#i have a hard time playing evil because mean dialogue makes me wanna cry but i wanna test it out just once
spunkymoth · 8 months
BG3 Question/ Opinion Poll
What's the more Evil route for an Evil bg3 run?
Choice descriptions below! READ FIRST!!!
And please add on or discuss in tags and such I'm curious what others think and if anyone has additional ideas.
NO MERCY- Killing Everyone. ALL NPCS Dead. No witnesses. No mercy. No companions. No alliances.
Killing Almost everyone. - ALL NPCS dead. Only 3 Evil/Neutral companions left alive. Companions encouraged to be evil or die for your needs. Alliances allowed but can be broken for nefarious reasons.
Killing Sparingly- Only killing when necessary or expected. Killing mainly Good/Neutral NPCS. Only Evil/Neutral NPCs left alive. Companions encouraged to be evil or die your needs. Alliances allowed and respected.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
Ranking every teen drama I've watched
I have gotten really into teen dramas lately, because it's quarantine I can't go out and have fun, but I can still watch other people my age going out and having fun and doing things I don't get to do. Anyway I haven't seen all teen dramas, I was never interested in supernatural ones, so you won't find Vampire Diaries and similar shows on this list.
From worst to best:
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
I will never understand how this show ran for five seasons. It will forever remain a mystery to me. This show is so bad it's good. The writing resembles a wattpad story, Amy's pregnancy is inconsistent (like how was she five months pregnant for like five or six episodes, aren't the episodes supposed to be set a week apart?), the acting is bad (that is not to say that Molly Ringwald or Shailene Woodley are bad actresses, obviously they're not, I'm talking about Amy's sister that has the same facial expression no matter what her mood is supposed to be), some of the views this show expresses are very old-fashioned and damaging (the madonna-whore binary, the fact that they can't even utter the word abortion) and every single male character on this show is a creep and a cheater. I can't believe I watched like thirteen episodes of this. I will never get that time back.
Weirdest moment: "I'm a whore!" "Well, you're my whore." (Was this supposed to be romantic??)
Best moment: none
This is going to be unpopular and don't get me wrong, I like Glee, but I feel like the writers put much more thought into the musical numbers than the storylines. Again, Quinn's pregnancy is inconsistent (but I'm starting to think TV shows are always inconsistent about pregnancies), the characters don't look like they're in high school at all, the cheerleaders wear their uniforms 24/7 for no reason (Quinn even wore it to her sonogram, like seriously?) the whole celibacy club thing is weird and Mr Schue is a terrible teacher. However, the visuals and the musical numbers are great, Sue Sylvester is iconic (albeit also a terrible teacher) and some of the scenes are really emotional (Kurt singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand made my sister cry) so overall, it's pretty good.
Weirdest moment: Finn praying to grilled cheese (what??)
Best moment: Quinn giving birth to Bohemian Rhapsody, Kurt singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Dawson's Creek
I LOVE their 90s' outfits and Joey and Pacey are really otp material, but I just can't stand Dawson! He got mad that Joey didn't tell him about his mother's affair, as if it was her place to get involved. She was 15! It's understandible she didn't want to get tangled into that mess. He also slut-shamed Jen in a really gross way. He literally stopped talking to her for a day when he found out she isn't a virgin. Why are both Joey and Jen into this guy?? This would've been a much better show if it was called Joey's Creek or Pacey's Creek.
Weirdest moment: the way Dawson's mom confessed her affair to her husband. I don't think any irl human would use this choice of words. Also that scene where Dawson's father was teaching him how to kiss while Joey was watching. Cringe.
Best moment: any time Joey and Pacey are bickering. My shipper heart!
Pretty Little Liars
I loved the book version of this, but the TV version seems way too dramatic. First of all, they romanticized Aria and Ezra's relationship (ewww) and made the whole thing seem much more overdramatic. I don't know how to explain it, I mean the books are also dramatic but the TV show somehow took it to a whole new level. None of the girls look like they're in high school, but I love the way they dress and do their makeup. It's almost as though the writers put more thought into their outfits than storylines. I still loved watching it until Netflix took it off, though.
Weirdest moment: Spencer somehow trying to block A's number from her laptop in the middle of a park and then being confused that it didn't work. Weren't you supposed to be the smart one, Spencer?
Best moment: Haleb in the shower, hiding from Hanna's mom.
This is a classic. Effy is iconic (I somehow heard about her even before watching Skins) and the musical number at the end of season 1 was out of nowhere but still somehow fit perfectly into the story. I also give this show point for being one of the few TV shows where teen characters are actually played by real life teens. They look their age, talk their age (no "I reject reality" or other cringy lines like that) and aren't unrealistically perfect like characters from American teen dramas tend to be. They look like people you might actually meet in high school. However the show loses points for all the continuity errors (are 8 episodes supposed to be the whole school year??) and the number of unneccessary death/tragic accidents. It seemed kind of over-the-top and unneccessarily dark and brutal at times.
Weirdest moment: Chris's graphic death
Best moment: Wild World
The Gen Z American version of Skins, but with better visuals. Much better. I loved the aesthetic, the colors, the lighting and glitter. Zendaya's a great actress and I give this show points for casting an actual trans actress in the role of Jules. However I find it weird that all guys on this show are complete irredeemable assholes (except of Jules's dad and Ethan that is). Are we supposed to just root for the girls and not the guys? Also I find it hard to believe that any of these characters are actually 16/17. They have sex all the time (yeah teenagers have sex sometimes but on this show they treated Kat as some kind of a chaste nun for being a virgin at 16) and have seemingly no rules and no curfew. It would've been much more believable if they were in college.
Weirdest moment: Nate breaking into Tyler's house, beating him up and then taking a shower. The audacity this guy has!
Best moment: "You did this to me!" and Rue having an anxiety attack on the stage in theater class
Gossip Girl
I know this is also an unpopular opinion, because many claim Gossip Girl is the best teen drama ever, but for me it just got way too soapy as the seasons went on. The first two seasons were believable, even though they didn't really look like they were in high school, but after that it was just more and more weird plot points. I will give this show points for the fashion (I mean Blair's headbands and school uniform inspired a fashion line), the acting ("I killed someone"- iconic) and the choice of background music (Nate and Serena kissing to Paparazzi, Thanksgiving with Watcha Say). Despite the wild twists and turns of events, I just had to keep watching because this show had me hooked.
Weirdest moment: Bart Bass somehow flying off the building for no reason (seriously, what he did there had no logical explanation and defied laws of physics), Dan being Gossip Girl, Bart faking his death and returning more evil than before, Serena becoming Gossip Girl, the affidavit, everyone randomly stopping going to college... there are so many but Bart takes the cake I guess
Best moment: the Thanksgiving flashbacks from season 1, Dan placing a plastic crown on Blair's head
Freaks and Geeks
This is one of the few shows where high school is depicted realistically. It's not all glitter and parties and not everyone has sex and does drugs. Okay, I admit, the bullying was over the top and it was weird how no adults cared but other than that, it was pretty spot-on. It was emotional without being too dramatic and far-fetched and also had funny moments. Yes some of the characters may have been stereotypes but at least the show seemed self-aware of that. It's truly a shame we only got 18 episodes of this show, while The Secret Life of the American Teenager somehow got five seasons??? I don't get it.
Weirdest moment: when Cindy suddenly got super mean once she started dating Sam
Best moment: Daniel showing up at Kim's doorstep, Sam breaking down in tears in the end of 'Garage Door'
Gilmore Girls
I'm not sure this one counts as a teen drama, maybe it's more of a dramedy but I'm still including it here. It's funny, the dialogue is witty and full of obscure pop-culture references and the relationships between generations complex. Same as with Freaks and Geeks, the portrayal of high school is pretty realistic. Characters are shown studying and taking tests and not just partying all the time. However the show loses points for getting weirdly soapy in the 7th season. The dialogue wasn't as good and the camera angles were soap opera like and the storylines weren't very good either. You could really tell the show changed show-runners. The earlier seasons are the best. It's hard to explain but something about them feels cozy like a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day.
Weirdest moment: Lorelai marrying Chris and then making the whole "you're the man I want to want" speech, Lorelai defending and loving Dean for no reason
Best moment: Rory's graduation speech, Rory yelling at Chris and calling him out for not having been there for her, Then She Appeared, "Yes Emily, you may go first"... there are so many!
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petitepistol · 4 years
this is hard because i have to separate elena from how she exists in canon from the elena i have built up for myself in my mind, so in the interest of brevity im choosing to focus on the canon aspects that deeply drew me to her to begin with and continue to feed my fascination and frustration with her to this day
ONE elena is a minor character. like, take her out of the story of the game and nobody would bat an eye. the writers dont really know what they are doing with her at any given moment, so she is this half formed mess of anachronistic traits. that can be really interesting and really challenging to try and flesh out, especially when you factor in how disconnected she is from even the characters closest to her and what those interpersonal dynamics must be like. even among the turks she is an outlier, new to the team and hellbent on diligently doing her job despite not having the same ghosts as the rest of them. before crisis tries to touch on that with her sister, but that just muddies the waters further providing conflicting motivations that they never really address. because, as stated initially, she is a minor character. and that means the exposition is something i have to do, not canon.
TWO despite being a minor character, from a mechanics standpoint she serves a purpose. her first appearance is there to give you an important lead on the big bad, her narrative purpose in the wutai subquest means you get both a party member and a forge fragile armistice with the turks. during the icicle portion if you get knocked out by her, she drops you off in gast’s house, which might mean the devs were using her to guide less skilled players into viewing missable but important lore. this extends to the compilation, where she is utilized off screen for the jenova head in a box debacle, and in before crisis to pad out the plot a little longer by getting kidnapped. from a game design perspective her existence is validated not by good writing but by being a deus ex machina and i have learned to love that as much as i hate it.
THREE she occupies a space where you can throw just about a billion tropes at her and it can work. people don’t usually realize this, but for such bit player you can do a lot with her. also if you wanna write snappy dialogue you can let this girl just say fucking anything. nothing is off limits coming out of her mouth, because there is so little to go off of and what data there is can be interpreted so broadly. that also means you can write her as downright sociopathic or as an unlikely altruist, leaning towards either of the extremes or staying dead center in the middle of the road. the only limitations are that of the perceptional biases of the writer.
FOUR that she is the highest level of the turks in game will never not make me ridiculously happy. i love that this so called clumsy rookie is the most difficult to take out in a fight with the rarest gear. if you wanna hear more about aspect that go here.
FIVE hnnnnng pretty girl who can kick my ass please step on me unga bunga
there are so many wonderful people i want to give accolades too that i often find it hard to do these kind of daisy chains, and even now im cheating by doubling the number. that still isnt enough, so to those who arent on this list i have to say i love you too but the powers that be and my own shyness turned off the mic before the speech ended
ONE forever amused by how both @makeupandmateria and @madamdirectcr are not only incredible to me as a player, but elena as a character. we are in love with this surprising supportive mean ladies coterie. swiftie plays an elegantly dubious scarlet to the hilt and manages to bring out the best in everyone. lottie brings an uncanny sensitivity to scarlet that makes you think while being so sweet and engaging outside of play.
TWO speaking of girls muses supporting other girl muses @heavenlyfighter and @cultivatxr are a dynamic duo and im lucky enough to be in talks with both of them. jessica plays a lovely tifa who has such a melancholy imbued to her strength while not only tolerating my flakiness but being so understanding, while phoe has had a perfect grasp on aerith for what feels like an epoch always letting that same vibrancy spill out into reality.
THREE so @animus-inspire and @urbdev-assistant are two peas of positivity in a pod and i adore them for it. one them plays an understated hero who has the capacity to do great good even when aligned with evil and the other has taken the adage about there being a great woman behind every great man and elevated an npc into a brilliant character. both are fantastic.
