#i'm at the end of the millennials and beginning of gen Z for people of similar ages to weigh in.
martian-garden · 2 months
Discord Group was discussing how fear of AMAB bodies in queer spaces happened and here's my experience from watching some of the beginnings of modern "inclusive language" (afab, amab) getting weaponized. Putting it here in case anyone else has seen similar shit or is curious to see what happened to me. For the purposes of perspective, as this happened around me, I still identified as a woman at this time/was an egg.
>not to oversimplify how we got here, but basically a bunch of feminists (real) started talking about the trauma many women have with men (valid). and then a bunch of (ime) baby feminists who had not done an extensive amount of work and had lost the plot of Gender Equality being the intended result of feminism started blaming men as individuals for the patriarchy, instead of other people caught up in an unbelievably complex system in which all players are trapped. and then that validated people's reflexive distrust for transfem people and nb amabs, AND trans men who pass, and ALSO hurt cis men who are BTW ALSO VICTIMS HERE, THERE ARE VERY FEW WINNERS IN TOXIC MASCULINITY, it's a societal framework, not a deliberate attempt unless you're fuckin andrew tate or someone richer than balls with serious social swing. and yeah then we got to a point where like. afab people of all genders are sometimes rly fucking asinine around amab people of all genders bc they've been taught that their trauma responses, which are frequently genuine, are in fact okay reasons to treat people like shit
>that's my take anyway
>it's imo part of a broader societal phenomenon where the access to information about therapy and therapy terms and concepts without being able to GO to therapy bc of trash healthcare costs and lack of coverage means that people are validating each other's trauma without the main core of therapy, which is doing work to mitigate it. so you have a lot of people repeating stuff like "your feelings are valid" while missing the plot, which is that no. feelings are feelings. they're things that happen to you for (a) reason(s), and they're not your FAULT, but they should not dictate your behavior. feelings are like a sensory input. they are information and a reaction that you need to work in concert with. and sometimes they don't like something that they have no business not liking, or that maybe they have business disliking, but WOULD HURT OTHER PEOPLE if you acted on them.
The issue is that people are trying to use therapy terms to justify themselves and their pain (ok) but not actually realizing that it's part of a maladaptive response that does damage--to you and to the people around you (not ok). but bc they don't have access to the second half of that, they just get stuck in a loop of Bad Feeling = sign to avoid thing or Bad Feeling = i shouldn't have to feel that way, without critically engaging with why or how it's also kind of your responsibility to make yourself not feel bad.
This essay brought to you by a guy who spent 4 years at a college with 4 therapists, at least 2 of whom were quacks (small town, no off-campus resources) and 1300 students, over half of which were in some kind of active crisis at any given time. I watched the Sexuality and Gender Alliance club start hosting events "only for women and afabs" bc amab people, regardless of sometimes being women, were going to make it so that people were traumatized, despite pushback from several AFAB NB PEOPLE who didn't like being lumped in with women or divorced from their own masculinity.
btw if you're wondering, the painting of AFAB people as victims and inherently vulnerable DEFINITELY contributed to the TERF notion of women being inherently harmless, in need of protection, and also that femininity is delicate. It just reinforced the shitty gender norms that OG feminists wanted to destroy. It's very fucked up.
Anyway to any young feminists: AMAB people are your friends, your allies, your family. trans people's assigned sex or genitals are not inherently traumatizing, just like someone's scarring isn't inherently traumatizing. Trauma isn't a god. Stop giving it that power to hurt other people, even if you don't perceive them as vulnerable--bc GUESS WHAT, EVERYBODY IS- and rob you of some of the most precious connections you'll ever have.
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tame-a-messenger · 3 months
hi, social team anon here. so yeah watcher hired a fan to be the social person and I have some background that I just find really fascinating. so she was very well know within the fandom because she edited their show on buzzfeed (unsolved) and is insanely talent at that. ryan and shane were also aware of her and had some interactions in their post mortem show. so when they started watcher with steven they reached her to work with them. and I honestly think that no social team in like the youtube space is as able to connect with their audience like the watcher team. she knows the memes, she knows what catches the audience attention, she engages so much with the fandom in all platforms (and knows how big they are here on tumblr which is something that a lot of the teams I see don't use in their favor)
also sorry this is becoming kinda rambling but I think one thing they do that makes such a difference when it comes to connecting with their audience is any video they release right after their logo they put something special related to the content of the video itself in the captions (which is also something I really appreciate, most of their videos have captions available immediately and as a non english speaker captions help a lot)
it's fun little things like that, that take effort but are simple and something most people wouldn't care to do that makes me feel so connect to their channel. like if i'm not wrong they premiered a show in the same day as a taylor swift album was released so the caption at the beginning of the episode was something like "thank you for taking a break from listening to *insert album name here* to watch us".
it doesn't take a lot of effort and the reward is so big because by interacting and being playful with the audience you bring a lot of people to watch not only your content on youtube but to also follow you on other socials medias, because they feel connected to what you post.
I feel like smosh miss the mark so much when it comes to that. and it's like you said, i'm gen z and their posts on social media feels very millennial, very catered to only one age group. they end up restricting themselves by always staying in the same bubble and not expanding
The only thing I have to say is, WOW.
If Smosh did that I think I would die of happiness.
could you IMAGINE
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lindszeppelin · 26 days
Do you have any predictions for the next generation of nepo babies? This generation (late millennial/Gen Z) hasn't done great things imo, with a few exceptions. A previous anon talked about the people like Austin, Callum, Dua Lipa and others who came from ordinary backgrounds and had to work hard to get where they are. How do you think the kids of 'first-generation' (i.e. non-nepo) celebrities will turn out, assuming the celebrities themselves choose either self-made or non-famous partners? Do you think the self-made late millennials and Gen Zs will do anything differently in raising their own children?
Just throwing this out there because I'm interested in the nepo baby phenomenon in general. I feel like a lot of the current nepo babies were raised by parents who wanted to distance themselves from their middle-class or working-class beginnings, and viewed being extravagant with their children as a status symbol. I think this is what's led to a lot of the issues with kids of famous parents not acknowledging their own privilege and not doing much or anything to make the world a better place. I personally hope that the next generation would be more mindful, compassionate and proud of their roots, although you never know. Do you have any thoughts?
Thank you for writing in! This is a very thought provoking question so I took my time on what I was going to say. You worded everything beautifully, and it helped me to piece my thoughts together.
