#i may like dave a little bit
homestuckreview · 1 year
John: Open message.
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Page 26 alright we have an exciting page here! the first real dialogue and it characterizes them both very well they joke with each other and you can feel their friendship just by their jokes and also DAVE STRIDER! dave strider is so cool so awesome so swag 8/10 :)
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indigoire · 2 years
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I can't believe it took us a solid decade to find out Dave was bi. I can't believe I forgot he said this.
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
Mom!friend reader bringing everyone cute lunches at the bau with personalized little notes for each person 😭 maybe hotch doesn’t even know that you do this for the others too so when someone mentions readers cooking, he’s like “wat”
ADORABLE cw; bau!fem!reader, established relationship, mentions of food, fluff and aaron being cute <3
the pace at which aaron was moving must've been more intense than he intended and realized; as he hurried past jj's desk, the small draft that followed caused a small piece of paper to flutter to the ground.
uttering an apology, aaron immediately reached down to pick it up. however it had landed face up, and his eyebrows furrowed in small confusion as he caught a glimpse of its contents.
your familiar handwriting kept his eyes, instead of peering away as he normally would - 'my sweet jj! thank you so much for your help on the arizona case file, you're a total lifesaver and your expertise is always appreciated, hope you know that. enjoy <3 ps - your new lavender sweater is the cutest. must plan a shopping day w/ pen soon!'
aaron's eyebrows stayed in that confused line, his eyes shifting up to jj's in a silent question.
"came with the cookies." jj answered for him, pointing her head towards the tupperware container perched on her desktop.
instantly aaron's mind made the connection - so that's why you were up late baking. that made more sense; the time you had spent baking was much too long for the small plateful quantity he had found reserved for him and jack this morning.
"pretty girl sure knows how to cook." derek added into the conversation as he approached the cluster of desks, raising his hand to pat aaron on the back but stopped himself halfway - aaron shot him a pointed look, hiding his own amusement, while jj attempted to conceal her smile with her palm.
another eyebrow furrow. "and when have you had her cooking?"
"here and there. always comes with a note too. i could just about fill a desk drawer with how many i have." derek admitted, with his signature, vivid grin. "she may be yours, we get special treatment too, y'know."
a bit later, you strolled into aaron's office, juggling numerous files in your hands.
"as requested," you started, dropping them firmly onto aaron's desk. "five action reports, minus dave's. he told me when you're as experienced and italian as he is, you can slack off and kinda get away with it. but i think that's his fancy way of admitting he's old." you joked with a eye roll.
"thank you," aaron flashed you a smile, sorting through his current papers. assuming that was all, you spun on your heel to head out and return to the everlasting joy of paperwork, but, aaron's voice stopped you.
"hey hold it, c'mere a sec."
you pulled back one of the chairs in front of hiss desk, the legs producing a scraping noise against the floorboards, but aaron gestured for you to come around. your eyes darted in the direction of his open blinds, then back at him. 'you sure?'
aaron nodded in confirmation. and if you needed any more convincing, once in reach you were pulled onto his lap, his hold on you tight.
if he wasn't being a stickler on the open affection, neither were you; you relaxed yourself against him just as you would normally, your body melting into his and throwing your arms loosely around his neck. "what's up?"
"i didn't know you wrote the team notes."
"oh," you laughed softly, with a light shake of your head. by habit your fingers ran along the skin of aaron's neck, scratching the nape of his hair gently. "yeah, if i bring in lunch or a treat or something. or both. or sometimes just because. an appreciation reminder."
aaron nodded, his fingers drumming against your hip comfortably.
"that's not a problem, is it?"
"well," aaron pretended to think, his hand changing motions and sliding up and down your side, "yes."
"actually?" you blurted as your own fingers paused. that wasn't the answer you expected, and it caused a rush of nervous heat to pool within you. until, you saw the feigned, solemn expression on his face.
aaron peered down at you, his playful eyes canceling out the forced pout on his lips. under his breath, he mumbled humorously, "i thought i was the only one getting notes."
you laughed brightly, the joy within the sound immediately bringing a smile to aaron's lips. "oh don't worry, they don't get the lipstick smooch on theirs. that's reserved for you and you only."
"i would hope not."
"or the, occasional... explicitness."
"again, i would hope not." aaron laughed again. his lips graced your temple, lingering gently as he spoke, "you're sweet."
"a very wise, very attractive person once said, 'people need to know they're important'." your lips quirked into a loving smile, a glint in your eyes. "thought this would be an easy way - i learned from the best."
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triptychgardener · 2 months
Hello sorry if this is a bother but I am asking in good faith where is the reading for transmasc nepeta. I’m asking this cuz of your last ask (the June one) and I see aradia Dirk and Jane. Thoes all I have seen post and analysis about. But I have not really seen anything about nepeta.
Okay so first thing you gotta understand is that gender in Homestuck, for lack of a better way to say it, can be understood in how characters reflect and relate to each other. That being said to understand Nepeta's gender, we gotta understand the gender of at the very least one other person.
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And more specifically.
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Davepeta, Homestuck's very own first(ish) trans character.
Davepeta is noted to be a sort of platonic ideal of existence for both Dave and Nepeta. Somehow, through a strange series of cosmic coincidences, these two end up making an odd sort of parallel. Both having a strange relationship to a man who loves him some goddamn horses. The whole Akwete Purrmusk thing. I mean, Dave canonically engaged in semi-nonironic furry roleplay with Nepeta offscreen, and given what we know about what becoming a furry in Homestuck means, it's not a leap to describe this as their ideal form.
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But, although we don't see a lot of Nepeta's character arc, we do see a lot of Dave's. He struggles his whole life under an incredibly oppressive masculine force (both of Bro and, indirectly, Lord English), and once the game is over ends up deconstructing and largely rejecting that.
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So when Davesprite, who's also probably been thinking about this for even longer, bereft of purpose or identity, finds a kindred soul in a spunky catgirl... well the rest is Davepeta.
And similarly, there are points in the story where Nepeta acts kind of uncomfortable with how others see her as exclusively something to be protected. The whole "Dear, sweet, precious Nepeta" grates on her early on, as Equius uses it as an excuse to control her actions. The whole of moiraillegience as it is originally explained (i.e. one party helps to calm down an especially brutal and violent person from outbursts of anger, and in turn that person will protect the more docile, even-tempered soul from external harm) even kind of FEELS like the way heterosexual relationships are portrayed in a lot of conservative spaces, where women are nuturers and caretakers while men are protectors. And Nepeta is supposed to, in this situation, be the person who helps Equius manage his emotions, which she feels some consternation at!
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Now, over the course of Hivebent, their relationship appears to evolve and get a bit more balanced, but it still carries these overtones of "I will protect you, and you will handle my outbursts." Notably, when Equius goes to seek the Highb100d, and leaves Nepeta behind.
And of course not after roleplaying as each other.
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Which. I mean come on.
But notably, Nepeta doesn't just stay put! She doesn't really want to be protected all the time! And when push comes to shove, she leaps out to defend, or at the very least avenge, her best friend.
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And then, we don't really see Nepeta for a while!
Until we get to the end of the comic.
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During their whole "date", Nepeta seems a little uncomfortable with Jasprose's affections. She may be a bit flattered, but Jasprose also fully admits later that she was frankly looking for any girl she could fall in love with after the tragic death of her girlfriend and possible more tragic untimely resurrection.
But then the pivotal handshake happens, and we get to see who is perhaps the most happy being in all of Homestuck.
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Then we get into some of the only actual discussion of gender in Homestuck. We don't get much besides that, for both of their lives, Dave and Nepeta both felt something was missing. Something felt wrong that they couldn't quite place that made them both miserable. I don't think it's a massive stretch to say this could be gender dysphoria.
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And when they combine, they feel the fullness of the gendered experience they were missing, melded together like a two-piece puzzle.
Now while the abovementioned "strong identities as a boy and a girl" might throw you off, I would point to what Victoria Lacroix said about this passage: note the lack of the word "respectively." I rest my case.
Now full disclosure, my personal headcanon for Nepeta is genderfluid transmasc. The whole affinity for roleplaying lends itself to a more shifting identity and I just think Nepeta, given more time, would love exploring the little nooks and crannies of gender.
This isn't going into the more complicated shit with Gender when it comes to Equius and Dirk and all that other stuff. Here's a quick summary so you can see exactly how my brain is broken.
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Anyways, thanks for the question! I hope I answered my thoughts on the topic adequately! If other people have more to say about this, please feel free to add on!
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tanadrin · 4 months
Imagine one day a new social trend starts spreading. It’s something unbelievably dumb. Not harmful per de, but truly silly to believe. Let’s say, I dunno, healing crystals start going mainstream. Everybody’s talking about their crystals. It becomes impolite to criticize people who believe in healing crystals. They become a big part of people’s personalities, and people on TV start talking about them, and one day years down the line politicians are debating funding for crystal-based medicine. And through it all you are sitting there going, what the fuck is happening. I thought we were all on the same page on this. You want to get along and be friendly and open minded but you cannot pretend to believe in healing crystals, this is nonsense, and when the topic comes up you refuse to lie about it. This eventually starts to have social consequences—they’re that popular!—but what can you do? You cannot pretend a lump of quartz can cure the flu or whatever. It’s just all so unbearably embarrassing.
I think what the centrist/liberal/center-left reactionary turn driven by culture war stuff feels like. And I think the key emotion is probably cringe. Not hate, not fear, though those emotions may reinforce the turn. I think in a lot of cases people who imagine themselves pretty open minded and flexible have as part of their worldview something they thought was bedrock social consensus—on the level of “healing crystals are silly woo”—so bedrock maybe that it didn’t even need to be a conceptual boundary they actually policed in their minds.
For instance, when she started her anti-trans turn, JK Rowling made a big show of not being really anti trans, just arguing that Some People Had Gone Too Far. She wasn’t a frothing religious reactionary, after all. And I believe that’s probably true! I think Rowling probably did have a mental model of sex and gender with a little bit of give in it—of the “we can humor the odd weirdo” type. But as the discussion of trans rights in the UK got more serious over her lifetime, trans people went from “the odd weirdo” to “a recognized minority,” and eventually this ran against a bedrock belief that on some level men are men and women are women and never the twain shall meet. To act otherwise was just too embarrassing. And she wasn’t going to embarrass herself in the name of political correctness.
Other people whose brains have been eaten by the anti-woke mind virus (as @eightyonekilograms calls it) have something going of the contrarian in them, who enjoys yelling “up yours, woke moralists!” or w/e. Im thinking of ppl like Glenn Greenwald here, or Dave Chapelle, people who seem not to feel alive except when people are mad at them. That’s a separate but interesting dynamic. And there are people like Graham Linehan who become totally unhinged through this process of auto-radicalization, moths drawn ever closer to a particular source of validation within their chosen reactionary subcommunity, until they are truly parodies of themselves. That is also an important dynamic, but it’s one that only takes hold after the initial turn has begun.
I think the role of that feeling of cringe, that refusal to entertain an idea because it is too embarrassing (even if it does actually have a decent body of research behind it, unlike crystals) is important to think about, because I am interested in how to get people over it. I know that feeling has affected my own thinking over my lifetime. I wasn’t raised particularly conservative, but I had to learn not to cringe at a lot of feminist thought before I could appreciate it and learn from it. I explicitly didn’t have that cringe when it came to gay people for whatever reason, so it never entered my mind that it might be a problem. I remember being surprised to learn when I was very young that some boys wanted to marry other boys, but my response was “huh. Go figure.” Because for whatever reason I had not picked up that this was something I was supposed to be grossed out by. A general doctrine of empathy, of trying to understand people on their own terms, can help forestall some of this stuff, but it’s not foolproof in either direction—I don’t want to believe crystals have healing powers if it becomes socially popular to do so, just because it is socially popular to do so! And if they do, I don’t want to not believe they do just because it is socially unpopular!
(Obviously the crystals thing is not a one to one metaphor for the trans thing, so don’t read too much into that. Maybe astrology would have been a better analogy. Also I’m not talking just about people whose reactionary turn is predicated on trans issues—I think this dynamic applies to everything from gay rights to the Tridentine Mass. But trans issues are a handy example bc, as the adage goes, somebody posts once about trans people and they never post anything normal again. I think the classic rapid-onset trans derangement syndrome is closely tied to the fact that gender norms are a really deep element of many people’s social-consensus-based worldview, and so challenged to that worldview are felt as really cringe.)
I’m curious if other people who grew more liberal in their thinking over time had a similar experience of having to overcome what was basically a feeling of embarrassment at certain ideas.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 1 month
Hello resident Eridan expert! 0u0 I was wondering if you thought he might get on well with Aradia? Thank you for your time!
Actually yes! In moderate doses. After Eridan's character development. The list I like to keep of his platonic friends, from most to least close to him, is like.
Nepeta -> Dirk -> Feferi -> Vriska -> Aradia -> Other
So I already talked about how he and Nepeta seem like they'd actually make for really good friends - the Heart player who can't help but see the good in him, and Eridan liking nice people and the fact that the two of them have a lot in common. I've also made mention before about how I think he and Dirk would have an extremely lethargic, almost transactional bro-ship where they sometimes beat each other to death. A completely neutral friendship, where they do not make each other better OR worse, they just help each other take the edge off the Prince Ennui. Using extreme violence.
He and Feferi are also not so different, and, honestly, they're childhood friends. She's pretty fond of him, and he's TOO fond of her, but after his character development and he fully gets over her, I think they'd be perfectly decent friends. He and Vriska have much the same deal, but I think their personalities mesh slightly worse than his and Feferi's.
If you're wondering why Kanaya isn't on this list, it's because she hates his dumb ass and always has. I think Eridan thinks he's really good friends with Kanaya. Kanaya has literally never respected Eridan even a little bit. Same with Rose. It's really funny.
So Aradia is kind of the last person out of the characters that I think I'd emphatically call "Eridan's Friend." Everyone covered in "other" tends to be people who are everybody's friend (like John) or basically tolerant of his behavior in small doses (like Dave).
With Aradia specifically, there's a few factors to consider; first of all, she has a pretty negative view of highbloods in general, calling them "hateful sn0bs" at one point. She's a lot more tolerant as the stewardess of the afterlife, because Alternia's gone and everyone else is dead, but I think it should still stand that she'd be sensitive to anti-casteist sentiment, since casteism colored so much of her life back when she was, y'know, alive.
But the reason I think they'd work as friends is because Aradia has a bluntness and straightforwardness about her that happens to mesh well with Eridan's suite of issues. He's actually fairly easy to manage if you're fully honest with him and set and maintain very clear boundaries, because he doesn't catch social cues, but also doesn't really see naked hostility, bluntness, or aggression as bad things.
And Aradia can be viciously sarcastic, but her natural tendency is to be very blunt and honest and call things the way she sees them. This means that if she's ever too annoyed by Eridan, she will let him know that as bluntly as humanly possible, and then happily fuck off, with Eridan generally no worse for the wear (although he may have a negative reaction in the moment. But Aradia's self-possessed enough to not really give a shit as long as she's not in the wrong).
The main issue between them is that I think Aradia would believe Eridan IS a nasty, casteist highblood, unless somehow given reason to interact with him for an extended period of time. Eridan didn't really talk to the lowbloods, and the two generally had no reason to interact, so she'd basically have no reason NOT to believe him when he starts spewing bullshit. Moreover, Eridan's the type of aggressive idiot that would outright admit that if they'd FLARPed together, there was every chance she'd wind up orphaned or dead (this is just a neutral fact to him), and then comment that maybe it wouldn't have mattered because she wound up dead anyway (again, just a neutral observation to him). Writing Eridan mostly consists of coming up with words that make you cringe.
Aradia is smart enough that I think any extensive conversation or time spent with him would make her realize how performative his casteist stuff is, and how little he actually cares about blood color. Since she generally never had reason to interact or care about him before (not even her friends are friends with him), this would pretty much shift her opinion from "idgaf about him, seems like a snob like the rest of the highbloods" to "oh... he's funny as hell. what's wrong with him".
Once she figures out that he genuinely doesn't mean any harm or offense by the awful dumb shit he says, I think she'd be willing to engage with him on mutual interests (they both FLARPed, so they're presumably both roleplayers, and they could probably bond over death - something Eridan is unfortunately obsessed with and Aradia doesn't have many discussion partners over). Emotionally, she'd probably keep him at arm's length - he has a lot of Issues and Problems, and she's not really interested in helping him handle them (she doesn't really bother with trying to cheer people up on the bubbles so much as just explaining what they can do now that they're dead, and letting them make their own decisions). Not that she isn't a nice person, but I do think it'd just be kind of difficult for her to have too much sympathy for a guy whose problems were largely caused by being too aristocratic.