FOUR shout out to @missionheartcd and @rude-at-your-service for being not only the best coworkers elena could ever had but being consistently delightful out of character. not only do i want to play more with their characters, i also appreciate their support.
FIVE thank you to @warofthebeasts​ and @inanisvitae​ for putting up with my inexplicable affection for sephiroth. kevin is so patient with my persistent poking and prodding and you could not find a more passionate advocate for either character development or friendship than maria.
these are mostly mine but may or may not apply to elena from some twisted meta perspective also this was hard because i have no guilty pleasures my tastes is flawless (this definitely applies to elena as well unless we are talking about her taste in men which is terrible lmao sorry im just bullying tseng he is actually pretty cool)
ONE you cannot have this type of lists without ABBA represented and while this is almost a lesser known track of theirs, i have liked it since i heard it in childhood playing through the records my mom owned. the lyrical content is very shinra-core and while i dont think elena ever dated a middle aged fat cat for money as a teen im certain she considered it
TWO as a kid i didnt like the indomitable miss spears because i bought into regressive attitudes towards female sexuality while not recognizing she was being exploited by the industry, but i have grown. elena agrees with the sentiment of “you better work, bitch”
THREE im not ashamed of my love of god queen shiina ringo but at the time i first saw this video i was not prepared for the gratuitous badass lady nurse on sexy female patient malpractice action it featured and that was what made it a guilty pleasure
FOUR everybody loves george michael and that includes me. this piece from his wham! era is almost too peppy, but i am an absolutely a sucker for imagining brutal fight scenes with anachronistically cheerful songs playing over the carnage
FIVE rounding things off is an obligatory recent weeb jam. well half of this combo is american but you know what i mean. i love the combination of classic funk and whispery vocals echoing into an unrepentant cry of “fuck you motherfucker.” coupled with the blonde in the video intercut with the OL being joyfully liberated by her train ride? elena vibes
Tagged: @madamdirectcr @animus-inspire Tagging: you!
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five-wow · 5 years
i probably genuinely might not have recognized steve at first, with his beard and cap, if i hadn’t already seen pictures of alex like that. ALSO. steve opens one (1) door and immediately gets attacked by at least three men. oh, steve
steve!!! brought backup!!! to this secretive meeting with some government official who wants to give him shady info!!! i’m so proud of him, and it’s also a wonderful way to NOT EXCLUDE DANNY from important later-season steve episodes for once.
danny’s FACE after they hear it’s about steve’s mother made me actually bark a laugh out loud. oh boY
“but you’d rather bloody these hands instead.” OH GOD okay okay okay i love this, from the bit where steve STILL can’t believe his mother might have done a Very Bad Thing but looks kind of scared and hurt anyway, like he knows it IS actually possible but just can’t admit to it, all the way to the bit where it’s a little more complicated than just “random guy shows up with shady intel and everyone more or less trusts him and steve jumps at the chance to do something dangerous”. GOOD STUFF
“she gave up a family, for you agency, you know that?” OH STEVE. i have a feeling i’m going to be saying that a lot, fjdkfd.
wait wait wait. so lou says lucia, their big bad, has always preferred the company of women, “biblically”, and then steve says that doris was smart and used that... to get close... to lucia?? that sounds like they’re saying doris slept her way into this which, fjdkfdj, that means my doris/amanda ship just got 50% more plausible.
it also means five-0 has yet another evil lesbian (in lucia, not doris) and i’m not to hyped about that, but. we’ll see.
random, but: i LOVE lou’s shirt. it’s this lightly pink thing with sporadic sailboats on it and it’s glorious.
tani says that to her this looks like a suicide operation and she’s not even DONE TALKING when danny says “i said the same thing” and he’s not even angry or trying to appeal to steve anymore, he’s just kind of... sad and resigned, which is WORSE.
and before steve can even get STARTED on his crazy infiltration plan, his car gets shot at and blown up. oh, this is all going so well. it’s that wonderful mcgarrett luck of his at its finest.
“what do you wanna do?” junior asks DANNY, very specifically, after he tracked steve down. fdjkfd just. THANK YOU, alex, for actually making danny a huge part of this, unlike in some major episodes which won’t be named (7.07! 7.07!!! and, oh god, i’d almost managed to repress the whole “let’s not call danny because he’d just worry” thing from 9.10, but that one too, holy shit)
fjdkfdjkfdjk literally, the entire team is just standing around (except quinn - where’s quinn this episode? i miss her) but junior is ONLY arguing with danny over whether he gets to go in and rescue steve or not, like danny is the sole person who gets a say in this. he ASKS FOR DANNY’S BLESSING. steve and danny are so literally the team dads it’s not even funny anymore.
steve confronts doris and some of the first words she says are “but please, trust me” and it’s NOT funny, it’s very emphatically not funny at all, but it’s kind of funny. holy shit, doris.
“my life was compromised the day you walked out of it.” OHHHHH. just. just so many good lines about steve’s hurt by doris’ hand.
doris CRACKS STEVE OVER THE HEAD. WELL GREAT. now we can add physical violence to her list of sins against steve.
steve, to junior: “what did i tell you?” junior: “it’s been so long i couldn’t remember.” fjdkfjdk love him.
i have literally no idea who these other two guys are that junior brought with him (should we know them?), but i’m guessing they’re other navy seals? some of those we’ve never seen before but who are always immediately willing to help out with crazy shit when our main characters need them, because it’s convenient and it adds someone who can be killed off in a single episode for extra tension without needing to spend too much time on it?
dfjkd danny asking junior “you got the animal with you?” is just so perfect. he’s obviously EXTREMELY WORRIED but he can’t just show that too obviously so he insults steve. brilliant move.
also, the “it’s good to hear your voice, buddy” bit almost made me cry.
doris points a gun at steve, because OF COURSE SHE DOES.
“oh, that’s this ends? huh? you gonna kill me, now?” like i said before: OH STEVE.
oh my gOD they ACTUALLY made doris the bad guy. I DID NOT. EXPECT THIS. don’t get me wrong, i absolutely totally LOVE IT but i DID NOT THINK they’d go there, holy shit.
doris is rambling crazily about how she lost her husband and her kids WHILE POINTING A GUN at one of those kids, which perfectly encapsulates why she’s so wrong, wow.
“stop thinking about yourself for a second and think about my loss.” oh my GOD, doris, ARE YOU SERIOUS
“a family that never understood me or the sacrifices i made for them” fjdkfdjkfdjkf I DIE this is so hard to watch but SO GOOD. this is everything i could possibly ever have wanted them to do with doris, ESPECIALLY when steve tells her straight to her face that she never actually made those sacrifices for them because HE’S RIGHT, obviously, but genuinely, i didn’t think something like this would ever happen outside the realm of fanfic. wow.
listen. i don’t give two shits about doris, okay, and it might actually be BETTER that she’s dead now, but oh. oh. steve’s response? steve, completely unable to move, staring at his dead mom and just sinking back to the floor like a bag of potatoes when junior tries to drag him up? OH. that has me very near tears anyway
the shots from steve’s pov with the vision that keeps blurring out? oh god.
once back in washington some cia guys zip open the body bags to take pictures and fingerprints and that makes sense but do they really have to do that RIGHT IN FRONT OF STEVE
“she stayed on target, until the very end. she did her job.” are you serious. no. she did not do her job, nor did she stay on target - she nearly killed her son, remember that part?
someone knocked at the door of steve’s sad gray washington hotel room and i was like PLEASE LET IT BE DANNY and he opened the door and IT WAS DANNY. why is this episode so good. why
okay so. the money doris was after was supposed to be for steve and mary and joanie. oh my god, i genuinely don’t know if that makes anything better or worse at this point, but it’s going to be even more of a gut punch for steve, for sure
“define okay for me” I AM SO DEAD
steve ACTUALLY MENTIONS the fact that five-0 started with the dead of his father and that joe died only last year and nOW HIS MOTHER. this!!! this is an episode actually written by someone who understands this character and it rips my heart apart in the very best of ways
“the bed, that’s big enough for two people, right?” OKAY. first you tear my heart to pieces, then you run it through a shredder just to be sure, and then you make me laugh AND give the entire fandom NEARLY CANON “there is only one bed” trope???
THIS WAS SO GOOD. SO PAINFUL BUT SO GOOD. i genuinely did not think i would like an episode that promised the return of doris, but they did just about the one thing with her that DID make it something i really, really wanted to watch and just, oh god, they kept danny in it as a person who actually plays a part in steve’s life, and steve was so good, every single bit of it, and there was so much direly needed dialogue about steve and doris’ relationship and just, yes. god, yes. this was brilliant. this was probably my favorite episode in a good long while and i don’t even LIKE angst.
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “40 and 13″
Overpopulation caused the governments all over the world to vote for a drastic resolution: a special virus was created that makes everyone die when they turn 40 years old. The Joker will turn 40 in five days and Y/N can't cope with the news since she'll be left behind without him.
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You and The Joker just finished eating dinner in front of the TV, trying to ignore the depressing news that shows the death toll climbing each day since the virus killing everybody once they turn 40 was unleashed upon the overpopulated Earth 12 months ago.
The King of Gotham is quietly sipping on his grape juice, debating if he should tell you or not; he’s been struggling with the decision for a while and being the way he is doesn’t help the matter.
“Pumpkin,” he starts the conversation,” did I ever mention my birthday is on July 13th?”
“Hm?” you turn your head towards him, not sure you heard right; you had a huge fight this morning and barely managed to patch things up enough to tolerate each other’s presence by night fall.
“You always wanna know when my birthday is and I’m telling you now it’s on July 13th.”
He keeps on staring at the TV s, disregarding your gaze that seems to burn through him.
Why is he suddenly sharing such an intimate detail? You tried several times to get it out of him without any reaction besides that of him getting mad and emphasize it’s none of your business. Unless…
“J…” you hesitantly ask. “How old are you going to be?...”
The Joker takes another sip from the can before placing it on the coffee table and nonchalantly enunciates:
He hears you sniffle it’s not difficult to predict you’re going to burst into tears in a few seconds.
“I’m only saying this because I didn’t want to drop dead without any warning; I’m sure you would hate me forever and we can’t have that happen: I do the hating part. That’s a sacred rule.”
And there she goes, he sighs as soon as Y/N begins bawling her eyes out next to him on the couch.
“…July 13th is in…in 5 days,” you manage to utter while crawling on his knees, your arms tightly going around his neck. J doesn’t stop you and actually hugs you back even if he promised himself he won’t tolerate any kind of emotional rubbish from his girlfriend.
“Yeap, coming up,” he buries his face in your shoulder, inhaling the perfume he likes and for some reason it’s not very comforting today. “You have three more years to go so make it count, ok?”
Y/N can’t stop crying and plans to blur out a million sentences yet the disclosure is overwhelming for the heartbroken woman.
“W-why didn’t you…” and The Joker can’t understand the following word but he comprehends the meaning.”…earlier?”
“I didn’t share earlier since it would have been atrocious to watch: when you cry you get these wrinkles in the middle of your forehead. Uggghhh”, he shrugs with fake disgust. “It makes you… how should I put it nicely?… Super ugly! For 5 days though…I believe I’ll be able to endure it.”
Y/N’s faint snorting noise prompts his smile too, aware she is not fighting back the stupid remark like she would usually do and that’s fine with him.
“P-please don’t leave me,” you kiss his cheek and cuddle to his body, panicking at the thought he’ll be gone in a few days.
“I don’t have a choice, Pumpkin. Nobody does. Not anymore.  It’s inevitable and you’ll have to deal with it…”
“What am I supposed to do without you?” you bring up the painful fact bound to become reality in such a short notice it physically hurts.
“Survive,” the candid reply advises. “You’re The King’s Queen so live for both until your time will come.”
