#i think there will be a scene when shes going to kill him and they exchange memey banter before or while they fight
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A small piece inspired by fellow yandere writer @somerandomdere. If you’d like to read the original material, I will leave the link to it here. Special thanks to @yourdoorisunlocked and @f4turemom for their feedback!
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and ACTION!
warnings: delusional thoughts, stalking, obsessive behavior, gender-neutral!reader.
Imagine a yandere!actor who had gotten his foot in the door as a side character in a legal drama series at the same time you had made your own screen-writing debut. 
He had worked two part-time jobs and struggled financially until the producer for the show declared him to be perfect for the role he and three others had auditioned for. His manager was surprised that he had landed a part during his first year with the talent agency an old college buddy of his had recommended checking out. It was the producer who had introduced you to him, the rookie writer of the episode he debuted in. Contrary to his own humble beginnings, however, you came from a well-off family and you had landed the job through your father’s connections. 
Something that everyone despised you for, because you weren’t like them. They thought you didn’t work hard and had another person on the team write your scripts while you drank pina coladas by the poolside of your home in Beverly Hills and took all the credit. 
If that were truly the case, then why did you show up for each table reading and scribble down notes, whispering to your colleagues before sharing ideas with the director once the sessions were over? Or be seen at cast calls and left at the same time as the rest of the cast and crew? It was rare for anyone to find a good work ethic, let alone being completely committed to their craft and actually enjoying the whole process even if they made mistakes.
A networking system was vital in show business, sure, but what if your father had only provided you an opportunity to be introduced to the right people, and you put in the time and effort to prove that you had what it took to be under the spotlight.
Yandere!actor found out for himself when you offered to help him to go over his lines in the back booths of 24-hour diner when filming was done for the day. The red circles that the director made on the scripts where his speaking parts were in the areas he needed to improve on by the next session or else he’d be out of a job, deprived of a second chance to be on the big screen.
“See here where the bad guy is supposed to be standing after the evidence of their crime is being brought to light, fueled with anger and believing that they still did the right thing?” You said, tapping against the page. “Instead of looking at him in fear after he slams his hands against the witness stand, look at him in disgust and disbelief. Like how could someone who was your brother’s best friend, his partner at the company they started together, kill him for money that would get him out of the debt he owed to the crime boss. The camera will be on you during that scene, so your facial expressions will be crucial.”
“So, no tears of sadness?”
“That might be a bit overboard unless the director thinks it works for the scene. She’s kinda picky about characters staying in characters, proclaiming that without them that the plot would be ruined. I do agree, at least to that extent.” You smiled at him, flashing a thumbs-up. “You’ll do great though. I’m sure of it.”
Your confidence in his ability and advice saved his ass the following morning during shooting. The director approved the final scenes with a thumbs up, congratulating the staff on finishing the episode in a timely manner and ending the day early.
That was probably when yandere!actor realized there was something special about you.
The weekly viewer ratings for the episode you wrote skyrocketed to over 7 million, and it only increased whenever you were tasked with writing each upcoming episode, right until the season finale. The only thing he regretted was not asking for your phone number or email to stay in touch on the night before he had to return home.
Years passed, and he became a big star in action, horror, and romantic/comedy movies. He bought his groceries at an organic marketplace, had two properties in different cities, he wore designer clothes, and had a walk-in closet filled with shoes of his favorite brand. He was to leave for Italy in a week for another big picture to be filmed, a spy thriller.  You were supposed to be there too, and he could not wait to see you again even when the last time he worked with you was just a month ago on the set of that sci-fi epic in Sydney, Australia. The trailer is supposed to be premiering at San Diego Comic-Con but you wouldn’t be on the stage answering questions by his side. Just the director, producer, and his fellow co-star Michelle Wang that he’s been dating to promote the project. 
It’s really a shame that he can’t tell the director to sod off since he is the star of the movie, so of course he has to be there for the fans or else there would be some serious backlash on Instagram or Tik Tok. 
He just hoped that the new rumors on social media about you being in a long-term, romantic relationship with a stunt guy are false. After all, no one knew you like he did. And how he wished he realized that he fell in love with you sooner so that you wouldn’t be stolen by some nameless schmuck. How can you be an award-winning screenwriter and have almost no social media footprint for him to keep tabs on?
Taglist: @suiana @lu-zo-san @pinkgoldweebgirl @hotnbloodied @c4xcocoa @tonightwrites @facelessfionna @losersiren @sarcastic-cookie @sweetbatherodonkey @valeriinee @obsessedwithromance @diannaflight @cassanderasblog @ixchelhernandez4 @abelheilonwife @yandere-writer-momo @yandere-dark-cupid @persephone-kore-law @aiimee9 @reiivven @mochinon-yah @nunezs-stuff @slowlyswimmingmoon @dreamlessnight @ghostdoodlen @vivyolite
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immediatebreakfast · 3 days
Well, the consequences for Jonathan's disobedience were quite terrifying, on top of destroying an aspect of Jonathan's beliefs as a character.
We already have seen plus noticed how Jonathan identifies with what femininity, and women represented in the 19th century. He is a male character that expresses so much love for the ideas of safety, and comfort that the feminine entails without the narrative trying to paint this in a derogative light anywhere.
So, it's not wonder that the visit from the Weird Sisters (a.k.a. the speculated brides, and housemates of Dracula) left him totally traumatized. Nothing that Dracula has done so far has gained such huge reaction from Jonathan.
Great God! merciful God! Let me be calm, for out of that way lies madness indeed.  ... for now, feeling as though my own brain were unhinged or as if the shock had come which must end in its undoing, I turn to my diary for repose. The habit of entering accurately must help to soothe me.
In his journey as a gothic heroine as he is trapped in the castle, Jonathan has been surviving by employing the same ideas used by fictional heroines he admires and looks up to in dire times, and he has comforted himself with Mina's memory, and his undefying love for her. Everything that Dracula represents regarding masculinity means danger for Jonathan, he is scared how the power that the Count holds over him; not as a man towards another man, but as a man towards a conceptual woman within Jonathan's mind that is part of his being.
All of this concludes in Jonathan taking a nap in the ladies' chamber room, away from Dracula's aggresive masculinity in his tainted designated room, and inside what he now deems a safe space because women lived there.
Then the Weird Sisters appear in their ethereal, beautiful glory, and as Jonathan recalls the incident in his diary, the feeling of angry loosing sanity is written with an underline tone of pure defeated betrayal. It feels as if Jonathan keeps asking himself "why did they do that to me? Aren't they in the same position as me?"
The feeling of what Jonathan calls repulsion cut through the sexually charged scene like a knife. All of the soft adjectives to describe the Sisters' appearance, Jonathan's attraction to them as he shames himself for thinking like that because of Mina, the emphasis of voluptuos charm laced with danger, all of it gets cut when Jonathan realizes what the Weird Sisters are planning to do.
There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually licked her lips like an animal.
The ladies that he thought were a dream at first are there to use him the same way that Dracula has been doing... the only difference is that the vampire ladies made very clear that they will kill him. So out it goes the kind language to describe women, and what enters is the language that Jonathan uses to describe the Count.
The femininity that Jonathan felt comfort in to shield himself from the horrors he has seen is now fractured to incorporate the monsterhood of the Weird Sisters. It's a realization that shatters him, not all women are soft, and kind, these women would have killed him if not the Count arriving, and if Jonathan cannot go to the Weird Sisters for safety against Dracula, then it means that the only being who stands between his death and life is the Count himself.
The man who is keeping Jonathan as a prisoner in everything but name is who he has to run to if Jonathan wants to keep living... What a nightmare indeed.
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A Story Done Right
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Kill Bill, The Princess Bride, Blue-Eyed Samurai, Wrath of Khan. Our media is saturated with revenge stories. Even children's tales often have revenge as a sweeping premise (e.g., the countless Star Wars villains as a modern example, but older tales such as Cinderella were even more rife with vindictive messages). And to be honest, I have never cared for this plot type.
Revenge stories are usually violent, merciless, myopic, and pretty disregarding of 'collateral' losses. Not all, but most lack any type of interesting moral symbology and substitute dynamic storylines and complex character development in lieu of exciting action scenes and a prosaic fixation on bloodshed. There are certainly exceptions to this, many of the titles I listed above actually have a lot of great things going for them. But I would say that these qualities are in spite of their focus on revenge and not because of it.
And there are an endless number of animes, movies, books, and other stories based on revenge that simply do not appeal to me (not judging other people if they like violent action media, just not my personal taste). Most of the time, I am just left feeling empty at the end, like Neo after volume 9.
But there is one exception to this theme. One revenge story that leaves me feeling whole, not empty. From the banner image, I think it is pretty obvious which story it is. This is my own highly subjective opinion, but I truly believe that the fight with Adam represents the perfect revenge story. And here is my reasoning.
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Revenge is Not The Hero's Purpose
In too many stories, the premise begins with douchebag 'X' killing damsel 'Y', leading to hero 'Z' killing a lot of henchmen and blowing up a lot of buildings all for the singular purpose of making Mr. X pay. Once they achieve this purpose, they look around aimlessly before wandering off to have a milkshake or play golf or something. Yeah well, this story does not do this. Killing Adam was never the objective for Blake and Yang, because they have actual goals that involve saving people and not just executing some vendetta.
Don't get me wrong. I love redemption stories, I find them so much more satisfying, especially when the character in question has to struggle to overcome the gravity of what they have done (note: a redemption arc does not mean instant forgiveness, it might never end with actual for absolution for what they have done). I love Emerald's story and think it has a lot of interesting twists that it can take. But there are some characters who are just too far gone to save. And Adam fits that perfectly.
He has a tragic backstory and I truly pity him. But he is also an abusive, murdering shitlord who manipulated and groomed Blake (I wouldn't be surprised if he physically or sexually abused her, which is somewhat implied by her frequently defensive body posture, but is not definite). He kills out of spite and represents Yang's demon, who she could have become. It was cathartic to watch him fall, but I am ever so grateful that his demise was not the purpose of Blake and Yang. Because killing him out of spite for what he did to them would not be much different than the way he lashed out at others for the traumas that he has endured. Some might call it justice, but justice and revenge are two sides of the same coin and the edges between them can be blurry.
