#i think i’m going to change my major from information systems to business administration
rosesradio · 9 months
#so for the mutuals that have been keeping up with the cute little tidbits i’ve been posting about my life—#i fucking hate my major#& after almost crying myself to the point of nausea again i finally did some more research on changing my major#i think i’m going to change my major from information systems to business administration#basically info systems is business & computer science & the bulk of 90% of my issues come from coding#like yes i also dislike my business classes & excel sucks but i find those classes to be easier & manageable compared to my coding ones#not to mention it’s mostly within the wheelhouse of my current major so it only adds two classes to my current grad plan#like yeah there’s gonna be more finance classes which i hate like i hate the math/accounting aspect#but there’s also more marketing type classes where i might actually be able to have a little fun and show some creativity#i imagine my dad will be upset with me—he wants me to stay in this major/not ‘be a quitter’/just ‘try harder’ to learn useful skills#but the alteration isn’t that bad & he can still help me with excel or whatever else#so the change should be good. i still plan to stick it out this semester because i think it’ll be a mess if i drop my classes#not to mention i still need like half the classes i’m taking rn#but since i’m getting my masters in library science it’s one of those things where it literally doesn’t matter at all what—#i get my bachelor’s in#anyways#rose.txt
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sparklingskz · 5 years
the heart of the matter | kim seungmin
▸ genre: college au, fluff!!
▸ description: you’re supposed to be registered into the physics class for humanity majors but somehow you’re in the advanced class, and Seungmin comes to your rescue.
▸ word count: 2.4k
▸  a/n: some cute seungmin for u (✿◠‿◠) also idk why I added those emojis in the text messages, i was just feeling like it ig lol
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“I’m sorry, but it seems you’re registered in the advanced physics class,” the woman working at the front desk answered.
“This can’t be.” Exasperation dripped from your tone. “I’m sure I enrolled in the class for humanity majors. Can you please check again?”
You watched as the woman clicked on the screen a few times. “Your name is on the advanced list, so I’m afraid you’ll need to attend that class.” She directed a sad look at you.
“Isn’t there a way to change it? Transfer me to the easier course?” you pleaded.
“You can, but only after the first semester has passed,” she said after shrugging.
You sighed. “Okay, thank you.”
It seems you’ll have to survive until the end of the semester.
When you checked your schedule that morning, your heart stopped for a second when you noticed the small “advanced physics” printed, and immediately headed towards the university’s administration to figure out what was happening.
Turns out you probably messed up when you were selecting your classes.
Anyways, there was no use to cry because of it now. You resignedly headed to the physics room, mentally preparing yourself for what was about to come.
You were standing in front of the classroom doors, pondering whether to go in or not. To say you were confident would be a complete lie. However, you needed the attendance if you wanted to pass, so you took a deep breath and stepped into the room.
You sat down on the second row and took out your materials, and were completely prepared to pay attention to try and save yourself from failing.
Oh, but it was not going to be so easy.
Only half an hour had passed and you were suffering. Physics was never your forte, and now that you had to learn things way above your level, you’d have to work twice as hard. You were trying your best, taking notes of everything the professor was saying, your hand aching every once in a while.
Some time later the lesson ended, and you quickly packed your stuff and left the classroom, feeling exhausted from all the information you had to engrave into your brain.
This was definitely going to be a tough semester.
“Why is this so difficult?” you whined as you buried your head into your hands.
You were currently at the library, your physics notes and a book opened right in front of you, trying to absorb as much knowledge as you could.
It was not going very well.
You were a humanities major, for God’s sake! All these formulas and theorems weren’t going to be of any use to you, but if you wanted to do well on your upcoming test you’d have to learn all of them by that time.
Frustration was quickly building up on you, but you picked up your book and delved right into it again.
You were jotting down a few definitions when you suddenly felt a soft voice addressing you.
“Excuse me?”
You looked up towards the voice and were met with a boy sitting on the table next to you, looking at you curiously.
“Um, yes?” you asked, wondering what he would want.
“Are you studying for the advanced physics class?”
“I’m trying,” you sighed.
“Do you want some help? I think I don’t suck that much at physics,” he said, shrugging.
At this point, you’d take any help you can get, even if you didn’t know the boy.
“If you don’t mind, that would actually be good,” you said, a small smile forming on your lips.
He returned your smile and picked up his things and moved to go sit right next to you, setting his supplies down on the table.
“Oh! I just realized I haven’t told you my name. I’m Seungmin.” He extended his hand for you to shake, and you took it.
“I’m y/n. How did you know I needed help?” you inquired.
“Well, let’s say I could feel your frustration from where I was seated, and you look like you’re one second away from having a meltdown during class.”
You laughed a bit and looked at the floor. “Yeah, I’m hopeless.”
“Don’t say that! Look, I know it may be difficult but just take a deep breath and let’s start with the basics, okay?” Seungmin said softly.
You looked up at him, and you could swear you were staring at an angel. This boy, who was very cute you might add, offering his help to you? Maybe choosing the advanced class wasn’t a complete mistake.
“There, you got it right!” Seungmin exclaimed and high-fived you.
“Looks like I’m not that hopeless after all,” you said with a smile.
Seungmin had spent the past hour teaching you, and you could say that you had understood everything. It was like he had a special way with words, he made the complicated terms you learnt in class make sense and everything sound way more simple than it probably was.
Whatever it was, you were grateful.
It was when Seungmin yawned you noticed how late it had gotten. “You must be tired, sorry for keeping you here so long trying to teach my humanities major brain,” you said, closing your books.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. By the way, why are you taking the advanced class?” he tilted his head, like a cute puppy.
“I made a mistake when registering my classes, so now I’m stuck until the first semester ends,” you said sadly, both of you standing up and heading towards the library’s exit.
“Well, if you’d like I could continue tutoring you, I’m not that busy this semester.”
You stopped on your tracks to face him. “You’d really do that?”
“Yeah, why not? You shouldn’t have to suffer because of your mistake, and if I can help in any way, then I’d be happy to,” he finished with a smile.
Perhaps angels did exist in real life, you thought.
“If you’re sure… I would really appreciate the help.”
You both traded numbers and went your separate ways, the image of the nice boy stuck in your mind.
Some time had passed, and you had met up with Seungmin a few times to study.  Well, at least most of the time, because you sometimes got off track and ended up talking about random topics and getting to know each other. You weren’t complaining, though.
You found out that the boy was actually a physics major, hence his deep understanding on the subject. He loved it, so he also loved teaching it to you (you found this piece of information especially endearing).
Every time you studied, you brought him food as to repay him, because he wouldn’t accept money and he was, as he himself put it, a “starving college student”. Turns out, you were meeting at least twice a week to eat and occasionally study, only when it was necessary as you thought it was way more fun to just talk for hours about anything and everything.
You wouldn’t deny that your heart would race a little every time you met.
However, you’d have to ignore such thoughts because you had a final exam coming up, and a large part of your grade for the course depended on the score you got. You wanted to do well so you would be able to transfer to the easier class without any regrets.
You texted Seungmin so you could meet up to (actually) study.
you (15:34 pm): hey I need help for the final exam, are u free today? (^▽^)
seungminnie ♡ (15:36 pm): do u have food
you (15:37 pm): who do u take me for, of course
seungminnie ♡ (15:38 pm): then I’m free ヽ(^◇^*)/
you (15:40 pm): see u at the library dork
You locked your phone and headed to the library.
When you got there, you immediately spotted Seungmin, who was sitting on the table you two used every time you studied there. You went over and said hello, sitting down next to him.
After talking about random topics for a few minutes, you took out your physics supplies and watched as Seungmin did the same thing.
You were looking at the amount of information you’d have to internalize, and your leg immediately started bouncing up and down, nerves flooding your entire system.
Seungmin seemed to notice your nervousness. “Y/n, you’ll do fine,” he said, resting his hand on top of your leg, stopping its bouncing. “Relax.”
How is he asking you to relax when his hand is right there, you didn’t know.
“It’s just… A lot of information,” you sighed.
“And we’ll go through it, don’t worry.” He directed a smile at you, instantly calming you down.
You trusted him, definitely. After all, he was one of the people you had grown closer to during your time in college, and you knew he did his best to teach you, taking time out of his day to help you out.
And you appreciated that.
You watched as he opened the physics book, getting everything set up for you to review. You got into your studying mindset, ignoring the way your heart jumped when of your hands brushed when reaching for your notes.
This would be a long evening.
“Come on y/n, I know you know this,” Seungmin said.
You sighed, burying your face in your hands. “I think I’m just a bit distracted.”
Oh, damn right you were. You didn’t know what was happening to you that specific day, but you weren’t paying enough attention to your textbook or Seungmin’s attempts at explaining. Instead you were paying attention to the way his hands moved enthusiastically when he was trying to express something, the way he slowly blinked when reading, or the way his mannerisms resembled a cute puppy (you couldn’t explain how, but he did).
And all this was affecting your concentration.
“Okay, you know what? Let’s take a break.” He closed the textbook. “We’ll take a nice walk around campus and come back to finish studying, how does that sound?” Seungmin said.
That definitely was better than staying in there dealing with whatever was happening to you. “Okay, let’s go.”
You both grabbed your things and went outside, and started strolling along the buildings on your campus.
The atmosphere was serene. Not many people were outside at that particular time so you both walked in a comfortable silence, Seungmin’s presence comforting beside you. You didn’t talk much except for some punctual comments here and there, preferring to just enjoy the moment and relax before going back inside.
Before you had a chance to do that, though, you both walked next to one of the green areas on campus, some trees, grass and benches adorning the area. That’s when Seungmin turned to face you.
“Hey, how about we continue studying outside? I read that a change in scenery can do the brain good when retaining information,” he said, nudging you with his elbow.
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Oh really? And where did you read that?” You asked, unconvinced.
“I don’t know, Pinterest?” he shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, it’s probably true.” He didn’t give you a chance to respond when he grabbed your hand and dragged you to sit on the grass, under the shade of a big tree.
You weren’t going to lie and say that studying there didn’t sound like a good idea.
You took out your supplies and got to work, a slight breeze surrounding you both and the feeling of soft grass under your fingertips accompanying you.
The moment you handed in your finished test, you could physically feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. You wouldn’t have to worry about physics until after you got your results back, and you could confidently say you thought you did very well.
A week after that day, you were walking along campus next to Seungmin (“y/n you need to get out of your dorm and stop stressing over your test, you told me you did well!”), checking your phone every ten minutes to see if you got your grade back.
When you heard the typical notification sound, you froze. On the screen, an email from your physics professor was displayed for you to open.
A few seconds later, Seungmin spoke. “So? What are you waiting for, a damn invitation? Open it!”
You snapped out of it and tapped the notification, and you skimmed through the email to see how you did.
A big 87/100 was written, next to “grade”.
“I passed!” you exclaimed, jumping up and down. “Eighty-seven out of a hundred!”
In the thrill of the moment, you threw your arms around Seungmin, embracing him into a big hug. It was all thanks to him, after all.
“Thank you so so much Seungmin, I couldn’t have done it without you,” you said, retreating your arms from around his neck.
He smiled widely at you. “Please, you were the one that answered that test, I just helped,” he shrugged.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Don’t be modest. Hey, check your grade too!” you suddenly exclaimed.