J wishes to elaborate on the topic and you cover his mouth, upset.
“You’re not a King and I’m not a Queen. We’re just a man and a woman that screwed up over and over again; still…here we are. That’s it…That’s all there is…No King and no Queen,” you shake your head in denial. “Only us…” your voice dims under the burden of grief.
Your fingers slide off his lips, revealing a stunned Joker that seems to see his girlfriend for the first time. How come he didn’t realize sooner?! She loves him. She really does.
“Only us…” J repeats in a trance, pulling Y/N into a soft kiss that somehow feels more intimate than everything else they did before.
You glide your hands down his chest, the way you grind against him making it clear you want more than a make out session.
“Does this mean you’re not mad at me for the moment?” he tests the waters although the answer is logical.
“U-hum,” you take your t-shirt off and The Joker gropes you, the typical mischievous smirk lacking from his part: he just wants you close. Despite vehemently denying the hunger for your touch, the thought gives him an unexpected sense of loneliness. When all your life you’ve been nothing more than a walking contradiction, it’s hard to battle the inner demons caging your desire to the point of no return.
That’s why J wipes your tears and doesn’t have a smart ass comment regarding the smeared mascara: he craves the distraction with such intensity it makes the rest fade.
“I have some requests,” you whisper and he stares into your eyes, kind of lost and finding himself unable to resist the tempting lips pouted one inch from his.
“Oh yeah?” the curiosity takes over.
“No fighting,” you trace the tattoo on his abs and The Joker never agreed to anything faster:
“I want to talk about stuff we never talk about…”
“I want us to make love as much as possible,” you negotiate wondering if he will fuss about the spontaneous list summarized in a hurry.
“OK,” The Clown Prince of Crime consents without arguing to your terms because the truth is he has no intention to do so today.
“And I want some sort of proof that you like me,” Y/N boldly demands since he unfortunately indicated the opposite on numerous occasions in the past.
J frowns, not mumbling the OK you are expecting. The awkward silence continues and The Joker notices how hard you’re trying to hide your disappointment when actually he’s straining to conceal his own emotions. He shouldn’t indulge the urge of making you happy before it’s too late, yet the demons in his mind are quiet now: the accidental clarity could make a person finally act against their usual judgment.
You watch him pass his fingers through his locks, confused when he brings the longer strands in the front of his face. J carefully plucks one green hair out of his head, gesturing for your left hand. You hold it up and he twists the neon colored token at the base of your pinky, explaining his action while finalizing the project with a couple of knots:
“I guess you can say you have me wrapped around your finger.”
The girlfriend’s stunned expression is certainly worth the trouble of affirming it loud; The Joker savors the outcome and you take off your bra, tossing the lacy garment behind the sofa:
“Abandon all hope Mister Joker,” Y/N’s instant evil grin changes the mood.  “You belong to me now.”
“I can’t sleep,” you stretch next to him on the couch.
“Me neither,” he yawns. “Even if you exhausted me,” J adds, yanking you in his arms again. You kiss his collar bone, restless at the question about to echo in the stillness:
“Are you afraid?”
The Joker has no idea on how to verbalize his inner views on the matter, but he doesn’t leave you hanging either.
“Maybe …I’m not thinking about it…”
“I am,” you squeeze in the important topic he probably didn’t even consider. “I’ll be here for you when it happens, but when I die…I will be alone...”
J feels this sharp pain in his heart that makes him realize a critical element: he didn’t have the opportunity to weigh in what dying before Y/N will mean for her.
“I’ll be here,” he pecks your forehead and you cling to him, discouraged at the obvious lie.
“Yeah, sure…”
“I promise I’ll be here, alright?”
“We are both aware how well you keep your promises,” you admonish in a way that doesn’t trigger his anger.
“I’ll keep this one, hm?” he reassures Y/N and she snickers at the impossible to fulfil vow, but appreciates his passionate response nevertheless. You nod a yes, drawing invisible circles on his skin.
“Do you want to dance on the terrace?” you suggest on a whim.
“OK,” The Joker quickly consents and gets up, grabbing the sheet from the floor. He takes your hand and guides you on the patio, unfolding the thin fabric as soon as you’re outdoors. Despite the cool breeze, it’s nice and warm in the middle of the night.  
“No music?” you tease as he wraps both naked bodies in the sheet.
“We dance to our own tune, Pumpkin,” he winks and slowly moves while tightly hugging you.
“We always did,” you play along, brushing away the horrible sentiment of regret clouding the peaceful atmosphere.
“It’s a jungle out there,” J stirs the dialogue in order to address his concerns. “This whole virus business is turning the world upside down. You saw on the news they might release the antivirus sooner than anticipated, but there are no guarantees. You have to find a way to survive no matter what.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine…”
“After I’m gone, please don’t do anything… reckless. It won’t be easy, but you can’t give up."
You know what he’s referring to and mutter:
“I won’t… I swear...”
J starts spinning faster, chuckling at your excited screams. 
“Stoooop!!!!” you beg laughing, trying not to trip and fall.
“Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?” he bites your ear and you squeal, jumping out of the sheet that’s sliding to the ground since he’s not holding it anymore.
“No,” you giggle and J lifts you up in his arms, delighted to have found a small piece of heaven in the hell surrounding the gloomy future.
“Good; there’s a first time for everything,” he abruptly halts for a kiss before reprising the crazy pace while Y/N can’t remember the last time the two of them had so much fun.
July the 13th, 8:45am
“I couldn’t help noticing you didn’t wish me a happy birthday,” he watches you comb your hair and the reflection in the mirror depicts a tearful girlfriend that struggles with so many emotions it’s difficult to speak. “I was hoping you’ll mention it while we took a shower.”
“Happy Birthday…”
“Thanks,” The Joker simply replies and you finally put the brush down and attempt to flee the bathroom when he blocks the exit. “Are you avoiding me?”
“Ummm… I’ll make breakfast…” you sniffle and he glares at you, understanding your reaction for once.
“I was planning to have sex, but I might kick the bucket right in the middle of the activity and I believe you might take it personally although I don’t consider you boring in bed.”
“It’s not funny…” you scold and he agrees:
“It’s not because it’s not meant to be,” the harsh reality strikes a chord within Y/N. “It literally can happen at any moment and I don’t want to embarrass myself like that. Can you imagine? Rumors spread all over town that The Joker couldn’t finish.”
He detects the faint smile and sulks at your verdict:
“You’re an idiot.”
“That’s fucking rude,” he scoffs. “What if these are the last words I hear?! What if I check out precisely this second, huh?! Would you be thrilled that’s the last thing you said to me?!”
Instead of a sassy remark J gets a remorseful apology he wasn’t aiming for:
“I’m sorry… I don’t know what to do…”
“Me neither,” he sincerely underlines. “In the meantime, you should…” and pauses since he suddenly feels out breath, “you should make breakfast.”
“Are you OK?” you inquire, worried he almost lost his balance.
“I’m fine, just need my coffee to wake up,” he sighs and steps away from the doorway, heading towards the master bedroom.
“Aren’t you coming downstairs?” you catch up with him and The Joker tilts over for your support.
“I’m a bit dizzy; I’ll lie down until you finish the food. Don’t look so panicked: after I eat I’ll be better.”
You gulp and place him in bed, your pulse so enhanced it gives you the impression you’ll faint soon.
“You want some water?” you offer and he adjusts his pillows, collapsing on top of them afterwards.
“Yes,” J musters the strength to grumble, this weird sensation of total exhaustion creeping up in his brain.
You rush out of the room and bump into the bookcase, numb at the soreness. The Joker barely perceives your stomping, digging under the cushions for a small envelope he keeps in his fist for you to find in case you don’t return before he loses consciences. He wrote the note yesterday and it would be a shame to chicken out at the end and not proceed as planned.
“Here’s the water,” you barge in with the bottle and run by the bed, nervously touching his face. “How are you? Can you stand up?”
His eyes go in the back of the head and he tries to concentrate on your voice as it fades into nothingness.
“Hey, I’ll make your favorite pancakes,” you shake him, startled he won’t snap out of his apathy. “J, look at me. Come on, let’s go downstairs…Can you at least drink some water?” you start sobbing seeing he’s not receptive to your encouragements.
The Joker’s lips are moving without sound and you fall on your knees, scared to see him frantically breathing:
“I know, alright? I already know. All I ask is that you come downstairs and eat your stupid pancakes, deal?”
The Joker’s eyes are closing and he deeply exhales, releasing the small piece of paper that rolls on the floor. You don’t even pay attention to it, desperate to witness an event you aren’t prepared for.
When The Joker came into this world 40 years ago, there was nobody there to love the newborn; his own mother didn’t want him.
But when he passed away at 9:03 am on his birthday, someone that loved him was there.  
Three years later – your birthday, 6:07am
You turn off the TV, annoyed they continue to depict the terrible results after to the official release of the antivirus last week: it’s not working and people are still dying. What did they expect by opening Pandora’s Box? So much turmoil on the streets, protests and demonstrations…
The governments will be voting tomorrow on implementing the martial law since the public outcry makes it impossible to contain the escalating damage after the huge failure they neglected to speculate.
Y/N drags her feet on the carpet, watching the snowflakes dancing outside the windows.
“We shouldn’t postpone this any longer…” you talk to yourself, removing the precious message The Joker left behind out of the hidden drawer on top of the fireplace.
You unfold the envelope, reading the hand written note for the millionth time:
Inside you’ll find my real name.
You’re the only one I trust with this.
Destroy the evidence.
You don’t glance at the name it contains and his memory immediately makes the isolation unbearable. You flick the envelope on the burning logs, enjoying the flames consuming the last trace of who he really was.
“Done… I kept my end of the bargain; where’s yours?” you lecture The Joker’s framed picture decorating the dinner table. “Liar…” Y/N pats her hands together, feeling cold even if the fire is very warm. The ticklish sensation in your fingers intensifies, making you shiver. You stare at your knuckles, no other jewelry besides the strand of green hair still wrapped around your pinky; it’s infinitely more valuable than any present J ever gifted you.
A gush of wind makes the curtains fly inward since the sliding glass doors leading to the terrace are wide opened. The sky is still dark, matching the general mood hoovering over Gotham these days.
You decide to take a stroll on the patio, this way you might be able to clear your mind from the impending doom you can’t escape. The snow squeaks under Y/N’s socks and the chill gets her out of trance since evidently she didn’t bring a jacket either. Another step and you stumble, finding it difficult to regain your equilibrium.
“Shit…” you choke on the strong air filling up your lungs.
Why is it so difficult to walk?
You take a seat on the nearest chair by the pool, not bothering cleaning up the snow; for some reason a break is more than welcomed at this point. You’re growing restless and try to disregard the anxiety building up in your chest: are you dying? Or is merely stress after living with this burden for so long?
Maybe if you shut your eyes and rest for a sec, you won’t be this tired. Yet the moon is shining so brightly it’s impossible to ignore; last time it was this beautiful you danced with the devil on an that unforgettable summer night. Seems like ages ago for the worn out Y/N.  
What if you take a nap? Only five minutes. That should be helpful and then you can resume your morning routine because you refuse to accept this could be the end already. Your eyelids close, not realizing you don’t feel the cold anymore; it’s nice and comforting, just like the touch of someone you love.
You wiggle in the chair and rub your eyes, refreshed after the well-deserved snooze: hopefully you didn’t waste too much time from your last day on earth. Your gaze wanders off around the terrace and you suddenly freeze: there’s someone leaning over the railing, watching the city from the 30th floor.
You rise from your spot and hesitantly walk towards the person, gasping when you notice the familiar fur coat.
“There she is,” The Joker turns around to greet you, smirking when you cover your mouth in disbelief. “Told you I’ll be here.”
You can’t make a single sound and he opens his arms, waiting for you to run to him.
