#i have a post about lt badges i have been meaning to do and i should really get around to it bc i think you will like it
recurring-polynya · 2 years
POLYNYA! <3 You are one of my favorite people--not just people on Tumblr but people in the world generally speaking. I love talking to you! About BLEACH. COUCHES. TRAINS. WHATEVER STRANGE WACKY THROUGHLINES EXIST BETWEEN THEM. (more bleach) But also literally anything, probably. Your tags are a treasure and your presence makes this website so much greater than it has any right to be.
I love you, too!!!
Just today, I was telling Mr. P that I was slightly worried that with the anime's return, and he say "Why?" and I said, "Well, you know how I am when I watch Bleach," and he said, "Yes, yes, I know." And then I said, "there will be a big influx of new Bleach fans and all they will want to talk about is how hard Zaraki can punch a person, and I just want to be on Tumblr talking with my friends about which lieutenants are really into fonts," and he laughed so hard I thought he was going to *die* and then he said, "Fonts. I am so happy for you. I am so glad you have this."
I made this Tumblr in 2019 with the goals of (1) making stuff and sharing it, (2) making other people feel good by being enthusiastic about things they made, (3) being kind and (4) hopefully making friends as a result. It has, overall, been pretty successful, and out of the many wonderful people I have met, you are one of my absolute favorites. You are an astonishingly good writer, one of the very best in the fandom, imo (and I read a lot of fanfiction). Your ideas regularly blow my socks off (the Hanbantai Players!) You have an amazing eye for detail and I adore your sense of humor and that we have the same delight in the banal mundanities of Soul Society culture. I feel like we are very lucky to have met here on tumblr dot com and I look forward to all the ridiculous conversations that I am sure we are going to have!
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Whatnot ~ The long road to Saffron
Welcome to Whatnot, where I just kinda talk about random thoughts I'm having at the moment. Irl I say the phrase "... and whatnot" a lot—but do you ever wonder what exactly the whatnot is? That's what this blog will be.
I love me a good, long journey. I don't always know what decisions will lead me to a worthwhile journey, but the best ones tend to arise from spur-of-the-moment ideas and just saying "sure, let's give it a try." For example, this whole GameGirl31 project. Nintendo added GameBoy games to NSO, I noticed how few of the titles I recognized, and I decided it could be a unique challenge to play them. It is now setting in exactly how much time this will take me.
Pokémon Yellow, for instance. I don't know this particular generation super well, but I understand the Pokémon formula well enough. Despite this, more than 20 hours have been dedicated to this playthrough so far. I've only earned four gym badges (five if you count the one I skipped, accidentally?), meaning I'm about halfway through the experience. Just stating the facts here. We can imagine what the timer will read by the end.
I'm actually playing a session right now, taking a break in the middle to write this entry. I left off in the middle of route 14. In-game, I've been really wanting to return to Vermillion City because, about five hours back, I managed to completely avoid fighting Lt. Surge and then leave without the badge I need. That being said... five hours later, I couldn't be stuck on the more opposite side of the Kanto region. There is no quick way back to Vermillion from Fuchsia. I can only press forward. And the next leg of the journey is... the long, long road to Saffron City.
So, I packed as many hyper potions and ultra balls as I could into my trainer bag, and then started on the road. The journey is so long that it's actually made up of 5 separate routes.
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Map; for reference, the path between any two cities in the Kanto region averages 1 to 2 routes
I can feel the length of the journey as I begin dismissing the possibility of travelling back to Fuchsia City for the Pokécenter. I'll just have to rely on the resources I've got. The only things to be found along these routes are other traveling trainers and the occasional patch of grass.
I've complained in the past about this game looking kinda ugly, in the graphics department. The overworld sprites are quite simplistic. The colors are limited. Often, it feels like I'm just staring at pencil lines etched in a white void. Yet somehow, the simplicity of the landscape around me as I bike the miles of this road... a true sense of distance sets in. DUCKIE is so far away from home. She's so far from anything that even resembles home. Only passing blades of grass, bushes, a small forest, abandoned fence posts... lines etched into the world by nature itself.
And then I read a sign.
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Route 14 / West to Fuchsia City
There's something very haunting about a sign that only points you in one direction. Dead end. One way. Do not enter. Or maybe a highway sign that names a city you've never heard of about 50 miles away. This sign didn't tell me I was going anywhere. It only told me the quickest way back to civilization.
For those who don't know, in my actual life, I recently drove over 3,000 miles across the United States—nonstop except to sleep and eat, over the course of 6 days. It was another one of those decisions that felt so much smaller when it was just an idea in my head. Then I got into the car and drove away from my house, for once with no intentions of coming back. Then I crossed my first state border. Then I passed one last small town. Then, only the lines of rock and shrubs etched in the world around me.
I saw a lot of signs like this one on the long drive. Route 14 / West to Fuchsia City. It's just a practical sign to put up. A statement of fact as to where the nearest market would be, for instance. Yet something about it ineffably reads like a warning.
Subtle game design choices like this leave an impression on me like nothing else. The developers could have written "Road connecting to Saffron City," like they did with every other sign in the game. They could have put up no sign at all. But they chose this sign. I don't know; that made this world feel so much more real to me. And once again, for the first time ever, I think the simplicity of the graphics in this game do a great service to the tone and worldbuilding at this leg of the game. The same scenery passing you by over and over again. Eventually blurring into abstract lines etched in the void. You have grown so much as a trainer, to make it this far all by yourself. This is what it feels like to be far from home. It feels sickeningly lucid to become so aware of the bigness of the world.
That's a feeling only video games can give you, baby! And that's why video games are art, as if I even had to argue that. But who knew such strong emotions could come from a game that looks like... this?
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Go on, guess which Pokémon that is. I bet you can't.
And so, I'm actually pretty excited for the long journey to Saffron City. It is, after all, just a small part of the long journey to beating Pokémon Yellow. Which is, of course, only a small part of the long journey to play 31 GameBoy games!
Well, at least for these journeys, I don't have to sleep in my car. :p
That's it for this edition of Whatnot! Too niche for GameGirl, but stuck out too much in my mind not to write about. I hope to do a lot more of these in the future (including non-video game stuff, ideally). Ta-ta for now~
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damnredthing · 2 years
The mother of all trailers
If the show is anywhere near as good as the trailer, we are so going to be in for a hell of a ride.
This post will contain a lot of ramblings, guesses, what ifs and a bunch of observations. I’ll try to keep the topics chronologically to the scenes as they appear in the trailer, UNLESS I think scenes belong together. I’ll also borrow from some of the other trailers when I remember something that fits in here.
First off – the soundtrack
Will that actually be the soundtrack of the show? It sounds so unique and awesome. It totally adds to the hype. I actually felt like my heart was vibrating when the subwoofer went into hyperbole mode. The soundtrack has been stuck in my head since I heard it for the first time, arrrrgghh!
 Cuteness overload
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Nuff said.
The nurse onesie is not a Chapel trademark
This pic of the very cozy looking lounge shows that the nurse onesie Chapel is wearing in her promo trailer is not exclusively a Chapel thing (which I am a bit sad about).
On a side note, look at those reflections on the floor! I love the level of detail here.
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Touching the space egg is never a good idea
I think the guy touching the space egg and getting a free flight in return is (for a change!) not Pike. I thought he was at first (because he is a trouble magnet), but at a second and third look, I think it’s a science officer. The away team consists of 2 reds (Uhura and La’an) and two blues (Spock and unknown science officer).
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Here you can see it’s clearly not Pike.
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My guess is it’s the guy on this picture next to Uhura.
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And I go even further and call him Lt. Dever from episode 1.5 according to IMDB played by Graham Parkhurst:
I love this job
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I know this scene is meant to be funny and cute, but oh man am I glad to hear Pike say these words!
It is so good to see him come to terms with his fate, at least to the degree that he can allow himself to enjoy his life as long as he has it. Remember, he thinks he is going to die. He does not know what we know. He could also fall into a deep depression over this knowledge, but it seems he chooses the opposite path and makes the best of his life.
This whole dark fade shadowing over Pike is like a shadow over the whole show. He is such a lovable character, and yet we all already know what’s going to happen to him. Even though Pike will be able to live with Vina in the illusions created by the Talosians, it still means he will be exiled from Starfleet, Earth and everyone else he loves. It is not a happy ending in my book and I still hope they gonna retcon that… or rather continue to tell the story of what happens after Pike stayed on Talos IV for a while. It wouldn’t even be a retcon, just a continuation!
I mean, the producers said this show would be utopian and filled with positive vibes. Let the show end in a positive way, too, by finding a better solution for Pike and Vina, pretty please?
More additional badges!
Remember the additional badge I mentioned in one of my last posts, the one Ortegas is wearing?
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The new trailer shows also Chapel, M’Benga and Pike wearing them:
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I have no idea what that badge is. But in all scenes the crew seems to be stressed out. Sickbay is busy and crowded, Ortegas is very focused on piloting the Enterprise and Pike sits in a dark ready room or his quarters, probably due to power outtages. He also looks a bit sweaty. You can hear him conjuring his crew, motivating them. I am thinking this is a disaster scenario that probably involves a radiation leak or something like that, and the badges are maybe some sort of dosimeter.
Deserted base?
I think the scene with Spock and Pike on the sandy stormy planet is from the same episode as the scene in Una’s and Hemmer’s promo trailers:
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The constructions look like earth design. It’s probably a deserted human colony.
What made me chuckle is how Uni hails the Enterprise telling them that the storm is only getting closer, and who do we actually see ending up in the storm?
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Of course…
Have I already mentioned how much I love those jackets? I want one! I totally do! I’ve never been a cosplayer, but I want one of those jackets.
Alien infestation on the Enterprise?
It looks like the Enterprise is going to have some trouble with alien critters invading the ship.
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Okay, I probably am weird, because I find this alien cute, too (minus the teeth)!
The sheer amount of aliens presented just in the few minutes of the trailers is amazing! Strange New Worlds, people. We really get what we asked for!
Okay people, we need to talk
This scene is what keeps me thinking about this episode for days now.
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Besides that it looks absolutely beautiful, the one thing that sticks out to me is that you can see Pike on the right side standing next to a lady. That alone is not what makes me thinking, but the fact that he is the ONLY one from the Enterprise crew on this picture. And if you look at all the other scenes that (I think) belong to this episode, it’s always just him.
From the looks of it, there seems to be royalty involved. The boy in the foreground is probably a prince or the new young king or some such. The lady next to Pike is maybe his mother?
I wonder whether she is also the lady in ahem… this scene:
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Why I think both scenes belong to the same episode?
Because you can see the bedroom again in a later scene:
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First of all you can see the bed on the right side. The overall interior looks the same. Also, Pike shielding a woman (THE woman presumably), again being the only visible Enterprise crew. There are 4 guards (one of which is about to be vaporized) with lance weapons, I assume they belong to the royal guards. We do not see the attacker. I hope it’s none from the Enterprise because I want to see as few deaths as possible in this show, especially not caused by Starfleet crew. However, these guards are the same in their appearance as these 3 people here:
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They are running on lawn. I guess this is part of the exterior garden we’ve seen in the first pic. I wonder who they are chasing.
Maybe this guy?
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All these scenes combined and the fact that we only ever see Pike on that planet makes me wonder what’s really going on there. I gotta admit I was struggling with the picture of Pike and that other woman that is not Vina. My headcanon is now trying to find an excuse for that. :P
What if the royal family just doesn’t want Pike to return to his ship and somehow produce an interference signal that prevents him from communicating and beaming. The guards are probably trying to apprehend him. Who else should Pike point his phaser at? Also look at the two onlookers in the background. If there wasn’t a fuss to catch their attention – say a group of guards trying to apprehend someone – they wouldn’t even notice that Pike was threatening someone. No, there must be something going on that is enough of a disturbance to make them watch.
Maybe there is some trickery or seduction or aphrodisiac or mind fucking involved to keep Pike on that planet and to make him interested in that woman. As royals they maybe think they can have everything they want.
I know I am grasping at straws here (I really want Pike to be with Vina). I am curious what it will turn out to be in the end.
What is going on here?
Are Una and La’an standing on the Enterprise’s hull without EV suites? How is that even possible? Is that alien entity doing that? Or is that a force field bubble in the background? Or did the Enterprise maybe land on a planet? I have so many questions…
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Diplomacy disaster
This is not going to be Pike’s diplomacy moment of glory. This could cost him a lot of diplomacy skill points for his Timelines cards. :P
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I love Ortegas’s sass. I hope she’s going to walk that slippery slope without falling flat on her nose. Sass can get quite close to insubordination.
What is going on here 2.0?
Now this looks interesting!
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And what a wonderful easter egg! Ortegas is the pilot of the Enterprise, and she is a fencer.
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And Sulu – who is probably going to be Ortegas’s successor – is the pilot of the Enterprise, and he is a fencer.
But what in the heck is going on here on the Enterprise? This IS the Enterprise, the hallway, the floor and the red door all look like the Enterprise. We also see sickbay slightly modified as well:
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We see Ortegas and in the background Hemmer.
We see Uhura, probably as the Queen. And is that La’an on the right side as one of her guards? I wonder who Queen Uhura is looking down to (I have an idea though).
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And we see Una mastering her crossbow skills.
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I wonder what Pike’s role will be, maybe the harlequin?
Or maybe he is the only one who is normal and finds himself on a totally changed Enterprise with his entire crew in other roles.
I think this is going to be a comedic relief episode.
Ooookay, we need to talk… again!
How can this
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and this
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lead to this?
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I mean, come on! Pike beams over with 4 (!) redshirts and he is the one who gets captured? How did the other 4 even make it back to the Enterprise (presuming they did) and Pike not? Beam trap? Cold knock-out?
Pike’s company here is everything but good news. We have one Orion – who is probably the leader of this group – and maybe a Reman(?) who is doing the dirty deeds, and then a humanoid holding Pike, who we cannot see.
What do they want from Pike? Did they just grab the only one with the shiny golden armor assuming he must be a big shot? Or do they know who they captured and it was maybe even an assignment? We know from IMDB there is a piracy episode. Piracy in our times works like this: Get the ship under control, dispose of the crew, keep the Captain as the most valuable “asset”, demand ransom from the shipping company. Maybe there’s something like this going on here.
But then again, there is an Orion and that alone makes me nervous. It is a nice backlash to “The Cage” though, in which Pike pondered about running a business on the Orion colony (meaning joining their slavery business). And now here he is tied and on his knees with an Orion pirate staring down on him. Right in yo face (like, literally!).
This “conversation” must have been going on for a bit already, as the multiple bruises on Pike’s face and his disheveled hair suggest:
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My first question is: Why - of all people - did Pike go on this mission into non-federation space with 4 redshirts? And if the pirates planned to capture the Captain all along, how did they manage to lure him on this mission? (okay, that were 2 questions)
My second (third) question is: What are they trying to get Pike to do that requires torture? Do they want his security codes (which would be useless because if the Captain gets captured, what is the first thing Number 1 is going to change on the Enterprise)? Do they want him to do anything else? Or are they just being a$$holes on a power trip?
The Orion guy is holding a small bowl in his hand. Maybe this is some “eat this dog food, or we make you” thing.
Whatever it is, Pike is in a quite hopeless and very shitty situation there.
I hate violence (especially directed at people I care for), I already struggled with this when I watched Hell on Wheels. But I also understand that this is an often used tool to create drama and suspense. I just hope Pike won’t get roughened up too much here and he gets freed fast. It is never a good thing to be around an Orion on the losing end. Never!
And please don’t let this be the last episode of the season ending in a cliffhanger. I swear to god, I would go batshit crazy.
 I wanna close this thing by wishing you all a happy First Contact Day! LLAP
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black-wolf877 · 4 years
The Big Capture
Baron walks up to what seems to be a castle and sees two giant guards standing outside at either side of the doors with their arms crossed over as they look forward. They stood tall like statues, surveilling the area outside with sharp eyes like hawks. He sees one guard up to his ear as if listening to someone and opens the doors to the building and as the giants open the entrance, he starts to see two other giants walk out with a hundred men and women on horseback ahead of them. They were geared up as if they were out on a hunt. He watches as they leave his view and walk into the woods. He takes a deep breath and walked inside where he was greeted by a guard.
“Welcome to the Jailhouse for Giants, you must be Black. Come, I’ll take you to the Sargent. She’ll get you set up and give you a tour of the place.” He stands near an elevator that takes them up to the walkways where most of the human guards walk. The guard looks at Black, “It would be best if you always walk these, too many times we have newbies not listen and well, get stepped on.”
As they walk Baron could hear giants shouting, the clangs of cell doors shutting echo the halls. They reach the office door which reads ‘Sargent Jackson’ on a gold plate. The guard knocks on the door and they hear a voice come from inside. 
“Come in!” The guard pats Baron on the back and goes back to their post. He opens the door to the office and stops as he looks around. The office had all different types of trophies from dragon scales to giants’ blood. Jackson turned around and pointed to the seat for him to sit down, 
“Welcome to the team, the name is Sergeant Jackson, but you can just call me Sergeant.” She reaches in the bottom drawer and pulls out a radio, shirt, badge, gun, and a remote and sets them on her desk.
“Uh Sargent, why am I getting a remote? I don’t think something like that would be that helpful. The gun I can understand but that…. that is no help here.” Baron picks up the remote with confusion on his face wondering why that would be part of the outfit.
“This Black is the one thing that could save your life here.” She picks up her remote and holds it up, “Yes, the gun is good and all, but as for this? Well, this here can make a giant drop to its knees like nothing. Come follow me and I’ll show you.” She walks out of the office with Black behind her and to a cell nearby that held one of the giants. He pays attention as she touches on the screen and then hit the button. Sparks fly from the collar as a shock is sent to the giant’s neck, making him roar in pain and kneel. She smiles in satisfaction and turns back to Black 
“See? Easy to control and gets the animal to listen. Keep this on you at all times and do not break it.” She puts her remote away and starts walking. “Let’s get you to orientation with all the others that start today.”
 The hunting group that had left from the jail had found a trace of giant activity, they found trees that had been pulled from the ground and some knocked over. As they follow it and get closer, they start to hear growling and feel the ground shake underneath them. Sure enough, two giants were fighting each other. One giant looked to sand at 70 feet tall brown tone skin wearing a dark t-shirt and worn, ripped jeans. The other giant tower his opponent, he was the biggest giant they had ever seen at 85 feet. Pink hair, pink mustache, yellow button up, pink bow tie hung loosely around his and pink suspenders hung at the sides of his legs. One of the hunters shoots their gun in the air making them stop and look at them.
 "Well, well, well... What do we have here? Two animals playing and having some fun I see. Who do you two think you are? That you can be in our woods? How about you make this easy and come with us.“ The giants the came with the hunters cracked their knuckles, ready for their orders to be given.
"Quite bold for a parasite to say, invading our home. What’s that saying? The pot calling the kettle black?”The giant with pink hair replies when his friend nudges him and points to the cart. A dead giant child laid in the cart. The sight made his blood boil and he growls. “And to think you creatures couldn’t get any lower, you kill a child…. You make me sick.”
He laughed at what he said, “Well, would you look at that? The animal knows some of our human sayings. I’ll be damned. The only parasites I see here are you two, my two, and the dead kid. But don’t you worry... The kid going to make us an easy profit.” He looked at the cart then back at his two, “Now make this easy for yourselves and just come with us. I don’t want to take two more dead bodies back when you’re worth more alive.”
“You’re better off praying that you make it out of this barely alive.” The two giants both growled. “I’ll be happy to add to the list, but it won’t be us…” He bares his teeth and his shorter friend stands beside him. He speaks in another language to the taller giant, [“Wilford, I’ll take the traitor giants. You kill the bastards, take the kid, and run. Bury him, I know they’ve put him through a lot.”] Wilford nods. [“I know you can handle them, Drayun.”] Drayun pulls a tree from the ground and charges the two giants.
“You can try,” The two giants looked down at him and he nodded giving them the ok to go. The giants numbered as 95 and 1015 stepped over the hunters and started running to the giant with the tree. 95 went for a tackle and 1012 went for a swing. Meanwhile, a few hunters rode in and started to try and tie Wilford’s legs to make him fall. Lieutenant Hawk stayed in the back with the rest and watched.
Wilford grabs the rope and yanks, pulling the hunters off their balance. Drayun smashes the tree upside the head of 1015 and jumped over 95 kicking him in the stomach. [“Knock them off their horses, Wilford. Get the kid and run! Bury him!”] Wilford nods and growls, grabbing for the horses.
The hunters watched as Wilford grabs for their ropes. They released them while some jumped off their horses and started to climb up his legs using spikes to dig into his skin. Wilford rolls his eyes and sigh, grabbing everyone off of his legs and chucking them across the forest.
1015 held his head after getting hit with the tree and his friend get kicked. 95 slides and hit a rock on the other side. He stood up now standing on the other side of Drayun.
 “Now you ask for it.” He held his fist up and spikes popped out his gloves, he hit them together making electric sparks fly off. 
