#i miss them ueueueue
croudjay · 5 months
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Crow Father trying to feed his wet cat some avocado toasts their son made
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kuroi-kotoba · 9 months
Forever: Phil, what do IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Phil: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later
Forever: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Fit
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mochiwrites · 1 year
you guys are never going to believe this.
I’m thinking about grumbo
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miraku39 · 4 months
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that one trailblazer and firefly moment in the white night mv but it’s ritsuka and castoria
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hauntingjasper · 5 months
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I watched Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space like last week and now I'm rewatching it, so here's a redraw of a favorite scene with Fionna and Cake 🤲💜
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anarchy-and-piglins · 5 months
peerpressureduo, save me
save me, peerpressureduo
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echolocati0n-art · 2 years
dont go.
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garoujo · 8 months
thank god my hair appt is this weekend because my roots are INSANE! my bangs have grown out + i need a head massage
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
sometimes, when i open genshin and click through my preset teams, i land on my first team of characters and just. i just miss the days when i only ran around with the same four characters bc i got so horribly attached to them and genuinely believed i could clear the game w/o ever having to take any of them off
but then inazuma came.
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dourpeep · 2 years
Will you ever write for kazuxiaoreader again? I miss them and I would sell my right kidney for that smut fic of their first time together ngl😪
oishfoieh please don't sell your right kidney--not yet at least. What if u need it?? Though I mean, people can survive with one kidney (albeit with some complications, though otherwise healthy-) BUT REGARDLESS
I plan to write more! Once I get back to writing, that is- but as it is at the moment, I'm working to pay bills and also taking classes at the same time so my energy and free time is severely limited OTL
Also also I need to get the free Word w/ my student email again osiehofh writing on my phone is not the same
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cnnmairoll · 9 months
Are reqs still open? I've been meaning to request smth from you for a while but college and gym has kept me busy 😭 I had an idea that an hsr guy would serenade reader outside their balcony (harana style). My head is too empty rn bc I just got back from the gym and I'm like real tired so I can't figure out which guy this would be best for but i trust ur judgement and think you'll do fantastic with whatever ypu come up with!! ❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️ -passes out-
♡ hsr-texts
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Harmony in the Moonlight
Pairing : Caelus x Reader Genre : Fluff a/n : MY PARTNER HASN'T RESPOND TO ME YET UEUEUEUE (he's Filipino so I needed his knowledge abt this, he's on hiatus) So this is based on the research I did, IM SORRY IF THIS ISNT ACCURATE (◞‸◟;) But Hi Sugo! Hope you're doing well, thanks for requesting!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦. In the quiet town where you lived, life flows steadily like a serene river, each day passing in peaceful rhythm. But all that changed the day a certain group of travelers arrived. Among them was Caelus, a young man with an air of mystery and a heart of gold. He was accompanied by his two friends, March and Dan Heng, who each added their own unique touch to the unfolding story.
From the moment Caelus first caught a glimpse of you, he felt a spark, an inexplicable connection that tugged at his heartstrings. It wasn't long before he found himself drawn to you like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the gravitational pull. He was known for his composed and impartial demeanor, but his heart held a flame of chaotic good that yearned to be set free.
As he embarked on his mission alongside his companions, his thoughts often wandered to you. He'd pause in the midst of battles and explorations, offering remarks that ranged from serious to humorous, all while holding a far-off look in his eyes. His friends couldn't help but notice his distraction, but they chose to support him in his silent pursuit.
One night, as you went about your business in your room, the gentle tinkling of a rock hitting your window shattered the tranquil ambiance. Your heart skipped a beat as you cautiously approached the window, hesitantly pulling the curtains aside. And there, on the ground below, stood a trio that would forever imprint itself upon your memory.
Caelus flashed a quick, lopsided smile, a glint of mischief sparkling in his gaze. "Evening, if I might say," he greeted in his characteristic way, his voice calm yet oddly animated. "I hope we're not interrupting anything of utmost importance."
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his peculiar choice of words. "Not at all," you replied, curiosity piqued. "What brings you here, Caelus?"
Dan Heng, standing a bit apart from the situation, had his arms crossed and looked completely disinterested. March, on the other hand, had her camera at the ready, her eyes shining with excitement.
