#i love sunday but he's Slightly pissing me off rn
problemcore · 29 days
hiiii halfway? thru the story. hard as hell to avoid spoilers online i need to stay away 😭 rant in tags, spoilers for 2.2 . i already reached 30 tags wow 💀
#chris noises#hsr#spoilers ahead ->#///////////////////////////////////////////////#ROBIIIIIIINNNNN WAAAAHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭#her unwavering love and belief in humans to survive against all odds.......#her inherent kindness and desire to help everyone#SHE IS HARMONY !!! THATS WHAT HARMONY IS ALL ABOUTTT !!!!!#i love sunday but he's Slightly pissing me off rn#is this really what you believe in..... that the weak must die so the strong can live... that its the only way for life to continue....#can't wait to beat him up later lol#AGHHH I LOVE YOU SUNDAY BUT YOU MAKE ME SO CONFLICTED !!!!!!#oh the gallagher stuff was so interesting....... the memory zone memes being his Pets. thats funny#i love you gallagher im sorry i called you ugly a few updates ago....#cant even begin to talk about firefly.... genuinely lights up my world everytime she's on screen#BLADIEEE THE BLADIE CAMEO????#STELLARON HUNTERS ARE SUCH A FAMILYYYYYYYYYY WAAAAAAA#acheron and black swan 🥹 i love how black swan is Terrified of her and yet constantly looks out for her#girl Me Too...#acheron agh the heartache you bring me. girl i will get you ibuprofen i promise.#dan heng 💜💜💜💜💜💜 no complaints as usual. perfect boy. im so glad he's out of his depressive episode so we can see him on penacony 😭😭#boothill.#i have nothing to say about him.#did i miss anyone....#mm OH MISHA. MY SON. i cannot wait to see how it will all connect back to him#he IS connected to mikhail. no doubt in my heart#i wonder if after this update he'll finally board the express .... my son my boy....#im so excited to see jing yuan later#and.... aaaahhhhhh my wife the love of my life. aventurine come back home i miss you#its been a month im experiencing wife withdrawal (<- copyrighted michael egotokill material do not use without express permission)
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restapesta · 3 years
hi emina! happy last week of no school ♥♥
15. “Finally. Missed you so much.” but make it sort of in front of other people??🙏🙏🙏 if u want. it's okay if not, too!
ian (1:11 AM): it's hot as fuck here. can't sleep.
ian (1:12 AM): also, lip snores
mickey (1:12 AM): that's what you get for leaving me
ian (1:13 AM): drama queen, i only left this morning. be back in just a week.
ian (1:13 AM): why are YOU awake?
mickey (1:14 AM): fuck you, just a week. 🖕🖕🖕
ian (1:14 AM): 🙄
ian (1:14 AM): go to sleep
mickey (1:15 AM): you woke me up???
ian (1:15 AM): doesn't matter. just go to sleep.
mickey (1:15 AM): probably not
ian (1:16 AM): ???
mickey (1:17 AM): can't sleep without you
incoming call from ian (1:17 AM)
mickey (11:22 AM): college bitch still pissed at us for waking him up?
ian (11:25 AM): isn't speaking to me. bitched about it to fiona the entire morning.
ian (11:25 AM): "can't go a night without him." blah blah
mickey (11:25 AM): fuck him. wyd right now?
ian (11:27 AM): helping Fi with the moving shit.
ian (11:27 AM): you?
mickey (11:28 AM): lunch with tami. bitching about lip.
ian (11:29 AM): 😌
ian (11.29 AM): that same lip is currently screaming my ear off to get off the phone.
ian (11:29 AM): keep bitching, my love
mickey (11:30 AM): tell him to fuck off.
mickey (11:30 AM): also, call me when you're done
ian (11:31 AM): 😘
mickey (11:31 AM): 🙄🖤
(12:57 PM) incoming call from ian
(16:44 PM): incoming call from mickey
(21:44 PM) incoming call from ian
mickey (09:06 AM): come back home, im bored.
mickey (09:06 AM): Fiona doesn't need you for an entire fucking week.
ian (09:10 AM): 😬 just five more days
ian (09:10 AM): Fiona says hi!
mickey (09:11 AM): I'm horny, this is stupid.
ian (09:12 AM): handy-dandy hand 😁
mickey (09:12 AM): 🖕🖕🖕🖕
mickey (09:13 AM): ...something to work with?
ian sent a link (09:14 AM)
mickey (09:15 AM): you did not just send me the benefits of a cold shower, you bitch.
ian (09:16 AM): loveeeeee youuuuuu
mickey (09:16 AM): 🙂🔪
incoming call from ian (12:33 PM)
incoming call from ian (17:29 PM)
incoming call from mickey (00:12 AM)
ian (08:12 AM): I'm horny.