“Time to dance little boy.” Drayun laughed, “That was playfighting kheighn’t (Cretan). Quit with the human toys and fight me like a real giant…” He bares his teeth and roars, switching his glances between Titan and 1015, his claws sharpened.
Lt. Hawk called out to his hunters, “Go find those bodies grab the tags, I need 20 of you to get that small giant back to the base go.” They run off and did as told, the other people who were still on their horse reached in on the side. They pulled out a gun with spears in it and shot it in Wilford’s leg letting the horse run around him and having the spear tear his skin. Wilford roars in pain and rips the spears from his leg and throws the spears into the cart and keeps the cart in place.
Lt. hears something snap, when he looked back the cart is stopped, and the horses are dead. The others stopped looking at the cart a bit shocked to see their weapons were used to stop it. Two of the hunters started having their horses back up from fear trying to run. The Lt. Hawk pulled his gun out and shot both. “You think you something special don’t you.”
“I have no idea what you called me, nor what you are saying half the time. But this is where you die today.”95 says as he and 1015 circle Drayun. He nodded to 1015 and both came at the same time throwing a punch at him. Drayun ducks under the punch, making 95 punch 1015 by accident. 95 watched as all it happened, 
"I’m sorry man, I-” He was interrupted by his face hitting the ground. 95’s punch to 1015’s face made him fall on his back, unconscious from the shock from his glove. 95 rolled on to his back as fast as he could and grabbed the giants’ arm and shirt. He threw him over using all his strength to make Drayun hit the mountain.”
Wilford sees his friend fighting smiling when sees one of the hunter’s giants knock his teammate out by mistake, then become concerned when his friend was thrown over and hit rocks off the mountain. “Drayun!” Drayun groans before rolling over slowly and getting back up. 
“You fight like a puny human…” He growls out.
“If you can’t handle me, then you’re a sad, pathetic excuse for a giant.” He chuckles and spits on the ground. “I suppose it makes sense, doesn’t it? You are quite the poor imitation of us. You cannot speak like us, cannot move like us. You are not us. You are only a bigger human, aren’t you? But you are not even human. You are a tool. A toy. A pet. You will never be us and you will never be them as long as you try.” He walks around 95, slowly. Wilford pulls the cart close to him, listening in, smirking.
“Raised and domesticated by humans. Couldn’t be let out in the wild if you wanted to, that’s pathetic.” Wilford continues after Drayun. “Being ordered like that when all it would take…” He crushes a hunter running towards him under his foot. “Is your foot, or your hand, or your teeth. You don’t even have to use even a quarter of your strength, but you let them do this. You let them lie to you, abuse you, use you. They don’t care for you, for him.” He looks down to 1015, still out cold. “For him.” He gestures to the dead child on the cart. “For us, they make this much clear, and yet you stay because you feel like you owe them for all they have done for you but all they’ve done means nothing.”
Drayun puffs his chest. “You chose to stay and fight your own kind when you should have left and helped us. You know what they do to us. They killed a child. Took a mother and father away, killed a family, and did to hundreds of others. They do not care whether or not they killed humans or if we’re simply living our lives. In their eyes we are beasts. You are no exception.”
Lt. Hawk cut the ropes making the cart with the child in it stop beside him and his horse. He watched as one of his men got stepped on like a bug. He pulled out his gun and took the clip out, putting the sleeping bullets in. He sends three shoots into Wilford, ready to end this mess of a job.
95 stood up going back in to fight stance, listening to Drayun call him a toy, tool, pet. His fists lowered as he looks back at the headhunter, then at Wilford before looking back to Drayun. 
“I do know what they do to your kind. You’re a monster, you kill humans as if they are nothing. They have done everything for me and my brothers, they feed us, take care of us. Those other beasts deserve to die.” He went back into a fighting stance, “I’m fighting to protect my famil.,” he went for a punch landing it on Drayun, chin sending a small shock.
Drayun gets sent back a little, “Your family treats you like a dog. Trained to behave like a good boy and in return, you get barely enough to survive. All you are is a higher-grade prisoner with weapons and armor you don’t need.” He stomps on the ground and floor underneath 95 shakes, catching him off balance. 95 loses his balance taking a wider stance to keep himself upright. 
“I’m done hearing your insults! How about you shut up and fight me.” He reached into the glove turning the voltage up on one hand. He only had two hits left on it to do what he could. He kept his eye on him ready for the attack.
“Gladly.~” Drayun starts up another attack.
Wilford’s eyes droop, feeling the tranquilizer bullets hitting. He steps on the cart, keeping it in place, and growls before picking the child up, looking at his lifeless corpse with sorrow in his eyes. The growl spooked the horse making it buck some. He calmed the horse some happy to see he didn’t miss. But was shocked that three shots didn’t but him down. 
“No one told you could touch that beast or take him from us. This your last warning animal.” He aims the tranquilizer gun at Wilford
He growls deeply. “And no told you to kill an innocent child and take him from his family, so who’s the animal here? Because it’s not me.” Wilford’s speech was slurred and as much he wobbled, venom remained in his voice, clear as day and his tone was deep and firm. “You uprooted a family. Who’s grieving if they’re lucky enough and managed to survive.” He wasn’t putting his bets on it, knowing the hunters.
Lt. Hawk couldn’t help but bust out laughing at what he was hearing. “We been killed that thing’s parents months ago, he got away. Well, he did get away, but we both see how that turned out.” He was laughing like it was the best thing he has done. “Don’t worry he was only going to get cut up and sold for money.”
Drayun stomps again, another wave of ground moving under 95, knocking his foot from under him before charging immediately after, punching him square in the chest, hearing a crack in his armor and knocking the wind out of him. 95 lost his footing and trying to gain it back he felt the hit and heard his armor break. He hunched over trying to catch his breath from the hit. 
“I’m going to beat the shit out of you.” He stood up punching him in the stomach with the non-shocked glove.
Drayun grabs his arm and digs his claws into 95’s arm. “No claws…” He yanks him up and bites into his shoulder. “No bite!”
“Did you just bite me?!” 95 asked, surprised before roaring in pain.
“You’re weak!” He rips out a chunk of flesh, spitting it out and kicking him down. “Where are your instincts?! There is no resourcefulness here! No care to mother nature! They’ve sucked you dry of your ancestry. It’s disgusting.” 95 collapses on the ground, trying to catch his breath, he attempts to get up before giving in, laying on the ground in defeat.
“Truly disgusting.” Wilford glares at Lt. Hawk. “And you know… knowing these, inhumane monsters. Something tells me you and your friend won’t be eating today.” He stares at 95 knowingly. “They do what they wish because they think they have power to but in slight slip and tables will turn.” He looks back to the Lieutenant glaring again. “It will happen one day. It’s only a matter of when. You’d better keep an eye if you’re smart but even then… You wouldn’t be able to stop when it happens either way.” He closed his eyes not wanting to look at Wilford or Drayun know that they both are right about them.
Lt. Hawks looked over at 95 as he laid on the ground. “ENOUGH! I’m tired of these useless pets messing up.” He pointed his gun at Will and put three more bullets in his chest. “Think it’s time we end this, been out here dealing with you two way too long.”
Wilford’s vision blurs, “Drayun… the kid... Take him…” That was all he could mumble out before falling over with a loud thud, unconscious. Drayun runs over and picks up the corpse, backing up and looking the child over, seeing how bruised and cut he is, seeing the dealing blow boring a hole in his head. “Poor boy… [You had so much to live for and they took you away too soon.. You’re with your family now. You can rest.]” He brushes the child’s hair out of his face, getting a better look at him, tears threatening to fall. He then looks at Lt. Hawk, burning hate in eyes, and disgust, disdain, and pure unbridled rage written all over his face. “May you reap what you sow, you will regret this. [Disgusting creature.]” He runs off with carcass, mentally apologizing to Wilford, knowing that they will take him. “Let’s get you a proper burial. And please, Wilford. Be careful. May the gods look over you.”
95 got up and was about to go after Drayun and the kid before he heard Lt. Hawk yell. “95 NO! We are done here, put the collar on and let’s go.” 95 walked over to Wilford pulling the collar off his belt, he went to put it on Wilford’s neck, but it would not fit. 
“Uh, lieutenant the collar won’t fit around his neck, it’s too small.” Lt. Hawks sighs. 
“Just put it on his wrist and chain his legs and handcuff his hands.” 95 did as he was told, then looked back at 1015, the lieutenant follows his line of sight and notices 1015, still unconscious. “Leave him. He did nothing and we don’t need weak and useless pets.”
“But that’s my brother and he still has so much to learn, please lieutenant can we bring him back. I’ll lose whatever just to bring him back home.” 95 pleads to Lt. Hawk. He pauses then groans.
“Fine, you can bring him back. But you better keep up if not you both will stay out here. Now grab the animal and let’s get back. We have a bit of a ride ahead of us.” He turned his horse and started to head back, 95 picks up 1015 throws him over his shoulder. He then walks over to Wilford, grabs his leg, and starts to drag him behind the hunters, wincing from his injuries.
An hour later Wilford groans feeling himself being dragged but too drugged and tired to do anything about it. He looks around not seeing the body or Drayun anywhere around. ‘He took it to bury him… I’m glad.’ He thinks to himself and sighs. 
He sees the giant carrying his unconscious teammate on his shoulder and being chewed out by the Lieutenant. The sight made him smile to himself, but he couldn’t help but feel a little bad for them. Being treated like that and getting shouted at like how he is and just taking it and letting it happen. This was horrible, not even giants don’t do this. He’s always known the hunters were cruel, but this is absurd.
95 hears Wilford groan and stops dragging him. The rest of the party keeps going, making it almost back home. 95 turns around and looks down at Wilford. 
“Get up, you’re walking from here.” He kicks Wilford’s leg.
Wilford grumbles. “And I was having such a good sleep…” He gets up and lumbers behind him. “You look to be in good shape Tiny, you’ve been working out? You look a little bent out.” He feigned concerned, looking over him and teasing him. 95 ignores him and keeps walking. 
“Oh, how’s your friend doing? I sure hope he hasn’t gotten a concussion…” More silence. “Do you think they would care if he got a concussion?” He was rubbing it in hard, he may have gotten caught, but he knows he won that fight, especially with the help of Drayun. “....Probably not. I mean, he can just be replaced.”
95 lets out a small growl before catching himself. He looks up to see if anyone’s noticed, but they act as if they didn’t. He stops. 
“I am not tiny damn it,” and turned to face Wilford about to say something else before looking at him. 95 got scared shitless at the man’s height and had a hard time forming words. “Uh….shut up and keep walking. You don’t know anything about us. Just because we’re treated differently doesn’t mean anything. They still care for us.”
“Really? Interesting…” Wilford continues walking in silence.
“Do you think they’d care if you’d gotten a concussion? Now that I think of it, if you died, they would be pretty quick to have another poor giant take your place. No burial, no send-off.” He looks up in the sky. “If they won’t even mourn for the death of a child…” He leans down and whispers in 95’s ear. “The life of an adolescent is just as meaningless to them.”
95 keeps walking knowing that the giant was right, he’s seen it with his own eyes. He doesn’t want to tell him that so he kept quiet for a bit. 
“We don’t get burials when we die, we do what we’re trained to do. It’s our jobs to keep our family safe that’s the bottom line.” He shook his head trying to keep himself from passing out.
“So you die, and you’re sold like cattle. Tells you how much they care, doesn’t it? Isn’t it ironic? You usually bury your loved ones, but you don’t get buried.” Wilford looks straight ahead. “Goes to show you that there’s no love where you live, no family. To them, you’re just larger livestock that they have to supervise. It’s sad really. I hardly see a future for any of you, because they robbed you of it.” He paused a moment. “Many of you will never know true freedom. Only limited freedom.
Lt. Hawk yells back, "95 shut hell up and stop talking to the animal or you will lose out on food for longer!” As hunters broke from the woods you could see the prison with the two guards with ax’s standing guard. 
Lt. Hawks yelled back to Wilford, “Welcome home, animal!”
“Looks homely.” He replies sarcastically and rolls his eyes. He leans over and whispers to 95, “Hey kid, what’s your name?” Everyone seems to call these giants by number only, they don’t even have enough respect to do that.
95 whispers back, “What’s it matter to you?”
“It’s nice to ask, may as well know about my captor.” No matter, Wilford always knows to be courteous.
That made him chuckle, “Name’s Titan.”
Wilford smirks, “Suits you. You remind me of my friend’s kid, he’s around your age. Smart, kind…. stubborn.” He chuckles. “But he’s a good kid. I think you are too, Titan.” He looks at the other human hunters. “It’s just a shame they can’t see that.” He sighs and walks ahead inside.
  Baron sat in class listening to one of the head guards talk about what to do when certain things happen. They had a map of the jail showing where everything was, from the fields outside to an arena. When he zoned back in all he hard was. 
“From now own go by your last name, do not use first names around here. No need whispering either the damn animals can hear everything you say. Also, as you were told by your assigned Sergeant do not lose that remote. For the next few weeks, we will train you all in how to shoot, ride your horses, and sword combat. But mostly it will be how to survive on your own out fighting these animals. Just because you are human does not mean you are weak; you are stronger than what you will go against from now on.”
The head guard Pain stepped forward, “Now the people you will be shadowing today will show you the ropes. Stay close to them,” he looked at everyone in the room knowing that maybe half will still be alive after the six weeks are up. As he read the names off one after another got up and went with their veteran guard. When Black’s name was called, he went with his and his first day there started official.  
Black’s first day mostly had him watch giant’s clean the jail and pass lunch out to the other giants. They received a call over the radio asking them to head to where the front gate was, as the hunting group and a newcomer was about to enter. 
“Alright newbie lets go, we are just there encase the giant gets any ideas is all. Most times the collar should do the trick to get them back in line.” Black nodded and followed to the front gate where he sees about three other rookies and a bit more veterans around.
The doors open and you see the hunting party enter first, people started to clap and cheer welcoming them back. They then noticed that Titan and the other pet came back looking as if the team had a bit of a hard fight out there. Right behind them, they saw Wilford ducking as he came in, the cheers stopped as everyone watched lost for words at what they were seeing. The man was taller than the walkways they stood on.
This place emanated a unique misery to Wilford, sucked dry of any humanity. Giant inmates being escorted by their guards in their uniforms, cuffed and collared up like dangerous beasts. Clean white hallways like a hospital. There were walkways suspended in the air so human staff wouldn’t get stepped on. For most giants, these platforms met at perfect eye level but for Wilford, it only met to his chest. Farther down the hall, he could see a giant guard wrangling with an inmate, struggling to get her in her cell before throwing her in and slamming the cell door shut. Every race has their version of heaven and hell and this…
Is a giant’s hell, and judgment day was upon Wilford. Every eye was trained on him.
tag list: @the-candy-giant
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
All-Glitch Pokemon Blue Run Pt10: Creating Hybrids
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To answer your first question, yes, the headaches are likely related to Superglitch, but you need not worry about them. It’s a side effect, but because you followed my steps closely, we’ve done our best to mitigate those effects. If you notice your name no longer shows up on your Glitchdex, er, don’t worry about it.
To answer your second question, you are almost ready to meet your new glitchmon. First, however, I suggest you pay a visit to the Daycare Center. A few of your party pokemon might be slightly mutated from the effects of Superglitch. Don’t worry, though-- the Daycare Center man is an old friend of mine and fellow glitchmon researcher. If you leave them in his care he can nurse them back to health, for a small fee. 
Finally, I strongly recommend healing at the Pokecenter before doing anything else. This step is very important if you want to save data on your Glitchdex. Ah, it’s a long explanation as to why that is, but trust me, it helps reboot the system so things function normally again. 
After all of that, you now will be ready to meet your new glitchmon friends! 
All right, I completed your directions and then Teleported back to Lavander Town. When I  withdrew the new glitchmon, though, I uhhhh . . . ran into a bit of a problem. I immediately lost the pokeball.
I searched in a panic for like ten minutes before finding it. I’m not sure how I was so careless. Then I let the glitchmon out of the ball.
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It . . . looks like it’s just a Charizard? I don’t get it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Charizard is really cool, but I thought this was supposed to be a glitchmon. At any rate, I named it Charmed.
She seems awfully shy, actually. I turned around for just a second and looked back and she was just GONE. It took me several minutes to find her again. You’d think it would be pretty difficult to lose a giant fire-breathing dragon, but apparently I’m talented.
What you have in your possession is no ordinary Charizard. That is Charizard ‘M, or glitchmon FF. 
This species needs careful handling when in your party. It has a ‘cloaking’ ability somewhat similar to a Kecleon’s camouflage, although more extreme. Indeed, this cloak is so powerful it can hide even the Pokeball it resides in, as well as other pokemon in its immediate vicinity!
You’re also correct in noting it can be quite shy. It takes a long time to establish trust with this species, and they rarely trust the nurses at the Pokecenter. You may need to potion them by hand if they see any sort of battle. 
I must give a word of caution, though; Charizard ‘M has also been known to accidentally induce mutations in pokemon nearby. Merely exposing pokemon to its presence is enough. Try to keep its pokeball a bit further away from the others, at the bottom slot in your party. You don’t want an accidental hybrid on your hands, after all.
-Professor Gingko
I kinda wish you’d said something about that a little bit sooner. I had stopped to capture a Paras I’d found . . . and when I went to deposit things in the PC, uh. It was kind of disturbing. The Paras and my HM slave Kadabra had melted together. I wasn’t sure what to do. I thought maybe if I’d evolved . . . it, then that would force them apart, so I tried a few Rare Candies.
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Didn’t really work, though? Now I just have a Parasect with all these strange moves. 
For goodness’ sake. Well, all you’ve done is ensured they remain fused together as a hybrid, now that it’s gone and evolved. You’ve lost your Kadabra HM slave for good, I’m afraid. It became the recipient for the hybridization process. You can still normalize what’s left of the Paras, however. If you return to the Daycare man and give him the Paras-- which should be currently hybridized with Charizard ‘M-- he should be able to get it back to normal. 
You’ll have to keep the Parasect as is, though.
-Professor Gingko
Honestly? I’m ok with that. My new Parasect is pretty neat, and now is an even better HM slave then I had before. This Charizard ‘M has some cool abilities. I wonder what other bug hybrids I could make?
For now though, I’m keeping her at the bottom of my party, away from the other pokeballs. I’m taking along Wobbles, Fractal, Dustdevil, Giago and the new Charizard ‘M, and leaving Azure and Dirge in the PC for the moment.
Oh, and I spent some time exploring Celadon City at last. It was nice to finally do that. There’s some casino there that all the locals are talking about, so I gave that a visit. The games are actually pretty lame, but I’ve never liked gambling. I came across something weird, though-- there’s a basement to the casino. I went down there and it looks like the casino is just a screen for some underground illegal pokemon trafficking by a shady group of thieves. That's pretty wild.
The badguys weren’t too happy to see me there, but fortunately I could defend myself just fine with my team. It helped that I’d recently taught Ice Beam to Dusty. I also came across the Double Edge TM in that basement, so I taught it to Fractal, who now hits like a freaking meteor. 
After a little more exploring, I came across the HM for Fly, but I learned I didn’t have the air clearance to actually use it for travel unless I’d earned Lt. Surge’s badge. For some odd reason? So . . . I had to backtrack all the way to Vermilion and defeat the guy. After that, I could teach Fly to my Missingno. and get around MUCH easier.
This let me fly back to Lavander Town. I made the trip because I’d picked up something interesting in Celadon-- a Silph Scope. I figured I should use it and take a tour of that creepy tower.
The trip taught me a lot about my team. The climb up the tower was a slow and difficult one. Starting off, I ran into Oak’s damned grandson again.
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His team wasn’t bad to face, although his starter had evolved to Wartortle by now. Still, I had picked up a TM from Lt. Surge, so Wobbles had Thunderbolt now. It was an easy kill. 
In general, Wobbles had no problem with any of Pokemon Tower. His Special is just sky-high. My other pokemon had to work a bit harder, though.
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Gia is a defensive sort of poke. She’s not huge on offense, especially Special offense. But all her physical attacks were Normal type moves, which are useless against the ghosts. She was stuck chipping away at ghosts with her Surf, while the ghosts para-fused her. Fortunately she at least has so much bulk she sometimes came out on top of those fights. Gia’s fight style is all about long-term survival.
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Meanwhile, Dusty struggled a fair bit because her stats are just not great in general. Despite that fact, she was scrappy and determined and could scrape by. Her speed also meant she could get in hits at vital times.
When paired together, Dusty and Gia could manage to take out the ghosts with teamwork. This was great, since Wobbles and my new Charizard ‘M had plenty of levels and didn’t need the XP at the time. My last pokemon on the team, Fractal, is the very definition of a glass cannon. Fractal could take pokemon out with his raw power, but only if he didn’t fall first. He was knocking himself out cold in a single hit if he got confused-- but he also sometimes knocked his foes out cold in a single hit. This is why I gave him Double Edge; his fighting style was hyper-offensive to an extreme.
