#i see all my friends with their partners on instragram
lemonswriting · 1 year
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mcheang · 4 years
Based on the Instragram photo that Lila "insisted" Adrien to post. Fans saw it and feel like Lila is holding a gun to his back based on how uncomfortable Adrien looks in the pic. So they retaliate by hosting a "Protect Sunshine Boi from the Witch!" Rally at the next photoshoot. All lead by Wayhem. 😏
"Protect Sunshine Boi from the Witch!"
Devoted fans to Adrien have dutifully and enthusiastically followed his Instagram.
So when he decided to post that weird picture with Lila, they felt something was off.
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They have seen hundreds of Adrien’s smiles from magazines, interviews and Instagram. Natural and blinding.
So why does Adrien’s smile look forced in this picture?
Is this Lila nobody holding a gun to his back?
Yeah, a lot of comments went up like this on the photo. Lila did not get the envious comments she had hoped for about her closeness to a model. Nope, she got criticism for making Adrien Agreste uncomfortable.
Adrien did not bother to defend her since he was too busy avoiding her. But Nathalie certainly noticed the uncomfortable tension and observed the public reaction.
Maybe it was best the teenagers did separate shoots from now on. Gabriel only promised her exposure, not his Son.
Wayhem himself contacted Adrien the day he posted the picture, asking who that Lila girl was.
Adrien: she's a classmate of mine. She somehow impressed my Father.
Wayhem had a bad impression of Gabriel Agreste. He disliked anyone decent like Nino. So for him to like Lila...
Wayhem: seriously Adrien, you looked so uncomfortable with that girl. She is not your Friend, is she?
Adrien hesitated. He had promised to pretend to be friends to save Marinette. But he didn’t want to lie to Wayhem. That was the start of this whole problem.
Adrien carefully said, “She is someone I have to be friends with.”
Wayhem saw through it. “Yeah, you are so forced into being her Friend.”
Adrien: what else can I do? If I push her away, she’ll turn on the dry waterworks and start throwing around accusations.
Wayhem: are all your friends so blind that they can’t see how she makes you uncomfortable?
Adrien: only Marinette. But that’s why I have to look like I’m friends with Lila. If I don’t, she’ll target Marinette.
Wayhem suddenly got a mischievous glint in his eye. “Ooh, first Kagami, now Marinette. Adrien, do you have a thing for Asian girls?”
Adrien laughed. “Don’t be silly. She’s just a Friend.”
For some reason, Wayhem felt an inexplicable desire to slam his head on the desk.
Wayhem: don’t worry Adrien. You can always turn to us if Lila gives you any trouble.
Adrien smiles. “I know.”
After their conversation was over, Wayhem frowned and mused over all he had learned. Lila was a bully, of that he was sure.
But before he decided to rally Adrien’s fan club to protest his new modelling partner, it was best to do research.
He called a few trustworthy fellow members and invited them to help him look into this Lila character.
Social accounts show Lila having an unbelievable and fantastical life. But with some missing logic. Wayhem’s eyebrows rose further as he scrolled down her Facebook.
If Lila had really been in Achu, why weren’t there pictures of her with the prince? Moreover those background photos could be found online...
Ok...why would Jagged Stone write a song about a minor? Also, the dude has been allergic to fur since way before Lila was born.
Ladybug’s BFF... seriously? Who even believes that? Chloe goes around parading it all the time but we see Queen Bee least of all. Moreover, Ladybug doesn’t seem to like Chloe. Also, even Hawkmoth doesn’t seem to be trying to target Lila beyond that Volpina’s first time. He must have learned the truth.
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Research complete, Wayhem and his friends discussed the results.
What a wannabe.
Who even believes this trash?
I bet she fooled Gabriel with a fake resume
And now she’s sinking her claws into Adrien. Ugh!
We must stop her!
Together, they spread the word to the fan club.
Meet at Adrien’s next photoshoot. We are going to put a stop to this liar’s career.
Lila had been demanding people help her stop the fan hate comments. But Adrien told her she had to learn to deal with it as a model. In any case, they were doing separate photo shoots from now on, so people should let up.
Yeah, so not.
Imagine Adrien and Nathalie’s surprise to see protesters led by Wayhem with signs blaring out "Protect Sunshine Boi from the Witch!"
Adrien: why does everyone call me that?
Along with calling Lila a witch, there were also terms like liar and deceiver.
Nadja arrived to report this rally.
Wayhem was only too happy to tell her that Lila Rossi was a liar who had fooled Gabriel Agreste into letting her model with her Son; who obviously doesn’t feel comfortable with her.
This apparently makes it way over to Jagged and Ali who promptly sue Lila.
Lila’s Mother is aghast at what her daughter has caused, not to mention giving her trouble at work.
Gabriel faces criticism for believing flimsy lies.
The school is under investigation for not checking Lila’s Achu story.
Adrien is given lessons on how to identify and handle sexual harassment, insisted and taken by his friends too, who felt guilty for not recognising it themselves.
Oh, Hawkmoth definitely akumatized Lila into the Director, so as to brainwash people into believing her stories.
She was defeated with the help of Wayhem.
Lila is taken out of school and sent back to Italy to a private, remote, strict boarding school. She will obviously be in the spotlight for a while and Hawkmoth might take advantage of that. It was better that she leave Paris behind.
Marinette baked Wayhem and his friends a large cake in thanks.
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cosmicbash · 4 years
Hey, So I'm having a bad week and would really like an outed Kells and Em fic, it could be as angsty or fluffy as you want, I just need a happy ending. A little joy from a situation like that would be really nice right now, Thanks P.S. I've been reading your writing for a while and I think they're really great!! I hope you keep having Inspiration to do so!!!
Sorry I'm so late replying to this!! Ive had a shitty busy week myself and i feel horrible its taken me so long!!
I feel like instagram would be Em and Kelly's downfall. Just because the younger rapper is constantly on it, posting little snippets to interact with his fans, going Live, and of course posting pictures.
Slip ups are inevitable once he and Marshall start spending more and more time together.
Because Colson can't just cut back, when he does that fans start speculating. Questioning why exactly he's suddenly getting more secretive or searching through what he does share with a fine tooth comb to spot a new mystery girlfriend.
So Colson continues posting away on instagram and filming his lives, even when he and Marshall are together. Ignoring the headshakes and looks the older rapper shoots his way everytime he's on live laughing it up.
At first it's awkward, Marshall and him keep alternating who's going to duck into the bathroom or step out for coffee. But eventually they get used to it and comfortable enough that Colson can walk around their hotel room filming while Marshall naps on the couch.
The blonde even gets cheeky enough to start teasing his partner, like snapping photos of their shared brunches, or taking after sex selfies that always get Marshall hiding under the blankets or kicking him.
Really Colson should have seen it coming. You can only fly so close to the sun before you get burned afterall.
The mistakes start piling up soon enough.
Marshall accidentally yelling to ask him something when he's recording a live, Colson walking a bit too close to the couch and flashing the hoodie clad rappers back, the bottom of Marshall's AA necklace in the back of a breakfast shot, and more minor incidents that branch out from there.
At first Colson can just brush the unfamilar voice and thankfully covered up body as one of his assitants or friends. But as soon as that necklace peek gets out the internet does its thing and speculation over a possible collab strikes up.