With a signal to his friends, Caelus took a step forward, March and Dan Heng springing into action. The gentle strumming of the guitar began to fill the air, accompanied by March's sweet, harmonious vocals.
Caelus took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "They say the stars above can never tell a lie," he sang, his voice a rich, melodious tenor that carried the weight of his emotions. "Well, my dear, they've missed one thing—they've never seen your eyes."
Your heart danced to the rhythm of his words, his voice weaving a tale of admiration and affection. His eyes, so often veiled by his enigmatic expressions, now held a vulnerability that took you by surprise.
"As the night unfolds, and the world turns dark and deep," he continued, the sincerity in his words wrapping around you like a warm embrace. "I find solace in the thought of you, my heart's secret to keep."
March's camera clicked softly in the background, capturing the essence of this intimate moment. Dan Heng, though seemingly detached, had a softness in his gaze as he listened to Caelus's serenade.
Caelus paused for a moment, a half-smile tugging at his lips. "Though I stand here with friends in tow, my words are mine alone," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of his feelings. "For this night belongs to us, the tale of love unknown."
The final chords of the guitar echoed through the night, the silence that followed carrying the remnants of Caelus's heartfelt serenade. His companions exchanged subtle glances, a mixture of amusement and sentimentality passing between them.
As the last notes faded, Caelus's gaze remained locked onto yours, an unspoken question lingering in the air. His heart laid bare in the moonlight. March and Dan Heng exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a blend of encouragement and support.
The moment stretched, time seeming to stand still as you looked into Caelus's eyes, feeling a connection that defied explanation. And in that silence, a single thought echoed through your mind – a thought that would shape the path of your own story: sometimes, amidst the chaos of life, the most unexpected melodies can play the sweetest tunes in the chambers of the heart.
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mochiwrites · 8 months
Hello mochimoch my favourite mochicat. A polytechs prompt for you: the three of them going on a long distance date while Mumbo is travelling off server and Iskall is doing on Vault Hunters
ueueueue ty void, my favorite void 🥺
reminder that reblogs do more than likes <3
“Scar is doing what?!”
Iskall’s laugh comes through Grian’s communicator a bit choppy, too echoey and a bit robotic. The call does little in favor of the laugh, but Grian has heard it so much that the sound is forever ingrained in his ears. He can hear it quite clearly.
“He’s certainly more of a menace than a superhero,” Grian chuckles himself, shaking his head. “I think we’re all living in fear of being snipped from behind.”
“Gosh,” Mumbo sighs with a little amused huff, shaking his head. “I guess we got off server at the right time then.” He’s moving something around on camera, hands just out of frame. His sleeves are rolled up, and Grian can see bits of redstone dust on his shirt and face.
“Come on Mumbo,” Iskall says, “knowing your luck Scar’ll keep this up until you get back.” There’s something teasing in his voice, and it makes Grian smile softly, fond.
“I hate that you’re right,” Mumbo grumbles.
“How’s your Vaulting going, Iskall?” Grian inquires, looking at his camera.
With the way the camera is set up, Grian and Mumbo have a good view of the other’s storage set up. They’ve been rummaging through a bunch of their chests for a good portion of the call, crafting things. There’s some kind of altar set up that he’s been setting items down on.
“Oh, just great! Omega success!” Iskall answers, fiddling around with something in his hands. “Haven’t died once.”
There’s something about their tone that makes Grian and Mumbo share a look through the screen. “You totally did, didn’t you?” Grian questions.
“They definitely did.” Mumbo nods sagely in agreement.
“I— gah! Menaces, the two of you,” Iskall grumbles, making them both laugh. Iskall joins in a second later, and warm laughter echoes in the room of Mumbo’s vault. It almost sounds like they’re here with him.
Yearning burns in Grian’s chest as he looks at his partners, his smile softening at the edges. He’s wearing one of Iskall’s green hoodies over his jumper, and each time he breathes in he gets a soft whiff of spruce. Except the smell is beginning to fade. He watches both of them, and he aches.