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After touring to the top of the tower, we took care of the local rowdy ghosts and some trainers rambling about something called ‘Team Rocket.’ I dunno, but the way they were dressed looked awfully similar to the creeps at the casino. Maybe they’re the same crew. I wasn’t paying much attention, to be honest. 
There was an old man up in the tower who talked to me after my battles, though, and invited me back to his house. Normally I’d nope the heck out of that sort of situation, but he seemed harmless enough. . . and he gave me a flute as a gift. He tells me it can wake up any sleeping pokemon. I have the perfect pokemon in mind to test it on.
Glitchdex #: FF/255
Family: Charizard Hybrid
Type(s): Fire/Flying
Species Keyword: CLOAK
This shy POKEMON is so good at disguise it can even fool highly trained POKECENTER nurses. It only trusts its trainer to heal and care for it. 
End Notes
Glitches used/mentioned in this post:
* Making Superglitch useful
* Creating pokemon hybrids
* Charizard ‘M
* This Charizard ‘M was created by placing a normal Charizard named ‘Charmed’ in my sixth party slot and then using the controlled superglitch corruption mentioned in my last blog post. The Charizard ‘M that appeared in my seventh expanded party slot then inherented the ‘Charmed’ nickname once I deposited the first pokemon in my party into the PC.
Click for the next part of the series! 
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Nov 30, 2019.
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea Plays - Pokemon Masters: Part 1
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Yeah, in case you wanna be buds, here it is.
Now on with a shit-post!
So, for the past year or so, I had this reoccurring dream where I participated in this giant free-for-all pokemon competition with a bunch of other Pokemon trainers. Misty was there and so was Cheryl, Dr. Fennel, and Lorelei (because for some reason I always find myself dreaming about those three together). And a bunch of other trainers I can’t remember clearly.
I had several dreams involving battling with and against trainers. So imagine my shock that a game like that was in the works. And then imagine my disappointment when I learned it was only game characters and the only person I give a rat’s nutsack about was only in the anime. BUT HEY, THIS IS STILL FREAKIN’ AWESOME! Especially when they released that animated PV a few months ago!
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If it means I could have trainers like Wallace or Dento-fruit battle with me, I’m all in this business.
Both are unavailable at the moment, Medea.
Killjoy! Okay, onto the game itself!
WOW am I happy we can go from English to Japanese audio with no problem or hacks or device crafted by Satan.
I’m not sure who voices who in the English cast. I saw the cast list and it’s mostly L.A. voice actors. So the people who voiced Origins and Generations are here again. Except, I am 100% certain that Lt. Surge is voiced by Patrick Seitz and I’m balls to the wall happy about that.
Japanese Cast, only some voices have been confirmed and I just want to say right off the back that I love Rosa!
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God damn, she is like best girl in Unova! I know Leaf Green, Lana, and Lorelei are my Poke-waifus, but Rosa is inching closer to being upgraded to waifu status.
Because Aki Toyosaki voices her!
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Thank you CockyTits. I’ve always liked my nickname.
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Ouch Pokemon.
It gets worse when we see this same Ace Trainer have a panic attack in the Pokemon Center. Yeah, let’s all relate to this young man.
So we start with the usual suspects of Misty and Brock. But then we pick up speed when we add Rosa and Whitney.
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Keep it in your pants Brock, she’s underage.
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Kinda hard, dearie. You’re like the ONLY pink-haired anime girl who isn’t a violent, psychopath.
And then we get...
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Ugh...How does one explain what Barry is?
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An anal-retentive, nard-sack who doesn’t know what to do with a million dollars if he saw it right in front of his eyes!
Yeah, he bumps into you and blames you for it.
He fines you a million dollars.
He mistakes you for the bad guy and wildly challenges you (and his friend) to a battle.
He lushes over his father, Palmer.
And if Paul wasn’t an anime-exclusive character and in this, he’d want to have Paul’s babies!
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Yeah, you’re still an entertaining butt-for-brains. But you are totally a butt-for-brains.
Well, we meet the antagonists of this game known as Team Break...
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Oh, spare me! Team Galactic, Madonna circa 1998, and all the drag queens in John Waters’s movie Pink Flamingo have better fashion than you weirdos!
But of course we need more trainers to take on these vast variety of trainers that come out of the woodworks. That’s where the scouting comes in. Much like the rhythm games I play (like UtaPri and Love Live), you have to save up special items in order to either buy 1 or buy 10. If you’re lucky, you might get a 5-star trainer like Brendan or Kris. Let’s see how lucky I am with my impatient ass!
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Koga’s daughter! Nice!
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And yes, she mentions her father being an Elite Four member.
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This loud fucker.
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Him and his loud singing can wake the dead.
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Crap yes! I love me some Gardenia!
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So Gardenia mentioned what would happen if Roserade changed forms or it evolved into a new type like in other regions. Wait...a Roserade that’s a region variant, that’s also part ghost-type?
Is...Is that going to happen?
Sword and Shield, are you guys making this happen? Is this foretelling the future?
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Wait, who are yo...OH, right. Mr. Supreme Tan-Lines! And finally...
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AAAAHHHHH! IT’S WINONA! Oh please, please mention Wallace. Give us Gracefulshippers some hope in this game!
Aside from that, we have a new Professor, and good news, it’s a female! Professor Bellis!
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Ooh...No. Stranger danger!
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Lady, you say at least 5 words from different languages in every sentence you speak. You are in no right to criticize!
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Even the Hiker isn’t falling for your Beto accent!
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Wait...Flannery’s grandpa was a member of the Elite Four? Oh wait, she does mention it in the manga. Never mind.
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There’s the Brock we all know...
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Well yeah, Erika’s henchmen have the ability to make stupid men weak in the knees.
Well after a few attempts, I got my badge from Erika. Yeah, that Vileplume of hers is a bitch.
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If only I can get Flannery to use a Sync Move that brings upon the powers of Beelzebub, I could have finished this sooner.
Oh well.
To be continued.
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eb-byestelle · 6 years
Ship game
Tagged by @fuzzykiddreamer (Thank you 💖 !!)
Shipping and Fandom Ask
Embrace your inner shipper!  Answer questions about your favorite ships or fandoms. Reblog to participate and let your ship flag fly!
1.What are your top 10 manga/anime ships of all time?
Top 10 anime/manga:
Yuuki x Kaname - Vampire Knight
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Victor x Yuri – Yuri !!! on ice
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Mirai x Akihito - Kyoukai no Kanata
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Izumi x Ryouma - Love Stage!!
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Shiomi x Orina - Psychic Academy (very unpopular but really sweet ship ;3) 
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Emeraude x Zagato - Magic Knight Rayearth
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Okabe x Kurisu - Steins;Gate
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Edgar x Lydia - Hakushaku to Yousei
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Yori x Iku - Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru
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Valentino x Ranmaru - Ikoku Irokoi Romantan
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I’m not very “shipper type”, but from anime/manga I guess these ten ships are sth I will always remember 💕 💖 💕 💖
2.What gif or screenshot most sums up your ship?
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(I add the links because for some reasons these gifs make that post is not able to be saved)
3. Describe your favorite ship in seven words or less. 
Yume - Passionate, complicated, eternal love, above everything.
Victuuri - Harmonious, colorful, eros, agape, perfect duo,
Mirai x Akihito - Sacrifice, understanding, monsters in love.
Izumi x Ryouma - I love each part of you.
Shiomi x Orina - Innocent, lust, slow exploration.
Emeraude x Zagato - Protect your freedom - everything else can die.
Okabe x Makise - Time and space don’t matter.
Edgar x Lydia - Secrets, courtship, caramel hair.
Yori x Iku - Pure love, dirty love, love forever.
Valentino x Ranmaru - Opposites attract.
When I think which details connect all these ships, I’m gonna say: Romantic, unconventional, imperishable, full of mutual love and acceptation.
4.What’s your go-to episode or scene when you need ship feels?
Generally In this kind of situation I want to watch some moments when the love between couple is the most visible, usually when between the couple there is some intensive moment full of love.
From manga VK: the whole vol 19 (including the cover 💖) - My heart melts when I look at each chapter T_T 💖
From anime VK: VKG - ep 2, 8 (I’ve always been in love with my own brother ;3) and 13 (this last scene T_T 💖 ..........)
Victuuri: the whole ep 10 - I.LOVE.WHOLE.THIS.EP !
Mirai x Akihito ; Shiomi x Orina ; Okabe x Kurisu: first kiss scenes (there is sth really moving in first kiss scenes ;3)
Izumi x Ryouma ; Yori x Iku: first time (both are just amazing...)
Lydia x Edgar: 
Ep 1 and some peculiary scene in ep 9 (bishounen + whiskey Jack Daniels + loved one = have fun! 💀🔥)
Emeraude x Zagato:
Two last eps of season 1 (romantic and horribly tragic at the same time...)
5.What song or songs remind you of your favorite fandom, character or ship?
Seal - Kiss from the rose 💕
It was a song when, while listening to it I read VK for the first time in 2010. In that moment I read first volume and I said: “Wow - This is great!” Later, after many years, after deeper listening, It turned out that the words of this song perfectly suit to the yume ship. From then on, I associate this song with both the first time when I was charmed by this series and with yume pair.
6. If the creators of your favorite fandom asked you to write the ship canon-confirmation episode, what will you write/how will it happen?
VK / Yume: A lot of things have already been said and done. However, I would doubtless make Yuuki and Kaname be together again (in the normal sense, not like now xp) and that Yuuki would say straight what we see while the whole series, but what hasn't been said directly - that Kaname is the love of her life and that she have never loved anyone so much as she loves Kaname. Such an expressions of feelings and the connection of these two after all these things they have survived (like in the case of Okabe x Kurisu or Mirai x Akihito) would be just a wonderful last chapter. In the case of anime series, I admit that I like the ending. And as for the continuation, we both know well how I would do it ^^
7.Do you prefer to indulge in (consume or create) fanart or fanfic of your favorite ship? 
I prefer to indulge in create fanarts and fanfic but usually not related to my favorite ships.
8.Smut or fluff? (VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION xD) 
I like both eqally ;3 Or remix 👀!!
9.What ship are you embarrassed to admit you like?
I guess none.
10.What task are you most likely to procrastinate so you can indulge in your ship or fandom?
Sometimes I’m able to not sleep all night because to the morning I’m talking with fans of sth I love, I’m watching my favorite serieses or watching/reading sth depends on it, don’t mentioning about when I’m writing sth by my own. Then the time doesn’t matter 💀 then anything doesn’t matter. It remind sth like a state of trance. - I recommend! 🔥🔥🔥
11.How many hours of the day do you spend reading fanfic or looking at fanart or other media? 
In case of fanfics and fanarts, none. I choose to look for some nice edits or news about real series. I can spend from few minutes to few hours, but not everyday, only sometimes.
12.How many memorabilia’s do you own of your favorite fandom or ship (clothes, plushies, etc.)? 
VK: The uniform of night class which I was sewing every day for two weeks so it’s really important to me 💖 I also have all 19 volumes, all DVDs, postcards, posters and badges. I will have soon also a fanbook ^^
Death Note: postcards, posters, badges and ofc. death note ;33
I have also a lot of some little details from various another serieses like all volumes of Love Stage. But mostly I focus on VK.
13.If you could own one authentic item from your favorite fandom world, what would it be?
All dragon balls xD or at least Goku’s four-star ball 💖
And the Kaname’s bed - with Kaname in the set! 🥂💕🔥
14.What fandom have you found to be too toxic to deal with?  
Since I have been on Tumblr, I got involved in only one fandom, so tbh, I can't answer it, because I have no comparison with another fandoms. I also don't have an intend to get too involved in other fandoms, at most superficially.
Nevertheless, withouth doubt the continuous ships-war is tiring and ridiculous. I've always wondered, why among zekis the some of them are still such stubborn, that they can't just get over it and admit that Yuuki's first choice was always Kaname, and Zero on the end turned out to be only the "consolation prize". This is a sad truth, but these are the facts. I think that the only way to real, honest coexistence is to accept this truth on the both sides. Just like when yume accepted that zeki is also a canon and Zero to a degree was also loved by Yuuki in a romantic way, though by not as strong love as Kaname.
It's all simple and transparent, it's enough to notice it. 
The answer: "She loves both equally." is no solution ... "She loves one the most." - this is the only acceptable solution in every LT. Even in Arabic harems there is a division on the "first wife" and "next wives". So it's a natural state of things - one the biggest choise. I think that this is the point of attachment and the right, healthy way to resolve this conflict.
It's interesting that when the VK manga was still published, among my native fandom there was also a clear division between yume and zeki. There was no hatred in this. It was just something like a gulf. Then I saw the same for MAL and here. It inspired me to create a theory that this division is not only a division into ships, but also a division based on a systems of views. And in such a situation it's quite difficult to blur the boundaries... That's why I think that determining ONE plot is the most reasonable way. Later we can at most see, how much my theory works in practice, and in how many cases it's jusr an ordinary, superficial choice of a "more cool ship in someone's taste".
15.Do you have or would you consider getting a tattoo depicting your favorite ship or fandom?
I don't think so I would ever have a tattoo, but I for sure wouldn't walk past indifferently next to earrings or necklace with the symbol of Cross Academy ;3 - I love this symbol, it's so beautiful !!
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16.What is the strangest thing you’ve done to honor your favorite fandom, ship or character?
It’s hard tbh... One time I created with my friend some dumb “event” which looked like “A night with Kaname” xD She prefered Kain, but she also liked Kaname so it was no problem to do it with her. All night we created a funny or pervert memes, edits, posts, games, and we came up with that we would print the posters of our fave. As a result we didn’t do it but... when I think about it right now, this wish is still “alive” xD ...
It was also one night, when I wrote some poem about sth like “how it would be, if I would kiss someone like Kaname”. I mean, although I know he’s not real, it can’t be denied that It’s sth really pleasant to imagine that in our world there might exist someone such amazing like Kaname. This poem was sth like a vision of kiss with the potential, “real” Kaname. It’s a bit embarrasing, when I think about it because this erotic was incredibly personal and intimate, showing not just a kiss but some feelings accompanying to kiss the real love. So yeah, it was very personal and some kind of mix my deep symphaty and love to Kaname character + the description of my feelings while a real passionate kiss with someone, when my knees are bending, face is burning etc + the showing an experience of romantic moment with someone I love. So it was about Kaname and not about Kaname, sth between in other words xD
I also love to say about VK and Kaname in some serious discussion on studies. I think it’s nothing weird or embarassing to mentioned about some aspects from mangas on such an discussions. I think this manga are not just vampire and dumb LT thread but there is sth really deep and interesting, forcing as to think and reflect about what is love, sin, desire, death, will of life, etc... I love this in VK.
I’m tagging @eternalyumelove, @astharoshebarvon, @aphrodytevalentine
I know you guys love ships so have fun ! ;3 (If u want ;3)
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nedcanquen · 6 years
NedCan V-Day Exchange - The Rules of Acquisition (Or Not) - Part 1
Dear @orbitinghetalia​
Happy belated Valentine’s Day, here is Part 1 of your gift. I decided to write a Star Trek AU set after the Dominion War (after Deep Space 9). I hope that’s alright. It is a little dark in the beginning (attack on a ship) but it lightens up considerably afterwards. I’m sorry it is late and half complete, but it did run away from me a little. I’ll post the next bits as soon as I finish them! Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Ned/Fem Can
Tags: Star Trek AU. 
The Ferengi were a warp-capable humanoid species from the planet Ferenginar. Ferengi civilization was built on a caricature of free enterprise, where earning profit was the sole meaningful goal in life, superseding all other endeavors.
The Ferengi governing body, known as the Ferengi Alliance, was formed over a period of ten thousand years, beginning with the establishment of a system of currency, to their purchase of warp technology, and finally to its state in the 24th century.
The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition were a numbered series of aphorisms, guidelines, and principles that provided the foundation of business philosophy in Ferengi culture.
Memory Alpha
Ferengi call their mothers ‘Moogie’ - I think that’s ridiculously cute.
Johan - Founder and Owner of the Latinum Palace - largest Casino barge in Ferengi space and Galaxy
Lt. Commander Madeline Williams - Chief of Security on the USS Hudson
Belle - Belgium
Chrisjan - Luxembourg
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“Captain’s Personal Log, Stardate 62391.8. We are on the way to Earth for the most joyous occasion of Lt. Commander William’s wedding. I admit that when we first encountered Johan, I would never have imagined that I would one day see him married to my Chief of Security, but their union is proof that love can overcome not just the vast distances of space, but also the walls that can be built between cultures. I am especially happy for them and touched by their union. As the first Ferengi in Starfleet, I do know firsthand, the clashes that can appear between Ferenginar’s profit-driven and exclusive philosophy, and the cash-free and inclusive society that the Federation has embraced. I have been a small voice, promoting the similarities between Ferenginar and the Federation for many years, so it is satisfying to see this union personified. Johan, a human who was orphaned and raised by Ferengi, grew up to navigate the Great River better than most Ferengi. I feel that if it were not for my father’s reforms, perhaps Ferenginar would not have changed so much that it could embrace him. And Commander Williams is one of the shiniest examples of a Starfleet Officer. It will be my honor, to officiate their wedding.”
Captain Nog, U.S.S. Hudson
Johan - First Impressions
“Let her go Kurvim. Let her go and I’ll give you the Crystal.” This had not gone according to plan. In his arrogance he had forgotten how much most Ferengi hated him for being human and raking in more latinum than they could ever dream. They had finally convinced the Syndicate to come after him. No, not him. His Moogie, the woman who had found him in a crashed escape pod when he was four years old, who raised him as her own even though as a human he had the smallest lobes, and there was certainly no profit to it. She could have made him a slave, at best a servant. She chose to raise him as her son.
And now this bastard Kurvin was holding a phaser to her head.
“Johan sweetie.” His mother sobs. “I love you.”
“It’s going to be okay Moogie. Every man has his price, Rule of Acquisition 98. That’s true isn’t it Kurvim? This is no ordinary Crystal. It’s an energy source that’s coveted by the Breen. It has the power of destruction, all in your hands. Imagine who you could blackmail? The power? You could get enough money to retire on a moon somewhere.”
Kurvim, that damned Orion just grins. “I suppose I can think about it. How about you give me the Crystal first. I mean, you have no options anyway, I have the phaser, all your guards are trapped or dead. You can either give it to me and hope I feel generous, or I shoot you both and take it anyway.”
Johan starts the slow walk towards Kurvim, hands up in the air, his right hand holding the Crystal. He’s  running through the Rules in his head and can’t think of any guidance on the Great River to get him out of this. The Crystal is already worth more Latinum than this entire barge so he can’t bribe Kurvim with anything else. The only hope he has now is that Mathias managed to get out an emergency call to whatever ship was nearby that could actually help them. As much as he had avoided the Federation all his life, he had to admit to himself that only a Federation ship would be willing to drop everything they were doing just to help. Please, please, please, please, ‘I swear on the Great River, even if it means giving up everything I’ve built, everything I am, just don’t let my Moogie die.’
When he gets about three feet away, Kurvim laughs. “They’ve always hated you, you know that Johan. Truth is, you’re too expensive a prize to pass up.”
Johan sees the phaser turned to him and he hopes his Moogie will make a run for it. He takes a breath and prepares himself.
A figure jumps falls from the upper balcony, landing on Kurvim’s shoulders. The phaser fires and mostly misses Johan but grazes his forehead. Damn it that stings. He sees his saviour’s legs twisting Kurvim’s head and body around, forcing him to release Moogie, then he sees her jump off and deliver a particularly satisfying roundhouse kick to Kurvim’s head. He doesn’t have time to admire the view though, he grabs his Moogie and runs to the closest corridor, away from the criminal and his phaser. His Moogie is out of breath, Ferengi weren’t usually built to be athletes, so he picks her up and carries her. He knows his ship like the back of his own hand. He built it - every level, every room, planned the layout, the environmental systems, where each game would be located, the decor, the-
“Johan! We’re saved!” Johan grinds to a halt and sees Mathias grinning at him, a little worse for wear but not much. He’s got two Starfleet people with him.
“All of you, take my Moog- my mother and get her back to your ship. I’ll be back!”
“Johan!” She cries, but Mathias has her. Good ol’ Mathias.
One of the other Starfleet people hits their comm badge and commands ‘Four to beam’ - once the transporter light is gone, Johan runs back to the main gallery where he carried his Moogie from the fight. This is his ship, and he’s not going to just abandon it. He needs to make sure Kurvim is gone.
He runs back to see Kurvim being kneed in the face by the Starfleet woman, then knocked out with a two-handed blow to the head. That’s when she looks up, panting - dusting off her uniform, hair dishevelled, cheeks flushed and surprise in those violet eyes.
‘Females and finances don’t mix’ he tells himself. It’s what he always told himself while amassing his fortune and keeping his focus. ‘Females and finances don’t mix’
She smiles gently and straightens herself, as if she hasn’t just finished beating up an Orion Syndicate scumbag, saved both him and his Moogie, as well as his Casino Barge.