The assumption being he gave everyone the glimpse on purpose.
Of course he's relieved the public isn't immediately jumping to the crazy possibility of them banging. Even though thats exactly what theyre doing. But him and Marshall AREN'T actually making any music together, and neither of them has publicly squashed their beef. Afterall, what better cover than pretending to still hate eachother?
But now that's all out the window. Colson's lack of an immediate excuse and rapid deletion of the photo just convincing the media their theories are correct.
Paul is of course furious, reaming both of them out over the phone about how they better get on a track together or figure out some new cover. And Diddy, well Diddy rarely comes off his self made throne to speak to Colson, let alone acknowledge most of his success, but the rapper actually does inquire to him about the whole spectacle. And Colson can't help but find himself wishing he had a guy like Paul who knew about them and could just simply yell at him because he still has no idea what to even say.
They settle on quiet ambiguous statements from their labels about how the two of them are working towards mending their beef and that a collaboration isn't exactly out of the question at this moment.
It works. For about a month or two, mostly due to them being apart yet again. The major hype dies down and Colson avoids any and all questions relating to Marshall in his lives and on twitter. The two of them are able to breathe a sigh of relief as temporary as it may be.
Until the next time they make time to see eachother. Colson's got a small charity event in Detroit that he plans on using as an excuse to linger around the city and steal some much needed time with his secret boyfriend.
Of course all eyes are on them yet again, questioning whether the young rapper might also be stopping in to work in some music with his rival.
With paparazzi tailing him more than ever it's impossible for him to just go to Marshall's place like he'd planned. Instead forcing him into renting a suite and wasting most of the day stressing over just how the hell he's supposed to sneak Marshall in with the bastards sitting outside the building like hawks. The other rapper isn't exactly helping either, just sending his usual cryptic texts telling Colson not worry about it but never expanding on what his plan is either.
By the time the blonde finally finishes his busy day and drags himself back to the room he has fully accepted that their rendezvous is not going to happen. Marshall had stopped texting him more than two hours ago and he wasn't about to act even more like a spoiled child by blowing the man's phone up. Colson's just given up. He can't even muster the energy to give the paparazzi outside his hotel more then an annoyed comment about how his life doesn't revolve around collaborations and the finger before slipping inside.
Marshall's presence in his hotel room, already stripped down to his night tee and briefs almost looks like a mirage. But when he shuts the door and crosses the room to bury his face in the other man's neck he smells like ivory soap and that woodsy beard oil the blonde bought him and Colson can't help but hug him closer.
He's so relieved to see him he doesn't even snark back at Marshall's muffled comment that he looks like shit.
The moment is sweet and Colson honestly should have realized it was just the calm before the storm but he's too caught up in complaining about the media and basking in his partner's soft agreements to care.
Before taking off to take his shower he hands Marshall over his phone, suggesting the brunette look through the mess his instragram comment section has become, all the questions and posts he's been tagged in over that little picture and their statements. Because why not? They would inevitably end up laying against eachother in bed scrolling through them all together anyway, at least this way Marshall can get a headstart.
And Marshall does actually swipe through them for a bit, spending more time admiring some of his partners pretty posts than he does reading the never ending stream of comments. The rapper rarely gets on the app himself except to post the occasional merch drop and promo. Social media isn't his forte, and it's not like he could follow Colson's account anyway. Navigating the app and searching for his boyfriends account was too much work when he could just asks for selfies over text.
Thats why when Marshall finishes his browsing and begins backing out of a post back to Colson's homepage he doesn't even care to pay much attention to what he's tapping. The flash of black and loading wheel that lights up the screen completely missed when he tosses it across the bed in lieu of playing around on his own phone.
The livestream he accidentally starts mainly films a blank ceiling through the rest of Colson's shower. The occasional creak and shift on the bed from Marshall's weight and blare of music from his own phones speakers all anyone tuning in can hear.
It doesn't take a brain surgeon for fans to realize the Live has been started unknowingly, but thats not going to stop any of them from filing in.
Maybe if Colson hadn't set his phone to silent the string of text messages might have alerted Marshall to his mistake. But the older rapper relaxes back on the bed less than a foot away blissfully unaware until Colson finally exits the bathroom.
Neither of them notice the phone when Marshall sits up and scoots to the edge of the bed, his body briefly flickering past the frame. They don't see the explosion of comments flying past the screen while they talk and Colson shoves the other man back onto the bed again. Bouncing the phone high enough to almost flip it if fate didn't decide to just scoot it closer to their tangling bodies.
Colson's whole upper body and face is in frame from then on. His cheeks flushed and smile cocky while he straddles his unseen partner. Marshall's fingertips peeking onto the screen where they're tickling the skin covering his ribs.
Its not until after Marshall's sat back up and begun peppering kisses down the front of his throat that he finally catches sight of his half blanket covered phone. An amused accusation about the other rapper trying to sneakily film them prompting Marshall to scoff and reach out for it.
"Probably just the app, shits always opening up to the camera on my phone-"
The rush of comments speeding past the screen and the unmistakeable red dot next to LIVE has Marshall freezing. His wide eyed face fully on screen for 10 seconds before Colson finally pries the phone from his hands to see whats got him so spooked.
Instead of panic, anger is what rushes through Colson's veins. A slew of curses leaving his mouth, before he finally manages to end the live. Phone promptly flying out of his hand against the wall afterwards.
The blonde wants to scream and thrash around. And thats what he does, fingers tearimg at his hair in frustration.
It takes Marshall's fingers softly prying them down for Colson to finally open his eyes again. The utterly terrified look on his partner's face chasing away his residual rage. "Fuck Colson I'm sorry-" its not the first time he's heard Marshall apologize, but it is the first time the man has ever done it while looking so scared of his response.
All the months he'd spent dreaming about his rival making such an expression have nothing on the real thing. And that smug powerful feeling he'd imagined was completely absent now. Just an uncomfortable knot seizing up his chest in it's place.
"I'm not--" his own voice feels tight. Tears threatening to bubble up in his eyes while the reality of the whole situation continues to wash over him. "I'm not mad at you, alright?"
He's mad at the media, at his fans, the rap industry, everything that makes him feel like this little slip up and intimate moment of theirs going viral will ruin their lives.
Colson's sick of hiding who he is and who he's with. Its utter bullshit. Its 2019 for chrissakes, who gives a shit who's banging who? They both make bad ass music either way and liking dick shouldn't change that.
Pushing up off of Marshall, Colson moves to climb off the bed. His hopefully not smashed phone across the room his current focus. But the older rapper snags his wrist and wont let him take more than one step.
And thats when Colson realizes just why Marshall looks so terrified. The man's worried that this is it, that he's going to just leave.
Run away from their problems and abandon the relationship they've been cultivating. Just go full scorched earth.
And that hurts.
So instead the blonde softens his expression and climbs back into bed, onto the other man's lap to hug him tightly. "Fuck Marsh--" He's not about to let the media ruin another relationship. "I love you."
The responding hug is so tight it hurts but Colson doesn't stop. "I fucking love you."
They're falling back onto the bed, legs tangling and Colson's teeth grinding while he rubs his face along the older rapper's shoulder. "I love you"
He doesn't even know what else to say. Now that the words are out it's all his tongue can shape.
