#i truly love this game i do
storm-driver · 1 month
Having finished the DLCs in full, and thus gotten my fill of FFXVI in its entirety (save the Final Fantasy mode and the Kairos Gate endings), I can officially say, with all certainty, FFXVI is a game that exists.
Spoilers below the cut for FFXVI and its DLCs.
I'm not one to mince words when I wanna gush about a game I love. And FFXVI has the makings of something truly fucking incredible. Wonderful fight choreography, out-of-this-world kaiju battles, music that brings you to tears through passion alone, environments that speak for their rich history, characters with such strong bases and motivations, all tied up in a bow of underwhelming character writing and a misguided ending to what could've been one of the best stories I'd seen in the JRPG genre.
I wanna reiterate: I love this game. I think FFXVI is fucking amazing, was worth the 60$ price tag, and it's two DLCs were very fun to play through. I stand by my original word that Clive Rosfield is one of the best FF protagonists we've gotten since Final Fantasy X.
However, loving the game for what it does right can stand in the same room as disliking the game for what it does wrong. It's unfortunate that I feel the need to tear into the game like this, given how much I want to praise its feats. And I still will, I still think this game is worth playing in spite of what it does wrong. But it also be remiss of me to say "just ignore these parts of the game!" and hope that people can turn a blind eye like I can.
I was hoping the DLC could ammend something I originally disliked about the original game: the ending. The ending is by far one of the most contested parts of the game when it comes to discussing the positives and negatives. Some people like the ambiguity of it all, others would rather have the truth spilled.
For me personally, I'm not in either field. Because I don't think the ending to the game is a culmination of the journey Clive takes. It does not feel genuine. It doesn't feel like he deserved his fate to be left up to guessing. If he died on that beach or if he let his name fade away in history in favor of his brother. Neither of those choices speak to me as "Yeah, that's where the story was going."
It's bitter. Not bittersweet. Plain bitter. It feels like a kick in the teeth for trying to fight his destiny. How dare he try to change fate for himself and the world. You are now cursed to live a false life, if you even survive that long. Not even your dust will be remembered.
Now, my fervent and desperate hopes regarding this game were that the acquisition of the Leviathan eikon would change his fate. After all, we saw at the end of the game that Clive was an "incomplete" vessel, thought we're never told exactly why. The assumption is the missing Eikon in Leviathan. But if not Leviathan missing, what is? Is his humanity itself keeping him grounded, to a point where he cannot change his fate? The fate of his brother?
Is the ending, and I ask this with the utmost of curiousity, meant to tell us that Clive was destined to lose everything in the end? That fighting his shackles only helped the world, and he couldn't even save himself or his brother? That a price must be paid for hubris on this grand a scale, and Clive is the unfortunate victim of it all?
This game screamed to me constantly that he wasn't going to die easily. He would not let himself lose everything he'd worked so hard to retain. For god's sake, the main message of the Bearers and Dominants is that they should get to choose how to live their life, and to live their life to the fullest.
The ending of the game speaks of inevitability. A direct contrast to everything Clive was fighting for. The ending doesn't do a good job of making it feel like a bittersweet victory, as it just kills off Joshua and deliberately tells Clive, "Nope, not good enough."
I digress, this is gripes with the ending, and how I had hoped it would change. Obviously my hopes were misplaced. Or maybe I'm jaded and trying to interpret this in ways that the writers didn't intend. But I can't help but percieve it this way, especially when I look at other people discussing the DLC and finding a lot of them thought the same.
Another thing, the hidden Eikon in the Kairos gate content. Ultima being an eikon you channel. I genuinely do not understand the point of this eikon outside of it being a means for trailer bait. Because that's all it ending up being. No story implications. Not even true practical usage besides being intense damage nukes and an overall homage to Ultima as a source of power. Prove me wrong if something at the end of Kairos gate ends up being story related, but I have a very strong feeling it is not.
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quiescentdestiny · 9 months
really love that Nora said "I'm gonna make the concept of 'fight, flight, or freeze' into three traumatized boys and then write an entire trilogy about it."