The point is, Yang and Blake are so much more than Adam. They killed him out of necessity, not out of hate.
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They Are Set on the Future
As I mentioned, I often feel empty at the end of a revenge story. When the villain lies dead within a pool of their own blood and the hero has achieved everything they sought to accomplish, what more is there really? Often, I feel like the story has reached its ending without really achieving anything of note. Often, without really making the world a better place. A plot about revenge is not the same as one about taking someone down to save other people. The former is what Adam wanted and it would have made the world a worse place. But Yang and Blake are protectors. The fight was exhilarating and satisfying, but it ultimately humanized these characters whereas most revenge stories do the opposite, treating human life as cheap entertainment to be killed in the most 'epic' way possible.
But more important, the fight left me feeling excited about the future, rather than feeling burn out from seeing the villain die. Adam was fixated on the past. He was a character of the past. He represented Blake and Yang's trauma, their old demons and fears. He had no further place in their character arcs, because they had evolved into something so much more. Killing Adam was not the end of their story as it is in so many revenge plots. It was simply a new beginning. It felt whole and wholesome. Past, present, and future.
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Because it is the People Who Matter
Ultimately, the fight was never about killing Adam. It was about bringing Yang and Blake together. About having them overcome the demons of their past. About the importance of mental health. About their individual traumas (abandonment issues & PTSD for Yang and Blake's fear of hurting others). About the challenges that LGBTQ+ people face in finding security in a hostile world. It was about these two, fucking amazing characters and the ineffably wondrous relationship that forms between them. One based on actual fucking support, equality, and love.
That is all I have on this right now. Hopefully, I did not offend too many people by criticizing typical revenge stories. But I have been wanting to talk about my love and appreciation of this scene for years. I know there have been so many more people who have discussed these same themes and points before, probably more adroitly than my rambling mess, but this is my rambling mess. Thanks for reading!
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Random side trivia 1: Mandy Patinkin, the actor who played Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride, is famous for his iconic line, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Mandy felt that the scene was symbolic of feelings towards the illness that took his father. But regarding revenge against people, he actually dislikes his iconic line and how it idolizes revenge.
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Random side trivia 2: I love Jeff & Casey William songs and I just love BMBLY (except or that creepy line about the birds and butterflies knowing, wtf). But as an ecologist, I should note that bumblebees do not make honey. Jeff was thinking of European honey bees. Bumblees are cute, fuzzy, chunky super pollinators that live in the ground, in hollow plant stems, or other obscure spots and are either solitary or have very small hives. They virtually never bother people and are super pollinators, actually much better pollinators than honeybees (which are super awesome cool in their own right, but also highly invasive in the western hemisphere and hurt our native pollinators D: And yes, I cherry-picked the ugliest picture of one that I could find). Many bumblebees are endangered, just like our beloved Bumblebees. Save the bees! AND THE BEES!
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altf4d3lete · 20 hours
Episode One this is single-handedly bringing back my obsession even though it never left
- its 2022. Why is everyone freaked out bc a girl wears all black. Like people do that on a daily basis nowadays
- “I want names” didn’t you JUST see them walking away from the locker
- Stop shoving him in a locker tied up is actually so mean wtf
- I see people use this piranha scene as justification that she’d be okay with murder, but really it’s justification that she wouldn’t be okay with people hurting her friends and those she cares about AT ALL. She’s trying to KILL these guys just for bullying their brother. Imagine what she’d do to Tyler for hurting Eugene and Enid.
- The intro is SO fucking cool
- Emma was so far down on the list of actors and now my girl is #3 behind Jenna and buscemi. She’s a main character now B)
- If I were Wednesday I’d be pissed too. I CANT with the parents. Like I love you but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER 😭
- It’s five minutes in and I have so many notes
- Have to say again with the “terrible, they’d know I didn’t get the job done” that Wednesday is MORBID, not okay with murder unless she deems the person deserves it
- Ergh there is clearly so much discrimination against outcasts
- Weems and morticia r lowkey giving homoerotic rivalry…
- I genuinely can’t even like… I CANT WHY DID WEEMS PAIR HER WITH ENID 😭
- Guys Enid is SO cute holy fuck. She is UNPHASED bro, she’s just so excited to have a roommate she’s so cute I’m sobbing. She just wanted to accept Wednesday.
- Wednesday just lies about killing two kids to Enid and Enid just moved on like nothing happened.
- Also HELLO? THEIR BANTER? Enid takes NO shit 😭
- Hmm part of me wonders if those wolves howling were making fun of Enid.
- They’re literally leaning into each other wha
- “You better watch your back” and Wednesday is behind her that’s so funny
- How do you go from “cute but clueless” to “obsessed” enjax was lowkey forced whereas wenclair had chemistry from the beginning
- Wednesday being a housewife will NEVER make sense
- I know people hate the relationship between Wednesday and morticia but it’s very realistic. You can easily tell they still love each other despite the harsh words.
- YEESH THE HYDE TORE HIM APART (I think this works with my theory that the more Tyler is aware of the Hyde, the more controlled his attacks get. Which also means that he knew what he was doing when he killed Kinbott, leaving her alive to taste her fear. And he knew what he was doing in the forest when he tried to kill Wednesday and nearly attacked his father)
- when did Wednesday check out enid’s blog. How and why.
- THE LITTLE SCOFF BEFORE “you mean emojis?”
- Enid huffing is crazy girly is ANGRY
- The way they just stare each other down is crazy wenclair is SO full of banter I forgot how hilarious they are
- Bianca lowkey eating everyone up…
- Bianca is so aggressive in her fighting style, whereas Wednesday is precise. It’s really cool
- THE GASPING IN THE BACKGROUND AFTER “let’s see if you bleed in black and white.”
- Xavier scoffs so much in this show and every time he does it lowkey makes me hate him more
- “No good deed goes unpunished” okay elphaba
- Girly was smiling when she was about to die.
- “Call it instinct” shut up actually
- Bro she had NO clue who Xavier was 😭
- It bothers me that ppl think she cared Xavier was in the coffin. She just wanted to see the godmother come back to life fr
- I would be flabbergasted if my therapist read the equivalent of my journal before our sessions. She never should have been sent that.
- Ergh Tyler…
- The deep voice lowkey sounds really forced, idk what it is about Tyler’s voice but it bugs me. I think it’s the way his lines always kinda have the same delivery.
- Twenty bucks when he probably makes that in like half a day of work 😭
- The pilgrims look like such dorks bro who are they tryna scare 💀
- Why are they asking her if she’s “been with a normie” that’s so weird
- Her playing with the necklace means everything to me
- Damn the hiker was the third victim
- The sheet music doesn’t match what she was playing but that doesn’t rly matter
- Love that enid went from disgusted to things bff
- Their roof scene is so meaningful to me. They work so well together. Enid doesn’t need anyone but Wednesday and Wednesday doesn’t need anyone but Enid. Enid teaches her how to relate to others and feel empathy and Wednesday teaches Enid to unapologetically be herself.
- Nero :(
- Them bonding is so cute 😭 this is rekindling my obsession
- Notice the immediate disrespect from Tyler but Enid gets close with thing so quickly
- Damn Enid is suspicious. Bro has some killer instincts
- “Hint taken” and Xavier proceeds to KEEP talking to her
- So Wednesday gives Tyler a time and place and you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that those three pilgrims show up at that exact time at place? Literally there WAITING? No way. Tyler had to have told them, sorry about it.
- I lowkey feel bad for Weems. She’s a little controversial but she was just trying to do her best for nevermore
- Nah man that was an absolute ploy. There’s no way they just happened to know where to be. Tyler was trying to keep her from leaving. He already knew who she was by then and that they needed her.
- Rowan was so conflicted he didn’t deserve to die. He was just trying to protect people
- The way she scrambled over to him even after he tried to kill her :(
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kiirotoao · 15 hours
Season 3 rewatch notes
Wait a minute, I just realized that Mike and Will are the only ones in The Party who’ve canonically been dungeon masters. Idk what that means for them, but, yeah. Another exclusive detail of theirs
Oh, lord. Mike’s arm being torn off in the D&D game better not be a prophecy. If those s5 notes are accurate about Mike being seriously injured… I’m scared.
GOD I’ve never noticed how hard Will breathes in the rain scene. Poor baby he was so stunned 😭😭😭😭
The thing that I love most about Jonathan and Nancy is that they’ve been through the real shit. Arguments and hardship through the supernatural and the struggles of discrimination and privilege.
I love how Max is usually the one who speaks after Will. It’s like she’s the only one brave enough to answer after he says something profound or important. I need more of Max and Will’s friendship and them having well-thought out arguments I swear
Omg I love Erica’s little green star on her cheek. It’s so cute 😭🩷
After watching The Princess Bride, I am fangirling so much over Cary Elwes - it’s so crazy to me that he got him to play such a character! I wonder if they thought of him because of all the physical stunts lmao
As much as Karen isn’t in the know of much of anything in the supernatural story, I love how she’s a picture of raw strength in the Wheeler family, the true head of the household. She takes charge. Stops at nothing to help. Not even in the face of temptation. Go Karen.
DAMN I forgot that Billy dropped an f bomb! I thought that the closest that the show got was when Max got cut off in the hospital, but nope. There it was
Shit, I’m tearing up at that scene when El collapses into Mike’s arms because I know that that was real exhaustion. Poor Millie 🩷🩷🩷. She did such a phenomenal job there.
I LOVE whenever Joyce is angry this season. Now that’s how you demand. Straight to the point, justified in her worry, and cutting past any unnecessary bs while still including the cherry on top “please” or “good day” of politeness out of basic decency. I want to be her when I’m upset.
I’m always so blown away by Maya’s performance when she comes out to Steve. Straight (haha) through the heart, so good. And I always, always smile at Steve’s reaction. So in character, so accepting. No questioning if she’s being honest, just immediately questioning her type and believing that she’s into girls. So, so important.
Oh, no. Holly saw the trees moving in the woods. Thus far, she’s noticed the demogorgon coming out of the wall, and now this. She’s definitely a target next season.
When El tells Billy the memory of his mom, I teared up a little! Something about the way that El says, “you were happy” breaks me, dude. Millie and Dacre did so well.
