#i love sadie sink so much btw
bylersteria · 2 years
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⏆ ﹒ max mayfield ⟡ sadie sink gifs ﹒✿﹒
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p.s.a!! to those who follow me im so sorry
4 being ia. i’ll try to post more! and i’d like
to say thank you for 15 followers :3 never
thought this acc would do decent so thanks!
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antihcroes · 1 year
okay so ... it looks like i'm just not writing today besties. i would've liked to but - today was a little busy and such admittedly. and my morning didn't start off great. i hope to tomorrow though! and btw for the sadie sink fc, i think i am going to go with the idea of what @ofsweetness suggested but as opposed to 'ashlyn/ash' i'm going to go with 'aurora/rory'. i should have her added tomorrow and another new oc (because i keep getting oc ideas despite my brain missing so many old kids, at least on tumblr bc i still technically am writing everyone). anyways i will talk to you all then, i hope you all good rest of your days/evenings/good sleeps/etc and i love you all very much! <3
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its-all-ineffable · 2 years
Realistically, I shouldn't care about the MTV awards, and I usually don't give a shit about awards shows but like...this one had The Batman and loads of marvel things nominated so I do.
Sophia Di Martino won Best Breakthrough, which makes me super happy, she deserves it! And Loki won Best Team Up too! Sophia collecting all the awards!😍
But The Batman has lost to Spiderman NWH for Best Movie, and while I love NWH, I'm sorry, that is bullshit.
Also, Rob & Zoe were up for Best Kiss (for The Batman), as were Tom Holland & Zendaya (for NWH) and they lost to a guy kissing a snake in some bs comedy movie? Cinematic kisses lost to that?!! I shouldn't be so annoyed but I am.
If The Batman doesn't win at least one category it's in, I'll be fuming. Btw, this is being updated as I learn the results by refreshing the MTV website.
A shame Sadie Sink didn't win her category, but I still need to actually watch Fear Street! Also, not a horror fan and haven't watched those movies, so I'm sure the winner is well-deserved.
Also, Ryan Reynolds won Best Comedic Performance! Yes! Free Guy was awesome and I laughed so much at it. Glad he won.
Just crossing my fingers The Batman wins something still. Also praying that if Rob doesn't win Best Hero, Oscar Isaac, Tom Holland, Simu Liu or Scarlett Johansson do, rather than Daniel Craig. I'm not a Bond fan.
Kinda sad Loki didn't win Best Show, but apparently Euphoria is awesome, and I love Zendaya so if something else had to win, I'm glad it was that.
Personally think Robert Pattinson should've won Best Performance in a Movie because he was phenomenal in The Batman. Kinda cross tbh. But Tom Holland is a great actor and deserves it. Just think Rob should've got it.
Also, Scarlett won Best Hero for Black Widow! Yay! Forgot Rob wasn't nominated for that, and would've loved Oscar Isaac to win, but Scarlett deffo deserves it, good for her!
Honestly, kinda fuming because The Batman has been completely SNUBBED at these awards and it's such a great film, but it won literally NOTHING, like, what the fuck?! But glad some of my fave Marvel things won awards! And this is why I shouldn't get invested in awards shows.
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jancys-blue-bayou · 7 years
The problems with screentime in Stranger Things 2
Okay so this isn’t anything new but I feel the need to rant a bit about it anyway: the only real problem with season 2 of Stranger Things was the sheer size of the narrative. Adding several new characters into an already big ensemble, doing a very special episode for one of the main characters with some of those new characters meant big problems with the screentime given to both them and the other characters.
Because what made season 1 so great was the size of the story and the pacing of the narrative. Running three separate storylines that then intersected was done beautifully, especially how it enabled them to connect to different genres (the kids sci-fi-story, Nancy and Jonathan in a horror movie scenario, Hopper and Joyce in a conspiracy thriller). The pacing was so good, cutting between the different storylines in a way that always kept you glued to the screen.
