#i'm not taggin the guys
deputy-buck · 1 year
Let me preface this with I love my boy Mikey...
BUT I feel Chandler is gonna be on a decline in his UFC career. He's 2-3 in the UFC with wins over Hooker and Furguson; Tony hadn't been doin great for two years, and Hooker -sorry Dan, love you, but it's true- has always been hit or miss his whole career. Mike is a hard hitter and an excellent wrestler, but El Cucuy, Shogun, Showtime, and Cowboy were also all great fighters... In their time. I think Chandler's time is just about up.
Now with the fact that he refused Arman's callout on the excuse of -maybe- bein involved with a TUF season against McGregor? I really do think he knows he'd struggle in the cage with new blood, especially a fighter like Arman. Or Michael doesn't know but his manager, David Martin, does and doesn't want to risk the outcome of a fight like Chandler vs. Tsarukyan.
But I'm not an analyst or whatever the fuck they are, I only got seriously into UFC a little bit ago and have been watchin on-off since I was a child, so don't take anythin I say as anythin but opinion.
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crimeronan · 1 year
my writing group chat is about 90% friends from many different backgrounds who are united with me in being fucked up about loss of language n culture due to colonization/genocide/assimilationism. so rafi just said "oh god. i just realized that luz probably doesn't know spanish in the princess AU [bc she's been separated from her parents / the human world since pre-k]" and i was like "yeah. i've been thinking about that since the beginning. she has for sure lost her spanish and also didn't have a quiñce and doesn't even really know she's missed out it's so so so awful" and then within five minutes we were just like six grown-ass adults openly crying and earnestly discussing language preservation and openly crying some more. bc of a silly horror AU of a children's cartoon. everyone needs a friend group like this to thrive i think . get u some people who are awesome and have big feelings about everything all the time
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echthr0s · 8 months
me: like honestly I can't even remember what Katie McGrath's character said,
Can Calah: that's because you were too busy avidly watching the torturer pet the guy he had just finished punching repeatedly
me: .... oh yeah.
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kinokr1no · 6 months
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Would you guys still support me if I was a tad bit queer and liked men? Like if I liked men? Men with evil intent? What if I liked men? Would you guys still like me? If I were a filthy men-liker? Like a REALLY filthy male-lover? Like I REALLY R E A L L Y loved men, like of all variety's? Guys would yo
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cluethegirl · 7 months
There is an art to looking and appearing rich as shit in public, like the type of rich that does not care about the looks, and I seem to nail it. here are the instructions:
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ok thanks that's all
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seahydra · 2 months
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HEY GUYS. SO. I commissioned the VERY wonderful and very talented @gach-artblog to draw Laz and my wife out on a date in a garden and. ISN'T IT SOOOOOOOO PERFECT. I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! 💥💥💥
Also they included a little extra thing with it whichIS ALSO SO CUTE LOOK (under the cut ww)
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taglistLOOK AT THIS FUCKING!!! THE!!!: @kylars-princess @sweethardtz @nep-ships @gible-love-nibles @lovinggreeniehours @prismaticuniverses @flowering-darkness (if you guys don't mind me taggin your new blogs now too!)
