#i'd like to hear their side but maliciously/intentionally or not
cementcornfield · 10 months
not the joe burrow news and the sm news in the same 5 minutes i am trying to not have a breakdown at work
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chasing-posts · 1 year
I think Kitty was telling the truth when she said she never showed up to the wedding. And I have a couple of reasons why: (warning, its long)
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1.) Her entire character arc is learning to trust. This includes opening up and being honest about herself and in this case: her past. So it makes no sense for the story if she just LIES about Santa Coloma, especially after making a big deal over it. If anything it would take away from the scene and her character when she finally open up.
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2.) I think the only way they could have saved the relationship between Puss and Kitty naturally, after Puss left her at the altar. I kept thinking "how can they possibly save this relationship after what he did" and the answer the movie came up with was HILARIOUS! Her not showing up was the perfect answer to that conundrum.
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3.) I think she was more mad she was proven right, than she was about him leaving her. That he did pick himself and his reputation over her. And he was so full of himself that he never checked on her after leaving. And she knows he didn't check up on her based on his reaction and the fact he never brought up her leaving. She's not like Puss, she knows about his adventures and what he's been up to. Thanks to his status as a legend, she knows about ALL of his adventures. But he doesn't know about hers, and didn't bother to find and confront her. That's how she knows he didn't know her side.
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4.) Her being mad at him, was because she thinks he betrayed her intentionally and maliciously. She may know that he didn't show up, and based on his reaction, does not know about her doing the same. But it's not until his breakdown, where she listens to Perrito and him talk, that she finally understands WHY he did it. And how much it hurt him to do so. That he is legit ashamed of himself. Before that moment, she was sure he was out to betray her, like everyone in her life. But after she hears the real reason, she stops treating him so harshly. She opens the dialogue/ gave Puss the opportunity to talk about it with her. You can bet that she was the one that got them so high in the trees. After all she has no claws to climb, and yet she was so far in front of him, as if leading him up to a place he would have naturally been given him an advantage... But she's trusting him. Its Kitty who opens up the conversation with the "if you wanted to hold my hand/ I remember the last time you did this you had cold feet " dialogue. And when he takes her up on it, and nervously tells her what/ why he did it, and how it is EXACTLY like he told Perrito, she rewards him by finally coming clean about what she did. Why she left him too. And finally tells him the whole truth on the matter.
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You can also tell that that's the moment she truly starts to fall in love with him again. "You don't seem like that guy anymore." Is a statement that has so many layers to it, but the biggest implication is that this version of Puss, is the one she is starting to trust.
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The shaving scene may have set the mood earlier on the movie, but this open and honest conversation, is what made her swoon and start to believe in him.
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5.)I think it sets up a good story/ contrast to who they were at the beginning, and who they are now. And by beginning, I mean them at the end of Puss and Boots 1. In that movie they're flirting, equals, in love... but their relationship is also unstable. She ended that film stealing from him and running off. And in the Shrek franchise, its shown Puss is quite the flirt with the ladies, imlplying they're not together. This Santa Colona flashback fills in the blanks for what happened between the movies, and also shows that when they first met, they may have been too young for each other. Too inexperienced. Not old enough to want to actually settle down, on both ends! If I were to hazard a guess, I'd bet that Puss proposed spontaneously, and she accepted in a moment of excitement, but leading up to the ceremony they both got more and more nervous until eventually, they both got cold feet and dipped, but for different reasons. He was too obsessed with himself and worried about his legend, and she was too flighty and could not trust him. Which ended their relationship (this is mostly HC though. Just speculation on my end.) But now they're both a lot older. They've lived a few lives, though we don't have a concrete number, there's clearly been many years between now and Shrek 4. And Puss in Boots 1 was a prequel to the Shrek series so, yeah, they are both MUCH older now and are both finally at a point where the two are ready to settle down and be together.
Who they are right now, is the best version of themselves. And in contrast to the last moment, instead of her running off with his boots, they are sailing away together, with him in her arms.
