#i know i “bite” online friends but. just one irl friend just one I'll be forever happy
rhythmgamer · 1 year
coming in for a hot moment just to say that sometimes when im feeling very awful mentally and a friend is next to me trying to comfort me i just ask them sometimes if i can bite their hand lightly and i always mean it in an affectionate and kinda playful way and also to try to distract myself. i just wanna show affection by biting once JUST ONCE. but they always outright refuse and say no never once have they agreed. granted everyone has their boundaries i accept that obviously. but them refusing me just makes me feel rejected and feels like they're rejecting the love i have for them and it makes me feel worse. and idk what to do about it i KNOW they're just exerting their boundaries they're not actually rejecting me but god does it feel like that
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prettytm · 1 year
This is a dark blog, with dark themes.
You MUST be 21+ to interact with me in any, way, shape or form. I’ve been doing this for too long to want to deal with drama. I don't play by the "rules" the RPC think are Right.
I'm not here to judge anyone and I don't want to be judged. I understand folks have "triggers" but I expect anyone who wants to follow or interact with me to be in control of their own online experince. Just like I do. I have PSTD, Stockholm syndrome and a shit ton of other issues but I'd never expect anyone else to mother hen me so I don't expect to do it for anyone else. I will tag things when asked. Or if I remember when it's a darker theme.
Also. Anyone who thinks writing shit on the internet somehow means you support it IRL or offline aren't very smart and have no place on my blog. I'm not here for the idea that writing fiction of ANY sort makes you a terrible human. What does make you a terrible human is being hateful, judgemental, harmful to others online or harming people offline in the real world. What happens in fiction is fiction and it does not shape people into being horrible pieces of shit.
That aside? I'm pretty damn friendly and love talking to new people and making new friends. I'm really shy to start conversations though but after I've gotten warmed up.. I can talk on and on.
I love shipping. Of all kinds. But the best ships are the ones that the muns talk and explore outside of IC actions. So that we can know where oue muses are headed and what to sorta expect.
Send me all the asks. But I am sorry if I'm a potato who doesn't get back to them all in a timely manner. Same with the threads. I want them all. And though I'm fine with reminders, please keep in mind I have a life outside of tumblr and rp.
If you really want to write with me but you've noticed I don't tag? Just ask. I will forget from time to time, for which I'm sorry, but please just talk to me about it?
Conversation. Conversation. Conversation. Have a problem? Talk to me. Please. I will do the same.
If we're plotting and you don't like an idea? Tell me! It's okay! I won't be hurt. And then we can both figure out what to actually plot and write. I don't want my partner to be unhappy. Just like I wouldn't want to be unhappy.
If I think of anything else I'll try to remember to add it here. But.. Just remember I don't bite! Come and talk to me.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
So, I don't mean this in an entirely negative way, or in a universal way, since I love being aromantic.. but it can really fucking suck y'know?
Or, at least, people in my life, and our amatonormative society, has made it feel like it sucks, so cw this ... confession?... will be about how I've experienced my aro identity sucking lol
I, for the most part of my existence, longed/long for a relationship of literally any kind- romantic, queerplatonic, etc -and fantasize about said relationships- but I don't want to be in one in actuality and the thought of someone asking me out, or my family pushing me to date someone, causes me to nearly have anxiety attacks, and I hate that. I hate how I just can't "fAll iN lOvE" but feeling that way also makes me angry?
Like, it's evident to me that I'm going through some internalized arophobia, and that makes me want to bite someone. And I can remember a time where, before I allowed myself to ID as aro, since I was all, "noOooOo, I can feel crushes, I had them before, hnNng," I accepted how I wasn't comfortable with dating anyone of any gender, despite having not connected the pieces yet of why I felt that way? But now that I know The Why™ I've started all of this pining for shit I don't want.
Like literally before it was: "Damn, I don't know why I shudder at the thought of, and dread, dating anyone, but I guess I'll accept that. But I'm not aro though :)" to now: "Damn, I guess all of that shuddering and dread is because I'm aro..... 🤔 ............. I really want a relationship........"