“You didn’t miss me?” he laughs at your baffled reaction, bundling the coat around Y/N as soon as she finds herself in his embrace.
“I did miss you; I missed you so much,” you inhale his scent and the smell of your favorite cologne confirms he’s truly there. You hug him so tight he would normally complain, but there’s no bickering coming out of The Joker. “I can’t believe you’re here,” you smile and he kisses your lips, whispering:
“You have me wrapped around your finger. Where else am I supposed to be?”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
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Run With Me
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader
Summary: Bruce finally found happiness, only to have it all ripped away. Now he can only either fight or give up to get his life back together.
Okay so this is a different style of writing I’m trying specifically for this story. There’s less dialogue but l really wanted to weave a tale and the magic of Reader stories is you can fill in the blanks so I could get to the point so this was the best way to try it. I don’t know how I’ll go, I just wanted to experiment.
Warnings: KIND OF dub con? Maybe? It’s not really meant to be thought about too hard? I mean this is a story by me it’s obviously gonna have a happy ending. Suicidal tendencies, infedelity
Anyway enjoy!
“I can’t do that to them Fury.”
“I’m not asking at this point agent Romanoff.” Fury’s voice was sharp and to the point.
Natasha kept her gaze blank and impartial, any inner feelings of turmoil were well hidden.
“The Avengers will watch over any potential child.”
“That’s not good enough. Bruce is the Hulk. Y/N is a mutant. There are so many negative variables that could happen. Even if this baby turns out without powers it’ll still be wanted by every criminal organisation. Do you want to be responsible for putting that child in it’s own Red Room?”
Natasha felt her heart sink into her stomach, that was a low blow and Fury knew it, but she needed that push. This was a necessary evil for the better of mankind.
“....... Fine.” Natasha’s voice was dangerous and low as she stormed away, heels clinking on the ground as she walked with hardened steps.
When Natasha was out of the room she clenched her fist, nails digging into her palms painfully. There was only one surefire way to break up Bruce and Y/N and it was possibly going to be one of the hardest things she’s ever had to do.
When Bruce met Y/N it was like a movie. Even for Bruce, an otherwise serious and studious individual to say something like that proved how much he had changed and how far he had gone.
It had all happened completely by chance. There was a bug in the system, everything was erased.
It was easy to tell that Bruce was on the edge, all that work only for someone to hack into their system and crash it? Bruce spent MONTHS working his hardest on that project. It was going to make a lot of peoples lives easier. Every single person stayed the hell out of his way, afraid that they would be the person to teeter him off that edge and plunge him into a hulking rage.
A colleague bold but terrified had made the stuttery announcement that he had a lot of the project backed up on a hard drive at home. Not all of it but a lot of it and he could get one of his roommates to bring it in.
That did ease off a lot of the tension but Bruce was still upset. He was upset that all these people he had worked with and ate with and spent countless hours working the nights away with was still so afraid of him. It hurt his feelings, it ironically made him madder, (And a little bit hurt) however he didn’t have the time so he pushed those feelings down and carried on, keeping his mind solely focused on getting that hard drive. He wouldn’t be calm until it was in his hands.
Seconds turned to minutes and it was almost an hour since his colleague had stated his roommate would bring the hard drive in. Bruce tried his best not to sound threatening as he asked for updates on their status.
As soon as he was told their roommate had stopped for a late breakfast at the local coffee shop Bruce was off, deciding to meet them halfway himself. Bruce always had to do everything himself if he wanted something done right.
Bruce power walked to the coffee shop, nothing was going to stop him until he was back in his lab with his projects data safely returned.
A woman in a blue sweater, that’s who he had to find. Easy.
His grip has tense as he opened the door, a small bell chimed as he entered the sweet smelling shop.
His eyes scanned the people in the small cafe and finally landed on the back of a girl matching his given description.
He walked up to her, clearing his throat. “Excuse me, are you Y/N L/N?”
The girl turned around hearing her name, one hand held a cup of coffee, the other held a plate with an intricate looking dessert and small spoon.
Bruce’s heart stopped when he saw her. His clenched fists slowly uncurled and the tension headache that was pounding at the base of his skull all up stopped. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The first thing Bruce noticed was her kind and warm smile, so sincere to be directed at an angry stranger. There was a sparkle in her eyes and she was just gorgeous. If Bruce wasn’t utterly forgone at this point he was lost as soon as he heard her voice.
“Wow you look tense haha, wanna maybe order a decaf and calm down there?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded dumbly, staring before he realised he needed to speak to her.
“Uh, yeah,” His voice was unsure, was he starting to sweat?
She laughed lightly. Again Bruce was spellbound by the sweet noise.
She moved to the side slightly, making room at the counter for Bruce to meet the barista and make an order.
“I’m, I’m Bruce.” He said after he ordered a green tea.
“I guessed! I have your hard drive!” She smiled brightly and tapped her handbag.
Oh right, the hard drive.... The reason he was here. He should probably get that...
“I can give it to you now but I’m gonna sit and have this.” She raised the hand that was holding her dessert slightly. “Wanna join me?”
Bruce allowed himself to smile, he felt he would of smiled even if he didn’t allow it.
“Yeah, okay.”
That breakfast turned into a lunch, which then turned into them walking around Central Park, which then turned into a spontaneous trip to the movies after Y/N she was excited to see a new release but her roommate was too busy and she didn’t want to go alone. Bruce immediately claimed he too wanted to see that particular movie and that they should go together. (Bruce was lying though, Bruce didn’t even know WHAT was playing on the movies currently, but somehow that didn’t matter).
That then turned into them deciding to dinner together, this time Y/N making the casual suggestion, hoping that Bruce would want to join her. They each seemed to make continuous excuses so that they could spend longer and longer with eachother as they talked and laughed and even enjoyed comfortable silences together.
Needless to say Bruce completely forgot about his hard drive and the next day when he walked into the lab with a spring in his step and a song in his heart his lab assistants were never more confused by his behaviour.
From that day on Bruce and Y/N were basically joined at the hip. Bruce had never been happier. Suddenly life mattered, suddenly he wasn’t just living, trying to make up for all the terrible things he was responsible for, suddenly he was just living. It took no more then a year for Y/N to move into the tower with Bruce and it barely took another year for Bruce to propose. Because fuck it. Bruce had spent his life suffering. He KNEW she was the one and Y/N finally helped Bruce realise that he in fact did deserve to be happy.
Even introducing the Hulk to Y/N (which Bruce was initially against) went fine. For once Bruce felt a complete agreement with Hulk.
Y/N was theirs. Nothing was going to separate her from them or else hell would rain down on whoever tried.
Nobody was more excited then Tony when Y/N and Bruce decided they wanted to have a baby. They did want to keep it a secret until they had in fact conceived but Tony has caught Bruce doing tests on himself to make sure he was actually able to have children. And by Bruce’s utter amazement he was. He thought for sure the gamma incident would of sterilised him but it hadn’t, and Bruce just took this as another clear sign that what they were doing was meant to be.
Natasha spent the next few days in a daze of dread, a permanent pit of ache and sorrow in her stomach. She and Bruce had a special connection, which is why this made it all the harder, feelings were never good for an Assassin to have. She and Bruce bonded in friendship, bonded in a way that two people who have both experienced a pain and loneliness could only share.
“You don’t have to do this.” Clint spoke breaking Natasha from her haze.
“Even by Fury’s standards this is unfair.” Clint’s eyes flittered over Natasha’s tense frame, watching as she played with a small chemical vile in her hand.
“I have too Clint. Fury is right. This isn’t about me or Bruce. This is about the future of a child.” Natasha breathed in through her nose.
“If Bruce had a child it would never be left alone. It would be hunted for the rest of its life. I’m not going to let a child suffer like that.” Not like the way she did.
So Natasha did what she did best. She swallowed her pain, squeezing the vile and walked away to do her mission.
Y/N hummed as she entered their shared living space in the tower. She placed her handbag on the bench as she made her way towards their bedroom.
What she saw caused her heart to shatter into a million pieces. Tears welled up in her eyes and she shook her head in disbelief. Bruce and Natasha naked in bed together, their clothes and underwear visablely littered the floor.
“No...” She whimpered. “How could you...?” She was hyperventilating as she screamed waking Bruce and Natasha up.
“HOW COULD YOU?!” She sobbed, it seemed to take a moment for Bruce to register the situation he was in. His eyes widened when he saw his position in bed with Natasha.
“Y/N!” He let out a panicked cry but was stopped by another sob of anguish from Y/N.
“I HATE YOU!” Y/N screamed in rage, pulling off her wedding ring and throwing it at him before running out.
Bruce was stunned, his brain was still trying to figure out what was going on.
“Natasha?” Bruce’s voice was laced with confusion as he turned to her, half hoping for some kind of explanation.
“I should go.” Was the only words Natasha spoke, avoiding his gaze as she redressed, gathering her loose things and silently leaving.
Bruce sat in a silence behind Tony’s bar, empty bottles strewn all around him. He replayed the night in his head countless times and just couldn’t understand how it happened. He had willingly taken Natasha to bed that night. His brain buzzed and grated in his skull as he tried to work out why he had done it.
How could he do that to Y/N? How could he do that to Natasha? How could he mess up so badly?
No matter how much he drank he couldn’t put himself into that unfeeling stupor and numbness that came with inebriation. Bruce just wanted to feel nothing so he continued to drink in hopes that he could drink his feelings and mistakes away.
After Y/N came by, taking boxes of the last of her things and had officially moved out, Bruce had refused to leave his floor. The Avengers tried to tread lightly but they all had wavering and mixed opinions on the entire situation. Whether they were on Bruce’s side or Y/N’s side, no one could understand how Bruce had cheated on Y/N.
Tony had been the one to try to support Bruce throughout all of this. He tried to get Bruce to come out and he tried to get Bruce to talk to him, he just tried to be a friend... It had reached the boiling point when enough was enough and Tony decided it was time to talk.
After a week he had Jarvis override the lock on Bruce’s door and let himself in.
Tony looked around and winced at the once happy home as he looked around for Bruce.
“Hey Bruce,” Tony called out to alert his friend to his presence. “Come on Big Guy, enough is enough. You need to come out.”
Tony entered the bedroom and was immediately met with an unpleasant smell, hanging thick in the air. His nose scrunched as he looked around, spotting a lump of sheets on the bed and scruffy brown hair peaking out of them.
“Bruuuce?” Tony carefully walked towards the bed cautiously. “Come on Brucey.” His heart sank when he saw the broken man.
“You gotta get up.”
“What’s the point?” Bruce croaked out, his voice sounded dry and Tony worried if Bruce had eaten at all for the past week.
Tony sucked in a breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Bruce, look I know your upset but you can’t stay like this.”
Bruce turned his head slightly too look at the man and Tony saw that Bruce hadn’t shaved at all.
“She wants a divorce Tony. There’s no hope left. I can’t win her back and I don’t deserve too. Just leave me alone.” Bruce pulled the covers over his head and Tony knew that this was the end of any conversation he had hoped to hold.
“Look.” Tony knew he would have to treat very lightly. “You made a mistake. It happens sometimes... God knows I’ve done my fair share of them. But you can’t just put your life on stop.” Tony stood up and began to walk out of the room. “Y/N wouldn’t want you to be like this.” Were his final words to his friend as he left.
Everyone was shocked to say the least when they saw Bruce in the shared kitchen. They all exchanged uncomfortable pleasantries with him as he took some food and mumbled how he would be in the lab if anyone needed him. Not that anyone probably would. Ever since Y/N had left Bruce had been unable to Hulk out. He was useless for missions at the moment. No one dared to voice that Bruce had looked absolutely terrible.
“What do you want Fury.” Tony stood impatiently, brows stylishly raised, waiting for an answer. He loved annoying Fury and putting on the ol obnoxious Stark charm was just the way to do it.