You watched as Seungmin took out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. He tapped the screen a few times before announcing his score, “I got a ninety-five,” he smiled at you.
“Wasn’t expecting anything less from you, to be honest.”
He playfully hit your arm because of your comment, before speaking. “This needs a celebration. Want to grab some food? It’s almost dinner time, I’ll treat.”
“Oh? What happened to ‘I’m a starving college student, please feed me?’” You raised your eyebrows at him teasingly.
“Maybe I want to treat my date to some food, I can’t do that?”
You stopped in your tracks when you heard him say that. A date? Did Seungmin like you back? Wait, you didn’t even conclude that you liked him, you just thought he was cute and had an amazing personality, you loved his laugh, the way he talked, how he was so patient with you whenever you studied, and all his little quirks and traits.
Maybe you did like him.
“A date? As in… non-platonic?” you asked, just to clear things up.
“I mean…” He scratched his neck, not meeting your gaze. “If you don’t have a problem with it, I would like to.”
In a sudden urge of confidence, you grabbed his hand into yours, making him look up at you. “I would like to,” you said while smiling.
He gave you a bright smile in return. “Let’s get going, then.”
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aegon · 4 years
I never understand when people say Bernie is some revolutionary. It’s usually non Americans that say that because of his very successful ad campaigns and loud supporters. He’s the definition of establishment. He’s worked in the government for soooo long and literally done nothing but rename a post office. That’s it. Why do people think he’d do anything as president, when he didn’t do anything when he was a politician with power for decades? Sucks that even the left obsess over mediocre men
I mean...Google is free. It literally took me half a minute to find a list of Bernie’s numerous accomplishments over his decades-long career but sure, let the non-American tell you what your own politicians are up to.
And because my own country fell a few days ago to the ignorance the masses, I even found other sources to back-up the facts of (some of) Bernie’s most remarkable feats:
Bernie is one of the hardest working politicians in the States, being dubbed “the amendment king” for passing more roll-call amendments than anyone else.
I like how you mentioned the post office naming and totally ignored the fact he introduced and passed a bill that increased veterans’ disability compensations
“The definition of establishment,” you say. When more than half of the States and most of your politicians wanted your army to invade Iraq, Bernie said no. He didn’t need to wait seventeen years and a million innocent casualties to make his mind up. Actually, Bernie’s been consistently anti-war throughout his life and again, that’s fucking impressive when more than half of America, at one point, wanted people like me to be blown up. A good egg.
“The definition of establishment,” you say. The American government has systematically supported the Israeli oppression of Palestinians from the very beginning. Anyone who dare say anything against it is deemed anti-Semitic. Bernie, a Jewish man, is one of the only politicians I’ve seen from your side that has enough of a spine to say something about it. Now you might not think it’s much, but an American politician that isn’t Netanyahu’s bitch should be celebrated. It’s that rare.
“The definition of establishment,” you say. Bernie’s been protesting for civil rights and standing up for justice for fifty goddamn years. Damn, what kind of rose-tinged glasses are you wearing that you think someone like that is the fucking establishment???
He couldn’t get nearly as much as he wanted done because you have such rotten shits in office. Like remember when he actively wanted to protect your privacy rights post-9/11 because he didn’t want your basic freedoms to be exploited by the NSA who wanted to read all your emails and listen to your calls without your consent? Wow what a mediocre shit wanting you to not be watched by the state like it’s 1984 lmao
The free credit report you’re entitled to every year? That was Bernie.
Actually reached across the aisle to work with Republican Charles Grassley to introduce the ‘Employ America act’ that stopped major firms firing American employees and hiring cheap foreign workers. That’s called bi-partisanship and y’all need that in your government. Mediocre men don’t negotiate with the opposition for the rights of people.
The first ever audit of the Federal Reserve that revealed how trillions were paid (with no interest) to big banks and businesses? Bernie.
He fought to get community health centres into the ACA
His very first bill that became law was the National Program of Cancer Registries that helps researchers gain valuable information in their fight against cancer. Called “the cancer weapon American needs most.”
Bernie also passed an amendment to prevent the Bush administration from working to overturn a federal district court ruling that IBM’s pension cuts violated age discrimination laws. This amendment helped 130,000 IBM workers regain $320 million in pension benefits that had been taken away from them.
In the late 1990s, dairy farmers were being forced to sell off their lands to big corporations. Due to an amendment by Bernie, a law passed that provided $350 million to help struggling dairy farmers survive.
Bernie’s tried passing so many climate change bills and sadly, most have been blocked by shit stains in your government but he did manage to pass an energy bill that secured $3.2 billion to fund the grants that reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. The program to date has funded upgrades for more than 86,000 buildings, installed more than 9,500 solar energy systems and, in the process, created or saved thousands of good-paying jobs.
He has campaigned NON-STOP to give y’all the right not to die from student debt or to pay thousands for like breaking a finger, but ok yes not a revolutionary at all lmao
It’s nice of you to demean him to just naming a post office when he’s been fighting to save thousands of jobs in the postal service, despite the Republicans shutting him down whenever he tries.
So I could go on and on because it turns out, this Bernie fella has done a lot in his time as a politician. He’s introduced over 300 bills whose sole purpose is to help the average American like yourself. It’s so easy to sit on your sofa and call him mediocre when you haven’t fought a percent of the battles that he has to make your life easier.
You don’t have to like Bernie. You don’t have to support his policies. But to trivialise a man who has worked hard and dedicated his life to serving his people speaks volumes of your own ignorance.
Who becomes your President isn’t really my concern. Quite frankly, I’m not affected by whether you can afford to see a doctor or if you’re forcibly drafted into your next war.
However - you are. I suggest getting off your high-horse and spending more than half a minute to learn about who your politicians are and what they’ve been doing in their careers. You can’t always rely on a Brit across the pond to do your damn work for you.
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queenmylovely · 5 years
The Law of Attraction i
Summary: John deacon x fem!reader. Your first week of classes with Professor Deacon.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: little bit of awkwardness, cussing (probably)
A/N: This is the first part of a probably miniseries or two-parter to fill the request I got. I just am incapable of not writing some backstory I guess. Side note: this takes place in the present but John is in his late 30′s. For you, anon, don’t worry, spicy things are coming soon! I hope you all enjoy, and any feedback including likes, replies, reblogs and asks are greatly appreciated! Requests are open!
Request: idk if you write for prof!deaky but like… i’d be so down for that. 
Part ii, Part iii*, Masterlist 
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(look at this picture, what the fuck)
In your junior year of university, you had finally decided on your major after switching between math and physics. You had definitively chosen electrical engineering. While you had enjoyed math and physics, they were much too focused on theoretical equations than on real-world objects, which is where you found most of your interest.
The problem solving and designing aspects of electrical engineering were what had appealed to you the most. You could plug input into equations and get the correct answers in your sleep, so creating was what would challenge you in the way you wanted to be.
Since you had taken all of the math and physics prerequisites already, you were able to jump straight into the engineering classes and labs right away in the fall of your junior year. When you had registered in the spring prior, you had wanted to keep two days empty so that you could have days free for your part-time job at the admin office. This had somehow ended up in you having five classes between three different professors. Two of the professors you had only one class each with, which meant you had three classes with the same professor. Your days off from classes had landed on Mondays and Fridays, which you thought would be good bookends to your pretty heavy Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Plus, the admin job would be good for starting and/or finishing homework when it was slow.
The first Monday of the semester was spent getting a quick brief on your duties as administrative assistant. It seemed like it would be pretty simple; answering phones, putting appointments into the computer’s calendar, scheduling tours, and directing people to the correct offices around campus. They also said that you were free to do homework in your down time.
That Monday was pretty busy though, which was okay since you didn’t have any homework aside from printing out the syllabus. (Which you might have used the office printer to do.)
You had some pretty frantic-looking students asking questions about how to change their classes or where to find their professor’s office. Since you were a junior and had changed your major twice, you were pretty fluent with all of the forms and were able to answer their questions easily. You went home around 5:00, which, with the hour lunch, made for an eight hour day. Since you were taking 16 engineering credits, you felt pretty good with working 16 hour weeks.
Tuesday you started with a System Modeling and Control class that was 75 minutes long, and started at 9:00. The professor seemed nice, which was good, but you were more worried about the professor you had later that day since he was the one you had three classes with. Two of which were labs of no more than 25 students. First, though, you had an Electromagnetic Theory lecture with him on Tuesday and Thursdays.
The class was at 10:30, which meant you had fifteen minutes to walk down the hall from your first class. You figured you would at least get a good seat.
Walking from room 215, you counted the numbers on either side of the hall until you reached 220. The door was cracked open with a rubber door stop and you looked through the crack to see that it was empty. There must not have been a class in there yet. You pushed the door open and walked in, seeing there were actually a couple people there on the edges. The room was lecture style, but pretty small with only four rows with 10 seats each going up from the floor. There was a lectern in the middle of three blackboards that had been wiped completely clean. You nodded at the other students as they looked up at you, but chose to sit in the middle of the front row. Since you were probably getting a later start to electrical engineering than most, you wanted to be front and center to absorb as much information as possible. And perhaps you were a bit of a teacher’s pet at times.
You pulled out the fresh, three subject, college ruled, spiral notebook you had gotten for this course and a mechanical pencil. Labeling the first page “Electromagnetic Theory,” you then flipped the page and wrote the date. You also took out the syllabus for the class and skimmed over it again while you waited for the professor and the rest of the class to get there.
Students slowly trickled in, most opting for the edges of the room and a couple joining you in the front row, but still near the sides. Once it hit 20 past, the professor walked in. He was on the taller side, a man in his late thirties from what you could tell, with brown hair that was shorter on the sides and longer and kind of curly on top. He was pretty handsome, in kind of a dorky way. He was wearing a plaid button down shirt tucked into jeans with a black belt and dad sneakers. You giggled at that last part and found your eyes drifting to his left hand to see if there was a ring there. There wasn’t. You shook your head slightly at yourself. He was your professor, and your professor with who you will be spending over five hours a week, and a crush will not make it any easier to learn, you had to remind yourself.
Just before class started, a rush of ten students came in at once, and one finally filled the spot next to yours. The two of you said hi and exchanged names (hers was Sarah), and were starting to talk about majors until you heard a loud scraping sound. The class turned their heads to the front of the room to see the professor pushing the lectern all the way against the wall. He finished and faced forward, noticing that the class had its eyes on him.
“Well, since I’ve got your attention, I might as well start,” he said with a smile and the class chuckled. “As it says in your syllabus, I am Professor Deacon, but as I know some of you know by your familiar faces, I am often referred to as ‘Deaky,’” he said, putting air quotes around the nickname, which earned another laugh.
“You can call me whichever you prefer, because I really don’t care. Alright, so obviously this is the class for Electromagnetic Theory, so if you’re in the wrong room, go ahead and leave now, we won’t judge,” he paused for a second and when no one moved, continued. “Good, we can get started.”
That first class was spent going through the syllabus mostly, and outlining the type of assignments and materials everyone would need for the course. He had a pretty dry sense of humor, and cracked jokes throughout the class, which helped to put everyone at ease. That being said, it seemed like it would be a very technical and involved class, and the assignments would require a lot of time and were process-heavy. Professor Deacon highly encouraged using his office hours for help or to answer any questions, and you made sure to highlight when they were on your syllabus.