So, I can understand maybe why some celebs from yesteryear who grew up middle class, didn't come from wealth, when they got famous they basked in that. So when those celebs had children, they wanted to raise them the Hollywood way, which arguably would be way more privileged than their upbringing. The problem with that though is that they are so blinded by the fame they have that they get used to the weird behaviors, and the grey area boundaries, and things that normal people shouldn't have to deal with (paps for example, basically selling yourself/your image to magazines etc). But they are so deep in the sauce that they don't see it as a problem.
Hollywood made them famous. All their wildest dreams came true. Their families back home would be proud they made it out of the boondocks. But it comes with a price. They might enjoy the life, but they force their kids into it. So someone like Johnny Depp who grew up middle class is deeply engrossed in his fame (even if he is shy and might reject it...still though), and then Lily-Rose has no other choice but to live in that Hollywood system. And the problem goes DEEPER. Johnny Depp doesn't know what it's like to be born and raised in that kind of Hollywood lifestyle as a child. He got into it when he was a young guy who chose Hollywood. His children didn't. But yet, the late millennials and Gen Zs that enjoy their nepo-baby privilege are jaded by what they experienced growing up. Therefore they don't see any issues, and their parents don't see it either. And the toxic cycle gets repeated and trauma happens and the family cycle is forever ruined, basically.
Now, i can see a couple of young actors today that are making names for themselves like Zendaya and Austin and Callum, etc. They are the light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't perpetuate the harmful environment Hollywood produces, especially if born into it. If one of them gets married to a non celebrity, like you suggested, then I think there is some hope that instilling good morals will be a parenting tool for them. Reminding their kids where their parents came from, etc. And with luck I think we can see a brighter future for Hollywood. Because it needs to be reconstructed. It's foundation is too out of touch and not keeping up with the changing times. Celebs are expected to bend to the will of Hollywood or they risk not having careers. But that's not true. Hollywood should bend to them.
While im sure there will be children of "first generation non nepo celebs" that will inadvertently be thrown headfirst into the Hollywood life and live by that privilege (it's unavoidable, not everyone can be better for their kids or themselves sadly), i think there will be a lot of them that will be raised on the value of a dollar, the roots of their self made celeb parent and non celeb parent will be instilled, and they will grow up having the best of both worlds...true privacy and enough privilege that they don't have to worry as much about things like college tuition etc. If these celebs want to protect their future kids when/if they have them, they have to be better. And celebs like Zendaya, Callum, Austin, I can see that if they choose to have kids that they will be beautiful little angels.
I hope that answered your question! <3
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formulatrash · 10 months
hi hazel! i hope you’re well. i totally understand if you don’t want to answer this since i’m sure you get a lot of Working In Motorsports questions. but basically i read your post about breaking into the industry and how you should never work for free…unfortunately i’m not that smart and do, in fact, Work For Free. i’m at the point now where getting paid would be quite nice actually, so i was wondering what your advice would be on taking the next step? tl;dr experience under my belt but seeking a paid role. where do you think are the best places to look? thank you! <33
honestly, understandable, it happens to a lot of people. god knows I have done a fair amount of work for free in the past year and I should surely know better.
anyway, where to look depends really on what you're looking for. if it's specifically motorsport journalism work then it's worth reaching out to people at publications* and saying "this is my experience, I appreciate you probably have a full roster at the minute but if you ever need someone to help out, I'm really looking to take the next step. include some links to your work, say what you're really interested in covering and what you can cover in a broader way and if you're available for travel.
be polite and keen and show that you understand the publication you are writing to, reference stories they already have that are the sort of thing you would like to write. if you don't hear back, email them again in a few months, persistence has weirdly paid off for a bunch of people I know; make sure you're bringing new ideas and talking about new things, saying "I know it wasn't last time but just wanted to say I'm still interested."
there are then broader industry publications where you might get commissions or where you can pitch motorsport stories. JournoResources does a newsletter every week which includes freelance pitching opportunities, all of which are paid.
if it's not journalism then start chatting to and getting in touch with people in the area you want to work. if it's social media then follow agency accounts, look out for chances where people are asking for people. speculatively getting in touch with individuals on their personal accounts isn't ccol but look out for the agencies and places like Pace Six Four, which is a huge agency, have a page to submit a speculative application in case you don't fit their roles at the moment but they might have something in future.
don't shoot over the sun by emailing Ferrari to ask if they've got any social jobs going - clearly, if they did, they'd advertise them - but it's worth asking eg: junior teams if they need any extra coverage during what's about to be a very frantic part of the season with every series racing simultaneously in Europe for weeks on end. showing you understand motorsport doesn't begin and end with F1 goes a long way.
LinkedIn is a hole and I have absolute no idea how Gen Z use it with a straight face (you guys, what the hell is this 'weekly update on my goals' business come on, millennials might be cringe but not that way) but it can be useful to follow team PRs and be able to pick up on opportunities. it's also worth following companies you want to work at, to get job alerts - check the parent companies of magazines or agencies and keep an eye out.
overall: good luck. it is incredibly rough out here at the moment and there is little to no work. I don't say that to discourage you, I say that cus if it's a struggle for you it's not because you're useless it's because everyone is struggling.
*By this I mean paying ones. of which there are astoundingly few. Autosport, Motorsport.com, Top Gear, CAR, Motor Sport Magazine and RaceFans are the only ones I can verify/vouch for are paying legal wages that are motorsport-specific in the UK - do not accept ultra-low-paid work, I've heard one publication pays £50 for a weekend of coverage which is about an eighth of minimum wage. £100 per day is still below minimum wage a lot of the time but a semi-depressing benchmark of where things are broadly at, unless you happen to have hit the big bucks (this is what I get paid). do not participate in having your labour abused, anyone doing that is not going to help you in your career.
in Europe, AutoHebdo and AmuS pay but I'm not sure much beyond that, in the US then Jalopnik, The Drive, ESPN, Road & Track, ARSTechnica etc all pay but have relatively few, if any, motorsport commissions because they tend to go to staff writers - if you can come with a unique or grassroots story though, they will pay attention. Motor1 has also just been sold so may start commissioning again soon but there's some flux going on there. I don't know if The Athletic accept motorsport pitches.
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celestialvexation · 1 year
Really?? OK then: so, the basic premise was that it was to be a horror comedy.
It was written back in the day when some remnants of the Slenderverse community were still around, so, naturally, the idea was to make a sort of parody of most Slenderverse series, be it the Platonic ideal of all Slenderverse creations that is Marble Hornets, or one of the subsequent series like Everyman Hybrid or Tribe Twelve.
