#i just adore this movie so much every time i rewatch it <33
jackmkelly · 5 months
i loveeee 92sies for giving a reallll look in the refuge. Obviouslyyyy we’re made aware in the stage show how bad it is but seeing it is a whole different level. seeing the boys tense up when snyder comes in or visibly flinch when theyre in trouble lets it feel a lot more real than it can when you’re only going off of letter from the refuge.
seeing the fact that while theres an entire room of bunk beds jacks left isolated and alone. not even given a mattress. seeing the fact he writes on the walls because Genuinely what else can he do while hes waiting around for snyder to do something to him. seeing the way crutchy has to talk to him. its sick.
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autisticempathydaemon · 11 months
i love these little match ups!! you're such an angel for doing them they're literally adorable <3
song im fixated on: Persephone in the Garden by Aidoneus. first off i'm a sucker for hades and persephone and this song is written as if it's from his point of view sooo. but the part "you assumed that i could make you feel it was worth it/but all i ever did was drag you down" it's so powerful it makes me want to scream
my enneagram 4w5 hehe (also an INFJ which is... predictable)
childhood imaginary friend: omg i had a lot of imaginary friends growing up but my main one was this girl named alison and we would do everythinggg together. she was everything i wanted to be and more, kind, sweet, pretty, and just such a cool girly
go to sleepy time routine: i'm the kinda person who needs to make up a little scenario in my head. it helps me to get my mind off the day and to stop overthinking everything bc i'm thinking about my lil story hehe
changing my name: i think my name suits me really well tbh i don't think i would change it
fav audio: i <3 comfy cozy easy videos so like davids hoodie video or literally any sleep aid from any of them, i love the domestic boys
boy that doesn't hold appeal: tbh i love every single boy in their own way, truly i don't have a least favorite. but i probably get the least hype about vincents audios, i still love him dearly though, i'm just not AS attached
book/movie/tv show i know the words to: the hunger games omg i was so obsessed when i was younger and i've recently been rereading/rewatching and i really do know every. single. word.
which boy do you wanna be besties with: i would give anything to be best friends with ash he is such a cool dude. i feed off his energy so easily and he just creates such a safe space to be silly and laugh and i love him for it
sleepy ramble: my ramble is also definitely space. when i'm tired i start thinking about the logistics of existence and space and science and the world and i just go off on tangents
gas station combo: raspberry iced tea, bbq chips, and reeses hehe
fav playlist: one i made with one of my close friends, its perfection and i get new music out of it all the time
guilty pleasure media: idk if it counts but i do unironically love hallmark movies which usually gets a reaction out of ppl lol, i'm a hopeless romantic and they're horribly cheesy its a perfect combo
other info: my love language is physical touch, i looove reading and writing, and i rotate my stuffed animals so they all feel loved (toy story really did a number on me ajsdkfl)
i hope you're having a wonderful day, take all the time you need to get to this <33
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A lot about you- your enneagram, your MBTI, the types of audios you like- gives me the impression of someone very sweet and thoughtful, someone who spends a lot of time in their head and dreams. I think Anton would be a lovely partner for you in the way he complements that.
What I love about both these personality types is that they are introverted but in no way subdued; in that way, I feel you and Anton would be similar. There’s so much more beneath his surface than he lets on, but I think you bring that out in him, call out to the soft, gooey, loving parts of him no one else sees-
-and he would be SO adorably gooey and sweet. His voice would be the most perfect thing for you, given your preference for comfy, sleepy audios. I bet it’d be killing him to not be there to hug you or give you affection the way you’d prefer, so I can imagine him doing something really thoughtful like recording himself reading your favorite books to keep you company while he’s at ETS.
Even when we're miles apart, I have your voice but feel no touch/ You are so close to my heart, but we're far from flesh and blood/ See, in a world so full of dissonance, our harmony's a flood/ Inside my heart, I don't need cards or flying doves to feel our magic
I can’t get a read on what kind of music he would listen to, I’m not gonna lie, so I don’t know if he’d necessarily like this song, but the lyrics feel right, you know? I like how it’s formatted like an audio love letter, one he could send while he’s away.
Morgan strikes me as similar to Anton in a lot of ways- they’ve both got this quiet, pensive nature that’s very appealing. If we were as intense and expressive as Anton, it would have been a closer call. Now, here’s the long shot. Someone sweet and charming like you would have gorgeous, dragged to the underworld, spouse of Hades vibes with Vega, okay? Just imagine it.
Note: as always, much thanks for your patience and understanding! I hope you see this and really like it (and Vega. You can imagine Imp!Vega instead if you prefer!)
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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lesbianlotties · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for tagging me @lilolilyr !! ily <33
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
120 works!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
oh i didn't want to be outed on this but... 1,262,993
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i have written for 18 fandoms! currently i'm only writing for yellowjackets. but i might write more for ronance, i could update the warrior nun fic. and who knows, maybe a new season/movie will get me writing wednesday and the old guard again!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Aftermath Kudos: 3,605 - aka "holy shit a lot of people were reading wednesday fanfic huh??"
make my menace into someone you'd adore Kudos: 2,179 - ronance coworkers enemies to lovers my beloved!
through the grief can't fight the feeling of relief Kudos: 1,381 - very soft warrior nun fic
five times Deena and Sam met in secret (and one time they didn’t)  Kudos: 1,154 - ngl i didn't think fear street fics got these many kudos but this was a lovely time!
Elvis cloned by aliens (you never know...) Kudos: 912 - it's literally insane to me that a one shot got this many kudos! (let's get it to 1k? 👀)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i think like 99% of the time. i just love it so much. i love saying thank u because i'm genuinely SO thankful for every comment. and i have a feeling if i reply it might inspire people to leave more comments. and also sometimes it's a chance to just talk more about the fic! which i love doing, there's nothing like getting to talk about it
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm i don't love writing angsty endings, as you'll see by the fact that i wrote these two super angsty endings and then i went and wrote a sequel/alternate ending for both ghsjfdghkdfjg but anyway there's:
I'm sorry (it should've been me) - nancy tells robin she loves her but she's too late (in the rain)
If I could hold you for a minute (darling, I'd go through it again) - laura lee reincarnated as the bear and you know what happened to it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh most of them lmao hmm i think i’m going to go for these “everyone survived post canon and they move in together to be happy and heal as a family” Extremely Uneventful Subject for tog and Who would I be without you, without them? for yellowjackets
8. Do you get hate on fic?
hmmm no i think that’s never happened! the closest thing might have been someone suggesting i always killed certain character when it’s the entire opposite. or the funny alternative, when someone literally only mentioned the men in the background of the story in every single comment they left lol but even those were mostly nice comments!
9. Do you write smut?
i do yes! not much and i only yielded and started writing it recently but i’ve loved it so far lol four of my most popular yj fics are smut, one of them is one of my favorites ever, and there’s that one ronance fic i posted on anon first… iykyk
10. Do you write crossovers?
i’ve done two! Immortals and Librarians for tog and gunpowder milkshake and (Red) Room For 8 for ocean’s 8 and hill house
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!! hopefuly not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! 【翻译】Being with you (Makes the flame burn good) by R_H_Felidae_Athena
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have tried but they haven’t been posted/finished yet :(
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
okay so that’s a Tough question. judging by amount of fic written it’s robin and nancy, my current favorite is lottie and laura lee, but i also just rewatched bly manor and let me tell you, there’s no one at the level of dani and jamie <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
there’s too many 😭 going as far back as the ocean’s 8 days there's the haunted house one, then fear street enemies to lovers, my warrior nun fic, yellowjackets coffee shop au, and all the ideas i haven’t even started ghsjfdghjf
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh don't do this to me. i literally never know what to reply to this. i... well i'd like to think i'm good at characterization and maybe dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hmm i think i have a serious lack of discipline that means i only write when the mood is right and i will never stick to a schedule or plan or routine lol and okay i'll admit it, i might be too lazy to do the research necessary to write certain things/stories so i just avoid them 😭 but in my defense it's because too much research for academic reasons made me allergic to it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
hm. i did this somewhat regularly with the old guard and in one ronance fic but looking back i don’t love it very much, it’s just okay i guess. this is just for me personally!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
ocean’s 8 hgsjdfghjf closely followed by the haunting of hill house
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
VERY very tough question!! they’re all my babies and i couldn’t possibly pick any fav- actually i have a few! but i’ll keep it to 3 special ones that funnily enough are far from being my most popular ones (pls read them i worked so so hard on them)
God's very simple and love shouldn't burn - aka my lottielee manifesto! 
If you rewrite your life, may I still play a part? - stranger things, nancy wheeler choose your own adventure fic!
my heart (is like a haunted house) - tog, andy falls in love with quynh’s ghost
tagging: @natscatorrcio @dufrau @eskawrites @scorchedhearth @sapphicscience @yee-hawlw @reesesfastbreak (if you want to! no pressure!) and pls pls anyone that sees this and wants to share say i tagged u!