"Colson-" Marshall's warm palms are cupping his face, pulling him back so they can stare at eachother
"I love you-" that one hurts the most, maybe because they're eye to eye and just looking at Marshall's soft expression and the possibility of losing it makes him want to crumble. "Please-"
He chokes back a wet sound in the back of his throat before they kiss. Pressing as close as he can, practically trying to glue their mouths together permanently.
Marshall's afraid to lose him just as much. They're idiots for ever thinking it might be a possibilility.
The media can get blown, and so can the industry and their so called fans. The cats out of the bag now and theirs no turning back. If they don't like them together than tough shit. They've both dragged themselves up out of the pits before, this will be no different.
Except, this time they have eachother to lean on.
"I love you to you cornball."
(((Ffffff this sat in my drafts cuz I got distracted by work and life. Im so fucking sorry anon!!!)))
((Also! Thank you anon! For the compliments! Im glad you enjoy my works!))
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allspark · 6 years
Jeffrey Harris from 411Mania got a chance to sit down with Transformers lead-designer John Warden at SDCC 2018. While there’s no major scoops in the interview there are some interesting tidbits. Also related to the continuing focus on the upcoming Siege toyline, Hasbro released a brief Q&A set on Instragram today
From 411Mania:
Jeffrey Harris: What would you say are the hot ticket items from Hasbro for the brand at Comic-Con?
  John Warden: I think here at Comic-Con 2018, we couldn’t be more exciting about Bumblebee the movie release. We’ve got great Studio Series items. We’ve got reveals of the new Bumblebee from the film — screen-accurate Bumblebee who’s able to convert from vehicle to robot — a licensed VW Bug. For the first time, fans are going to be able to see the other vehicle mode of Dropkick, which is one of the adversaries for the film. This is actually a licensed SuperCobra helicopter, which has been really fun to work on. We’ve also got a bunch of other toys for Bumblebee the movie, including a Studio Series Bumblebee Bluetooth, and you can actually hear with your phone and stream music as well as the “Bee Vision” helmet. The Bee Vision helmet is a mixed reality experience. It’s really, really awesome. There’s things for adults. There’s things for kids, and there are things for people in the middle.
Jeffrey Harris: I notice that Bumblebee for the movie is back in his classic VW Beetle form?
John Warden: Oh yeah. It’s so exciting. We all love the 2007 Bumblebee. It was really an earth-shattering moment, but I think for us G1 fans, it was really, really exciting. It’s a softer, gentler Bumblebee that Yoko-san described as a “sweet boy.” He has a level of innocence and relatability. It’s going to be neat to see him come alive onscreen.
Jeffrey Harris: I want to know if you can debunk an urban legend. There was a story going around that Volkswagen was not on board with the franchise using the Beetle for Bumblebee in the 2007 movie because it was too violent and didn’t want to be associated with the violence of Transformers. Is that myth or fact?
John Warden: I really don’t know for sure. I hate to give you the political answer, but I can say Volkswagen has been an incredible partner this time around. They have been so excited to be able to work with us. We actually have licensed Bumblebee vehicles in almost every assortment, including the rerelease of the original G1 toy from back in the day.
Jeffrey Harris: So, you have had no problem working with them for the new film?
John Warden: Not at all. They’ve been an awesome partner.
Jeffrey Harris: What would you say is the key theme of the Bumblebee film?
John Warden: The key theme is I think love and kindness and wanting to belong and feeling like you can make a difference.
Jeffrey Harris: It’s a separate brand, but Hasbro also made a big move by purchasing the Power Rangers franchise. What do you think that means for the future of Hasbro?
John Warden: I can’t speak directly to what’s happening with Power Rangers, but I can say that more and more when I come here to San Diego Comic-Con, I’m meeting more fans that are from that age bracket. These are guys that grew up with Beast Wars and Power Rangers. I know that there’s a lot of really exciting things on the horizon for Power Rangers. Fans will have to stay tuned for what’s coming, but I know from working there and friends that work on that part of the business, there’s some really, really cool stuff coming their way.
Jeffrey Harris: How is work going on the Transformers and Power Rangers crossover movie going?
John Warden: *Laughs* I did not ever say that.
Jeffrey Harris: I didn’t say you did. I just asked how work is going on that?
John Warden: I don’t know. There’s no such movie *Laughs*.
Jeffrey Harris: It was very sad this year that the industry lost Toys R Us. How has that affected Hasbro, and is that an adjustment going forward?
John Warden: Well, I mean, Toys R Us — it was always a very special thing for my family and I to be able to go there. My kids grew up in the aisles of Toys R Us. I think when you think about something like that, I cherish those memories. It was a very special experience, but I stay positive and think about the future. Hasbro is doing so many creative things with our great partners around the world, whether they’re brick-and-mortar retailers or online — places like Amazon.com — if you look at some of the Generations items we just put out, we had some really kind of cool excitement happen with the pre-orders. It’s all about, how do you satisfy that hunt? How do collectors hunt Transformers? Are they driving to stores? Are they searching around for the greatest deal online or on eBay? I think how do you give fans the hunt in ways they’ve never done before? In lieu of that, I try to stay positive about all the good things in the future. And certainly, the future is very bright for Hasbro.
Jeffrey Harris: Can you clarify if the new Bumblebee movie is a prequel to the 2007 film, or is it a soft reset that can go its own way in the future?
John Warden: It’s hard to say. From what we understand in the movie right now, it’s set in 1987. Although there are cues from the original G1 series, as evidenced in the panel yesterday, I think that there’s also elements from the 2007 franchise as well like how Bumblebee loses his voice. I think it’s important to remember that for a lot of Transformers fans, even one of our designers who works on the brand right now, Bumblebee is embodied in that 2007 film. So, I think that there’s something in this new film for everybody.
Jeffrey Harris: Do you know the name of John Cena’s character in the film?
John Warden: I do not, but I’m sure it’s going to be awesome because John Cena is awesome.
Jeffrey Harris: From what I’ve seen of the movie, the Transformers don’t look radically different from the previous films, but they do look different. Can you speak at all of the design changes for the film?
John Warden: Absolutely. The new Bumblebee movie characters have kind of a softness to them in a lot of ways. I think they do borrow cues from G1 in a lot of respects.
Jeffrey Harris: The Michael Bay movies aren’t very soft.
John Warden: Sometimes — yeah — there was an aggressive feeling to some of those. I understand why he did it. But I think Travis [Knight] is really trying to tell a different kind of story. He wants someone to feel like they can get close to Bumblebee, and he can hold somebody without hurting them. I think the softness of Bumblebee does speak to the softness of his character, his vulnerability. He can still kick butt when he needs to, but he plays a very different role in this movie. He’s scared. He’s trying to understand what’s going on. He’s being hunted down by bad guys like Blitzwing.
Also released today via Instagram, Hasbro did a brief Q&A with fans on the Siege toyline. While most are your basic vague corporate answers it does offer a hint that there might be a new Titan release on the way, although considering we get one every year now, that really isn’t all that surprising.
411mania Interview with John Warden at SDCC and Hasbro Instagram Q&A Jeffrey Harris from 411Mania got a chance to sit down with Transformers lead-designer John Warden at SDCC 2018.
