no one:
my traitorous brain: hey, girl, remember when a few months ago you were at the university "green space" sitting with the only two people who can endure you with these two girls from class and you just started a fifteen-minute long rant (with kind of well-grounded arguments supporting it) about how edvin ryding is one of the best actors of our generation and how his portrayal of anxiety and panic attacks in young royals specifically is so to the point and realistic, and how he really cares about his characters because, for example, he really got to know wilhelm before every season to understand where he is right now and all, and how you are so glad you got to meet him through this show back in july 2021 and you are looking forward to seeing what the future holds as regards his career because he is just that admirable? oh, me too. by the way, that means you suck. have a good night, girlie!
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