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genderflu1dwh0r · 1 year
Rewatching the first episode of NCIS
Caitlin/Gibbs/Abby (mainly) notes for first episode
- Caitlin is good with her eyes, she finds every little detail and every movement
- loves to have her hands on her hips lol
- she loves to correct Agent Fornell /hj
- she's so protective over the president and what she has to do to protect him
- I love the way she talks
- as soon as she found out that they weren't who they were, she touches her gun, gotta love women 💕
- Gibbs says that Kate has balls, so that's fun lol
- "sketches? You've taken a dozen photos." *Plays on her phone*
- Gibbs is being so sarcastic and Kate just doesn't understand at ALL lmfao
- Gibbs: rule #1 never let suspects stay together
- Gibbs: rule #2 always wear gloves at a crime scene *Kate holding gloves confused*
- she immediately apologized to Ducky after finding out she was wrong about him
- Gibbs: "rule #3 don't believe what you're told. Double-check." Kate: "should I write these rules in my Palm Pilot or crochet them on pillows?" She's such an asshole I love her
- Kate turns and sees Tony sitting in the president's chair "Oh, no, I draw the line at him sitting in the president's chair!" *Aggressively pointing*
- she looks between Gibbs and at the food and immediately gags and runs off, such an icon. Gibbs is like "omg no-"
- I love the way she lays on the couch and says "did you think I was a virgin?" To Ducky lmaoo
- Gibbs almost immediately loves Kate, and I can't blame him, she's amazing
- Abby feels much different from the later seasons, her voice is deeper, makeup feels more dark, wild
- Abby let's Tony Sleep in her lab lol
- Abby and Kate are in the same room at 26:42
- Abby doesn't stand still at all, she's constantly bouncing around a bit
- Abby and Kate talk for the first time on screen at 27:26
- Abby: "do you dudes in the secret service ever think about throwing yourselves in front of the president's diet?" Gibbs smirks and chuckles, Kate finds it amusing
- Gibbs says please for the first time on screen at 28:24
- Abby is smirking the whole time and trying to not watch them
- as Gibbs is putting his gun away, Kate is just staring at him, chewing on the gum he gave her
- Gibbs and Kate leave, Abby: "wow, Gibbs said, "please"." Ducky smiles.
- Kate, get better taste in men, get rid of Tim
- Tim died, oh my lawd lmao
- Abby has four hair ties in her hair instead of the normal two, that's why she looks different. I love it though, I wish she kept it.
- omg Kate, slay, you got rid of Tim lol
- 33:46 Kate looks so done with Gibbs relating everything to a movie, it's like she's dealing with a child lol
- Abby is so board lol, playing with scissors
- Abby is dozing off then gets a match 34:58 happy dance
- 35:34 Gibbs stares at Kate's tits
- awe, Gibbs demanded to know everything when he comes back, and Kate said "please?" Lol
- Gibbs corners Kate in a bathroom and it's a weirdly funny scene
- I always love when a person starts to hit a person, and breaks down into tears, and the person being punched just hugs them 😭
- lmfao Kate calms down a bit and then tells Gibbs he's a bastard and he just nods
- Kate, hopefully: "... Is that a job offer?"
Episode over. I'm so in love with the first episode, idk what about it, but I adore it so so much.
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niuniente · 3 years
Well we're clearly synced! Cause I've already watched Death parade and death billiard and I loved it. I'm planning to watch Jujutsu Kaisen. Bleach is just kinda too long for me. But yea I agree, I don't get picky with anime but I just dont get hooked on them easily like before, I just watch them and nothing
Anything else?
Noo, don’t let Bleach scare you like that...! Half of it are fillers, really, and the good parts stop around the middle of the series, so you “have to” watch:
Watch episodes 1-32
Skip episode 33
Pick up at episodes 34-49
Skip episode 50
Pick up at episodes 51-63
Skip the complete “The Bount” and “The Assault” arcs till episode 110
Pick up at episodes 110-127
Skip episodes 128-137
Pick up at episodes 138-167
Skip the complete “The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai” arc
Pick up at episodes 190-203
Skip 204-205
Pick up at episodes 206-212
Skip 213-214
So 116 episodes and you have seen the best of Bleach and can ignore the rest if you ask me. (And you will LOVE Grimmjow if you liked Bruno!)
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Anyway, if I can recommend any series, here we go:
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MUSHISHI The world is filled with Mushi creatures which intervene with daily lives of human while Ginko travels to safe humans from Mushi’s influence. A wonderful series if you love traditional old Japan and Japanese folklore stories. Does contain elements of horror.
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SAMURAI CHAMPLOO Fuu hires two guys Jin and Mugen to find a samurai who smells like sunflowers. This is an unique and fun series, and one of my all time favorites.
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SPACE DANDY This is also one of my all time faves. The best thing in Dandy is that every single episode is directed, animated, scripted and composed by a different team. Art styles and story telling varies and each episode is a story of its own. Everything and anything can happen in Space Dandy from finding the best ramen in the universe to dance offs, from zombie apocalypse to high school musical, and from saving a damsel in distress in a fake-date story to a calendar which refuses to change the day to tomorrow.
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GINGA NAGAREBOSHI GIN This series has a HUGE cult status in Finland and pretty much everyone of my generation and the one after mine has seen this (and been traumatized by it lol). It follows old Japanese samurai honors and warrior spirit, capturing extremely well the Japanese mentality of never giving up no matter what. The story follows Gin, a dog who joins a pack of wild dogs. Bears are killing people and the dogs have decided to gather together the bravest and the strongest warrior dogs around the whole Japan to a final showdown with the bears and end their terror for good. It has blood, it has gore but if you can take them, a biiiiig recommendation for this old vintage anime. Take tissues with you as you WILL cry a lot! I have a feeling you would like these Kai Brothers as well as Kurojaki.
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DEVILMAN If you haven’t seen Devilman Crybaby yet, do it! Also check the movies from the 80′s which follow the manga. For me, Sirene was treated badly in Crybaby (Ryo, too) but their characters are much better in the 80′s Devilman movies.
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GEKKAN SHOUJO NOZAKI-KUN This is one of those happy mood series where you can laugh a lot. A big smile for this one!
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MIDORI NO HIBI (OR MIDORI’S DAYS) Listen. This is a weird series. A weird synopsis of a girl Midori, who somehow one day wakes up as her crush’s, Seiji’s, right hand. But it is so darn adorable and cute and funny! I don’t know if I will ever love any series as much as I love Midori no Hibi. I rewatch it regularly. It also has the best anime cat.
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MADE IN ABYSS I was recommended this series with a warning “Watch it only if you can take bad things happening to children”. They weren’t lying! This series is very grim and dark but just what I like.
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THE PROMISED NEVERLAND (ONLY SEASON 1!!) Watch only season 1 from this! The second season is a mess where they squeezed the whole frigging manga into 2 seconds, skipped 70 arcs and important world building, and ruined things so bad that no one wanted to take responsibility for the script in the final episode credits. Basically tried to put 4 seasons worth of stuff into 11 episodes. This series is also dark and grim thriller but the 2nd season is like switching from Alien-movie to Teletubbies. The first season works as its own story and it is captivating. Then, continue manga from CH38 forward.
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wincore · 2 years
Ooh okay ai sounds cool. I'm into stem too !! I've chosen math, phy, chem and computer science but I only have a vague idea (?!) ab what I want in college and it's kinda freaking me out bc most of my friends are so clear ab what they want to do later on in life 😭 😭 For now I'm rewatching high school musical for the 7830487474th time just to de-stress myself from the whole 'think about the future thing' bc I'll be starting senior year after in 2 weeks (smth ab coming of age Disney movies are calming) OML MOON YOU LIKE OCHEM ?!?! JDKDN  I've been learning it for over a year now and still haven't gotten a hang of it 😩 I'd choose calc over ochem in a heartbeat bc calc doesn't suck the few braincells I have like a vacuum cleaner. So I'm gonna use the 2 week break I have from school to understand ochem once in for all 😤 Gintama sounds interesting <3 animes with comedy are literally the best thing ever. As for one piece I've always wanted to see it but I freak out when I see the number of episodes it has 🥴 to quote lana's i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (during a battle to the death) one piece is like the grey's anatomy of anime and YES I'VE READ THAT FIC ENOUGH NUMBER OF TIMES TO QUOTE IT AND HDJSKDK SHRUBCHENG READING ONE PIECE FOR YOU, MISS MOON, HAS GOT TO BE THE CUTEST THING EVER but !! I don't blame him for being whipped this is miss moon we're talking about 💞 nct finally did smth for ppl who can't keep up with them lol nct news is a v v v smart idea + the little spoiler news anchor!jeno gave for the dream comeback in March made the vid even better ksjdj. Also, we're getting a rv comeback this march so it's gonna be one crazy month <33 AND I FINALLY FINISHED READING CORDUROY ANDBFKKDNDMD OKAY I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FIC 🤩 bff2l is one of my fav tropes <33 the fic made my yangyang brainrot phase even more intense. I'm in the process of binging all of your yangyang works <3 beginning from troublemaker bc it's such a classic (okay your whole 00line 'bad boy' series is a classic) to the wayv + Sci fi au. Now my brainrot has escalated to the alien!yangang state jdndi the tags made me cackle so loud XD 
p.s. header for corduroy is so cute why is it so yang2x of him to not figure out what playing ts' you belong with me means 😭 talk about hopelessly oblivious cutie idt even cupid can help him - 👻
honeypie, i am so so so sorry for the late response 😭 my life has been swamped and i've been feeling overwhelmed for a while now </3 
it’s alright to figure it out along the way!! that’s kind of what i’m doing too?? it’s a mix of ‘yeah, this is fun, this is what i want’ vs ‘life allows me only these few paths at the moment’. don’t stress too much and make decisions as best as you can 💕
honestly i binge disney to destress too hsdskh but sometimes i end up crying as the cherry on top 🤩 (cough cough encanto and turning red) but they are such a comfort spot for me !! i hope you’re doing better now though, sweetheart, and taking enough breaks like this!