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silkyrontheroad · 5 years
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Nothing could have prepared me for how hard it was to say goodbye to these 3 this morning but I know that I will see them soon. I am now about to board a flight to start the next chapter and huge adventure with my beautiful Partner In Crime; see you tomorrow Beautiful! To all of my friends & family I love you all and I will see you all somewhere, sometime soon! All of my love! INDIA HERE WE COME! 💜🙏🏼💜 - - - - #seasia #india #adventure #travel #partner #family #friends #love #crazy #beautiful #life #happy #smile #dog #instragram #instagood #instamood #instadaily #igers #picoftheday #photooftheday (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx1oD_Gn3vC/?igshid=13fuhr064fjsu
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misscrawfords · 5 years
I dunno if this is Too Much, but I read your notes about not being invited out to holiday and I'm just here to say yeah! You're not alone! I used to sit by myself for lunch and my friends (for a lack of a better word) would just, like, ignore me and sit elsewhere. I'd never get invited anywhere and it's been 5 years since and I still have issues! But we're working through this together and we're not alone anymore. Life sucks, but people don't have to.
Not at all! Thank you for sharing and I’m really sorry about what you went through.
I mean, I’m basically over that experience though it saddens me that I felt betrayed by and drifted apart from (most of) my high school friends. I wish it hadn’t ended like that. But I did go to university and I met my closest friends there so it’s all good!
Having said that, I do consistently often feel like I’m half part of multiple groups and never an integral part of one. I know that the whole Friends gang thing or the “girl group” thing is a bit of a lie in reality - does anyone really have that tight-knit group of friends? In this day and age? When everyone is scattered across the country/world and their jobs are too stressful to ever see anyone? 
But nevertheless, sometimes I feel like some people have this awesome posse of friends they do everything with and constantly see and I feel and always have felt really out of it and basically I think more than a life partner, I really just want a really close group of friends who are basically found family.
But then again, it’s a case of the grass being always greener - I love my friends so much, it’s just a shame they don’t live anywhere near me and don’t necessarily belong to the same friendship group. I’m lucky to have friends from so many varied places and times in my life that I’ve been able to keep up with - and who want to keep up with me! Besides, really close knit friendship groups who do everything together... surely that’s just another word for a clique and that’s rarely a positive thing. I’m not here for drama and snideness! And obviously what you see about other people’s super cool and cute girl group of friends who travel together and drink together and swap stories about boys together or whatever girl groups do IDEK, social media always presents a warped idea of reality. Those group dynamics may not be as straightforward as Instragram suggests.
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treadmilltreats · 6 years
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I will when I... I was talking to my girl friend the other night and she said she went out and a few guys approached her. I asked if she gave them her number and she said no. I asked why? She said "Well, when I lose this weight, I'll date then" Hello! Did they say "Hey I'm only approaching you because IF you lose weight I'll like to date you?" No! They liked you just like you are, now! Why must we all think like this... When I get a better job... When I lose 30 pounds... When I get that promotion... When I get some more money... When I find the perfect someone... It's always when...insert your excuse here... But I'm here to tell you, when may never come. I've learned this by losing many, many people in my life, that tomorrow is not guaranteed. You may cross the street and get hit by a bus, you may be healthy today and die of a heart attack tomorrow in the gym no less, like a guy did last week. We never know if this will be our last day or our last breathe. I remember my grandma use to have stuff in her drawers with tags on them and when I was little I would say "Why don't you wear this, Grandma, it's new" She would say "It's not new, but I'm saving it for a special occasion" When she passed and we were going through her drawers years and years after this conversation, I found all of these same things still with the tags on. For years she never thought it was a special occasion enough to wear them, she kept waiting for the next bigger thing that never came. Or if it did, she thought something bigger would come so she would wait. So she died never appreciating the days that were good, never living in the moment because she was always waiting for the next one to be better. How sad is that? Yet so many of you, just like my girlfriend are doing the exact thing. I learned to live in the moment, to appriciate every second. I don't care if I'm not where I want to be, if I don't have enough money, if I'm not with the love of my life, it doesn't matter, I am living my life large, now! I remember a friend of mine when I asked if she wanted to go with me to Jamaica, she said "No, I'm saving that for my honeymoon" Mind you, she had been single for many years, with no prospects in sight. "Why wait, I said, we'll have a blast" but she refused to go, six months later she was dead, cancer, just like that, gone. I remember her saying she should have gone and seen the place she dreamt of for so many years. Regrets...I don't want any. I want to do things now, I may not be skinny enough, I may never be skinny enough. I may not have enough money, no matter how much money you make, your never going to have enough. I might not have a partner but I'm not going to sit in the house and pray and cry waiting until someone knocks on my door. No, I'm going to enjoy my life right now! This minute, this second! So today my friends, remember my blog yesterday in which I talked about the world famous designer Kate Spade who killed herself. From the outside it looked like she had everything, money, fame, a beautiful family yet it was not enough to save her from herself. Your never going to get it perfect, your never going to have everything in the right place, the right way and it's okay. Go with the flow, be grateful for what you do have, where you are today, live in that moment, appriciate how far you've come and stop saying I will....when. "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" **Coming soon my latest book: The blessing in disguise.... revealed** ***Now available*** My book The blessing in Disguise Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats #treadmilltreats #Theblessingindisguise #TheblessinginDisguiserevealed #livinglifelarge #newyearnewme #blogginglife #writre #blogger #NewYorktimesbestseller #womenoffaithtour #Motivationalspeaker #OnOprahSupersoulSunday #TylerPerryproducingmylifestory #thisismypassion #livingmypurpose #blogging #Newyork #Florida #internationalblogger #francescavillardi
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orchardinconcrete · 6 years
The Instagram Tide
Today I woke up after a pretty rough night, I turned my phone on and I went on answering to my telegram/whatsapp chats. Then I opened Instagram. At first I didn’t notice it, but when I looked closer at my profile I noticed that I had lost followers. Again.  I call it ‘The Instagram Tide’ because, just as a tide, it rises and falls: one day I get 8 new followers, the day after I already lost 4. The day after again 4 more. It’s been like this for years. My instragram followers have been stationary for a long time, settling at about 343. Once they had increased at 350+, but then I lost up to 10 followers in just one day.  Why does this happens? Was my feed not good enough? Did I do something wrong?  The answer is no. It’s vanity metrics, babe.  For a living, I also work as a social media manager for some small business. I handle 4-5 instagram accounts other than mine, and I can see very well what works on Instagram and it’s easy to understand why.  My own account was the only one where I experienced the followers ‘tide’.
One of the other accounts I manage is about my teeny town, which is not unknown to the touristic universe but it’s not, like, Rome. Basically, I repost other people’s pictures all the time, and when I have some I post my own shots. I never experienced followers loss with this account, the numbers keep growing and people LOVES it. The interaction is great, the numbers are great compared to other similar accounts.  If you’re interested, the profile is this: https://www.instagram.com/montepulciano_blog/  Come visit us (maybe not at Christmas, be mercyful).
