insuferrablewhore · 1 year
i hate modern society
i hate growing up like this ik i sound like one of those ‘i was born in the wrong generation!!!’ kids but i’ve just realised how awful and fucked everything is since about 2016. due to the internet advancing and things like amazon and fast fashion becoming a thing modern people are so used to this sort of instant gratification. especially with the fast fashion bit because now fashion doesn’t matter anymore, the clothing industry is dying because you can get any sort of clothes basically the next day or even delivered to your house the same day. and also because of the internet fashion trends are all over the place because of how easily widespread everything is and new things are coming out all the time, meaning even more fast fashion is produced
mentioning social media, modern social media is completely fucked
and i don’t know how to explain this but because everyone has a phone and it’s so easy to just do whatever no one actually properly talks anymore if you know what i mean, so many people don’t have hobbies because of the amount of time they spend on their phone
now i know i sound like a boomer but truly nowadays there are very little people with actual hobbies especially at our age, like you could ask a kid our age early 2000s or 90s what they like doing and they’d probably say painting/reading, hanging out with friends, playing an instrument, listening to music, collecting things, playing a sport, etc etc but if you asked a few kids today they’ll most likely say something to do with video games or the internet and hanging out with friends, maybe a sport
and we all make fun of kids our age that are ‘sheltered’ and have weird hobbies but really it’s us that’s missing out because they truly get to live
before the internet almost anything you did had some sort of purpose/outcome, painting, reading etc etc, but almost anything to do with the internet/screens idk (like computers n phones) has no gain, and i know that people use the internet to learn and to see other people’s opinions and lives n whatnot
i mean name the last ten tiktoks you saw
and the saddest thing is that when people realise this, like us, they have no option but to continue in this life because unless we reconstructed our society, there is no way we can return from this
and yes the internet is a great place to connect with people and all, but i personally think the earlier days were the best days because google was up and running but proper social media wasn’t
and mobile phones were still less advanced so you wouldn’t have people playing games on them
and it’s impossible to get away from this, because even if you disconnect and decide to not use your phone and only use google and some other websites, you will still know you live in this world because everyone around is on their phones
i’d also like to speak about how romance is dead, because it’s so easy to talk to people, recently it’s been ‘do you send’ and whatnot, but i truly think everyone is so desensitised to this sort of behaviour bc if we go back like 20 years the only way to get someone’s personal nudes was if they physically gave you photos, and talking to people was so different and idk i’m just disgusted by society
idk all of this is so utterly depressing because i know that i am being forced to live in this sort of society and no matter how much i kick and scream i will never be able to get out
this was a rant to my friend and i decided to post it here because idk, i have like 12 followers so y’all better love this shit
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Okay, genuine question for beloveds, general audience, mutuals, etc... I have. A Fucktonne of OCs. Keeping their general deets in one place for y’all to read is maybe getting a bit long? (And a little scary for me to edit/format, lmao)
I initially swapped from an actual Tumblr page for them to the post because its accessible on mobile, unlike pages, and idk, there feels like there’s mentally less steps to edit there, but since there’s such a load of info I keep on it, editing it to add new characters (because... I’m insane or something, w/e) is finicky and I... don’t know if it’s? Pleasant? Can you find what you’re looking for?
So, I’m contemplating some options. I still like the idea of a masterpost somewhere because of the mobile accessibility bit, but I also like having general backstories available for people to read in case they want, so you don’t have to go digging for answered asks or fics or what have you to get the gist of any of my idiots if you’d like. Throwing some options into a poll then and... maybe I’ll do some reorganizing.
I say maybe because, either way, I am also quantically lazy about doing the transcription of that much information! But! If I know it’s like. Actually what the People would like, it’ll at least silence that brain gremlin that’s like ‘but you already have this why are we doing the work again.’
*steeples my hands* So, dear followers... You give me your thoughts on how you’d like to see this information, I get blorbo lore to you in a blorbo-lore and reader friendly fashion????
My XIV oc profiles are like. Kinda outta date bc I haven't touched them in ages (part of the mental omg I have to touch A Whole Page but w/e), but this is kinda what option 2 would look like/what I mean by "deep lore" (backstory, factions, allegiances, what have you) in option 3. I'd have to work out specifics of like how I'd want the masterpost thing to look for 3, but probably at least like. names, character tags so you can easily find content, maybe current faction allegiance - just a real general intro to the character that's more name and a face than sitting them down and getting an idea of their life story).
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Hi! so I have some questions based on operating a blog (i’m new and i have no clue what to do… sorry)
what would you recommend putting on a pinned post? how do you put links of other posts (like stories/hcs/etc) onto another post like for a master list? when you start a post for hcs/oneshots do you do it in drafts or on another app and copy and paste it? i’m sorry if this is a lot to ask :,)
Also! i love your blog sm! your writing is so good!!
Hello there! No apologies necessary! Happy to answer any and all questions about this sort of thing 🙂
I'll answer your questions in reverse order. So, starting with drafting posts... I personally have always used Word or Pages when I write (and I was cool with using Google Docs in college as well). And honestly, I would recommend others do the same, mainly to avoid issues with Tumblr drafts not always saving properly. There is no worse feeling than losing all your hard work and not being able to recover it! Tumblr's post editor is just, not the greatest, to put it politely. It's glitchy, difficult to format certain things, and way too easy to mess something up or accidentally delete it altogether. For peace of mind, draft your stuff in a more reliable app and then copy over when you're ready to actually post.
Links... The one thing I'll say in Tumblr's defense is it does have a fairly easy way to link to other posts.* You don't need to know html or coding or anything. I'll explain as a step-by-step:
Copy the url of the post you want to link to. Best way is to click the three dots in the top right corner of the post and then "Copy Link." You can do this part on mobile or a web browser.
Create or edit the post you want to contain the link. Highlight the words you want (ex: Read here!) and a little bar of options will pop up (below the color options on mobile, above the highlighted words on the web). Click the symbol that looks like a chain, then paste the url you previously copied into the designated area. That's it!
For a post with multiple links (like a masterlist), you need to do it on a web browser. Keep the post you're creating up on one browser tab, and then open additional tabs to grab the links to your other posts for copying.
And then one note of caution (because even though it's easy, it's not perfect lol): If you edit a post with links it in, like changing the wording or moving things around, the links will sometimes "break." So I usually open two tabs, one with the post in its original format, and one where I'm editing it, and I can grab from the original if I accidentally mess it up.
*These instructions are for adding links in a post. If you want to set up links in your blog's bio/description section (like in mine), then you do need to use some basic html codes. I referenced this post when I set mine up.
And then finally, pinned posts... this is really up to you. Personally, I think you can't go wrong with some kind of a masterlist, or a "welcome" type post that includes a link to a masterlist. As a reader, whenever I find a new writer I like, I want to be able to see their bibliography, to see a list of all the other stories and things they've created. It helps me get to know them, their style, their fandom preferences, etc. And if I ever lose it or want to go back to it later, it's easy enough to just pull up their blog without having to scroll or search their whole posting history.
But it really depends on what you want visitors to your blog (and yourself!) to see first. Is there an issue/take/sentiment you're especially passionate about? Pin it. Are you running some kind of a game or focusing your writing on a particular prompt list? Pin it. Is there one story you are really proud of? Pin it. And the best part, you can change your mind and pin something else later. I currently have pinned an "I'm back!" post after I went MIA for a bit last year, because idk, I figured that was important for people to see. But I'm probably going to change it back to my masterlist now that it's been a while and I miss seeing that dumb meme I edited for it 😂
I hope I answered your questions and explained everything well! Again, happy to answer anything along these lines! I know starting out can be overwhelming, but a lot of it becomes second nature the more you play around and take note of what other blogs are doing. Then your focus can be on just having fun with your writing!
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americanasitgetsold · 2 years
I hate to come on here after a long time away and ask for medical help, but here I am.
TW: medical, pain.
Don’t read the PURPLE text if you want to avoid the potential tw material.
Okay. I don’t know how to do a read more on mobile I’m sorry. I’ve been having these awful “pain attacks”. I’ve had them for yeaaaars but they were sparse. Now, since Christmas ( the worst one I’ve ever had ), I’ve had them constantly. At first I thought maybe it was from eating gluten (my sister has celiac ) so she made me feel like yeah, that’s your problem. So I’ve cut out gluten and it’s been a couple months, but guess what —- still having these pain attacks. I’ve had 4 in two days, which is crazy. Two last night. Two today, and had to leave work for it. I feel so confused, and I’m having a hard time scheduling an appointment with my doctor (and paying for it, but that’s a different issue. I digress ), and I’m just wondering like……..has anyone else had like, these horrrrrid attacks? Where it’s like your stomach and back hurt so bad, and it feels like it’s rising and crushing your ribs. Hurts like hell. Hard to breathe easy. Usually vomiting. I’ve passed out a few times because it hurt. Idk….idk. Sorry for all of this!!! I’m just. In distress. And the ER isn’t an option atm.
Okay sorry.
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pedroalonso · 3 years
it’s so funny to me how the fandom is so divided about palermo’s development there is no middle ground in any of the arguments i’ve seen so far
Martín has always been a divisive character from the start and I honestly love that for him. lmao. But yeah, In truth, I can’t scroll through the LCDP tag without seeing someone ranting about Palermo, either negatively or positively regarding his arc this season.
And after thinking about it for a while, I realize that a large chunk of people’s arguments (my own included) are deeply rooted in personal interpretation and biases. We all have our own takes on a character. We project either our likes or dislikes on them, depending on our own life experiences and beliefs. It’s not wrong to do so, it’s literally a normal thing humans do. To personalize a story in a way that resonates with them.
But at the end of the day, characters are not sentient beings. They are narrative tools to tell a story and move the plot forward. While we can get a gauge of the “basics” of a character from the stuff we are presented with in canon, we can never really be certain about “who they are” because they aren’t real. Their development is dependent on what kind of story is being told, and writers will always adjust their characters to fit the current narrative.
In terms of Volume 1, the writers have always hinted that they wanted to make the final season “an explosive one”, meaning they wanted to make it more action heavy. And looking back on it now, they succeeded in doing what they set out to do. The new season was like an action movie. Lots of gunfire. Explosions. It’s easy to brush it off as LCDP mimicking another Hollywood blockbuster to increase viewership, but I think it made sense. It showed us how dire their situation is in the bank. How much deep shit they were in that the military was willing to bomb the building and inadvertently kill hostages just to catch them. And the first volume ended with the MAIN CHARACTER getting killed off. Like the stakes were so high not even the goddamn narrator survived. The show is literally telling us how fucked things are for the band.
So with that said, the characters adjusted to this “action” movie vibe the writers wanted to go with. And I think they all acted accordingly. There was less conflict within the group because they worked together to beat a common enemy, setting aside their personal issues to get the job done and survive. And while it’s true that some character arcs (Palermo’s especially) had to be set aside, it was because they HAD to in order to move the plot forward. How much sense would it make if Martín kept raving on about the gold when the Bank was literally exploding around him? He’s a chaotic asshole, yeah. But give him more credit than that, he’s not an idiot. The gold can wait. He needs to survive NOW.
And again, narrative wise, who he is in Part 5 directly connects to his last scene in Part 4. He made a promise to do better and they followed it through in literally the first episode of Volume 1, where he’s shown to be more remorseful for his actions. If he just went back to being an angry asshole, it wouldn’t have made sense because otherwise, what was his last scene in Part 4 supposed to be for?? Just for funsies?? No, of course not. They were already foreshadowing where his arc was heading in Part 5.
And I know LCDP sucks at maintaining continuity. There are a lot of plotholes that haven’t been addressed because they probably forgot about it or deemed it unnecessary. (Like me, for example, wondering if Martín knows it was Helsinki who blew up the tunnel that resulted in Andrés death??? Like I want that angst PLEASE).