“I am Lt. Commander Madeline Williams, Chief of Security of the Federation Starship Hudson. We heard your distress call.”
None of the Rules of Acquisition are going to help him now. He’s avoided the Federation all his life, and now…
“I am Johan.” He spreads his palms. “Welcome to the Latinum Palace. Best Casino in any Galaxy. Not that...you’d know I suppose, coming from a uh...cashless society.” He can’t keep the disgust out of his tone at the idea, but he truly is trying his best to be polite.  
Still, she smiles very politely and looks around. It’s pathetic, it’ll take him about a year to fix it up properly and get it back to its glory - but he has to. For himself but also for Ferenginar. If this destroys him, the conservatives win. The only reason why he managed to grow up in Ferenginar in the first place, was Grand Nagus Rom’s reforms.
“Mister Johan.” Commander Williams’ voice is gentle. “I need to put him in the Brig, he will face trial. And...you’re bleeding. You need medical attention. We can provide that on my ship.”
All his life, Johan had never fallen sway to anyone’s charms the way most other Ferengi did. There was a first time for everything.
Commander Madeline Williams, Personal Log. Stardate 57911.9. It has been one year since we rescued and found the United Benelux’s long-lost Prince Johan. His highness was reunited with his family for four months, then returned to rebuild the Latinum Palace. I suspect it was difficult to be reunited with his family, having been raised among the Ferengi, but they are all trying their best. Our current mission, as a special favor to the Royal House, is to safely bring Queen Belle to the Latinum Palace for its reopening ceremony. I am in charge of security, and I’m the most nervous I’ve ever been. I...hm...honestly I...I call him by title because I’m not...sure what to think of him. I didn’t like him much at first. I have often heard that humans were not unlike Ferengi centuries ago. Like the Ferengi, we embraced Capitalism and profit as our way of life. My own country was formed because of a mad beaver trade! It is all difficult to conceive now. Most times I feel that Prince Johan is cruel to those whom he sees no value in, which is most. He openly scoffs at Federation ways, especially our cashless society. But...he treats me...differently. I don’t let myself be...carried away by the slight attentions of someone. I’ve learned my lesson, all my life. I keep reminding myself, he’s nicer to me just because he feels I saved him, also his Moogie, and his Casino. If anyone else had done so, even...Amelia let’s say, he would do the same. Yes. That’s it. Now I’m going to fulfill my job and make sure that his sister and brother are safe while they visit him. They have their difficulties, but they are dedicated to learn how to be family. Hopefully this trip will help them learn to appreciate the world he grew up in.
Belle is giving that look. That mischievous little look that his Moogie insists is identical to his but he doesn’t believe her (he doesn’t want to believe her). Chrisjan also has a look, a twinkling in his eyes that makes him look like he’s laughing at everyone else all the time. Only this time, it feels like he’s just laughing at Johan.
The Bigger the Smile the Sharper the Knife. Rule #48. It wasn’t quite accurate because his sibling’s cat-like smiles were small and sharper than any Ferengi’s tooth, even after a good sharpening. He should know, he’s used his humanness several times to his advantage to get his rivals to underestimate him. Right now though, he’s so out of his depth.
It’s not his fault that he’s mostly tongue-tied around Lt. Commander Madeline Williams. Who wouldn’t be? Pretty much everybody else, that’s right. Idiots. Well, not really, they knew when someone was out of their league and moved on, but Johan had lived a life of impossibility. There was something in his chest that kept nagging at him to DO SOMETHING even as his head told him to leave the Commander to someone more worthy. He tries that. He hates himself for it. Then he thinks about what he could do about it and hates himself even more. Building the Latinum Palace, Ferenginar’s largest Casino Barge, was easier than trying to talk to Commander Williams and sound “normal.” On the other hand, his siblings were only visiting for a week. After one week, he could go back to feeling horrible because he didn’t manage to say anything to her, rather than feeling horrible in general because the nerves in his stomach made him want to vomit.
The Commander had just left the room, after inspecting it for safety. Now he has privacy with his newly-discovered siblings. Of course the moment the doors shut, they burst out laughing, and can’t stop. Part of him wants to hate them, truly, but he can’t. He knows what it feels like to enjoy a private joke, so he knows why they can’t help but laugh. It’s amazing how similar they are, even being raised so differently. Besides, he’s tired. Organizing the reopening is tiring but satisfying work.
Satisfying and hungry work. He could eat some tube grubs right now. But Belle and Chrisjen were fast getting him addicted to the sweet desserts from his homeland. As if reading his mind, his little brother steps up to the replicator and orders a feast of them!
Maybe there was something undoubtedly positive about this sibling business after all.
“Well Chrisjan, what are we going to do to help our big brother finally ask Commander Williams on a date?”
On second thought, he could have done without discovering that he had siblings. Even finding out that he was royalty was a disappointment - what good was royalty with no money? “You’re going to do nothing. The Commander has more important things to do than to further entertain me.” And besides, she also had no time. He knows that she volunteered herself to guarantee his sister’s safety. But it did also mean that her trip to the Latinum Palace was a work trip, not a leisure one
“No, you’re right, it’s not for me to do anything.” Belle humms. “About her at least. But I did come here to see my brother’s life’s work! Look, we kept the news hush hush back on Earth out of respect to you and your Moogie, so no one knows we’re royalty! We want to follow you around tomorrow as you prepare for the grand opening, through every inch of this barge! Tell us everything! Why you built it that way, why you planned where everything is located the way you did, just...let it out brother! We brought normal clothes! Even disguises! We can modify our physical appearances on the USS Hudson! You can keep your reputation and not risk any blackmail through us. I want to see what my big brother has built, on his own! I don’t really know him yet, but I’m proud of him.”
Johan isn’t quite sure what to make of that, but the tightening in his chest is undeniable.
“Don’t hog the admiration sis!” Chrisjan laughs. Then he turns and looks more serious. “All this time I had the most amazing older brother and didn’t know it for sure. We’ve already spent our lives growing up with the tragedy of thinking we would never know you. I’m not going to actually pass that chance up now that I have the chance to do that.”
He’s a sap. Johan is an absolute sap. That’s why he’s suddenly hugging two strangers that he only met a year ago. But they’re not just strangers, they’re his siblings. He’s gone from having a family of one to a family of...well. There’s a part of him that still wishes someone else was here with them, and not standing outside his door.
Johan now knows that siblings are evil and cunning, and he should have known. All his life he had thought that the Federation was sickeningly sweet and naive, HAH!
Belle and Chrisjan shadowing him on the tour and inspection of the Latinum Palace means that Commander Williams has to shadow them.
“I didn’t get a chance to see it properly the first time!” She exclaims. “You designed and built a self-sustaining ecosystem on your ship! These plants! They’re real and...the water...there’s not much replicating going on is there? The biodome in the central Casino actually has its own weather. The only other place I’ve seen that compares to this is Risa, and it’s a planet! That’s what the forcefield is for right? So people can experience rain without actually getting wet! How did you modify the dampeners for the field? And the plants! Where did you...”
Belle leans in and whispers, “Cat got your tongue? You can step forward and actually...you know...answer some of her questions.”
When he doesn’t move he swears someone pushes him forward so he stumbles next to the Commander. She notices and turns with some embarrassment in those large violet eyes of her.
“Oh sorry! I’ve been rambling haven’t I? I didn’t even give you a chance to answer any questions, but I’m just…” She laughs shyly. “Sorry I’m not...usually like this. I’m just surprised. It was so destroyed when I was last here. I’m happy for you that you were able to rebuild it. I also...I started off in Engineering and Ops before I switched to Command track so…” She shrugs with an embarrassed wave of her hand in front of her to the wall of plants before them. “I like this…”
Warmth climbs up his cheeks and he can’t help but smile. “Uh...well. Since you asked me about the plants twice, and we’re here, I’ll answer that question first…”
He does not see Belle and Chrisjan looking so absolutely smug behind him.
Commander Madeline Williams, Personal Log. Stardate 9734131.1. I’m crazy. I’m absolutely stark raving bonkers crazy. I’m on a runabout to Risa. What am I even...I DON’T EVEN LIKE RISA! Computer, delete this...no, no. I’m already halfway there and I’m still flying, I may as well see this through. Besides, I’ve never gone hiking … on … Risa? Right. Williams out.
Johan - First Date
It was easier to send letters. Somehow he can express himself better with just words, than he can speaking to someone face to face. He’s figured this out recently - growing up on Ferenginar as a human has meant that he’s developed masks - Johan the human who is more Ferengi than a Ferengi, the “trusted” businessman, sailor of the Great River. He’s Moogie’s son, he’s the tinkerer. He likes to fix things and build things. It’s when he builds things that he’s the most genuine, because he tends to work alone, and there’s no one to put an act up for. It’s difficult when there are laws like “A contract is a contract, but only between Ferengi.” That means almost every contract and business he first tried out was doomed to failure. He did the only thing he could - find his own way out in the stars, build his own world where he could reinterpret the rules in his own Kingdom as he wished. Then he had become Johan the Casino King.
Going back to Earth, meeting his siblings and Madeline is another exercise in simply being Johan. But he’s finding a part of himself coming out that he’s hidden for so long. It’s hard but…
He hears the runabout and turns to see it landing. The doors open and there she is. He can’t help the smile breaking out on his face. Even if this goes terribly and he makes a terrible fool out of himself, Madeline will be worth it.
“I’m an idiot.” He huffs, following her up the hill that never ends. “If I was going to take you hiking I should have chosen a place less wet. It already rains without end in Ferenginar.”
Madeline just laughs, but then turns and offers him her hand. He takes it, and maybe if he’s lucky, he won’t have to let go. “And here I thought you just loved places that rain - Ferenginar, Risa, you even needed to make it rain in your Casino!”
“That’s for the plants! I never understood how Starships could be so...dead honestly. Metal corridors after metal corridors, you can only see green in a holosuite when you get a break. Why not just have it around all the time?”
She stops then, and looks at him with a shy smile, cheeks flushed. “Thank you for the flowers.” She tries to turn away and keep marching up but he squeezes her hand before he can stop himself. To his joy, she squeezes back.
There’s a beat of awkward silence, hands still intertwined, then...
“So you don’t like holosuites?” She offers.
“I like real things.”
There’s more silence and Johan hits himself for closing that conversation. What could anyone say to that? “Uh...what is your favorite...holosuite program?”
“It depends. In my Academy Days I played Ice Hockey, I miss it so I do that often. But sometimes when I just need quiet, I do things like this. I’ve actually ‘hiked’ in Risa loads of times before. This is the first time I’m doing it for real. Thanks for inviting me. I wouldn’t have come out here without you.”
“Why not?”
“Well, you get personal days and leave time. You clearly enjoy doing this. Why not experience the real thing instead of rely on something synthetic?”
Madeline chuckles. “It is quite realistic you know?”
“It really isn’t any different?”
She releases his hand to push a large branch out of their way. “No you’re right, it is. Holosuites are the next best thing but there’s even more elements of unpredictability in the actual place. I think I like it, I just relied on holosuites because...um. Odd that you don’t like holosuites? Isn’t there a Rule of Acquisition that goes ‘Nature decays but latinum lasts forever?’.”
“That has to be one of the most short-sighted rules. I make up my own rules as and when I realize that I’m doing better. Don’t get me wrong, mostly they make sense but...some were just added as idiotic last-minute additions by old Naguses or Trade Commission leaders over the years. All politics, no wisdom.”
There’s an amused but unreadable look on her face at that as she gives him an exaggerated nod. “Would be interesting to see you debate my Captain. But that’s some good insight. As for me, well, I’ll start to prioritize seeing the real places from now on. Thanks.”
Madeline marches on ahead and doesn’t take his hand again. Johan feels the loss of that but soldiers on. He hasn’t overlooked the fact that she’s rather deftly not answered his actual question but he’ll deal with that once he catches his breath. They’ll move faster this way anyway, which is good considering that there actually is a timeline he’s gotten them on. Hopefully all goes according to plan.
“Should I ask about the answer you left hanging or ask you something else?” He huffs - he may not like holosuites but it certainly looked like he was going to have to spend more time in them just to get his physical fitness levels up. He did not want to be embarrassed again at how obviously out of shape he is compared to Madeline. Then again, she is a master strategist and Chief of Security on her ship, who took on lot of physical roles because her Captain was the Grand Nagus’ son, because Ferengi were not exactly the strongest species in space. So, he expected her to be in much better shape than he, but still!
“How about I ask you a question. Dare I ask, why do you like Risa so much?”
Oh what a question. “I don’t know if I like Risa that much, but I’m familiar with it. Other than Ferenginar and the Latinum Palace, it’s a home of sorts. I made my first fortune in Risa, and Risa was the first place I ever felt...accepted and able to be myself. I first started designing the Palace here. I wouldn’t be who I am without Risa...even though yes, it always rains here too. Maybe one day I’ll try a desert planet. My turn?”
Madeline smiles her acceptance and stops to take a drink of water. Finally a sign of fatigue!
“Alright...could you maybe...tell me about your home?”
“It’s a little boring compared to yours.”
Johan has to shake his head. “I find that homes are never boring. Not really. Even if the landscape is dull, the symbolism in our heads make up for the rest.”
She smiles at him again, amused. “Good point. Well, I was born in a city called St. Johns, in Newfoundland, Canada. My parents lived right by the coast…”
Before he knew it, they reached the peak of the hill.
“There’s a cabin here?” Madeline asks, taking in the simply built hut in front of them, built with wood from the surrounding rainforest and covered by leaves as its rooftop.
“It’s more of a viewing station. Come on.”
“Come on!” Now he finds the energy to jog to the chairs that were set up outside. He knew there was an advantage of booking the most remote and least luxurious place in Risa. Sunset Cottage was literally that - a little cottage that took too much energy to trek to simply to enjoy the best view of Risa’s double sunset.
“Wait...you asked me to travel with you on a holiday to see…” Madeline coughs. “The most romantic sunset in the Federation?”
Johan freezes and looks up at her, she’s standing right in front of him now. “Is there...yes? Did I not mention…?” Maybe he had covered it up in a lot of words because of how nervous he was. “Maybe I…” Were his intentions not clear with the flowers and the letters? “I apologize if…”
Oh. He can’t look away from her blazing smile. Beautiful. How was it possible for someone to be so beautiful? Somewhere in the back of his brain, he hears his siblings’ voices yelling “Well tell her that Johan! Say something!”
“Thank you.” Is what comes out instead. He’s such an idiot. He clears his throat and looks down at the grass for a moment. “I mean, thank you for coming. Here. With me. I...I’m not quite...smooth I should say, or brave when it comes to women. I had the smallest lobes out of anyone on my planet and...”
Madeline doesn’t laugh at him as most Federation people do at the Ferengi. “Large lobes or no, you made yourself the richest man from Ferenginar. And if you were raised on Risa I’m sure you would have, I don’t know, built the best environmental controls that gave you control of the planet, and if you had stayed in the Federation, you would have become a brilliant Captain. You’re a survivor Johan. You would have thrived and made your way no matter where you ended up.”
What she says silences him with his own gratitude. She understands and...she thinks so highly of him? She knew exactly what to say. “I mean it Madeline. Thank you for joining me here. I. knew when I first saw you that I probably wasn’t special enough for you but-”
“You think that?”
“Of course I do. You’re a brilliant strategist, absolutely terrifying in a fight, and I’m not entirely sure why you’re not the Captain of the Hudson yourself. I’m not sure why you give me the time of day. And of course, you saved my life, my Moogie, and my life’s work. I’m pretty much...yours Commander. I’m not sure why you’re giving me the time of day, but as long as you are, I’m not wasting it.”
She’s shaking her head even as she closes the distance between them and softly kisses him. Of course it starts to rain, but he doesn’t care. He wraps his arms around her as the rain softly falls on them and around them. As the suns set, it covers them in a misty, golden glow.
Commander Madeline Williams, Personal Log. Stardate 9734132.1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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empressdrega27 · 7 years
Mechanical Cuddle-Bug
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This is the long awaited one-shot requested by @startreklife. I had started writing it earlier, but my computer crashed and I lost all of my progress. Anyways, the prompt for this is, A cute scenario with Data cuddling the reader! Kinda long so it’s under the cut.
 *Yawn* Wow, was that really the time? You must have really been in the zone, though that tended to happen when it came to your work. You were a science officer aboard the U.S.S Enterprise, specifically, you were the ship’s xeno-zoologist. It was your job to document and study the fauna of the various planets that the Enterprise visited. You loved your job and you took it very seriously, after all, if the away team found a strange animal, you were the one who would know how much of a threat it would pose. Currently, you had been taking advantage of an unexpected opportunity. Recently, a freighter headed to the Esperudine system was found to be smuggling goods to various buyers, one of the “goods” happened to be a Cardassian riding hound. Apparently an adventurous Ferengi businessman had taken a liking to them, and wanted one of his own.
 Everyone on the ship knew of the Cardassians, but very few had ever heard of any Cardassian animal species. Though, knowing the hound was native to Cardassia was enough of a reason for many that the beast was too dangerous to stay aboard the Enterprise. You strongly disagreed. Your boyfriend Lt. Commander Data, also disagreed. You and Data could tell that the hound was only a juvenile, it wasn’t fully grown. You could also tell that the creature was starving, it was unlikely that it would be dangerous, once it was fed. Still, your opinion went unnoticed. So Data suggested you go directly to the captain.
 Captain Picard trusted you. He trusted you as much as he trusted any of his senior officers, because without you, a lot of his crew would be dead. You knew so much about animals and their behavior, and you were an invaluable member of the crew. You were also very important to Data, and the captain enjoyed seeing Data experiencing more of humanity through you. You figured that Captain Picard would be on the bridge, so that’s where you went. As soon as the turbo lift doors opened you marched onto the bridge. You were a bit nervous, so you looked for Data at the helm. He turned and looked at you as you walked toward the captain. He could tell that you were nervous, so he decided to try a human method of reassurance; he winked at you. Well, it wasn’t quite a wink, it was more of a stiff half-blink, but you appreciated the thought nonetheless. You approached the captain, but he spoke before you could.
“Lieutenant L/n, I thought I’d be seeing you today. You wish to protest the decision to put the Cardassian riding hound to sleep, I presume?”
“Yes sir. I have several reasons why killing the hound would be a mistake”, you affirmed. 
“Well, let’s hear them”.
As you explained the various reasons to Captain Picard, Data watched you as you spoke with such clarity and with such authority and intelligence, that he couldn’t help but feel very proud of you. Only Counselor Troi noticed the fond smile on Data’s face.
 As it turned out, Captain Picard had never planned to put the hound to sleep. He too agreed that studying an animal native to Cardassia would be an opportunity that was too important to pass up. So, you started to work. You were having a great time studying the massive beast; it looked like a reptile, but it behaved much like a large puppy! It was rather cute. At least, you thought it was cute, Data didn’t. He couldn’t understand how you didn’t  see the danger that the creature posed to you. You were in the makeshift pen that had been set up to house the hound, taking measurements while he (with Data’s help you determined that hound was a male) ate. You were startled out of your zone by Data’s com badge, it was the captain ordering Data to report to his post.
“I am needed on the bridge Y/n”, Data informed you.
You stood up and stretched, “Yeah, I heard. It’s a shame, but you’re needed elsewhere.”
You went to grab a new tool and noticed that Data hadn’t left.
“You know the captain hates it when anyone’s late, you’d better get a move on.”
Data seemed...conflicted about something. You hopped out of the enclosure and made your way over to him. You wrapped your arms around him and asked,
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I am concerned for your safety. If I leave, the beast may attack you. I do not know what to do.” 
Aww, he was worried about you! Well, as worried as an android could be anyway. 
“Data, I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be fine! This”, You gestured to the hound, “is nothing. When I was an ensign, I went to Vulcan to study sehlats. We went into the mountains and we were attacked by a pack of le-matyas. One of my classmates died, and the others abandoned me. I managed to get into a cave and waited for the le-matyas to get bored. That was my first real look into xeno-zoology. I knew right then that I had to learn everything I could about every animal I encountered. Do you know why I knew that Data?”
Data replied, “No. I do not. Why?”
You smiled and answered, “Because nobody else knows. I was the youngest student, and only I knew that le-matyas are poisonous. I knew that le-matyas are impatient. I knew what was in those mountains, and I knew the risk. I still know the risks in my job, just like you know the risks of yours. I’ll be fine, trust me”.
You gave him a quick kiss and said, “Now go, before they send someone to find you!”
“I will see you later. Be careful Y/n. I love you.”
You stood shocked for a moment, that was the first time Data said he loved you outside of your quarters.
A huge grin adorned your face, “I love you too, and I promise I will.”
 It was late. Time to stop working. You’d made incredible progress and you were really proud of yourself. And for the most part, you kept your promise to Data. Unfortunately, you did get a few scrapes and bruises. It was inevitable though. After being hungry for so long, the hound was so happy to be fed that he spent a solid 10 minutes nuzzling into your side and licking you. It was really sweet, but he was still a 5 foot tall 1000 pound reptile.