SDDJDSJGJ it’s been a while since i’ve done ochem ngl but it was fun when i did it bc i actually used my brain back then 😩 the only thing i remember rn is grignard’s reagent ?? i got fun, sexy vibes from the reaction idk <3 and i absolutely ADORE calculus !!!!! it’s kind of the reason i love ai, because neural nets use a bunch of calc, even tho it drives me insane sometimes LOL and yes, on the occasion, i solve problems on differential equations just to feel something 😔 (like just 1 bc it drains me)
god, if a man reads one piece for me i will get on one knee so fast. lana knows my type too well 😩 and right???? i’ve read that fic so many times i could write my graduate thesis on it miss lana’s talent is unmatched 😤 pls do give gintama a try tho bc it’s so funny, it cheers me up every time ❣️ it’s more so for one piece, but it def looks a little daunting to newcomers 😭 1.5x is your friend if you ever wanna watch.
i can’t keep up with nct once again 💔 but omg the rv comeback!!!!! my queens never disappoint and my gf standards have once again been raised to miss kang seulgi and miss kim yerim 🥰
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH, LOVE !!! it’s been so long since i’ve written anything and this put back the will to write in me piece by piece ugh 💖 yangyang is lovable in a rat kind of way idk it’s so much fun to write him hshdk omg the scifi au brings back memories it was so FUN to write!!!!! god, i’m gonna do something like that again if i ever have the time hhh thank you so much for compliments on the header!!! i think i gave up when i was making it but i’m glad it gave off cute vibes 🥰
hope you’re doing well this week, love!!! have a good time and stay safe 🌙
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1. 3 things you wish for >> The ability to feel attachment and joy and to feel like a part of the world, psychedelic-assisted therapy with a trauma-informed therapist (this would probably do well in fulfilling the first wish -- two birds), and a Ganondorf dakimakura.
2. 3 movies you have rewatched many times >> Event Horizon, Labyrinth, Interstellar.
3. 3 songs that mean something to you >> Nothing As It Seems by Pearl Jam, November Rain by Guns n’ Roses, I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday by David Bowie.
4. 3 topics you’d love to learn more about >> This is hard to think of off the top of my head. Honestly, my curiosity is boundless, so.
5. 3 colors to paint your room >> I don’t know, I’ve never painted a room and I don’t even know how I’d choose a colour.
6. 3 characters that inspire you >> I don’t really know the answer to this.
7. 3 fruits that you love the most >> Strawberries, plums, nectarines.
8. 3 tv shows that you never get bored of >> The X-Files, Key & Peele, idk.
9. 3 things you like doing on a rainy day >> There’s nothing I prefer doing that’s specific to rainy days, though.
10. 3 things you like eating with coffee >> ---
11. 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read >> ---
12. 3 apps you use the most >> Spotify, RIF Is Fun (third-party Reddit app), Scribd.
13. 3 classes you used to hate in middle school >> I don’t remember what classes I hated in middle school.
14. 3 professions that you would like to try >> ---
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life >> I really couldn’t begin to think of any right now.
16. 3 drinks you consume the most >> Water, fizzy water, green tea.
17. 3 tv couples you adore the most >> Gomez and Morticia Addams, period. That’s my standard.
18. 3 dream jobs you’ve had in your childhood >> ---
19. 3 animals you’d love to take care of in your house >> None, thanks.
20. 3 adjectives that you’d use to describe yourself >> Melancholy, multifaceted, idk.
21. 3 things you are the most passionate about >> My OCs, Inworld, idk what else.
22. 3 movies/books/tv shows that made you cry >> Books: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sainz, At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O’Neill, Heavy by Kiese Laymon.
Movies: Sunshine, District 9, Requiem For a Dream.
TV shows: Grey’s Anatomy, Person of Interest, The Good Place.
23. 3 songs you listen to while cleaning >> I just put my playlist on shuffle.
24. 3 places that makes you feel peaceful >> Inworld, obviously. But also sitting by the Mississippi in NOLA, and pretty much any quiet wooded area.
25. 3 people you’d never get tired of >> I really can’t imagine never getting tired of a person. I liked Sparrow enough to choose to live with and marry her, but I still don’t want to see her literally all day every day, like... come on. I need space.
26. 3 countries you’d love to visit >> Iceland, Ireland, Turkey.
27. 3 things you wish you did more often >> Oh, I don’t know.
28. 3 things you love cooking/baking >> ---
29. 3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be >> What person is that? Ooh, I could answer for Can Calah, who is pretty much my ideal person, lol. Compassionate, secure, uh... yeah, just those two, basically.
30. 3 moments you could never forget >> I don’t know, man. They’re probably all going to be really depressing or triggering moments, so maybe it’s best I don’t try to think of them right now.
31. 3 types of flowers you love the most >> Sunflowers, dandelions, chrysanthemums.
32. 3 months you enjoy the most >> May, June, and September, if we’re talking about weather. October, November, December if we’re talking about vibes.
33. 3 scented candles that you love the most >> I like woodsy, musky candles and that’s about it.
34. 3 people in history that inspire you the most >> ---
35. 3 vegetables that you like the taste of >> Broccoli, asparagus, carrots.
36. 3 ways of traveling that you enjoy the most >> Flying, train, walking.
37. 3 languages you would love to learn >> Irish would be cool, but I don’t have the energy, lmao. Also, Hebrew.
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dirtycar-remade · 4 years
got tagged by @kitucan thank youuu
1. Do you make your own bed? yes i do multiple times a day bcuz my dog is a bitch n he loves ruining it
2. What’s your favorite number? 69
3.  What’s your job? lesbian
4. Can you parallel park? not yet bcuz my driving course got canceled cuz of the virus <3
5. Job you’ve had that would surprise people? i have drawn furries for money does that count
6. Do you think aliens are real? i mean for me its a fact like. u can argue ghosts arent real im fine w that but theres literally no way that aliens dont exist
7. Can you drive a manual car? again not yet cuz <3 they canceled my lessons <33
8. What’s your guilty pleasure? god i dont know i wanted to go w naruto but i dont even enjoy it im just watching it out of spite. what else. i still like lps thats kinda embarassing
9. Tattoos? not yet but i do want to have a few
10. Favorite color? olive green
11. Things people do that drive you crazy? bro im the pettiest bitch alive i have so much shit that i cannot stand. first thing that came to mind was when ppl eat w their mouths open tho so lets go w that
12. Any phobias? im so emetophobic man its almost funny. also moths idk why, im ok w butterflies but moths terrify me
13. Favorite childhood sport? oh i HATED sports as a kid. i still do lol
14. Do you talk to yourself? a lot
15. What movies do you adore? uhhHHH treasure planet n megamind r both all time favorites. oh n i also love the first silent hill movie i rewatch it every halloween lol
16. Do you like doing puzzles? kiinnndddaa i enjoy puzzles in video games but im bad at them
17. Favorite kind of music? i. don’t want to say indie cuz thats embarassing n most of indie is garbage but my favorite band is mother mother so.... i really do listen to almost everything tho
18. Tea or coffee? tea tea tea i love tea, only coffee i like is cappuccino
19. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? i was such a basic bitch n i wanted to b in a punk band f
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gracemyhearto · 5 years
I was tagged by @missemperor to do this com-myu-nity ask :D
1. What is your hobby?
History! I was fascinated of past times very early. When I was a child, middleages and stuff pretty much scared me but through that fear grew a deep interest and out of this interest grew an even deeper passion and here I am now studying it :D On my 2nd tumblr @renaissance-prinzessin I spam post a lot of history content :D Oh and I write. xD
 2. What is your special skill?
Special skill? Ehm maybe the way I understand animals? I am a very sensitive person. J
 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Like I said, I am very good at working and interacting with animals. I also think that I am pretty good in academic writing.
