#i made dinner (the beef i used was questionable tbh but i think its okay)
I have to wake up in five hours. I'm not remotely tired. I hate morning shifts.
Also I realized I want to get my eyebrow pierced.
#its been a productive night#i made dinner (the beef i used was questionable tbh but i think its okay)#i took a shower. i decided i want an eyebrow piercing. and now im unable to sleep#i have to work 6am-2pm tomorrow#my normal schedule is 1-9pm#i worked mornings for a year and never managed to properly adjust my sleep schedule ao i was just always tired#now i work nights and its perfect for me#but i have to suffer through the occasional morning shift. like for the next two days#i usually cant sleep before 2am. but i habe to wake up at 5am#maybe ill just take an adderall... then i could stay awake and maybe do some chores when i get home#yknow what im salty about? every night i usually sleep like 10 hours by myself in a big bed with a good pillow. ideal sleeping conditions#and i still wake up hella tired#but last night i got drunk. fell asleep woth two other people in the bed. at 2am amd woke at 6am#somehow that was the nest sleep ive gotten in years#oh my god y'all i have a desk now. i got it from the dumpster. its so pretty and having it has reinvigorated my love of life#it has plants and mugs on it. now i have a dedicated spece to do all of my work. im so fucking happy#its the little things i guess#i really fucking want to get my eyebrow pierced now and idk why. i wasnt interested until tonight. nothing prompted it#i just started watching game changers today and im kind of in love. maybe ill watch it until 5am then take an Adderall and go to work#surely that will work out fine and nothing will go wrong with this plan
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shikakunaras · 3 years
36 or 57 for shikashino if that's ok?
I chose 57.) Heart eyes when the other talks, sings, dances, argues, does literally anything especially things which others make fun of them for or find annoying
It’s in Shino’s POV but Shikamaru has the heart eyes I promise. It’s another long one. I like this pair tbh. 
Ao3 Link
“What insect is that again?” Tenten asked, leaning closer to Shino. 
“Not an insect. A bug. There's a difference between the two.” Annoyed Shino immediately regretted joining everyone for dinner. They were all piled in a private room waiting for the food to arrive. 
He really only came for Shikamaru, who surprised everyone by showing up. He felt comfortable next to the Nara. Like he knew that if Shikamaru was there, someone would be listening. 
“Either way they’re gross.” Ino shivered at the sight of the insect on the table.
“I just squash them. It makes Shino sad but it’s a reflex.” Kiba frowned, he already wanted the bug on the table dead. 
“Please don’t hurt my beetle. I’ll put him away.” 
“Him? Do you name them?” Lee asked, meaning well but it just made the table erupt in laughter. All except Shikamaru. He looked at Lee and rolled his eyes. 
“You name your weights. What’s the difference?” 
“You got me there Shikamaru!” Lee sat back and smiled. “I have several weights and it’s easier to name them. I don’t know any other way to organize them.” 
“By size?” Neji snorted. “Or by color? Maybe?” 
Shino let out a sigh of relief as the conversation shifted to Lee. He always felt like a monster when they discussed his collection. They have no issue when they save them but he’s used to it. 
The food came and Shino’s appetite left him. He just watched as his teammates ate. He was going to make an excuse, anything so he can leave and not come back. 
Someone tapped the table in front of Shino, throwing off his thoughts. 
“What’s the difference?” Shikamaru asked. Shino furrowed his brows and tried to understand the question. Shikamaru didn’t roll his eyes or let out a long sigh like others do when they have to repeat themselves. He just smiled and reworded his question. “Between insects and bugs, what’s the difference?” 
“Oh. Uh, insects are of a different class. They usually have six legs and three visible sections in their body.” 
“Like ants?” 
“Yes, like ants.” Shino smiled. Shikamaru was engaging in the conversation. “Bugs are also separate from arachnids.” 
Shikamaru shivered. “I’m sorry Shino but I hate them.” 