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seance · 6 months
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TOP 9 CHARACTERS I LOVED IN 2023! tagged by my pookies @yenvengerberg @ughmerlin @capinejghafa ♥
This was stupidly hard guys, this years was really tough for many reasons and while I consumed a lot of media, I also struggled to grow attached to new characters, finding comfort in some old faves in times of need. I admittetly had to choose mostly based on which fics I read since january cause that's the only real indication of profound interest from my part so here we are: mismatched besties at best ♥ ALSO YES I CHEATED! All my thoughts have been consumed by Baldur's Gate 3 since august and I just couldn't leave the gang out (plus I take every chance to spam my videogames sideblog @deimcs I won't hide that lmao) I just loved them so much. With all of these babes here you can easily see why I'm mostly drawn to angst and tragedy and general life struggle in media ♥
taggin (with absolutely no pressure from my part ♥): @jameszmaguire @blakbonnet @edwards-teach @cate-dunlap @evakant @hargreevcs @taiturner @bisexuallilapitts @meliorn @imaginaryanon
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g0dspeeed · 2 months
15 Lines
Tagged by @direwombat , @nightbloodbix , & @voidika 💕
So I chose Cappie De La Costa, and most if not all the lines I chose happen when she's chatting with Eli Palmer 🙃 because you can pry them from my cold dead hands
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1. "John Seed is a fucking loser." 2. "I don't know what I want," she admitted. "I want to scream, but then cry, then laugh at how shitty everything is. And fuck, it's like Russian roulette in my head, you know? I just can't settle and when I want to do something with it, I fire off at someone I care about." 3. "And so, I'm sorta done with trusting promises, and this idea that everyone is doing their best because the only person who has stuck around for me is being tortured, and you're telling me to cut some slack for someone who may kill the only person I have, Eli." 4. "I wish I saw the world like you. Sounds nice. But I'll pretend that the world is like that because I like you in mine." 5. "I hate it when you fucking talk like that," she growled, her voice shaking. "Like, like, like you're the worst person on earth, like how you are the lucky one here, like you are some horrible person that owes me. Eli, I'm not freaking out because having a baby with you would be bad, just fucking scary because we are in a war, and I can't even take care of undomesticated raccoons or, or myself! Eli, I would be relieved if I was knocked up with you because, like the whole fucking County knows, my track record for partners has been hilariously bad, like cult bad! And not just one, but two. Twice, Eli. But that, that's not the point: I just hate it when you talk so mean about you because you're the best thing that's happened to me in this place." 6. "Look, I'm just being consistent with my inconsistency," she countered. "We both know that my chaotic disposition is what drew you in. Like a goody goody moth–because you can be one, don't give me that look–to a badass bitch flame, my guy. I can't resist you either, you sexy motherfucker, but I got your number, too." 7. "That's close enough, Deputy." 8. “I dunno, man. Could ask you the same thing. Maybe there’s some math in the Universe that says our sad parts cancel each other out." 9. "Jacob can shut the fuck up. He's just got a sopping wound for a personality." 10. “You were just being polite, I know, because it was just for a moment, then you looked away and left. But I don’t know. I never thought about it until we met again on the side of the road, because later on I would realize that I saw you that day. And I can’t help but think that the Universe was teasin’ me. That it was giving me a sneak peek at what was to come, that even with all the shit that would follow, with Jacob, with John, with the Collapse, that I had somethin’ to look forward to, that out of all that mess, I would find you there. That I wouldn’t be so alone anymore” 11. "Wanna bet?" 12. "Oh. I guess," she mumbled. "But like, a sandwich could be an innuendo. You know, for like, getting dicked down. You know. If you want." 13. "Oh, how'd I get so damn lucky? How do I want you? Any way. I just want you. All of it." 14. "You don't. I don't think I do either. I was just trying to figure out what you are because 'husband' isn't enough, and 'lover' is insulting in the face of how you make me feel. I don't trust in much of anything, but you, Eli, made a believer of me." 15. "I love you. A whole lot. You make my home in every room you stand in, Eli."
Taggin' @coetiroedd , @strangefable , @ladyoriza , @noodlecupcakes , @ivymarquis , @inafieldofdaisies , @cassietrn , @v0idbuggy , @simonxriley , @simonxriley , @socially-awkward-skeleton , @la-grosse-patate & whoever else wants to try this!
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ninebluehearts · 1 year
What about Joel and reader settling into life in Jackson? Bonus if you add in Joel’s sheep farm dream. -🥰
Aww, omg I love this!! Definitely adding Joel's sheep farm dream-
You sat in an old wooden rocking chair in front of your living room window, multitasking between knitting hats for the other citizens and watching the neighborhood children play in the snow outside of you and Joel's little one-story home in the commune. Tommy and Maria had gifted it to you not long after your arrival, hoping it would help bring back some form of normality to your lives.
It had only been six weeks since you, Joel, and Ellie returned from Utah without a vaccine, and things were still a bit rocky. Though you didn't want to lie to Ellie about why they "couldn't" make the vaccine, Joel had been able to convince you to go along with his lie at the time.
There was an obvious strain on the relationships between the three of you that stemmed from the guilt you and Joel shared, but also Ellie's disappointment and obliviousness. She needed a reason to be special and you and Joel took that reason away just because you couldn't live with yourselves if you let her die.
But now she has friends, a family, her very own tiny house; hell, it's everything she's ever wanted. And that's what made things easy enough for you to live with. At least she's happy; for the most part.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the loud clomp, clomp, clomp, of Joel's snow boots thundering throughout the small one-story home Tommy and Maria had gifted the two of you. He had been out all morning and afternoon scanning the surrounding area of the commune for infected with Tommy and a couple of other guys.