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I understand the appeal of saying she lied... but I LOVE the implications of what it means for her to be truthful.
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They are currently my FAVORITE couple is Shrek franchise. Softboots is perfect! And it's their open honesty and trust in one another, that makes it so.❤
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kabie-whump · 6 months
Shiny Things (Whump Writing)
No one asked but I'm doing it anyway.
Summary: Ventis has been missing for a few days now. Onthyes and Shayah find pieces of him being sold in a market. Also includes a torture scene.
For those who haven't seen him before: Ventis is a draconic sorcerer and he has very pretty shiny scales that look just like gemstones. (I posted some art of him recently)
tw: torture (and mutilation but it's like,,, not super extreme)
"Do these grow back?"
Ventis flinched away as an unseen finger tapped at the scales on his cheek. He made a muffled sound through the gag in his mouth, tugging on the chains that kept him bound to a table.
"Yes?" The hand fisted in his hair, forcing him to nod his head yes. "Or no?" His head was moved from side to side.
Ventis didn't know. He'd never lost any of his scales before. They were pretty firmly planted in his skin, like fingernails. He shrugged.
"Hm. I guess we'll find out."
Ventis's blood ran cold. He shivered, wishing he was wearing more than just his underclothes. Did his captor really mean what he thought they meant? He shook his head, trying his best to negotiate through the gag, but all that came out were muffled shouts.
"Come now. Don't be like that." The voice was sickeningly patronizing. If Ventis could see and speak he would have drowned it out with thunder by now, but his magic was useless at the moment. "I'll do it quickly. It might not even hurt."
There was no world in which Ventis could imagine having his scales pried off not hurting.
"Hold him still, please."
Ventis hadn't been aware that there were others in the room, but a pair of strong hands clamped down on him, one on his stomach and one on his thigh. The familar hand of his captor touched the cluster of scales that gathered on his hipbone.
"I'll take them from here, on the off-chance that they don't grow back. Wouldn't want to ruin your pretty face, now would I? It's a shame we have to keep you gagged. I'd love to hear you thanking me."
A cold blade touched Ventis's skin. He tensed, unable to hold back a soft whimper.
The sensation was strange at first; an intense pressure on his hip that made him clench his fists and inhale sharply. Then, it hurt.
Searing pain tore through Ventis's body and he cried out, doubling his efforts to twist away from the knife that was working its way under a scale and prying at it. The hands held tighter; painful grips on his skin that would surely leave bruises, but those little marks were the least of his worries.
Luckily, Ventis wasn’t out of tricks yet. The blindfold and gag kept him from casting spells intentionally, but they didn’t drain the storm from his veins. His vision flashed white as pure energy surged from his core into the hands on his body, and he was rewarded with the sound of his tormentors yelping and cursing as they let go of him.
For a moment all was quiet except for the labored breaths of Ventis and the others.
Then, “We’ll need rubber gloves. I’ll be back.”
✧.* A few days later ✧.*
Onthyes knew these stones.
They were unmistakable. He'd spent enough time staring at Ventis's face when he thought the genasi wouldn't notice to know the otherworldly shine of his scales, the way they reflected light so bright and so colorful that their party had to turn down any stealth mission that came their way. He'd always thought that they were beautiful, that they made Ventis look like the treasure he was.
What were they doing on the table of a market stall, cut and set into gold jewelery?
Onthyes found himself stuck, horrified, staring at them and praying that he was mistaken.
"Interested, young man?" The merchant was an average looking old man, nothing particularly malicious about his appearance, but appearances could be decieving.
"Where did you get these?" Onthyes asked, unable to hide the slight tremor in his voice.
"These stones are incredibly rare. One of a kind, really. I'd rather keep the name of my supplier private."
Onthyes shot a look to Shayah, who was just wandering over from another stall holding a fresh bundle of arrows.
