#i heal my inner child by striving to have a fulfilling adult life free of all the fears and trauma responses that defined my childhood.
lesbiancolumbo · 3 months
It’s kind of funny that the adults who love YA and comic books and Disney and other media for kids also, apparently, want desperately to be taken seriously by other grown ups. (You know, treated like an adult.) Like ‘yes, I only read Harry Potter fanfic and watch cartoons, but damnit Barbara don’t you patronize me! I demand to be treated with the same respect as any other adult baby!’ (I’d say ‘have a drink and calm down’ but my bottle warmer is on the blink.) Does the defensiveness come from a place of insecurity or do they genuinely believe that other adults are lying when they claim to enjoy adult things? Like do they think all adults would secretly prefer to watch CocoMelon instead of HBO and play with Lego rather than have sex, but gosh darn it most grups just won’t admit it?
i think they just never grew out of the child mentality that adults are boring and lame unlike them, this fifteen year old moron, the coolest person they know (because they know like 20 people). they see adulthood as going to bed at 9 PM and having to work and do taxes and chores and watching war documentaries and reading nonfiction. it just smacks of arrested development to me, but i also like don't take that kind of adult seriously and i definitely don't put any stock in their opinions on books, films, etc., and will tell them so lol.
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montystarotchild · 3 years
💌 Life Path Readings (1-9)💌
Happy New Years everyone! I hope it was beautiful for each and every one of you all. I wanted to start the year off with an in depth reading addressing our Life Path numbers and the journey that we will be taking this year depending on each of them. All of the lessons of life have an over-arching theme of archetypes that look similar to others but become more distinct for each individual. We all have a story that only we can tell. This reading will help you to clarify, deep down, what you may already know and to act as a reminder whenever you need it along your path. I will be linking below the site you can use to calculate and read more about your own life path number. I hope you enjoy and cheers to a prosperous New Year!
Calculate your Life Path here: https://creativenumerology.com/life-path-number/
✨Life Path 1✨
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This year you are being asked to step onto the path that’s marked ‘yes’! Your archetype for this year is The Bridge. The bridge is where we cross into the unknown on purpose. We do this in order to experience something that wasn’t on our side of the bridge originally. As a life path 1, your purpose is to learn all about the self. We are all meant to know ourselves but you specifically will initiate your passions based on what you discover about yourself. There are things within you that haven’t been recognized in a long while. This is the year where you will be tapping more into your instinctual wildness. You will be listening to your own inner voice as a master guide to lead you where you need to be. This voice is connected directly to Source and will never steer you wrong. While some may see you as self-centered, you actually work very well with others when it is needed. But as a life path 1 it is important to find a healthy balance of giving and receiving energy while interacting and working with others. It’s also important to acknowledge your attachments to things that keep you from acting upon your dreams. You should only have room for the things that match you energetically and for people who strive as you strive. This is where you can create with others very smoothly and lead effectively. The journey this year may look a lot like last year. It’s kind of like walking the same path everyday in the daylight and then having to walk it again in the dead of night. You can sense each step and it feels familiar but there is no sight to confirm what you feel. That is your intuition and you must trust each step. If your fear of potential or need for validation is keeping you from experiencing life and stagnant, it is time to release. No one can tell you where to go next, you must intuit this for yourself. Some of you may be singers, dancers or performers in general (spoken word poetry, live art, etc.) and this may be your main way of expressing yourself. It is time to believe in your talents and purpose. If you feel as if it is hard for you to accept your wins this year without an audience, speak with your ancestors. They are your biggest cheerleaders and are always rooting you on! Remember, “if a problem is not accepted as a problem, a solution may never be found.” Address those negative thoughts and free your soul.