And so along with feeling all of this internalized bullshit, and emotional tug-a-war, I also don't have anyone in real life to talk to about all of this (I know a lot of people in online queer spaces that are aro-spec, but there's that disconnect from being online causes n' stuff). I have come out to my brother about being aro, and he was accepting, along with everything else I've come out about that the rest of family also accepted.. but everyone else doesn't know I'm aro except him- but I don't vent to him about these feelings, because 1) he wouldn't get it since he's alloromantic, and 2) is it too much to ask that I want a in-real-life aro friend?!! And I have met someone who is aro-spec, in-person, but most of what I experience was foreign to them. Since yeah, aros won't experience what other aros experience, but the only thing we had in common was not having crushes and not wanting to be with anyone. But that was it.
I tried to tell them how I long for/fantasize about being with someone and how torn up emotionally I get when actually faced with that option, bc of the uncomfortable feelings I get from irl possibilities of relationships, but they couldn't relate. That's not their fault, but still sucked y'know?
The pining I get towards relationships also gets worse when it comes to past what-I-thought-were-'crushes' and how even though I felt strong meshes and squishes on them, I don't think they were strong enough to cause anything to happen, since I also treat relationships similarly to getting tired of a hobby.
And (sorry I keep saying "and" a lot)..... I feel bad about not wanting anything with another person? I feel bad for my family members who don't know -both immediate and extended- and who want me to be that pitch perfect person who'll marry n' have kids; I feel bad for the people who still, or will, like me romantically; I feel bad for my friends who don't know I'm aro and would think that I'm all sad for being alone, and who think that there's something wrong with me.
I feel bad for not fitting in, for not meeting the expectations that so many people I care about, have dedicated their hearts to. Sure, a part of me wants to think, It's their own faults, they shouldn't have expected that out of me anyway, but I feel shameful.. guilty even.. when romantic topics get brought up, and those feelings won't quell no matter what I do.
I don't know if any advice would help with all of these feelings, and this post is a mess anyway, but I had to jot down all of the shit I've been thinking since it was becoming too much as it is.
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random-shit-writing · 10 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
thanks for the ask mutual <3
cold weather
im stealing this one from you lol. growing up in canada, i've had my fair share of wild and freezing weather. but winter has always been my favourite season, and i've always loved colder weather. i was the kid who never wore a coat despite it snowing. i like the bite and chill, i like the lack of humidity and that i don't sweat as much, and i love being able to curl up in front of a fire place, or cuddling in a cocoon of blankets. the contrast of the chill and warmth is my favourite
i'll forever be grateful that i stumbled across fandoms when i was younger, because the communities i've joined (despite some drama), have given me so many friends, and so much wonderful content to enjoy. not to mention that im able to gift my own works to the communities for others to also enjoy. i love writing and reading, and recently i've been trying out doodles.
im actually mildly allergic to cats and dogs, but i grew up with dogs in the house, and my friends had cats, and i love them both dearly. i always feel so soft around them, and i love being sweet and seeing them respond in kind. one of my best coping skills is to go and hug my family's dog. they're cuddly, soft, and always happy to see people. even if they don't want to be pet, just sitting in a room with a dog or cat can calm me down. one of my most treasured memories was when i was having a breakdown, and my sister's dog heard me and scratched at my door to be let in. she sounded so distressed, and when i finally let her in, she came and leaned her weight into my side and started licking my hands. she isn't usually emotionally sensitive, and it was really sweet that she tried to cheer me up like that 🥺
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*dog tax above (my sister's dog, Ellie, on top. my mother's dog, Milo, on the bottom). the itchiness and hives are totally worth it
stories and art
this kind of ties into fandom, but ever since i could read and write, my biggest dream was to be an author. i would read any book i could get my hands on as a kid, including several math and history textbooks from school, a textbook on dinasaurs (that i became obsessed with), and little pamphlets from companies that came in the mail. i used to have my papa help me make my own little flip books, and i would hand-write multi-chaptered stories, because i was so enamoured with fictional worlds and story telling. nowadays, i have 100+ wips in my documents folder, and i have less time for original stories, but it's still just as fun for me. 80% of my free time is spent reading, and my 7k+ bookmarks on ao3 are a testament to that. reading, writing, making, and consuming art - it's like my little escape from reality. it's one of the only things im truly passionate about, and i couldn't live without it.
