#i have some ideas y’all
cxtori · 3 months
forgot to update but, i finished watching link click the other day and… damn. my heart AND brain both hurt.
the plot twists? the season 2 finale? what do you mean? 😭 it’s been a minute since i’ve cried so much watching a show lol such an incredible story and i’m already impatiently waiting season 3
now, about the lack of writing for this fandom… 👀
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jsheios · 6 months
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So Hilda season 3. (This post has nothing to do with hilda season 3)
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starry-mang0s · 5 months
Yippee doodles!!
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Such silly little guys 💛
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nightmareinfloral · 10 months
the thing is i’m not even that much of a canon conformist. comics are a medium that has so much sandbox potential, but a sandbox only works if you keep it within its frame. things just get messy and confused when people start throwing the sand around everywhere and scooping dirt from outside the sandbox and mixing it in.
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spirkbitch · 10 months
people who write spirk fics that are plotted and formatted like a tos episode but just with spirk included
i love you and i want to kiss you on the mouth
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sunkissed-zegras · 5 months
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sneak peak at my fake dating fic with jack hughes, promise this one won’t take 4 months 🤓
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bluesgras · 8 months
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i don’t even know what to say but thank you all so so so so so so much. that’s like at least 10 of you. that’s a lot man
#bluesgras1k so i can see it, you can tag me if you’d like to as well!
uhh it can be anything vaguely similar or themed around the photo and SD leo? yeah i think that’s it. no deadline, though i guess if you want one, the end of november. other then that go wild tumblr
and thank you
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canarydraws · 2 months
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May I offer you all a low-res wip in these trying times?
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chirpsythismorning · 2 days
The way fans on the st sub are almost all in agreement Nancy ending up with neither Jon nor Steve wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, and how they can even come up with a sleuth of reasons as to why, honestly pretty valid and fair reasons, but then are absolutely gobsmacked when fans merely speculate something along those lines for El is, quite something.
#el hopper#byler#platonic elmike#stranger things#this is coming from someone who ADORED mileven in s1-2#I literally skipped all of s2 in my rewatch before s3 aired bc I just wanted to see their reunion#then s3 happened#and I was confused at#A LOT of ppl are#and anyone coming to voice that confusion is ran off Reddit like they’re committing a crime#like would it hurt y’all to have some of the same common sense you have for el like you do with Nancy#??#I am more jancy leaning but also I just feel like it’s certain stancy ain’t happening#but I’m also not totally against Nancy wanting to be on her own for a while#maybe they’d imply jancy Will find their way back to each other#maybe they’re teamed up in s5 and wait until the very end to cement that certainty for each other#but I would not hate their stories if Nancy and Jon decided to live their own lives#FOR THEMSELVES#Nancy doing what she wants and loves#Jonathan doing what he wants instead of just doing stuff that helps people around him#and I’m not going to even get into the reasons why el and mike would benefit from living for themselves outside of their relationship#the attachment to the ship is stronger than any sort of attachment to the character#and when the things keeping them together are not strong to begin with…#that attachment is doomed and hard to watch and enjoy like idgi at all#also; all the pro-ronance comments on there getting like 30+ likes??#go ronance I guess??!??#idk if it’s because they think byler actually has a serious possibility while ronance has less build up#so they can sort of play with that idea without actually having to take it seriously…#at least ronance has a positive audience on there#a win is a win I guess 😭🫡
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 3 months
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I think I’m going to cry
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okay to preface i am Very Excited for the movie and it looks really good so far, but i have to admit i’m not entirely sure i like the way they’re characterizing ballister? i appreciate how they seem to be tapping into a softer, more vulnerable side of him (showing him out of his armor, giving him a run-down lab, adding huge eyes to his design, etc), but tbh it seems to be just a tiny bit much? like he looks terrified in so many of the images we’ve seen so far, but the guy is quite literally a professional supervillian. and a knight. he knows his way around a battlefield, he wouldn’t be terrified by swords or a bit of fire. i’m just hoping they won’t babygirlify him too much you know?
(that being said i’m definitely still excited to see what they do with him! despite my qualms this is going to be a good movie y’all)
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muddiedlove · 1 year
my response to which of your blorbos would peel oranges for you.
i truly think miguel would. after seeing you struggle with the thick peel, i imagine him just reaching over the table to pluck the orange out of your hands. and he has those handy claws. he quickly and efficiently separates the peel from the fragrant fruit before placing the peeled orange back in your hand.
“here” he grumbles. “i was tired of watching you struggle with it.”
despite his gruff tone you can see a soft blush creeping up his neck at doing such a soft, domestic task for you.
however, there’s little he wouldn’t do for you.
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fizzytoo · 10 months
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made a bottoms (movie)/“fight club” inspired oc :D —leah dawn (she/her, 21, physics major) joined her university's "secret" self-defense (fight) club to impress girls and get pussy 😞
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necessarymeanstoanend · 3 months
sharing another random color study (that isn’t even finished yet)
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somebody yell at me to finish drawing his tools and whatnot
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starlit-eudemonia · 9 hours
Thinking abt Leander and if everyone knows he’s from Hightown? Like does everyone know he was potentially born from wealth? How does that translate with the public’s opinion? Does he hide that fact for more reliablility? How would he blend in?
Like imagine- a person from lowtown, references a piece of slang that’s only local, before his arrival 12 odd years ago, and he doesn’t get it/isn’t familiar with it? I know he’d probably play it off phenomenally, but the brief moment of him not knowing….what does he think or do? Or if the people’s accent/vernacular is slightly different, does he code-switch? Does he fake/adopt a dialect that isn’t his own; hide pronunciations or colloquialisms from his Hightown upbringing? Or does he own it and simply say he’s seen the error of his ways and that they are unjust?
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chvoswxtch · 1 month
howdy my feral lil gremlins ✨
haven’t done slutty saturday in awhile, but today is a special one, bc not only is it star wars day but ya girl is also seeing sleep token tonight
so may the fourth be with you, be your sluttiest self today, wear the outfit no matter how you think you look, buy the thing bc you deserve a lil treat, ruin a man’s day, do whatever the fuck you want but make it a great fucking day
I love ya lil weirdos 🖤
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