✨Life Path 2✨
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As a Life Path 2, you have been sent here to be the Judge. When we think of judges we think of harshness and punishment but that is the energy of the physical world, not the higher realms. You are here to bring balance, peace and serenity. As a child this could have been a magical gift that you were always tested to use. As an adult, the use of our discernment is essential to our daily decisions but as a child we are still learning these talents and how they work. You may have been put in many situations as a child where you were to be the mediator. Especially between parents but this could be between siblings, friends or even close family members. You may have always been seen as a sounding board for others. I’m seeing that this wasn’t always the easiest for you. You may not have had the time or space in order to learn about this gift because others were always demanding things of you. Now is the time. If you feel as if last year your goals did not materialize as fast as you wanted this message is especially for you. Patience. If we do not wait it out we can never know the results. This may have been something that kept you from moving forward with any creative ideas, for fear that they wouldn’t come about. This could have conditioned you to think small and leave “dreaming big” for others to do, even though your intuition is telling you that you too can live a great and abundant life and it’s not something you have to wait to be handed. The pains of the past have already happened and there is no need for you to bring them with you along your journey. Even if you aren’t completely aware of your unconscious actions, you may still feel hints of the past replaying in your present. This doesn’t have to be. You can let go of all that is no longer supporting your growth. As you are healing from childhood trauma I see that you will be swept away in a new study. You could be learning more about meditation and intuition and finding books that talk about both. As you absorb this information you share it with those around you that you care for deeply. I find it ironic that the number 2 talks about connections but every single card in your spread only has one person depicted. This is a reminder for you to not lose yourself in others. There can be no true connection without independence. I also see that the moments that you are able to sneak to yourself (the shower, taking a bath or even taking a toke 🍃) may seem wild at first if it isn’t something you are usually able to do but can be very therapeutic for you. Also, if you are looking into different ways to manifest, look into water magic. It might not be as intimidating as you think!
✨Life Path 3✨
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What a beautiful reading! This will be a monumental year for you to truly tap into the depth of your own feelings. 2020 may have been a very “reactive” year for some of you. You may have found yourself reacting to situations strongly and emotionally without truly understanding why. If you found yourself starting shadow work towards the end of the year then clarity may be coming to you now. But for others, this may still be a confusing time and that is more than ok. When we first wake up for the day or from a nap it takes us a moment to gather ourselves right? Well imagine that you have been asleep this entire time, be gentle in the waking process of your spiritual consciousness. Because life has seemed so mysterious and “impossible” to crack you may feel as if you have missed a lot of the signs that could’ve kept you from engaging in situations you should’ve avoided. It is time to release replaying those moments because they have led you to today. And to unpack this emotionally may still seem like a daunting task for you. Most people refuse to face the unknown, will stay stagnant rather than move further into the future. Not you though. You have no problem exploring the unknown because interesting people and places lie within the fog. One thing that you may carry with you is a mask. You may enjoy changing your “appearance” in order to fit the room. You doubt that the real you would be accepted into the rooms where you really want to be. This year you are walking away from that mindset. You know that a true artist digs into the depths of their soul in order to create the things that change the world. It’s all about emotional fulfillment this year. Last year we learned that if it doesn’t move us it can’t come along this passionate journey of life. You are here to connect others with your words and the images you create out of them. There will be many opportunities for collaboration this year if you open yourself up to that energy. But before you can revel in that creative energy you must come face to face with yourself. There is a need to balance your emotional scales, which are so important when you are working with other people. If you don’t know where to start, your Ancestors are here to help you with anything you need, you simply need to ask. “Spirit, how can I uncover my hidden feelings/emotions today?” This is an opportunity for the floodgates to burst open within you. It may not feel like the easiest transition, and of course it won’t all happen at once, but this is where you find your creative spark. Because it is imperative that one come before the other, if not, you may show a level of cockiness to others that can be an emotional response that you aren’t fully aware of. Another way you can practice opening up to yourself more emotionally is by journaling. Write your most intimate thoughts and feelings down. When you can read them freely without judgements maybe practice your hand at a bit of poetry? It may really help with discovering the amount of depth you truly hold.