Also, thinking in foresight of s4, Max’s letter is so heartbreaking. The Mind Flayer made a huge show of killing Billy slowly and painfully. I don’t blame her for being too horrified to move. It really wasn’t her fault. That was traumatic. Sadie did amazing there, too. Ouch.
I’m never getting over the helicopter lights being blue, yellow, and red. Were starboard and port always blue and red? And isn’t starboard supposed to be green? It’s all intentional, I’m telling you
I love how Max and Lucas are supposed to be “butchering” Never Ending Story but those two theater kids actually sound amazing. I just wish they harmonized 😆
Oh my gosh Jonathan did the Byers hold to Nancy 😭😭😭😭 I am not okay 😭😭 I never noticed that
Okay wait. This is kinda horrible. I feel bad for saying this. But y’know how Mike has a Will voice? Well I just noticed that Mike definitely does not have a soft voice for El. I swear, he’s always so loud around her like nothing’s different about her 😂😭 Any time he’s sweet with her he’s just like YEAH. COOL. and it’s kinda hilarious.
Jancy is WRECKING me this season wtf. Charlie and Natalia are so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh my gosh David’s voice kinda breaks at “doze off.” Fuck.
Erica has blue, yellow, and pink balloons plus a rainbow drawing on her door. I now headcanon Erica as pansexual/panromantic, thank you.
AHHHGHH I can’t wait for the original version of Heroes to play next season over Byler kissing when everyone thinks that they might be dead but they’re just surviving in the Upside Down, clinging to each other and having the highest moment of their lives!!!!!!!
This has been my s3 thoughts for the 6-8th time watching? I forget? And I missed a number of moments because I got too absorbed so, oops. Anyway, I love Jancy, I love Jopper, I love the Scoops Troop, I love Suzie, I miss Alexi, Byler is endgame, and this season was way more fun than I remembered and it always makes me laugh. My list of favorite seasons has been shaken expertly.
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fallinginvictus · 3 days
tw: mention of Tilda and Drake
part of a scene that I wrote for something else but then just never continued
Aaron is not a reliable narrator and this is just how in the story he feels about things.
Later, Aaron wouldn't be able to recall how it came to this, how anger started simmering inside of his stomach, boiling his organs, vapour crawling under his skin, melting his flesh. He gritted his teeth then, the sound echoing inside the quiet room, his hands clenched into fists by his sides, his nails digging into his palms until they hurt, until they bled, as he tried to focus on something else, trying to keep his boiling anger from shattering his ribcage and destroying everything in its path.
They were sitting in Betsy's office, the couch soft under Aaron's weight, a smoking mug of hot chocolate sitting in front of them. Andrew was holding a blue one in his hands, Neil a yellow one. Aaron didn't want to drink her hot chocolate, he didn't want to delude himself into thinking that he was safe and warm, that he could relax and let go. Aaron didn't feel safe, didn't feel warm, his body was tense, the tips of his fingers cold.
They had been going to Betsy for a while, trying to fix what had never once been whole, their relationship but a porcelain plate found one rainy day on the side of a crowded street, shattered but pretty. How could they ever be able to fix it when they had no idea of how it had looked like when it had been whole.
Betsy's was Andrew's, he wasn't Aaron's. How could Aaron trust her judgement, how could he ever confide in her?
Whatever I say, he always thought. Whatever me and Andrew will talk about, she will always pick his side. She will always be his.
“Why is he here, anyways,” he asked when his anger hadn't yet reached the surface, interrupting Neil in the middle of a sentence.
“Do you even want to be here?” Neil spat back as he turned towards Aaron.
“With you? No.”
“Okay why don't we-”
“No,” Neil interrupted Betsy's calm voice. “Why doesn't Aaron talk for a change? It's been months of them coming here together and not once has Aaron put in any effort.”
“How would you even know?” Aaron replied as the agner started to bubble. “And why would you even care? It has nothing at all to do with you.”
“Because I actually care about Andrew and for whatever reason he seems to want to patch things up with his ungrateful and selfish brother.”
“Ungrateful?” Aaron snarled, turning sharply towards Neil.
“This is not how we do things here,” Betsy said, trying to calm them down. “Let's discuss why you think-”
“Andrew has done everything in his power to keep you safe from your mother, all he ever did was for you, to protect you because you couldn't protect yourself and yet here you still are, resenting him for it.”
“I'm sorry, should I have thanked him on my knees for killing my mother?” he asked as the boiling anger mixed with his melted organs started to rise up in his throat.
“He killed his own mother for you, he-”
“It wasn't his mother!” Aaron spat out, the words tumbling out of throat and splattering on the ground.
“She was mine. My mum,” he whispered as he got up from the couch. “He was willing to live his life in agony as Drake abused him just so that he could have a loving mother. The only reason he left was because he was scared of me getting hurt. That's what he said last time. Not to save himself, but to save me. We are the same.”
Andrew went still on the couch as the words left Aaron's mouth.
Neil chuckled humorlessly, “Don't you dare-”
“Tell the truth? He wanted a mother's love more than anything else and was willing to be subjected to the worst kind of pain just to have it. He didn't kill his mum, because Tilda was never his. She was mine,” the lump in his throat made his words come out in a chocked sound, his hands shaking as anger kept flowing in his veins. "It was easy to kill her because he never cared about her in the first place. The difficult part about your mother hurting you is that it's your own mother hurting you. That's why you don't fight back, why you don't leave, because no matter how much it hurts, she's still your mum and you still love her. It was easy for Andrew because it was just some woman. I could fight a stranger on the street if they attacked me. I didn't fight back, not because I didn't know how to fight or how to defend myself, but because I didn't want to.” A second passed. “I'm grateful that he saved me, that he risked his own life to make sure I could be safe and unharmed. But stop fucking acting as if I'm insane and pathetic for mourning my mother, for being upset that she died because of me, that-”
“She didn't die because of you,” Andrew said, the cup of hot chocolate still in his hand, his eyes on Aaron.
“She's dead because you killed her. You killed her to save me. She died because of me.”
“She died because she was a bad person who hurt her son,” Andrew said as he placed his mug on the table in front of him.
“That's irrelevant. That's not the point,” Aaron shook his head as his anger started to evaporate.
“We all made our choices. She chose to be a terrible human being, I chose to kill her. I'm not going to apologise.”
“I don't fucking want you to,” Aaron said inside a breath. “I want you and your boyfriend to stop looking down on everyone who doesn't feel the way you do, doesn't think the way you do. God forbid I loved my mother and I sometimes miss the mum who loved me. You never even met that side of her, so you have nothing to miss.”
“Aaron, Neil and Andrew don't look down on you-”
“Don't they? Don't you Neil?”
Neil stayed quiet, his brows furrowed, his lips a straight line.
“You call Kevin a coward. You act as if me being upset over my abuser dying because of me makes me pathetic, you-”
“She didn't die because of you,” Andrew said again between gritted tweeth.
“Stop focusing on that,” Aaron exploded. “That's not what matters now!”
“It matters to me,” Andrew said, his tone flat, his face unreadable.
“Why does that matter to you?” Betsy asked, her eyes turning towards Andrew.
“See?” Aaron whispered as a tear finally made its way down his cheek. “You only care about him. I just told everyone here something that matters to me and yet all that matters is what Andrew thinks, what he feels, why he feels that. I think we should stop coming here if all that we do is try to see what Andrew feels and me apologising for everything.”
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dalekofchaos · 3 days
My pitch that has Max and Chloe saving Rachel
My pitch for Rachel's story
Kate and Victoria after The Storm. Here it would be about recovery, healing and reconnecting. We would find out Kate made it out in time before the storm. I think Kate and her family would move to Seattle and we’d have a chance for Kate and Victoria to reconnect. It would be about reconnecting, forgiveness and working through their shared trauma. Bonus points. Chasemarsh happens!
Life Is Strange:After The Storm. The game opens with how Jefferson nearly kills Victoria, but is saved by David. The game is about Victoria's struggle with returning to everyday life after her traumatic experiences with Jefferson and surviving Arcadia Bay's destruction. She goes to therapy and tries to live and manage her family's gallery. One day her life changes forever. Someone she thought dead comes back into her life. Kate Marsh. Kate and her sisters left her family's rigid religious household and moved to Seattle to live free. It's about reconnecting and recovering from their shared trauma, finding peace with what happened between them, becoming friends and finding love with each other.
Warren's story. It opens on the ending where Max sacrificed Chloe. Warren is in the chemistry class and the gunshot goes off. Everyone is freaked out and when Nathan is arrested and Chloe Price's body is hauled out. Max is still in the bathroom. Warren goes to comfort her and tells him he is here for her. Then the funeral happens. But we hear everyone's reactions to Chloe and Rachel's deaths.
It would be about Warren helping Max through the worst period in her life and helping Max live again. Warren would be Max’s angel to a same degree as to what Rachel was to Chloe. Warren would be there for Max in her mourning and grieving period and helped her move on from Chloe’s death. It could end with Warren and Max going Ape
Throughout the game Warren is there to help Max through the darkest period through her life and help Max through her grieving. We'd also get to learn about Warren as a character, why he loves science, sci-fi and has obscure interests(My pitch is Warren is the male Matilda, was neglected as a child, so he chose books and science as his passion and sci-fi and it made him feel whole.) and show why Warren loves Max.
Warren basically becomes to Max as what Rachel was for Chloe. As Kate put it "even angels need angels Max" It could end with Warren bringing Max out of her depression and helping Max live again.
Epilogue shows that ultimately showing Max living her life and moving on. Show that Max still misses Chloe, but show her living her life. And just show Max living her best life with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Dana, Daniel, Stella and Alyssa. Even show montage of a friendship with Victoria. Show Max having a tea date with Kate. Show Max Goin Ape with Warren. Max doing photoshoots with Victoria and shopping dates with Victoria, Courtney and Taylor. Max doing group projects and games with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Stella, Alyssa, and Daniel. Max being Dana’s official photographer. And show Max and her friends graduating Blackwell and living their lives in Arcadia Bay. We just needed to see that despite losing Chloe, Max is okay and that while she will hold onto the memories of Chloe, she can live. The final scene is Max and Warren visiting the Lighthouse. The Blue Butterfly appears and it touches Max and as the Butterfly flies away, Max says "Goodbye Chloe as Warren holds onto Max and shares a kiss at the Lighthouse.”
for a more in depth look, see my Post-Arcadia Bay headcanons post.