Comparing the 2 accounts, it would be natural to compare them and ask myself WHY my personal account isn’t being as successful as the other one: what am I doing wrong? First, we have to understand where the two accounts are different:
1. My town is still much more famous than me 2. People have experienced my town and loved it 3. Photography has a much bigger impact than b/w drawings 4. Colour, people loves it 5. Need. People need to see pictures of my town to escape from their boring routine, dream of Tuscany, while my doodles of faces provide no escapist relief to their boredom or pain 6. The town account is actually a collective effort, a collection of beautiful pictures made by thousands of people from all around the world
Seeing your followers constantly dropping could trigger an alarm in your brain, like ‘I’M LOSING POPULARITY, I’M LOSING POWER, I’M WORTHLESS’ but just don’t listen to that. That’s your animal instinct pushing you to survive and possibly get the best mating partners, which is something you ideally get when you’re popular. Don’t listen to your animal self, society doesn’t work like that anymore.  At least, not inside Instagram. Those numbers, those followers and hearts, are called Vanity Metrics. “Vanity metrics are measurements and calculations that are designed to be impressive as opposed to actionable or relevant to core business goals such as revenue and operating margins. They tend to include things like page views of a website that produce big numbers that don't necessarily result in revenue. It is also common for vanity metrics to highlight a growth rate from a low starting number. As an extreme example, if the downloads of an app rise from 2 to 4 you can claim a 100% growth rate.“
The number of your followers has nothing to do with the quality of your work or talent, nor it has the amount of likes under your pictures. To make something work on a given social network you must know what people wants: you have to satisfy a need (or pay, duh). They won’t reward you for your efforts, they won’t reward you for the love you put into something. They’ll reward you if you give them what they want: beauty, dreams, useful notions, stats.
Yes, because several people will follow you just because they want you to follow them back. They’ll leave comments like ‘hey I love what you do, check out my profile’. Why should I? To please some lying stranger? That’s desperation, not marketing, not ‘social’. It’s. All. Lies. They don’t care about what you do, they give you a treat expecting reciprocity. Obviously, your time is much too valuable to care about this sick popularity game. You don’t get money from that, it’s low quality public. Instagram nowadays works pretty much like Facebook (which I deeply hate). My Facebook page has 20.000 followers. Why? Because a friend one day told me: “Can I use your page to practice with social marketing?”. I, which I did not care for my page anymore, said “Sure, do as you please”. He started investing his own money to promote the page and my public soon went to 300 people to 20.000. One of my posts was shared several times and got hundreds of comments (most of which asked me if the depicted character, a woman with a deer mask and bare breasts, was Beerus from Dragonball Super). Success.  Now that my friend has stopped taking care of the page (maybe also because I just couldn’t produce as much content as he needed), I still have the 20.000 followers but the reach of the post is back to normal, at around 200-300 people per post. Sometimes my posts hit 7 likes, wow!  Those 60.000 likes under one picture, that was just a bubble. It makes sense to boost a page or a post like that if you already have something to sell, or something that will keep the people hooked forever. I just doodle faces. Maybe, when I’ll go back drawing comics, these numbers will be useful.  It is true that social networks demand regular posting. Still, many professional artists will tell you that it’s insane and not worth it to be constantly active on social networks. They drain a lot of valuable time, they are mentally exhausting, they’re distracting. Why spend time on Instagram when you could be actually working? Money, success, they are earned through hard work, not through high social stats.
So, people, don’t waste too much time chasing the social tide, just work hard and do your best: compensation will come, even better if in real life.
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rowansparrows-blog · 6 years
Facebook Alternatives – Awesome 7 Social Networks to Try!
It is safe to say that you are searching for a rundown of best option online networking stages of Facebook? (Which you can use rather than the Facebook). In the event that yes at that point ensure you have checked this rundown post, here I have recorded 6 best choices of Facebook. These all are allowed to utilize simply like Facebook. As everything has upsides and downsides, by perusing the article you will have the capacity to decide – “which is the best informal community is for you”?
facebook options
Facebook extremely changed the web-based social networking, by affecting our method for reaching individuals, meeting new individuals, sharing considerations, sharing life minutes and significantly more. We can’t deny the way that it is the best web-based social networking stage as of now accessible. In any case, we can’t deny the way that it some way or another bargains our protection. A few people don’t care for Facebook in light of the fact that it is exhausting, or could be any reason. Before, I had expounded on the best options of WhatsApp. Today I am will enlighten you concerning Best Facebook options that you can attempt.
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quora screenshotIf you need to dispose of web-based social networking and pick up learning on practically every point, you can join this site, and I am certain, it won’t baffle you. Quora gives you a chance to do individual message additionally, in the event that you need to share some data or need to think about anything basically constantly, at that point my companion portion is for you. You can pick your interests and themes, on which you need to see questions. It has developed as an extraordinary site and individuals are leaving Facebook, to join quora, for evident reasons, it has keen individuals as individuals.
Likewise Check: How to Bypass Online Surveys for FREE.
<Check out Quora>
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linkedin screenshotThis site is an interpersonal organization for experts and pioneers. The overall client surpasses the point of confinement of 347 million. You can remain in contact with your partners, supervisors, pioneers, administrators and numerous experts that are of your field of intrigue. It is an awesome stage for enlisting new representatives, and discovering employments. It isn’t your general online networking site, yet rather a stage to exceed expectations in your vocation.
Additionally Check: How to settle ‘This App Has Been Blocked For Your Protection’ Error.
<Check out LinkedIn>
twitter screenshotIt is an online networking site, known for following celebrated individuals, getting their tweets and retweet. The site chips away at a straightforward guideline, tail others and get devotees. You can do that by awing individuals by your posts and interests. Twitter is an extremely famous site and an awesome other option to Facebook.
Check: How to Tag all Friends on FB
<Check Twitter>
pinterest screenshotYou can stick recordings, pictures and posts into the noticeboard, and afterward share it with individuals. These noticeboards are called pinboards. You can make diverse pinboards as indicated by your interests and needs. This site is an extraordinary option, as you go to discover some new information, something else. You can repin diverse individuals’ presents on your pinboard. It has around 67 million clients at present and are developing at a quick rate.
Look at: Best Love WhatsApp Status Quotes
<Check Pinterest>
instragram screenshotThis a social stage that gives you a chance to share recordings and pictures to your devotees. It as of late included a component called coordinate message, you can likewise restrain the group of onlookers of your photographs and recordings (who can see at that point or not see them). You can get well known by sharing your everyday life through pictures and recordings. Getting devotees is the fundamental thought process. It is an incredible option, as you don’t need to manage Facebook’s additional highlights which you barely require. Instagram cases to have 300 million clients and developing.
Likewise Read: How to Make Your Facebook Account Safer – Some Basic Tips
<Check Instagram>
tumblr screenshotIt’s an awesome webpage for individual web journals. You can Follow different web journals, and investigate them. The site is agreeable and has 420 million clients. Blogging is never been so natural and fascinating on this site. I for one prescribe this in case you’re exhausted from Facebook. I likewise keep up a really mainstream Tumblr blog, you can check it from beneath.