But, hear me out. What LCDP fails in continuity, they make up for emotional terrorism. Not only are they more than capable of killing off likable characters (NAAAAIROBI), they are also very good at making unlikeable characters… not always loveable. But understandable, in a way. More empathetic. For example: Berlin was 100% a disgusting dipshit in the Mint, yes, but in the end when he sacrifices himself to save the gang and you find out he and the Professor were brothers this whole time? That was a twist. Maybe you didn’t end up liking Berlin, but you felt pain for Sergio for losing someone so obviously dear to him. They made you feel sorry for seeing this asshole go.
Which brings me to my final point. Characters are used to convey a theme. What do they represent in the story? Berlin’s thematic arc in the first two seasons, for example, was him going from a villain to an anti-hero. From the moment we find out about his terminal illness, we knew he was going to die either way. You can see him grappling with his mortality — about the inevitability of his death. And it seemed like he was planning to live out his last remaining years being an asshole surrounded by a shitload of money, until he ultimately dies from his illness.
But then, he sacrifices himself. Not only does he escape the “humiliating” decline that was to befall him when he escapes, he also gave meaning to his death. He, the heartless evil bastard, made himself the hero in the end. How rude!
So, when it comes to Martín, we have to think: What is his purpose in this story? What is the theme he’s trying to convey? Is it the tragedy of an unrequited love? Or is it learning to let it go?
Because looking back in episode two of Part 3, Sergio recruits Martín in a dirty flat in Palermo, littered with empty liquor bottles and Martín himself looking like a mess. When he broaches the topic of the heist, Martín can barely mention Andrés without his voice cracking. And when he and Sergio do discuss Andrés, he screams and gets angry and cries. He was obviously still mourning Andrés, who at this point, died FIVE YEARS AGO. That is not… a normal grieving period. May it be due to the lack of a support system after Andrés’s death (since I doubt Sergio visited), or the lack of real closure between him and Andrés, or something else, the point is… Martín Berrote was not okay. He was still clinging to Andrés in some way. Still unable to move on.
So when Sergio proposes to do the Bank of Spain heist and Martín accepts, his thematic arc began. He is introduced as Andrés’s long suffering best friend who was in love with him for years until he was eventually discarded. A lot of his moments in the show discuss and convey this dynamic. From him telling Sergio he loved the plan as much as he loved Andrés, to Nairobi confronting him about Berlin, to Martín himself telling Helsinki how Andrés leaving him made him the “asshole” he is today.
His theme is not just about his love for Andrés, but his grief and suffering because of it. Where the show will eventually take it is still debate-able, and we’ll have to wait for Volume 2 for that. But viewing Martín’s whole arc in this way, through the scenes they chose to put about him, and the way they connect it to the main plot — his development this season did not come out of the blue. It made logical and narrative sense. It all connects! This was the kind of story they wanted for him from the start.
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vespiiqueen · 2 years
Reasons why I think Genshin Impact is the next Homestuck, a number eval ‘essay’ from someone in both fandoms:
1. It’s going to be a very long wait for the final product. Homestuck was released in 2009 and continued until 2016/17, and still has a sequel in the works. Genshin will also take years to finish all the way like the devs are hoping to achieve with the entire Teyvat map (and then some) being coded into the game.
2. Multi-universal. Homestuck has ties with Problem Sleuth, ICP, Guy Feriariaririririe, and Betty Crocker (maybe more I don’t remember). Genshin has ties to the Honkai Impact games/universe, including many similarities in names and symbols (ie, there is a Raiden Shogun in both universes that strangely look very alike).
3. Overarching plots that can be summarized with a very easy sentence, but has so much shit happening between point A and point B, that the one sentence summary simply will not explain the plot. For example, Homestuck is about a gang of kids who play a video game that destroys the world and has to make a new one. Genshin is about the chosen Traveler going to find their sibling. These sound like very easy explanations— but it’s not. There is so much more inbetween those points, and I could go into more detail but but I won’t. I must stop myself :”)
4. Zodiacs. Every character is linked to a constellation/zodiac in many ways. HS: zodiacs can determine the alien species’s (trolls) blood color, lunar sway, aspect type, what symbol they have for themself, or even how they act. Trolls also have a whole hemospectrum based hierarchy, also centered around their zodiac/extended zodiac. GI: the characters are all represented by a zodiac within the genshin universe, unlike how trolls are based on our zodiacs. I don’t think this ties with much besides simply what the character symbolizes lol.
6. They’re very fucking long and take forever to complete. Homestuck can take probably a whole ass month to read all the way, IF you’re a fast reader and IF you don’t read all the dialogue. It can probably take a lot longer for people who don’t read as fast OR for people who actually take time to indulge in the details. Genshin can, obviously, take forever to get to the current endgame until the next update for a new area/quests. It’s not even all the way done yet. For example, a normal main questline in Skyrim would take at least 2/3 hours to complete all in one sitting, and if you don’t cheat your way through (like with console commands or simple walk through walls [tower of mzart]). Genshin takes literally a few irl days to complete a single questline, or more than the two hours by far. For some, the constant grind (if you’re a new player) to have to complete the questlines can get super boring. It was/is for me.
7. Some strange ass obsession with the Fergilicious song.
8. Cosplayers can and will go straight into public and not have a care in the world. I wish I had the confidence to go into a random Walmart in cosplay around a bunch of old people who have zero idea on cosplay or LARPing.
9. Twitter hates them both. Understandably.
10. Both fandoms can be toxic as hell. No, really. I’m not kidding. They can both very toxic, racist, ableist, sexist, or even lgbtq+—phobic (used as a broad term for transphobic, homophobic, acephobic, etc). That isn’t to say I haven’t met some rly nice people in both fandoms that I’m still friends with!! But the toxic part is the majority, where they think their singular opinion is the only one (HS fandom vs Vriska; GI fandom vs Childe or even Honkai itself lol), and it will be what kills Genshin (and has unpopularized Homestuck to the point of being considered dead).
11. Hot women that’s actually evil ( la signora, )-(IC )
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utapri-hcs · 3 years
What if Utapri was in a3
So this is a little gift to those in both the A3 fandom and the Utapri one since engA3 servers are unfortunately being shut down. To those who don't know, A3 is a mobage game where you are now Izumi and have been appointed the director of Mankai company, you attempt to rebuild the company after its fall from grace and you basically learn about a bunch of funky people who you recruit
-Natsuki is instantly kamekichi’s favourite
-Kamekichi Just perches on Natsuki as there is a fire in the kitchen after Kazunari and Taichi tried a tik tok recipe
-Camus eats Kamekichi buns with Juza
-Banri and Ranmaru just shit talk their respective buddy and how they get diabetes
-Misumi finding out that Ai, Syo and Natsuki sing triangle beat oh god
-Ranmaru and Juza are the one that vibes together though
-Tasuku has now found two new members for his soccer club in the form of Otoya and Syo
-Masato and Omi just vibe
-Ren learns the amazingness of Instablam
-Tokiya and Azuma watch as things go down very wine aunt style
-Yuki and Syo compare styles and clothes with Banri sometimes joining
-Syo kinda hates Banri at first though (who didn’t though, have you seen Banri?)
-Itaru and Banri have found two new toxic gamers
-They can do like co-op vs now with Ai and Ren vs Banri and Itaru
-Reiji, Ranmaru and Ren like going drinking with the rest of the adults
-Reiji and Ren are also now designated drivers as well
-Now the school kids have some extra rides other then the early Sakyo mobile, the normal bus and who the fuck knows when Itaru is even going to leave his room mobile
-Masato and Homare just recite poetry with each other
-Masato and Tenma love their bonsai trees, they would die for that
-Reiji and Masato have joined the Mahjong club
-When something is broken they can also go to Ranmaru as well now
-Yuki and Ai get along since Ai likes helping out with the sewing, they like roasting their members though
-Citron and Cecil, just Citron and Cecil
-Guy and Camus, but Camus is kinda an asshole
-Chikage, Camus and hisoka have met eachother once during their organisation life
-Chikage probably tries killing Camus when he saw him
-Camus and Chikage just talk about casual murder and their preferred methods
-Sakuya and Otoya living their best life and being good boys
-“Oh god, we got another Currian”
-Otoya and Izumi can just eat curry for the next few years
-Natsuki and Yuki wouldn’t really get along since Natsuki probably tried hugging Yuki
-If they do get along, imagine Yuki making stuffed toys for him
-Muku probably asks Tokiya on how to be princely and what not
-Ai and Muku would read shoujo manga together and that’s adorable
-Natsuki calls everyone cute, everyone.
-The first time he called Sakyo cute, Sakyo almost had a heart attack
-12am you’ll still hear the toxic gamers yelling at eachother
-Ranmaru and Azami bond over eyeliner
-Natsuki, Misumi, Hisoka And Ranmaru just bond over the neighbourhood cats
-Ranmaru and Hisoka just nap with each other
-They also tell Reiji and Homare to be quiet
-Chikage and Satsuki definitely need to talk before they try murdering each other
-They would probably vibe with each other after that
-You dont mess with their family and they won’t mess with you
-Satsuki or Syo and Misumi doing parkour around the dorms
-Misumi takes Syo for triangle hunting
-Syo swears he didn’t steal that traffic cone just then
-He also swears he saw god
-Tokiya and Homare talking about poetry
-Masato unhelpfully tutorring Taichi as the bus starts to roll in
-He won’t give Taichi the answer because he wants him to learn, the fact is that Taichi is now just trying to rush through trigonometry without crying
-Azuma, Yuki and Azami complimenting Ai’s skin
-Ranmaru would probably have some tension with Sakyo considering the Yakuza
-Itaru is tensed with Ren and Masato originally
-Itaru has memorised all the rich people he has to suck up to during work
-Turns out Ren is a gamer and Masato is an old man
-Omi, Reiji, Tsuzuru, Masato, Ren and Ranmaru have formed a cooking squad
-Only quality foods served in Mankai now
-I’m sorry Matsukawa
-Masumi and Ranmaru vibe over the same music tastes
-Tsuzuru and Reiji are essentially the big brothers of mankai
-Juza and Camus talk over sweet sometimes inviting Natsuki and Hisoka
-Tsumugi and Masato sit around, watering their plants old man style
-Reiji’s lingo gets worse when he meets Kazunari oh god
-Separate them please
-Ai likes going out to the garden and watching all the mankai members do their daily routines as Hisoka naps on his lap
-Tokiya and Kumon are the healthy boys and try to change Itaru, Taichi and Ren’s diets
-Taichi swears that if he has one more energy drink, he’ll be able to reach peak performance
-Syo admires Tasuka for being really strong
-Sakyo’s job is a lot harder since the electricity bills and sweets have gone up
-Misumi, Azuma, Reiji and Tenma have connections with all the elderly women in the area
-Taichi and Syo get along pretty well
-Taichi also would ask Ren for advice with the women
-It doesn’t go well
-Matsukawa and Reiji are living their best life, being bullied
-Otoya and Sakuya having deep talks of their non-existent parents
-All the nappers have designated caretakers, Masumi has Sakuya and Tsuzuru, Hisoka has Homare and Ranmaru has Reiji
-Ai and Misumi can understand Triangles, they are pretty neat
-Ai and Tenma kinda don’t know how the world works but it’s okay
-Reiji becomes the big brother of the kids in Summer troupe
-Tenma gets lost? Time for Reiji to find him idk have Yuki make Tenma a baby leash or something
-Yuki has problems with how he didn’t fit in? Reiji is there to tell him how he felt
-Muku’s anxiety is getting up again? Reiji had to deal with it a lot due to being a child actor, he has some tips and tricks
-Misumi starts missing home? Reiji is there to tell them that it’s okay
-Kazunari doesn’t know what he should do? Reiji is there to help weigh his options
-Kumon starts panicking? It’s okay Reiji has got this
-Reiji is amazing as a big brother
-Youngest In winter being Ai would be so strange to them
-Ai would have to help Tsumugi with technology
-Ai is interested in Homare’s depictions of certain events
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parkersloths · 3 years
Hi ^^
First of all – your Art is INCREDIBLE!!!