But, like, she would also pretty happily call him "her friend," because she always cuts it short when it gets too real for her, minimizing her negative experiences with him. I think eventually, like training a dog, Eridan would figure out that Aradia is just Not The Friend For That, so it'd become less of a problem as time goes on.
She thinks he's ridiculous and funny, calls him up when she wants to infodump on someone and her usual buddies aren't around, and I think they'd play good DnD together with Nepeta and Vriska. Yeah I know Vriska killed her but she killed Vriska so they're even. The energy at the table is deeply weird but Eridan wouldn't notice and Aradia would get a kick out of it, leaing poor Nepeta to suffer it alone.
Anyway, I love that Eridan's assortment of platonic friendships is so haphazard. Nepeta AND Feferi, who hate each other. Vriska AND Aradia, who killed each other. And also Dirk is there. He's the DM.
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bre1995 · 3 months
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Because of a conversation that I was in earlier I can’t stop thinking about this scene 🥹🩷.
Tim looking at Hawk with those big brown eyes and so happy and Hawk just asking “what?” And Tim going “it’s feels like we are on a date” 🥹
Hawk mentioning that he may make a pass. Them flirting even after all these years just 😭
Then after going outside to meet Tim after telling off Dave and apologizing. Tim giving his big beautiful and moving speech. “You were my great, consuming love. I have no regrets” and Hawk kissing him 🥹.
“Would you look at that? Out in public and the world didn’t come to an end” Tim teasing Hawk a little bit, but Tim was so happy and in love and finally got what he wanted after all of these years. All he wanted was public affection from Hawk and he finally got it 😭🩷
I know this scene and episode ends with Tim telling Hawk to go home, but they were still so in love.
My heart still breaks that Hawk wanted to stay, but it was too late.
They loved each other.. Beyond Measure 🥹🥹
(Photos I grabbed from a quick Google search 🩷)
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tdpi isn't even that bad y'all are just mean. like it's flawed and all but some people act like it's an utterly abysmal godawful season with 0 redeeming features and that's just not true
like. 3 female villains who are all different and interesting, funny jokes, interesting concept of the mechanical island, cute romance AND trainwreck romance, and the characters may be "gimmicky" but they're MY gimmicky characters dammit!
max is hilarious, scarlett and dave are both nastier subversions of the "nerdy" characters in different ways which i really like, ella is an utter sweetheart who was too good for this game, sugar is iconic idc, topher is objectively hilarious and tbh a better version of the "in universe fan" character than sierra (i said what i said), sky is underrated af (no she's not 'just zoey again'), amy and sammy should have been more main characters tbh, even the season's haters seem to agree that jasmine and shawn are great, amd even the less important characters like leonard and beardo are memorable enough to have their fans. like me. i am a leonard fan. idc
also for all the talk of chris being "too mean", he's always been like that. like maybe he did get a little more unhinged but remember how he went to jail for a year? and it isn't that big of a difference imo, people love to point to that scene in tda where he gets scared that the contestants are going to die, but that's just because he'll lose his money if they do. chris has always been a bitch. he does get a bit much at some points in the later seasons but it's really not that bad.
anyway point is this season is better than people give it credit for, y'all should give it another chance
- 👽
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rosaline-black · 11 months
well! in the spirit of being hungover, how about a fluffy hotch and reader where they're nursing their respective hangovers together after a night out with the team? i could see a debate occurring on whether or not pickle juice is an effective hangover cure.
Warnings: mentions of drinking!! Bau!reader since it’s my fave. Mentions of hangovers so maybe don’t read this if you are, I wrote this hungover and trust me it didn’t help. Also I reference rage against the machine since they’re my go to karaoke band. What can I say I love chaos.
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The pounding in his head was almost as distracting as the foot digging into his… well somewhere he would rather it not be digging. Last night was impromptu to say the least. He’d been getting into more impromptu situations since he met you, and usually he loved it. Hotch had been more spontaneous over the last few years then he had been his whole life. But sometimes spontaneity feels great in the moment, but not the day after.
This was a prime example.
“Honey… your foot…”
Hotch attempted to reason but if there was one thing he didn’t want to do it was piss you off. Rossi had once made a joke about your messy hair the morning after a pretty wild night out with the team. You didn’t speak to Dave for two weeks after that. It took flowers and a $50 bottle of wine to win you back over and honestly, Hotch didn’t like the idea of not hearing your voice for two weeks (and forking out $50).
Your head was still very much smooshed into the pillow so your speech had been rendered into more of a groan then anything considered English. Aaron loved when you were like this. Pouty and a little bit scary.
“Your foot it’s… you’re kind of kicking me…”
At any other moment you’d giggle at how unsure the usually authoritative guy beside you sounded, but the ache in almost every part of your body was overshadowing any joy you may of felt. Moving your foot away from Aaron’s uh crotch area… you turned to open your eyes and face him.
To your surprise he looked just as bad as you felt. Lipstick marks all over his cheeks, dark under eye circles and you could still smell the aroma of lingering tequila which instantaneously made your stomach flip. And not in the head over heels way you usually felt when looking at your partner. It was more like ‘if I smell u any longer I’m gonna throw up the entire bar I drank last night’.
“Please brush your teeth…”
Aarons eyes visibly widened at your blunt frankly kind of rude statement. But who was he to tell you no. And well, you were probably on to something since the inside of his mouth tasted like hand sanitiser.
“Good morning to you too dear…”
Once standing, the full effects of his hangover kicked in. The trademark nausea and dizziness washed over him like a tsunami. Ignoring the overwhelming inclination to empty the contents of his stomach, Aaron successfully brushed his teeth and clambered back into his bed, grabbing a hold of you like you were his life raft.
For about fifteen minutes the pair of you laid in each others arms, cringing at the moments that led to your current predicament. Hotch remembered singing god only knows by the beach boys to you and unfortunately he also remembered Emily’s phone filming the entire thing.
“Did I sing rage against the machine at karaoke last night?”
Hotch snorts at the memory of you screaming ‘fuck you I won’t do what you tell me’ to the tune of killing in the name. Instead of telling you that yes in fact that did happen, he simply kisses your forehead.
Your phone screen catches Hotch’s attention next. You’re typing away furiously, like whatever you were searching for was of utmost importance. In fact Hotch had seen you put less effort into catching serial killers, which is saying a lot since he’s convinced nobody throws themselves into their job like you do.
“Honey you’ll smash your screen if you tap it that hard…”
“Do you think pickle juice will fix this?”
Now Hotch has two options. He can laugh and hope you’re kidding… which seems less and less viable the more he senses the seriousness of your statement. He lands on a neutral statement.
“…fix what?”
Your eyes roll and you tap at your head and then gesture to your face. He’s sure you’re trying to say you look bad but honestly, Hotch can’t imagine a lifetime where you don’t look perfect.
“This pounding in my head… this ache that’s making me want to lay down and die…” You shove your phone in his face and hotch attempts to not flinch at the brightness of whatever click bait wellness page you’ve stumbled across “… it said pickle juice cures hangovers… something about the acidity…”
Aaron’s arm circles around your waist and pulls you to lay on top of his chest, carefully taking your phone in the process.
“Here’s a hangover cure idea… you order some fast food… I’ll go fetch us some litre bottles of water and we’ll spend the day in bed… deal?”
Hotch hopes you give up on the pickle juice idea. He’s pretty sure there’s none downstairs and the thought of going to any kind of grocery store feeling the way he does sounds similar to walking the gates of hell. He hears your answer in the restful sigh you exhale.
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autistichalsin · 3 months
Heya, was wondering if you could help me a bit, in one of your recent posts there was mention of Halsin's brother, is this canon? And do you have a good idea of what his family tree looked like, either by notes or dialogue in-game or confirmed by his writers or Dave? It would definitely come in handy for the fic I'm writing if I have a clear idea of what his family looked like back then. (i.e. did he have more siblings or just that brother, were they older/younger? Any aunts or uncles worth mentioning etc etc). Any little bit helps <3 Thanks in advance <3
Semi-canon; per Halsin's writer on Twitter, Halsin was the "youngest son" of an ancient line that faded out due to a combination of misfortune and disease. "Youngest son" means there was more than one male child, so at the very minimum Halsin had at least one older brother, and likely had more siblings as well. Other than that, we only know he looks like his father (he says "more like my father with each passing day" when looking into a mirror) and was very close to his mother (he says "you understand me almost perfectly. Only my late mother may have bested you" if you get two out of three questions right at the love dryad with him.)
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springlock-suits · 9 months
Hey there followers and friends passing by! I made a dtiys!
This isn't really a celebration of anything, I'm just a fan of draw this in your style challenges, and I haven't really seen any in awhile! Though I guess if I was celebrating anything it'd be over 60 followers on here and 220+ on my Insta! I'm glad so many like to stick around for my silly little aus and art :]
The Draw This In Your Style v
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You can change the perspective, lighting, background, etc! You don't have to go for the camera filter like on the first image, and while I did use my Dave design for the drawing, you don't have to make it my version specifically ^v^
Rules, prizes, and extra versions of the art (base colors and maskless) v
Rules and Prizes v
@ this blog,( @springlock-suits ) with your finished drawing! If I don't reblog it in a day, feel free to hit me with a dm, or try some other way to contact me to make sure I see your entry!
This will be cross-posted on my insta, @ darling.dolly.darlene so you could also post your entry there instead!
No stealing art that isn't yours, tracing, ai, or anything along those lines
The deadline for this DTIYS is November 15th! But I am willing to extend it if enough ask for extra time
You can change pretty much anything in your redraw; scene, outfit, lighting, pose, perspective, etc. But you gotta make sure it's still recognizable! I'd say keeping purple guy tied up to a chair in some Freddy's location with the Springbonnie mask somehow included is all you need
And not a rule, but feel free to ask as many questions as you may need! I will answer as best I can, my asks and anon asks on here should be open ^v^
I did a poll earlier about whether or not this should have prizes, and the answer was overwhelmingly yes! How many people joining will affect how many winners, but right now I'm thinking there will only be one
As I can't offer much else, the prize will simply be digital art by me! If you win and don't want the prize, just tell me and I'll ask a runner up instead ^v^
Since my art requests are always open anyway, to make the prize special for DTIYS winners I've decided they can request I draw things I don't usually do for art requests, like their Ocs, their own designs, added backgrounds, and/or I design a character or fusion that they can own and use
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Since I did a bunch with the lighting and bluring, here's versions that show it without! This was my first time doing such strong perspective, so I did try to hide it a bit, but I think it turned out pretty alright :>
And here's a maskless version! Mostly I made this for fun at the last second, but I imagine some artists out there would prefer to draw a human over an animatronic, so feel free to do a version like this instead! It includes Springbonnie simply in the form of some shadowy ears
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This was vaguely based on a panel from the tse graphic novel! I'm a big fan of the "I am one of them" scene
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Yandere concept for Dave miller/William from The silver eyes with a co-worker darling who's a security guard at the mall with him?
Just rewatched the Graphic Novel on YT to write this for you! I like this version of Afton as he is unhinged but I also find him uncomfortable (Rightfully so). So this is what I've got, hope you like it regardless.
This definitely just falls under horror so enjoy :)
Yandere! TSE! Dave Miller/William Afton with Coworker! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Murder/Death, Deception, Kidnapping, Violence, Brief gore mention, Delusional behavior, Blood, Dubious but forced companionship.
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I feel like Dave is just... unnerving to be around.
Even when you have no idea about what he's gone he still has such an odd smile and dead eyes.
He almost looks like a corpse himself.
Yet you try to excuse it as just what the night shift does to people.
Dave is certainly not a person to have many close connections.
Obviously, he's a serial killer who has little to no empathy.
However, he can act rather caring to fool others.
Regardless on his intentions you feel uneasy around Dave.
He has a certain way he talks and a bit of an ego.
He gets a bit too close with you as his coworker.
You understand you two are the only ones in this mall but you really hate having conversations with the guy.
As a result you mostly try to avoid him.
Only to have said man follow you so you "don't get lost".
Even if you avoid Dave while on the job he always manages to have some excuse to speak with you.
Maybe it's a way to get you to trust him so you don't find out the truth?
Maybe you're a rare case of him having compassion, as unlikely as that seems.
When it comes to Dave you won't be able to fully tell what his obsession means.
However, I will say this...
Dave is not new to kidnapping or murder.
He has no remorse about it.
So if Dave wanted to get you alone to force you to get along with him in some way, he could.
The moment he hears about your friends and family he plans to keep a close eye on them.
Plus if he really wanted you to rely on him he could easily corner you in the mall.
With the swift hit of a flashlight he could bring you anywhere.
In fact he'd probably most likely hide you deep in the old pizzeria, maybe even placing you in an old springlock suit.
I feel what makes Dave terrifying is the inability to read past his deception.
Even if you are uneasy he does make attempts to have you trust him.
When it doesn't work is when he decides to lock you away.
His plan originally was to just trap you in a springlock suit and keep you locked in the pizzeria.
However, I wouldn't put it past him to springlock you to keep you here with him.
In fact, that is most likely where this goes.
By this point, even when not Springtrap, he kinda already sees himself as one with the animatronics here.
If anything, springlocking you here is like his personal invitation to all the fun.
He feels you're worthy enough for this role.
Come on, the kids will surely trust you once the process is over?
Dave would give you a grin as he sets off you springlocks.
He'd watch in anticipation as you quickly sputter and twitch before going silent.
The springlocks have quickly entered your body, tightening and pulling in a painful demise.
If anything he may even wear his yellow rabbit suit for such a special occasion.
In your dying moments, as you stare up at the rabbit watching the blood spill out of you, you wonder how long he's been planning this.
You wonder how long he's been doing this.
The rabbit, Dave, says nothing.
He stands quietly with you and he waits.
He promises you that you'll have so much fun with him and the others here.
Once you perish, you'll be stuck here.
Only Dave as the yellow rabbit will be there to greet you...
Soon you'll meet the others... and the fun will never end with them.
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anjaelle · 10 months
Could you write a fic of Dave where him and y/n are getting used to having a newborn in the house?
Pairing: Dave Lizewski x Female!Reader Warnings: Pregnancy, Parenting, Babies, Existential Crises (kinda) a/n: *Timbaland voice* It's been a long time, I shouldn't've left you...; As a childless woman (who is often expected to have kids by this current age), I don't write about this stuff often. But I like the idea of Dave and his partner being...realistic about new parenthood. All things considered.
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(gif source)
When you told Dave that you were pregnant, he had two major reactions.
First, was the excitement. It was a surprise for the both of you, but you'd been together for so long and constantly imagined what your future kids would be like. You picked out fake names and wondered who they'd take after more.
Then reality sank in along with the panic of how you'd both support a new baby. You weren't rich, nor were you sure you had the space for a baby. But you had the support of your friends and family while you figured everything out.
That didn't stop poor Dave from doting on you every single day, as your due date approached. He continued to freak out until the day you came home from the hospital with your newborn, sleeping in his car seat.
While you napped in your bedroom, he stood over the bassinet and watched his son's chest rise and fall, occasionally reaching down to stroke his little tuft of thick, dark hair.
He was so small. A healthy small, but a small nonetheless. When the nurse first put the newborn in Dave's arms, he nearly had a moment of paralyzing doubt. Would he be too rough? Would his hands be too calloused and hard? Would he accidentally drop him?
"Geez," he mumbled to himself as the baby stirred, "I can't believe you're real. We made a person."
He paused and felt the baby's tiny, rapid heartbeat.
"You're actually going to grow up and become someone someday." Dave thought aloud. The thought filled him with wonder and a bit of fear, "There's a whole wide world out there waiting to meet you, kid. And, shit--I mean, shoot, you've only been on this earth for 5 days and I don't know how I'll cope with watching you grow up and experience it."
He swallowed hard as his little face scrunched up for a moment before relaxing again.
Dave had to protect him.
After a month of chaos, you began to notice that Dave was a bit on edge. Still. You watched as he warily eyed you with the baby in your arms, and flitted around the house. What he was doing, you weren't sure. He may have been cleaning the same appliances and countertops 50 times in an effort to make sure they were "adequately disinfected" before he interacted with your little one.
"Baby," you sighed from the living room couch as David tied his hair up to wipe down the fridge again, "come sit with us. Take a breather."
"Sure, in a sec," he rapidly chattered, "let me just finish the kitchen--"
"--Dave," you cut him off, waving a hand to get his attention, "Come on. Please?"