 Weaknesses: as if I’d share that xP
 4. What is your favorite color?
 5. What is your favorite animal?
Omg that is hard?  I love them all! But if I have to pick one.. horses! But ALL animals are precious babys!
 6. Which food are you into lately?
My mum’s risotto and I had really GREAT herb Schupfnudeln when I was on holidays in Bavaria this month <3
 7. What is the thing you never lose to from anyone?
My own goals.
 8. What is your most treasured item?
I can’t really think of an item, of course I love my books and my merch but there is no item or thing that matters to me as much as for example my horse Poly or my dog Pauli do :D
 9. What is your cooking specialty?
Recently I brought perfection to my beloved avocado-tomato soup xD I really do enjoy cooking (veggy of course!) and tried some vegan recipes recently too!
10. What is the thing you want the most at the moment?
Oh, I wished my bachelor’s thesis would be done already ahahaha.
 11. What is the thing you are most scared of?
Nothing I’d share in the internet but I have to admit that, beside the fact that I love all animals, ostrichs somehow really scare me xDD
 12. What is the thing you were happy about this year?
I think it’s getting back to my old university after switching to another last year. It feels home again but I am still glad that I was able to collect so many new experiences at the other uni.
 13. What is the thing you were sad about this year?
The retirement of Mirio and Miyacchi! I mean on the other hand they are/will be free to be themselves now without hiding behind the Otokoyaku mask but it’s still sad because I really adored both of them
 14. What is the thing you regretted this year?
 Regret? Actually there is nothing that I really do regret atm
 15. What is the thing you were angry about this year?
Unistuff, yep yep yep
 16. What is the job that gave you a sense of fulfillment this year?
Does my studies count? xD
 17. What has changed about you since you entered com-myu-nity?
 Mostly that I don’t care anymore if other people dislike me or my opinion
 18. Which character would you play in Sera myu?
 Aw! I would want to be Venus! Venus! Venus! But I think as for playing I’d be predestined for a bitchy badass Neptune or Mars xD
 19. If you were to form a collab now, who would it be with?
 Do ya mean a song collab like the stuff we do like everyday in the com-my-nity? Actually I am doing a lot of stuff with @missemperor and it’s always a pleasure! But I also want to do something again with my first besties @sailorzakuro and @MyuToni sooooo I am open to do collabs with everyone xD
 20. What do you love about Sera Myu nowadays?
That it made me be part of something and feel welcome among my friends <3
 21. Which cast member catches your attention the most at the moment?
Hmm, at the moment it might be Kana Nakada because I really liked her performance in NogiMyu. But tbh I am more into the BaniMyu actors/actresses.
 22. Which cast member would you want as your significant other?
 23. If you were to marry a cast member, who would it be?
EDO HIDEMASA <333333333
 24. If you would go to a deserted island, which cast member would you like to go with you?
Probably Yuuko Hosaka? She is such a mum, I’m sure she would get us back to civilisation easily xD
 25. If you would be born again, which cast member would you want to be?
Ehm… Nao Inada? I could play Venus in two very good productions then xD
 26. Which Sera Myu production would you want to be a part of?
The Dracul Arc!
 27. If you would create your own kingdom, what kind of country would you want it to be?
Don’t expect a pinky, plushy kingdom with worldpeace and same rights for everyone :P. Probably something like Middle-earth. I think there can’t be light without darkness.
 28. What is an interesting book or manga you read recently?
Thanks to @vampiruchan I am totally into the Black Dagger Brotherhood books atm xD
 29. What is an interesting movie you watched recently?
I rewatched The Hobbit and I realized again how much I love Bilbo and how much of an Elve I am xD
 30. What is your favorite Sera Myu song at the moment?
Always and forever FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! *starts dancing*
 31. What is your favorite Sera Myu song choreography at the moment?
Probably Fumi’s LINK from 1999?
 32. What is your favorite Sera Myu costume at the moment?
LOL totally Lamia’s breast pad I mean sexy cape outfit xD
 33. What is your favorite Myu at the moment?
Always and forever.. Kessen or Last Dracul. Can’t decide, it really depends on my mood. As for this moment it’s LD
 34. What is your favorite Myu cast?
I go with Last Dracul, I still love KSDK too and I really wished Yuuko was part of Myu in LD already
 35. Is there something you say a lot recently?
At least I use „!s” way too often xD That’s a typical german thing I guess
 36. What would you do if you could plan a Fan Kansha?
I wouldn’t change anything from the Bandai era. Just record it, PUT IT ON DVD and and add  official subs xD
 37. What do you hope to see Sera Myu doing in the future?
Not to relate too much on the manga…
 38. What kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?
I want to be done with studying and gain ground in working life
 39. What has been a memorable concert or event this year?
I saw the ballet “Swan Lake” by the russian nationalballet and omg it was awesome!
 40. What do you want to do in your private life this year?
Private life? Does that even exist? lol
 41. What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
I want to gain ground in historical research
 42. Do you have a hairstyle you would like to try in the future?
Let’s see: Last year I dyed my hair tips blue (it stayed like 3 weeks) that was fun. And recently I managed to get my hair back into it’s original colour (medium blonde) and I am really happy with that. Wished it would still be a bit more even but hey xD
 43. What Sera Myu merchandise would you love to have?
The Death Vulcan VHS as well everything available of Miyuki-Moon!
44. Where would you want Sera Myu to come to?
It would be nice if the other country’s themselves would organize Myus. Like, Germany was one of the countrys in which Sailor Moon was just so fkn popular that we even had an own Sailor Moon band, okay? xD So Myus based on the Bandai era here in Germany would be nice (even though I had no chance I’d so apply there xDDD)
 45. If you could have a holiday with any cast member, what do you want to do?
Probably talk about their life at Sera My and ask them things especially about backstage things.
 46. Please say something to your favourite cast member.
Well, Miyuki is in heaven but I’ll still dedicate this to her: You were wonderful. You didn’t made Sailor Moon just come to life, you put love in every single performance and transmitted all feelings to the audience with such a warm energy that it is always a pleasure and honour to watch your performances. I get never tired of watching them again and again. I hope you are happy where you are now but let me tell you that you can be really proud of what you did. You were not only an enrichment for the whole Sailor Moon franchise but also for my life and I just can not thank you enough for that.
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brastrangled · 5 years
2, 12, and 33 (gimme that salt lol)
2. Your most rewatched movie
So I have several that I rewatch way too much.
Beauty and the Beast always and forever I watch too much. I love it so much, I can quote it pretty much word for word.
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Cinderella 2015 is definitely up there now thanks to how much I use it to fall asleep. I can also quote it pretty much word for word.
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Captain America The Winter Solider is another life changing one. You can check my tag for it to know how thirsty it makes me. Or ask Nael. When we movie date it I am always screaming about my love of Sam and Steve. The poetic cinema of all the fight scenes. How this movie makes me like Natasha but mourn for Sharon. How Fury is That Bitch™.
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Parent Trap 1998 was honestly life changing for 5 year old me. I can quote it so easy and I'm very sure that my personality was shaped by Hallie and Annie. Especially Hallie. I can rewatch it so many times without ever getting bored really.
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12. Top 5 favorite female performances
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Amy Adams as Giselle (Enchanted)
Top forever. My life was literally changed for the better when I watched Enchanted. I embraced my love of princesses unapologetically and my adoration of Disney history skyrocketed more than it already had been. I just love Amy so so so so much thanks to this movie. She's such a breath of fresh air.
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Lily James as Ella (Cinderella)
Another life changer for me tbh. I've always loved Cinderella stories but something about Lily as Ella was just so perfectly timed for me. I loved how much respect she had for the character while still making it her own. To this day I'm still so affected by the movie that I have fanfiction ideas in my head as I watch it. Thanks to Lily I fell in love with rping as Cinderella and I truly don't know where I'd be without this movie to keep me sane.
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Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara (Gone With the Wind)
I absolutely fucking love GWTW and everyone who wants to tell out it's racist can eat my hairy ass. I FUCKING KNOW IT IS. Anyway, Viven absolutely fucked me up when I finally watched this movie in full. Oh my god is her unapologetic bitchiness such a fucking inspiration. I wish I was more ambitious like her, but I can definitely be conniving and whiny and pushy and materialistic. Like fuck. I will always love Scarlett.
Also shout out to Hattie McDaniel as Mammy. I will always love and appreciate Hattie for all she did.
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Constance Wu as Rachel Chu (Crazy Rich Asians)
So this is a new one since I only just finally watched the movie last weekend. But wooooooooow this movie is an absolute fucking delight. Constance just really inspired me. She was strong and but still able to show vulnerability and love. Her looks of longing and love with Henry Golding as Nick? Iconic. Inventors of love.
Also my heart and love to Gemma Chan as Astrid!!! Please kill me in the sequel angel!!!
I have wracked my brain for hours but I don't want to use anyone from an animated film so I'll just go with 4. I suck I'm sorry cupcake.
33. Last movie that disappointed you
I just let out the deepest fucking sigh.