When the class came to an end and everyone was packing up, you chatted to Sarah about it.
“Have you had Professor Deacon before?” you asked her.
“Oh, yeah, I had him for Introduction to Electric Circuits my freshman year. He’s a nice guy, and not too tough a grader. Everyone does really call him Deaky, just so you know,” she answered with a smile.
You nodded, “Good to know.”
She left for her next class and you said goodbye to each other before you walked down to the front of the class where Professor Deacon was.
He was writing something down in a little agenda and you stood waiting for him to finish when he looked up and saw you. “Hello,” he said cheerfully.
“Hi. I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” you said, extending your hand for a handshake. His hand met yours and shook it firmly, and you didn’t miss how warm it was against yours. “I just wanted to introduce myself because I’ll be in both of your labs tomorrow.”
“Oh, that’s you. I had noticed that there was a student on all three of my rosters. Did I have a really good rating on ratemyprofessor?” he joked.
You laughed lightly and responded, “I couldn’t say. I just declared as Electrical Engineering at the end of last semester, so I have some catching up to do.”
“Really? Most people would have a lot of prereqs to get through first. What was your major before?” he asked warmly.
“Well, first it was math my freshman year and then it was physics last year,” you explained a bit sheepishly.
Professor Deacon didn’t seem to think there was anything unusual about changing your major three times however, and just smiled a toothy smile and said, “Ah, that makes sense. Well, welcome to the department, and I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Thank you. See you tomorrow,” you smiled back before turning around and walking out the door. You were relieved that the professor you would be seeing so much of this semester was nice, although weren’t sure you would be able to bring yourself to call him Deaky.
The syllabus for the labs had said to only bring a folder, pen or pencil, and to wear at least short sleeves, long pants, and closed toed shoes, all of which you had to be willing to get dirty. As you got ready in the morning, you pulled on a faded pair of jeans, a shirt you had used in the past when painting, and your old pair of tennis shoes. You grabbed a jacket to wear over your clothes as you walked through campus and headed out with just a shoulder bag instead of the backpack you normally took to class.
You drove over to campus and parked in the engineering building’s parking lot. You had bought the parking pass for that building since three of your classes were in it, but hadn’t realized that the engineering labs were in a different building on the other side of campus until the day before. You sighed as you turned your car off, knowing you had close to a twenty minute walk, but put on your headphones, turned on some good music, and started walking over.
The building was old and the cinder blocks were painted white, though you could tell from where it was peeling that it had had many coats over the years of varying colors. You had heard from someone in your Computer Science class (which was an hour after your first with Professor Deacon on Tuesdays and Thursdays) that the building used to be the main Engineering building until the university got an endowment for the new, fancy one. Looking at the building, you thought that it must have been pretty cramped since there were only three large rooms and four little ones, which had since been turned into professors’ offices and what could be called the lobby with a check-in desk and no one behind it. There were two offices for the professors whose names you didn’t recognize and they were both of the left side of the building, opposite of the labs. The last one was on the right side, in between the furthest lab and the “lobby” itself, and had a nameplate labeled “John Deacon.”
Each of the lab rooms were designated for a different type of lab. Lab A was filled with cars and engines which you assumed was for mechanical or automotive engineering, Lab B was filled with drafting materials and models which you assumed was for civil engineering, and Lab C was filled with old computers and motors, which was exactly where you were supposed to be.
There were a couple people already in the room, milling about and chatting to each other. You were glad to see Sarah and went up to her to say hi. Looking around at everyone, the two of you laughed at how you all looked more like house painters than engineering students.
“I’m not entirely sure how our clothes would get dirty, but I guess it’s better safe than sorry,” she commented to you.
“I don’t know, maybe if we accidentally blow something up or it catches on fire, the smoot won’t ruin our clothes?” you guessed and the two of you laughed.
“I for one, wasn’t planning on any explosions, but I guess I know to keep a close eye on you now, Y/N,” said a voice from behind you on your right. Sarah and you whipped around to see Professor Deacon standing right there with a smirk on his face. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and Sarah had to hide her giggles behind her hand.
“I-I’m- that was just a joke,” you stammered out.
“Hmmm, I guess we’ll see,” Professor Deacon said, walking to where there was a chalkboard at the front of the lab. Before he turned completely away, though, he shot you a wink that eased your nerves about the joke you made, but for some reason sent a shock of adrenaline (or something else) through your body at the same time.
The rest of the lab went better. Professor Deacon started with introductions of everyone since it was a smaller class and people should definitely know each other by the end of the semester. He then went over the lab and safety procedures, congratulating everyone for their proper attire. He himself was wearing these old carpenter pants that looked straight out of a 90’s catalogue and an oversized t-shirt that seemed like it was a souvenir from Bali but had grease stains all over it. And he was wearing the same sneakers as the day before. You couldn’t help but think it was kinda cute that he wore the same sneakers all the time.
He also took everyone on a little tour of the lab building, starting with Lab A and B briefly and then a more indepth look at a room only accessible through the rear of the building. It was a storage/equipment room that housed a bunch of scrap metal, lumber, spare parts, abandoned student projects, and tools. Everything in there was for free use of students of all labs to work on their projects and the projects for the department. To a bunch of engineering students, it was a treasure trove.
Finally, he took everyone back to Lab C and pointed out all of the stations and larger equipment in the big room. After the tour, he had everyone do a little exercise with some of the tools to get acquainted with them. By the time everyone had completed the exercise, the two hours and forty-five had pretty much elapsed and Professor Deacon let everyone head out a little early.
Of course, since you were in his next lab that took place in 15 minutes, you stayed. And, it seemed that you were the only one in both of these labs, so you stood around awkwardly as everyone left. You were about to grab your phone from your pocket when you heard his voice.
“So you didn’t blow anything up, I’m relieved,” he teased from behind you.
You turned around to see him smirking yet again and laughed lightly before replying, “I mean, it’s only been the first part of the first day so I wouldn’t take your eyes off me just yet.”
There was a beat when both of you realized what that sounded like and you saw Professor Deacon’s ears get pink as you felt your neck heat up. Your eyes widened and you determinedly did not make eye contact.
Trying to relieve the tension, he cleared his throat and said, “Anyway, I’m sorry, but you’re about to have the same exact lab in 15 minutes. I would say you could leave but then you wouldn’t meet everyone else, and there are a couple different things that I talk about.”
You were glad that he changed the subject, and further tried to get things back to normal, “That’s okay. I’ll have a leg up on everyone when we try out the equipment.”
The two of you laughed, and you couldn’t help noticing what a nice laugh he had, “That’s the spirit. They’ll be baffled at your ability to use the air compressor slightly better than they can.”
“Hey, I was the best and fastest in the class just now. It might not have been a competition, but you know it’s true,” you said, still smiling, but pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“You’re very passionate. I like that in a… student,” he said, matching your intense gaze. Neither of you had time to think about his hesitation before saying “student” because a group of your classmates walked in at that moment.
Looking down at his watch, he noticed that it was only five minutes before class started, and he walked away, giving you a nod, to go grab the lab rules handouts.
You watched him walk away and sighed to yourself. It seemed the crush you were trying to fend off wasn’t going anywhere, and with all this time spent with him, was only continuing to grow.
Taglist: @somekindof-cheese @gwilyoubemine @deacytits @supersonicfreddie @siriuslovesmarlene @bowiequeen @acdeaky @deakysgirl @sunflower-borhap-boys @deakyfordays @queensilveryrog @happy-at-home @ceruleanrainblues @briarrose26 @bensrhapsody @painkiller80 
I just kinda created this taglist so if you would like to be taken off or added, just send me a message or ask!
Reminder that my requests are open! If you would like something in a sort of one shot format/length or blurb, etc. send it in! I’ll write for any of the Borhap or Queen boys (Freddie only platonically), Lucy, Patrick Murray, Gardner Langway and adult!Tim Murphy or possibly any of the other characters these people have played if I know enough about them!
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sobokip257 · 4 years
The Most ideal Approach to Pick up Wedding Photography
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In the course of the most recent year, I've invested a lot of energy endeavoring to gain proficiency with the art of best wedding photography. In spite of the fact that, I actually have a long way to go, I can ideally talk as a matter of fact (positive and negative the same) of how to jump on the correct way as a wedding picture taker.
1) Increase an Intrigue
In case you're perusing this article, there's an entirely decent possibility that you have just arrived at this stage. Maybe you're keen on wedding photography due to the procuring potential, or possibly you simply love weddings and need to record them.
In any case, wedding photography is a creature like no other and truly requires some various methodologies. One wedding picture taker I worked with disclosed to me his preferred thing about wedding photography is that it consolidated so a wide range of sorts of photography: full scale (think rings), engineering (excellent places of worship), and even a touch of sports - envision catching a quick moving couple.
Discover wedding picture takers whose work motivates you. There are many skilled wedding picture takers, and motivation is rarely far away. Investing energy realizing what you like and how to introduce a scene is basic in building up a style. Wedding photography is an exceptional field, and it's not hard to immediately get excited in its realm.
2) Begin Helping
Have individuals shot weddings before helping an expert? Sure. Would I suggest it? Not in the slightest degree. On the off chance that you can bounce into shooting weddings all alone, you are unquestionably more gifted than I am. For me, I wasn't even happy with endeavoring it.
The main thing I did was to begin systems administration and discovering picture takers in my general vicinity. My first thought was to send messages to neighborhood wedding picture takers requesting to help or second shoot. The vast majority of these went unreturned.
Second shooting permits you to become familiar with the intricate details of weddings without the entirety of the weight.
Notwithstanding, with enough constancy I started to get standard work structure neighborhood pro's. Getting on as a subsequent shooter was one of my preferred encounters - I got the opportunity to go with various picture takers and to shoot some stunning weddings. The picture takers I got the chance to shoot with had many years of experience and truly comprehended their art. Considering their work and their techniques was the best thing I could possibly do to realize what it took to shoot weddings.
Being a decent collaborator or second shooter will keep work coming your direction. Recollect that when you're functioning as a second, your main responsibility is to supplement crafted by the essential picture taker. Avoid their shots, and shoot from integral (not indistinguishable) edges. One great methodology is to utilize focal points of an alternate central length; if the essential is shooting a fax, adopt a wide calculated strategy to the circumstance. Getting two takes on a circumstance is incredible for the essential since it will permit them to convey more pictures to the customer.
In particular, you do the things that they request that you do, without posing a great deal of inquiries. Attempt to remain one stride in front of them and think about their needs. I've functioned as both a second and an essential picture taker on weddings, and when I'm the essential, I have such a great amount of going on that an associate who deals with little assignments is such a gift.
When beginning, you aren't destined to be paid or redressed. You probably won't have the option to utilize the pictures in your portfolio; it relies upon the conditions of the agreement you're working under. Ensure that you get these things recorded as a hard copy and comprehend what the essential picture taker's desires for you are. Nonetheless, in spite of the way that you won't get by second going for the initial barely any months, the information that you gain is a tremendous interest in your ability.
