#i was going to include kiara x sarah cameron from outer banks but there are no gifs for them apparently?!?
fairydvsts-blog · 11 months
𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
"i love you" in Taylor Swift's lyrics masterlist
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summary; as the summer reaches its end, so does your summer fling with Rafe, however, you have realised that you love him and now you refuse to let him go
warnings; mostly fluff, some angst, Rafe being an asshole at the beginning, a lot of swearing and slight mentions of sex
a/n; english isn't my first language, so you might find some mistakes; I'm open to constructive criticism. Enjoy!
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You were drunk, totally wasted. That night, Sarah had invited you to a party at John B's house and it was full of people. Obviously, most of them were pogues, excluding a few kooks that must have crushed the party, however, none of those kooks was the one that you couldn't stop thinking about.
Rafe Cameron
You met Rafe at the start of summer vacation, when you moved to the house next to his and became a good friend of his sister. The first impression you had of him was nefarious, your initial thought being: "God, this guy is a jerk", and yet, you couldn't help but feel attracted to him because of his charisma and good looks.
You tried to keep your distance, though, since you didn't want a guy like him hurting your feelings. He was selfish, self-centered and cocky; that type of guy that would send you to therapy sooner rather than later. But one evening, you two ran into each other at the beach, bought a few beers at some vending machine to drink together and ended up kissing
You didn't realise at the moment, but it took just one kiss for you to fall for him.
And every night after that little rendezvous, you would snuck through the garden gate that divided his backyard from yours just to meet with him in secret. That's how you fell in love with him. You fell in love with that one guy that could tear your heart apart in the blink of an eye.
That was the thrill of loving Rafe, though, one moment you were up, the next moment you were down. Sometimes it hurt, but most of all it was exciting.
Your relationship was down that night, because he had stood you up to go out with another girl. And the worst part was not having the right to be mad at him, since you two weren't exclusive; he made sure to remind you of that at every chance he got, so you had drunk more that you should have to forget about him. You were failing your mission, though, because you couldn't stop checking your social media, waiting for him to post something, anything really, that would calm your anxiety; you just wanted to know if he was fucking her or not.
You refreshed his instagram profile one last time and the pink circle that notified that he had posted a new story came up on screen. Without giving it a second thought, you opened it and you heart sank when you saw the guy you loved kissing another girl.
You downed your cup of whisky in just one sip, before getting up from the log you had been sitting on, and walked towards Sarah, who was dancing with Kiara next to the bonfire to join them. Before you met Rafe, you had never cried over a guy, let alone been depressed at a party because of one —and that wouldn't be the first time you did it. You wanted to have fun; the summer was ending and you would have to return to New York soon, you couldn't let him ruin your last days in Outer Banks.
Sarah and Kiara welcomed you with a big smile and included you in their dance circle. The three of your moved to the beat of music, rubbing your bodies together and drawning everyone's attention, especially from the opposite sex.
Not long afterwards, you started dancing with a cute guy that had approached you, offering you a drink. You had seen him a few times at the Cut when you were visiting the pogues and he seemed nice, so you accepted the drink and agreed to dance a few songs with him.
The dance soon turned into a proper make out session in the middle of the crowd. You didn't even like him that way —'cause he wasn't Rafe—, but you were on the rebound, so you took what you could get. You heard your friends cheering you, oblivious to the emotional roller coaster you were going through; you hadn't told them about your relationship with Sarah's brother, so they didn't suspect you were acting like that because you were heartbroken. You wanted to keep it that way, though.
After you let go of the guy —whose name you did not know— a drunk Sarah approached you while laughing. She just showed you her phone screen, where a picture of you kissing that stranger could be seen.
"Look! You are so cute together!" she said.
You laughed too and then, out of the blue, you had a brilliant idea.
"That's a cool pic. Post it, babe."
It really was a cool photo, but that was not why you wanted her to post it on her instagram stories. You wanted Rafe to see it. You wanted to make him jealous. And it worked. Only five minutes later, he was blowing up your phone with texts, voice mails and calls. You answered one of them with a smile on your face just to tease him a little, but he wouldn't give you the opportunity to do so.
"Where are you? l'm coming for you," he told you immediately.
"What? No. l'm having fun with my friends. Leave me alone, jerk," you answered, walking towards the drinks to get another one.
"Are you drunk?" He was surprised; you weren't the type to get wasted at parties.
"It's none of your business, asshole," you shouted after drowning a tequila shot.
You didn't even bother doing the salt and lemon thing and you almost puked in John B's front porch.
"Go fuck that blonde you stood me up for."
"Baby," he sighed, "I'm gonna find you whether you tell me where you at or not, so let's make this easier."
You ignored his request. The image of him sucking off that blonde's face was stuck in your head and was making your blood boil.
"Shut up, Rafe, you're an insensible piece of shit," you accused him, "I wish we never met."
You hung up the phone, leaving him speechless. Of course, you didn't mean what you said, you had spent the best summer of your life with him, but you were drunk and furious, and you weren't thinking straight. You regretted what you said right after, so you took another shot to handle the guilt and then returned to the improvised dance floor to keep dancing.
He wouldn't let it go that easily, though. Fifteen minutes later, he appeared at The Chateau and looked for you until he found you dancing with his sister. His heart started pounding in his chest when he saw you; you looked beautiful that night, well, you always did, but there was something about you being tipsy and carefree that made him smile like crazy.
He made his way through the crowd, without taking his eyes from you, and grabbed your hand when he reached you; his action catched you by surprise so you couldn't resist being pulled away from your friends. He dragged you to his car despite all your complaints and insults, letting your hand go when you arrived there.
"Get in the car please," he asked nicely, opening the passenger's door for you.
You were far too drunk and exhausted to fight with him, still, you were so stubborn that you sat in the back of the car just so he didn't have it his way.
You heard him sigh before he opened the driver's side door and entered the car. He started the engine in complete silence; before you knew it, he was driving you home.
"Why are you mad at me, baby?" he asked a few minutes later, his attention focused on the road.
"Why?" You laughed sarcastically, "You had fucked another girl, Rafe, am I supposed to be happy about it?"
"We aren't exclusive, we both agreed on that when we first started this," he said, and he was right.
Actually, you were the one who came up with that idea, but you did it just because you thought that it would prevent you from falling too hard for him; apparently, you were wrong.
"Things have changed now," you admitted.
You felt a tight knot appear in your throat, but you resisted the urge to cry. If you showed weakness in front of him, he would realise that you cared too much. He would know how you truly felt for him. He would hold your heart in the palm of his hand, and he would have the power to crush it anytime.
"Are you okay?" he asked, looking concerned.
Despite your efforts to hide your tears, he had noticed your eyes were watering a little bit.
You said, "I'm fine."
But it wasn't true.
"Baby, what's happening? You can talk to me," the tone of his voice was calm, yet worried, and you couldn't hold back your emotions anymore.
You bursted out crying.
"I love you, idiot! That's what happens!" you shouted, sobbing, "And you're so self-obsessed that you haven't even noticed it."
He looked up grinning like a devil. His eyes staring right into your teary ones through the rear view.
"Baby, stop crying and listen to me, please," he requested, with a smile so big that it lighted up his whole face, "I feel the same way," he recognised and your heart skipped a beat.
He pulled over, getting out of the car and opening your door to face you. He gently grabbed your cheeks so he could wipe away your tears and pressed a little kiss over your lips, which were salty due to all the crying.
"I love you," he repeated, making you smile but you couldn't stop sobbing like a baby; your thoughts were all over the place.
To help you calm down, he entered the car and placed you on his lap, holding you in his strong arms. You hid your face in the crook of his neck and the rich scent of his expensive perfume clouded your senses; you relaxed instantly.
"I haven't fucked other girls since we got together," he whispered, stroking your hair slightly, "I couldn't do it, because you were all I could think about."
"But tonight..." you started off saying, but he interrupted you.
"Yes, I kissed her because I thought you didn't feel the same way about me," he explained, pushing you away to look at your face, "I thought you would forget about me as soon as you got back to New York. I just didn't want you to break my heart."
His words sounded honest, and you could relate to that feeling. You had been feeling like that since you realised that you loved him.
"I can't forget about you, trust me, I've tried," you recognised, "I was scared too, that's why I didn't tell you," you traced his sharp jawline with your thumb, staring at his mouth.
You were dying to kiss him.
"There's no reason to be scared anymore, is there?" he murmured so close to you that his lips caressed yours.
"Not as long as we're together," you answered.
After that, you finally kissed him, revealing with your lips all the secrets you had kept during that cruel summer.
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obxsummer · 9 months
Broken Pieces // JJ Maybank
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when jj, kie, and pope get the notification that you escaped the camerons again, they decide they're done sitting on the sidelines. it's up to jj to talk you off the ledge that you've been pushed on.
jj maybank x routledge!reader
warnings: this is dark umm su!cidal mentions, guns, involuntary drugs, mentions of abuse, no use of y/n
a/n: sorry this request took so long! i changed it a little bit just because I wasn't 100% comfortable but I hope it does justice :)
The past few weeks in the Outer Banks had been like none before. Tourists had watched along as friends were lost to the sea, families were torn in two, and the best sheriff Kildare County had seen was killed in the blink of an eye.
John B and Sarah, presumed dead, had left a void that seemed impossible to fill. But the greatest torment was reserved for another soul—John B's younger sister, you. Your life had taken a nightmarish turn as you were thrust into the clutches of the Camerons. In the absence of your brother, you found yourself trapped in a living nightmare.
The Camerons, exploiting their legal authority as your guardians held you in an iron grip. Everything was isolated, cut off from your friends, your life, and any glimmer of hope. Your attempts to escape, though frequent, only led to capture, a vicious cycle of desperation and frustration. JJ, Kiara, and Pope had heard whispers of the attempts to break free, each thwarted by Shoupe returning you to Ward Cameron with no questions or complaints.
The remaining Pogues stood in The Wreck. Everything felt so wrong to be here, out living their lives, when they couldn’t get you home. Going to school felt so wrong when they were lacking the Routledge presence and leadership that came with both you and John B.