Avenger Infinity War
Unpopular opinion time. I fucking can't stand this movie. It's so goddamn fucking bloated. It follows Thanos and tries to make me sympathic or empathetic towards him and I fucking hate it. I want this Barney wannabe to be fucking dead y'all. I hate how much screentime Tony is given. It's basically the Tony show and I'm not into it. I like the Guardians but in the movie I wasn't into them. I didn't watch Thor: Ragnarok but I feel like the Stormbreaker shit really undermined the character growth he was supposed to have from the movie. The CGI made me nuts (but Marvel CGI has been downgrading for years now). Poor Banner was so screwed over.
Also fuck Peter Quill. I hate Peter Quill.
I don't appreciate the disrespect towards my man Sam Wilson. Why didn't Steve see him dusted????????????????? just ugh.
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For things I liked: Steve Rogers was truly Daddy™ in this movie and I will throw my panties at the screen during his entrance every single fucking time.
So yeah besides that I hate this movie. I love the girls (except Nat, who the fuck allowed ScarJo to use her natural hair for Nat being on the run???) but I get so mad that I can't deal.
Sorry this took so long. Easter and the lack of luck with a 5th female performance.
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 11x08, liveblog, collected posts (all 33 of them) or as i like to call it: Rainbow Sparkles and Bloody Gorey Murder! (also i am an adult and I will admit to crying while watching this episode multiple times. Oh My, Y’all this is my Jam!!!)
#gays I am so excited!
 Sparkles looks like a great hippy and honestly: what an amazing invisible best friend!
 I knew I remembered that mom from somewhere! It’s the lady from bugs!
#at least she hasn’t yet died in the shower! Hurray!
 Oh man, Sam sleeping until his alarm goes off…
#sleepy boy is adorable though
 Oh wow, that’s a lot of sweets
 Also Sam just socking Sully in the face asdfj
#he deserved that
 “I’m not dumb or ass!” I love Sully
 Also can Sam and Dean please stop trying to karate chop the shit out of Sully?
#poor boy’s just asking for help
 Sam already is afraid of having to talk to Lucifer AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
 I love Social Worker!chesters
#they look like that nice Rodger dude y’all keep talking about
 Flashback time!!!
#also yeah I think the no 1 reason dean is so upset is bc he built himself as this unfailing shining grace of sams childhood #but he fails to notice that that’s not who he was #not that this is his fault #its just literally bc he was a kid himself? And he couldn’t raise another kid perfectly?
 I love Dean’s new hairstyle
#also you started hunting younger than me… uhm…. Sammy youre 10… Oh Noes
 Also “call you in a couple days”… yeah nice, lets just leave a 9 year old by himself for a few days, that’s great parenting! Wohoo!
 Also I mean we are told that Zanna appear to lonely and neglected kids… why does the Zanna appear to this girl when it seems like her parents aren’t that bad?
#im just afraid of another triggery plottwist
 Ok she doesn’t die in a shower this time, but she does get weird stuff on her face again
#can this woman rest just for once? #oh god sam shes got Sparkle on her face
 Please Dean don’t tell that woman that the whole family should shower together
 Ahhhhh I love the It Follows vibes of this shot
#just all of it #the pool the house the setting the shot from above her look the camera sneaking up on her #no creepy stalker kids just murder though
 “That’s a blood bath!” asdfghjk
 “No, I gotta stay strong for Sam.” Me, all day, every day.
 “well Totoro really cares for you” DEAN! You just exposed yourself as a weeb to me and honestly… I think I like you just a little bit more now
#dean whats your favorite ghibli movie? #dean can you relate to the urge to pack a bag of bread and cheese and run away into a forest to live with your furry friends? #dean will you rewatch all the ghibli movies with me? #dean can you make me one of those cheese breads they eat in Heidi and then sit down and watch ALL the ghibli movies with me?
 Baby!Sam is so cute and I love Sully so much too
#im crying yall
 Sam already wants to run away and he’s just ten uffff poor baby
 “You’re not Dean, you’re not your Dad, you’re Sam and Sam is so awesome.”
#i am in tears yall I am honestly crying im not kidding around the waterworks are on
 Like I said something has to be going on with that first kid, because this kid is being neglected by their alcoholic mum so the lonely kid thing shakes out
#also oh man I remember that sheets scene from another horror movie
 Sully was so hecking ready to just abduct a boy and traipse across the country with him asdfgh
#like same tbh if I could make infinite food I too would be getting kids from shitty homes and just taking them with me bc I Am Terrible Like That #but it does make sense that Sam doesn’t want to leave his family behind all the way
 The fact that John is like “yeah kid, just catch the next bus to God Knows Where and come to me” is just… Bad
#Bad DadTM
 Sam rejecting Sully is really sad
#oh noes #sully is so heartbroken
 Sam admitting that he doesn’t think he can do what God’s asking, not if it involved Lucifer, I am… so frigging emotional
#like having to pause bc it means so much to me that this is coming up again that I just get overwhelmed #uff uffff uffffffffff #just the sam & Lucifer storyline always meant a lot to me bc I project onto Sam hardcore #and I know they wont really deal with it I heard about that garbage more than enough #but the potential…. The tension… the trauma… the ptsd… it all just makes me feel both !!!! and absolute panic
 Ok now what did Sully do that pissed this woman off so much to go on a murder spree?
 Ohhh, he got her sister killed… Yikes
#and then he abandoned her completely
 Holy frick, I don’t think I’ve ever been this emotional about a supernatural episode in like… forever
#i love my rainbow suspenders friend #im so glad he survived
 Also the pretty much constant red in the background of Sam before he brings up going to the cage to Dean is… UFFFF
#im loving it
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allimariexf · 6 years
alli’s Arrow 2x01 rewatch thoughts
Let me start off by saying OMG I AM SO EXCITED FOR SEASON 2!!!!!!  (Season 2 is an absolute joy, my friends. I see now how very difficult it’s going to be for me to refrain from commenting on every little thing. I will do my best. But this turned out to be very long so I’m gonna lead with the Felicity/Olicity stuff and put other/random observations under the cut.)
I love the intro. A true WTF moment for the audience. And then: DIGGLE AND FELICITY! Felicity jumping out of the airplane remains one of the cutest things EVAR. 
(Okay but the fact that Oliver returned to Lian Yu, and the fact that Delicity went to find him there, is SO HUGE and the show just coasts over it and I have read some great fanfic that deals with this but honestly not enough. We definitely need more fic exploring this.)
“Just FYI - no one is eating the bagels!” LOOOOL the iconic random line. The best. (And of course there’s at least one great fic that touches on this, but I can’t remember the name).
I LOVE how Felicity shows her confidence through her clothing and hair choices. Throughout every season there’s small changes that parallel her attitude and I love it. Season 2 sassy “I AM DONE BEING SILENT” Felicity is still my favorite.
Regarding Isabel Rochev: “For the record I hated her before we found out she was a super villain.” - Felicity 2x19, but also me right now.
So when the Hoods come to attack Oliver at QC, I have always been annoyed that Oliver dives to protect Isabel rather than Felicity, but I do LOVE that they share a little look right when the Hoods bust in. And I guess Dig was behind Felicity so Oliver knew she was protected. But still.
Felicity saves Oliver tally: #2!! THE BEST! And of course, the fact that she freezes after having just stepped in and saved Oliver, but he wastes no time in BODILY protecting her. And then (good thing they practiced this on Lian Yu) he grabs her and dives out the window!!!!! *sigh* And then he checks on her, still wild with adrenaline, but he has to be sure she’s okay. *sigh* And she gives him the little nod, and my dears, Achievement Unlocked: welcome to The Next Level of Olicity. ❤️❤️❤️
“And excuse me for saying this, but so what? Since when do you care?” I think this is the first time that Felicity has made a long angry speech at Oliver. In the past, she’s stood up for John and herself, but in a quieter, gentler way and she was always sure not to push Oliver too hard. But here she’s pushing, really really asserting herself, for the first time. Season 2 Felicity, I welcome you (and I adore you!). She’s stepping up her game of holding Oliver to a higher standard.
“When I put on the hood, it’s kill or be killed.” // “So don’t. It’s not like you’ve killed every guy you faced.”
New Lair is cool but the moment is kinda overshadowed by the fact that murderers just stole Thea, but anyways #salmonladder 😁 Oliver’s semi-exasperated look at Felicity’s “I liked watching you do that” is adorable because you know he acts annoyed but really he eats it up and totally struts around shirtless because he likes her reaction. And this interaction is just a continuation of the truth and intimacy about their sexual chemistry that most definitely became A Thing in the Merlyn elevator. Only this time Felicity’s more confident in herself and less apologetic about the whole thing. PROGRESS.