He hesitated, then put the cleaning rag down to wash his hands (for the fourth time in under a half hour). You were positive his hands were probably dry as all hell from the constant scrubbing. Even as he made his way back to the couch, you noticed his eyes shifting around the space, looking for...something.
"Talk to me." You said, crossing your sweatpants-clad legs and readjusting the sleeping infant in your arms, "What's the matter?"
When Dave collapsed onto the couch, you noticed how exhausted he actually was. A low groan seeped out from the depths of his soul.
"I'm freaking the fuck out."
"Wanna talk about it?" You nudged, scooting closer to him. He absentmindedly wrapped his arm around your shoulder to pull you both in close
You sat in pensive silence for a moment as you waited for him to get his thoughts together. For as long as you'd known him--well over a decade by this point--he'd sometimes hold back from sharing when something was truly bothering him.
After you learned about his alter ego, he had this idea that he needed to protect you from everything. You had to break it down for him that holding back his thoughts and feelings would make you even more concerned than if he told the truth. At least then, you explained, you could work through it together. You were partners, after all.
It was a hard pill to swallow for him, but you appreciated his attempts at opening up more.
After a few minutes, he leaned down and kissed you on the forehead.
"I love you." He murmured into your hair.
"Ew, affection." You joked, playfully poking him in his side. He chuckled at your earnest attempt at levity, "I love you more. Now tell me what's up."
You heard him audibly swallow down the lump in his throat as he glanced down at your son.
"What if...like...he gets hurt? Or if he gets sick? Or if someone else hurts him? What happens then?" He furrowed his brows when his voice cracked with emotion, "I've seen so much bad shit out there. It's--I can handle it, sometimes. I know what to expect. But it's different now."
He reached out a shaking hand to gently adjust the cap on the baby's head, "He's so small. And, yeah, I know he won't be small forever. I think that's the scariest part. Someday he's going to go out into this fucked up world on his own without us, and I don't know what would happen if..."
He drifted off, not even wanting to complete the thought. As you sat quietly and listened to him, you noticed the way his knee anxiously bounced and the way his hand gripped your shoulder protectively. If it were up to him, you knew he'd build a protective dome around your tiny family and wouldn't let either of you out of his sight.
The reality of the situation was hard, but he had to hear it.
"I can't promise that bad things won't happen," you carefully told your partner, "because that would be a lie. He's going to get sick, because kids get sick. He's going to fall and scrape his knee, and hit his head, and run into things. He's going to probably trip and break something when he's a little older." You shot a knowing glance at Dave, "He is your son, after all."
Dave couldn't help the small twitch at the corner of his mouth, "Shut up."
"Someday," you continued, tenderly pushing one of his curls behind his ear, "he's going to get his heart broken. Or he'll break someone else's heart. Someday he's going to stumble and need us for support. That's just a part of growing up, baby. We both did it."
"That's what I'm kind of worried about." He admitted, "I can't--I don't know how I'd deal with--I won't be around forever. We won't be around to protect him forever."
"Unless they make a ton of affordable scientific advancements in the next 50 years or so, probably not." You semi-joked. Though you felt a pang of sadness at the thought of not being around in your son's life forever. You remembered hearing his heartbeat for the first time and decided you never wanted to be apart from him if you could help it. "We're here now to protect him, which is the most important thing. But I understand it. And I'm scared, too."
Dave seemed to look at you like you had six heads, "You're scared? You?"
"Is that really hard to believe?"
"Yeah, kinda! I dunno." You felt him fidget with the hem of your t-shirt sleeve, "I've known you since we were kids. And...like, I feel like you've always had the answers. I can't really picture you doubting yourself." He glanced down at the baby as if making an executive decision, and then gently reached out for him to hold him in his arms, "I mean...look at you and everything you've done, already. You're so amazing. He just got here and you're already the best mom in the world. Our kid is so lucky."
Between the sentimentality of Dave's words, the way he looked holding the baby, and the reassurance that you were doing a good job, you felt the dam break and the tears flowed freely down your cheeks. You didn't even realize how much fear about the situation you'd been harboring until then. The tears progressed into a deep sob that shook your whole body as you buried your head into his shoulder.
"You really mean that?" You asked, wiping the snot from your face with your sleeve. He slowly rubbed your back--up...down...up...down--and pressed his cheek to the top of your head.
"Well, yeah. We didn't even plan for any of this. We've been trying to figure this shit out. And, yeah, it's hard. But seeing you with him reminds me of why I love you so much, you know? I wouldn't want to do this with anyone but you. And I'm really, really fuckin' scared. But it's not so scary with you here. I hope you feel that way about me too. At least a little?"
His kind blue eyes stared into your soul as he gently rocked the baby. The worry seemed to disappear from his face as he held the two most important people in his life.
You tried to say something back. Something equally deep, affirming, and sentimental. You wanted to tell him that you couldn't wait to begin this future with him, that you were proud of him as a new father, that you couldn't do this without him, and that you knew he'd make an amazing parent.
Instead, you cried harder and sobbed out, "I'msogladyou'rehisdaddy."
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absurdthirst · 1 year
The Assassin and the Cam Girl {Dave York x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15.2k
Warnings: Sex work/Cam shows, masturbation, toys, voyeurism, breaking in, dub-con due to that, sex on camera, rough sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), derogatory talk, cum eating, cum spitting, breath play, mentions of anal, unprotected sex, cream pie
Comments: Dave York stumbles upon your cam site and can’t believe this is the same shy little neighbor. He watches, commenting until he decides that he’s going to do what the others watchers on your site can’t - he’s going to touch you. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers​
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Dave sighs, rubbing his cheek after he submits the stupid post op report his superior wants. He’s exhausted, just returned back from Belgium, and all he wants to do is relax. He bites his lip, typing in his favorite porn site. It’s all cams. He knows it’s not free but he’s not a teenager, he knows what he wants and if he has to pay, he will do it. He loves telling the girls what to do, what to say. The thrill of being in control from his keyboard. 
He scrolls the page, looking for girls that are live now when he pauses, mouse hovering over a familiar room. Your living room. Surely it’s not you. His neighbor. The mousy woman that babysits his kids for him if he has to go out on the days he has them according to the custody arrangement with Carol. The woman who smiles at him but doesn’t quite look him in the eye. 
Out of curiosity, he clicks on it, paying the fee to watch without hesitation and the window opens, showing your living room and it’s you. You’re wearing a mask but you’re talking and he would know that voice anywhere. “Hey murderdaddy101, welcome to the show.” You coo when you see the notification that someone joined the cam, leaning towards the camera so your tits are nearly falling out of your lace bra.
You bit your lip and read the notifications for the others that are in the room. “Take off my bra, bigdickedhero?” You smirk and slide your hands along the edges of your bra and cup your tits in your hands. “Just be a little more patient.” You ask with a wink. “I have a good show planned for you tonight.” You lean back and spread your legs so the camera can catch the sight of your wet, covered cunt. 
The fabric is soaked from where you had been thinking about your hot neighbor when he came home today. You don’t know why you find him so attractive, you barely talk to him, but he has been the star of your fantasies of late. “You like the look of this?” You ask, trailing your finger up and down your cunt over the dark lace panties.
Dave groans softly, reaching down to squeeze his cock through his pants. You are a fucking vixen, deceiving him with how quiet you are in person. This is clearly where you come into your own. He types a quick message, a smirk on his face as he watches you tease the unknown people on the other side of the camera.
You lean forward again, smirking when you see the message and decide to dip your fingers under your panties and plunge them into your cunt. Pulling your hand back out and showing the internet how wet they are, your arousal webbing between your fingers. “I wasn’t lying murderdaddy, I am wet. Eager to perform for you.” You purr before you stick your fingers into your mouth and moan loud enough for the camera to pick it up.
Dave loves how ballsy you are, staring into the camera with that stupid cat mask on your face. He quickly types again, “what got you so wet, sweetheart?” He hits send, biting his lip as he unbuckles his belt. He wants to see all of you, he wants to watch you cum. He’s thought about it, during nights when he wakes up and needs to jerk off, seeing your face in his fantasies.
You smirk and pretend to look around before you lean into the camera and cup your mouth playfully. “My neighbor is this hot DILF I want to fuck.” You tell the viewers confidentially. “But since I can’t, I’m going to fuck a toy while all of you watch.” Maybe you should have said they turned you on, but you believe in being honest. It was one of the reasons people kept coming back to watch you. You didn’t fake like some of the performers. If you felt something, you let it be known, and didn’t punctuate your performance with outrageous moans.
Dave’s eyes widen a little, surprised that you are telling the audience you want him. He’s surprised and a grin appears on his face. He pulls his hard cock out with one hand while he types with the other. “What do you want your neighbor to do to you? Your deepest fantasy.” He types and hits send, his cock twitching at how wet you are thinking about him. You wouldn’t lie, why would you? This is a room of apparent strangers.
“Hmmmm, you are a curious boy, murderdaddy.” You wink at the camera and see that he’s sent you a gift, making you smile even more. “Story time huh?” You reach over and pull out a thick dildo, very realistic looking and look at the camera while you lick up the side of the toy like you would if you were about to suck a cock. “To just bend me over and fuck me.” You admit, cunt clenching at the idea. “To just take what he wanted and wreck me. I see how he can be. There’s this…oh God, this wickedness in him that’s so sexy.” You twirl your tongue around the tip of the toy and take a couple of inches in your mouth before you pull off of it with a pop.
Dave watches you, enthralled and beyond turned on as he wraps his fingers around his cock, hard as steel. He manages to type one handed. “What’s your dirtiest fantasy involving your neighbor?” He asks, hitting send after awkwardly typing.
You giggle, most of the comments being that this neighbor was a lucky fucker and then there was murderdaddy, wanting to know details. “He’s got these hands.” You groan and set the dildo down, reaching behind you to unclip your bra and you slide the straps down your arms and reveal your breasts. “I want them around my throat, controlling my breath while he fucks me so hard tears come.” You pinch your nipples and moan. “God, he would be so good at it.”
Dave hisses through his teeth at your words, knowing that he would fuck you until you couldn’t breathe. The thought makes his cock throb while he slowly jerks himself off. He’s in no rush. He sends you another gift, tapping the keyboard as types another message to you. “How wet do you get around him? Do you want to suck his cock? Swallow what he gives you while you choke around him.”
“You tell me.” You stand up and pull your panties down while shimming your hips and step out of them. Laying down and opening your legs again to reveal your wet folds. “How wet do I look?” You ask coyly and you reach for the toy. “I would love to suck his cock. He looks like he needs to just fuck my throat and relax after a hard day.” You giggle and slide the toy through your folds. “Bigspender, yes I will be making myself cum for you tonight, don’t worry.” You answer another viewer.
Dave groans at the thought of fucking your throat, using you after a bad day. Jesus, he’s leaking pre-cum and he’s certain he hasn’t been this hard in years. He watches as you push the toy inside of you with a moan. “Dirty girl.” He types, hitting send with one finger as he twists his wrist.
You give a little chuckle that turns into a low moan as you feel the toy bottom out inside you. “Oh fuck.” Your eyes flutter closed behind the mask and you hear a ping of the computer as someone sends a gift and requests audio interaction. You accept and hear one of your regulars come over the speakers.
“Hey baby. You look so sexy tonight. I’m so hard for you. Tell me you want me to fuck you.” The regular pleads, making Dave scoff. He sounds like a college kid, unlikely to have actually ever made a woman cum. He slows his wrist action, waiting for your response.
Your job is to make these users' fantasies come true. It’s why they are here, to imagine that you are talking to them. You bite your lip, reaching up to caress your neck and slide your hand down and over your tit while you look into the camera. “I want you to fuck me, baby.” You purr, wanting each person to think that you are talking only to them.
Dave believes for a moment that you’re talking to him and fuck, it makes his cock ache. The regular moans over the audio, the sound of him whacking off is audible, “you’re so sexy. Oh my God. Would you- would you ever fuck a virgin? Take someone’s virginity?” He asks, a strangled groan escaping at the end and Dave rolls his eyes at the college kid. 
He lets go of his cock so he can type properly before you can respond. “She doesn’t want some boy who doesn’t know what he’s doing to fuck her. She wants a man. She wants a man to make her shake as she cums and keep going until she is boneless. She wants a man to take control. Isn’t that right sweetheart?” He hits send and resumes jerking himself off.
You moan quietly and you start working the toy in and out of your wet cunt. “I- I have taken someone’s virginity.” You acknowledge, not mentioning that it was years ago. “But yes, I want a man to wreck my pussy. To make me scream his name until I’m hoarse.” You know your neighbor would do that, the newly divorced man just having that look about him.
Dave leans closer to the screen, watching as you push the toy deeper inside of you. He knows you want to be wrecked, can see in your eyes that this isn’t enough. He wants to give you what you want - what he wants - but he wants to tease you too. The regular whines and Dave wrinkles his nose at the frantic faps coming through his audio. He wants to hear you. He sends another $10 and types “can you stop the audio for the virgin?”
You giggle and bite your lip, turning off the audio for your regular and looking at the camera. “You’re stealing the show, lawyerbro.” You tease, reaching up and grabbing your tit so you moan again and grind your hips down onto the toy. “I should- should get one of those machines that fucks the toy into me, shouldn’t I?” You ask breathlessly. “Let you watch that fuck me?”
Dave groans at that idea, wondering how he can have that delivered to your address without causing suspicion. The idea of you getting fucked by a toy that could be his girth and length has him jerking off a little faster. He exhales and slows down, wanting to watch you cum first. He types out, “rub your clit. Want to watch you cum. And no faking it. I’ll know.” He hits send, wanting to see your reaction.
You giggle again and wink at the camera as you let go of your breast and reach down to rub your clit while the toy works in and out of your cunt, now making sucking sounds because of how wet you are. “You will find I never fake.” You promise. “Even if it takes me an hour to cum, it just means you get a longer show.”
He watches you, wishing he could just go next door and fuck you, replace that toy, but he isn’t that kind of man. He enjoys a chase, enjoys making himself wait so the victory is sweeter in the end. With a hiss, he twists his wrist, trying to edge himself as he watches you rub that cute little clit while replying to the messages that pop up from your other regulars.
“Oh yes, it feels so good.” You answer in response to the question. “Would I ever fuck on camera?” You read the question off the screen and smirk. “Why not? It could be hot.”
Dave smirks at that, imagining being the one to fuck you on camera, show those boys what it takes to make you cum. He quickly types another question, “what about being dominated on camera? Are you into that sweetheart?” He hits send.
You hum, pulling the toy almost completely out of you before pushing it back in forcefully and making yourself gasp. “It seems like you would be into it, murderdaddy.” You tease. “I think I would love it. After all, giving pleasure is my favorite thing and letting someone dominate me- oh fuck-“ you whimper when you hit something good inside you with the next thrust of the toy. “Is giving them what they want.” 
Dave growls at that, loving the idea that you enjoy giving pleasure. He wants to dominate you. Fuck, he wants to see those pretty eyes fill up with tears. He wants to pound into you until you are begging him to cum. "Shit." He growls, barely listening as you answer some more questions, his cock throbbing as pre-cum coats his fingers. He hasn't been this turned on in years.
“You want me to show the dildo after I cum?” You ask, smirking. “Of course, don’t I always? So you can see what it would look like all over your cocks, right?” You start rolling your hips down and working the toy into you faster. “All of you are being so naughty tonight.”
Dave loves how saucy you are, knowing how mousy you are in person, he never imagined his neighbor to be so fucking naughty. Dirty little girl. Fuck, he wants to destroy you, leave you limp beneath him from pleasure. He grunts as he types out another message, "thinking of your neighbor?" He asks, hitting send.
You hum when you get the message, turning your head and looking over at the wall that connects the apartments. “It’s a good thing that the walls are so thick.” You joke. “Otherwise he would be hearing me every time I do this for you.” You moan again at the idea of him hearing you, so close to the edge of bliss as you continue to work yourself up for your audience.
Dave chuckles, wishing he could hear you in person. "Fuck sweetheart." He groans, twisting his wrist. He can tell you're close as your comments taper off, replaced by moans and whimpers as you rub your clit.
The comments pour in but all you can do is concentrate on your pleasure. Whimpering and moaning as you feel yourself get closer and closer. “I’m gonna cum.” You gasp, crying out when you feel your body tense up and pleasure floods through your core.