“Do you think she knows John B’s alive?” Kiara’s question was quiet as she referenced the text that had come through hours before. Your phone number was included on the group but nobody had heard from you in the weeks since you’d been taken.
Her question was left hanging in the air as Shoupe and his deputies, who had been taking their lunch break, quickly left with no explanation. 
As the three friends exchanged quiet glances, a shrill ping cut through the heavy silence. Their phones buzzed in unison, displaying an alert that brought their collective pain into sharp focus—you had run away again. Kiara, Pope, and JJ exchanged urgent glances, their eyes mirroring their shared concern.
"We can't just sit here anymore. We've got to do something."
Pope nodded, his jaw clenched. "You're right. It's been too long. We have to find her ourselves.”
JJ's mind was racing, thoughts of your desperate situation flooding his mind. He knew you well enough to understand your pain, your yearning for a family that cared, especially after losing your mother at a young age. "Let's split up and cover more ground. Kiara, you head towards the docks. Pope, check out the beach area. I'll go back to the Chateau. She might have gone there."
The tension in the air grows with each passing minute. JJ's heart raced as he treaded through the overgrown path leading to the Routledge residence. The memories of John B and Sarah hung heavy on his mind, adding a bitter layer to the anguish he felt for your predicament.
As he approached the door, he could feel his pulse quicken. The heavy atmosphere of the place was suffocating, a stark contrast to the lively household he remembered from his childhood visits. Taking a deep breath, he knocked, his knuckles rapping gently against the wood. The door creaked open but he expected that. 
The house was dimly lit, the air heavy with memories. And there, in the midst of it all, stood you. Your once vibrant eyes were now dulled by pain, your face stained with tear tracks. A loaded gun, JJ’s gun, was clutched tightly in your trembling hand. How you had it, he didn’t want to know.
JJ's heart plummeted at the sight. He slowly raised his hands in a calming gesture, his voice gentle as he spoke, "Hey, hey, Birdie. It's me. I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to talk."
You turned to him, eyes wide with a mix of fear and desperation. "JJ? What are you doing here?"
"I came to find you," he replied softly. "We all did. Kie and Pope are on their way." JJ was quick to notice your bloodshot eyes and the shaking in your hands. Whatever Rafe and Ward had given you was still in your system and you weren’t handling it well.
Tears streamed down your face as you took a shaky step back, the gun still pointed in his direction. "Why? No one cares. No one cares about me. John B is gone. Dad is gone. I should've gone with John B. I should be with them."
JJ's heart ached as he listened to your broken words. He knew he had to tread carefully. "Sweetheart, I know. I know you miss him, but we care about you. I care about you. We've been searching for you because we want to help."
Telling you John B was alive would only set you off right now, but JJ wished the knowledge could bring you some comfort.
You shook your head, voice trembling as anger mixed with grief. "You don't understand, JJ. The Camerons are horrible. They're abusive, Ward a-and Rafe. And no one is helping me. I'm trapped, stuck in this repetitive loop with no hope."
The weight of your words hung heavy in the air. JJ's fists clenched involuntarily as he fought to control his emotions. He took a step closer. "I’m here now, yeah? I won't let you go through this alone. We're your family too."
“I… I see him every day. In my dreams, in-in the house,” You choked for air in your lungs. Your grip on the gun loosened slightly, and your shoulders shook as sobs racked your body. "You don't know what it's like, JJ. Every day is a nightmare. No one believes me. No one listens. They hurt me, control every damn thing. And no one helps, no one cares. I might as well be invisible, 'cause no one loves me.”
He continued to approach slowly, his eyes locked onto yours. "I get it, I get it okay. I’m right here, a-and we're here to help you get out of this nightmare. You don't have to face it alone."
A mixture of vulnerability and anger crossed your face. You’d given up long before you saw him. "You can't save me, JJ. No one can."
JJ's heart shattered, his chest tightening as he struggled to rein in his own emotions. He knew he had to reach you, to break through the fortress of pain and despair that had taken control of your thoughts. He knew you didn’t know how the gun worked and the fact that the safety was still on was the slightest tinge of relief he had. 
His voice cracked with raw emotion as he said your name, "We love you, I love you. I would never leave you, okay? You're not invisible, and you're not alone. You're family, a family that cares about you more than words can say."
Your grip on the weapon slackened, and JJ approached slowly, his heart pounding. One wrong step and he would fuck this whole thing up. "Give me the gun, baby," he implored gently, his eyes locked onto yours. "Please. Let me fix this.”
You looked at him, tears streaming down your face, and hesitated. JJ saw the window of opportunity and jumped, smacking the gun out of your hand as the two of you collided with the floor. The scream you let out was heartwrenching as he pulled you into a careful embrace, letting you cry against his shoulder.
The floodgates had opened, all the pain and anger you'd bottled up pouring forth. JJ held tightly, offering a sanctuary amidst the outburst of your emotions. You screamed and shoved against him but he refused to let go.
As your sobs subsided, he let out a deep breath of relief. "I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He continued to hold you in his lap, your face buried in his neck as you clung to him for some form of grounded relief.
The two of you sat like that for a decent amount of time. Long enough that Kie and Pope had come to the Chateau for themselves and witnessed you both on the floor before staying out on the porch to give you space.
“John B’s alive,” JJ’s whisper was soft. He figured you were slowly calming down and with the water he’d been forcing you to drink, he hoped things were exiting your system. 
Your eyes were teary when you pulled back to look at him. “What are you talking about?”
He kept his palm against the back of your neck to hold you while digging for his phone to show you the text. Your face shifted to a pained expression as you viewed the conversation on the screen before all the tension exited your body at once and you curled back into JJ’s hold.
“Is this real?” Your voice cracked as you continued to stare at the picture on the phone.
“Yep,” JJ said as he took the phone back, he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, his actions a soothing gesture that spoke volumes. The chaos of emotions that had consumed the moment was slowly giving way to a sense of clarity and understanding.
"Holy shit," you murmured, your voice filled with a mix of wonder and amazement. You continued to stare at the screen, your gaze fixed on the image of your brother and his girlfriend. The realization that they were alive, that there was hope, seemed almost too good to be true.
JJ's arms remained wrapped around you, holding you close as you leaned into his embrace. The room seemed to hold a sense of warmth and comfort, a sanctuary from the storms of the outside world.
The weight of uncertainty had lifted, and a glimmer of hope shone brightly in its place. As you held onto JJ, you knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, you had someone who would support you through it all. And in that moment, as you stared at the screen and held onto each other, you knew everything would be okay. John B would come home, you’d make sure of it.
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
My Idiot
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Sarah Cameron x GN!Reader
Summary: You were the definition of a himbo, and Sarah loved you for it.
Warnings: just fluff, R being loveably dumb
Word Count: 630
A/N: Just a little blurb for my bae, Sarah Cameron.
navigation outer banks masterlist
When Sarah first laid eyes on you, she knew she was in love. You were smoking a blunt with JJ, before you got up on a rock and announced that you were going to do a backflip. Kiara talked you down, but she later found out that you could actually do a flip, just not in your incapacitated state. You were the definition of a himbo, and alongside JJ, the two of you committed many stupid acts that never failed to make Sarah fall for you more.
The first date you went on, you didn’t know what kind of flowers she liked so you went out and picked 10 different kinds, including two varieties of weeds that you thought looked pretty. She thought you were adorable, and she kissed you at the end of the date. 
Now, you had been dating for almost a year, and Sarah couldn’t be happier. She wasn’t used to being in a relationship for so long, but you made her feel so comfortable and open that she never even considered hiding her fears and trust issues from you. She wanted to spend as much time with you as possible, which was how she ended up in confusion on the phone with you. 
“You’re doing what?!” She hears you grunt through the phone, as you are clearly exerting yourself on the other end. “I’m playing baseball with a golf club. Wanna swing by? Ha! Didn’t mean to make a pun.” Sarah begins to pace, confused by you as per usual. “How are you talking to me if you’re playing baseball?” She hears you make contact with what she assumes is a baseball. “I’m wearing my earbuds. So, you gonna come?” Sarah sighs before hopping into her car and driving towards where she knows you’re going to be. 
When she pulls up, she sees JJ sitting on top of a fence, and true to your word, there you are swinging a golf club at baseballs getting fired out of a pitching machine. JJ called out to her, yelling, “Hey, Sarah! Over here!” His exclamation and your girlfriend's arrival distracted you long enough for a baseball to be launched at you, making it so that when you turned to wave at Sarah, it made solid contact with your back. 
The impact causes you to stumble forward, exclaiming, “Motherfucker,” You then turn to JJ and gesture towards the pitching machine. “Jayje. Turn that damn thing off.” The blonde boy salutes before hopping off of the fence and jogging towards it, and you jog towards a bemused Sarah. 
“Hey, babe!” You stop right in front of your girlfriend, who quickly turns you around to look you over. “Are you okay? That ball hit you pretty hard.” You shrug your shoulders, grinning down at Sarah. “Nah. I’m all good! Fit as a fiddle, and all that shit. Now, Jayje and I have been testing different bats and things to see how they would hold up against a baseball. You wouldn’t, by chance, have a spare wiffle ball bat? Turns out, if you launch a baseball at one at high speed, they break! It’s pretty crazy.” 
With anyone else, she would have thought that they were messing with her, but you were different. She could tell when you were screwing around and when you were being serious, and right now, you were fully serious. Sarah can’t help but grab your neck and pull you down into a heated kiss, causing JJ to whistle and whoop before turning away respectfully. 
Between kisses, Sarah mumbles, “God, you’re an idiot,” against your lips. You laugh softly before slowing down the kisses and giving her one last sweet one. “But I’m your idiot.” She grins and smiles up at you, nodding her head. “You’re my idiot.”
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theuniversezecho · 3 years
Tagged by @roifernandez​ & @esterexpositio & @polo-benavent (thanks for the tag!)
