#i was checking for milk
error404vnotfound · 1 year
my brain, unprompted: there's no blood left on the fridge :(
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oomles · 8 months
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This headline is so funny to me like... imagine any producer of anything ever outright saying to the press "I don't think the sequel we're making is as good at the first, sorry :("
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lovethemalephysique · 6 months
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scarapanna · 3 months
The main premise and events in the Intertwined Opposites AU
It's finally here!!!
I've managed to finally make a proper info post for my personal take on this silly possession AU craze as I've planned to do for a while since I'm totally normal about this concept (lie) /silly
Before proceeding, keep in mind that this post is gonna be pretty long as I'll be diving into important story events troughout the first half of it, so it gets the read more treatment as usual!!
There will be no crk spoilers here (except for the beast-yeast episodes), just a ""prologue" to current narrative events in the AU
•The beginning•
Everything starts in beast-yeast, once peace has been returned to the fairie kingdom
Now that the area is mostly free from danger with the silver tree's seal being properly mended, the crowd decides to start repairs and preparations to further celebrate everyone's victory for the remainder of the day.
However, as everyone starts to leave the area, something starts creeping out from the shadows created by the tree's roots
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Turns out that Shadow Milk, now severely weakened from the blow taken in battle, has managed to flee from being forced back into his prison once more.
During Lily's blast of magic, he essentially "split" and discarded part of his own power as a last resort, separating what was already being sucked into the renewed seal from himself to avoid getting dragged into containment once more.
Unfortunately for the beast, both his panicked and sloppy procedure combined with the added strenght of the new guardian's spell left him with a very poor amount of strenght, with it not being enough for anything useful.
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Needless to say, his mind is filled with hatred and anger as soon as he emerges
he can't really do much with this state, and thus lingers on formulating a plan to get what he wanted from the start, but how?
How would he get back on track, rid himself of the guardian, and break the seal once more like this?
The answer eventually comes to him, just right on top of a bridge alongside the one who restored his prison.
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His souljam, the one he was once the owner of
Now "purified" and held by Pure Vanilla, it binds the two together with the virtue of knowledge, split in the lights of truth and deceit during the purification process.
These lights are owned by the beast, and the figure by the bridge in front of him, yet come from the same thing.
Shadow Milk has finally decided on a proper plan.
◆ What comes after and what it leads to ◆
Days pass, turning into a few weeks and ending with a trip back home to take a break and write down what happened during the beast-yeast expedition.
Everything seems to have gone well in the end, yet something still feels..wrong?
It's not the best term for it, but does the job well enough.
The vanilla kingdom is peaceful, and Pure Vanilla's return safe and sound brings back some joy to the citizens.
Yet it just doesn't feel right, he doesn't know what precisely, but the ancient is riddled with an odd feeling almost like being watched.
He might not realise it for now, but he had been right. Someone has been following him inside the castle for the entire duration of the trip.
Pure Vanilla slowly grows more wary as days pass, and his doubts are confirmed as Shadow Milk's idea is proven successful.
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In the void Pure Vanilla is confronted by Shadow Milk cookie, he spills everything he's done without esitating twice, as there's no reason to hide it anymore.
Shadow Milk had always been there ever since the re-sealing of the tree, following Pure Vanilla and draining magic at a slow enough rate to not be noticed, until it was enough to take over his body without trouble.
Now that he had a "vessel" to work with, he could keep recharging power and be finally able to do his bidding.
He's questioned multiple times by Pure Vanilla, but he wouldn't budge, and the ancient manages to gather only their location and a few loose details.
This was not a void, this was a ""mind space"" where he was bound to stay while shadow milk used his body as a disguise, and he could not use magic to fight back against the beast.
Being out of options, Pure Vanilla quickly tries to think over what to do, and lingers over the situation to come up with something.
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Shadow Milk proposes an idea to Pure Vanilla, sharing the vessel that both are confined in, to be sure he doesn't get caught.
This is only to one condition: the ancient must work in favour of the beast under it's watchful sight at all times
The Ancient complies, and a deal is sealed.