3) Build up a Business
More so than maybe some other kind of photography, learning the matter of wedding photography is basic to your prosperity. The business has a huge measure of turnover, and a ton of this is because of newness to the stuff to maintain a business.
In the event that you don't care for gets, this isn't the correct business for you. Agreements set desires for an occupation and secure the two players. Exploration the agreements that picture takers use. There are models that are promptly accessible with some looking. Consider holding an attorney to guarantee that your agreement is hermetically sealed. Numerous picture takers additionally convey risk protection, just as protection that shields gear from being taken or harmed at work.
Decide the correct plan of action for you. Will you sell prints? Circles with computerized documents? Collections? These require exploration and imagined that stretch out a long ways past the extent of this article.
At long last, deciding how to advertise your business might be the best test that you face. There are no mysteries, only a great deal of work that must be placed into building a brand that individuals perceive and know. Find powerful approaches to publicize. Consider the way that there are both free (verbal) and paid promoting choices. I am a major adherent that the best promoting is fulfilled customers.
4) Exploration and Pick the Correct Apparatus
Numerous picture takers wrongly reduce the nature of work to high dollar camera bodies and costly focal points. You have presumably heard at this point that rigging isn't everything with regards to being a decent picture taker.
In any case, the opposite side of the coin is that better apparatus is an immense favorable position in a photography. Wedding photography is no exemption. A portion of the circumstances you will wind up in may put a ton of strain on passage level apparatus. Houses of worship can extend between sufficiently bright and counterfeit caverns. It's circumstances such as those that you will require the correct rigging to catch the wedding appropriately.
For me, there are two basic pieces of my wedding pack: a camera body with great high ISO execution, and quick primes. My go-to focal points are primes between f/1.4 and f/2. These permit me to shoot weddings in my style and guarantee that I can catch enough light.
A body with extraordinary high ISO execution can spare you when you're in the most obscure of settings. A glimmer is additionally significant, albeit numerous temples don't take into consideration utilization of blaze during a function. Regardless of whether it is permitted, you may find that your customers and their visitors would want to not seeing a glimmer spring up at regular intervals.
Camera gear with great high ISO execution and quick primes make low light shots conceivable.
Try not to disregard the significance of getting some more, quick focal points. During the function, you may find that you are further away than you had foreseen. Contingent on the customer's solicitations and church arrangements, you might be positioned in an overhang or in a side of the congregation. I have as of late got the Standard 135L, which is a 135mm f/2 focal point that will be extraordinary for these occasions. My own conviction is that picture takers shouldn't be an interruption during the function, so I'm frequently in covertness mode during this time.
Ensure you get enough memory cards to cover the day. Everybody's needs will vary, yet with a 21 megapixel camera, I keep a few dozen gigabytes worth of memory. The exact opposite thing that you need to happen is to fill your cards during the function and have nothing left for the gathering.
Additionally, don't set out shoot a wedding without reinforcement gear. This implies reinforcement memory cards, batteries, and most powerfully, a reinforcement camera body. This can get costly, yet recollect Murphy's Law: what can turn out badly, will turn out badly. What will you tell your customers if your camera quits working? Pick a reinforcement camera that you can change to reasonably consistently from your essential body if need be. The best methodology is to utilize two of a similar camera, yet this isn't monetarily doable for some individuals.
5) Make a Check Rundown: Planning is Everything
I think individuals tend to consider weddings one bound together kind of occasion. In all actuality across different strict and social fringes, weddings are profoundly various encounters. Moreover, the couple has endless choices that no two weddings are ever the equivalent. Accordingly, your encounters will fluctuate fiercely from end of the week to end of the week.
I imagine that the most disregarded ability is realizing how to interface with your customers and set them straight. Abilities like these are learned distinctly with training and time 
In the event that there was one thing that helped me improve my outcomes drastically during the primary year, it was to truly plunk down with my couples and figure out their wedding. Thusly, you can set the desires for the afternoon, map out the progression of occasions, and ensure that their needs are met. Keep in mind, you are in the matter of giving client support. Upbeat customers mean more business.
6) Improve your Altering Abilities
In the year 2011, the advanced work process is a significant piece of practically every picture taker's business. Wedding photography has a few requests that are explicit to click here.
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bonjourmoncher · 5 years
Hamilton Lindley Waco Business Leader at Neighborly Brands, a Compliance Officer Profile
A consistence official ought to force rules with a tone of sympathy. The best outcomes happen when a consistence official talks delicately, tunes in without interference, and talks gruffly. Be that as it may, it is important that the dull talk isn't rough. Individuals don't listen when they feel unjustifiably censured. Hamilton Lindley, a consistence administrator at Neighborly Brands has a one of a kind way to deal with be a consistence official.
While talking obtusely, advise individuals your goal is to instruct them. "Tell the individual that 'I'm not condemning. I'm teaching.' when depicting an approach to improve." Hamilton Lindley says.
Hamilton Lindleysuggests that graciousness goes far. "Everybody wants to be heard. Furthermore, despite the fact that it might be difficult to hear, they merit it." Hamilton Lindley says. Through his time with the world's biggest home administration franchisor, Hamilton Lindley has made extraordinary outcomes by talking delicately and conveying a major stick. "Abraham Lincoln said that the needed to be iron enveloped by velvet. That is my way to deal with these troublesome discussions." Says Hamilton Lindley.
Hamilton Lindley contemplated worldwide business law while his companions were playing kickball. Quick forward to today, and he has composed more emphatic letters than you've eaten cuts of pizza. He appreciates making convoluted things straightforward. Furthermore, he knowsthat calls merit an arrival that day. Hamilton Lindley methodologies worries as a down to business colleague. Not from an ivory tower.
Following 10 years in Dallas, Hamilton Lindley moved his group of five to the home of the Baylor Bears in Waco, Texas. Hamilton Lindley understood the mentally programming of his little girl was finished after she accepted that the Baylor Bear mascots rest simply in the wake of "eating all them Longhorns." If you want to see an excessive number of photographs of his family, you can discover Hamilton Lindley on Facebook Hamilton Lindleyand Hamilton Lindley Twitter and Hamilton Lindley Instagram.
While in Dallas, Hamilton Lindley was perceived as Best Lawyer in Dallas by D Magazine and President of the Dallas Federal Bar Association. Hamilton Lindley was named a Texas Super Lawyer from 2010-2016 and The National Trial Lawyers perceived Hamilton Lindley as a "Best 40 Under 40" legal counselor and a "Main 100 Trial Lawyer."
Hamilton Lindley has composed on numerous business the executives points and lawful themes.
The Secret of Perfect Timing
Despondency Kills by Silence
Selling is Human
To begin with, Break every one of the Rules
Start with Why
Make Stories Stick
The Formula of Success
Demonstrating Fraud on the Market
Hamilton Lindley is frequently referenced in the news, including the accompanying stories:
Waco Personal Injury Attorney Hamilton Lindley Receives Top Trial Lawyer Award
Lawyer Hamilton Lindley Names Among Best Lawyers in Dallas by D Magazine
Hamilton Lindley Files Lawsuit over Biker Gang Shootout
Scene Change for Twin Peaks Cases
Hamilton Lindley Quoted in Forbes Magazine about Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance
Hamilton Lindley Baylor Law Alumni Association
Hamilton Lindley clarifies why pay off examinations flash investor claims
Hamilton Lindley chose as a Super Lawyer
Hamilton Lindley Baylor Law School
As Toyota Saga proceeds, investors prepared case driven by Hamilton Lindley
Hamilton Lindley cited in Huron embarrassment case
Hamilton Lindley on the Rocket Docket by Baylor Law School
Hamilton Lindley on the Cross and Crescent magazine
Hamilton Lindley on the Docket Call
Waco Personal Injury Attorney Hamilton Lindley Receives Top Trial Lawyer Award
Waco individual damage lawyer, Hamilton Lindley, has been named one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Texas by The National Trial Lawyers Association. As a first time beneficiary of the honor Mr. Lindley is eager to have been chosen for such a high respect.
The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 touts itself as a welcome just association made out of the chief preliminary attorneys from each state in the country who meet stringent capabilities as common offended party or potentially criminal protection preliminary legal counselors. Choice depends on an intensive multi-stage process which incorporates peer designations joined with outsider research. Enrollment is stretched out exclusively to the chosen few of the most qualified lawyers from each state who show prevalent capabilities of authority, notoriety, impact, stature and open profile.
Every one of the recognized Top 100 individuals have the information, ability, experience and achievement held by just the best and best attorneys in America. By joining assets, power and impact, The National Trial Lawyers: Top 100 is dedicated to saving and ensuring equity for all.
Lawyer Hamilton Lindley Named Among Best Lawyers by D Magazine
The Dallas preliminary law office Deans and Lyons is satisfied to report that Hamilton Lindley has earned a spot on D Magazine's posting of "The Best Lawyers in Dallas." Mr. Lindley was perceived among Dallas' top legal counselors for his work in protections prosecution and authorization.
To accumulate the rundown of the city's top lawyers, D Magazine requested selections from 9,000 legal counselors and judges all through North Texas. Individual lawyers vote in favor of chosen one's that exhibit exclusive expectations as far as nature of work and honesty in the legitimate calling. The distribution's editors at that point worked with a blue-strip board of legal advisors to conclude the posting, which is highlighted in the May 2014 release of D Magazine, and will be accessible during the time at
Hamilton Lindley is routinely perceived among the top legal counselors in Texas. He has been highlighted in the Texas Super Lawyers posting of the state's top legal advisors since 2010.
"Speaking to the two offended parties and respondents in protections prosecution encourages me give one of a kind understanding to my customers," Hamilton Lindley said. "I am respected to be chosen by my friends for this posting in D Magazine."
'Licentious PART OF LAW'
Recently, enormous payouts to the central government have turned out to be progressively normal. Over the most recent two years, organizations have paid FCPA fines and ejections worth more than $2.6 billion, almost triple the estimation of settlements in the earlier four years, as per information assembled by law office Shearman and Sterling. In investor cases that please the impact points of a major FCPA settlement, juries are progressively disposed to be thoughtful to the offended parties, legal advisors state. Worry about huge potential decisions can trigger enormous settlements.
"Renumeration is a lustful piece of law. It's something that individuals can comprehend — and it gets them furious," said Hamilton Lindley, a partner at six-attorney Goldfarb Branham in Dallas, one of around two dozen firms that have recorded FCPA-related claims in the most recent year.
Offended parties' legal counselors are likewise attracted to these cases since organizations under government gift examination normally have just persevered through awful press and burned through millions on outside insight and globe-jogging measurable bookkeepers. Avon Products, for instance, burned through $48 million in the initial a half year of this current year on an interior examination started by a representative's case that organization staff made ill-advised installments to Chinese authorities. After the organization uncovered the claims to the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission, which opened examinations, three investor suits were recorded in U.S. Area Court for the Southern District of New York. An Avon representative declined to remark on the examinations or the private case.
In Huron outrage, shadows of Arthur Andersen
Lawyer Hamilton Lindley of the Kendall Law Group, a Dallas-based law office, said he expected a class-activity protest to be documented for the benefit of investors this week.
"It's normal to investigate whether the way of life of Arthur Andersen seeped over into the way of life of Huron Consulting," Lindley said. "That is an inquiry we will seek after in our examination."