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jhindeschain-blog · 7 years
Gold Digger - Chapter 2 - Incident at the Café
I am at a local café just going through some instragram pics and posts to see what is up with people. I’m drinking ice-coffee with coconut and some shit. This drink is really tasty. Also has cream on top. Anyways, it has been days since I have not heard from Chelsea. I wonder what she and Alexis are doing. They always disappear for a day or two to do who knows what, but never for this long. I am a little worried so I decide to give her mom a call. Maybe she knows where she is. - “Yes!?” - It’s Chelsea’s mother. - “Hey, Mrs. Taylor. This is Zane.” - “Oh, Zane! Hi! What’s happening?” - She asks with a tone full of joy. Chelsea takes after her mother a lot. They’re both so smiley. - “I’m good, thank you. Listen, I’m calling about Chelsea...” - “Is she alright?” - She interrupts me. - “Actually I was hoping you’d tell me what is up with her. She was at my place a few days ago for the movie night but I haven’t heard from her since. I’ve tried calling her but I keep getting her voicemail.” - “Oh, I see. Yeah, I think she’s with her friend.” - “You mean Alexis?” - I ask in utmost curiousity. - “No, Chelsea told me that a friend of hers was coming to town for a few days and that they were going to hang out...” At this exact moment I notice Chelsea and a guy walking into the café. What do you know, right!? - “Yeah, never mind that Mrs. Taylor. I know where she is. Thanks.” Chelsea sees me and I immediately notice that she’s embarrased. She looks at me then away, then at me, then away again. I walk up to her. - “Hey, Chels. Been lookin’ for you. Where’ve you been?” - I kiss her but I feel like she doesn’t want me to. She kisses back anyway. I don’t like this one bit. - “You know... doing stuff.” - Okay, this is really weird now. She’s acting so strange, and the guy she’s with comes up to us and says; “Hi. You must be Zane.” - He holds his hand out for me to shake hands with him. - “I’m Trent.”. - I ignore the dude and ask Chelsea what is going on. Only in this moment do I realize that they’re both dressed up really nicely. One would say they’re on a date or something, but come on, this is my girlfriend we’re talking about. - “What the fuck is going on?” - I ask Chelsea without saying the word fuck but I am thinking it. - “Trent is... in town for a few days. He’s... an old friend on mine. We’re just... hanging out you know, nothing special.” - She is literally babbling, just seeking words to say. She’s making this shit up as she goes. It doesn’t take a genius to see through her lies. The situation is so awkward I could punch this Trent dude in the fucking face. I drag my girlfriend a bit farther away from this Trent guy. I want to talk to her alone. - “When were you planning on telling me about this, Chelsea? What is going on? Are you cheating on me?” - At this point I’m getting really upset. - “Of course not, baby. Listen to me. This is not what you think, okay? Trent and I are just friends.” - A part of me tells me to believe her but a much larger part of me tells me otherwise. The larger part of me is actually telling me that she’s fucking this dude and right now she’s lying about it to my face. But I love her, god damn it. What am I supposed to do? - “Listen to me. I’m gonna walk out that door right now.” - I’m pointing toward the main entrance at this time. - “I’ll leave you to... to... whatever it is you guys are doing. I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Later, probably in the evening I’m going to come over to your place and we’re going to talk about this because I’m not doing this in front of all these people. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” - I am confident as fuck, man. Hell yeah! She’s completely lost in thought. I can see it in her eyes. She’s thinking about what she should tell me to make me feel better... or to protect herself and cover this shit up for that matter. As I’m leaving the premises, I feel like I’m that coin with the two sides, you know. Only this time, the question is, which side should I believe? We’ll see what happens later... I’m on my way to my car to drive home when I bump into Alexis. Why is this goddamn town so small? I can see her smile from a mile away. My girlfriend’s partner in crime. - “Hey, Zane.” - She greets me from some distance. - “How you doing?” - Well, at the moment I could throw up and your sight isn’t exactly making me feel better either. - “I’ve been better. What up?” - “I’ve come to meet with Chelsea and her friend...” - “Yeah, stop right there. Listen, Alexis. I’m outta here, alright?” - She’s confused but tries to makes me stay for another second. - “Is everything okay?” - She asks in a tone that kind of makes me think she really cares which, by the way, isn’t really her way. - “I caught Chelsea with her “friend” inside. I just told her off about it.” - Alexis releases a silent laughter. - “Are you jealous, Zane?” - Seriously, what’s wrong with this woman? - “Did you just hear what I told you?” - I’m giving her a look to let her know I’m not in a good mood right now. - “I did. Sorry.” - She’s back to her “compassionate and caring” self, if she even has one, that is. - “The guy Chelsea is meeting right now...” - “Trennnnttttt” - I interrupt her and stress the word while rolling my eyes. - “Yes, Trent. He’s gay, alright?” - Okay, that was unexpected. - “Is he now?” - “Yes, he is. Chelsea and Trent go way back. I think they were classmates in elementary school.” - Well, if nothing else, Alexis is a good friend of Chelsea’s as she’s protecting my girlfriend so hard I cannot really say anything. Alexis is going out of her way and what’s fuuny is that she’s appearing completely genuine. I shrug my shoulders. - “Listen, Zane. I know how you feel about Chelsea, okay? I get it. I know you like... love her in a way you’ve never loved... liked me, whatever. I’m her best friend. I care about the both of you. She’s not being unfaithful to you, trust me.” - Her words really do make me feel better. There was a time I liked her. It was kind of a fling that we had. She felt a lot more for me that I did for her. It just didn’t work out between us. - “You wanna come back inside and chat? All four of us?” - She asks flirting with me. A part of me thinks she’s never got over me. - “Nah, I just.... need to be alone right now. I need to cool off.” - She’s just smiling at me, listening quietly. - “Take it easy, Zane. You’ve nothing to worry about here.” - “I will. Thanks.” - She’s going inside and I’m walking up to my car. I’m thinking about calling a friend and ask him if he wants to grab a drink or two. I ditch the idea... for now. It’s freakin’ hot outside so I decide to go for an ice-cream and then go down to the beach and chill just a lil’ bit. To be continued on Gold Digger - Chapter 3... Feel free to share, comment, subscribe, or whatever. I’m new to Tublr and I’m not too familiar with its features. ;D
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Treadmill Treats Monday Message Faith is fueled by the word of God Lots of people say they want faith but look to other sources. They look towards people, a job, life, a partner.. But if your saying I want my life to go to another level, you need to look to only one source...God. The reason you can't increase your faith is because your are not using the power of God. "For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed The righteous will live by faith" We are humans so we have doubt, we live by natural resources, we don't live by faith. Don't live your life based on your schooling, by other people in it or by the job you have. You need to live your life by faith not by anything else. You need to live your life with a passion to see things the way God sees them, it is then you will see the whole world in a different way. But when you live your life in the world, when you think your greater than others, when you use people, when you put people down, you are not living God's way. We are all God's people...black ,white, Spanish, Muslim, Jewish... we were all created by God, why can't we see that we are all God's people. We may come from different cultures, different backgrounds but we all bleed the same color. We all have the same God that loves us, he created us equal, so why are trying to separate us, to segregate us, to think one is better than another. Paul encourage us that there is two kingdoms The Kingdom of Righteousness and the Kingdom of Darkness. You can't bless someone then curse them. You cannot be in the the two worlds at the same time. When you are born again you automatically give yourself to the Kingdom of righteousness But when you turn yourself over to God and the kingdom of righteousness, you need to have faith that keeps you through the storms, you know that we are all one, all children of the most high God. Never let someome stand in the way of knowing who God is, don't let anyone unplug you from God. Remember you are the light for others. You can be made right through faith.. When you start living by faith, when you start reading the word, you will be putting on new clothes, the clothes of Christ. There's no way you can put on the clothes and then speak evil of people or think your are better of them. "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female, for you are all are one in Christ Jesus" That's what we all need... one Christ, all of us together speaking his word, being the light for others. Don't judge others, show them we all need God's word to change. The gospel is the good news, it's the answer to your family crisis, to