It's not a loss nor a victory, only a beginning
◆The current situation◆
Now that the main prologue is set, what happens precisely to both?
So, Shadow Milk cookie is essentially ""possessing"" Pure Vanilla, but not completely.
The two switch up control of the ancient's body in certain times of the day and night, sometimes Pure Vanilla is granted the lead and when he's not needed Shadow Milk takes it. He's pretty much using the ancient as a puppet, a disguise and a tool for his own gain, assigning him certain tasks so that his plan will work as intended.
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Whenever one of them is not in control of their shared ""vessel"", they're send in the mindspace until the shift of control takes place and so on. Shadow milk never gives Pure Vanilla full "freedom" or personal space, having control of the shifts in lead and constantly keeping the ancient under watch trough mirrors and reflective surfaces (The only moments in which he's given alone time is when the beast is asleep in the mind space to retain magic).
The ancient, on the other hand, accepted Shadow Milk's offer right away without esitation, but for a much different reason.
Pure vanilla is trying to get the best out of his situation, and thus feels forced to go against his own morality to keep cookies safe and attempt to alarm them trough hints and hidden messages scattered in the kingdom.
Even if he doesn't like the means, what else could he do to keep everyone safe?
The difficulty of his situation causes him great stress and paranoia, which worsens as time goes on and Shadow Milk regains his powers bit by bit, making his actions more difficult to get away with unnoticed.
Here's some more info regarding the effects of sharing a vessel in two:
• Pure Vanilla and Shadow Milk's connection by souljam makes sharing a body possible, otherwise it would be fatal to most cookies (As they're not made to be vessels).
• The slit in the souljam is a shared element which hints at Shadow milk's presence in both, during control shifts it flickers in different shades of gray.
• Remaining on the topic, control shifts are not plesant in the slightest to both parties involved, being defined by acute physical pain on the area covered by the souljam. This is inflicted on the current cookie in charge of the vessel during the shift, fading away only when back in the mindspace.
•The two can see eachother and comunicate trough reflective surfaces, with them displaying the current entity in the mindspace instead of the one leading the vessel.
• Pure Vanilla's voice sounds somewhat overlapped or distorted when shadow milk is in charge of his body, he can't change this aspect unfortunately for him.
• Certain factors like hunger and thirst are shared between the two due to their predicament, they can sometimes be heard debate over what to eat and when during the day.
• Sleep in the traditional sense is the only factor distinct to the two instead of being shared, as it's strictly based on "individual energy" rather than "shared energy"
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solarpawbs · 1 month
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planet clue milk stream was rlly fun :]]
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not-poignant · 2 days
I know I'm still burnt out because my executive function is so bad at the moment I make like a million mistakes every time I put up a new chapter, which is demoralising and makes me feel extremely pathetic.
Anyone who says ADHD is a superpower needs to just spend some time in a bin.
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miss-spookhead · 2 months
thinking about a Blast From the Past steddie au tonight. like, think about it for a second--steve as the sweet, well-meaning himbo raised in a fallout shelter and eddie as the cynic who shows him the world as it is:
The year was 1962, and an atomic bomb had just dropped on top of the Harrington household.
Okay, not really. It was actually a fighter jet that suffered a mechanical failure just above the little plot of land the Harringtons called their home, but Walter Harrington took it differently. Far differently.
See, the thing was that the man was living in a state of paranoid delusion over the Cold War--terrified of the possibility of an outright nuclear holocaust over the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Soviet Union. He had been carefully building a fallout shelter under his home for his wife and possible children to live in with the works--canned food, running water, and even a working television.
And one day they went in and simply never left. The explosion right when they closed the door was tangible proof that the nuclear war was happening right above them.
A few years later, around 1968, a baby boy was born in a fallout shelter with no one but his mom and dad to keep him company.