The unintended results of the Justice Department's FCPA arrangement essentially keep on mounting. The extreme criminalization by U.S. government attorneys of conduct that ought to never be approved, however is all inclusive efficient, has created numerous results. Meet one of them: Hamilton Lindley, an expert protections class-activity legal advisor. Over the most recent couple of months he has pursued corporate exposures of FCPA examinations by suing the sheets of chiefs of Weatherford International, Parker Drilling, Avon Products and Pride International. Lindley is presently investing a fourth of his energy in the FCPA and is very genuine in saying he is simply following the lead of the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
"I think the way that these organizations have been submitting unite abroad honestly is an intriguing point for juries to hear," Lindley let me know. "It's the new authorization system of the DOJ and SEC so private practice attorneys are keen on what government legal counselors are doing."
In the claim Lindley documented against Weatherford and its board, for instance, Lindley has made sense of by taking a couple of minutes to peruse a SEC recording that the "Weatherford Board has caused an astounding $108 million in expenses and costs regarding FCPA-related examinations," which does exclude the "monetary punishment that Weatherford is probably going to need to pay to determine the DOJ and SEC examinations." So the general thought is for Lindley and his firm, Goldfarb Branham, to likewise make some cash off of Weatherford's lead.
Offended party's Lawyers Join the Bribery Racket
The unintended results of the Justice Department's FCPA approach basically keep on mounting. The serious criminalization by U.S. government attorneys of conduct that ought to never be approved, however is universally deliberate, has delivered numerous results. Meet one of them: Hamilton Lindley, an expert protections class-activity attorney. Over the most recent couple of months he has
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Top Five Academic and Publishing Scandals of the last Decade
So, I’ve seen people do stuff like this, a round up of sorts and the 2010′s were an insane decade to be alive.
So, I thought I’d compile my personal favorite publishing and academic scandals
Note: This will concern only things that were actually published or a scandal to do with Academia. The Rose Christo incident with the infamous fanfic didn’t have the biography make it to print so it’s right here as a Dishonorable Mention. No sources, because this was a home-grown tumblr disaster (much like Dashcon). 
#5 That Book that Used Scammy Tactics to Become a Best Seller Before Anyone Ever Even Read It.
Remember that time when Handbook for Mortals used shady tactics to make it look like it was selling better in pre-sales than it actually was? I barely remembered it, but then as I was adding in our Dishonorable Mention, I suddenly had the thought of “remember that...” so here it is at #5 since this book was actually published, and it was allegedly terrible. It has 3 stars on Amazon, but with its past, I can’t even trust that.
I didn’t read it. I had, and still have, better things to do than to read subpar fantasy that tried to be the next Hunger Games/Harry Potter/Divergent. 
It turns out, if you have wealthy enough collaborators, or people who know how to game the system by which the NYT Bestsellers’ List operates, you too can buy and cheat your way onto that list with a terribly written book like these guys.
What’s even more ridiculous was there were already talks of a movie version and this unknown writer turned out to be, surprise, an actress too! And guess who’d be playing her own main character in the movie? The author! So, once this was unraveled as being a bulk-book-buying-cheat-tactic-to-get-on-the-NY Times-Bestseller-List, they lost their rank and were completely off the list. The movie is also toast, I think, since it would have come out in 2018. We’re now in 2020.
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#4: That time Bethesda Plagiarized Dungeons and Dragons.
That’s right folks. Bethesda, who cannot catch a break after their hilariously disastrous launch of their ongoing garbage fire, Fallout 76, were in trouble whenever they released a TTRPG module for an Elder Scrolls game that was suspiciously like a previously released Dungeons and Dragons adventure...because it was very much ripped off from the D&D book.  
There were articles highlighting just how they did this and how blatant it was. 
Some articles would do a side-by-side of huge chunks of the text and, yikes, that’s some obvious copy-pasting.
Suffice to say, they yanked this e-book down ASAP. (x) (xx) (xxx) (xxxx)
#3 That Time a Youtuber Turned Professional Games Media Editor Plagiarized for Most of His Career and Only Got Caught After He Plagiarized the Wrong Person on a Very Public Platform
So, yeah. There was a review last year for a game called Dead Cells (published by Motion Twin). On July 24, 2018 a smaller Youtube channel called Boomstick gaming would upload their review to the game. Then August 6th, IGN’s Nintendo editor would post “his” review up and Deadite from Boomstick Gaming, who was actually a fan of IGN, noticed a lot of eerie similarities between the reviews. He did a side-by-side video comparison (here) and it looks like a case of barely even changing the words around after copying someone else’s homework. As an English major, this is a clear-cut case of plagiarism. IGN agreed too, as did most of the internet. This reviewer had fans who still believe in him even after he’s been proven a plagiarist but, no accounting for taste am I right? And this would have been the end of it....had he just accepted his fate and just slunk off into the dark recesses of the internet. 
But, then he had to provoke both Jason Schrier of Kotaku AND the Internet in a now deleted non-apology video to “looking as hard as you’re able, you won’t find anything.”
Yeah. That didn’t end well for him. So, people went digging and found a shitton of evidence he was a serial plagiarist. No shock to me, because plagiarism is never something a plagiarist ever does just “once.” He’d ripped off his fellow IGN reviewers as well as forum posts and articles from other publications. He also plagiarized a resume template. Now, when you use one of those, you’re SUPPOSED to mimic the style, put place your own information, right? Well, he didn’t even do that.
Link to YongYea, a youtuber who covered the topic in depth. He has his videos on the topic in a playlist. (x)
#2 The Professor Who P-Hacked His Results to Pieces
Now if you don’t know or remember who Professor Brian Wansink is, he’s a former faculty member at Cornell who rose to fame with his papers on nutrition and people’s eating habits. I’m still not entirely sure how a guy whose degrees were not in nutrition OR psychology ended up being the face of this field that seemed to have a lot more to do with nutrition and psychology, but here we are. His degrees were, in fact, a B.S. in business administration from Wayne State College, an M.A. in  journalism and mass communication from Drake University, and a PhD in Marketing-Consumer behavior- from Stanford. In a move that one might call pure hubris or just complete and total social ignorance, he made a blog post that started to bring eyes on his work. Thanks to the efforts of other scientists (Like the Skeptical Scientist) and Heathers and Brown as well as the computer programs GRIM and GRIMMER, it was found the man who was cited over 200,000 times was a fraud. As of now 17 papers have been retracted and 15 have been corrected. He is no longer employed at all by Cornell, resigning a disgrace to his field and his former place of work.
The only reason he managed to get so big was he was able to make his so-called science digestible for the masses and able to give his works palatable titles. Ok, I’m done with the food puns. He was a superstar (even worked with the previous first lady on her health initiatives), which is why his fall is also meteoric. This is why you don’t torture your data into false positives, folks. Also, he’d target science journals that weren’t as prestigious and therefore wouldn’t have as rigorous a peer-editing process, allegedly. 
His actions have brought thousands of papers into jeopardy and destabilized his whole entire field because nothing he did was reproducible and that’s already a huge problem in science. 
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And.... now for the worst Academic Scandal of the 2010′s....
#1 The College Admission’s Scandal
Because despite Wasink’s damage to his field (because now there are literally thousands of papers who cited him in jeopardy), and two separate cases of Plagiarists on this list, I really can’t help but feel this has to be one of the biggest College/Academia scandals of ALL TIME. Sure, it’s old news now but I’m recapping it because that’s what this list is for. So, A bunch of wealthy people who wanted their children to go to prestigious universities wanted a guarantee that just buying a new wing for the library/science buildings/etc wouldn’t get them. You know, the normal way the super rich buy their children’s ways into schools. Instead, they went to this guy Singer whose group masqueraded as a charity (and that’s what got their asses nailed) and facilitated bribery, cheating, and deception. They caught one of these parents who’d gotten their children in with Singer’s plans for a different crime, and he offered to squeal on Singer and his plot for leniency with his other charges.
Singer’s plan usually involved bribing coaches to get these undeserving students recruited for sports teams (and therefore displacing an actual athlete who should have gotten their spot) as well as having people alter SAT scores and other deceptive actions. 
It’s unknown if, at this time, any of these children of the 34 charged parents, actually managed to graduate with degrees from any of these institutions. However, those that had any of these students have to now decide what to do with them since these admissions are now verifiably fraudulent. Some are going to whole-sale kick them out or “cancel their admission” and others aren’t speaking up, and one has already decided the student gets to stay. Because they might not have known what their parents did, and its possible for the ones whose parents DIDN’T have them fake athleticism to not know what their mom and dad did. Hell, even most of the fake athletes might not have known thanks to reports of photo shopping their faces onto uniformed bodies. I do not know if any of these children were in on what their parents did, thought I suspect some might have been, but that’s merely speculation on my part. At the end of the day, it’s up to each affected university to carry out what they wish to do next.
The fact they made donations to a fake charity (and therefore skirted the tax man) are the reason they’re REALLY in deep shit. You don’t deny the IRS its money or the IRS will come for your blood. Just ask the ghost of Al Capone. 
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So those are my top 5 Publishing and Academic Scandals of the past Decade. 
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crimethinc · 5 years
Life in “Mueller Time”: The Politics of Waiting and the Spectacle of Investigation
For almost two years now, faithful Democrats have waited for special counsel Robert Mueller to file his report about collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian attempts to interfere in the US election, not to mention Trump’s involvement in obstruction of justice. Whenever Trump’s activity provokes them or a subterranean rumbling within the Justice Department emboldens them, the faithful take to the streets and social media with hand-held cardboard signs and internet memes to proclaim that Mueller Time is close at hand. Yet even if the Mueller investigation concludes with Trump’s impeachment, the spectacle of the investigation has served to immobilize millions who have a stake in systemic social change, ensuring that what comes next in the United States will be politics as usual—not liberation.
When you’ve fallen on the highway And you’re lying in the rain, And they ask you how you’re doing Of course you’ll say you can’t complain If you’re squeezed for information, That’s when you’ve got to play it dumb You just say you’re out there waiting For the miracle, for the miracle to come
-The 20th century’s greatest messianic thinker, Leonard Cohen
Within weeks of the beginning of the investigation, there were already think pieces and t-shirts proclaiming “It’s Mueller Time.” Let’s take the t-shirts at their word: maybe it’s been Mueller Time all along. Maybe Mueller Time is not a specific date that is about to arrive, but the era we’ve been experiencing these past two years.
In that case, Mueller Time is not an hour on the clock, but a way of experiencing time, a kind of time—like crunch time or quality time or go time, but the opposite of all of them. It is not a scale of time, like geologic time, or a time zone, like Eastern Standard Time—Mueller Time is more like the End Times, perpetually anticipated.
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To be precise, Mueller Time is the political suspended animation in which the Democrats have waited for a repeatedly deferred deus ex machina to deliver them from this unbearable pres(id)ent. This condition of waiting, itself, rather than any of the grievous injustices that have taken place during it, is the very essence of hell.
Dante, the Marco Polo of the Abyss, located Limbo, the residence of those who wait, in Inferno, not in Purgatory. Waiting is not transformative or redemptive—it is the sort of sin for which the punishment is the crime. “Limbo” shares a Latin root with liminal—it is homeland of those who tarry on the threshold, those who are on the fence.