“I need access to your data files.” Fury said as he stood tall, over an intricate system of computers.
“What?” Now his brows were raised in a genuine manner of confusion. “I’m not going to just give you access to my work.”
“It’s not your work I’m after Stark.” Fury said with an impassive expression.
“You mean Bruce’s?” Tony guessed correctly.
“We have every right to check when we’re worried about the safety and security of the country.”
“And just what is that suppose to mean?” Now Tony was offended.
“Banner has changed over these past months. We have every right to believe with his combined negative behaviour and new attitude he’s taken up to building weapons again.”
“Bruce wouldn’t do that.”
“Do you know what he’s been doing?”
Tony bit his lip. He hadn’t... Bruce was more secretive, more focused. Before Tony could easily admit that anyone had trouble dragging he or Bruce away from the lab but now Bruce was different. Tony admittingly was concerned deeply for his friend.
“Fine.” Tony chirped. “If it’ll prove to you, I’ll show you Bruce’s files. “But I’m expecting an apology when you see nothing is wrong.”
It didn’t take Tony long to get into Bruce’s encrypted files and soon enough everything that the gamma scientist had been hiding was now exposed and up for everyone in the room to see.
Tony’s smirk dropped and his stomach sunk. Fury was right... Bruce WAS building a weapon. But... It was a bullet... Bruce was designing a chemical compound to suppress the gamma in his system and engineering a bullet that would be able to blow through his skull without triggering a Hulk response.
The room was filled with a heavy and uncomfortable silence as the schematics of his weapon blew up on the screen.
Bruce was trying to kill himself...
“I’m coming!” Y/N called out as she yawned and quickly made her way to her front door. There was a harsh pounding on the other side, whoever was knocking didn’t want to wait.
“Yes-“ Y/N stopped mid word. She stiffened as she saw Natasha at her door. All the pain she had tried to put behind her came flooding back to the forefront of her mind.
“I need to talk to you.” Natasha said curtly. “It’s important.”
So reluctantly Y/N let the Russian woman into her tiny dingy apartment, leading her to the living room where they both took a seat.
There was a tense silence and Y/N was willing herself not to cry as she looked at the perfect and beautiful woman in front of her.
“Listen closely. We don’t have much time.”
Y/N blinked in confusion as Natasha laid various files and folders onto the table in front of them and began to explain her story.
“So,” Y/N said as she tried to process Natasha’s story. “He was drugged...?” She asked warily, frowning at Natasha.
“It was the only way to break the two of you up.” Natasha confirmed as she stood, clenching her fist. “You have to believe me, I never wanted to hurt you or Bruce but the baby that you both wanted to have. I just wanted to prevent a tragic future. But I was wrong and I don’t expect you to forgive me but Bruce needs you. He-ah.” Natasha let out a small noise of shock as she felt Y/N’s arms around her.
“I forgive you.”
Natasha never expected to hear those words and it stirred a powerful emotion in her when she did.
Natasha stood back, breaking the hug before she allowed herself to get too emotional.
“Now come on
pack a bag, we don’t have much time.”
“HULK SMASH!!!!!” Hulk roared in anger as Clint barely escaped his angry fist.
Clint KNEW this would happen! Why did HE have to be the one to tell Bruce?!
He shot an arrow into the ceiling, which was connected by a cable, shooting himself up to the ceiling and narrowly avoiding another punch.
“Cmon Bruce that could of killed me!” Clint cried out in exasperation.
Hulk leapt up, easily reaching the ceiling, throwing a punch and punching a large hole in the wall after Clint once more dodged.
Clint shot an arrow at Hulk that imploded in the green behemoths face. Hulk shot forward and grabbed Clint in his fist.
Look! You can kill me-“
“SMASH!” Hulk screamed in Clint’s face as he raised him higher, his mouth wide open.
“But! There was a but!” Clint exclaimed, he could feel his body being uncomfortably squeezed tighter and tighter. “If you smash me you’ll never get Y/N! I can take you to Y/N!!!”
Clint closed his eyes, prepared for pain but instead he was dropped to the ground. “Jesus Christ you were really going to eat me weren’t you?” Clint felt his adrenaline spiked all the way as she caught his breath on the ground.
He stood as he watched Hulk shrink down, green returning to a tan colour.
“Okay we-“ He was cut off as Bruce punched him square in the jaw.
Clint shook his head and placed a hand on his chin adjusting his jaw.
“Are we done?” He sounded more annoyed then anything else.
Bruce stood, glaring at Clint but nodded.
“Okay, put on some clothes, grab anything worth taking and let’s go.”
“Bruce is trying to kill himself?!” Y/N was absolutely horrifying, she felt completely rattled to her core as tears slid uncontrollably. “This is all my fault.”
“No it’s not.” Natasha said calmly, keeping her eyes on the road as they sped down the highway.
“No it’s not,” Natasha clenched her fist tighter on the steering wheel. “The council decided it would be in the worlds best interest if we just let Bruce succeed.”
Y/N let out a horrifying gasp.
“Even Fury agreed that, that’s too far.”
“That’s why your helping me now?”
Natasha nodded her head. “We shouldn’t of approved of the first mission to begin with.”
“Nat, it’s okay... I understand why you did it.”
Natasha’s expression hardened. Just because Y/N had forgiven her doesn’t mean she had forgiven herself.
They pulled up and Y/N looked around curiously. There was a bubble of fear and excitement in her stomach. She saw a small jet and her stomach now flipped. She was really agreeing to leave America. Leave every single thing she had known and loved. She was afraid, but her joy overshadowed any other feeling she had. She was going to see Bruce again. She was going to BE with Bruce again. They were going to be together again and this time nothing was going to tear them apart.
Y/N was waiting with Natasha at a secluded take off area, she was bouncing her leg nervously as they stood together in silence.
Finally another car pulled up and for the third time that day Y/N started crying. As soon as she saw Bruce step out of the tiny inconspicuous vehicle she sprinted towards him.
Bruce immediately followed the second he saw her and they collided into each other’s arms.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Y/N blurred out as she sobbed. “I-I should have trusted you! I-“
Bruce silenced her with a long over due kiss. The two were pressing so hard into eachother it would of hurt if it didn’t feel so good.
“It doesn’t matter now.” They broke the kiss and Bruce held her face carefully, wiping her eyes.
“You look so beautiful.”
“You look terrible!”
They both laughed as they cried in each other’s arms.
“Where’s your face?” Y/N smiled giggling slightly as she stroked his face, feeling the uncomfortable scratch of his shaggy beard and unkept curly hair. Despite her words of criticism she pulled him into another kiss.
They pulled apart when they heard a deep voice, clearing their throat.
Fury stepped towards them, a stoic expression plastered on his face as he held two folders in front of each of them.
“These are your new identities. Everything you’ll need is in here. You’ll have to keep a low profile for this to work. No hero-ing, no scientific breakthroughs, no anything that’ll get either of you any attention. Complete normal and quiet lives.”
Y/N nodded cautiously as she gingerly took the folder marked with her name, looking at it with a shy interest.
Bruce however had no reservations as he wrapped one arm around Y/N and took his file with the other. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“And.” Fury hesitated just the slightest. “I wanted to personally apologise for the pain SHEILD has put you both through.”
Bruce gritted his teeth but the relaxing touch of Y/N immediately calmed him. “It doesn’t matter now. Thank you for what you’ve done.”
“You two should go.”
Y/N broke out of Bruce’s grasp and went to hug Natasha once more, knowing that would be something the red headed assassin would need. “You’re a good person Nat. Don’t forget that.”
Y/N grabbed onto Bruce’s arm and tugged him forward towards the jet. “You ready?”
Bruce pulled away from her, he delicately took her arm, tenderly running his fingers up her arm and to her hand. He reached into his pocket with his other hand, pulling out Y/N’s wedding ring and sliding it back onto her finger. “Now I am.”
It had been just shy of a year since Bruce had mysteriously disappeared from the Tower. Tony had taken his leave the hardest out of the Avengers but as life goes on, he had to move on. Being the only other person to know the truth, he was able to be happy for his friend, even with the loss of his science buddy.
“Sir, a heavily cryptid file from an unknown source has forced its way past all your security protocols. Shall I delete it and try to trace the user?” Jarvis spoke, pulling Tony away from his latest gadget.
“Nah if they wanted to get in this badly send it through. Atleast if it’s a virus it’ll give me something interesting to do.” Tony said, putting down his screwdriver and waving at his holoscreen.
The file came through to reveal a picture. A hospital room came into view and Tony’s eyes widened as he saw Bruce looking happier then he had ever seen, along with Y/N laying in a bed and looking happy but exhausted. A small bundle was in her arms and Tony saw a tiny face and arms sticking out of the blanket.
Tony smiled and almost teared up.
After spending a good five minutes looking at the photo he finally spoke up.
“Delete the picture Jarvis. Make sure it’s unretrievable.”
“Yes sir.”
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freshloveswift · 6 years
My Top 10 Jacksepticeye series
Since Sean reacted to the “Top 10 Jacksepticeye series” WatchMojo & Sean asked to share what our favorite series on the channel were, so here’s my top 10 favorite series that are in no particular order (plus honorable mentions cause I just love a lot of series that he has done)
Fran Bow After watching Sean’s series, it became one of my favorite games and I just love the psychological horror to it. Also, not to mention, that it starts off in an asylum and I have a huge fascination on learning about asylums. Plus, Sean’s voice acting was superb and the voices he gave to the characters is still one of my favorites cause he brings the Fran Bow characters to live
Until Dawn I just absolutely love the mo-cap and the details of this game. After I first watched Sean’s series, it got me instantly hooked and I needed to buy this game so I can play it for myself, which I eventually did last year. I don’t know this is still one of the series that I can go back to and rewatch again.
The Last Guardian This whole game was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. Seeing Sean gush over Trico, throughout the series, will always be one of my favorite moments because it was too precious and adorable. I remembered back when this series was ongoing back at the end of 2016, I got so excited whenever Sean uploaded a new episode because I was so giddy and curious to see what happened next... Also, I was excited to see more of Sean get soft over Trico. This game is on my list of PS4 games I wanna play if I ever get a PS4 because I need to experience it myself. PS, let Sean have his own Trico.
Bendy and the Ink Machine When Sean uploaded the first part, I got instantly hooked and wanted to know more about this game, and I can’t wait for the final chapter to be released because I am curious to see how it all ends. I love the cartoon aesthetic style that it has going on, and I love this game that I had to buy a Bendy pin, thanks to Sean for playing this game on the channel. Also, I can’t forget the cute moment in Chapter 3 where Sean heard himself and his reaction hearing his voice was too adorable & precious.
A Normal Lost Phone This might’ve only been a two-part series, but this brought so many emotions and feelings while I was watching it. I’m still figuring myself out, but hearing Sean be so open just made me cry because he’s open-minded and doesn’t judge on being yourself. Off tangent here, but I’m so hecking glad that someone like Sean exists and he’s my hero because he’s the angel that we deserve. Also, his smile when he saw Samira’s picture at the pride parade where she was truly herself made me soft.
Jacksepticeye Power Hour Okay, I know this isn’t a game series, but I always find myself going back and rewatching the videos (especially the Chase Brody one *cough* *cough*). I just love watching Sean act as a different character and be all goofy & silly because the power hour videos bring a smile to my face, and I always look forward to whenever he uploads one. I can’t wait for the next power hour episode.
Human Fall Flat w/ Robin One of the series that I can go to and get a good chuckle because it makes me laugh every damn time. Sean’s collabs with Robin is probably one of my favorites, if not, my all time favorite collabs because they just get along so well & their overall chemistry is freaking top notch. Like when they’re together, it’s comedy gold. I can always count on them to make me laugh.