They raised Steve the best they could, even if Walter Harrington was a mad genius and Madeline Harrington was a borderline alcoholic. Even if the boy was living in a perfect little time capsule of the fifties and early sixties. Walter made sure to educate him right and teach him how to be a sociable gentleman--even if he had no idea what swear words or the concept of sex were. That was for another time. Although, twenty-four years came and went for Steve Harrington, his father still owes him 'another time'.
Steve Harrington grows twenty-four years in perfect seclusion, but that changes at the flick of a switch.
The year is 1992: supplies are dwindling Walter is growing sick, and Steve is tasked to bravely set foot in the nuclear fallout to retrieve more material. (The only reason why Walter assumes they can even get more stuff is because he observed the outside world when the shelter unlocked and mistook it as a post-apocalyptic mutant society.)
The moment Steve made it outside his little bubble, he was utterly fascinated by the world--how different the people were outside of his television and his little books, how bright the sky was outside, how the irritable man on the bus wouldn't accept the money he tried to give him, how the bus moved and didn't fling him right off his seat.
(He even saw an adult bookstore. Dad told him that those things were filled with poisonous gas. How were they even to operate if they were filled with poisonous gas? That's dangerous and totally inconsiderate of the general public's safety.)
Anyway, he tries to follow the grocery list that Mom and Dad gave him the best he can, stocking up on poultry and tissue paper and the works. But by the end of the day, he doesn't know where he came from. Not a single sign or building or person can give him a single clue where to go.
After a few hours of wandering, suitcase in hand, he comes across a store with WE BUY BASEBALL CARDS written on the window.
Golly, Steve loves baseball cards--could look at Dad's collection for hours, and with the collection he has, he could make a pretty penny selling them for supplies. Despite the little hobby store being beside an adult bookstore with poisonous gas, he scampers right in.
"I see you're looking to buy baseball cards," he says breezily to the gruff, scary-looking man behind the counter.
"That I am," he replies.
Steve pulls a few from his jacket's inner pocket. "Well, these are a bit old, you see, but I was hoping you still might be interested."
The gruff man yanks them from his hands, a spark in his eye. He looks delighted to see them, and it fills Steve with an excitement he hadn't felt at all today. Nobody has been this happy over something he's done today. "Woah," he gasps, then covers it with a cough. "Mickey Mantle rookie season...how much do you want?"
"I was hoping to sell all of my cards, actually!"
The man sputters incredulously. "All of 'em? Are you fucking with me?"
"I'm not sure what that means, but all I have are hundred-dollar bills and I need something smaller. Like, uh...ones, tens, fives..."
"Tell you what, I'll give you five hundred in small bills for all you got."
Steve smiles brightly. "Oh, that would be wonderful, sir--"
"Five hundred for a case-full of rookie season Mickey Mantles, Rick, are you fucking joking?" A deep voice cuts through Steve's thanks from the other side of the small store. He turns around to find a man leaning against a magazine rack, arms folded sternly.
The man is unlike Steve's ever seen before. Long, long limbs and big brown eyes that look traced with black and smudged around the edges. Pretty lips, too almost girl-ish, in the way they were big and plush like the women he'd see on the television. The strangest thing about him, though, was the curly hair that tumbled past his shoulders.
He looked mad, though. Madder than mad.
"Tell the poor guy you're fucking with him," long-hair-pretty-lips says to the man behind the counter, who bristles.
"Were you raised in a fucking barn, Munson? Who told you to interrupt on business?" Rick counters. Steve was really not appreciating the amount of f-words dropped in the conversation, it was uncouth.
"Sure I was!" Munson saunters towards the counter and Steve's eyes follow him like a moth to a light. "But my morals go past your business practices at this point. You remember the ninth commandment, yeah?"
"You shut your Goddamn mouth--"
"Excuse me sir, but I really don't appreciate how you're using the Lord's name in vain like that," Steve says firmly.
"See?" Munson smiles. It's like sunlight. "He gets it."
He plucks the baseball card from Rick's hand and holds it over his head when he tries to reach for it again. "See this little thing?" He says to Steve sweetly. "This guy costs six grand alone."
"Get out of town! Really?"