For Nathan's story, I'd like an actual look into the Prescott family, show the Prescott mansion, show Nathan and Kristine's sibling dynamic and how Nathan slowly got under his father's thumb and hey even show nicer moments with Sean since Nathan was awarded "son of the year" so much that Nathan keeps it in his dorm and how what started as a good childhood, evolved into a toxic abusive family dynamic. Then we come to Samantha.
For story purposes we choose the Nathan and Samantha ending as canon, you get to be in a relationship and Nathan loosens up and we get to see a more bright and positive Nathan and it's the story of how this all burns down and how Nathan becomes who he became in LIS 1.
There are two ways we can play this.
Sean Prescott just buys off the Myers family and Samantha gets a scholorship to a wealthy college. With Kristine and Samantha leaving him, Nathan becomes vulnerable and malleable for Sean and Jefferson's abuse and manipulation.
Samantha is the first person to be killed
Sean would most likely see Sam as a distraction in the way of Nathan and the “Prescott family destiny” so he enlists the help of his old friend Mark Jefferson.  Either Sam leaves Arcadia Bay or she becomes one of Jefferson’s first victims in Arcadia Bay. Yes, I know she is not listed as missing. But Samantha could’ve been one of the sad cases of Jefferson not caring enough to memorialize Sam in the red binders. He could’ve viewed her as a disappointment. The worst part? Nathan would be so messed up mentally and emotionally, Jefferson would’ve seized upon the opportunity to gaslight Nathan into believing he killed Sam. Also, I’ve always had this feeling that Jefferson has been doing his thing longer than the events of the game. Been going on for years. In Seattle, LA, all around the country. It’s just now with his old friend funding the Dark Room, Jefferson has the perfect set up. The tragic thing is that no one cared enough to look for her. Sam did not have someone like Chloe who cared enough to put up missing person posters. Sean would do his best to gaslight his son into making him believe that Sam left him all alone which would be perfect for Sean. Her mother would care, but knowing Sean Prescott, he will probably bribe her to keep quiet. That’s the sad thing, we don’t know how many dark room victims who went missing and those victims might be people Jefferson did not deem worthy of being a part of his collection and Samantha could very well be unfortunate enough to be a victim to die and not be remembered. Not knowing what happened to the only person who treated him with real kindness or knowing that his father is right, leads Nathan on a downward spiral, which eventually shows a scene of Sean introducing Nathan to his dear old friend Mark Jefferson. “He will help guide you to greatness and your family destiny.” Guiding Nathan to the Dark Room and the character Nathan would become in Life Is Strange.
A post on what a more in depth look on what a Nathan centric game could look like
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Predictions for whatever the hell is going on with Yaz and Sammy in JWCT
Before it airs tmr on GODDAMN ROBLOX. I've never loved and hated that game so much XDDD
So it does seem like something's going on between them whether it's related to Yaz' PTSD, the fact that she's at college, or because Sammy now has integrated dinosaurs into their daily life (Which loops back to Yaz' PTSD) and it seems kinda weird to me that most of the theories that I've heard have been Yaz-centric, or with Yaz as the larger reason their growing apart.
Maybe not weird but definitely interesting.
1. Because honestly, I can see that if they ever were to break up (I swear to god I'm murdering someone if they do tho) it would be Yaz who ends up doing it. I just can't see Sammy willingly ending things.
2. Because that's somewhat of the problem. Like, JWCC gave Sammy the bare minimum of character and plot development, most of it happening in season 1-2 with her whole "I'm a spy" deal. After that, she sort of just...stays the same. She doesn't have the same amount of development as Ben or Yaz or even Kenji. She's the most consistent character in the series and I'm not sure if that was done on purpose - like, the writers saying "ok, we have 5 really good or decent character arcs, let's have this one stay the same so there's diversity in not having change" - or they just didn't have time to really develop her character outside of the "Looks like a cinnimonroll but could actually kill you"
So something I'd like to see is Sammy having a bit more of a voice than she did in JWCC and I think the writers knew that was a problem and seem to have made her part of the main trio (Darius, Ben, and Sammy) for JWCT.
I made a previous post about the *tension* everyone seemed to get in the most recent clip > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HQffL_R1F4
in which Ben and Sammy go to visit Yaz at her university.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that they're diving more into Yaz' PTSD that we get a glimpse of in Seasons 4-5 of CC. She seems like she's doing better and actually trying to help out others who struggled with the same things that she did which is cool.
And then we have this scene =>
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And it's cute and Sammy and Ben look fine af and there are so many amazing things about this clip but like...
Sammy's not coming to Yaz' defense, like, at all.
Like, Yaz' thing isn't working and I feel like CC Sammy would have said something like "That's a really cool view!" or "Coool...?" or even like "That's...awesome Yaz!" in her wtf-is-this-but-ima-be-positive-anyway and maybe it's the writers doing what I mentioned before and giving Sammy a deeper personality and the change in demeanor is small enough that it might just be me overspeculating, but there's tension there.
And pair that with the fact that Ben says "Get in-between two girlfriends?" Like, are they arguing?! Sammy's trying to get him to choose sides? Am I getting that right?
*Cough* I mean, though, Ben would probably choose Yaz ngl, they besties. No hate on Sammy but *Cough*
Sorry, what was I saying 😅
And the line right before that when Sammy says "Ben, help me out here!" Makes me think that Sammy has been trying to get Yaz to stop obsessing over this hologram thing for a while, and maybe the only reason they came to the university was to get her to stop her research and come with them since I'm assuming this is maybe when Darius is picking up the rest of the gang. Again, I could be wrong, but that's personally what I think.
Speaking of the picking up of the campers, I love how most of us collectively agreed that the order was Sammy Kenji Yaz. That was just funny to me :)
Anyway, does that mean Yaz is just living at the University doing her hologram shit and Sammy has been trying to convince her to just come home? Cause that would be so incredibly sweet and terribly sad at the same time, like, c'mon :(((
And now there's dinosaurs chasing them again and everyone thinks Brooklyn is dead and now it's not a matter of "I miss you" but "It's not safe anymore"?
God, this show has so much potential how tf am I so invested in animated characters.
This post ended up being way longer than I anticipated so Ima end it here <333
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scratchtovoid · 1 day
My daemyra fight theory is that Daemon will tell Rhaenyra he will be leaving for Harrenhal and she will try to forbid it.
Season one already established that Rhaenyra believes Harren’s Curse is real and is what killed Harwin. Now she is once again facing the father of her children leaving for the same place.
I think this provides opportunity for a few things.
1) Daemon to be like curses are nonsense and then immediately eat his words when he gets there and his mind (or Alys) starts messing with him.
2) Rhaenyra will essentially agree to let him go but make a big deal about him saying goodbye to his children which is why the scene will start with a reminder of the existence of their two sons.
And why Daemon will promise Dark Sister to Baela- it’s a “when we see each other again, this sword is yours” scene. I think this acknowledges that Daemon has a special relationship with Baela. And also because Daemon can never really express his emotions with words, this promise of a sword (an action!) is his way of not only saying I will come home but also if I don’t remember I love you.
3) And from Rhaenyra’s pov, having already lost so much and maybe already working under the assumption Daemon will die, it will put a fire in her to find her own way to fight in the war.
4) Finally I think this could bring a lot of layers to Daemon and Rhaenyra’s eventual reunion. Rumor has it the season will end with Rhaenyra going to Harrenhal to meet her husband.
Yes there are battles to plan. But what about the personal? What about them meeting in a place Rhaenyra was so afraid of, a place Sara Hess said Daemon will be working on some internal conflict? Will they meet as changed people? Will they see each other differently? This seems like a full circle moment after a season apart and I can’t help but think it might be filled with some longing along with the tension.
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I think that the whole gang, if put into a seemingly inescapable situation, would want to go out together like the toys prepare to do in the furnace scene of Toy Story 3.
Anon why did you do this to me... Now I have to write this.
Goodbye, forever this time
Warnings: Major angst, major character death, unhappy ending, everyone dies in the end, gore, blood, fire, explosions. Notes: Not canon to Poppy Worldwide! That AU has a happy ending.
So, this was it.
This was how they would die.
Dogday wasn't expecting things to go like this. Not after everything they went through, not after all the work they put into their new lives, not after finally escaping that nightmare. He had a taste of freedom and the Sun to look up to every morning. He could take long walks in the woods, could say hello to every single one of the friends he thought had died. He had everything.
And now, his mother was dead, his father was gone, and they had nowhere else to run.
He stared at his bloody hands. The last thing Angel told him was to live. Not survive, live. "You are everything I have", they choked on their own blood. "So please, try to live without me".
"This is it", Dogday muttered, still feeling the ghost of his parent holding his hand. "No way out".
"Quit whining", Long Legs groaned, spread on a corner, trembling and now without one of her legs. How ironic. "This can't be it".
"But it is".
He had to control his tone so he wouldn't break down in tears. At any moment, the fire would find them, and once it did, it would be over. And if it wasn't the fire, then it would be Pierre.
"What did mom tell you?", Marie added. They all heard it. It was a stupid, stupid rethorical question. Dogday took a step towards her:
"What do you want me to do?"
"Think of a way out of this! We can't let them down again!"
"Mom is dead!"
"I saw that, do you think I'm blind?"
"Quit it, you two!"
Dogday lowered his ears. Kissy and Poppy were hugging each other, the tiny doll, now partially broken, speaking up only loud enough for the group to hear.
"Please", she cleaned her own tears. "Please, just stop".
"I'm sorry", he muttered. "It's just..."
He could still hear Elliot throwing them away from the room that started the fire, using whatever was left of his strenght to end Sawyer's life once and for all.
Dogday felt a hug. He closed his eyes, feeling Catnap purr. "I'm sorry".
The feline held him closer. Dogday sobbed. The fire was getting closer as well.
He heard a sigh; Marie then hugged him. Her way of apologizing, he knew it, and that was the only reason he was still able to reciprocate the hug.