ian (08:13 AM): mickey
ian (08:13 AM): mickey
ian (08:13 AM): mickey
ian (08:13 AM): MICKEY
ian (08:14 AM): babyyyyyy
ian (08:14 AM): pleaseeeeee come on, you're not sleeping rn
mickey sent a link (08:16 AM)
ian (08:16 AM): i deserved that.
mickey (08:17 AM): handy-dandy 🤛
ian (08:17 AM): hate myself at this moment 🙂
mickey (08:17 AM): 🤭😘
ian (09:44 AM): coffee on facetime?
incoming call from mickey (09:45 AM)
ian (14:22 PM): sorry for the ghosting
ian (14:22 PM): Fiona's been killing me with the whole apartment cleaning shit
ian (14:23 PM): And Lip's hiding from her so he's always with me.
ian (14:23 PM): i know it's been a day.
mickey (14:25 PM): well, well, look who decided to text their husband finally
mickey (14:25 PM): it's been a whole day, ian.
mickey (14:26 PM): we are no longer on speaking terms.
ian (14:26 PM): 😲😨
ian (14:26 PM): i'm sorry.
ian (14:26 PM): i miss having breakfast with you.
ian (14:27 PM): i miss sleeping with you
ian (14:27 PM): i miss kissing you
ian (14:28 PM): and doing other things with you 😏
ian (14:28 PM): miss you so fucking much.
ian (14:28 PM): mick?
mickey (14:30 PM): ugh fine, you sap
mickey (14:30 PM): call me
incoming call from ian (14:31 PM)
incoming call from mickey (18:55 PM)
ian (19:24 PM): phone sex is cool, but we should try sexting 😳
mickey (19:26 PM): i don't need a reminder of your disgusting ass dick anywhere on my phone.
ian (19:26 PM): hm? 🤔 not what you were saying ten minutes ago.
ian (19:27 PM): you sure you ain't ready for round two? 😏
ian (19:27 PM): bet facetime sex is even better.
incoming call from mickey (19:28 PM)
ian (02:22 AM): i miss you. i really fucking miss you.
ian (08:02 AM): flight is at 10
mickey (08:04 AM): i'll be waiting for you when you land.
It had only been a week. A week filled with phone calls and text messages and a whole bunch of facetime—but, fuck, it had been a week.
Did Ian really have to go on and visit Fiona alone with Lip? Was it really that necessary for him to travel all the way to the alligator land just so they could help Fiona switch apartments? Mickey didn't see the point of the long-ass trip to Florida just so Ian could complain about how humid it was and how it was a blessing he didn't share a room with Lip anymore.
Mickey missed him. He missed him a lot more than he thought he would, and he really should've considered the fact that he and Ian spent most of their time together. They may have been apart before for long periods of time, but it was hard to tear them away from each other nowadays.
So maybe it wasn't that much of a surprise he'd had a hard time adjusting to the empty space of their apartment and the coldness of their bed. The lack of dad jokes during their long rides at work and the unmistakable scent of Ian that had been slowly fading and was almost gone now.
That was Mickey's excuse for not doing laundry. He didn't wanna lose Ian's smell from their home. The sappy excuse would probably work with Ian, he thought.
And even if it didn't, Mickey could distract him from his annoyance in other ways.
Airports sucked.
Being in an airport, waiting on Ian and Lip with their family of twenty thousand—or six, whatever—sucked even more.
But the plane had already landed and it would be just another couple minutes before Mickey saw his husband for the first time in a week. Before he wrapped his arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. He didn't even give a shit if anybody saw him and thought how big of a fag he was.
Husband. That was the only thing on his mind currently.
"They should be here already," Tami said, bouncing Fred up on her hip.
Debbie shrugged from beside Mickey, one hand tightly holding onto the redheaded girl between them. She was fisting the fabric of Mickey's jacket, and it made Mickey smile. It eased the anticipation a little.
Who was he kidding? There were swarms of bees in his stomach, poking and stinging. He felt slightly nauseous.
"I think I see Lip!" It was Liam who exclaimed.
Mickey didn't see Lip.
But he did see the redhead trailing right behind him, a suitcase in his right hand, recently bought for the trip. His hair was ruffled, and his eyes were sleepy, the jet lag probably hitting him in full swing.
Still, the green orbs Mickey missed so much lit up the moment he noticed Mickey, the corners of his mouth twisting up into a wide smile.
Mickey wasn't any better. He could feel the grin stretching across his face involuntary, yet he did nothing to hide it. Nothing to stop it from spreading. He didn't care to hide the excitement he was feeling upon seeing Ian for the first time in a week.
A week.
His legs moved on their own accord, and in what felt like no time at all, he was engulfed into a hug, Ian's long arms circling him—it was familiar; comfortable, and warm.
"Fucking finally," Ian choked out against Mickey's hair, his lips pressed to the top of his head, cradling his body gently. "I missed you so much."
Mickey tilted his chin up and their lips connected in a brief kiss. Just a peck that turned into a couple more, all loud on the pullback, their limbs still wrapped up in each other.
