#i love their dynamic sm 😭😭😭
proxythe · 26 days
Another hc is I think Shinji loses a lot of weight during the 2 years just cuz he isn’t getting enough to eat and he’s getting sicker and then when he’s recovering he has to take a lot of time to be able to move again so he’s definitely not doing much strenuous activity and he regains weight slowly. I think what is able to really help him both gain weight and learn to be nicer to himself is he makes food that he himself would enjoy (its a long journey cuz he’s not used to being nice to himself and he’s very crabby about it lol) and I like to imagine him having a sweet tooth and liking cookies and cake a lot and he gets chubbier over time and Akihiko is like over the moon cuz Shinji is taking care of himself and it’s showing!
Then Mitsuru um because of fucked up angsty reasons shes had to prioritize her appearance a lot, a whole metaphor for keeping up a facade so she doesn’t reflect badly on the company, and she always is very controlling of what she eats and how it’d make her look. She also puts a lot of effort into her hair and makeup to keep up a perfect image of femininity. Then like during her social link she’s with Kotone just kinda exploring common shit for the first time and she develops a love of fast food and it frightens her cuz like. What’s happening to her she isn’t allowed to have this kinda indulgence and she certainly isn’t allowed to enjoy it either. But she’s supported and encouraged to let herself eat whatever she wants and she just explores a lot of options and eats what she likes even if it’s not some perfect shit that keeps her skinny I think Kotone and Yukari would collectively be like PLEEASSEEE DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY IF ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING WE WILL MURDER THEM WE HAVE OUR WEAPONS DRAWN. So Mitsuru gets fatter and also stops wearing makeup too and it’s very scary cuz she’s always had it ingrained in her that this is the last thing she’s allowed to be but she also feels her body and looks at her natural face and she finally feels like her body is her own and she loves what she’s made
Obviously we gotta have Shinji and Mitsuru bond over their new food revelations it’s part of repairing some strain in their relationship I think Shinji can definitely be pretentious about food and would probably have negative opinions of fast food like he’ll eat it cuz sometimes you just can’t cook but hes snarky about it. But when he sees Mitsuru likes it she figures he’s got something snarky to say and he’s just like "uh actually knowing what you’ve gone through I’d be pissed if you didn’t eat fast food let’s go get some borgers". He does make some of his own shit occasionally though like burgers and fries for Mitsuru to have and it’s a nice gesture but it just doesn’t capture the ENERGY of wild duck burger 🙄. Shinji would melt anyone if they said that though alsjka. Mitsuru in return would get Shinji some fancy ingredients and any special sweets that are all expensive (even though I strongly believe the happiest ending for Mitsuru is one where she isn’t really a part of the Kirijo group family anymore let’s just say she still has a way to get yummy snack akjsks). They candy is always really strange and tastes like shit 8/10 times and Shinji will eat all of it anyway and he will not share
Basically Shinji 🤝 Mitsuru: gaining weight and exploring what foods they like for the first time as a way of showing they’re recovering
i’ve thought ab this with shinji constantly (i’m not sure the oversized clothes i put him in have ever properly showed it tho 😭) but i’ve never imagined it with mitsuru !! i definitely draw mitsuru a bit thicker than she actually is but ive never put much thought behind it besides it looks better to me LMFAO … now i will have a reason to continue drawing her this way and more…
in general, the whole “gaining weight to signify growth” oh i could collapse i fear … literally the most perfect & beautiful hc for any fandom…
& guhhh i seriously seriously am in love w shinji & mitsu friendship so much. i always love to think about the respect they have for each other and how they can alwyas just get together if they want to chill … falls to my knees. them getting food together and it’s whatever they want bc they’re becoming so secure in their lives … ……. no judgement just vibes. post canon shinji lives au, i love u so much…
also the bits w aki, kotone, & yukari … clenches fist. sniffle. this is kind of in relation to all of sees but it works here so i’ll mention it: their entire group vehemently protecting each other even tho they’re all fully capable of doing so on their own (except probably fuuka & ken to an extent) is actually just a god tier level thought. big family ..
+ i love that u send such long asks Thank you so much… you’ve already said everything so i feel like there’s not much for me to add !! but i love this so much… 🫶🫶
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twistedappletree · 10 months
love the junior scenes in the MDZS donghua where Jin Ling is standing with perfect, regal posture with his nose turned up at literally everyone and Lan Jingyi is next to him hunched over and shouting like a rabid swamp goblin
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h0estar · 1 year
Yukine's journey toward acceptance of the life that was robbed of him, this time with finality, exemplifies the emotional and beautifully rendered arc that has defined his character.
Yukine finally accepting the reality of his death. Yukine stepping out from the fridge that contained memories of what was once his life. Yukine freeing himself from the shackles of his trauma. Yukine running to protect the person who cherished him the most in the world. Yukine standing up to an abusive father. Yukine wholeheartedly apologizing. Yukine's growth, and Yato tearing up as he stretches his little arms to pull him for an embrace.