"What's got you so spooked, blondie?" Shayah was tucking the arrows into her quiver, not yet noticing the object of Onthyes's attention.
"Look," Onthyes muttered, gesturing at the array of jewelery on the table.
"Mm, yeah. Pretty. Not really my thing though."
"No. Look."
Shayah got closer, squinting at the gems. Onthyes silently prayed that she wouldn't see what he saw - that she would assure him that he was just paranoid. He'd been plenty paranoid ever since Ventis disappeared.
"Shit," Shayah whispered.
Onthyes's heart dropped. He really hadn't wanted to be right.
"You made these?" Shayah asked the merchant, her once-cheerful voice suddenly hardening.
The merchant nodded, wide eyed.
"Where'd you get the stones?"
"My supplier wishes to remain anonymous. Now please, lower your voice."
She slammed her fist on the table, the jewelry hopping and jingling. The merchant flinched, supressing a squeak.
"Talk," Shayah growled, "or I'll really start making a scene."
The merchant talked.
Part 2
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
As a psychotic person with (harmful) delusions and hallucinations, I'd like to chip in and say the way people are responding to your switching + imposition guides with "but they're delusions and hallucinations, obviously these are bad" really rubs me the wrong way. Because it feels like they're trying to support people like me, but they speak about delusions/hallucinations in a way that doesn't really make me feel safe around them. Like, they feel like the kind of people to try and reality check me or tell me to "get help" instead of just letting me exist as a psychotic person, y'know? Shuffle me off to the side because anything related to what I experience (including I, myself) must be hidden away until it doesn't exist "like that" anymore. They're making such a huge deal out of this that it makes me wonder how they'd react if a psychotic person like I confessed to them about having delusions/hallucinations. Would they freak out? The way they talk about these things makes me feel like they'd freak out. And then try to tell me they "know what's best" for me and force onto me their own ideas about how I should manage my psychosis. It's something in how they talk about delusions without actually talking about or with delusional people. Arguing over what we experience without listening to the people experiencing it. Inadvertently promoting the idea that delusions and hallucinations can't be managed and gotten to a healthy level that sometimes people just live with, no need to panic about it. Idk, it's hard to put into words
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I very much agree.
These posts often come off as very dismissive and othering.
They cast certain conditions and experiences as these just... objectively terrible things all the time... and then dive straight into trying to police how people are allowed to relate to them.
And while the bulk of this latest discourse has been focused on the dissociation aspect, it's not been exclusively that, as the hallucination subject has been brought up too.
See this post for example:
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(Fact check: I have no idea what they mean about me "encouraging dissociation" outside of the switching guide, and I've never said schizophrenia is healthy nor do I believe every person with Schizophrenia to be a system though I do think there is overlap and this is one way systems can form. There's a ton of nuance being intentionally and maliciously cut out but that I don't have the time to bother with.)
This feels a lot more like what you're talking about.
The quoted line about treatment for hallucinations being akin to conversion therapy is something attributed to Dr. Romme of the Hearing Voices Network.
The Hearing Voices Movement started in the 1980s in Europe when a patient confronted Romme about the limitations of the psychiatric care being provided. Why, the patient asked, was it OK for Romme to believe in a God whom he could not see or hear but not OK for her, the patient, to believe in voices that she really did hear? To learn more about the voice-hearing experience and to try to help his patient, Romme had the woman’s story told on TV and asked for other voice hearers to contact him. Approximately 550 reached out. Remarkably, many of the people who heard voices did not need clinical help. Writing in the Journal of Mental Health in 2011 after conducting a literature review, Vanessa Beavan, John Read and Claire Cartwright asserted that it was safe to say that 1 in 10 people in the general population will hear voices. Romme eventually compared psychiatric treatment to eliminate voice hearing to conversion therapy for sexual orientation.
What I love about this story is how it shows a psychiatrist who was actually willing to listen to and learn from their patients instead of simply assuming they know what's best.