 When you got to your quarters, you were surprised to find that Data was already there waiting for you. He was fluffing your pillows. 
“Ah, You are here. I was waiting for you. I know that you have had a very long day, so I thought you would enjoy my company”, Data said when he saw you.
“You thought right. I could definitely use some company, especially company as good looking as you.” You wiggled your eyebrows.
“Is this the human custom of ‘flirting’?”
“Yep, you can tell by the eyebrow wiggle”, you said as you collapsed on your bed. You groaned, your joints felt like they were on fire. You closed your eyes and rested for a moment. As you laid there, you felt the bed dip with the weight of another person. You opened your eyes to see Data sitting on the bed.
“Do you need anything? A drink, a food item perhaps?”, Data inquired.
“Nah, I’m not hungry or thirsty. Thanks for asking though”, you replied.
Data sat still for a moment, he was thinking about something. Finally, he looked at you and asked,
“Would you like to cuddle?”
Your eyes shot open and you stared incredulously at him. Data had never asked to cuddle before, but it did sound really nice.
“I’d love to cuddle with you Data”, you replied.
You scooched over to give Data enough room to lay down. When there was enough space, he stretched out beside you. 
“What should I do now Y/n?”
“Just lay the way you are right now, I’ll come to you”.
You slid over a bit and wrapped your arms around him,
“Okay, now you put your arms around me”, you explained.
Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around you. You shifted slightly so you could rest your head on his chest. When you got comfortable, you sighed contentedly.
“This is nice Data. We should do this more often.”
“I agree. I am enjoying the experience”.
You chuckled and replied, “Me too.”
Together you both laid, content and happy. You felt like you had finally found the one person who you belonged with. You smiled to yourself. You shifted a bit and yawned. Data heard and said,
“If you are tired, you may go to sleep. I do not mind.”
You yawned again and said, “You mean you’d be okay with staying here with me, all night?”
“Of course darling”.
You smiled, that was his favorite pet name for you.
“Okay. Good night Data”, You gave him a kiss before snuggling closer to him. You were asleep in minutes. Data watched the steady rise and fall of your breathing, and smiled. He never thought that anyone would love him as much as you did. He never thought anyone would love him at all, but here you were. He knew that he had no emotions, but as he looked at your face, and how serene and beautiful you were, he felt something. A sensation in his chest. Was it... love? Data couldn’t say, but what he did know was this; even if he had no emotions, he knew he loved you somehow. Maybe someday he’d be able to feel love the way you did, but until then, he’d watch over you and keep you safe. As Data initiated his dream program, one final thought crossed his mind, cuddling was great, especially with you.
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phoenixknightv2 · 4 years
State of the REALUnion: CoronaPaused (The version with a very raunchy yet funny yet true prospective moment)
Hi everybody, 
      First and foremost i hope everybody is doing well and staying safe during this tough time. It has not been easy, i can only imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with everybody during this time. I’m here tonight to bring some prospective on the current situation at hand. Here is what is on tap. 
-The state of the Pandemic 
-Conservative vs Liberal Media During this
-Personal Message for President Trump and Congress
-Where i stand 
-A Message to my loved ones 
In the Great Words of Chris Cuomo, Lets get after it.
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The state of the Pandemic in the US
Never in my lifetime, never in any of our lifetimes did we ever expect to go through something like this. Ever since the Influenza Pandemic, the swine flu, the H1N1, ebola. Those were easily controllable. CoVid-19, holy dear mother of god this has just gotten out of control. We’re reopening yet the numbers in a good chunk of the country have continued to go up. POTUS yet thinks that is a badge of honor. Seriously?!?!?!?!!??!?!!? In Texas, we are emerging as a hotspot. I’ll address that more in a bit. As i have said before, capitalism has taken over this country where the money talks. If money talks then ok there we go, we’re going to do what the money tells us. That is what the Red states like Texas, Florida, Georgia, etc have done. The Blue states continue to play it smart. New York especially.
The Winners of the CoVid 19 Pandemic
Chris Cuomo
My Girlfriend
Joe and Mika Scarborough 
Mitt Romney
Dr. Bright
My Father
His Team
Andrew Cuomo (Yes i know about the Nursing Home mistake. He’s been better than most Of Congress however. Congress does shady shit on purpose. No one bats a fucking eye)
Bernie Sanders
The Last Dance Documentary
President Obama 
Dr. Fauci
Mayor Adler
Dr. Birks
Senator Lamar Alexander 
Bill Lee
Mike DeWine 
Liz Cheney
The Losers
Greg Abbott
Donald Trump
Dan Patrick
Ron DeSantis
Brian Kemp
Fox News
Sean Hannity
Louie Gohmert
The Majority Of the Rest of Congress
Trump Supporters
Now i get it, we all have to make money to survive but the experts continue to say hey reopening without a proper plan is not the way to go but a good chunk of the states especially the red states are saying no no no, we’re reopening anyways. Its because of the fucking money. Yes we need to survive. Yes we need to make money for rent, for food, for bills, for all the responsibilities and then when the responsibilities are caught up then for the fun shit. But if experts are saying woah woah woah hold on a second we’re rushing fast here, if we start to lean back on the things that were working to fight CoVid-19 then we’re going to have a second wave and it’s going to be alot worse. We are going to have to lock back down, and let me tell you what, if that happens Riots are going to happen and more people are going to die. Let me tell you this as well, it scares me. 
It scares me for afew reasons.
1. Crimes are going to be at an all time high. 
Note: My old man and i are ready to defend ourselves and our castle. If we have to fight to defend ourselves and our loved ones, i won’t be afraid to do so. I’m not going to let the stupidity of our state government and our federal government igniting sick people to start riots stop us from protecting our loved ones.
2. It scares me for my girlfriend and her cat (And i love that cat like it’s my own daughter)
3. It scares me for one of my best friends who lives alone and her dog. (I love that fucking dog like it’s my own nephew and it’s the closest thing to a doggy friend i have since my three dogs left me years ago when they left with my bitch of an ex stepmom)
4. It scares me for the vulnerable 
5. Scares me for the kids 
6. Scares me for the rest of my loved ones.
It is very disgusting and the more this immature shit continues to happen, the more the riots are likely and i will do whatever i have to do to protect my loved ones. This country is falling apart. Just earlier tonight, i got pissed off when my father told me that a good chunk of people were back downtown and a good chunk of them were not following the safety guidelines just after Dr. Escott said earlier yesterday, we are effectively flattening the curve but we need to continue to do so especially if we want events like ACL and Longhorn football to start on time. Governor Abbott even though he’s a greedy brainless little pussy (i’ll give him some points on SOME not all but some things. More here shortly) has even said now is the time more than ever to continue to follow the guidelines even though we are all getting out of lockdown. (I’m still not out of quarantine unfortunately because i along with my old man have major skepticism of reopening earlier. More on THAT later on) Continue to wear masks even though they’re not required. (Governor, come on. I know you’re alot smarter that. If masks aren’t require then why is A) The numbers continue to go up tremendously to the point of where we are now a hot zone. Oh but wait a minute we’re still going to open. B) Why are people deciding to NOT listen to you and are deciding to say HEY THE VIRUS IS OVER!!!!!!!!)
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I’m sorry no it is not. As a matter of fact, the numbers continue to go up especially in the Lonestar State)
It’s going to be alot worse governor if you don’t do the right thing. We got one shot to do this right so you better pray to god you’re right because the 90,000 deaths are already on POTUS’s doorstep. Right now the Texas numbers recovery wise and death wise are actually pretty good.  29,359 Recovered and less than 2,000 people have died (RIP to those people by the way. My heart goes out to families of the victims of CoVid 19. I’am really deeply sorry that you’re going through this. It is saddening that y’all going through this.) Just really hope you don’t fuck it up governor. The cases continue to go up so hope you’re right and if you aren’t right, i’m going to laugh at you because of your failure and you realizing that ok i’m a moron. 
To everyone who has lost someone or something, whether it’s your job, business, or someone you love and care about, i cannot even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. If there’s anything i can do whether it’s pray for you or be here for you just to talk to, i’m here. I will never fully understand but i’m here because i certainly don’t ever want that to happen to my loved ones.
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Now before i continue, anybody wanna know why i posted a pic of this scumbag?!?!??!?! Because this ladies and gentlemen is Dan Patrick. Our Lt. Governor. I have criticisms of Abbott but this fuckass right here is well.....a fuckass. I would say Dipass like Rick did one time on Rick and Morty but no i’m going to take it a step further. Fuckass. You Dan Patrick are a die hard fuckass.
Here’s why...........
‘‘I’m sorry to say i was right on this!!”
A scumbag thing to say Mr. Lt Governor. Now what am i talking about? 
When this first started, Dan Patrick said and i quote
‘‘There are senior citizens who are willing to die for the rest of us!!” ‘‘There are more important things than living!!”
I’m sorry what?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Yes i know the rest of what he said but Mr. Lt Governor that is the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard and one of the most crooked things i’ve ever heard. You sir i don’t give a rats ass if you’re 70, you deserve to get punched in the face. If not by me then by someone else or if at the very least a bag of diarrhea that consists of shit, hot sauce, the hottest tacos from torchys tacos, chips and queso. Because that is a shitty thing. Wanna know why?
Alot of my loved ones are the elderly. My grandma Sandra, my grandmother Bren, my grandpa Ben, and my grandfather Lou. And that’s just to name a few. But especially My grandma Sandra, Bren, and my grandfather Lou. Very close with them and you know what? I don’t want them to die. I want them to be able to meet the love of my life. And you know what else, i’m not the only one who has elderly loved ones that they’re close with. Alot of people in this country are close with their elderly relatives. That is a very offensive thing especially because almost 100,000 people are dead because of this virus. You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Patrick. Lets address that second part. More important things than living? Money? Well how can we enjoy the money if we are dead? AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA See i just answered your own question. Shame on you Patrick shame on you. I would like to be able to have my loved ones meet my love. I would like to meet my queen’s father as well. So shame on you Dan Patrick
Now lets get back to Abbott. Do i think he’s an idiot for not following the guidelines set by the white house that the White house itself and majority itself ain’t following? Oh yeah. But it’s not as bad as DeSantis who apparently is allegedly being accused of asking Florida Scientists to manipulate the numbers? Ok that’s just crooked as hell. So far Abbott hasn’t been found of doing the same thing but if a scientist in Texas came out and said that too....that wouldn’t surprise me but here’s what i will give Abbott credit for.....Actually caring about the nursing homes and the staff and residents especially making the tests available to them. Kudos for that. That doesn’t mean you’re safe from other criticisms but i hope you’re right because we cannot afford to continue the back and forth. Shut down for afew weeks then boom back open. The back and forth needs to not happen. I hope you’re right because i would love to get back to the fight but i will not be surprised if this backfired because you choose Trump over Science.
The Ongoing Liberal Vs Conservative Media War
The Following are Exempt from this
-Chris Cuomo 
- Joe and Mika Scarborough 
Show you why here in a minute 
But the rest are not exempt. If there is one thing ONE thing that Trump is not wrong on, it is in fact the media except Fox news needs to be added. Mostly His puppet Hannity, Tucker Carlson (Even though i sense and been seeing a turn in him lately) and that Bitch Laura Ingraham. Spewing Conservative conspiracy theories out the wazzoo. The Liberal media isn’t exempt from this either. I’ll get to them next. But conservatives are still spewing lies out of their mouth. Attacking the Medical community and of course STILL NOT LETTING GO OF RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!! CAN WE PLEASE JUST PUT THE FUCKING POLITICS ASIDE FOR ONE SECOND AND ALL OF US WORK TOGETHER!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! I thought this was gonna bring us closer together but no it has divided us further apart. Conservatives on fox news etc saying this is a hoax by the deep state, come on. I always make the joke of conservatives and liberals in the media and in congress need to just lock the door on capital hill for one night and either argue all night or order a shit ton of drugs and fuck it all out with one massive orgy like the orgy in the Seth Rogen animated movie sausage movie. If you don’t know what i’m talking about, watch that movie but viewer discretion advised that movie is raunchy as hell and the final scene where the orgy happens. 
I’m serious. 
Does Kaitlan Collins and  Kayleigh McEnany need to go down on each other or have a threesome with Mitch McConnell’s wrinkly ass and have a Cuckold while his wife is watching?
Does Rachel Maddow and Poppy Harlow need to use a vibrator on each other while Hannity and Tucker are jerking each other off? 
Does Lindsey Graham need to get it in with Tomi Lahren and her Fiance while Chuck Schumer is licking their assholes?
Does Nancy Pelosi and Melania need to take turns swapping POTUS’s cum?
Does Joe Biden and Donald Trump need to have a bisexual fuck in the presidental suite? (House of Cards Reference)
If it gets to the point where Kaitlan Collins is wearing her one night stand outfit and doing the walk of shame then Tomi Lahren and  Kayleigh McEnany come up to her and do a threeway kiss on the news and wolf blitzer is asking how was your night with the biggest shit eating grin and Kaitlan Responds ‘’Wolf it was amazing. How was yours?’’ Wolf replies with something and then makes a body movement in regards to his nose being fucked up from snorting cocaine  or where Trump and Biden are in the oval office actually working together. If a giant orgy takes them all to work together i’m all for it. LOL I had to get that out there now lets be serious.
I saw that article of Ms. McEnany slamming Chris Cuomo for taking non-hydroxychlorquine. I’m sorry Ms. McEnany, do you realize that you made yourself stupid by saying POTUS knows that his medicine doesn’t work yet SLAMMING CHRIS CUOMO WHO ACTUALLY HAD COVID-19!!!! Kayleigh you ma’am are dumb as rocks. Have you had CoVid-19? No. Chris and his family did. His wife and his son both ended up having CoVid you fucking FUCKASS. Did POTUS? NO!!!!! SO SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH AND JUST FOCUS ON TRYING TO SAVE YOUR JOB!!!!!!!! God such a fuckass.
But lets get to the rest of Fox News, watch this video made by Trevor Noah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh4uS4f78o
Then by the now this channel
See where i’m going with this?!?!?!? THEY LIE!!!!!!!!!!! ONE MINUTE SAYING ITS A HOAX!!!!!!!!! NEXT MINUTE SAYING THEY NEVER SAID THAT!!!!!!
Now lets go to the Liberal Media of MSNBC and CNN
Before i continue, Shoutout to Miss Mika for this video 
Someone finally had the balls to say it. Enough is enough. Trust me and i called POTUS out weeks ago for his whole Liberation tweets which is what i keep saying is what will lead to riots and i’m just going to say something and i need to get it off my chest. I’ll take it a step further. I have enough of the corruption of our country. Now i’m going to still continue to speak on it but i will not do anything further than that, but if i lose any of my loved ones then its game on. I’ll go to war. I’ll protect my loved ones or i will die trying. Enough is enough. This country is falling apart. Now do i thank the men and women who have risked their lives overseas for our freedoms? Of course. Do i especially now thank all the medical workers for fighting this horrible enemy that is CoVid 19? So that the rest of us are safe and we have a chance despite the fact our country is ran by idiots and also is filled with about 85 percent idiots who don’t give a damn about doing the right thing. Millennials including who think OH MY GOD THIS ISN’T A BIG DEAL!!!!! LETS GO OUT AND GET DRUNK AND POP BOTTLES AND PILLS ETC!!!!! Absolutely. I have a new found appreciation for the medical community. 
But i will use my first amendment rights because the United States of America has a brand new nickname
What is it?
The United States of Stupidity
Land of the Rich 
Home of the Stupid
That is what this country has become. If anybody is offended by that i’m sorry but it is true and the way congress has handled this CoVid catastrophe has proven my point. With the way POTUS has acted during this, is wrong.
Before i begin the Liberal side,
I’m proud to be an American, i’m proud of all the doctors and nurses, i’m proud of the men and women who have all risked their lives so that the rest of us can be safe. I tell my Girlfriend alot who is a nurse by the way that i’m proud of her and that she is my number 1 hero. Not all heroes wear capes. So to all the doctors and nurses and the military and the firefighters and the police offices (not all cops) i say thank you for your service.  To all the doctors and nurses during the CoVid Pandemic, Thank you and god bless you now while i’m proud of them
A good chunk of this country’s citizens and A VERY GREAT CHUNK OF THIS COUNTRY’S LEADERS IN OFFICE, not so much. 
Quick story, My old man and i hate Sean Hannity with a passion but one night while we were having Dinner, he did make a very great point why are we not hearing from more survivors of CoVid? I have to give him that but the difference is on the Liberal media we ARE hearing from more CoVid survivors compared to Conservative media. Conservative it’s conspiracy after conspiracy oh they’re going to take your rights away. 
Now i have a question for people like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham etc. Do you guys have kids? Do you guys love your loved ones like how the rest of us do? What happens if they catch CoVid? Are you still going to think it’s a hoax? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo because then hopefully you people will wake up and realize what the fuck are we doing? Enough with the conspiracy theories
Now to the liberal media. Guys, you have the opportunity to say why are we doing this? Mika already called out POTUS earlier, you guys could have the opportunity to call for unity with Fox news. Why are you not doing so? When this is over if y’all wanna go back to hating each others guts, fine by me. I will be busy focusing on my loved ones and my future. Matter of fact when this is over , I probably won’t watch the news hardly if ever again unless its Cuomo or Morning Joe. I got a future with my queen to focus on and i got a trip i need to get ready for but right now it’s the time to work together. Now it’s no guarantee that Fox News will budge but at least you can say you tried but seriously can you please just try? Now is not the time for war. Also Fox News for the love of god, Y’ALL ARE PART OF THE MEDIA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST STOP!!!!!!!!!!! It really dumbfounds me that they can get shown videos of what they said and it’s oh we never said that, it’s just stupid. Hopefully these people will learn but lets be real they won’t
Where i stand with the pandemic
I have been in quarantine for 8 weeks about to be 9 weeks. Unlike most others, i’m waiting with my old man to see if we don’t go under another lockdown and our state of Texas doesn’t spike to New York Level. As i’ve said earlier, cases not good but recoveries and the death rate, not bad. It’s just up to the others to keep the improvements going. Earlier my father told me that he was downtown at whole foods and as he was driving home, he saw a SHIT TON OF PEOPLE NOT WEARING MASKS And of course he can speak for me on this but i was frustrated. If they don’t want to follow the guidelines especially when more places can reopen soon then if we go back under lockdown, don’t fucking bitch about wahhhhhhhhhhhhh why can’t we go back outside?!?!?!?! Well the answer is simple, you people are fucking dumbasses. You didn’t follow the guidelines like you own the fucking place and here we are again. 
My loved ones if they sometimes need a break from the masks, that’s different. There’s going to be times where i need a break from it to give myself some oxygen. All i will say to my loved ones and i’ll say it again later on, please just be safe. I love you guys and i don’t want anything to happen to you guys.
Back to where i stand. These last 8 and a half weeks have been a test. It especially sucks because before all this happened, i made significant progress. My relationship was moving in the right direction, and after leaving my shitty shit shit job, i got the job i wanted for awhile and it was a great feeling. Now to feel like i’m being tested again, it sucks. Especially after coming out of one of the darkest times of my life a year ago that involved me going to a mental hospital to have a safe place to fall apart so i can pick up the pieces where i also discovered i have PTSD after one day waking up not wanting to live anymore. It especially still haunts me because my love had to endure that with me. Fast forward to this pandemic, i was hoping that last year was the end of Dark times for AWHILE especially because my queen deserves the world and i want to be able to take her to the dinner she 100 percent deserves. She works hard, she puts up with alot and i don’t care if i have to pay it off, when i’m cleared (and i’m going to stay cleared. I’m not doing a second round of this shit) i’m fucking taking her to that dinner barring any unforseen even for sticking with me through some of my roughest times. Before i take the rest of my loved ones to dinner, she gets first priority before i get back to my job (after my thyroid hint hint Pops if you’re reading this). She deserves that and i want to be able to give that to her or if i have to cook for her and set up a very nice candle light dinner at her place or mine, barring not having to deal with any more bullshit when i’m cleared. Now if there is one positive i can take away well actually two, its these
1. It has made me realize that i need god in my life more than ever because i refuse to relapse back to the dark side. 
2. It has brought me and one of my best friends back to each other to reconcile.
Now i cannot stress this enough, i’m not happy with being under lockdown but i understand why. I’ll get to that here in a minute. I would so much rather be at work, i would much rather be with my queen, i would much rather be with my loved ones. Having a long awaited reunion. Our first since the night one of our own passed away and this time because we’ve all had to do some growing up, hopefully it won’t be sadness. It will be celebration and hijinks lol I’ll make sure of that and if i have to get super drunk, i will because as i’ve always said, i’m a funny funny drunk. I don’t always drink but when i do, i’m hysterical lol.