This basic idea was mixed with all those viral posts about how Gen Z wants to die and how they wouldn't even notice anything freaky happening, etc. As you can guess from that, the main characters were a bunch of Gen Z, with exactly one exception - the token millennial character, exactly one year older than the rest. He was also the straight man of the whole thing, because every horror and every comedy need a genre savvy straight man.
The actual plot of this thing (named Maximum Homiecide) revolved around the main character, Paul Jake, going on a trip with his friends to film an ARG (called Horny And Dying for reasons I literally cannot remember right now) - all the friends (except for Daniel the millennial) were exaggerated stereotypes surrounding Gen Z: There was Skye, the valley girl e-girl; Aiden, whose personality I cannot remember right now; and one more guy whose name I've forgotten but whose only personality trait was that he films vertically (this was before Tiktok), which is why he had to die first (for his vertical sins but also because he was the first character to film and the vertical orientation would make people stop watching. Presumably.)
and there was, of course, Daniel: the genre savvy straight man with an interest in the occult.
And there was Paul Jake himself - the prototypical stereotype of Gen Z, without a care in the world, the kind of guy who makes prank videos and the shittiest rap music you've ever had the displeasure of hearing.
Of course, there were a few other characters as well: notably, Slenderman. Who was supposed to be played by someone on circus-level stilts. Other notable character was Diogenes. As in the philosopher Diogenes. This character was literally just the soul of the Greek philosopher. He got trapped in an Old And Evil-unleashing Book™ that the characters were supposed to find in an abandoned cabin. I don't remember how this happens in the script, but he becomes Slenderman's minion in exchange for a body. His task is essentially to sabotage the main characters. The problem is that they just don't care and honestly don't remember that this guy with black eyes and claws wasn't a part of their friend group to begin with. The only one who protests is Daniel. Daniel and Diogenes get really weird and vaguely homoerotic later in the script.
At one point, Skye tries to get a date with Slenderman. She keeps referring to him as "Tall daddy."
At least two separate people become disciples, but I'm unsure which ones. I think that it kept changing in the script. At one point the plan was to actually have EVERYONE be a disciple but wear the same mask, for comedic effect.
Oh yeah, at the end it turns out that Paul Jake is actually not a human at all but some kind of weird insanely powerful being masquerading as a human (think the Shaggy memes that were popular a few years back). This is foreshadowed by off-handed remarks that are brushed off as Gen Z humour.
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I Can't Do It Alone
0:37 I'm writing again. I'm hungrier than usual. I'm hungry. Period. What should I eat? Ice cream? I already had some. Yogurt with fruit is the best bet. I'll go get some yogurt with fruit, and come back.
I got the yogurt, and a glass of orange juice because "fuck 'em" right?
I also put all the dishes away that were in the dishwasher.
What I was saying earlier is that me beginning to write again- recreationally- personally- is not a great indicator of my mental health. Pardon. It's a good indicator of my mental health- and it indicates that my mental health is not very good.
Really, it's been in decline since... well... it's been stable. But it's taken a couple L's. A couple arrows to the knee. Depending on your preferred Gen Z/millennial reference.
The first major blow was when I lost a big competition this summer. It was a huge opportunity afforded to me by a bonafide celebrity in the community. And I didn't knock it out of the park like I wanted to. The worst part was knowing that was due to my procrastination. It wasn't chance.
It was also sad because the celebrity in question was whispering promises of money and fame in my ear. Now I feel like I've lost his favor. That hurts.
The second major blow was probably the student election- which I lost. It wasn't the losing that time that was hard- it was how the election process interfered with my life at school. I was losing sleep, and sleeping in my parked car. The third blow is kind of a run off of the first- struggling to manage my course load and also my part-time work.
The thing is, I should be able to manage it. I get caught in this weird loop where I avoid the work- because I'm scared of it.
I'm scared of it for a couple reasons. The biggest reason in my mind, is that the work will be never ending, and that will be painful and intense.
These aren't unfounded fears.
The painful and intense part is a lived experience I've had time and time again. Usually it's due to me cramming last minute due to procrastination.
The part about the work never ending is also true. That is to say, I've experienced it before. It's hard to say where exactly. When I think about it- I think about my eating disorder.
That was hellish. I'm 25, and not to sound esoteric or grandiose- but I feel like I've lived multiple lifetimes.
I think most people have, in there own way.
My eating disorder was hellish. It was work and the work was never ending. It lasted for about three years. Each year becoming more and more intense, with more and more work.
Of course, this is different from say- sitting down and doing homework- but I'm still scared of the cold callousness that I treated myself with.
The whip that I strang myself with. Turning me into a dead-eyed machine- aching to meet an unattainable goal. That scares me. And beneath that- is a fear of being ignored. Unseen. Unfelt.
That is not unfounded either.
I don't want to point fingers. But, pointing fingers is different from bowing to acknowledge something.
I don't want to stand high on a cliff and chastize and wane and burn spittle and fangs in the direction of someone.
Because that hurts me too. It isolates me further, pushes me away.
But something happened. And it wasn't just one something. It was a hundred million somethings. Okay- probably like a hundred thousand. Or maybe less than- but they were tiny invisible scars. Death by a thousand cuts. I'm watching Blue Eyed Samurai right now. Can you tell?
Basically- what I'm saying is that my mum can still hurt me sometimes. Even if she's not aware of it.
It's me telling her something, and her cutting me off with a new thought. Like she wasn't listening. Or her nodding and uh-huhing while looking at her iPad.
My parents both have busy minds.
And that scares me. My mum has scared me especially.
I'm scared because- I'm scared of being reproached when I asking for what I need. Validation. An ear. A hug. Someone to tuck me in. You don't need food. The hunger makes you stronger. You don't need rest. The pain makes you resilient. You don't need love. You can do it on your own.
But you can't, and it doesn't and it never did.
I do need love. I do need love. I do need love. And it's so scary to say. And it's painful when the people you need to survive fall short of the mark.
But I don't want to hold anger towards my mum. I love her. She's my mum.
I don't have to do everything alone.
I shouldn't have to do everything alone.
But I do have to look out for myself.
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sophiesicelebblog · 1 year
Week 9: Human Population, Animal Rights, Celebrity Babies, and Climate Change
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Are attitudes about fertility changing among Gen Z and Millennials?