Then, the others joined. The entire family of 88, now 86, soon enough to be 0. They smelt like ash and dried blood, just like before Angel found them.
Dogday wanted to scream, but he couldn't. Not like this, not in this situation. So when they all stopped hugging each other, he merely pressed his head against Catnap's, holding him close, and watched in silence as a scream echoed in the background.
"It's Pierre", Craftycorn muttered. "I-it's him", she hid her face, Huggy trying to comfort her. "What should we do...?"
Delight got up.
"Mother told us to live", she spoke up. "So let's do that one more time, shall we? When he comes over there, he will be weak enough for us to kill him. And then, we can dance one last time".
"We will pass out before the fire is able to do much damage", Bubba muttered. "This may be for the best".
The other critters agreed. And, although a bit later, the others nodded along.
Dogday pretended Angel was still alive for them. He tried to wipe Catnap's tears, but only left their mother's blood on his face.
"I love you", the orange dog was able to whisper.
"I love you too", the other whispered back.
They were robbed of everything once again. But this time, at least this one time, they wouldn't die alone in a dark and empty factory, but a burning laboratory next to each other.
Maybe things were meant to be this way. Maybe they were never meant to live. Maybe this was what took Angel's life.
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cloveroctobers · 2 days
JEY USO x BLACK! READER — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: I took a stab at writing for roman and now here I am doing the same for jey? Except this one isn’t strongly plot based…Wish me luck! I’m new to the scene so I apologize if this isn’t in his character…But I think I got it? We’ll see 😆
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + HERE & I’m using:  “did you seriously use the last of the milk for this?” “i thought it would taste good!” +  “well i put it on the grocery list!” “i didn’t think i needed the list!” “you clearly did!!” +  “i can’t find the remote.” “i’m actually going to kill you.” 1. “But look, this is on sale!”
WARNINGS: language + just doing typical bickering couple things.
☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎
In the near future, you wanted to advocate for detaching your head (not on some Black mirror type shit, although you knew there was a 70% chance that it could go that route) and leaving it to get any protective style for yourself, sisters, brothers, and non-binaries while you went about your business before you came back to collect your freshly did head. You originally wanted to go in with some straight backs with the water wave left out towards the ends but switched to boho locs last minute.
Thankfully you had that type of relationship with your stylist so she didn’t mind much.
You were always down to try something new and been contemplating getting some locs after a few of your family members been on their journey for years now. Tending to your head nearly everyday was a hassle especially as a routine to go into the world and work. Hair had a mind of its own and it didn’t need to be explained, if you know, you know.
The last thirty minutes of your appointment, you were reaching out to your husband to see what was on the menu at home or if you needed to pick something up. The snacks your go to girl provided only held up for so long and when Jey told you that he had a taste for Kopai, basically hinting that would be for lunch or dinner—when Jey threw down he made enough for both occasions—you sat up a bit in the driver’s seat, one hand on the wheel, while you floated through the streets to get back home.
When you unlocked the white security gate to the bright russet orange home (Jey picked the exterior color and you weren’t crazy about it but at least it stood out from the other homes, which was his main goal), you were already hit with a whiff of spices, thanks to the breezy San Francisco spring air and found the petal pink front door wide open. Which made you quirk up a brow but you were too famished to think too hard about it as you quickly made your way through the small entry way into the master bedroom to toss your things onto the bed.
You sighed with a shake of your head as you made your way up the stairs, hearing Jey listening to Kendrick’s disses on loop again but you also ignored that as you made your way to the right where the kitchen and living room sat. Sneaking behind the man on your toes like swiper, you slapped a hand and squeezed his backside in greeting while Jey legit yelped and yanked himself away.
Grinning at him innocently you say, “why are your clappers clenched?”
Jey sucked his teeth while you attempted to hide your laughter, “yo, what I tell you about doing that man? That’s my job to do to you, not other way around.”
“I thought we believed in equality in this house?” You placed your hands on your hips while Jey just huffed.
You moved towards the stove, where Jey was hovering over. The soup pot was there, steaming but the aroma wasn’t giving Kopai. While jey was distracted on his phone again, mumbling to himself and nodding his head—possibly the lyrics—you snatched up a spoon to dip into the pot.
Wincing against the temperature on your tongue, you managed to get the food down after chewing and sucking air into your mouth. That was enough to get Jey’s attention as he looked at you with a straight face, annoyed that you went and sampled.
“This is not giving dumpling…where are the dumplings?” You managed to get out after your last chew.
Jey folded his muscular arms honestly replying, “that’s because there isn’t any.”
“Huh? But it’s Samoan Sunday.” Which meant each Sunday included something from Jey’s culture, sometimes combined with soul food, depending on what y’all were in the mood for.
Jey lifted his chin, “turns out it’s a whatever’s in the fridge day. That you just rudely sampled behind my back without giving me any proper love by the way, it’s spicy chicken and rice chowder.”
Scrunching up your face, you popped your tongue in distaste at the aftermath. Now that you knew what it was, it could explain this foul after taste because something wasn’t adding up.
“Oh here you go,” Jey threw his hands up in the air, “If I wanted another food critic, I’d just call your damn father.”
Your father has his own successful restaurant here in California and back up North where you were originally from. Majority of the time if your family was over, Jey did everything in his power not to be the one who was solely on food duty because your father was very critical especially when it came to food.
That’s that Virgo shit.
“Chowder includes milk right?” You didn’t get the culinary trait but you watched enough cooking competitions and attended plenty to know the basics. You weren’t the biggest fan of seafood, although that was the common type of chowder, there was no seafood in this dish.
It still didn’t taste right to you.
And Jey usually knew what to do in the kitchen, more so on the grill but still he got by and knew Gordon Ramsey would approve of at least a few of his dishes. If not? His bitch ass could certainly see Jey’s hands. Not your pops though, he wasn’t messing with him at all.
Jey scoffed, “yeah.”
“Hey, I’m not feeling your attitude.” You addressed over your shoulder as you went to the fridge to open up.
Jey shot back, “well I’m not feelin’ you sneaking and holdin’ two handfuls of my ass but here we are.”
It was one hand but whatever fed his ego.
He was really about to bring the hangry out of you if he kept it up to be honest. Your hands went to the top shelf, immediately spotting the now empty glass milk bottle. Yanking it out, you held it up in the air for your husband to see.
“Did you seriously use the last of the milk for this?” You questioned, one hand on your hip now.
He blinked between you and the glass and then back again, “I thought it would taste good!”
Your eye twitched, “With expired milk, Josh?!”
He scrunched up his face at this news, “be for real,” he starts as he makes his way towards you to grab the glass, “…how was I supposed to know?”
Jey’s fingers quickly unscrewed the silicone dispenser cap to take a sniff of the inside and recoiled.
“By doing that like you normally do.” You respond, “also there’s a label on the back that aways gets written with the expiration date.”
Jey snarled, “Why can’t we just keep the damn carton instead of this aesthetically pleasing bullshit?”
“That’s rich coming from Mr. Leo the flashy asshole himself.” You tilted your head to the side, sending him the same type of energy.
“Why am I catching strays?” Jey pounded on his chest, voice naturally booming off the walls, “it’s my fault I like nice things?”
‘And that I tried to cook us a meal?’ He thinks to himself.
“No but it’s mine?” You repeat his motions, pointing at your own chest while Jey sighs, “I tried to remind you this morning before I left, that the milk needed to be dumped.”
Jey scratches at his ear with his lips pushed out in thought, “I heard none of that.”
“Well, I put it on the grocery list!” Your voice went up now and you can only blame your hunger.
Jey slides the bottle onto the white surface of the pale blue counter, “I didn’t think I needed the list!”
“You clearly did!” You laugh humorlessly at the fact that you just ate partially spoiled food.
It was funny how your husband picked and chose what he wanted to remember. Granted it was pretty early when you told him this, waking him up from his snoring slumber as you pecked his cheek on your way out. Last night in bed he said he would hit the store for a few quick items you needed for the house and milk was the first thing on the list. He didn’t remember that but he knew you had a hair appointment since he insisted on paying for it, he always loved your fro and didn’t mind seeing you change it up.
He was very vocal if he didn’t like a look either, even if you were pranking him a few times with stiff wigs from Tyler Perry Amazon, which caused many more lashings from the both of you that it sometimes got personal. The both of you could take the shit talking from each other but once it actually stung just a little too much? And if it happened to occur in front of family? Oh the silent treatment was more lethal than the actual words.
“Now I see why your ass was so clenched when I came in here. You were trying to poison me, or encourage me to go vegan, my own got damn husband.” You scoffed while Jey rolled his eyes at your dramatics and that was saying a lot, since he was the number one Thespian.
He makes the noise of a buzzer, “wrong answer forehead! My fatty is too well rounded for it to be clenched. Especially if it was glute day yesterday. There’s no high booties around here and I’m highly offended that you think I would do that to you when you’re my whole heart.”
You stuck your tongue out giving him a thumbs down, “don’t try to butter me up, I’m still aggy and I’m trying to big my back, not make my stomach touch my back.”
And just like that he grins as he moves to grip the sides of your face, “I’m sorry ma, you know I always got you and already have a back up order for dinner if this didn’t turn out too well. Plus, I got something else that could feed your appetite. A appetizer if you really think about it.”
His smile turns devilish now as he moves to place his hips on yours to feel exactly what he’s serving up. You shove at his chest as he goes even further to try and kiss up your neck, “Nope, if you don’t get off me! You’re not getting none of that.”
“Why not? We got at least twenty-five minutes before option B is ready and I can make it work.” He’s chasing after you now.
You’re on the other side of the white and blue island with a shake of your head, “for one, I have no nutrients in my body and it’s really sounding like you want me to cross over to the other side.”
Jey interrupts as he stares at you in all seriousness, “never.”
Holding up fingers you continue, “Two, my laser appointment isn’t until Wednesday.”
Jey caressed his beard in thought licking his lips, “oh word, hump day? That’s even better but fuck all that we grown! Let me get you that jug of fruit water you made and then that ass is mine.”
You laughed, “you think I’m gonna just fold after you deprived me of Kopai? You really done lost your mind and it’s all KDot’s doing.”
“Nah, leave my boy out of this.”