I do however understand why this is happening and which is why even if it’s frustrating, i will continue to fight for my future with my queen and my job that i busted my ass for. Those are the two things that are important to me. Just think of me as the Sam Ehlinger of everything else.
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 I’ve come so far and i’m not going to just give up without a fight. If and when i’m cleared, if i catch CoVid i’ll do whatever it takes to fight it. If i die, i die. It was a good run, at least i went out guns a blazin to fight CoVid. Now before i continue, i’m not saying i want to die. Last year, i had nothing to lose. This year is a different story, i have everything to lose and i’m not going to let anything take my progress away from me. If and godforbid if i have to fight it in the hospital alone, i’ll do what i have to do to beat CoVid. No problem because unlike everything else i’ve been through, i have more to lose now and more to fight for and i’m not giving up easily on anything. Should i catch CoVid and BEAT IT?!?!?!? It will be another story to add to the legacy of the Phoenix Knight. Knock me down, i’ll continue to rise from the ashes again and again and again, nothing will keep me down easily which is why despite the rocky situation i’m in, well that we’re all in. I’m not giving up. Despite that this has kept me from not being able to see my queen in the normal capacity that we both want and that hasn’t been easy for the both of us, i will not give up. As Daniel Bryan once said ‘’If you fight for your dreams then your dreams will fight for you!!!’’ This is a test of my character and i have every intention of passing with flying colors.
Now in three weeks (Bare with me here), my old man and i are going to have a BIG revaluation conversation about where we stand with the pandemic. I’m nervous, scared, yet excited. While i desperately want to get back out there and i’m hoping phase one will lead me there (phase one something i worked on for my father to try to tell my side of the story about why i think i’m ready to get back out there), i will do what is right. I will do what is safe and i will not be like the rest. I will be smart. I refuse to put my loved ones in danger let alone myself in danger as well. One wrong move just like with all the other re-openings then its right back to the start. This is where it’s tricky. So as you all know or well alot of you know, i want to be in san marcos at some point in the very near future. I do not want to fuck it up. My job was step one of that plan before all this happened for i’am not happy here in austin anymore. I need something more quieter but yet something more close to my people. My father, and my 4 best friends. It is not cheap here but because of the pandemic, it has led me to a bit of a rock and a hard place. Now before i continue, i always tell my girlfriend and i guess i need to practice what i preach, we just don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe Abbott was right and i look like a jackass and i can get back to a little bit more normal of a life and back on track. I just don’t know. Now here’s the rock and the hard place, it is not easy and not cheap AT ALL here in Austin. If i want to go back to work if it is not safe enough then something different would have to be arranged. Someone i know or by myself. A) I don’t want to get someone else sick. B) If i’m living on my own and i get sick with CoVid god knows what’s going to happen. Or if i’m still here at home, if i get sick i don’t want to get my old man sick with CoVid either. It’s a very tricky situation and that is why i’m nervous about making the wrong move but as long as i keep my team in the loop and they do WHATEVER it takes to help me make sure i’m safe to keep my job and at my location or (Riverside or southpark meadows if SoCo is no longer an option) i guess it’s not terrible but i do miss it but which is why i feel between a rock and a hard place in this. Also if i do crack and say its time for me to try living on my own (has to Be close to work, safe and REASONABLY PRICED) One wrong move and it can set off a giant pandoras box but maybe worse. Just like with the immature state openings, one wrong move and we are back under lockdown. Hence why i want to go to san marcos but like i told my father, the whole point was to transfer there AFTER WORKING at my job for several months to a year and i refuse to go into san marcos dumbfounded. I wanted to go in a smart way but also because it’s cheaper, more quieter and did i mention its cheaper? Lol well its because i want to be able to travel more with my queen and i want to still live my life and do things i want to do all while being responsible. 
The perfect scenario: If the curve really is flattened or something like that, the numbers are not too bad and my old man clears me after our revaluation talk or if not, he pretends to not clear me but saves it for my 27th birthday on July 1st and says even though its still tricky, happy birthday YOU’RE CLEARED FROM QUARANTINE!!!!!!!!!! Oh how beautiful that would be.  Granted the sooner i’m cleared, the better. I would love for the signs for me to be cleared after our revaluation conversation. The minute i’m cleared, i’m going full Phoenix Knight and i’m not looking back
Message for Congress and POTUS
I’m going to keep this simple. Ladies and Gentlemen of congress along with President Trump, i’m going to take it a step further along with what Mika said. All of you need to KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!!!! Enough with the fucking games and do your job. Orgy joke aside, do what we elected you to do and do your jobs. Enough with the greed, stop using god and religion as an excuse for your bad behavior. 
I would say more but Mika took a good chunk of the words out of my mouth
Mr. President, grow up!!! Calling for Liberation in the middle of a crisis, you’re sick bro. Get off twitter and do your job. You think you’re making America Great again? Guess again Donnie, you’re not!!!!!!! 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0239jHlMYY Evidence 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB8icFsfJe0 Evidence 2
 Mika already said what i was going to say. Do your job and do it right because the more you fuck up, you are going to be on the wrong side of history. 
I’ll leave it at that
Closing statements and a message to my loved ones
I’m going to close it with this. First by starting off with a plead, to everyone else who isn’t my loved ones, please.....please......please do not be stupid. Please be smart, follow the guidelines, maybe not always but a good chunk of the time, this is not a secret government conspiracy this is a serious situation and the more you don’t be smart, you’re going to ruin it for the rest of us. Normally i would rant but i’m begging you please be smart here. When the virus goes completely away or calms down tremendously, if a good chunk of you want to be stupid, greedy and going back to the clubs to post explicit pics etc popping bottles etc be my guest, but right now, please just be smart and considerate. I’m begging you.
Now for the message to my loved ones.
I’ll start with my queen, my best friend, my love Nicole: Baby, i just want you to know i love you with all my heart. I’m sorry this situation hasn’t been easy. But i appreciate you for sticking it out with me. I promise somehow someway i will make it up to you big time when i’m fully cleared but whatever happens in 3 weeks if its a step in the right direction where at the very very least we can spend more time together again, i’ll take it. I love you and you and Roxie are two of the main things that are keeping me going. I Love you with all my heart and i’m not giving up. Ever since the mental hospital, i just continue to fall more in love with you. I hope i make you proud like how you make me proud. You are one of the most beautiful kind hearted funny smart human beings i know. I’m honored to call you my girlfriend, my hero, my queen, my best friend. I love you with all my heart my pookieroo, my queen.
My father Chris: Pops, well done with the business and advancing with the masks. I’m very proud of you. I’m thankful for all that you have do and have done during this pandemic. I’ll save the rest for phase one
Andria: Thank you for being one of my best friends over the last six years, it has been an incredible ride and because of you, i met three of my other best friends. Love ya dude. I cannot wait for whats to come.
Chris: Brother, words cannot even begin to describe how proud i’ am of you. You have made tremendous progress over the last year and i feel like i got my brother back. I love you man and i’m so blessed that we met and that you have become like a brother to me man. I cannot wait for the new memories to come
Don: I know you’re going to make a funny out of this lol so i’ll leave a good chunk of it to you to make a funny. Just i love ya man and thank you for always making me laugh. (There will be tacos and nachos in your future soon hopefully really soon)
Bri Bri: The biggest blessing to have come out of this pandemic is that i feel like i got one of my best friends back. I know it hasn’t been easy between us but that doesn’t matter now. I’am so blessed you and i are doing well again and that i can see mav again soon, Fucking love that Dog. Anywho, proud of you. You are cool shit. And i got nothing but love for ya. Cannot wait for things to be better than ever. 
I hope i make you all proud.
To everyone of my loved ones: Guys, i love y’all. I don’t know whats going to happen next but all i know is that we will get through this together and we will come out of this stronger than ever. I pray for y’all almost every night. My heart and my thoughts are with you guys. Anything y’all need at anytime, i’m here. It may not be easy but we will get through this together. As Bernie Sanders always says ‘’We’re all in this together’’. I love y’all, please stay safe and things will get better. I have faith and in the great words of Bobby Rhoode, it’s going to be glorious!!!!!!
Remember my friends, when you feel what you want to feel, you’re being real and being real is a very big deal.
Stay Safe, Love you guys, God bless you all
Phoenix Knight Forever
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ianmrid · 7 years
...But You Still Gotta Catch ‘em All...
One thing that Generation One didn’t have much of was a post-game. Once you completed the main story there wasn’t much to do aside from heading to the newly accessible Cerulean Cave to catch Mewtwo and finish off your Pokédex.
Generation Two improves on this in a huge way.
One of the reasons it is taking me rather a long time to complete the all the Gen2 games, is that once you finish your journey around Johto, the option becomes available to hop on a boat and travel back to Kanto - the setting for Generation One. It turns out that Kanto and Johto are situated right next to each other and in fact the Indigo Plateau, where you battle the Elite Four and the current champion, is the same place in both generations.
This is a huge expansion, as it is essentially an entire second game to play. It is fantastic fun, giving you the chance to visit all the old areas and challenge your Kanto favourites. Misty, Brock, Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and almost all of the rest return, giving you another eight gym badges to collect, giving a total of sixteen across both regions. However, not everything is the same as when you left it.
In the two years since you battled your way around Kanto in Gen1, the Elite Four have some new membership - most notably the Fuschia City gym leader, Koga, who has been promoted, leaving his former gym in the charge of his daughter, Janine. If you defeat the Elite Four this time around, you will find that Lance, formerly of the Kanto Elite Four, is now the champion, ready to challenge you with his insanely powerful (mostly) Dragon-type team.
There have been some geographical changes too. A huge volcanic eruption has wiped out Cinnabar Island, destroying the Pokémon Mansion - which has housed the journals explaining how Mewtwo was cloned from Mew - and the Pokémon Lab - which was where fossils could be resurrected into Kabuto, Omanyte, and Aerodactyl. The Pokémon Gym on this island has also been destroyed and Blaine is forced to operate out of a small cave in the Seafoam Islands. There is also no trace of Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave, or any of the Legendary Birds; Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres.
With Team Rocket disbanded, the Celedon Game Corner now operates as a legitimate business and not a front for Team Rocket’s secret HQ and, more importantly, the Viridian City gym is no longer run by Giovanni, the erstwhile leader of Team Rocket. Instead, new the gym leader turns out to be Gary Motherfucking Oak! Gary, or rather Blue as he is known, since it was default name of your rival in the Gen1 games, still has an incredibly strong and well-balanced team, that doesn’t rely on a single type. It was a genuine surprise to see him turn up in this way and, although he seems a bit more mature, it was as satisfying as ever to defeat him. 
So Blue is back, but what about Red? Well, the protagonist and playable character from Gen1 hasn’t been seen since heading off on journey after becoming champion. Even when you check with his Mum in Pallet Town, she doesn’t know where he is. This sounds like a mystery for you to solve! To be fair, it isn’t the hardest riddle in the world as there is only one area that you haven’t yet visited: Mount Silver, the mysterious mountain that lies between Kanto and Johto, which is home to many high-level pokémon. Previously, this means the area has been deemed ‘too dangerous’ by Professor Oak (yes, he is also still knocking around), but after earning your sixteenth gym badge, courtesy of defeating Blue, Oak relents and opens up the path to Mount Silver. Once there, is you make your way through caves inside and up to the summit, there is a mysterious and silent figure stood atop the peak in the snow. It’s Red!
Wordlessly he challenges you and the resulting battle is by far the hardest and most intense in any of the Pokémon games that I have played to date. Red has all three fully evolved Kanto starter pokémon - Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise - all at level 77, a level 73 Espeon, a level 75 Snorlax, and a Pikachu (of course) at level 88(!).
None of Red’s pokémon are exactly easy to defeat, but his damn Snorlax and Espeon really gave me problems on every encounter, especially the Snorlax with it’s ability to REST away any damage or status condition whilst using SNORE to attack while sleeping. Fortunately the two new types in Gen2 - Dark and Steel - proved invaluable, with my Dark-types giving some immunity from Espeon and my Steel-types able to withstand Snorlax’s Normal-type moves. Even so, it was incredibly close on all three occasions that I faced Red, with the battles feeling really epic in a way that no battle in any game had before. Once defeated Red vanishes again - although you can rematch against him if you beat the Elite Four again.
I really love the post-game in Generation 2 as it helps to continue the world building that I really enjoy. It is great to see how old characters are doing, how their teams have changed (Misty has acquired a Golduck, a Lapras, and a Quagsire), and how their pokémon have evolved (Brock’s Geodude is now a Graveller). And the cherry on top is the battle against Red. This is definitely the most exciting and challenging pokémon battle I have to date and it’s genuinely thrilling to fight against yourself from the first games, using some of the most iconic pokémon available, and even more thrilling to take him down.
So, I’ve finally completed all three Generation Two games and vanquished Red - essentially the final boss - on each occasion. My Pokédex is looking pretty full, but there are still a few gaps left in it. It’s time to close them out - how hard can that be? Right?
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ghostryders · 7 years
fall in love at least once
some Ryder family drabbles, mainly surrounding Ellen and Alec
warning this is the first fic ive ever written lmao its A Mess. minor spoilers, just about what happened to momryder but you find out early in the game anyway.
“I don’t want you to go.”
She is weak. Uncharacteristically frail. Vulnerable. Pale skin and eyes half closed. Speech slurred and tired.
But to Alec she’s still the strongest person he’s ever met.
Ellen takes his hand in hers, “Alec, it’s my time. Stop fighting it, please. They still need to have someone left by the end of this.”
He’s not ready to say goodbye. What’s the point in the years of work if it didn’t do the one thing you designed it to? What’s the good in spending so much time away from the person you love just to save her when you can’t? Was it all for nothing? To be a failed husband and a distant father? Questions. So many questions, but mostly anger. Alec was frustrated. With himself, with SAM, with the universe for allowing Ellen’s life to be cut short when it could have taken him instead. Everything felt like a joke.
He scans her face, looking for the fight to live that isn’t there anymore.  
“Please look after them. I know it may seem like they’re all grown up now but, they still need someone besides each other.”
He still hasn’t said anything. Doesn’t need to. Doesn’t want to. He turns his attention to the small widow in the hospital room, outlooking the hall, facing the responsibility avoided for so many years.
She was right. They did seem grown up. When did that happen? Alec was proud of them; but it was more than futile to tell them that now. His illegal workings in AI had tainted the name Ryder. Scott was stuck watching the mass relay, always out of grasp of the galaxy he wanted to explore. Sara was getting posted less and less, farther away and more dangerous low reward work than what she dreamed her entire life about. He did that. He ruined that.
Alec tried to imagine a life where he told his children he loved them and hugged them when they got home from school. He wished he went to their infamous laser tag matches, helped Sara with her science fair projects, and told Scott that there was nothing wrong with him when he got picked on, because kids are just mean.
Would things be different then? He tried to pinpoint where he went wrong. Backtracking to the day he met her.
For the first time his life, he was in love. 
“Come here often, Doctor?” Alec somehow managed to be even more cocky with a needle in his spine.
“Oh, and he’s funny too.”
“I’m a man of many talents.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
Ellen Harlow was a patient woman, but Lieutenant Alec Ryder was pushing it, and she couldn’t figure out why. It was mostly playful, a bit of banter here, a bit of flirting there, but whenever he came into the labs for a biotics checkup, she found herself pulling at her clothes and fixing her hair all while asking herself why.
Ryder seemed like a good man, that god-awful smirk aside. Not to mention he was strong, an N7 in training. Very strong she found herself thinking. But not all brawns, he’s got brains too she considered as if she were weighing the factors for a pageant winner. Part of Jon Grissom’s team into that… thing; practically a hero if not a pioneer. Maybe it was the weight of her doctorate program and caffeine haze, among other things, that she didn’t notice when the monitor beeped, alerting her to remove the needle from her patient’s neck.
“Everything okay or am I just that distracting?”
“Oh! So sorry. I um...” She fumbled over her words immediately forgetting her current purpose in the world. Removing the needle a bit too quickly she scanned her eyes over the readings.
“Hey, I was thinkin’,” He nervously rubbed the back of his neck where the needle had been “maybe you could uh, join me for drinks sometime? I’ve got the weekend off for the first time in a while, would be a shame to spend it alone.” He rubbed his hands on his knees, the plunge taken and waiting for the water to hit him.  It was the first time she’d seen Alec show any sign of anxiety.
“You’re blood sugars on the low side” Was the first thing she blurted out in response
What the hell is wrong with me
Ellen couldn’t remember the last time someone made her laugh so hard. It could have been the pure boredom only a road trip could provide, but seeing the normally serious Alec Ryder channel his inner John Denver as ‘Country Roads’ played on the local Sierra Nevada radio for the second time, followed by several Fleetwood Mac songs, and ‘Hooked On A Feeling’ (to which the only words Alec knew were the repeated ‘hookashakah’s) made her sides hurt.
Alec was beyond excited to introduce her to his parents, bringing her up to log cabin far away from the metropolises of modern earth. What started as a workplace crush turned into him meeting his best friend; Soul mate if you’re feeling dramatic. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was the ring in his coat pocket, and making that beautiful girl next to him smile until her face hurt.
This would only happen to them. A guy trying to enjoy his honeymoon with the most amazing woman on the planet (8 months in the works between both of their schedules) is oh-so-conveniently interrupted by aliens.
Fucking aliens.
Alec knew the world was changed by the discoveries on mars, and his discovery of the mass relays with Admiral Grissom, but the discovery of an entire intergalactic community that’s existed for thousands of years?
What. The. Hell.
And now LT Ryder, was being shipped off to fight them.
Half the battle so far was leaving. They stood in the terminal for the fastest hour of their lives just holding each other.
“When will you be back?”
“I don’t know.” There was so much unknown. As much as an explorer he was, he hated not knowing. Not knowing for her.
“Alec Ryder, you come home safe, okay? Or I’ll kick your ass.” Ellen’s eyes were still puffy and red, but she smiled for the first time in a long time, and so did he. Alec absorbed as much of her face as he could, taking a million pictures and mapping her freckles like stars. What if this was the last time he ever saw that beautiful face? He wasn’t going to take any chances.
“I’ll call you as soon as we’re in range of comms. I promise.” He squeezed her shoulders, still taking in every inch of her, just in case.
“Love you, Solider”
“Love you more.”
“Huh.” Was one of those things you never wanted to hear from a doctor.
“Is everything normal?”
6 weeks along in her pregnancy, any patience Ellen Ryder had was out the airlock. She was beyond anxious for any news, and knew Alec felt the same. He was sat in the corner of the ultrasound room, twiddling his thumbs as if he was expecting the doctor to tell them she was carrying the first turian-human hybrid child.
“Everything is normal. Double normal if you could say.” The doctor laughed at her own joke and turned the grainy screen towards the expecting parents.
“Congratulations, you’re having twins. Might want to double up on those saving funds.”
All Alec and Ellen could see was darkness and…. Two little somethings. Two of them.... Oh god… two of them? I mean that’s amazing but we’re fighting to pay citadel rent prices and feed just the two of us; No, four of us now. I need to start thinking in fours.
By the time Alec returned to the present, the gel had been cleaned off and Ellen was shaking the doctors hand, with several informational pamphlets about multiple births tucked under her arm.
For the second time in his life, Alec Ryder fell in love.
22 hours later, Ellen was recovering, soundly asleep and pain free. And the babies...
His babies were the two most beautiful things he had ever seen in his life. He was overwhelmed by the parental instinct to protect and provide for them. He even found himself getting antsy when the nurse handled them slightly rougher than he liked.
They’re perfect.
Alec craned over the two the two of them in awe, almost afraid to touch them. Sara came first and was smaller than her brother by a pound and a half, something about him stealing all the nutrients, but he didn’t care; she was perfect. Scott came shortly after, already alert and ready to see the world, eyes open and hands grasping at everyone who attended to him; he was perfect. They lay side by side, sleeping soundly for the first time since they came into the galaxy.
This is what he fought for. A bit ironic really, that only a little over a year ago he was fighting aliens, and now he was living on their space station. His children would likely grow up to be friends with them, never wondering if anything was out there besides humans. Alec fought for their future, and now all he had to do was preserve it.
“And then I asked, ‘what’s so bad about AI?’ and they all looked at me like I slapped them in the face. Apparently, its pretty illegal stuff out here; Shame, I think its fascinating.”
“I’m sure its for a good reason. They’ve been here longer than we have, they know the rules.” Ellen said as she removed her lab coat and badge, scooping up the nearest Ryder jr into a hug.
“I guess.” Alec decided to end the conversation there, but not ending the thought of it.
Their citadel home was cramped, A two-bedroom apartment with a modest view of the presidium. Growing up in the Sierras, Alecs childhood bedroom had been bigger than their kitchen and living room combined; but on a place like the citadel, it was the best they were going to get. It wasn’t bad when Scott and Sara were younger, but at the age of 4, it became apparent they would need to upsize eventually. They could barely run yet they could both be described as daredevils; jumping across the couch, box surfing down the stairs, intense action vid reenactments- the works. He wished he didn’t have to work all the time. Alec took the job as an attaché expecting normal hours and good pay, unlike his time served in combat. But here he was, coming home exhausted after 12 hour shifts because ambassador Goyle wanted humanity to have the place in the intergalactic community it deserved. Alec couldn’t argue with that but, it was frustrating. He missed his children’s first words, and then steps. He only hoped they still knew who he was when he got home.