Dave leans closer to the screen, watching in rapture as your body tenses, back arching to push your tits out as you clamp down on the dildo pushed deep inside of you. Dave jerks his cock harder, grunts escaping his lips as he imagines you gripping and soaking his cock. It doesn’t take him long to cum, his seed spurting to nearly hit him in the eye. He groans, slumping back as he relaxes, slowly pumping his cock.
You ride out the waves of pleasure until you pull the toy out of you and hold it up to the camera for all of them to see the slick of your cum covering it. “Have a good night.” You purr with a smile as you lean over to give them the thirty second warning that the show is going to end.
Dave watches the video end, feeling satisfied for the first time in a long time. He wants more, of course. He wants to make your legs shake from pleasure, wants to hear you scream his name. He imagined it before tonight but he always thought you were too innocent. Now that he’s seen what a dirty girl you are, he’s gonna tease you before he makes his move. With a soft chuckle, he stands up, ready to clean himself up before he gets into bed.
The next day, you are getting your groceries out of your car to take upstairs when Dave pulls into the complex lot. You bite your lip, flustered to see him after talking about him during your cam show last night. Ducking your head and concentrating on getting your bags as he shuts off his engine and gets out of the car.
Dave notices you as soon as he pulls in, a smirk on his face that he wipes off as he gets out of his car, immediately making his way over to you. "Would you like some help with your groceries?" He asks, wanting you to not suspect what he has planned.
“Oh, uh, n-no that-that’s okay.” You hate how you stammer around him, it’s not like he’s ever done anything to make you feel uncomfortable. In fact, he’s been perfectly polite, you are just fucking awkward. Amazing how you can play with yourself on camera for strangers but you can’t hold a conversation with your neighbor. 
“I insist.” Dave tells you, reaching in and scooping up half the grocery bags in one arm. You would have had to make two trips. 
“I - t-thank you.” You close the trunk and start walking with him to the building.
Dave carries your groceries to the door, wanting to appear a gentleman despite his desire to fuck you here and now. God, you look so pretty today. He just wants to shove you onto your knees and push his cock down your throat. “You know, you should probably get an alarm system, never know who’s creeping around.” He tells you after you open your door.
“Oh, uh, I-I’ve never thought of that.” You admit. “Besides…” with a small of your shoulders, you let yourself in. “Not like there are a lot of men creeping around here.” You offer a small laugh. “People pretty much ignore me.”
Dave scoffs, “trust me sweetheart, when a man wants something, he will get it. You need to be careful. You’re a pretty girl and some weirdo will want to follow you home. You need to keep yourself safe just in case some asshole decides to break in.” He wants a challenge. You’re far too easy to conquer right now. It’s boring.
“O-Okay.” You bite your lip and consider his words. “I’ll call the security company today.” He has a point, especially since you have started doing cam work. “I’ll get something better than my baseball bat.”
Dave chuckles, knowing that it wouldn't be an issue for him. He's been shot at. You swinging a bat at him wouldn't make him blink twice. "Best to be safe than sorry." He nods, "plus I'm right next door so if I hear you screaming my name, I'll come rescue you."
Your face feels like it’s on fire, first from the idea of him rescuing you like a hero in a movie and then from the idea of screaming his name for an entirely different reason. One that more aligns with the conversation you were having with the one man who had paid you so much last night. “I’ll keep that in mind.” You murmur bashfully.
Dave nods, pleased that you listened to him. “Well, let me know if you need anything sweetheart. I’m just next door.” He reminds you as he sets your groceries down on your kitchen counter. Your place looks innocent, all the set up from the other night is gone and he wishes he could see your set up in person, watch you in person. Still, he wants a chase and right now, you’re too easy. He will liven things up on your next cam session. “Nice place you’ve got here. It seems…weirdly familiar.” He quips, wanting you to fluster again.
“Oh, haha, I guess it’s because everyone’s place looks the same.” Realistically, you know that your neighbor couldn’t have found your site, but still you have the urge to glance around to make sure you haven’t left anything out. “I- I should probably let you get back to whatever you were doing.” You tell him. “I have to put groceries away and get ready for- for work.”
Dave bites his lip to smother his smirk, knowing that your “work” will be his pleasure to watch. For a fee, of course. “I’ll let you get ready then. See ya around, sweetheart.” He says, winking at you before he exits your apartment but not before getting a glimpse of your bedroom, the line up of toys on the side makes his cock twitch and he knows what he wants to do to make this interesting. Shutting your door behind him, he enters his place and quickly sits down at the computer, searching an online toy shop to find the perfect new toy for your collection.
Taking a deep breath, you connect the feed, activating your cam session. “Hi everyone.” You are wearing a gold lamé half mask tonight, lips painted blood red and your body in a matching set of lingerie. You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Dave once he had left and you wonder what he is doing tonight. “I hope everyone is looking forward to tonight.” Your first order of business is to reach for your bra and unclip it, pulling it off so you can put the nipple clamps on that you want to wear tonight.
Dave settles in, logging onto your cam after paying the fee and he groans softly at the sight of your beautiful body wrapped in lace and those sinfully gorgeous lips painted red. “Shit.” He hisses, already hard as he watches you put the nipple clamps on. “Looking good.” He types, hitting send as he rubs himself through his slacks.
“Back again murderdaddy.” You grin, knowing that you might have another regular in the making. Especially since he kept sending you gifts last night. “Our little conversation inspired tonight.” You tell him, moaning when the clamp goes over your hard nipple and puts pressure on it. “Tonight you get to watch me deep throat a toy.”
Dave moans out loud at the mere thought, his cock aching in his sweatpants. He sends a gift, ten bucks to show his appreciation along with a message. “I don’t want to see any choking sweetheart, otherwise there will be trouble.” He hits send, sitting back to see your reaction.
You chuckle and lift a shoulder. “If I do, it just means I need more training.” You tell him coyly before you greet a couple of the other regulars who have joined in. “Nothing wrong with more training, especially on my knees.”
Dave snorts in amusement at your ballsy nature to hint. He will soon handle that. He wants to watch you choke on his cock but that will come in time. He groans when you reveal the toy you will be deepthroating. It’s longer than his cock but not as thick. “Shit.” He can’t resist anymore, reaching in to pull his hard cock out of his sweatpants.
You watch as more file into the room to watch your show, usernames popping up and you greet them with a sultry smile. “Now just imagine this is you.” You tell them, wanting every man to think that you are talking to him. You start off gently, kitten licking the tip and kissing it while you look at the camera.
Dave hisses at your wide eyes, acting so fucking innocent. He imagines you licking the tip of his cock, it’s already leaking pre-cum. He types quickly, wanting to wrap his fingers around his cock. “Don’t be a tease.” He hits send before he wraps his fingers around his cock.
You giggle at the response from murderdaddy, he’s one that seems like he would love to dominate you. “Yes sir.” You coo, opening your mouth and sliding half of the length of the dildo in your mouth before you pull off of it with a poo, wink at the camera and then bob your head on it again.
Dave fucking loves watching you be such a dirty girl. He slowly jerks his cock, not wanting this to be over too soon since you are taking your time teasing. He hates a tease. He needs to be patient though, play the long game. He watches you, your eyes watering slightly as you take the toy deeper down your throat, not all the way but he can see how much you love this.
You take a long moment to show how you can hold it in your throat. Before you start to push a little deeper, working on your gag reflex. You hum around the toy, smirking when you see the comments pour in from some about how good you are doing. How they wish that was them.
Dave watches with intrigue as you take the toy deeper, not all the way but most of it, and his cock throbs in his hand. He sends another gift. “All the way.” He types and hits send, wanting to watch you take it all.
You whine slightly, knowing that taking it all the way will make you drool and gag. You flash a thumbs up and take a deep breath. Exhaling as you push the toy deeper, you feel your eyes water, swallowing when you feel the urge to wretch, your red painted lips wrap around the expanded base, stretching wide.
Dave fucking loves watching you as you take the entire length, imagining his own cock pushed deep down your throat. He hisses, pumping his cock and twisting his wrist as he watches you struggle until you relax, expertly taking the toy. He wants to message you privately after, tell you what he wants and that he’s willing to pay.
You start to move your head, slowly at first and build a rhythm until you are quickly taking the dildo down your throat. Bobbing on it as if you were actually sucking someone off. You close your eyes and moan as you imagine Dave standing over you, his fingers wrapped around your jaw or maybe pushing on the back of your head.
Dave loves the way you close your eyes and he wonders who you are thinking about. The way you moan around the toy tells him it’s not just a motion, you are thoroughly invested in the movements. He quickly types out, “who are you thinking about, sweetheart?” before he hits send, squeezing his cock as he pumps himself with a soft groan escaping his lips.
You hear the incoming message and open your eyes, reading the question. You pull off the toy with a wet pop and the spit from your mouth slides down your jaw and keeps you connected to the toy in a thin string. “I’m thinking about my neighbor. He helped me with something and I’m thinking about showing him my thanks.”
Dave hums in delight, loving that you are telling everyone that it’s him you want, that it’s him you’re thinking of. He groans, twisting his wrist as he pumps his cock, already planning how he can have you. He’s a patient man, he wants to drag this out, mess with you a bit before he makes his move.
You grin at them, your lipstick smeared around your mouth and your tears streaming down your face. “You boys wants to see me cum or keep sucking this dildo?” You ask.
Dave types, “want to see you cum. Want to see your ass from behind sweetheart. Moan loud enough so your neighbor can hear.” He orders, hitting send as he smirks, leaning back in his seat.
You smirk and wipe your chin before you look over at your other toys. “That sounds like fun.” You purr as you reach for the wand. Turning around, you spread your legs wide and bend over so you can show off your ass and your cunt when you press your wand to your clit and turn it on. “Oh fuck.”
Dave groans at the sight of your pussy, ass shaking as you try to best position for the wand to press against your clit. He wants to watch you writhe, watch you be denied and listen to your whines. He can wait though. With a hiss, he swipes his thumb over the head of his cock, sweeping up his pre-cum.
It takes a moment to get into a position where you can keep the wand pressed against your clit, rocking your hips forward as you press your face into the soft blankets on your bed. Cunt clenching, which is what they wanted to see, but you can’t see their response and you wonder if they are enjoying it. You feel that they should be, your pussy gorgeously on display with the soft buzz of the vibrator as it stimulates you, making you moan and groan in delight. 
Dave wants to just slap your ass, watch it jiggle as he makes you cry out his name. Shit, it’s getting harder and harder to resist you. He groans, slowly jerking himself off and he thanks God for the beautiful crystal clarity of today’s cameras as he admires your glistening folds.
You hear the messages coming in like crazy, and you grin to yourself, knowing that they must be enjoying the show. Turning up the intensity of the wand, you cry out, your back arching at the way it sends another jolt of pleasure down your spine and rockets you towards an orgasm. 
Hissing through his teeth, Dave shakes his head, wishing he could lap up your cum, suck on your clit after tossing that damn toy aside so he can make you scream his name. He smirks, deciding to mess with you. He stands up, walking to your shared wall and banging on it twice, keeping his eyes on the livestream to watch your reaction.
Jumping, you yelp in surprise and nearly pull the wand away from your clit. “S-Sorry!” You call out, trying to keep your voice steady so it doesn’t sound like you are about to cum. You had never had Dave hear you before and you wonder what the hell caused him to bang on the wall. You’ve been much louder before. 
He chuckles at your response, loving how flustered you are. He watches as you recover, pressing the wand to your clit again and he wants to watch you cum this time. Setting back into his chair, he grips his cock, pumping himself a little faster than before.
You whimper, knowing that your cunt is fluttering and pulsing for your audience as your thighs start to shake. Feeling your orgasm creep up on you as you press the wand harder and slide your body forward so the nipple clamps catch and tug on your sensitive skin, sending you over the edge with a loud cry.
Dave groans, loving the way your cunt flutters with your orgasm and he can almost taste you. He’s so fucking close to you and yet so damn far. He could just kick your door open, stride in and slide his tongue into that dripping cunt. No one else can say that, none of those boys on your stream actually know you, can touch you. The thought sends him over the edge, painting his chest with his cum as he revels in the possession he could have over you.
Your body shudders and when you feel your pleasure ebb, you pull the wand away from  your clit and fumble with it slightly to turn it off, leaving your cunt and ass on display to let him see the way you drip and your hole pulses through the aftershocks. After a minute, you turn around and send them a kiss, smirking when you see the gifts that have been sent and the comments of how hot that was. 
One regular asking how your nipples feel now, making you brush your hand over the clamps. “They are so sore, baby.” You release the clamp and moan when blood rushes back to your swollen skin and bite your lip as you flick your finger over it. “Wish I had someone to suck on them for me.” 
More notifications as the others type they’d volunteer. Dave chuckles to himself, knowing they would never be able to do it. He sighs, watching you as you bid everyone goodbye after telling them you need to get some sleep and Dave snorts, knowing that won’t be likely, he knows you’re gonna try and get off again. He wants to be there but it won’t be fun if he goes now. He decides to message you privately after you’ve logged off.
You notice the message that pops up after you log off. A private message from murderdaddy101. You are surprised, but intrigued as you click to open the message from the user who had once again made your night with the gifts.
Dave watches you type, the dots showing you responding and when you type back “hi murderdaddy101, thank you for the gifts. How can I help?” He smirks, clicking the link he has open. “I want to buy this for you. Watch you use it in the next video. It’s my exact length and girth. How much do you want to make this happen?” He asks you and sends the link.
Your eyes widen when you click the link and see the toy that he has picked out. You’ve never had someone buy you something like that before. It makes your stomach twist with arousal, although you aren’t sure why. “That’s a very nice sized cock.” You type back. “If you want to see that, then I’m sure we can make it happen.”
Dave smirks with victory. There’s an option to send money so he sends you plenty for the toy and more than he’s sent before combined to get you to use the toy next time. “Expedited shopping sweetheart. I want to see you use it next time.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at the amount that he sent you. “That’s too much murderdaddy.” You send back quickly. “It won’t cost that much for the toy and the shopping.” You know that being paid is a part of this, but you don’t want to take advantage, not when he’s already given you a lot in just over two days.
He quickly types back, “doesn’t matter. You’re a good girl and you deserve it. I want to watch you use this toy and imagine it’s me. Not the boys that message you, but an adult man - possibly like your neighbor - who wants to make you shake with pleasure.” He hits send before he can rethink his message. Not wanting to give too much away.
You gulp, biting your lip and for a brief second- you fear that it’s actually Dave messaging you. Although that’s silly. Instead, you decide to be a little flirty. “I don’t know what my neighbor’s cock feels like, but since I will know what your size is, I’ll imagine a handsome man with this cock.”
Dave chuckles, knowing that you will know how his cock feels sooner rather than later. “Good girl. Get it asap. I expect to see you ride it.” He hits send and logs off, grinning as he cleans himself up and gets ready for bed.
Looking back at the bed, you smirk to yourself at the set up. You had followed the orders to the t. You had expedited the order of the toy, plus the device that would allow you to ride it on the bed rather than switching your camera set up somewhere else. The rest of your house was too personalized and you weren’t comfortable sharing that. Your bedroom was impersonal, nothing to identify you outside the webcam site. Adjusting your mask, you start the session and smile. “Hey.” You greet the ones that have been patiently waiting in the lobby for you to start. “Tonight is a special request show.” You announce.
Dave settles in, his sweatpants on and chest bare as he watches you introduce the toy. He feels pride when he sees the messages come in about it being a thick toy. He watches you grab the bottle of lube and he smirks, wanting to watch how you take the toy inside of your pussy.
You bite your lip, stripping down in front of the camera from the little outfit you are wearing. “Now murderdaddy, you tell me how it looks when you see me sink down on it.” You tell him, seeing his name in the room. You swing your legs over the device and your fingers with the lube swipe around your cunt lips. “Hope you enjoy it.” You wink at the camera and position yourself over the toy and start to take it.
Dave groans as he watches you take the toy. You obviously worked yourself open prior to going live and he finds himself leaning closer to the screen so he can watch your lips stretch around the toy that is the same girth as his own cock. He types without hesitation, “you’re such a good girl. Taking my cock like that. Look at it stretching you out, how does it feel?” He hits send and pulls his hard cock out, not sick of jerking off to the sight of your body on his computer screen yet.
You moan, nodding your head as you feel the toy bottom out. It fits deliciously, not too deep but if it was slammed into you harshly, it would pinch. Not that you mind that at all. “Feels so good baby.” You pant out, leaning back so they get a good look at the way the toy is stretching your lips.