"Missed you more."
They stared into each other's eyes longingly for a couple of moments—it was probably too soft and sappy for them, but who gave a shit? They hadn't seen each other in a week.
What interrupted them eventually were a few short coughs, as if somebody was clearing their throat.
Mickey glared at Lip, practically forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the man he was holding.
"We done with the reunion or you guys wanna continue making out in the middle of the airport...?"
Ian was the one who flipped him off, finally disentangling himself from Mickey so he could greet his siblings properly and pick Franny up into a long hug. It made Mickey frown, the loss of contact. He forced himself to endure it, though—half an hour of a ride longer and they'd be home alone, free to do whatever the fuck.
Still, as soon as they were done with the obligated reunions and the questions about Florida and Fiona, Ian found himself next to Mickey again, gripping Mickey's palm and intertwining the fingers with his own.
Who gave a shit if anybody was looking? Who gave a shit if Lip was rolling his eyes at the obvious display of affection or if Carl was making obnoxious kissy faces at them as if they haven't been married for a while now—Mickey saw none of that shit.
All Mickey saw was Ian.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hey! i just read your recent bakugou fic and i loved it! i hope the person requested it feels better after reading it. no one deserves to be treated like that. maybe make a part two for it? like she and bakugou are now in a relationship and theyre out on a date on a sunday, but they bumped into her mom and she was furious when she saw her daughter dating and ‘fooling around’ instead of studying but this time bakugou was finally able to stand up for her and gave her the bitchslap she deserves
a/n: awe thank you! that’s very true, i hope they’re doing okay as well, i’m sending all my love to them and anyone who’s not feeling too hot rn discipline 
summary: you and bakugou are finally together. he takes you out on a date and you bump into your mom. she’s disappointed that you’re ‘fooling around’ instead of working on getting better grades and doing better in school. bakugou doesn’t hold back this time.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff
wordcount: 1.4k
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The semester had gotten off to a good start. Bakugou had asked you out since your little date a few months ago, and now you were practically inseparable.
Bakugou got teased for being such a softie around you but he didn’t care. He loved you. He got angry at Kaminari and Sero for making jokes but at the end of the day, they were happy for him.
Bakugou had found someone who could tolerate his explosive energy. The two of you just sort of clicked.
You studied with Bakugou a lot, and he helped you when you needed it. But he didn’t push you. He knew you were strong, so he was only there if you ever needed it. He wasn’t going to baby you around.
That’s why you loved him so much. He knew you were capable. He didn’t make you feel like you were less than he was. He was an amazing boyfriend.
- - -
Being with Bakugou was nice. And come to think of it, you would be celebrating three months together in a few days. On Sunday to be exact. Bakugou had been thinking about it, wondering what he could do.
He’d asked, no demanded, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, and Mina to help him out.  He wanted to do something special.
“You should take her out on a date, something romantic, like dinner!” Mina said excitedly. Kaminari nodded, but he quickly stood to his feet.
“Take her to see a movie! And then you can pull a real smooth move where you throw your arm over her shoulder-”
“They’ve already kissed Kaminari.” Sero interrupted. Kaminari looked at Bakugou with wide eyes.
“Oh yeah, what else have you two done-”
“Shut it dunceface!” Bakugou raised a sparking open palm at the yellow-haired boy. Kaminari sat back down and shut up for the rest of the conversation.
“Just do something sweet, buy her flowers, but don’t forget you’re just as much a part of this date as she is. Try to do something you both enjoy!” Kirishima smiled. Bakugou nodded and looked down at his lap.
“If any of you say anything about this I’ll kill you.” Bakugou jumped to his feet as he stomped off.
“He’s so in love~!” Mina cheered hugging Kirishima.
“They grow up so fast!” Sero faked tears. The four of them laughed as Bakugou made his way up to your dorm.
Bakugou knocked three times before lowering his hand back into his pocket.
“Oh hey, babe!” You greeted the blonde. The nickname you’d given him made his heart skip a beat every time he heard you say it. He liked hearing his name, and dozens of other ones you called him, come from your mouth.
“Don’t make plans Sunday, we’re going out.” He said with a small grin.
“Okay, oh before you go, look at this!” You quickly showed him your grade for the math test you’d took the day before. You got a 94 on it.
“Awesome work, babygirl.” Bakugou leaned in to give you a peck on your lips. It was cut short by a stern cough.
“PDA.” Mr. Aizawa looked at the two of you.
“Oh piss off.” Bakugou waved his hand at Mr. Aizawa. Bakugou gave you one last kiss before he walked off.
“Sorry about that.” You giggled. Mr. Aizawa sighed and walked off down the hall. 
- - -
Sunday came faster than you thought. Bakugou had come to your dorm to get you.
“Do I look okay? Is this too much? I don’t know what we’re doing-”
“You look great.” Bakugou smiled softly. You liked seeing him smile. 