Top 10 ships of all time (in order of whatever ship I thought of first)
1. Cayetana Grajera Pando x Valerio Montesinos Hendrich x Leopoldo Benavent Villada – Élite
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2. . Simón Álvarez x Ámbar Smith – Soy Luna
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3. Rocio x Vera - Desenfrenadas
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4. Nico Minoru x Karolina Dean - Runaways
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5. Eva Kviig Mohn x Noora Amalie Sætre - Skam
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6. Tess x Simone - Sweetbitter
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7. Iago Nogueira x Roi Fernández – El desorden que dejas
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8. Midge Maisel x Lenny Bruce - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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9. Rowan Fricks x Brandon Darrow – T@gged
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10. Marianne x Connell - Normal People
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Tagging: @you-are-important-nina @hide-in-imagination @loquenomedices @silver-inked @remainforeverroyal
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maddiwrites · 3 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Pogues x OC, Eventually JJ x OC
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister.
Note: I’ll be honest, this isn’t my best chapter, so please don’t judge too harshly I swear it gets better!!! (: Again, forever grateful for all the kind feedback. I truly appreciate it. If you asked to be on the tag list and I accidentally forgot, please let me know! 
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Slight insinuation to sexual assault.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 & Chapter 4
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Like I said before, I'm good at advertising. Although the cell phone towers are still down, making it harder for me to get the word out about a party in the boneyard, I still know how to get around to the other teenagers on this island.
I sneak in an hour of surfing on the beach, afterwards finding Tourons and even some Kooks. These are the best people to go to when you want word to get around. They're rich and live for gossip. They have the internet and cell phone service, which means they can text their friends and send out tweets. And that is exactly what they do when I'm finished talking to them.
Later, I go with JJ and John B to get the kegs. As they work their magic, somehow securing two, I walk around the lot where most kids who live on the Cut hang out, hoping to score cheap booze from a stranger walking into the beer and beverage store. I use to spend a lot of my weekends here when my dad first disappeared. A small part of me still wants to. It was so easy to forget about my life falling apart when I was too wasted to form a complete sentence.
I tell them about the party and tell them to tell their friends and so on.
As I expect, the empty boneyard fills up quickly. To Kie's dismay, almost every kid has a red solo cup in their hand instead of a reusable one by the time the sun sets. Music and the chants of people playing drinking games fill my ears like a bird chirping on a Sunday morning.
Beer dribbles down my chin and onto my pink v neck crop top. JJ has his arm linked around mine, also chugging his drink, trying to down his before me. However, I beat him by one gulp and slam my cup on the sand as triumph.
"Seriously, Mar?" Kie scolds. She picks up my cup and throws it away.
JJ just smiles at me, maybe even looks at me with some kind of pride. It's hard to beat JJ in any drinking match, but I'm his biggest competition. I usually lose against him, but sometimes I have my nights where I'm undefeated.
He points his finger at me, pretending to be mad without losing the smile on his face. He takes a menacing step forward and bends down to lift me over his shoulder. I squeal in surprise and laugh against his back as he swings me around in circles.
When he sets me down, I shove his shoulders playfully. "Looks like you've finally met your match." JJ just shakes his head. "Get me another beer, loser?"
"You're lucky you're cute." He winks.
You can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's us and our friends, working-class derelicts. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from pouncy-ass boarding schools, just rich trustfarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks. They're usually my first pick. A night with no attachments and a more than likely chance I'll never see them again.
I walk past Kie, who's sitting on drift wood talking to someone about zodiac signs and horoscopes. And when I pass Pope, I hear him talking about dead bodies and how TV doesn't portray the biological condition of them accurately. I giggle to myself when I see who he's talking to. A really pretty girl who wasn't expecting to get an anatomy lesson from the boy next to her. I make a mental note to work on Pope's flirting tactics.
As I make my way to the back of the beach, I see Sarah Cameron leaning off a fallen lifeguard stand. Her boyfriend, Topper Thornton, is right there with her, trying to get her to come down. Sarah Cameron's known as the Kook princess. Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, worst enemy in the tenth grade. None of us know why she started hating her all of a sudden. She doesn't like to talk about it so we don't bring it up. However, John B works on Sarah's dad's boat thanks to me.
My teeth clench together at the sight of both of them. The two of them and their friends are the worst Kooks of all. Bad memories prickle my brain like a million tiny needles and the palms of my hands sweat against my solo cup.
I walk to the back of the beach and lean against a tree that's as close to a palm tree as this island is going to see. I like being back here when the sun goes down.  It gives me the perfect view of the party. Watching people laugh and have fun because of a night my friends and I put together makes me feel satisfied. Like I did something to make their day a little more enjoyable.
"Now what's the life of the party doing back here all by herself?" A voice that makes every muscle in my body turn to ice says.
I force myself not to look in his direction. My hands clench tighter around my cup until it bends and beer sloshes on my hand.
"Trying to avoid grimy wandering hands from pompous pricks," I say through clenched teeth. I'm surprised my voice isn't as shaky as I feel. "Go away, Rafe."
Rafe Cameron ignores me and moves to stand in front of me. His blonde hair is slicked back with a gel that's probably more expensive than my entire outfit. He's wearing a salmon pink button up shirt and white shorts. The sight of him makes me sick and I don't know if I want to drink more heavily or throw up and call it a night.
"Oh come on, Marleigh. Let's not pretend like you don't want to finish what we started."
I stand up straighter, feeling bile rise in my throat. "I'd rather rip both of my eyes out with a spoon." My insult wipes his stupid cocky grin off his smug face. At first I take it as a compliment, but the look in his eyes chills me to the bone. "Get out of here, Rafe. I'm not going to tell you again."
Rafe jerks forward and pushes me back into the trunk of the tree. His forearm presses against my chest, right below my collarbone. I try fighting him off but he's surprisingly strong. His eyes swing back and forth with craze, his pupils large and dilated. He's gotta be on something. Cocaine maybe. I've heard rumors.
"You think you can talk to me like that? After what my dad did for your friends?"
"Your dad only helped them in hopes to cover up the mistake that you made," I seethe, trying to push him away again. I try to keep my breathing even and my eyes unblinking. I don't want him to think I'm afraid of him. Even though I'm scared enough to vomit on his two hundred dollar shoes. "I owe you nothing." There's a pause as Rafe considers his next words carefully. So I push even harder. "You know, if you keep bringing it up, people might overhear and start to talk. I don't know if even your dad could buy the entire island's silence."
"You seriously think you can threaten me? You're nothing but a dirty walking piece of trash Pogue. No one will believe the Cut's biggest whore." Rafe shakes his head. "Remember that next time you think about talking to me like that."
His words cut through me like a stab in the chest, but I try not to let him see that. I push against him, keeping my face pinched and my eyes unwavering. "I'm not the same girl I was eight months ago," I say, finally pushing him away from me.
Back then I was a messed up girl who's dad had just left after a big argument that resulted in him thinking she hated him. All I wanted to do was drown myself with drugs and alcohol in hopes to forget about him, even if that meant following Kie to a Kook party when she was trying to roll around in the Kook life. I was easy to manipulate and take advantage of...easy to hurt. But not anymore.
"You think I'm above hitting a girl?" Rafe breathes heavily, his hands clenched to his side. I struck a nerve. One more and he might actually attack me.
"No," I say honestly. "I don't think you're above anything...or anyone. Including me - a dirty walking piece of trash Pogue." I use his words against him.
Rafe jerks forward and raises his hand to hit me and I'm ready for the blow and a fight back, but someone's voice forces us to halt, stopping us like she just pressed paused on a movie screen.
Kie watches us with wide eyes and glances back and forth between us. She looks both scared and angry. Rafe doesn't even bother looking in her direction. He's more disappointed that she got in his way.
I stand up straight again and walk past him, making sure to shove him backwards with my shoulder. Kie wraps her arm around mine and pulls me in close as she guides me away from him. She looks behind us one last time to make sure Rafe isn't following us. When the coast is clear, she stops and turns to look at me with a stone cold expression.
"What the hell was that?" She says, trying to read my face. "Are you okay?"
I can barely hear her behind the screaming in my head. Dirty walking piece of trash Pogue. The Cut's biggest whore. Who would believe you?
"Fine," I shrug, feigning nonchalance. I look back to where I was just standing. Rafe's gone, but the nausea he left me with isn't.
"Seriously, Kie. I'm fine. Just some unresolved built up resentment coming out full-fledged. I can't say I'm surprised. Now that summer's started, we're probably going to see a lot more of them."
Kie sighs and looks at me sympathetically. I hate that look.  "You should tell the boys."
"What? No way!" I snap.
"What if he -"
"He's not going to." I glare at her.
"Why won't you just -"
"So they can think of me as some pathetic little girl who needs protection from some self-centered Kook? Besides, John B and probably JJ will go after him and the last thing either of them need is charges pressed against them."
The noise of people yelling at one another and some cheering stops Kie from fighting back with me. We turn to look towards the water, seeing a crowd form around two people fighting. Dread creeps up my chest. If I had one hundred dollars, I'd bet it all that one of my friends is the center of attention in that crowd.
Kie and I run to them, pushing ourselves to the front. My breath hitches in my throat when I see who's involved. John B and Topper are fighting ankle deep in the ocean, each one getting a few good punches in.
"John B, stop!" I yell. I don't care who started the fight or why Topper deserves to get beaten to shit. If John B gets caught, the two of us are more than screwed with DCS.
"We're suppose to be incognito, remember?" Pope yells at my brother next to me.
"Babe!" Sarah yells at her boyfriend, jerking back and forth, trying to grab him by the shirt to pull him back. But his movements are scrappy. Sarah would just get hurt.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd around us cheer like it's a high school wrestling match and not my brother, the one that threw them this party by the way. I can't believe people find this as a source of entertainment. Half of them wouldn't even last a second if they were the one's getting beaten to a pulp.
Topper gets the upper hand and throws John B into the water. I flinch from the pain that must of caused to John B's back.
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper says.
In that moment my vision turns red and a switch flips in my body. I picture my hands around Topper's neck and him begging for me to let him go - him taking back those words.