Dave groans, face practically pressed against the screen as he watches you take the toy all the way inside of your pussy. “Jesus Christ. She’s perfect.” He mutters to himself, wrapping his fingers around his cock, slowly - so fucking slowly - jerking himself off. Carol would always complain that he was too thick and he’d have to use lube and spend a lifetime going down on her to stretch her out, in the end, she said it was too laborious and told him to just jerk off. He was bored with her but you, Jesus, you’re taking it all.
You give yourself a moment, circling your hips and feeling the way that the toy takes up every molecule of space inside the wet velvet of your walls. “Are you ready to see me ride it?” You ask breathlessly?
Dave groans, nodding before he manages to type out, "fuck yes sweetheart. Make yourself cum on the toy." He hits send, continuing to jerk himself off with a hiss when you start to move your hips.
Starting slowly, you groan when you feel the way that the girth of the toy stretches you out. Making you roll your hips from side to side as well as you lift and lower yourself on the toy. “Oh God, this feels so good.” You purr, running your hands up along your chest. “I bet women love being fucked by a cock like this. You drive them crazy, don’t you baby?” 
“You fucking drive me crazy.” He growls at the computer, wishing you could hear him. He is growing impatient, wanting you to be sitting on his cock, for him only. No cameras, just you and him. That takes him off guard considering his plan but he won’t let that derail him as he works his cock. Shit, he’s so close to just saying ‘fuck it’ and go to you. He growls, watching you as you start to ride the toy in earnest.
You moan, closing your eyes and just letting yourself enjoy it. “Oh God.” You whimper, feeling the way you are bouncing on the toy and having it punch against your back wall you fall down on it each time. “Fuck you feel so good.” You play into the fantasy of the someone fucking you, murderdaddy fucking you. 
He closes his eyes, imagining you saying that to him while his cock is buried deep inside of you. Making you scream in pleasure when he pounds into you. The urge to just bang on your door now threatens to overwhelm him as he jerks his cock, his length pulsing as he opens his eyes to watch you with rapture.
You want to make this a good show, to make it worth the money that he sent you. Working yourself furiously on the toy until you are about to cum, then purposely slowing down and whining as the need to cum builds up inside you. Edging yourself and drawing it out. “Can I- fuck, can I cum murderdaddy?” You beg breathlessly, wanting him to give you permission to let go.
Dave loves that you ask. God, you’re gonna be so damn good for him when he finally gets to have you. “Keep going. Not yet.” He orders as he hits send, wanting to watch you squirm some more. You look gorgeous and he knows he will have to make his move soon.
Whining, you try to nod as you continue to ride the toy. “Y-yes s-sir.” You pant out, body shaking as you hold back the urge to cum. “Oh fuck, oh fuck baby. Look at how it’s stretching me out.” You moan, looking down and watching the way that the toy works in and out of your cunt. 
There’s pings from other comments but Dave ignores them as he types. “You’re such a needy little whore. Riding that toy and wishing it was my cock. I know you want it sweetheart and I promise you’ll get it. Cum for me, I want to watch you cum on that toy.” He hits send, furiously pumping himself as he wants to cum with you.
You shiver, thrilled when you get permission to cum. Tossing your head back, you cry out loudly, grinding down onto the toy and your body lurches forward, nearly collapsing on the bed before you catch yourself. “Oh fuck, oh fuck!” You squeal. 
Dave hisses, watching you as you cum and he moans your name, loud as he spurts his seed over his chest. Fuck, the best orgasm he’s had, even if the ones he has watching you are amazing, this one takes his breath away.
You draw out your orgasm, slowly rolling your hips until you finally stop, panting. “Wow.” You giggle slightly and look at the camera. “That was- fuck, that was amazing.” The comments and gifts make you smile and you pull yourself off the toy to show them how you had soaked it. “I think we will be doing this again.”  You promise, kissing the air before you tell them goodnight.
Slumping back against his chair, Dave knows he can’t hold out any longer. Tomorrow night, he will be taking you as his in front of those stupid fucking followers of yours. He smirks, grabbing the tissues he now keeps on his desk so he can clean himself up. Tomorrow night, you’ll be his.
You pull the door closed behind you to lock it, sliding the key into the lock to secure it. Turning your head when you see Dave walk up the steps with a large bag in his hands. His eyes catch yours and you fluster slightly. “H-hey.” You offer, feeling foolish at how flustered you get around this man. His dark clothes make you think slightly sinister thoughts and you giggle to yourself.
“Something funny, sweetheart?” He asks, raised eyebrows as he looks at you. You look so pretty in that sundress. So innocent. Fuck, he wants to just cut it off of you. 
You bite your lip, “I, uh, I was just thinking that you, uh, you look like a hitman. You know, cos you’re dressed in black and carrying that bag.” You gesture to the duffel bag. Dave actually laughs at that, a chortle escaping his lips as he adjusts the bag in his hand that carries his sniper rifle.
You love the sound of his laugh, it’s dark and yet it makes your entire body heat up. “I am a hitman, didn’t I tell you?” Dave asks you with a smirk. 
You laugh again and shake your head, not believing him for a second. “I’m sorry, you are way too sweet to be a hitman.” You hum, giving him a smile.
He snorts, “you don’t have a clue, sweetheart.” He mumbles and you frown at him. He wants to reach out and brush the frown off of your face but he can’t, knowing that any more connections will ruin him further than he is already ruined. Tonight though, he’s gonna try and get you out of his system. “I’ll see you around.” He winks at you and fumbles with his keys, entering his apartment before he sets the duffel bag down.
You look after him with a confused expression, wondering what he had meant by that. You shake it off and head toward the stairs to run your errands. You wanted to pick up a new little outfit with some of the money from the gifts you’ve received. Wanting to change things up tonight so you can appeal to the new members that have been logging in lately.
Dave logs on when the notification tells him you’re online. His cock is already hard with anticipation but he wants to see you before he makes his move. “Hi everyone. Welcome. You like my new outfit?” You ask, twirling and Dave smirks, standing up and lowering his ski mask as he heads out of his apartment.
You run your hands over the lace of your outfit and smirk at the camera, reading the messages that are flooding in about the outfit. “Yes I’m going to take it off.” You chuckle quietly and shake your head. “You are being naughty tonight.” You chide playfully, wagging your finger at the camera. “I haven’t put on a good show for you lately?” 
Dave picks your lock, it’s pitifully easy and he chuckles when he hears you talking to your followers. When your alarm starts to ping, he’s happy you actually listened to his advice but again, it’s beyond easy to stop the alarm going off. He disarms it, listening to you to make sure you didn’t hear and when you don’t, he chuckles softly and makes his way to your bedroom where you have set up for the past week. He can see you from the corner, the lacy little number looking even prettier in person, and he doesn’t waste another moment as he steps into your room.
You don’t see him until he steps into the room, seeing it on the screen of your computer where you are watching your own image. Gasping, you whirl around sign a strangled sound of fear, wondering why the alarm didn’t go off but not hesitating to reach for the bat you had told Dave you kept by your bed. “W-what do you want?” You demand, your computer pinging with messages from your followers although you don’t take your eyes off the masked intruder. “Get out of here.”
Dave grins, loving that you aren’t afraid to defend yourself. He steps closer, grabbing the bat when you go to swing it at him. It’s almost too easy to disarm you as you slightly shake. “You’re going to take everything I give you sweetheart.” He orders, tossing the bat across the room and pushing you so you can lay down on the bed.
Gasping, you recognize the voice behind the mask. It’s your neighbor. It’s Dave. Your eyes narrow in confusion but you can’t deny that your cunt clenches. “Wha-what are you going to do?” You ask, trembling slightly from nerves or anticipation, you can’t be sure. You never expected this. 
Dave smirks, his dark eyes looking at you through the mask, “I’m going to make the scream with pleasure, show these imbeciles on your stream that they can only dream about the things I’m going to do to you.” He caresses your leg, stepping closer to slide it along your thigh, and he groans at the whimper you release. “That’s it sweetheart. Just let me touch you. Are you wet?” He hums, trailing his hand higher until he is pressing his fingers against the soaked lace.
Forgetting about the fact that you are streaming until he says something, you turn your head to see messages popping on every few seconds. “Yes.” You answer him breathlessly. You can’t believe that Dave broke into your home, that he knows about your streaming.
Dave chuckles, pleased as he slides his fingers under the elastic of those flimsy panties, groaning at how wet you are. “Fucking dripping. What got you in such a state?” He asks. You swallow, looking up at him and he tuts, gripping your jaw. “Answer me.” He growls, “what got you so wet?”
You whimper at the pressure against your jaw, the grip rougher than you had imagined. Your comment about how he was too sweet was completely wrong - not that you are disappointed. “You.” You whisper softly, your eyes meeting his underneath his ski mask. Now that he is closer, you can see those brown eyes that you had trouble meeting in the halls.
Dave grins, pushing his fingers into your mouth, pressing them deep but not deep enough to choke you. He turns to your computer, seeing the comments coming in. “Yes, bigdickedhero, I’m here to fuck her. I’m going to make her scream. She’s going to be fucked like never before.” He answers the question, removing his fingers from your mouth and he roughly pinches your nipples through the lace. “Such a naughty girl. Teasing us with all this lace. Let’s take it off.” He tuts before he grab the material, ripping it from your body.
Your moan is loud, would have made you fluster in embarrassment if you had been able to do anything but let him do what he wants. You can’t believe that he is here and doing this. The comments pouring in and from the sounds coming from the computer, people are flooding the lobby of your page- logging in to watch. “Oh fuck.”
Dave loves how flustered you already are, dripping onto your sheets as he exposes your body to your followers. The pinging sounds distract him for a moment and he turns his head. “Yes, sexymonkey69, she is fucking dripping.” He smirks and pinches your nipples again, loving the way you moan until he slaps your tit.
Crying out, your cunt clenches around nothing. Eyes wide and you wonder if he’s planning on making you suck his cock while everyone watches. Your mouth waters at the thought and you shiver, feeling your skin prickle from the sharpness of the slap. “I- oh god.” You whimper, never knowing you would like your tits slapped.
"Such a dirty little girl, letting all these strangers watch you, letting them see you cum. Now they are going to see you cum on a real cock." He reaches down to unbutton his pants, not bothering with a belt since he was only coming to your place. He slowly pulls down the zipper before he reaches in to pull his hard cock out.
“Oh my god.” Your eyes widen slightly, recognizing the girth and length of the toy you had taken just last night. He was murderdaddy101. He had to be. Your eyes meet his and Dave grabs you by the back of your neck and drags you off the bed to kneel in front of him. “Suck.” He orders harshly, pulling you towards his cock. Your cunt clenches as you open your mouth for him to shove his cock inside.
He groans when your lips wrap around his cock, taking him deep, and he is grateful for your constant deepthroat practice so you can take nearly all of him. A gargled sound escapes your lips and the computer pings and pings with comments that Dave smirks as he reads. "Her mouth does feel good. She's such a good little slut, taking my cock like a fucking champion. All that practice pays off." He grunts, thrusting his hips when you hollow your cheeks and you choke, making him chuckle.
Your eyes water and you swallow around him to keep from gagging, unable to believe that you are on your knees with Dave’s cock in your mouth. Your moan is muffled and your eyes are watery as you look up at him. Your cunt is dripping onto the floor and you know you are going to leave a wet spot.
Dave loves seeing you wrecked like this and he hasn’t even gotten to sliding into you yet. He doesn’t want to cum down your throat - which if he’s honest with himself, would be easy to do. So he pulls his hips away, shifting so he can grab your arms and lift you onto the bed with an ease he has refined from lifting dead bodies. “Spread your legs and show them all how wet you are and tell them why you’re wet.”
You whimper, both from the demonstration that he could do whatever he wanted to you through brute strength and the way you have to expose yourself. It feels so different being ordered around in person. Spreading your legs, you expose your dripping and swollen folds to the camera. “What made you wet?” Dave demands, making you bite your lip. 
“You.” You murmur softly, making him slap your inner thigh - causing you to squeal. 
“Louder!” He demands. 
“You! This made me wet, you!” You cry out.
“Exactly. I made you this wet. None of those pathetic nobodies.” He gestures to the computer, loving the pings of protest coming in. He admires your cunt for a moment. Loving how pretty it is in person. It’s beautiful online but in person, he just wants to bury his face in it. That isn’t what tonight is for. Instead, he wastes no time in pushing two thick digits into your dripping cunt.
“Oh fuck!” Your back arches at the sudden feeling of his fingers inside you. It’s wanton and wicked and you love it. Knowing that it’s Dave is what makes this okay, and you are willing to let him use you however he wants. “Ohhh fuck.” Your eyes flutter closed and it’s only you biting your lip that prevents you from crying out Dave’s name. No one on the stream knows who it is and you want to preserve his privacy.
He curls his fingers deep inside of you, his thumb pressed against your clit and he wants you to cum like this before he fucks you. “Mmm, how does she feel?” He reads on the screen, “she feels like velvet. Tight and wet. So fucking tight. Don’t you wish you were me?” He taunts while pumping his fingers into you.
Answers ping into the computer, making Dave chuckle as he reads the answers. All of them in various stages of expressing jealousy. Your eyes widen when you see more people pouring into the lobby, paying the fee to see you and Dave. “Oh God.” Your cunt clenches around his fingers to make him hiss. “I can be tighter. Tighter somewhere else too.”
Dave groans at that thought, and he smirks down at you. “Yeah? You want me to fuck your ass, dirty girl?” He chuckles when you enthusiastically nod. “Such a little slut for me. Gonna do it all to you. Don’t you worry.” He promises as he withdraws his fingers. He grips his cock with his wet fingers, eager to be inside of you now.
Dave’s hands are huge, and you can’t help but moan when you see how big his cock looks in his grip. You can’t believe that he’s going to fuck you. Unable to even imagine how good it’s going to feel. It’s been so long since anything other than toys have been inside you, beyond your fingers and now Dave’s. “How do you want me?” You also breathlessly, hearing the computer ping with more comments.
“On your back. Want everyone to watch you as you take my cock.” He grabs your hips, shifting you so you are visible to the camera and they can see when Dave enters you. He kneels on the bed, pushing your thighs further apart. “Let them see when I enter you, sweetheart.” He orders, lifting your leg so the camera can see as he pushes into you. He grips his cock, positioning himself at your entrance and his dark eyes meet yours as he pushes into you.
You can’t make a sound, even with your mouth dropping open. His huge, filling you and pushing the air out of your lungs as he occupies every bit of your cunt. Your hands fly up to grip his shoulders and you hear a steady stream of pings coming from the chat.
The pings echo in the room but all Dave can do is watch you as he pushes impossibly deeper into your cunt. “Fuck sweetheart. So damn tight. Always knew you would be.” He reaches up to grip your wrists, securing them with one hand while his free hand grips your throat, just enough for you to feel pressure but still breathe. He begins to thrust into you, pulling out before surging back in, showing no mercy on your pussy.
You moan, loving how completely he’s dominating you. It’s everything you had imagined he would be and more. Your cunt clenching down around him when he squeezes gently. “Oh fuck.” You gasp, eyes widening slightly in surprise of how much you liked that. You’ve never played with breathing control and yet you would let Dave do whatever he wanted to you. His cock pushes deep and stretches you out.
Dave hisses, loving the way you grip his cock with every thrust into you. He looks over at the screen, reading the comments. “Oh look, sweetheart. They wish it was them. Do you wish it was one of them? Or do you fucking love the cock inside of you? Tell me the truth.” He orders, loosening his grip on your throat just slightly.
You whimper and your eyes practically gaze over in pleasure. “Fuck- I love this.” You moan loudly. “Feels so good.” Your eyes flicker over to the screen to see them react, most of them saying they would fuck you better. “I- make me scream.” You order Dave, wanting to see how hard he could fuck you.
With a grunt, Dave starts to thrust into you harder. He lets go of your throat and grabs your leg, lifting it onto his shoulder so he can thrust even deeper into your tight cunt.
Your cry is loud, filling the room as your back arches up off the bed. Unable to believe how good it feels when the pain of him hitting your back wall with every hard swing of his hips. “Fuck!”
Dave hisses at how fucking tight you are around him. He fucks you hard, grunts escaping his lips with every thrust and he bites down on your calf as it rests on his shoulder, practically folding you in half as he pushes into you.
You squeal, again, barely resisting crying out his name and your eyes roll back in your head. He feels like he’s in your guts and you love it. “Oh fuck, oh fuck!” Your entire body tenses with every thrust and you know you are about to cum.
He wants you to cum, leaning even closer to you so his coarse hair rubs against your clit. “You gonna cum for me? You gonna cum for me, you dirty little whore.” He taunts, his hand still gripping your wrists as he pushes into you.