Life is Strange Okay, hear me out: I know this game gets shitted on the dialogue but it was the first game that introduced me to the channel and led me to binge watching Sean’s videos. This game holds sentimental value to me. I just find the atmosphere calming and relaxing, and it’s one of those series that I go to if I need to relax and the soundtrack is phenomenal. Anyways, I could write a book on why Sean’s LiS series means the world to me, but I’ll stop before it gets too wordy and I can’t wait to watch him Life is Strange 2 next month.
Night in the Woods  I absolutely love this game and there were some parts that spoke to me. Sean’s voices for the main characters is just perfect, and sometimes, I’ll quote Gregg and speak into the voice that Sean gave him. Also, it was another chilled calming atmosphere and the graphics were super pretty. The dialogue was outstanding, and just, Sean’s commentary in that series is one of my favorites because I find myself quoting some of it.
 What Remains of Edith Finch This game is fucking amazing and I am so glad that it’s finally getting the recognition it deserves. The message behind it was truly special and hearing Sean’s thoughts on it at the end is something that I go back to. The graphics were beyond gorgeous, and it’s another one of those chilled series where it’s calming & relaxing to watch.
Honorable Mentions: Simulacra Last Day of June Cuphead Uncharted 4 Detroit: Become Human Emily is Away Bloopers & Outtakes Emily is Away Too Shadows of the Colossus  Kindergarten Bully Little Nightmares Would You Rather Hidden Agenda Prop Hunt Sea of Thieves Dream Daddy The BOSS Batman: Telltale The Walking Dead Stories Untold Happy Wheels Reading Your Comments A Day with Jack vlogs Raft A Way Out Don’t Starve Together w/ Robin House Flipper VR series That Dragon, Cancer Presentable Liberty The Beginner’s Guide Google Feud Jacksepticeye’s Funniest Home Videos SuperHOT Doki Doki Literature Club Slime Rancher Drum Covers Player’s Unknown Battleground Paradigm Duck Life Opening Your Gifts Undertale Valiant Hearts Passpartout Uncharted: Lost Legacy Sally Face The Escapists Outlast The Sims 4 Resident Evil 7 Peace, Death Manuel Samuel Portal 2 w/ Bob Detention Layers of Fear Party Hard Raft Oxenfree Japan World Cup Hitman The Final Station Little Inferno Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Planet Coaster We Happy Few World of Goo Rocket League Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
Anyways, I should stop right now, but moral of this post? I love all of Sean’s videos and as I may have some series that sticks out to me for personal reasons, I don’t think I can just pick out “top 10″ or “top 5″ because most of those series in the honorable mentions are higher than that because I love watching those series and hearing Sean gush, or comment, on the games and hear his opinions afterwards. Long story short: Sean makes me smile with his videos because the channel is my safe haven, and I can’t wait to see what cool videos he’ll make cause he’s such a cool, creative, motivating dude with ideas that I can’t wait to see become a reality because your acting is gonna blow me away.
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galactic-aesir · 5 years
Road Trip!: Chapter Four
After getting hit with an anti-magic Shen Gong Wu that leaves Dojo unable to fly them back to China, the Dragons in training, plus Jack Spicer in tow, road trip across America towards the Bailey’s family ranch.
Surprising no one, it doesn’t go as planned.
Rating: Gen Tags: Multi-Chapter Fics, Road Trips, Temporary Truce, Dialogue Heavy, Dubious Placement in Canon, Ship Teasing
Read it on AO3 Read Chapter One
Country music wafted out of the speaker of a small disused radio. The rickety sound of a socket wrench and the clanging of metal accompanied the music and its occasional burst of static as it echoed off the concrete walls. Heaving a sigh and disturbing the gentle lull of the music, Raimundo tossed out another bag of junk he’d had to scrape up from the bottom of the car. The bag clattered amongst the rest of the pile which reached up to be almost as big as the car.
Raimundo puffed out a breath as he leaned back against the car. After an hour of scrubbing, he was bored out of his mind and seriously contemplating creating a localised tornado inside the car just to speed up the process. It was high time for a break.
He lazily looked around the garage for Omi and Jack and, not finding them where they had been last, started to get concerned. Jack had been working nonstop to fix the car, only stopping to storm around the garage in a tantrum until either he or Omi asked what was wrong. Raimundo had vaguely wondered if Jack programmed his robots to do just that. That said, Jack was constantly talking, whether to himself, to Omi, or berating whatever tool he was using. He should have noticed when it got quiet.
His thoughts instantly turned to worry and Raimundo marched across the garage. If Jack had done anything to Omi, Raimundo was going to-- He barely had time to finish his thought when he spotted Jack’s leg popping out from under a muscle car. Frowning, Raimundo went to loom over Jack.
“What do you think you’re doing Spicer? Where’s Omi?”
The clanging of metal stopped momentarily before starting again.
“I sent him on a...” He paused. “Errand.”
Raimundo pulled on Jack’s leg, rolling him out from under the car.
“What did you do?”
Jack sent Raimundo the stink eye before rolling back under.
“Relax,” he said. “I just needed him out of my way.”
That didn’t make Raimundo feel any better. He yanked Jack out from under the car again and glared at him.
Jack rolled his eyes again. “Oh, relax! I sent him to find a part for me so he’d stay out of my hair. Omi doesn’t even have a basic understanding of science! Do you know how hard it is to teach how a car works to someone who doesn’t even know what an atom is? What are those monks teaching him?!”
“Somehow, I doubt a bunch of old monks know about physics, dude,” Raimundo shook his head, interrupting himself. That wasn’t what was important. Why was Spicer working on the wrong car? “And what are you even doing?”
Jack gave Raimundo a look that he couldn’t read. “Do you know why this car's nicer than all the other ones in the lot?”
Jack was right. It was a nice car. In fact, it was the nicest car in the yard. An old but very well cared for wine red Mustang with shiny chrome trim and spinning rims. The interior was made of a deep black leather and plush red carpeting. The car was waxed clean and spotless, it shone out like a diamond next to the rusted trash surrounding it.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Because it’s obviously Keatt’s car!”
“So, I think we’re allowed some revenge! I’m not letting that two bit conman get one over on me!”
Raimundo… couldn’t help but be tempted. “Revenge, huh?”
Jack sat up on the floor creeper with a glint in his eye as he heard the hint of interest in the other’s voice.
“What about it, Raimundo? Wanna join Team Evil?”
“I’m not evil,” he said, then quickly looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. When he saw no one, the Brazilian crouched down next to Jack. “But I wouldn’t mind some revenge against that cabrão.”
Jack laughed. “Haha, Wuya was right about you! You are the worst of the monks!”
Raimundo sputtered at that and quickly tried to change the conversation. “So what kind of prank are we talking about here?”
Jack grinned widely at him and showed him the tool in his hand. He snapped the wire cutters shut a few times for show.
“I'm cutting his brakes!”
That made Raimundo fumble backwards in shock as his brain caught up with him.
“What?!” he yelled. “You can’t cut his brakes!”
“What do you mean? We were just talking about getting revenge!”
Raimundo snatched the wire cutters from his hands, outraged. Jack stood up to try and grab them back but Raimundo held them away from him. “I was talking about a prank, dude! Not killing him!”
“Psh. What’s the big deal? He screwed us over!” Jack said as he tried swiping the tool back.
“He could die, Spicer!”
“Big whoop,” Jack said, rolling his eyes and finally managing to snatch the wire cutters back. He held them high above his and Raimundo’s head, using his few extra inches to keep them out of Raimundo’s reach. He singsonged, “No one will miss him!”
“No way, dude!”
With that, Raimundo jumped up and flipped over the older teen. He landed on the roof of the car and brandished the wire cutters.
“Hey!” Jack said, looking at his empty hands where the wire cutters had been. He climbed onto the hood of the car and stared the other boy down. “What’s the big deal?”
Raimundo pointed an accusing finger at Jack. “The deal is that you’re going to get people killed!”
“Ugh, relax. You’re pristine goody-goody record won’t be tarnished. You’re dealing with a professional here: the cops wouldn’t even be able to trace it back to us.”
“You’re crazy if you think that I’m letting you have these, Spicer.”
“Gimme! They’re mine!”
“I said gimme!”
The fight didn’t last long. All Raimundo had to do was dodge Jack’s sloppy tackle and watch as the older teen launched himself off the roof of the car. He landed in a pile of metal scrap with a resounding clang followed by a stream of swears.
“Seriously, dude. I'll wash your mouth off with soap if you talk like that around Omi.”
Jack crawled his way out of the pile and glared up at the Dragon. “So what? We’re just supposed to let him get away scot-free?”
“There’s a difference between a prank and a murder.”
“Psh. Lame. How do you want to get revenge, then?”
Raimundo opened his mouth to answer but, truthfully, he had no idea what to do. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a small and excitable Dragon of Water loudly made his presence known.
“Jack Spicer!” the young monk yelled, running into the garage. He had a small indistinguishable object in his hand that he held high above his head. “I am sure that I have found it this time!”
A wry smile broke out across Jack’s face as Omi ran over to him, though he was sure to wipe it from his face before Omi could see. The monk showed off what looked like a car part to Jack, who took it and inspected it with a thoughtfully placed scowl.
“Omi,” Jack said with disappointment. “Does this look even vaguely hook-like to you?”
“This is not the skyhook?”
Raimundo snorted despite himself, attempting to cover it off with a cough. An errand. Of course. Now it made sense. Jack continued, unhindered.
“No, no, no, no, it needs a hook-y portion on it! How else am I supposed to lift the engine into the car?”
“This piece is most elusive, Jack,” Omi said seriously. “Are you quite sure we would be able to find one in this scrapyard?”
“If anyone can, Omi,” Jack said, placing a hand on Omi’s shoulder, “it would be you.”
With renewed energy and confidence, Omi made to run out of the garage. “I will find that accursed skyhook! You may count on me!”
Just as the little monk was sprinting out, Raimundo had a breakthrough. “Hold on a sec, Omi!”
Omi skidded to a stop. “Yes, Raimundo?”
“I think the, um, skyhook can wait. I’m going to need your help with something else.”
“Of course Raimundo! In what way would you need my expertise?”
Raimundo smiled innocently and waved Omi over. “Omi, would you be able to,” was all Jack was able to hear before he dropped his voice to a whisper. He pouted and carefully approached them to hear what they were plotting.
“Raimundo, you disappoint me! Of course I can do it! That would be child’s play to me,” Omi said aloud, smiling wide.
“Sweet,” said Raimundo. The Brazilian turned to Jack mid-sneak. “Did you fix the leak in the gas tank?”
Jack paused and tried to pretend he hadn’t just been caught trying to sneakily listen in on their conversation. “Um, yeah?”
“Cool.” He turned to the younger monk. “Omi, if you would?”
“My pleasure!”
The jèibā* on the little monk’s forehead began to glow as he brought his hands before him in concentration. He moved them gently before him in well practiced and precise motions that Jack vaguely recognised. Then, with a cry of “Water!”, shot them into the air. At once, the gas cap of the Mustang wiggled, then burst and the gas floated out into the garage in a ball over Omi’s head. Jack gaped. Raimundo looked pleased with himself. Omi held the ball over his head with one hand as the other twirled in the air. Soon, every gas container in the garage burst and small streams of gas began floating around them and joined the giant multi-coloured ball. Once every last drop was collected, Omi made the liquid sway with his hands, bending it to his will, towards their car. The gas floated around them in streams as Omi swirled them around in an intricate dance, clearly showing off his mastery. Raimundo ran over and opened their gas cap and Omi gently directed the liquid into the gas tank. Raimundo slammed the cap shut and turned to Jack.
“Now that’s a prank!”
Raimundo smirked. “When Keatt tries to leave tonight, he’ll be stuck here and we’ll be long gone. And we won’t have to worry about paying for gas.”