I especially love your use of colors and textures :) Everything is so bright and colorful, but still cohesive. And your images are so clear without being overly detailed! It’s all literally perfection!!!
I like to draw digitally as well and your art-style is a huge inspiration for me. So I wanted to ask if you have any work in progress videos or pictures? Or if you could explain your process in general? Like, are you using a sketch layer underneath, with how many layers are you normally working, what kind of brushes do you use or any tips overall to improve digital painting?
Of course you don’t have to answer this (kinda a lot of questions, sorry 😅 ). Just know that I adore your art and that you’re helping me on my own art-journey just by sharing your work with the world – so, thank you!!! <3
Hey!! So first of all thank you so much for everthing you said about my art, I really appreciate it! But also omg thank youuu for this amazing ask like this is for real the kind of ask I've always wanted to get, where a total stranger is interested in my process XD So yeah don't worry about asking a lot of questions, they were great and I loved them!
Also I'm super flattered that my art has inspired you in your own digital art journey and I hope the stuff I say here can also help somewhat! This will get pretty long so sorry in advance everyone for making you scroll so much cause for some reason the read more option doesn't work on mobile :/
But anyway to answer your questions!
Sadly I don't have videos but I do have some pics I'll share. This is actually my second attempt at answering this because before I was going to use some WIP pics of the Majid drawing as example but then I didn't want to because it was in black and white and color is kind of one of the main things I like to emphasize in my art so I wanted to talk about it in the example XD Then I started a couple new drawings and was taking pics of those but I got super artblocked, but luckily I just finished one out of the blue that I can use. Okay so... I started answering this, again, and it was getting way too long and rambly so I'm gonna try to keep it simple this time and maybe I can elaborate more another time if you're still interested/ if anyone else wants know X'D
My process in general: I always start by making a simple basic background to work on, just fill it in and add some blotches of color. Then on a new layer I just start painting the subject, no sketch, so again just laying down some colors (I usually take whatever color in the bg is closest to skin tone and adjust the new color from there) and I just start blocking some shapes in aproximately the right places to start defining where things will be and how they fit together and just go from there. It's hard to explain it more cause that's kinda it, I just paint until things look like they're supposed to or at least visually appealing enough XD I add or adjust whatever colors seem necessary along the way (in this particular drawing I left the darker values until way too late which I don't recommend) and just refine and refine and refine things and add as many or as few details as I feel like, working on everything simmultaneously bit by bit.
Layers: like I mentioned before there's no sketch, and I try to use as few layers as possible so usually I'll have about 3-5. One for the basic background, one to three (though sometimes I merge them) additional layers for more background effects/colors/value fixes that I usually add later in the process, and I try to have just one for the subject. Sometimes I have one or two more if I'm feeling too hesitant but I always merge them in the end.
Brushes: I only use one brush at 50% opacity the whole time for everything. It's a squarish/rectangular brush that has some sort of jagged edges and a bit of a watercolory texture.
Tips: so this part is especially hard cause like.. I feel like any tips I could give are only applicable to drawing portraits and even then it'd be for doing it in the particular way that I prefer.. Like for example I could say it's best to work on every area at the same time and never spend too long one thing before moving on to the next but.. some people actually prefer finishing the eyes completely before moving on to the nose for example you know? So honestly the main thing I'll say is kinda to just experiment with a lot of methods and styles and see what works or doesn't work for you. Something that I think always helped me a lot was watching speedpaints of people who were more skilled than me and had a distinct style, just literally watch how they did their thing and every once in a while I might notice something I'd be interested in trying for myself and yeah with practice and experience you just kinda figure out what kind of things you not only like seeing but actually want in your own art. Like years ago I used to sketch but then I saw enough videos of people painting without sketching that I wanted to try it and I realized it's just more fun and makes more sense to me that way. So yeah try lots of different things and see what works for you and what you want to incorporate into your own art style!
Some more standard digital art tips I could give I guess are like.. the thing I said about not spending too much time on just one area (if it applies to your prefered process XD). Flip the drawing every now and then to catch stuff that's off. Stay zoomed out as much as possible and when you do zoom in for details always keep an eye on how the bigger picture's looking. Take your time finding or arranging a good reference pic that really inspires you cause it'll save you time and frustration later. And aaa idk I could say more but I don't think it's that informative or helpful, and all of this is probably really basic obvious stuff anyway and this is long enough as it is so yeah I'll leave it there...
I hope any of this can help in some way or that I've at least answered your questions in a satisfying enough way haha And finally here are some of the WIP pics I took. Where you can see some parts of the process. I did a lot more after that last pic but yeah at that point it's just about fixing little things, refining and adding details, but there you can see the color adjustment thing I usually do as the very last step (though not for this pic). I don't always have to do it, and there are probably times when I shouldn't, but I almost always like to do it anyway and that's why my colors look so exaggerated and bright XD I usually make the midtones more red and/or magenta, the shadows more blue, and the highlights more yellow (and sometimes a bit cyan) but if you wanna try something like that it's definitely fun to experiment with the different color possibilities ;u;
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And yeah that's it for now! I'm sorry this is so long, and this was the short version lol I hope you like the answers at least a fraction of how much I loved the questions X'D
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ayoalex · 3 years
Why is Team RWBY since the beginning present as a dangerous team?
Ok, before I begin this post I have to warn that:
1- I'm not an expert, this is based on my basic knowledge as someone that used to do martial arts as a kid, play a lot of video games and watch a bunch of anime/cartoon or read manga
2- This is going to be a long post, sorry 😞
3- You are always welcome to discuss in the replies or to correct in whatever I could get wrong, again I'm not an expert so don't be shy to call me out. Btw, English is not my first language so it's possible I could have some grammar mistakes.
4- Do not want to see any type of hate for any character 🤨
5- And last, decided to post this here because I prefer RWBY Tumblr community than Reddit one 💀
Let's begin!
When they present RWBY at the beginning of the project we got a glimpse of what they can do individually in the short films know as Red, White, Black and Yellow as well as some aspects of their character, backstory, etc.
As RWBY continued their journey we could see they seem as a force to be reckoned with when together but seem to be lacking in some aspects when they were alone.
The ones that didn't do better alone was mostly Ruby and Weiss while Blake and Yang seems to be able to hold their own alone (tho Blake seems to be in her flop era in the last volumes 💀).
So, let's talk about them as individual first.
Ruby: we all know her, leader of the team and the youngest of them all.
Ruby do pretty well alone when she's fighting Grimms, specially those that aren't that hard to go against. She's basically a prodigy and for that she got into Beacon earlier (and the fact she has silver eyes 😬).
She's the few people in Remnant that use a scythe as a weapon and she's pretty damn good with it; as told by a lot of character using that weapon is hard af so probs for her to be able to be so fucking smooth and amazing with Crescent Rose.
As told by Ruby herself in V1 while talking with Jaune, she did her weapon and here comes her first problem.
Not practical. Crescent Rose is a bad ass weapon and I absolutely love it but it's heavy and takes a lot to use it. It's a rifle as well so Ruby basically has to be a sniper to be able to go well with it.
It's a weapon that doesn't goes well with a team as can get in the way unless the user becomes a support for the team instead of being at front.
This is basically a metaphor of how Ruby is kinda a lone wolf at the beginning and awkward af with people.
But! She later gives some upgrades to Crescent Rose that helps her change the direction of scythe which give her adaptability! Which is completely important!
Now, if I take Crescent Rose away of Ruby what happens?
She's dead bro
Ruby is useless in close range combat, specifically physically one. We can see that in a lot of moments through the volumes.
She usually use her semblance as an advantage, which with her weapon works perfectly but without it is... Meh. It only helps her to speed up.
In Volume 5 Ozpin calls her out for that and then trains her, we then see Ruby being able to actually block and evade attacks without the use of her semblance... Until Ozpin took control of Oscar 💀
She knows basic stuffs, mostly with her defense but she lacks attack.
We don't actively see an improvement of this part in the future as she's seen to struggle keeping up with Harriet. Tho I'm going to give Ruby the fact that Harriet was being emotional and "aaahhh go crazy go stupid" In there.
Tho, Ruby lacks in this she make up by being a quick thinker and strategic.
She's the one that comes up with the plans and she's fast on her feet as well, she knows how to use her teammates perfectly to the point on coming up with duo attacks for them. She use her creativity to be able to defeat enemies as we can see at the end of V6 against the crazy old lady.
In general Ruby lacks close range fighting skills as well hand to hand combat + she can be really reckless and not actually think stuffs through it at first which can lead to disaster (she's getting better tho!)
Weiss: so... Oh boy, the ice queen comes next.
Her first actual win in a solo combat was Marrow if I remember correctly.
So here's the thing, as a solo fighter Weiss is the weakest link because she relies heavily in her semblance, get her someone that can break her aura fast and that's it, she loses.
But her semblance is really REALLY good.
Like she could stand in one place, do her thing and that's it but there's a thing... Weiss is too logical and sometimes narrow minded, her winning against Marrow was amazing and made me proud because she used EVERYTHING in that damn room to her favor. She was creative!
For her type of semblance that's important!
At the beginning she was too STIFF with her semblance but it got to the point where she has learned to be fast on her feet. Use her semblance in a better, creative way AND be a support in the team.
But now, without her semblance Weiss is a good fighter, being a mix of ballet with fencing/swordplay. Really pretty to see and then take off the damn weapon and she's pretty useless.
See a pattern here? Team Whiterose are completely useless without their weapons and semblance, mmmm
Overall Weiss is a freaking monster thanks to her semblance. She has gotten better to it, to control it and stuff, became more creative and less stiff as well as quick thinker but she needs to get better in hand to hand combat... Please, I'm begging.
Blake: ah yeah, our favorite emo cat girl.
So, Blake is crazy. That's it, that's everything I'm going to say about her.
Ok no, but seriously her fighting style is chef kiss
Blake use of her semblance is amazing, like this girl knows what she's doing when fighting.
Her weapons are great as well, like they are sword, a gun, then that freaking ribbon where she goes all Spiderman with everyone. Amazing!
Tho, she comes with an advantage that no other in her team has.
As explained by different characters in the series, Faunus has physical advantage over humans, not only some of them can see in the dark, but they seem to get some characteristics of the animal they are based off.
A good example is how agile Velvet is thanks to the fact she's a rabbit faunus or the way Sun jumps because of being a monkey faunus.
Blake being a cat faunus gives her ton of advantage, she's stealthy, agile, fast, listen better than the average human, etc
Combine that with her semblance, weapon and fighting style and you have an amazing fighter.
But Blake is reckless and that have cost her in the past. Not only that but while she seems to know only basic stuff in hand to hand combat, relies a lot in her semblance and lately she use her ribbon way too much.
That gives an opportunity to the enemy to take her out easily as we saw in her fight against Vine.
I'm going to say that Blake is generally a good fighter and probably one of the best in Team RWBY in general words but lately she seems to focus a lot in her ribbon which makes her an easy target, idk if this on purpose because Blake have always dislike her semblance or it just they don't know how to make Blake fighting style anymore but it kinda annoys me how she has been reduced to a damsel in distress in some fighting scenes.
Overall Blake is a top notch fighter and her weakness are small details that she slowly overcoming.
Yang: ah yeah, here comes my girl (stupid Tumblr mobile isn't letting me putting her name in yellow 😡)
As you guys know I'm a hoe for this girl so I will try to be objective here.