“Yesssssss.” You hiss out as he pushes the air out of your lungs with another rough thrust. “G-gon-gonna cum!” You wail right before your cunt clamps down around his length. Soaking him in a torrent of cum while you buck under him in pleasure.
Dave hisses through gritted teeth, loving how you grip his cock as you soak it. “Jesus Christ.” He growls, eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head as he tries to thrust into you to work you through your orgasm. Usually, Dave can last but you’re so damn tight, he knows he’s close to cumming. The computer pings but it’s all white noise as he growls, thrusting a half dozen more times before he buries his cock deep and paints your walls with his seed.
It thrills you, the hot flood of his seed filling you up. Making your cunt squelch and it pushes out around his cock as he rocks himself through his high. Panting harshly, some from how hard you came and from the way he had you bent in half, you feel the ache in your pussy throbbing with the beat of your heart and you giggle.
Dave grunts when he stills above you. Just because he came doesn’t mean he’s done with you. He growls, pulling out of you and shifting to kneel between your legs. He admires the way his cum looks covering your swollen lips, and he leans forward to lap his tongue through your folds. You shudder and let out a moan of protest from the overstimulation, but he doesn’t listen. Lapping at you until he shifts once more, hovering over you and he leans towards your face, using his hand to push your jaw so you open and he spits his cum into your mouth.
You gasp at the filthiness of it, moaning and Dave forces your jaw closed. Both that it takes much effort, even with your shock. You close your mouth and swallow his cum, smiling when his dark eyes flash with pride. “Thank you sir.” You murmur, smirking slightly.
Dave grins at your obedient response. He shifts to tuck his cock away, looking over at the computer. “Some like me being here, some don’t. What do you think sweetheart? Did you enjoy my appearance?” He smirks at you, chin still slick with your cum.
You bite your lip and nod. It’s been a good night and you look over, eyes widening when you see how many people are watching. How much money you just made off of one show. “Wow.” You giggle. “They did like it.”
“Maybe we can give them a repeat performance so they can see how this tight little pussy belongs to me.” He winks at you, squeezing your breast with a sigh. He reaches out to the computer, knowing he needs to talk to you and he hits end on the video. “Why exactly are you selling your body on the internet?” He asks, removing his mask.
You didn’t expect that question, not when he had just broken into your apartment and fucked you on camera. “I- I lost my job and it was a way for me to make my rent.” You admit, looking at his face for the first time since he had appeared in your bedroom. “It’s - I’ve been trying to find a new job but no one is hiring and I make good money doing this.” You feel a bit defensive but you aren’t going to apologize. “You knew. You’re murderdaddy, aren’t you?”
Dave nods, “I was scrolling through the website and recognized your living room. When I started watching…I couldn’t stop. I always thought you were sexy before but those cams? Jesus, I nearly had a heart attack. You’re far too beautiful for your own good.” He coos, running his finger along your cheek.
You hum, unable to imagine that this had happened. Your neighbor had found your page and watched. Sent you money and toys and had known you had wanted him. “You knew - you were teasing me.” You huff slightly, although you are grinning. “About my crush on you.”
He grins, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. “What can I say? I like a chase.” He shifts off of the bed, deciding to get you some water and clean you up. He comes back a few moments later, handing you the bottle. “Drink.” He orders while he gently wipes you clean.
Surprised that he is taking care of you, you obey him. Taking a drink of the water while he wipes the remaining cum and spit from your cunt and you try not to close your legs in embarrassment. “How did-“ you stop yourself from asking questions, unsure if he would be annoyed.
Dave raises his eyebrows, “if you’re going to ask a question, you should follow through with it.” He orders, almost disciplinary in his response as he finishes cleaning you up.
You shudder slightly and nod, unsure of his mood now. The almost affection has given way to a more stern demeanor. “How did you get past my alarm? It was set.” You know it was set, you had made sure of it since it was installed a few days ago. You hadn’t even heard it beep.
Sighing softly, Dave contemplates telling you the truth but he doesn't know you and he vowed that no one - not even Carol would know what he did. The less ties the better. "I used to install security systems." He lies expertly, "plus you got a basic alarm. Any ordinary thief wouldn't be able to crack it but I know the tricks." He sits down beside you, still dressed in all black.
You hum, not quite believing him, but he obviously doesn’t want to tell you the truth. “Okay.” Your tone tells him that you don’t believe him, but you don’t question it. Instead you take another sip of your water and sit up. “Well, I appreciate the experience.” You tell him, you had been very willing when he had revealed that it was him and you weren’t going to deny that. “Sorry I almost hit you.”
Dave snorts, an amused smirk on his face, “it’s okay. It wouldn’t have really hurt. I’ve had worse.” You frown and he quickly changes the subject. “How much money did you make?” He asks.
Standing up, you don’t worry about the fact that you are still nude. After all, he’s seen all of your body on camera and in person. Pulling up your account your eyes widen and you nearly choke. “I- wow, I made a thousand dollars.”
“How much do you usually make?” Dave asks, interested in this venture. He wants to help you out so you don’t have to keep doing this. Part of him is a little possessive. Now that he’s had you, he doesn’t want to share. He’s an only child, he’s never had to share and he’s not gonna start now.
You turn back to him with a small shrug. “Normally one to two hundred a night. That's why I do five cam shows a week.” You explain. “I can’t believe that so many people logged on.”
"Damn," Dave shakes his head, a little annoyed that you are essentially selling yourself for that every night. "I have an idea." He tells you, realizing that you can make more money with him and he can show the damn morons that lust after you that you belong to him. "How about we do it together? Just for a month so you have enough saved to last you a while."
“You would want to do that?” You tilt your head in surprise. You hadn’t expected that kind of offer. “Do you want a portion of it? For your time?”
Dave shakes his head, “no. I want you to let me do whatever I want to you on camera and show them that you belong to me. You’re mine, not theirs.” Dave realizes he hasn’t even kissed you. It’s not his usual style but he wants to show you some affection. He’s not ready to admit that he wants more than lust but you deserve better.
You nod, caught off guard when he leans in and presses his lips against yours. Humming into the kiss, your eyes slowly flutter when he cups the back of your neck and slides his tongue into your mouth.
Dave tries to be gentle, sliding his tongue into your mouth but he ends up biting your lower lip when he pulls back. “Let’s do something tomorrow night. I want to touch you again, make you cum again. You’re my little whore now, you understand?” He keeps his dark eyes focused on yours, waiting for your response.
You pause for a moment, weighing his words and making up your mind if you want him to come back again. He’s not great with words, and you find yourself hesitating. “Okay.” You murmur after a moment, nodding slightly. Your shyness is coming back, reaching for the robe that is near the bed and picking it up to wrap around you.
Dave takes that as his clue to leave. Perhaps you need a gentler hand and he is too rough for you. “Tell me if you change your mind in the morning, I won’t be angry.” He promises, standing up and kissing your forehead before he leaves your bedroom. Grabbing his mask, he exits your apartment and enters his own, rubbing his cheek at the way his stomach twists when he looks at you. He’s gotta be careful. He can’t let his emotions take him over again, that’s what nearly killed him last time.
You smirk when you see the number of people that are already logged on and waiting in the lobby, eager to see tonight’s show. The past month has been amazing. Dave performing with you has made your stream explode. Instead of just a few hundred dollars a night, you are making thousands. People love the risqué and sometimes dubious consent in the little shows that you put on. Neither one of you ever shows your face and Dave has never gotten fully nude. You adjust your lingerie again and hum happily. “I’m about to start.” You call out, giving Dave a warning.
Dave nods, his stomach twisting and he’s not sure how he feels about this. It’s been an incredible month of sex. If he’s honest, the best he’s ever had, but there’s something chipping away at him with every session you do. He knows what it is but he just can’t admit it. Not yet anyway. Once you hit start, he knows what he wants to do to you tonight. He comes over to you, leaning down to kiss you. It’s a little awkward with the masks but he manages and you seem surprised since he never kisses you on camera. “Looking beautiful for me tonight sweetheart.” He declares, trailing his hands along your lace covered sides.
Dave is….gentle. A far cry from his normal touch when you are on camera. It makes you lean into the kiss more and hum against his lips. “I wore it for you.” That’s true, completely true. You do everything for Dave’s reaction now, even if you’ve never said that. To see how he wants you when you wear new things or buy new toys. Your fingers slide up his arms and wind behind his head in a move that is more romantic than normal.
Dave smiles against your lips when you admit you wore it for him, letting those idiots watching know that this is for him, not them. Not anymore. He deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue into your mouth and his hands grab your ass, pulling you against him so you feel how hard his cock already is. Everything you do turns him on and he is obsessed with you. “Wanna taste you. Lay down and take your panties off.”
You are surprised. Other than eating his cum out of you to spit into your mouth, Dave’s not gone down on you. Biting your lip, you rush to obey him, stripping off your panties and laying down. Spreading your legs wide so he and the camera can see the wet folds of your well fucked cunt.
Dave shifts, knowing he isn’t normally this affectionate but he wants to make you sweetly cry out. He kneels on the floor, allowing the viewers to see what he’s doing as he leans forward to kiss the space above your cunt, the thatch of curls tickling his lips for a moment until he lowers his mouth to flatten his tongue through your folds.
Your moan is low, wanton as his tongue slides through your folds. Fingers already gripping the sheets and you close your eyes in pure pleasure when he flicks his tongue over your clit. “Dee.” You still didn’t call his name out, settling on calling him ‘D for Daddy’, something that had made him chuckle.
He chuckles into your cunt, loving the way you moan for him already. His fingers dig into your thighs as he practically folds you in half so his tongue can dive deep into your pussy. He can hear the dings but he ignores them, not paying any attention to them as he works your cunt with his mouth.
Your hands find your tits, squeezing them, pinching them over your top as you give another ragged groan. Amazed at how talented he is with that tongue. He has always been on the receiving end of oral, not that you mind. His cock in your mouth is guaranteed to make you drip with arousal. But this is…. decadent.
He presses his nose against yours, a groan escaping his lips and it’s muffled in your cunt as he delves deeper. He reaches for your hand, squeezing your tit before he takes your hand in his, wanting to feel connected to you.
This isn’t sex. Your fingers squeeze his tight and you can’t help but feel that this is more like making love. The preamble to sliding inside you. Gasping softly, your other hand finds his head, burying your fingers in the fine, dark hair and holding on, wondering if he’s playing up to the audience for more appeal.
He moans when you tug on his hair and more pings echo in the room. You have thousands of followers now and they love to comment. His tongue delves deeper, lapping up every wave of arousal and he brings his free hand up to rub your clit with his thumb.
“Dee.” You cry out, arching your back and pushing your cunt down into his mouth and against his hand. “So good, fuck that’s so good.” You pant out, loving how attentive he’s being. It’s taking you apart in a different kind of way.
Dave hisses into your flesh, loving the way you soak his chin and he slides his tongue into your cunt, drinking you down with eager laps of his tongue. He kisses your thigh when you push his head away and his cock is throbbing, aching to be inside of you.
You pant, looking down at him with hooded eyes and you smirk, “I need you inside me.” You beg. “I need that fat cock buried deep in my pussy.” Partly it’s your talking dirty for the stream, but you really do need him inside you. You love when Dave is balls deep. You would have him sleep inside you if he didn’t leave after the show ended every night.
Jesus, that makes his cock ache, pre-cum leaking as he looks at you, so needy and desperate for his cock. He groans and shifts to kneel between your legs, happy to keep you on your back as he positions his cock at your entrance, pushing into you without hesitation.
“Da-“ You cut yourself off, nearly calling his name as your eyes close in bliss. Mouth opens on a long moan as he immediately pulls out of you to fill you up again. “Oh fuck.” You whimper, loving the familiar burn of him stretching you out. Honestly, you’re going to hate when he gets bored of fucking you.
Dave hisses, pushing into you with a hiss and he practically covers your body with his own. He wouldn’t admit it but deep down, he wants to conceal you from the camera, to take you as his and only his. He kisses along your neck, moaning your name softly into your ear so no one can hear.
You clench around him when he whispers your name. Feeling your heart twist and your arms slide around his back, keeping him close. Your legs wrap around his thighs and lock behind his ass.
He sinks deeper inside of you, a hiss escaping his lips as you grip his cock and he barely moves from inside of you as he pushes deeper. “Fuck. You feel so good.” Neither of you can see it but the comments flooding in all agree that this feels too intimate. Like they are invading a private moment and it looks like he’s making love to you.
You are lost in the moment, oblivious to everything but Dave. Your fingers dig into the shirt that he is wearing - still fully dressed while you are barely wearing anything. Gasping when he rocks deep and pushes against something incredible inside you. The scrape of his cock along your walls is slower and no less devastating than when he fucks you mercilessly.
He forgets about the camera, focusing on you, and how much he needs you to cum. He grinds deep, keeping his hips tilted to hit that spot that made you gasp. “You gonna cum for me, sweetheart?” He asks, kissing along your neck.
“Yes.” You whimper it out, soft enough that the microphone doesn’t pick it up. It’s just between the two of you. It’s as if this is just a night where he came over to lose himself in your body.
Your whines spur him on and he just about manages to slide his hand between you so he can rub your clit, needing you to cum around him. Your whines spur him on and he just about manages to slide his hand between you so he can rub your clit, needing you to cum around him.
There is something about having Dave order you to cum that just drives you crazy. Your body responds to him in the most primal way. Your back arches and your mouth opens in a wordless cry, loud and echoing around the room while your body clamps down on him like a vice, milking his cock.
He moans, loving how damn tight you get and the way you soak him. It makes his eyes roll into the back of his head. He hisses and works you through it, his heart thumping in his chest and he struggles to ignore it as he rocks into you, grabbing both of your hands so he can lift them above your head, his entire body pressed into yours.
You love being under him like this. Turning your head, you kiss along his jaw, wherever you can reach and moan softly. “Fill me up, want to feel it.” You beg breathlessly, loving how you feel when his cum leaks out of you.
"Fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna - gonna fill you up." He growls, rocking his hips until he pushes deep, painting your walls with his hot seed. He pants, kissing along your neck as he cums, burying his cry in your flesh as his cock throbs inside of you.
Your hum is completely satisfied, making you lazily kiss his head while he lays on top of you. “That feels so good.” You whisper, closing your eyes and trying to catch your breath.
Dave sighs, wanting to just roll over and go to sleep but he remembers the thousands of people watching. He pulls out of you, knowing that the viewers are pinging their comments of confusion at the lack of rough sex and he strides over to the computer, ending the stream. “We need to talk.”
“Dave!” You protest, pushing up onto your elbow as you stare at him in disbelief. “You just cut the feed before letting them know.” You always tried to make sure that they knew you were logging off and he had just shut it down.You try to ignore the way your stomach drops at his words. Needing to talk was never good.
He rubs his cheek, staring at you as he sits down on the bed beside you. "Do you have any idea how much you drive me crazy?" He almost growls. You stare at him with wide eyes, brow furrowed with confusion. "You - fuck - I didn't expect - I had to cut the feed." He hisses, standing up again and turning his back to you. 
"Why? We - we probably lost followers and that means money and-" You ramble but he cuts you off. 
"I will not have sex with the woman I love for money anymore."
You freeze, eyes widening when you realize what he just said. “I- what?” You ask, thinking that you misheard. There’s no way that you just heard him say that he loves you. “What did you say?”
Dave shakes his head, walking over to you to grip your chin. “Do you have any fucking idea how dangerous this is? I’m not a good man and you- you are so good. So fucking perfect and yet I - damn you.” He growls, “I’ve tried so hard to not get attached and you’ve ruined it all. Damn you, you-” His grip on your chin slackens, “you beautiful woman. God I- I love you. I love you so much it hurts.”
You lean into his touch, your heart pounding in your chest. “I love you too, Dave.” You admit quietly. “You aren’t alone in that. I love you - I have for a long time. I just didn’t know- I didn’t think you would love me back.” You had fallen in love with the rough and sometimes gruff man. Even if you didn’t know everything about him and knew that he was keeping things from you. He was tender in his own way.
“You shouldn’t.” He shakes his head again and lowers his hand to your throat, squeezing harshly. He wants to tell you everything, confess his sins at your altar and pray you take him as he is. He swallows harshly, his dark eyes on yours. “I kill people. It’s what - I did it in the military and now - now I do it as a gun for hire. You shouldn’t love me. I’m dangerous.”
Your breath catches and you swear that your cunt throbs at the same beat of your heart. “Murderdaddy.” You whisper as his username becomes ironic to you, biting your lip and looking up at him. Purposefully leaning into his grip and making him push against your windpipe harder. “I love you.” 