✨Life Path 4✨
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This is going to be a powerful year for you 4’s. Things will seem unfamiliar but that is because things will be changing right before your eyes. Being born with a Life Path 4, you crave stability, structure and knowing. When others speak of change you may close off, feeling as if everything is exactly where it’s meant to be in your life, even if it’s not. This year you are coming from out underneath the covers and addressing what has probably been there all along. If you have found resistance in yourself when it comes to making a decision to act upon a thought, this message is especially for you. You are needing to step out of the mindset of control. You want to make the right decisions while receiving the right outcome but that isn’t what this year is about. Why limit yourself to what you believe is right when there could be many other different options that are equally as fitting, if not more? This is where you find your true feelings, in the midst of the storm. Think about something you really want to do this year. If no one else was around to decide for you, would you still be confident in the next steps you took towards that goal? Confidence is your key to success. Your belief in yourself will be the deciding factor on how 2021 will play out for you. I can tell you now, the more action you take (with less calculations of the end results) will take you to places you couldn’t have imagined! And you couldn’t have imagined because you still wanted that one way to work out more. That’s ok! If someone tells you they don’t struggle with controlling the outcome of life then they are lying. We all do. But for you, as soon as you release this need, new pathways begin to open up. I am seeing that many of you have been manifesting new networking connections, careers or financial opportunities. This can and will be successful! Your sole purpose as a Life Path 4 is to enjoy the work that you do. If this is not your current state or you are unemployed this only leaves the trajectory of onwards and upwards! There may be a mentor coming in for you this year. It can either be a masculine figure or they have masculine qualities, it could even be your father. They are going to assist in you connecting with the spark of life. There may be many other kindred connections coming about either through this new person or thereafter but I am seeing that you are surrounded by nurturing and compassion. This person(s) may teach you through lessons they have already learned, which will help guide you even more. You can relate to what they tell you and it may even help to uncover some of these hidden emotions behind your controlling. Either way, the connections in your life will be aiding you in these unfamiliar times, ensuring that you continue to nurture yourself. Do not lose hope, just because you can’t see the miracles doesn’t mean your wish isn’t being fulfilled!
✨Life Path 5✨
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This year you are awakening the Healer within. As a healer (not just in the traditional sense) you understand that just like life, healing isn’t linear. You know that there can be many different paths to a common goal when it comes to healing. This may have taken you a while to understand or there are parts of this theory that you are still learning but either way, you are aware. You have really been working with the spiritual realm in order to manifest in the physical world and this has done you well. You continuously come face to face with your magic and everything that you are capable of. A part of this manifestation may be like minded folks who not only cheer for you but have their own ambitions you can cheer on as well. This year mutuals will be able to fully support and share in all of the magic that you are creating in your life. As new opportunities and financial gifts enter your life those who are around you who haven’t tapped into their own potential may not understand how you got so lucky. You may have others trying to intrude upon your sacred space trying to find out how it is that you do what you do and do it so well. You can be a very flexible person at times understanding that certain etiquette wasn’t granted to everyone but this year is a year of boundaries. If you feel as if certain boundaries are weaker for other people just because of who they are it is ok to reinforce with love. Being so adaptable allows you to shift your perspective whenever it is wanted or needed. With the proper boundaries in place you will receive confirmation on those who you can feel comfortable celebrating your wins with. This year will be a huge year for confirmations for you. You may even ask a question out loud and have it answered by Spirit that very same second. Especially if you see signs in 3’s, this is a divine message important for you to take notice of. As your true circle either grows with the right ones or, shrinks down to a tolerable and accurate number of supportive mutuals, take space for the pain it took for you to grow through this change. Separation isn’t always as easy as we think it would be even if we know we need it. With 2021 being the year of 5 (2+0+2+1 = 5) you have the double influence of change this year. This will be an important year for you to make a habit of constantly checking in with yourself. With so much change going on around you, your emotional self must maintain some kind of grounding. (333, 111)
✨Life Path 6✨
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You are tapping into some ethereal magic this year 6’s! Last year you may have spent a good amount of time working with your spiritual self so this comes as no surprise. Your creative spark has been ignited in the presence of Spirit. You are honing your skills and mastering your talents. This may have been energy that you easily fell into in order to push aside an emotional response trying to get your attention. Your studies may have taken your observations inwardly where you discovered that you were accepting a lot more than necessary. Taking on emotional responsibilities that you are either hesitant to walk away from or are unaware of or ignoring your need to. This is also a very spiritual spread, highlighting clairvoyance and heightened senses. As you elevate energetically you may also tune into others’ emotions and energies accidentally. As you are exploring your spirit be sure that you are listening to your intuition as to what belongs to you and what belongs to someone else. Releasing the emotions and energies of other people will help you to clearly see who you are and all of your potential. Revealing your true self. Look into spiritual baths/showers and the process of cleansing your aura to help with releasing. A lot of you could be channeling your creative entrepreneurial spirit, wanting to heal the world and its inhabitants. Your ambition for this passion and your pure light continues to push you forward but you aren’t certain towards what just yet. If you are feeling strongly that there is more to the story when it comes to your dreams and manifestations, look deeper. You may be receiving signs from Spirit that you are dreaming too small, that there can be more. I am seeing that that doesn’t have to be an issue any longer. You could be coming into contact with a form of divination that helps you to continue to reveal your destiny. Either through Astrology, charm readings, tarot, life progression readings etc. You will be manifesting and reaching your goals of self-realization through this as well. This is the most important part of your message 6, when your manifestations begin to appear, do not question if they belong to you. That is the point of working on your intuition, so you don’t have to question, you just know. This is going to trigger a great change within you but you must not fight it. This destiny is yours.