Yang is the strongest member of the team, not only physically but mentally as well.
So, by far she has my favorite fighting style of all the damn characters, I just love watching Yang fight. I think is because I did martial arts as a kid and then some kick boxing in college so idk.
Listen, this girl is so damn practical, her weapons are absolutely genius.
She's probably the few (maybe only one?) Character that actually took an existing fighting style and did her weapon around it + uses her semblance around it which is practical and smart af
Which comes to one of my favorite things of Yang, how tactical she is. Like Yang is what Ruby could be if it wasn't because of the damn weapon.
Like you guys don't get, Ruby weakness is Yang strength.
Yang since the very beginning showed us how of an amazing fighter she is. You thought Ruby is a prodigy? That Weiss is a monster? Blake is out of this world? Well Yang is fucking God.
Ok ok ok
Yang is emotional tho, which cost her a lot (like A LOT, she lost her arm), in the past she was angry 24/7 (still is but baby got it under control 🥰). People are going to say "well not in v1, 2 and 3!".
I'm sorry but that girl has angry issues and the only moment she gets to be angry is when fighting so yeah, she would angry fight everyone and you know what? She still was an amazing fighter while doing so cuz she would kick everyone ass, being tactical about it, find her opponent weakness and absolutely looking hot while doing so.
Anyway, Yang doesn't have like a huge weakness like Ruby or Weiss, literally are small details. She's pretty much versatile as Ember Celica give her the option of shooting at her opponent. Since the beginning she was pretty much one of the best fighters of all the kids, probably coming second after Phyrra.
Her semblance use is pretty good as well, she seems to have a better grasp of it than some of the other kids and know how to manipulate it without overusing it.
Which btw is what made me have like a huge problem with V4 with the whole Taiyang stuff cuz Yang already knew how to fight like he was telling her, so idk I feel that was an insult to Yang as a character because the reason she lost her arm was because of stress, tired, being in battlefield and hello her partner is in danger.
Now that I finished with them individually we can see that RWBY has 2 support fighters, 1 versatile and the other one a basically upfront fighter. Which comes in handy a lot of fights.
But it isn't this what makes them a formidable team but it's their chemistry.
Since the very beginning we see they do the most important thing in any type of relationship, communication.
As Weiss has her problem with Ruby at the beginning she end up talking with an adult about it and then getting call out for her poor behavior, that makes her change her approach to Ruby but before all that she did communicate Ruby what her problem was with her which made Ruby to talk with Ozpin and change her approach to study and her team as well.
We see that Yang and Blake goes well since the beginning as well, and they communicate a lot better than Ruby and Weiss at the beginning. To the point that we can see it in their teamwork.
When it comes to Weiss racism the rest of the team communicate her to stop it and then you have Blake and Weiss discussion about it where we got a glimpse of Weiss life in Atlas as well the revelation of Blake being a faunus and an ex member of the White Fang. This makes Blake run away which later Weiss criticized while telling her that they should talk first and communicate better.
The priority of RWBY as a team is communication. Ruby communicate her plans to the rest of the teams, Weiss her feelings, Blake her knowledge and Yang... Ok maybe Yang needs to work in this department.
This makes their teamwork really strong and their bond just continues getting deeper.
Add to this the fact they learn to use each other in a better way, as having both Weiss and Ruby as support helps a ton, Blake to distract their opponents and Yang to finish them off.
A good example of this is probably the train part in V6, where Yang fights all of the Grimms closely, Blake tends to fight them at some distance while helping out and Ruby with Weiss combination of support make the job hard for the Grimms.
This is exactly why JOYR had such a problem with a new Grimm, Yang needs someone to catch her back while she finds a way to destroy the Grimm which is usually provided by her teammates meanwhile RWB didn't had the boost of strength that Yang gives them in battle to be able to finish off the Hound.
Even in duos RWBY are a hard opponent to go against, probably the duo that would have a hard time is Freezerburn as we see in V3 and still I think if you put them fight together currently they would be a duo you wouldn't want to cross lol
They shouldn't have a problem with trios either but usually Yang is the strength of the group and basically the tank so is understandable that RWB had a hard time adapting without her there.
There's a part in the book Before the Dawn where Coco talks about RWBY and how they are a really strong team and even say that while JNPR aren't bad, they were basically carrying on with Phyrra since Jaune wasn't the fighter he is today. (Plus other problems that Renora have as fighters but this is something for other day).
RWBY in general has a great communication between the members, a great leadership, strong bonds and amazing fighters. They know how to adapt to each other styles and some members even complement each other (Yang and Blake).
Other thing that should be talk about its how basically Ruby and Weiss are too similar and too different at the same time to the point that they should clash a lot (which they used to do) but thanks to the fact they communicate their teamwork is amazing and in their own way they make it work.
It really helps that Ruby with Weiss can have the luxury to go upfront against an enemy while having Weiss to back her up which is something she can't do with Yang or Blake.
That's mostly because their teamwork is a metaphor of their own relationship as well as Yang and Blake teamwork is a metaphor of their own relationship.
Usually Weiss is the main support of her team since she's a large range fighter thanks to her semblance which is basically what she gives to her teammates outside of the battle.
RWBY basically fight is how they are with each other outside of the battle as we can see in multiple instances.
Yang being the tank and strength in their fighting style is exactly what Yang is to RWB, she's basically the heart and soul of the team and without her a lot of their attacks doesn't have the strength necessary for it to work as well as we can in V8 how long it took to RWB to know what to do while Yang already knew what she had to do with JOYR. She's the action.
While Ruby is the leader and sometimes call the shoot, she guide the girls through battle and help both with support and action. She usually starts the fight as a sniper until she sees an opening to fight up close which is a thing she actually do with her team. She takes a step back before talking with any of them and helps them navigate through situation in their lifes like promising Weiss to being on her side at Atlas to sometimes intervening between Weiss and her family.
Blake in the other hand is more of a wild card, she's usually Yang personal support as their styles complement each other but in most situations she does it on her own, unlike Ruby, Blake usually is more of an upfront fighter and only being support when Yang needs her which is a thing outside of battle. She usually does her own way, and while she support both Weiss and Ruby is with Yang where we see a more intimate support.
This is what makes RWBY dangerous, their bond and chemistry is something they worked hard to have as they started with difficulties, is a thing the 4 of them appreciate and love, it really helps they know how to communicate and do so to be able to have a healthy relationship between each other.
Right now we are finally seeing a lack of communication between RWBY, specially between Yang and Ruby.
As we all know RWBY is a direct parallel of STRQ which means this miscommunication between Yang and Ruby is important for their future as a team. Is implied that they still have each other back but it's necessary for Yang to open up to Ruby about what's going since this could create a breach if not treated.
Conclusion: stan RWBY and stan LOONA 😌
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rotatemp3 · 3 years
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hi!!! i am making this tutorial for the anon who asked me how i coloured this set. so here is a short tutorial on the adjustment layers i used to achieve this look. as you can see, the way i coloured this set is very basic… but i do hope that this will help you colour your own gifs. also, you can download the psd i made here if you would like and apply the colouring to your own gifs/adjust each layer to suit the colours in your original gif. the tutorial is under the read more link. works best on the desktop!!! (idk why it turned out all over the place on mobile)
so before i start the tutorial i am assuming you have already made your gif and ps is open… anyway let’s start!!!
1. as you can see from my gif, the colouring style i use tends to ‘darken’ the colours in the gif. performances tend to have grainy backgrounds so darkening the gifs can make the gifs look cleaner in a way too (apart from using denoise and such). to achieve this, i start with selective colour. this layer can strengthen certain colours that you want in the gif… and can do the opposite as well. it’s hard to explain it in text but once you open the layer you can play around with each of the sliders and you’ll see what i mean. in this set, i used the neutrals and blacks setting to make the darker colours even darker. these are my settings for this gif:
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but play around with it and the other colours!!! trial and error is really the best way to see what each setting does so i recommend you play around with this adjustment layer and see what it does to the colours in your gif. for skin colour, i use the reds and yellows setting too to make the skin stand out. for this gif, i stuck to neutrals and blacks only as each gif i used for my set had different colours and i wanted to make the colouring as cohesive as possible.
2. i darken the gif further by using curves. this layer is good when you want to darken a scene but you can also lighten a scene without making the scene too bright (if that makes sense?). it’s really useful for darker scenes where you want the person to stand out from the background. but for this gif, i used it to darken the colours. these are my settings for this gif:
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if you pull the little square in the middle down, the scene will turn darker. and if you pull the square above the line, it’ll become brighter. also you can make more than one point on the graph.
3. the next layer i use is levels. so like with curves, this can make your gif darker or lighter depending on where you drag the arrow. i wanted to darken the gif so i drag the arrow to the right. these are the settings for my gif:
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the most i really go is 0.95 because i don’t want it too dark.
4. the next layer i use is black and white. it turns the gif black and white… like the title suggests but this layer changes the colour depending on the blending mode you use for your gif. once you choose the blending mode, you change the opacity of the layer to change how intense you want the colours to look. for this gif, i used the soft light and colour burn blending options and changed the opacity for each one. these are the settings for my gif:
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soft light kind of intensifies the colours and darkens the scene. colour burn also darkens the scenes. try our the other blending options too and see how it affects the colours on the gif. you can use lighten or screen to make the gif brighter… increase opacity if you want the effect of the blending option to be greater.
5. the next layer i use is brightness/contrast. this layer basically does just that… it can affect the brightness and the contrast of the scene. i tend to decrease brightness and increase the contrast to make the scene darken and intensity the colours. these are the settings for my gif:
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i am making subtle changes because the gif is already dark. but see how this will look on your gif.
6. the next layer i used is vibrance. this makes the colours more vibrant like the layer title suggests… i slide the arrows to the right to increase the vibrance. these are the settings for my gif:
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if you slide to the left, it’ll give the scene a more desaturated look.
7. the next layer i use is hue/saturation. it gives the colours a more vibrant look. this layer can also make certain colours stand out more than others. these are the settings for my gif:
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it’s only subtle here because the colours are already quite vibrant. but you can adjust it so certain colours look washed out or brighter. use the drop down menu on master to change colours.
8. the next layer i use is exposure. this layer is good for giving the scene a darker overlay. and for giving the scene a kind of a translucent effect. it’s like a little bit of brightness but not really… it makes more sense if you play around with it and see how it affects the scene. these are the settings for my gif:
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so i decrease the offset and increase it… it kind of makes the scene brighter without making it overly brighter.
9. so by the end of it your gif should look something like this with these settings:
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here’s the gif with the original and edited version in one:
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i hope this was easy to follow and that my explanations made some kind of sense… sorry if it doesn’t i’m not really good at wording things. but i hope you understand the general idea of what the adjustment layers do. my advice is to play around with each adjustment layer, including the ones i didn’t mention, and see how it affects your gif. it’s really all about trial and error. performance gifs can be tricky in that the background can be noisy and the colours are all over the place but see how you go with these settings. if you would like a tutorial for a specific performance i have giffed, let me know and i can remake it and give you the settings. (here’s an example of how i coloured the same scene differently:

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versus this:
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you can see the first gif is more blue while the second gif is is darker and the background is now black).
also if you would like the psd for the gif, download it here. please let me know how you go!!! i am sure your gifs will turn out nicely!!! feel free to ask me any questions. and good luck!!!