"Oh yeah, big guy. Selling the thing would give you a small fortune, and Rick over here is trying to con you out of it."
Steve frowns. "Is that true?" He asks Rick.
"Nothing but," Munson says in place of him. He slips the card back into Steve's hands and gives them a pat.
"The Hell is even keeping you here, Munson?" Rick sneers. "Did the gig you won't shut up about fall through like they usually do? Better to bum it out here than in your shithole apartment? Stop loitering in my damn store and make like a fucking tree. You're banned."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Munson says rolling his eyes. He looks at Steve, then the door, gesturing at it with a flick of his head. "I'll see you out, Beaver."
He walks them both out the door, stopping to gesture at Rick strangely--hands balled into fists with only his middle fingers up--before stepping outside onto the sidewalk.
"Well merci, Monsieur," Steve says appreciatively, because Dad taught him French was always to be used on such occasions.
"What, you're French?"
"Oh no, I'm"--he thinks back to what Dad told him if a mutant asks where he's from. Gosh, he thinks he's supposed to be--"out on business."
"And you don't even have a clue about the little business trick that Rick tried to pull?"
"No...no, I--"
"Yeah, doesn't matter." Munson shrugs. He smiles sympathetically at Steve before turning on his heel and walking off. Oh boy, what would he do without him?
He follows him like a lost puppy, that's what.
"...You going the same way?" Munson asks incredulously. Steve shakes his head.
"Well, I'm following you."
Munson stops in his tracks, blinking, and Steve almost runs into him in his state. "Me?"
"Well yes! Where are we going?"
"We?" Munson asserts. "I'm going back to my shithole apartment, and judging by that jacket you're wearing, you should be taking the next left and hop-skipping straight to the barber college."
"Oh, I'm lost, though."
"Aren't we all?"
"Say, did you just get banned from that hobby store because of me?" Steve says to change the subject.
Munson sighs. "Seems like I did, sailor. The place was shitty anyways, with that dickhead running the operation. Wayne could get better cards from a different joint."
...dickhead? Steve's never heard that leave the seams of anyone's lips before. "Dickhead?"
"Yeah, he's a real fucking loser. A walking talking penis capable of human speech."
Steve gets queasy at the image he's concocted in his head. He leans against the nearest brick wall, his suitcase tumbling to the ground as he drops into a contemplative squat.
"Dude, what is wrong with you?"
"Well, the mental image that I..."
Munson's eyebrows scrunch before he reaches out a hand to Steve. He takes it, letting the man haul him upward. "Look, man, where'd you park your car?"
"I came by bus."
"Aren't you full of surprises."
"I am?"
"Okay look." Eddie raises his hands, palms splayed in the air. "It's your first time in Los Angeles, right? Everyone wants a taste of it, I know, and you're out for business and fucking famished. You got the opportunity to see the great big world outside of your little bubble and you got excited--but you took a bus and got mixed up in the middle of San Fernando Valley without a clue in the world. Am I correct?"
Steve listens in wonderment. So far, Munson's been correct in a way. He's convinced he might be psychic. He nods slowly and seriously just to see Munson flash that lighting-strike smile.
"Great, great. Which brings us to here. Correct again?"
"Oh yeah."
"Where are you staying?"
Nowhere, at the moment. Steve opens his mouth to say so, but Munson interrupts quickly. "Holiday Inn?"
"Yes, the Holiday Inn!" Steve says totally truthfully.
"Okay, cool. Cool." Munson claps his hands together with finality and starts walking. "The nearest bus station is a couple of blocks away if you take a right--"
"Don't you have a car?"
Munson stops in his tracks again. He turns to face Steve once again. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
Something warm pools in Steve's gut at the pet name. Something about the way those pretty lips form that word sends blood rushing to his cheeks. "Steve," he says.
"Alright, Steve." Oh boy, his name sounds even better when Munson says it. "Rule number one in Los Angeles? Never let a stranger drive you anywhere."
"If it makes you feel any better," Steve says sweetly, "I don't have a gun."