When I step into the water to reach him, arms wrap around my waist, stopping me from going forward. I glare at the blonde Pogue and try shoving him away from me but that only makes his grip on me tighten.
"JJ, let me go," I grunt.
"Sorry, pretty girl. Can't do that." His lips are so close that I can feel his breath.
John B tackles Topper to the ground and punches him in the face again.
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"
"John B, let it go!" Kie screams. "Stop, you guys!"
Topper kicks John B's feet from under him and just like that, JB is back in the water. The Kook kneels next to him and punches my brother across the face before shoving his head into the water.
"Topper stop!" I yell.
"Come on John B!" Pope yells.
Topper lets John B come up for air before dunking him back in. I feel my chest tighten when I realize what Topper is going to do, whether he means to or not.
"JJ, please! He's going to kill him! JJ!" I cry against his hold.
"Come on, Man!" Topper taunts John B, keeping his head under water.
I'm going to kill him, I think. The second JJ lets go, I'm going to rip Topper apart.
"Topper, stop! No!" Sarah cries.
"Pope!" JJ says, swinging me around before pushing me into our other friend's arms. "Hold her."
"What? No!" I fight back but even Pope is stronger than I give him credit for.
JJ disappears to God knows where and I'm left watching like a stranded duck. I feel useless, like I should be doing more to help my brother. Everything I said to Rafe only minutes ago goes straight out the window. Maybe I am weak and still a girl who needs protecting.
Then the world freezes. JJ holds the gun we found in the motel to Topper's head, not only making Topper pause, but the rest of the crowd too. Pope releases his hold on me and I stumble away from him. I only watch the scene unfold in front of me with wide eyes.
"Yeah, you know what that is," JJ says, clicking the safety off the gun. "Your move, broski."
"Come on!" Pope yells. "Chill dude!"
"Stop! JJ!" Sarah cries. "Put the gun down!"
"Did you say something princess?" JJ turns towards Sarah and points his gun at the sky.
"We're good. We're good." Topper stumbles away from my brother to stand in front of his girlfriend.
The second he backs away, I'm in the water helping John B. I pull his upper back into my lap and push his hair out of his face. He coughs up a couple gulps of water before relaxing against me.
"Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please!" Sarah yells.
"Okay, everyone, listen up!" JJ addresses everyone else who still watch in fear. "Get the hell off our side of the island!" He fires two bullets into the sky, causing people to shriek and cry around me.
"Are you crazy?" Kie yells at him. "Why do that?"
"I'm saving his life, okay?" JJ yells back at her.
When people begin dispersing, Pope runs into the water to help me lift John B back to shore. He's in a daze and barely able to stand on his own.
The four of them help me drag him back to the Chateau, the party long forgotten. Kie covers John B with blankets and places a glass of water on the nightstand for when he wakes up. I don't say anything as the night wraps up. I'm not mad at JJ like Pope and Kie. He did what he had to do to save John B. Topper could have killed him and the police would probably chop it up as an accident and I would be left with no family.
"You guys should go," I say.
I just want to be alone. Between Rafe and Topper, all I can think about is sleep so I can wake up to a new day. Start over and try again.
"Are you sure?" JJ asks, looking between my eyes to find any sign for him to stay.
As much as I want JJ to stay the night and let me cuddle into him like the night before, it's best if I'm alone. So I reluctantly nod.
"You can stay at mine tonight, JJ," Pope offers.
I offer a weak smile before turning around to lock myself in my room. When I hear the door to the Chateau close one last time for the night, I sigh deeply and stare up at my ceiling. I'm restless, anxious, sweaty. As much as I want sleep, sleep doesn't want me. I toss and turn hoping for a wave of darkness to hit me but it never does.
I glance at my clock. 3:04 AM. I roll my eyes and groan to myself, pushing myself up against my bed's headboard. I tip toe out of the Chateau and make my way down to the dock. I dip my toes in the water and lay back against the wooden slacks. The moon's half crescent illuminates the water, dark with a mystery glint. It's cold against the night, feeling refreshing against my skin.
Even my mind isn't tired. My head wanders with different thoughts. Rafe, Topper, Scooter, the gun...my dad. His words echo through my ears like a skipping record. The night before he disappeared he told John B and I that he might have to vanish for a bit. This only caused a major fight to brew between my father and I whereas John B only nodded and said okay. I think this is why John B still holds on to hope that he's alive somewhere.
John B was always the loyal one to my father. Although they fought almost as much as my dad and I, they were quick to move on and pretend like it wouldn't happen again. Even though it always did. He tried to help my dad keep me on track with school, friends, and other activities. Most of the time, he just joined in on my antics. Sometimes I regret not giving my dad enough credit. He was a single father to Pogue twins with the distraction of his own obsession. My last words to him haunt me every day I pass his office.
"I hate you!" I screamed. I didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my tears. I wanted him to know I was strong and that I didn't need him. I think my main intention was to hurt him like he hurt me, but I would do anything to take it back.
                                                  ~ ~ ~
I wake up to the low rumble of an engine and the crunch of gravel underneath some tires. I blink away the sleep in my eyes, looking out into the marsh. The sun is above me, warming the entire island with it's summer heat so early in the morning.
My back aches as I sit myself up. I twist to find the noise that woke me up.
"Shit," I curse when I see the cop car parked in front of the Chateau.
Sheriff Peterkin sees me walking up my yard and waits for me to approach her before barging into my house. I squint against the morning light. Even though I'm not in the mood for a pop in, I actually like Peterkin. She's the only one I trust to do her job right.
"I hope you brought some coffee," I say before opening the door for her.
"This will be quick," She says. I watch her eyes scan my kitchen and living room judgmentally. "Where's your brother?"
I point to his room. Peterkin gives me a look to go first. I sigh, knocking twice on the door before letting myself in. John B is still passed out. Half of his body hangs off the bed. His left eye is officially black and blue, a mark I know Peterkin won't subtly ignore. It's the first thing she sees and gives me a sideways glance. I cross my arms and look away.
John B blinks up at us when he hears our footsteps. His brows furrow in confusion, sleep still fogging his head.
"Get decent, sweetie," Peterkin says. "We need to talk."
As we wait for JB to get dressed, I sit on the pull out couch in my living room, fumbling with my thumbs until he appears, dressed in an open button up and swim trunks. He glances between Peterkin and I for some answers but neither of us give him any.
"Sorry to break in like this," She says, pacing the floor. John B stands next to me with his arms crossed. "But DCS called. They wanted me to check on you. See how you two are doing." Neither of us answer. "So, how are you, besides -" She points to JB's shiner and I hold myself back from rolling my eyes. So far so good!
"Oh, no, I'm - I'm great," John B says, shrugging like our life is just full of rainbows and butterflies. "Yeah, fantastic. Uh... thanks for coming by."
Peterkin just smirks. "I'm so glad to hear you say that, John B, but I heard a few things that worried me. Let me see if I can remember. Oh yeah. One of the things I heard was that your Uncle Teddy, your guardian, hasn't been in the state for three months."
"Yes he has -"
Peterkin cuts me off. "You don't have to say anything. I know it's true. I called the school. They said you used to be a good student," She says, looking at John B. Then she looks at me. "You not so much. But John they say now you're failing all your classes."
"No. No, I'm only failing one and it's history. He's a dick. He's out for me - "
"I heard," Peterkin continues, not giving a damn about John B's bullshit excuses, "there was a fight on the beach yesterday, and a gun was involved."
My eyes snap up to look directly at Peterkin. I feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. What else was she going to ask? Would JJ get in trouble? Are we going to jail?
"Okay, gun?" John B plays dumb. "No. Did I get in a  dustup? Yeah, but was there a gun? No. No way," He scoffs.
"That's okay I know who it was. I'll get to him. All I'm worried about right now is making sure you're in a safe home."
"Yeah," I say. "Super safe."
John B knocks the table next to him. "Super sound, sturdy. You know?"
"Uncle T's coming so..." I say to get John B to stop talking. He's a lot of things but a good liar isn't one of them.
"That's what he told you?" Peterkin looks at me with a raised brow.
"If he is coming," Peterkin picks up a cigarette and sniffs it. "I think you should be allowed to stay."
"Thank you."
"But if I stick my neck out for you, you have to help me. Tit for tat."
John B tilts his head in confusion. "What - what does tat mean?"
I squeeze my eyes shut and let my head fall back. I swear I'm going to buy duct tape to keep this boy's mouth shut.
Peterkin ignores him. "Let me see, how can you help me? Oh, I know. So, a body was found in the marsh yesterday. Were you in the marsh yesterday?"
"Yeah," I decide to answer. "We were fishing for some drum."
"You catch anything?"
"Nah, we were skunked."
"Strange," She says, not believing me. "Fishing's usually good after a storm. All sorts of things get stirred up. You come across a wreck yesterday?"
"No." My heart falls deeper,  but I try to keep a straight face.
This makes Peterkin sigh and she glances between the two of us. "You two are skimmin' just above the surface. Now, down here is foster care, juvie," She says, dropping her hand to about knee length. "Pretty big drop for smart kids like the both of you." She moves her hand to eye level. "Up here is you and your little friends doing whatever you want. Outer Banks...or foster care on the mainland." I let her threat swim in my brain. "You one inch above the surface, Routledge. If I was you, I'd start flapping my wings." She looks at us one last time, no longer wanting to play games. "Now, you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?" She looks at John B who's more likely to blab than me.
I look up at my brother, warning him that he needs to lie.
He shrugs his shoulder, the lie sliding across his tongue like silk. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure."
Peterkin looks between John B and I and nods slowly. "It's better if you didn't, you understand? I'm gonna look the other way as long as you stay out of the marsh." She runs her finger along the wooden kitchen table and rubs the dust between her fingers. "I got dogs living better than this. You might wanna think about cleaning' up."
Peterkin lets herself out without saying goodbye. John B and I don't say anything until her car pulls out of the driveway and only then do we just share a look that says how screwed we both are.