Yukine's gratitude for what Yato did for him is evident throughout the series. He was given a name more precious than any other. He was treated like a human--an ordinary teenage boy. And life after that was one exciting journey after another. Now, Yukine can no longer be entirely consumed by the horrors of his past because he knows that his reality with Yato is so much brighter. Far brighter.
Yukine could break out from that refrigerator because of the true, sincere, and nurturing love shown by the only father figure in his life. Yato has said multiple times throughout the series that Yukine was his priority above all else, and Yukine was the only person he swore to protect the most. Hell, he even went straight to hug him after Yukine apologized for turning into that form! Yato did not need to summon Yukine. Yukine came to protect Yato on his own decision. As he always did.
The journey to their healing will be painful, and this chapter shows that Yato and Yukine will face it together. No more secrets and no more miscommunications. They will help and be by each other's side as they always have, not only as god and shinki but, this time, as family.
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"I will not let him die. Not Yato. No matter what happens... I swear I won't let anyone take him from me!" -Yukine, Noragami Vol. 17 Chapter 67.
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extravagav · 22 days
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#THIS IS LITERALLY LITERAAALLLYYY THE BIGGEST FORM OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SUGISHITA COULD HAVE#NOT ONLY IS HE DOING WHATS BEST FOR UMEMIYA BUT HES PUTTING HIS TRUST IN SAKURA TO HELP HIM#AND OH IM SO UNWELL#HIS BODY IS PHYSICALLY REACTING TO HIM MAKING THIS DECISION IM JUST#IM SO PROUD#and then sakura acknowledging all of this too i just love them sm#they really have one of the best dynamics 😭😭😭#wind breaker#kyotaro sugishita#sakura haruka#wind breaker spoilers#wind breaker manga spoilers#ok nvm im still talking bc the second image literally gets me everytime i look at it#first off the way they drew sakura in that scene in the first place is just so beautiful thats the only word i can think for it rn 😭😭😭😭#second seeing this scene from sugishitas perspective and then learning later that the reason he has this reaction was because he thought-#-sakura looked cool and hes never thought that about anyone before just really gives us so much more for their relationship#specially how sugishita acts towards him 😭😭#add that onto what umemiya says to him (which i couldnt include in this post </3) about how hes never really shown emotion to anyone-#-till sakura showed up then it gives us an even BETTER understanding of why sugishita acts the way he does around sakura#my brain is so frazzled by the sun today and words are not coming to me easily so apologies if none of this makes any sense 😭😭😭#ill revisit it another time anyway#also the way they describe all of this really makes it sound like he has a lil crush and its so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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jalluzas-ferney · 1 year
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tenjikyu · 18 days
They’re found family goals, your honour ‼️
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
random but i resolved to post abt it every time i find a webtoon that I enjoy... and lately I've been having fun reading this one...
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*rubs nose* heh... I do dabble in het from time to time... no but seriously it's a p straightforward lighthearted enemies to lovers romcom, not groundbreaking or anything yet im over here kicking my feet and giggling the main couple is SO cute to me... i luv them... I actually couldnt wait to find out what happens next so ive been slowly reading ahead in the kor whenever i have time and they're sooo cute😭😭 I also like the art style and costume design a lot!! it gives me like. a nostalgic 90s shoujo anime vibe tbh... w the puffy hair and babyfaces...
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duck-noises · 7 months
Idk if you're still taking drawing requests but if you are, can you please draw your design of Atreus of Sparta and Kratos being cute boyfriends??? Let them hold hands...🥺👉👈
i am in fact still taking them, i’m pretty much open to taking them whenever and yours was so fun to make. so here you go AOS and pre-curse kratos going for a lovely little stroll
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fatuismooches · 9 months
*kicks door open*
Saw that Dottore post talking in a different language in the middle of class. It will NOT stop me for brain rotting.