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talking to my friends online
i don't really have a social life irl, so seeing messages from my mutuals and discord friends can really brighten my day. not to mention the multiple hour vc calls i have sometimes. it wrecks my sleeping schedule, but it's worth it bc i get so excited when i see they're online 😅
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tilehopper · 1 year
Re-Alignment [EN Version]
Hey, it's me your local anime dummyhead Rizki Salminen.
This isn't fandom post but since I have this place as a blog anyway, might as well use it for official announcement / longform thoughts.
No, this isn't a vtuber graduate or hiatus announcement, but I want to share my thoughts about the future of me, Rizki Salminen, moving forward in 2023-2024 and I want to explain it in a longform post to everyone and to my community.
This tweet from Theo about funneling past through my timeline recently, and it got me thinking about my path forward as a Virtual Youtuber. So think of this as like, the patch notes for 2023.
Before we get started, here are key objectives that I want to achieve in 2023-2024
Extend runaway until February 2024 (when Indonesia Presidential Election takes place)
Start building presence in Tiktok and Instagram
Increase VOD content (gameplay highlights, stream highlights, editorial commentary)
To achieve these 3 goals, there will be changes to content format moving forward.
Less Game Streams I'll just be honest with you all, the metrics for my gaming streams compared to Spicy Talk is extremely abysmal and after reviewing all the VODs for the past year or so, I realized that I am not exactly an entertaining streamer to watch when I play video games. So moving forward in 2023, there will be significantly less gaming streams. For the ones that have been planned for long term such as Grounded and Destiny 2 streams, those will still continue. And I am committed to continue hosting Halo Infinite Customs Fiesta with other vtubers and streamers across Southeast Asia at least once or twice a month. And I will still appear in other people's stream or collabs when they invite me to play on-stream, I just won't open my POVs
New Content: Spicy Bites @ Tiktok I've noticed from my followers that a lot of you prefers Tiktok as your go-to destinations for content. I am a boomer, and I still don't understand Tiktok and I have been struggling to make my stream highlights for Tiktok. So, I've decided to just make a dedicated content for Tiktok on Tiktok. Spicy Bites will be basically Spicy Talk you know and love in shorter format (like 2-5 minutes) that will be available on Tiktok and Instagram Reels. If I somehow made an even shorter one, I will post in on Youtube Shorts.
New Content: Spicy Meals @ Youtube (Tentative) And if I can make Spicy Bites routinely and consistently, I will develop it further into longform video on Youtube. The format could be editorial + stream highlights, it could be full editorial commentary. Who knows, we'll see how Spicy Bites goes first.
New Content: Spicy Talk Highlights! I know not a lot of you can watch Spicy Talk LIVE, so moving forward there will be edits of Spicy Talk that is more digestable and easier to watch on Youtube for those who missed it or want to save their data plans. I am preparing the final budget calculations for a part time editors, and I already have two candidates who are interested to do edits. I just need to write it down in contract (but I keep forgetting to do that) Moving forward, there will be a seperate channels for stream archive too.
And yes, that's my plan for 2023. Although can I talk about something deep from heart? (CW: Suicidal Ideations, you can skip this part if it makes you uncomfortable)
2022 was my darkest and brightest years. I was jobless for 5 months, struggling financially and I was frustrated that after I sent 120+ CVs nothing went through until recently. I feel like a burden for my family and on February 2022, I was this close of buying Ricinus communis seeds to kill myself. I already prepared letters and letters of will too.