You gasped, “That switch up is crazy.”
‘Guess we know who Jey’s shaking that ass for and it’s not just for me,’ you cackle internally before focusing back on what your husband’s response would be to picking with him. You knew better than to let that slip through your lips because you wouldn’t hear the end of it and your body was already going through it okay!
From getting your hair done and WORKING OUT!
Get your mind out of the gutter you hoes.
“I mean I didn’t say I was going to completely cut BBL—
Your eyes went wide as Jey smacked a hand over his mouth. You pointed at him and hopped up and down to prove your point.
“Be quiet.” He hissed before he made his claim, “I mean sure if im in the car I’ll bump Drake over Kendrick but he had something on his chest so some shit talking needed to be said.”
“And did.”
“Exactly but Drake’s still my guy.” He shrugged.
You shake your head as you pace the floor as if you were analyzing Jey like you were in some courtroom instead of your kitchen, “That’s just like you, taking up for the light skins.”
“Aight now you dragging it.” Jey sent a glower in your direction.
You laugh as you leaned against the counter feeling like a nap but not without facing the issue here, “so…what’s actually on the menu since you lied to me about the Kopai and then flopped the chowder.”
“It wasn’t a complete flop!” Jey argued with a deep furrow of his brows, “the flavor was on point, I just messed up with the dairy portion.”
You stated, “Goat milk would have been superior.”
“Oh hell no, wait until I tell your father about that one.” Jey’s shaking his head in disgust, goat milk was only great for a skincare routine and he could say that based on experience but far as consuming? Jey was good on that.
“Wait until I tell him that you tried to give me food poisoning.” You countered with a heated stare.
Jey deeply inhaled and sucked his teeth, “aight let’s roll before you get my blood pressure up to the point I need to be hospitalized.”
He turns the stove off and moves the pot to the side while it’s your turn to make your way over to the tatted man. You nuzzle your head into the back of shoulders while hugging him, “it’s only fair that we get on each others nerves.”
“You’re lucky I love yo ass.” He mumbles, resting a warm hand on top of your clasped ones.
“And you’re lucky I love you right back and didn’t take a bite out of your behind for depriving me of food.”
Jey scrunched up his nose at that and side eyed as he turned to face you a bit but you held his stare, letting him know that you weren’t joking. “See, I knew it in my spirit that you were one of those kids that liked to bite. I’ve seen baby pictures and that’s something I’ll have to keep in mind when we’re blessed with children.”
“Says the fighter out of the marriage.” You quirk up a brow but Jey just shrugs.
“I own my shit.”
“Whatever bro…where’s your keys?” You remove yourself from Jey to look around the kitchen while the said man follows you.
He buries his forehead against the side of your temple bumping you, “i’m not your bro so I don’t know who you think you’re talking to.”
You push him from your space, “stop playing with me, Joshua. We don’t have time for this!”
“Come correct then.”
You roll your eyes with a flick of your hair, “keys or I’ll go get my own.”
“I’m driving, I don’t need you acting like the streets are Mario kart like you probably did on your way here.” He states before he sarcastically jokes, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.”
Let’s not talk about driving skills…of course you didn’t say that but Jey could tell you were thinking it. So he steps to you, holding out his hand but kept his eyes on you until you placed yours in his. He led the way back downstairs to the front level of the home, keys already in his pocket as he locked up the front of the house before heading to the garage.
There was tension on the first five minutes of the drive but not to the point where you two knew you wouldn’t get past it. You fumbled with the radio as the wind whipped across your profile and before you both know it, you’re both singing along to music from 2018, which was reminiscent back when things were starting to heat up between you two. Back when Jey was inviting you to family barbecues and being too afraid to ask you to be his girl and making an ass out of himself to his family when they questioned what you were.
It was all trial and tribulations that led to your marriage a year later. This bickering was nothing compared to what the both of you dealt with prior. And what’s a perfect marriage?
“By the way, the new look is sexy.” Jey comments as the both of you sit in his car digging into your food.
He chose Japanese…which was satisfactory since you loved the Wagyu beef tacos here and he was tearing into the BamuBamu wings, licking his fingers and everything that you knew his mother would be slapping the back of his head if she was in the backseat.
“Thanks baby, we’ll call this look: Gaia or Alani.” You posed, hands still holding a taco.
Jey nods, “ooo, Gailani is fire! See how I just did that?”
“Hope you come up with better earthy names for our future crotch goblins.” You told him while Jey frowned at you mid-bite.
“No way you just said that.”
Shrugging you say, “I mean I don’t know how pregnancy is going to make me feel so that’s their potential nickname.”
“I mean…how would you feel if I referred you as a gremlin?” Jey questioned, not liking how you were picking on your unborn children already.
Listen to him being the sensitive parent! He cared deeply for his niece and nephew, he also didn’t play when it came to them either so he can only imagine how he would be with his own.
“…I’d blame the children you played a part of helping create. Like child like father.”
“That’s cap and not exactly how that works, that’s right, I paid attention in biology class! You’ll probably start taking it out on me, I’ll have to have doc on speed dial for tetanus shots.” Jey winked at you while you elbowed his arm, “but nah I’ll love y’all through it regardless because like it or not I’m a pretty great guy.”
You snort, “You say that now.”
“I mean it though and I know you know that. I couldn’t have picked a better person to ride through this rollercoaster of life with and the world deserves to have mini versions of us roaming the earth, plus I’m always down to get to practicing.” He winks at you while you shake your head.
“I can tell, you almost leaped over the counter to take me down.”
He pointed, “You started it by grabbing my ass and the new look isn’t helping my urges.”
“Well,” you shrugged with a smirk on your lips, “it’s definitely not happening since you like to pull hair and you didn’t buy the milk.”
“There’s a farmers market right up the street, they got to have some and then will you chill?”
“I’m chill now.” You chew with a smile as you slump into the passenger seat while Jey deeply exhales.
“Yeah, cause you’re spoiled.”
“You made me this way.”
“I know.” Jey smiles at you adoringly before shaking his head, “my own personal pain in my butt.”
“But I do appreciate the effort…although my stomach might feel different in a few hours.” You pout a little, feeling it flip just a smidge.
Jey widens his eyes at you, just hoping that didn’t happen, “nah we getting probiotics or some type of cleanse at this market, let’s go before they close. Seatbelt please.”
“I’m eating.”
The side eye he gives you makes you do so but you hold onto your taco a little tighter in the process. Driving across the street to the open parking lot that sat to the side of where the market was set up, he’s ready to hop out the car, door tossed open, without you since you were still eating but you call out to him to wait for you.
The farmers market was one of your favorite places to be, especially on a Sunday and there was no way he was going without you. He was the main one that said the both of you were always going to be by each other’s sides wherever you went. When it came to grocery shopping, Jey was the type of shopper that wanted to get in and get out. Anything else? Clothes? Cars? He could spend all day there.
Yes he was huffy as you took your time, knowing they were about to start closing up in the next fifteen minutes. You had to search his car for your gum, lipgloss, and micro wallet that you stored in here just in case you didn’t have your purse (which was sitting pretty back at home on your bed) and stole Jey’s car for the day.
“C’mon,” Jey says your name impatiently, “what’re you doing?”
“Where’s my green mini wallet I had stored on the side of the rati?” Your hands are going along the pocket of the black Maserati.
Jey answers, “that little thing? I been took that out and threw it somewhere in your drawer back at the crib. What do you need that for when you’re with me anyway? Let’s go, ma.”
Then he questions why you’re a pain in his butt!
Checking your lips once more, you get out the car dusting off any crumbs from your lap before you circle around the car to intertwine your fingers with Jey’s. You huddle closer to him as the wind is at your backs before you enter through the tarps of set up sections. He’s on a mission while your eyes are wide, trying to look at any and everything to the point he lets go of your hand to keep searching for what you’re mainly here for.
Usually it’s mostly food here but occasionally they’ll have a few clothing, accessories, and even home decor shops set up as well. It really was the best of both worlds when that happened. Jey already knew that you would search for one of those while he stayed where the food was at. He chatted with the elderly man who had his own farm about forty miles from here, got three jugs of milk: oat, goat, and coconut. Along with a nice tip before he bid his farewells then began checking for you around the sizable space.
“Hey baby,” you greet as he eventually finds you at a vendor that wasn’t selling food yet you’re holding a few fruits and fruit juices in your hands, “I got us some more papayas and pineapples. It’s already paid for since the lady took Zelle but I want to show you something else.”
You finally shift the items into the netted bag onto your other wrist as you reach out for Jey’s wrist to drag him back to a few vendors over. It was some shop that was selling antiques and he’s now standing in front of two figurines.
“Wouldn’t this be cute for the mantle above the fireplace?”
Jey glanced at you, “yeah if we wanted to be murdered in our sleep at some point.”
“Joshua!” You shushed him, “I thought they would add more color to the mantle since the fireplace is black.”
“And the marble on the bottom is white along with the rest of the furniture that’s light and the walls except for that one kitchen wall that’s a chalkboard.” The man blinks as he vividly remembers your shared home, “We don’t need anymore unnecessary stuff, especially no dolls that look like annabelle and her possessed friends.” Jey tells you while you frown as he grabs your wrist now.
You’re being dragged away while the woman laughs and sends you a wave as you attempt to persuade him one last time on one other decor piece sitting on a table, “But look, this is on sale!”
Jey mutters, “there’s a reason why majority of her items are. I know evil when i see it.”
“Not the judgement. You don’t know that lady, Josh and you need to stop watching so many scary movies lately, they’re making you so paranoid.” You sassed while you two made it back to his car.
He peeked at you before he grabbed his seatbelt, “did you see her pet possum on the leash sleeping underneath that dusty red chair?”
“Her what?!”
“Uh huh.” He nods, starting the car while going into detail about how the vendor felt off the moment you dragged him closer to it.
By the time the two of you get home, you’re heading into the master bedroom to grab your floral bonnet while Jey heads up stairs with the food. He does the clean up of the soup, finishes up his wings while you eventually make your way upstairs to eat your own food. When you meet Jey’s brown eyes across from the dining table, the both of you share a laugh at your matching low-lidded eyes. The Itis. You’re the first to move, discarding your food since Jey finished way before you and pull at his hand for him to stand.