“Not many do.” Shino’s appetite came back and he added a few pieces of beef to the grill. “I’m trying to find a certain beetle, it’s rare but not extinct. Our clan wants to revive them.” 
“What does it look like?” Shikamaru waited patiently for Shino’s meat to cook before he added his own pieces. He seemed to be listening so Shino continued the conversation. 
“They are small and have a metallic shell. They are good for tracking chakra sources on a smaller scale.” Shino’s bugs can only feel for chakra if it’s in large quantities. 
“Still talking about bugs?” Ino huffed. “I’m trying to eat. At least save that for after dinner.” She usually spoke for the whole table. 
“Kiba talks about eating dog food and no one bats an eye.” Shikamaru matched Ino’s glare. 
“Dog food is different.” 
“How?” Shikamaru asked and then held his hand up. “Don’t elaborate. Whatever.” The Nara looked at Shino and smiled. “We can talk about it later. That bug sounds familiar.” 
The rest of the dinner dragged on. When the separate bills came Shikamaru snatched Shino’s and paid for his food. He didn’t fight or argue, instead he accepted it. 
The Nara walked next to Shino on their way home, allowing Shino to talk more about the elusive bug. 
“I know I’ve seen something like that but I can’t remember where.” Shikamaru rubbed the back of his neck, sounding apologetic. 
“It’s okay. They were around a lot more when we were kids.” Shino stopped in front of his house and turned to Shikamaru. “Why are you being so nice? You don’t owe me anymore for leaving me behind for that mission.” 
Shikamaru shrugged. “I think it’s fucked up how they treat you sometimes. I like when you talk about bugs because you smile and you look genuinely happy. I might not understand the love but I like you so I’ll listen” Shikamaru’s eyes drifted away from Shino’s face and towards the ground. The sun was setting but Shino could still see the faint blush creeping on the Nara’s face. 
“Thank you.” Shino smiled wide and placed a hand on Shikamaru’s shoulder. 
“It’s no problem.” The Nara laughed and then waved goodbye. Shino wandered into his house and to his room, his mind empty of all thought. He landed face first in his pillow and let out a cry of happiness. 
“Hey! Shino!” Shikamaru shouted at Shino, stopping the bug user in his tracks. The Nara was holding a box that looked suspiciously like a specialty bug box. The clear plastic was catching the sun’s reflection, blocking Shino’s view of its contents. 
“I remembered where I saw them. My Clan forest has a few. They hang around a tree I like to nap by.” Shikamaru held out the box for Shino to grab. Sure enough there were a few of the rare beetles sitting inside. 
Shino looked up and Shikamaru who was still smiling about his find. The Aburame couldn’t help it. He kissed him right in the middle of the street. 
“I’m glad you like them.” Shikamaru laughed when Shino pulled away. 
“Sorry I should’ve asked.” Shino’s embarrassment was written all over his face. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Shikamaru’s face was just as red. 
They stood around, not really knowing what to say to each other. Then Shino got an idea. 
“Since you paid for my dinner, let me pay for lunch. You can tell me how to play shogi.” 
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. “You sure? It’s boring as hell. I put Ino to sleep once.” 
Shino just smiled and nodded. “I want to hear about it. Maybe we can play a round or two.” 
The Nara laughed and led the way to Ichiraku’s. Shino felt elated, finally having the bugs in his possession and Shikamaru. 
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xserpentlife · 4 years
50 questions tag !
Tagged by no one but I saw @romanticgumchewer do it and thought it was cool so
1.) What color is your hairbrush?
so like i have bout 5 probably but now i only use one in the shower ad its this turqiouse bue color cause ya’ll if you got frizz or curls dont brush ya hair really at all just use ya fingers but also do it with conditioner and in the shower
2.) Name a food you never eat
freaking seafood eh blegh
3.) Are you usually too warm or too cold?
warm. all. the. time.