But that didn't went through after I saw light in the end of the tunnel. And what was the light?
You. All of you. Whether you are just a follower of me, member of the Salmonheads, my IRL friends, and my vtuber friends, or even just mutuals online...you guys made me realize that if I'm gone, there will be people who feel hurt and miss me.
Because for the longest time, I always thought people would celebrate if I'm gone. People would be happy if I die or kill myself. No more Rizki Salminen who has been a burden and trouble for the family since he was a kid, no more the son of a mother who wishes he were never born.
So, thank you. To all of you. You have proven that what my family said were wrong, you have proven what I thought wrong.
I have found my 'voice' as a Virtual Youtuber thanks to all of you, and it is now my responsibility to hone and sharpen it so my "voice" can reach more people. I know this will sound parasocial as-shit but I love you guys because you loved me.
So yea...that's all I gotta say.
Thank you and have a great Christmas and New Year! I'll see you guys in 2023 wherever you hang out online.
With love, Rizki Salminen
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reckless-blossoms · 2 months
One day I'll write something real and coherent about my complex relationship with Humanity. But for now just a rant. I am a human but I am not. I'm inhuman only because I'm treated that way.
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...And people don't normally treat me like I'm human.
I am a pet dog at my boyfriends side. People turn to him and ask about me. If I sit in the middle of a group, they lean forward and talk through me. I am an obstacle in the way. People bump their carts into my station at work because they didn't process my presence. They take items off my cart and walk away, seeing me as an NPC dispersing items and no more.
Unless I'm dressed up in an animal costume, surrounded by other costumed people. That is the only time I am truly treated like an equal.
People don't see me. I don't know why. It's like I'm at 50% opacity. I'm easy to miss, to ignore, to gloss over.
I am subtly dehumanized during a majority of my time, basically. And I've never had many friends. I ate lunch alone at a table, then hid in the school bathrooms so no one saw me being so alone. I had no one. I have very few. Only now, years after graduating high school and dropping out of college, am I slowly started to gather some IRL friends who understand me. It feels so different from my online friends. Who are valuable and loved, but... I do not think it helps my disconnect from humanity, to not see a human in front of me when I chat with my online friends.
I feel no connection to humans.
And yet... I still am one. I just... Am human. I've always loved animals, seen myself in them, but I could never find any one animal I connect to completely. Aside from cats. I heavily relate to cats because I have cat-type autism.
Maybe this is why I feel such a draw to humanoid feline characters. Such as my Manticore characters, humans genetically altered to have cat traits.
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This is my ideal form. I imagine my pointed ears that can swivel or how my tail would sway as I walk, how it would curl and thrash as I stim, how it could wrap around me. How my short fur would bristle on my shoulders.
Hm... Yeah... I relate deeply to the Ideal of cats. Solitary creatures that show affection by sitting in the same room as you, that's hanging out and havin' fun! You can pet me but I get overstimulated easily and I'll bite you if you can't read my specific alien body language! I walk around so gently and quietly I seem to vanish and re-appear at random.
But I am not a cat. I'm a human who connects to and relates to cats a lot.
I do not know if I identify as an otherkin or therian in any way. Like, maybe I identify with cats, but I do not know if it's spiritual for me at all.
I am a human. No one wishes to see me as such, but I am.
I'm a human in the animal way. Humans are animals. I am a human animal. I do not fit in this strange society of yours. I'm... Different. I'm wild. I'm a stray cat forced into a house because you had to keep me safe but now my familiar streets are gone I can't taste my prey or interact with my colony. (Outside cats bad tho but, for the metaphor....)
I'm a human that wants to be the animal that I am and exist in my world outside of buzzing lights, stagnant air, concrete under my feet, lifeless grass.
I'm a human that does not deny the animal that I am.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: Approx 2.5k
Warnings: Swearing, smut, spanking, Dom vibes.