If you can get people used to waiting, you can get them used to anything.
To understand Mueller Time better, we can begin with its namesake. “Miller time” is a time to take a load off, to ease our pain by drugging ourselves into oblivion. It’s a profound expression of despair—“I can only relax in this world by deadening my senses”—disguised not just as relief but as celebration. What is the glee with which Democrats invoke Mueller Time if not an admission of their own abject powerlessness and dependence? “Rejoice,” says the Democrat, “Justice will be done! And thank goodness, as usual, the FBI will take care of everything.”
Miller Time and Mueller Time are both chronotopes, to use the term popularized by literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin: they are specific relationships to time. You cannot understand a group of people without understanding how they experience the passing of time. Peering between chronotopes produces strange refractions, like looking through a glass of water. How different the world appears to a person whose activism consists chiefly of waiting, in contrast to how it appears to those for whom waiting and acting are opposites! It is the difference between spectator and athlete, between the consumer and the inventor, between those who suffer history as if it were weather and those who make history as a side effect of understanding themselves as the protagonists of their time.
And Miller Time and Mueller Time are both marketed chronotopes. Miller Time is the “5 o’clock somewhere” that unites wage labor and intoxication in a mutually reinforcing false opposition—but even more importantly, it is the branded colonization of that time. Likewise, Mueller Time is not just the “he’ll get his” which all people of conscience wish for Trump, but a particular deferral of responsibility. Both are successful advertising campaigns that concentrate capital in certain hands precisely by inducing people not to take their problems into their own hands.
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“The politicians’ stubborn faith in progress, their confidence in their ‘mass basis,’ and, finally, their servile integration in an uncontrollable apparatus have been three aspects of the same thing.”
-Walter Benjamin on how Social Democrats permitted the Third Reich to come to power in Germany
All this is familiar to those who were raised as Adventists, believing that the outrageous sinfulness of the prevailing world order indicates the imminence of the Resurrection and the necessity of repentance before authority. Mueller Time is the redemption, the arrival of the Millennium, when the legitimate authorities will reassert their dominion and the obedient will be rewarded for their patience. Good Christians have awaited this for two thousand years; they have made a religion out of waiting. You’ll get pie in the sky when you die.
To keep people waiting for salvation indefinitely, it helps to shift every once in a while from one source of dramatic tension to another. Some hoped Trump would run the country “like a business.” Now that the signature forms of evil associated with capitalism—nepotism, profiteering, corruption, race baiting, sexual harassment, misinformation—characterize the presidency, Democrats are proposing to return to the good-old-fashioned signature forms of evil previously associated with government: bureaucracy, clientelism, experts deciding the fates of millions behind closed doors. All the things that helped Trump come to office.
For the purposes of relegitimizing government, it is ideal that Robert Mueller is not just a “good” authority figure, but specifically, a white male Republican—an FBI director who first made a name for himself overseeing the killing of Vietnamese people. He is everything the average Democrat would oppose if Trump had not moved the goal posts by pursuing the same Republican agenda by potentially extra-legal means. Mueller represents the same FBI that attempted to make Martin Luther King, Jr. commit suicide, that set out to destroy the Occupy movement. Under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI determined that the number one domestic terror threat in the United States was environmental activism.
Mueller Time is a way of inhabiting the eternally renewed amnesia that is America. This is the real “deep state”—the part of each Democrat’s heart that will accept any amount of senseless violence and murder and oppression, as long as it adheres to the letter of the law.
“Definitions of basic historical concepts: Catastrophe—to have missed the opportunity. Critical moment—the status quo threatens to preserve itself. Progress—the first revolutionary measure taken.”
-Walter Benjamin
What will be the fruits of Mueller’s labors?
Rank-and-file Democrats still don’t understand how power works. Crime is not the violation of the rules, but the stigma attached to those who break rules without the power to make them. (As they say, steal $25, go to jail; steal $25 million, go to Congress.) At the height of Genghis Khan’s reign, it would have been pointless to accuse the famous tyrant of breaking the laws of the Mongol Empire; as long as Trump has enough of Washington behind him, the same goes for him. Laws don’t exist in some transcendent realm. They are simply the product of power struggles among the elite—not to mention the passivity of the governed—and they are enforced according to the prevailing balance of power. To fetishize the law is to accept that might makes right. It means abdicating the responsibility to do what is ethical regardless of what the laws happen to be.
In the struggle to control the law-making and law-enforcing apparatus of the US government, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have secured a solid majority. They remain at an impasse. The most likely explanation for Mueller’s delays is that he has been biding his time, waiting to see if the balance of power in the US government would shift enough that there could be some consequences to his report.
The wait The wait The wait The wait
The wait The wait The wait The wait
-Killing Joke, “The Wait”
Ironically, the only thing that could guarantee that Mueller’s report will have an effect would be if this impasse were disturbed by forces outside the halls of power—for example, by a real social movement utilizing direct action. If millions of people were in the streets preventing the Trump administration from accomplishing its agenda, then the power brokers in Washington would consider sacrificing Donald Trump to preserve business as usual.
In standing back and waiting, affirming the authority of the FBI and Congress to take care of matters, Mueller’s fans make it less likely that his investigation will pose a serious threat to the administration. The rank and file Democrats are left gazing at their screens, watching the bureaucratic equivalent of the spinning wheel of death.
In this case, the more you clap your hands, the less Tinkerbell exists.
I’m in the waiting room I don’t want the news—I cannot use it I don’t want the news—I won’t live by it
But I don’t sit idly by I’m planning a big surprise I’m gonna fight for what I wanna be And I won’t make the same mistakes Because I know how much time that wastes
-Fugazi “Waiting Room”
The arc of history is long, but it curves towards—death. There is no excuse to delay. Tomorrow will use you the way we use today.
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What would it mean to stop waiting?
It would mean to stop looking to others to solve our problems, no longer permitting a series of presidents, Speakers of the House, FBI directors, presidential candidates, and other bullies and hucksters to play good cop/bad cop with us.
It would mean figuring out how to deal with the catastrophes that Trump’s presidency is causing directly, rather than through the mediation of other authority figures. It would mean building up social movements powerful enough to block the construction of a border wall, to liberate children from migrant detention facilities and reunite them with their families, to feed the hungry and care for the sick without waiting for legislators to give us permission to make use of the resources that we and others like us maintain on a daily basis.
Remember when we shut down the airports immediately after Trump took office? It would mean doing more of that, and less sitting around waiting on politicians and bureaucrats. That was our proudest moment. Since then, we have only grown weaker, distracted by the array of champions competing to represent us—the various media outlets and Democratic presidential candidates—all surrogates for our own agency.
Let’s stop killing time. Or rather—let’s stop permitting it to kill us.
“We live the whole of our lives provisionally,” he said. “We think that for the time being things are bad, that for the time being we must make the best of them and adapt or humiliate ourselves, but that it’s all only provisional and that one day real life will begin. We prepare for death complaining that we have never lived. Of all the people I know, not one lives in the present. No one gets any pleasure from what he does every day. No one is in a condition to say On that day, at that moment, my life began. Believe me, even those who have power and take advantage of it are plagued with anxieties and disgusted at the dominant stupidity. They too live provisionally and spend their whole lives waiting.”
“Those who flee the country also spend their lives waiting,” Pietro said. “That’s the trouble. But one mustn’t wait, one must act. One must say Enough, from this very day.”
“But if you do not have the freedom to act?” Nunzio said.
“Freedom is not a thing you can receive as a gift,” Pietro said. “You can be free even under a dictatorship on the simple condition that you struggle against it. A person who thinks with his own mind and remains uncorrupted is free. A person who struggles for what she believes to be right is free. You might live in the most democratic country in the world, but if you are lazy, callous, and servile, you are not free—in spite of the absence of violence and coercion, you are a slave. Freedom is not a thing that can be begged from others. You must take it for yourself, in whatever share you can.”
-Ignazio Silone, Bread and Wine
Further Reading
Take Your Pick: Law or Freedom
The Centrists
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
While he loudly calls the media’s attention to issues like immigration and trade agreements, President Trump is quietly testing the limits of his authority through the courts. His views of executive power and separation of powers are, in dozens of different cases, forcing the legal system to answer knotty — and sometimes unprecedented — questions about what the U.S. president is really allowed to do.
It’s not uncommon, of course, for presidents to push at the boundaries of the presidency and for the courts to rein them in. But Trump stands out for both the range and breadth of the constitutional questions that have been raised during his presidency, which isn’t yet 2 years old — from his attorney’s claim that a president can never obstruct justice to his declaring that he has the right to pardon himself. To be clear, neither of those legal questions is being considered by courts at the moment (although if Trump tries to pardon himself, I can promise that will go before a judge in record time), but there are plenty of other consequential cases currently working their way through the judicial system. Disputes about the scope of presidential authority are never easy for judges to resolve, but Trump’s unorthodox statements and actions are making it even more difficult for the courts to determine when, and how, to place limits on the president.
Whether the courts reject Trump’s actions or allow them, the results of these cases will leave their mark on our country long after this administration is over, because they’ll be enshrined in law. So far, the nation’s highest court has upheld a policy restricting travel to the U.S. by people from several nations, some of which are majority-Muslim — still one of Trump’s most controversial actions. Others seem likely to end up at the Supreme Court; indeed, one aspect of the legal fight over the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census will go before the court in February. Although many lower courts have been skeptical of the legality of some of Trump’s actions, Trump and the Republican Senate are remaking the federal judiciary through a record-setting series of conservative judicial appointments, which could have implications for how similar cases are received in the future.
That’s why we’re launching The Trump Docket, a column that will explore some of the most important legal cases of the Trump presidency and how their results could shape the contours of presidential power for years to come.
To do this, I’ve assembled an initial set of cases to track and investigate and divided them into three categories (Pre-presidency Trump, President Trump and the Trump administration) based on the nature of their connection to the president. The list is far from exhaustive, and the choices I’ve made are admittedly subjective, although I’ve consulted more than a dozen legal experts and political scientists along the way. I’ll add and subtract cases as they arise or are resolved, but my aim overall is to isolate a group of legal challenges that illuminate the range of Trump-related issues that are currently in the courts. And every week or two, I’ll dive into what a particular case or set of cases means — for Trump personally, his presidency and our democracy.1 For today’s column, I’m going to walk through some of the major cases in each category and outline their stakes.
Pre-presidency Trump
Trump was elected with several dozen active lawsuits against him, so it’s not surprising that he’s still battling cases that involve conduct from before he was president. But several are now forcing courts to grapple with how our justice system should treat a president who is being sued. And the ongoing special counsel investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election has raised the specter of whether the chief executive can be criminally indicted. In this category, I’ll follow cases involving conduct from Trump’s pre-presidency days (even if the lawsuit or charges were filed after Trump became president), including:
A lawsuit filed by former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos, who is accusing Trump of defamation for calling her a liar after she said he had sexually harassed her.
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels’s dispute with Trump over a hush-money deal she signed during the 2016 election campaign.
New York state’s lawsuit against the Trump Foundation — which Trump dissolved after the 2016 election, saying that he wanted to avoid conflicts of interest — that argues the Trump family’s charitable organization repeatedly violated both state and federal laws.