“Everything alright over there, Gri?” Mumbo asks, looking at him. His camera is mostly clear, allowing Grian to clearly see the concerned look in his eyes.
“Huh?” Grian looks at him. “I’m fine.”
Iskall looks at him with a small frown. “You look like you’re seconds away from crying,” he pauses, “you’re also wearing my hoodie again, Birdie.”
Grian pauses, realizing very easily that he’s been caught. “I’m fine, really,” he says, because he is. He then hesitates, glancing around Mumbo’s unfinished vault. He sighs, wings drooping behind him slightly.
Mumbo had been the first to go off server, saying he needed to rediscover his spark. Grian could see the break was something he needed, and was the first to encourage him to take said break. Iskall was right behind him, and Grian thought he’d be just fine with Iskall around, that it’d make missing Mumbo easier.
But then Iskall had taken a break as well, and Grian was alone. They have their ways of staying in touch, in keeping each other in the loop and making sure they all know how loved they are. If Grian is being honest though, it isn’t the same as being able to fly to Mumbo or Iskall’s bases and flop into their arms. It isn’t the same as being in the same room as they are and laughing along, leaning against them when he can’t hold himself up.
His flock feels incomplete.
“I miss you both,” he admits, fidgeting with his hands.
“Oh Gri,” Mumbo murmurs, “I miss you too.”
Iskall nods, “It’s weird being able to do redstone without worrying about a pesky bird dropping a potato in there.”
“Hey!” Grian squawks, “I didn’t know it’d do that!”
Warm laughter spills from Iskall as they grin at Grian, “And I’ll never let you live it down.” Their grin softens at the edges as their voice goes a bit softer, “I miss you both very much.”
Just hearing them say that makes his chest swell, and rather than diving any further into his emotions, Grian eyes them both, “I’m going to cover both of your bases in chickens. For a welcome home present.”
Mumbo goes pale and mutters something about leaving Grian unsupervised while Iskall laughs. But the important thing is Grian sees his feathers on both their persons (an earring in Mumbo’s ear, a bracelet around Iskall’s wrist), and he melts.
His flock has parts of him, too.
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pseudowho · 2 months
Ueueueue miss haitch, you’re really the best at writing all sorts of things. Your smut is amazing but your domestic pieces really give me the warm and fuzzies. Thanks for everything you do for us! You’re a real master writer 🌷🌷🌷
Thank you very much 😭💞
I've been feeling extra fluffy this week. I thought I was just writing them for me (I can't have an idea rattling round in my head for too long), I quite honestly thought nobody would be interested. So it's lovely to have put some fluffy shorts out and receive a really great response.
Tulips are my favourite flowers, how did you know? 🌷
-- Haitch xxx
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cryingatships · 6 months
AHHHH the cameo of You Are Mine boys in VIP Only!!!! It came without any warning!!! What is this surprise!! I love it but my heart fr stopped beating for a second and I had to rewind and check if I'm not seeing things. I've missed them so much ueueueue
Look at them just look at themmm
The Smiles!! The Looks!!
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Their lovey dovey moment got interrupted ahahah~
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If looks could kill-
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ttimecode · 3 months
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i missed them so much ueueueue...... does this count as door's open art since. well yk
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wholesalesoftie · 2 years
hindi songs are making my heart go ueueueue but like they're not even emotional ones. they're just regular pop but like my heart go ueueue
it might also be cause im reading my birth chart once again
also like i miss my friends. i miss you. somehow. which is preposterous cause like i can reach out at any time but my brain is like your friends are all away and you have to do this group project with someone else which idk why its doing that
pastel greens are associated with libras and its very good cause i love pastel greens
and like i love flowers so much
like i have just so much adoration for them
my darling friend,, i love you boundlessly but my brain cannot think of a single concise way to reply to this but i will forever hold this close to my heart <33
you are so freely open with me and i adore you and keep every scrap of information you tell me safe in my mind <3
i love that you love flowers, i love that you love pastel greens, i love that hindi pop songs make you emotional, i love you to the moon and back
i would crochet you a million tiny hearts and string them together so you could hold one end and i the other, i would do anything for you
i can't answer this concisely because there's no concise way for me to express my fondness for you and this ask <33
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