Wrapping your arms across his shoulders before moving one hand to play with the end of his hair, he leans down to grasp your back before slipping his hands down to your ass to lift you against his hips. “That’s how it should be,” he tells you as you kiss his lips and he makes his way over to the couch.
You warn your husband, “Watch my head, we know how heavy handed you are.”
“I got it, I got it.” Jey mocks as he protects your head, laying you down first before he climbs over you to rest against the couch.
He loops an arm across your shoulders as you move around trying to get comfortable thanks to your new do. Finding that your left is less painful than your right, you face the coffee table, two living chairs, and tv instead while Jey lightly wraps his arm around your neck instead.
And you’re fine just like this, well fed and in the arms of your man ready to get a nap in until…
“I can’t find the remote.” Jey breaks the silence that makes your eyes peel open with a flare of your nostrils.
You want to fling your entire body back but your neck said different, leaving you to only side eye Jey as he sheepishly smiles at you.
“I’m actually going to kill you!” You inform him, “i said leaving the remote in the drawer of the coffee table makes it easier so we don’t have to go crazy looking for it.”
“And I may or may not have done that.” He says nonchalantly, not bothered that he was pushing a button again, “I like to leave it tucked in the cushions along with my leg in there because you know how that stupid thing likes to overheat sometimes and it’s always cold in there.”
Only Jey y’all.
Only Jey.
Once you go quiet and manage to face the brown eyed man again, you smile softly at him as you caressed his face, “that lady at the market that you were shook over, ain’t got shit on me.”
“Whatchu mean? Aye!” Jey yelled as you started to playfully ring his neck.
The only way to get you to stop was for him to slap his hand right on top of your sore head and wiggle it and what did he do that for?
“OW! Why would you—I’m done.”
You hop off the couch and circle around it but not without yanking a pillow and slamming it against Jey’s stomach, “disrespectful ass.”
“So I’m just supposed to take you son-ing me?” Jey sat up on his elbows, grunting at the attack before shoving the pillow to the floor.
You snapped over your shoulder, “I don’t know, I thought you might like that since you like your ass grabbed, although you try to deny it as much as possible.”
“What?! Now you just saying shit.”
“And you’re always doing shit!” You yell back, out of sight now and heading back downstairs.
Jey sighs as he settles back against the couch again, “Where you goin’?”
“To bed!”
“It’s 4pm.”
“Goodnight mullet! You play too much.”
Jey felt his chest bubble with some laughter but said back, “I LOVE YOU!”
“I SAID, I LOVE YOU!” Jey called back out but when he didn’t get any response, he jumped up to his feet and raced down the stairs just to see you laughing waiting to slam the door in his face.
Yet you were too slow, making Jey barge into the room to latch onto your body to pepper your face in kisses.
It was the little things that he did that he knew would get on your nerves (which was mutual) but ultimately you loved that man down no matter what.
Jey could say the same even if you got on his case majority of the time.
You were his everything and more.
☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎༄·❅☘︎ ☀︎
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deathsbestgirl · 23 hours
syzygy (rewatch)
i really love this episode. mulder and scully are so frustrated with each other, and "out of character" but not really. the most out of character part is the way they're not on the same page about how they investigate, that mulder isn't turning to scully for her thoughts, and scully isn't listening to his theories seriously. but the jealousy, the misunderstanding, their quips really are in character. it's just that they are so frustrated, their actions don't match the way they usually behave. like scully can be mean & petty, but she usually saves that just for mulder. their ribbing is usually friendly & affectionate, but it's like they're trying to piss each other off.
(maybe spoilers for s5) i used to say bad blood seemed more fitting for season three or four, but i think this is the season three version of bad blood. bad blood is so much more good natured, two best friends trying to poke & prod each other and get under the other's skin. syzygy has a similar vibe but not nearly as good natured. they're too frustrated, not listening, not understanding (and not concerned about the trouble they're in like bad blood lol)
anyway. before i get into specific scenes, i feel like i see a lot of people talk about margi & terri like they aren't out of character. i'm sure they have a little bit of mean girl streak in them, like the two best friends giggling in the back of class. i imagine it to be similar to mulder & scully. they save those things for each other and their friendship is something very different than their other relationships. detective white says they're good, smart kids. the last guy they kill, the one that is an accident on their part, he asks what happened to them. they're dressing differently, acting differently. they're mean and aggressive. by the end there's no facade about being nice or scared like there was earlier. they're criticized for being the stereotypical mean teenage girls (or rather, chris carter for writing them like this) but i kind of thought that was the point. obviously we don't see what they're like usually, but there are lines to suggest they're not behaving like themselves. and at the end, they are two scared girls, sobbing & leaning on each other. it looks to me like two girls who don't understand what's been happening. once the syzygy ended, moved out of it's powerful alignment, they crack and fall apart. they're going to be dealing with the fallout from this for a long time.
now into the mulder & scully scenes.
the first driving scene, they're already so annoyed with each other and we have no context about why. it's like they've put us right into that uncomfortable situation where a couple is obviously fighting but won't talk about it in front of other people, and you're stuck navigating a tension you don't understand and isn't your business...and it's affecting you anyway. (it's what detective white walks into and she doesn't understand, at the beginning she really is just trying to do her job. she wants the deaths to stop, she wants their help. she's trying to work with them.)
and i feel like i can't talk about this scene now without thinking of this post. mulder's telling scully detective white said a right at the stoplight, scully's arguing well this is a stop sign go left! and she's wrong. the way they keep the camera on the stop sign and then we see mulder driving back in the direction he said to go, chef's kiss.
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in my tags on @casuallycryingoverbooks post i say how their headcanon makes this funnier. like. scully confusing her right & left, making her incredibly bad with directions is SO funny. her being to frustrated to listen to mulder (as he listens to another professional, another woman) and consider maybe she was telling him the wrong thing. like i fully believe scully (and others) would confuse their right & left when they have to reverse it constantly. and i think it's something she would generally remember to consider, so she would often catch it before making the mistake.
next scene, they actually meet "the detective" and scully is so unimpressed, it kills me. all of her usual decorum during cases is completely gone. there is no mask, no professionalism, no kindness. AT A FUNERAL. like that really kills me. this is what's out of character lol however, i do think she actually manages to ask her questions about evidence in a relatively typical scully manner. BUT YOU GUYS. @lesbianmarrow made a post about the framing of different shots, and this is the scene where you can see the shift happen.
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you can see scully tracking mulder's movement with her eyes, until they switch to this pov. detective white now between them, caught in the middle of something she doesn't understand. in more than one way. (but also, what is he doing with his face!!)
but oh my god it's just so good?! she is so mad at mulder for his interjection about her skepticism, saying "don't ask me" -- something he will repeat at least one more time in this episode. (personally, i think this should have caught on like "sure. fine. whatever." they are both SO classically annoying in this episode. it's no wonder they're driving each other crazy.)
and when white walks away:
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normally...they would enjoy this from each other. best friends and all that.
one of the things mulder & scully established in the pilot is the way they listen to each other and take each other seriously. scully doesn't mock mulder the way others do, instead she offers rational reasons for what's happening. she uses science. mulder is inclined to dismiss science because of what he's seen, but he doesn't (usually) outright dismiss it, especially once her science starts to give them some proof or explains the unexplainable or a solid place to start (when given the chance anyway).
and here, they're not really listening to each other, or maybe just not showing that they are. because later, mulder will tell white that scully is "rigid in a wonderful way" and they're still calling each other when terri & margi find them. they're not working together with their different theories as they usually do. both of their perspectives aren't being used to lead them in the right direction. they both follow different trails, and eventually they meet up later at the conclusion, to yell at the townspeople in sync (detective white with the townspeople this time).
anyway. the scene where they're interviewing margi & terri is interesting. these girls are telling mulder & scully separately about themselves. their grades, cheering, their best friend, future plans with their best friend. mulder & scully are so interesting here. scully is usually a little more forceful in interrogations, but i'm not sure this should be treated like an interrogation yet lol we don't see mulder say or ask anything, but we see scully say "yeah" to terri's introduction and ask questions, while mulder is, i don't even know. staring at the ceiling. (would love someone else's insight here. like i love it but i have no thoughts, no reasoning?)
THEN the new trio is back together listening to the recordings. mulder and scully six feet apart. and white another six feet away. none of them facing each other. none of them are actually on the same page and scully gets forceful again. and mulder does the thing AGAIN, only this time about scully's "impatience" and you can see scully's hand go to her hip as he speaks & circles around to white. oh. oh.
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white looking up at mulder. idk why this struck me exactly. (and no scully in frame...)
and she asks him to explain the burning coffin -- "don't ask me." cut to scully offering an explanation, merely looking at the body claiming "i see nothing here to suggest otherwise." i just think that's funny because she's not doing any kind of examination, and yeah i'm sure there would be some visible signs that could suggest something. but she states it so definitively, i just think it's funny. (she always has her scientific theories, but i don't usually feel she's stating it's the Truth until she confirms it. like late on in quagmire she says "regardless of what i believe, there's no hard evidence to what you believe.")