At this point, Oliver’s so completely dependent on Felicity’s skills for info. He’s just like “what do we know about the guy” and boom! she figures out his identity. Then he’s like “phone records” and she’s like “here’s where he met his accomplices.” PLUS SHE HAD A RAD NEW BOW CUSTOM MADE. Oliver, behold your future wife! “It’s perfect.” And I guess that’s all the thanks she’s gonna get. :P
“Maybe there’s another way.” ICONIC. ❤️ *squee* all the love ❤️
And then right afterward, to Quentin: “I’m trying another way.” ❤️ 
“Most people fail to see the real me.” ❤️ *looking at Felicity when he says this*
“If it’s online I can find it.” FELICITY you always manage to reach Oliver with humanity and levity right when he needs it. *sigh*
“It’s just like a good friend once told me....I had to find another way.” He looks her in the eye, slow and deliberate, and says this. He is deliberately acknowledging, for the first time to her, that she is a good friend. Not merely someone to be hidden from his friends (“This is Felicity. She’s setting up my internet.”). Not a random person whose presence he has to explain (“This is Felicity. She’s my friend.”) But an actual good friend. Which, we all know how seriously Oliver takes his actual friendships. It’s meaningful and deep. #MyEmotions He’s essentially acknowledging that he’s done denying how important she (and John too, I think) are to him.
And she gives him that little smile, acknowledging that she recognizes that their relationship has forever changed.
Mmmmm Oliver in that vest. Oliver. In. That. Vest.
random other observations below the cut: 
I miss (mostly) carefree Thea. Poor Thea. I blame Malcolm Merlyn entirely 🙄
Dig opening the car door for Oliver and calling him “Mr. Queen” after Oliver basically just treated him like dirt rather than a friend who stood shoulder to shoulder with him during the Undertaking - if that isn’t some of the best shade I’ve ever seen. 😎
These copycat Hoods are justifiably angry, and definitely their vision of vengeance is misguided, but honestly none of that is an excuse for how these actors play them like low-budget action movie villains #justsayin 😆
Thea: “I’m not going to that prison. It’s the only way I know how to hurt her.” Roy: “You might want to consider how much it’s hurting you.” Wow. This show used to be so amazing with the dialog.
I love that Felicity and Quentin suddenly have a new level of friendship, despite not actually having been in the same room together since he brought her in for questioning, simply based on the fact that she helped him defuse a bomb over the phone. ❤️
Oliver, Moira warned you not to trust Isabel Rochev. That includes sleeping with her. #ListenToYourMotherOliver
Moira and Thea *sob* “If I died you would spend the rest of your life thinking that I hated you.” “However long I am in this place, you have freed me.” 😭  #ArrowIsAShowAboutFamily
Oliver and Walter!! I love Walter, as a person and as a father-figure to Thea and Oliver. I miss him. 😭 He’s the parent they all needed all along. (I mean don’t get me wrong, I love Quentin as a surrogate father to everyone, but we can all agree he’s not the most stable dude around.)
Oliver and Laurel: just putting the final few nails in that coffin.  “I understand why we can’t be together. I still need you in my life.” THIS is an Oliver and Laurel relationship I can get behind. One that recognizes their problematic past, but also recognizes that meaningful relationships don’t have to be romantic.
@jules85 @blondeeoneexox @hope-for-olicity @memcjo
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lordzuuko · 7 years
So, I was wondering, what would it be like if Keith and Shiro had their own YouTube channel? Do they know each other? Do they know each other? Are they dating? If not, what are their thoughts on fans shipping each other?
[Youtube AU] Part 1 | Part 2
Keith’s channel was an art one—keithdrawsshit. He was pretty popular and most of his videos were speed paintings. The funny thing was, he comments and grunts and curses when he drew and his viewers were very entertained. 
One time he said to “leave comments below regarding what you’d like to see me draw in my next video.” There was a name that won by a landslide.
Keith: Hey, what’s up. Keith here *waves at the cam*—again. If this is your first time watching a vid of mine, I just basically draw and you watch or whatever it is you do while playing this video. Today, I’ll be drawing some Youtuber… hang on… *types something on the keyboard* *sticks tongue out* Ooops misspelled the name. Wait. Ah. There we go. His channel is shirothepaladin. Do I know him? Personally, I don’t. *shrugs* But I’ve heard of him. Quite popular with the girls and boys I heard. *chuckles* And I can see why.
Suddenly, a Siberian cat jumped onto Keith’s lap and he smiled so wide.
Keith: *picks up the cat* Hey, baby girl. Say hi to everyone. This is Mewtwo, a.k.a. The Love Of My Life. *kisses her* *faces the cam* Cats are the best lovers in the world, just thought of putting it out there. Anyway, she’s just gonna stay on my lap, she thinks it’s her bed or something. *laughs* *clears throat* But going back, I watched a couple of videos, well, rewatched some. *rolls eyes fondly* and I think I got an idea on how to draw shirothepaladin or as his About page says, Takashi Shirogane. *smiles* Did you guys choose him because he’s Japanese, too? Or is it simply just because of his dashing good looks? *smirks* 
Shiro’s channel—shirothepaladin—was a mix of everything. He did live reactions, voiced out his thoughts—but mostly revolving around movies. He received a lot of messages, which was normal. However, one particular night, people kept messaging him to do a live reaction of someone who drew him. Curious, he went to the linked page and the top video was:
Speed painting of shirothepaladinkeithdrawsshit60M views - 16 hours ago
Shiro was hesitant, however, the thumbnail of a Japanese guy wearing a red and black hoodie with a kitty was very, very cute and instantly stole his heart. So he set up his camera, fixed his hair and straightened his black hoodie and started recording.
Shiro: You guys have been nagging me to watch this speedpainting of myself so here we go. Also, 60million views in less than a day? *whistles* This guy must be super popular. Sorry, this is my first time hearing of keithdrawsshit and I feel awful. But anyway, let’s press play.
As soon as Shiro pressed the button, Keith’s face came into view and now, Shiro was usually used to attractive people on Youtube but this guy was just something else. He was snarky, sassy, and didn’t give a damn if his hair was all over the place. He supposed it added to the charm.
Shiro: *smiles so wide* Oh look at him. He named his kitty after a Pokemon. That’s just adorable. *chuckles* I named mine, Skittles, as you all already know. Maybe Mewtwo and Skittles can have a playdate? Depends if this guy is in the same area as mine. *sees Keith drawing* Keith definitely doesn’t draw shit, I tell you that. This guy is super talented. And did he say he’s drawing it from memory? *shakes head in disbelief* That’s insane. Insane. I can’t draw to save my life, to be honest. *laughs*
Keith: *pen rolls away* Ah fucking shit. Not again. Mewtwo, sweetheart, let me just bend down to get—ah, yes. Okay, Your Highness. Take all the time you need. I can just edit this out, no big deal. You useless feline. *kitty meows* I’m just kidding, babe. 
Shiro: *bites his lips* He’s so cute. Obviously, I meant Keith but the cat is also cute. But more on Keith, really. *when the video finished* Good god, this is some amazing art. I am in love with this and that drawing is 1000% more attractive than the real me. *laughs* If I had the chance, I’d buy this art, frame it on my wall so I can look at it every day. *winces* Wait, is that a bit narcissistic? 
A few days later, Shiro received a message.
keithdrawsshit I can give you the art if you want? No frame though. That’s some expensive shit, man. You’ll have to do that yourself. Also, I think Mewtwo would like to have a playdate with Skittles. Considering we’re in the same area lmao If not, it’s cool. 
P.S. Also, uh, thanks. Glad you like my art. 
When Keith logged on again, people were commenting something about “Sheith” and he thought people just typoed “Shit” which wouldn’t be the first. Later on, he found out that it was the ship name of him and shirothepaladin. He just laughed at the idea. He didn’t even know the guy. Except he drew him once and exchanged exactly two messages. It turned out that Shiro—as he’d like to be called—did more live reaction of his other speed paintings and Keith couldn’t get rid the smile off his face as he binge-watched all of them.
Eight Months later, Shiro was adjusting his camera. Avengers: Infinity War trailer just came out and he had to do his live reaction already. He was so excited for this movie, he wasn’t even sure if he’d survive it. This time, he was going to do a live stream.
Shiro: Hi, everyone. *waves at the camera* Today’s The Day so I don’t want to delay this any further—Keith: *comes into the room* Hey, babe, have you seen Mewtwo? *notices the cam* *eyes widens* Fuck, shit. My bad! *leaves the room*
Shiro: *chuckles at the live comments* *hands in surrender* You got me. It took us a while. *whispers* Especially for Keith, but, we made it. *smiles fondly* We got together a week ago. So it’s kinda still fresh. I told him I was bi, he confessed he’s ace and honestly? I think that’s kinda perfect, isn’t it?
korrasamiforever I think that’s wonderful, Shiro. I’m actually crying. sheithislife KNEW IT. I HAD A FEELING KEITH WAS ACE pidgeoto Are you living together?! Is that why Keith is there?