Tag List: @notyourcupofteax @acvross-the-universe @jjmaybankzz @jeeperky @realistic-breadstick @moniamaybank @urbinoutfiters​ @brebear121​
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so-writing · 4 years
Things You Never Show - Rafe Cameron x Reader x JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)
I was in my BSB feels, listening to ‘Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely’ and this happened. Not proofread so mistakes most likely
Summary: You are a pogue dating Rafe Cameron and, as expected, chaos ensues.
You could be the center of attention at a party and still feel ignored. 
Rafe was a good boyfriend, at best, half of the time. When the two of you were alone, he was more than happy to fulfill your every desire and make you feel like you were on top of the world. He made sure you were satisfied in every way and it was heaven to you.
But when you were out and about, like at a kegger in the boneyard, Rafe acted like a stranger.
“You know he treats you like shit, right?”
A figure you didn’t immediately recognize dropped down beside you on the edge of the dock you were seated on, dipping your toes into the water.
“He’s an asshole and you deserve better.” 
You were about to protest until you looked toward the stranger and met the eyes of JJ Maybank. The boy you’d pined after for years when you were younger. Even though you were past your crush, you couldn’t shake his gaze. 
“Cameron is a piece of shit, you know.” 
“He’s not,” you defended, “he just doesn’t know any better.”
“He doesn’t know that he shouldn’t flirt carelessly with other girls when he’s obviously locked down? He’s an asshole.”
You should’ve protested JJ’s musings but you knew he was right and that there was no defending Rafe.
“Maybe, but he’s my asshole.”
It was a weak argument, confirmed by the chuckle JJ released before he took a hit of his blunt.
“There are about a million people in the world that would treat you better than Rafe, but you’re stuck on baby money for reasons I couldn’t possibly understand.”
JJ turned his head and blew smoke away from you before he stood up, ruffled your hair and made his way back to the party.
The friendship between you and the other pogues had existed for as long as you could remember and you weren’t quite sure when JJ became someone you looked at just a little differently. You harbored secret feelings that you were never able to spill and they eventually faded when you matured some and started noticing other boys. 
Rafe Cameron was one of those boys. He didn’t attend Kildare Public, his parenting opting instead to send him to the fancy private school that all the kooks seemed to attend, but he regularly showed up at boneyard parties and that was when he first caught your eye. 
Two years older than you and a haughty asshole, he was exactly what you thought you wanted. Rafe being and kook and you a pogue, you assumed he wouldn’t be interested at all but that wasn’t the case and not much time had gone by until you were spending your nights in his bed. 
The first time you went public as a couple was over a year ago and you were now comfortable in feeling lonely a lot of the time, despite what felt like the entire world knowing you were attached to Rafe Cameron.
“But he’s my asshole,” you said to yourself when JJ had gone, “what a fucking stupid excuse.” 
Feeling dumb and embarrassed, you pulled your feet out of the water and slid into your sandals. Rafe might have noticed your absence and you weren’t feeling up to getting into an argument over where you could have been, not that he cared anyway. 
You found him sitting on a log around one of the few bonfires at the party with his arm wrapped around a girl you didn’t recognize. He was obviously drunk, maybe a little high as well, and you knew you couldn’t say anything to either of them without facing the consequences later. 
He laughed at something Kelce said as he wrapped his arm tighter around the girl, pulling her close enough to kiss her forehead. This behavior was new to you. He always flirted with randoms in public, giving them a hug or rub on the back but Rafe had never put his lips on someone else, that you knew of. 
“See that?” 
JJ’s breath ghosted across your neck, he stood behind you and placed his palms on your shoulders, “he’s an asshole. You know you can do better.” 
“JJ,” you shook him off and turned around to meet his eyes, “this is just how he is. He doesn’t give a shit about that girl.”
“He gives a shit about you though, right?” 
“Yes,” you bit the inside of your cheek as a reminder to keep your composure, “he does.”
He laughed, an easy chuckle that made you equal parts furious and peaceful, while grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the rest of the pogues sat around a neighboring bonfire.
“Raise your hand if you think this one can do better than Cameron?” 
Everyone around the fire, including Rafe’s own sister Sarah, raised their arms above their heads. 
“You guys are not supportive at all.”
The laugh that followed your statement was supposed be happy and jokey but it left your lips hollow and angry.
“No,” Sarah began, “we’re not. He’s my brother and I love him but he is a grade A piece of shit when it comes to the way he treats women.”
She unwrapped herself from John B and stood up, walking over to you and taking your hands in hers, “you do not deserve that. You are better than him.”
“Guys,” you gently squeezed her hands, “I don’t need this. I’m fine. I know how he is.”
“That is the second time I’ve heard you say that tonight,” JJ piped up, “and I haven’t believed it either time.”
His tone was almost cocky, he too had quite a bit to drink, and you weren’t about to get into this with your friends in the middle of a party where everyone could hear you. 
“John B, can you give a ride home? I just really want to leave right now.” 
The brunette gave you a quick nod of his head and the two of you walked in silence away from the beach and to the Twinkie waiting in the parking lot. You both entered the van in silence and he pushed the key into the ignition, bringing the vehicle to life. 
John B drove toward your house without a word, something you were more grateful for than you could say. He pulled into your driveway and you noticed that no lights were on the house. Your parents were either out for the evening or fast asleep, either one was good, it meant you didn’t have to face their innocent questions about your night and your boyfriend. 
“Hey,” John B put the Twinkie in park, “you know I’m not here to judge you or your relationship but I just want to say this.”
You prepared yourself for another bashing of Rafe. They happened pretty frequently, especially when JJ was around. 
“Rafe is not my favorite person, I’ll never hide that. I’m worried about you. I’m worried this rich douchebag is taking advantage of you and sucking the life out of you. I just want you to know that we’re here. We love you, we have you. Please say something if you need any of us.” 
Your heart warmed at his words as you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and leaned across the center console to give him a hug, “thank you John B, I needed that more than you know.”
Sliding from the passenger seat, you closed the door behind you and turned to give John B a wave before going inside and heading straight to your room. You were used to your friends hating on Rafe but what John B said about the situation had you seriously thinking about your relationship with the charming kook. 
The words ‘sucking the life out of you’ repeated themselves in your head as you lay on your side trying to fall asleep.
Your constantly buzzing phone finally pulled you from slumber at, you checked the time before responding to anything else, 2:36am.
Rafe (11:04)  where are you?
Rafe (11:16)  seriously
Rafe (11:41)  what the fuck
Rafe (12:21)  you left with JJ? Really? Maybank? REALLY
Rafe (1:18)  you went home with Maybank so I’m going home with a blonde too
Rafe (2:04)  I’m sorry. I should have paid more attention to you tonight
Rafe (2:17)  baby please I’m sorry
Rafe (2:36)  call me when you wake up. I love you. 
Normally, when this happened, you would be wooed by Rafe’s apology but John B’s words swan around in your head as you noted the forty-six minutes that passed between Rafe claiming he’d take someone home and his apology.
“Fuck this,” you whispered into to your empty room as you tossed your phone to the floor and rolled over to fall asleep once again. 
It was 2:46 in the afternoon when you woke up. You’d slept longer than you intended and when you grabbed your phone from the ground you where met with a marathon of messages and calls.
Not counting what he sent the night before, Rafe had called you 14 times and sent 38 text messages. Most of them were angry, some of them apologetic, but the theme was clear: he hated JJ. 
You scrolled past the many Rafe’s and found your conversation with JJ. 
“J, please text me back as soon as you get this.”
You knew Rafe and you knew he would go after JJ and he would hurt him if he could. Staring at your phone sitting in your hands for about a minute, you decided you couldn’t wait and called him. 
JJ’s phone rang and rang and just as you were about to hang up, he answered. 
“Hey, sorry, was outside with John B, what’s up?”
“JJ,” you breathed a sigh of relief, “Rafe thinks I went home with you. Watch out for him, I have no doubt he’s on a warpath.”
“Him being on a warpath means he has to publicly declare that you’re someone he actually gives a fuck about, he’s not going to do that or come after me.”
“J, please,” you ran a hand through your hair, “please just be careful.”
“Always am. See you tonight?”
“Yeah,” you had completely forgotten about Kiara’s birthday party, “see you then.” 
Walking into the Wreck, things looked mostly normal. The main dining room was full of patrons eating and socializing. The restaurant was on a short wait but you slid past the people in line and made toward the smaller of the two decks off the side of the restaurant. 
There were only three tables on the small deck and tonight they were all pushed together for Kiara’s celebration. The usual suspects were present: JJ, Pope, John B and Sarah. Kie’s mom had taken the night off so she was staying permanently while her dad planned to pop in during his free moments. 
“You showed,” JJ shouted as he slid out his chair and trotted toward you, pulling you into a hug.
“Of course I did, I would never miss this. Happy birthday Kiara,” you shook off JJ and moved to hug Kie, wrapping your arms tight around her small frame. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and Kie pulled away enough to give you a questioning look.
“It’s your birthday and I’m pissed at him. All messages remain unread tonight.” 
While you enjoyed yourself eating seafood and cake with your friends, you had no idea how serious Rafe was taking your radio silence. You hadn’t responded to any of his texts or calls and the last time you spoke was before the kegger the previous night.
Rafe (7:46)  Where are you? We haven’t talked at all today
Rafe (8:04)  Seriously what the fuck 
Rafe (8:37)  There you are. Sitting to next to Maybank huh
Rafe (8:49)  Fuck it
The messages remained unread and when your chair was harshly pulled away from the table and your friends began yelling did you realize what was happening.
“Rafe! What the fuck?!” Sarah was the loudest, her words cutting through the air.
“I’m tired of this and I’m done. She’s coming with me.”
You hoped against hope that JJ wouldn’t say anything but you knew better. He never failed to come to your rescue but now wasn’t the time you needed him to do so. 
“You don’t get to claim someone when you’re fucking literally everybody else.” 
Rafe’s hands were no longer on your body or the chair you were seated in, instead he was charging toward JJ. The blonde had removed himself from the chair next to you and was now standing his ground, nose to nose with Rafe Cameron.
They began to push each other and one particularly hard shove from JJ sent Rafe into the table, causing everyone to jump up and back away from the fight. 