President Trump
Trump’s unwillingness to divest from his businesses after he became president and his aggressive Twitter presence haven’t just raised eyebrows — they quickly spurred legal action. In this category, I’ll be looking at cases related to Trump’s conduct as president that have raised questions about limits on a president’s personal behavior and how much power the courts have to rein him in. These cases include:
Three separate lawsuits that claim Trump’s business ties are in violation of anti-corruption clauses in the Constitution that prohibit federal officials from receiving domestic and foreign “emoluments,” or financial benefits, without congressional approval. Cases have been brought by Democrats in Congress, a watchdog group and concerned private citizens, and the attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C.
A case brought by people who have been blocked by Trump on Twitter and claim that the president is violating their First Amendment rights.
A lawsuit from a professional writers organization that claims Trump is using his office to punish members of the media whom he dislikes and is asking the courts to stop him.
The Trump administration
This category is both the biggest and the trickiest to define. That’s because every administration is constantly engaged in court battles over the way they’re interpreting laws and regulations, but those fights don’t often revolve around constitutional issues. We also wanted to focus on the policies that press at the boundaries of the president’s power, relative to the other branches of government — as well as disputes that we might not expect to see in another administration. These cases include:
The multiple, ongoing legal battles over whether the executive branch can withhold funding from so-called sanctuary cities, which are places that have instituted policies limiting local cooperation with federal immigration authorities.
A challenge from a lobbying group that represents steel traders, who claim that Trump overstepped his constitutional bounds by imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.
Lawsuits attacking the Trump administration’s revocation of “temporary protected status” — a designation that shields migrants from deportation if they’re from certain countries experiencing natural disasters or conflict — for immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan; they say that the president was motivated by racially discriminatory views against people from these countries.
The fight over whether the Trump administration’s plan to exclude transgender people from the military is constitutional.
You can see — and follow — the full set of cases here. I’ll periodically update the data set with the latest on each case, and I’ll post new and interesting information on Twitter. And don’t hesitate to reach out if you think an important case is missing or if there’s an interesting angle on one of these cases you’d like us to explore. We want this column to answer your questions about how Trump is changing the presidency, so please be in touch.
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optomstudies · 7 years
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Hey, so usually I'm very early and prepared for exams but this time for my Christmas exams, I've left EVERYTHING until 5 days before the exams! There's too much to memorise in such a short amount of time! And I have a busy schedule so I can't do revision 24/7! Any tips? 
Pssst! The best tip for cramming is actually to not cram!! 🙃 But if you have to, here are some tips that actually work! 💲💲
Throw out all distractions, and palm off as many commitments as possible to others.
You’re a student at the end of the day. That’s your job, so do it properly. Before you are a retail worker, a movie buddy, a chauffeur for your siblings, or a studyblr blog manager, you are a student. 
You don’t have a lot of time left, so give your phone to your parents or someone you trust to keep it away from you. Add StayFocusd to Chrome and turn on the nuclear option so that you only use the internet for study purposes. Get your friends/siblings or parents to do chores for you and make it up to them after the exams. 
Know what’s likely to be tested.
This is much more important than anything else. There are going to be important concepts that you learn that are not going to be tested. No point studying for something that won’t be asked about. Pro tip: think about the homework exercises that you got and what they tested. 
Just as a general rule, the most basic things such as definitions (skim read these), as well as the most complex cases, will not comprise the majority of the test. For complex cases, you can’t just skim read them, but you should get an idea of the skills/processes that you need to solve them. 
For example, when learning about different diseases, the point is to make you a practitioner which can deal with the most dangerous (life-threatening, sight-threatening no matter how rare), most common (>1% prevalence) and uncommon (0.1-1%) diseases, which will comprise the majority of the points. The rare conditions (<0.1%) will either be right near the end of the test or be bonus point questions. The other thing is that if even if they do ask about rare conditions, it’s going to be a distinguishing sign, or it is related to a more common condition. And the question they most likely ask is “what further tests would you do to aid diagnosis?” which relates to basic concepts of disease diagnosis. 
Also, just keep in mind that there are university exams which literally ask you minutae in the multiple choice questions. For example disease exams have asked things like “What percentage of people with diabetes mellitus have diabetic retinopathy?” and have four really similar options for percentages. You just have to had studied that, and odds are you won’t be able to remember a hundred different stats prior to your exam if you’re cramming (just don’t cram, you literally can’t cram for uni exams). 
Divide your time appropriately (not necessarily equally) between understanding the course content and doing practice exercises/ examination style questions.
If you just launch into doing practice questions without having some sort of knowledge, you’ll get stuck on a lot of questions, get the questions wrong, and need to refer back to your textbooks and do a lot of searching and flipping through pages, which wastes your time.
So start off by going through the concepts first so that you know enough not to constantly look back. You should try to allocate as much time as possible actually answering questions though, because there’s no better way to prepare for an exam than to do exam-style questions. 
Step-by-step: Count the number of chapters/lectures you need to cover, and divide it equally amongst about 40% of the time that you have left, so that you know how long to spend revising each lecture. 
Focus on one exam at a time, and study the hardest concepts which require a lot of reasoning and understanding in the morning. 
Studying in the morning allows you to be at your freshest and most switched on. If you’re strapped for time, focus on being able to explain things. Explain it to your parents, siblings, or gudetama plushie. Explaining is an exercise in summarising which tests your ability to understand causative elements and how they relate to different consequences. 
Ask questions to yourself whilst studying. 
This tests your knowledge, and is a good way for you to check what you know and what you don’t know. When you’re cramming, you likely don’t have someone to help you at such short notice, so you need to be that person for yourself. Plus, it primes you to think like an examiner/exam paper - you’ll start realising what’s likely to be tested, which helps you narrow down what to study, and it helps you for the next part: practice questions. 
For example: geometry - to give a simple example, yes, you need to know what an angle bisector is, but are they likely in the exam to ask you to “Write the definition of an angle bisector.”? No. They’re going to get you to actually get your tools and bisect one. 90% of the time, you don’t need to know a definition in maths - it’s only the foundation knowledge so that you can answer actual questions. 
For example: medical/health science. Yes, you need to know differentials for diseases, but are they going to ask you to “List the differentials for ___”? No, that’s too simple, they’re obviously going to get you to eliminate a differential by considering the similarities and differences in signs and symptoms. So it’s much better to spend your time learning which conditions have similarities and what the distinguishing signs are e.g. Fuch’s Uveitis has stellate KP that is scattered all around the corneal endothelium - all other forms of uveitis pretty much have the KP scattered in Arlt’s triangle because of the convection currents in the anterior chamber. 
Chunk information together. 
This is a much more effective way of summarising all the information you need to study. Think of your memory as a mind map or a expandable list or like a set of folders in My Documents. You should try and sort things into topics and sub-topics that you can simply expand by just thinking of the title of that sub-topic. 
Step-by-Step: Cover up the information you’ve written under the sub-topics, and then try to recall it all just by looking at the title (acts as a trigger word). 
Topic/Chapter/Lecture 1
“Sub-Topic 1″ #Try and recall all the info below by reading this#
#cover up this information#
#cover up this information#
#cover up this information#
“Sub-Topic 2″
“Sub-Topic 3″
Not only does this 1) actually test your knowledge through a smaller form of the blank paper method (previously written about here) but it also 2) allows you to chunk and remember massive amounts of information just by seeing the trigger word (the title of the topic). 
It helps to make a mental note of how many points were written for each section.
Tie everything together with a mnemonic. 
Of course, the issue now is that if you don’t have the trigger word then you won’t remember that chunk of information - so you need to counter that by using a mnemonic to remember the top level of topics and link everything together in your mind. 
Using this method is what I’ve always done to remember large chunks of information. That way, when key words turn up in the question, you will be able to remember all the information under that category and hence answer the question flawlessly. 
Practice by doing one exercise for each type of question. 
Particularly useful for studying for maths/science. You just need to know how to solve one question in the set to know how to solve the rest. Pick the hardest question at the end of the question set because it will involve the most skills to complete. 
Study in a different order. Study your concepts in reverse. 
Make sure you change things up, because you don’t want your brain to only be able to answer a question if all the topics lead on to the next. The questions in the exam are going to be covering all your topics in all different orders. Jump from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 to Chapter 2, and do the same for the sub-topics. 
Secondly, study concepts in reverse because this is how exams test who really knows their stuff. For example: instead of learning that Disease A has Symptoms 1, 2, and 3, force your brain to think “What Disease has Symptoms 1, 2, and 3?” - because this is exactly the type of question that comes up in exams. 
Drink water, take breaks, sleep. 
Still needs to be done to maximise your productivity. Not taking breaks will make you less efficient and less effective. You also said that you have other commitments so try to get that stuff done in the short breaks between your study sessions so that you can be productive. Take a 5-10 minute break every hour and get out of your seat and stretch. Sleep is essential for our brains to consolidate information and retain information. 
Best of luck!!
My study tips directory (web only) for the full list (over 80+ original posts/guides!)
29/11 How to Be Fluent in Languages Masterpost 3 👂 27/11 How to Be Fluent in Languages Masterpost 2 📰 26/11 Thinking about Stress 1 and 2 23/11 Motivation to Make You Study! 🏃 22/11 How to Be Fluent in Languages Masterpost 1 🙊 20/11 Advice: Art School vs. College 🎨 19/11 Exam Study Tips 💯 15/11 Digital Organisation System 💻 14/11 Library Adventures! 📚 11/11 Budgeting for Students 🏦 10/11 How to Deal with Leeches 🐛 08/11 Extra-Curriculars Tips 🤹 07/11 More Handwriting Tips ✍️ 07/11 APUSH Masterpost 🤠 06/11 Memorising Tips 💭 06/11 How Your ATAR is Calculated Infographic 💯 04/11 Reading a Scientific Journal Article 📜 02/11 Tips: Tackling Assignments while Sick 🤒
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> Laptop Considerations and Recommendations
Part 3 Studying - differences between high school and uni, basic tips on how to keep on track, class types like lectures, tutorials, etc.
Part 4 Extra-Curriculars - what clubs to join, what to do outside class, and other great things to discover around campus.
Part 5 Exams - everything to know about examiners, how to prepare, what happens during the whole examination process.
Part 6 Social Life - differences between high school and university, some hard learnt lessons, etc.
Part 7 Part Time Work
Part 8 Four Secrets The Uni Tells You
Part 9 Best Study Spots On Campus
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Part 10 Saving Money 2 - Textbooks, Tax, Scholarships
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Part 12 How to Study From Textbooks in Uni
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Weekly Planner Printable with Extra Space for Sat/Sun  popular!!
Overcoming the Planning Fallacy
Study Spaces Masterpost
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stopforamoment · 6 years
The Thing that Happened TO Me (3 of 7)
Sturm und Drang The Thing that Happened TO Me (3 of 7)
Book: The Royal Romance (After Book Three) Pairing: Bastien Lykel x OFC Rinda Parks Word Count: 2,476 Rating: R for Language and Discussion of Rape ******TRIGGERS discussion and description of rape Author’s Note: Obligatory disclaimer that Pixelberry Studios owns the TRR characters and my pocketbook with those darn diamond scenes. OFC with all of her quirks is all mine. My apologies if Tumblr or I do something stupid when I try to post this. The keep reading link shows up on my laptop but not my phone. Ugh. This series takes place in week three of the school year, and Bastien and Rinda are about to go through their first major friendship challenges. Summary: Bastien finds information about an incident in Rinda’s past and he tries to comfort her.