God he'd say everything and anything he wants to tell you in the language that attracts you the most and he'd laugh affectionately when you glate at him with a red face. He'd be SO teasing about it, calling you pet names you don't know the meaning of but he says it so sweet and tender that it makes ur heart beat so fast,, you'd see him leaving notes to you with lines of what it seems to be a poem and you dont understand at all, and the segments do it to you as well like!!! CMON 😭😭
They refuse to help you study the language bc it's not a collective thing they do and they all use so many different languages it makes ur head spin
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But imagine making ur own language just to level with dottore???? After learning it and developing it n becoming fluent, you burned all ur notes and documents of your own language and u watch him and the segments fume when you talk to him in a language he has never heard of
(Now imagine talking to a fellow harbinger with the said language, teaching them to further egg on him 🤭🤭🤭)
HCHKCHDOEHFOSIW this is kaiser and it's time for me to EXPLODE 💥💥💥
AHHUDWDWD THIS IS SO SO CUTE. IM BRAINROTTING SOOO HARD BEFORE CLASS UGHHH I LOVE THESE IDEAS😭😭❤️ He would be SO relentless with teasing you, you would literally have to BEG him to return to speaking in your native language because he is a monster ugh 😒😤 You would have no idea what he's saying no matter how much you try and plead for him to tell you... you eventually hear certain words so many times you just associate them with a pet name that you still have no clue as to what it is. You HATE how much he has you wrapped around his finger and blushing but you also love it because who doesn't love when the Doctor is so outwardly affectionate to you 😔❤️ tHE POEMS BRO. THE POEMS. I think he's also very bad at written affection but since it's in another language he has creative freedom 😭 you'll never know the disgusting sappy things he'll write. The clones being in on it is the funniest part lmao you thought they would be on your side 😭😭💔
oh MY GOD THOUGH READER MAKING THEIR OWN LANGUAGE IS MY FAVORITEEE PART!!!! I love when reader tries to one-up Dottore, like, two can play at that game honey, i'm not your lover for no reason 🤭 LMAO i can just imagine reader grinding out their language verbally and written, day and night, just to spite Dottore and make him feel what you feel >:)
The look on their faces would be PRICELESS. Dottore would ask you to repeat what you said and you would, happily, and then walk away as if what you said is everyday language... they would be scrambling to figure out what is going onnnnn 😭 HELP YESSS Pantalone, Bina, and Childe are the best candidates 🤭 He would be so annoyed at seeing you communicate with these three so jollying... ehehe also teaching his child clone the language too, because the baby would never betray you either and would stick his tongue out at the bribing of other clones.
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gureshinlover · 2 months
Queen of Tears is so good 🥺 i cant wait for the next episodes
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Ianthe should have written all her dramatic monologues in advance and hired Palamedes to write them for her. He would get to flex his creative muscles and Ianthe could actually sound commanding for once. Win-win.
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taintedcigs · 1 year
jonathan to will: i don't want you to forget that i'm here. and i'll always be here. no matter what. because you're my brother. and i love you. and there is nothing in this world, okay, absolutely nothing, that will ever change that.
mike and nancy:
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kerfufflecricket · 3 months
Akaza Q4 and Douma Q12 (Like what nicknames he’s given akaza ^^)
Yay questions! Please forgive me if I get rambley I just love talking about these two! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Question 4 - is their regression more voluntary or involuntary, do they ever regress without realizing?
Akaza's regression is mainly involuntary, he has little control on when or where he slips. He can put it off for a little bit but will almost always end up slipping in the end.
If he gets especially upset, usually by being reminded of his human life, he can end up regressing immediately without warning.
He generally has very little warning before he starts to feel small but he's usually pretty good at telling when he feels small all things considered :]
Question 12 - do they have any specific nicknames for when their regressed? What about for their caregiver(s) or friends?
Oh, Douma has SO MANY for akaza!! He calls him the usual pet names, sweetheart, sweetie, honey, ect. But his favorites to call him are "My Darling" ''My Dearest" "Sweet Boy" and "Snowflake".
He likes to add the term "My" to them. It's his way to show that he cares about him and likes taking care of him! He's not great at talking about his feelings or being open/vulnerable so he finds small ways like this to show it instead
It's also a reinsurance for Akaza, we all know that emotions are not his strong suit.
Vulnerability? Never heard of it.
So obviously his regression is a really personal thing to him and he has insecurities surrounding it, that being paired with his pre-existing insecurities he has a hard time believing someone exactly wants to look after him or wants him in general, so being referred to as "My Darling" or "My dearest" it helps to reassure that he's actually wanted and loved. Though he'd never admit that lol
They're dynamic really relies on the whole "it's the thought that counts" really ^^ (and I eat it up everytime)
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twistedappletree · 11 months
My all-time favorite zhuiling + LJY dynamic is just Jin Ling lowkey being a hopelessly romantic Disney princess like “ohhh what if I moodily stepped out into this misty night into a lush forest of bamboo 🥺✨ what if he noticed I was gone and ran after me and followed me here and we—“ and out of nowhere Lan Jingyi pops out of a bush like “nice cringey storybook daydream you got there, would be a shame if all you got was me being the most annoying person you’ve ever met in your life”
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nulltune · 6 months
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insanity (lynnsanity) is me going "my gawsh.... MARRY HAKUNO ALREADY?!??" to literally so many ppl from fate/extra canon bc their relationships n dynamics with hakuno is just TOO GOOODDD,,, but also me going "my gawsh... WHEN CAN I MARRY HAKUNO ALREADY?!?!?" because i facking love this moon binch sm i love hakuno kishinami...!!!!!!!!!!! 🐺🐺😫😫😭🥹🥹🫶❤️💘💓💗❣️💝❤️💝💞
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baeshijima · 7 months
hsr 1.5 event story spoilers utc
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also just this exchange....
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crying the way he cares... and his just the way his voice was expressed in cn made him sound so angry at those who left huohuo on her own ;w;; and the "how can your own flesh and blood be so heartless? these humans..." .... tail bro stop ur making me cry here.....
but also the way he calls hanya demoness and then immediately corrects to judge every time he addresses her is so funny i cant
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