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chalkrub · 7 months
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it's mendel!
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baldursghaik · 2 months
Reading the reaction to Larian's decision to fully step back from wotc/d&d/etc has been interesting
a lot of mourning of the loss of "content"
"we could have had years and years of content" "this is heart breaking to never see these characters again" etc etc
is that what you really want? content? is this what modern media production has come to, that people aren't sated with anything less than milking a property until it's a barren husk of anything it once was?
Why can't we be happy with what we have? I don't think it's unfair to be sad about this news, especially given that it felt like some things were being teased or hinted at, and now they most likely will not come to fruition (at least at larian's hands), but is that really so bad? If you're so dissatisfied with a character's ending or arc, write a fanfiction, draw fanart, boot up the game again and just imagine your way into what you DO want
is that not the fundamental nature of d&d?
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lilidawnonthemoon · 3 months
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charles-jpg · 6 months
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you say i killed you, haunt me then! | coriolanus snow and lucy gray baird
1. lev st. valentine // 2. clarice lispector // 3. anne carson // 4. anne carson // 5. haruki murakami // 6. richard siken // 7. unknown // 8. t.b bliss // 9. brenna twohy
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ryllen · 6 months
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#mtas#my time at sandrock#mtas wei#mtas builder#fanart#i found my true love target ; v ;#the smiling type is the ones that truly snatch my heart#they bring me the utmost joy#as much ironic it is unsuur makes me unsure of the rest of the stage after confession#i just thought i marry him in case the builder parents come and there would be some kind of scene over it like in portia#till the very last minute my heart was somehow still half in about it#tho in the game unsuur is read very close as 'unsure' i actually pronounce it differently bcs it's close to something in my language#unsur : means element; i thought that's nice bcs it feels closely to rock related thing#https://translate.google.com/?sl=id&tl=en&text=unsur&op=translate#if anyone even interest the slightest on how it sounds when pronounced by me here's the google translate link#but yea i'm dying that it is literally being pronounced 'unsure'#pls help him he just needs to be given a chance to command so he can learn to do independent thinking from experience#like yeah probably there would be lots of mistake at first#but u're like a mom justice who decides everything for the child so when u ask the child they just be like don't know ask mom fshdshd#he needs to be put out there#or had that been done justice if so i am sorry ; v ;#but seriously i'm dying when i kept adventuring with justice and logan and unsuur was just told to wait like a puppy fhsdh#he needs to be taught how to decide things by himself seriously#it's honestly hard to write unsuur's character#like no matter how u tried somehow it doesn't feel as close as funny or as serious deadpan like the original#wei here is like a piece of white paper i can scribble whatever i want#it's unexpected#but i ended up liking wei
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pennyserenade · 6 months
thinking about mulder and scully and how gentle he was with her when she was lying there in the hospital dying. he walked into the room with a wide grin and held her hand and kissed her cheek, and spoke to her in hushed, conspiratorial tones, and everything was life or death but it was so quiet, so unimportant, as he sat by her side and looked at her. mulder looked as happy as he’d ever been, sitting there with her, and it wasn’t because he was; he wasn’t. he knew that she was dying, that they were coming upon the moment when she was no longer going to be with him sooner rather than later, and he was crushed by the weight of it, by the impossibility of it. when he came to see her again and she was sleeping, looking pallid and defeated, he slumped against her bed and cried on his knees in the dark—quiet, body wracking sobs she never knew about, because he never wanted her to know how weak her being weak made him. with the weight of impending death, mulder gave scully the most of life, all that he wished she could’ve received but hadn’t: that coddling, that affection, the beautiful mundaneness of domestic bliss. he listened to her—really listened to her. and he really loved her, loved her like a husband, or a boyfriend, loved her the way a better man would’ve.