4.) What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
uhm swimming... no dinner and smelling disgusting seafood that made me wanna barf cause thsts whst my aunt/uncle and grandparents were making for dinner
5.) What’s your favorite candy bar?
oo idk uhm crunch noooo a flake bar they are from europe no like ireland i think so fucking good lemme tell you
6.) Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
yeah. Eagles, flyers, and phillies, and the reading phillies if you count them, oh and the 76ers and some college gsmes i think that is it
7.) What’s the last thing you said out loud?
nope i don’t want a smore
8.) What’s your favorite ice cream?
yall i got so many lemme get you on this shit. okay so ben and jerrys we talkin then its gottabe phish phood oj shit, but like all in al my fav is black raspberry tbh but also like i do keto so i do love me some coffee ice cream cause i can usually find that in “keto” ones. i like keto enlightened ice cream bars they are decent and low carb
9.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
crystal light or it may have been turkey hill diet green tea
10.) Do you like your wallet?
i mean yeah its a black michael kors it does it purpose lol, mostly i like it cause it has a lot of space for cards which like all my gift cards go there the only thing i don’t like is that the bitch gets hela heavy when coins get in it like jesus
11.) What’s the last thing you ate?
ham and cheese roll ups for diner cause they had fuckin seafood lol boutta be carots, but also wasn’t that hungry lol
12.) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
13.) What’s the last sporting event you watched?
i believe that it was UFC
14.) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
butter or white cheddar
15.) Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
my best friends so my friend from vegas and @wayward-river
16.) Ever go camping?
17.) Do you take vitamins?
i take a probiotic
18.) Do you go to church every Sunday?
19.) Do you have a tan?
20.) Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
oooo uhm depends on what type of piza but ima say pizza... i have a cheese addiction
21.) Do you drink soda through a straw?
i don’t drink soda anymore
22.) What color socks do you usually wear?
vans socks in literally any color usually not black i try to get colored ones cause if i get the black i can never tell te old from the new unless they are like streched out or somethin
23.) Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
uhm yes lol. its my downfall but also like either go the speed limit or go 5 miles over do not go under becuase that is just not an option
24.) What terrifies you?
many things.
25.) Look to your left, what to you see?
26.) What chore do you hate the most?
vacuuming the sound drives me nuts. or no putting away laundry like hanging it up idk why i hate it but i do lik ill wash shit and fold it but actuly putting it way drives me nuts
27.) What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
uhm hiiii but also adelaide idk why
28.) What’s your favorite soda?
dont drink it i drink ice drinks instead or the safeway brand sparkling water
29.) Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
drive through
30.) What’s your favorite number?
31.) Who’s the last person you talked to?
in person? my little cousin
32.) Favorite cut of beef?
chicken just so many things can be done. chicken parm, grilled chicken, bbq chicken need i go on
33.) Last song you listened to?
welp i checked spotfy we were at the pool and it was me and my little cousin i was playing ehr playlist so it was did i mention from descendants hahah
34.) Last book you read?
oh god uhm i have no idea 
35.) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
no unless i go throguh the whole thing letter...... by.... letter
36.) Favorite day of the week?
37.) How do you like your coffee?
Iced with heavy cream i prefer cold brew or espresso tho, but usually cold brew
38.) Favorite pair of shoes?
39.) Time you normally wake up?
10- 10:30 sometimes 9
40.) Sunrise or sunsets?
41.) How many blankets on your bed?
usually just my comforter sometimes my comforter and one or two otehrs dring the winter cause i like to be cold and keep my window open i keep my bedroom door closed and the heat in my room off
42.) Describe your kitchen plates?
i live with my aprents im still in college but when im at school rndoms hit that is cheap 
43.) Describe your kitchen at the moment?
tiny dorm kitchen or it will be first on campus apartment that looks like an insane asylum checkkkkkkk
44.) Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
i mean its not legal to sayyyyy
45.) Do you play cards?
yes omggggg my grandma s from the south i grew up on card games 500 rummy, oh hell too, i played poker with my grandpa to and 21
46.) What color is your car?
dark blue... kiki
47.) Can you change a tire?