✨Life Path 7✨
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This year you are recognizing the pain current in your life and the boundaries you set up as protection at first but ended up being a source of limitations. Based on the life path 7, being as unique as you are, you have felt isolated for most of your life. Meaning just because you are in a room full of people doesn’t mean that you are showing up fully as yourself. There are layers to you that most cannot penetrate. Keeping people at a distance ensures that they don’t have an opportunity to learn you and then reject your most vulnerable parts. While this has been a comfort for you for so long you are receiving more and more confirmation as to how this is no longer serving you. Remember, when messages show up in 3’s it is divine. You are a seeker of knowledge but most knowledge can’t be consumed or discussed with others if you are afraid to let people into the sacred space of your mind. There is someone new coming in this year or this interaction has already happened, trust me you’ll know. This could be a quick interaction with a complete stranger or someone who is still fairly new to you. They are here to expand your point of view. This person’s open mindedness will inspire and intrigue you to open your own horizons a bit more. You could have a flash of ideas or inspiration that invites in a moment of reflection and nurturing care for yourself. Within this process your discernment looks similar to the ways of your new friend. Your healing will bring you a new level of mental clarity where you can clearly recognize your “boxes” more accurately and bravely step out of these confines. This won’t happen randomly of course. Spirit is aligning an opportunity for you to witness and experience a moment of awe. You may be exposed to a work of art, a composition of music or something that you view as a masterpiece. Are you interested in making something like that or something of your own? This is your moment to try! You never know what could come of it and you don’t even have to share it. Through this work or just in general you are finding your balance. Your body will be calling out for rest at the end of all of this and it is your duty to listen. No matter how good passion feels we must never give into burnout. If you believe in the possibility, it’s time to tune into both your feminine and masculine energy to truly understand what your body needs and when it needs it. We are all made of these merging energies where we learn to stand in our authority with an openness to vulnerability. Do not be afraid 7’s, this is all a part of the puzzle of you and there’s no way you can do it wrong.
✨Life Path 8✨
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This year you are uncovering more to your own story 8’s. You may have spent 2020 doing extensive shadow work but you recognize that it never truly ends and there is always more to heal. Hence the infinity sign (∞) represented in your number. Based off of the childhood of people with the life path 8, you may have a tendency to lean into burnout culture. This may be because of being raised in an ‘all or nothing’ atmosphere. You may have been challenged frequently to do “better” as a child and that now manifests in all that you want to accomplish today. As an 8 life path you have a lot of goals set and all leaning towards financial security. But a large part of your shadow work this year is learning when to rest. Rest doesn’t have to mean always sleeping but taking intentional moments in your day just to exist. This is the year where you learn yourself and what you need intuitively. Some lessons are harder to extract from our psyche but you are tired of always being ‘on’. Your intuition is being called towards independence and freedom. You are being guided into the astral planes where earthly limitations do not exist. Here you will gain more spiritual knowledge and find your truth. You won’t have to do anything special to reach this new experience. Your soul has it’s very own connection to the Source of life. All you have to do is be. This year you are also learning the lesson of “this and that”. What this means is that something can be “this” but it can also be “that”. You may have had a decent childhood (this) but there is still trauma that you have to address and begin to try to heal from (that). This year is all about honesty. As a result of this patience with your soul work you display this same patience in all that you manifest. Where you may have been anxious or impatient for the results of previous manifestations, this year your dreams’ growth reflects your own personal growth. As you are reawakening beware of your speech towards others, especially those who you feel may have held you back. Intentionally or not. You have a way with words and can use them as a weapon if not cautious. Instead, taking your fast wit and humor inwardly and examining yourself through a less critical viewpoint will assure that no one is harmed in your inquiry. No matter how strongly you feel about others and their expectations of you, you must release your need to react. There is a difference between standing in your authority and not allowing others to sway or bully you vs reacting off of something that may have truly hurt you in the moment. Your deeper connection with Spirit will show you exactly what is important to fight for. It’s not for the last word but for all of your hopes and wishes. They are all coming true, it’s just time to stay aligned, no matter what.