“You mean…. You’re dying?”
Sara was always too clever for her own good. Scott just kept staring, brown eyes fixed on the coffee table, like maybe if he focused hard enough that all of this would go away. Alec was considering giving it a try himself.
The silence was deafening.
Ellen shifted in her place on the couch for a few minutes, unsure of what to say to a pair of 13-year old’s who understand what a terminal illness means for most people. Alec felt like he should step in but he didn’t know what they we’re going to do either, and he wasn’t about to expose his project before he knew it could work. Ellen wanted to move back to earth, which they both knew wouldn’t go over well with the twins.
“It’s a little more complicated than that, honey. I’m not going to drop dead tomorrow. I just-“ She sighs, wringing her hands, wanting to be honest but avoid scaring them. “Let’s make the most of the next few years, alright?” She gives a warming smile but Sara’s face doesn’t react. She sits still and stoic, still processing everything. Scotts line of sight has moved from the table to his feet, and Ellen wonders if he even heard what she said.
And suddenly to Alec, It’s no longer a matter of ‘if it works’-no- ‘when it works’. It has to work. It has to.
Maybe I’ll do more of this?? probably not cause im cringing while reading it over rip
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sparatus · 7 years
tagged by @danceswithturians!! doing it now cause im procrastinating circuits hw lol
Meme as follows:
Always post these rules!
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own. Tag 11 people.
1. Favorite minor NPC- like, really minor.  Who had that one line you heard in passing that just made you laugh, or that one conversation that has stuck with you.
oh please we all know this one.... lt abrudas from the comics of course, burly crestless turian extraordinaire with maybe 5 pages of screentime tops.......... she could pick me up with one hand and break my face with the other and i’d say thank you
2. Which line of dialogue breaks your heart every time you hear it?
in tali’s loyalty mission in me2 you can listen to an apocalyptic log from a researcher on the alarei who leaves a message for her son jona and i crey evry tiem
3. What’s your favorite Mass Effect fanfic?
honestly that’s tough....... i’m gonna go with this april fool’s one just for the humor factor ;)
4. One headcanon about your favorite race.
turians, before encountering the other species and taking on the volus as a client race, ran entirely on a barter system. i mean, think about it, they needed an entire other species to help them figure out how money and capitalistic business models work and adjust to a galactic society that uses those things, canon stated to be because they instinctively value helping others over personal gain, that strongly implies that prior to joining the citadel they just.... didn’t have a money-based economy
even in modern times their economy is still primarily based around barter rather than currency. they use volus currencies when dealing with aliens, or if they simply have nothing to barter with on hand. imperial citizens have badges and id chips that basically anything that would ask for money from aliens can run a scan on, and from there the turian in question’s “account” gets a mark that is automatically deducted from by an equation factoring in how long they’ve been a citizen, what their merit rank is, what their job is, etc; basically you pay via your service to the empire, not with money.
as a result of this system, a lot of turians tend to accrue large amounts of money in their bank accounts, just because they see no purpose in using it when they can trade instead. most turian households allot their paychecks as such: whatever doesn’t go towards living expenses (rent, taxes, etc) is then divvied up into two portions, one that goes to charity and one that’s squirreled away as a “just in case” fund. the percentages of which is which obviously changes according to the specific turians and their jobs.
5.  Creepiest Reaper creature?
i’m tempted to say banshees on sheer fear factor, but honestly?? brutes. just like, the sheer wrongness of smashing two radically incompatible species together like that makes my crest quake, man
6. What are you looking forward to most about Andromeda?
rubbing my grubby autistic hands all over everyone’s faves and making neurotypicals mad is always a highlight of my week (vetra is autistic, i licked my hand and touched her with it so she’s ours now)
7. Describe your phone cover.  If you don’t have one, why not?
i don’t even have a screen protector lol.... bad sensory
8. How do you take your coffee/tea?
coffee with a lot of sugar and a little cream, tea with a lot of sugar and a spoonful of honey
9. What’s your alcohol of choice for easy drinking?
i’m still underage (5 more months.....) and i’m on medication that conflicts with alcohol, so i don’t drink much.... i’ve always wanted to try pina colada though
10. When I say “fire,” what image do you first picture?
close-up of a campfire
11. What nerdy thing are you most excited for in the future? VR, self driving cars, underwater cities, robot companions, etc.
the EM drive!!! we don’t know HOW it works but it does!! especially exciting for me cause im an aerospace engineer!!!! this is my future!!!!
ok uh 11 questions. lessee:
What’s a pairing you never would have considered, but the fic authors really brought their A game?
What was your worst subject in school?
What’s a book/show/movie/other media thing you can’t recommend enough?
What smells make you feel safe?
Deep space or deep ocean, and why?
Something you’re looking forward to in 2017?
Recommend a fic author. Not one specific fic, just an author you love.
Which platform do you use for video games? If multiple, which is your favorite?
Do you have any pets?
What’s something from the trilogy you hope is improved on in ME: Andromeda?
What’s your go-to comfort food?
tagging: @threewhiskeylunch, @nightmarestudio606, @shadowbroker, @kryterius, AND I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS NOW SO TAG URSELVES IF U WANNA
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itsworn · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Mustang Bullitt
JJZ 109 Lives! Yes, Mustang Bullitt is back and ready to burn rubber to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of the film classic ‘Bullitt,’ where the hero, Lt. Frank Bullitt (Steve McQueen) thunders after the sinister Black Dodge in the thrilling 10-minute-plus chase scene.
The silver-screen classic is such a favorite of Mustang enthusiasts that Ford brought Bullitt back to life in 2001 when it paid homage to McQueen’s Highland Green 1968 Ford Mustang with the special-edition Mustang. Ford repeated the theme in 2008 (and 2009) with another Bullitt—and now the special Dark Highland Green returns for third go around. And not surprisingly, 2019 Mustang Bullitt hits the mark with nostalgia, the latest in technology, and a tuned up 5.0L Coyote engine developing 480 proud horsepower. Pricing starts at $46,595.00.
San Francisco was the scene for our full-on Bullitt experience. In addition to a fleet of Green and Black Bullitt Mustangs, Ford brought in one of the original 1968 Mustang GT fastbacks driven by Steve McQueen in the film. Sean Kiernan, owner of the ’68 Mustang Bullitt hero car, inherited it in 2014 from his late father Robert, who purchased the car in 1974. To fulfill his family’s lifelong dream, Sean contacted Ford, and together they revealed the movie car alongside the new Mustang Bullitt at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit last January. Amazingly, this is believed to be the first time it will return to San Francisco since the movie was filmed back in 1968.
To best recreate the ’68, Ford removed the pony in the grille and the 5.0 badges and it added chrome trim around the grill and side windows. The only exterior badge is a circular trunk-mounted Bullitt emblem on the decklid. Ford designed unique 5-spoke “Heritage” wheels that fit the modern S550 body. Bullitt rides on Michelin Super Sport 4S P255/40R19 (front) and P275/40R19-inch (rear) tires.
“When making a Bullitt, there are certain things it absolutely must have,” said Carl Widmann, Mustang chief engineer. “It has to have the right attitude, and it has to be unique in some way from a Mustang GT. More than anything, it has to be badass.”
In this case, “badass” comes by way of a 5.0L engine that’s been upgraded with a Shelby® GT350 intake manifold, an open-air induction system, and specific calibration to help deliver optimal performance. This combo results in 480 horsepower, 420 lb/ft of torque and a top speed of 163 mph. It’s also a whopping 155 ponies over McQueen’s 390 mill. With a skilled driver, we estimate Bullitt could cover the quarter-mile in 11.90-12.10 seconds.
Ford knew Bullitt had to sound good, so the Active Valve Performance Exhaust System is standard, and features black NitroPlate exhaust tips. The system gives the Bullitt its signature growl.
The high-revving 5.0L engine is linked to a 6-speed manual transmission featuring a white cue ball shift knob that mimics the one in McQueen’s machine. Plus, you’ll be coddled with a heated leather steering wheel, 12-inch all-digital LCD instrument cluster with a unique Bullitt welcome screen that starts with an image of the car rather than the standard pony, and you can select between classic Dark Highland Green—as worn in the movie, or Shadow Black.
Performance is also enhanced with Brembo six-piston front brakes, 3.73:1 gearing, a Torsen limited-slip differential, a larger rear anti-roll bar, and a bigger radiator to keep the Bullitt’s 5.0-liter V-8 engine cool during extended chases.
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of iconic movie “Bullitt” and its fan-favorite San Francisco car chase, Ford introduces the new cool and powerful 2019 Mustang Bullitt.
The Drive
Ford invited us to drive the all-new Bullitt in the only way appropriate: on the mean streets of San Francisco. After familiarizing ourselves with the features, we selected a green Bullitt from the test fleet and hit the road.
Like Frank Bullitt, we started in the city before venturing out to hunt the black Dodge. Bullitt is offered with three available options, and our tester had them all. They include: Bullitt Electronics Package with voice-activated navigation, plus memory functionality for driver’s seat, mirrors and ambient lighting, a new B&O PLAY premium sound system by HARMAN and Blind Spot Information System with cross-traffic alert; MagneRide® semi-active suspension system for optimized driving performance; and the Recaro® Ebony Black leather-trimmed seats with green accent stitching.
The Recaro seats are comfortable and supportive, even for larger individuals. They provide enough bolstering to keep you planted, but don’t squeeze you as tightly as the ones found in the Shelby GT350 or the Focus RS. And they look way cooler than the standard seats.
Inside you’ll also find aluminum pedals, satin chrome instrument cluster register vents, cup holder surrounds, and a racy “Spindrift’ aluminum instrument cluster panel. There’s Bullitt logo in the center of the heated and leather-wrapped steering wheel and Dark Highland Green stitching on the dash, center console and shifter boot.
“If a car needs to be special, it needs to have a differentiation in power. That’s important,” said Mark Schallar, Mustang brand manager. “It needs its own character variations and it has to deliver. Ultimately, it’s what delivers the experience and puts smiles on people’s faces.”
A tap of the dash-mounted button fires the engine, which comes to life with a cackle from the active valve performance exhaust system and a unique ‘Bullitt’ welcome screen that projects an image of the car rather than the standard pony.
Seat belt on and mirrors adjusted, we let out the clutch and hit the road. My initial reaction was, ‘wow, there’s a lot of luxury and it’s easy to drive.’ Clutch action is, linear, it requires a comfortable amount of effort and take-up is in middle of the throw. The 6-speed manual is the one of best shifting Mustang transmission we’ve ever laid our mitts on; it’s amazingly smooth with virtually no NVH transmitted, and the gears are easy to find. Dare I say it’s too refined?
Upshifts were great, but Ford makes gearing down just as much fun with the new rev-match feature that automatically blips the throttle to help provide ultra smooth downshifts. Bullitt and 2019 Mustang GT owners will enjoy this feature. Rev-matching is a road-racing technique used under braking and downshifting to match engine speed to that of the transmission. When done correctly, it eliminates jerkiness on downshifts, which can cause wheel lockup or an unbalance of the chassis when braking and downshifting. Racers often use the heel-and-toe technique to rev match, but the 2019 Mustang does it for you. Naturally, it can be deactivated should you want to do the work yourself. “We use six sensors on the shifter and a continuous sensor on the clutch to provide seamless rev-matching,” said Widmann. “We measure rate of change and other inputs to allow the engine to accurately rev-match.”
After working our way through side streets, we hit the highway and rolled into the 480hp Coyote. Lt. Frank Bullitt, errr… McQueen would have loved this engine. Tip-in torque is ample, but it really comes alive over 5,000 rpm. Take it to redline (7,000 rpm) and you’ll get the benefit of those extra ponies. Widmann added, that while the engine makes more power at high rpm, it also makes more torque below the curve, around 3,000 rpm.
After busting out of the city limits we created our own little chase through the twisting roads through San Mateo, California. We planted the gas, the active exhaust belted out a gnarly howl, and the tach swept quickly across the face. Upshifts came easy, we slammed the big white ball through the gate and the speedo rapidly climbed towards double digits.
After a few miles, we found a road that led us west towards the California coast. We pushed the Mustang hard in the corners and the Performance Pack level 1 suspension simply ate it up. It’s not as taught as a Performance Pack Level 2 or a GT350, but that’s not what this car is about. The Recaro seats do a perfect job of keeping the driver and passenger firmly in place so you can focus on hitting the corners. Steering feel is accurate, and the wheel is weighted nicely, too. The Brembo brakes have a firm feel and provide more than ample stopping power.
Climbing through the hilly terrain, we were able to dive into the corners with a good amount of speed and control. The engineers did a fantastic job designing a suspension that is perfect for the every-day commute or spirited canyon carving. In fact, a good portion of the route was not exactly smooth, but the Mustang didn’t mind. It absorbed imperfections and kept the Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires in compliance with the surface.
Bullitt will feel different to seasoned Mustang drivers thanks to the unique tuning on the stability control, Electric Power-Assist Steering (EPAS), and ABS. And there’s a Line Lock and Launch Control should you want to exercise the full potential at the strip.
Bullitt assaults your senses whether tearing up a canyon or gunning it from a dead stop. The active exhaust lets the 480hp Coyote scream out its proud song, and the rev-matching on downshifts is smooth and magical. After a few hours of fun, we retuned to San Francisco, crossed the fog-engulfed Golden Gate and headed to our hotel. Once again, Ford has hit the mark. McQueen and Bullitt fans will enjoy the simple, but unique look, the themed interior and of course that wonderful 480 horsepower 5.0L engine. And every once in a while you’ll peak in the rear-view hoping to spot the Charger.
The post First Drive: 2019 Mustang Bullitt appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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phoenixknightv2 · 4 years
Coronapaused (The Non Raunchy Version)
Hi everybody,
     First and foremost i hope everybody is doing well and staying safe during this tough time. It has not been easy, i can only imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with everybody during this time. I’m here tonight to bring some prospective on the current situation at hand. Here is what is on tap.
-The state of the Pandemic
-Conservative vs Liberal Media During this
-Personal Message for President Trump and Congress
-Where i stand
-A Message to my loved ones
In the Great Words of Chris Cuomo, Lets get after it.
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The state of the Pandemic in the US
Never in my lifetime, never in any of our lifetimes did we ever expect to go through something like this. Ever since the Influenza Pandemic, the swine flu, the H1N1, ebola. Those were easily controllable. CoVid-19, holy dear mother of god this has just gotten out of control. We’re reopening yet the numbers in a good chunk of the country have continued to go up. POTUS yet thinks that is a badge of honor. Seriously?!?!?!?!!??!?!!? In Texas, we are emerging as a hotspot. I’ll address that more in a bit. As i have said before, capitalism has taken over this country where the money talks. If money talks then ok there we go, we’re going to do what the money tells us. That is what the Red states like Texas, Florida, Georgia, etc have done. The Blue states continue to play it smart. New York especially.
The Winners of the CoVid 19 Pandemic
Chris Cuomo
My Girlfriend
Joe and Mika Scarborough
Mitt Romney
Dr. Bright
My Father
His Team
Andrew Cuomo (Yes i know about the Nursing Home mistake. He’s been better than most Of Congress however. Congress does shady shit on purpose. No one bats a fucking eye)
Bernie Sanders
The Last Dance Documentary
President Obama
Dr. Fauci
Mayor Adler
Dr. Birks
Senator Lamar Alexander
Bill Lee
Mike DeWine
Liz Cheney
The Losers
Greg Abbott
Donald Trump
Dan Patrick
Ron DeSantis
Brian Kemp
Fox News
Sean Hannity
Louie Gohmert
The Majority Of the Rest of Congress
Trump Supporters
Now i get it, we all have to make money to survive but the experts continue to say hey reopening without a proper plan is not the way to go but a good chunk of the states especially the red states are saying no no no, we’re reopening anyways. Its because of the fucking money. Yes we need to survive. Yes we need to make money for rent, for food, for bills, for all the responsibilities and then when the responsibilities are caught up then for the fun shit. But if experts are saying woah woah woah hold on a second we’re rushing fast here, if we start to lean back on the things that were working to fight CoVid-19 then we’re going to have a second wave and it’s going to be alot worse. We are going to have to lock back down, and let me tell you what, if that happens Riots are going to happen and more people are going to die. Let me tell you this as well, it scares me.
It scares me for afew reasons.
1. Crimes are going to be at an all time high.
Note: My old man and i are ready to defend ourselves and our castle. If we have to fight to defend ourselves and our loved ones, i won’t be afraid to do so. I’m not going to let the stupidity of our state government and our federal government igniting sick people to start riots stop us from protecting our loved ones.
2. It scares me for my girlfriend and her cat (And i love that cat like it’s my own daughter)
3. It scares me for one of my best friends who lives alone and her dog. (I love that fucking dog like it’s my own nephew and it’s the closest thing to a doggy friend i have since my three dogs left me years ago when they left with my bitch of an ex stepmom)
4. It scares me for the vulnerable
5. Scares me for the kids
6. Scares me for the rest of my loved ones.
It is very disgusting and the more this immature shit continues to happen, the more the riots are likely and i will do whatever i have to do to protect my loved ones. This country is falling apart. Just earlier tonight, i got pissed off when my father told me that a good chunk of people were back downtown and a good chunk of them were not following the safety guidelines just after Dr. Escott said earlier yesterday, we are effectively flattening the curve but we need to continue to do so especially if we want events like ACL and Longhorn football to start on time. Governor Abbott even though he’s a greedy brainless little pussy (i’ll give him some points on SOME not all but some things. More here shortly) has even said now is the time more than ever to continue to follow the guidelines even though we are all getting out of lockdown. (I’m still not out of quarantine unfortunately because i along with my old man have major skepticism of reopening earlier. More on THAT later on) Continue to wear masks even though they’re not required. (Governor, come on. I know you’re alot smarter that. If masks aren’t require then why is A) The numbers continue to go up tremendously to the point of where we are now a hot zone. Oh but wait a minute we’re still going to open. B) Why are people deciding to NOT listen to you and are deciding to say HEY THE VIRUS IS OVER!!!!!!!!)
GIF by dress
I’m sorry no it is not. As a matter of fact, the numbers continue to go up especially in the Lonestar State)
It’s going to be alot worse governor if you don’t do the right thing. We got one shot to do this right so you better pray to god you’re right because the 90,000 deaths are already on POTUS’s doorstep. Right now the Texas numbers recovery wise and death wise are actually pretty good.  29,359 Recovered and less than 2,000 people have died (RIP to those people by the way. My heart goes out to families of the victims of CoVid 19. I’am really deeply sorry that you’re going through this. It is saddening that y’all going through this.) Just really hope you don’t fuck it up governor. The cases continue to go up so hope you’re right and if you aren’t right, i’m going to laugh at you because of your failure and you realizing that ok i’m a moron.
To everyone who has lost someone or something, whether it’s your job, business, or someone you love and care about, i cannot even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. If there’s anything i can do whether it’s pray for you or be here for you just to talk to, i’m here. I will never fully understand but i’m here because i certainly don’t ever want that to happen to my loved ones.
Now before i continue, anybody wanna know why i posted a pic of this scumbag?!?!??!?! Because this ladies and gentlemen is Dan Patrick. Our Lt. Governor. I have criticisms of Abbott but this fuckass right here is well.....a fuckass. I would say Dipass like Rick did one time on Rick and Morty but no i’m going to take it a step further. Fuckass. You Dan Patrick are a die hard fuckass.
Here’s why...........
‘‘I’m sorry to say i was right on this!!”
A scumbag thing to say Mr. Lt Governor. Now what am i talking about?
When this first started, Dan Patrick said and i quote
‘‘There are senior citizens who are willing to die for the rest of us!!” ‘‘There are more important things than living!!”
I’m sorry what?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Yes i know the rest of what he said but Mr. Lt Governor that is the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard and one of the most crooked things i’ve ever heard. You sir i don’t give a rats ass if you’re 70, you deserve to get punched in the face. If not by me then by someone else or if at the very least a bag of diarrhea that consists of shit, hot sauce, the hottest tacos from torchys tacos, chips and queso. Because that is a shitty thing. Wanna know why?