Psychiatry has a long history of starting with assuming something is just inherently bad and needs to be gotten rid of from the start and building treatment models around that. In this case, Romme was willing to re-evaluate generations of tradition and develop new treatment methods for the needs of the actual patients instead of trying to force people to fit into society's idea of normalcy.
And I think that's what we need more of in the world. To focus on people's own needs and their health first instead of trying to "fix" undesirable traits.
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kustas · 5 months
please give matryoshka rant
A weird case of a character who's individual traits work, if not are awesome, but who in context bothers me a lot. Warning: I will indiscriminately freely spoil here major plot elements of the source material.
To sum up what this character is like: she's a sort of deuteragonist to the titular character. She's on every cover next to him and has a lot of screentime. She's a short little fat woman who is almost entirely mute, this by choice, she can talk but just doesn't do it. A defining aspect of her is in how she acts - she has completely alien priorities which manifests mostly in a total lack of care for most of what makes a human's daily life. Not talking is an example: you don't need that to survive, and she just does not care about how it makes her appear. She makes do without, so it's good.
Like most of the cast, she's a testtube baby with hard to define superhuman abilities, being likely the most powerful of the artificial humans of the story, albeit harder to judge because of the aforementioned IDGAF queen trait making her manifest it less and more discreetly. She is canonically the only female character of said artificial humans. She is also one of the only female characters of the entire series, with a few more or less minor side characters.
The author of this series has noteworthy issues with including female characters in his stories (according to the interview I'd taken the pic from, because he finds them hard to draw) so having any female character with some plot significance does represent an effort. But...man...her not talking and not participating in almost everything means she has no active role. Mind you, this is a manga where you do NOT get to hear the character's inner voices so if they don't talk, you don't know what they think, they just stand there. She's a in a relationship with the titular character which by itself is very sweet, but it makes her as the Only Girl, the "main" character's partner. Her design is very fun and works wonders with her (nick)name, but chilling and eating being the two things she bothers with is extremely uncomfortable with her being a short fat woman. Her unbothered nature is by itself a fascinating character trait and it results in a lot of characters treating her like an idiot which would be great if she wasn't, again, the only woman in this story. She gets a happy ending of getting to fuck off with the guy she loves and start a family which is extremely significant lore-wise because by nature, the artificial humans of the setting are not allowed any of these options, but a nuclear family mom ending for your token woman feels sour.
None of this comes off as intentionally malicious but it's a lot of factors that pile up. I honestly hated her character at first for this and it took a beloved friend of mine who finds her extremely extremely relatable to open my eyes. I'm not a woman myself and I ain't fat either so I'm probably not in the right place to imagine any "fixes" for those issues, although having literally any other major characters be women without changing anything would have, imo, fixed a lot of the issues. The in-world justification for all the artificial humans being male is bullshit anyway
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autiezo · 27 days
6, 12 and 28 for the ask game :D
heyyyy Riem! Thanks for the ask :D
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I used to care a lot about my YouTube stuff but not anymore lol. Not caring has been super freeing.
The best parts about being online are the fantastic fanart on stuff I love, and the wide variety of amazing comedy.
The worst part is seeing people argue about stupid celebrity drama I don't care for. Urgh. I'd literally pay money to never hear anything about USA singers against my will. AJR is the only exception, I love AJR so much.
Also billionaires should shut the fuck up about money, and just donate to the poor, and stop fucking around with humanity. Every time I see news about a billionaire, my mood gets soured for at least 10 seconds.
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a) All that positive talk like "Be yourself", "The power of friendship", "Forgiveness and Love are the answer.".... I find that many people don't relate to them, because they are hurt. They are tired. They have been burnt too many times before. I was one of those, kind of, a little. I only started believing in goodness, when I was further along in my own healing journey. I only learnt it after years of therapy and emotional support from loved ones, and there's no shame in that.
b) To get people to change their mind, shaming or accusing them of being the bad guy is... a very bad idea. It almost never works. You'll instead need to meet them half-way, and try to understand their point of view first. Then you can structure your side of the discussion, in a way they can understand.