48.) Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
uhm idk i live in pennsylvania but I wouldn’t say i have a favorite state at least not yet
49.) Favorite job you’ve had?
I worked at this axe throwing place and honestly it was my favorite job i had. I was an axe master I basicaly taght people how to throw axes and like led mini games for hour long sessions it was hella fun, but my college scheldue and doctors appt got in the way so i got let go but it was fun while it lasted. or my own business i do photography on the side so that is also amazing and i absolutely love it and ned to do more of it.
50.) How did you get your biggest scar?
oh god i don’t even know.. i have huge scards from my chronic skin condition so either that orrrr maybe the scar on my leg it is not that big though like size of a nickel where a kick stand went into my leg, a lot of my scars are smaller or like blend into my skin fairly ell cause of my other scars or honestly i forget about them cause. i hae so many so i realy am not sure.
i tag @wayward-river @the-gargoyle-queen @whenallsaidanddone @riverdalebingo @theangriestpea @southsidevixen-blog
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tkuhnhackl · 5 years
i can’t tell if i love you or hate you rn but i really don’t want to do anymore work on this placement nonsense so we’ll go with the former, thanks
i’m stupid enough to actually do all these but i will put them under a read more to spare y’all
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah, i’m really close to both of them. we’re all a little nuts in the family, but in the best way.02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? my mom, when talking to her on the phone on the way back from work today (well, technically i said “love ya, shorty” because my family is not good at sentimentality without a little bit of roasting but close enough, i suppose)03: Do you regret anything? I already answered this!04: Are you insecure? I guess? It’s weird - I’m very comfortable with who I am, that sort of stuff, but things that have happened in the past have made me insecure about aspects of myself - so I suppose my answer is that i’ve become fairly good at disguising my insecurities over time05: What is your relationship status? single af06: How do you want to die? quickly, fairly painlessly, in a blaze of glory - there’s one Brian Jacques novel where the Long Patrol hares mount a final charge to stall the enemy and 8 year old me was absolutely ready to go out wielding a longsword in one hand and a sgian dubh in the other and tbh i’m still lowkey up for it07: What did you last eat? i had tacos for dinner with homemade barbacoa beef (i froze half of it when i made it back in february so i am finally treating myself to the rest of it)08: Played any sports? baseball, softball, basketball, tennis, and soccer/football. i also did field hockey briefly and ran track and field (primarily hurdles) for a year; i wanted to do short track speed skating but my parents were too worried about my safety09: Do you bite your nails? yup, i’ve tried for years to break the habit but every time i get stressed, it happens again10: When was your last physical fight? i’ve never been in a full-on fight; probably high school was the last time that anything even came close to that level and it was still not particularly close11: Do you like someone? already answered this one too!12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? once? usually i end up taking a nap, even if just for an hour, so it rarely ends up being 48 consecutive hours13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? i mean, on an impersonal level, there are famous people i despise. in my own personal life, there are a handful of people that i dislike enough to perhaps call hate but i also don’t believe in wasting my time being angry with them if they’re not even in my life anymore14: Do you miss someone? answered this one as well!15: Have any pets? the loves of my life, my dog Flora and my parents’ dog Liam. also the spider who lives in the corner of my room because sometimes it’s nice to pretend that counts as having company16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? tired, overwhelmed, ready for another vacation, helpless, frustrated, but also hopeful because i’ve got three potential job leads that came up this week (but can’t be followed up on until I return home in Sept)17: Ever made out in the bathroom? nope18: Are you scared of spiders? no, i love spiders as long as they don’t encroach on my personal space19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? as an art history person, absolutely. there are a lot of questions that i had to leave unanswered in my research papers and i’d love to just be able to ask the artists in person (and maybe punch picasso and jackson pollock and tell bierstadt to calm down a bit with the entire congress incident because no one cares about those pictures anymore)20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? a dorm room (idk if it counts as a snog but we’re counting it nonetheless)21: What are your plans for this weekend? finish getting my portfolio done