“Guys, please! Not here!” 
You were nearly in tears, your words falling on deaf ears and they continued to throw punches and accusations. 
Time seemed to slow as you took in everything happening in front of you. Kiara’s mom had her arms wrapped Kie as she ushered her back into the restaurant. Pope and John B were both standing in front of Sarah, blocking her off but ready to jump in and defend their friend if they needed to. Various pieces of seafood were scattered across the small deck and Kiara’s cake was destroyed, icing and cake bits stomped into the floor from all the commotion. 
Everything had gone wrong. You never went home with JJ and you should have made that clear to Rafe. You should’ve responded to his texts earlier, explaining and begging his forgiveness even though you didn’t really want it. 
You ruined Kiara’s birthday and maybe the reputation of The Wreck itself. JJ and Rafe had been pulled apart now but it was too late to salvage anything. Slowly making your way toward the railing, you jumped over the side and landed a few feet below in the soft mud a few feet away from the water. 
It didn’t matter that your shoes were thick with mud, you trampled out of the swamp and toward the road. When your shoes were light enough, you broke into a run. It didn’t matter how you looked, everything was ruined and as much as you wanted to place the blame on either of the combative boys, it was all your fault. 
All you wanted to do now was fucking disappear. 
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shawnssongs · 4 years
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𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 ⋄ 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤
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02. 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
It’s the first day of senior year (also we’re just going to pretend they’re all seniors in high school, the pogues and the kooks, including Rafe at Kildaire County High)
series masterlist 01.
an: sorry this chapter is kind of boring! I promise there’ll be more action in the next one :)
warnings: typos, probably wc: 1.4k ish
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thanks @jjmaybankx for the moodboard!
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It was finally here. The first day of senior year. JJ never cared much about school since it had never been on his list of priorities, but he always loved the first day. He’d usually spend all summer working or hanging out with his friends, so being the social butterfly that he is, he loved catching up with everyone else that he really only saw at school. Plus, at this point, he needed to catch up with his own friends as well. He felt like he hadn’t seen John B, Kie, Pope, and Sarah in months, and other than a few “hey”s here and there, he truly hadn’t.
John B was the same way. Ever since finding out what happened to his father, he’d gotten back on track with his education. His grades improved junior year, especially with the help of Sarah Cameron. John B was ready to catch up with his friends, but he was really just waiting for JJ. His best friend had been MIA all summer.
“John B!” Kiara greeted with open arms when she noticed her best friend standing next to his beaten up Volkswagen.
John B accepted the hug gladly.
Sure, JJ had been absent, but John B had also admittedly been spending more time with Sarah than with the rest of the pogues.
“Where ya been?” He asked her with a smile.
“Around,” Kiara chided, “unlike you, lover boy.”
John B chuckled at Kie when he noticed Pope approaching. They all greeted each other, catching up a bit when Pope asked where Sarah was.
John B shrugged in response. “Met a new girl. She told me she was going to show her around.”
“Sarah loves strays,” Kiara acknowledged.
“There he is!” Pope cheered, gazing behind John B and Kiara at the missing member of their group.
“Man of the hour!”
“Where have you been?” John B asked when JJ was close enough, reaching his hand out for a quick hug.
Kiara prodded. “Yeah, what have you been doing all summer?”
JJ just smiled, playing it off. “I was hanging around at the beach.”
“So were we.” Pope added.
“Guess we didn’t cross paths.” JJ shrugged.
“Or you were too busy checking out tourons to talk to your friends.” Kiara crossed her arms across her chest accusatorily.
“Nah, I did meet this one cool chick though.”
John B noticed the little twinkle in his eyes. “You mean she put out?” He asked, earning a punch in the arm from Kiara and a glare from Pope.
“Is that all you ever think about?” Sarcasm dripped through JJ’s voice. Clearly, he was the one with that reputation, not John B.
The group continues to giggle like children and tease each other as they caught up outside Kildaire County High.
Meanwhile, Sarah Cameron had been incredibly helpful to you so far. You met her just a few days ago when you found out you’d be staying in the Outer Banks instead of moving back home. She agreed to meet you early and show you around the school a bit so you wouldn’t be too lost on your first day.
“Do I look okay, Sarah?” You ask her, noticing all the students walking around in cut off shorts and crop tops. You weren’t allowed to wear just anything like that back home at your private school, so you really weren’t prepared. In a pair of linen shorts and a button up tee, you felt a bit out of place.
“I’m really nervous.”
“You look terrific,” she complimented.
“So this is Kildaire County High?” The school seemed surprisingly active. It was small, and rundown, unlike your school back home, and even though your old school was large and daunting, somehow you still felt more intimidated by Kildaire County. The uncertainty was causing your nerves to run rampant.
Sarah gripped your arm to calm you. “I know it’s not much, but you’ll love it. Come on,” she smiled, “I’ll help you find your first class.”
With Sarah’s help, you managed to make it through your first couple classes of the day until it was finally time for lunch. The cafeteria looked run down and dirty, but luckily Sarah pulled you outside to meet Kiara, who she’d described as her best friend.
“Y/n, this is Kiara. Kie, this is Y/n!” Sarah introduced giddily, excited to have another friend to do girly things with like shop and do each other’s hair and makeup. The boys would partake sometimes, but it wasn’t the same. Kiara was just as stunning as Sarah, the two of them contrasting in every way. Kiara’s skin and hair both darker than Sarah’s golden complexion, the straightened strands of Sarah’s light hair next to Kiara’s curls. As beautiful as they were, somehow you didn’t feel envious. You felt content. You felt sure that these two girls were people you wanted to keep around. Back home you never got that feeling. You were always comparing yourself to the other girls, trying to be like them or dress like them because that was what was most desired. Here, with Kie and Sarah, you knew they’d accept you for you, and you weren’t afraid to be yourself, because they clearly weren’t.
“Hey!” Kiara greets, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Hi! It’s nice to meet you!” You smile as she reached out for a hug.
The two girls caught up on each other’s summers a small bit of time since they’d spent most of it together. You gathered that Sarah is dating a cute surfer boy named John B, and Kiara has a thing for a studious kid named Pope. It wasn’t long before Sarah asked you how your summer in the Outer Banks had gone, and boy were you glad to tell.
“I met a boy at the beach.” You boasted, unable to hold back your smile.
The guys ate their lunch by the Volkswagen because Sarah apparently didn’t want them to scare away the new girl she’d befriended. He didn’t mind though. They had a lot of catching up to do.
“Okay, so what happened with that girl you met this summer? Stop playin’ around.” John B asked his friend sternly, not wanting anymore jokes.
“Nothing!” JJ lied, but he knew he couldn’t get away with it.
Pope rolled his eyes. “Sure, nothing.”
“Come on, you guys don’t want to hear all the horny details, right?”
The guys pestered him until he finally gave in.
“Alright! I’ll tell you.”
“Oh he was so romantic!” You gush. “And cute. Really cute.”
The girls ooh and aww as you continue your story.
“He ran by me, showing off, splashing around.”
“She swam by me and got a cramp. I saved her life, man.” JJ embellished. “She almost drowned.”
Pope and John B didn’t believe him, but they let him keep going. “Took her surfing, showed her the ropes.”
“We went strolling along the beach. We stayed out until ten o’clock.”
“We made out under the dock.”
“Then what?” Pope asked.
“We got friendly.” JJ quirked a brow, smirking at his curious friend. “Down in the sand, if you know what I mean.”
“He got friendly, and he held my hand,” you explain to the girls, recalling the memories. “He was sweet. He just turned 18.”
You pause, the girls watching you in anticipation. “It got colder. That’s where it ends. That’s when we made our true love vow.” You knew it’s sounded extreme, but you wouldn’t explain it any other way. You loved JJ Maybank, even if you only got to spend one summer with him, and losing your virginity to JJ was you vowing your love to him.
“Y’know, I told her we’d still be friends.” JJ shrugged. “I wonder what she’s doing now.” He truly did, more than the guys knew. Y/n was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and now she’s just gone, clear on the other side of the States.
“He sounds real nice.” Sarah smiled. She was a hopeless romantic, of course. She loved the story.
You agree. “He was a gentleman.”
“What was his name?” Kiara asked, sure she’d recognize any of the locals.
“JJ. JJ Maybank.”
Kiara noticed Sarah’s eyes widen and just before she was able to tell you, Kiara kicked her leg under the table.
“Maybe if you believe in miracles,” she started, “he’ll show up again, somewhere unexpected.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!” Sarah chimed in, a bright smile adorning has face.
The six of them went back to class as the bell rung, all blissfully unaware of the events to come.
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an: kinda hate this ngl... excited for the next chapter though :) thanks for reading, and please send feedback!
also, ty to now both @milaonthemoon​ and @storiesbymads​ for your spotify playlists that helped while I wrote and edited this :)
tags: add yourself! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION AND SPELL YOUR URL CORRECTLY (or comment if you just want to be tagged in the series) series @talksoprettyjjx @hazelgirl355 @ssjiara @socialwriter @milaonthemoon​ all fics @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @harrysbbby @maybe-maybanks @maybankdreams @ilovejjmaybank @i-love-scott-mccall @sarahcxmeron @obx-direction-sos @mahleeyuh @jjmeybank @simonsblue @deviouscharitos​ all obx @thelocalpogue​ @maybankiara @ewgrossiknow @poguelifesurfshop @stargazingstarkey @pogxe @t8-er-tot @amanecer-cora @rudths @x-lulu @pixelated-pogues​ @apoguecalledjj @hiddleless @sungieeeeeee @letsgotothehop @tcmhollnd @jjs--whore @jjswhore @miawantsapuppy @talksoprettyjjx @dani-c2 @hemmoemotional @kennedywxlsh @drew-starkey @beth-winchester21​ jj @teamnick​ @everyonesababe​ @infinitydols​ @ritasunflwr​ @jjaybank @theloveofpeterparker strikethrough means it wouldn’t let me tag you, and PLEASE let me know if there are any mistakes. also sorry this looks so weird..