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 8 Part 10
Part 9
We went to bed not long after that. I think we were both tired from staying up late the night before. Liam went to bed in his underwear, and I wore a singlet and PJ shorts. We talked some more before we fell asleep.
I asked Liam a bit more about his work. He told me the next two weeks were costume fitting, rehearsals, fight training and a few media events. "It's more of a nine to five thing at the moment. It'll be different after Easter when filming starts."
"How is it different?"
"Really long hours, usually fourteen to sixteen hours. There are a few weeks where I'm not needed, though. Although I'm the male lead, the female role is the central one."
"Who is the actress?"
"Myra Roberts."
"Oh, she's Australian."
"Yeah, most of the cast is Australian. I'm the ring in. I'm for, and I'm quoting here, international appeal and name recognition."
Liam asked me about my job. "I told you most of it before," I replied.
"You told me what you did, but you didn't tell me about it."
I told him about my work in a mainstream school support classroom. Most of the kids have cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities. The classes are small. I was teaching a combined year 3 and 4 class.
Without mentioning specifics or names, I told him some funny stories about the kids, some of the challenges they faced. Some of the feel-good moments when they finally achieved goals they were working towards. Some of the goals were as simple as being able to feed themselves or to write more than a few lines without tiring.
I opened up and told him about the girl who passed away from aspiration pneumonia the first year I was teaching full time. She was in a wheelchair and had a genetic disorder that required ventilation at night. I smiled as I talked about her. I wasn't surprised when a tear rolled down my cheek.
"It's tough, but I love it. I like knowing that the kids get to have a real school experience, be part of the whole school community. They go on excursions, go to assembly, play at lunchtime with the other kids and its good that the mainstream kids grow up with people with disabilities around them. They get to be kids, not hidden away from the world like they were in the past."
Liam wiped my tear away with his thumb. He asked tenderly, "why do you do it?"
"Why do you act?" I asked rhetorically. "It's a calling, a passion, I guess. It's like nine days out of 10, I go home from school happy. Feeling like I've achieved something and feeling like I've supported eight kids to achieve their own small victories. It makes me feel satisfied that I'm doing good in the world. You know, adding something positive."
"That's really beautiful," Liam said. Then he laughed, "It makes what I do feel ridiculous. All I do is play make-believe all day."
"You help people too; you make us feel things. You show us truth and beauty. Give us hope when we feel hopeless. Laughter when we are sad. Make us inspired instead of apathetic. It's no small thing. Our scale is different, that's all. You can effect millions of people for a short time. I aim to effect maybe a hundred people over my career for the rest of their lives. Both are noble causes that will help to leave the world in a better place than when we found it."
"Did I say that you were intelligent earlier?" Liam asked. I shook my head. "I should have."
"Is that more important than being an excellent shag?"
"I don't know about that." Liam laughed, "But I know I like it."
Not long after that, we fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I was trapped by Liam's heavy arm over me, and his hand was cupping one of my breasts. He was still asleep. His breathing was long and deep with a soft snore. I didn't want to disturb him, but my bladder wouldn't wait.
I tried to lift his arm off me and climb out from underneath him, but he pulled me closer. I could feel his morning erection against my bum. As much as I wanted to snuggle into it, I couldn't wait. I lifted his arm again, and I was able to sneak out.
I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then hopped back into bed. I looked at Liam while he slept. I brushed his hair off his forehead. His dark hair was so thick and soft. He had a few lines on his forehead that just seemed to make him appear more manly. His eyelashes seemed even longer as they laid against his cheeks. Up close, I could see a few faded freckles scattered across his cheeks and nose.
I traced my finger down his nose. He had a slight bump on the bridge. Somehow it didn't make him less attractive. His lips were so kissable, and I couldn't resist touching them either. I ran my fingertip down further, tracing his lips and then down to his dimpled chin. Liam opened his eyes and nearly made me shit myself when he growled and tried to bite my finger.
"Cunt!" I cried in shock, pulling my finger away.