For example, I was homophobic when I was a teenager, so more than a decade ago. To be fair, I didn't know any better and only heard about LGBT from the bible and misguided christians. When people told me to fuck off or insulted me about my views, they didn't really explain why. Even if they did, they would have already lost me, because they viewed me as an enemy. Teen Zo's response to that was to double down, see the 'haters' as enemies in return, and then follow more extreme Christian stuff.
The way I was very slowly convinced to be a LGBT ally, was by people sharing their personal stories about their sexuality. By education that gave me the benefit of the doubt. By LGBT friends who weren't afraid to be themselves.
Of course, there will be people who will never listen to your opinions, no matter what you do. In that case, telling them to fuck off is incredibly justified. I'm just saying that a "Two strikes and you're out" system is probably better than instantly insulting a jerk.
c) If you are a teacher, don't punish your student for simply speaking their mind or asking questions. They're exploring and learning more about the world everyday, of course, they'd test the waters. You should only correct them when they are being intentionally disrespectful or malicious. However, most children don't really do that. It's much more likely that they're trying to have fun, or that they are parroting a phrase they don't really understand.
Treat the youth like humans, like your equals. Their opinions are valuable even when they sound silly at first. They'd respect you more in the long term.
d) Do not befriend fake people or those who like to talk smack about others behind their back.
e) The NSFW / porn online community is weird as fuck, and the number of creeps and gold-diggers on there are much, much higher. If you venture there, it's best to be a lurker.
Yes, there are good people, but it's still a dangerous place...
f) If you wanna get started with voice-acting, you can the Audacity audio editing and recording software. It's free and very useful. All you need is that app, and either a cheap microphone or good headphones with a mic, plugged into your computer.
g) For voice acting again: If you are trying out a new voice, and if your throat feels scratchy after a few minutes, stop using it. No new voice is worth sacrificing your throat for.
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besides disco elysium fanart? Nope lol. Does my decorating Livly Island game count? Probably not
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benperorsolo · 4 years
'Kylo told Rey she was no one and nothing to hurt her'. I keep seeing sentiment here and there. I don't think it's true because his intent is never to hurt, he's being honest. I'd rather he be honest than treat Rey with kid gloves like she's so easily breakable. I also think she's already accepted the fact she was abandoned in that moment, maybe even in the hut scene. She's crying because she knows Ben's going down the wrong path. She thinks she's failed and that her vision now won't come true.
Yeah. I've written about this before here (in terms of Ben's honesty), and I'll repost what Rian himself said.
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Ben's personality is very blunt, but that doesn't mean he's malicious. He thinks that all his life he's been lied to --by his family about his heritage as Vader's grandson, particularly-- as as a result Ben himself highly values honesty. He doesn't lie to others intentionally, only himself (and even then he's convincing himself it's the truth).
Obviously objectively speaking, what he told Rey was crass, but it was also a painful truth that Rey needed to hear. We have to understand that Ben has understood his place in the universe through his legacy, and that legacy has crushed him.
He's miserable on the dark side, convinced he's a monster, but also convinced that he deserves to be there, that he has to be, in order to finish Vader's legacy-- the legacy of his blood. He was targeted by Snoke wholly because of his blood. Ben's fatal flaw is his fatalism and his belief that his future was determined long ago by the accident of his genetics. Snoke constantly is telling him so-- that he's the heir of Vader, kept at snoke's whim entirely because he's his grandson. Ben's whole idea of self worth revolves around his heritage.
What he is trying to tell Rey, through the haze of his damage and bad coping mechanisms, is that even despite not having a legacy --which is the only thing he thinks justifies his own existence-- Rey is still someone to him. He's reaching out in his broken way to tell her that this thing which is his whole world, this whole reason he thinks he has any value as a human being, doesn't define Rey, and that she is valuable to him despite of that.
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