for this placement and hopefully book another trip for next weekend22: Do you want to have kids? How many? i definitely do not want to birth any children, but i’d certainly be open to adopting later in my life should my life lead me in a direction where i feel ready, able, and willing to open my heart and home to a kid. probably only one, definitely no more than 2.23: Do you have piercings? How many? two ear piercings, i used to have my nose pierced but that ripped out in a very painful moment and i’m waiting for it to heal completely before i get it repierced24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? i was a fucking nerd in high school; i think the only subject i struggled a bit in was physics and that’s just because i don’t like theory - in uni, i took classes in a bunch of different departments, but my best ones were art history and anthropology25: Do you miss anyone from your past? answered this as well!26: What are you craving right now? poutine from the Yard, good Knights hockey, a brain that functions in a healthier way, and an end to my writing block27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so? i mean, i feel like it’s highly unlikely28: Have you ever been cheated on? can’t happen if you’re not even in the game 😏29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? see above answer30: What’s irritating you right now? my flatmates, the other work placement who won’t shut up and insists on using the library computer with the cataloging software despite me reserving it, my professors’ general incompetence, international politics31: Does somebody love you? romantically, no, unless the cheesemonger’s really committed to our non-existent relationship. but i’d like to think my close friends and family do (otherwise the love you’s we exchange at the end of conversations are awkward now)32: What is your favourite color? russets and other earth tones33: Do you have trust issues? hahahahahaha yes34: Who/what was your last dream about? i don’t actually remember? i know i woke up disoriented a few nights ago because it was something realistic but idk what i actually dreamed about35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? i cried in front of my mom on skype recently; in person, also probably my mother when she visited a few months ago (moral of the story is that i refuse to cry in front of anyone that’s not family)36: Do you give out second chances too easily? depending on what happened, i really don’t do second chances at all. i’m an expert at putting things in my past and, while i don’t often burn bridges, i’m more than happy to let them fall into ruin on their own 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? to forgive is easy (depending on what was done), but forgetting is much, much harder38: Is this year the best year of your life? depending on my paper grades and this dissertation and whether or not someone wants to hire me, it could well be, but it sure as hell does not feel like it39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 1840: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? no way in hell51: Favourite food? beans and rice52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? not really - i do believe that every experience is one that can be learned from and every one has some sort of value, but i believe that the “happens for a reason” idea ascribes more sentience to the universe than i like53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? did my daily duolingo requirements so that the owl didn’t show up in my bedroom and murder me54: Is cheating ever okay? no, i don’t think there can be any sort of justification for betraying someone’s trust55: Are you mean? not particularly, i can be if i need to be but i prefer not to (i prefer to go for the ‘asian mom threatening glare’ that i have inherited from my mother)56: How many people have you fist fought? zero; for all its portrayals on tv and movies, my experience in american public school had absolutely no physical fights57: Do you believe in true love? no, i find that the concept can be so limiting and people feel pressure to find some ideal that may not really exist (i’m not a romantic in any way, shape, or form whoops)58: Favourite weather? spring, when it’s right on the edge of summer, so it’s warm enough that you can wear absolutely anything and still be comfortable, and the birds are nesting and the flowers are blooming, and the world just feels so alive59: Do you like the snow? yes, but my sad frostbitten toes can no longer handle the cold so i must now limit my time in the snow so i don’t lose them completely60: Do you wanna get married? i wouldn’t say i want to get married; if i find someone and we end up getting married, great. if i stay single the rest of my life, also great. it’s one of those things that i don’t feel is a necessity to make my life complete, but i’m not necessarily opposed to it either if it happens. I have so many things on my bucket list for life, but romance has never been on it.61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? i will accept “babe” but will not accept baby unless it’s followed by giraffe. 