Of course they made season 2 in a similar way, separating the characters into different plotlines that ran parallel until they intersected, and I enjoyed both how they kept some pairings (Nancy/Jonathan, Hopper/Joyce) but also found new constellations (Steve and the kids, Mike/Will/Hopper/Joyce). But, adding so many new characters, Max, Billy, Bob, Kali and her gang, Dr. Owens, Murray, meant that we had loads and loads of characters all jostling for screentime. All the new characters need screentime to be introduced and made a part of the story, but as a viewer we’re invested in the characters we already know and love. And everyone ends up feeling shortchanged, most of the new characters feel underdeveloped or pointless while several of the old characters feel underutilized and pushed aside. Most obviously Nancy and Jonathan, but I’ve also seen similar complaints about for example Mike.
Of the new characters I feel like Bob, Owens and Murray worked out the best. Bob because he’s given screentime to be one of the more fleshed out of the new guys, plus Sean Astin brings a natural likeability to the role. Owens and Murray work because they are well-written in to the plot in different ways. Now to Max and Billy. I like Max, I like what Sadie Sink does, but I think the role is underwritten, existing solely in connection with male characters as a love interest. The Duffer Brothers have said that they introduced Billy because they wanted a human antagonist, writing him in the way Steve was initially supposed to be until Joe Keery’s charm changed that character. Fine, I get what they’re after, the human antagonists of Stephen King is great and a staple of the eighties and the influence of Stephen King on the Duffers can’t be overstated. But, do they have to incorporate that Stephen King trope as well? I love how they balanced the shoutouts and references to the 80s in season 1, it always being very present and obvious yet not in a gratuitous way. Now it feels like they’re getting away from that with Billy. Like people have pointed out, he didn’t have any influence on the actual plot of the season, he could’ve been removed and nothing of the plot would’ve been different. There lies the problem for me, his character is only there as a part of the shows style and look, in the same way music and certain imagery is, but having a character only be stylistic and not plot-relevant, I don’t like. He’s just an 80s archetype for the sake of an 80s archetype, while other characters like Nancy, Jonathan, Eleven, Hopper etc start as archetypes that are then flipped on it’s head (like how Nancy is the horror flick chick trope but is then shown to be genresavvy, competent and much more above that).
Kali then. Obviously Eleven wasn’t the first test subject, of course they were going to adress that, but I’m not a fan of how they did it. Kali by herself is an interesting character. But the whole thing with the Warriors gang... it’s along the same lines as I touched upon earlier, with it feeling like the Duffers 80s references started to become gratuitous. Now to the love it or hate it Very Special Episode. I hate it, duh. I get that they wanted to be brave and do something different, but damn it just breaks the whole flow of the season, halting all other parts of the narrative like that and of course does away with the pacing I wrote about earlier, where they otherwise are so adept at juggling several storylines next to each other. Of course it deepens Eleven’s character and she learns about herself, but the character development she undergoes there didn’t need a whole episode, in fact I would’ve loved to get more glimpses of Kali throughout the previous episodes, like the opening scene of the season, think they could’ve written it differently.
So except for the way all the new characters kind of get each other’s way in fight for screentime which renders them underdeveloped, it also has the effect of doing other characters a disservice through the hogging of screentime. Mainly Nancy and Jonathan. OK, obviously as a hardcore Jancy shipper i’m always going to want more screentime for them, but it’s not just about that. Their plotline, exposing the lab, is great but given too little screentime given the enormity of their actions and also, since the plotline separates them very clearly from all the others and sends them on their own little adventure, not giving it more screentime really pushes it aside. Now the romance aspect of it, I love that Jancy became canon this season. I’ve seen some shippers being not happy with the way it happened, feeling that it was rushed. Personally I don’t feel it was rushed per se (ie I like the idea of them finally just jumping each other’s bone after skitting around it for so long), but it came off that way due to their lack of screentime which led to an amount of showing not telling, as @valkyriav have written very well about here. That’s basically why I write my fic The Real Shit, to fill in some blanks since we didn’t get enough scenes of them because of the screentime being devoted more to other characters. Btw, @jancystrangerstuff sent me this link earlier, the middle pic in the second row really looks like it’s from a deleted scene in the car the morning after (given her outfit and from the way their positioned, like she’s next to him in the front seat to me), thought I show it because that kind of provoked this whole rant.
Finally, all these characters being introduced and not developed enough this season really made me feel like season 2 was very much a stepping stone in the larger scheme of things. Obviously Kali and other test subjects will be a part of the show’s future and hopefully Max and maybe even Billy will be given more depth, and I still have hope that they will be able to write and balance all the characters in season 3 better.
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