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queerlymasculine · 3 years
this is a really long post and I have yet to discover a way to put a read-more on posts while on mobile. RIP. I'll tag it as a long post, but that's the best I can do. mobile does have filtering, btw, so you can hide tags and content (including usernames btw) that you don't want to see, so blacklist "long post"
in tonight's edition of "growing up in fundamentalist Christianity was a deeply traumatic experience for me on top of the trauma I was already experiencing at the same time,"
I have realized once again why the way primarily cisgender heterosexual people talk about kink has never vibed with me.
fundamentalist Christianity is all about how pleasure is bad. if you feel pleasure, you are not doing enough. you are not a good person if you are feeling pleasure (or even if you're feeling calm and comfortable). suffering is the point. you should be suffering all the time. you should be uncomfortable. suffering is good. suffering is the right thing to do. if you are struggling and constantly telling yourself you're a bad person and constantly aware that you should be doing more, you're on the right track. but you're never a good person. everyone is fundamentally bad, and the best we can do is work insanely hard to be less-bad.
I'm not kidding. it sounds crazy because it is. it sounds unhealthy because it is.
and that's the narrative people have about submission. maybe suffering isn't the right word because I feel like at least 51% of people in kink understand that if you're playing with any kind of pain, you should be enjoying it at all times. I feel like most people think pain should be a fun time for you if you're going to do it.
maybe sacrifice is the better word. submission seems synonymous with sacrifice. submissives, it seems, give something up, and dominants gain. a submissive lacks, and a dominant has. people talk about it as though that is what submission -- maybe more specifically the type of submission that includes an aspect of service -- entails. that sacrifice is the core of submission.
and honestly I don't fuck with that, given the trauma I experienced. I can see in theory how one might enjoy that, I genuinely do. it's not for me, but that doesn't mean I don't understand what the appeal is.
but I don't fuck with it. I lived with that narrative for years, and it contributed to the other horrible things I was going through, and I'm over it, none for me thanks.
and yet, here I am, in a d/s relationship (intentionally not capitalized because I find the obsession with capitalization exhausting and demeaning), and here I am, with the desire to serve.
it should be noted that this desire to serve is exclusive to my owner and has grown organically in me. I didn't want this before I met hir, and I only want this with hir.
so, how do I make this make sense? how do I align my desire to serve with the fact I refuse to operate under a framework where discomfort, sacrifice, and suffering are expected of me?
because there's no obligation. there are no consequences if I don't want to or am not able to. I will receive the same praise and love, and I will be desired either way. there are no conditions on pleasure. hir pleasure is never more important than mine. pleasure can look different for each of us -- for example, sometimes it's pleasurable to orgasm, sometimes it's pleasurable not to -- but we both deserve and get pleasure from what we do.
when I think about performing acts of service for hir, it's a pleasurable thought and I have every reason to believe the experience in real life would feel the same way. I want to do them because I want to, which seems reductive, I'll grant you that. I want to do them because the idea of doing them brings me pleasure. the fact it will also bring hir pleasure is a beneficial side effect.
(obviously I wouldn't do them if ze didn't want me to. what I'm saying is that I don't feel compelled to do them because I believe I have to in order to please hir.)
i wouldn't want to do these things if I didn't feel safe. my desire to do them is one of the most pure feelings I experience. it's not complicated. I don't feel like I have to. I don't feel like I need to. I don't feel like it will make me a Better Submissive if I do them. I don't think wanting to serve makes me a Better Submissive than people who don't want to. it's just a thing I want to do because it is a way I can express how I feel about hir.
I wouldn't feel this way about someone who wanted me to do it or expected me to. I don't find acts of domestic-flavored service inherently rewarding, most likely because of the way I was raised and the society in which we live. doing these things requires a lot from me, and when it's expected, the emotional payoff is never enough to justify the cost incurred.
ze doesn't expect it. even when I express certain desires, ze never holds me to them, ze never expects me to want to do the same things every time we play. the lack of expectation and concurrent lack of punitive response -- not just lack of discipline play but also that ze never reacts negatively when I express my needs, ze never gets angry or frustrated with me, etc -- makes me feel safe.
ze is a really good person, and I'm not just saying that in the same way that people always say the person they love is a good person. ze is like.......... a really good person. I've only ever met a handful of other people who are good like this. ze is the kind of person who is so good that you kinda can't trust it at first because you're like, "okay nobody is actually that good. nobody is actually that kind and good and patient and smart and loving and genuine."
but like.... ze actually is like that.
and I just, the way I feel about hir, I don't know how to express it in a different way. there aren't other ways to express this facet of it. there certainly aren't words for it. this is the only way that can properly communicate it.
I just want to serve hir because that's the way I feel about hir and because I feel that ze deserves it. I don't think any of the random doms on here deserve it from me because I know I'm better than them. they're not good enough for me.
but ze is good enough for me. that is why ze gets to play under this framework with me. ze is kind and good and loving and gentle and soft, and I deserve that. similarly, I'm kind and gentle and loving and supportive and able to be honest about my needs, and ze deserves a partner and submissive with those qualities.
and I believe ze deserves the kind of devotion I have for hir. I believe ze deserves the way I feel about hir.
so it doesn't feel like a sacrifice. nothing about being hirs feels like I'm giving anything up. I genuinely see everything we do as me getting something. there's no loss or sacrifice at all. other people might look at what we do and view it with that lens, but their interpretation would be wrong.
to me, kink is just an umbrella of different ways to experience pleasure. it's a choose your own adventure thing with a wide range of options. the only two mandatory requirements are enthusiastic consent and safety, both physical and emotional.
kink should just be a nice time that you enjoy with people you like and trust. it shouldn't be boring or a chore. it should be fun and fulfilling. it shouldn't be sacrifice. there shouldn't be a price.
I want to serve because it feels good, that's all. I will only serve when it feels good. that's how it works for me. I might enjoy something right now and do it, but if tomorrow it doesn't feel good, I don't do it tomorrow.
and for me, I don't mess with extra steps. if it doesn't feel uncomplicatedly good, then I'm not going to do it. I don't have anything to prove. if a dominant needs a submissive to Prove™️ they are the dominant's submissive, I am not the partner for them and they are not the dominant for me.
my time is valuable, people. I don't waste it on shit I don't have to. if I choose to share my free time with you, it's because I want to, and I don't respect people who feel entitled to more than what I want to give them.
this is a good example of why I choose to be with my owner -- I have literally said the words "I want you to feel entitled to me" to hir lmao. ze has never acted like ze feels entitled to my time or attention. that tells me ze respects me and that ze believes my time and attention have value because decent people don't just go around expecting valuable things for free.
I know ze respects me. so I want hir to feel entitled to me because I want to be hirs and I want hir to feel that I belong to hir. I want to know ze feels and understands how I feel.
i don't personally see the benefit of living under a narrative of sacrifice. I tried it, and it fucked me up. I work with a narrative of pleasure and wanting to serve my owner is a product of that narrative. it is pleasurable to serve hir. it is exclusively pleasurable. it's healing, too. it is healing to adore someone this way and to be adored in return. it is healing to want to serve someone deserves it and who appreciates the entirety of it. it is healing to be this safe.
idk what the point of this post is, other than lacetop is great and you really can just do the parts of kink that are fun for you and forget the rest.
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
I had two people ask for some advice on starting up/running a blog, so I thought I’d make a little post for anyone else looking for advice! There’s no one right way to run a blog and I am by no means an expert. This is just a compilation of some of the things I’ve learned :) 
Feel free to add advice to this!
- The first thing is something I cannot stress enough. Write for yourself first. You will be absolutely miserable if you’re only writing for attention. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s so incredibly important. If you don’t like a prompt, fandom, or scenario? You don’t have to write for it! A personal example: I’m a theatre kid and total musical nerd. I could probably write some compelling Dear Evan Hansen or Hamilton headcanons if I wanted to, but I don’t. That’s fine! I’m allowed to say I won’t write for it and deny prompts/requests for those fandoms. 
- Set boundaries. This is a very mixed community with all sorts of creators and participants with hands in different baskets. Don’t want minors to interact? Put minors DNI in your bio. SFW only? Put it in the bio. No RP? Bio. This goes for private conversations/askbox/other interactions as well. If someone comes into your askbox/dms and says something that makes you uncomfy, shut it down. 
- My advice is more geared towards writing than art or video, but I suppose you could apply this advice as well. Make what makes you happy! If you’re only in one fandom, feel free to stay there and make content for it. Multi-fandom? Excellent! Completely non-fandom? Epic! Make the content that you want to see and the content that makes you happy to create, especially if you’re in a more niche fandom/area. 
- Organization. ...I’ll admit this one is more of a personal pet peeve than something urgent, but it is something that people positively respond to. If you have some sort of consistency/organization to your blog, it’ll make it easier and more enjoyable for people to navigate. Make a fandom list/indicate your fandoms somehow (mostly for prompt purposes. people can’t read your mind, so it’s important to tell them what you will write for and what you won’t, however you want to do that)! 
Make a masterpost/link your fic tag! Use a fic tag of some kind. Give your fics summaries and leave a little bit of the fic above the ‘read more’ to intrigue folks (look at #my fics and my masterpost for basic examples of how I do this, if you need!). Use read mores. Please use read mores (if you can, idk if they’re on mobile. regardless no one wants to encounter a three thousand word block of text on their dash). (No seriously though, organize your blog, even if it’s super simple. literally just a ‘mine’ or ‘my fics’ or ‘[pseud] writes’ and a fandom tag. It’ll make it easier for people to find your stuff and support you)
- Practice general internetiquette. Please remember that the people in this community are real people with feelings, boundaries, and lives outside of the blog that they run. Be genuine and people will respond to you! Don’t manipulate people into likes/reblogs/attention. No one wants to be on the other end of that. Being in this community isn’t a transaction or a mosh pit, it’s an experience.  
- Be ever-so-liberal with the block button. Someone’s user makes you uncomfortable? They give you bad vibes? They’re a minor/older than you and you don’t want them interacting with your content? You don’t wanna see their blog for some reason? Block em. This goes for anons too. That’s what the button is for. Don’t feel guilty for using it. Use it. 
- How you write is 100% a personal choice and not really something that I can give advice on, but embrace your style! take prompts if you want, or don’t. Write oneshots, series, drabbles, or novels. Write romantic, or don’t. Etc. Change things up if you feel like it. Do what you want. Your blog, your style, your rules. 
- Numbers matter. Don’t let them define you. This is a bit of a harder one to explain, but I will try. I often say that I don’t care about numbers, and I really don’t, but that’s not to say that I don’t see them and they have zero effect on me. I absolutely notice and am bummed if a fic doesn’t get notes, or at least the notes that I was expecting. That is entirely normal and okay to experience. What isn’t okay, though, is creating for the sake of getting notes/numbers/attention (re: write for yourself first, internetiquette). If you find yourself relying on tumblr for gratification and a reward, I implore you to take a break. I’m not your therapist or your parent, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but when you make things only for the sake of notes, people notice. Celebrate your milestones. Know that it’s okay to be bummed about low notes/celebrate getting plenty. Just make sure that you don’t depend on the numbers for your happiness, or you will be miserable.
- You’re (probably) doing this for free. You are providing people content: a service. Produce as much or as little as you’re comfy with, but always remember that. No one is entitled to what you make. If someone asks you for headcanons, sends a prompt when prompts are closed, etc, and you don’t feel like fulfilling it? You have no obligation to do that. Getting commissioned is another story entirely, but as long as you’re making free content, you have zero obligation to do anything for anyone and certainly no time constraints. It can take me months to finish prompts, and that’s okay. I do them when I do them and I fill them how I want to. If my prompts are closed, I deny new ones until I’m ready to accept them. Make yourself happy first.