"How did it go?" You asked as you started packing up your knitting supplies, your back aching from behind hunched over for the past few hours.
"Fine. Scanned every inch of them woods and found nothin' but snow and leaves." Joel replied, hanging up his coat and taking off his boots before making his way over to your chair, gently resting his forearm on the corner of the head piece. "What've you been busying yourself with today?"
"Hats." You stood up from your chair, stretching your arms above your head as muffled popping sounds emitted from your back. You sighed with relief, the dull ache that had slowly gotten worse as you worked finally started to subside. "By the way, have you seen Ellie today? I haven't seen her since dinner yesterday." You picked up your box of supplies with a huff, walking across the room to set it on the dining room table.
"No, but I'm going over there tonight to help her practice some more. I'm sure she wouldn't mind you taggin' along." Joel walked over to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as his chin rested on your shoulder. "She's gettin' real good. Don't tell her I said that though."
You both let out a chuckle at that, your head resting against his. "Secret's safe with me." You mumbled before pressing a kiss to his cheek, your hand cradling the other against your palm. "I have a surprise for you."
"Oh yeah?" Joel began to gently kiss your neck, his hands slowly moving down to hold your hips.
"I've been talking to Tommy. He's talking about expanding the town; making more room for the gardens and such.
"Mhm.." Joel was only half listening, beginning to gently bite at your neck.
You let out a soft gasp, trying to focus on what you were saying. "He also said they found some sheep in a field nearby." You forced yourself to pull away from his embrace, turning to look him in the eyes. "He said he was looking for someone to look after them.."
Joel thought for a moment, his eyes lighting up once he figured out what you were hinting at. "Really? Why didn't he say anything before?"
"Because we were talking about it, and I said you had always wanted to have your very own sheep farm, so he asked me to ask you about it." You wrapped your arms around his neck, a huge smile on both of your lips. "So, what do you think?"
"I think you're the greatest woman I've ever met." Joel pressed his lips against yours, surging with excitement. "Damnit, I'm so in love with you, darlin'."
You giggled at how excited he was- how happy he is. "I love you too, baby."
Joel suddenly picked you up. "I think I need to show you just how thankful I am."
You kissed his cheek, leaning your forehead against his. "I think you do too."
Joel hurried towards the bedroom, both of you giggling like children on the way. Even though it was the end of the world, somehow you and Joel found a way to make things work like you always did.
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fvckinnefor · 5 months
thankuu @wojenka for taggin me ^_^ ♡
tag 9 people you'd like to know better
three ships: i hav no idea if this is talking about ships as in boats or ships as in people, I don't really ship any1 so I'm gonna take it literally: missouri memorial, bismarck n scharnhorst
first ever ship: okay I'm gonna put one ship because I just remembered as I'm watching it but Jelix from TWF
last song: Gourmet race by Medwegya
last film: rewatched Donnie Darko
currently reading: not really reading anything I can't find anything that interests me, the last thing I have read was probably American Psycho like 3 weeks ago
currently watching: the newer twf episodes
currently consuming: nothing
currently craving: cherry juice n cigs
tagging: love tagging my mutuals u guys don't have to play it but i love u all @snuuffie @brave-olive @selbstmoerder @ghostb4th @sanretsu @homesickgrl @sknhdpvnk @magg0tgf @mm2ki @morbidpuppie @cryablecravings idk who else to tag but if i forgot any1 consider urself tagged!!!
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dyrewrites · 1 month
Writing Share Tag
Brought to you by @elizaellwrites
I'm taggin @starbuds-and-rosedust @aziz-reads @stesierra @pb-dot and @rowanmgrey-author (because I wanna see what you guys are working on =P)
Now for a bit of fleeing, and a touch of fear;
A set of eyes shined in the fluttering whites, joined by another and another, and Lucient waited one more steady breath before he ran towards the docks. Something raked through my jacket, my breeches, my cheeks, icy and sharp. While more scraped through my boots, ripping them in two and stealing skin with. Curses, in too many languages, assaulted my ears as Lucient dodged, grunting with attacks I couldn’t see through all the mist. Still he continued, moving faster than I knew him capable. And he didn’t stop until we were on deck, one I recognized by our crew more than the ship itself. It was not the Lune Royale we’d left, not the remains of another life he welcomed me into and filled with fresh memories. No, the Lune Royale was gutted and rebuilt into something new, something ours. Proven when the mists stopped dead at the ramp and Jacques stepped out of them, in less formal attire and a distinct lack of wig—bald, death-blue head on full display. He made it to the top and no further, splaying his fingers in the air to press a palm against an invisible barrier. Snarling and huffing, wolves appeared behind him—big as bears—and between them a woman. She towered, green eyes glowing in the dark, and I knew those eyes. Knew the quirked grin. My fears were confirmed by Lucient’s gasp; she was the one from the masquerade, the handsy woman in the wolf mask. Yet she did not speak, did not taunt or tease. She stood smiling as Jacques tested the wall of ownership keeping him off what no longer belonged to his claim—and thus him. “More than the Council will lust for that pretty little head now, Lucient,” he growled, stepping back, uninvited as he was, “Enjoy your freedom while you have it.”