Jack looked at the wire cutters a while before tossing them into a tool kit. “Yeah, that’s good enough, I guess.”
Kimiko, Clay, and Dojo made their way back to the garage under the high noon sun. They stepped past the barbed wire fence that surrounded the lot and the office where they could see Keatt sitting lazily with his feet kicked up. From afar, Kimiko eyed the cigarette butt in his mouth and quickened the dying ember with a flick of her fingers. There was a yelp of pain as the ember burned through the filter and a crash as Keatt tipped over in surprise. Kimiko smiled at herself, satisfied, as Dojo snickered. Clay side-eyed her but said nothing. The man was a no good lying creep after all; he deserved a bit of grief.
They walked into the garage to find Omi and Raimundo throwing out junk from the trunk of the car, looking thoroughly disgusted. Clay chuckled at seeing Raimundo cleaning for once. The sound of metal caught his attention and they looked to Jack, hands deep in the hood of the car. Jack had tossed his coat aside and was wearing a grungy sleeveless red tank top, sweat dripped down his bicep as he tightened something in the engine. Once he was done he stepped back and pulled his goggles to his neck to judge his work with an expert’s eye. The teen wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his blackened, grease-stained hand and, unknowingly, just managed to spread the grease across his forehead. Clay’s heart fluttered at the sight.
Before immediately dropping to his stomach.
Oh no. No. Not him. Anyone but him.
“We’re back!” Kimiko cried happily, unbeknownst to Clay’s dilemma.
The boy’s attention snapped to them and seeing Jack’s red eyes light up in mild surprise sent another flutter through his chest. They were pretty when he wasn’t looking at them with menace or contempt. Now Clay was left trying to adjust his hat nonchalantly while attempting to hide his blush as they rushed towards them.
“Cool! What’d you get us?”
“Have you bought one of those famed American treats, Clay?”
“Yep, I bought us some twinkies, Omi,” Clay said definitely avoiding looking at Jack.
“Excellent!” the young one replied as Clay handed him one. “I have wanted to try one of these for a while now!”
Kimiko opened her bag up and let Raimundo rummage through to find something he liked. He pulled out a cola and a bag of hickory sticks.
“Sweet! These look just like chips from back home!” he exclaimed.
“Aw, off brand? They didn’t have anything better?” Jack pouted and he grabbed his share. Kimiko smiled to herself. “Stupid hick town.”
After they had all grabbed their snacks, they sat around on the various work benches and tires lying around the garage. The monks talked amongst themselves while Jack quickly ate through his bag of cheesies and tossed the bag on the floor before getting back to work again. Clay was thankful, it would be easier to ignore whatever happened earlier if Jack was ignoring them.
Not that it stayed that way for long. After finishing up, Omi ran back to Jack, asking him if he needed any help. Jack reacted like Omi was carrying some sort of extremely contagious disease and tried to run away.
“Absolutely not!”
“Why not?”
“Because I need actual help!”
Jack ended up running into Clay. Then the teen grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him, or tried to at least.
“Cowboy, you know how cars work right? You’re competent!”
Clay scratched the back of his neck, while a blush tinted his freckled cheeks.
“Aw, now, I’m no expert or nothin’ but I’ve worked on tractors back on the ranch.”
“Do you know the difference between a wrench and a screwdriver?”
“Good enough for me!” Jack proclaimed and shoved a paper in his hands. “Get me these parts and keep him,” he pointed at Omi, “out of my way! And you two!” he pointed at Kimiko and Raimundo. “Same goes for you! I need another hour to fix this and I don’t need either of you breathing down my neck! Plus, I don’t want to ruin the big reveal.”
Raimundo cocked an eyebrow. “‘Big reveal’?”
“We’re gonna be riding in style once I’m done with the finishing touches!”
“Oh, yes we shall look most high with our new, fancy ride!”
“That’s ‘fly’, Omi.”
“Jack, will you be putting one of those ‘spoilers’ on the car? They make cars go faster! I’ve seen it in Raimundo’s movies!”
“Don’t worry Omi,” Jack said. “I’ve got something way better in mind.”
Kimiko looked doubtful. “Now I’m scared.”
“As long as it’s street legal,” Clay said, sighing.
“As long as it gets us on the road,” Raimundo added. He stretched an arm above his head and yawned. “I’ll be taking a nap outside if anyone needs me.”
Kimiko jumped off her seat and walked over to Clay and Omi. “I guess I’m with you guys.”
“Sounds good. Let’s go.”
With that, the monks began walking out of the garage. Right before she stepped outside, Kimiko turned to Jack.
“That’s the last time you give us orders Jack. Don’t try that again.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jack said, waving her out.
He watched them go and waited until they were all out of sight before turning to the car. He hunched over the engine and laughed quietly, but very much evilly, to himself.
“Now let’s see what kind of damage I can do.”
Jack had been lying slightly when he said that it would take four hours. Technically, the car was ready to run after two but there were adjustments to make. Jack was a perfectionist who prided himself in his work, so he wasn’t going to be satisfied with “good enough”. It was going to run and it was going to run better than it did when it came off the assembly line. Plus it needed to look the part. He wouldn’t be caught dead in some common rust bucket. What if other villains saw him? The scandal!
All in all, it took him a bit over an hour before he called the monks back in the garage. Jack had thrown a tarp over the car to not ruin the big reveal. He stepped in front of them with a smile, like a businessman about to show them his newest product.
“Lady and gentledorks, I present to you…” he paused for effect before ripping the tarp off. “The Spicermobile™: the car of EVIL!”
The monks cocked their heads.
It was… well, it sure was something. The front headlights were mismatched and the bumper looked like it had been cut up into five pieces before being welded back together. The car’s paint had been grinded off, though the wood paneling had been left untouched, and black flames had been painted onto the sides. A hole had been cut through the hood to make way for a shined, but still slightly rusted, supercharger and mufflers had been artfully welded onto the side of the car, seemingly just for looks. Fins had been ripped off two seperate cars and welded onto the back with wild abandon. Similarly, the hub caps on the tires were taken from four different cars and, to top it off, the radio antenna was topped with a smiley little devil ornament. It would have had a post-apocalyptic charm to it, like something out of a Mad Max movie were it not for a few glaring issues.
“Why’re the fins two different colours? Do the tail lights even work?”
“Did you re-upholster the inside with neon zebra stripes?”
“The license plates says ‘2CUT3 4U’,” Raimundo said. “There’s glitter on it.”
“When did you find the time to make a hood ornament that looks like one of your robots?”
“Are those fuzzy pink dice, Spicer?”
“Hey, I’m working with limited options here!”
“It’s tacky,” Kimiko said.
Jack gasped.
“I love it!” Dojo exclaimed. “It’s got real charm.”
“Yeah,” Raimundo said, sarcasm dripping from him. “Charm.”
Clay sighed. “Well, it looks street legal, at least. Here’s hoping the cops don’t pull us over.”
“America doesn’t have a fashion police, does it, Clay?”
“I hope not.”
“No spoiler?” Omi asked, looking at Jack.
He shrugged. “The back’s just glass, you can’t put a spoiler on that. It’d look dumb.”
“Like this doesn’t?”
“Oh, shut up!”
Clay grabbed Jack’s attention. “It does work though, right?”
“Try her out, cowboy,” Jack said, tossing the keys to him. Clay looked at the keyring and was unsurprised to find a rabbit’s foot on it along with a few other odd keychains Jack had nicked from somewhere. He walked over to the driver’s seat and the rest of them crowded around the open car door as Clay put the keys into the ignition and turned.
The car started, sputtered and, finally, rumbled to life with a hearty roar.
“Haha, yes!” Jack exclaimed. “Told you!”
Clay was pleasantly surprised. “Well I’ll be.” He turned to the rest of the monks. “Well, let’s get this rodeo started!”
“Shotgun!” Jack cried out first.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Raimundo said.
“Well, I’m not having him sit next to me!” Kimiko replied.
“Clay, what do you say?”
Clay shrugged. “Sorry, Rai, but he did call shotgun first. Them’s the rules.”
“Since when are you on his side?”
Ignoring the argument, Omi went to where he thought the door handle would be and found none. He scrunched his face in confusion as he looked at his team. “Where is the door?”
“It’s a coupe,” Jack said as if that explained it. He rolled his eyes when that didn’t clear anything up. “A two door. Come on.” And he motioned the rest of the monks to the other side of the car.
He opened the passenger door and made sure he had their attention before pressing the lever by the foot of the seat with his scuffed up boot. The seat folded forward with just enough room for the monks to squeeze through.
“Ladies first!” Omi proclaimed.
“Normally I’d pass but being squished in the middle between you two for thirty hours? No thanks,” she said before getting in.
Omi jumped in right after her, excited to go on the road trip. Clay had showed him a few road trip movies and they were always full of heartfelt emotion and zany hijinks. Yes, he was very excited to experience America on this adventure!
Raimundo was last. He tossed their bag of Wu in the trunk, along with Jack’s stuff, and got in.
With that, Jack snapped the seat back into place and sat himself next to Clay. Once everyone was in the car, Clay shifted the car into drive and drove them out of the garage. They rolled up next to the main office and Clay honked the horn. Keatt opened the front door and looked at them, surprised that they had actually managed to fix the useless rustbucket he had sold them. They all rolled down their windows.
“Mighty fine thanks for the car, Keatt!” Clay said, waving his hat out the window.
“Was nice knowing you!” Kimiko said with a sickly sweet voice.
“Catch you later, dude,” Raimundo said as Omi nearly jumped on his lap to wave at the man.
“For now,” Jack added with a menacing laugh. “You haven’t seen the last of me!”
With that Clay punched the gas and the wheels kicked up a wave of mud right onto Keatt as they ripped across the ground.
“Why you no-good kids! Come back here!” he yelled and began running after them. He ought to call the cops on those delinquents!
The car didn’t stop but the goth kid shoved his entire body out of the car window and flipped him double birds while laughing maniacally before being yanked violently inside. With that, the car drove off the yard and onto the highway.
“Yeah! That’s right! You’d better run!”
Jack was still laughing even after being shoved back into his seat.
“That was awesome!”
“Put on your seat belt.”
“Psh, sure Mom,” Jack said but complied.
Omi giggled. “We are quite the bad boys!”
“That goes double for you, Omi,” Clay warned.
The backseat brigade took another minute to figure out how their seatbelts worked while Clay drove on at a slower pace. He’d grabbed a free map of the county while they were in the store and had been studying it while waiting for Jack to finish up with the car, but he was hesitant to punch the car at full speed considering the nature of the parts that made up the engine. After a few minutes of driving, Clay had to admit that it drove like a dream. The pedals didn’t stick, the engine didn’t sputter, and the gear shift was smooth.
“I gotta say, Spicer. For an old piece of junk, this is a mighty smooth ride.”
Spicer beamed at him from the corner of his eye for a second and then immediately played it off. “Psh, for a genius like me? Piece of cake.”
Jack then started messing with the knobs on the dashboard and turned on the radio.
“Now let’s get this really going,” he said as he started tuning into a rock station.
His hand was swatted away instantly.
“Ow!” He clutched his hand. That had hurt!
“No siree, partner,” Clay said and turned the radio to a country station.
Jack crossed his arms in his seat. “This is going to be the worst--”
Behind him, Raimundo shoved his sneaker into the lever at the base of Jack’s seat and, in one quick motion, the passenger seat folded over and jammed Jack’s face into the dashboard. The backseat erupted into laughter while Clay snickered beside him. Dojo slithered down Clay’s hat and poked at Jack’s squished cheek.
“No, now it’s the worst.”