- How you interact with others is up to you! It’s generally considered good practice to like/reblog your mutuals fics/art, but this is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. I veeeeeery rarely reblog fics for fandoms that I’m not in, even from my mutuals. What you can do to show your support (and you should try and show support somehow. No one is in competition. Everyone’s in your boat, whether they have no followers or 1k) is send an ask/reply to the post/leave tags to let the author know you liked it. Like the fic and don’t reblog it, if you don’t want to. Just make sure you show your mutuals (and others in general!) roughly the same support they show you, however you decide to do that. Treat others how you want to be treated, as cheesy as it sounds :)
- Don’t repost content that isn’t yours without express permission from the original creator, and credit them appropriately. If you see a cute piece of tickle art and the artist doesn’t want it reposted? Don’t repost it. Don’t post fics/videos/gifs that aren’t yours (obviously if it’s like a scene from a movie/a clip on youtube that’s different, but don’t take credit for things you didn’t make, including ideas). Can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have work stolen from you. Don’t be that person. ‘Credit to original artist’ and ‘credit unknown’ is total bullshit btw. Link/tag the creator in the original post and make it clear you don’t own the content. Best practice is to ask the original creator if they’re okay with reposting, work inspired by or connected to theirs, etc. This goes doubly for saving/downloading someone’s fics. 
- It is not illegal for a minor to have normal, nonsexual, healthy friendships with people older than them. There’s a weird attitude that minors have nothing of value to offer adults besides a relationship/sex, which is...not true? Minors are thinking, living human beings with feelings, thoughts, and opinions. You can talk to them like normal people, because they are. Just obviously don’t talk about/introduce sex or endanger them. Minors don’t bring up sex/activities you’re underage for with an adult. IDK this isn’t a seminar just...don’t be weird. Adults can offer great life experience, support systems, and the basic joys and needs of human connection. Minors can too. Mind your business unless someone’s actually in danger. The next point is a caveat, though: 
- If you’re a minor, don’t interact with NSFW blogs/blogs with ‘Minors DNI’, NSFW blogs don’t interact with minors, etc etc. Not your parent or whatever but this is pretty common sense and it’s for everyone’s safety, but especially the NSFW person. internettiquette!
- If you use your TK blog as a side blog (meaning you have another blog as your main blog, not two separate accounts) and don’t want your main exposed, that is up to you. I recommend not liking posts. Also, follow people that you trust. These actions route through your main blog and your main will show up in the notes. You can reblog from a sideblog. If you want to send an ask “as your tk blog”, send an anon and sign it somehow, like ‘hey :) // @/tickle-bugs’. It should tag you in the post so you get a notification when it’s answered!
- Find your people! As an anxious person this one has been hard for me, so I know it’s hard for a lot of people. Fandom is literally a community of shared interest. Peachy and I have an iron bond almost two years later and we met talking over shared interests. You can absolutely find your people here. If someone makes you happy, strike up a conversation! Send an ask! You never know what doors it might open or whose day you might improve :)
- If you were an anon/lurker on someone’s blog and they inspired you to write/submit/start your own, sign your messages!! the common form that I see is either an emoji or [noun/context of the ask]!anon (prodigal!anon (i miss u every day), butterfly!anon, etc.) Let us know how to find and support you!! Those messages produce good brain juice. 
- The big finale: Have fun. If you’re not having fun here, maybe you could tweak something to make things enjoyable. Running a blog is like driving a car. Keep your hands on the wheel, respectfully indicate your intentions (flashing lights optional), and be safe. Poebody’s nerfect, y’know. If you make a mistake, course correct. I’m by no means perfect. Your favs aren’t either. Just do your best and have a good time :)
@rosytickles and the anon in my inbox, I hope this helps! Thank you for asking me, I’m very honored that you value my opinon/experience/advice. I apologize if I come off as preachy or aggressive, I envisioned grabbing my younger self by the lapels and shaking me vigorously while I wrote this. Probably a bad idea. 
Anywho, hope it helps. Anyone with questions, additions, or comments, my askbox is open! Just be constructive, is all I ask. 
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smallblueandloud · 3 years
Just wanted to say that your post about Cinderella opened my eyes. I am, as of today, a new woman. YOU ARE SO RIGHT THANK YOU SO MUCH
AAAH THANK YOU. i’m gonna take this as an opportunity to talk a bit about cinderella as a revolutionary figure because it’s been a shitty few months and i DESERVE this.
the whole idea of “class mobility” in fairy tales comes from stories like hers where if someone is good and kind and strong enough, they can marry royalty and end up with their happily ever after. it’s to the point where this entire genre of stories - both in fairy tales and in more modern stuff - is called cinderella stories.
in into the woods, cinderella is the one who’s allowed class mobility. jack and his mother are rich in act 2 but that doesn’t change their station - they’re still in the same house and their clothes haven’t changed much from act 1. in fact, cinderella’s unique mobility is repeatedly emphasized through the contrasts between cinderella and the baker’s wife, who wants the prince more than anything but suffers negative consequences both times she indulges herself in that dream. cinderella, on the other hand, is literally chased through the woods by her destiny. the play is literally putting up glowing neon signs that read THIS GUY IS A GOOD OPTION! GO GET HIM!
like, class mobility is the endgame for women of her station in this play, which is emphasized by her stepmother and stepsisters. and cinderella is the only one who gets the option! of COURSE being royalty is gonna be better than her current situation! what, is she supposed to say no?
and the genius part is that cinderella has this choice that no one else really has. or, maybe not choice, but OPTIONS. all of the others kind of pursue their wishes blindly without thinking about the consequences or alternatives but cinderella spends the ENTIRETY of act 1 angsting over whether this is the best option for her. she sees that she’s not going to be happy in the palace, that it’s just another way of being trapped, and she’s TERRIFIED of making that choice because she’s going to be stuck in the same situation except it would be her fault.
which! leads! to! on the steps of the palace!! where we see her come to a decision by REMOVING HERSELF FROM THE EQUATION. she gives up her agency (literally: "you know what your decision is / which is not to decide / you'll just give him a clue / for example, a shoe / and then see what he'll do / now it's he and not you / who's stuck with a shoe / in a stew / in the goo") and puts it entirely into the prince’s hands because then if he catches her, at least it isn’t her decision? AND it means he wants her! that’s good, right? she’s honestly not sure but it sure seems like it would be?
(i would just like to remind everyone that cinderella’s initial wish is to go to the festival. she says nothing about the prince. she’s never wanted anything that flashy. she just wants to have the freedom to go out for a night and not have to deal with her stepfamily or her responsibilities. the prince only starts factoring in when he falls in love with her.)
and idk, y’all, i’m just REALLY EMOTIONAL about how it’s cinderella’s class mobility and her ascension to royalty that... it doesn’t change anyone else’s situation, but it DOES give her the agency in act 2 that she desires, and eventually gives her the ability to go live with the other characters at the end of the musical. she’s the first one to recognize that she’s unhappy in this dream life she’s living, and the one who comforts the others when they have the same revelation. she’s even the one who gets to have CLOSURE, more than anyone else, when she confronts the prince! she’s the one who’s still wishing at the end, because it’s HER wish that it’s the most iconic and it’s HER who recognizes the lesson that Nothing Is Perfect Forever After before anyone else!!
she’s not perfect! she has to stop herself from strangling her stepsisters in the prologue and she lies, excessively, and she ignores the baker’s wife because she thinks she’s rude and YET she is the kind person in the story she is the compassionate person in the story she’s the one who wants to hold a festival for the kingdom at the beginning of act 1 because they’re FUN.
and i’m just?? in other pieces of media, she’s EVEN MORE of a revolutionary figure? in the lunar chronicles she’s a greasy cyborg mechanic from new beijing who, through her initial connection with the prince, is elevated to this position of Leader Of The Rebellion Against The Evil Magic Empress Of The Moon largely against her will?? i’m obsessed with leaders who never wanted to lead and this is SUCH a good way of adapting the idea that cinderella might not have wanted to be queen.
and then you get to the killers’ dustland fairytale and i start CRYING. the chorus came for me personally:
"Saw Cinderella in a party dress but She was looking for a night gown I saw the devil wrapping up his hands He's getting ready for the show down I saw the minute that I turn away I got my money on a pond tonight"
she’s looking for normal clothes?? she’s looking for a normal life??? she SEES that something’s about to go down and she’s TRYING TO GET OUT OF THE WAY but she’s stuck in this endless cycle of being swept up in the ~romance~ of this guy she’s never met following her, and being stuck in a royal marriage she never asked for, and it’s her success that opens the door for all the OTHER cinderellas out there, be they hillary duff’s version or the real life grace kelly.
"Now Cinderella don't you go to sleep It's such a bitter form of refuge Now don't you know the kingdoms under siege And everybody needs you Is there still magic in the midnight sun Or did you leave it back in sixty-one In the of the cadence in the young mans eyes And were the dreams roll high"
anyway i’m obsessed with cinderella and how she knows she SHOULD want this world-ending romance and yet she isn’t sure she DOES and her happy ending is, ultimately, living with her friends and her birds and baking bread in the mornings. i love seeing her as a real person and into the woods really scratches that itch for me.
and also she’s aroace.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Part 1: Church (smut)
Member: pilot juyeon without the strikeout :D
Genre: holy water smut idk pls send help
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“I'll make you feel like never before”
“so what did happen after you got back to your place with your secret admirer?” sunwoo side-eyed you, trying his best not to completely turn his attention from the road to you. 
hyunjun was leaning forwards and sticking his head between you and sunwoo, arms resting on the top of the seats. 
“uh,” you fumble through your bag, pretending to make sure all the necessary items you needed were in it. “nothing... much.”
there was absolutely no way you could’ve told sunwoo or hyunjun what you were like when you were drunk and in the mood to play games with a stranger. 
it didn’t matter if you’ve been friends for so long; you knew they wouldn’t shut up about it once they knew. 
“‘nothing much’?” hyunjun scoffs, noticing the flush that was appearing on your cheeks. “what, did you two sit around and watch a movie while you retched? because i’m pretty sure you had a truckload of vodka.”
sunwoo snorted and pressed his foot against the accelerator when the green light appeared. 
“we just... hooked up, that’s all.”
hyunjun raises a skeptical brow at you, squinting his eyes as you struggle not to look at him. “hooked up or hooked up and smashed?”
“why does it even matte-- shouldn’t you be strapped to your seat?” you turn around and start whacking him on his head. “sunwoo literally just learnt how to drive. how are you so calm with sitting in his car without a seat belt?”
sunwoo opened his mouth in exaggerated shock, quickly glancing at you while you were shoving hyun jun back into the back seat by his head. “hey! i could’ve declined your request to drive you to the airport!”
“my request? you were the one who said you’d drive me without even giving me an option,” you turn back to face the front, glaring at him while you said it. 
“‘you were the one who said you’d drive m--’ ow!” he winced when you punch him in the arm. 
the scent of the airport wafts through your nose the way waffles would smell to anybody else. travelling has always been something you enjoyed, and now that you were finally going overseas for a job opportunity, it made the wait and the effort all the more worthwhile. 
hyunjun helps pull your luggage and sunwoo becomes your mobile clothes hanger while he carries your coat and you triple check to make sure you’ve got everything you need for the next year in new york. 
you reach the departure hall, and the familiar sight of the immigration officers at the gantry checking the passports of other passengers was so comforting. but you turn around, only to see hyunjun giving you a little pout and sunwoo looking away, trying not to become emotional. 
“i’ll be back in a flash,” you whisper, pulling hyunjun into a tight hug. the ankle boots you were wearing boosts you up about two inches, so you were able to wrap your arms around his neck without much effort. 
“call us when you touchdown, okay? no matter the time,” he instructs, pulling you away from him and ruffling your hair. you nod and give him a bro-fist, turning to sunwoo, the man who has an ego the size of a horse. 
“aw, come on~ don’t cry...” you tease loudly, grabbing his arm and shaking it like you were trying to wake him up.
“ah, ah, okay, okay, stop it,” he waves his hand infront of you before raising his arm. you shove yourself into his chest and tighten your wrap around his torso. “don’t come back with a baby, please.”