“You look good too. Did you comb your hair?” You smiled reaching a hand out to poke at his hair. Bakugou grabbed your wrist and looked away.
“I did now let’s go.” He wanted to look good, he didn’t want to look like a slob.
“Cute.” You said softly.
“You look cute.” You beamed. Bakugou’s eye twitched.
“I’m not cute, I’m badass-”
“So where are we going?” You asked, placing your hand in his as you began to walk outdoors and off toward the gate to get off-campus.
“It’s a surprise for a reason, dumbass.” Bakugou’s hand was warm against yours. The air was chilly and you could tell it was starting to warm up some. Spring was slowly peaking its head around.
The two of you walked and talked, admiring the beautiful nature as you neared closer to the chosen destination.
Bakugou stopped in your favorite cafe and the two of you got lunch.
“Thanks for this.” You thanked him for buying your lunch. The two of you ate, making small talk.
“That was really good.” Bakugou looked at his empty plate. You giggled and looked at him.
“What now?”
“You’ve got a little something-” You wiped a bit of cream off of his lip with your thumb. Your cheeks tinted red as did his.
“Do you see why I like this place so much now?” You smiled. Bakugou nodded.
“Alright, let’s go, I’ve got one more thing to show-”
“(y/n)?” Your mother’s voice filled the atmosphere. You cringed. You turned to see her standing at your table.
“Hi, mom.” You greeted, a smile on your face. Please let her say something nice.
“What are you doing off-campus?” She asked, glaring at Bakugou and then back to you.
“Well uh, mom this is my boyfriend, Bakugou.” You rubbed the back of your neck nervously.
“It’s nice to meet you-” bakugou spoke but was interrupted.
“I can’t believe you. You are honestly such a disappointment. You’re going to such a great school, and not to mention by my recommendation. And you spend your time goofing and fooling around with a boy? Have your grades improved-”
“Mom it’s not-”
“No. I’m talking. You are not dating this boy anymore. It’s over-”
Bakugou felt his blood boiling. He couldn’t watch this. He couldn’t sit here and let someone, no your mother, speak about you like that. You were amazing.
“Babe, let’s go.” Bakugou stood, gathering his trash.
“No, my daughter will not be leaving with you-”
“Miss, with all due respect, your daughter, my wonderful girlfriend, is fucking amazing. Do you know what she’s ranked in the class? Third. Do you know how hard she trains? Until she can't move anymore. I’ve only seen a few people as devoted to her goals as her. You have no right to call her weak, or a disappointment.” Bakugou stood a few feet in front of you as you gathered your things.
“Excuse me?” Your mom crossed her arms over her chest.
“You’d know how well your daughter was doing if you showed you actually cared about her succeeding and showed compassion toward her. Your brooding and unpleasant parenting is why she’s so distant.” Bakugou grabbed your hand and pulled you along, heading toward the door.
“And she’s got all a’s now, no help from you that is.” He smirked, watching your mother’s face contort with anger.
The two of you walked down the street silently, leaving the scene.
“I- Sorry.” Bakugou mumbled.
“No hey, actually, thank you.” You stopped, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Thank you for defending me.” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, placing a kiss on his lips. Bakugou smiled and planted his hands on your hips.
“Anytime, babygirl.” 
Your kiss wasn’t long, still aware of the public around you.
“Let’s continue our date shall we?” You pull Bakugou along with you, a smile on his lips.
“You don't even know where we’re going!” Bakugou raised his voice slightly. He wasn’t yelling, he was more excited and running on the adrenaline rush he’d just been given from showing your mom up.
“Who cares, let’s go do something fun. I heard there’s a firework show tonight!” 
“Every night is a firework show with me.” 
“Oh keep it in your pants Katsuki.” You smirked.
“Hey! That’s not what I meant-”
Bakugou watched you wiggle your brows at him.
“Oh you little-” Bakugou chased after you as you broke free from his hand in yours. 
It was a small chase, nothing crazy, the two of you just enjoying each other’s company.
The sun had gone down finally and the two of you were resting on a lawn up on a hill. You could see the sky perfectly from your spot. 
The fireworks began to go off and you cuddled into your boyfriend, admiring the colors that filled the sky.
“Look at that one!” You pointed, filled with joy at the large explosions of colors and shapes in the sky.
Bakugou admired the changes of color on your face, the light from each firework making you seem more and more like an angel.
Bakugou kissed your cheek, not wanting you to miss the fireworks.
“I love you.” Bakugou whispered.
“I love you too, Katsuki.” You replied.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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Okay so if you can right a blurb or little concept. Maybe something like y/n taking Auston on a nice hike and maybe where the guys said she has a nice ass? Please!👀😂
Ok I’m sorry I can’t write a whole proper edited blurb rn cause I’m at work still 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I’ll try to expand as much as I can!