I do think that there has been a shift in how Gen Z and Millennials think about and discuss fertility, one that has shifted to autonomy and greater questioning of the reasons why we've been made to feel like we must have children. A significant part of the conversation is due to economics; children are expensive! Increasingly the conversations I've had with friends about having children (including with my own partner, whom I've been with for four years) include the sentiment, "Maybe it would be nice to have kids someday, but how will we even afford to care for them?" I've also been feeling incredibly encouraged to see Gen Z and Millennials challenging patriarchal and capitalistic norms, many of which encourage us to procreate, understanding the value of making our own life decisions for ourselves!
Having one fewer child is 73 times more effective for the planet and animals than being vegan. Thoughts?
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Wow! Yes, I was surprised to learn this. Once you hear it, it makes total sense, which leads me to think the reason that it's so surprising is that it's rarely talked about. I've heard quite a lot in recent years about the effects of livestock and agriculture on carbon emissions, and therefore how adopting a vegan lifestyle cuts down on that, but upon reflection, I can absolutely see how having fewer children would go even further to reduce our carbon footprint: it means fewer people to feed and house (which means consuming less energy) and fewer people driving cars and purchasing clothes and goods (consider plastic goods alone, for instance!).
Do celebrities' baby news put pressure on others to have children? How?
I'm not sure if celebrities' baby news intentionally puts pressure on others, as I think when they share about their babies they're likely just trying to increase awareness about them as a sort of brand (I'm thinking of the Kardashians as a specific example here, as their family is their brand), but I do think it could have the unintentional effect of pressuring others. When they show their cute babies in designer children's clothing, they're advertising a certain lifestyle without addressing how their financial resources afford them so much help! For those who may not know better, they may see this and aspire to live like that and give a child an extravagant life like that, although it is difficult or near-impossible to achieve.
"Since I had no kids and my husband was pretty independent, I had freedom. So I think a big part of my whole success is the fact that I was free to work." -Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton, apart from being known as an internationally-beloved artist, is also well known for her philanthropic efforts; she got special attention recently for her organization, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, which gifts free books for children. Clearly, she partially attributes her ability to help others with her lack of children and the time and resources that affords her. She doesn't restrict her work to humans, however, and she recently launched Doggy Parton, her line of toys and apparel for pets that benefits Willa B. Farms Animal Rescue. The website (below) states, "Part of the proceeds will support Willa B. Farms, a rescue where animals in need find never-ending love. Don't we all need that?"
How can we innovate ways to provide women globally with more agency over their fertility decisions? What is the impact of the Roe v. Wade rollbacks in the United States on these trends?
I think one way we can provide women with more agency over fertility decisions is through education! Yes, just as Vanessa Nakate taught us, the key to a healthy, prosperous life begins with a quality education. We need to teach women and girls about reproductive health so they can advocate for themselves and make informed decisions. From there, we can all make better decisions with our medical health and who we choose to vote for, which has major repercussions on our ability to choose how we plan a family for ourselves.
We have unfortunately learned this the hard way with the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Because of a Supreme Court decision influenced largely by politicians, many people will be left without access to quality reproductive healthcare and will lack the education and resources to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. More unwanted children will be born (contributing to the foster care-to-prison pipeline), lives may be lost due to lack of access to terminate a dangerous pregnancy, and quality of life will suffer for many. This is why I say we must educate and vote.
How do celebrities like Jane Goodall and Cher have an impact on expanding empathy for animals, reducing agricultural land use and expanding biodiversity?
I think what celebrities like Jane Goodall and Cher do really successfully is that they communicate in such a way that humanizes animal and plant life. Goodall speaks to the emotional connection that can be shared with chimpanzees, and Cher tells us about the psychological distress that elephants are capable of, just like humans. I think it's crucial to show that animals have feelings, needs, and personalities, same as us, and that they're not stupid or inferior to humans, but amazing, intelligent creatures we should consider ourselves lucky to share the planet with. Celebrities like Goodall and Cher use their resources and professional and artistic connections to educate the masses, showing places and wildlife that we would never get to see in our daily lives.
Check this out: In the spirit of the documentaries we viewed recently, and coinciding with the topic this week, I have a documentary to recommend! The Elephant Whisperers won the Academy Award this year for Best Documentary Short Film and it is absolutely wonderful.
What is the 6th Greatest Extinction event and how does it relate to the Anthropocene?
"Unlike previous extinction events caused by natural phenomena, the sixth mass extinction is driven by human activity, primarily (though not limited to) the unsustainable use of land, water and energy use, and climate change." -World Wildlife Fund (https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/what-is-the-sixth-mass-extinction-and-what-can-we-do-about-it#:~:text=Unlike%20previous%20extinction%20events%20caused,been%20converted%20for%20food%20production.)
The Anthropocene (aka "Age of Humans") is the epoch we're currently in, beginning with the dawn of humanity. In short, humans are the direct and sole cause of loss of biodiversity on the planet presently occurring in the Anthropocene. In particular, the way we grow food is responsible for killing ecosystems, releasing carbon into the atmosphere, and contributing to droughts. This is different from the previous mass extinctions, as they were caused by natural phenomena, while this sixth mass extinction is caused by humans alone (despite the fact that we only account for .01% of Earth's total biomass). See this short video from Smithsonian Magazine:
Save the Sea Turtles!
I'm probably most aware of sea turtles as an endangered species because of the recent push to ban plastic straws that pollute the ocean and get stuck in their noses. Due to overfishing, they are increasingly getting stuck in fishing nets, they're being poached, and climate change impacts sand temperatures, affecting the sex of the hatchlings, which may decrease population numbers (https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/sea-turtle).
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So, how can we help preserve their habitats?
The National Ocean Service has a list of ways to help protect the ocean, including by conserving water use, reducing waste and pollutants, using less energy and reducing vehicle-usage, and shopping wisely for sustainable products (https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/ocean/help-our-ocean.html). Of course, you can also volunteer to help ocean-cleaning efforts! There are organizations such as The Ocean Cleanup that are working to innovate technology to lead the largest ocean cleanup in history.