His eyes widen, his grip tightening just a bit to show you how dangerous he is. “You don’t get it. I could kill you. At any moment, if I wanted to.” He warns you. “But you won’t.” You retort and he scoffs, “I could break your neck. You’d disappear. No one would ever find you.” 
You keep looking at him, “I know you won’t.” 
He loosens his grip, losing a battle with himself as to why he shouldn’t be doing this. “I could destroy you.” He almost whispers, pain in his eyes. 
“Yet I still love you.” You choke and he releases your throat instantly, surging forward to press his lips against yours, his hand cupping your cheek.
You don’t hesitate to melt against him, kissing him back with just as much fervor as he is giving you. Opening your mouth to let him take complete control and possession over you. Moaning into his mouth when his tongue sweeps inside and tangles with yours. Your hands are pulling him closer because you need to feel him against you.
Dave groans into your mouth, grabbing your thighs and shifting to sit down on the bed, letting you straddle him. “I want you to ride me. Can you ride me?” He asks, his cock hard as he processes that you are not scared of him. He loves you so much, he wants to feel you surround him.
Pushing him back, you smirk when he falls into the bed. “Let me strip you down, baby.” You coo, feeling emboldened and powerful. You want to make him feel good and wanted. “I’ll ride you and I want to make you feel like you are a king.”
For the first time, Dave lets you strip him of all of his clothes, exposing the scars that litter his skin from close calls. He swallows harshly at the tender way you touch him, carefully removing each piece of clothing until he is naked and laying on your bed. "God, baby." He whispers, watching you as you lean down to kiss a scar from a bullet that went through his shoulder.
Keeping your hands gentle, you stroke and caress every scar and mar on his body. Kissing them when you find them and looking up at his eyes before you kiss another. Wanting to let him know that you don’t care about his battle scars, they are what allows him to be right here with you now. “I love you.” You murmur into his skin, wanting him to know that, to believe it.
Dave watches you in awe, unable to realize what he has done to deserve this. Carol never worshiped him like this, she never asked questions nor did she kiss his wounds. Dave reaches out to caress your cheek, bringing your lips back to his, his hard cock resting on his lower stomach.
Your hand wraps around his cock and you straddle him again. Lifting up so you can position yourself over him and with your lips pressed to his, you slowly start to sink down on him. Moaning his name so softly as you take him into you again. This time is more special than all the times before. This time it’s just the two of you. “Dave.”
His eyelashes flutter but he can't keep his eyes off of you as you sink down onto his cock. His hands are everywhere, caressing your waist and his heart pounds in his chest. "God, I love you." He breathes out against your lips.
“I love you too.” You promise, leaning down so your breasts are pressed against his chest as you start to roll your hips. Keeping the tempo slow and steady, in no rush to hurry things along as you exchange kisses.
All that can be heard are your whimpers and pants, escaping both of you as you leisurely ride him. His hands are everywhere, caressing and squeezing, he grips your ass, helping you ride his cock. He knows you are too good for him, wondering why whatever God is out there decided to reward him with a kind, beautiful woman.
You love the dark look in his eyes, the wonder and love that is shimmering in them. Now that you know, you see the intensity that you had mistaken for domination was actually love. He was just harder than others, his eyes don’t soften - they sharpen with his emotions. “You are perfect.” You murmur softly. “I love you - just as you are.”
He closes his eyes, shivering beneath you at the way you ride him, so tenderly. Almost like you are worshiping him, and he is obsessed with you. "God sweetheart. You are - shit. So good." He groans, squeezing your ass to help rock you a little harder.
Moving a bit faster, you feel like this is the longest it has taken for you to work yourself up to pleasure, although it’s only been a few minutes. The leisurely pace is almost as breathtaking as the fast and furious pace you normally set. “I want you to cum for me, baby.” You purr, squeezing his cock with your inner muscles.
Dave grunts, unable to believe what a vixen he has unleashed and he doesn't want to cum until you do. He thrusts up into you, trying to find that spot that makes you clamp down on his cock, his hands gripping your ass to keep you still as he picks up the pace.
“Dave!” You cry out when he takes over, letting him take the reins and your head rolls back. He always makes you feel so good, especially the way that he is rocking up into you frantically and hitting that spongy spot inside.
"Cum for me, sweetheart. Need you to cum for me." He orders, kissing your jaw where you tilt your head. You gasp, gasps escaping your lips until you go silent, unable to make a noise as your orgasm rocks through you, making Dave hiss at how tight you clamp down on him. "Yes. Yes. That's it baby. Shit. I'm gonna - I'm gonna-" He groans, thrusting up into you and filling you up with his hot seed.
Whimper at the familiar feeling of him filling you up, you collapse against his shoulder and sigh. Kissing his damp skin while he rides out his orgasm, you snuggle against his chest, something you’ve always wanted to do but never have been able to. “I love you, Dave.”
He relaxes beneath you, cock twitching as he tries to catch his breath, and his hands caress your back,  feeling relaxed for the first time in years. He feels at peace. “I’m gonna make this work. Gonna keep you safe. You have to listen to everything I tell you. If I go missing for days, you have to be patient and understand it’s because of my job. If I tell you to go somewhere, you’ll go because it will keep you safe. I want this to work and I - I don’t want to lose you.” He admits.
You nod against his shoulder, kissing it again. “I will listen to you.” You promise softly. “I want this to work too.” Lifting up, you brush his hair back and smile at him. “I’m going to close the streaming down.” You tell him. “Only person that gets cam shows is you when you are gone.”
Dave nods, “if you need the money…I can help. I just - I don’t want to share.” He admits, a soft smile on his face as he looks at you. “I’m not a sharing kind of guy.” He confesses with a chuckle. 
“You won’t have to share.” You promise, leaning down to kiss him once more. 
Dave is nervous for what awaits him in the future, the uncertainty of safety when it comes to you and his girls. It worries him but he knows he will die before anyone touches any of you. He will fight to the death to protect you all. Looking up at you, Dave knows he has found something he wasn’t even looking for…a lover, a friend, a partner. He never expected to find that in you, the sweet neighbor next door who is also an incredibly sexy cam girl. Well, ex - cam girl. Dave doesn’t share.
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allmoshnobrain · 2 months
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𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫: 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 02 of 06 | masterpost
word count: 5,4k | ao3 link | fic's playlist
He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I wondered if he too would be feeling the happiness that sang in my chest at that moment, like a little miracle had just unfolded before us. It was hard to find another word to describe it. He’d found me. After so many years, he’d found me.
✦ on this chapter: james hetfield x female!oc, dave mustaine x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, grief, smut mentioned/implied
✧ Once you told me, "Look for the North Star, then you'll see" / Heavenly, I hear / Found my way to the beach / There were waves over me / I was lost at sea 'til you found me / 'til you found me ✧
May 20, 1984
Settling into the new home my parents had bought for me turned out to be easier than I’d expected, especially since my friends had moved in with me; we all shared the same space and, slowly but surely, it was shaping up to be our own little slice of paradise, buzzing with music, chatter, and laughter as we got everything sorted.
But everything felt eerily still when I arrived home on that Sunday afternoon. I opened the front door, spotting a few moving boxes still hanging out in the living room. I glanced around, puzzled, eyeing the empty space and wondering where the gang had vanished to. That's when I caught the distant murmur of voices drifting from the kitchen.
"You can't just go after him, James. It's gonna wreck our reputation, have you even thought about that?" Lars' voice carried down the hallway, tinged with irritation.
"You think I give a damn about our reputation when he's out there dissing my girl?" James shot back, his voice tinged with anger. I arched an eyebrow, definitely intrigued now as I made my way closer. I reached the kitchen door to find Lars leaning against the sink, his brow furrowed, while James, so much taller, paced back and forth, his fists clenched. "I couldn't care less. Let him yap about us all he wants, but lay off her. I'm gonna beat the crap out of him, then maybe he'll learn to keep his trap shut."
"Hey, guys," I interjected, and James halted his pacing immediately, both him and Lars shooting me a startled look, like they'd just seen a ghost. A knot twisted in my gut as I realized they were probably talking about something they didn't want me to know about. "What's the deal?"
"Nore!" Lars chirped, a bit too brightly, as he hastily snatched something off the table. I narrowed my eyes, noting it was a cassette tape he was awkwardly trying to stuff into his pocket. "Oh, it's, uh, nothing important!"
"What's that?" I inquired, nodding toward the cassette in his grasp. James shot him a pointed glare, and Lars swallowed hard.
"It's, um, nothing, really! Just..." He stumbled over his words as I closed the gap between us, grabbing his arm and snatching the tape from his grip. "Hey!"
"If it's really nothing, then you won't mind me taking a look, right?" I challenged. James shot me a worried look before striding over towards me.
"Nore, hand it over," he demanded, his tone grave, his brow furrowed. I stared at him, torn between defiance and confusion.
"No," I shot back, turning on my heel and bolting up the stairs.
"Nore!" James called out, chasing after me, but I was already too far ahead. I reached our shared room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me. James pounded on the door, growing increasingly frustrated. "Nore! Come on, give it back!"
"Unless you've got another girlfriend, this has gotta be about me, right?" I challenged, and he grunted, kicking the door in frustration. "You’re gonna start keeping secrets from me now?"
"You don't get it. It's for your own good. Just let me in!"
I brushed off his demand, which only earned me a frustrated growl from him. Fixing my gaze on the tape in my hand, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted the band name: Megadeth. There wasn't much else on the tape besides handwritten song titles on the label. I'd been keeping tabs on the Californian metal scene enough to know this wasn't just any old tape — it was a demo. I couldn't help but wonder how Lars and James got their hands on it, and what the hell it had to do with me.
"Come on, Nore!" James's pounding on the door grew more urgent as the music began to play, the cassette inserted into the tape deck in our room. "You don't wanna hear this. Trust me!"
I stayed silent, my heart doing some churning uncomfortably in my chest as I recognized Dave's voice emanating from the speakers. I blinked in surprise; I remembered he was scouting for a vocalist for the band back when we were together, but I had no clue he'd decided to take on the role himself. Somehow, that made it all worse; I wasn't prepared to hear his voice. I wasn't ready for the flood of emotions that hearing him but not being able to talk to him, see him, or touch him brought crashing over me. I wasn't ready for the fury radiating from his voice, blazing like a wildfire, channeling all his pain into his music. And then, it hit me what he was singing about.
My only love, something I've never felt / Now you've gone to heaven and I'll burn in hell / I loved you to death!
Oh. Was that why James was so adamant about me not hearing the tape? Could that song possibly be...?
And now I'm down below / And what do I see? / You didn't go to heaven / You’re down in hell with me / And now you’re coming back / “baby take me please!” / I really think I would, if you weren't such a sleaze / I loved you once before, you kept me on a string / I'd rather go without than take what you would bring / I loved you to death!
I chewed on my lip, my stomach twisting as the song came to its end, struggling to make sense of everything I'd just heard. Suddenly, it all clicked. I understood why James had tried to shield me from it; Dave's lyrics were harsh, dripping with anger and bitterness, a far cry from the sweet and caring Dave I once knew. For a fleeting moment, I tried to convince myself it couldn't be about me — but who else could it possibly be about?
For months, I'd been wondering what he'd say if I ever found him. Would he listen? Would he let me explain? And for months, I'd been living with this fear — that he'd hate me, that he wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore. But I'd always held onto hope; hope that I could make things right, that I could clear things up somehow. Yet, that song... It crushed whatever hope I had left.
It hurt me more than I could say.
I stood up and swung open the bedroom door, finding James right there, his blue eyes filled with concern. I threw myself into his arms, trying to hold back the tears. He sighed and hugged me back.
"I warned you not to listen," he grumbled.
"And you were just gonna keep this from me forever?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"If it meant not hurting you, then yeah."
"James, I deserved to know," I said, pulling back to look at him. He reached up and wiped away a tear, his touch gentle on my cheek.
"You're right. I'm sorry," he said softly, planting a light kiss on my forehead.
"Where'd you snag this tape, anyway?"
"Our producer gave it to Lars. Said Dave's using that Mechanix song we had on our album as The Four Horsemen..."
"Those were his songs, James. He's got every right to do so."
"Why do you still stick up for him, even after all this?" he frowned, a hint of annoyance in his voice, then sighed. "Sure, he can use his fucking songs. But he doesn't get to pen this garbage about you."
I shook my head with a sigh.
"It's so not fair," I said, trying to push down the shake in my voice. "He jumped to thinking I'd just cheat on him, replace him outta nowhere. Didn't even give me a chance to explain; just up and left. And I..." James pulled me into another hug as my voice hitched, making it tough to keep talking. "I still miss him. And I wish..."
"Nore..." James murmured, squeezing me tight, and I sighed, shutting my eyes. "You miss him that much? Aren’t you happy with me?"
"Course I'm happy with you," I replied, my voice muffled against him, hugging him close and soaking in the comfort of his scent as I buried my face into his chest.
"Then stay with me ," he said, his voice gravelly, stroking my hair tenderly. "I'm here. And I would never hurt you like that. Maybe it's time to... let this go. I can make you happy, Nore. Promise."
"You already make me happy," I murmured, sniffing softly and pulling away from his embrace, wiping away the tears that insisted on falling. James cupped my face in his hands, giving me a gentle, affectionate kiss on my lips.
I loved James. That certainty had grown in my chest over the past few months until it became unbearable, impossible to ignore. But could I allow myself to forget Dave like that? Could I allow myself to move on and leave behind a love that had changed my life? Even if he hated me, my heart still beat for him. Could I allow myself to let go of that feeling? 
Could I?
September 5, 1986
Ever since James and I’d started dating, James had always been warm. Warm and cozy, like a lit fireplace on a winter night, enough for me to always want to be around — always there, always comforting. As we lay together, both totally spent after spending most of the night pleasuring each other, he started planting little, lazy kisses on my neck, his hand resting flat on my belly. His blond locks tickled my cheek, his breath warm against my bare skin. 
"I feel like something's off with me," I mumbled, and he stopped kissing me, his lips lingering against my neck.
"I’ll stop if you want me to," he whispered, his arms enveloping me, drawing me snug against his bare skin. James had this knack for drawing me in tighter whenever I hinted at pulling away. He just couldn't resist keeping me close, and honestly, I didn't mind one bit. "Just say the word if you need me to back off," he murmured softly.
"No, it's not that," I replied, turning to face him with a sigh. His blue eyes locked onto mine, curious. I let out another soft sigh, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. He responded instantly, pulling me closer, his grip firm.
"What's on your mind then?" he asked, his lips trailing from mine to my neck once more. I sighed again, closing my eyes, my fingers tangling in his hair as heat pooled between my legs.
"I don't want you guys to leave," I admitted, and he paused his kisses, pulling back to meet my gaze. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as I looked away. "I know it's part of your job. I know you've been on countless tours, and this one won't be any different. But... I just wish you'd stay, just this once."
James gave a nod, pulling me into a tight hug and planting a gentle kiss on my temple. The whirlwind of tours and gigs wasn't a walk in the park for either of us. Sure, it had its perks, but the constant movement, the jam-packed schedule that I struggled to keep pace with, and the long stretches of time apart definitely took their toll on our relationship. Especially now that the band was hitting new heights of success; I wanted to be there for them every step of the way, but reality dictated otherwise with my own commitments.
It hadn't been such a big deal in the past; after over two years as James's girlfriend and spending loads of time with Cliff and the boys, I was used to the drill. But this time, there was this gnawing feeling in my chest, like something wasn't quite right. It wasn't exactly that I wanted them to stay or that I wanted to tag along but couldn't; it was more like I just didn't want them to leave. I didn't want them out there while I was feeling this jittery, like something was about to go south any second.
"I'm probably being a bit selfish," I admitted, meeting James' eyes.
"Nah, not at all," he countered, running his fingers through my hair and flashing me a grin, clearly trying to lift my spirits. "I'll make it up to you, promise. I'll bring back souvenirs from everywhere we hit. What do you say? We'll be back before you know it, Nore. Trust me."
I gave a nod, a small smile tugging at my lips. There was no point in dumping all my worries on James; things would work out, somehow. I nestled closer to him, giving him a hug before planting a soft kiss on his jawline.
"Meanwhile..." he started, his lips meeting mine as he settled over me. I let out a soft chuckle, looping my arms around his neck; he leaned back, giving me a smile tinged with mischief, his hands trailing up my thighs in a way that sent shivers down my spine, anticipation building within me. "I think we should make the most of my being here while we still can. What do you say?"