fixing your business, in your relationships, to fix all areas of your life, if you tap into the gospel it will help you to fix things, it teaches us how to be right before God. So get into the word of God and let it transform your mind, let go of pain, stress and misery, you have made decisions based out of hurt, frustration but the word of God will change your life. The most effective way to please God is to put his word to life, "Without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone that comes to him and believes him will be rewarded" "Faith comes by hearing by the word of God" The word of God will empower you, it will transform your life, if you believe in the word of God. He will change your life, Trust in the Lord, even when it doesn't make sense. So today my friends remember faith is fueled by the word of God, be the light, have an unstoppable faith, know that God has this...he has you. "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Thursday Treadmill Treats What's up with today's women? I may be old school but for the life of me I can't understand today's young women, they are truly lazy. Now I'm not saying all of them but I have to tell you, most of them are like this, as I see it. Go ahead jump all over me but I call it as I see it. When I was married, I had 2 kids, I took care of 12 sugar gliders, 2 monkeys,12 ferrets, 100 (yes that is not a misprint! ) lizards, I helped him clean and feed 200 snakes and a dog and a two cats. I ran our business which I had to call over 40 restaurants each day to get orders, place them, write tickets for all of them and balance all the books (no there were no computers to do that back then!) I cleaned the yard, I cleaned the pool, I fixed whatever was broken in the house. I would then make sure the house was clean and have a full meal (no mac and cheese or hot dogs) on the table by 6 pm. After cleaning up, helping the girls with their homework and baths, I would then do hair for my clients at home until 11pm. Afterwards, I would clean up and do another load of clothes before dropping into bed just to start it all over again by 6am, to get up and go to the gym before school started. These women don't know what it is like to cook, their houses look like a pig pen, they walk around in sweats all day and when their husbands or in today's world "baby daddy" comes home they expect them to do it? Look I am all for working together, unfortunately I never had that luxury with my ex husband. Yes, if you have a man that threw in some laundry or helped you clean or cook, see that is what a true relationship is about, helping the one you love, working together. But for him to work all day while your home doing nothing and you think it's okay that he doesn't even have a clean house or a cooked meal to come home to, please girl, get a grip! Its no wonder there are so many and I mean so many younger guys going for older women, we know how to treat a man. We didn't have 5 "baby daddies" back then, you found a good man, you did your part, he did his part and even when things got tough, you worked through it and you stayed together. Look, think of it this way, it's Sunday, you took your whole day off to clean the house, Monday comes you go to work, your kids are home all day doing whatever and you come home and the house is a mess, there is no food left and they are laying around watching Oprah, (Okay, that was my days!) Now your good and pissed and you have every right to be! You busted your ass all day and then you come home to see this. Hello ladies, this is what your husbands or "Baby daddies" feel like! If your not feeling like your getting the help you deserve you should say something, sit down and talk to your man. Yes, I should have stood up and say "Hey, I need some help, we're a team" but I didn't, believe me that was a lesson well learned and one that I will never repeat. But to do nothing except taking care of your kids, yes, yes... I know its a full time job but I knew women who had 3 kids, 5 kids, women with children with disabilities that do it, so stop your whining about I don't know how hard it is, did you just read my story? Please what I would have gave "just" to take care of the kids and clean and cook! See the problem today is your too busy worrying about movie stars life's, your friends crap on twitter or the latest jackass reality show. Sorry I am real, I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am not Willy Wonker, I will not sugar coat crap! Get off your ass, be a partner, I get your tired, sorry you have kids, you will rest when they are grown, this is your job, you signed up for it. Take them to the park, go bike riding with them, sit in the floor and color with them, make play dates, these are the things they will remember, believe me my kids bring up stuff that we did 15 years ago. They will remember the times you spent with them, it will strengthen your relationship and it will give you a sense of accomplishment. Take care of your man, he is working hard doing his part, do yours. Show him how much you appreciate that you are lucky enough to be home with your children. So today my friends, send this to the young women in your life, talk to them, show them how its done, teach them to be the best women, the best mom and the best partner they can be! We have to teach the next generation that it's not all about them. "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Hump day Treadmill Treats Looking for Mr.Perfect... for me When I wrote a blog some time ago about wanting to find a perfect man, someone wrote, "There is no such thing as a perfect man" I replied "I am not looking for a perfect man, just a perfect man  for me" I know some of my girlfriends have a long list of criteria... He has to be 6'0-6'4, between the ages of 45-50, make over 100k a year, must be professional, kids grown, not in debt, house has to be over 4000 square feet...yada,yada,yada.... Really, I am serious and if one thing missing off their list, your done, bye, next.... I am not looking for all of that but as I've gotten older there are some things I will not compromise about, sorry I'm not going to take less. For me first and foremost you need to believe in God, you have to have faith, I want to be able to go to church with you, to volunteer with you. You need to have a kind heart, you need to be funny (funny is the new sexy) You need to be able to laugh at yourself, you need to be my partner not my patrol officer. You need a compassionate and giving spirit, you need to be loyal, faithful and truthful, you need to be grateful for everything in your life. Not to much to ask, most humans already have these things inside of them so it's not unrealistic to ask for these things. But I will NOT under no circumstances put up with cheating, lying or drama of any kind. If your controlling, jealous, hateful, unforgiving, racist, ungrateful, an atheist or if your fronting to the world or you feel your better than anyone else. Look I've dated these guys before, lots of them and I am not going back there again. I don't need a man in my life, I would like one to share life's adventures with but not so much so, that I will take the first loser because I am afraid of being alone, as so many women do. I value my self worth, I now know I am worthy of being treated like a queen and I will not settle for the peasant treatment any longer. See, I know I will treat my man like the king he is, I will have his back, I will be his biggest cheerleader, I will let him be him, the one God has made and not try to change him. I will trust him, be loyal to him and be the best women I can be to him. And the only thing I expect in return is the same...not to much to ask for. So today my friends realize your self worth, know your worthy of a great man, not just a body that fills your bed. Realize the superficial doesn't last, it's what your made of that does. Rewrite your list...and trust that God has your perfect man out there, the man perfect for you. Because I am sure as hell waiting for my Mr. Perfect for me. "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Tuesday Treadmill Treats Letting go of your dead weight Today's blog deals with  other's that you may be wasting your time on. Yes, that sounds harsh but let's be real there are people in our lives that are not worth it, that do nothing but bring us pain, that are literally dead weight. The are some points in life when (hopefully) you change, you grow and you decide you want other things but some of the people you have have in your life, have no intention of ever changing and they certainly don't want you to change and leave them behind. When I quit doing drugs and drinking years ago my partying friends were pissed. "What are you better than us?" They actually said to me, they tried to coax me into drinking and using again, they used all kinds of tactics  to get me to stay where they were. But I was done and unfortunately I had to be done with them as well, not because I didn't love them but I couldn't stay in that environment. I was trying to save my life and if I stayed I knew I might not ever be able to return, so I had to walked away. When I got married and had kids alot of my friends were single, they still expected me to be able to go out on a drop of a dime and party all night but I couldn't. I needed to find out my husband's plans, to find a baby sitter, hello, all the mother's out there, you feel my pain, this is a project! They would get mad when I had to cancel due to a kid with a fever, but this was my life now and that was my old life so again I had to walk away. When I was working on my business and worked 