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we get "sure. fine. whatever." as she snaps on the latex. after telling them they were crazy lol
and this is when he "ditches" her. and like. detective white asks him what he's doing at her house and he literally freaking says "i was hooping you could help me solve the mystery of the horny beast?" like why did he change it from horned to horny. but anyway, is scully not examining the body to try to explain the fire? it's pretty normal for mulder to do something else until she has any information. SO what she's really mad about when they meet up again is that he went off investigating with detective white. which...also makes sense. LMAO scully is just so mad there's another woman he's working with, and seems to be listening to more than her. she HATES it.
but on a more serious note, here it looks to me like she's actually hurt. she really feels like he ditched her after they had a disagreement. and it kind of feels like a callback to conduit. mulder says to her. "okay scully, so we disagree. it's not the first time and it won't be the last." i don't think mulder thought he was ditching her. he was following a lead while she worked on finding something on boom's body. but he also didn't tell her what he was doing, while they were working a case. not necessarily out of the norm, they do often go in different directions, but they've usually had a lot more back & forth and an understanding. which is severely lacking in this episode. and mulder doesn't respond the way he usually would when scully's upset.
and what she doesn't know is that mulder does kind of defend her. "rigid in a wonderful way" suggesting that he does value her input (not in general, but even in this case. he's just frustrated with her behavior too), but right now, she isn't really acting like herself.
the next part kind of KILLS me. scully tries to explain why it isn't satanic cultists and what's really happening, the psychology of it?? (feel like mulder should be more knowledgeable about this and kind of agree lol) but what i really want to talk about is when they find the bones. mulder & scully both walk over, getting their gloves out. they realize the other is getting ready to put them on and take a look.
i couldn't find good shots on the archive but this gifset shows it. to me, it looks like they both thought for a moment they would have a small truce. until mulder kept talking. scully's reactions keeps registering to me more as hurt than anything else. where i think mulder isn't understanding what the problem is at all (which reminds me of never again). there's something about that way he doesn't see these reactions. they're either not facing each other, sometimes scully does this on purpose. but sometimes she's looking at him, and he isn't looking at her. something about that feels intentional too. because mulder can read her. it's why she often avoids his eyes (not that it usually matters). and she can't hide it when she looks in his eyes, that's why he cups her face & lifts her chin (beyond the sea & irresistible). it's something really sweet about them. the way they can't hide. but here, they don't want to share it.
the next scene is really why everything about scully strikes me as jealousy. before this one, it could be written off as professional jealousy. we've seen that in scully since season one. but we got a little taste of other jealousy in wotc.
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i love this for so many reasons. scully is actually yelling at him for his behavior, and he may have made the comment about "this may not be the time" but he acts like he has no idea what's wrong here 🤣 and scully's yelling about his "comportment" but she specifically says "i am not going to be humiliated by you, in front of you..." and like. that's Insane! to me, humiliation is a Big feeling. not just embarrassed, humiliated.
mulder leaning on the wall & the script make me think he does actually understand. season three is a real turning point in their relationship. feelings are coming to the surface despite the ways they try to suppress or deny them. there's a growing awareness, and after then hell of season two, how deep their trust goes, how important their partnership & work is...well it's a struggle. i'm always saying it's a journey. and i think of season three as peak best friends, which yes! but it's just never so simple with these two. there have been layers from the beginning.
on top of all that, they're standing so close. mulder leans in to smell her (to see if she's the one wearing "his favorite perfume," they're invading each other's space again. the eye contact happens!!! and when she storms off, mulder falls against the wall "feeling somehow like he's betrayed a lover." which he hasn't, not yet.
and then my personal favorite part, that also makes me a little queasy...
scully is in her motel room, smoking and angrily muttering about detective white. mulder's in his room mixing a drink in the bottle in the craziest way i've ever seen (but i do remember seeing people talk about this before. cannot for the life of me remember what it was, but apparently it isn't unheard of. except for mulder lol)
and when scully gets the call, she just barges into mulder's room. seeing detective white on top of mulder. what she didn't see was mulder trying to get white out of his room and both of them talking about feeling "weird." i think i've said this somewhere but if scully was in her right mind, if she wasn't so mad at mulder & thought they were sticking around for white...she would have clocked what was happening. and this was the betrayal mulder felt, this is why she's been jealous. but they're partners, friends. they aren't dating. but everything has been palpably shifting for them. they're losing their denial.
(and i just have to say that white was assaulting mulder. this was not consensual. if he really had much to drink, unclear. and white isn't in her right mind either. but.....we don't excuse murder & sa because someone feels weird.)
all of it leading to THIS. just incredible. scully's anger (and hurt) kicking up. feeling justified in how she's been feeling & acting (which is also objectively unprofessional. she's usually the one trying not to step on toes & keep a good relationship with the local pd and here she is just. not doing any of that. she is obnoxious & pushy & condescending. her usual empathy & understanding is almost non-existent.) describing mulder as a "big macho man" is so funny. that's never the impression given to the audience, or scully. they were equals from the beginning, respect a core foundation of their relationship. mulder making fun of her height, hilarious, but also i don't think he's ever made fun of her for that before or after this.
in these two scenes they're both muttering about each other, the things the other said that pissed them off. what's going on between them is personal. they don't get like this about disagreeing on a case. scully always follows him, she questions him, she tries to understand but she doesn't get angry — confused & frustrated, absolutely.
mulder asking white to go with scully is also Insane. and i think it was an important decision. he's the driver (i think it helps him) and he doesn't want to drive with white. but it's absolutely insane because white is just. in the middle of whatever they have going on and she has no idea what she stepped into. but she does as asked and scully & white have such a tense car ride and have to team up when they find the townspeople marching down the road with guns. (AND WHO KILLED ALL THESE BIRDS?! just one of my favorite lines. and also top tier comedy when one hits the car windshield. and scully facing an angry mob of people terrified for their kids & towns, just saying like "it's illegal, there are no satanists" is sooooo funny to me. no fear.)
mulder went back to zrinka and then he finds margi in the garage where scott's body still is, as terri found scully. the girls both blame each other and immediately mulder is calling scully. "i've got your suspect and you've got mine. why does that make sense to me at this point?" i love this because this is the closest to a truce they've had this entire episode. they both did their thing and in the end it comes together. they trap margi & terri in a room together until the clocks strike midnight and everything goes quiet. they yell at everyone in sync. white opens the door to two terrified girls sobbing in each other's arms. it ends as the planets move out alignment, and they haven't solved a thing. are these girls even charged? they have absolutely no evidence, so doubtful.
and it ends as it began, mulder & scully in the car only this time they're leaving & scully's driving, speeding out of town. "shut up, mulder." "sure. fine. whatever."
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blacclotusss · 2 days
What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned?
Just a bit of meta on my favorite scenes from episode one of season two!
Louis and Lestat in the Field
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At this point and time, using context clues, we know Lestat is conjured up from Louis' mind. Personally, I think Louis conjured him up due to the fact that he's surrounded by dead bodies and the most recent "dead" body he's cared about is Lestat. So now, he's thinking of his past love and the murder of him, the only time he's felt like he murdered someone. "Oh love, I'm merely waiting until you're happy." This seems to be the opposite of what Lestat has done to Louis in season one. He would always try and catch Louis when he was down and make the situation worse e.g. Paul's death, the church turning, the closing of the Azalea, the riots, etc. It's interesting, especially, considering Lestat isn't actually saying any of this. Crazy how Louis' brain is working in this moment. A friend of mine also brought up that Louis is in a period of desperation and despair and I think it may have brought up thoughts of home, the home they left Lestat to die in.
Claudia and Louis' Argument in the Boiler Room
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The first time we actually hear, from her own mouth, how much Claudia resents Louis for the fact that Lestat is still looming over them. "I forgave you for messing up my plan, I did not forgive you for bringing him with you." Louis, in that moment, seems to want to make nice with people on their journey and dismisses Claudia's concerns and ideas, which may build even more resentment. "I'm looking for one, just one, that ain't a goddamn bastard!" Her search for vampires seems to be her both wanting answers as well as her own companion to escape the bastards she's encountered as a vampire.
Claudia's Dreams/Nightmares
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This one is a bit tricky for me to understand because the only thing I can think of what Louis is trying to say is that she is lying, but I don't think he'd call her a liar. I believe Claudia only said she couldn't dream because Louis was getting on her nerves. I hope to God that is not the angle we're going with because I will personally raise hell for her.
Morgan Asking Louis for Help
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Very short point but it's so interesting that Morgan thought Louis would help and I was somewhat surprised that Louis left it alone. I think that those four years have hardened him just a bit and he's over the humans for now. Another point, a bit of racism slipping through that Morgan thought the Black man was going to help.
Daciana and the Fire
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Two interpretations of this scene and I'd like to believe that the both of them have some truth to it. One (brought to me by my friend @nakiaslilhoodoo), Daciana and her killing her children relating to Claudia. Even in season one, we see just how much he cares for Claudia, even going so far as to postponing his suicide so that she wouldn't have the memory of her brother dying on the same day as the beginning of her journey of traveling. I think Daciana jumping into the fire after losing her children could show how Louis will lick the fire (internally) once Claudia is gone. 
Two (another point made by a friend of mine, Daciana and Magnus being one in the same in this scene. The both of them walked into the fire after feeling defeated with having no companion. I didn't realize this until a friend brought it up to me and I think it makes the situation even more tragic.
Louis' Speech to Claudia
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A very bittersweet moment for me, and the way the trailers and clips are set up makes me believe this may fall apart. I thought I'd feel stronger about Louis telling Claudia about having a shitty life, I still don't think it was quite necessary because I'm sure she knows that and her life was shitty before she even met Louis, but it didn't leave a poor taste in my mouth like I thought it would. The soft words he gave her was what genuinely broke me. I think it hit me because I know Louis genuinely believes what he said to her and how it's her and him against the world, but I know it's going to go left. Even when they held hands together after getting off of the van, they really could be everything if they keep each other close. You could tell by Claudia's face that she's been waiting to hear that from, (Delainey said this as well) but she also seems a bit skeptical and questioning whether he'll stick to his words, which I don't blame her for. And then Louis conjuring up Lestat as he's telling her this...I know there will be problems on the rise.
Louis and Armand in the Bedroom
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First of all, the bedroom seems to be gorgeous and I would pick it apart more if it weren't for the bars and the painting in the back. The bars are a bit jarring because I don't know who they would represent. Would it be Louis feeling confined to this relationship and life he's made with Armand or would it represent Armand holding back his emotions and how he feels? And the painting of Jesus and Judas, who betrayed Jesus, hanging in the back is a wild concept. But, I did enjoy the softness each of them displayed with one another. The talk of Claudia's diary pages could have easily blew up into an argument, but they each know each other well enough for it to remain calm. Even Louis' face before he kissed Armand was quite reassuring. Love what I see from these two so far.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 days
that’s really the core of lucifer, i suppose. he knows that something horribly, desperately, unspeakably wrong was done to him. and god did that. so. there’s nothing that can be done but to accept it as it is.
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bloody-shadow666 · 11 days
Hi everyone I'm finally fully caught up judt in time for tonight's (?) fucking episode so.
Adaine's Furious Fists on Oision yeah? This motherfucker? Like forget everyone else he specifically is the problem in this moment methinks
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