Auston doesn’t love hikes. It’s not that he dislikes them per say, but he definitely finds them kind of boring unless they’re with you. Somehow, you made them entertaining.
Maybe it was because you loved them.
Whenever you went on a hike, you always had an extra spring in your step and got excited about showing him a new trail you recently discovered. You’d point out spots where you saw and animal the last time you were there, or lead him to an area that had a really nice lookout.
Hikes with you were nice, but this particular one soured his mood.
It was a warm mid-October day in Toronto. Seeing as it was the weekend, you didn’t have work and he had an off day from hockey. The two of you had spent the night in the night before, then when you were both up kind of early for a Sunday morning you asked if he wanted to join you for a hike.
It was just to Crothers Woods, a set of trails that were maybe 20 minutes from your condo downtown and gave a nice break from all the sidewalks and high rises Toronto was made of. It even had a nice lookout over the city, which was bound to be stunning with the way the leaves were changing.
He had no reason to say no, so he tagged along.
The hike was nice, it wasn’t too busy and again, was just a nice little break from being in the city. The two of you did your hike in roughly an hour then had plans to grab some breakfast before heading back home.
On the last bit of the trail, as you both were almost back to the parking lot, Auston noticed that his shoelace had come undone and stopped to tie it. You stopped too so you could wait for him, but he just said you didn’t have to and that he’d meet you at the car in a minute. So, you continued on your way and Auston admired the view as you went.
You looked good, to say the least. Sure you were a little sweaty from the hike, but that didn’t even matter. You still looked flawless in the matching pair of tights and sports bra you’d just bought from Lululemon. Even the way you hair cascaded down your back in a simple ponytail seemed perfect.
Auston couldn’t help but gawk a little bit, but was quick in recovering as he smirked to himself, finished tying his shoe and went after you.
However, when he exited the path into the parking lot, his playful mood quickly diminished. Beside where he was standing, a group of frat looking boys were standing around their jeep and staring at you as you walked across the lot to the car.
They started making comments about how you had a nice ass, even one going to the extent of whistling at you, which you didn’t hear because of the headphones you had in.
Auston was pissed. He wanted to say something, but quickly realized the guys hadn’t even noticed him because they were so focused on you. So, he came up with a plan.
Smirking to himself, he walked across the lot to where your were standing next to the car, sipping on a bottle of cold water. When you turned around and saw him coming, you smiled but that was all you were able to do because he soon was gripping your hips and pinning you back against the car as he started making out with you.
The gesture caught you off guard, but you weren’t complaining and soon reacted by wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and pulling him closer.
“Someone’s in a mood,” you chuckled once you moved away from him slightly to catch your breath.
“Can’t help it,” he replied before kissing you again.
After a moment of that, you slid your hands to his biceps and gently pushed him away. Giving him a narrowed glance as you looked up at him.
“Those guys said something, didn’t they?”
You shook your head, but weren’t mad. Instead of making a sarcastic comment to him, you pecked his lips once more before leaning around him and looking at the other guys.
“Hi, boys,” you greeted them in a singsong voice and wiggled your fingers at them in a little wave, which made Auston burst out laughing as he leaned down against your shoulder.
“You kill me,” he stated as he heard the other guys grumble something before they started walking away.
“Good,” you replied as you linked you hand with his and started leading him towards the drivers side of the car. “Now that’s done, can we please do get breakfast? I’m starving.”
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b00bstone · 7 years
All the even numbers!
thats a lot. and 72 was repeated twice but i had to renumber them since i copied and pasted adn forgot it was repeated. but anyway. 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
mostly shy i think but i can be outgoing if im comfortable. 
4 Are you easy to get along with?
not really. i can be quite moody. and i unfortunately have a short temper (which im trying to work on) and im depressed adn suicidal so i think the answer is no. 
6 What kind of people are you attracted to?
smart funny ones. 
8Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my friend the nerd because i was talking to them and my friend rabbit earlier. 
10Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probs my therapist since we talked just earlier today.
12What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
1.awkward by hailey knox
2 beautiful girl by sara barielles 
3. plot twist by sigrid
4 waving through a window from dear evan hansen 
and 5. dissapear also from dear evan hansen.
14Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yeah but my luck is shitty and miracles happen to other people. so basically yes but not for me lmao
16Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
yeah. if she were down. but like shes really straight. so i doubt she would be.
18Do you still talk to your first crush?
occasionally. hes a dick now tho. fraternity guy. and voted for trump.
20Do you like your neighbors?
well the ones i know are pretty cool. 
22Where would you like to travel?
narnia. one of those planets they discovered that are super far away but similar to earth. but like on this planet? probs travel around europe. 
24Favorite part of your daily routine?
going to bed. 
26What do you do when you wake up?
lie there and try to go back to sleep. 
28Who are you most comfortable around?
probs my friend rabbit.
30Do you ever want to get married?
one day yeah. but only if i find the right person u know. 
32Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
oohhhh ummm hmmm. chris pratt. aubrey plaza and john boyega. i feel like aubrey would bring a sarcastic element which would help with the pressure and nervousness and john and chris. well u can just see in their eyes that theyre really gentle people that will treat u right. 
34do you play sports? What sports?
hahaha no. ive always wanted to dance and/or be on a swimteam. but my lungs hate me
36Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
i think ive only told like 1 or 2 people that ive liked that i liked them. and ive liked a lot of people so yes. i have hidden that i liked someone before. many many times.
38Describe your dream girl/guy?
theyre taller than me. i dunno why but ive always liked wavy/curly hair. not blonde. or brunette. so that leaves unnatural hair color or black or red. good bone structure. theyre really smart. like they know lots of stuff academically but theyre also just generally smart u know. and they know lots of lil random facts about random things. really nice. but not in like a sugar nice way but more like sun beams when it feels like theyre warming u from the inside kinda nice. kind eyes. color doesnt really matter since i keep changing my mind. strong. but not necessarily muscular. i want them to be able to pick me up and twirl me around but not like theyve got a sixpack or anything. sixpacks are kinda weird looking tbh. wed have to have most of the same values. not too talkative but not like ALWAYS quiet. theyd prefer staying in most weekend and watchng shows but dont mind the occassional night out. theyd like the beach. because what kind of crazy person doesnt like the beach (people that dont beach right thats who). theyd also like biking and hiking and swimming. very much an animal person. not lazy. good listener. intuitive. would understand that some days i just cant fucking stand physical touch. and others i crave it in a way ive never craved anything before. and other days its kinda meh whatever. people that take interest in what im interested in because im interested in it. and whose interests are cool. because i love to take interest in things my friends are interested in but sometimes its so boring. nothing particular comes to mind. but im sure its happened. someone who doesnt check up on me when im crying. because tbh i hate it when people do that. unless its through texting or a phone call. but like people in person asking “are u ok?” while im sobbing my eyes out? fuck no go away. someone who understands that im really fucking bad with words. and sometimes me trying to say something will take a while and it may not make sense. theyd be patient. they wouldnt mock me. or be manipulative. and i think this list is long enough.
40What do you want to do after high school?
travel the world and end up famous, but not like papparazzi following me famous. famous like i appear on snl every once in a while and drop bangers or rad filsm or whatever i do and thats all.  what will i probs end up doing? crying a lot and going to community college. and applying to as many colleges as i have the energy to. 
42If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
it might mean im busy. or just listening. or really pissed off. or upset. or just have nothing to say. 
44Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
46What are you paranoid about?
48Have you ever been drunk?
not yet. but sometimes i want to be
50What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
blue i think?
52 One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
everything. but like one specific thing? id like to get rid of my depression, fears, and this brain fog that haunts me
.54 Favourite store?
trader joes or target
56Favourite color?
58 Last thing you ate?
well rn im eating plain potato chips and mayo (please dont judge me. i know its disgusting)
60Ever won a competition? For what?
i used to do mma i won like one or two of those. i also run a riding competition once. 
62Been arrested? For what?
not yet. but im sure one day i will be.
64tell us the story of your first kiss?
we were in her parents bathroom and were 7. thats all i remember. havent kissed anyone since. which isnt for lack of wanting to.
68Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
i dont really have any tumblr friends that arent my real friends yet? so like i cant answer that.
70 Twitter or Tumblr?
well i spend all my time here and not on twitter so lets go with tumblr. altho i do have a twitter im never on
72Names of your best friends?
adi, heather, rabecca, joaquin, celestine. 
74What colour are your towels?
blue, red and white. and theres some hawaiin print ones and a yellow one. 
76How many pillows do you sleep with?
78How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
like 40? dont judge. i kept asking as a kid and my parents kept giving them to me for christmas and my birthday. they should have stopped. 
80What colour is your underwear?
rn its grey. but its not the only color i have
82Favourite ice cream flavor?
fuck. ummmmm coffee?
84What colour pants?
rn theyre black. but on the front of the thighs they have zebra striping. 
86Favourite movie?
thats not an easy question to answer. im gonna say bringing up baby just because. 
90Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
both? i mean i prefer mean girls a lil more bu 21 jumpstreet isnt bad either
92 Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
dory. we are both scatterbrained. 
94Last person you talked to today?
adi. but like in person? rabbit and the nerd. 
96Name a person you love?
celestine. (not romantically)
98In a fight with someone?
not as far as i know. but i always kinda feel like im in a fight with monkey. 
100How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
like 4? i know i know i dont have very many. 
102Favourite actress?
aubrey plaza. 
104Do you tan a lot?
nope. i try at least once every summer. but my skin either stays as pale as snow or i burn really bad then my skin shift to a slightly more offwhite shade of snow. 
106. How are you feeling?
blergh. potato chips and mayo are really gross. and im tired and sick of people telling me shit. 