Shiro: Oh, no! Keith just visited! We’re going out to watch a midnight release later. He’s pretty excited about it. He’s actually adorable and cute to watch.
lanceylance Someone is in looooooooooooovvveeeeee This also means you can get so much free art from him now lolololololHunkules LANCE!!! lanceylance What?! It’s true!!Allurababy God, Lance. Have some decency! pidgeoto Leave it to Lance to ruin everything. What’s new?
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erectionsandtea · 6 years
100 Questions
Tagged by @mileven-and-contemplation (you gave me something to do today)
1. What is your nickname? Maddy is my nickname :P
2. How old are you? Too fucking old, okay
3. What is your birth month? August
4. What is your zodiac sign? Leo
5. What is your favorite color? Blue, any shade :)
6. What’s your lucky number? 13, lol
7. Do you have any pets? 5 mollys (1 adult and 4 babies), 6 tetras, and a black mystery snail (all freshwater fishies and creatures) :D
8. Where are you from? ‘Murica
9. How tall are you? Like 5′7″ or so ?
10. What shoe size are you? 9 1/2 ? Give or take
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? A box-full, maybe...10 pairs if we’re including slippers? Dude, I’m not sure of anything, half of my answers will end in question marks :P
12. Are you random? You tell me
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13. Last person you texted? The bf :3
14. Are you psychic in any way?
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15. Last TV show watched? Currently rewatching American Dad, last show not rewatched though..the new season of Archer
16. Favorite movie? 12 Angry Men (and then How to Train Your Dragon)
17. Favorite show from your childhood? Depends on what constitutes “childhood”, but I’m gonna say The Simpsons and Futurama (basically Matt Groening was my childhood)
18. Do you want children? Idk, maybe someday
19. Do you want a church wedding? Sure, if I get married, but the church has to be by a beach
20. What is your religion? I identify as neo-Pagan
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Once when 5 year-old me thought I broke my arm, and another time to the psych ward
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? Uhhh, I walked to the library once when I was like 10 without telling my parents, and a policeman picked me up, does that count?
23. How is life? A bitch, but sometimes a nice bitch, sooo basically normal
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing socks
26. Have you ever been famous? Briefly among Supernatural fans, when I wrote and performed this during the 2013 Mishapocalypse, I mean that’s the closest I’ve ever been (and probably ever will be)
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? I used to think so, but imagine the anxiety, fuck no
28. What type of music do you like? Literally a little bit of everything, at least one song in every genre (but mainly I’m stuck on ‘80s jams)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Not yet, lol
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Four
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side or on my stomach
32. How big is your house? One story
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I’d rather get extra sleep in the morning
34. Have you ever left the country? No, but that time is coming, soon I’ll have been all over the world!
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes! Every year at summer camp for like...6-8 years? I was pretty decent, too.
36. Do you like anyone? My boyfriend and Anna Kendrick
37. Favorite swear word? FUCK
38. When do you fall asleep? After lying in bed for like, an hour
39. Do you have any scars? Yes, and let’s leave it at that
40. Sexual orientation? If I like you, I like you
41. Are you a good liar? Fuck no
42. What languages would you like to learn? I’d like to get better at ASL, and then I’d like to learn German (but I’m absolute CRAP at languages)
43. Top 10 songs? The only two that matter are Hooked On a Feeling by Blue Swede and Footloose by Kenny Loggins
44. Do you like your country?
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45. Do you have friends on the web? Yeah
46. What is your personality type? The type that people eventually get sick of and leave
47. Hogwarts house? ‘Puff pride, bitch
48. Can you curl your tongue? Noooope
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to?
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50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? Definitely not fond of them
52. Favorite food? Cheese, and then potatoes (especially cheesy potatoes!)
53. Favorite foreign food? Idk man, I just like food, I’m discovering new amazing stuff all the time
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I want to be clean but I’m too lazy and messy
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Be the sassiest, most fashionable, and most adorable drunk gay boy in the club (so basically be Eddie Kaspbrak)
56. What color underwear? Uhhh...commando?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 20 minutes if I actually care, 5 if I don’t
58. Do you have much of an ego? As a Leo, you’d think so, but the truth is, NOPE
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck first, then bite
60. Do you talk to yourself? Who doesn’t do this at some point?
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yesss
62. Are you a good singer? I like to think so, I know I’m not terrible
63. Biggest fears? Being alone
64. Are you a gossip? Not really..?
65. Are you a grammar Nazi? I wouldn’t be if people knew how to spell and use proper punctuation, etc.
66. Do you have long or short hair? Short on one side, shorter on the other :P
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? No, I always forget at least one
68. Favorite school subject? Choir :P (until college, then my favorite class was psychology)
69. Extrovert or introvert? An extroverted introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Yes, I took classes a year-and-a-half ago and we went to Monterey bay!
71. What makes you nervous? The better question is what doesn’t make me nervous?
72. Are you scared of the dark? ...yes. Sometimes.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I try to
74. Are you ticklish? Everywhere.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Nope
76. Have you ever been our of your home country? Not yet, but soon
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yep, started trying things when I was 13
78. Have you ever done drugs? Yup
79. What do you fantasize about? My ships
80. How many piercings do you have? 6 lobe (3 in each ear), 2 helix (in my left ear), 1 tragus (in my right ear), and 1 nose piercing (next I’m planning to get a daith piercing, idk which side yet) (here is a chart for anyone who does not know the ear terminology)
81. Can you roll your R’s? I’ve done it 3 times in my life, all 3 were luck
82. How fast can you type? Super fucking fast, bro (and without looking at the keyboard)
83. How fast can you run? I haven’t’ run for like, 4 years, idk, but my best mile time was around 8 minutes in high school :P
84. What color is your hair? You tell me, I think it’s brown, but sometimes it looks different, like dirty blonde..?
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85. What color are your eyes? Hazel :)
86. What are you allergic to? Probably dust or pollen, and my mom thinks I was allergic to our cat, but that was never looked into
87. Do you keep a journal? Tried, could never keep it up
88. Are you depressed about anything? EDIT: okay, mildly depressed, idk about what, I wish I did, but oh well, life fucking sucks that way
89. Do you like your age? ????
90. What makes you angry? Stupid drivers and people who are assholes to customer service workers
91. Do you like your own name? Uhh, it’s unique, so yeah I guess
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? Yeah, I once put a tiny plastic decorative berry up there just to see if I could, and it got stuck but I was able to get it out just before I had to go onstage for a play I was in :P
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? One of each!
94. What talents do you have? If being mediocre at things still counts as talent, then I guess I can sing, play guitar, ukulele, and piano/keyboard, crochet, knit, rap, and write...but meh, I’m basically an expert amateur
95. Sun or moon?
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96. How did you get your name? My parents wanted something unique, and they thought this name was elegant
97. Are you religious? Not at all
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? Yep, still seeing one now and planning on continuing in the future
99. Color of your bedspread? The one on my bed right now is red, but I also have a blue and an orange
100. Color of your room? White, but covered in posters and things
Idk who to tag, but if you want to do this, please do it, feel free! :D
Except for @killian-morelike-killingme and @textualselection, because I just feel like it xD
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nicolearp · 3 years
For the ask thing, all the ones you haven't already done or all the ones you want to answer
Oh wow, thank you so much! I’m so intrigued by the anon(s) I wanna know who you are ahaha
2: 3 movies you have rewatched many times
The first three that come to mind are legally blonde, liar liar, love actually
3: 3 songs that mean something to you
Fight Song by Rachel Platten, The One by Kodaline, Rise Up by Andra Day
4: 3 topics you’d love to learn more about
Mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation
5: 3 colours to paint your room
Well the walls in my room are currently beige, and tbh I’d stick with that but other options are white and blue
6: 3 characters that inspire you
Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place, Samantha Jones from Sex and the City, and idk, maybe Rosa Diaz from B99 for the bi representation? (Just realised that people say all 3 of those choices are bi loool my brand)
7: 3 fruits that you love the most
Pears, watermelon (ideally when on holiday), strawberries
8: 3 tv shows that you never get bored of
So hard to pick 3! Scrubs, sex and the city and wynonna Earp (I’ve only watched those last 2 all the way through once but they’ve become instant favourites of mine so I’m sure I’ll never get bored of them)
10: 3 things you like eating with coffee
Cake, donut, muffin
11: 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read
Everything I know about love by Dolly Alderton, why I’m no longer talking to white peoples about race by Reni Eddo-Lodge, and...hmm idk! Definitely those two, not sure about a third. I feel like I should name a classic but I haven’t read that many, I’m just gonna go with To Kill A Mockingbird
12: 3 apps you use the most
WhatsApp, Twitter and Tumblr (Facebook’s maybe joint 3rd)
13: 3 classes you used to hate in middle school
Geography, English, Drama (I love performing but I was super shy and reserved in school so I struggled there)
14: 3 professions that you would like to try
Presenter, publicist/PR, writer/columnist...not that I’d ever actually get to try them!
15: 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
This is tough, lots of possible answers!