"Hmm... sounds like a plan," I answered, and he chuckled, leaning in to kiss me once more.
March 13, 1987
Backstage used to be my sanctuary, but not anymore.
The buzz, the drinks, the laughter, the pounding music — those were the things that used to make me feel alive. Completely in the moment. But ever since Cliff had left us, the whole scene had just become another stress trigger. It was cruel, how I would still catch myself hoping to spot him any minute, beer in hand or puffing on a cig before hitting the stage, tuning his bass with that grin of his like he was born to rock out. Then reality would hit me seconds later, reminding me that I would never see him again.
That he was gone.
That night’s gig marked my first outing since the accident. I only agreed to go 'cause I knew James was missing me like crazy, especially after everything went down. It stung how Cliff's death had torn us apart, making it damn near impossible for us to even be in the same room despite still loving each other; it was all just too raw, too painful to wrap our heads around.
But I stuck it out for the whole show, even though my heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice seeing the band up there with a different lineup, knowing it shouldn't be that way. Jason, the new bassist, was actually pretty damn good; I knew my aunt and uncle had loved him, and knowing he had their stamp of approval made things a bit easier to swallow. I didn't know him too well yet, but he came off as friendly and laid-back. Plus, his passion for the band and music had me smiling, thinking about how Cliff would've dug having someone with that same fire taking his spot.
Once the show wrapped, I didn't stick around for the inevitable after-party. While James and the guys were all caught up sorting out post-gig stuff, I slipped out the back, lighting up a smoke with a sigh. A persistent headache throbbed away, making me regret coming in the first place.
"Miss you, you dumbass," I muttered to myself, feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill over.
If I'd known that accident was coming, I would've done anything to stop Cliff from stepping foot on that bus. I would've volunteered to take his spot, even crawled into the bed he was in when it all went down. I would've traded places with him in a heartbeat, and I would've gone to my grave with a smile on my face. 'Cause living in a world without him was a nightmare worse than anything I'd ever imagined.
And now, all I could do was wish I would wake up back in our cozy home, catching a whiff of the coffee he used to brew up and hearing his gentle chuckle as he teased Leanne about tying the knot some day, all in that playful tone that barely masked his real longing — to live . To start a family, maybe have some kids, buy a house for his folks, and grow old doing what he loved, soaking up the rewards of his talent.
But none of that was in the cards anymore.
And I had remained, an empty, unrecognizable shell of the lively girl I used to be. I didn't know a life without Cliff — he had been my rock since forever. He'd been there since day one — I mean, literally, he was around before I was even born. We grew up side by side, like two peas in a pod, and now what was left of me was rotten, alone, and meaningless.
What was I without him, if he was such a huge part of who I was?
How many more losses in my life would I have to take?
Suddenly, I remembered Dave. The first boy I'd ever really loved, that kind of love that shakes you to your core. Losing him hurt like hell, no doubt about it. But compared to losing Cliff, it was like small fry. Still, Dave was the first real loss I’d ever faced. When all my efforts to track him down hit dead ends, I had to learn to live with the hole he left behind. After all these years, I still thought about him from time to time, but it didn't sting as bad as it used to.
I couldn't help but wonder if the ache in my heart from Cliff's absence would ever dull down like it had with Dave. Or if I'd have to face an even bigger blow, something that'd make this pain seem like child's play in comparison. 
After roaming the city streets for hours, I finally headed back to the hotel. When I got to the floor where the band was crashing, I bumped into Jason, standing by his room’s door.
"Hey, Nore," he said, his voice sounding rough, and I gave him a puzzled look. Was he crying?
"Hey, Jason. You all good?"
"I-I'm good," he mumbled, voice low, avoiding eye contact as he sniffled and wiped his face with his hand. Yeah, definitely not okay.
"You're not out there with the guys. What's up?" I asked, and he glanced up, his brown eyes a bit bloodshot, cheeks flushed.
"It's just... It's been kinda rough trying to fit in with the band. Especially with all these pranks they pull..." he trailed off.
"Pranks? What do you mean?" I frowned.
"Oh, it's nothing!" he rushed to say. "You know, just dumb stuff. It's just that it always catches me off guard, like now... I went back to the room to grab a jacket and found they'd messed it all… Up…" He slowly stopped talking as I brushed past him, turning the doorknob of his room and pushing the door open.
I froze in my tracks, utterly stunned by the sight before me. Jason's room was a complete disaster zone — suitcases torn open, clothes strewn all over, mattress gone, and beddings tangled up in the ceiling fan. Furniture flipped over like a hurricane had blown through. I just stood there, dumbfounded. Whoever did this wasn't messing around — it was straight-up hostility, so blatant it snapped me out of my own sadness and fired me up with anger.
"Jason, who did this?" I spun around to face him, my expression blazing, and he took a step back, clearly rattled.
"Nore, it's no big deal, really..." he started, but I cut him off.
"Whoever trashed your room needs to answer for it. This is not okay! I'm going straight to James; he'll sort this out..."
"No, please," he pleaded, cutting me off. "Please, that'll only make things worse! Don't talk to them, I'm begging you…"
I gawked at him, trying to wrap my head around what I was seeing, the pieces slowly fitting together in a puzzle that made no sense. 
"Jason," I began cautiously, "did James and the guys pull this stunt on you?"
He stayed silent, which I interpreted as a confirmation. My gut twisted in discomfort. What were they thinking? That wasn't our style. Sure, we'd get a bit wild sometimes, drink too much, goof around — but deliberately messing with someone? It just didn't add up.
Just then, the elevator chimed, and out stumbled a clearly wasted James, grinning when he spotted Jason.
"Hey, Newkid!" he slurred, stumbling over his words as he came over and slung an arm around Jason's shoulders, who shot him a nervous grin. "Check out the new decor in your room, dude! Pretty rad, huh?" He burst into laughter.
"James, what the hell is this?" I demanded, my voice shaky. He glanced up, looking surprised to see me there.
"Hey, babe. You dipped out, what's the deal?" he asked, dropping his arm from Jason's shoulders and stepping toward me. I folded my arms, taking a step back. He furrowed his brow, confused. "What's eating at you?"
"You tell me. What's the deal with this mess?" I gestured to the chaos in Jason's room. James just grinned, shaking his head.
"Princess, it was just a prank... Come on," he said, reaching for my hand, but I shrugged him off, stomping heavily toward our room. "Hey, hold up... Baby!" James called after me, trailing behind.
Ignoring him, I swung open the door and grabbed my bag, hastily scooping up the scattered clothes and belongings. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall — not now.
"Nore, what the fuck are you doing?" James rushed into the room, grabbing my arm. I shook him off, backing away, glaring at him through teary eyes, my breaths coming in uneven gasps. "Babe, what's going on?"
"How can you even ask? What, you think it's funny to be some kind of bully now?" I demanded, my voice quivering. James shook his head, looking utterly baffled by my reaction.
"Nore, chill out! It was just a prank..."
"What kind of prank is this? This isn't us, James. Why are you guys messing with him?" I snapped, continuing to pack up my stuff. "Cliff would never stand for this."
James took a step back, looking like I'd slapped him. His brow furrowed, jaw clenched.
"And how would you know?" he shot back, and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"You think you knew him better than I did, James? Seriously?"
"Nore, it was just a joke..."
"A joke ? Really?" I shouted, tears finally breaking free. "I can't deal with this, James. What's gotten into you? He's not to blame for what happened to Cliff!"
"I get it. Nore, just try to calm down," he said, coming closer and taking hold of my wrists, locking eyes with me. "Take a deep breath, okay?"
"James, this isn't fair," I choked out through sobs. "Can't you see? We've been falling apart since he left. You're angry, and you're bitter, and you're mean , and sometimes I don't even recognize you anymore, and I hate it! And I feel like nothing — I don't feel like me anymore without him. You don't need me like this."
"I do need you."
"I'm fucking broken, James."
"No, you're not!"
"I am !" I burst out, my voice cracking. "You deserve someone who won't lose it over every little thing like this, James. You deserve better than me. I'm not good for you anymore. I'm not good for anyone, for anything."
"So what's the fucking deal?" he asked, his voice shaky, desperate, his blue eyes brimming with pain. "You’re breaking up with me now?"
I didn't say anything, just locked eyes with him, feeling my heart twist painfully as I realized something had broken right then and there. I loved James, but how could I love anyone fully when my pain consumed me like this, leaving little space for anything else? How could I let myself be loved when his anger kept driving us further apart, drowning out our love in all the noise?
I let out a heavy sigh, my breath trembling, and released his hands from mine.
"I'm heading back home. I'll pack up and catch the next flight..." I mumbled.
"Nore, don't do this," James pleaded, reaching for my hands again, but I pulled away.
"I can't, James. I'm sorry. Just... Please, let me go," I sobbed, burying my face in my hands as I sank onto the bed.
Not too long ago, James would've never left me like this. He would've been there, comforting me, holding me tight and never letting go. But things weren't like they used to be, and the world didn't work the way it should anymore.
So, he just walked away, leaving me alone with my pain.
Over the next few years, James and I attempted to patch things up time and time again — but it was like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. We just couldn't get back to where we were before. Eventually, we drifted apart and started seeing other people, searching for happiness in different eyes, different embraces, different kisses.
But it was useless.
The ache in my chest lingered, a constant reminder of the emptiness that echoed in both of us. And no matter how hard we tried to keep our distance, we always found our way back to each other. We never went back to using those labels — boyfriend, girlfriend — but we couldn't deny the pull between us. I always found myself drawn back to James, and he always found his way back to me.
Eventually, I got used to that kind of love, a mix of joy and sorrow that felt like the only steady thing in a crazy world, a way to bury my own unhappiness. Over the years, me and the guys stayed tight, because what other choice did we have? They were my family, and I was theirs.
I tried to tell myself that maybe I'd never feel that same spark of life again, but hey, at least I wasn't totally miserable. Even though I'd lost a lot and sadness seemed to follow me like a shadow, I still had some good things left — maybe with time, I could figure out how to move forward again. Maybe this was as good as it got.
I almost bought into it.
Until Dave found me.
February 18, 1992
In the end, it was him who found me.
After all the failed attempts, all the heartache, all the rage, all the emptiness I'd been carrying around for years without him, it all came crashing down in that moment when our eyes locked. Time seemed to stand still, his hand on my shoulder sending a jolt through my body, making my heart lose any sense of rhythm.
"Dave?" I whispered, and the sound of my own voice seemed to stir something in his eyes, an old and familiar pain, but also hunger, happiness, and ecstasy.
It was really him.
It was really, really him.
"Hey," he said, and the normalcy of his answer made me chuckle. He grinned at my laughter, that old, beautiful smile, and my heart seemed to melt into pure warmth and affection.
How could I have lived so long without him?
"Hey," I replied, a smile stubbornly appearing on my face. " What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Junior's dating that Music Now anchor; she hooked us up with some tickets. David, David Ellefson," he clarified, noticing my confusion. "I ended up calling him that. Can't have two Daves in the band, and I called dibs first, so..." He trailed off, a small grin playing on his lips that I couldn't help but mirror. "Wanna grab a table? You were getting some food, right? We can catch up for a bit..."
"Sure thing," I nodded eagerly. We snagged an empty table and settled in. I poked at my food, but my appetite took a backseat with him sitting across from me. Dave seemed both different and the same, all at once. He was still as good-looking as ever, with his ginger hair cascading over his shoulders, warm hazel eyes, and that familiar crooked smile that always got me.
"So, what brings you here?" he asked.
"Oh, I work here," I answered, grinning when he raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised.
"Really? What do you do?"
"I act. Just landed my first lead role in a TV series."
"So you ended up in the arts, huh?" he remarked. "I remember you were tossing around the idea of studying something like that back when... Well, back when we were a thing."
I blinked, feeling the flush rise to my cheeks. I was so thrilled to see him again that, for a moment, I almost forgot how our last encounter had been a train wreck for both of us. How the end of our relationship had left us both hurting and confused. How so many misunderstandings had ruined our love beyond repair. 
"Dave," I began, my voice faltering with nerves. "I know it's been forever... But there's so much I want to say. So much I need to explain. I—" I trailed off as he reached for my hand, his grasp enveloping mine, so much larger and warmer, sending my heart racing.
"No worries," he answered, his voice gentle as he kept his gaze locked on mine. "We can talk. I reckon doing it here might be a bit tough, huh? How about we pick a day just for that?"
The idea of meeting up again brought a wave of relief to my face. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I wondered if he too would be feeling the happiness that sang in my chest at that moment, like a little miracle had just unfolded before us. It was hard to find another word to describe it.
He’d found me.
After so many years, he’d found me.
We chatted away for the rest of the party, mostly about work stuff. Everything felt oddly familiar yet different at the same time, and we kind of danced around the real thing: all the emotions we'd been through during our time apart, the fights and secrets that tore us apart when we still cared about each other, and whether we still felt the same way. 'Cause, honestly, I could barely look at him without feeling my whole body fill with a wild happiness, feeling alive like I hadn't felt in a long, long time.
As the party wound down, we lingered by the entrance, chatting quietly while Charlie made the rounds saying her goodbyes. We seized the moment to swap phone numbers, sharing hopeful smiles and whispered words. The night air was chilly, sending shivers down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to ward off the cold.
"Feeling cold?" Dave asked, already slipping off his blazer and draping it over my shoulders before I could respond. I looked up at him, feeling my cheeks flush, and he grinned. "You can hang onto that. Gives us a good excuse to make sure we see each other again."
The ride home flew by in a blur; I hardly paid attention to Charlotte's excited chatter about the party. Instead, I clung to Dave's coat, feeling its warmth seep into me. His scent lingered in the fabric, intoxicatingly close, like it could drive me crazy.
I must’ve been dreaming, right?
It felt like I was living in a dream. Running into him after all these years, completely by chance, seemed too good to be true. For so long, I'd convinced myself that happiness and hope were out of reach. Turns out, I was dead wrong. I had no clue what the future held — no idea what would come of this unexpected reunion. But the chance to make things right, to clear up the misunderstandings of the past, even just a little bit, felt like a gift too good to pass up.
All I could do that surprising night was hope it wouldn't all vanish by morning. Hope his voice would be there when I called the next day, because I could hardly wait to see him again.
That night, I didn't have any nightmares.
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cyberscratch · 4 months
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'evil'/anti artstyle meme! inspired by excessive-moisture's post doing this same thing!!! i showed it to my friends and asked them to give out my own art traits and basically a list of things i should not do.
the result is this art style! soft colors, less purples, very round and soft, thin lines + no line weight, no trademark things like how i draw fur and mouths PLUS slightly different desighs to fit the style more! (for example spamton being drawn more like his shop sprite)
i drew several characters i'm known to draw a lot / mean a lot to me just to see them how different they are from when i draw them normally! HURTS to not have an oversaturated drawing, uegugh.... but coloring was the most fun part! i love working with colors! the worst part was the lineart because i got SO BORED. fun challenge anyway!
little explanations on each character under the cut since this is a multifandom + ocs post and i wanna short talk about my silly guys ever (my, what the kids call these days, blorbos,)
since this has multiple characters not everyone may be familiar with, here's a tiny bit of info on everyone
frostbite = my fursona! they're a bat / dragon mix. they're holding a mango! nothing much to say since they're just my sona. me, y'know?
spamton = you know him! it's spamton from deltarune chapter 2 !! he's a shopkeeper and a secret boss in the game where he appears in his 'NEO' form. he's based on scam e-mails and ads!
my freak of a son = toontown corporate clash oc - he's a goopy low baller that i call my son. or rather, toontown version of frostbite and i call him their son. regular frostbite as shown in this image and frostbite are separate. he was made using one of high roller's attacks.
scratch = my deltarune sona and self insert! they're the fourth member of sweet cap'n cakes. they're a dj! they're inspired by cat headphones, soundboards and karaoke machines! they're who this blog is named after :P
high roller = from toontown corporate clash! he is a cog 'manager' who only appears during a yearly event 'april toons'. she is a show host and a fusion of two characters ('dave brubot' and 'buck ruffler'). it's show is also the boss fight you fight when they're around!
cathal = full name cathal ray toby bravecog aka the multislacker, also from toontown corporate clash. he is a manager you can fight in-game after completing a set of 'kudos' tasks. they are the VP's son and are based on crt tvs! they're known for being 'lazy'.
blank = (full name blank b. addison) a deltarune oc for my big deltarune au named datapack au. he is an addison who got corrupted by a swatchling mask - which is a new concept introduced in my au. he used to sell movie related trinkets and was a stand-up comedian.
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