// feel free to ask to be added or removed ^.- //
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mera-kiin · 9 months
Gonna start taggin all the fem fortress stuff. Jus to clarify tho fem =/= femme they r just girls in various shapes nd sizes. Thank u for liking them. I'm their biggest fan but u guys come close
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pirrusstuff · 10 months
fuck it friday
Thaaanks for taggin me @jeeyuns <3 gracias completas.
So it's only two hours here until it's Friday so fuck it.
This is a little snip of this thing i've been working on, I called it 'This thing between us' so I hope you enjoy it ;)
They were at some bar, it was getting very late so Eddie started to say goodbye to everyone before going home. He was approaching to Buck, they were both going to give each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek, ON THE CHEEK nothing more ,nothing less. As Eddie was bringing his lips to Buck's cheek, Buck turned his head causing him and Eddie to kiss each other. They stayed in that position for an uncomfortable amount of time, their lips were touching but there was no movement, they were just locked on each other's faces with wide eyes, when their shared brain cell brought together enough energies to make them part they realized that everyone was clapping. " It was about time you guys made it public" Hen said with a big smile. Okay maybe they were just kidding about their kiss. " Damn guys, couldn't you wait another two months before announcing it? now i owe Hen a lot of money" Chimney complained with a warm smile on his face. They are being very funny… jajaja. " I'm so proud of you guys, I know it is a very big step for you but…" Oh no, Bobby was starting one of his dad speeches. This shit was serious and not just a joke.
tagging some beloveds, only if you want to share :) (No pressure): @thatsojasminesworld @princehattric ( Only if you want to share!)
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nubimera · 9 months
omg can you drop the jason bot from your posts ab him and maria??
Hi! The bot is this one, in general all the bots I use for Jason are from this creator (at the moment I'm in a black hole for their Priest!Jason lol)
I think I already mentioned this in another post but I can't find it again because I suck with taggins things correctly, so my bad, sorry guys😭
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pinkprettycure · 9 months
idk why you guys keep doing polls to "prove" that staff is wrong about the site "only" being 1/4 lgbt. like again that's not an insignificant number but also like. y'all are reblog going these gay ass polls to your gay ass follower base and taggin them with gay ass tags and i don't think they're reaching straight tumblr at all lmao.
also i think y'all forgot what "curate your dash" means like you guys are aware that you're only seeing gay users because you follow them, correct? i'm very certain a lot of you aren't seeing like, catholicblr posts on your dash but that doesn't mean they don't exist lol.
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appleciderp · 1 year
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I ain't officially taggin him bcz I'm not certain I'm gonna stick with this design for him and I'm a bit nervous about it? But have a potential Roach design...
Headcanons below the cut!
Lanky mf. He's gonna be smack dab in the middle height-wise (so ~6 feet). Because Soap being the shortest is funnier to me.
Resident hacker for the 141. If it's electronic, he's your guy. Your phone is not safe if he's around <3
Is roughly Price and Ghost's age, and was a Private at the same time as them. Held back because of his selective mutism.
SUPER smart, but will act dumb to be underestimated.
Bastard energy that emits from this man is lethal
BSL and ASL. Will use a tts app with people who can't keep up with his signing.
GENERALLY going to be portrayed as Aro/Ace on my part; occasionally with Ghost and Soap as QPR.
Soap and Gaz truly didn't know of his existence before Price casually brings up one day that Roach is finally done with solo missions for a while and that he'll be bunking with them, so they need to clear the third cot in their room. They're a bit petty at the start, but they get along great super quick.
The majority of Ghost and Roach's friendship is them roasting each other.
Occasionally joins the Chaos Duo that is Soap and Gaz, but is too smart to get caught.
His and Soap's friendship flourished after they started talking about wiring (him due to electronics, soap due to bombs).
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