“Give me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”
“It doesn’t get better, but you get better”
16: 3 drinks you consume the most
Water, Diet Coke, iced coffee. (Jesus Christ I really do live up to the bisexual/LGBT+ brand)
17: 3 TV couples you adore the most
Wayhaught from Wynonna Earp, Jake & Amy from B99, and hmm idk, maybe Carrie and Big (but they’re problematic) or Monica and Chandler (but that’s high-key basic)
19: 3 animals you’d love to take care of in your house
Kitten, fish, terrapin
20: 3 adjectives that you’d use to describe yourself
I’m just instantly thinking of self-deprecating horrible things...putting them to one side id say I’m brave, caring and conscientious
21: 3 things you are the most passionate about:
Bi representation/ending bi erasure, anti-racism, pro-LGBT+ stuff, essentially equality in the many forms that takes
22: 3 movies/books/tv shows that made you cry
Finding Neverland (the movie and the musical), The Impossible, some episodes of Scrubs
23: 3 songs you listen to while cleaning
Lovely Day by Bill Withers, Good as Hell by Lizzo, anything from Dear Evan Hansen
24: 3 places that make you feel peaceful
My bedroom, my living room, a beach
25: 3 people you’d never get tired of
This is a little personal so I’m gonna leave this out, there’s only really one person ahaha
26: 3 countries you’d love to visit
Maldives, Italy, Canada
27: 3 things you wish you did more often
Meditate, journal, just generally taking time out for my mental health
29: 3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be
Good at accepting the things they can’t control, more extraverted/better in social situations, confident
30: 3 moments you could never forget
Everything I can think of is very personal so again I’m gonna leave this question out 😊 not something I want to publish for all to see ahaha
31: 3 types of flowers you love the most
I don’t know much about flowers but I like roses, tulips, and pussy willows (lol)
33: 3 scented candles you love the most
I love scented candles but I’m pretty new to the game! I had a frangipani one which I love, I also have some Christmas candles atm which smell so good, and also a vanilla one
34: 3 people in history that inspire you the most
This ones really hard, so many options! Marsha P Johnson and Rosa Parks come to mind. For a third, maybe MLK Jr?
35: 3 vegetables that you like the taste of
Sweetcorn, peas, carrots
36: 3 ways of travelling that you enjoy the most
Walk, car, train
Thank you so much for the questions! Sorry if my answers were terrible, I tried!
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bwayboynyc · 7 years
Musical Theatre Themed Ask
I literally never do these on tumblr but how could I resist?? 
1. What was the first musical you saw?
It’s hard to remember. Either The Secret Garden or Into the Woods (Act I, JR version)
2. What musical got you really into theatre? 
The Phantom of the Opera. No shame at all. 
3. Who was your first Broadway crush?
Though I didn’t know he was mostly a musical theatre actor at the time, Gavin Creel in Eloise at Christmastime singing Gypsy had me SHOOK.
4. Name three of your current Broadway crushes.
Gavin Creel. Jonathan Groff. Patti LuPone.
5. Name four of your dream roles.
Piangi (Phantom), Boq (Wicked), Mama Rose (Gypsy), Ursula (TLM)
6. Favorite off-broadway show:
Currently? Who’s Holiday. Otherwise, tie between Heathers and Dogfight!
7. Favorite cast recording.
Evita Original Broadway Cast Recording. 100%. 
8. 2013 Tony opening number or 2016 Tony opening number?
2013. I still get chills. WE WERE THAT KID! (Also Debra Messing’s face still kills me cause SAME GIRL) 
9. Favorite show currently on Broadway.
Wicked. Loved it 10 years ago when I first saw it. I love it now. I’ll love it forever. Don’t come for me. 
10. A musical that closed and you’re still bitter about. Rant a bit.
BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY. Listen up y’all, this is JRB’s BEST score. I LOVE Parade and TL5Y but BRIDGES IS FUCKIN LIFE. I cannot believe the show only ran 90-something performances. Kelli O’Hara used every single part of her perfect voice. Steven Pasquale was SHIRTLESS. The set was brilliant. DEREK KLENA. HUNTER FOSTER. OH MY GAH. Not to mention the story is so beautiful. It’s about love and life and wanting what you can’t have and WHO CAN’T RELATE TO THAT SHIT?! I’ll forever be upset about this considering I was planning on seeing it and it closed TWO WEEKS before I arrived in NYC that summer. TWO. WEEKS. UGH. Revival plz?? (Also Falsettos but at least I saw it!) 
11. Best stage to screen adaptation?
Tie between Dreamgirls and Chicago. Both brilliant. Though Chicago is actually much better than the actual stage show so maybe that’s my final answer. 
12. Worst  stage to screen adaptation?
Okay I actually really like the Sweeney Todd movie but come on... They cut all of the best songs, cut the entire chorus, changed the entire mood of the show.. It is just all wrong. 
13. Favourite #ham4ham?
Ummm... The one where Patti LuPone sings Give My Regards to Broadway. 
14. A musical you would love to see produced by Deaf West?
Maybe Next to Normal? Anything with a smaller cast that tells a really good story.
15. If you could revive any musical, which one would it be and who would you cast in it?
Okay I CANNOT pick just one. Mame with Kristin Chenoweth, or a colorblind A Little Night Music starring Audra McDonald as Desiree because COME ON. (Okay one more Sutton in Gypsy in 15 years)
16. If you could go to a concert at the 54 below, who’s would it be?
I’d love to see the upcoming Drowsy Chaperone reunion concert! 
17. Do you watch broadway.com vlogs? Which one is your favourite?
When I have time, yes! The two best are Fly Girl with Lindsay Mendez and Daae Days with Sierra Boggess!
18. Make a broadway related confession.
The Disney-fication/Hollywood takeover of Broadway makes me sick. Sure, we’ve gotten a handfull of great musicals from these but can we PLEASE have more original ideas on the Great White Way? 
19. What does Musical Theatre mean to you?
To me, Musical Theatre is one, (if not THE), most powerful version of storytelling. From an intense scene, to a powerful song, into an electric dance, nothing can capture the hearts and attention of an audience quicker than a really good musical. It’s all about escapism y’all. 
20. Express some love for understudies and swings!
The most hardworking and under-appreciated peeps in the business! Sometimes even better than the stars... just saying. ;) 
21. Best Disney musical:
A I D A. 100%. (Revival with Cynthia Erivo and Megan Hilty?) Hunchback is a close second. I LOATHE what they did to the books of both Mary Poppins and The Little Mermaid, though the scores and new songs in these shows are lit af. 
22. Which Disney movie should be made into a musical?
HERCULES. Without a freakin doubt. 
23. Which musical fandom has the funniest memes?
Falsettos? Newsies? They’re all so funny to me! 
24. Name a character from a musical you would sort into your Hogwarts house.
Slytherin... Elphaba. The Witch (ITW). Eva Peron. Mama Rose. All the roles I want to play? Hahahah 
25. Name a Broadway star you would sort into your Hogwarts house.
Patti LuPone. 
26. Best on stage chemistry?
I gotta say it... I LOVE Sierra and Ramin together. Also Kelli O’Hara and Steven Pasquale. 
27. A Broadway duo you love.
Bernadette and Mandy. Terrance Mann & Charlotte d’Aboise. Marin Mazzie & Jason Danieley. 
28. What book, tv show, movie, biography, video game, etc. should be turned into a musical?
I would love to see The Great Gatsby on Broadway. Also The Devil Wears Prada. 
29. If you could make a jukebox musical, what artist or genre would you pick?
Lady Gaga. The woman is practically writing showtunes people. 
30. Favorite role played by _________________?
Patti? Eva. Audra? Carrie Pipperidge. Kristin? Lily Garland. Kelli? Clara. Bernadette? The Witch. Carol? DOLLY. Not sure how to even answer this question I could do this for hours... 
31. What musical has made you cry the most?
FALSETTOS. Also Next to Normal just by listening to the OBC recording. 
32. What musical has made you laugh the most?
The Producers. The Drowsy Chaperone. Spamalot. Spongebob. 
33. Current showtune stuck in you head:
“I Can Cook Too” has been playing nonstop in my head all week. Idk. 
34. A musical that has left you thinking about life for a long time or deeply inspired you.
35. Name a musical you didn’t like at first but ended up loving.
Godspell. Never liked it until I was in it! Now I adore it. 
36. What are some costumes you’d love to try on?
The Dolly Levi dress. WITH the headpiece. 
37. Favorite dance break.
Is anything better than the Anything Goes (revival) tap number?? Also the 42nd Street opening.
38. What’s a musical more people should know about?
39. What are some lines from musicals you really like?
“Don't be afraid it won't be perfect, the only thing to be afraid of really is that it won't BE.” (Company)
“Some people ain’t me!” (Gypsy)
“Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor” (Into the Woods)
40. Name a Tony performance you rewatch and rewatch.
Anything Goes (2011), Evita (1980), Opening Number (2013), Gypsy (2008), 42nd Street (1981), Opening number with Rosie O’Donnell, Patti LuPone, Jennifer Holliday, and Betty Buckley (1999).
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