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krakkenchaos · 2 years
Still thinking about the Return to Hogwarts thing
I used to say that every generation has their huge fictional saga that defines the pop culture. Us millennials had Harry Potter, our parents had Star Wars, and the generation before that had Lord of the Rings (the books, not the movies,) while now Gen Z kinda has the MCU, but now I'm realizing how different Harry Potter is. People always talked about how the fans grew up alongside the characters and actors, but it wasn't until seeing the trio talking about that as adults and being an adult myself that I realized just how significant and unique that is. That's not quite what happened with Star Wars or Lord of the Rings because their original stories didn't span as much time and their actors were older, and I think the MCU's influence may have killed any chance for something like Harry Potter to happen again. This concept of a series that lasts a long time, but still has a definitive end point just isn't something studios and rights-holders are willing to try anymore. Everything is either one-and-done or a multimedia franchise meant to milked for as long as feasibly possible without a distinct mainline story.
I'd say Stranger Things almost counts; it has the definitive endpoint (season 4 is supposedly going to be the last) and the young cast that we're watching grow up alongside the fans, but it's so rooted in being an 80s homage that it feels weird to call it a cultural icon of TODAY's youth. Also, a supernatural horror story isn't really in the same category as an escapist fantasy even if they sometimes have a similar tone. Some people might say Game of Thrones too, but that's inherently different for being targeted only to adults from the beginning.
I'm fascinated by how popular fiction explains and affects generations and I'd be interested in hearing everyone else's thoughts on this.
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bloodgoddarlin · 3 years
My Personal Headcanon (also somewhat bases off of previous gaming theory episodes)
Okay so, We have The three major generations right? Boomers, Millennials, And Gen Z. So what if, once humanity reached its extinction some way or another and most other animals did aswell, They became ghosts who couldn't influence the world around them but still had some omnipotence. And so the world begins healing with a few select animals surviving (The minecraft animals + a few others). And the world begins returning to a time before humans but less diverse. And slowly, over time, magic began infusing with the world (remember that, it's important).
And then a Human like civilization turns up, with some magic they build the ruined portals and desert temples and such. They begin to notice that there are dangerous beings popping out of the dead, (The beginnings of Skeletons and Zombies) so they burn the dead, problem solved right? Wrong. More dangerous things pop up, (Not the Enderman, Pillagers, Villagers, And Piglins they'll come up later). So they begin searching ways to escape, now. When this happened they split into two factions that argued over this, faction one said that they should stay and try to fight it off, Faction two said they should finally a way to leave. Faction two ends up finding two ways to leave. The Nether and The End, now they split off into two other factions, the ones who believe they should go to the nether, and the ones who believe they should go to the end. And so they do.
In the end, the result isn't good for any faction, Faction one turns into the Pillagers, Nether Faction turns into the Piglins, and The End Faction turns into Endermen, all retaining some intelligence, but not as much as they used to have. All while our three generations watch this happen. In the end the world turns into minecraft. And then, another species of human like beings pop up, this time, our generations can talk to them. Skipping forward to DSMP times, Imagine that Techno has the voices of The people who are angry at there deaths and Phil has the voices of people who had parental issues, while other people that we talk to our scattered throughout minecraft. While they don't know that the chats they are talking to were once just like them.
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(While everyone's sending there oc's I'm sending my headcannons, And I have this copied and pasted from my notes)
ooooh, this is interesting!!! i like this :D it's a cool way to interpret chat/the voices!!
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yandere-mc-yt · 3 years
My Personal Headcanon (this probably took a while to post I'm sorry but I'm hauling butt between three different blogs including yours) (also somewhat bases off of previous gaming theory episodes)
Okay so, We have The three major generations right? Boomers, Millennials, And Gen Z. So what if, once humanity reached its extinction some way or another and most other animals did aswell, They became ghosts who couldn't influence the world around them but still had some omnipotence. And so the world begins healing with a few select animals surviving (The minecraft animals + a few others). And the world begins returning to a time before humans but less diverse. And slowly, over time, magic began infusing with the world (remember that, it's important).
(1/3) (Conveniently copy and pasted, if you see me from another blog no you don't)
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And then a Human like civilization turns up, with some magic they build the ruined portals and desert temples and such. They begin to notice that there are dangerous beings popping out of the dead, (The beginnings of Skeletons and Zombies) so they burn the dead, problem solved right? Wrong. More dangerous things pop up, (Not the Enderman, Pillagers, Villagers, And Piglins they'll come up later). So they begin searching ways to escape, now. When this happened they split into two factions that argued over this, faction one said that they should stay and try to fight it off, Faction two said they should finally a way to leave. Faction two ends up finding two ways to leave. The Nether and The End, now they split off into two other factions, the ones who believe they should go to the nether, and the ones who believe they should go to the end. And so they do. (2/3)
In the end, the result isn't good for any faction, Faction one turns into the Pillagers, Nether Faction turns into the Piglins, and The End Faction turns into Endermen, all retaining some intelligence, but not as much as they used to have. All while our three generations watch this happen. In the end the world turns into minecraft. And then, another species of human like beings pop up, this time, our generations can talk to them. Skipping forward to DSMP times, Imagine that Techno has the voices of The people who are angry at there deaths and Phil has the voices of people who had parental issues, while other people that we talk to our scattered throughout minecraft. While they don't know that the chats they are talking to were once just like them. (3/3)
I don't think I need to add onto this its so interesting!! Quite the theory.... a game theo-
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
you've probably been asked this before, but-- thoughts on jedi fallen order? your star wars meta/fic/etc is always my favorite and i'm very interested to hear what you think of the new game!
I liked it a lot!
So, as I’ve said before, I haven’t played it; I watched a playthrough on YouTube about a week or so after it came out, so I’d gotten spoiled for it despite trying to avoid spoilers, and the particular playthrough I watched actually had the sound cut out on two of the big scenes, so that was a disappointment.  Watching it rather than playing it means that I definitely missed some things that I’ve seen people mention about it, and I’d like to play it at some point if I can get the tech to cooperate, though that likely won’t be for a while.
I was a little wary about Cal Kestis going in because of the comments that the creators of the game had made about not wanting to have a female/POC/alien main character, but for me Cal was good enough, sweet enough, and interesting enough to overcome that.  I really liked how much weight JFO gave to trauma, living with it, and overcoming it, with Cal, Cere, Merrin, Trilla, and the other characters.  Obviously the poncho is Peak Star Wars, and BD-1 is very sweet.  And I love Inquisitors.
I know JFO has gotten some criticism for being ~yet another padawan survivor story, but Cal is so distinct from either Kanan or Ahsoka that that’s not really how it feels to me, and I think his interaction with Cere, Trilla/Second, and the Ninth Sister really make his story unique compared to the other two.  I love the beginning of the game; it’s such strong world- and environment- building, and the strong sense of Cal’s personality really comes through in his introduction (headphones, blasting music, “I’m trash, I’m just not approved trash” -- he’s peak 2019 gen Z, in my millennial POV).