Night was falling on an unusually eventful day for Keatt when he made his way to his car. He grumbled when he saw scuff marks on his pride and joy and started muttering to himself as he threw a tarp over the pristine seats of his car. Despite the mud coating him head to toe, he couldn’t be too unhappy. The junk the kids had gathered wasn’t worth anything near what they paid him. He was four hundred dollars richer and all it took was some suckered kids and extra time shining up his beauty. Not too bad for a day’s work.
He sat himself down in the driver’s seat and turned the car on.
But nothing happened.
He tried again. Still nothing.
“Wha-?” he started, only to look at the fuel gauge and find it showing up empty. He tapped at the glass but the needle didn’t budge. That was impossible. He’d filled her up just this morning. The receipt was still crumbled up on the dash. Then it hit him-- those kids did this!
He stomped out of the car and grabbed a gas canister. He always had a few spare gas cans just in case. But as soon as he lifted it up, he knew that it was empty, though he was sure that this one had gas in it last time he checked. He scoured his garage only to find that every single damn gas can was empty!
He slammed the empty one in his hand to the ground and his voice shook with rage as he yelled.
“Rotten kids!”
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kasssiopeia · 7 years
Final thoughts on NDRV3
posted under cut because spoilers!
So I want to write a little review for.. i dont even know whos gonna read that? probably nobody that still wants to play the game afterwards, haha. Anyway I felt like writing a final report on what I liked or... disliked, at least for the record I guess.
Starting with characters:
When I first watched the trailer, there were quite a few characters that caught my eye. Especially Yonaga and Amami, also Saihara and talent wise I was really looking forward to Ultimate Magician cause?? Nice? Also the promo pictures oh my.. Akamatsu and Harukawa?? Hell yeah. Saihara and Momota? Yeah alright! Amami and.. whos that again? Ah yes Ouma.. well I don’t really care but sure? (haha)
Actually playing the game made me think twice on a lot of characters really quickly. First of all I immediately fell in love with Chabashira and the fact that she and Akamatsu got along was just suuuper exciting!! Also Shinguuji seemed interesting but his story seemed a bit difficult for me to understand in Japanese. After getting to know Hoshi for a bit I also became really attached to this character cause he was kinda relatable for me? and I dont mean because of the same alias, I just felt his kinda nihilism and will to sacrifice himself for the others cause they have more “will to live” hit home really closely. I think if it were me, surely I’d behave similarly. Halfway through the story I suddenly realized I really love Ouma, I don’t even know how that happened cause at first I was kinda meh towards him but smh it happens quite often that characters who pissed me off before suddenly become my bias, soo we are stuck with him now I guess? but ill talk about him in more detail later. Saihara turned out to be a true “meh i dont really care about this guy” character, Harukawa was annoying cause in the end her behaviour changed nothing and it was just plain boring. Hagakure.. I mean Momota was same, and it was even worse that these two kinda became a romantic pair cause that just made them even more boring. I could only acknowledge Momota after it was found out that he agreed to Oumas plan.
Also I ended up disliking most of the other characters, ESPECIALLY Yumeno cause she was equally boring and useless and dont act like you ever cared about Chabashira cause Im not buying that. Angie WOULD have been interesting if she had killed someone after all, but yeah whatever. Shinguuji had the potential but they decided to completely fuck over his character in his trial.
The game mode:
Tbh at this point, I cant really complain much? I gotta say I disliked logic dive and forgot how its called.. the sword mode something something. But then again I played this on pc and I think both wouldve been a lot easier with a controller. Now lets look at brain drive, which works similar like logic dive and... what? i have to pick up sex workers? Saihara’s car is full of sexy ladies? WHAT
seriously i dont know what they were thinking but that just weirded me the fuck out. The rest wasnt so bad. The new game mode they brought in wasnt so bad, relatively easy to win but to this day id need so much more time to figure out how to clear every block. The showdown thing?? pretty shit. I liked panic talk action in the previous games, but now it became a button mashing rhythm game that was.. pretty difficult aint gonna lie. Also the fact that you literally tear off their clothes until they are half naked in the end.. what. the. fuck.  Climax logic was alright, but the pictures got really tiny i think? sometimes it was hard to get what was going on unless you read the description. Scrum debatte was great, and the new feature to lie? ... Meh. Smh from the trailer I got the impression that i could either lie or tell the truth. Maybe I was just too stupid to do that, but i dont think i ever had a choice to do either. If someone was able to do different, please tell me cause I was a bit disappointed. Ah also, weak point panic talk(?) where you have to listen to many characters at first. if im not wrong it was introduced as something only Akamatsu can do? because of her musical ear I mean. Well guess that was a lie,
The trials:
Probably THE main thing in dangan ronpa I mean hey we all came here to enjoy a little murder mystery right? (jk im here to romance the characters in peace mode) Let’s say I wasn’t... too impressed with them.
The first trial was pretty interesting, well done too, if it WASNT for the point that the player character herself was the killer and got executed. Wait what, you just took my character away? after the FIRST trial? Yes exactly. I’m not sure what they were thinking except adding a bit more drama and man pain for Saihara but ill write more to that later. At the end of this trial, everyone cried more for the killer than for the victim just because her motive was something as noble as “I knew we wouldnt make it in time so one of us had to kill someone.”
second trial was... incredibly weird and unnecessarily cruel, and I’m not saying this because Hoshi is my bias. Okay maybe I am. But seriously first he gets drowned and then his corpse is eaten by piranhas so theres not even anything left of him anymore? The whole creating a ropeway with a pool floating thing just felt weird to me as well but sure I wrote it off as “after two games theyll eventually run out of ways”. Speaking about the motive... it was similar to the first murder in dr1, but the fact that Toujou turned out to be some president of a country (if I got that right, I was bored and didnt bother checking unknown words) and she wanted to get out to save her people just.. what? And I said this before but I dont believe that Hoshi just “let himself get killed”. Why’d he fight for his life otherwise and leave all those scratch marks on a fucking stone sink? After the trial, again, nobody cried for the victim, they were all ridden on the killers noble idea of getting out.... okay? what
the third trial!! hell yeah!! that was finally one i could really enjoy, despite my waifu getting killed (but she was beautiful until the end). I actually dont know what really got me to like this murder, but the fact that it was definitely plausible maybe helped. Also when it happened right in front of everyone was just really exciting! The trial was... good, until Shinguujis “real identity” was revealed. His motive was pretty gross, I mean the fact that hes romantically in love with his sister and kills for her, which also implied hes a serial killer just.. idk that was weird, but FINALLY they didnt cry for the killer but for the victims.
trial four was a PAIN to get to, istg this stupid game world pissed me off to the point where i didnt  wanna play anymore, also cause i heavily suspected Ouma to do something and I didnt want him gone haha. The death itself turned out to be pretty interesting (tbh i wouldve never thought theyd kill of a ero character like Iruma! ) so I’d say i liked this trial.
Dude trial five!!! hyped me up so much. I was so torn between hoping Ouma is the killer and also Ouma being the victim... if I ignore the stupid romance interval between Harukawa and Momota, I could even say this was my favorite trial. But it also heavily reminded me of Komaeda’s trial which was a bit.. weird. I got pretty pissed that in the end, Momota didnt go through with Oumas plan, therefore making his death basically useless.  But boy the trial gave me so  many Ouma feels, so that was nice...
The sixth and final trial... where do I even start? Well its where the whole plot comes to an end right? And the kotodama looked pretty interesting, just like the build up but then.. I understand that 4th wall breaking is cool, but do it too much or at the wrong time and its just a pain in the ass.
The trial almost had me throw away my ps vita in frustration also it was so boring i ended up skipping a lot of dialogue cause what are you even trying to get at? Not even the end or some more 4th wall breaking could fix this and literally until the end i was so bored that i just skipped through so i could unlock bonus mode... i almost feel like telling everyone, dont play this game now lol.
The story
If the beginning had you wondering, isnt that normal for all dr games? at least i thought so. normal game, normal killing, great. But the new main character! Akamatsu was pretty lovable. I enjoyed the way she brought in her talent into conversations (and left others stunned cause they couldnt relate). She was just really refreshing to play as, just the small romance-y sections with Saihara were boring (but at this point i thought its just being friends so okay) . Compared to Naegi who was seen by the others mostly as a “loser” or weakling who sometimes says something good, and Hinata whom everyone really liked, Akamatsu seemed to me like having some people who really trust her, and those who are somehow against her. AND THAT FELT RIGHT.
Too bad she literally gets killed as the murderer during the FIRST trial and replaced by Saihara who evidentally gives off a ~Naegi vibe~. Seriously why would you even do that.. It was stupid as heck, but the only good thing is that it saved us from possible Saihara and Akamatsu love story.
Continuing, Saihara loses some of his weakness thanks to Momota, and also it is hinted that Ouma can’t really be trusted or can he...? Cause what he did that was thought to be evil and possibly harmful for the others actually turned out to be a way to at least prevent one killing. After that I got the feeling that he actually grew just a little bit closer to the group and became even more helpful again.
Then we have these weird scenes with Harukawa and Momota, which are just weird and Harukawa herself was a boring character, but if you care for some tragic background and forseeable character development that of course has to end with romantic feelings, sure.
The student council thing to prevent murders from happen was actually pretty interesting and i wish theyd gone through with that just a bit more, but it was a nice turn of events.
Talking about Ouma, the moment you think hes on your side, theres this weird scene with him and Monokuma and you know somethings up. I made a post about this earlier too, wishing for him to double cross everyone and eventually turn out good, but that suddenly turned into a pretty far fetched wish after the fourth trial where hes portrayed as ultra evil and later on reveals that hes the mastermind (wait, is he really? should his black and white clothing scheme have given him away sooner?)
i guess i... didnt mind it so much except for the fact that Ouma wont appear that often anymore. he even goes as far as to say that the killing game is over, but isnt it kinda boring that the character who hinted that he was evil, turns out to be evil after all? Well a lot of things in this game were a bit boring, so... sure. We even learn that Ouma is a remnant of despair and what?? how does that even make sense. If they are supposedly students of the new Kibougamine Gakuen which was built by Naegi, Junko and Despair wouldve long been dead! Alright then? Oh yes also the whole setting ins in SPACE and those students are the last 16 humans from earth who were put in cryosleep until they reached a new planet to live on. Oh...kay? Why not I mean.
For Hope to win, everyone sets out to kill Monokuma to finally make the Killing game end for real and.. look, Ouma is helping them! Somehow that is really giving me hope for his character even if his insane laugh and incredibly creepy sprite (seriously what the fuck) are a bit unsettling...
And then.. who wouldve thought? Another killing happens but this time with a twist. Ouma wasnt actually the ultra bad guy everyone thought and guess what! Hes not even the mastermind! Thats my son. I was super happy that some faith in Ouma was restored, even tho his plan to snuff out the true mastermind reminded me of Komaeda going crazy to single out the traitor... especially cause there are quite a few similarities between those two.
So for the final trial, it seems that there are quite a few hints linking to the true mastermind being Enoshima... again? How did she even get here. But theres some weird plan from the government and the fact that Monokuma is here as well might be that someone implanted some sort of virus like in sdr2? We also know that theres definitely someone who is watching the whole killing game. And thats... where it all goes to shit.
This dangan ronpa is the 53rd installment and the people watching are actually dangan ronpa fans! surprise youre all just fictional characters who chose to be here, and so is every other dangan ronpa character! nothing is real, you dont even really exist! lololol
do i need to say any more
I think that was the worst plot twist ive ever seen? You couldve just somehow figured something out, even make it a reality tv show for crying out loud but not some bullshit like ohh the dangan ronpa fans wanna see you despair! they wanna see you have hope!
fuck. off.
if it wasnt for that ending, that game wouldve been a solid 7/10 I’d say, especially with the last 3 chapters really getting me fired up. But that shit.. Its a literal, oh we just made this game cause you fans wanted it? we didnt actually wanna make this but you keep asking for more?
im gonna go romance ouma in peace mode now bye
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