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
White boys pt. 1 | Topper Thornton
Hey guys! So this is based off of this req, and it was inspired by @kiarasgold s JJ x Black reader headcannon! I’m making this into another short series to balance out my angsty series lmao. This part is lowkey kind of filler/backstory but it’s really necessary to the next part!
Warnings: mentions of racism and prejudice, mentions of bullying, underage drinking, drug use (marijuana), cussing, spelling and grammar issues
Word count: 4.5k
Black!Fem!Reader x Topper Thornton
The sun felt great on your skin, laying out on the boat, reading a Zora Neale Hurston novel. 
Growing up you hated your skin, you hated a lot about yourself, because truth be told growing up as a dark skin black girl in the Outer banks was kind of a trip, especially living on the north side of the island. Figure eight was full of affluent white families, if you had to come up with a clear ratio it was about seventy to thirty, and that thirty included black people and people of color. 
That made things a little difficult for your love life-or lack thereof. You had a thing, you didn’t date white boys, everyone knew it. Your father always told you that a white boy couldn’t do much for you, and honestly you believed him, that was two different walks of life, even if you were born into a more-or-so affluent family, your parents struggled to get to where they were now, and even then they still experienced microaggressions and prejudices living in figure eight. 
Your mother had no problem with you choosing to date outside of your race, she just wanted you to be happy, but you were stubborn like your father, and you were his little girl so you always kept to your ‘I don’t date white boys’ policy, turning down tourons, pogues, and kooks alike. You didn’t care if they were rich or not, money didn’t matter to you, you always gave them the same response ‘I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t date white boys’. 
“Y/N! Your mom is calling you” you put the book down, looking over at Sarah, holding your phone up while she walked towards you. You were close to Sarah, you met her in the fifth grade, bonding over the beads on the ends of your braids, she said they were really pretty and that the boys making fun of you were all wrong. Everything's history from there.
You answered the facetime call, your mother smiling back at you. “Did you find a date for the Charity event tonight? Or are you going with Kelce? As usual” you laughed at her tone, you knew she was tired of you showing up places with Kelce as your date just to please your father. You didn’t know many other guys your father would approve of, well minus Pope, but he was going with Kiara. 
“Mama, you know Kelce is my go-to, but he’s already going with someone else, I think I’m just showing up alone, unless of course I can find a very last minute date, but you know how Dad is.” she nodded her head and sighed. “I was just calling to check up on you, I know how the Camerons are on the Druthers, can’t have them corrupting my baby” you laughed at her and Sarah got behind you in the Camera waving at your mom. “Don't worry Mrs. Y/L/N I’d never corrupt y/n” she laughed at Sarah and nodded her head, saying she loved you and to be safe on the boat, you nodded and said it back before hanging up.
You groaned, hands wrapping your soft locs-one of your go to protective styles-into a bun on top of your head. Sarah laughed at you, shoving your legs off the bench and sitting next to you. She knew you needed a date to the charity ball, it was a big deal, your father was being honored for his hefty donations and he was the first black man to be honored in the history of the event, so it was a huge deal. 
“Y’know I know someone who doesn’t have a date...plus he’s just wearing a black suit, he wouldn’t clash with your look for the night” she wiggled her brows and you furrowed yours looking at her, Sarah always tried to set you up with guys, always ignoring your rule. It didn’t help that half of the guys on the island liked to fetishize black girls, which really disgusted you, plus you’d spent most of your time educating them on black culture and why they can’t just use african american vernacular english just because they thought it sounded cool in rap songs. 
You shook your head at her, standing up and walking into the cabin of the boat, taking time to admire yourself in the mirror, and to properly adjust your bright orange bikini. The contrast of the color against your dark skin made you feel like you were the prettiest girl on the island, you struggled with self confidence for a long time, so now being able to admire yourself and love all of you made you smile. Plus your teeth were bright, people usually told you to consider modeling-but that was also because they didn’t know many black girls on the island. 
“Come on, please!! Just give this guy a chance!” you turned to look at her, raising a brow again “is he white?” she sighed and nodded. “Okay c’mon you already know him! He’s a sweetheart-well sometimes, but like he’s not a bad guy! Besides you can’t show up alone, I’m going with John B, Kie’s going with Pope” 
“My dad is going to throw a fit Sarah” she shrugged “it’s one night, and besides he’s definitely the son of one of your father's business partners” you groaned at her and sighed “okay fine. But only because I need a date.” she let out an excited shriek that made you take a step back and shoot her a confused look, but she grabbed your arm, leading you out of the cabin and pulling you to the other side of the deck, where Rafe sat with Kelce and of course Topper. 
“She’s going with you” your mouth dropped when she pointed at Topper, you furrowed your brows then looked at her, then at Rafe who was just as shocked as you were, then you looked at Kelce who shrugged at you, then at Topper who was just staring at you. 
Sure Topper was cute, but he was Topper, the affluent rich boy with a douchebag facade-he was a sweetheart and a total softie in reality-that had been flirting with you since you were kids. You were eighteen now, and he still tried you from time to time, but you always gave him the same generic response as every other white boy that tried to hit on you. The only reason he was somewhat close to you is because you were close to Sarah and Kelce. 
“Sarah are you seri-” she cut you off “Okay great! I’m glad you’re both on board, wow would you look at the time, we have to start getting ready, bye boys! Topper I expect you to be at mine at 7 on the dot” your brows were still furrowed and she dragged you away, sometimes you wondered how Sarah was so strong.
Before you knew it you were in her room, having showered already and adding your hair jewelry into your hair, leaving a few of the shells and wooden beads on a couple of the locs but focusing your attention on adding the small golden rings, cuffs, and wires onto the others. Not too many, just enough to perfectly accessorize your hair. Your mother always told you that a black girl’s hair was one of her superpowers, so you’d always spent more time on perfecting your hair, swooping your edges into place, making sure your protective styles were perfect, perfecting the wash and gos, not to mention your collection of wigs was to die for. 
“Sarah! Hurry up in the bathroom, I need help with my dress!” It was a long bright red satin number, hugged your curves in the best way possible, and it popped against your skin. You watched Sarah run out of the bathroom in a towel and rush over to help zip you up, making you laugh at her. Her phone started to ring so you answered it, knowing it was Kiara. 
“Someone come let me in!” “the doors open kie!” you nodded at Sarah's frantic voice and listened to Kiara struggle to open the front door mumbling under her breath then letting out a sigh of relief. She hung up and made her way up the stairs, walking in to look at the two of you, seeing you almost all the way dressed and Sarah in a towel laying her dress down on the bed. Kiara laughed, her hair and makeup already done, holding her dress bag. 
You knew she wasn’t big on dressing up and going to kook-y events, neither were you, but tonight meant a lot to you, and to her father so she was all in. You started doing your makeup, focusing on applying your golden highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes and the highest points of your face. 
“Sooo, who’s your date?” you grimaced at her, she started changing into her dress and laughed at your reaction. “You’re going dateless?” “It’s even worse than that” Sarah scoffed in the background, finding her blow dryer and plugging it in. You placed your brush down looking at Sarah.
“No Sarah over here somehow suckered me into going with Topper” “But he’s white, and you have that rule-well actually your father has that rule but still, and you’ve been curving Top for like four years now? I dunno seems suspicious, Sarah’s up to something” you shrugged, going back to perfecting your makeup. Listening to Sarah and Kiara talk in the background while you focused on your lashes, making sure everything about you looked perfect. You settled on a half up half down style for your hair, two strands in front of your face. 
By the time Sarah and Kiara were finished getting ready it was five minutes until seven, Pope and John B already arriving. You had to stop Rafe from picking a fight with the two of them while they waited downstairs. Then Sarah insisted the three of you had to walk down the steps, making a grand entrance or introduction or whatever she said. So Sarah went down the stairs first, meeting her boyfriend, then Kiara followed, then Sarah stopped you, yelling at you to wait at the top of the stairs.
Leave it to Sarah to perfectly plan every detail of everything out. Honestly, in the moment while you waited for her cue, you wanted nothing more than to be wearing a baggy t-shirt, some shorts, and a pair of sneakers. You weren’t one for dressing up often, you preferred a more laid back look, either way you knew you looked good. “Okay come down!” you rolled your eyes, making your way down the steps, gaze focused on the steps so you didn’t fall and break something. 
When you finally looked up you noticed Toppers stare, his mouth was slightly open while he looked at you, his eyes glued to your figure, you rolled your eyes. Then you smiled at John B and Pope, doing your signature handshake with Pope. The two of you were close, your father worked closely with Heyward-always making sure to look out for him and his family. 
“As always you clean up nice y/l/n” you smiled at John B “not too bad yourself Routledge” you made your way to Topper, he was still speechless, sure he’d seen you dressed up before, he wasn’t exactly used to it though. You were astounding, a sight to see, he even felt himself blushing while looking at you. You raised a brow at him, waiting for him to say something. Your other friends already bidding their goodbyes, saying they’d see you at the event.
“Can we get some food first? or is that like not the appropriate thing to do before going to a charity ball?” he laughed at you, he felt himself slightly relaxing, truth be told Topper had been pinning after you for years, freshman year at the kook academy was when he tried the hardest, every year after that he tried less and less because you’d always give him the same response ‘I don’t date white boys Top’. At first he was irritated by it, but knowing your family-specifically your father he knew why that was your response.
“You-uh-” he cleared his throat “Yeah, you look beautiful by the way” you shot him a wink “Flattery won’t get you very far Top, now c’mon the key to being fashionably late is planning ahead of time, we have half an hour to get some food” you grabbed his arm and dragged him out behind you. His gaze was still stuck on your figure, tracing your entire body in the red satin. He loved the way bright colors popped against your skin.
Topper had known you for most of his life, the two of you weren’t really friends, you were just always around each other. Kelce was one of your first best friends, who just happened to be Topper’s friend as well, so over the years the two of you were always in the same places at the same time. But you’d always been closed off, you were only super close with Pope, Sarah, Kiara, and Kelce. You had walls up and for years he’d been trying to break them down, he’d always had a thing for you. 