As far as the actual plot goes, it’s *flips hand* pretty much eh.  It’s a MacGuffin and there’s no way around that; it’s also revisiting plot points from TCW and the Charles Soule Darth Vader comics.  I can understand why Lucasfilm would want to continue to revisit that particular plot point but also, I’m tired of it.  As far as JFO goes, the MacGuffin is mostly an excuse for the journey, which was...interesting.  There are parts of it I really liked; sorry, my dumb brain loves gladiatorial fights even if that probably wasn’t, like, necessary.  Kashyyyk was fun; it’s fun to see Saw Gerrera again even if I’m also kind of like “dude, you haven’t changed your armor in fifteen years?”  I enjoyed seeing Dathomir again even if I have mixed feelings about the choices made insofar as the worldbuilding, but Merrin was really wonderful.  The Zeffo...I still feel that the Zeffo, aesthetically, belong in Stargate rather than Star Wars; their actual use in the game also felt a bit more Stargate rather than SW, for me?  I mean, they’re also a MacGuffin, but I suppose insofar as SW go they’re on the same order as Loo Re Anno’s species from the Han Solo comic or the Rakata from the EU, so not really something that doesn’t have a place in Star Wars.
The Inquisitors. I love Inquisitors.  I don’t necessarily love these Inquisitors. I unfortunately got spoiled for the Second Sister’s reveal as Trilla/Cere’s former padawan, which kind of affected how I felt about her, and I’m also in the FB cosplay build group for Second and it’s a little cutthroat, so that affected it too.  She’s...fine?  Something about her just doesn’t hang together for me, and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is at the moment.  The Ninth Sister has such a strong personality from the Darth Vader comics, and while she’s in character between the comics and the game, it also means I was a little taken aback by her abrupt ending.  (And I note that it feels a little weird that Trilla gets the name and the tragic backstory and the personal attachment and the not-actually-redemption, but Ninth doesn’t get any of those.)  It was also weirdly surreal for me to see the Fortress Inquisitorius, a.k.a. the canon version of the Crucible from Backbone, but tbh I think the decision to put it on another planet/moon(?) in the Mustafar system actually weakened it.
I got spoiled for Darth Vader’s appearance and that was one of the places where the sound cut out on the playthrough I watched, so it didn’t quite have the effect that it probably would have done had I gone into it cold.  That said, Cal and Cere should probably be dead; as I’ve seen pointed out, Vader hasn’t been allowed to kill anyone of significance in the new canon, which kind of undercuts him.  (The closest he’s come has been Jocasta Nu in the comics.)
All right. The ending. I don’t like the ending. Not because I really thought that Cal and Cere should have refounded the Jedi Order, but because I feel like they put the destruction of the holocron in the wrong place; I think they should have destroyed it to keep it away from Vader.  The conscious decision made not to re-found the Order is really uncomfortable for me, especially in light of the way that the new canon has treated the subject over the past couple years.  I was talking about this with @reena-jenkins a while back, so I’ll just copy and paste what I said there.  (Note that this was back in November, before TROS came out.)
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(I’ve cut most of Reena’s responses and a little bit of other conversation we were having.)
So yeah, I have some problems with the ultimate ending decision, but as usual a lot of it comes down to how that intersects with other plot lines that Lucasfilm has done over the past five/six years.
Another thing I kept thinking of throughout the game was something one of the creators said -- either in an interview or at SWCC earlier this year, I can’t remember which, that there was a lot of debate on where to put the hyphen in Jedi: Fallen Order, i.e. that it could have been Jedi Fallen: Order (though title-wise that doesn’t stand up as much).  I do like how much emphasis there is on “fallen order” -- the Jedi Order, of course, but also the Nightsisters, the Zeffo, the Inquisitors and Purge troopers as a kind of twisted version of the Jedi and clone troopers, even the structure of the Republic being corrupted into the Empire.
One thing that took me by surprise with JFO was also how much intersection it had with Galaxy’s Edge!  Not to the extent that I would have noticed it if I hadn’t already been to Galaxy’s Edge, but having gone and also having the kind of brain that literally just absorbs stuff and then retains it.  Like, for example, the Galaxy’s Edge sporks that are now no longer used because people kept stealing them; they’re used in one of the meals on the Mantis.  Cal remaking his lightsaber and using the parts you can get at Savi’s got picked up by a couple of news outlets; I think this is actually a bit unfortunate, because they went for the Galaxy’s Edge lightsaber proportions for many of his lightsaber options and in my opinion, those are less elegant proportions than usually seen in Star Wars, so it ends up looking clumsy to me.  Another proportion thing that follows Galaxy’s Edge -- the holocron, both Cere’s and the MacGuffin holocron; the Galaxy’s Edge ones seem to be proportionally a bit bigger than the holocrons seen in Rebels and TCW, and the ones in the game follows Galaxy’s Edge rather than TCW/Rebels sizing. The Nightsister zombie crate in Galaxy’s Edge may also be a JFO reference rather than a TCW one, though obviously it could also apply to both.
I really enjoyed the Clone Wars/Order 66 flashbacks, though actually Order 66 was ANOTHER place the sound cut out!  I told you that it was the most dramatic reveals where I lost sound!  I loved that Jaro Tapal was a Lasat; I also like that, as far as I can tell, some of Cal’s specific movement types (wall-running and his tendency to be like “cool, gonna climb that”) seem to be more Lasat-inspired than other types of Jedi movement we’ve seen before.  I really like the design of Jaro’s lightsaber; I remember in the promo I was confused about the fact that it didn’t seem to be proportional to Cal, but of course it’s not!  It was made by a Lasat for a Lasat!  Order 66 is always such a mess -- and actually, I’m struck by how different Cal’s and Caleb���s experiences of it were?  I think one thing that the game made clear to me is how lucky Kanan got, in all ways.
The ending is obviously setting up for a sequel; I don’t really think Cal and Cere should have survived, but it we get a decent sequel out of it I guess I’m okay with it.  I know I’m missing details in this review, but I really did enjoy watching it; I liked the characters, I liked the worldbuilding, I think it did some really intriguing things even if I don’t agree with every decision made. (And, selfishly, I like my Inquisition better than the canon one.)