Liam's face took on his own look of shock at my language. Then he laughed and tried to kiss me. I turned my head.
"Nuh-uh. You scared me half to death. How long have you bloody been awake for?"
"A while." He admitted, still smiling. My heart was racing, so I gave him a look exaggerating my anger. "Come on, Sweetheart. That was funny."
"Don't Sweetheart me. Here I was, innocently laying in bed thinking about how gorgeous you are. Meanwhile, you're laying there thinking wouldn't it be funny if I scared the shit out of her." I was trying not to smile, but I'm sure he could tell I wasn't really mad.
"You called me a cunt, though, so I guess we are even."
"That's a term of endearment in Australia." I grinned widely.
"Really?" Liam raised his eyebrows, looking dubious.
"Yeah, for sure. You'd say something like 'Oi mate! You're a sick cunt'." I was enjoying this.
"Which means?"
"Hey, friend! You're a good person, and I like you."
"I'll stick to calling you Sweetheart if that's ok?"
"Alright, cunt."
"Just bring your bum over here so I can fuck your cunt," Liam said, reaching for me.
My stomach flipped, and I felt myself getting aroused. Liam manhandled me onto my stomach and climbed on top of me. His bare hairy chest tickled my shoulders. I could feel him hard, thick and ready against me.
"Let's see if your tight little cunt is ready for me." Liam forced his hand down the front of my shorts. His fingers found their way to my centre, and I moaned as his fingers easily slid between my folds, my desire evident by how wet I was. He slipped a finger into me and my muscles clenched around it.
Too quickly, he removed his hand. Liam's wet fingers made their way to my mouth. "Open up, Sweetheart. Taste how much you want me." My lips parted for him, and he shoved his finger in. I closed my mouth around it, and my tongue lapped the sweet taste of my arousal.
Liam withdrew his finger, and his weight lifted off my back. I turned my head to see what he was doing and saw the condom in his hands. I continued to look over my shoulder as Liam dragged his underwear down, leaving them on his thighs. He held himself at the base and used the other to apply the condom. I watched in fascination as Liam rolled the condom down his shaft, his head was down, and his shoulders were hunched over the task. I really wanted to watch him masturbate one day.
When he was finished, he grabbed my hips and wrenched me up by them until I was on my knees. My head was still on the bed, and I was forced to look away by the new position. My shorts were pulled down my thighs. There was nothing gentle about Liam this morning. Then I panicked, realising how on display I would be. I tried to lay back down, but his firm hands gripped my hips, keeping me in position.
"Don't move," Liam ordered roughly. His hands moved from my hips, and he ran his hand over the curve of my bottom. "You should see yourself from this angle, Sweetheart."
He pressed his hand against my slit and put two fingers straight in. I jumped in surprise, pulling away as his thick fingers stretched me. I felt a sting on my arse cheek, and I flinched in pain.
"I told you not to move. Move again, and you'll get another one." Liam's voice was stern. He rubbed the spot he had just spanked, soothing it.
I waited, not moving, for what seemed like an eternity. The anticipation was killing me. I wanted to move, to tell Liam to stop, but I also wanted to scream at him to hurry up. I needed him inside me. Then I felt the tip of his cock rub against my wet opening, sliding smoothly up and down. Every time it grazed my clit, my anticipation built.
"Please," I murmured.
"Please what? Tell me what you want."
I licked my lips. "I want your cock."
I heard Liam inhale through his teeth. "I'm not going to be gentle."
"I don't care."
I felt Liam position himself at my entrance, and it was all the warning I had. Suddenly he was in me all the way. "Fuck," I cried out in relief and pain.
Liam didn't wait for me to adjust to his size. He started ramming into me like a piston. His hands were back on my hips, pulling me onto him with each thrust. The slap of our bodies meeting was so loud it was nearly all I could hear.