62: What makes you happy? dogs that wag their tail a little faster when they see you, the way puffins fly and land, the sound and sight of sea birds reuniting with their partners after spending the last year apart, lilies of the valley beginning to peek out as the seasons change, fruits and veg picked straight from my garden, good food, excel spreadsheets, being the only one in a gallery in a museum and getting to be alone with the art, sharks that challenge our perspectives on what sharks are supposed to be and do, my sports teams winning63: Would you change your name? no. for a long time, i did because it’s always getting mispronounced and, when you go to a predominantly white school district, it’s always hard to be the one kid with an obviously non-white name. but also my last name means ‘king of snakes’ and fuck if anyone’s taking that away from me64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? nope, she remains very dear to me65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? run screaming for the hills, catch me sailing out to shetland on the next ferry because that’s a conversation i don’t want to have66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah, i don’t really believe in having close friends that i cannot act my complete self around, regardless of gender67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad? non-family, the regimental representative at the museum i work at, who’s basically my work dad (who i cook for because i worry about his health)68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i avoid all deep emotional conversations, so it’d probably be my parents (specifically my mother because my dad is like me). but i did have a deep conversation about politics and race with a girl i met on my trip this weekend up north69: Do you believe in soulmates? answered this as well70: Is there anyone you would die for? absolutely
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12setsofchopsticks · 7 years
What's For Dinner Tonight?
What do I eat here? A lot of different things! One question I get asked by literally all of my classes is “what is your favorite Japanese food?”
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Okay, maybe it’s more like “Japanese food…you like??”
But yes, I tend to say the easy “oh, yes I like Japanese food very much! My favorite foods to eat are sushi and ramen!” which is 100% true, but I’ve found there is so much more to Japanese cuisine than just ramen and sushi! I think I can definitely say that my international food palette has expanded. I have tried so many new and interesting foods, some have been good, others…not so much (please see the liver incident).
Everyone knows about sushi and ramen, but let me tell you about some of the “lesser known” foods I enjoy that are common here:
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Oh yes. This is one food in particular that I have really come to love.
WHO KNEW that curry, a food we usually think of as being unique to Indian cuisine in America, would be such a culinary staple in Japan? First things first, Japanese curry is distinctly different from it’s Indian cousin. Indian curry tastes like, well, curry. Japanese curry tastes like heaven. I really can’t describe the taste of Japanese curry; it’s just like spicy gravy goodness over rice and some sort of friend meat. I also have no idea what it *really* is, but goddamn do I love it.
ALSO I feel like I must add that my bias is partly due to the fact that I live literally right above a CoCo Curry house so the restraint I need to not eat there every night is EXTREME. At first it was kind of a running joke that I would go to CoCo Curry everyday but now it’s become frighteningly close to reality. OOPS.
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Omurice gets its name from the words “omelet” and “rice” and that basically sums it right up; it’s a thin, cooked egg filled with ketchup-fried rice and topped with MORE ketchup. Like I just mentioned, the rice is usually ketchup-flavored (which tastes much better than it sounds) and stir fried with chicken and vegetables, but I have seen variations like beef stroganoff, seafood, and (OMG!!!) curry! I am not sure why Japanese people love ketchup so much.
HISTORICAL NOTE: I find the very idea of omurice to be kind of hilarious, because it was basically what Japanese people thought western food was like. To be fair, it is one of the closest Japanese foods I’ve found to resemble brunch so they weren’t too far off in their assumptions.
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Yakisoba is what I get when I think I’ve ordered lo mein. It’s basically the same as the westernized Chinese staple, but the flavors are slightly different. This is another festival-favorite and usually a failsafe for me to get at the conbini when I don’t trust any of the other options. It’s usually packed with veggies and a generous helping of pickled ginger (the pink stuff) which I promptly pick out every time.
Fun fact! They also sell yakisoba rolls – meaning sub rolls filled with yakisoba – at the conbini for when you get that ~*special hankering*~ for carbs.