✨Life Path 9✨
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This year you are taking a deep look at yourself 9’s. I am going to start off by saying that this process is going to take some strength in patience because no healing is linear. We usually like to see the fruits of our labor the day we’ve put the seed in the ground but there’s an entire watering process that we are missing. You are the seed #9. You may have noticed something recently. You are unsatisfied or unhappy with your surroundings. You may have a hard time finding simple things in your room. Or there’s never any silverware clean when you need to eat. And laundry? Forget about it. If there is disorder within your home, your sanctuary, might there be some emotional cleaning that needs to transpire first? It is true that doing daily physical activities are much harder to do when there are unsettled thoughts and feelings trapped within the body with no release. Before anything can be addressed maybe taking a walk will free your mind up for some “heavy lifting” thinking. Or if you can’t get outside and haven’t yet, take a nice shower in order to connect with the water element. There is something that you have been back and forth about within your mind. Something that you want to take a leap of faith on. Sometimes we view ourselves as these small beings that life happens to. And other times our mind drifts to the idea that there is more, that you are more and are here to experience more. Which is true! But when we are so focused on what we want and our purpose for being here, the more, we tend to laser focus. We want this outcome so badly and we will cover every step to ensure that we get it. And when we do we must keep going. This year you may be finding that this doesn’t actually manifest your desires any faster. If anything you may find yourself wishing on stars that have already lost their luster. There is someone coming in to set some realizations straight for you. It could be them sharing their purpose or just a wise word that could really help you in your situation. Of course all ways be careful with strangers sharing their own thoughts but take what parts of the message ring true to your heart. Are there areas of your heart that are closed off from hearing something healing? Beneficial? Why? Do you view compassion as a weakness or a strength? This is only the beginning of your deep introspection 9’s. There are many layers to your emotions that you are just beginning to open up to. Take each life lesson brought to you with a different level of emotional maturity. Allow yourself to fall into the vulnerability of all that is you. This will bring in a breath of fresh air and clarity for you. Your thoughts will be diverse and you will be decisive. And if you are able to find a safe moment outside try something for me, open your arms out wide, tilt your head back, take a deep breath in and scream “THANK YOU” to the stars above. How did that feel?
If you enjoyed this reading please like/reblog! As this is a general reading, tipping isn’t required but always appreciated. 💖
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dailyhealthynews · 3 years
We need healthy habits to live meaningfully and purposefully
Sea Princess, Leica Carpo, Ben Romualdez, Sandy and Philip Romualdez and Nico Romualdez
Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible fathers of this world!
Fathers play a vital role in shaping our children’s views of men and the role men play in our lives. Children’s relationship with their father is usually the very first connection they make with a man, and that foundation changes their outlook on future relationships.
Being a good parent takes more than just having a child. It takes real dedication to show up, love unconditionally, and put your child’s needs above your own.
In order to be committed to the mental and emotional well-being of the child, parents must also look after their own health. We cannot offer our children what we do not cultivate in ourselves.
For the past few weeks I’ve been focusing on my own mental and emotional growth. Constantly indulging in the superficial and materialistic facade of social media can be an obstacle to processing the real depths of our feelings. It can be easy to ignore how we really feel inside when we lose ourselves scrolling endlessly through the highlights of other people’s lives. After slowly reconnecting and engaging with my inner well-being, I realized that we cannot be fully healed unless we are whole physically and emotionally.
Self-care is a conscious balance between listening to what your body, mind, and spirit need. We must strive to maintain healthy habits in order to live meaningfully and purposefully. After researching various ways to care for myself through self-help books, therapy sessions, and online podcasts, I now devote my time to anti-aging programs, online exercise classes, and shopping for exercise equipment.
Paolo and Ria Prieto and the boys Baltazar, Benito and Dimitri
Healthy aging
There are many ways to healthy aging. Proper diet and other lifestyle factors play important roles in adding years to your life and life to your years.