Grabbing my shoulder, Liam lifted me on my knees until our bodies were flush. He grabbed my head and turned it to the side. His lips met mine, and he forced his tongue into my mouth. His kiss devoured me, consuming me completely. His other hand lifted my singlet, freeing my breasts, and he kneaded one roughly before he found my nipple. He gripped me and pinched hard, but I barely felt it. My body reacted to the pain as though it was a pleasure, and electricity seemed to flow through my veins as my whole body felt ablaze.
Liam wrapped his fingers around my neck. The pressure was only slight, but it felt dangerous. He was so strong. If he wanted to destroy me, he could, and there would be nothing I could do about it. Instead of terrifying me, the thought thrilled me. I knew it was insane, wanting to play at the edge, confusing fear and arousal, but the combination was intoxicating.
He broke our kiss. I felt his lips tickle at my ear, and his voice was husky with exertion. "You fucking love this, don't you?"
"Yes," I panted. My voice was ragged and breathy. "Yes, I fucking love it."
I was thrown down on the bed again. My arse still in the air, and my head was pushed down into the bed. Liam held me that way while he unrelentingly pounded me. I felt like a plaything, a toy for his pleasure, as he threw me around where he wanted me. I felt helpless, but I didn't fight him. I submitted to his desires, knowing my body gave him pleasure was its own reward. I let him use me, dominate me, own me, and I knew I would beg for it to happen again and again.
He wasn't completely selfish though, his other hand found my clit, fingers moving over it in rapid little circles. "I need you to cum, Lana. I need to feel you cum."
He played with me varying his speed and firmness. He seemed to understand my body, my moans, my breathing because quickly, he found the rhythm I needed. I shattered beneath his touch. I shouted into the sheets as my release ripped through me. Liam didn't stop rubbing me until I was still.
Giving me no time to recover, Liam continued to rail me, but now he seemed to move impossibly fast. His fingers were digging into my hips, rocking them violently against his thrusts. I felt him engorge, and I braced myself for his release.
"Fuck!" Liam's voice thundered as I felt him pulse inside me. He held my hips still, his movements controlling his orgasm now. He grunted as he made each of his final drives.
Liam finally collapsed next to me, withdrawing himself as he did. I fell to the bed, unable to hold my own weight now that he wasn't holding me up. I took deep, calming breaths, and slowly I felt my strength return.
Shyly, I looked over at Liam. He was on his back, his chest heaving. A sheen of sweat glistened over his body in the morning light. He saw me peeking at him, and he half-smiled. A giggle escaped my lips.
"What are you laughing at?" He sounded amused.
"Nothing, I just feel really..." I didn't know exactly how I felt. I was sore, but that good way you feel sore after a hard workout. I was also calm, relaxed and euphoric. "Content."
"You really liked it?" I nodded. "I'm not too rough?" I shook my head. "Good, cause that was fucking amazing."
I giggled again and looked away. I felt Liam's fingers caress my back. My singlet was still pulled up, and my shorts were still around my ankles. He moved on the bed, and I felt him shuffle closer.
"Your bum's got a perfectly shaped red handprint on it. Did I slap you that hard?" He asked with a hint of concern.
"Yeah, it was hard. Good hard. I mark pretty easily." I turned to face him. He was laying on his side, his elbow bent and his head rested on his hand. He was looking down at my bare bottom, rubbing the spot where he marked me. "Bruises also show up pretty bad. They usually look worse than they feel. I rarely remember where I got them."
"You'll need a safe word if we keep this up." Liam looked up. He smiled briefly when he saw I was looking at him. "I don't want to go too far and really hurt you."
"Yeah, it's probably a good idea." I rolled over and laid on my back. I lifted my hips and put my shorts back on. Liam leaned down to kiss my exposed nipple before helping me pull my singlet back down. He laid his head on my chest, and I played with his soft hair, curling it around my fingers.
"Any ideas?" He asked. "For a safe word, I mean."
"Freeze?" I suggested.
Liam was quiet for a moment before nodded in agreement. "Freeze," he repeated. "I like it."
Part 10
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