But one thing about you was that you were very adamant and stubborn. He had a crush on you as kids and you shoved him into the dirt when he told you he liked you in the fifth grade. Then in the seventh grade he asked you to be his valentine and you brushed him off. Then freshman year at the kook academy he was determined to woo you somehow. But after years of trying-and failing-it got exhausting.
The guys all knew about his thing for you, Rafe always brought it up around him just to bug the shit out of him, Kelce tried to talk some sense into Topper, telling him to give it up, knowing that you wouldn’t budge. But while you were stubborn so was he. At this point he just needed to prove to himself that he could actually get you, he didn’t want to sleep with you-well he didn’t want to just sleep with you-he wanted to get to know you, he’d known you since you were kids and he barely knew anything about you.
He watched you get into his jeep, sitting in the passenger seat, adjusting your dress and slipping your heels off, he followed and got into the driver's seat, taking his blazer off, tossing it behind him, then turning to face you. “Where do you wanna eat?” you shrugged “I didn’t think this far, usually Sarah says we can’t get food, so we never do. Surprise me thornton” He nodded his head and pulled off.
The two of you ended up at mcdonalds, which made you laugh, mostly because everyone knew you had a soft spot for mcdonalds fries, always stating that they were top tier when they were fresh. You always specified that you wanted them fresh when you ordered, so here the two of you were. Sitting in the McDonalds parking lot, you were eating your fries and he was laughing while eating a chicken sandwich. He made fun of you for asking for the fries to be fresh, and you swatted him slightly. 
“It’s not funny, fuck you!” he laughed nodding his head at you “yes it is, you literally shoved me out of the way to specify in the drive thru that you wanted them fresh. It’s McDonalds-who asks for fresh fries?” you rolled your eyes “Can i ask you a question” “shoot” “Why don’t you date white guys?” you raised a brow at him.
“Personal reasons” “so I can’t get the actual answer?” “Maybe one day” “What does that even mean” you shrugged, eating another fry, making sure not to get anything on your dress. He sighed and nodded his head, something in him sparked the same curiosity he had when the two of you were fourteen, he told himself he’d get to hear the answer, and that he was making it his goal to win your heart. He didn’t even know who he was competing against. 
When the both of you made it to the event you were thirty minutes late, but you knew that. It was all a part of making a statement walking in, unfortunately for you-you were nervous. You knew how your father was going to react with you walking in, arms linked with Topper, you hoped the fact that your father worked with the Thornton’s would help loosen the blow, but that didn’t help how nervous you were feeling. 
He looked at you, the both of you walking towards the entrance of the ballroom. He could tell you were nervous, you kept adjusting the little gold things in your hair and your brows were furrowed. “What’s wrong” you looked over at him, the two of you could hear the generic classical music playing from inside the room, knowing people would be in there dancing, socializing, networking, and staring, They always stared. 
“My dad’s gonna freak out later” he bit his lip looking at you, you were staring at the entrance, fidgeting with one of the marbled acrylics on your fingers. “Why?” “Because I’m here with you-not Pope, or Kelce, or-” “because I’m white?” your eyes went wide and you looked at him “It’s not like that, actually it kind of is, but not in the conventional stereotypical ‘i hate white people’ way, like yea your ancestors were total pieces of shit, and honestly there's a good lot of white people now that are still pieces of shit, but it’s not because of that. Dad just thinks we come from two different walks of life, he’s huge on black love and things like that” 
He nodded his head, he understood where you were coming from and he sighed. “It’s cool, It’s one night, we’re uh-here as friends? If being friends is cool with you” you nodded your head, taking a moment to smooth out his blazer and make sure he looked presentable. “Do my baby hairs look right?” he looked confused, looking at you, blinking a few times “my edges, the swoopy hairs along my hairline Top” “oh, yeah they look good” you nodded and the both of you walked in together.
As usual people were staring, you made a beeline to your father, Topper following, one of his hands around your waist. When you approached your father he smiled at you, his eyes shifted to Topper and his smile dropped but he still nodded his head acknowledging him.
Your mother smiled at the two of you, standing up to hug you both, spending extra time hugging Topper which slightly confused you but you ignored it, sitting next to your father while your mother spoke to Topper, whisking him away from the two of you.
“The Thornton boy?” you sighed at his tone, you knew this was coming, but you knew it would only be worse later. “Yeah, we both needed dates Dad, it’s nothing serious I promise” “y/n, because it’s Topper and it’s only for one night, I’m not upset, but you know how I’ll feel in the long run” you sighed nodding your head at him. “Now go find your friends, they’ve been waiting for you” you laughed at him, giving him a kiss on the cheek then standing up and making your way around the venue, looking for everyone. 
You raised a brow when you found Sarah and Kiara, Pope and John B nowhere to be found. “Where's your lovers?” “Where’s yours” “excuse me?” Kiara pointed across the room, seeing your mother still talking to Topper, the both of them now laughing and you were confused. Turning back to look at your friends. 
“Soo the pogues are having a kegger tonight, and you’re coming!” you shrugged your shoulders at her, what was the worst that would happen, a few drinks, some loud music, kooks, pogues, and tourons all in the same place. 
“No but seriously, why is Topper laughing with your mom, I don’t even laugh that much with your mom and I’ve known her for like ever” you shrugged at Sarah, walking away from your friends towards your mother, but before you could make it to her, a hand pulled you off course and you were about to cuss them out, until Kelce pulled you further away from the crowd, handing you a flask, your first drink of the night. 
However after the charity ball, your first drink turned into your seventh drink and you were now at the Kegger, wearing your orange bikini top and a pair of denim shorts and a pair of sandals. Holding your eighth drink in one hand and a joint in the other while sitting next to Kiara, seeing Sarah grinding on John B in the distance, JJ and Pope playing beer bong. Then on the other side of the boneyard you spotted Kelce with the girl he took to the charity ball, and Topper. Standing awkwardly, holding his drink and looking around.
When your eyes met he gave you a small wave that made you giggle, you waved back and smiled, rolling your eyes in a playful manner.
“Holy shit, you have a thing for Topper!” you turned to look at Kiara, brows furrowed, mouth open. “Excuse me” she took the joint from your hand and smirked at you. “I know that look, besides we all know Topper’s had a thing for you-for like ever. And as much of a douchebag as he is, I think you two are cute” you rolled your eyes at her, shoving her slightly, then taking a sip of your drink, eyes trailing back to see Topper still looking over at you, this time taking a drink. 
You smiled, looking down at your drink now, swirling it around the cup, the liquor in your system making you consider it, but you didn’t date white boys, but there was something about Topper, something that was fun and different. Maybe it was the way the two of you effortlessly joked around and made conversation, or the way he mocked you for ordering fresh fries, or even the way he set his hand on your waist to reassure you that things were okay. 
Kiara pulled you up, making you dance with her, but a few songs in you managed to sneak off, taking the extra joint with you, making your way to your car, you knew you were too drunk to drive, so you climbed into the passenger seat, turning the car on and locking the doors, connecting your phone to the aux, playing one of your favorite playlists. The knock on your window scared you, you felt like you got whiplash from how hard you turned your head. 
When you noticed the blonde you unlocked the doors, watching him climb into the drivers side. You lit the joint and handed it to him after taking a few hits. You laughed at him coughing and rolled your eyes. “Amateur” “well excuse me for not smoking often” “you’re not inhaling right, that’s why you’re coughing you loser” 
“Wow I got the friend title and the loser title all in one day! How exciting is this” you shoved him and snatched the joint from him, taking a few hits, you felt his stare so you blew the smoke into his face. 
“Do your parents know you smoke?” you nodded your head “so you just hotbox your car-all the time?” you nodded again
“It’s not a complex concept Topper, I have a medical card. I have anxiety. Crazy right! After years of being bullied and harassed because of my skintone, and my hair, and my nose, not to mention my lips, I’m now a confident Queen that just so happens to be ridden with anxiety” you shot him a wink taking another hit. 
The two of you sitting and laughing while smoking together. He kept stealing glances at you, he thought you were beautiful, everything people ever said about you was wrong, there was nothing wrong with any of you. You were you, you had a unique look, you always took extra time on your hair, your smile could light up a room. You had your quirks, and you definitely came off like a bitch sometimes-but he knew there was so much more to you. 
“Can you drive me home? I’ll call Kelce to come get you, I know he’s not sleeping around tonight” he rolled his eyes “nah I think I’m fine driving you home and walking back” you scoffed “stop doing that” “doing what?” “being too proud, shut up, I’m gonna tell Kelce to get you.” he sighed, nodding his head and starting the car.
The two of you drove back to figure eight in a comfortable silence, you humming along to the songs playing, texting Kelce, who replied almost immediately with an ‘omw’ when he pulled into your driveway. “He’s on the way” he nodded his head, you were waiting for it to show up before you left him, knowing your father would freak out if you brought him inside. 
He turned to look at you, and he just stared at you, taking time to admire you. You bit your lip, furrowing your brows in confusion “what?” he didn’t say anything before he leaned in, connecting your lips, it was a different feeling, something about it threw you off, but it was a good different. You practically melted into the kiss, feeling his larger hand on the side of your face, pulling you closer to him. His lips were soft, and the kiss was sweet, you smiled into it, his tongue asking for entrance and you granted it. 
But when your phone rang, Kelce’s name and contact picture showed on the screen. You pulled away, biting your lip, pushing him back slightly, seeing Kelce at the bottom of your driveway. His face had a slight flush to it and he looked like he was in a daze. You answered the phone “Uh hey Kelcie” ‘tell loverboy I don't have all night’ you laughed at him and hung up. “He’s waiting for you” Topper nodded his head.
“Oh and one more thing Top, I don’t date white boys” he scoffed, nodding his head, turning off your car, handing you your keys. You took them from him and the both of you got out of the car, you locked it and waved at Kelce, seeing him stick his upper body out of his car and wave back. 
You watched Topper walk down, then went to your front door, going inside, going straight to your room. The only thought on your mind was the fact that Topper Thornton just kissed you, and you kissed him back.
“What the actual fuck”
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