108Do you regret anything from your past?
i regret everything ive ever done. 
110Do you miss anyone from your past?
well there is this one guy i used to talk to but i miss the attention and not him so that doesnt count. i kinda miss a friend of mine named shannon from elementary school sunday school
112Ever broken someone’s heart?
i dont think so. 
114What should you be doing?
school. but ive given up on that. so. 
.116 Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
oh yeah. ive liked 2 peoplethat much. altho i barely knew the first person and it was more me projecting my ideals of the prefect person onto them. 
118Who was the last person you cried in front of?
probs my therapist. 
120Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yeah. i was just in virginia last week. i live in california so id say thats definitely out of state. 
122Are you listening to music right now?
124Do you like Chinese food?
americanized or traditional? americanized: yessss that shit i shte bomb. traditional? i dont know ive never had it. 
126Are you afraid of the dark?
yes. very. i need a light source or i start to panic. 
.128 Is cheating ever okay?
like on a partner or on a test or something? on a partner? no way. u should never do that. like thatll really fuck them up and make them mistrustful for the rest of their life. on a test? if its necessary sure go for it. i dont care. im not ur teacher. 
130Do you believe in love at first sight?
yeah. but its not something thatll ever happen to me lmao.
132. Are you currently bored?
im always bored. 
134 Would you change your name?
last name? yes 100% absolutely. first name? maybe. 
136Do you like subway?
like the sandwich shop? fuck no! the first time i ate it i threw up. the second time was ok. and thei third time i got serious stomach cramps afterwards. it was these awful sharp shooting pains all through my stomach. 
138Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probs my therapist. 
140Can you count to one million?
theoretically? yes. but will i? no 
142Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed! my closet freaks me out but the office across from my bedroom freaks me out more. and also like i dont want cats walking on my face. or to wake up at 7 am and find that my dog has taken up the very middle of the bed. 
144Curly or Straight hair?
rn? mostly straight. but when it gets longer it kinda curls a  lil. 
146Summer or Winter?
yes. i like both. dont make me choose. 
148 Favourite month?
july. thats when im born so it has to be my fav. 
150Dark, milk or white chocolate?
152Was today a good day?
154What’s your favourite quote?
in the beginning the universe was created a lot of people regard t as a bad move. and i messed that quote up. but yeah. 
156Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
the terms braided and woven refer to the structure of the elastic. 
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justafastfoodknight · 7 years
today has been so exhausting mentally and physically so let’s get to it:
get to work and Livni opened so it’s her shift. Some cool co-workers and whatnot and i try and not stress about my manager being there, but it’s inevitable. I haven’t updated in forever so many things have been missed such as: i fucking hate my boss and she reminds me why i left running for the hills from starbucks. to sum it up, I’m learning to be ver cautious with my words and what I ask her because she’s ANAL about every single little microscopic thing. So I politely ask if I was allowed to know who opened on Monday so I could let them know that I MIGHT be a couple minutes late because I had to drop my sister off somewhere. I kid you not, it was THEE most dramatic reaction i’ve ever gotten. She said, “well why are you going to be late, why didn’t you notify me two weeks prior, you know I made the schedule already, this is going to interfere with our business. I out the schedules out ahead of time so things like this don’t happen, you can’t be late.” to which I said “ok don’t worry about it, i’ll cancel it and say I can’t do it (not in a mean or frustrated way either, just as a ok it’s totally fine kind of way) and she kept asking when my mom told me i’d have to pick up my sister and that I would have to give my whole family and people I know a heads up that if i wanted to make plans i’d need weeks notice so she could figure it out. While i’m standing there kind of soaking all this dramatic bullshit up she’s like well maybe ask Megan to come in half an hour early so she can cover you because everyone has to be on time and everyone’s position is vital and vital to the team. I can’t have anyone be gone and then I be blamed for your absence. and A-FUCKING-GAIN i said, it’s ok abby don’t worry about it, it’s not that big of a deal. THE BITCH WOULD NOT FUKCING LET IT GO!!! WE DO NOT FUCKING WORK FOR THE FBI OR THE PENTAGON OR THE FUCKING NSA WE WORK AT A COFFEE SHOP WHERE WE HAVE A SURPLUS OF PEOPLE ON THE FLOOR ON A DAY THAT NEVER GETS BUSY!!! AND I CAN’T BE LATE, AND NOT EVEN THAT, WARN YOU THAT I’LL BE SO INSTEAD OF BEING A FUCKING ASSHOLE LIKE SOME OTHER PEOPLE SHE’S HIRED?! Then on top of that she realized that i was slightly bothered by her insistent behavior that she had the balls so say, don’t get mad at me, i’m running this business and i wan’t to be successful, i’m trying to help you out. I understand that it’s not ideal for someone to be late, but i’m giving you a heads up and you have more than enough people plus YOU there and it’s fucking 7am, people are barely getting up dumbass. After that conversation ended I had thee worst, and i meant WORST feeling. I was so mad and angry and frustrated i completely went sour. She honestly fucked up 90% of my day. I was just thinking of places to start applying to and where i could move to because I did/do not support her as a manager. and it’s not only this, she was gone for a month or so when i was barely hired and everything was peachy-keen, ther second she came back everyone was fucking miserable. last sunday was my first shift again without her and I HAD SO MUCH FUN I DIDN’T WANT TO LEAVE. no one was stressed, we got our tasks done, we cleaned, we made drinks, put away the order, and no fucking do this do that, can you guys please greet, can u upsell, can you make sure you stay planted on register for your 8 hour shift HTANK YEWWWW. It’s only been a couple of months and I am disgusted by her I can’t even believe it..