It was Friday evening and Henry was at a friend’s house for a sleepover. Bastien found the information Rinda was talking about, and he casually asked if it would be a good night for him to stop over. Rinda knew exactly what he meant, and she nodded. Rinda left a little earlier so she could get supper started, and Bastien came a half hour later. Rinda was already in her banana pajama bottoms and a T-shirt when Bastien got there. He smirked. “Pickles, you didn’t have to dress up for me!” Rinda laughed and gave him a playful poke. “Pickles? That’s awesomely silly. But yeah, getting into snug clothes at the end of a long day is sacred, Bastien. You aren’t going to ruin this for me.” They talked during dinner, Rinda getting a few more details about Ms. Trakas and how she was always cornering Bastien when he was trying to work. He did use the code word, and now the teachers were proactive about helping him when she was around. “Do you feel better about the situation, Bastien?” “Yes, but it’s hard to know what to do. I mean, I don’t want to be rude, but I have a job to do. And she’s actually not even divorced yet. That’s . . . complicated.” Rinda laughed and agreed. “I know they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone, but I personally don’t think that’s always a good idea.” Rinda stopped, suddenly embarrassed that she made such a judgmental comment about Ms. Traskas’ choices. That was none of her business. “Wow, I’m obviously not the one to be giving advice about moving on. That was really bitchy of me and I’m so sorry.” Bastien nodded. He understood what Rinda meant. “Yes, I thought about that too. It would be awkward when . . .  if feelings change or she’d regret doing something so quickly. I’d still have to see her while I’m at the school.” After dinner Bastien started the dishes but Rinda tried to stop him. “Hey, you’re my guest. You don’t have to do that.” He grinned. “If I remember correctly, the rules are that the person who cooked doesn’t do the dishes.” Rinda laughed. “Okay, but since I cooked, I have the right to bend the rules a bit. I’d like to help.”
They worked quietly for awhile when Rinda asked. “Did you find it?” Bastien nodded. “Yes.” “There, um, were a couple different versions floating around. What did you see?” Bastien finished rinsing a dish and reached for a towel, slowly drying his hands. “I’d rather we sat down. Do you feel more comfortable at the table?” Rinda sighed. “Let’s sit on the couch.” They walked over and Bastien got out the file. “Just so you know, I have read all of this. I’m sorry, Rinda. I’m sure you must feel violated . . .” She smiled. “Yes, but not by you. Thank you for that, though. I appreciate that you said it. So, can you just tell me the highlights before I start reading? I trust you enough that I actually would prefer to hear it from you than get the shock of reading it.” Bastien looked at Rinda. “You were right. There are at least two versions of events that I found. I’m used to dealing with cover ups—even being part of them, I’m afraid to say—so I knew what to look for. Rinda, what happened?” Rinda gave a half smile. “That’s the problem, Bastien. I DON’T know. I was roofied. That’s why I was hoping you knew. One minute I’m telling this jerk that I want to call it a night, but against my better judgement I agree to finish my drink before I leave. The next thing I know I’m in the hospital. And there was a toxicology report and rape kit . . . at one point. And there were witnesses at the restaurant and . . . the ones who found me who were going to testify. But suddenly they remembered events differently. And from what I know a few students got amazing college scholarships, money was donated for a new building on campus, and there was a generous donation to the hospital to help the NICU. So that’s pretty great stuff. Silver lining, right?” Rinda leaned forward, locking eyes with Bastien. “What do you know? I’m serious. I was so out of it, and by the time I was able to process everything, everything was just gone. The only thing left was that I was a sloppy drunk who was helped out of the restaurant by that great guy, and . . . well . . . I must have fallen and been knocked unconscious on my way home. I was so lucky because it could have been so much worse.” “Rinda, once you know, you can’t un-know. Just think about that.” “Bastien, I’ve had years to think about that. But it did happen, and it feels like so many people know the truth . . . except me. It happened TO ME. And things were swept under the rug, so that was another way I was violated and had no control, once again. I deserve to know what happened to me. To my body. To . . . the justice system. Just because I told a spoiled rich boy ‘no’ and he didn’t like my answer. And then his family couldn’t buy my silence. So they bought off everyone who had any record of that night. Sometimes I swear I’m crazy Bastien. That it didn’t even happen and I made it up. But it’s in the file, right? So I’m not crazy?”
“Rinda, you’re not crazy.” Rinda grabbed the file and began reading. Bastien’s research was thorough. He even had access to the original toxicology report and rape kit. Copies of the original reports. Not the reports that were released to campus police. How the hell is he even able to find this stuff? “Bastien, so was it the hospital or campus police who hid this? How were you even able to find the original reports? I thought they would have been destroyed?” “I think both, Rinda. It would have happened at the administrative level. A university regent or chancellor speaks to the chief of campus police, and something goes missing. A hospital board member talks to the right person and medical records go missing or get altered. When people have money and power, really, anything is possible. As far as finding this stuff, people usually keep a copy for leverage.” Rinda nodded. That made sense. “Thank you. I figured it would be easy to bribe the waiter at the restaurant and the people who found me, but the medical records were the ones that really threw me.” Bastien spoke quietly and slowly, unsure if he should even ask. “Rinda, you remember waking up in the hospital. Do you remember . . . anything?” She shook her head. “No. I guess that’s a blessing, although there was enough evidence for me to piece things together. And I remember some of the things I was told before the cover up began.” She got up. “I’m getting a drink. Want anything?” “No. No thank you, Rinda.” He heard her voice from the other room. She was talking as she was pouring herself a drink. Then she sat at the table, away from Bastien. “Bastien? I know that . . . I know that I was found in a dumpster. I know that I was literally thrown away when he was done with me.” Rinda couldn’t make eye contact with Bastien. It was too humiliating. “I also know that I was in pretty rough shape. Even though the ‘official’ reports came back as negative, I had the after effects of being drugged. I had . . . I had the physical indicators that I was attacked and brutalized. And that the injuries went beyond . . . I guess you could say a ‘standard rape,’ whatever the fuck that even means.” She sighed. “But I also know that I’m lucky. I didn’t get HIV or any STIs. I didn’t get pregnant that night. I was able to heal enough that I was able to have Henry. And Jameson. He dealt with so much baggage, Bastien. But I know I didn’t truly heal until I was able to trust him and be with him. And all that crap made me appreciate him even more and love him even more, as lame as that sounds.” Frustrated with herself, Rinda pushed her glass across the table. It almost slid off the edge and it almost shattered on the floor. But it didn’t. “Rinda?” “Hmm.” “May I please sit at the table near you? I won’t sit right next to you or touch you. Is that okay?” Rinda nodded. She was still sitting, but now her feet were on the chair, her arms wrapped around her knees. Bastien grabbed a blanket off the couch. “Would you like a blanket?” She nodded again, not looking up. “Okay, Rinda. I’m going walk over with the blanket. And I’m going to stand behind you and place the blanket on your shoulders. I won’t touch you, okay? And I’ll keep talking so you know where I am.” He kept talking as he walked toward her. “Rinda, you did nothing wrong. You survived. You did everything right. And you’re safe. You’re in your home and you’re safe. Okay, I’m going to walk behind you now. You’re safe. I’m just setting the blanket on your shoulders. You’re safe. I’m moving away and you’re safe.” Rinda clutched the blanket, covering the top of her head and pulling it around her, trying to hide herself and protect herself. “Bastien?” “Yes, Rinda? I’m right here.” “Bastien, why do you put up with my shit? Why did Jameson put up with my shit? Why does anyone put up with my shit? I have way too much fucking baggage for anyone to want to put up with my shit.” “Because you’re amazing, Rinda. Because you’re worth it. I put up with your shit because you are fierce. When I saw you stand up to Kakos during training again and again, I knew Queen Riley picked the right person. I knew right away how amazing you are. When you prepared to meet with that parent, you knew what you were getting into and you prepared for it. You stood up to him. I put up with your shit because you can dish it out and you can take it. Hell, you’re surviving working with me. You put up with my shit. “Rinda, actually, it’s not even about putting up with your shit. Or putting up with you. You really are amazing. You’re so intelligent and you remain calm in so many situations. I still can’t believe that you figured out how to exit the school so quickly during that lockdown training drill. Or how you made those maps from your own research and figured out that whole library passageway thing. Or the look in your eyes when we did those practice self-defense moves. When you broke that man’s elbow. I saw it in your eyes, Rinda. You’re a survivor. You will do whatever it takes to protect yourself and the ones you care about. I see you with Henry. I see you with your neighbors. With the students and teachers. You are the perfect mixture of compassion, generosity, and strength. I was absolutely amazed by you that first week and I get even more amazed with every day we’re together.��� Bastien shook his head, frustrated with himself. “God, that sounds so cheesy.” Rinda looked up, shocked by the sudden tone in his voice. But she looked back down again when he continued speaking. “You make people laugh, Rinda. You even get me to laugh. You drive me crazy when you make inappropriate jokes, but it works. It’s this confusing, frustrating thing. On one hand people are so relaxed around you. But you also keep them on their toes with your sarcasm and one-liners. You always have the last word, but it’s funny. There’s times when I’m by myself and I just start laughing because I think of some goofy thing you said during the day. And Rinda, when you walk into a room . . . I can’t even explain it without sounding ridiculous. But you really do light up the room. And it’s more than that. It’s when you leave . . . when you leave the room you leave something behind. People are happier. But you’re still gone and it’s not the same. It’s like the clouds covered the sun when you leave. And there’s a big emptiness that I feel when you’re not around.” Bastien started to reach across the table to Rinda, but he quickly stopped himself. “Rinda, you’re everything. Don’t ever, ever forget that. Do you hear me?” Rinda’s eyes were wide as she silently nodded. Then she retreated back into her blanket cocoon, not saying anything. But he sat next to her, comforting Rinda with his presence. So she told him. She told him her feelings about what it was like to be a woman. How being with Jameson made her feel so protected and she missed that. How afraid she was last week with the man. Even though he and Julian were there, that she was also worried about the repercussions of his anger and her career. And Bastien just let her talk as she tried to find words for her feelings. He was still learning how the Rinda Rambles worked. How to pick out what was important, how to clarify those connections that Rinda wasn’t able to, and to gently ask questions to learn what she wasn’t saying.
. . . . .
Bastien couldn’t sleep that night. He thought about everything Rinda had gone through. The night she was attacked, losing Jameson. It would make sense if she’d never open up to anyone else ever again. Especially if she knew what he did to Riley. But he had to tell her. . . . . . Bastien went to Rinda’s house the next day. She knew he had something important to say, but she didn’t know what. She only knew that Henry couldn’t be around, so Mr. Ariti promised to keep Henry busy with some chores that he needed help with. So Bastien came into her home and told her the truth about his role in Queen Riley’s public humiliation. How he purposely chose the naivest of Liam’s suitors to do the dirty work. How he made sure there wasn’t a lock on Riley’s door. How he helped escort her to the airport when the pictures went viral. He came into Rinda’s home and he destroyed her.
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