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The only thing more fun than saying okonomiyaki is eating it. When I first came to Japan and was like “what is this food called okonomonaki” first, they laughed at me cause I said it wrong, then they said it was “japanese pancake” and I guess technically they aren’t wrong, but you won’t find me (or anyone for that matter) eating an okonomiyaki doused in syrup in the morning for breakfast.
Okonomiyaki can contain a number of different ingredients within the batter, but often you will encounter the usual suspects like cabbage, egg, and some sort of protein like bacon, octopus, shrimp, etc. It’s cooked like a pancake and then served with special sauce and mayo on top. There are plenty of dedicated okonomiyaki shops around, but they are also a common food found at street vendors during festivals.
Side note: I have a pair of socks that have okonomiyaki on them and every time I wear them to school, my students go bananas.
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Closely related to okonomiyaki is takoyaki. Takoyaki means fried octopus ball so, of course, there usually is octopus somewhere in there. However, I’ve seen vegetarian takoyaki or takoyaki with lil hotdog bits in them. They are made by putting batter in a special takoyaki pan that has round recesses for the balls to form. Every time I see someone making these lil balls delight I’m like “okay there is no way that is going to become round” but somehow every time they come out looking like perfect globes and I don’t understand how they do it.
Every time I get these, I eat them in one bite and every time it is a huge mistake because the inside is always hotter than the molten core of the Earth and I apparently don’t know how to learn from my mistakes. SAD!
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One thing I really didn’t anticipate when I moved to Tokyo was that I would basically have to learn how to cook all over again.
There are two reasons for this:
The first is because my Japanese supermarkets do not offer the same foods that the American supermarkets I used to frequent did. This seems obvious! Of course a Japanese supermarket is not going to have things like Oreos or Ritz crackers…or one would think. Actually, it’s quite easy to find Oreos and Ritz crackers, but I have an incredibly difficult time finding things like Italian sausage, many types of cheese, and chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (still looking for that one, btw). So basically, while products tend to be easy to find, some of the ingredients that used to be staples in my cooking seemingly don’t exist in this country (it’s hell-ery trying to find celery. Why?). Not to mention that when I do go grocery shopping, all of the labels are in Japanese. Ask me about the time I accidentally got decaf coffee or sun-dried tomatoes instead of roasted red peppers. I’ve since learned hiragana and katakana, but it’s still slow-going in the supermarket and to this day I still have no idea what kind of meat I’ve been buying.
The second reason is because of the restrictions of my kitchen itself. My apartment is small. Really small. “Do I even have a kitchen?” is probably a better question than “how big is your kitchen?” Yes, the sad reality is that I have only one induction-heat burner and NO oven. I do, however, have a rice cooker and a toaster oven. How has this impacted my cooking? Well, obviously I can’t use any recipe that requires baking. I also can’t cook things separately (for example, broccoli sautéing in one pan, pasta boiling in another) without it taking forever and getting cold. I’ve had to get rethink my recipes and have now become a huge fan of one-pot meals, not that I wasn’t before, but now I am an even BIGGER fan that I was. This means doing a lot of things like skipping the step where you boil the pasta and throwing it right in the pot with the sauce (which actually makes it more delicious anyways). Space is, of course, a huge issue as well, so I’ve gotten quite crafty, especially with hooks and shower rings, to effectively utilize all my vertical space for storage.
Also - holy hell, how had I gotten this far in life without a rice cooker? That little machine is like god’s gift to humanity. Literally just push one button and there it is, perfect rice. I’ve recently tried experimenting with making different flavors of rice in it with mixed results. I’m sure I’ll get coconut curry rice down after a few more tries B-)
Full disclosure: I only wrote this blog post because I am SO hungry and still have a half hour until lunch time OMG I’m gonna starve.
Also, I have no idea what's for dinner tonight. Probably CoCo Curry, TBH. LOL.
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まいにちCoCoカレー (mai-ni-chi Co-co Ka-ray) - Everyday Coco Curry
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