When I was younger I thought 50-year-olds were near the end of their lives. Now that I’ve got this midlife brand behind me, I have a completely different mindset and perspective on getting old. I’ve realigned my priorities to extend the number of years I can live free from the ailments associated with aging – from unwanted wrinkles, memory loss, and creaky joints to a weakened immune system and more!
In order to defy the effects of aging without going under the knife, I have found some helpful tips to “feed” the brain, “eat” for beautiful skin and “sleep” for regeneration. Staying fit in old age is an important aspect of longevity.
Diet and exercise are important preventive measures to slow the onset of age-related cognitive decline. The brain needs healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids in order for our brain cells to function. Oily fish, like mackerel, can help stave off the deterioration in our minds. Nutrient-rich salmon is also a popular source of omega-3 fatty acids and also contains high levels of vitamins D and B. For vegetarians, omega-3 fatty acids are also found in chia seeds, walnuts and extra virgin olive oil.
Plant-based foods are linked with higher levels of nutrients that benefit the brain. Red, blue, and purple berries can also help protect brain cells from aging. After learning that you can “feed” your brain to stay sharp, I realized that my daughter Jordan Prieto-Valdes’ vegan lifestyle may have made her an even more brilliant writer and artist. She edited my weekly columns and made good use of her magna cum laude screenwriting degree from Chapman University!
The longer you practice maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the more long-term benefits you will have. It’s about finding the right habits that make you feel good. I was happy to read that wine is actually on the “good for the brain” list. Sometimes we drink enough wine to say smart things, but we end up doing stupid deeds. So remember: moderation is key.
Joaquin Puyat, Julian and Clara Parado with baby Alina, Cri-Cri and Toto Puyat
Well-fed cells
Living health starts with well-nourished cells. Since eating right all the time can be challenging, it is important to take supplements to provide us with the right nutrients.
Usana CellSentials are so much more than your average multivitamins. Each daily dose provides essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and additional key nutrients. Made with Usana’s patented Usana InCelligence technology, the exclusive InCelligence Complex goes beyond just nourishing the body. It also helps activate your body’s natural ability to respond to stress and keep your cells healthy.
In addition, Usana BiOmega contains omega-3 fatty acids, the fatty acids that keep you healthy in old age.
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that must be obtained through food because your body cannot make it naturally. As a source of vitamin C, Usana Poly C offers a number of important benefits such as antioxidant activity that neutralizes free radical damage to help maintain cell health.
Regular exercise could both reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in healthy adults and increase cognitive performance in people with little memory loss.
For timelessly beautiful skin, there are many beauty products that help reduce all unwanted lines and age spots. Eating a nutritious diet that includes antioxidant foods will also help keep skin clear. The antioxidant vitamin E helps against wrinkles; some good sources are almonds, spinach, and sunflower seeds.
If you want to have beautiful skin, what you eat is important. To reduce age lines and inflammation, as well as increase collagen and moisture for healthy skin, add foods that contain vitamin C, lipoic acid, collagen, ellagic acid (helps prevent wrinkles), and omega-3 fatty acids. You can find these nutrients naturally in watermelon, bone broth, coffee, salmon, and dark chocolate. Probiotics can also prevent skin damage.
For the fathers out there who are grandfathers or even great grandfathers now, I wish you a very special Father’s Day as you enjoy a day of blessings you deserve. May the Lord shower you with healthy, strong years of fulfilling joys and relaxing times. Take the time to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your loved ones even more! INQ
Follow @ seaprincess888 on Instagram
Shane and Ed Miguel, Joan and Nath Sunio, Cherry Ampig, Billy dela Fuente, Duday Gasto, Ranell and Jonalyn Blanco, Daisy and Rommel Balaguer
Standing: Pelos Remollo, Ina Ongsiako with Miya Crisostomo, Marto Ongsiako, Berna Dy, Brazille Pango with Julio Pango, Paolo Ongsiako with Theo Labuguen, Patricia Crisostomo, Bindoy Crisostomo. Seats: Ramon Miguel Ongsiako, Jojo Ongsiako, Mica Ongsiako
Kristian, Kerry, Kody, Kaye, Freddie and Kylie Tiñga
Fern, Natalia and Junie Peña
Miguel, Mio, Yvette and Marty Ilagan
Fritz Gaston and Usana Regional Vice President of Asia Duday Gaston
source https://dailyhealthynews.ca/we-need-healthy-habits-to-live-meaningfully-and-purposefully/
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