2 jobs, I was focused on my goals. I had some friends that it was okay for them to make minimum wage and not want to better their lives, look good for them but it wasn't good for me. I wanted more and they got pissy and jealous of things I was buying with my hard earned money. Yes, these friendships parted as well. When I turned 40 I got rid of all my toxic friends, negative, mean, always downing life and people friends, gone... Sorry, I'm at the half way mark in my life, I don't want to waste it by sitting around dogging others out and  being negative. Now at this point of my life, I truly realize how short life is, I refuse to run after friendships or run after a man for that matter. I know my worth and if you can't see it, that's your problem not mine. I have been cutting more dead weight than a lumberjack in the forest lately, I refuse to keep around lying, fake ass people anymore. Look your mother was right, show me your friends and I will show you who you are. It can not help but for them to rub off on you, little by little. I chose my road, I chose my destiny, I chose who I spend the precious time I have left here on earth with and I am truly sorry if your not going to be coming on this trip with me. There is a saying some friends come into your life for a season or for a reason and it's true, not all friends or partners are there forever. Enjoy your time, learn your lessons, then move on when the time comes and think fondly of the times you did share. So today my friends, it's time to start cutting the dead wood, the friends, the partner, even the family members who are holding you down, holding you back, this is your time to fly, don't miss your opportunity because of the dead weight. Think of what you really want... then fly baby fly!! "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Treadmill Treats Monday Message Stop being petty... Today's message is an important message that effects so many people. So many people can't or won't let go of the past, so much so, that they become angry, bitter and petty. I saw this in full effect this weekend at my daughter's graduation, this amazing celebration that should have been filled with love and joy but instead was mared with petty bullshit. I have, since the beginning, decided to take the high road in this divorce for the sake of my girls, have I've been perfect? Oh hell no, read my blog I am far from perfect but for the most part I have tried to not talk about their dad, I don't ask about him, what's he's doing, who's he's dating, nothing at all. Have I occasionally called him a ass hole? Absolutely when he stopped paying child support, when he pulled a few other stunts, yes....but I have not put my girls in the middle of our bullshit. When my baby turned 18, my ex told he he would never speak to me again and true to his word, at our daughter's graduation he refused to speak to me. His whole family came over to me, they hugged and kissed me hello, they told me they missed me and wished I could come to the upcoming wedding of my sister in law. I was grateful for their kindness, I have always loved them, they were in my life for 24 years, it sucks that he has made them choose sides but it is what it is. I said hello, nothing... My girls watched as his pettiness took over...I wanted to cry when I looked at my baby and she looked like she wanted to cry. This was her day, she worked so hard to get here and I wasn't going to do anything to ruin it for her. When they all said they were going out afterwards to celebrate and a few of his family said they would have liked to invite me, my baby looked so torn as not waiting to leave me on my own but still waiting to go with them. I made it easy for her, I told her to go with them, have a great time, that we would celebrate another time, this was her day...it was okay. Was my heart breaking that she had to be put in this position? Absolutely, would I have gone to lunch with them? Absolutely, I would have sat at the other end of the table, I wouldn't have cause a scene or spoke bad about their dad, I would have just been there for my daughter, to make her feel like she didn't have to pick, to let her enjoy her day without stress. But my ex was not having any of it, I was persona non grata, he wouldn't even let go of his pettiness, not even for the sake of his child, not even for one day. We have been divorced almost 4 years, I've moved on, he's moved on. Look I was misrable and I wanted to live the second half of my life happy. I imagined he was misrable as well, after a while you must know your partner is faking it, in all areas of your lives, he had to see and know I was calling it in, but I was done doing that so I left... And your still mad why? Because I can actually take care of myself, because I am happy, because I am living my life on my terms? Whatever it is that your still mad about, you should have put it aside for the sake of our children, for this one special day, you needed to let it go. That afternoon I reached out to a friend of mine, he is also divorced, his ex cheated on him, then married the man she was with. Yet this man for the sake of his children and his love for them, put all that aside and still goes to family functions, he still speaks to them, he has never say a bad word against his ex and he has every right to, yet he chooses not to. I told him I am glad that I know real men like him, men full of integrity, men who no matter what will put their children first. That I was grateful to know him and know not all men were so petty. He apologize to me for my ex's behavior, saying it was pretty shitty of him to do that but no not all men are like that. Do I wish I could be friends with my ex? Definitely and I would, for the sake of my girls... I would do anything for them. I don't want them to feel they have to pick, that they are in the middle, so until or if that day ever comes I will do what so many mother's in the world do every day for the love of their children, I will sacrifice myself and my happiness to make them happy. Look here's the thing....they know...they see or will one day, see what you've have done for them. My girls saw and called it out, they spoke the words petty....not me. They told me how they wished he could get over himself and his issues and then told me it was alright because I looked hot as hell and that probably pissed him off even more... Have I told you how much I love my girls lately? So today my friends, while graduation season is here, oh hell don't wait for that, how about a birthday, a school event or just a Friday when your picking them up. Think about how your actions, your anger, your bitterness, your pettiness is effecting your children. Look at their faces, see their hearts breaking....and think twice about your actions that will effect them for a lifetime. I chose to put my girls first....all the time...what do you chose? "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Hump day Treadmill Treats Can men and women be friends? This has been a question long asked by both men and women, can the opposite sex be just friends? When you ask this question you will get a lot of different responses. I was shocked by how many, when I was talking about it with a bunch of my friends recently. You had the one side that said no, no way....men and women can't do it, there is always sex that comes in the way. They said eventually you end up in bed together or its that the guy wants to sleep with you and is just your friend for that reason. Then there was the opposite group saying yes, why not? I am, of course in this group, as I grew up mostly having male friends and since my divorce have reconnected with many of them. I don't get it and maybe it's because I am an only child and always wanted to have brothers. Or maybe it's the fact that guy friends don't bring drama in your life and you will definitely never have a cat fight with them. I love my guy friends, they are truly like my brothers, sleep with them? Yuck! Would you sleep with your brother? Sexually attraction? No! I want to hook them up with my girl friends, please... Look a lot of people are very insecure and don't trust their partners, if that's you, get over it! If they are going to cheat, they are going to cheat, whether it's with their best friend, your best friend, the waitress down the street, with their assistant, if that's what they want to do, they will do it. My view is you trust your man or women until they give you reason not to, period. See my guy friends have given me a lot in my life, they have given me advice, they taught me things, helped me out of binds, even pretended to be my date to get rid of a creeper. My world was not the same without them. While I was married to the most insecure man on this planet, I gave up all my male friends, I was even stupid enough to cut my very best friend out of my life for him and hell he was gay! Duh no threat there! Today I have my church husband, my neighbor husband, for years I had my work husband, my gay best friend. I have the most amazing guy friends that I can call on, at all hours and they would be there for me, not because they want to sleep with me but because we are truly friends. I never take that for granted, I know I am blessed. So today my friends, I will tell you the one thing I've learned, is that life is way to short, have as many friends as possible, they enrich your life, they make things fun, they will have your back, they make each day that much brighter, so don't limit yourself!! You can never have too many friends! "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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