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alicedrawslesmis · 5 years
What is going on with BBC les mis hypotheses #5061832 - the structure problem
First things first, this is not comprehensive, this is not deep. I'm gonna try to make it more well rooted next time. I'm judging it from what was given us, so how the characterisation and the events translate from the book is not what I'm concerned with, just the structure of the show.
Hypotheses: BBC les mis is too long for it's own good.
It feels very weird to say this, because it's les mis we assume the longer the series the easier it is to make it more like the book, right? Well turns out that not so much.
They have a story and they have 6 hours to fill, but each hour has to have a compelling structure with a beginning, a middle, and an end (not that the story needs to end but the episode needs to feel like a chapter in itself) that engages the viewer for the full hour plus makes them tune in next week. The brick is not like that because it is a novel, different medium = different viewer engagement. Plus it has lotsa digressions, and that can be engaging to a reader, while a show can't just suddenly stop dead to start a documentary on Argot.
I mean it could. And it would be awesome pls do that
But anyway that's not what the usual BBC drama has and viewers don't expect that, neither do the creators, specially if it's no one's dream project and they don't particularly feel like reinventing the wheel as far adaptations are concerned (that's what I got from interviews and stuff anyway).
So what we're left with is a show that... has timing problems. To say the least. And structure problems. Not considering the bad characterisation, the show has a main structure, and a lot of useless additions to make it closer to the book that honestly get in the way of the main story they are going for. And so the additions feel like padding. They are repetitive and weird. Why have a million scenes where Javert is lusting for Valjean when you can have just one? Or why have Valjean keep being shitty and then feeling bad about it when once is enough to show that yes, he feels guilt? We don't have to have him feel guilt in every scene to understand he feels guilt.
I suspect they did that because there is this truism on television that you need to repeat things all the time for the casual viewer that just tuned in to know what is going on. But like, dude, telenovelas know how to do that much better! Learn from us latinos Andrew, we know how to make things repetitive AND interesting. Also we know how to film it so it's immediately understandable. Come to Brasil, AD! We'll teach you!
This is not really true to TV anymore since people will likely watch the shows via streaming. I mean, I'm not sure about numbers but I assume people rarely catch episodes of things out of context on their TV, and if they do they're probably not gonna be the dedicated viewer you want to captivate with your drama, you want those millennials and gen z's to watch your thing! They buy things and post things on the internet and that creates more interest! Shorter GIFable sequences also go a long way! Not that I like this but it's the state of the world now, peeps
Anyway, again, back to the original point: the show is 6 hours long. There are movies with more plot points from the book and shorter time that feel like they are longer so why does this show feel so confused? Because they didn't know how to neatly pack les mis into six 1-hour-long mini-packages. The result is that the plot and pacing get confusing, the timelines are off-the-rails crazy, and the characters not very likeable...
I know that theme-wise Fantine's backstory was all over, but I think hers plus Georges Pontmercy's backstories were the better made parts, because they were where AD had more creative liberties and the director got to have fun with how they filmed everything, and they invented sets and scenes and characters for the show (granted I haven't seen the latest eps with the barricades yet, possibly won't, we'll see bout that).
Our author VHugs is a man that likes to create theatre scenes, and every element is placed in space and time more or less like theatre is - I'll probably have to expand on that literary analysis at some point in my life, but not in here - and there is really no escape in an adaptation to how the scene is constructed. The tension is built not just by prose but by the placing of certain elements in a certain place and a certain point in time. AD is a smart writer, maybe not a good one but he is smart, and he realises this Hugoan inevitability. He called it bad writing. That's why I think he went on and on about the changes he made, that wet dream, the strip-tease, the pissing scene: because it's a way to challenge to Hugo's control over everything that is happening in the plot. Change of any element has to be very well thought out or else the story breaks apart.
Again, Shoujo Cosette. Knows. How to adapt. It has short episodes dedicated each to a small sequence of events. Even having time to make new stories that further their adaptational needs. Absolutely brilliant. And a catchy theme song.
I also Love how the 1982 Robert Hossein Les Mis makes photographic montages to show the passage of time. Marius and Cosette standing still while the seasons change around them in the garden is amazing. Kudos Robert.
It all boils back to "Les Mis is a difficult book to adapt" in the end. Don't adapt les mis if you're not into it. It's hard work my lads. It'll wear you down faster than you can sing Waterloo
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neooji-blog · 5 years
Another point of view in sexy killers documentaries
Who has watched #sexykillers documentaries on youtube? I bet, all of you are in an anger emotion. Yes, I'm also emotional. But, let me show you a little bit different perspective. This thought made me ridiculed by capitalists, but we need to understand the reality, before we can think about and propose solutions. In a super-super simplified manner, the conclusion of #sexykillers documentaries are: 1. Industry and coal business could damage a nature. 2. Both of candididate from election, although promising "Indonesia is better" have a stake in this business. 3. Whose victim? yes, we the little people again. 4. All "political elites" seem to not concern this problem. Most, talk about it but not full with urgency. Why? Because “the cuan” can be threatened. 5. 6. 7. 8. etc. please add, but the point is to make some people even want to be abstentions. Come see the other side First side: ENERGY Yes, what else do you do? From the start of the film, it's been mentioned about the electricity that we use: what is the wattage of this tools, what is the wattage of that and so on. There are not many renewable energy sources in Indonesia. As far as I know, new renewable energy exists in wind power plants and some solar panels in scale are not very big. The rest? PLTA, PLTU. What PLTU uses? Coal!!!! Other power plants as if they have not been seen in Indonesia. Geothermal, waves, nuclear, etc. Whatever the reason, the energy source has not been able to develop in Indonesia. The reason? technical, safety, and finally profitability. Which ultimately leads to the next point of view. Second side: IT'S A BUSINESS !!! Supply and demand are the keywords here. 1. Why are many power plants built? yes because the demand is high. The village needs to be illuminated, the factory needs to produce, your cellphone needs to be charged, your laptop too. There are 250 million + souls who need electricity. 