Munson pales, then starts running.
"Hey!" Steve cries and makes haste to follow him. "I must've said something wrong, please forgive me!"
"Nope, nope--get the fuck away from me, man!"
He grabs Munson's wrist to pull him back, which is a bad move since the man starts writhing around in his grip. "I'm not going to hurt you, sir!"
Steve drops Munson's hand and raises his in surrender. "See?"
"...Just let me get to my car."
"I'll give you a Rogers Hornsby if you take me to my hotel," Steve reasons.
Munson stills. "...That's like four grand, don't bullshit me."
He pulls the card from his jacket and presents it as evidence. "See? I was holding it back." He wants Munson to feel safe. "I got two." He reaches for the other cards in his pockets and pulls them out. "And-and all these other ones, too!"
"Okay, okay. You'll give me four thousand dollars if I drive you to your place?"
"That's it?"
"And I don't have to give you a quickie in the backseat or anything?"
"Yes sir--wait, what?"
Munson blows past his question like it didn't even leave Steve's mouth. "Can you stop with the sir crap?"
"Well, I'm sorry, sir--"
"My name is Eddie."
Eddie...Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Wow, what a name. It's almost like something he's heard on the television.
"Why, it's nice to meet you, Eddie."
"Tolerable to meet you too, Steve."
Steve smiles shyly, then asks, "So are you a girl?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well it's just your hair...it's so long." Steve points at his as an example. "I've never seen anything like it before."
"Dude, it's 1992, every other guy looks like this--have you been living under a rock or something?"
Something like that. Steve shrugs.
"Well guys having long hair doesn't mean that they're girls, Steve, that's a given. It's not 1962 anymore." Eddie backtracks. "Well, I mean, dudes can have long hair and be chicks and chicks can be dudes too but that's not--"
"Oh, wow, my dad told me about one of those the last time he went here!"
"Oh that's fantastic, sweetheart," Eddie says, sugary-sweet. "But how about I drive you home?"
"That'd be a pleasure, Eddie."
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b0nelessdoodles · 13 days
me? making a silly animatic thing from the silly au me and my friend made? more likely than you think. (there is a second chunk i did but idk if i wanna post that one too or not)
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Incase this gets some creative gears going:
To mystic flour cookie: how does it feel to be the first playable beast cookie
To shadow milk cookie: how does it feel to not be the first to be playable beast cookie despite being the first to be revealed
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"Of course I'd be the first. I'm better than him."
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creepyscritches · 7 months
Watching my way thru law and order svu bc there's an insane amount of it (need a bg show) and it's astounding how much of a clown show it is. Ice-T is hunting pedophiles and he's canonically republican. Detectives pick up victims w gunshot wounds to the head and run them to the ambulance while making sure their noggins bounce as much as possible on their unsupported necks. Only criminals don't give DNA come on trust me come onnnnn. Detective Stabler has 2 foreheads.
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
OK DOES ANYONE KNOW that het romance korean webtoon called "super secret" by eon abt a girl and her werewolf childhood friend... it was 1 of my v first webtoons and i have this super random out of pocket take for it that ive been keeping to myself for yrs im finally breaking my silence LMFOAOAO
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anyway theyre cute together i said what i said (no one cares)
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(i do rmbr posting abt this before when i first read the epilogue but no one cared/no one still cares BWAHAHHA)
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rntsuoka · 2 years
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big buff hot nerd
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lovethemalephysique · 6 months
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scarapanna · 4 months
I've cooked once again!! Sprinkled in a teeny tiny bit of lore too/silly
This took me 3-4 days but I'm really really proud of this so it was worth it
[I kept the video unlisted as I dunno if I'm comfty with making it public at the moment, but on the archive account there's a public playlist with the this day aria animatic and this one!]
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sweater-equestrian · 8 days
vet has ordered Romeo a cushings + general blood work to check on liver and kidney function. its more precautionary than anything, but still, fingers crossed.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Oh that’s a cute illustration-
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Hey wait where’s that photo from?
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