moving on, so yeah I went home and a mix of menstrual cramps and hormones I was on the verge of tears all fukcing day. like everything has been going ok but i am starting to hate my new job and her and I feel helpless tbh. so I’m getting to my second job and I see Tara and this girl is the sweetest person ever, like today I legit realized I love her like a best-friend rn. she’s always listening to my shit and giving me advice and she’s never one to wait for herself to talk, she’s always asking about certain details about myself and she’s so pure. so I saw her and she hugged me since i hadn’t seen her in 4 days and I had tears in my eyes cause I was still pissed off and emotional.... but i sucked it in and just went on. everyone could tell i was quiet, even her and she continuously asked me what happened at work or how it was and i just couldn’t bring myself to tell her, like i felt like i was a bother and i didn’t want to be pitied, just heard but i didn’t tell her even though I know i would have felt much better. I hate that I didn’t but i knew I would have started cryig because i ran to the bathroom and did just that. I know i sound like a fucking baby crying over that small thing with my manager but it’s like I fucking give my damn all at any job i have, i tell you i’m fast, i can clean, you don’t have to tell me what to do because i’m always on top of my shit but you still hound me while everyone else gets passes. but yeah so it sounds minor but that mixed with me hanging out with TA yesterday and realizing yet again that i love this fucking not single dude fucking hurts. he’s so nice and funny and i’m now crying at the thought that last night we watched Dunkirk and i told him i wasn’t too knowledgeable;e on history and he didn’t judged. i basically asked him to explain shit to me and most of the car ride he talked about ww1 and ww2 and all these other things and he asked me what i though about the movie and it’s like wtf i fit nowhere in his narrative. we were sitting down waiting for food i ordered sitting face to face and i was talking about how Atonement has this beautiful shot of Dunkirk that ties with the one now and i was getting so into it and he kept looking me in the eye and was nice to be listened to when I rant about movies. 
so yeah last night we went to go watch Dunkirk because 1. we last watched interstellar together and we both love Nolan and 2. because i missed talking to someone about stupid shit that i’m into. he drove and we walked around amoeba and i got him to actually buy Garden State which is on of my favs and i was surprised tbh. i told him i was sure he wouldn’t like the pretentiousness of it, but oh well. then today i realized the soundtrack is all fucking coldplay so FML WHEN HE WATCHES IT. it’s old CP so it’s good, but some people hate them in general SO.
yeah sat and watched the movie, got free caps, and just talked the whole car ride. about Twin Peaks and how i’m growing frustrated because nothing at all had been cleared up, about our love for B99!!! which no one else seems to get!! and also my favorite of when I was the one who showed him what David Lynch’s voice really sounds like because it came as a fjcking shockeer to me and then him. because it was COUNTRY AF. then i talked about conspiracy theories and our communal agreement that we desire death and hope that nothing comes after because shit is real out here. it’s that millennial depression tbh. 
so yea when i was at urba. i was very quiet, just did my shit, didn’t even wanna talk to Tara or Josy so i just kept SHUT. then my mom sent me the cutest meme of Boo from Monster’s ink where she’s crying and the caption is “oYE hija en que gastaste todo el dinero que de di?” and Boo is holding a shitload of makeup... i laughed so hard it got me out of that sad episode i had i swear!! i replied with “jajajajaj” and then she said “princesita” and it touched my heart. it’s sad to say but i miss being close to my parents, we live under the same roof and we see each other often but it feels so hard for me to open up to them, i feel like i can’t tell them anything without being judged which is a whole other conversation so i’ll stop here. 
the end of my shift was probably my favorite moment i’ve had in a while. these two girls came in from the movie theater across the street from us and i’ve taken their order before and they were super nice and i gave them free cookies. i think i want to vicariously live through them because they’re doing what i want to do. they’re best friends working at a movie theater together and when i asked them questions they both answered and vibed off of each other answers and it made me so sad thinking i was now 23, alone and working two jobs when they were just working for spare money. idk how to explain it but i find myself watching friends come in and be so friendly to each other and i think i just miss having a best friend be with me like in school. so yeah there was more we talked about but i’m tired and already sad again so i’m gonna end this here.
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