Alot of my loved ones are the elderly. My grandma Sandra, my grandmother Bren, my grandpa Ben, and my grandfather Lou. And that’s just to name a few. But especially My grandma Sandra, Bren, and my grandfather Lou. Very close with them and you know what? I don’t want them to die. I want them to be able to meet the love of my life. And you know what else, i’m not the only one who has elderly loved ones that they’re close with. Alot of people in this country are close with their elderly relatives. That is a very offensive thing especially because almost 100,000 people are dead because of this virus. You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Patrick. Lets address that second part. More important things than living? Money? Well how can we enjoy the money if we are dead? AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA See i just answered your own question. Shame on you Patrick shame on you. I would like to be able to have my loved ones meet my love. I would like to meet my queen’s father as well. So shame on you Dan Patrick
Now lets get back to Abbott. Do i think he’s an idiot for not following the guidelines set by the white house that the White house itself and majority itself ain’t following? Oh yeah. But it’s not as bad as DeSantis who apparently is allegedly being accused of asking Florida Scientists to manipulate the numbers? Ok that’s just crooked as hell. So far Abbott hasn’t been found of doing the same thing but if a scientist in Texas came out and said that too....that wouldn’t surprise me but here’s what i will give Abbott credit for.....Actually caring about the nursing homes and the staff and residents especially making the tests available to them. Kudos for that. That doesn’t mean you’re safe from other criticisms but i hope you’re right because we cannot afford to continue the back and forth. Shut down for afew weeks then boom back open. The back and forth needs to not happen. I hope you’re right because i would love to get back to the fight but i will not be surprised if this backfired because you choose Trump over Science.
The Ongoing Liberal Vs Conservative Media War
The Following are Exempt from this
-Chris Cuomo
- Joe and Mika Scarborough
Show you why here in a minute
But the rest are not exempt. If there is one thing ONE thing that Trump is not wrong on, it is in fact the media except Fox news needs to be added. Mostly His puppet Hannity, Tucker Carlson (Even though i sense and been seeing a turn in him lately) and that Bitch Laura Ingraham. Spewing Conservative conspiracy theories out the wazzoo. The Liberal media isn’t exempt from this either. I’ll get to them next. But conservatives are still spewing lies out of their mouth. Attacking the Medical community and of course STILL NOT LETTING GO OF RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!! CAN WE PLEASE JUST PUT THE FUCKING POLITICS ASIDE FOR ONE SECOND AND ALL OF US WORK TOGETHER!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! I thought this was gonna bring us closer together but no it has divided us further apart. Conservatives on fox news etc saying this is a hoax by the deep state, come on. I always make the joke of conservatives and liberals in the media and in congress need to just lock the door on capital hill for one night and either argue all night or order a shit ton of drugs and fuck it all out with one massive orgy like the orgy in the Seth Rogen animated movie sausage movie. If you don’t know what i’m talking about, watch that movie but viewer discretion advised that movie is raunchy as hell and the final scene where the orgy happens.
(See Alternate version for the joke)
If it gets to the point where Kaitlan Collins is wearing her one night stand outfit and doing the walk of shame then Tomi Lahren and  Kayleigh McEnany come up to her and do a threeway kiss on the news and wolf blitzer is asking how was your night with the biggest shit eating grin and Kaitlan Responds ‘’Wolf it was amazing. How was yours?’’ Wolf replies with something and then makes a body movement in regards to his nose being fucked up from snorting cocaine  or where Trump and Biden are in the oval office actually working together. If a giant orgy takes them all to work together i’m all for it. LOL I had to get that out there now lets be serious.
I saw that article of Ms. McEnany slamming Chris Cuomo for taking non-hydroxychlorquine. I’m sorry Ms. McEnany, do you realize that you made yourself stupid by saying POTUS knows that his medicine doesn’t work yet SLAMMING CHRIS CUOMO WHO ACTUALLY HAD COVID-19!!!! Kayleigh you ma’am are dumb as rocks. Have you had CoVid-19? No. Chris and his family did. His wife and his son both ended up having CoVid you fucking FUCKASS. Did POTUS? NO!!!!! SO SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH AND JUST FOCUS ON TRYING TO SAVE YOUR JOB!!!!!!!! God such a fuckass.
But lets get to the rest of Fox News, watch this video made by Trevor Noah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh4uS4f78o
Then by the now this channel
See where i’m going with this?!?!?!? THEY LIE!!!!!!!!!!! ONE MINUTE SAYING ITS A HOAX!!!!!!!!! NEXT MINUTE SAYING THEY NEVER SAID THAT!!!!!!
Now lets go to the Liberal Media of MSNBC and CNN
Before i continue, Shoutout to Miss Mika for this video
Someone finally had the balls to say it. Enough is enough. Trust me and i called POTUS out weeks ago for his whole Liberation tweets which is what i keep saying is what will lead to riots and i’m just going to say something and i need to get it off my chest. I’ll take it a step further. I have enough of the corruption of our country. Now i’m going to still continue to speak on it but i will not do anything further than that, but if i lose any of my loved ones then its game on. I’ll go to war. I’ll protect my loved ones or i will die trying. Enough is enough. This country is falling apart. Now do i thank the men and women who have risked their lives overseas for our freedoms? Of course. Do i especially now thank all the medical workers for fighting this horrible enemy that is CoVid 19? So that the rest of us are safe and we have a chance despite the fact our country is ran by idiots and also is filled with about 85 percent idiots who don’t give a damn about doing the right thing. Millennials including who think OH MY GOD THIS ISN’T A BIG DEAL!!!!! LETS GO OUT AND GET DRUNK AND POP BOTTLES AND PILLS ETC!!!!! Absolutely. I have a new found appreciation for the medical community.
But i will use my first amendment rights because the United States of America has a brand new nickname
What is it?
The United States of Stupidity
Land of the Rich
Home of the Stupid
That is what this country has become. If anybody is offended by that i’m sorry but it is true and the way congress has handled this CoVid catastrophe has proven my point. With the way POTUS has acted during this, is wrong.
Before i begin the Liberal side,
I’m proud to be an American, i’m proud of all the doctors and nurses, i’m proud of the men and women who have all risked their lives so that the rest of us can be safe. I tell my Girlfriend alot who is a nurse by the way that i’m proud of her and that she is my number 1 hero. Not all heroes wear capes. So to all the doctors and nurses and the military and the firefighters and the police offices (not all cops) i say thank you for your service.  To all the doctors and nurses during the CoVid Pandemic, Thank you and god bless you now while i’m proud of them
A good chunk of this country’s citizens and A VERY GREAT CHUNK OF THIS COUNTRY’S LEADERS IN OFFICE, not so much.
Quick story, My old man and i hate Sean Hannity with a passion but one night while we were having Dinner, he did make a very great point why are we not hearing from more survivors of CoVid? I have to give him that but the difference is on the Liberal media we ARE hearing from more CoVid survivors compared to Conservative media. Conservative it’s conspiracy after conspiracy oh they’re going to take your rights away.
Now i have a question for people like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham etc. Do you guys have kids? Do you guys love your loved ones like how the rest of us do? What happens if they catch CoVid? Are you still going to think it’s a hoax? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo because then hopefully you people will wake up and realize what the fuck are we doing? Enough with the conspiracy theories
Now to the liberal media. Guys, you have the opportunity to say why are we doing this? Mika already called out POTUS earlier, you guys could have the opportunity to call for unity with Fox news. Why are you not doing so? When this is over if y’all wanna go back to hating each others guts, fine by me. I will be busy focusing on my loved ones and my future. Matter of fact when this is over , I probably won’t watch the news hardly if ever again unless its Cuomo or Morning Joe. I got a future with my queen to focus on and i got a trip i need to get ready for but right now it’s the time to work together. Now it’s no guarantee that Fox News will budge but at least you can say you tried but seriously can you please just try? Now is not the time for war. Also Fox News for the love of god, Y’ALL ARE PART OF THE MEDIA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST STOP!!!!!!!!!!! It really dumbfounds me that they can get shown videos of what they said and it’s oh we never said that, it’s just stupid. Hopefully these people will learn but lets be real they won’t
Where i stand with the pandemic
I have been in quarantine for 8 weeks about to be 9 weeks. Unlike most others, i’m waiting with my old man to see if we don’t go under another lockdown and our state of Texas doesn’t spike to New York Level. As i’ve said earlier, cases not good but recoveries and the death rate, not bad. It’s just up to the others to keep the improvements going. Earlier my father told me that he was downtown at whole foods and as he was driving home, he saw a SHIT TON OF PEOPLE NOT WEARING MASKS And of course he can speak for me on this but i was frustrated. If they don’t want to follow the guidelines especially when more places can reopen soon then if we go back under lockdown, don’t fucking bitch about wahhhhhhhhhhhhh why can’t we go back outside?!?!?!?! Well the answer is simple, you people are fucking dumbasses. You didn’t follow the guidelines like you own the fucking place and here we are again.
My loved ones if they sometimes need a break from the masks, that’s different. There’s going to be times where i need a break from it to give myself some oxygen. All i will say to my loved ones and i’ll say it again later on, please just be safe. I love you guys and i don’t want anything to happen to you guys.
Back to where i stand. These last 8 and a half weeks have been a test. It especially sucks because before all this happened, i made significant progress. My relationship was moving in the right direction, and after leaving my shitty shit shit job, i got the job i wanted for awhile and it was a great feeling. Now to feel like i’m being tested again, it sucks. Especially after coming out of one of the darkest times of my life a year ago that involved me going to a mental hospital to have a safe place to fall apart so i can pick up the pieces where i also discovered i have PTSD after one day waking up not wanting to live anymore. It especially still haunts me because my love had to endure that with me. Fast forward to this pandemic, i was hoping that last year was the end of Dark times for AWHILE especially because my queen deserves the world and i want to be able to take her to the dinner she 100 percent deserves. She works hard, she puts up with alot and i don’t care if i have to pay it off, when i’m cleared (and i’m going to stay cleared. I’m not doing a second round of this shit) i’m fucking taking her to that dinner barring any unforseen even for sticking with me through some of my roughest times. Before i take the rest of my loved ones to dinner, she gets first priority before i get back to my job (after my thyroid hint hint Pops if you’re reading this). She deserves that and i want to be able to give that to her or if i have to cook for her and set up a very nice candle light dinner at her place or mine, barring not having to deal with any more bullshit when i’m cleared. Now if there is one positive i can take away well actually two, its these
1. It has made me realize that i need god in my life more than ever because i refuse to relapse back to the dark side.
2. It has brought me and one of my best friends back to each other to reconcile.
Now i cannot stress this enough, i’m not happy with being under lockdown but i understand why. I’ll get to that here in a minute. I would so much rather be at work, i would much rather be with my queen, i would much rather be with my loved ones. Having a long awaited reunion. Our first since the night one of our own passed away and this time because we’ve all had to do some growing up, hopefully it won’t be sadness. It will be celebration and hijinks lol I’ll make sure of that and if i have to get super drunk, i will because as i’ve always said, i’m a funny funny drunk. I don’t always drink but when i do, i’m hysterical lol.
I do however understand why this is happening and which is why even if it’s frustrating, i will continue to fight for my future with my queen and my job that i busted my ass for. Those are the two things that are important to me. Just think of me as the Sam Ehlinger of everything else.
GIF by manfanathletes
I’ve come so far and i’m not going to just give up without a fight. If and when i’m cleared, if i catch CoVid i’ll do whatever it takes to fight it. If i die, i die. It was a good run, at least i went out guns a blazin to fight CoVid. Now before i continue, i’m not saying i want to die. Last year, i had nothing to lose. This year is a different story, i have everything to lose and i’m not going to let anything take my progress away from me. If and godforbid if i have to fight it in the hospital alone, i’ll do what i have to do to beat CoVid. No problem because unlike everything else i’ve been through, i have more to lose now and more to fight for and i’m not giving up easily on anything. Should i catch CoVid and BEAT IT?!?!?!? It will be another story to add to the legacy of the Phoenix Knight. Knock me down, i’ll continue to rise from the ashes again and again and again, nothing will keep me down easily which is why despite the rocky situation i’m in, well that we’re all in. I’m not giving up. Despite that this has kept me from not being able to see my queen in the normal capacity that we both want and that hasn’t been easy for the both of us, i will not give up. As Daniel Bryan once said ‘’If you fight for your dreams then your dreams will fight for you!!!’’ This is a test of my character and i have every intention of passing with flying colors.
Now in three weeks (Bare with me here), my old man and i are going to have a BIG revaluation conversation about where we stand with the pandemic. I’m nervous, scared, yet excited. While i desperately want to get back out there and i’m hoping phase one will lead me there (phase one something i worked on for my father to try to tell my side of the story about why i think i’m ready to get back out there), i will do what is right. I will do what is safe and i will not be like the rest. I will be smart. I refuse to put my loved ones in danger let alone myself in danger as well. One wrong move just like with all the other re-openings then its right back to the start. This is where it’s tricky. So as you all know or well alot of you know, i want to be in san marcos at some point in the very near future. I do not want to fuck it up. My job was step one of that plan before all this happened for i’am not happy here in austin anymore. I need something more quieter but yet something more close to my people. My father, and my 4 best friends. It is not cheap here but because of the pandemic, it has led me to a bit of a rock and a hard place. Now before i continue, i always tell my girlfriend and i guess i need to practice what i preach, we just don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe Abbott was right and i look like a jackass and i can get back to a little bit more normal of a life and back on track. I just don’t know. Now here’s the rock and the hard place, it is not easy and not cheap AT ALL here in Austin. If i want to go back to work if it is not safe enough then something different would have to be arranged. Someone i know or by myself. A) I don’t want to get someone else sick. B) If i’m living on my own and i get sick with CoVid god knows what’s going to happen. Or if i’m still here at home, if i get sick i don’t want to get my old man sick with CoVid either. It’s a very tricky situation and that is why i’m nervous about making the wrong move but as long as i keep my team in the loop and they do WHATEVER it takes to help me make sure i’m safe to keep my job and at my location or (Riverside or southpark meadows if SoCo is no longer an option) i guess it’s not terrible but i do miss it but which is why i feel between a rock and a hard place in this. Also if i do crack and say its time for me to try living on my own (has to Be close to work, safe and REASONABLY PRICED) One wrong move and it can set off a giant pandoras box but maybe worse. Just like with the immature state openings, one wrong move and we are back under lockdown. Hence why i want to go to san marcos but like i told my father, the whole point was to transfer there AFTER WORKING at my job for several months to a year and i refuse to go into san marcos dumbfounded. I wanted to go in a smart way but also because it’s cheaper, more quieter and did i mention its cheaper? Lol well its because i want to be able to travel more with my queen and i want to still live my life and do things i want to do all while being responsible.
The perfect scenario: If the curve really is flattened or something like that, the numbers are not too bad and my old man clears me after our revaluation talk or if not, he pretends to not clear me but saves it for my 27th birthday on July 1st and says even though its still tricky, happy birthday YOU’RE CLEARED FROM QUARANTINE!!!!!!!!!! Oh how beautiful that would be.  Granted the sooner i’m cleared, the better. I would love for the signs for me to be cleared after our revaluation conversation. The minute i’m cleared, i’m going full Phoenix Knight and i’m not looking back
Message for Congress and POTUS
I’m going to keep this simple. Ladies and Gentlemen of congress along with President Trump, i’m going to take it a step further along with what Mika said. All of you need to KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!!!! Enough with the fucking games and do your job. Orgy joke aside, do what we elected you to do and do your jobs. Enough with the greed, stop using god and religion as an excuse for your bad behavior.
I would say more but Mika took a good chunk of the words out of my mouth
Mr. President, grow up!!! Calling for Liberation in the middle of a crisis, you’re sick bro. Get off twitter and do your job. You think you’re making America Great again? Guess again Donnie, you’re not!!!!!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0239jHlMYY Evidence 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB8icFsfJe0 Evidence 2
Mika already said what i was going to say. Do your job and do it right because the more you fuck up, you are going to be on the wrong side of history.
I’ll leave it at that
Closing statements and a message to my loved ones
I’m going to close it with this. First by starting off with a plead, to everyone else who isn’t my loved ones, please.....please......please do not be stupid. Please be smart, follow the guidelines, maybe not always but a good chunk of the time, this is not a secret government conspiracy this is a serious situation and the more you don’t be smart, you’re going to ruin it for the rest of us. Normally i would rant but i’m begging you please be smart here. When the virus goes completely away or calms down tremendously, if a good chunk of you want to be stupid, greedy and going back to the clubs to post explicit pics etc popping bottles etc be my guest, but right now, please just be smart and considerate. I’m begging you.
Now for the message to my loved ones.
I’ll start with my queen, my best friend, my love Nicole: Baby, i just want you to know i love you with all my heart. I’m sorry this situation hasn’t been easy. But i appreciate you for sticking it out with me. I promise somehow someway i will make it up to you big time when i’m fully cleared but whatever happens in 3 weeks if its a step in the right direction where at the very very least we can spend more time together again, i’ll take it. I love you and you and Roxie are two of the main things that are keeping me going. I Love you with all my heart and i’m not giving up. Ever since the mental hospital, i just continue to fall more in love with you. I hope i make you proud like how you make me proud. You are one of the most beautiful kind hearted funny smart human beings i know. I’m honored to call you my girlfriend, my hero, my queen, my best friend. I love you with all my heart my pookieroo, my queen.
My father Chris: Pops, well done with the business and advancing with the masks. I’m very proud of you. I’m thankful for all that you have do and have done during this pandemic. I’ll save the rest for phase one
Andria: Thank you for being one of my best friends over the last six years, it has been an incredible ride and because of you, i met three of my other best friends. Love ya dude. I cannot wait for whats to come.
Chris: Brother, words cannot even begin to describe how proud i’ am of you. You have made tremendous progress over the last year and i feel like i got my brother back. I love you man and i’m so blessed that we met and that you have become like a brother to me man. I cannot wait for the new memories to come
Don: I know you’re going to make a funny out of this lol so i’ll leave a good chunk of it to you to make a funny. Just i love ya man and thank you for always making me laugh. (There will be tacos and nachos in your future soon hopefully really soon)
Bri Bri: The biggest blessing to have come out of this pandemic is that i feel like i got one of my best friends back. I know it hasn’t been easy between us but that doesn’t matter now. I’am so blessed you and i are doing well again and that i can see mav again soon, Fucking love that Dog. Anywho, proud of you. You are cool shit. And i got nothing but love for ya. Cannot wait for things to be better than ever.
I hope i make you all proud.
To everyone of my loved ones: Guys, i love y’all. I don’t know whats going to happen next but all i know is that we will get through this together and we will come out of this stronger than ever. I pray for y’all almost every night. My heart and my thoughts are with you guys. Anything y’all need at anytime, i’m here. It may not be easy but we will get through this together. As Bernie Sanders always says ‘’We’re all in this together’’. I love y’all, please stay safe and things will get better. I have faith and in the great words of Bobby Rhoode, it’s going to be glorious!!!!!!
Remember my friends, when you feel what you want to feel, you’re being real and being real is a very big deal.
Stay Safe, Love you guys, God bless you all
Phoenix Knight Forever
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itsworn · 6 years
Specialty Vehicle Engineering Now Offers a 1,000HP Yenko Camaro
Love the Yenko name, but think you need more power than Yenko Chevrolet could offer in the late-‘60s? Specialty Vehicle Engineering (SVE), of Tom’s River, New Jersey, has a solution: enter the 2018 Yenko/SC Camaro Stage II.
SVE has been offering the 800hp Yenko/SC Stage I Camaro since 2015. At the time, it was sold as a 700 hp package. Now, the team is offering a bump in power. A preview took place at last year’s SEMA show, but now it’s officially here. Starting with a 2018 Camaro SS 1LE, the Stage II kit makes 1,000hp. The engine is built off of the foundation of the stock, LT-1, but only the block remains. Displacement is bumped from a 6.2L to a 6.8L, the block is blueprinted, and the rotating assembly is built with a forged with a 4340 steel crank shaft, H-beam rods, and forged pistons. Then they add CNC-ported LT4 cylinder heads and a supercharger. Custom stainless-steel long tube headers and dual-mode exhaust, produces the mean sound.
The Stage II kit comes with a 3 year/36,000-mile limited warranty. That’s insane for a 1,000hp car. The Stage II package starts at $66,995 (not including the roughly $30,000 for the 1LE Camaro itself), and only a total of 25 of each stage will be produced. There’s specialty 1,000hp badging and the real deal Yenko/SC graphics throughout the car. Branded big-brakes are installed and select suspension components are used.
SVE has produced over 150,000 cars, mainly F-bodies, since 1990. “We have a good idea of what we’re doing and what our customers are doing with the cars,” said SVE’s Dave Hamburger about the choice of components in the Yenko/SC Stage II Camaro. The team has tested the cars and components, including torture testing the factory blocks and aftermarket options.
This year they plan on producing a limited run of 25 Stage I Camaros, 25 of the 825hp Corvettes, 25 of the 1,000hp Camaros, and 25 of the 800hp Silverados.
Another cool factor similar to the original Yenko program, is that all models must be ordered through a Chevrolet Dealer. Starting with a Camaro 1LE, your selected purchase is either shipped to SVE straight from the factory, or if the dealer has one you like, SVE will go pick it up anywhere in the country.
The post Specialty Vehicle Engineering Now Offers a 1,000HP Yenko Camaro appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/specialty-vehicle-engineering-now-offers-1000hp-yenko-camaro/ via IFTTT
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