“i’m there for work, not to fuck around,” you snort and remove yourself from his warmth. he hands you your coat and you wrap your fingers around the hard plastic handle of your big, bulky luggage. passport in hand and constantly looking your shoulder back at them, you let the immigration officer check your identification in your passport and he lets you through. 
“bye!” you mouth to the two of them once you were in the hall, aggressively waving while they try to wave you off. you give them one last smile and turn, dragging your heavy luggage behind you while you walked to the designated gated. 
you look out the glass windows on the other side of the departure hall and the lights from all the planes outside looked like stars hanging too low from the night sky. the airport was one of your favourite places to be because there was never a moment this place was asleep. there was always a flight somewhere, and there were always people waiting around. 
just knowing that mankind had come so far to let ourselves travel the world to the most magnificent views of the world was just so endearing to believe. 
it was a little difficult to believe you were going to new york yourself, to be part of a production company that you’ve been working so hard and long for. 
you were about to shove your earpieces into your ear canals when your train of self-reflection broke off due to a conversation you overheard.
but it wasn’t the content of what they were talking about. 
it was someone’s voice. 
you look up, only to see a group of air stewards and stewardesses dragging their small luggage behind them, all fit in their uniforms. 
then you eyes catch sight of the lone pilot amongst them. 
you would’ve tripped over something if you didn’t abruptly stop in your tracks. 
“ah, he’s here already?” 
“yeah, he said he was sending off a family member here anyway.”
you could feel your throat drying up like the sahara desert as they walk past you, a safe distance away. 
it was him.
the stranger who...
you deemed a worthy opponent...
in bed. 
he’s a pilot?!
you suck in a deep breath and proceed to stick your earpiece into your ears, trying to mount your attention to your phone and your music of choice while you awkwardly trail behind the group of them. 
but you couldn’t handle walking behind them like this, not when you just had a one-night stand with the pilot. what were the odds of even running into him for the second time in less than 24 hours?
you break away from your path and head for the nearest cafe, grabbing yourself a cup of coffee to keep you awake on first few hours of the flight.
that was what sunwoo told you to do anyway, to help you adjust to the time difference and prevent jet-lag. 
you find yourself seated in the lounge meant for the business class ticket holders, and there weren’t many passengers around. most of them were in suits and blazers, not to mention caucasian. it made you feel a little out of place, your white turtle neck and jeans with the coat draped over your forearm made you look like you were going on a holiday. 
the coffee finishes in your stomach, and the book you were reading becomes a little boring when the idea of going to new york was becoming nothing short of reality. you tilt your chin to the ceiling and let your neck ache from the constant looking down, and your attention naturally gravitates to the movement in the lounge. 
a stewardess had just come out from one of the lounge rooms to talk to the officer manning the gate for the business class, and you realise she was one of the stewardesses in the group you saw before. 
you frown to yourself, shaking the ignorant, unrealistic thoughts out of your head as you try to continue your book. 
but the coffee rushes through your digestive system a little too quickly and you pull out the earpiece, grabbing all your belongings and searching for an empty private room where you could leave your things before running off to look for a bathroom. 
the hallways look a little like hotel rooms and the smell of diffused aromas were slowly getting to you. you turn around the corner, eyes digging into the words of your book with your hands full. 
you step on someone’s shoe, and your left shoulder rams into someone’s arm, the impact causing you to drop the book on the floor. 
“oh, sorry! my apologies, miss.” 
you took a step back, feeling a little sorry about being so engrossed in your book. “oh, crap-- no, i wasn’t--”
your entire body turns to stone as you immediately register the face in front of you. the book was held out to you, your hands balled into tight fists and you could feel all the blood rush from all over your body to your face. 
it takes him a second to realise who he’s bumped into, and a look of pleasant surprise pulls a smile across his lips. 
what the hell is he doing in here?
“are... you here for a flight?” the book was still held out for you, and he raises a brow in curiosity. you swallow in attempt to dampen your dry, hoarse throat at the sight of him. he was in the pilot’s uniform: navy blue blazer, tie and white dress shirt. all he was missing was the cap.
“are you alright?” 
his small laughter pulls you away from your thoughts, and you realise you had been scanning him from head to toe. he traps the book between the side of his chest and elbow, eyes never leaving yours. he reaches out to your passport that was messily stuck in the pocket of your coat, careful not to fold or tear any of the small documents stuck in its pages. 
he flips it open and his eyes widen ever so slightly when he checks your boarding pass, and he looks up through his lashes at you with a look of satisfaction plastered on his face.
oh, no.
“nice to know that i’ll be your captain for the next 16 hours or so,” he neatly stacks your ticket and boarding pass back into your passport, gently placing it back into the pocket where he took it from. “well, the flight’s about 14 and a half hours so, give and take.”
it was so difficult to believe that the man who completely ruined you last night, and beat you at your own game, was standing right in front of you. nicely fitted into a professional uniform, and you were going to be on the same flight as him for the next 16 hours?!
he removes the book from under his arm and waves it next to his head, already used to you standing there like a statue for the last few minutes or so. 
“do you still want this book? or am i going to need to keep it until you’re done being an iceberg?”
your mind yanks you back to the previous night, when he asked you different questions in the exact same tone. 
“can i have their permission to bring you elsewhere? or are they responsible for sending you home safely?”
“you don’t happen to still be thinking about last night, are you?” your vision comes back into focus and the smaller gap between the two of you was now apparent. your pupils flit around him, noticing that there was nobody down the hall, because everybody was in the waiting area, too busy working on their laptops and ipads to even think of coming to the private rooms.
the hell does he mean ‘still’? how does one forget such a night so easily?
“judging by the lack of vocabulary you have right now, i guess you are.”
you blink in embarrassment, gulping and looking away in hopes that the dimmer lighting the hallway had to offer was going to mask your reddening, burning face. 
he straightens himself, hand still holding onto your book. 
this could not get any worse.
“well,” your urge to pee has long gone, and you were already turning on your heels to back away from him. “i’m gonna go and--”
“whoa, whoa, wait,” he grabs you by the arm, and he gently tugs you back towards him. “so, are you?”
his face was so disgustingly innocent, you wish you had your book to whack him across his face.
but that wasn’t you, that was you when you’re drunk. 
it was difficult to come to terms with how different you were with a little alcohol confidence, but you’ve learnt to live with it once you realised you were your own champion.
that is, until this guy came along.
“you’re awfully quiet right now, don’t you think?” he looks up above you where a digital clock was hung. watching only his eyes shift but his entire body doesn’t sends a dangerous signal to your head. “especially with whatever you were saying last night.”
your heart was about to rip itself out of its cage and you purse your lips, trying to writhe out of his grip. but his hold reminds you of him yanking you to the edge of your bed by the ankles, and you mentally berate yourself for even thinking about it in this moment. 
he holds the book with only his thumb and index finger, the rest of his hands looking for the handle of the nearest private room and pushing it open. 
your eyes widen when the realisation hits you in the gut, and before you knew it, the door swings shut behind your luggage. he locks the door and pries your fingers off the luggage handle. pushing it into the corner of the room by the sofa, he places the book down on the cushion with caution. 
“if it makes you feel any better,” 
his large strides make it easy for him to reach your feet in just a few steps. you grit your teeth and feel your rear hit the small dressing table in the room. the lights lining the mirror were the only source of illumination, and since it was coming from behind you, it did nothing but highlight all his features. he cages you with both his hands gripping onto the edge of the table, and your constant shifting back into the furniture pushes it further into the wall as if it wasn’t already placed against it. 
“i can’t stop thinking about it either.”
his leans forward and presses his lips into yours, the taste of him dangerously intoxicating. your eyes flutter shut, the kiss sends chills down your spine and into your fingertips.
the previous night, you could taste the alcohol he had been drinking, not to mention the vodka that you were mercilessly pouring down your own throat.
but now all you were tasting was the fresh mint of what smelled like toothpaste. 
his hands travel up to your waist and he hoists you upwards, high enough for him to place you on the table. he pushes your legs open by your knees before resting his palms on your thighs. 
the surface of the table wasn’t very wide, so it was easy for you to feel the material of his blazer brushing across your inner thighs. your hands were gripping onto his forearms, his warm hands pressing on the material of your pants while you enjoy the taste of mint lingering on his tongue. 
he breaks the kiss and huffs, licking his lips and offering you a laugh through a smirk. “you really took me by surprise when you didn’t say anything outside,” he grabs your hands and rest them on his belt, the bold move struggles to anchor itself into your logic. “for a moment, i thought you were a twin sister or something.”
he dips his nose into your neck and to your ‘unfortunate’ dismay, he remembers your sweet spot. your eyes seal shut and a gasp gets sucked down your throat, but the sound was so sharp and apparent, even you felt awkward.
his palm flies up to your face and covers your mouth, turning your head so you were looking at him dead in the eye.
“there are no cameras but this room isn’t soundproof.”
his voice was so lustfully low, you hated how needy you were getting, even in the fucking airport.
“so do me a favour and try not to make a sound.”
his hand slowly leaves your lips and your blood starts to rush south when he starts fiddling with the button on your pants. 
burying his lips between yours again, your fingers instinctively start to undo his belt, the cold metal sending little shocks through your hands. 
he aggressively pulls your pants off from under you, and he pulls it over your boots so that they were now on the floor in a crumpled mess.
the amber lighting of the room paired with the diffused scent of wormwood was only alleviating every sense in you. goosebumps erupt all over your legs upon the contact with the cool air. 
you undo the button on his pants and the zipper slips down easily with the growing bulge under his boxers. he pulls away and snakes his left arm around your waist in attempt you pull you nearer to him, and your hands push down the material of his underwear to free his length. you attach your eyes to his as your hands now pressed flat against the back of his neck, begging him to kiss you again. 
he complies, tasting the remnants of the coffee you previously drank. you feel his fingers push your underwear aside and your wetness gets exposed to the cold air, sending shivers up through your gut. 
he breaks the kiss for a moment to wrap your legs around his waist and over his long blazer. lining himself with your entrance, he lets you swallow him inch by inch. 
a strained moan slips out through your lips, and he decides to tame it by wrapping his fingers around your throat. he doesn’t apply much pressure, but you know it’s a reminder for what he told you before. 
his lips find your sweet spot on your neck again as he picks up the pace. every thrust was so well controlled that the table doesn’t ram itself against the wall. the only sounds that were audible were the soft grunts in the back of his throat and the light mewls that were spilling out your mouth. 
your hands grip onto the edge of the table, and you feel them start to whiten with the strength you were investing. his pelvic bone begins hitting your sensitive nub, and you harshly bite on your bottom lip to prevent any lewd sounds from spewing out. 
the wrap on your neck starts to tighten against your skin, and for a moment you felt as high as you did last night. 
this man was making you feel drunk even when you were not.
the heavy breaths that were escaping through his lips were landing on your neck where his fingers didn’t cover, and he starts hitting you in places inside your core that you didn’t feel before. 
you could tell he was worried he was choking you, for his grip loosened and the palm of his free hand flattens itself against the curvature of your hip. 
continuous thrusts and bucks of his hips against yours was producing a heat that was beginning to fog up the mirror behind you. you could feel your fingertips getting numb from holding onto the edge of the table so violently, and the tingling sensation in your heat comes back in less than 24 hours. 