2. Why should coal be used? isn't there a lot of energy? Now, this is what makes you feel good. Vicious circle. Want to implement energy sources (solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, etc.) NOT EASY. Even if it works, it's not easy! Starting from research, the feasibility study, engineering, construction, until the distribution is not an easy thing. I have had discussions with friends who are majoring in geophysics. He said, to make a 1 estimate geothermal power plant really needed 1 trillion rupiah. With a success ratio of approximately 50%, the output is not necessarily as good as other power plants, and the maintenance is EXPENSIVE Meanwhile, we are middle class, which is arguably the most energy-consuming, when the price of electricity goes up complaining and protesting Yes, if you want cheap prices, you can't make other energy sources for thrive We put aside our emotions first. I know that we are all hurt that we see the fishermen who were evicted in Batang. But now, our emotions get rid of first. Imagine you are a business owner. For example, if one of the political elites has a coal business, they want to build a power plant Freeing the land, permits, tendering, and so on has come out in tens or even hundreds of billions, and then the locals know about your project, threatening its sustainability. While you have signed a contract here and there, there are also many parties who have signed and have already invested their money in you The picture is if the project has such a large scale, just a one-week delay can make a billion-scale loss. Not yet local thugs, unscrupulous officers etc. As a businessman, what would you do? Cancel the out of conscience project? Follow conscience? Nope, you will find a way to minimize losses. One of the easiest and cheapest ways (I know, it's sickening) is to pay the apparatus or pay thugs to evict the area. Evil? Yes, but this business is the right thing to do, because: 1. You save money, you can save tens of billions 2. You saved your company from a bad reputation 3. You might save your employees from unemployment Without making emotions and sentiments, 3 was enough to be an excuse against "several hundred local residents" who don't benefit your business on a business basis Still connecting to the point that this is a business, there is another point of view: THIS IS A WORK FIELD! If I admit, which engineering graduate doesn't have a dream of working in the mining and energy sector? Big salary, okay facilities. Well, this is the dark side of the job that you dreamed of. Welcome to the real world And back to supply and demand, there is a lot of labor supply in this sector. Demand in terms of energy needs is a lot. It's the match. If we just want to stop coal activities (oil palm, oil and other activities that destroy nature), imagine how many hundred thousand people lose their jobs? Okay the last side I want to discuss is an old issue. Corrupt systems and politicians. Ideally, businesses that exploit nature should have been designed and equipped with natural recovery efforts. For example, cutting down the forest will be reforested. After mining, the hole is closed Take for example Sweden. One of the biggest natural products is timber (wood), but Sweden's forests from the past until now are relatively maintained and sustainable. Why? yes because the recovery effort is good. Now back to Indonesia ... Which businessman wants to get a fee, let's say 20 billion to cover mine quarries? Or which entrepreneurs "want to be patient" don't profit for 15 years until the forest begins to recover? While the price can't be defeated by competitors and bills here and there must be paid? Up a little, the people protested. Until here, how come the problem is complex? Bear with me, this rant is about to end Okay. Let's skip to the solution. What is the solution if you like this? Yes, there is no single solution. We need to look at the nature of humans and business. 1. Humans are willing to change if he believes the "change" he has to do can bring him more profit. 2. Businesses want to change if there are regulations that force (and enforce) and / or if the changes make them more profitable (decrease the cost or increase revenue) We must find a solution that can accommodate: 1. The risk of entrepreneurs losing / not profitable with "not damaging" and "not displacing" 2. Even if there is, usually not for a moment -> How can people be displaced and the damaged nature can be accommodated until the change is realized Sadly, overseas graduates with fancy majors are "Renewable energy", "Sustainability", and many of them even work in corporations that have nothing to do with their majors, even in companies that in quotes destroy nature. I won't judge. I know looking for a job is not easy. But I hope their enthusiasm during college is still there. Maybe they (and we too!) Must start thinking and groping how to in the near future, we can fulfill our energy demand, without over-damaging nature and without sacrificing the small people How to do? Yes, our heavy duty Gen X, Millennial, Gen Z. Aside from working and raising money, let's learn about renewable energy, how to exploit natural resources that are not too damaging to nature, and most importantly how can this be profitable without having to sacrifice people We already know the system is screwed up. Instead of "Ah, I'm a golput", I strongly suggest that we really learn so that in the future there won't be any other sexy killers documentary about Indonesia. Do your thing. This will not be profitable, it can even be dangerous. But if we are moved by conscience, let's start looking for ways to fight. We must learn renewable energy and its implementation. Study business. Learn and jump into the political arena and other learning. I know the work is tired. The lecture was tired, taking care of the family was hectic. But still, we need to do this. 1 Elon Musk who works 100 hours per week for 20 years can establish SpaceX, Tesla, and others. Imagine that in the next 20 years we work 60 hours a week (20 hours outside working hours) to learn to make Indonesia better, then multiplied by the number of us who care (how many? 1000? 2000? Million?) Imagine the changes we can bring Keep up the spirit, guys! In the meantime, instead of golput, we can review and review our choices. Look for candidates who are likely to choose if we can facilitate our research and learning towards the ideal future that I said Our future is in our hand. Keep Fight!!
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shainacriszelle · 4 years
Generation Z 2020-2021
      In last few years, the world unlocked the digital age. Technology brought with it to global change which led to a transformation in business,society and lifestyle. We as a humans are committed to a growth driven society and with technology to aim succeed. Based on my research in the past, steam,electricity, computer and internet have been the drivers of the industrial revolutions. And as we move closer to the era of Artificial Intelligence, along with algorithms and advanced computation facilities. Al will be driven by the availability of real world data, however humans need to be the nucleus of this era. But what is generation? What generation are we?
     According to wikipedia, generation is "all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively." It can also be described as, "the average period, generally considered to be about 20–⁠30 years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults, and begin to have children." And me as a 2002 baby I'm belong to generation z, because generation z or gen z for short are the demographic cohort succeeding millennial and preceding generation alpha. 1990's - 2010's is the starting and ending birth years of generation  z. Based on my observation, Generation Z grew up with access to the internet and a lots of children addicted in social media. Just imagine at the age of 10, they are using smartphone and they have their own social media account. Plus they already know ow to access websites in  their own without a consent of parents. Because gen z born with the internet where the perfect traverse between human and technology.They are unlike other generations during the rise of social media smartphones and the instant accessibility of information, either grew up without or came into adulthood. It's really important to all parents out there to take good care of your children when using gadgets because we didn't know they already influenced of what they are doing in social media. And also in our studies, as a students we used smartphones/internet to do and accomplish all the tasks that our teacher gave us because now we are facing a serious problem which is the Covid 19 pandemic. 
      Gen z is a huge population of diverse,optimistic and highly digital individuals. Gen z are different from millennials and have their own distinct attitude and behavior and young people in Gen z are often characterized as being out of touch,short of attention and disengaged. To who understand this generation and put plans in place to speak to them in ways that are relevant and compelling will be the winners in the future.
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