and then when scully got better, when the cloud of death evaporated and she appeared before him with color in her cheeks and flirtation on her tongue, he took it back. gone were the days of all that soft love and affection and back was the mulder and scully of old. he sidetracked their team bonding workshop, pointedly ignored the glaring fact that scully agreed he needed to work on his communication, and got them stranded in the depths of the floridian forest. even better, he let her coddle him, let her hold him close to her chest and made her sing him a song as they shivered through the night and watched out for monsters that could kill them, because he couldn’t handle it. the idea of being anything to scully other than what he had been before — a nuisance, a challenge, a partner — terrified him so badly he went into overdrive trying to reinforce those uncomplicated roles again. it wasn’t that he didn’t love her. he did — he loved her to the point of insanity, to the point of self destruction (something she so worried about). he just didn’t know how to love scully when it wasn’t dire. he loved her so much that he could not stand the idea of failing her with anything inadequate and half baked. he was glad to give it to her when it was dire, but when it came to life long devotion, he needed a few more years.
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tvlandofficiall · 1 month
happy birthday to the stupid salesman that's ruining my life
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horsemeatluvr23 · 1 month
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zedaph!!! coloured pencil n fineliner :D ngl i rly struggled w getting a photo of this one .. i ended up scanning it but i think it washed out a lot of the pencil detail n ended up looking like i deep fried it lmao. u will all just have to trust me when i say this looks better irl
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babyboybuckley · 2 months
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Shourtney fans how are yall feeling
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blindtigerart · 7 months
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Revachols Finest Police on the Case
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jabberwockprince · 6 months
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A arcanist’s work. Exhibited in the 1990s for 24 years. Completed in Summer, on September 13. The exhibition was first held in Manila, Philippines, and after 10 years the exhibit later traveled to Spain, before going all over the world.
◆ Medium: Hunger ◆ Afflatus: Banquet of Concrete [Mineral] Everlasting True Love ◆ Fragrance note: Fruity - Raspberry, Apple, Coconut. Meat, copper. ◆ Size: 175cm / 5’7’’
new six stars character yall <3 here's Venison's insight II illustration and their role garment menu (i built that template from SCRATCH bro, i'll drop the psd later) they're my lil mercenary, local cannibal guy, former manus member <3
here's their fullbody sprite under the cut, i got too lazy to actually render it lmfao
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sunshinediaz · 6 months
fuck it friday 🎄
i have nothing witty to say, how sad
have a little snip from my 4+2 fic which is going to be finished tonight and up on 24 december <3
“You slipped tongue in there, you motherfucker.”  Buck holds his hands up, sufficiently accosted. “Well, you were making a lot of weird noises,” he says, haughtily, “so you were clearly enjoying the tongue.”  Eddie scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I didn’t,” he lies, like a liar. He enjoyed the kiss a little too much—wouldn’t mind repeating it seventeen more times just to see if Buck is really that good with his tongue or if it was a fluke. It’s part of the scientific method, you know.  “Did so.”  “Did not.”  “Did so, Eddie.”  Eddie puts his hands on his hips. “Did—” Except Buck’s a lot closer than he thought, grinning wide and ruddy-cheeked, and Eddie’s not a strong man, not really, and so he closes his mouth, reaches out, grabs Buck’s cheeks, and pulls him in for another kiss. It’s sudden, and Buck’s off-kilter, leaning so far forward he topples, and Eddie catches him, wraps him up tight, and sucks Buck’s tongue into his mouth again, lets Buck play and taste, and swallows every little noise Buck gives him, and, yeah, Buck really is that good of a kisser, holy shit.  Buck pulls back first, breathless and full of wonder. “Wow,” he says, blinking heavy.  “Wow is right.” Eddie grins, tummy full of sparkly joy, and steals another quick kiss. “Come home with me after shift.”
tagged by @daffi-990, @fortheloveofbuddie, @giddyupbuck, @devirnis, @callmenewbie, @jesuisici33, @eddiebabygirldiaz, and @try-set-me-on-fire mwah
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @jeeyuns, @monsterrae1, and @wikiangela if any of you wanna share sumthin
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 days
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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shanksxbuggy · 10 months
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when your daughter is so beloved and famous you’re simply known as Uta’s father
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