“oh, shit--” the words were hoarse and comes out almost like a whisper, your eyes rolling so far back into your head your vision flashed white. 
he provides you a few more thrusts to let you reach your high, his lips finding yours just before you could let your orgasm expose itself through your lips. 
without breaking the kiss, you feel him empty your entrance and he shoots his load onto your legs like the previous night. 
the kisses were sloppy and slightly exhausted, your chests were heaving up and down with ecstacy and satisfaction, but it doesn’t last very long when he pulls away and your eyes begin to focus on the blazer he still had on.
the uniform he had on while he was fucking you in a private room of a business lounge in the airport. 
he gulps, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down under his skin on his throat, and you lean your head back towards the mirror. he pulls out a drawer next to your legs (that were now dangling limply) at the edge by the table, and he finds an elegant, silver box with little napkins in them. 
the airport logo was printed on it, and you couldn’t help but marvel at yourself and how huge of a whore he’s made you. 
without a word, he cleans you before he cleaned himself, and within minutes that you felt like seconds, he was already patting down the creases of his pants and blazer. looking at the mirror behind you, he fixes his hair and straightens his tie, eyes travelling to you, who you know looked utterly ruined, even without seeing yourself in the mirror. 
a smirk appears on his lips, but it suddenly -- abruptly -- turns into a service smile. 
his ability to switch back and forth was nothing less than demonic.
“later when you reach the gate, tell her you know the captain.”
you scoff, wearily rolling your head against the mirror and shaking it against the ceiling.
“and how the hell will she know i’m not just messing with her?” you eye him with tired eyes, watching him gently tug on his collar around his neck. 
“because i know yours now, y/n.”
Part 3: No Mercy
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
hi um tbhk headcanons would be very much appreciated 🥺
omg i just saw this ask ik u must’ve sent it forever ago i’m so sorry😭 either way YES!! okay let’s get into it LMAO [also sorry this is so long 😭 i’m doing this on mobile an idk how to add a keep reading option :( ]
-oh my god this boy is such a ler
-he absolutely LOVES tickling ppl but especially nene
-he’s such an ass when it comes to teases, it’s literally his favorite thing in the world
-he adores giving those baby teases like “coochie coochie coo!” and playing tickle monster
-definitely uses tickling to annoy his friends and loves seeing them go hysterical under his fingers
-loves pinning his lee so he can give teasy, gentle tickles to rile them up
-then dives in the for the kill hehe
-but all in all, this boy is an incredible ler and can get anyone (but ESPECIALLY nene) to go hysterical in no time
-despite his amazing tickling ability., this boy can’t help the fact he’s pretty damn ticklish
-he’s not the worst amongst the group, but he’s pretty bad
-definitely requires being pinned down, cause if you don’t he WILL tickle back as soon as he can
-but, if you’re able to pin him, that boy will be a screaming mess in no time
-kicks and thrashes, but ultimately is having a good time
-absolutely loves teasing his ler into tickling him more
-“oh is that all you got? this is nothiHIHING!-“
-worst spots are his neck, armpits, and ribs!
-this poor girl can’t tickle to save her life
-she wants to, she REALLY wants to
-but she always ends up getting too flustered and isn’t able to do it great
-if someone were to pin her lee down for her, she’d definitely have an easier time tickling
-but ultimately will just get flustered by touching someone so much lmao
-she did tickle kou once really well, and refuses to let him live it down
-so ticklish
-just. so so fucking ticklish, this poor cute lil baby :(
-shes the type to freeze up as soon as her ler tickles her, so she’s basically just imobile while being tickled
-gets tickled by hanako ALL. THE. TIME.
-he just loves her squeals and giggles
-she can’t handle being teased whatsoever
-it just makes her tickling 10x worse
-worst spots are her feet, hips, belly, and ears!
-(if you tickle her ears lightly, she’ll probably start crying ngl)
-very competitive when it comes to tickling
-uses tickling as a form of interrogation (but also bc he loves tickling ppl shhh)
-will tickle hanako when he gets annoyed with him which is pretty often
-absolutely loves tickling mitsuba idc
-is usually rougher with tickles, as when he’s tickling it’s usually for answers or his own benefit lol
-doesnt tease as much as hanako but still teases
-“oh i found your weak spot, didnt i?~ maybe if i just stay here you’ll tell me where you hid my phone!~”
-loves pinning mitsuba down on the couch and just going to town on him
-loves the fight mitsuba always puts up, it’s just more fun to pin him like that
-he may be a good ler, but this boy is a lee at heart
-really ticklish, but gets extremely embarrassed if asked about it
-it’s rare that his laughs get too loud cause he just giggles so fckin much
-srsly, if u raspberry this boys tmg he will have a seizure bruh (not fr obvs but he WILL spazz out)
-digging into his hips is really the only way to get him to scream laughing, as it’s his absolute worst spot
-definitely begs while being tickled
-worst spots are his hips, armpits, ribs and thighs!
-a mean ler
-loves tickling kou so much, especially since he knows he’ll just get the worst best revenge in return
-teasy little bastard
-“cant handle it, huh?~ such a babyish quality to be so ticklish!”
-shows absolutely no mercy, literally Does Not Care LMAO
-the only way to get him to stop is to tickle him back tbh, cause then you’ll just tire him out
-but if you can’t do that? he’ll literally tickle his lee til they pass out if he has to
-kou loves him but when mitsuba gets in tickly moods he could just abt kill him
-cause mitsuba just won’t stop
-no matter what kou is doing he’s gonna find a way to tickle him somehow
-just loves tickle fighting in general, cause he doesn’t want to be the only one being tickled 👀
-biggest lee ever don’t fight me on this
-and despite loving being tickled so much, he literally REFUSES to admit that he’s ticklish
-he just bugs and tickles kou into tickles instead of asking for it, cause in his words
-“why would i ask for tickles if i can’t even feel them? idiot.”
-is the loudest fucking cackler in the world omg
-kou has to be mindful not to tickle him when others are asleep cause if he does, mitsubas laugh will 100% wake them up
-if u dip or scratch ur finger around his belly button, that boy will go FERAL
-he can’t handle any kinds of tickles tbh, he’s just that bad
-his tummy is definitely his worst spot but he’s honestly just a walking tickle spot
-tries to fight his ler without actually fighting them off (if that makes sense)
-basically he wants to be tickled and Does Not want it to stop
-but he’s too embarrassed to let his ler (kou lmao) know that, so he pretends to put up a fight and lose
-worst spots are his feet, tummy, thighs, and hips
alright that’s all i have to offer tonight!! thank you for asking i rlly wanted to talk abt these bbys 🥺🥺
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boomerang109 · 3 years
If it isn't impertinent to ask, how did you know you were non-binanry? Have you struggled with family or have they been accepting?
as long as you’re asking respectfully and because you’re actually curious, i’m happy to answer questions about any aspect of my identity. (that’s my way of saying you’re not being impertinent at all and everyone should feel free to drop into my inbox whenever they’d like)
also, warning for a long post cause i’m a wordy bitch who doesn’t know how to add a read more on mobile
so my experience is pretty much directly transposed onto aang in chapter 8 of wwda so if you’re asking about my actual thought process, you can kinda visit there. (and it occurred to me later that suki being aang’s first place of comfort could possibly fall into the ‘cis-savior trope,’ but that wasn’t my intention and simply was a reflection of the friend who most helped me with my gender crisis).
i had always known people used they/them pronouns, but i don’t think it was until i was regularly talking to friends who used those pronouns that my brain really comprehended those were an option. and i kinda was there like damn they’re so lucky they have the coolest pronouns and at some point it occurred to me that being jealous of someone’s pronouns probably wasn’t normal. and it’s definitely weird cause I’ve always personally felt that vibe of not being feminine enough OR masculine enough (not being a girly-girl or a tomboy as a kid), but i know as a kid i identified that ‘feeling like i didn’t fit in’ emotion as a sort of ‘girl power’ thing, like “I can wear dresses AND have swords!” (which i still do both, but now i know any gender can do this) whereas now i see it as being not a girl, but who knows. gender is such a social concept, i’m constantly like 🧐 what’s my gender? idfk. but another thing that did help me figure out my identity was my dysphoria (which not everybody experiences!!). i’d always thought it was an ace thing that i hated my chest, cause i didn’t understand why it was sexualized and whatnot. (but now i bind and just !!!! everytime makes me so happy, even though i rarely can cause my lungs are SHIT) but, i think most people are like connected to their bodies? and i very much just am not. that’s part of why it was so easy for me to ignore my identity cause i can put on clothes i HATE and i’ll only think about it if it’s actively uncomfortable or there’s a mirror. otherwise, i am just not aware of my body. i went most of middle school and high school not looking in the mirror and i used to say ‘what i look like is other people’s problem, not mine’ cause y’all have to look at me, i don’t. but i’m just good at ignoring things in general, from gender to sexuality to neurodivergence, i’m so busy pretending to be what i think everybody wants me to be, that i barely know who i am. also for a long time i felt really bad cause i thought i was lowkey transphobic cause i internally would invalidate non-binary identities (but out loud was always very supportive and would be mentally berating myself for being a fake ally) and uhhh. i know am aware that the only things i was transphobic about were the exact things that apply to me, so uhh. that’s just some internalized shit. also my name irl is technically gender neutral and i think i’m much closer to dressing neutral/masculine now, but people still completely identify me as female which kinda sucks. but also I’ve been performing as female for my fam so it kinda works. idk it’s all weird ngl. but the actual answer to your question was i realized it when i was ‘jealous’ of other people’s pronouns (which actually one of my friends did the same thing where they said like ‘oh you’re so lucky you get to be non-binary’ and the person they said that to had to be like, ‘if you want to be non-binary then that probably means you are’ and my friend was like 👀)
family is an interesting question cause i’m not out to them. but i also have my pronouns (they/them) in my Instagram bio and 4 of my 5 siblings are on Instagram, as well as my dad. i don’t think they’ve noticed yet. i’m very lucky in that i know my family would never kick me out or anything drastic (although i did realize that i have a piece of my bank account mentally stored for ‘if i get kicked out and need to figure shit out by myself’ which was just a strange realization) but right when i was considering coming out to my dad, he decided to make jokes about how weird they/them pronouns were. (he saw i was uncomfortable and reminded me, ‘oh, but you know i always support you’ but, i had really bad experiences with both my parents the first times i came out to them as bi and/or ace (even though they both meant well) so it’s just not something i’m looking to repeat). my mom honestly should have figured it out cause i told her about it one day when i was questioning and then refused to talk about it once i realized i was non-binary (i don’t trust her to keep a secret) but instead she just keeps teasing me for being like my one sister whenever i mention shopping for boys clothes. and since that sister was the one who ignored me for most of her teenage years, i don’t really appreciate the comparison. (also i realized that my entire fucking childhood she always always told me how grateful she was that i was a girl cause she’d always wanted a daughter. and without realizing it i think i internalized that and was like ‘yes i’ll make sure to be a daughter for sure’ even though i don’t think i am one)
and so, that was a very long way of saying, it’ll be a big blow up when i come out to my fam so i’m avoiding it (even though that means getting misgendered allll summer) as long as i can, but i do know it’ll be okay cause my family always means well underneath all the bs
but i have had a really positive time with my friends. it’s hard at university cause people will still call me she/her and i don’t have the courage to correct them, but my two friends both use she/they so they’re obviously good about it. and i got one of my friends at home to tell a bunch of my high school teachers for me cause she was emailing them and mentioned me and i was kinda like ‘hey one less coming out for me’ which was nice. and i told two other friends right before i left and they literally clapped (which i felt like was a very awkward reaction ngl, but it was nice). and one of those two kept accidentally calling me she, but would apologize when i corrected her. also i think that friend might be using she/they pronouns now too, so idk if that’s another example of me transing my friends’ genders (as i did to clara😉) or just the fact that queers find each other
i don’t know if you wanted this much detail, but i’m not really one for being concise lmao. if you were asking just out of curiosity i think i probably fulfilled that, but if you’re questioning or anything (or just curious, that’s cool too), feel free to ask more questions. i cant promise i’ll answer as quickly as i did this (cause i’m about to go pack b/c tmrw we’re going to visit my sister and her baby ☺️ so i’ll be busy prolly) but i’ll answer eventually
i hope this was helpful and/or enjoyable? if anyone actually read all of it ahdhdjsk
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